Why eucharis does not bloom at home. Perennial bulbous plant Amazonian lily (Eucharis): home care, photo, transplant and reproduction

Eucharis is a popular ornamental flower with large green leaves on long petioles. At good care it blooms 2 times a year, releasing a peduncle with 6-8 buds. Live in an apartment can be up to 15-20 years.

Origin of eucharis

Eucharis, also called the Amazonian lily, belongs to the Amaryllis family. Its homeland is South America, but is most often found on the banks of the Amazon River. This flower was brought to Europe only in the middle of the 19th century, and for its decorative effect, it very quickly became a universal favorite. Indeed, its large dark green oval leaves with a pointed tip can be up to 16 cm wide and 30 cm long, while also on a 30 cm petiole. Growing eucharis at home is quite simple, it is often recommended for beginners.

Eucharis blooms 2-3 times a year with beautiful white flowers, similar to narcissus. In one peduncle up to 6 buds, which bloom, fill the room with a delicate aroma.

Eucharis bulbs are small, egg-shaped, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, so you rarely see more than four leaves at once on one plant. To get a lush beautiful bush several pieces of bulbs are planted in one pot, besides, they bloom much more readily.

Eucharis in nature grows in the lower part of the forest, where it is warm, humid and light, but without direct sunlight, so it is better to put it in an apartment on an east or west window or place it deep into the room. It is better to grow large specimens of eucharis not on the windowsill, but in separate pots or planters.

A young leaf from the ground appears rolled up into a tube, gradually it unfolds.


In nature, eucharis pollinate very quickly, so it is quite difficult for scientists to classify them. But the most common are the following.

Eucharis grandiflorum. Most common in indoor floriculture. It blooms 2-3 times a year, releasing long peduncles 70-80 cm high and ending in an inflorescence with 4-6 buds. The flowers are white, up to 10–12 cm in diameter, fragrant, shaped like a narcissus.

Eucharis is white. It differs from the large-flowered one in smaller flowers, but there are somewhat more of them in the inflorescence. The flower shape is also distinctive features: its petals are bent up.

Eucharis Sandera. Opens 2-3 flowers per inflorescence, each on a five-centimeter flower tube, which gives it a slightly drooping appearance. Flowers most of all resemble a lily.

Content at room conditions - table

amazon lily comes from the tropical jungle of South America, so the florarium is very suitable for it.

Florarium is a closed glass container for growing plants, which creates a special microclimate: tropics, deserts.

But it is important to understand that eucharis likes to grow in a group, so adult bushes can take up a lot of space, it will be difficult to enjoy a single planting of eucharis, even if there are other plants nearby. All its power and beauty lies in the abundance of green leaves that do not lose their decorative effect even during the dormant period.

Planting and transplanting at home

Eucharis does not like being disturbed, so they transplant him every 2-3 years. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the spring, in March.


Eucharis loves fertile soil, rich in humus, moderately loose, so often in the recommendations you can find the following soil composition: peat, sand, soddy or leafy soil in a ratio of 1:1:1. But since it is very difficult to find sod land for sale, and not everyone can go into the forest and collect forest humus land, the composition of the soil can be as follows: peat, sand or vermiculite, biohumus in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.

Another controversial tip: dry the soil completely between waterings. For eucharis, this is very harmful, as it harms the roots, and it is difficult to soak peat in the soil. According to observations of the plant, many flower growers note that the soil, constantly maintained in a slightly damp state with regular watering, allows the eucharis to develop much better than completely drying out.


For flowering, eucharis needs a cramped pot so that the roots entwine the whole lump and the same bulbs grow nearby. Therefore, we choose a pot taking into account the size and number of plants. Too tall and narrow can periodically collapse under the weight of heavy leaves. For one plant, you can purchase a standard pot with a diameter of 12–15 cm. The pot must be at least 15 centimeters high.

A group of five bulbs will fit well in a 2-3 liter pot, but with further transplants, the volume of the pot should be increased.

Large group plantings require sustainable floor planter, about 30 cm deep and above.

When choosing a pot, remember that eucharis is transplanted only once every 2-3 years and needs a supply. nutrients and a place for children to grow.


At the bottom of any pot in which eucharis grows, it is imperative to put drainage. Most often, this is a purchased expanded clay of any fraction: even small, even large. But if the holes in your pot are large, then the small expanded clay will simply spill out. More cheap option drainage - broken shards from clay pots, sometimes pebbles, polystyrene.

Planting and transplanting a plant after purchase

Unlike its close brother hippeastrum, it is almost impossible to find eucharis bulbs for sale, more precisely, they are sold by amateur flower growers on forums and local sites. This is due to the dormant period of the plant, which passes with the leaves, which complicates the transfer of planting material.

As a rule, the Amazon lily is already sold in pots and a conscientious seller takes care of the soil and no transplant is required.

If you got a eucharis bulb from your friends without soil, but with leaves (they are usually separated when transplanting an adult plant), then it should be planted like this:

Purchased eucharis from a store in a shipping pot must be transplanted with a complete replacement of the soil, as they are often planted in clean peat and heavily flooded, which can lead to bulb rot.

Detailed video about transplanting and dividing eucharis

Plant transshipment

Every 2-3 years, it is advisable to transplant eucharis into new ground and sometimes a larger pot. If the division of the bush is not planned, then the plant is transshipped.

  1. The desired pot is selected, with a diameter of 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. Drainage is laid
  2. The old plant is pulled out of the pot and carefully placed on an oilcloth or table. Decaying leaves can be lightly tied with a soft belt so that the bush does not fall apart.
  3. Shake it out upper layer earth, usually to the roots, we choose expanded clay from below. side by side good bush only the roots are visible.
  4. V new pot pour fresh earth with a layer of 2–4 cm (depending on the difference between the heights of the old and new pots). We make a small mound on which we install the plants.
  5. Slightly twisting the bush, we press it into the ground so that the soil penetrates between the roots. If old drainage do not clean up, then just put the eucharis on a new soil.
  6. Backfill the space between the plant and the walls of the pot. Seal.
  7. Sprinkle fresh earth on top. Water.

Try not to replant plants in vain, if every year you injure him, separate the children from the young plant, indulging the requests of friends, then your eucharis will not bloom.

Supports for eucharis

Usually, eucharis can withstand the weight of its leaves, but often newly transplanted specimens with huge leaves fall to the sides, then they put such supports, placing the plant inside and preventing the leaves from falling.

The flower stalks tend to stand firmly and do not require support.


Eucharis is decorative all year round, but to see its beautiful flowers, you still need to follow the rules for caring for it.

Watering and fertilizing

Care in accordance with the schedule of the growth cycle: during the period of active vegetation, many new leaves appear, so at this time we water it often, 2-3 times a week, especially when it is dry and hot.

Scheme life cycles eucharis: Roman numeral - the number of the month, next to the number we show the first or second half of the month. Green color - active vegetation, foliage growth, red color - flowering, yellow color - plant rest

During the growth period, we regularly feed the plant, you can use special fertilizer for bulbs. Very often, during the period of rapid growth of eucharis, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used - to build up green mass, then switching to top dressing potassium and phosphorus fertilizers for laying flower stalks and abundant flowering. During the dormant period, eucharis is not fed.

Watering is preferably carried out with soft water: melted snow or rain. If this is not possible, then plain water from the tap you need to defend in an open container (bucket, jar) for at least 1 day.

flowering period

At proper care eucharis can bloom 2-3 times a year. The peduncle is high, up to 70 cm, ending in 4-6 buds, which open in turn. At this time, it is undesirable to spray eucharis, since the white petals on which the drops have fallen are covered with brown spots.

Young children bloom only for 3–4 years, and under the condition of close keeping, therefore, they should be planted several bulbs in one pot.

For regular flowering Eucharis definitely needs a change in the period of rest and active growth.

Why eucharis does not bloom and how to fix it - table

How the eucharis flower blooms - a rare filming video

Stress as a stimulation of flowering

Most often, to stimulate flowering, eucharis is stressed - they do not water it for 3–4 weeks, by this time the leaves may even lose turgor (elasticity). But also if the plant is standing in dark room or it is winter outside, then you can light it up with phytolamps or rearrange it on a light windowsill. Sometimes a plant transplant helps.

What to do with a faded arrow?

Like all amaryllis plants, the flower arrow contains a lot of nutrients, so it should be removed only after it has withered itself. Of course, it is not very beautiful to observe a yellow peduncle, but it is undesirable to cut it especially from young bulbs.

rest period

Euharis is in great need of a period of rest. At this time, he does not shed his leaves, he simply consumes less moisture. The dormant period usually occurs after flowering. It is not necessary to water, and even more so to feed the plant.

A feature of eucharis is also that the dormant period does not always occur during the winter months. Often, flower growers who go on vacation for the summer leave eucharis without watering, and it blooms in autumn.

In winter, the temperature in the apartment is almost the same as in summer, about 25 degrees, so it can grow, release new leaves and even bloom. It is not necessary to arrange a cold content with limited watering. But if possible, on short winter days, you can make additional illumination with Full spectrum phytolamps (on the northern windows) or ordinary fluorescent or LED lamps, bringing the length of the day to 12 hours.

Bush formation

Eucharis grows from a bulb, so no shaping will work. The only recommendation is to grow several bulbs together.

Care errors - table

Description of the problemCausesSolutions
New leaves turn yellow, die off, often without turning aroundPossible root problems, bulb rotDig up the bulb, wash and inspect for the presence of rot, which can even be inside the bulb, with external healthy scales.
Gradually yellowing and dying of leavesnatural processOften on one bulb you can see 2-3 leaves. When a new one appears, the old one must die.
Massive yellowing and death of leavesOverflow, especially when watering cold water and content at +10Remove from the pot, rinse, cut out rotten areas, treat them with brilliant green or sprinkle with charcoal. Dry for a day and plant in a fresh substrate. Water very little.
Loss of leaf elasticitylack of moistureMost often appears during dormancy, water. If the turgor is not restored, then perhaps the flower was overcooled in a draft or during transportation.
Leaf curlDraftPut in a warm place
Dry leaf tipsLack of moisture in soil and airAdjust watering and spraying, you can wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.
Frequent death of old leaves when new ones appearPossible lack of light (in winter) or nutritionIlluminate or fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers
Does not bloom See table above
Does not give childrenCramped pot or too young plant Usually, babies appear at an adult bulb after flowering or in a spacious pot.
Leaves dry, covered with light spotsToo much light, sunburnOften, out of ignorance, eucharis is placed on the south window, where the leaves can get severe burns.
In winter, the leaves dry unevenly around the edges.Contact with a cold windowIf eucharis stands on the windowsill in winter, then those leaves that are pressed against the glass often dry out green - they are cold. Move it away.

Mistakes in care are easy enough to fix, but sometimes the plant begins to get sick or be attacked by pests.

Diseases and pests of the Amazonian lily - table

DiseaseManifestationReasons for the appearanceTreatment
Gray rotThe leaves lose their elasticity, turn brown, become covered with gray mold, die off.Hypothermia at high humidity and watering with cold water.Remove damaged leaves, treat eucharis with Fundazol or copper sulphate.
Stagonosporosis (red burn)Elongated bright red spots on leaves, petioles, buds, peduncles, bulbs. The plant may die.Fungal disease can be transmitted from diseased plants. Often purchased hippeastrums are carriers of stagonosporosis. Progresses with temperature changes, hypothermia.For prevention, all purchased bulbs are pickled with Maxim or a fungicide with a similar effect, soaking in a solution for 30 minutes, followed by a 48-hour drying. In damaged bulbs, the rot is cut out to a healthy tissue and treated with brilliant green, the cut is dried for 1-2 days and planted in a new soil.
Mushroom mosquito (sciarids)Small black midges flying around the plantExcessive moisture in the topsoil.Harm is caused by larvae - worms, eating up the roots. Try to dry and loosen the top layer of soil, hang flypaper from flies to collect midges, and spill the soil with Aktara.
amaryllis mealybugThe curvature of leaves and peduncles, hiding under the scales, can lead to the death of the plant.Usually tolerated with new diseased plants.Spraying with Actara, Vertimek, Akarin
spider miteThe leaves are covered with yellow speckles, dry out, a cobweb is visibleVery dry air and the presence of affected plants nearbySpraying with fitoverm.

Photo gallery of diseases, mistakes in care

In hard ground, cold frequent watering, the bulb may rot

Eucharis (eucharis) comes from the Amazon subtropical forests.

In this regard, this plant received a second name - the Amazonian lily, although the shape of the flower is more like a narcissus.

Eucharis gained popularity in indoor floriculture due to its elegant white flowers with a delicate pleasant aroma.

Of all the existing species of this plant, suitable for growing at home:

Eucharis white;

Eucharis large-flowered or Amazonian (grandiflora);

Eucharis toothless (callifruria).

Despite its tropical origin, the Amazonian lily is unpretentious in care and subject to simple rules will delight twice a year with its flowering.

Euharis: home care. Reproduction, transplant


Eucharis is propagated vegetatively and by seeds. At home, the first method is used. Amazon lily forms a large family of daughter bulbs. They are separated only after they are sufficiently isolated from the mother bulb. It is better to do this in March-April. Separated children are seated in separate pots with pre-prepared soil.

Daughter babies ready for transplant


Euharis is hard to tolerate the violation of the earthy coma and damage to the roots, so it should be transplanted rarely - once every 3-4 years. A sign that a transplant is necessary is the formation of numerous daughter bulbs. To separate them from the mother bulb or not depends on the goals of the grower:

If you need to propagate the plant, then each baby is planted in a separate container;

If you want to get from a plant lush flowering, then it is better to transplant the bulbous family without separation.

The best period for a transplant is March. healthy plants transfer to a new pot without destroying the earthy coma. Sick specimens should be examined for bulb rot before transplantation. In this case, the earth is carefully shaken off or washed off the roots, the damaged parts are cut off, the cuts are disinfected and treated with fungicides. Bulbs with leaves are buried in the soil by 4-5 cm.

Planting eucharis: bulbs with roots and leaves are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm

If there are no leaves, then the bulb is planted so that its top remains above the ground. This will make it easier to monitor the development of the plant.

For planting, experienced flower growers advise using narrow and tall pots with holes at the bottom. Thick drainage is required to prevent stagnant moisture and rotting of the root system.

If you got a bulb without roots and leaves, then the container for it is taken in such a way that the distance from the edge of the pot to the bulb is no more than 2-3 cm. The substrate must be diluted in half with sand and slightly moistened. The planted plant is placed in a bright, warm place.

The first 14-20 days after transplantation, eucharis is watered moderately - as the soil dries up. If bulbs with leaves were planted, then they can be sprayed regularly. Leafless bulbs will start new shoots about 30-45 days after planting.

Euharis: home care. Soil, air temperature and humidity, watering, fertilizing

The soil

For the Amazon lily you need fertile soil with good air and moisture permeability. This must be taken into account when independently compiling the soil mixture. For its manufacture, components such as humus, leafy soil, sand, peat (1: 2: 1: 0.5) are used. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay, coconut shell, and small gravel is required to drain excess moisture. If you choose from mixtures sold in stores, then it is better to opt for amaryllis soils.


Eucharis grows well in partial shade and does not tolerate direct sunlight. At home, its optimal placement will be the windows of the east or west direction. In summer, the plant can be sent to Fresh air, having previously arranged for him protection from the midday sun and precipitation.

Temperature and humidity

This native of the tropics is thermophilic, so the most optimal temperature range during growth and flowering is + 24-28C. Large temperature differences affect the size of the flowers - they become smaller. After flowering, the eucharis begins the dormant stage: at this time, the plant is kept in the range of 17-18C. At + 10C and below, the plant can shed its leaves, and the bulbs begin to rot. Euharis does not make any special claims to the humidity of the air in the room. It should be sprayed only during the active growing season. During flowering, this procedure must be carried out carefully so that moisture does not get on the flowers, because. drops of water cause the formation of brown spots on them. Dust from the leaves is wiped with a damp cloth.


Eucharis should be watered moderately, avoiding overdrying and excessive moisture of the soil. The next watering is carried out after the soil has dried by 1/3 of the volume (when the soil is waterlogged, the root system of the plant rots). Irrigation water must be settled room temperature. Excess water accumulated in the pan after watering is drained. During the dormant period, the “drinking regimen” is reduced - the earth in the pot remains half dry.

top dressing

Eucharis is fed during the active growing season every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers for flowering plants. After the end of flowering, the Amazonian lily begins a period of rest and feeding should be stopped.

Euharis: home care, flowering conditions

With proper care, eucharis at home blooms 2-3 times a year. The flowers open in turn, each of them blooms for 8-10 days, while exuding a delicate pleasant aroma. The timing of the flowering of the Amazonian lily can be regulated by a certain scheme of watering and fertilizing.

Graph of the life cycles of eucharis (Roman numeral - the number of the month, one cell - half of the month). Yellow- the rest period of the plant, green - active vegetation, red - flowering.

If eucharis does not bloom at home, this happens for the following reasons:

Wrong landing. Before a young plant begins to bloom, its bulb must grow babies for 3-4 years. To speed up flowering when planting in one pot, you can plant several bulbs. The tighter the planting capacity, the sooner flowering will come.

Large temperature fluctuations inhibit the growth of the plant and provoke the decay of the bulb. As a result, flowering does not occur, and if the plant nevertheless laid flower arrows, the flowers are small.

The resting stage was not observed. It begins after the end of flowering and lasts 1-1.5 months. The amount and volume of watering this period is reduced and the eucharis is kept in a semi-dry state (the soil in the pot should dry out by half its volume). You can determine the degree of drying of the substrate by the weight of the pot, special moisture indicators or wooden sticks, immersing them in the ground. At the same time it is necessary to organize good lighting. When new sprouts appear, watering is increased and the plant is renewed.

Euharis: home care. The main problems in growing eucharis

Errors in care affect appearance eucharis. The gradual yellowing and death of the leaves is a natural process. Mass yellowing and death of leaves occurs when improper watering (excessive or insufficient), low air temperature (below + 10 ° C) or exposure to direct sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to remove the bulbs from the soil and inspect them: if they become soft to the touch, change color, then this indicates the process of decay. To save the flower, the damaged parts are cut out, the wounds are dusted with charcoal powder, dried in the air and planted in a new substrate.

With a lack of moisture, eucharis leaves lose turgor. If after watering their shape is not restored, then the cause may be hypothermia in a draft during transportation.

Twisting and severe drooping of the leaves is a sign of damage to the root system or frostbite from drafts.

Eucharis leaves drooped due to a draft

Deformation of adult leaves occurs when the air around the plant is dry. Rubbing them with a damp sponge will help them recover. If all leaves (both young and old) lose their shape, then the reason is most likely the appearance of pests, excess fertilizer, hypothermia of the soil and roots.

With a nutrient deficiency, the plant can throw off old leaves at the same time as new ones appear. This usually happens during the winter insufficient lighting.

One of the most common diseases of the Amaryllis family, to which eucharis belongs, is gray rot, the causative agent of which is the fungus Botridis. It develops at high humidity and low air temperature and waterlogging of the soil. At the initial stage, the leaves lose their elasticity, become soft, turn brown at the edges. Then gray mold appears on the infected areas, and they die off. At the first signs of the disease, the affected parts of the plant are removed, the rest is treated with a copper-containing fungicide (Topsin-M, Fundazol, solution blue vitriol).

Another of the frequent fungal diseases of eucharis (and the entire Amaryllis family) is stagonosporosis or red burn. It is characterized by the appearance of red elongated spots on leaves, peduncles, buds, bulbs.

Red burn on eucharis bulbs

With a strong lesion, the leaves are deformed, the peduncles are bent and droop, putrefactive foci develop on the bulb. As a result, the plant is oppressed and dies. The progression of the disease is favored by sudden changes in temperature and excessive watering. Over time, black crusts of pycnidia form on the spots - sources of fungal spores. To combat a red burn, it is important to use only high-quality planting material. Before planting, the bulbs must be etched with a fungicide (Oksih, Maxim. Rovral, Abiga-Peak) for 30 minutes and dried (2 days).

Of the pests, eucharis can be affected by a mushroom mosquito, mealybug, spider mite, thrips and scale insects.

Mushroom mosquitoes (sciarids) are small black midges, the females of which lay their eggs in the roots of plants. Harm is caused by larvae that eat root tissues. As a result, the plant lags behind in growth, withers, does not bloom. To combat these pests, the soil in the pot can be spilled with Aktara (0.8 g / l of water). In the future, adjust watering - mosquitoes breed in waterlogged soil.

Amaryllis mealybug settles under the scales of the bulb. Causes curvature of leaves and peduncles, and further drying of the plant. In case of severe damage, eucharis must be sprayed with an insecticide (Aktara, Akarin, Vertimek).

Spider mites attack plants in dry indoor air. If there are few pests, then the ground part of the eucharis is washed with soapy water and a higher air humidity is maintained. In case of mass damage, the use of acaricides (Sunmayt, Akarin, Kleschevit, Fitoverm) is justified.

Eucharis is a bulbous plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. The word "eucharis" in Greek means "graceful". About ten species of eucharis are known, which are naturally distributed in the tropics. South America and differ from each other in minor botanical characters.

In culture, the large-flowered eucharis (Eucharis grandiflora), or the Amazonian eucharis (Eucharis amazons), which is usually called the Amazon lily, is more common in culture than other species. The description of the eucharis of these species is similar, but still has a number of differences.

A mature, flowering bulb usually has three leaves; young, but not yet flowering bulbs - two or three leaves each, and children - one small leaf each. The leaves of the houseplant eucharis are large (up to 40 cm long and 20 cm wide), oval, pointed, dark green, shiny. Each leaf is kept on the bulb from one year to one and a half years. They are updated gradually.

The first flowering of the eucharis lily usually occurs in the spring and summer months, the second - in the autumn and winter. Between the first and second flowering, as a rule, more than six months pass. The arrow that appears from the middle of the bulb fully develops in 10-15 days and usually bears four to five snow-white flowers with a pleasant vanilla aroma. Each eucharis flower lasts four to six days, and the overall bloom lasts two to three weeks. The flowering period of the whole plant is extended, as young bulbs bloom later than old ones. Adult strong bulbs often throw out two flower arrows. Below is a photo of eucharis with a description.

Eucharis toothless (Eucharis subedentata) has an ovoid bulb. Green leaves, located on long, grooved petioles on top, triangular-oblong in shape, 15-23 cm long and 8-11 cm wide. Usually four leaves develop on each bulb. On a narrow peduncle, six to eight flowers are formed in an umbrella inflorescence. The flowers are white, perianth tube 3 cm long, funnel-shaped at the top; petals 1.5 cm long are directed upwards.

Lily eucharis care at home

The plant is very sensitive to sudden changes in soil moisture, therefore, when caring for eucharis at home, the earth in a pot should be constantly moderately moist (except for the time of relative rest). With the beginning of the growth of new leaves, watering is increased. At the same time, plants that have not been transplanted for a long time are fed, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers, once every two weeks. After flowering is completed and new leaves are fully developed, watering is reduced to a minimum, top dressing is stopped.

Then comes the time for the plant to rest (1-1.5 months), after which the transplant follows. Adult specimens are transplanted after three to four years, young ones - after two years, and growing ones - annually. In the intervals between transplants, the top layer (2-3 cm) of the earth is renewed. During transplantation, especially overgrown specimens are divided or growing bulbs and children are separated. Transplanted into a mixture of leafy, soddy soil, humus, river sand and weathered peat (5: 2: 4: 2: 1).

Reproduction of indoor flowers eucharis

Propagated by bulbs. For one bulb, which is completely immersed in the ground, the pot should be narrow, but rather deep (18-19 cm). Above and under the bulb there should be a layer of earth of 5-6 cm. Drainage from washed sand and expanded clay is required. During subsequent transplants of euharis indoor flowers, a new pot must be taken of the same height, but wider. The plant blooms more profusely when it is cramped in a pot.

Harm the flower of scale insects and thrips.

Eucharis (Eucharis) or Amazonian lily - a flower with wide leaves and delicate, graceful, reminiscent of daffodils, flowers. This South American plant two centuries ago first migrated to European greenhouses, and then became one of the most beloved indoor flowers.

With greater certainty, eucharis can be called not a lily, but an Amazonian or Brazilian daffodil. Its flowers are more similar in structure to them. The Greek name of the plant consists of two parts. One of them (“eu”) is the highest degree of comparison, and the main part (“charis”) means graceful, charming.

This representative of the bulbous Amaryllis family naturally lives in tropical (mountain and coastal) thickets of the Amazonian forests. Found in the Colombian Andes and Brazil.

The bulbs of the Amazonian flower are large, regular spherical shape. The oval-lanceolate leaves are painted in rich green color, they are long and wide. The leaves sit on long and dense petioles, very textured - with pronounced veins and a rough surface. They live for several years, during which the relief increases. When dying, they are quickly replaced by young (first twisted into a tube) leaves of a more delicate shade and smooth structure.

Of special charm are delicate flowers(size of Matchbox and even more), of which there are up to six pieces on umbrella inflorescences. Moreover, on well-groomed plants there may be several straight flower stalks almost half a meter high. Equipped with a long and thin stem, they hang picturesquely down, representing an unusually spectacular sight.

With greater certainty, eucharis can be called not a lily, but an Amazonian or Brazilian daffodil

Eucharis breeding methods

The propagation of eucharis by bulbs is widespread., overgrown with numerous children. When they ripen, young onions are pinched off, trying not to injure the roots. They are placed in fertilized, loose and moist soil to a depth of five centimeters. Then compact the soil in this place.

Planting of children is carried out in the first half of spring. Separation of plants is done no more than once every two years, otherwise they do not have time to get stronger and grow new bulbs. Within a year or two after that, they are able to bloom. At least three onions are placed in each container, because. singly they do not bloom until they are overgrown with new children.

Reproduction of Amazonian lilies by seeds rarely practiced due to complexity this process. In this case, the long-awaited flowering is possible only after a five-year period.

Gallery: eucharis (25 photos)

How to transplant eucharis (video)

Popular types of Amazonian lily

In nature, about two dozen species of eucharis are known. Outwardly, they differ little. The most popular are five types, which will be discussed.

Eucharis grandiflora (grandiflora)

The bulb reaches a five-centimeter size, has a rounded shape. There are always a pair of leaves on the stem. Their shape resembles a wide oval, their ends are pointed. The size of the leaves is not too large - no more than three tens of centimeters in length and twice as wide. Their color is bright green, and in the center there is a whitish vein.

The petiole is as long as the leaf itself. The flower arrow is only a little less than a meter high. It has up to six fragrant buds. The flowers are large, white, and the middle is yellow-green. This type of Tropicana blooms in late spring and summer, but it can please with fragrant buds even in the dead of winter.

Eucharis grandiflora (grandiflora)

Euharis Masters (Mastersii)

The five-centimeter bulb has an elliptical shape. Medium-sized leaves also resemble an ellipse in shape, with slightly pointed tips. They are darker than the previous species, glossy. They are located on short legs.

There can be only two flowers per thick tubular flower stalk. Their perianth is coquettishly omitted, and the four-centimeter, oval petals are narrowed at the ends. They are white, and the embossed core is yellowish. The miracle of flowering lasts all March.

Euharis Masters (Mastersii)

Eucharis white (candida)

The bulbs of these flowers are similar to the specimens of the previous species, but slightly larger. The leaves are also elliptical, but their ends are more pronounced. Leaf plates have a shade of malachite. The veins on them stand out very prominently.

Floral tube brown-green. In the umbrella located on it, there can be up to a dozen eight-centimeter flowers. These snow-white buds have a very attractive aroma. Flowering is observed already at the end of winter and affects the entire first spring month.

Eucharis white (candida)

Eucharis Sandera (Sanderi)

The bulb of this species of eucharis is large, elongated. The heart-shaped leaves are pointed at the ends. They sit on long petioles.

The flowers, located on a thick stem, have different sizes. One third of them are larger (up to 5 cm), and two thirds are smaller (no more than 3 cm). The delicately curved flowers have a yellowish crown-shaped core. They bloom at the same time as the previous species of Amazons.

Eucharis Sandera (Sanderi)

Eucharis toothless (subedentata)

This Colombian is also known as toothless callifuria. His bulb is elongated, large. Its leaves grow up to two tens of centimeters in length and twice as wide. Their petioles are long, they are arranged in four pieces, coming out of one point of growth.

On umbrella inflorescences there can be up to eight flowers, sitting on two-centimeter, slightly bent legs. Their petals are smaller than those of other types of eucharis.

Eucharis toothless (subedentata)

Eucharis care at home

Caring for the Amazonian lily is not difficult; the specifics of its cultivation are as follows.

soil and flower pot

For a Colombian beauty, it is better to choose narrow and tall pots. To remove excess moisture, from which the bulbs rot, there should be several holes in their bottom. At the same time, a significant drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is required.

An important condition for the flowering of eucharis is planting several bulbs in each pot.. They are placed in a loose substrate to a five-centimeter depth. This soil should consist of two parts of compost, the same amount of baking powder, a small addition of loam and twice the amount of leafy soil that exceeds these components. Compost can be replaced with heather soil or peat.

For a Colombian beauty, it is better to choose narrow and tall pots.

Temperature, humidity, lighting

The Amazon lily belongs to heat-loving plants. In summer, she loves temperatures up to 25 degrees, and in winter the temperature can be lowered by a maximum of ten degrees. After all, when freezing, the bulb rots, and the leaves disappear. Drafts and temperature changes are also detrimental to the flower.

A tropical plant does not require high humidity. It is sprayed only during active growth. When flowering occurs, it is better not to carry out this procedure or do it carefully. It is impossible for drops of water to fall on the flowers. From this they appear dark spots. Leaves need to be wiped from dust with a damp cloth.

Well-lit rooms are suitable for eucharis, but he is afraid of the direct sun. The western and eastern direction of the rooms are the best places for tropical plants. But they can also grow from the north side.

In the summer, it is better to expose euharis to the air. At the same time, it is important that direct sun and rain drops do not fall on it.

Amazon lily is a heat-loving plant.

Watering a houseplant

Amazon lily does not like too wet or dry soil. It should be watered only when the upper quarter of the earthen coma dries up. Water for irrigation must be defended for at least half a day. It should not be cold and hard.

They practice the upper and lower watering of the plant, placing it on a pallet with a wet "substrate" of expanded clay. Excess water is poured out. Between flowering, it is best to keep the soil mixture moderately dry. At this time, additional illumination of flowers with a special lamp is practiced. This stimulates the further flowering of the Tropicana.

Amazon lily does not like too wet or dry ground

Flower dressing

Feeding eucharis is carried out only during its growth and flowering. They do this once every two weeks. Ready-made fertilizers are used for flowering indoor plants. The dose is halved from the recommended in the instructions.

Fertilizers should not contain large amounts of nitrogen, which interferes with the flowering of tropical narcissus. It is good to alternate mineral and organic top dressing. After flowering, they stop for a couple of months.

Eucharis transplant

The Amazonian lily is transplanted during the period of its complete dormancy at the end of winter. Plants endure these procedures painfully, so it is better to carry them out no more than once every few years. It is advisable to transplant a flower only if the pot becomes too cramped for it.

How to grow eucharis (video)

In this case, sparing lilies, transshipment with maximum preservation of the earthen clod is used. When seating the children, a shallow pot with several drainage holes is selected, a layer of expanded clay is laid out on the bottom of it. In this case, the soil mixture should be similar to the one in which the plant was previously located. It is pre-watered, and after transplantation, moisture should be moderate.

Eucharis bloom

A tropical plant valued for its beautiful flowers, so flowering should be regular. If this is not the case, then the Amazonian lily is not in comfortable conditions, and you should find out the reasons for its non-flowering.

How long and under what conditions does eucharis bloom

Some types of tropical daffodils can bloom three times a year.- at the height of winter, at the end of spring and at the end of summer. Given that the buds on the flowers do not bloom at the same time, in total, under favorable conditions, flowering can last almost six months. Breaks between these periods are usually up to two months.

For flowering, it is necessary that the children are regularly separated from the main plant without injuring it. But after that, several copies of the plants should remain in the pot. After all, single bulbs do not bloom.

Eucharis is valued for its beautiful flowers, so flowering should be regular.

Contrasting plant conditions favor flowering (not to be confused with unfavorable). So, for winter flowering, it is necessary, at the end of summer flowering, to place pots with Amazonian lilies in a cool room with a temperature of at least one and a half tens of degrees, reduce watering and stop feeding them for two months. And after that, raise the temperature to two tens of degrees, also increasing watering and plant nutrition. It is also advisable to rearrange them on the southern windowsill. Daily spraying of lilies before they bloom also helps well.

Why eucharis does not bloom

The reasons for not flowering Tropicana are:

  • The plant has too few daughter bulbs.
  • The absence of a rest period, which should last at least one and a half months.
  • Root rot due to excess moisture and fungal or other diseases.
  • Uncomfortable temperature conditions - freezing, drafts.

What to do to make eucharis bloom

To make the Amazonian lily bloom, you need to winter time place in a cool room. But the temperature there should not be below 12 degrees.

At the same time, watering of plants is reduced and their top dressing is not carried out. Lighting should not be lower than usual. It is equally important that the pot is fairly cramped. Then daughter bulbs will be intensively formed, and the growth of the green part of the flower will not be observed.

Direct sunlight can harm eucharis

Why do eucharis leaves turn yellow and die

Common problems growing graceful plants (besides not flowering) are yellowing and leaf drop.

Eucharis is a bulbous plant native to the tropical rainforests of South and Central America. It gained its popularity due to its elegant white flowers and pleasant delicate aroma. Despite its origin, eucharis has an unpretentious character. However, many flower growers complain about the absence or very rare flowering of eucharis, we are looking for an answer to the question "Why does not eucharis bloom?"

The main reasons for the lack of flowering in eucharis

Eucharis flower (photo)

With proper care, the tropical plant eucharis is able to bloom twice a year, and sometimes even three. Thus, the lack of flowering may indicate improper care.

We propose to consider the most common mistakes in caring for eucharis.

Table "The main reasons why eucharis does not bloom at home"

Planting or transplanting a flower into a container that is too spacious Eucharis is one of the few plants that does not need a spacious pot. Flowering occurs only when the roots completely braid the soil in the pot. If the eucharis flower is planted in a very large container, then it will devote all its strength to increasing the root system, and not to flowering.
One eucharis bulb planted in a pot In order for the euharis to bloom, several bulbs must be planted in a small container at the same time. Very often, the plant begins to bloom when the daughter bulbs are formed.
Frequent transplant The plant is recommended to be transplanted 1 time in 4 years. Such a long period is due to the fact that eucharis can bloom only when the pot is completely filled with the root system and children. If this flower is not transplanted for longer, it can lead to a lack of nutrition and slow wilting.
The wrong place Despite the fact that the plant is photophilous, it does not tolerate bright sunlight. They can negatively affect the growth of the Amazon lily. Ultraviolet rays on it can leave burns. The best place for euharis are window sills on the western and eastern sides. With the onset of warm days indoor flower eucharis can be taken out to the balcony.
Violation of the temperature regime Eucharius is quite a heat-loving plant. During the period of active growth, the air temperature in the room where the flower is located should be more than + 18º. In the cold season optimum temperature for a plant is in the range from +13 to +18ºС. Flower growers should remember that a sharp temperature drop can affect the size of flowers. They may be much smaller than they should be. Eucharis does not tolerate temperature extremes.
Low humidity Eucharis is a tropical plant and therefore, during the growing season, its leaves must be sprayed with water. Blooming eucharis must be very carefully sprayed with water and try not to fall on the petals of the plant, as the flowers will quickly fade and dry out. In addition, an unpleasant yellowish tint will appear on them.
Wrong watering Amazon lily, like most bulbous plants, needs moderate watering. It is necessary to ensure that the substrate in the pot is optimally moistened. Try to avoid waterlogging and drying of the earth; to assess the quality of irrigation, look at the topsoil. The container for eucharis should be equipped with drainage holes. They are necessary to remove excess accumulated moisture. For irrigation, it is recommended to use warm settled water. In addition, the amount of liquid for watering the plant is calculated taking into account the growing season and dormancy.
Lack of top dressing During the period of active growth, the Amazonian lily must be fed once every 2 weeks. For this purpose, it is better to use special complex mineral and organic fertilizers. After flowering, the plant begins a dormant period. In the first month after flowering, the Amazonian lily does not need to be fed.
No hypobiosis (rest period) bulbous flower needs periods of rest. When entering hypobiosis, eucharis is not fed, practically not watered, and faded inflorescences with dried leaves are removed. The root system should be in a state of maximum rest. The rest period can last up to 2 months. The beginning of the growing season is indicated by the appearance of new leaves. At this stage, they begin to actively water and feed the plant.

How to make a plant bloom by a certain date

In the photo blooming eucharis

After we have found out why eucharis does not bloom at home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the highly effective method of forcing this flower.

To begin with, stop completely watering the plant. The earth must be completely dry. In the dormant period, the plant should stay 1 month. In this case, the temperature should be no more than 15º C. Then the bulbs are taken out of the ground and placed in a thermos with water for 1 day. The temperature of the water in the thermos should be 65º. Then the bulb is removed and placed in the substrate. From now on, the air temperature in the room should be more than 18º.

Eucharius is one of the most undemanding plants, which lends itself perfectly to distillation. It does not require special care conditions. It is necessary to plant eucharis lilies in several pieces in one small oblong pot with holes for drainage. In the room where the white flower is placed, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature regime and alternate periods of active growth and dormancy in the plant. With a competent and skillful approach, eucharis at home can bloom up to 3 times a year.