Datura terry purple flowers. Datura (Datura - Datura)

An annual plant in the nightshade family.

It occurs on loose moist soils close to home, in the fields, along slopes and ravines. It grows on the territory of Ukraine, in particular Crimea, the Caucasus, western Siberia.

Other names of grass are found in the people, such as: drunk cucumbers, kings, fools, grass, butyx, urnus, etc.

The plant sometimes causes very strong hallucinations. Since ancient times, in India they used shamans for their rite. In ancient times, in some countries, grass was used as a narcotic substance.

Description: Although the homeland of Datura is Asia, it is well adapted to the climate of Central and Eastern Europe. Grown in gardens like ornamental plant. Has a highly developed root system. Powerful root root white color. The height of the flower reaches 120 cm. The straight stem and large leaveshaving an unpleasant odor. The flower itself is considered poisonous.

The leaves of Datura vulgaris are pointed at the end, ovate, narrowed at the petiole, dark green on the obverse, lighter on the underside.

Datura has large single white flowers, or purple color, funnel shape. Flowers appear from June to September and have bad smell (especially at night). Flowers reach 12 mm in length.

The fruit is in the form of a rounded erect box, which is covered with sharp spikes up to 1 cm long. One box contains more than 500 seeds.

Seeds are black matte, slightly flattened, large.

Datura propagated by seeds.

The sowing period is early spring, the seed ripening period is from June to October.

Datura blooms ordinary: June - September.

Datura ordinary: planting and care

Datura - (another name for the flower) is easily grown from seeds. In any garden store you can find seeds. Germination is almost 100%, but the first shoots appear no earlier than a month later.

Seed preparation: Preliminary for several days, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator, or in ordinary cold waterThis will soften the hard, dense peel with which the seeds are coated.

You can use zip packages. Pour some water, place the seeds and wait for the puncture, then you can safely plant it in the ground.

Seeds are sown in the ground in mid-May. But for fast flowering, use seedlings.

Seedling cultivation: Seeds are sown in plates, after 3 weeks, the first shoots should appear, after a while they are dived into separate containers.

Seeds are sown to the surface, sprinkled lightly on top with soil up to 1 cm. It is necessary to water abundantly through the sprayer.

After sowing, the containers are covered with a glass flask and the temperature is kept at 20 degrees, periodically removing the flask for ventilation.

With the emergence of seedlings, the sprouts provide sufficiently strong diffused light and abundant watering.

In order to do without diving, they plant only one seed in one pot.

Pricking: With the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves, young shoots need to be stabbed. First, they are taken out for 1 hour in the open air, but after a few days, time is gradually increased.

After a month, if the night temperature does not fall below +10 degrees, seedlings can be left on the street all night.

Upon reaching 15-20 cm of height and the presence of 15-20 degrees of air temperature, the seedlings are transferred to the open ground, planted in increments of 30 cm, but the root neck cannot be buried in the ground.

Soil: Choose nutritious, loose soil, it should conduct air and water well and be rich in organic substances.

Location: On open ground choose a sunny area without drafts and wind, otherwise the branches of the dope will break, bend, and buds fall.

Watering: Watch your watering especially carefully. It should be plentiful, but do not overdo it. Use soft, settled water.

If the irrigation regime is violated, Datura will drop leaves and buds.

Top dressing: During the period of active growth (flowering), it is necessary to make organic fertilizers: manure, compost 2 times a month.

The healing properties of Datura vulgaris

The plant is used in pharmacology for the preparation of plant-based preparations. The content of the levorotatory alkanoid - hyoscyamine, the drug affects the smooth muscles of the bronchi, reduces pain in the respiratory tract.

Datura reduces the tone of smooth muscle organs, reduces perspiration, reduces the secretion of the pancreas and salivary glands, and reduces the vagal effect on the heart.

The powder is used to prevent respiratory infections, with bronchitis, as an antispasmodic, for wound healing, in cosmetology, with hemorrhoids.

By chemical composition, the grass contains alkaloids: Gustamine, Atropine, Daturin. From leaves and seeds, get essential oil and various tannins.

The composition of tobacco products includes dope as one of the means of causing hallucinations.

Self-administration is strictly prohibited, the plant is poisonous and should be consumed only under the supervision of a doctor.

The plant is used in folk and traditional medicine for:

  • depression
  • nerve seizures (mental breakdowns),
  • disorders nervous system
  • rheumatism
  • whooping cough
  • bronchitis (bronchial asthma)
  • conjunctivitis
  • nymphomania
  • bradycardia
  • gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer
  • spastic constipation
  • prick

The essence of freshly squeezed leaves is used for manic states and triple nerve neuralgia.

Leaf collection is part of the preparations "Astmatin", "Astmatol", which is used for bronchial asthma.

Oil is used for external treatment, and is part of “Saliniment”, “Complex liniment” for neuralgia, rheumatism, inflammation of the joints and muscle rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis.

Decoctions of epilepsy, cough, bronchial asthma are prepared from the collection of flowers.

Datura ordinary: application in traditional medicine

On the basis of Datura vulgaris, alcohol tinctures, decoctions and powder are prepared.
Powder is made from dried leaves in the treatment of cough and shortness of breath.
At the tip of the spoon (a very small dose) 3 times a day, use the powder inside.

Bronchial asthma treatment

  • With a chronic illness, the patient needs to breathe smoke from burnt leaves.
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed leaves, pour a glass of water, put in a water bath for 5 minutes, then for 20 minutes you need to inhale the nose of the pair.

Treatment of the psyche, seizures, epilepsy

Preparation of infusion: 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds, pour 250 ml. boiling water, cover and let it brew for 20 minutes. Take 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon.

With stomach cancer, the infusion helps reduce pain.

For external use

Cooking broth: in a glass of water, add 1 tsp. chopped leaves, bring to a boil, let it brew for 30 minutes, then 1 teaspoon of the prepared broth, diluted with 100 mm water and used as lotions for external use for arthritis, arthrosis, eye inflammation, as a rinse for toothache.

A decoction of the flowers of Datura vulgaris is taken for epilepsy and angina pectoris.

Treatment for hemorrhoids and uterine prolapse

It is necessary to prepare a warm sitz bath. Shredded dry raw materials 1 tbsp. spoon, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Dilute the concentrate in 10 l hot water and take 2-3 times a day a warm sitz bath for up to 10 minutes until the water cools down.

How to get rid of unnecessary hair

Often women have hair that is not desirable and needs to be removed. For cooking, you need 200 grams of crushed dry raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on a small fire and stir constantly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then, the slurry should be allowed to cool and apply a thin layer on the necessary skin areas.

Decoction for enemas and douching

Recipe: 1 teaspoon dry powder pour 0.5 l. water, put on a small fire and cook for 5 minutes. Remove and let infuse for 30 minutes, then strain. Apply the broth 1 time per day for 2 weeks. But consult with your doctor first.

Datura Oil

Oil is prepared from the seeds of the plant. Used to rid unwanted hair. Oil is applied to the surface of the skin, penetrating deep into the hair follicle, destroys it. Prior to application, it is necessary to do epilation, when the pores are still open, apply to the surface, otherwise the oil will not get into the skin.

Superficially used for radiculitis, arthritis, eczema.

They use oil from Datura vulgaris inside when removing stones from the gallbladder and intestines (fecal stones). It also acts as a sedative for nervous stress and seizures.

Collection and harvesting of raw materials

For medicinal purposes use the seeds and leaves of Datura.

From the time of flowering to mid-autumn, the leaves are torn and dried in dry weather. Wet leaves after rain, or with dew, quickly darken. In one year, you can collect up to 3, 4 fees.

First tear off the lower petals. Dried in a well-ventilated area without direct sunlight, or used electric dryer. The temperature during drying should not exceed 40-50 degrees. As soon as the main vein has dried out and breaks well, the grass is collected and kept in glass jars, or tightly closed bags.

After touching the leaves, be sure to wash your hands well. Shelf life 2 years.

Seeds are harvested starting in autumn from ripe fruit. Like leaves, they are dried and transferred to jars for storage.


Through the toxicity of the flower, any self-medication can lead to overdose and poisoning. Some people specifically smoke, or inhale smoke from burning leaves for hallucinations, this is extremely dangerous and leads to poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Dry mouth
  • Blood diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Disruption of the central nervous system
  • Lost coordination
  • Disorientation
  • Dilated pupils
  • Partial memory loss
  • Hyperreflexia
  • Partial paralysis

With the above symptoms, immediately call an ambulance.

Datura or Datura grass - unusual and beautiful colourok, which is often found in street flower beds and personal plots. Datura is completely unpretentious, its planting and care are based on simple knowledge, so if you wish, the flower can easily be grown independently, as evidenced by numerous photos of gardeners. The mesmerizing fragrance exuded by large white, sometimes purple-tinted flowers of datura exudes on summer evenings, not a single gardener is indifferent. Many people know this plant as poisonous and harmful, but it also has healing properties.

Did you know? Datura herb or datura is a unique plant, the mystery and mystical properties of which cannot be described. Depending on how to use it, it can be both beneficial and harmful. Therefore, some people call it the “angel flower”, others, like Carlos Castaneda in one of his novels, “the flower of the devil”. Datura was used by sorcerers and diviners for mystical rites. The Aztecs revered datura grass as sacred, because its hallucinogenic effect allowed the priests to communicate with otherworldly forces and deities.

Datura (Datura): plant description

People have long known what a dope flower looks like, and have been growing it for several millennia. With proper and dosed use, the plant can be used in folk medicine. Datura herb has an antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effect. On the basis of Datura, drugs are prepared that fight various ailments: asthma, neuralgia, rheumatism, stomach cancer, mastopathy, coughing attacks, etc.

The datura belongs to the Solanaceae family and includes 13 species having various description by color, aroma intensity, degree of toxicity, etc. This is an annual herbaceous plant (some gardeners cultivate it as a perennial), with long-leaved ovoid leaves of dark green color, about 10 cm wide. The flowers are large, single. The fruit of the datura is a large four-nest box, with numerous spikes, drying out when ripe.

The plant contains almost completely alkaloids, in the stems - about 0.16%, in the roots - 0.26%, in the seeds - up to 0.22%. In the tropics and subtropics, where a wild datura lives, this flower can reach up to 5 meters in length. At home, it is impossible to achieve such growth, since it requires a lot free space. Under favorable home conditions, you can grow a datura up to two meters.

Important! You should not inhale the aroma of datura for too long, nor should you bring bouquets of these flowers to the house. They are poisonous and can cause headaches, and in some cases hallucinations and mental disorders.

However, despite the toxicity of Datura, its decorative qualities and beautiful flowering still outweigh, so the flower is actively planted in cottages and personal plots. The aroma of some types of dope is quite pleasant and helps to mask unwanted and unpleasant odors in the gardens and suburban areas. In addition, the plant has an incredibly beautiful color, which can vary from white to lilac, purple, purple and even yellow.

How to plant a datura in open ground: choosing a place for a plant

Unpretentious plant Datura does not require special skills when growing. To receive you need to beautiful plantIt’s enough just to provide Datura with food and moisture.

Microclimate for datura

This is a fairly photophilous plant, therefore, for its planting, open, sunny places are selected, not subject to strong gusts of wind. The plant has a rare germination of seeds (up to 95%), which germinate faster with increasing temperature. Seeds can germinate in a week or two if the temperature rises to +25 ... + 28 ° C. Sow the plant in the spring:in open ground in May, for seedlings - in late February - early March.

Important! Do not forget that datura - poisonous planttherefore, it has no place near playgrounds and in places where children often come.

Datura soil

Datura loves loose, clay, fertile, drained soils rich in fertilizers. The soil mixture is best harvested in the fall. A mixture of sifted garden soil is suitable as a substrate, river sand and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 2. Periodically, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers will be required.

Features of planting datura (dope grass)

Datura grass has some planting features that need to be considered so that the plant pleases the eye with its color for a long time. The first datura is best grown through seedlings. Subsequently, it will multiply by self-seeding and for a long time will take its place in the garden.

Preparing planting material

Datura seeds germinate fairly slowly, about 30 days. Therefore, to speed up the process, you need to soak planting material for 2 weeks in cold water mixed with any growth stimulant. Floating seeds are thrown away, and those that remain at the bottom can be sown.

How to sow seeds for seedlings

Dateure can be cultivated in several ways, the most common of which is growing from seeds. Planting for seedlings is carried out in early spring in small plastic containers - cups, food containers. A thin layer of peat, a layer of soil, then seeds are poured onto the bottom of the tank. From above it is better to cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost, sprinkle with ash and cover with glass. The first shoots germinate unevenly after 10-12 days, the rest will germinate within a month. For seedlings, you need to maintain moderate soil moisture all the time and provide adequate lighting.

Features planting dope in the open ground

Datura is a thermophilic plant that dies when the temperature drops below +8 ... + 10 degrees, so they plant it in late spring. Mid or end of May is well suited as soon as the earth warms up to +16 ° C. For planting, you need to prepare landing pits about 60-70 cm deep and about 50 cm in diameter.Datura is very fond of space, so you need to plant it at a distance of about 1 m from each other, not deeply deepening (no more than 10 cm). After planting, seedlings must be watered.

Datura: picking sprouts

Datura is a rather sensitive flower, so before you plant it in individual pots, you do not need to pick. When planting on seedlings, a plant is dived as soon as a pair of leaves appears. Seedlings are planted in separate containers, slightly deepening (not more than 1 cm). If the seedlings are damaged by the "black leg", it is possible to make a pick at an earlier stage, however, plant survival is reduced.

Rules for the care of dope in the flower garden

Due to its unpretentiousness, the datura does not need special care. For her good growth just enough loose, nutritious soil, pruning and abundant watering, on which the flowering of the plant depends.

How to water a datura

Datura requires watering every other day, and if the weather is dry and hot, you need to water every day. When growing plants indoors in winter, watering should be reduced to 1 time per week. With insufficient moisture, the datura loses buds, flowers and leaves. It is better to water with hard water. He loves the plant and frequent spraying, especially in the evenings during the hot, summer season.

Basic feeding requirements

The plant requires active feeding, especially during the development period.At this time, you need to weekly make alternating complete mineral and organic fertilizers. In the winter period, when the plant begins a dormant phase, feeding is stopped. If the datura grows on acidic soils, it should be watered with lime milk once a season: 1 g of lime per 1 liter of water.

How to prune a plant

One of the prerequisites for the successful growth of dope as a perennial is pruning. Datura flowers are formed only on young shoots, so that the plant does not stop blooming, you need to constantly prune the wilted flowers, leaving the fruit for seeds. Seeds may fall off, so special bags are put on the boxes. In September, after flowering, a crown should be formed by carefully cutting the branches of the plant.

Wintering Datura

Datura does not withstand wintering in open ground, therefore, after pruning, they dig out the plant, transplant into volumetric pots and bring it into the room. For a successful wintering in the indoor datura, a constant temperature of +15 ... + 17 ° C is required. During the winter period, the plant discards all its leaves and forms new shoots with leaves. In spring, you need to trim new branches, which will give good cuttingsthat will take root quickly. Later rooted cuttings of Datura are an excellent material for planting, possessing even greater resistance than wintered mother plant. Therefore, it is better to cultivate the datura in the middle latitudes as an annual.

Controversial and mythical dope plant. Since ancient times, it has been used in medicine and ritual rites. The plant has a lot of names: datura, dope grass, dope potion, prickly apples, stupid grass, etc.

This is due to the fact that all parts of the datura plant contain alkaloids, which have a pronounced hallucinogenic effect.

Datura belongs to the nightshade family. Its height can reach 1.5 m. Datura flowers- very large, bell-shaped corrugated. Flowering - long: from mid-June to September. mature in a 4-nest box covered with long spikes.

As well as dope ordinary (Datura stramonium) in decorative purposes usually grown dope indian (Datura metel).

Datura flowers are amazingly beautiful - and have long attracted the attention of breeders. Derived varieties and types of dope in different colors, with simple and double flowers.

AT natural conditions There is a variety of Datura vulgaris with lilac flowers and with fruits without thorns (Datura stramonium Inermis).

Datura- cultivation and care.

Growing Datura ordinary and dope indian does not represent much work - the plant is very unpretentious. Datura is best grown in well-lit areas, but it can tolerate partial shade.

The soil requires nutritious, loose. Datura grows beautifully on compost and dung heaps. The plant is hygrophilous, needs regular plentiful watering. With weekly dressing with complex fertilizers, powerful abundantly flowering bushes grow. Pests on the datura are not attempted because of toxicity.

Datura - reproduction.

Datura grass photo

Reproduction of Datura vulgaris and dope indian occurs as with other seed-flyers. For guaranteed receipt flowering plants It is advisable to grow seedlings.

Datura seeds are poorly germinated, it is better to germinate them before sowing.

Seeds are placed on a saucer with a wet towel, covered with a transparent bag and put in a bright place.

Planting sprouted datura seeds is done at a shallow depth (about 1 cm). Later, it is advisable to plant dope plants in separate containers.

In the open ground, dope reproduction can occur by self-sowing. At the same time, part of the seeds can sprout in the fall, and seedlings can be successfully wintered in conditions mild winter. The rest of the seeds emerge in spring.

Datura breeding possibly rooting stem cuttings. They resort to it if it is necessary to increase the amount of planting material.

Datura - varieties and species in decorative gardening.

Usually there are three main kind of dope. Datura ordinary (Datura stramonium), dope indian (Datura innoxia) and dope indian (Datura metel). A complete classification of species is quite complex, but common in gardening dope varieties Indian and Datura vulgaris.

Of the varieties of the Indian dope species, the most popular is the ballerina series. On the picture dope variety- Golden Queen with yellow double flowers. A little lower grade ballerina purple.

Derived undersized varieties of Indian dope, for example, Evening fragrance. He has large white flowers (up to 10 cm), and the height does not exceed 40 cm. Such varieties may well be grown in pots.

In general, Datura species are common and dope indian- cultures are self-sufficient and do not need companions. It looks best in solitary landings against a lawn. Interesting variegated dope planted in a group. For example, plants with simple white flowers alternating with plants with double lilac flowers.

Datura flowers beautiful, the plant is unpretentious in cultivation and care. In species dope ordinary and dope indian many varieties are bred. Buy seeds and be sure to try planting this amazing flower in your garden!

Datura is an annual plant that can reach a height of 1 m or more. This culture has been known for a very long time. It is difficult to pinpoint her homeland. There are two versions. According to the first, Datura appeared in Mexico and central America, and was later introduced to Europe. Proponents of the second version claim that the Caspian steppes are the birthplace of the plant, from where it came to European countries during the Middle Ages. Today, Datura can be found in many American and Asian countries. He received the greatest distribution in Russia and Ukraine, as well as in the Caucasus. Very often you can see dope along roads and rivers, as well as in gardens and kitchen gardens.

Loose dope bushes grow mainly in breadth, with individual shoots reaching about 1.5 m in length. The leaves have a bluish-green hue. They are darker above, and lighter below. If you grind even a small leaf, you can feel an unusual smell. Young plants resemble eggplant seedlings.

When the shoot reaches a height of 30 cm, it bifurcates. As a result, the first bud appears here over time. It reaches a length of 20 cm and opens in the evening. A single funnel has a diameter of about 20 cm. The hue of the flower is white, cream, yellowish, red and lavender. From the opened bud comes a rich aroma that may resemble the smell of a lily. Flowering is observed only one night.. In the first half of the next day the flower will wither. If it is cut off, it will stand in water for 2-3 days. After the first flower withers, the next one will appear in 1-2 weeks.

Datura fruits have a spherical shape. They are surrounded by prickly spikes. The seeds of the plant are smooth and small.

Plant species

Landing Features

It is known that dope is ideally suited for growing dung or compost heap. Under favorable conditions, the plant is capable of self-sowing. In some cases, seed germination is observed even in autumn, and the first seedlings can tolerate cold. Seeds remaining in the soil germinate in early spring. It is worth noting that experts recommend sowing dope in the period from April to May.

The plant is considered unpretentious. He needs enough nutrients and moisture, as well as loose soil into which ash should be added.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of landing pits. Their depth should be about 70 cm and a diameter of 50 cm. must use drainage. If, during planting, the dope is deepened too much, then it may not survive.

Some gardeners prefer to plant plants in containers. In this case, a rather large capacity is required. Flower pots optionally in the summer you can dig in the ground in the summer. For a dope, an illuminated area without drafts is ideal.

Soil mix for seeds must be prepared in advance. You can do this even in the fall. So, you need garden soil, large river sand and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 2.

Some gardeners to speed up germination check seeds for germination. So, they are placed in a container of water. Popped up grains are thrown away, and the rest are used for planting. Planting seeds for seedlings must be performed in March. It should be remembered that the seeds germinate from a depth of 10 cm. If you plan to plant in the open ground, then the beginning of May is best.

Datura shoots appear on average after 2-4 weeks. Even before they appear, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly wet. To do this, you can additionally cover the area with film. As soon as the first shoots appear, seedlings need to be transferred to the lighted cool place. The formation of a pair of real leaves indicates the need for a pick. All seedlings are planted in separate containers. At the same time, they need to be slightly deepened. When planting in open ground, which is carried out at the end of May, it is necessary to ensure that there is a gap of 1 m between the individual plants. This is very important, because the plant loves open space.

Some experts prefer to propagate dope by cuttings. To do this, still non-lignified shoots with a pair of internodes are cut from the plant. They are rooted in soil or water. Already rooted plants in May are planted in open ground. If you plan to grow datura at home, then you can cut the cuttings at any time of the year.

Breeding methods

Datura is propagated in 2 ways: seeds and cuttings. In the first case, breeding can begin in the spring.

Propagation by cuttings - This is a very simple way, thanks to which the roots grow back quickly. For rooting, you can use sphagnum, water or soil. There can be only one internode on a handle. The main thing is to remove all leaves before rooting. Growth promoters should be used to accelerate root formation. If cuttings are carried out in September, then for the winter the seedling can be removed in a warm room, and in the spring transplanted into open ground. Some experts prefer to root cuttings in the spring.


Datura is considered unpretentious. His main need is nutrient soil, timely cutting and frequent plentiful watering. It is from the latter that the flowering of the plant directly depends. In hot weather, daily watering is recommended. If Datura is cleaned for the winter, then watering is reduced to once a week.

During the active development of Datura, fertilizer must be applied every week. It can be a mineral and organic compound. Top dressing is stopped during dormancy, that is, in winter. If the plant has been planted on acidic soil, then once a season it is necessary to shed the soil with milk of lime.

needs pruning. This is because the flowers appear only on young shoots. To prevent flowering, wilted flowers should be constantly removed, leaving only the fruits for seeds. Of course, they can accidentally fall to the ground. Avoiding this is simple: just put special bags on the boxes. After flowering in September, the branches are carefully cut, so that it is possible to form a crown.


Datura is considered an annual plant, as it freezes in open ground in winter. Some gardeners decide to experiment. They dig plants in the fall, transplant them into a pot and put them in a room. It is important that the temperature was about + 15º C . In winter, the plants drop most of the leaves, but after a few weeks new shoots and young leaves appear.

During wintering, it is necessary to periodically moisten the soil and carry out sanitary pruning. It is done before preparing the dope for winter season. In the spring, dope is usually cut to get cuttings.

It must be remembered that dope is considered poisonous. Contacting the plant too often can cause headache and other symptoms of poisoning. For this reason, flowers should not be kept in the bedroom or children's room.

“The sweet dope was sculpted when the gardens bloomed ...” Its flowers have not just a sweet, but a sugary smell. In general, the people’s associations with this plant are not very positive, although it is often often grown in gardens as an ornamental plant.

Datura vulgaris belongs to the nightshade family and is a very mixed plant. On the one hand - poison and hallucinogen, on the other - medicinal plant and beautiful decoration the garden. Gardeners love him for their luxurious large - up to 12 cm - white, yellow, pink or purple funnel-shaped flowers. True, the leaves smell not very nice, especially at night. So the grass is protected from herbivores.

Datura is a rather large herbaceous plant, can grow up to 120 cm. The stem is erect, leaves are large, egg-shaped, whole along the edge, dark green on top and lighter on the lower side. The powerful white root is able to grow rapidly. The grass is very bushy and densely strewn with flowers during flowering. The flowering period is August-September.

Although Asia is considered the homeland of Datura, this herb grows almost everywhere in Europe, middle lane Russia, the Caucasus, the Crimea and Ukraine. It is unpretentious, moreover, it is illegible in places of growth. It can be roadside ditches, places near landfills, houses, and generally where there is a lot of garbage. In the mountains, the plant can rise to medium heights, often found along river banks.

All parts of the plant, especially seeds, are poisonous. Datura fruit - an oval box covered with spikes - contains from 500 to 800 pretty large seeds black color.

Caring for a dope ordinary and photo flowers

Planting Datura on infield, Choose a place away from the children's area, if you have one. Its smell is really capable of stupefying. In addition, little children are inquisitive and strive to try everything to taste and touch. Probably, it makes no sense to talk about the consequences of such curiosity, they are obvious.

Despite the extreme unpretentiousness of Datura vulgaris, some care for the plant is still needed.

A placesunny, dry and windless are chosen for him. Its tall stems break with a strong blow. Nice flowering bush can serve as an excellent disguise of an old manure or compost heap. Moreover, it will mask not only an ugly look, but also an unpleasant smell.

Datura vulgaris can serve as an excellent shelter for compost heaps.

Watering the dope needs abundant, otherwise flowering will be sparse. In ordinary summer it is watered once every two days, in hot - every day. Watering a plant from a hose is not recommended; it needs settled water, and it is better to have hard water.

Feed Datura is mandatory once a week. If it grows on dung or compost heap, fertilizers should be used mineral, organic matter is enough for him. If you planted it in ordinary soil, then you need to alternate the mineral complex with organic fertilizers.

Important! If your site is weakly acid soil, under a dope it needs to be neutralized once a summer by watering it with milk of lime, using 1 g per 1 liter of water.

To stimulate flowering, buds must be removed.

The soil should be loose and fertile.

Pruning - This is a necessary procedure. It forms a bush and increases flowering. After its completion, Datura undergo radical pruning, cutting off all shoots. But only if it is grown as a perennial and winter in the heat of an apartment in a pot. As a rule, it is used as an annual plant, because it does not withstand winter frosts in open ground.

To stimulate floweringIf you do not plan to collect seeds, faded buds need to be removed. If seed collection is necessary, leave the largest faded buds on the bush, cut off the rest.

Samosev - This is a common thing for a dope. When the fruit ripens, it cracks, the seeds spill out into the soil and germinate easily. But not the fact that they will survive the winter, especially the harsh. If you plan to collect them, you need to apply a little trick, otherwise you may not be in time. When the box begins to ripen, you need to wrap it with a bag made from ordinary nylon tights. As a rule, seeds collected from their plants give much greater germination than purchased.

Datura planting

Putting a dope is a simple matter, you just need to know how. It sprouts beautifully from seeds.

Preparing planting material

Datura seedlings are planted in May.

In order to plant an already grown bush in the ground in spring, you need to start planting seeds in February-March. Harvested in autumn seeds are placed in water with the addition of a growth stimulant and incubated for 12 hours. The soil is prepared from sifted garden soil, humus and coarse river sand. It is advisable to steam the soil.

Sowing and growing seedlings

Seeds can be planted in separate containers, or in a common container. They are simply laid out on the soil and sprinkled on top of the slag. The temperature for germination is about 15 ° C. The first sprouts will hatch after 2 weeks. After the first leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate pots. Shoots planted in separate containers do not need to dive. Seedlings are grown in a well-lit place, the temperature is increased to 18-20 ° C. When picking, seedlings well penetrate to the cotyledons. Watering should be regular, but not plentiful. By the time of transplantation into open ground, the sprouts should be at least 15 cm.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Seedlings are planted at the prepared place in May. Holes need to be made at a distance of about a meter from each other, because Datura grows very much, and he does not like crowding. Transplanting seedlings is best done by transshipment, because his roots really do not like to be disturbed. Otherwise, the plant will adapt for a long time to a new place.

Planting seeds in open ground

Sow dope seeds, open ground, at the end of May.

This is also possible, but you need to be prepared for the fact that they will germinate for a long time. The earth should already be warm enough. Best time - the end of May. The landing site is calm and sunny. Just like seedlings, seeds are planted at a distance of a meter from each other. The seeds cannot be buried more than 10 cm into the soil, they will not germinate. For planting seeds are prepared in the same way as for sowing seedlings.

Datura breeding

Datura can be propagated by seed, as described above. Another way is by grafting. In September, cut off from the bush required amount cuttings up to 10 cm long. Lower leaves completely removed. It can be rooted in water, in wet sphagnum or directly in the ground. You can use a growth stimulator, which will accelerate the formation of roots.

In winter, the rooted cuttings survive in the house, and in spring, at the end of May, they are planted in open ground. If datura is grown as perennial and winters in the house, cuttings can be made at any time.


As already mentioned, the dope cannot winter in the open ground, it freezes. You can try to keep it in the house on an insulated loggia at a temperature of 14-16 ° C or in a dry basement, where there is at least a little light, at 6-8 ° C. And in fact, and in another case, the plant discards the leaves and goes to rest. During the winter months, he needs moderate watering so that the land does not dry out. In the spring it wakes up and can be returned to the open ground.

In the fall, before placing it for the winter, a sanitary pruning of the bush is done. In the spring after waking up - formative. It is she who gives a large number of cuttings.

Important! A plant grown from cuttings will be stronger and more viable than the mother bush.

Datura ordinary is extremely toxic, so all work with it is carried out with gloves.