What does rhododendron look like. Rhododendron flower: Views with photos, landing and care

Our grandmothers, grown with a strawberry garden, or strawberries, as we used to call it, not particularly worried about mulching. But today, this agroprium has become fundamental in achieving high Quality Berries and reduced crop losses. Someone can say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off by a hundredfold. In this article, we suggest you would like to meet the nine best Materials For mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that more fashionable always considered "kids", to the assortment of succulents, with which you can decorate modern interior, It is worth looking attentively. After all, the sizes, sizes, patterns, the degree of thoroughness, the effect on the interior is only a few of the parameters for which you can choose. In this article, we will tell about the five most fashionable succulents, which in an amazing way transform modern interiors.

Mint used the Egyptians for another 1.5 thousand years before our era. It is characterized by a strong aroma due to the large content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, in decorative gardening, in the confectionery industry. In this article, consider the most interesting types of mint, as well as tell about the peculiarities of growing this plant in the open soil.

People began to grow crocuses for 500 years before the onset of our era. Although the presence of these colors in the garden is fleeting, we are always looking forward to the return of spring of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins, as soon as snow comes. However, flowering time may differ depending on species and varieties. This article is devoted to the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom at the end of March-early April.

Soup from the early young cabbage on the beef broth - satisfying, fragrant and simple cooking. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and make light soup on this broth. Early cabbage is boiled quickly, so it is put in a pan simultaneously with the rest of the vegetables, unlike the autumn cabbage, which is preparing somewhat longer. Ready soup can be stored in the refrigerator a few days. Turning sch are tastier just cooked.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to be confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardens he is sometimes confused! However, to understand the basics of the selection of varieties "for themselves" is not difficult. The main thing is in particular culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest to grow groups of tomatoes is grades and hybrids with limited growth. They always appreciated by the gardeners who do not have a lot of strength and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten, the coles today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain are considered the stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking for above all non-standard colors. Simple in cultivation, but not so comprehensive to approach everything, the cakes require constant control. But if you care about them, bushes from velvety unique leaves easily eclipse any competitor.

Baked salmon ridge in olive herbs - "Supplier of Delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salad with fresh lesters of the abrade. Champignons are slightly roasted in olive oil, and then watered with apple vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary marinas, and they are better suited for baked fish. The shortcut and fresh dill get along perfectly in one salad, emphasizing each other's fragrance. Garlic acuteness of the abrade is impregnated and the flesh of salmon, and pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree Or a shrub on the plot is always great, and a lot of conifers - even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oilsSeparated by plants not only flavors, but also make air cleaner. As a rule, most of the zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy of flowering trees have long been already the inalienable attribute of the Spring meeting in the country of the Rising Sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how tastes and addictions of people have changed to one or another food products over the centuries. The fact that was once considered delicious and was the subject of trade, over time he lost its value and, on the contrary, new fruit cultures conquered their markets. Quince has already been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century d. N. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known and then the ways of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Please make your household and make thematic curd cookies in the form of Easter eggs! Your kids will gladly take part in the process - ascend to flour, connect all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut the intricate figures. Then with admiration will be observed as the dough pieces turn into real easter eggsAnd then with the same enthusiasm will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

Among the tuber cultures of decorative-deciduous favorites are not so much. And Caladium is a true star among the volatile inhabitants of the interiors. It may not be decided to start the caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of Caladiums never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties in the cultivation of caladiums. And forgive small mistakes, the plant can almost always.

Retooth, incredibly appetizing and just elementary in the cooking dish we prepared for you today. This sublime is one hundred percent one hundred percent, as it is suitable for each side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Pouring with chicken and mushrooms will save you at moments when there is no time or I do not want to think about what to cook. Take you a favorite side dish (you can do it in advance so that everything is hot), add a gravy and dinner ready! Recine chopstick.

Among the many varieties of these popular vegetables, we will tell about three, which are characterized by excellent taste and relatively unpretentious cultivation conditions. Characteristics of varieties of eggplant "Almaz", "Black Handsome" and "Valentine". All eggplants have the pulp of medium density. The "diamond" she is greenish, and the other two is yellowish-white. They are united good germination and excellent yield, but at different times. The color of the skin and the form of all different

Rhododendrons are beautiful decorative plants of the family of herase. They are difficult to grow in our climate. Motherland - subtropics, so they love heat and badly winter in the harsh climate.

Rhododendrons - Sleeps. So that they can grow in the medium strip climate, you have to follow the rules of agrotechnics and care subtleties. But Rhododendrons are so enchanting that more and more gardeners pay attention to them. Before purchasing plant planting material, learn about the nuances of growing.

Planting Rhododendron

Despite the fact that for modern flower flowers, Rhododendrons are a novelty, they were cultivated in Russia at the end of the 18th century, so we turn to the domestic experience of growing "Alpine Roses" - so rhododendron garden called in Europe.

Plants prefer spring landing. They are planted in sleeping state or at the moment when the kidneys just started awakening. Spring landing Allows the seedlings to strengthen and better transfer the upcoming winter.

Pledge successful cultivation is an right choice varieties. In decorative flower growing use several types. For beginners, the p. Larbura, short-forth, largest and Japanese. On the alpine hill You can land Canadian, dense and Kamchatka. These species have an increased winter hardiness, so there is a chance that they are destroyed after harsh winter.

Rhododendron Japanese beautiful from spring to late autumn. He has large flowers of orange tones. It's the biggest and beautiful bushwhich can grow in middle lane. It reaches a height of 200 cm.

It is better to purchase landing material in experienced gardeners or in nurseries. Fairs and bazaars do not guarantee the quality of seedlings. In addition, sellers at fairs often do not know what they sell. If you acquire a capricious look by ignorance, then it will come true and moves into growth, but will freeze in the first winter.

Place landing

Landing begins with a selection of space. All types of rhododendrons grow well in places protected from wind and hot afternoon sun. If you put flowers from the northern or northeast side of the building or fence, then such a landing can be considered correct.

When landing Rhododendron in the ground near the house, it is necessary to take into account that the water will flow from the roof of the spring, and Rhododendron will not like it. You can not land seedlings next to trees having surface root systemAnd this is most of the middle strip trees, except pine and oak. The remaining trees will compete with Rhododendron for water and food and eventually the alpine rose will dry.

You can land rhododendron under fruit trees, but you need to be prepared that the fruit will reduce the size of the crop. So that the bush showed itself in all its glory is better to plant it not under the crown fruit treeAnd then - so the sun's rays will be enough for everyone and the bush will bloom.

Owners of open blown plots should be done like this:

  1. In the fall, score stakes with the south and west side of the bush.
  2. In early February, fasten the corresponding material on the seals.

The height of the shelter should be one and a half times higher than the height of the bush. The shelter is necessary to protect the plant from the wound anterior burning.

Rhododendron lays out floral kidneys at the end of summer, and in mid-February in the middle strip the sun begins to sparkle and large floral kidneys evaporate moisture. By the time the roots begin the suction work (in April), the kidneys would have to dry and flowering would not.

Canadian Rhododendron is resistant to early burning, but the most popular types: Japanese, large-scale, evergreen burns almost annually. The shelter in February-March will save flower kidneys from death and plant in the current season will bloom.

Alpine roses have compact urine roots located at a small depth, so plants can be transplanted painless at any age. Rhododendron loves moisture, but during groundwater level above one meter, drainage will be required.

After selecting the place in the most important point of the planting of Rhododendron is the preparation of the substrate with the correct acidity and mechanical properties. The pH of the substrate must be in the range of 4.5-5.5. In addition, the soil mixture should be loose, moisture inwards, breathable.

This requirements will be ideally represented by a substrate prepared from sour rigor peat, loam and litter, taken in a pine forest. All components are mixed in equal proportions. Instead of Suglinka, you can use clay, taking it twice as fewer ingredients.

It is impossible to plant rhododendron in the riding peat or in a mixture of peat with a cheese. Be sure to add clay or loam, which will give the substrate the desired moisture intensity. In pure peat, the plants will suffer from lack of moisture, and the Rhododendrons do not like it. In addition, the soil gives substrate looseness and breathability.

Planting and care for rhododendron in the first days

The components of the cooked substrate are mixed and poured into the pit. In the center of the pit, eat a deepening in which the seedlock is planted.

If the seedlock was sold with a lore land (and in the case of Rhododendons, it happening more often), then before planting its lower part is immersed in water and remove when air bubbles are stopped on the surface.

The seedlove must be planted on the same depth he was in the container. It is impossible to plunge the root neck - it is important. The planted seedling is abundantly water and mulch the soil with a pine underlining layer of 5 cm.

When planting rhododendrons, it is impossible to put pressure, humid, chernozem, compost leaves into the pit.

Features of cultivation

Alpine rose refers to plants that need to be placed correctly, and then many years can be limited to minimal care. In the first year after landing, it is important that the plant does not have a water deficit. The landing well must be constantly wet, but it is not necessary to loosen it, as you can disturb young rustic roots, which will be located in the surface layer of the substrate.

The weeds appear in the landing well pull down the root, not dug. For irrigation, it is better to use soft water (not well).

Rhododendrons love feeding. Remembering the fragile surface roots, it is better to use not granules and powders for arrivals, but solutions. The usual Kemira station is well suited. Granules are dissolved in water according to the instructions and water the plants every two weeks.

In early July, the plants feed the last time. For this purpose, potassium sulfate is used - a teaspoon of 10 liters of water for young plants and two teaspoons of 10 liters for adults. In July-August, feeding do not hold.

What can not fertilize the Alpine Rose:

  • ash - she grabs the substrate;
  • dung and dung compost - mushroom diseases will appear.

Growing rhododendrons is often accompanied by such a phenomenon as chlorosis. The leaves are yellowing, the veins remain green. Symptoms talk about changing the pH of the substrate in the alkaline side.

The cultivation conditions of Rhododendron are such that the plant can only survive in acidic soil. For elimination of chlorosis, acidifiers are used - special preparations that can be bought in garden stores. Industrial production coisers contain many nitrogen, so they can only be used in spring.

For the prevention of obsching, it is necessary to mulk bushes annually. Cheese. No special measures against chlorosis need to be used to use special fertilizers for rhododendrons for feeding plants and two times in season to mulch the landing well pine or fir bay.

Special studies helped to find out the correct thickness of the mulching layer in winter depending on the size of the bush:

In the spring, the mulching material is slightly sprinkled from the bush, freeing the root neck.

Most decorative shrubs Have an inaccient crown shape and need trimming. This does not apply to Rhododendron. Alpine rose boasts the crown of absolutely correct - round or oval - forms. It is not necessary to trim it, it is enough to do only sanitary trimming.

It is not necessary to crop branches even after transplanting, as the plants are well tolerated, and the work of the roots in a new place does not stop.

Rhododendrons each year bloom every year. So that flowering is not less abundant, you need to prevent the formation of seeds. To do this, from the bush remove the bleached inflorescences. There are 2 new flower kidneys on the site of each broken inflorescence.

Leaves will be prompted about the lack of nutrient elements - they become light green, cease to glisten. The growth of shoots is reduced, bloom becomes retained.

Growing Rhododendron from Seeds

Plants grown by the seed itself can be cut to first flowering. Experiments have shown that trimming seedlings detains bloom for 3 years.

Rhododendrons spread in cuttings, the division of the bush, giving and vaccinate. In breeding purposes use seed reproduction. The seeds are sown in a container with heather soil and fall asleep with sand. Capacity is closed with glass and put in a bright and warm place.

Rose and Rhododendron in the essence of aunt. Their names occurred from one root - rose. Only Rosa itself - from Latin (ROSA.), and Rhododendron - from Greek (Rhodon.) - also rose. Fully name Rhododendron translates as a "pink tree", which reflects not so much the size of the shrub, how much unusually violent flowering.

Although the queen of the parisader is considered a rose, in fans of rhododendrons there are good arguments to revise this rate in favor of their pet. Personally, I have long equalized these two flower in rights, and reconciled them in claims on the floral throne. Let the rose remains the queen, and Rhododendron I give the title of king.

In the end, Rosa and Rhododendron could sign an agreement on the division of spheres of influence, and rule together to mutual benefits. After all, the timing of their flowering is practically not intersect. Rhododendron - Flower Mostly Spring, Rose - Child full summer and autumn. In general, if you drop rhododendrons and roses together, their impact on the viewer will only increase.

Five arguments in favor of Rhododendron.

About Rhododendron could be said to a state language that this plant is promising, and any initial investment in it will be justified. The shrub is generally resistant to adversity and is easy to care, but it is important not to be mistaken in the selection of a variety. If you compare it with the same rose, then there are quite a few arguments to force a convinced rosewood to travel to the opponent's side.

  • Rhododendrons (or, in any case, those species and varieties of which will be discussed below) do not require shelter for the winter, unless you seize in any thermo-loving variety.
  • Rhododendrons grow pretty dense bushes, they are practically no pruning, they are resistant to diseases and pests. Care of the growing rhododendron is completely unreasonable.
  • Rhododendrons are durable. Thirty years - the minimum time you can count on. And some varieties and species are able to survive even such a familiar woody like birch.
  • Rhododendrons never lose decorativity and are ready for work from the first days of spring.
  • The shape of the crown, as well as the external data of the leaves from Rhododendrons, much varied than roses. Therefore, B. garden design Rhododendrons have more opportunities. They are equally organic both in the landscaped and regular garden.

About the pink tree in your own words.

From the point of view of the gardener Rhododendron, are divided into deciduous, native and evergreens. With leaf falls - everything is clear, but as evergreen Rhododendrons can surgive, - you ask, - because such shrubs are characteristic of the tropics and subtropics?

The answer lies in the field of physiology of plants. Trees and shrubs of a moderate zone on low temperatures Basically react with dropping leaves. It helps them to reduce the evaporation of moisture (transpiration), and thus survive the winter.

Evergreen Rhododendrons, like their other counterparts on the family of herass (lingonberries, a richness, etc.) come otherwise. They react to the cold by not dropping foliage, but rather original - when the temperature approaches the zero mark, their leaves are twisted into the tube. This allows the plant at times to reduce transpiration.

As for the native nationsheld rhododendrons - they react to the cold doubly - part of the leaves are discarded, and the part, usually at the top, is coagulated in the tube. By the way, the twisted leaves sometimes become so small that the bush may seem naked. But it is worth come thawed how they are deployed, which is a pleasant surprise among the winter.

In the city of Rhododendrons, we grow in our room - right under the windows. Often, to understand what the weather is in the yard, I throw a look at the evergreen Rhododendron Catabinsky. If the leaves are rolled into the tube - you need to dress with warmer. If they are completely deployed - it means the temperature plus four or higher, and you can pour in a leather jacket.

So that you know.

Rodododendron ( Rhododendron.) it belongs to the family of heers and includes about 1300 types of shrubs and small trees. Rhododendrons are common worldwide, but the greatest number of their species grows in the subtropics and the tropics of Asia. Especially rich in Rhododendron China and Japan. For example, in all over North America there are about thirty species, and in a relatively small Japan - sixty. About China, and there is nothing to say - there are more than two hundred.

There are about 20 species of rhododendrons in Russia. But in the flat part of the country they are not at all. They are focused mainly on the mountain belt of the south: from the Caucasus in the West to Sikhote-Alin in the East.

Interestingly, according to modern Botanical views, the rod of the rod (Ledum) is combined with Rhododendron. And now the Bolotnaya Harbor received a new name - Rhododendron Bolotnaya. So the average strip of Russia, therefore, also acquired his wild rhododendron.

Typical signs of rhododendrons are simple ellipses, lanceal, leaves focused in beams at the ends of the shoots. Flowers at Rhododendrons are collected in multi-flowering inflorescences of various colors, assembled into dense multi-scale inflorescences. In their palette there are pink, purple, red, yellow and white colors And, of course, their various shades.

It is believed that the number of varietal rhododendrons has long exceeded 20000, and comes annually, with ever-increasing intensity. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of varieties are at the heart of thermal-loving species, and not enough frost resistant.

At the same time, in contrast to roses, species rhododendrons are not at all inferior in attractiveness to varieties. And for the middle strip of Russia they have more important, rather than grade.

They will not disappear with them.

It has been established that in one degree or another, the average strip of Russia is suitable for about 40 species of rhododendrons. As for varieties, this question remains open, as it requires careful and comprehensive study. Surgery, notice, must be concrete, that is, the cultivars must be experienced not only in different regionsBut on different soils, with different moisture and illumination. In the meantime, only species rhododendons, which, by the way, are not inferior to varietal plants in the mass of their decorativeness.

That's just a part of the possible settlers. Seventeen the most winter-hard and unpretentious species rhododendrons recommended for amateur gardening in non-black earth.

( R.. vaseyi.) - leafy shrub, in culture usually no more than a meter high. Northern Carolina USA. Fully winter articles, although floral kidneys are sensitive to spring return freezers. Because of this, it is better to manage where the soil is thawing in the spring and warms it later. Flowers are funnel-shaped, light pink with brown-red spectacles. Flowers to dissolve leaves. The soil should be wet, but permeable.

Rhododendron Daursky (R.. dahuricum.) - Fall, but sometimes part of the leaves at the top remains wintering on the plant. The usual height of the bush is about 70-90cm. Ophid-elliptical leaves 5 × 2 cm. Lilac-pink flowers, widespread-funnels. It blooms early in the spring in a noiseless state of about crescent.

It grows well on ordinary garden soil, if you add a riding peat. In nature, this species is widespread south of Eastern Siberia and in the Far East. It is he who is most often called the "Bag Number".

Rhododendron Yellow (R.. lUTEUM.) - leaf fall, spreaded shrub height 70-90cm. Growing in the Caucasus and on the Carpathians. One of the most reliable and unpretentious rhododendrons. It grows well in the light, on ordinary weakness and neutral soils with the addition of peat or peers. Golden flowers are yellow, with a pleasant aroma. Flowers in the spring at the same time with the blooming of the leaves.

Golden Rhododendron ( R.. aureum.) - evergreen, 0.3-0.5 m high, in width to 60-100 cm. Speed \u200b\u200bsouth of Siberia from Altai to Kamchatka. Grows in the mountains, in the upper part of the forest belt and above. Elliptical leaves, leather length 3-7cm. Flowers in May-June. Flowers light yellow or golden. Fully winter art. Slightly, prefers acidic, wet peat soils. Is a medicinal plant. The leaves are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, insomnia, angina, female diseases, etc.

Rhododendron Caucasian ( R.. caucasicum.) - Evergreen, height 60-90cm, leather leather, glossy, very attractive. Flowers of funnel-shaped, creamy-white with green specks in Zea. In nature, it grows at altitudes from 1600 to 3000 m above U.M., where the climate is very severe, therefore in the middle lane of Russia fully artistic.

Grows slowly. Seedlings bloom at the age of 6-8 years. Lightweight. Good grows on wet and acidic soils.

Rhododendron Kamchatsky (R.. camtchaticum.) - leaf foll shrubs tall up to 30cm. Fall-made leaves, sometimes almost round, 2-5 cm long. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5-5 cm, widely widespread, reddish-lilac or pinkish, are collected in inflorescences of 1-3pcs. Flowers in June-July more than 20 days.

In nature, it is found in the Far East on sea coasts from Japan in the south, to Chukotka and Alaska in the north. Wintering facilities, moisthed, lightly. Prefers wet, but drained soils with a weakly acidic or neutral reaction.

Rhododendron Canadian (R.. canadense) - leaf foll height 60-80cm. Flowers with a diameter of 3-4cm, purple-purple, sometimes white, with narrow, fancy curled petals. It blooms in April-May in a light-free state for 20-25 days.

Motherland - Northeast of North America, where he grows on sphagnum swamps and in raw forests. Fully winter articles, lightweight. Prefers wet sour soil With the addition of peat. It is among the top ten most unpretentious species recommended for the middle strip of Russia.

Rhododendron Catabinsky (R.. catawBiense.) - Evergreen shrub tall of about 1 (sometimes up to2) m. Motherland - North America. Leaves Elliptic length 6-12cm, leathery, shiny. Flowers are reddish-lilac or purple with a diameter of about 5 cm, are collected into dense multi-scale inflorescences of 15-20 pieces. Flowers in May-June about a month.

Due to its unpretentiousness is the most popular of evergreen rhododendrons. Winter articles, although flower kidneys are often damaged. Carry out open Sun.But it is better grows in a scattered or side fellow. Prefers acidic, wet peat soils. It has many varieties, including hybrid, from crossing with other evergreen species of rhododendrons.

Rhododendron short-forth (R.. brachycarpum) - Evergreen shrub height 150-200cm with a thick ballflower. Leaves are large length 8-20 cm, also elliptical, leathery. Cream-white flowers with a pinkish tan, wide-funnel-shaped, diameter 4-5 cm, are collected in tight-shaped inflorescences of 12-20 cover. Flowers in June-July 15-20 days.

Motherland - Korea, Japan, occurs on the Kuril Islands. It is among the ten most winter-hard-resistant evergreen rhododendrons. Slightly, but it grows well from the northern side of the buildings and in the mesh half. Thanks to a dense decorative crown, attractive from early spring and to the most frosts. It is suitable even for public gardening. Particularly desirable for landscaping yards, where it can be the first truly evergreen shrub. With his presence, he revives the flower-shrub compositions, brings the unusual Russian subtropical flavor.

Lightweight, well-drained, rich in humus, sour squeezed soils.

Rhododendron Kochi (R.. kotschyi.) - evergreen, splashing shrub height 20-40cm. The leaves are elliptical small shiny, 1-2 cm long, with width to 1 cm. Dark pink flowers, less often white, funnel-shaped, diameter up to 2 cm, in inflorescences 2-7 pieces. Flowers in May more than two weeks.

Motherland - Balkan Peninsula, Carpathians, where it grows at altitudes from 1500 to 2500 m above U.M. Winter articles, light-see, prefers wet, but drained the weakly acidic peat-eyed soil.

Rhododendron largest (R.. maximum) - A large evergreen shrub, in nature reaches a 10-meter height, but in culture usually not higher than 2m. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, or inversely-shaped, leather-length 10-30 cm. Flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm, pink or white, funnel-shaped with orange specks in Zeva, are collected in tight inflorescences of 15-25 pieces. Flowers in June-July to 20 days.

Motherland - North America. Fully winter articles in the middle lane of Russia. It is recommended not only for private gardens, but also for public gardening. Lightweight, prefers rich humus, loose weakly acidic soil.

Rhododendron Larbura. ( R.. ledebourii.) - Half-impasshesthelete gustanic bush tall 60-90cm. Motherland - South Western Siberia - Sayan, Altai, Mongolia. Elliptic leaves, leathery 1-3cm long. Part of the leaves winter on the bustle and falls out with the growth of young leaves in May. Flowers pinkish-purple diameter 3-4cm. It blooms very abundantly in May 15-20 days.

Fully winter films in the middle strip. Sunconium. It grows well on the weakly acid and acidic squeezers with an admixture of peat.

Rhododendron Pozponnae ( R.. mucronulatum) - Leaf Fall or semi-elder shrub height 90-160cm. Lancel leaves, 4-8 cm long, to 2 cm long, leathery, are covered with brown glands, on the top often narrowed in a short spiny. Filaments of lilac-pink, less often white, solar meters, diameter about 3 cm, pleasantly smelling. It blooms abundantly in April-May until the deployment of young leaves, about two weeks.

Motherland - Russian Primorye, Japan, Korea, Northeast China.

Winter articles in the middle lane of Russia, but flower kidneys can be damaged. Lightweight. Soil loves weakly acidic, rich in humus, wet, but well-drained.

Rhododendron Sometini ( R.. sichotense.) - Half-high branching shrub 50-90cm high. Motherland - Sikhote-Alin Ridge with an adjacent sea coast. Elliptical leaves up to 3.5 cm long and 2 cm wide, brown-green top, the bottom is brighter with ferrous hairs. Purple-pink flowers, funnel-shaped diameter up to 4.5 cm. Flowers in May for 15 days. Winter articles, but flower kidneys can be damaged. Lightweight. Prefers weakness, wet soils with a large content of organics.

Rhododendron Smirnova (R.. smirNowii.) - evergreen widewide shrub tall up to 100-120 cm. Ellipseed leaves, leathery, 7-15 cm long, leather, shiny, white-felt-felt.

Flowers of a pleasant purple-pink shade, the bell-tested diameter up to 6cm, are collected into dense inflorescences of 10-12 pieces. It blooms abundantly since the end of May, about three weeks.

Complete winter art. Lightweight. Prefers wet, but drained acidic peat soils.

Rhododendron Shlippenbach (R.. schlippenbachii.) - leafy shrub height 120-150cm. Leaves back-ovoid, rather wide for rhododendrons, up to 10 cm long, with width to 7cm. Flowers bells, wide open, light pink with purple scrap, diameter 5-8cm, in inflorescences of 3-6 pieces. It blooms about a month, very plentiful, simultaneously with the development of young leaves.

Motherland - Russian Far East, Northeast China, Korea, Japan. Winter articles, but flower kidneys sometimes frozen. Slightly, but grows well in a light half. Prefers wet, weakness, containing soil peat.

Rhododendron Japanese (R.. japonicum) - Listful height 70-90cm. Right from the Japanese islands, where it grows on the solar slopes of the mountains, at altitudes up to 2000 above U.M. Leaves lanceal length up to 9-10 cm and width up to 3-4cm. Flowers of the funnel-shaped-bell-cut diameter 6-8cm, most often orange-red, sometimes yellow, salmon, brick-red, with a pleasant strong aroma. Flowers in May, simultaneously with the dissolution of young leaves, within 25 days.

Perhaps this is the same Rhododendron, which a beginner should invite the first to his parisader. After all, we have no no one disappointed in the middle lane. It blooms unusually bright and abundantly, unusually large red-orange flower flower is so bright that it is curious even in the most distant people from gardening.

At the same time, he is unpretentious, and it grows well on ordinary wet garden soils, in which a riding peat is added.

The most important thing.

Rose although it has thousands of varieties, but in the sense of preferences is the same appearance, with quite understandable and rather standard character. Rhododendrons have much more diverse requirements for growing conditions. For them, it is impossible to choose universal conditions in which any kind and variety would be equally well. But there is, after all, something that the majority of rhododendrons relate, including almost all suitable for cultivation in the middle strip of Russia.

Most rhododendrons do not like or even tolerate dryness. Moreover, it is equally concerned and the soil and atmosphere. An ideal weather for them is a cloudy, but a warm day with intermittent rains, when the soil ispacked moisture, the leaves of the plants are covered with a wet film, and water drops, not evaporated, will hang on shoots.

In the hot dry years, which we are not uncommon, Rhododendrons need frequent watering. If you throw everything on a sampling, then for part of rhododendrons, the extreme drought may result in the deploy.

The soil Rhododendrons also prefer not quite such, on which they are taken to grow potatoes and grain. In the usual understanding, it is not soil at all, but a moisture, porous substrate from sand, clay, residues of needles, peat, rotten stumps and bark.

To fully satisfy the needs of rhododendrons in nutrition, you should always have an acidic riding peat, sand, heather, coniferous ope. To those who, in addition to Rhododendrons, want to tame such cultures like blueberries, heather, a richness, cranberries, a lingonberry .. It is also helpful to learn how to prepare the heather compost, which is advisable to systematically contribute to these plants.

In a notebook.

Heather earthupper layer Forest beds with a thickness of 10-20 cm, including part of the root soil, from the old pine or fir forest, in the lower yarus of which are growing such species as a lingonberry, heather, a richness, blueberry, cranberries, blueberries, and the like. Heathy land is useful to undermine all heather rhododendrons, but constantly, imitating this process of fertilizer of heers in nature coniferous opeglad. The heatherland has a sour reaction, rich in organica and populated by the mycodes of useful mushrooms, as a rule of simplest.

Coniferous opd- the upper, organic component of the heather Earth, including both fully decomposed a mustache and recently fallen cheerleep. The coniferous opead is loose and scores the soil.

Heath compost- preparing from herassk land, coniferous cap, pine, firing or larch bark, rotu-stumps, sphagnum, upper peat, sand, small coniferous twigs, leaves forest trees etc. These components of layers are laid somewhere in a shady damp lowland, in a wide bourge height 50-70cm. The top of the boot, for the delay of precipitation form a trough. Compost is stored for several years until a complete decomposition of the bust and bark, that is, until it turns into a homogeneous rash mass.

Choosing a place. Illumination is chosen individually for each specific species and variety. In general, leaf falling rhododendrons of more solularies, and evergreen prefer a scattered or non-permanent half. So that the soil did not slow down much, should not be distinguished under the rhododendrons the slopes. Substate, of these same considerations, it is better drumming than sandy. It should also be remembered that most rhododendrons do not like drying winds, so the landing site should be protected.

Preparation of soil. There is no soil to which everyone would agree without excluding Rhododendrons. Still, most of them love presence in the soil of peat. You are not mistaken if you pour on existing soil The half-meter layer of the rigoric peat and well all this shifts by 50-60cm in depth. This is 80% will ensure the well-being of Rhododendrons.

To please all the hundred, it is necessary to populate the soil of microcopic mushrooms with which the heers are in mutually beneficial symbiosis. Mushroom organisms help heather to extract and process the nutrients they need from unsuitable for other plants of acid substrates. To put the necessary mycorrhiza, it is necessary to add to the soil "Zakvask" - coniferous or heather soil, - the upper (10 -15cm layer) part of the forest litter, taken in the old pine forest, in the lower tier of which there are such species as heather, a row, a lingonberry.

The soil substrate can be created and separately, mixing the riding peat, squeezing ground, sand and heather soil in the 4: 1: 1: 1 or 4: 1: 1: 1 ratio.

Landing and transplantation. Rhododendrons are usually well transferring a transplant, but provided that the soil is cooked correctly and constantly moisturizing. In the rain period, you can take a chance to transplant a bush with a room of land, even among the summer. Of course, the seedling in the container does not at all in the expense. With naked roots and without a coma Rhododendron, it is better to transfer a transplant in the fall, when a significant longer spring for this period is more favorable.

Care. All temples (to this group, except Rhododendron, such garden crops as blueberries, cranberries, lingonberry, boiled, heather, a richness, etc.) have its own specific preferences, based on which they should be grown separately from other plants. In addition to the fungal mycorrzemes you need, they have surface roots, so they do not suffer steps. Feelable Rhododendrons It is advisable to mulch by mulching, regularly adding into its fitting riding peat, heather ground, pine or spruce cheeu, crushed bark and wood sawdust of coniferous rocks. To do this, it makes sense to constantly bring the coniferous earth from the forest, the coniferous opead, prepare the heath compost from the above recipe. These components are appropriately alternately 3-4 times during the season in small doses to be added under Rhododendrons. Then the substrate will constantly increase the substrate, and Rhododendrons will have everything necessary for prosperity. In essence, the same, only much slower, occurs in nature as a result of natural processes.

It's only begining.

The one who saw the blooming Rhododendron can no longer get rid of the desire to have this shrub in his paralisian. In my opinion, none of decorative plantsnot able to give so much positive emotions. In our garden, approximately 15 different rhododendrons bloom regularly. But we have been tested just over twenty varieties and types of shrubs. It seems quite a few, but we plan to expand our collection in the future three times.

Personally, I am particularly presented to the evergreen rhododendrons with large thick-skinned elliptic leaves, such as Rhododendrons of the Cathiavbinsky, Caucasian, short-flowing, largest, etc. Winter leaves of this size (and they often reach the length of 15-20 cm) of the middle band of Russia are not peculiar, therefore, the subtropical flavor gives the parisader.

No less charm is present in our Siberian Rhododendons - richly blooming riffan in early spring Flowers of pink and light purple shades. They are also good Rhododendrons with small as a lingonberry evergreen leaves, they can be cut, giving Krone a pillow shape.

In general, Rhododendrons are a whole world.

Rhododendron is a high-tech shrub, which refers to the heather family. There are a large number of varieties and varieties of this plant. In nature, Rhododendron can be found in the form of a shrub and tree. Rhododendron: landing and care requires special attention from gardener.

The height of the Rhododendron depends on its type and variety. So cultures with high decorativeness are distinguished by the form of the sheet. I highlight 26 species that are distributed into three groups.

Table 1 - Groups and types of rhododendrons

GroupsDescription GroupSort name
EvergreenThese are shrubs that do not dump the leaves even in winter. The foliage has a dark green color. Flowers are large, have a varied color. Grow mainly on a well-drained, enriched peat, soil.Rhododendron Dauri is an evergreen bush, which reaches a height of 2-4 m. Leaves - glossy, small size. Flowers - large, diameter does not exceed 4 cm, mainly purple color. Blossom continues for a month. Perfectly multiplied with cuttings.
Rhododendron Adams - winter-resistant, evergreen bush with an empty crown. Leaves - green, egg-shaped. Flowers are small, in one inflorescence no more than 15 pcs.
Rhododendron Caucasian - Low, evergreen shrub. The leaves are dark green, have an oblong shape.
DeciduousThis is a shrub dropping foliage before the winter onset. During the flowering period, the bush is completely decorated with flowers.Rhododendron Canadian - shrub with thick branches, diameter up to 1 m. Blooms in the first half of May, flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm bright lilac color, sometimes occur white. In one year it grows by 15 cm.
Rhododendron Kamchatsky is a dwarf shrub in a height of not more than 0.3 m. Begins to bloom in the first half of June, flowers - large form, have a raspberry color. It is able to withstand temperatures up to -27 degrees. Prefers wet, well-lit plots.
Rhododendron yellow is a leaf-old bush, height reaches 2 m. It has small bright yellow flowers. Leaves stretched, green color. Yellow Azalea blooms in early May.
HybridThese are derived by breeder breeders of rhododendrons when crossing different types."Azurwall" is a hybrid, evergreen Rhododendron. The height reaching up to 1 m. The diameter of the crown is 1.5 m. Flowers of blue, sometimes purple. Leaves oblong up to 3 cm long and 1 cm wide, have a dark green color.
"Berry Rose" - a hybrid, leafy shrub, reaching a height of up to 1.5-2 m. The leaves are green up to 5 cm long, up to 3 cm wide. Blooms in the second half of May and blooms to the third decade of July. Flowers - pink shade, diameter up to 8 cm.
Blue Tit - hybrid, evergreen shrub, height up to 1 m. It has a rounded crown, a diameter of up to 1.5 m. The leaves of a rounded shape, a bluish-green shade. Blooms in the first half of May. Flowers of a lavender-blue shade, a diameter of 3.5 cm. The variety is resistant to low temperatures.

Nuances of growing plants

A place for landing Rhododendron should be on the hill so that the roots are not formed water. Azalea does not tolerate drafts and burning sun rays. From the northern side, the plant must be protected from cold gusts of the wind, and in spring period From the scorching sun. therefore good place For landing is the northeast or northern side of the fence, buildings.

Coniferous plants will become best neighbors For Rhododendron. And there will be plants with the roots of the surface type: Iva, Maple, Lipa.

Shrubs will not grow on alkaline or normal soil. It should be acidic with a large layer of humus, without lime, and to skip oxygen.


Rhododendrons: landing and care in the open soil require special attention from the gardener. So before planting it is necessary to prepare material for growing. Best soil For a flower is a mixture of peat and clay in equal proportions.

The order of landing Rhododendron:

  • a pit is digging, a depth of 0.4 m and a width of up to 0.6 m;
  • the drainage layer of sand and pebbles with a height of 0.15 m are laid at the bottom;
  • then they fall asleep with a mixture of peat (most) and loam;
  • the soil is tamped and make a hole for a nuclear mosquito rhododendron;
  • the roots of the seedling are lowered into the pit and fall asleep soil. The root neck must be on a par with the surface of the Earth;
  • after landing, the bush is abundantly watered with cold water;
  • from above mulch straw, moss, recoverable cupins.

To make the plant better, a few minutes before the landing, the seedling is soaked in a bucket with water. And they keep in it until air bubbles disappear from the surface of the water.

How to care for rhododendron

Rhododendron flower requires regular watering, weed removal, fertilizer for season and pest treatment.

The plant has a surface root system. Therefore, during loosening of the soil around the bush, a person must be very careful. The removal of weeds must be carried out only manually, and it is prohibited from pumping the land under the plant.

Shrub does not like strong overwhelming, but daily requires spraying and watering water.

Before boarding the selected place, the gardener needs to make sure that groundwater Do not fit close to the soil surface. Otherwise, the roots of the plant will mash in moisture and simply rotate.

Water for watering should be slightly acidified, for this, 3 parts of a sphagnum peat (at least half a day) are added to the bucket with rain, spring, stretching water.

The flower requires constant fertilizer:

  • in the spring period, rhododendron watered nitrogen-containing fertilizers (per 1 cubic meters. Earth is added 50 g of ammonium);
  • in July, quantity nitrogen subcord reduce up to 20 g;
  • after 2 years, the top layer of the soil is updated. To do this, mix the peat with humus and sprinkle around Rhododendron.

You can fertilize only well polished plants.

Flower breeding methods

In garden conditions, breeding rhododendron occurs in several methods:

  • seed landing;
  • pavement;
  • capture of messengers.

The most time-consuming process is the reproduction of the plant by seeds. First of the assembled planting material Dry and healthy seeds are selected, then they are sowed in a container with a peat with sand peat. On top of the boxes are covered with polyethylene or glass.

Reproduction with cuttings also requires certain efforts. For this, the bush is cut off the widespread escape, then cut it on a twig of 0.1 m long. Then they plant in a peat mixture and are covered as well as in the case of seeds. The cuttings are rooted for 3-4 months, then they are transplanted into a separate container, then put into the room with a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. In the open soil planted in the spring.

For reproduction with the help of messengers, the lower branch of the bush is flex to the soil and bury the depth of 0.12 m. Behind this part, the bush is careful in the same way, as the adult plant is watered, sprayed.

Protection against diseases and pests

A beautiful and majestic shrub under its crown collects many insects. Thick shadow and humidity especially prefer different types Snails, slug. Therefore, the inspection of the bush should be carried out daily and collect mollusks only with their hands.

To avoid the spread of ticks, bedbugs, the plants are treated with a "carbofos".

In case of non-compliance with the scrupion and absence of a drainage layer under the root, the plant may become infected with a fungal disease. Bordeaux liquid is used as a prophylactic agent.

Rhododendron in Landscape Design

To enjoy beautiful flowers Rhododendron for a long time, you can plant a plant in groups with different time flowering. The best place For landing there will be a plot next to the fountain, artificial pond. Such reservoirs are able to increase the humidity around the bush, and the gardener does not have to constantly spray it.

Good neighbors will be a lingonberry, blueberry or other fans of acidic soil for him.

Rhododendron is for gardeners who love beauty and those who wish to constantly care for plants. Only those who have the conditions on the site can not take care of the plant fully comply with the requirements of this beautiful flowering bush.