What can you have to put in June. What to plant in June: useful tips

If the summer has already hurried to come to visit, and you have not yet managed to land all the desired cultures on your garden plot, do not rush to despair: June, and in particular its first half - a great time to land a large number of cultures. The main thing is to choose "correct" and competently to land. Next, what plants can be planted in June in the garden or in the garden.

At the beginning of summer, the following garden crops are fully suitable for disembarking:

  • Pepper. Great as a "replaceable" culture for early varieties of other cultures. You can safely put several rows of delicious fragrant peppers along with eggplants, for example, and to the beginning of the autumn enjoy his fresh fruits.
  • Cucumbers. The cucumber can be planted in those areas that were released after the collection of the earliest crops. It is perfectly attached even in the summer, and by the beginning of the autumn you can please your seven with the first juicy fresh cucumbers.

Severers of cucumbers
  • Pumpkin cultures (zucchini, pumpkin) are completely unpretentious to cultivation conditions, so it will be quite normal to perceive the summer plant, but at the same time monitor the state of the plant is very careful.
  • Tomatoes. Late varieties of tomatoes. Gardeners are planted first (for growing in seedlings) in greenhouse conditions, and at the end of June can already be safely transplanted into open soil.
  • Cabbage. In June, it is quite possible to land the landing of late varieties of various types of cabbage: Belokochante, Brussels, Savoy, and others. You can safely soaring a cauliflower to obtain an additional harvest in the autumn period.

Planting cabbage
  • Potatoes. By the beginning of the summer, seed potatoes are germinated, so that in June it was already possible to carry out his disembarking into an open soil (and in the first summer month, potatoes are planted exclusively for consumer purposes, but in July - already exclusively for obtaining seeds).

Council. At the end of June, for example, you can plant potatoes with a tube: thus, you can get an additional harvest in one season.

  • Beet. Beets, and any, in principle, root (for example, carrots, turnips, etc.), in the first decade of June you can lump in open ground. By the way, the roots planted in the summer period will be much more enduring and will be able to be stored in comparison with the spring planted.

  • Green (parsley, onions, dill, sorrel, basil, celery, etc.). So, you can safely put on your garden plot not only in June, but even in July a variety of types of greenery, not even thinking (for example, dill, basil, green onions, etc.) and until the end of summer on your desk will be guaranteed to appear Fragrant fresh greens. You can also try to plant not particularly common while in domestic expanses of the Cress Salad, Spinach and other wonderful useful herbs.

Features of planting cultures in summer

If you are planning a summer landing of any crops, it is necessary to take into account certain features of the treatment of them. It will help you avoid unnecessary "losses" of planting material and get a decent harvest as much as possible.

So, remember a few simple rules that will help you save the boarding material in the summer heat, and the beds are healthy.

Council. Some gardeners do not know how to properly determine that young seedlings fit well in the soil and the plant will "live". And it is very simple to do it: just to go to the garden plot after a couple of days after planting seedlings and see whether there is no dew on its leaves. If it is discovered, it means that everything is fine: seedlings feels good and will grow.

Best garden crops for landing in June

In the summer, you can do not only do the garden plot, but also lightly update your garden. Among the enormous variety of garden plants and colors can be distinguished by several of those who perfectly fit in the garden plot even at the beginning of summer. Snapdragon

At the beginning of the summer, you can safely plant any annual flowering plants, so that they manage to buoy to bloom until the onset of cold weather and served as decoration of the garden until the first frosts.

In the home garden you can also plant any decorative shrubs with a closed root system. They will fit perfectly in the open soil in the summer. The main thing, after the landing it is more often to water, periodically loosen the soil and in the hottest days to provide a shadow.

We presented a far from a complete list of plants that are suitable for growing in the country areas in the summer. As you could make sure there is nothing complicated in their cultivation, and the result will be as good as with the standard spring landing. Good luck!

What to plant in June: video

The average country areas cannot boast the presence of large areas where you can land all that the soul wishes. Therefore, the same beds have to use for planting several cultures per season. At the end of May, in early June, enough space should be free after the harvest of early cultures, and it is now a dilemma is to leave: leave them empty or try to grow something else. If you choose the second option, we will tell you what can be planted in June in the garden. Vegetables planted at this time and greens have a fairly chance for development and maturation. The main thing is to choose winter-hardy and late varieties that are able to survive with an unexpected occurrence of early frosts.

Green landing in June

The beginning of the summer is miraculously suitable for growing greenery, in particular dill, leaf salad, basilica, parsley, sorrel, celery, Luca Batuna, Garlic and Fenhel. Spicy herbs planted at this time can be used in food in two months.

For the landing of Ukrop, the second decade of the month is best. It can be placed on the beds after early crops: cabbage, radish, cucumbers. Also a good area for growing dill at this time will be the one that is under the sun only before lunch, and after noon dies in the shade.

Did you know? In order for the dill seeds faster, they need to withstand them in hot water before planting.

It is very important to sow dill into a wet soil, and then regularly water it. When driving the Earth, the plant will go to the trunk and will no longer give leaves. Before sowing, humid or complex fertilizers contribute to the bed. In the future, it is not necessary to feed dill. In order for the plant as long as possible, the umbrellas should be avoided, it is necessary to avoid population of landings. Dill grows quickly: from landing to greenery takes 40 days. Autumn dill has a greater juration and aroma.

From what else to land in the garden in June can be advised by Basil. His sow in the first half of the month. But not earlier than the 10th, since the likelihood of night frosts is still greater, because of this moment. In an earlier, the plant can be planted only in a greenhouse or a greenhouse.

For Basilica, a well-lit plot will be discharged, which will need to be focused by humus. Seed seed shallow, maximum by 1 cm. The wells are pre-watered. Seeds are sulking at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The aisle should not be already than 20 cm.

Important! Works in the garden on landing various cultures in June need to be carried out in a dry and cloudy day or at sunset.

The first shoots should be well water, and cutting watering only during flowering. When the first real leaves grow, the basil can be started to fertilize. For this use complex mineral fertilizers. They are brought twice a month.

For good development and growth of culture, the distance between adult plants should be 20-25 cm. Therefore, when the sprouts begin to grow, they will need to cut forward. The very strong aroma plant reaches during the flowering period, it is then that it is cut to arouse to the seasoning.

Root celery put in the garden at the beginning of summer, in the first half of June. For him, light areas are suitable or land in light shadow, which previously grew up any vegetable crops.
It is planted with celery from seedlings according to the scheme 20 x 30. When landing the earthlings do not destroy. Do not need to deepen a plant in the soil.

Celery does not like oveurgement and drought. It will be necessary to water throughout the summer. In no case can not be dipped. Celery leaves are used in food all season, tubers - dug in mid-October.

Luk-Batuna can be seen three times for the season: in spring, summer and autumn. The second seeding of seeds is produced in June-July. It can be planted into the place where the early vegetables grew, be sure to be in half, because under the bright sun he will be fading. On the spot where the bow earned earlier, this plant is not recommended to plant.
Crickerels fertilize with a compost. Seeds deepen into the ground by 1-1.5 cm, and at the end of the sowing is abundantly watered and mulched the soil. After the appearance of germs, they are thinned - the gaps between the plants should be 9 cm. In the heat of the bow, it is necessary to water in the day, in a favorable time - twice a week. The mandatory element of the battleship is loosening, as well as timely removal of the arrows. If you do not delete them, the bow will be tough. For eating feathers cut off. After each trimming, plants fertilize with a cow or wood ash.

Vegetable Fennel can be planted both with the help of seedlings and directly into open ground. In the latter case, with a long lighting day, the plant can pass the increasing phase of "Kochans", it has a rapid formation and pulling out of shoots. This means that Fennel is better to sow at the end of June, already when the duration of the day will decline, that is, after the 22nd.For its landing fit open solar or slightly shaded areas.
Seed deepening when crops should be 2 cm. The first shoots must be waited in 10-14 days. The distance between the plants should be left 40-50 cm. Fennel care is simple and lies in irrigation and periodic soil loosenings.

And about what vegetables are planted in the garden in June, you can learn in detail from the following sections.

Landing vegetables in June

From vegetable crops In the first weeks of June, you can plant beets, carrots, legumes, corn, radishes, turnips, tomatoes, cucumbers. Eggplants and peppers disembarks under the film.

There are several conditions that need to be observed when planting vegetables in the garden at this time. Upon the occurrence of strong heat, vegetables help to cope with it by introducing feeding.For normal growth and the tie of fruits during this period, fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium are recommended. In the second half of the summer, feeding should be stopped.

It is also important not to remake with watering, even in particularly dry days. For carrots, patissons, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, beets when landing them in the garden in June, there will be enough two abundant irrigations per week.

Soil under vegetables should be loosened, be sure after irrigation. The location of the roots is preferably covered by the sun. You can be at the soil of humus, peat or sawdust.

Carrot sow in the first second decade of the month. Select the sections where the cabbage, potatoes, greens have previously grown. They should be blond, without shadow.

If the carrot is planted on the food, then choose early varieties, for storage - medium and late. For the landing during this period, such varieties are suitable as "flacke", "incomparable", "Shanta", "Losinoostrovskaya".

Did you know? Planting carrots in June allows you to avoid attacks on her carrot flea flying.

To quickly launch the process of germination of seeds, they are maintained for five days in warm water. Then one per day is placed in the refrigerator for hardening at 0 ° C.

There are five longitudinal grooves or transverse grooves on the beds, leaving 18-20 cm between them. The recesses are watered. The seeds in them fall asleep at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other. The grooves are mulched peat and covered with film. Shoots should be bled in 5-6 days, after which they will need to be supplied. In the future, the soil must be regularly loosened. Carrot cleaning must be carried out before the onset of cooling, in September.

Gardeners argue that it is excellent in June and beets. It is placed on sunny plots. Seeds before sowing are soaked in warm water, it is necessary to sow them in a dry form. Shoots are shown after 1.5-2 weeks. When they grow up to 3 cm in height, they will need to be broken. Watering is carried out every two weeks.

Did you know? Beets, carrots and radish, planted in June, are stored much longer and better than those that are sown in spring.

It is important to collect a harvest before the first frost coming, in October. Beets are suitable for winter storage in dry sand.

Radish loves the sun, so it needs to be planted in a garden on open and well-lit beds. This vegetable culture can be sown to the place of cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes.
Looking holes dig 1-2 cm deep. They are placed on a distance of 4-6 cm from each other. There are 8-10 cm between the beds. In each well, it is laid on one seed after which the beds will need to be covered. Redisse requires frequent irrigation.

List of vegetables for landing in the garden in June, you can continue the cabbage Kohlrabi. It is grown by seedling, which is recommended to plant an open ground after June 10th. Seedlings are prepared for 3-4 weeks. It is better to plant it in places in the garden, where legumes, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, bowls grew to it. Planting scheme: 40x25. After disembarking within two or three days, the seedlings will need to be covered by sunlight.
This kind of cabbage moisthed. Watering will need to be held every two or three days at first after the landing and once a week later, until ripening. Waterings are accompanied by soil looser. After 20 days, it is performed. Repeat the procedure in 10 days. Also, after 20 days, the first feeding in the form of a liquid cowboy is made.

When landing from the 10th to the 20th, ripe stems can be collected already at the end of July. To use, they are ready to achieve 8-10 cm in diameter.


For sowing corn is suitable sunny plot protected from wind. The desired predecessors will be cabbage, peas, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes. It is necessary to sow corn at a time when the probability of frosts is reduced to zero. Usually - after the 10th number (the land should warm up to +8 ... + 10 ° C). High temperatures (above +30 ° C) When crops, corn negatively affect its fertilization.
The plant is planted and seeded and seeds in an open ground. In the first case, seed seed in April, and the garden is planted and June. Directly on open beds, served in June. Landing scheme: 30x50. Seed seed depth: 2-5 cm. 2-4 seeds are placed in each well. Sevings are abundantly watered. The desired measure will be the shelter of the beds with a film, which will allow the seeds faster to germinate and protect the sprouts from unforeseen frosts.

After the appearance of the sprouts and the second sheet, the seedlings are thinning so that in each well remains one plant. Watering is carried out once a week. From the care activities are necessary are loosening and tidwing, gluttony, filtering potassium once every two weeks.

In June, you can also sow beans and peas. The air temperature favorable for their growth is +20 ... + 25 ° C, soils - +12 ... + 14 ° C. It can be preceded by cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers.

Beans in June can be planted twice:in the period from 17 to 19, and from 28 to 30. Sing it in three rows in a checker order. Two seeds are put in the well, which must be predetermined in a solution of potassium mangartage (1%). The depth of planting is 3-6 cm. The distance between the wells -20-30 cm, the aisle - 30-45 cm.
In order not to take care of irrigation and looser, it is desirable to climb the soil. In the future, the beans will require regular weeding. The crop can be removed from the end of August and before the beginning of October, depending on the variety and weather conditions.

Peas in the summer can be planted until July 10, while choosing for the landing of early grades. Makers are sowing into the furrows, a fertilized with a compost or by humus, at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other, deepening into the soil up to 5 cm. Shoots should be waited in 7-10 days.

Rechazzle seedlings in open ground

Since the third week of June, the most suitable period for planting seedlings of thermal-loving plants occurs. By June 10, it is undesirable to do this, because in some regions there are still night freezes. Although, of course, everything will depend on the climate of the region in which you live, and from the weather observed this season. For the chances of growing seedlings in the open ground were high, it is advisable to handle it before planing. To do this, her every day is trying to endure out of the room on the street. Hardening starts with half an hour, gradually increasing the time of the open-air seedlings for 10-15 minutes. So sprouts are faster adapt to new growing conditions in the open soil, the sun, the wind, etc., will become more enduring to adverse weather conditions.

In any case, the first time young plants will need to be covered during the daytime, since the scorching sun can destroy them. For this use, for example, paper caps.

Important! We take seedlings from the Sun with the help of shelters, you need the first two weeks after landing.

An important condition for planting seedlings will be disembodied in an open ground in the evening, after it subsides to heat.

Before boarding, plants carefully inspect and selected the affected diseases or too weak. Roots shorten one third. In well-moisturized beds, the sprouts are planting, without destroying the coma of land on the root system. It should not be too deepening plants, as this can provoke a slowdown in their growth.

After landing, and for the next five days, the seedlings need to wipe well. You can also pour a peat into bed so that it keeps moisture, and the land is not covered with a crust.

Did you know? The fact that seedlings passed will be evidenced by the appearance of two or three days after landing the morning dew at the edges of the leaves. This process is called a petition.

Pepper seedlings begin to temper 10-15 days before disembarking into open ground. It can be transferred to the garden from the first week of the month. However, you should pay attention to the temperature of the soil and the readiness of the sprouts to the disembarkation - they must have 8-10 sheets and several buds, as well as to reach a height of 20-30 cm.
Landing should be deep, in good power soil. In the future, pepper should also be abundantly watering, using warm water. The distance between the plants should be no less than 40 cm. The first buds are desirable to delete.

Tomato seedlings need to be planted in the first weeks of June (the Earth should warm up to +12 ° C). For landing, a well-lit plot will fit, but if there were some plants on it, it is desirable not to plant tomatoes in the same beds.
Sprouts choose strong, with well-developed roots. The optimal length of the stem should be 20 cm.Use a vertical way to planting. If the seedlings are overgrown, it is planted with a slight inclination. It is better if the landing will be carried out in a well-fired soil.

In the first days after landing, plants may have a sluggish look, but in the future they must begin and develop normally.

Cucumbers seedlings even in June it is better to plant greenhouses and greenhouses, since it is a very thermal-loving culture. For open soil, cold-resistant varieties are selected. At the same time pay attention to night temperatures. When cooling, the seedlings will need to be covered with film, paper caps, etc.
Locking is carried out on high beds, in well-moistened soil. The distance between the sprouts should be 50 cm.

If it is initially planned to plant cucumbers under the film, the beds will need to prepare in advance. They are made with a width of 80-90 cm, and in the center there are small grooves width and depth 30 cm. Fresh manure is first introduced in them, and then, along the entire width, the 20-centimeter humidage layer is covered. Crickerels are covered with a film using a frame. Three days later, seedlings of cucumbers are planted on the edges of the garden. The same landing method can also be applicable for tomato seedlings.

Seedling of white cabbage to disembarking is preparing for 60 days. In early June, the middle and late varieties are transplanted into the soil. The fact that the seedlings are ready for landing should indicate the presence of 4-6 sheets and the height of the stem 15-20 cm. The landing scheme may have several options: 70x30 cm, 50x40 cm, 50x50 cm, 40x40 cm.
The landing is well watered, 1-2 times feather, plunge. The harvest is collected late autumn. The higher the coach density, the better the cabbage will be saved.

At the beginning of the summer, empty beds can also be decorated with decorative flowering plants. From flowers, which can be placed in the country in June, you should mention Balzamin, Begonia, Astra, Cannes, Amaranta, velvets and many others.

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468 once already

In June, there is a big job in the garden and in the garden. For the most part, all works are associated with landings. Many novice dackets ask - " What to plant in June in the garden and in the garden? ". In this article we will try to answer this question very detail and make a certain calendar for gardener and gardener. It should be noted that the following advice are relevant for vegetable breeding products that live in the middle lane: Moscow and Moscow region, the entire central part of Russia, the Volga region and regions with similar climatic conditions.

In June, as in May, everyone strives to get out to the cottage to produce a planting of vegetables. In June, stable warm weather is already installed, so you can actively produce all landings in open ground.

What to planted in June from vegetables to open ground?

At the beginning of the month in open ground, it is possible to plant seedlings ,. You can sow, beets, sorrel, parsley ,.

Special attention should be paid to the transportation of seedlings. If you are transporting seedlings to a large distance, it is necessary to tie the bundles with plants with a wet cloth. In June, it is already hot weather and during transportation, seedlings can just die. It is recommended to plant seedlings in the evening so that there is no strong sun. During the night, seedlings will have time to come in a new place, and the shock during transplant will not be so great for it.

After landing, the seedlings must be good and meditated. For these purposes, you can use peat, sawdust or straw. It will help longer save moisture.

Also, within a month, you can. This culture is grown several times in one season. If the grade is early, then you can plant at the beginning, and at the end already get the first harvest.

June is the best month for landing seedlings of thermo-loving crops, such as watermelons and melons.

In June, it is very important to prevent the active growth of weeds. Periodically, you should remove them with.

What is planted in June from flowers?

In June, you can plant a lot of different colors. Chrysanthemums, Astra, Georgina, Velhets. This season, they will still have time to please you with their beautiful color. It is necessary to plant them at the beginning of a month or at least in the first half.

In the first half of the month you can also produce.

Not every gardener or gardener boasts a large land plot on which he gently grows edible and inedible plants. The existing small space has to be used rationally, thinking in advance what can be planted in June on his garden to get a rich harvest.

The beginning of the summer season is ideal for cultivation of a delicious, fragrant and healthy greenery. If you comply with all agrotechnical requirements, then after 1-2 months later, you can eat my own spicy herbs:, mustard, cilantro, basil, onions, celery, lettuce leaves. Also in June, fenhel or garlic is allowed.

It is worth considering the rules for the care of the most popular among Godnants with representatives of the family of umbrella and casnotkov.

  • Dill.

For his landing, the second half of June is suitable. Place a spice is recommended on the beds next to earlier vegetable crops, such as radish or cucumbers. Straight sunlights should fall on this site only before lunch.

Accelerate the ripening process. Pre-soaking seeds immediately before planting in warm water.

The soil is important to prepare moisturized and fertilous. Bushes need to regularly cut forward. Fees of finished greenery begins after 35 days.

  • Basil.

For its disembarkation, it does not require a lot of space, but the site still should be quite illuminated and filled with humus. To reduce the likelihood of falling into frost, plant basil is better after June 15.

You can use mineral fertilizers 2 times a month, and directly during the flowering period it is worth cutting watering. By the way, it is these days that the culture gives the greatest fragrance and is suitable for cutting.

  • Fennel.

Sowing this plant is usually produced after June 20. For its correct increase, it is better to choose not too sunny or even slightly shaded plot. Fennel loves regular watering and loose soils. Literally after 2 weeks, the first shoots are becoming noticeable.

The plants mentioned above can not be called demanding. Even if several summer days are cold and rainy, they will resist all the adversity. The main thing after that is to organize them the careful care and feeding with vitamins.

Vegetable crops

Inexperienced summer residents think that the garden in June is already late and all sowing work must be carried out in the spring - this is a delusion. It is early in the summer that vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, beets, eggplants need to be started. For their normal growth, it is required to maintain the necessary conditions.

  1. Straightening dry weather helps regular nitrogen, potash or phosphoric feeders.
  2. It will be very useful to add to the peat soil, sawdust or humus.
  3. The roots are preferably stolen from the falling suns.
  4. Several abundant irrigation per week is quite enough.

Carrots can be placed on the beds both in the first and in the last decade of June. Experienced daches prefer plots where potatoes, dill or parsley have previously grown. A landing place must be chosen illuminated, but not under the scorching sun. Enjoy the popularity of the "Flacke" and "Shahtan" variety.

Material for sowing is important to withstand 6-7 days in hot water, and then handle it in the refrigeration chamber. After such a procedure, the first shoots will appear after 4-5 days.

Do not forget about regular soil looser. As a rule, carrots begin to remove in September, before the onset of the first frosts.

Tomatoes are a favorite culture of gardeners. First of all, for seedlings, it is necessary to prepare a small size of the well, where the superphosphate should be accurately put. The aisle is recommended to leave at least 80 cm, and the tops of the culture are placed in the southern direction. Slugged material before boarding is required to steer. The disembarkation is better to produce after June 12th.

Tomatoes love the sun, loamy or sampling soil and abundant watering twice a week. You need to collect only red fruits. Artificial ripening spoils taste.

Heat-loving plants

On the open plot of land you can begin to plant the thermal-loving varieties of plants in mid-June. Additionally, it is necessary to harde the seedlings, increase its endurance before planting. This will reduce the likelihood that the plant will die from unexpected freezers. Of course, much depends on the region of residence and the weather reigning there, but sometimes it is better to progress.

The craftsmen know that the opening of the summer season should be started with growing on the garden space of cucumbers, cabbage, pepper. It is recommended to buy resistant grade cold. At night, the seedlings often have to be covered with a film to keep warm, and at the very beginning (first 2-3 weeks) young bushes need to be protected from ultraviolet. For these purposes, a paper cap is also suitable.

If we talk about cucumbers, the beds for them are better to prepare high. In the ducklings of small recesses (up to 25 cm), it is necessary to pour fresh manure, and after 3-4 days, it is already extinct of cucumber seedlings. During this time, the Earth will have time to warm up and be saturated with minerals (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus). The availability of seedlings to the procedure indicates the presence of 5-7 sheets on the stem, the height of which, in turn, should be at least 18 cm. Like any other plant, the cucumbers need to be periodically dipped and feed, instantly get rid of pests. The harvest is usually produced as fruits ripening.

On a note

June is great for disembarking the seedlings of Bakhchykh cultures, in particular. However, it should be borne in mind that such plants are heat-loving, require a lot of space, and in general, capricious in care.

At the end of June, namely from 18 to 28 numbers, representatives of the legume family should be planted, preceded by potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes. The temperature of the air should reach 22 0 C, and the soil is about 10-16 0 C.

The beans are to plant in a chess order, seating occurs by seeds, pre-weathered in the potassium permanganate solution. Soil is pre-mulching to get away from strict irrigation and loosening modes. It will only be enough for regular bidding. The first mature fruits of gardeners are reaping in August, and this process ends, as a rule, in October. The crop collection framework varies depending on the variety and weather conditions.

It is important to produce until June 15, and you need to buy varieties that quickly spit. Makers are usually placed in a thoroughly fertilized groove compost, and the first rises are observed after 8-9 days. With the right choice of sowing material, dachensons manage to assemble the crop of legumes 2-3 times per season. However, if the summer is given too hot, then the plants will have to be abundantly water, sometimes several times a day.

If it is decided to engage in landing works on his land plot in June, the gardener (especially newcomer) should adhere to certain rules and recommendations.

So, what advice do specialists give?

  • On the hot season, the adaptation of plants is slower and much more difficult, so the landing is better to spend closer in the evening or on a cloudy day.
  • Prepared seedlings first need to withstand in the fresh air so that it acclimatizes.
  • Grokes are important not only to water, but also to mulch, especially during drought.
  • If the seedlings of tomatoes or cucumbers managed to paint, then it is better to place it in the holes, but in a furrow.

Interesting fact!

Dill (especially during flowering), landed near cabbage helps reduce the amount of harmful insects on this vegetable culture. Such a little trick will help even inexperienced country dealer to get a great harvest with minimal cost and effort.

Works on the seating of vegetables, greenery and legumes in any other way do not end, but, on the contrary, just begin, therefore it is not necessary to break your head and invent, on your homestead. Squeeze everything that your heart. With the right landing and proper care, it will be possible to please not only yourself, but also their loved ones delicious vegetable and melted crops, fragrant greens.

There is a sign that the garden needs to be planted before the onset of the Orthodox Holiday Holy Trinity. The holiday falls every year for different numbers, but almost always falls on the first decade of June.

Vegetable breeders hurry to plant seedlings and sow seeds, load themselves with work in May, although many vegetable crops can be planted until the end of June. To avoid a hurry, but not be late for the timing, you need to make a schedule for yourself and determine what to plant in June, and what cultures should get to the garden before the summer occurrence.

Plan article

Goals and advantages of the June landing

All vegetables are engaged in agriculture with two goals: either to get early products or for storing for the winter. Early greens and vegetable crops are planted in greenhouses, greenhouses and under the film, some plants, such as carrots, garlic and onions plant under winter so that they are routine faster, and they could be eaten early.

In this case, landing is carried out early in spring and used ultrafasses and early grades of vegetable crops. Early products are not distinguished by fierce and is not suitable for storage, it is immediately used for ordering and cooking.

Last Decade of May and in June there are late satisfied varieties of vegetable crops, such as carrots, cabbage in late maturation, onions and even potatoes. The crop is collected in the fall and stored all winter. In June, the seedlings of thermo-loving grated and pumpkin plants are seeding. Spicy herbs wept until the middle of the summer to get fresh greens up to the most frosts.

The June landing will help out the owners of small sections, where vegetables are planted after harvesting in early cultures with a later maturation period. In this case, it is necessary to observe crop rotation and use additional methods of soil improvement, for example, or fertilizer that quickly gives nutrient elements to the soil and cannot harm plants.

You do not need to be afraid of the deadlines, the June landing has its advantages:

Of course, landing in June has some features. In some regions, dry weather is already installed at this time, so vegetable breeders need to constantly monitor the moisture of the soil and perform regular watering. In addition, by this time begin to actively multiply the garden pests and diseases, therefore, without preventive treatments, it is not special preparations.

note! When planning landings in June, leave a place for plants in a half, so that in the future I did not have to shade vulnerable seedlings.

Landing in June - List of crops

Planning the landing time, on June, the following types of plants can be attributed:

  1. Roots for storage - carrots, potatoes, beets.
  2. Seedling of thermo-loving grated cultures - pepper, eggplant, tomato.
  3. Pumpkin family cultures - cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin.
  4. Cruciferous - lateral cabbage.
  5. Bean plants - peas and beans.
  6. Spicy herbs - dill, basil, parsley.

Let's talk about every culture in detail and consider the features of agrotechnology, if the landing in the open soil was produced in June.


It is mistaken to think that the rooted roots lined in June will not have time to mature. If you choose the right variety, you can get a good harvest with the excellent taste of fruits and good feed characteristics.


So that the June potatoes manage to grow, choose the average variety of varieties with a vegetative term of 95 - 110 days. Late-weighted varieties in which vegetation can last up to 140 days, will not have time to sleep before the onset of frosts.

The most famous and proven medium-bed varieties include:

  • Zhuravinka - Belarusian breeding with a period of vegetation in 100 days;
  • Gull - Russian selection, declined specifically for the middle strip and northwestern regions of the country;
  • Atlant. - Belarusian selection, the average growing time is about 110 days, little susceptible to most potato diseases.

In the southern regions, medium-bed potatoes will have time to grow, and in the middle lane in adverse weather conditions there is a chance that maturation will delay. In the regions of medium latitudes in June, it is recommended to plant a pre-germinated tuberberry or used before shooting film shelters.


The June planting of carrots is not very late and even very rational. At the beginning of summer, the activity of carrot flies is stopped, which is the main enemy of this root. In addition, the June carrot does not lie long in the ground and quickly boils, literally for the week under the usual germination period of 20 - 35 days.

Early potatoes become a good predecessor of carrots. After making a fresh manure, carrots are planted only three years later on sandy soils and after two on chernozem and loam.

Before the appearance of germs, it is necessary to constantly moisten the soil so that the Earth does not grab the crust. In the fall, carrots need to be removed before frosts, otherwise the rootpode will lose sweetness, cracks up, gets light color and will be badly stored.


Beets are planted on any decade of June, you only need to choose a favorable time for this with optimal indicators of humidity and temperature. Beckla seeds are good at a temperature of + 10 ° C, but it is necessary for ripening. Best beets at a temperature of + 20 ° C - + 25 ° C, so planted in June, it will develop well.

Beet loves moisture very much, despite the ability to survive even with insufficient moisture. In the absence of regular irrigation, the plant will give all the forces on reproduction, it will bloom well, but does not form an underground part. That is why in June it is recommended to plant beets in the middle lane. In the southern regions, with minimal amounts of precipitation, the beet will not give the crop.

It has the meaning and illumination of shoots. Beet prefers solar sections, in the shade of sprouts will be pulled out and lose their vitality. Only a combination of heat, high humidity and sufficient lighting will make the cultivation of beets successful.

Otherwise, the June beet is grown traditionally: it is often loosened, thinning, weighing weeds and feed so that the roots screamed the mass and were sweet.

Seedling of grated cultures

To obtain an early harvest, the grained crops are planted from mid-April to mid-May, but used for planting bypass materials, greenhouses, and most often grown tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in the greenhouses. In June, after the spring frosts, the grained cultures are imprisoned immediately into the open ground.

June landing on the beds is even preferable.

  • First, in the open soil, tomatoes and peppers are less likely to infect fungal infections,
  • secondly, the plants are less at risk of obtaining burns of the vegetative mass during watering, as it happens in greenhouses from glass or polycarbonate.
  • Thirdly, in June, frosts are already minimized, and the plants do not have to be stolen.

Usually, the tomato seedlings are planted in the first decade of June, and peppers and eggplants - until the end of the second decade.

Cucumbers and other pumpkin

The seeds of cucumbers and zucchini planted in June quickly will go up, as for these cultures heat is the most important factor for development. If the landing is planned for June, but I want to speed up the start of fruiting, pre-grow seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins.

An optimal period for transplanting seedlings is considered to be age 20 - 25 days, but the vegetables are noted that the plants of the pumpkin family are well taken away from the 12th day of development and on the 30th day.

Immediately after landing, the cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini are dialed in the afternoon from the sun and hide the agromature material or paper caps at night so as not to frozley. After rooting seedlings, protection can not be used.


Cabbage for storage is grown and seeds and seedlings. If sowing is carried out by seeds choose early or secondary varieties, varieties of late maturation time can be grown through seedlings. When calculating the landing time, keep in mind that the cabbage sowned immediately into the ground will give a crop in 55 - 65 days. For storage for the winter, varieties were well shown:

The cucumbers, any legumes and early potatoes will be good predecessors for cabbage.. For late varieties, ground density with neutral acidity reaction is suitable. On the covered soils, the cabbage is not growing, it is necessary to lime before boarding.

After sowing, the beds are covered with agromature material or film. After 10 days from the date of the appearance of shoots, the cabbage is first feeding and plunged.

Bean culture

Bean crops are planting throughout June, when the main cultures are already on the beds. It is very convenient, as it is possible to evaluate where the free place remains and put peas or beans on these sites. Peas are planted in the first half of July, the beans in the second. With a good landing material, it is possible to shoot several producers of legumes for the season.

Note! Bean cultures are saturated with land and heal it. Peas are sitting around the perimeter of the crown, and the beans are made alternating planting vegetable crops, which are more often affected by pests.


Experienced vegetables for obtaining fragrant greenery plant spicy cultures several times per season. In June, for many of them, the most favorable time comes for many: the earth and the air has already warmed up, the frosts passed, but the moisture content of the soil mixture is still high enough to quickly germinate seeds.

Dill, Basil, Parsley

These are the most common spicy cultures, for successful cultivation of which will need a fertile, fastened by a humid plot in the illuminated place. From landing before collecting greenery is usually 30 - 35 days.

The seeds of spicy herbs usually take a long time, as they have a protective oily shell, which water poorly dissolves. Soaking in the traditional way will not accelerate germination, experimental vegetables use alcohol solutions or garlic infusions.

Site work does not end with the last days of spring. There are plants that are not only possible, but also desirable to plant in June. We brought you a list of the most common vegetable crops and spicy herbs, but you can always experiment and plant something. With proper care, a positive result will not make himself wait.