Is it possible to plant radishes between onions. "A bed as an inheritance", or which vegetables to plant after which

The future belongs to joint plantings, so it is important to know what can be planted with what on the same bed.

Plants are a bit like people - next to some cultures they feel great, develop well, and wither next to others, although the conditions are the same.

So if you want to get a good harvest every year, plan plantings taking into account the impact of plants on each other.

What can be planted Bulgarian sweet pepper?

Bulgarian sweet pepper is a capricious culture. It does not fit well with all cultures.

To avoid diseases of fungal origin, beds with kohlrabi and fennel should be removed from it.
The bushes will grow strong and without signs of disease if onions are planted between the rows, and carrots between the rows.

Well protects pepper bushes from the scorching sun and wind okra. There will be no aphids on the bushes if next to this crop are planted:

  • marigold
  • coriander
  • tansy
  • nasturtium
  • catnip

Perfectly fructifies pepper in the neighborhood with direct herbs:

  • marjoram planted between bushes
  • lovage, if you plant it around the perimeter of the garden
  • basil, which perfectly decorates the beds and repels pests

But beans are a bad companion. She has a common disease with pepper - anthracnose, which manifests itself as black soft spots on the fruit.

What can be planted with tomatoes and what can be planted nearby?

Feels good with tomatoes:

  • green onion
  • basil
  • melissa

Favorably act on tomatoes planted nearby:

  • spinach
  • carrot
  • chives
  • parsley
  • garlic
  • calendula
  • celery
  • asparagus
  • chaivis
  • borage
  • levkoy
  • marigold

Tomatoes do not tolerate the neighborhood at all:

  • dill
  • fennel
  • potatoes

Potatoes pose a particular threat to tomatoes - both crops suffer from late blight, they are both loved by the Colorado potato beetle, so these plants should be planted at different ends of the garden.

What can be planted with cabbage?

To get high-quality cabbage heads, you need to know what it can be planted with.

To get tasty and sweet heads of cabbage, plant it in the garden:

  • beets
  • spinach
  • cucumbers
  • any green salad
  • bush beans

It is impossible not to note the special friendship of cabbage with potatoes. After hilling potatoes between its rows, plant seedlings of late cabbage.

While the tops of potatoes are developing intensively, the tenant in her shade behaves modestly. After the flowering of the main crop is completed, lay the tops on the ground.

Cabbage will begin to intensively gain strength and grow. It will overtake plants planted on a separate bed in development, and in the fall it will delight with an unusually generous harvest.

There are plants that not only coexist perfectly with cabbage, but protect it from pests. They will not allow cabbage caterpillars to the garden bed:

  • garlic
  • Dill
  • borago
  • geranium
  • nasturtium
  • sage
  • nasturtium
  • tansy
  • peppermint
  • hyssop

They will drive away the cabbage fly planted in the neighborhood:

  • marigold
  • basil
  • celery
  • garlic
  • wormwood
  • sage

Dill will scare away the cabbage moth, where there are salads and celery nearby, the earthen flea will not appear. The formidable enemy of cabbage - the cruciferous flea is afraid of:

  • tansy
  • wormwood
  • sage
  • thyme
  • green onion
  • garlic
  • sage

Cabbage whites do not visit if the garden is surrounded by tomatoes, celery, savory, rosemary, dill, sage. True, tomatoes in such a neighborhood will not feel very good.
Never plant cabbage next to beans and garden strawberries, they will not grow. Herbs are also capable of drowning out cabbage, so it is better to sow them along the edge of the garden, and if between rows, then very rarely.

What can you plant hot peppers with?

Hot pepper is a peaceful culture, it gets along well with many plants. In the greenhouse, it can be planted along with tomatoes, add a little garlic to them and there will be no pests.

In an open garden, he will gladly let basil into his territory, as well as any other crops, as long as they do not obscure him.

What can not be done either in a greenhouse or in the open field is to allow the neighborhood of hot pepper with bell pepper - everything will turn out bitter.

Tip: do not plant peppers in beds where beets or potatoes have grown before. Good predecessors for him are onions, cucumbers, melons, legumes.

What can you plant eggplant with?

There is always a lot of trouble with eggplants, whether it is a greenhouse or open ground. It’s not enough to take the right care, it’s also important to choose the right place and choose the right neighbors.

Firstly, crops such as tomatoes, hot peppers, potatoes take the same nutrients from the soil as eggplants, so planting this plant after them, you will not be able to ensure its normal life.

As for the neighbors, place eggplant beds where peas, thyme or beans grow nearby, driving away the Colorado potato beetle from them.

Eggplants have nothing against the neighborhood with pumpkin, watermelon, melon, sweet bell pepper. Petunia, marigolds, basil and nasturtium along the contour of the garden will scare away many pests.

Healthy eggplant grows next to a small amount of amaranth. And in a fairly large space between the bushes, lettuce is successfully grown.

Attention: Even with the right choice of neighborhood, keep the distance between cultures. They shouldn't hurt each other.

What can you plant cucumbers in a greenhouse with?

Cucumbers love high humidity and a stable temperature with a long daylight hours. Such conditions can only be created in a greenhouse or greenhouse. At the same time, other crops can be planted next to them, choosing them correctly.

In one greenhouse, only those plants that belong to the same family or, in extreme cases, meet the same maintenance requirements will get along.
For planting vegetables in one greenhouse, both their types and varieties are important. If you want to get a crop of both cucumbers and eggplant, then take hybrid seeds. On a small area, the neighbors of cucumbers can be:

  1. Peppers are sweet, they also need high humidity.
  2. Eggplants, like cucumbers, love warmth and moisture.
  3. White cabbage, preferring moisture and plenty of light
  4. Radishes planted along the contour of the garden
  5. Zucchini. They have the same requirements with cucumbers, but zucchini needs much more ventilation, so they are grown only with hybrids that are more tolerant of temperature and humidity fluctuations.
  6. Melons. Growing together with cucumbers, they give a lot of fruits.

If the greenhouse is spacious, then at the same time it is possible to grow tomatoes, only the beds should be divided with light screens, and zucchini, peppers or greens should be planted between them. A place for tomatoes is allocated closer to the door where it is cooler.

What can you plant dill with?

Dill can not be planted with all crops

Many believe that dill is a friend to all cultures. Often it is not even deliberately sown, it scatters itself and wanders around the beds. Meanwhile, seemingly harmless, dill inhibits growth, reduces the yield of carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, basil, watercress.
He also has friends: cabbage, from which he repels pests and improves its taste, cucumbers that grow well in the shade of his umbrellas, bush beans, onions, sunflowers, fennel.

What can be planted with strawberries and what can be planted nearby?

There are few plants, joint plantings with which have a beneficial effect on strawberries:

  • parsley
  • spinach
  • beans

This vitamin berry has nothing against the neighborhood with borage, radish, garlic, beets, onions, salads, cabbage, sage.
A bed for strawberries should be chosen after radishes, spinach, parsley, legumes, dill, hyacinths, daffodils, tulips, corn, carrots.

What can be planted with garlic?

Many cultures like a place next to a chksnock

Garlic is a natural fungicide that has been successfully used in the fight against fungal infections. Most garlic neighbors like this quality:

  1. Potatoes surrounded by garlic are easier to cope with late blight
  2. From strawberries, he drives away harmful insects
  3. Carrots will get rid of psyllids and carrot flies

A good companion is garlic for greens and vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. It is an excellent partner for raspberries, roses, tulips, currants, gladioli.
Despite the many useful properties, not all cultures love garlic. All legumes are included. He suppresses them so much that they stop growing.

As a predecessor, garlic is universal, everything grows after it. It itself gives a good harvest after pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage. Bad predecessors for him:

  • carrot
  • radish
  • coriander
  • celery
  • basil

What can beetroot be planted with?

Beetroot's favorite neighbor is potatoes, they mutually stimulate each other's development. The neighborhood with beans, tomatoes, spinach, radishes, radishes, lettuce, onions also has a beneficial effect on the yield of beets.
Beets have a positive attitude towards cucumbers, celery, garlic. There is no need to wait for a good beet harvest if it is planted next to corn.

There is an assumption that beet roots secrete substances close to antibiotics, so it has a healing effect on some crops, in particular on carrots.

Beets grow well after potatoes, cabbage, legumes, cucumbers. Beets have powerful tops, so when planting it together with other crops, keep a distance.

What can you plant carrots with?

The ensemble of carrots and onions is just perfect. The main pest of carrots - the carrot fly does not tolerate onions, and the onion fly is afraid to approach carrots.

To stimulate the growth of carrots, the beds are planted with chamomile, thyme, tobacco, rosemary. Gives a good result joint planting with tomatoes, garlic, radish, chard, salads.
The culture has a negative attitude towards parsley, dill.
Desirable predecessors for her are potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, legumes, greens.

What can you plant watermelons and melons with?

Good watermelons planted next to the greens

Experienced gardeners do not advise planting these 2 crops on the same bed due to mutual cross-pollination. But if the harvesting of seeds is not an important point, then their joint planting is permissible, especially since they treat the neighborhood with other crops in the same way.

You can plant them next to spinach, radish, other herbs except parsley, corn. They need a lot of sun, so you can not place them near shrubs and trees. The close presence of related crops does not suit them: zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers.
The worst predecessors for them are themselves.

What can you plant zucchini and pumpkin with?

Pumpkin is a cross-pollinated plant. Consequently, its different varieties can pollinate and lose their characteristic features. Therefore, in order to preserve the variety, each is planted away from each other. The same rule applies to zucchini.

The pumpkin grows late and before this moment, peas, spinach, curly beans, and leeks will ripen nearby. But next to potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, parsley, her presence is extremely undesirable - she herself will not grow normally, and she will crush her neighbors.

Pumpkin and zucchini with corn grow well. A radish planted around a hole or nasturtium repels pests from them. Different herbs, corn, winter crops and vegetables are the best predecessors.

What can be planted with peas, beans?

Peas can be planted between rows of cucumbers, carrots, turnips. It goes well with parsley, radish, head lettuce. Onions, garlic and tomatoes are not suitable for placement on the same bed with it.

Beans get along with celery in a small amount. She is good with corn and in the garden with carrots.
It is best to plant these crops after onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, beets, carrots, potatoes, radishes.

What can you plant basil with?

Planting basil next to peppers is a good idea.

Basil is interesting both from an aesthetic and culinary point of view. He gets along well with tomatoes and corn, scaring them away from a common pest - a horned worm. In the place where the basil grows, ants will not start. A successful duet is basil and sweet pepper.

Of the herbs, basil does not tolerate rue.

What can you plant potatoes with?

Potato develops well in mixed plantings, almost does not get sick and grows on the same area for a long time without reducing the yield.
Useful company for potatoes:

  • bush beans
  • cabbage
  • radish
  • coriander
  • nasturtium
  • beet
  • marigold

Potatoes are inhibited by sunflower and weeds such as quinoa and wormwood. This culture likes the neighborhood of grapes. Increases productivity close proximity to corn.
Under no circumstances will potatoes get along with celery, sunflower, pumpkin.

An excellent harvest will give potatoes after legumes, cabbage, especially kohlrabi and cauliflower, oil radish. After the last crop, all pathogens will leave the garden.

What can be planted next to onions?

Onions love the company of cabbage, as well as tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, petunias. Perennial onions, planted in a circle, have a good effect on rose bushes.

As neighbors, onions like carrots, borage, potatoes. Does not tolerate gladioli, legumes.
Suitable precursors are cucumbers, zucchini, herbs, tomatoes, legumes.

What can you plant parsley with?

Parsley improves the taste of tomatoes. Good company for her is leeks. She likes the neighborhood with calendula, carrots, radishes.

She is not friendly with watercress, nasturtium, coriander. As predecessors, early potatoes and cabbage, cucumbers are good.

What can you plant celery with?

Joint plantings of celery and white cabbage are mutually beneficial. He scares away white butterflies from a neighbor, and she stimulates his growth. Celery gives good results in combination:

  • with cucumbers
  • beetroot
  • spinach
  • beetroot
  • bush beans

Bad Neighbors:

  • carrot
  • potato
  • parsley
  • corn

Acceptable predecessors are cucumbers, onions, cabbage, potatoes.

What can be planted with tobacco?

Tobacco, whose leaves emit a lot of volatile substances, is a good companion for many plants. This plant is a protector.
It is planted on the beds together with eggplants, tomatoes. He dares away from the beds with radishes and kohlrabi earthen fleas. If planted with carrots, then the latter is not afraid of the carrot fly.

What can be planted with grapes?

Strawberries thrive between rows of vines. Rye, beans, corn, radishes, soybeans improve its taste. The neighborhood with oil-bearing radish has a good effect on his condition. Cabbage, onion, barley have a negative effect.

Sometimes weeds, such as wood lice, shepherd's purse, are also useful, but in small quantities. And it would seem useful medicinal plants: tansy, yarrow, nightshade, on the contrary, inhibit growth.

What can be planted next to currants?

The real protector for blackcurrant is onion, it destroys the kidney mite. Currants also get along with honeysuckle, but they are not friends with their relative, red currants. A bad neighbor for her and raspberries, like gooseberries, in the same area with which she does not look healthy.

Hyssop and fennel are disliked by almost all plants. Therefore, plant them separately and in the farthest corner.

Companies of plants can be interesting and very diverse. The main thing is that the result pleases.

Video: about mixed landings

You can understand what to plant tomatoes next to by studying in detail the needs of plants.

The best neighbors in the garden will be other nightshades that have similar agrotechnical requirements.

But it is better to move moisture-loving cucumbers to the other end of the greenhouse, together these plants get along with difficulty.

You can understand what to plant tomatoes next to by studying in detail the needs of plants

Co-growing: pros and cons

  • saving space, it is especially relevant for greenhouses;
  • plantings look very beautiful, not reminiscent of boring beds, but a thoughtful still life;
  • spicy herbs, onions or garlic can protect against pests;
  • some plants are able to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes and give the fruits a pleasant taste;
  • crops mutually enrich the soil, reducing the need for fertilizers;
  • after tomatoes, it will not be necessary to sow the plantation with green manure;
  • simplifies the care of the beds;
  • with mixed sowing, the need to change plants every year disappears.

Despite the numerous advantages, joint landing also has disadvantages:

  • when placed next to tall bushes (raspberries, currants), tomatoes may not have enough sun;
  • some plants have excellent requirements for watering, fertilizing, loosening;
  • there is a danger of over-pollination.

Proper compatibility of plants will help to avoid possible troubles. It is important to understand what to plant tomatoes next to, and which crops to avoid. A thoughtful selection of predecessors, followers and neighbors will help increase productivity and simplify garden care.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse (video)

Greenhouse neighbors

The selection of successful neighbors is especially important when filling greenhouses or greenhouses. In a limited space, it is difficult for plants to provide diametrically opposite conditions. The best neighbors for tomatoes are other nightshades, especially peppers and eggplants. They have similar soil composition requirements. All these crops prefer light and nutritious soil. The ideal option is black soil or sandy loam. On loams, yields can be significantly reduced. When watering, keep in mind that tomatoes are less moisture-loving than peppers. An automatic system that accurately doses the water supply will help solve the issue.

Compatibility also depends on the variety. Modern first generation hybrids are more tolerant and grow well alongside other plants.

In the aisles, you can sow greens: dill, parsley, herbs. Onions and garlic protect the bushes from pests, purple basil gives the fruits a pleasant aftertaste. A good neighbor for tomatoes is early vegetables: radish, cabbage. Heads are cut before the fruiting of tomatoes, so that the cultures do not interfere with each other. Nothing prevents planting after the first harvest the next batch of cabbage or lettuce.

From time to time, the soil in the greenhouse needs to rest and recover. The safest and cheapest option is green manure plants. They enrich the soil with valuable trace elements, saturate it with nitrogen. After tomatoes, phacelia or alfalfa are planted; at the end of the season, these herbs become a natural fertilizer.

It is important to understand what to plant tomatoes next to, and which crops to avoid.

What to plant in an open garden

The best neighbors of tomatoes in the open field are carrots, radishes, garlic, beets, celery, radishes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts or white cabbage, broccoli. Spicy herbs are often planted in the aisles: basil, mint, lemon balm, borage. In the south, next to tomatoes, you can sow watermelons, melons, and corn. All nightshades coexist well with these plants, the proximity to melons reduces the number of pests and prevents some unpleasant diseases.

In a small garden next to tomatoes, you can plant strawberries. Understanding what to plant after tomatoes is not difficult. Legumes, various flowers, herbs, undemanding to the nutritional value of the soil, are placed on the impoverished soil. A good option is to sow a former tomato plantation with phacelia, alfalfa, leafy mustard or soybeans. After tomatoes, potatoes can also be planted, but humus and mineral fertilizers will need to be added to the soil.

What to plant with what, so as not to interfere (video)

Predecessors and successors: selection rules

The question, after which to plant tomatoes, worries all gardeners interested in a bountiful harvest. The best predecessors of tomatoes are various types of cabbage, legumes, cabbages or leafy lettuces. These plants enrich the soil with nitrogen and other valuable trace elements. Do not plant tomatoes on the beds that were occupied by eggplant, potatoes, peppers.

Green manure plants are necessary for extensive plantings. They must be sown in industrial greenhouses or in beds a year before placing tomato seedlings on them.

Various cruciferous plants act as precursors that feed the soil with useful elements: mustard, soybeans, alfalfa, white or red cabbage, pumpkin. Good green manure - cucumbers, beets, turnips, green onions, squash or zucchini.

Green manure plants are necessary for extensive plantings

The next year after tomatoes, it is better to plant different varieties of cabbage or take up a plantation with legumes. They are unpretentious to the composition of the soil, and typical diseases of nightshade peas and beans are not terrible. You can not plant tomatoes after strawberries, eggplants, potatoes, peppers. If the site is small, it is better to divide it into 3 parts in advance. Herbs will act as an intermediate crop between incompatible plants. In a year of sowing alfalfa or vetch, the land will be completely restored.

Questions, then plant tomatoes and what can be placed on the beds that were occupied by nightshade, excite many gardeners. There are few hard contraindications, most cultures will calmly endure the neighborhood. Do not be afraid of experiments, sometimes the most unexpected combinations bring success.

For inexperienced gardeners, it may seem that potatoes are a crop that does not require undue care and attention. But planting potatoes, so that its taste and plentiful harvest will please, will have to work hard. A potato is a marvelous root crop - with impeccable handling, capable of producing ten from one bucket. And for a negligent summer resident, harvesting may turn out to be less than sowing. Today we look at what you can plant potatoes with so that the harvest is rich and healthy.

Stopping on the priorities of planting potatoes, it is necessary to take into account its impeccable "livability" near cabbage, spinach and radish. Future tubers are protected from the Colorado potato beetle by the presence of nasturtiums and marigolds on the beds, and garlic beds planted nearby are saved from late blight (on methods of combating late blight -).

Potato sprouts cannot stand the neighborhood of lettuce and cucumbers, and the presence of tomatoes nearby makes them very happy.

Landing place

Obviously, the delusion of ignorant amateur gardeners who try to plant potatoes on the same site every year, as well as its placement in the territory where tomatoes used to bear fruit. Belonging to the nightshade family, both plant crops will suffer from the same diseases.
The best option would be if the potatoes are preceded by garlic, radishes, onions, cabbage, radishes, green peas, beans and other crops from the legume or cruciferous family. In the same place, a plentiful harvest is removed only after 3-4 years.

How to get rid of the wireworm that harms the growth of potatoes

The larva of the click beetle (its scientific name), which has a grayish color with longitudinal dark stripes, will cause considerable trouble before it can be eradicated from the area. Getting rid of the wireworm is difficult, but possible.

It prefers both wet and acidic soils, overgrown with planting: thistle, pigworm, wheatgrass weeds, as well as woodlice, milkweed and dodder. Intolerant of soil saturated with nitrogen fertilizers, harmful beetles will leave their favorite habitat if the acidity of the soil is reduced by sowing it with beans.

  • the presence in the wells of 5-10 g of finely chopped eggshells, slightly moistened with sunflower oil;
  • swelling of corn grains two weeks before in proportions: per 1 sq. m - 2-3 nests of 15 pieces each. At the first sign of corn pecking, place it along with the ground on plywood or film, selecting harmful beetle larvae;
  • for nitrogen fertilization, the introduction of ammonium sulfate into the soil - 2 tbsp. l. per 1 sq. m;
  • liming and digging the soil, removing the pest from the roots of thistle and wheatgrass, supplying each hole with a handful of onion peel when planting;
  • the presence of marigolds around the perimeter and between the rows of the potato plot is favorable for growth;
  • finding in each well a pinch of processed dried superphosphate;
  • by adding ordinary spruce or pine needles to the soil on the site;
  • using the environmentally friendly preparation "Protection" contained in the soil, containing a microscopic nemabact worm. It will be effective to add a pinch of the product to each well. With a single use, the nematode eats 60 - 100% of the pest.
  • getting rid of pests with the help of tops, straw or manure, spreading them around the site in the fall, collecting and burning the mass when frost sets in;
    bait for sweets by watering a film or oilcloth spread on the ground with sugar syrup;
  • with the help of green manure, which consists in planting buckwheat, mustard, clover or alfalfa in fields infected with a harmful beetle. Without surviving the presence of these plants, the harmful beetle dies or leaves the land.

Those who are determined to fight the wireworm should take note that it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the desired result without difficulty, as well as to get a good potato harvest!

Peas belong to the legume family. He came to us in Russia from Southeast Asia. Even more specifically: it is believed that the birthplace of peas is Northwest India. Today, peas are grown in more than 60 countries around the world, in fields and suburban areas. It is not necessary to once again mention the benefits of green peas, this is already obvious. But there is one interesting fact: it is useful to eat at least 3 kg of peas per year. Do you fit into this number?

Useful Neighborhood

We grow peas in both summer cottages, not occupying a separate bed for this, but interspersing it with other crops. There was an unoccupied section of the ridge - we plant peas. Turns out it's super helpful. Peas saturate the soil with nitrogen, which favorably affects neighboring plants. In addition, the roots of peas are able to go far into the depths of the soil, extracting nutrients from its lower layers. Part of the nutrients also passes to neighboring crops. Thus, thanks to peas, plants receive additional nutrition. That is why peas are considered an excellent inter-row crop.

The best neighbors for peas in the garden

Since we have touched on the topic of the benefits of peas for vegetables growing in the neighborhood, we list the list the best neighbors for peas in the garden: where is it better to plant peas, next to which crops. Source of information: the book "Preparing the site for spring" (

Next to what you can plant peas:

  • with cucumbers
  • carrots
  • potato,
  • radish,
  • corn,
  • beans
  • spicy herbs.

It is believed that these cultures are well combined with each other.

Bad neighbors for peas:

  • garlic,
  • Clover,
  • alfalfa.

It is believed that these cultures are not compatible with each other.

Pea precursors

Peas react sensitively to crops grown in the garden before it. It is not recommended to plant peas in the same place where they grew last summer. It will be possible to re-sow peas in this area after 4 years.

Good predecessors of peas in the garden:

  • cucumbers, tomato, cabbage, potatoes.

Bad predecessors of peas in the garden:

  • legumes (beans and beans).

It is believed that peas can be grown after any vegetable crops, with the exception of "relatives" from the legume family. If the gardener manages to harvest peas in the first half of summer, then this area can be sown with radishes.

Soil for peas

Despite the fact that peas themselves are able to enrich the soil with nutrients, they themselves require certain conditions for growth. We list them (source: the book "Peas, Beans and Beans", author Fatyanov V.I.). As for the soil:

  • Peas love soils that are neutral in acidity. To improve the composition of the soil for peas, ash is added to it (1 glass per 1 square meter).
  • Sunny areas with an acidity of 6-7 are considered the best for peas.
  • Peas succeed on medium sandy and light loamy soils.
  • soil for peas they begin to cook in the fall: they dig it deep and fertilize it, adding half a bucket of humus or compost, 35 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2.
  • In the spring, before planting, re-deep loosening is carried out.
  • In a place where peas have not been grown before, nitragin is applied,
  • Since peas themselves are a good fertilizer, after harvesting the stems and leaves of peas are recommended to be planted in trunk circles under fruit trees or put in compost.

Peas do not like:

  • weeds. It does not grow well in weedy and poor areas, so the soil should be freed from weeds before planting and the bed should be kept clean during the entire growing season.
  • Waterlogged heavy clay soils. From dampness, the leaves of peas turn yellow, and the roots rot. It also increases the risk of fungal infection.

Favorable conditions:

  • Long daylight.
  • Seeds germinate already at temperatures from +2 to +6 degrees, but the regime from +18 to +20 degrees is considered optimal.
  • The culture is cold-resistant, and even young shoots easily tolerate frosts down to -6 degrees.

Peas ripen depending on the variety:

  • late-ripening varieties 100-125 days,
  • mid-season 85-100 days,
  • early/early 65-85 days,
  • super-early varieties 40-65 days.

As you know, in the "wild" nature, plants live together with each other, and not as separate crops, as in the beds. Many experienced summer residents try to grow vegetables and berries in a similar way.

This "cohesion" and yield increases and helps to cope with pests without any chemicals. However, you need to consider which plants and what get along best.

How do plants help each other?

Properly selected plants create a shadow for each other, attract bees, save space. So, many of them help with root secretions.

For example, peas, beans, and the roots of other legumes contain bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the air and "share" this nutrient with plants that grow nearby. Therefore, they are considered the best neighbors for beets, radishes, horseradish, celery. Some plant species also repel pests: nematodes and voles, and also protect against many diseases and insects.

For example, marigolds planted around the garden repel nematodes. If you plant garlic between vegetables and flowers, then the substances contained in garlic prevent aphids and fungal diseases from being affected. However, for cabbage, beans and peas, the neighborhood of garlic is undesirable.

How to plant mixed crops

In the spring, lettuce and radishes planted together complement each other well. When the radish crop is harvested, there will be room for lettuce. In summer, when planting two summer crops side by side, you should pay attention to the needs of both crops, they should be similar.

For example, tomato goes well with salad. Spinach or carrots can also be sown before tomatoes. When the main crop is already harvested in the fall, it's time to alternate planting late crops.

Which plants protect

Onion- protects against powdery mildew and gray mold, repels aphids and carrot flies. An excellent neighbor for many vegetables, except for peas, beans and cabbage. Garlic- has all the same "healing" properties as onions.

It is also undesirable to plant next to peas, cabbage and beans. But garlic is a great neighbor for fruit trees and vegetables. Tomato- unlike garlic and onions, a good "friend" for beans, as well as for carrots, cabbage, onions, lettuce.

Repels cabbage whites. Parsley- gets along with strawberries and tomatoes, improving the taste. But it does not coexist well with Boston white lettuce and other types of lettuce.

Mint- planted next to cabbage and fruit trees will protect them from ants, cabbage whites and earthen fleas. Sage- an excellent neighbor for all types of cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, strawberries and roses. Keeps out caterpillars, cabbage whites and moths.

Dill- able to accelerate the germination of carrot seeds. Repels cabbage whites, aphids. Can be planted next to cucumbers, cabbage, onions and lettuce. Kupyr- suitable for planting next to all kinds of lettuce, radish.

But not for tomatoes. Kupyr repels fleas, ants, snails, and also protects against powdery mildew, which often attacks lettuce leaves. Savory garden- gets along with beans, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, onions and beets. Does not tolerate aphids, including black bean aphids.

Marigold- suitable for berry bushes, roses, strawberries and most types of vegetables. Marigolds repel root nematodes, heal the soil for the best plant growth. Marigold- also repel root nematodes and attract beneficial insects.

Good neighbors for tomatoes, beans, many types of cabbage and fruit trees. The earth, after marigolds, remains loose and soft. Nasturtium big- the best "roommate" for fruits and vegetables. It “intercepts” cabbage whites, keeps aphids out, protecting fruit trees, and also blocks the way for ants, caterpillars, snails. So, a mixed planting is not only attractive in appearance, but has a lot of advantages.

Spring sowing has begun in the fields and gardens. Gardeners plant cabbage, onions, eggplants and other vegetables and berries. However, when landing, it is necessary to take into account many factors that at first glance seem insignificant.

For example, some crops categorically cannot be planted side by side. Also, the same vegetables cannot be grown in the same garden for several years. But you also need to change the location of plants according to the rules.

How exactly, said an experienced gardener from Krasnodar Lyudmila Taranova.

Helpful neighbors and not so

Plant compatibility must be considered. Some of them "help" each other, others, on the contrary, harm. It's all about the special chemicals that plants emit in the process of life - they have a different effect on their neighbors.

how to plant - planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse

See our infographic for details.

We make a plan for the beds

Judging by the experience of gardeners, a plant should not have a permanent place in the garden. If you plant a crop from year to year, without changing its location, there will be problems with the crop, and with the soil. Proper planning of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden can correct the situation.


It is impossible to plant cabbage and other cruciferous plants (radish, radish) in the same place earlier than in 2-3 years. White cabbage is best placed after potatoes, tomatoes, onions; planting after beans, peas, carrots and beets is acceptable.


The best predecessors for potatoes are cabbage and various root crops. A bad predecessor for potatoes is a tomato, since these crops have common pests and pathogens. Growing potatoes in the same place should be no more than 3 years.


For cucumbers, you should look for a new place every year. They grow best after cauliflower and early white cabbage. You can also plant them after tomatoes, potatoes, peas and beets.

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Accordingly, you can not grow tomatoes after potatoes. Since, we repeat, the diseases and pests of these crops are the same.

Good predecessors for tomatoes are cauliflower and early white cabbage, pumpkin and legumes, root crops and onions are acceptable. By the way, if you plant tomatoes in the same place every year, then the soil in this area becomes acidic. Therefore, every autumn, for deep digging of the soil, fluff lime should be applied in small quantities (from 50 to 100 g per 1 sq. M), since tomatoes grow better on soils with neutral acidity (pH 6.5-7).


Growing beets in one place should be carried out no more than once every three to four years. Beets grow well after cucumbers, zucchini, squash, early cabbage, tomatoes, early potatoes, legumes. It is undesirable to plant beets after vegetables from the haze family (chard, spinach).


In one place, onions should not be planted for more than three to four years in a row. The best predecessors of onions are crops, under which large doses of organic fertilizers were applied, as well as cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes, and potatoes. On heavy clay soils, onions will not give a good harvest; they prefer light, loose, fertile soils and good lighting.

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It is possible to grow garlic in one place for no more than two years, otherwise it is impossible to avoid contamination of the soil with a stem nematode. It is better to plant garlic after cucumbers, early potatoes, early cabbage and other early harvested crops (except onions).

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Sown after early potatoes, cabbage, green crops (excluding lettuce), placement after tomatoes and peas is allowed.


The best predecessors for eggplant are cucumber, onion, early ripe cabbage, perennial herbs. You can not plant eggplant where potatoes, tomatoes, physalis, as well as peppers and eggplants grew last year.


The best predecessors for strawberries are radishes, lettuce, spinach, dill, peas, beans, mustard, radish, parsley, turnips, carrots, onions, garlic, celery, and flowers (tulips, daffodils, marigolds). On poor soil, the best predecessors of strawberries are mustard, phacelia (they are also honey plants).

Unsuitable as predecessors are potatoes, tomatoes and other solanaceous, as well as cucumbers. After them, plots can be occupied with strawberries only after three to four years.

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It is good to plant strawberries after radishes, beans, mustard, radishes, peas, parsley, garlic. Potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are of little use as predecessors.

You can not place strawberries after all types of the Compositae family (sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke) and all types of buttercups. In addition, if the area allows, allocate a small area for growing green manure herbs: clover, lupine, alfalfa and others. This will give rest to the earth, the soil will gain strength for the cultivation of vegetable crops.


It turns out that the crop can be saved from diseases and pests not only by chemical means, but also by flowers that should be planted next to vegetables. Both beautiful and practical. They will provide good protection against pests marigold.

It is good to plant them not only in flower beds next to the window, but also along the perimeter of the garden and in the aisles. Marigolds, due to their properties, repel nematodes from tomatoes and potatoes, save strawberries from weevil, and also drive away onion flies, scoops and cabbage whites. Marigolds protect flax, clover and wheat from Fusarium. To improve the soil on the site and scare away the bear in between, before plowing the land, finely chopped marigold stalks can be scattered.

Infusion of marigolds protects peas, cabbage, apple trees, cherries, plums, currants and gooseberries from aphids. Pour warm (about 40-60 degrees) water and insist for two days.

Then filter, add 40 g of liquid soap (so that the infusion does not drain, but remains on the plants) and pour the mixture into the sprayer. Processing rates: for the garden - 2 liters per 10 square meters; for one bush or tree under 6 years old - also 2 liters; for fruit trees and shrubs older than 6 years - 6-8 liters.

From whiteflies and whiteflies will help nasturtium. Flowers can be planted next to tomatoes and cabbage. Nasturtium is also useful for fruit trees. Plant two or three bushes under a cherry, peach or apple tree.

In autumn, flowers can be crushed and buried in the near-stem circle. This is a great green manure. Chamomile pyrethrium called a natural insecticide. If planted next to cabbage, vegetables will not be afraid of caterpillars of cabbage scoops and whites, as well as aphids.

Try planting feverfew in the spring near the trunk circles of an apple tree. The apple tree will be reliably protected from the codling moth, aphids and other pests. Phlox neighborhood with chamomile will save from nematodes.

And rodents do not like pyrethrum. There is another beautiful protector of vegetables. The Colorado potato beetle, for example, does not tolerate odors. calendula. Experienced gardeners advise planting calendula next to potatoes.

Some people do this - in the spring they plant a row of potatoes, a row of marigold seeds, and so on. If the potatoes are already planted, plant the calendula somewhere nearby. In autumn, store it in the ground where you are going to plant potatoes next year.

Calendula is a good green manure. Also, the flower will save asters from fusarium, and rose bushes from nematodes. Lavender protect the site from ants and aphids, and the house from real moths.

You should not completely abandon chemical remedies, but try to focus on natural defenders.

Mixed landings. What vegetables can be planted nearby?


Allelopathy is the name of the science that studies the influence of plants on each other. All plants secrete various substances through their leaves and roots, which, getting into the soil, can be absorbed by the roots of neighboring plants.

Some types of plants can stimulate the growth of nearby crops, protect them from pests, or, on the contrary, oppress their neighbors. In addition to mutually beneficial relationships for the harvest, mixed plantings help to significantly save space in the garden.

Definitely, when drawing up a landing plan, it is necessary: focus on your climatic conditions - dry or wet, how often wind, precipitation; take into account the characteristics of a particular site - soil composition, openness to the sun or shading, protection from the wind, watering opportunities. These are the parameters that determine the main strategy in the garden, and for the best result you can use the secrets of plant interaction. What plants help each other, and which ones interfere? grows well with many garden plants, in mixed plantings improves the taste of tomatoes and lettuce, does not combine with rue. they go well with green beans, the thyme planted nearby has a beneficial effect on them. They have the most favorable relationship with cucumbers, and they also go well with potatoes, radishes, spinach, radishes, corn and mustard.

Saturate the earth with nitrogen. For the beans themselves, the neighborhood with lavender, oregano, rosemary, borage, yarrow is very good.

Harmful neighbors for beans are different types of onions and garlic, bitter wormwood, marigolds. can grow with corn, beans, potatoes, radishes, oilseed radish and rye crops. Onions, barley, soybeans and cabbage have a bad effect on grapes. combined with carrots, cucumbers, radishes, lettuces, kohlrabi and turnips, like all legumes, it enriches the earth with nitrogen.

It is unfavorable to plant peas next to onions, garlic and tomatoes. different species has similar preferences in terms of neighbors, goes well with bush beans, celery, all kinds of salads, borage, buckwheat, beets, carrots, chard, spinach. To protect cabbage from insects, various spicy and odorous plants are planted nearby - dill, thyme, sage, rosemary, mint, hyssop, nasturtiums, marigolds.

Do not plant grapes and strawberries next to cabbage. feels good in mixed plantings with beans, spinach, bush beans, cabbage, especially cauliflower and kohlrabi, radishes and salads. Herbs that repel pests of potatoes - coriander, nasturtium, tansy, marigolds, catnip.

It is believed that garlic will help protect potatoes from late blight. Potatoes do not go well with sunflower, quinoa and celery.

For strawberries, successful neighbors are bush beans, spinach, parsley, borage, sage. is a friendly crop for many plants, it is especially good to plant it near beans, pumpkins, cucumbers, peas, soybeans. However, it requires a fairly nutritious soil, this should be taken into account when placing plants.

There is an opinion that soy will protect corn from bedbugs. Unwanted neighbors for her are beets and celery. can grow next to beets, lettuce, strawberries, spinach, cucumbers, radishes, carrots. Thyme has a good effect on onions.

Bad neighbors for onions are beans, peas, beans, sage. very good to plant mixed with celery. Combined with bush beans, carrots, beets. perfectly adjacent to peas, can grow with potatoes, salads, radishes, onions. From herbs rosemary, sage are suitable.

Plants hostile to carrots are dill, anise, fennel. It is believed that you should not grow carrots under an apple tree - then both apples and root crops will be bitter.

With onions, carrots in mixed plantings can best be combined in dry climates and drip irrigation. interspersed with beans, you can plant beans, beets, garlic, onions, spinach, radishes nearby. Herbs-neighbors for cucumbers - borage, dill, chamomile.

There are different opinions about the compatibility of cucumbers with tomatoes, but it should be borne in mind that the conditions for good growth for them are very different, so such a neighborhood is undesirable .. For pepper, basil will be a good neighbor, but you should not plant it with beans, because they are prone to the same disease .

Also, you can not plant fennel nearby. suitable as a companion plant for many other crops - strawberries, tomatoes, peas, asparagus, roses, lettuce. Protects roses from aphids and strawberries from slugs. it is favorable to combine with different types of salads, they protect it from earthen flea.

Other great neighbors for radishes are beans, watercress, nasturtium, they improve the taste of radishes and protect against pests. In addition, radishes do not like heat, so they need to be shaded by taller plants.

You can also plant near tomatoes, parsley, onions, chard, garlic, strawberries and peas. It is not recommended to plant nearby hyssop. combined with peas.

Does not combine with mustard and knotweed. it has a good effect on cabbage of all kinds, radish, radish and lettuce; onion, kohlrabi, spinach have a good effect on beets themselves. It is permissible to plant garlic, cucumbers, strawberries, root celery nearby. and white cabbage help each other - celery drives away white butterflies, and cabbage stimulates the active growth of celery.

It can grow well next to tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, beets, spinach, chives, beans. Do not plant near corn, potatoes, parsley and carrots. quite peaceful in relation to many vegetables, but goes better with parsley, basil and tomatoes.

There is an opinion that tomatoes do not like to grow in mixed plantings, however, according to the experience of some gardeners, they still get along with some crops, for example, endive, basil, celery, parsley, chives, spinach and bush beans are suitable. Possible joint planting with cabbage, corn, beets, garlic, carrots, radishes and radishes.

Tomatoes have a bad relationship with kohlrabi, fennel, dill. Potatoes should not be planted nearby, as they have common diseases and pests. likes soil rich in organic matter and can go well with peas or beans, which enrich the soil with nitrogen.

Sometimes a pumpkin is planted between corn plants, the corn shades the pumpkin from excessive solar heat. grows well with various types of cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, also stimulates their growth. Doesn't tolerate carrots. - the most suitable neighbor for most plants, is friends with cabbage, radish, corn, celery, cucumbers, potatoes, beets, strawberries, tomatoes, spinach.

It is good to plant thyme near the beans, it protects the beans from aphids. Plants that beans do not get along with - onions, garlic, fennel, peas .. Suitable for planting along with tomatoes, celery, carrots, strawberries, roses, grapes, protects plants from aphids.

Not compatible with peas and beets. friendly to all types of plants. The best mutual influence is observed in spinach and potatoes, tomatoes, beets, beans, radishes, kohlrabi. goes well with tomatoes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, strawberries.

It repels aphids and some other pests. It has a bad effect on peas, beans and cabbage. This list is not at all complete, combinations of only the most popular types of vegetables are described, which beginner gardeners usually try to grow. All the above tips, of course, remain only tips and will never replace invaluable personal experience.

What can be planted next to cabbage?

11 months ago

What plants are good for cabbage?

11 months ago

I love cabbage very much and in the country we have a decent-sized garden bed. Mom is always very kind to the cultivation of cabbage. She tells me that everything can be grown nearby. Here we have potatoes on one side. And they coexist beautifully.

On the right side, through a thin path, beans grow, there is dill, onion batun. Everything is very close and we have been planting this way for more than a year. The taste of cabbage does not change)). Still here in the article from the gardener is advice on planting celery nearby.

It is written that there will be no harm! Marigolds get along very well next to cabbage!

Cabbage is one example of a good neighbor for many crops. She loves abundant watering, so you can plant plants nearby that also do not mind increased moisture. This is a salad, onion on a feather, for example.

In addition, it is worth considering the mutual benefit of plants to each other. For example, a flea often attacks cabbage seedlings. This is such an abomination that literally turns cabbage leaves into a sieve, and the plants die.

Therefore, it is worth planting spicy plants and fragrant flowers nearby, which interrupt the smell of cabbage, which attracts these fleas. Such plants are onions, garlic, marigolds, saffron, coriander, and so on. In our summer cottages, people grow everything they want next to cabbage - potatoes (especially early varieties), and legumes, and peppers, and eggplants, Yes all. If there is good plant care and favorable weather, then the yields of all crops - both cabbage and its neighbors - are excellent.