Care for juniper in spring. Right care for juniper

Now it has become popular to grow evergreen trees on their homeland. They not only adorn the courtyard and in summer, and in winter, but also create some comfort on the preservation area. The main time during juniper care is its preparation for wintering. When performing some recommendations, the shrub successfully pumps and spring will cast a saturated greens, and not a yellow-brown tint.

Features of the care of juniper in the fall and in preparation for winter - general advice and recommendations

Juniper does not have a capricious temper. But if you do not fulfill certain rules, then a beautiful plant can circle, it will cease to have a decorative look, turn into a wilder.

  1. Watering - Shrub practically does not require watering. If a hot end of summer was issued, smoothly passing into velvet autumn, then water irrigation should be carried out no more than 1 time in 2 weeks. In the case of rainy and cool summer, an additional watering is not required.
  2. Spraying - The only moment to which the juniper favors. The event is better to hold before the appearance of the first morning hours or after sunset. It is necessary that bright rays do not burn tender twigs.
  3. Fertilizers - The feeders are made predominantly in the spring. But if the bush is lagging behind in growth or does not add young slips at all, you need to make mineral fertilizers in the form of nitroamophos. But not more often than 1 time in 4 weeks.
  4. Trimming - If the juniper sat down specifically in decorative purposes and its crown is constantly forming, then in the autumn period, the forming trimming is carried out. In addition, regardless of whether the shape of a shrub or juniper is growing a natural crown, the removal of unnecessary branches is required. All dry, broken or damaged branches are cut.
  5. Shelter for winter - In most cases, additional shelter is not required, juniper perfectly transfers even a strong decrease in the temperature regime. The only moment so that the bush does not break the branches, they are flexing to the trunk and tied with twine.

Attention!Juniper practically does not require much care. The main thing is to follow the overall state of the shrub. If the plant cares and looks like unhealthy, you need to look for the cause in improper care, including when preparing for winter.

Trimming juniper in autumn

Perform the first trimming can be performed only 2-3 years after disembarking into open ground. This period will allow the young plant to strengthen, increase the mass. After this time, you can start forming a crown on the planned image.

Video: Crucification of the juniper Cossack autumn or spring

When to crop juniper - in autumn or spring

Juniper can be trimmed both in the spring months and before the first winter decline in temperature. In the fall, it is recommended to remove the unnecessary juniper outwards not earlier than September-October. But should not be tightened to the first frosts.

Important!The minimum temperature for trimming juniper in the fall - +4 C.

Lower degrees of air adversely affect the healing of fresh cuts - they are not delayed and are a gorgeous option for wintering pests and diseases.

Timing trimming of juniper in autumn and spring

Spring trimming is held in the early middle of April, and the autumn trimming of juniper - in September, until the end of October.

How to cut juniper in the fall

Event requires only clean, fulfilled and disinfected tools.

The bush per year adds no more than 10 cm. Therefore, it is necessary to cut no more than 15-20% of the mass, which has grown over the past period.

Do you need to study only in protective gloves. Juniper poisonThe slice allocates juice that can burn the skin of the hands.

Pruning should be carried out according to the rules - better less than more. If the pruning produced led to a rapid removal of growth kidneys, the shrub can stop its growth completely.

  1. It is necessary to cut in such a way that the slope was 45 degrees on the kidney.
  2. If you cut down lower than required, the wound on the tree will overcome long. It will provoke incorrect kidney growth - it can give either a small increase, or completely outrene (dried).
  3. If the escape looks up, then it is cut to the ultimate kidney, which looks away from the center of the plant (outer kidney). In the case of a lowered branch, trimming is produced, on the contrary, on the inner kidney.
  4. Removing the branches, you should leave a small pasteen - no more than 2 cm. It will block the upper kidney from the dying fabrics, giving it the opportunity, start growing.

Feeding and fertilizer juniper after autumn trimming

Important!After trimming the juniper in the fall, it is necessary to control its condition. It is recommended to make special mineral fertilizers. It is best for lifting immunity, adaptogens stimulants are suitable. They activate the growth of the root system and strengthen the tree as a whole.

High-quality trimming will form not only a beautiful decorative garden decoration, but also a healthy plant with high immunity and without pests.

Video: How to cut juniper top with autumn or spring

How to keep juniper in winter: features and ways to save

Juniper is enough frostons, it can not be covered for the winter. But if the bush is specifically formed, then under the layer of snow, educated figures can connect - the branches are molded, bowed under the mass of white bedspread.

Note! Young age up to 3 years is also subject to shelter. It is not recommended to overcore. Better to hang up a snowflake snowflake.

Some types of plants may have increased sensitivity to temperature differences in spring periods. Warm weather and a sharp decrease in air degrees adversely affect the color shade of the plant.

The color of the twigs of the juniper when exposed to cold air becomes a brown shade with a yellow tint. This speaks of filling the branch, which respectively affects the loss of decorative form given for a long period.

For these purposes, a bush is covered in the last autumn numbers. For the shelter of juniper for the winter, the following methods are used:

  1. Snow - The best way of shelter. When the snowfall tied with ropes, the design must be fascinated by a snow rod. The latter should be crumbly, in no case cannot be injured branches and trunk.
  2. Pine needles - If the plant is miniature, it can be completely covered with a valected pap. In case the village is large, the laps are tied up to the branches.
  3. Burlap or nonwoven material (agrofluoro) - The material turns the entire crown so that the bottom of the tree remains open. Cleaning the film can not be - forbid all the branches, the shrub can get sick.
  4. Used screen - It is installed on the other side where the most sunshine. Reflecting from him, the rays will warm the crown.

Young cuttings close just in this way or, if there is an opportunity, are entered into greenhouse conditions. In the regions where the minus temperature drops to -300 C and more, the juniper must be insulated with the most dense material in two layers at first pots, and then the top of the crown.

Video: Preparation and shelter juniper on winter

What features for the preparation of juniper to winter in different regions

In the Volga region, juniper often suffer from sunburn. They are not so terrous in this region, like a bright sun in the first days of spring. For this purpose, the plant is subject to shelter at the end of autumn.

Any material that can be found at hand is taken to cover: Old burlap, cotton fabric, tulle, insect grid. The selected material is attached to the branches of the tree, turning it in a circle. It is not necessary to squeeze tightly, it is necessary that the plant breathe. From above, you should wind the rope so that the shelter does not fly.

By the way!Large trees are somewhat harder to stream. But this must be done at least from the side where the most sunshine. Otherwise, a separate section of the crown can be lost.

In the suburbs, as well as in Siberia and in the Urals Juniper winter is good. Before strong minus temperatures, it is necessary to pull all the branches with a rope. If this is not done, you can lose part of the branches due to severe severity under snow snowdrifts.

In these regions, a large amount of snow falls, and as is known, white passion is the best observer material. If the shrub is small, then it can be buried under a large snowdrift of snow, thus taking a special volume on the plant.

In the spring, the natural covering material will independently melt, and the roots absorb all moisture after a long winter.

Thus, in winter it is worth covering juniper if the seedlings are still very small. In addition, it is recommended to use shelter in the regions with a small amount of falling snow and penetrating winds.

Typical juggles of juniper in the fall and in preparation for winter

Important!To grow juniper, it is necessary to make a lot of effort, but even more you need to patience and control over the state of the plant, in order not to make mistakes on the autumn and when preparing for winter.

Gardeners are constantly complemented by a list of errors. If trying to prevent these incops, the plant will grow healthy and strong:

  1. Wrong, excessively abundant irrigation juniper - Frequent irrigation of the plant leads to soil fearing. This process affects the health of the root system, it begins to make sure that it negatively affects the whole tree.
  2. Making nitrogen fertilizer at the end of autumn - The feeder should be done no later than the end of September. It is necessary that all nutrients have absorbed the root system, but did not have time to host the wood until the moment of waste on peace. Otherwise, the feeding of nitrogen provokes the activation of young growth, which leads to the freezing of the part of the shrub crown.
  3. Wrong cropping leads to a stop of the growth and development of the village.
  4. The shelter of juniper for the winter of polyethylene - If it is decided to stream, then it is better than a burlap or dense paper layer. Kleenka contributes to the formation within the condensate space, which provokes the increased humidity and the acquisition of fungal disease.
  5. In no case it is impossible to feed juniper chicken litter or a cow. Such fertilizer will adversely affect the plant, predetermining his death.
  6. Cuts can not be scented with garden wrair, Slices must independently delay.

To get a beautiful juniper tree, you should perform simple rules for caring for it in the fall and when preparing for winter. Otherwise, a wild bush can be obtained from the plant.

Having bought juniper in the fall, many doubt if it is possible to plant it for the winter? Until November, you can safely fit it into open soil, provided that your seedling has a good root system. The rooting process will end early in spring. In general, it is better to plant in the spring, especially if it is a small copy, so that it can grow to the onset of winter. Landing juniper in the fall is no different from the planting in the spring. How to plant juniper, we have already talked in the article "Juniper, its landing and care". The seedling planted in the fall can be good, and in the spring to die. So you either injured the root system, or broke the earthen kom and the roots of the spring were dried. Hutting conifers in the garden, consider what they will be in 5-10 years. Conifers grow slowly, especially the first three years, but still, do not satisfy them very close from each other.

Autumn feeding juniper

Winter - a period of rest. You can fall in the fall of juniper to feed special fertilizers for conifers. But first, mandatory stirring with water, then make granules, bragging and spilled again. You can simply feed the potassium, as it helps the plant correctly go into the hibernation.

Burn Coffee

The burns of the needle occur from the fact that the roots do not "work" in the cold soil and the plant does not receive the desired amount of moisture, but the spring sun rays, and simply spring air makes evaporate the moisture that was stored in the plants thanks to the snow or undercover material.

When the plant is released from snow or underfloor material, it is very quickly losing moisture and dry out. And, if you do not heal, the plant may die, so do not remove the corresponding devices and it would be nice to spray the plant with water. You can shoot or remove protective materials, approximately when the kidneys will be sorted in coniferous plants growing in free nature (orient to them). Juniper respond very well to sanitation. In the spring, after the inner trimming and cleaning of the needles, they begin to restore their chevy and form sprigs from the woken kidneys.

The shelter of juniper for the winter

Juniper in winter, as a rule, do not freeze even at low temperatures and even in Siberia and especially in the suburbs. Prepare for winter them must be in advance. Very often ask such questions as planted juniper, when it is better to plant, whether to strengthen the winter and how to cover it right.

As a guide to action, accept the fact that all small seedlings in the first three years need to be close. But do not wrap too much. It will be enough to cover it with a snack. Too wrapped juniper will be bad to winter.

In order for your early spring, your conifers do not burned in the sun, as a result of which the needles turn yellow, in the late autumn, cover their gauze in two layers. Spunbond is too much accumulating warm, especially in late January and early February, when the earth is still murzable, and the sun is quite strong and long. Spunbond takes a lot of heat, but gives little. As a result, the plant suffers from overheating. Marley is deprived of this shortage. But the top does not need to cover the juniper to breathe in his shelter. You can close with special shadow screens from the sun. If still a needle of yellow, but the kidneys remained alive, then the young needles will gradually cover the burned place. But if the kidneys died, the branches must be cut off to healthy wood and smear the cuts of the garden harr. A good result gives spraying covers in spring microfertres. Types such as Cossack Juniper and Chinese are not burning in the sun and frost-resistant.

It was in the first three years of his life that the conifers are formed frost-resistant qualities. With age, the frost resistance is only rising.
In winter, Krona Juniper can break down under the severity of snow, and individual twigs even break. Therefore, vertical forms (such as juniper rock) Do not forget to bind to the winter for the winter so that the winter snow does not break the branches. For horizontal species, this is not necessary. As a rule, careful preparation for winter gives good results.

Use in landscape design juniper different varieties and shapes. They are incredibly decorative, and not only in the summer, but also under the hat, they look no less attractive. It is not difficult to plan and grow them.

Landing and care for juniper in the open ground is subject to even novice gardeners. This unpretentious coniferous plant can become a real landscape decoration. It forms a beautiful, elongated crown and is well suited for creating alive hedges and unusual bushes. In this material we will deal with how to grow juniper on your summer cottage and care for him at different times of the year.

When to plant juniper in outdoor ground

After buying the seedlings you liked the variety, you should decide when to plant a juniper into an open ground:

  • Sorts with an open root system can be planted only in spring, after a complete space of snow. The most successful period for this is April and the beginning of May. It is at this time that the seedlings are best adapted to weather conditions and take root in a new place.
  • Juniper with a closed root system can be placed in the open soil in spring or autumn, but no later than November so that the plant does not die and manage to adapt.

In addition to beauty and durability, the juniper has therapeutic properties. Its essential oils eliminate air from microbes and impurities, fill the garden with a pleasant coniferous aroma

Landing juniper is usually produced in spring time when the climate is warm enough and wet for proper adaptation of seedlings. In summer it is not recommended to plant because of the bright sun and heat, in the fall - due to the proximity of the cold

What is needed when landing

Landing the juniper in the open soil does not cause big difficulties at the gardeners, but also need to be done with the mind. In order for the plant to actively grow and formed a beautiful crown, it is required to plant it in a suitable primer and organize the right watering.

An important stage is the choice of a suitable variety and type of seedlings. All garden juniper are divided into tree and squat. The first form grows up and forms a cone shape, like other coniferous plants. The second form strives for the ground and scatters the branches of the sheer. It is customary to use for the design of flower, garden tracks and lungs.

Juniper seedlings are better acquired in a pot, as the root drying can lead to the death of the plant. It is removed from the pot only before the planting process.

An important point is the choice of place and location of future plantations. Juniper seedlings are usually located at a distance of 0.5 - 2 meters from each other.

The decent depends on the landscape decision and shrub variety.

From juniper on the plot you can make a coniferous alternating fence - for this plant you need to land in a small distance from each other. At the same time, it is worth choosing such shrubs, so that they have a similar shape, diameter and growth line

Preparation of soil

Juniper prefer a loamy or sampling soil, which contains a sufficient amount of moisture and mineral elements. In our country, few summer cottages have the appropriate composition of the soil for conifers, so gardeners are recommended for seedlings to mix ground in the landing.

Good composition of land for landing juniper in proportions:

  • 2 pieces of garden land
  • 2 pieces of conifer soil (humid plants with needles and roots)
  • 2 parts of peat soil
  • 1 part of sand

Before boarding, you need to provide drainage for seedlings, falling asleep in the pit a little sand or crushed brick. Stagnation of water is destroyed for coniferous plants, so it must be given a special place when landing. You should also take care of the protection of roots from fungus and pests. To do this, special antimicrobial and antifungal compositions are added to the ground.

Juniper need to plant in the ground very carefully so as not to damage the root system of a young seedling. At the same time, you should take care that during the root process did not have time to dry in the sun

The sizes of the pit under the landing of juniper depend on the dimensions of the root system of the adult plant. For example, for large types of shrubs, you will need to dull a pit for at least 0.5x1 m


So that juniper seedlings have taken root, while landing is worth using fertilizers that will help enrich the soil with useful substances and keep the roots of the plant. It is also desirable to add 150 g of Kemira-Universal and 300 g of nitroposka to the mixture, as well as epin after landing for each seedling.

Finished fertilizers for juniper can be purchased in garden shops.

Their compositions are specifically selected for the cultivation of coniferous plants in the country area. They have the necessary stock of trace elements and minerals.

To grow a shrub with a thick and beautiful crown, even when landing, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with minerals. Be sure to add anti-GRIBCOM and pests to the soil


After planting seedlings, they must be abundantly pouring. At the same time, the soil can settle a little, since in the process of watering it will fill the emptiness between the roots of the shrub.

Abundant watering after planting will also help the seedlings to have a moisture and faster adapt to new conditions.

Abundant watering after planting seedlings contributes to the best shrinkage of the soil and allows you to fix the plant if it is planted crooked. Watering is carried out using a hose or ordinary can

Care for juniper

The correct and timely care for the juniper is the key to its beauty and good growth. It consists of several simple events that can be part of a country routine. Let's wonder how to care for young and adult plants at different times of the year.

Caring for coniferous plants includes watering, trimming, feeding and shelter them in the winter. Only with comprehensive care juniper will correctly grow and keep beauty for many years

How to keep the plant in winter

Before the beginning of winter, the juniper should be prepared for snow and frosts to preserve a good plant type and protect it from damage. Under the weight of snow, the juniper shaped crown can be twisted or break. Therefore, in the fall, the plant must be tied up in such a way that the branches fit tightly to each other.

The juniper strapping is needed in order to preserve the shape of the plant during the cold weather when its branches can be filled with a mass of snow. So you need to tie all coniferous shrubs for the winter

Some types of juniper are subject to temperature drops and exposure to sunlight. From the direct sun of their branches yellow and the plant acquires an unclear look. Such varieties are better to plant in the shade or stroke for winter and spring

Young plants costs sure to hide for the winter. It is possible to do this with the help of an ordinary savor, putting it along with the branches of juniper. The following materials will also be suitable for the shelter of the plant:

  • sackcloth;
  • kraft paper or ordinary newspapers;
  • nonwovens (Spanbond, Loutrasil, Agriculture and others).

Purpose material should be breathing and well ventilated in winter. If the shelter does not pass the air, Krone and roots can be started or become a place of "wintering" for garden pests.

Water shelter material can be bought in garden stores. Such "cases" for conifers are selected in the size of the plants and are very simply fixed on the shrub


Most of the varieties of juniper themselves form a beautiful natural crown, while only ugly or damaged branches are exposed. Permanent breakdown of shoots is required only if the juniper requires a smooth living fence or give it an unusual form.

To create various topiary and alive fences from landing of juniper, local, and not exotic varieties of this plant are best suited. They are easiest to transfer acclimatization and regular trimming of protruding branches.

Many periods of juniper are well transferring pruning, regardless of the time of year. In the process, you need to ensure that you can not damage the young shoots and keep bare branches after trimming.

Pruning is worth producing twice a year to give the plant a neat look and rid it from the mass of dried twigs. With proper care, some types of juniper can not cut a long time

To give an unusual shape of the bushes, you can purchase a special frame for Topiaria, which is put on the seedling and forms the crown in the process of rising juniper. However, this method is suitable for growing only some varieties of shrubs.


Timely and proper feeding of coniferous plants has a positive effect on the growth of new shoots and helps maintain a healthy crown color. Feature juniper is needed in the first few years after landing, and then reduce the amount of feeding to one or two per year. Typically, the feeding is made in the spring, after the descent of snow.

The plant can be picked up with mineral fertilizers, superphosphate, nitroammophos. For full nutrition of juniper, it is better to purchase a special fertilizer for coniferous plants. All useful elements and minerals for a young plant are collected and balanced. When choosing a fertilizer, it is worth tracing so that it contains a lot of nitrogen - this substance provokes a rapid growth of the plant, but can lead to premature drying of young twigs and reinforcement roots.

Juniper refers to the extra-root feeding microfertres. In the arid seasons, as well as in the fall before the arrival of frosts should be abundantly, but rarely water an adult plant. This will allow him to accumulate moisture and easier to experience bad weather conditions.


Adult juniper does not require abundant irrigation and rather may suffer from the oversupply of moisture than from its lack. On average, the shrub is abundantly watered 1-2 times a month. Such a number of moisture is quite enough for normal growth and the development of juniper, accustomed to a hot subtropical climate.

Spray plant is needed in the morning or in the evening, so that the straight sun rays do not damage the wet branches, reflecting in water drops. Thanks to the regular spraying, the juniper will not need moisture and frequent watering.

To maintain a comfortable medium for juniper, you can set the irrigation system with a sprinkler near it. Include it you need once a week for short time

Possible diseases and methods of treatment

Juniper are subject to fungal diseases that damage the crown and can lead to the death of the plant.

Most often, the plant is ill with incorrect leaving in spring and winter, if the soil is rejoisled or the plant suffers from the effects of the bright sun.

Also the cause of the appearance of disease can be a dense landing and improper arrangement of shrubs.

The most common fungal diseases of juniper:

  • Fusariosis - fungus develops in the juniper barrel and amazes first the internal parts, and then all the whole chew. At the first signs of the disease, the drugs are treated with phytoosporin-m, alin-b, gamiir.
  • "Rust" - the appearance of local spots of brightly red color spots on the trunk or branches of the shrub. It is treated by antifungal drugs.
  • Schute - the spring of the needles turns yellow and is covered first with gray, and then a black and brown rode. It is treated by spraying the plant with a 1% burgundy mixture.

As the prevention of fungal infection, before planting the root system of plants to handle one of the following fungicidal preparations: "Vitaros", "Barotherap", "Phytosporin-M" or "Maxim"

When diseases appear, damaged plants branches should be removed and disinfect the sections of the cuts of copper vitrios. The soil under the plants is spilled by a solution of the drug "Alin-b" or "Gamiir", and the plant itself can be sprayed with a solution of "Fundazola".

Juniper rust is one of the most notable and dangerous diseases for the coniferous plant. Often, infection comes from standing nearby fruit trees and shrubs. To cure a plant from rust, use a spraying solution "Archerid"

Pests: methods of struggle

Coniferous plants suffer very much from insect pests, after their "invasion" juniper loses its beauty and is restored for a long time. The main pests of the plant are:

  • Sawfly
  • Juniper shield

To fully heal the plant from pests, you must first define the type of insects. For each of them there are special insecticides that effectively affect pests and do not spoil the plant.

Peelers are a real enemy of coniferous plants. The caterpillars of this insect very quickly multiply on the crown of juniper and steal his needles in dust. When they appear, you need to act quickly and immediately process shrubs insecticides

  • Do not neglect the prophylactic treatment of the roots of the plant before landing - this will help get rid of diseases and pests in the future;
  • Select a well-lit and spacious place for landing juniper;
  • When choosing seedlings, take into account the size and shape of the adult plant of this variety;
  • In order not to forget about watering and pruning the plants - fix the dates in the calendar or notebook.

Beautiful and healthy juniper can become a real garden decoration, if you regularly monitor their condition and do not forget to care for the plant at any time of the year

Juniper is one of the most unpretentious and useful garden shrubs. He is able to give the landscape a luxurious look, make the air cleaner, and staying at the cottage is comfortable. Relying on our advice, you can easily grow this plant on your site.

Now it has become popular to grow evergreen trees on their homeland. They not only adorn the courtyard and in summer and in winter, but also create some comfort on the homeland territory. The main time during juniper care is its preparation for wintering. When performing some recommendations, the shrub successfully pumps and spring will cast a saturated greens, and not a yellow-brown tint.

Characteristic juniper

Juniper is a coniferous evergreen plant in the form of a tree or shrub related to the family of vote, cypress. The height of the juniper, depending on the type and conditions of growth, can reach 15 meters. The root system is deep, predominantly rod, not branched. Depending on the type of juniper - bushy or in the shape of a tree, his crown can be: canopy; cone-shaped; thumping; pyramid; spheroid. Male juniper has bloom in the form of earrings consisting of 3-4 stamens, and female - in the form of oval green earrings. The appearance of colors occurs at the end of May-June, and the appearance of fruits - in August. Juniper fruits are small-sized hibes, most often having a blue-gray color and possessing a number of healing properties. The needles of this plant predominantly blue shade, long with pointed ends, directed in one direction or scaly.

Why stake juniper for the winter

Almost all coniferous plantings from trees to low shrubs are distinguished by unpretentiousness and frost resistance. Like Thuja, and the fir attracts the attention of gardeners not only with beautiful appearance, but also resistant to diseases, pests, and also exuded a beautiful coniferous aroma. In addition, they are excellent antiseptics.

From the love of the decorative type of plants, it is planted along Alley, near administrative buildings, as well as in parks and gardens. But, despite such positive characteristics, coniferous plants need shelter for the winter period. Namely, young seedlings, which are not yet 3-4 years old are considered weak and need to protect. Here are two aspects, adversely affecting evergreen cultures:

  • strong frosty wind;
  • spring sun rays, reflected from snow.

Why exactly the wind and sunlight? The fact is that the winter wind causes severe dryness of the branches, and they move away from the lack of moisture, they are laid out and die away. If you watched the beautiful fir with a chopping process and yellowed cheese, then know it happened because of a cold and strong wind. If the needles of the trees can withstand a strong frost, then she does not like the wind.

Everyone knows that the thaw in late February and March is characterized by a bright sun, the rays of which are reflected on the white snow. At this time, the sludge has not yet begun, and shrubs are still weak and vulnerable. Then the needles of pine and green powders of the Tui under bright light can get sunburns.

Watering and spraying juniper in the fall

Watering - shrub practically does not require watering. If a hot end of summer was issued, smoothly passing into velvet autumn, then water irrigation should be carried out no more than 1 time in 2 weeks. In the case of rainy and cool summer, an additional watering is not required.

Spraying is the only moment to which the juniper favors. The event is better to hold before the appearance of the first morning hours or after sunset. It is necessary that bright rays do not burn tender twigs.

Trimming juniper in autumn

The plant perfectly tolerates the process of trimming. You need to cut carefully, since the recovery period and growth occurs long enough. From shrubs you can form a crown of any kind, ball, cone, pyramid, and when growing a tree, it is necessary to simply cut damaged, dried twigs.

Protection of juniper from diseases and pests

Most of all the trouble brings juniper rust. The disease signals the appearance of fuses with yellowish juggling or mucous allocations of mushrooms. Patients of branches are removed, and the bush is sprayed with a solution of Abiga peak preparation (50 g per 10 liters of water), 4 times with an interval of 10 days.

Of the pests especially annoy different types of Tly. Phytheerm is used against it (20 g per 10 liters of water): double treatment with an interval of 10-14 days. Against juniper mining moths efficiently double, after 10-14 days, spraying the pro Pri (0.5 g per 10 liters of water). With a spider tick, applying a fufanon preparation (15 ml on 10 liters of water). They also processed a bush, strongly affected by the peeler. You can find out about the appearance of this pest, finding that the branches have become fragile, and inside the hollows.

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

The shelter of juniper for the winter

  • Branch bid. The crown must not be tightly pulling the rope to warn the tearing and frost of the branches.
  • Organization of shelter. For winter shelter, you can use a burlap, a pricious mesh or polypropylene panels. At the same time, it is not necessary to strive to bite the plant completely, the task is only to protect it as much as possible from solar burns. But the polyethylene and other "noble" materials should not be used for this - the fungi will actively multiply, which can lead to the death of the plant.

It is necessary to remove the shelter, so as not to damage the fragile, after the winter hook, juniper. It is best to do at the end of April, when the Earth already warmed up and the root system begins to receive food. A cloudy windless day is chosen so that the plant is gradually adapted to the change of conditions.

Why juniper dies

Sometimes planted plant after successful wintering suddenly dies in the spring. The reasons for this phenomenon may be several:

  • the seedling was too adult. Such plants are very poorly transferred to the transplant, as the roots are inevitably traumatized, the restoration of which takes a very long time. Most often to restore the root system, the juniper fails and it dies. It is especially characteristic of the juniper ordinary, while the peeling species are less capricious in this regard;
  • lack of moisture. In the winter period, the dust of the tree is closed, due to which the evaporation of moisture is reduced. When spring comes and the air temperature rises, the dust open, the moisture evaporates more active and the plant begins to miss it. You can not get water from the ground in sufficient quantity, because the soil is frozen, and therefore the plant dies. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to maximize the initial earthen comium plants when disembarking into open ground;
  • cold winter. Despite the fact that juniper is a pretty frost-resistant plant, young seedlings in the first few years are very sensitive to cold and need serious shelter for the winter period. The crown is binding and covered with a suitable material, and the soil necessarily mold.

The indisputable advantage of juniper is excellent decorative properties and absolute neutrality to growing conditions. However, despite the vitality and unpretentiousness of this shrub, some stages of care should not be ignored. So, even before disembarking the plant, it is necessary to get acquainted with the technology of its fertilizer.

Normal growth and development of coniferous shrubs are provided with sufficient content in the soil of the following micro and macroelements:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus.

The listed components of the juniper diet are needed to maintain a saturated color of the needles, providing stability to various diseases and pests, an increase in the protective forces of the plant. Especially important for grinding shrubs: it is precisely from it that the quality of photosynthesis processes in the ground part of the plant depends, and without potassium, phosphorus and boron juniper, it is difficult to survive the cold.

Fertilizers and feeding

Young juniper bushes feed every year, starting from 2 years after disembarking them into open ground. Adult plants feeding are required less often - every 2-3 years. Additional nutrition to shrubs provide various types of fertilizers.


Organic substances under juniper begin to make even disembarking seedlings for a permanent place. In the preparation of the landing pit for better rooting of plants in the substrate, peat, turf and humidia in equal proportions are added. Such a nutritional mixture will help to feed the bushes throughout the growing season. If the land on the plot is heavy (clay), loose coniferous soil collected in the forest under pine or freshers is added to the soil.

It is impossible to feed the juniper with the influence of a cowboy or bird litter: these compositions, even if applying them as carefully, burn the root system, which further leads to the death of the bushes.

Natural organizing (manure of all kinds) is something that can only be in spring and only in exceptional cases. This type of feeding is not particularly useful for conifers, as it is an excellent source of nitrogen, the need for evergreen shrubs is minimal. Suitable for coniferous plants organic mixture - biohumus. Juniper responds well on such feeding, since the use of biological compositions activates photosynthesis and stimulates the processes of increasing the root system.

Undercores of the considered plants are carried out by irrigating the humus aqueous solutions prepared according to the instructions. It is not recommended to enter such compounds in a dry form, since, under the influence of sunlight, most of their useful properties are lost.

Mineral fertilizers

Nitroammofosk is used as mineral feeding for the growth and development of juniper. It is laid in landing pits (at the rate of 200-300 g per plant), and in the future the young bushes are equipped with this drug every year (40 g of the drug under the unit). One-time mapping of nitroammofoski juniper will be enough for full nutrition throughout the season. However, if the shrub is planted in the dredging materials of the soil, it is recommended to feed it throughout the growing season. Fertilizers in this case are every month.

By the fall, the juniper bushes deplete magnesium reserves in the soil, if not to make fertilizers containing this chemical element. An attractive appearance of the crown will be touched by the yellowing of the needles on the tops of the shoots.

Comprehensive means

Balanced nutrition with young plants provide feeders with complex organ-mineral fertilizers. They make them in April-May and make it 1 time for the entire growing season. The following drugs have proven to be carefully proven to the conifers:

  1. Coupling is a complex feeding, suitable for spring or summer application, as it contains a large amount of nitrogen - 13%. The composition for irrigation is prepared by separating 20 g of the drug in 20 liters of water. The resulting mortar is abundantly watered shrubs during the period of active vegetation.
  2. Kemira-M is a universal remedy for feeding with a balanced composition, which includes all important micro and macroelements. Suitable for entering into the ground before landing juniper (30-40 g of the drug under each bush) and for fertilizer during periods of vegetation (60 g of the drug introduced into the soil for each plant).
  3. Fertile universal - fertilizer for spring jams. Promotes active crown buildup. It can be used at the landing stage - 100-200 g of the preparation for each plant are added to the shrubs. Located juniper bushes feed with a solution of 30 g of a means of 10 liters of water.
  4. Green needle - fertilizer containing a large magnesium and sulfur percentage. Provides a saturated color of the needles. It is especially effective to use it if the juniper starts shrusting needles. The introduction is carried out by distributing the granules in the ground under the plantations at the rate of 50 g of the preparation on 1 bush.

Most shrubs are fed by complex drugs, bringing them into the soil in a dry form or watering plants with cooked aqueous solutions of fertilizers. For juniper, another way of feeding is relevant - spraying the ground part of the bushes dissolved in water with complex drugs. This procedure will suit the same Kemira-M or other similar means.

Home cooking

The enrichment of the soil under the bushes of juniper with nutrients contributes to such a measure as the mulching of the rolling circles. The mulch is prepared from hay, straw, humus, shredding all listed to the bulk fraction. The material obtained is laid down under the bushes with a layer of 5-10 cm. Change the mulch after each loosening and weeding.

Advantages of mulching:

  • mulch with its proper preparation supports the optimal level of soil acidity;
  • from the clutched substrate, important micro- and macroelements are slower slower and weather;
  • mulch contributes to the development of special microflora in soil, which helps plants to obtain more beneficial substances from water and soil;
  • mulching helps to fight weeds taking powered by shrubs.

With the onset of spring, the mulch move away from the trunks so that the increased humidity under it does not provoke the rotting of the bark and other diseases.

During the growing season, juniper can also be picked up with a surge compartment prepared from grass or kitchen waste. The means sprinkled a pre-dusty soil under shrubs so that a 10-centimeter layer of nutrient mixture is formed in the rolling circle. Earth and fertilizer can be slightly mixed so that the useful substances faster penetrated the roots.

Rules for using fertilizers for juniper

The main nuances that should be considered with fertilizer procedures:

  1. The first feeding of the nutrient mixture is carried out during the swelling of the kidneys on the bushes (depending on weather conditions - from the end of April to the beginning of June). The need for follow-up activities are judged by the pace of the development of juniper. If you notice that the bush began to grow slowly, weak shoots appeared on it, sweating the painting of the needles - the feeder repeat. During the summer, fertilizers can be repeatedly repeatedly, it is only important to observe the frequency - no more than 1 time in 4-5 weeks.
  2. When choosing fertilizer, prefers to those drugs containing a minimal amount of nitrogen, especially if they are used for autumn feeding of bushes. Nitrogen can burn the roots of the plant, as well as provoke an enhanced growth of shoots that easily freeze in the winter, as they do not have time to be wondered before the onset of cold weather.
  3. Any fertilizer should be used, strictly adhering to the instructions for its use. Deviations from the recommended dosages and the deadlines of the application may adversely affect the further growth and development of juniper.
  4. Preparations introduced into the soil in the form of granules are evenly distributed in the rolling circle under each bush, retreating from the trunks of at least 10 cm. Do not be too shredding fertilizer into the ground or, on the contrary, leave it next to the surface, otherwise the root juniper system will not be able to get to the necessary nutrition.
  5. The feeders will be as efficient as possible if they are accompanied by an abundant watering of shrubs. In water, nutrients in water faster penetrate the roots and are better absorbed by plants.

Typical errors when making fertilizers

Juniper does not require much attention expressed in frequent and sophisticated feeders, but it is quite easy to allow for this shrub in escorting.

Many gardeners are committed at the very first mistake of the selection of landing material, paying attention only to the decorative characteristics of one or another variety of juniper and without taking into account key requirements for the conditions of its cultivation. Most types of juniper prefer acidic soils, but there are also such varieties that grow well and develop in the alkaline reaction soil (such as ordinary, Central Asian and Cossack juniper).

Cossack juniper is a poisonous plant, it is better to give up from his cultivation if children or pets are on the plot.

To create shrubs with a sour Wednesday, peat with the addition of sand, and the ground under the planted plant is mounted with sawdust or wood chips on the ground before planting juniper. To increase the alkalicity of the soil, landing pit fill the earth with the addition of hazed lime or dolomite flour.

Another common error is non-compliance with the recommended dosages and the timing of fertilizer. Especially dangerous for the plants "Pubsam". Juniper generally needed very few additional nutrition. There are several reasons for this:

  • culture does not reset the leaves for the winter, therefore, does not need a "building material" for the annual recovery of the crown;
  • the bush does not give a harvest, it means that does not spend on its formation of a large amount of nutrients;
  • required nitrogen coniferous plants can be independently obtained from the air.

To avoid problems caused by incorrect feeding, it is necessary to strictly and carefully follow the dosage instructions, as well as their combination and graphs of the introduction.

Competent juniper care allows not only to maintain the natural attractiveness of this unpretentious shrub, but also prolongs the plant life for many years. Mandatory component of this approach - timely provision of juniper bushes with necessary meals: properly made fertilizers strengthen the immune and root system, while maintaining the health of plants.

And today, let's consider the topic of care for this shrub, which has a lot of useful properties.

This evergreen plant has a lot of varieties, ranging from 20 cm high-graded shrubs and ending with high trees to 15-20 m in height.

Regardless of their species, they are united by one thing: they all have enough unpretentious plants and do not require a lot of time to care. Labor is only the planting process, as well as care for a young plant. If you have acquired a plant, which is more than 3 years old, care is minimized. It is only necessary to choose the right place and correctly transplanses it.

Place landing

Juniper grow perfectly with a bright sun, but in the shade can grow quite quickly. Some varieties are even better to plant in the shade - these are those that can lose their bright green color in the sun and become light green or, in some cases, yellowish. Therefore, before buying, first consult with the employees of the nursery, where you are going to purchase your plant, is this kind of juniper by the Telyenubiv.

Depending on the type or variety, it is necessary to highlight it the corresponding area, and the sprouts are located for more than 2-3 m from each other. Since the shrub grows very slowly - 10-15 cm per year, for ten years between them you can plant annual flowers and plants so that your flowerba does not look empty. Perfectly look next to juniper large stones at the base.


This is a very hardy plant and depending on the variety can withstand both the strongest frosts and very hot weather. They survive well even in a dry climate, without frequent rain.

In non-jarous days, adult plants do not need to water often - enough 2-3 times over the summer. But juniper loves a spraying, and you can spend it at least every day, but preferably in the evening. Water is rinsing chew and cleans the dust - holes for breathing, and after such a spraying, the plant begins to make his smell stronger.

As we have already mentioned, the conifer grows very slowly, however, the growth rate can be adjusted to the best conditions of irrigation and feeding. If you want to grow a young plant faster, then abundantly water it on hot days at least once a week. In general, after disembarking in the first year, do not allow soil drying under the sprout with any weather. By the way, the original requires also shelting for the winter.

Care for juniper

Weeding and mulching. Like any plant, this conifer requires a weeding, and not the grass and weeds will spoil the appearance of your bush. In order not to spend time on the spread of weeds, spend the mulch around the bush: plump the pine bark or sawdust from pine cones and needles with a thickness of 5-8 cm. If the soil is loose enough, you can fall asleep gravel or pebbles.

Podrel. Each spring for better growth plants fertilize once a nitroammophos. This is quite enough for feeding.

Wintering. Almost all kinds of frost resistant, so it is not necessary to cover them for the winter. Vertical splashing trees are associated so that the branches do not break the snow. But if the winter is not snowy, this is not necessary.

Juniper is entirely covered by winter not from frosts, but from the bright winter sun, poorly affecting a chew. The period is especially dangerous from mid-January to February. Under the bright sun in the winter of the needles begins to warm and dry, which can lead to the death of a whole plant. Therefore, if you do not want to lose the bright color of your pet, wrap the juniper into breathable material entirely. Polyethylene films cannot be used.

In a different way, the situation is with young, just planted by plants. For the first two years after the transplantation to open soil, young people to stream simply. For the suspension in areas with harsh winters, it is necessary to strengthen the plant for the winter before four years after the transplantation.

For the fortress, you need to tie a young sprout ribbon, to additionally build a frame from sticks over it and pull the burlap in two layers.

Remove winter cover with adult plants and young people need carefully. Wait until the Earth hipshes to the depth of shovels and remove the material not immediately, but for 3-4 days, so as not to "blind" a havibone with a sharp change of illumination, allowing you to move away from sleep mode.

With proper landing and care for juniper in gratitude, you will get strong and fast-growing shrubs and trees. In addition, almost all kinds have useful properties that can be found in our other.

Juniper - A perennial plant with a soft beautiful cheese, which is valued not only for decorative appearance, but also therapeutic qualities.

Variety of species Allows you to select the most suitable for each gardener. Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention adds advantages to the desire to grow one of the oldest plants of the cypress family.

To obtain beautiful healthy plantIt must be planted by choosing the right place, the soil and the time of disembarkation.


Landing juniper in open ground requires compliance with all nuances - the right selection of time and place of landing, soil and planting material.

Landing time

Most best time landing Juniper in open ground - early spring.

Moreover, it is not necessary to wait for warm weather, the plant can be planted immediately after tapping snow.

In a later spring period, you can also plant a young man, but there is a dangercutting conifers.

When landing juniper In the autumn period, there is a possibility that the plant will not have time to take care and acclimatize.

Plant acquired with a closed root system can be planted anytimeEven in the hot summer months. True, the shading from the rays of the Sun during the daytime.

Choosing a place

Juniper grows well only in open sunny places. Sunlight access it should be during the whole day. Some shading is allowed only when growing an ordinary juniper, but also in a small extent.

From intensity lighting The decorativeness of plants, density of branches and needles depends. Juniper growing in the shade, branches will grow little, they will be randomly, forming a shapeless loose mass. Pestro-painted needles will lose its original color.

Soil for landing

Soil reaction Depends on the type of plant. Alkaline is necessary for ordinary, Central Asian and Cossack juniper. To obtain such a reaction, flour from dolomite or haired lime is introduced into the ground.

The rest of the species prefer acute reaction. This is achieved in the soil of peat and sand, mulching using wood chips and peat.

Siberian juniper It requires sandy and soup soil, Virginsky - clay land, in which it is desirable to add compost.

In landing pit You need to add drainage from broken brick, large pebbles and sand. The thickness of the drainage layer is about 15-25 cm.

Planting material

The best thing
Planting young plants growing in tanks up to 5 liters. They are easier to plant and hang out. Especially if root system closed (i.e., the plant is placed in the ground along with the land).

For planting big plants Need some experience and skill. Such seedlings are grown in the ground, they are digging them before selling, wrapped in burlap or placed in special containers and packets from polyethylene.

Adult plants plant not recommended at all. This is explained by the feature of the root system, which is a rod and goes into the depths of the soil. Drop the copy without damaging the main root is almost impossible. This will lead to almost imminent death of the plant.

Try to plant Adult juniper can be only in winter, with a frozen soil coma. It is noticed that the closer to the spring the disembarkation is produced, the greater the likelihood of the plant survival.

Before planting copies in the pit, they are prepared, abundantly wetting the earth 2 h before landing.

How to plant juniper?

For landing
It is necessary to dig a hole. Its dimensions depend on the magnitude of the seedling. For young juniper, the pit make a square meter per meter. Gluff dig up around half the meter. In any case, the pit is done in 2-3 times Larger than soil coma.

The pits are lined with a drainage layer. The rest of the space is filled with an alignment soil suitable for each type of juniper. The plant is placed in the pit, trying not to damage the soil com and roots. In young seedlings, the root cerv should be located near the surface of the soil, in adult plants rise to 6-12 cm.

After placing the plant, the plant watered with plenty of water. The rolling circle is murdered Different material - peat, pine bark, chips, wood sawdust, crumpled cones, shells of cedar nuts. Layer thickness should be 5-10 cm.

If several instances are planted at once, the correct distance between them should be observed. In small species, it should be at least half a meter. High and straded - from 1.5 to 2.5 m.

Landing juniper from the forest

When complying with the rules, such a landing is quite possible. In some cases, even more reliable, since you choose planting material.

You need to transplant Little young plants that have a small root system. Having found such a tree, mark the sunny side before digging it out. At home, disembark the same side.

Seedling digging together with worship, Immediately placing in a film from polyethylene or burlap, tightly rocked and tie.

In the garden, it is also like a bought material.

Landing bush species

You can plant such a juniper before it breaks up lug and deep into it. The root system of adult shrubs is very intertwined and grows down, deep underground. therefore land just Young specimens who have undergone a two-year-old age.

Growing juniper from seeds

Not all types and varieties of plants can be grow from seeds. Decorative hybrid plants breed only with stalling. Pollination takes place with the wind, so complete seeds, of which it is possible to grow juniper, matures quite a little.

Calling the planting material in plants of the two-year-old age, during the docking period of berriesBut before the completion of this process. Seeds from completely dark fruits "go" to rest and fall into the "hibernation", so they take a very long time.

After collecting seeds you need stratify. For this, the box is taken and filled with a wet substrate from peat, sand, moss, which placed seeds. Top covers another layer of filler.

For the winter, these boxes are taken out into the street and remain under the snow for the whole cold season up to 150 days. Thus, cold stratification is carried out naturally. It is needed to accelerate germination. Seeds who have not passed such a procedure will be able to climb only in a year After sowing into the ground.

In May, the stratified planting material is removed from the substrate and planted in the prepared beds. Further care is no different from other plants. Watering, timely weeding, loosening of rods. Finished seedlings are seated for permanent places.

Silence reproduction

In this manner you can breed Absolutely all types of plants. The lowest and ordinary juniper is easier.

From the tree you like, in the spring, cut off the young annual branches, necessarily with a piece of main plants. Cherenka length - near the decimeter. Material clear conifers and put on a day into a solution that stimulates the root formation. After the expiration, the cuttings are located in a light substrate (sand, peat or mixture thereof). It is moisturized, covered with film or cropped plastic bottles and leave to root in a privided place.

Periodically, the "greenhouse" needs to be opened for ventilation and ensure that the substrate does not breathe. With a favorable defold 30-50 days later The roots will appear.

After successful root formation, the cuttings are planted in an open ground, pre-prepared a bed. So that young plants do not froze, they are closed with spruce or pine branches for winter.

Permanently transplanted after 2-3 g.

Care rules

Unpretentious and non-peculiar juniper does not require much attention. However, observing some rules, you will save the beautiful appearance of the plant and provide a long life.

Watering and subject

Plant able to withstand Without watering a long period. However, it is recommended to water at least once a month in the hot drunken summer.

Also periodically arrange souls Using a sprayer or other sprayers. The procedure is carried out every week in early in the morning or in the evening when the sun is not as active as day.

In the spring in the soil under the plant bring nitroammophos At the rate of 45 g per square meter. During the summer, you can fertilize the juniper with organic or mineral fertilizers no more than once a month. Such feeders are carried out if the tree grows slower than the laid.


It is carried out only in case of extreme necessity, because there is no guarantee that the juniper is captured in a new place.

Transplant Juniper categorically not like!

If still decided - prepare optimum soil. It is best to mix coniferous earth, peat, sand in equal shares. After accommodation in a new place, plenty of wood.

Pruning and care in winter

The plant in itself is completely does not require trimming. All you need is to remove dry branches at any time. However, when forming a beautiful crown, you can cut off extra branches using an overwritten tool.

You can not immediately cut a lot of branches - wood may be sick.

Young plants are covered In the first couple of years loutrasil or other similar material. More adult plants having an empty crown tied with rope or twine to prevent breakdown of branches due to snow. You can also periodically shake the tree from the snow attacked.

Juniper Care Spring

When the sun becomes active and the snow comes in quiet, it comes a very dangerous period for all types of juniper. They are may dieif you do not take action.

The sun is literally burn hvvoy, Prior to that, located under the snow or simply distinguished from the burning rays. To prevent it, it is necessary to give plants with burlap, fine matter or other underfloor material.

After driving snow, remove the underfloor material, the rolling circle is cleaned from false foliage and other organic garbage. The mulch layer is cleaned, as it can lead to reinforcement of the roots. The soil is drunk or loosen. When the soil snacks, the threat of rotting will move away, pour fresh layer of mulch.


Juniper diseases:

  • Rust. The needle becomes dirty orange, then dries out. Cause - Many salts concentrate in the soil. This may occur if the tree is chosen as an animal toilet.
  • If a needles first yellow, then dies, it means the plant suffers from excess moisture. This is due to abundant rains or flood, soaring for natural reasons, increase the level of groundwater. The lack of moisture in the ground and the air is manifested by the same symptoms.
  • Redheads on the trunk and branches. In dry weather, they are not more than 0.5 cm, after rain increase 3 times. Rust mushrooms attacked the tree. To get rid of attacks, it is recommended to remove the affected branches and shoots in a timely manner. Improve the resistance of juniper using immunostimulants and microfertilizers.
  • Attack Mushroom Schute. At the beginning of the season, last year's needle becomes orange or brown, but does not appear. Subsequently, it appears small black round-shaped growths. Mushroom attacks weakened plants in the shade. Especially loves moisture, not afraid of cold weather. Damaged branches must be cut immediately and burned, juniper spray sulfur and copper drugs.
  • Drying branches and bark cause various fungi. Because of them, the growths on the tree in the form of red warts and longitudinal ulcers of wood are formed. To prevent diseases, copper preparations are used in spring and autumn. All open scratches and sections are disinfected with copper vigor.


Juniper is amazed by pests:

The cultivation of trees in the country does not represent special difficulties, with the exception of lack of space in small areas. Still, the juniper requires a fairly large area - up to 2 m in diameter.

Cossack juniper - poisonous tree, so it is undesirable for the country area.

Care of juniper in the garden

Caring for it does not differ from the conditions of cultivation in other places, but the plant benefits a rather big one. Highlighting a large number of phytoncides, he protects the surrounding trees From the invasion of pests and diseases.

Many notice the improvement in the quality of fruits after landing of juniper trees.

Juniper - care at home

At home you can grow juniper in the style of wood. The most suitable are the following types:

  • Daurgy;
  • Virginia;
  • Cossack;
  • Recumbent;
  • Scaly;
  • Solid.

To care for the housework tree, use the same recommendations as for the street. The place should be sunny, watering - moderate, periodically spraying required From the pulverizer.

Bottom of landing capacity Filled in a drainage layer, then the soil suitable for your view of juniper. In the warm season, the plant is desirable to endure on fresh air.

To wintering home trees need to clean In the unheated room with a temperature of at least 10º. Help on light. In cold conditions, watering is extremely rare.

Transfer spend Only if necessary in spring or in November. At the same time, cut off extra branches. To form bonsai, the branches are wrapped for the right direction from October to April. The september can be made in the summer - from May to August.

Tips for care professionals Juniper Look at the video:

Have you conceived to build your own alpine hill or originally draw a garden site? Create comfortable conditions for juniper, giving your owner not only good mood, but also healing phytoncides, strengthening nerves and helping to overcome the daily concern of our vanity.

Juniper, the fragrant evergreen long-lived (500-2500 years) of the family of cypress, has recently become a decoration of household plots, a bright element of the landscape decor. There are more than 70 species of this unpretentious winter-hardy plant having a powerful root system, a height of up to 10 m and the agricultural area from the northern latitudes to the tropics. The leaves of juniper, depending on the species, there are scaly or thumb-up form, and their color is blue, gray, yellowish and all shades of green, which allows you to create picturesque, multi-level, multicolored compositions on the site.

Here you note some, having a "fashionable" exterior, types of juniper:

  • Red cedar (pencil tree) - Slender, vertically growing shrub / small tree 7-12 m high and 4-6 meters width. The first years of the plant is compact and conical, then becomes wide, asymmetric and openwork. Branches bent up. The needles of scaly, in the shadow of a need-shaped dark or gray-green, dark red in winter. It grows only in the sun, it is well tolerating the large differences in temperature, wintering and wind-resistant. Suitable for topium haircut.
  • Juniper horizontal (open ) - Open dwarf shrub 0.2-0.3 m height and 1.5-2 m wide with creeping shoots. The needles of scaly, color - from green to metallic-blue, winter acquires a raspberry or dark red shade. It grows in the sun and in half, tolerates large temperature differences, winter films and wind-resistant.
  • Juniper Middle - vertical asymmetric shrub 2-5 m high and 3-6 meters wide. The branches form layers, side shoots are often raised. The needles of scaly, color - from dim gray to blue-green, in the shade or after trimming the needles becomes needle-shaped. It grows quickly in the sun and in a half, tolerates large temperatures, wind resistant, winter films. It tolerates a simple and topical haircut.
  • Juniper hard - a column-shaped tree from Japan to 8 m high with tight, sharp, yellow-green cheese. Very light, undemanding for soil fertility. Especially beautiful male individuals as a solitator.
  • Juniper Chinese - Large shrub / village. The branches simultaneously have a scaly and needle cheese of green, bluish or gray, in the shade or with a strong trimming of becoming needed. It grows only in the sun, even in the light shadow headses. It is frost-resistant, it is good, but does not tolerate the dryness of the air. In the middle lane, Russia replaces cypresses.
  • Juniper Daursky - a flutter shrub with raising branches. The needle is a needle, sharp, with good lighting - scaly, after frosts becomes drowned. Slightly, tolerates light shading, drought-resistant. Suitable for slopes, slopes and alpinarians.

Juniper varieties, most commonly used for garden design and home decor:

"Anna Maria", "Bruns", "Depressa Aurea", "Horstmann", "Hibernica", "Compressa", "Green Carpet", "Old Gold", "Gold Star", "Mint Julep", "SkyRocket", "Andorra Compact", "Blue Star", "Blue Arrow", "Blue Chip".

Seat selection

It is best to acquire a seedling in the nursery, where you can choose the most sort and instance, as well as get advice on the care of juniper and its neighbors. Buying juniper, please note that its root system is developed and occupied the entire volume of landing capacity (it is desirable that the seedling is in a solid "dishes", and not bags where the root system is easily damaged). Ask the seller to pull the plant from the pot and show you his roots - they should be white, fresh and smell well. The needles of a healthy candidate for landing - lush, without yellowness, rich-green, twigs are not dry, and the optimal age is 3-4 years old.

A place

Juniper is a light-loving plant, loving space, so it is desirable that his crown is in the sun most of the day, otherwise the plant will lose its puff. The loose breathing soil for juniper (pH \u003d 4.5-7) can be "constructing" yourself, mixing, squeezing ground and sand in a 2: 1: 1 ratio. And you can not bother and buy a ready-made soil Peter Peat "Garden Earth" HOBBY line, which will reduce the number of weeds and the percentage of possible plant diseases.

Choose places for landing juniper with low groundwater level in order to avoid root.

Landing juniper seedlings

Landing the juniper horizontal produced from April to the second decade of May (if the autumn is dry, then at the end of August - early September) and includes a number of simple rules:

  • The depth of the landing pit should twice the height of the seedling and be at least 70-80 cm, and its width - to be 2.5 times more of the roar of the land of the seedling. The bottom of the pit is laid 10 cm of the drainage layer of rubble, gravel or large cerazyrate Peter Peat Line Vita. Then there is a sandy layer with a thickness of 20 cm, and from above to the ground level - the soil mixture of the turf, sand and soil Peter PEAT "Garden Earth" Hobby Lines (1: 1: 2). If the soil is hard on your plot, make it liming to dolomite flour at the rate of 500-600 g / sq. M.
  • Before planting to prevent diseases, immerse the root part of the seedling for 2 hours in a 3% aqueous solution of manganese.
  • When the landing pit is half filled with the required "ingredients", pour the water bucket into it; Posted by a seedling / adult plant, we will prolve two more, it will force you from the risk of non-oscillation and drying of the roots.
  • Sit down the plant along with a room of the earth, pre-shed a pot of water. Try not to damage the roots and the roar of the earth. When landing, the root cervix of young seedlings is in the clove of the ground, young seedlings - by 2-3 cm, and in adult juniper - by 10 cm above the ground level.
  • There should be a distance of 0.6-1 m between the adjacent young juniper, between the largest rooms - 1.5-2.5 m. It is necessary to count so that the distance between already adult individuals was 1.5-4 m, taking into account the crumbs.
  • Call your landing with a 5-8-centimeter layer of sawdust, fruner foliage, pine bark Peter Peat DECO line or special artificial material.

Transplanting juniper

This is extremely unwanted and painful for juniper procedure, so that the place of its initial landing is better not mistaken. But since we decided, to take care of the improvement of the "right pit" (see landing) and the guidance of a comfortable soil, mixing the coniferous land, peat, sand in equal blessings in sniffamophos (30-40 g / sq.m). Pour half the water filled with a bucket of water and repeat another 2 buckets after the final settlement of juniper in a new place. 2 days after the transplantation, adopt the plant with liquid humic fertilizer Peter PEAT "Live force: stress resistance".

Transplanting juniper from the forest

You can dig a juniper village in the coniferous forest, guided by the parameters: the height is not more than 50 cm, the barrel straight, all the needles are green, there are no dry twigs. 0.5 m around the barrel sink the ground and pull out the plant along with a room, carefully cutting off the roots and trying to leave them as long as possible. Place the sapling bag and, in no case destroying the com, carry on the site, to the harvested pit. It is necessary to plant a juniper, clearly repeating his forest orientation on the parties to the light: for this, in the forest, mark the "die-" side of the earth's koma with a stick or simply give a thread.

Facing juniper

In April, bring your juniper with mineral fertilizer Peter PEAT "NPK 15-15-15" line Mineral. In the future, every month, PETER PEAT's liquid humic fertilizer "Live strength: for coniferous crops", combining fertilizer with irrigation and pre-slightly exploded the rolling circle. But if the plant is growing so well, make feeders in a month. Alternative fertilizers:

  • nitroammofoska (30 - 40 g per 1 m²);
  • "Kemira Universal" (20 g per 10 liters of water).

Reproduction of juniper

Seeds.Not all juniper varieties can be raised from seeds - hybrid varieties (tagged F1) do not give offspring in this way. Polling the plant naturally provides too few planting material, and you can collect it in two-year and older juniper strictly during the darment of berries, but not later. Next, the collected seeds are stupid: in the box 20x30x30 cm put a layer of sand and moss; on him a thin layer of juniper seeds; on top of a layer similar to the first. The box should stay on the street all winter and the first half of spring. This will speed up the germination of seeds, because Seeds that have not passed such a procedure will be able to climb only a year. In May, juniper seeds hold 30 minutes in a 3% solution of manganese, then 2 hours in liquid humic fertilizer Peter PEAT and plant in the prepared beds (see the landing section) according to the scheme 50x80 cm. With subsequent irrigation, weeding, ruffling.

Stretching with the "heel".Early spring, early in the morning in cloudy weather with an adult juniper cut the twigs of 12 cm long so that they have "heels" - 2-3-centimeter pieces of trunk. Remove your cheva and place the PETER PEAT "Live force: for soaking seeds into a solution of liquid humic fertilizer: for soaking seeds," stimulating the root formation. Next, immerse the juniper cuttings for 3 cm in pots with a diameter of 15 cm with a substrate from sand, garden land and peat (1: 1: 1), pour and cover with a film. The root temperature + 22-28 ° C, the humidity of the top of the cuttings is 90%. Pots put on the windowsill, to the light. Remember, the soil should always be wet, but overflow is fraught with reincliner roots. Every 5 hours, remove the film so that the cuttings breathe, and check the moisture of the substrate. After 30-50 days, the roots will appear at the plantings, after another 2 months they can be resettled in pots, and at a permanent place - in 2-3 years.

In a greenhouse.Prepare a 16 cm depth of 25 cc on the bottom, put on the bottom of the drainage from the ceramzite or a small rubble with a thickness of 5 cm, and from above - the soil mixture of sand and peat (1: 1). Over the resulting bed, install arches with a 25-30 cm high and cover them with a dense film. As you follow with water and plug in it with 3 cm in it with a pitch of 40-50 cm. Do not forget to air every 5 hours, and in sunny weather - to remove the film.

Care for juniper

In the first year after planting the soil under juniper, you need to loosen carefully so as not to damage its root system. You can add some peat or shell of cedar nuts Peter Peat DECO lines. From above, the rolling circle can be closed with sawdust or dry leaves.

Watering juniper

Juniper is able to do for a long time without water, but it is necessary to pour it in a month in a month: one plant should have 15-25 liters of water. In a hot summer, he loves a weekly water shower from a watering can or spray - this procedure is better to carry out early in the morning or in the evening. If summer rainy, the soul is just once every 3 weeks. Water and young seedlings along the edge of the hole once a week.

Trimming. Juniper "in life" does not need trimming, just need to remove the dry branches that appeared. But when forming the crown, you can cut off and "unnecessary" healthy branches, only a bit, because Plant may get sick.

Shelter.To protect juniper from fractures due to heavy snowfalls, drag its branches with the twine and periodically shake snow from them. Young individuals are not suitable to cover with a sweetheart or aspargana. Be sure to mulch the rolling colors of plants with peat or sawdust on the thickness of 8-10 cm.

In the spring, the Sun mercilessly burns the juniper juniper, so do not remove the underfloor material immediately "forever" - let the juniper gradually get used to the light, increasing the daily exposure time for 15-20 minutes. As soon as the snow comes down from a priority circle, remove the old layer of mulch, dig up the soil on 5-8 cm, scatter and make a new layer of mulch.

Diseases and pests

Stylish juniped plantings!