Spectacular houseplant - ficus "Microcarp. Ficus home care

His homeland is Southeast Asia. The growth of this plant in nature 20-25 meters.   Its peculiarity is a thin, smooth trunk and a lush, dark green crown.   The scientific name is Ficus microcarpa.

  It got its name because of the miniature fruits that appear on it in the wild. At home, neither flowering nor fruits can be obtained, since there are no conditions for pollination.

In indoor floriculture, it is most often grown in the Bonsai style. This miniature tree is essentially a copy of an Asian relative.

The plant has lanceolate, broad leaves, smooth in texture, on short petioles. The surface of the leaves is as if waxed.

When flowering, like all members of the family, forms spherical, purple, small inflorescences (siconia). They are more like berries.

Benefit and harm

Its leaves purify the air, absorbing harmful substances.

At the same time, he also has harmful properties.

Juice released when cutting the shoots can cause allergies, skin irritation. Therefore, all manipulations are advised to be carried out with gloves.

Home Care

Growing this type of Bonsai style, they give it a special shape, consisting of a fanciful weave of roots. They are located above the pot and look like a sculptural statue, decorated with a thick crown.

But in order to grow such beauty, the grower will have to follow some rules.

Immediately allocate him a place in which he will be kept constantly. It should be light, but without direct sunlight, protected from drafts.

The first two weeks in the house are a period of adaptation to new conditions. Ficus can lose leaves, but it's not scary. From the shipping container, it must be transplanted, but only after 3 weeks.

Start spraying immediately after purchase, and set aside watering for two days.


In the photo ficus "Microcarp":

He needs a regular transplant. Do it once every two, three years.

There is no need to transplant annually, but partial soil replacement is recommended. Transfer to a new tank is carried out together with the old substrate.

An exception is a transplant after purchase. The substrate in which the plants are sold is not suitable for long-term growth and is completely replaced.

Before the procedure, the plant is not watered so that the roots are easier to clean. A layer of drainage is poured into a new container, then soil for ficus. The mixture can be purchased ready-made, special.

If this is not possible, make it yourself from equal amounts of turf, sand and peat.

To maintain low acidity, charcoal is added to the composition.

In the center of the pot or slightly shifting, put a tree and fill the empty space with soil. Seal it by tapping lightly on the container.

The size of the pot should be 3-4 centimeters larger than the previous one.   If you do not want the ficus to increase in size, you can not change the dishes, but only replace the soil mixture.

Features of soil composition

The composition is selected depending on age.

      For young, the soil should be as loose as possible:
  1. Leaf sod - 1 hour.
  2. Sand-1h.
  3. Peat - 1h.
  4. Wood ash - 0.5 hours
      Adults need a more dense composition:
  1. Leaf land - 2 hours
  2. Sod - 2 hours
  3. Sand - 1h.
  4. Humus - 1 hour
  5. Wood ash - 0.5 hours

After how much to water the ficus "Microcarp"?

Drying of the soil should not be allowed; water the ficus regularly. Water is applied soft, room temperature.

Check the condition of the soil with your finger by putting it in the pot. Adhesive soil indicates that there is no need to water it yet.

When watering, an earthen lump should be completely saturated. Water should leak into the pan, then it is drained.

IMPORTANT:   Do not water the soil, the roots will rot.


The optimum air temperature is 25-30 degrees. Main condition -   Do not lower the temperature below 16.   Moreover, both air and soil should be warm. In winter, ficus can be supercooled on a windowsill or cold floor and die. To prevent this from happening, do not keep it near cold glasses or place it on the floor.

Air humidity

It does not require abundant moisture; maintaining a level of 50-60% is enough. However, on hot summer days and in winter, during heating, humidity is reduced to 30-40%.

  Frequent spraying, the use of an air humidifier, decorative fountains helps to solve the problem.


Top dressing is a necessary condition for growing.
  Fertilize Microcarp from spring to autumn.

You can apply universal fertilizer for leafy plants or special fertilizer for bonsai.

The frequency of the procedure is once every two weeks.

In the dormant period - November-February - it is enough to fertilize once every 30-40 days.

Useful foliar top dressing.

The procedure is combined with spraying every 2-3 weeks.

The concentration of mineral substances, with this method, should be several times lower (carefully read the recommendations on the package).

ATTENTION:   Feed only in moist soil so that the roots are not injured and the nutrients are fully absorbed.


Reproduction is carried out in the following ways:


The apices are cut off. Semi-lignified shoots. To remove the milky juice, they stand for 24 hours in water. Then root in a glass of warm water.

To prevent decay, some wood ash is added to the water.

After the appearance of the roots, the stalk is planted in a pot under a transparent cap until leaves appear.

Growing layering

Layering can be grown on a copy obtained by the method of cuttings.

For the reproduction of Microcarp with a characteristic appearance, this method is not acceptable.

To obtain a layback, they leave 50-60 cm from the crown, cut off the bark from the trunk (10-12 cm)   and wrap the slice moistened with moss and film.

At this point, a month later, roots form. Then the top of the head is cut off and planted in a separate container.

Sowing seeds

Only in a seed way can a specimen with a characteristic sculptural root be grown.

Reproduction by seeds is carried out in the spring. First of all, you should purchase high-quality planting material at a point of sale where the conditions for storage of goods are created.

If the seeds were not stored properly, they will not sprout.

Sowing of moistened and stratified seeds is carried out in a flat tank. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom, then a layer of soil.

The surface is tamped, moistened, seeds are laid out on it.

Then the crops are sprinkled with a small layer of sand and covered with glass or a transparent film.

Sufficient light and warmth are needed for germination.   (22-250C).

Depending on the quality and conditions of the material sprouts will appear in 2-4 weeks.   In the phase of two true leaves, the sprouts dive.

During growing, regular spraying is carried out.

New specimens are planted in separate containers no earlier than 60 days after the dive.

Ficus "Microcarp": how to form a crown?

Regular pruning is a necessary condition for obtaining a beautiful ficus. It is carried out in spring or autumn, at the beginning or end of the growing season, respectively.

In order for a tree trunk to be powerful, young plants must be often and heavily pruned. When pruning, many leaves are removed.

Branches can be formed by guiding in the right direction with a wire.

The shoots are shortened with a length of more than 20 centimeters. To obtain a branched crown shoots longer than five centimeters pinch.

This will promote the growth of the lower kidneys and the crown will become magnificent.

In order for Microcarp to have decorative thickened roots, the specimen grown from seeds must be trimmed.

In this case, the trunk is cut to the root neck, leave a stump 2-3 cm long.

The roots are washed and divided, then each planted so that the main part is above the soil.

For foliage use stimulants.

On large roots, grafting of cuttings is possible to obtain a spectacular crown of a complicated shape.

Diseases and Pests

With improper care, the ficus can suffer from the following problems:

Dark spots on the leaves -   consequence of waterlogging.

Fusarium - rotting of the roots.   At the same time, they darken, become hollow inside, soft. The reason is wet and cold soil.

Leaf Drop -   dryness and high temperature, insufficient watering.

The appearance of white plaque.   White spider webs on leaves - infection with a spider mite. In this case, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of alcohol or laundry soap and treated with an insecticide.

Dots and spots on the leaves - the appearance of aphids.Its reproduction is helped by overdried and too warm air. You can destroy aphids by bathing the plants in a soap or tobacco solution.

TIP.   To prevent pests, keep the leaves clean by wiping them regularly.

Why do ficus "Microcarp" fall leaves? What to do?

Yellowing of the leaves can occur for various reasons.

  Natural withering away.In this case, the phenomenon is single and there is no need to deal with it.

  Change of conditions. If the ficus "Microcarp" falls green leaves, then when moving or transplanting the plant experienced stress.

Rearrange the plant in its original place and do not move it without special need.

  Incorrect soil or utensils.   The soil could be infected, and when transplanted, the virus got into the roots of the plant.

Treat it with fungicides. Also the reason could be too spacious a pot.

Lack or excess of lighting.   Too dark a window or exposure to ficus in direct sunlight may cause yellowing of the leaves.

  Root freezing.   In winter, when the ficus is kept on a window or a cold floor, the soil temperature drops sharply, and the ficus freezes. Do not keep it near cold glass.

If you grow ficus on the floor. For the winter, place felt, polystyrene or several layers of newspapers under the pot.

The appearance of pests.   Insects that settle on leaves and stems suck juices from tissues and they die.

Carefully inspect your pet with a magnifying glass, as the pests are very small, and it is difficult to notice them with the naked eye.

From the experience of gardeners

Do not water the ficus immediately after transplanting - let it adapt a couple of days.

When spraying and watering, do not fall on the trunk - this will cause it to rot.

In winter, make sure that the leaves do not touch the ice glass, otherwise local frostbite will occur.

When ventilating, the ficus should not fall under the flow of cold air.

Hot air from batteries is also harmful to him.

Ficus Microcarp is an ideal indoor plant. Caring for it is simple, and with proper pruning you can create a beautiful, original tree that serves as an original detail of the interior of the apartment.


Useful video about home care for ficus "Microcarp":

Fans of miniature bonsai plants do not ignore the ficus of Microcarp. Proper molding allows you to get from a bush that looks like a regular Benjamin ficus, a mini-tree with a thickened trunk under the "cap" of green foliage.

Botanical description of the plant

Ficus Microcarpa (Latin - Ficus Microcarpa ginseng), in appearance one of the most colorful and popular in home floriculture, is a representative of the vast Mulberry family. The birthplace of this evergreen plant is the forests of the tropical region of Malaysia, Phillipin, southern China and Northern Australia. In the wild, Microcarpus is quite aggressive towards neighboring trees, tightly braiding them with its aerial roots. However, at home it is a slowly growing, pretty plant that can be shaped into a bonsai style. It rarely reaches a height of one and a half meters, while in the natural environment it grows to 20 m.

Varieties of ficus Mikrokarp - Moklam, Albumarginata, Ginseng.

A thickened trunk of a bizarre-shaped plant is essentially a continuation of its massive root. This is not a natural property of the plant, but the result of the work of specialists skillfully cutting and stimulating it with special means. "Ordinary" Microcarpus look like Benjamin's ficus.

The bark of the trunk is smooth and delicate, easily damaged, gray. Leaves can be rounded, oval, or elliptical.

The plant blooms (only in natural conditions or greenhouses) with Siconia - flowers similar to berries, subsequently forming small fruits (up to 1 cm in diameter). Translated in Latin, "microcarp" and means small-fruited.

Growing Features

With properly organized care, even a beginner and a very busy grower will be able to get an excellent result - a beautifully designed mini-tree with a lush green crown. The most important factors in the cultivation of ficus microcarp:

  • the right place for lighting;
  • maintaining the temperature regime;
  • timely work on the formation of the trunk and crown.

This houseplant perceives any rearrangement as stress, so it is advisable to immediately find a permanent place for it.

Landing technology and transplant dates

As the ficus grows, it should be transplanted into large containers (with an increase in diameter by 4-5 cm). Since the trunk of the Microcarp grows slowly, transplantation is an infrequent procedure. It is important to choose the right pot and soil mixture.

Pot and soil selection

The main requirement for Microcarp pots is the availability of drainage holes. Any flower, including ficus, is more comfortable to be in a pot of natural clay, not covered with glaze. The porosity of the material allows excess moisture to evaporate through the walls of the tank, while the roots receive more oxygen. Although, if there is good drainage, the ficus will fit a pot of any material.

The size of the vessel depends on the size of the root system of the Microcarp. It is advisable that when transplanting, the distance between the roots and walls of the pot is 2 cm.

For bonsai plants, low, flat models are needed. Too large pots are contraindicated for all types of ficuses, since the soil that has not been rooted in the roots acidifies in them, causing decay.

The best option is to purchase soil of a special composition designed for ficus. In home cooking, equal parts of sheet soil, turf, sand are mixed after preliminary disinfection, and 0.3-0.5 parts of ash is added to reduce acidity.

How to plant

If there is a need for trimming the root system of the ficus Mikrokarp-bonsai, it is advised not to water the soil before the transplant procedure, so that the roots are better cleaned. Cut to 10% of their length. With regular pruning, the roots grow in breadth and thicken.

Expanded clay drainage (possible from pebbles) is laid in a new container, a layer of new soil. Set, holding, a tree in the right place (in the center or displaced from it) and fill the voids with earth. To seal it easily tap on the pot.

If there is no need to disturb the roots, the plant is transplanted by transshipment.

When it's time to transplant

Usually, immediately after purchase, Microcarp's store ficuses need a transplant, since they grow in poor peat soil. They do this after two to three weeks, giving the plant time to adapt the plant to a new place - “moving” and transplantation at the same time become too much stress for it. Nevertheless, a small loss of foliage can still respond to a transplant.

Adult ficus needs a transplant no more than once every three years. Plants of the first years of life are transplanted annually in the spring, when it will be easiest for the trees to adapt to the new soil. Sometimes only the top 2-3 cm of soil is replaced (if there is no need to increase the size of the pot).

Subtleties of care

The usual room temperature is quite suitable for the ficus of Microcarp: in summer its optimum level is 25-30 ° C. In winter, the flower tolerates its decrease to 17-18 ° C, but if the thermometer drops to 16 ° C or lower, it suffers, and with a long cold snap, its roots can freeze and the plant will die.

Ficus painfully suffers permutations, loves fresh air, but it must be protected from any drafts.

It prefers illuminated places, but without direct sunlight falling on the leaves - a place in the back of the room is also suitable. However, with constant shading it stops growing, reacts with yellowing and falling leaves. In winter, additional lighting is desirable. It is important to remember: the tree does not tolerate sharp fluctuations in the amount of illumination.

The care of ficus Microcarp at home includes the formation of the crown. There are no preferences in this creative process, except for the tastes of the owner. The plant is radically cut in the spring, before the start of its active growth, not earlier than it reaches 15 cm in height. Throughout spring and summer, systematic easy pruning is performed - shortening of branches that protrude too far beyond the boundaries of the silhouette of the crown (for their uniform development, the pot with ficus is periodically rotated around its axis). In autumn and winter this procedure is not carried out.

Watering and dressing rules

The frequency of irrigation depends on the degree of soil moisture: watered when the soil dries by 2-3 cm. Usually two in the summer and three times a week in the winter.

Microcarpus loves when its leaves are sprayed from a spray bottle and reacts positively to air humidification. It is advisable that the humidity level in the house does not fall below 50% (optimal numbers - 70%). Irrigation is carried out with water at room temperature. It is especially important to spray the tree from the spray gun more often in winter, when the air in the rooms is overdried. The minimum distance from heating appliances to the ficus Microcarpus is 2 meters.

Fertilize the plant twice a month with a liquid nutrient mixture for ficuses (possible for palm trees), alternating mineral compositions with organic ones. In winter, during dormancy, top dressing is not introduced.

Diseases and possible problems

The plant is "interested" in whiteflies, aphids, scale insects, thrips, and mealybugs. To combat them use purchased insecticides for home flowers.

Microcarp is not susceptible to disease, problems arise with persistent violation of the rules for caring for him:

  • with a lack of illumination or nutrition, young shoots become thinner, and the leaves on them become smaller;
  • if the plant does not have enough moisture, the foliage turns yellow and falls;
  • leaf fall from green leaves, on the contrary, indicates excessive watering. With prolonged stagnation of moisture in the soil, root decay begins - while the leaves darken, become stained;
  • with a sharp change in the regime of illumination or watering, the tree can also drop leaves, but after a week or two it adapts to new conditions;
  • falling leaves due to low temperature or constant drafts can lead to its death.


Ficus Microcarpus can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, root cuttings and growing an air layer.


Only the first method allows you to get the volumetric sculptural trunk characteristic of Microcarp bonsai, but only specialists can do it:

  • the material for sowing must be stored correctly, otherwise its germination is sharply reduced;
  • sowing is carried out in the spring after preliminary wetting and stratification of seeds;
  • they are placed in a flat container on a layer of drainage and moist, slightly compacted soil, sprinkled with a layer of sand and covered with transparent material to create greenhouse conditions;
  • kept at an extended daylight at a temperature of 22-25 ° C - two to four weeks until the appearance of sprouts and further until the appearance of two true leaves;
  • dive and grow with constant spraying;
  • two months after the pick, they are seated at a constant place of growth;
  • truncates and leaves are removed from the "grown" ficuses of Microcarp, after which the roots are transplanted, leaving most of them above the ground.

Thus, home attempts to get a seed from a Microcarp tree with a trunk of a characteristic type without proper experience and skills are most often doomed to failure.


For propagation by apical cuttings, semi-lignified shoots are cut, kept in water for 10-20 hours to remove the milky juice contained in them and rooted in clean warm water. It is periodically changed to fresh, adding a little bit of ash from decay.

After the appearance of the roots, they are planted in the soil and covered until the leaves appear with glass or polyethylene. Ficus Microcarp, obtained by means of cuttings, looks similar to Benjamin's ficus familiar to many.

Air layering

Ficuses grown by the method of propagation by propagation by aerial layering:

  • departing from the apex about 50 cm, cut the bark from the trunk by 8-12 mm;
  • the section is wrapped with moistened moss and on top with a film;
  • after three weeks-a month roots grow at this place, after which the top of the head is cut and planted.

Root processes

Root shoots are propagated by adult, fully formed plants: a small part of the root is cut off and planted, leaving 2.5 cm above the soil surface. They create the effect of a greenhouse with a film, water it once a week, not forgetting to regularly air it. After the appearance of the sprout, they are looked after in the usual way.

Microcarps with a characteristic appearance cannot be obtained by any means other than growing from seeds.

Ficus Microcarpus does not require a large investment of time and effort to care for it, while it is an original decoration of the room, decorated in any style. Following simple rules, not only a specialist, but also an amateur who is far from floriculture can grow it in its usual form and form a bonsai tree.

One of the most spectacular decorative indoor plants is considered to be a miniature bonsai tree ficus microcarp.

Caring for it at home does not present any particular difficulties, the main thing is to follow certain recommendations in the cultivation of this representative of the tropical flora.

This plant will decorate any interior, adding a touch of sophisticated

Ficus microcarp. Care immediately after purchase

Ficus microcarp or small-fruited ficus is an evergreen tree, whose homeland is tropical and subtropical forests of South China, Southeast Asia, Northern Australia. This plant got its name due to the small size of the fruit (in Greek, “mikros” - small and “karpos” - fruit).

Under natural conditions, the habitat reaches a very impressive size (up to 25 meters in height) and has a wide and dense crown. Most often it is located on the trunks of other plants, leading the life of an epiphyte. The fact is that the numerous aerial roots of the flower are weak, and cannot serve as a reliable support.

The leaves are oval, pointed at the ends, smooth, shiny, located on short petioles. The color of the foliage is dark green, the bark is gray. The fruits are small, at first they are colored yellow-green, but by maturity they change color to purple.

Ficus microcarp, the care of which is carried out according to all the rules, is easy to shape and the result is an elegant indoor bonsai.

In specialized stores you can buy both very young plants and more mature indoor trees, formed in various styles and forms.

Immediately after the purchase you need to allocate a permanent place, reliably protected from direct sunlight and drafts. This houseplant does not need bright lighting, on the contrary - it feels much better in partial shade and some distance from the window.

Ficus microcarpus needs a sufficiently high humidity, and therefore it should be sprayed daily, starting from the very first day of appearing in the apartment.

Also, do not place the plant in rooms with dry air, near heating appliances, batteries. Do not forget to check the soil moisture, this is easy to do - just touch the substrate in the pot at the depth of one phalanx of the finger.

In the first 1-2 weeks of staying in a new place, small-fruited ficus can begin to drop leaves - this is how it reacts to changing conditions. Continue to regularly spray and water the plant, and soon it will adapt and give new leaves.

If the ficus was purchased in a small plastic pot intended for transportation, it will need to be transplanted into a more comfortable container. However, this must be done no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the end of the adaptation period.

Features of growing ficus microcarp


Ficus microcarpus prefers a moderately lit place, away from direct sunlight. Like all species of ficus with dark foliage, it is distinguished by shade tolerance and can grow in partial shade.

Having decided on a suitable place for a plant, you need to try to rearrange it as little as possible, since otherwise it can drop leaves. To suspend this process, it is recommended to spray the ficus with a solution of the Epin biostimulator.


The most comfortable temperature for small-fruited ficus is 17-23 degrees. It is important to ensure that the plant does not experience sharp temperature fluctuations, otherwise it may lose most of the foliage. In addition, the cause of leaf fall can be a lack of moisture, the use of cold water for irrigation, drafts. Ficus microcarp, the care of which requires certain knowledge, is a rather whimsical flower, and when growing it you need to be patient.


Small-fruited ficus needs daily spraying, 1-2 times a day, depending on the dry air in the room where the plant is located. During its hydration, it is necessary to ensure that the bulk of the water falls on the foliage, and not on the trunk. It is also recommended to regularly wipe the bonsai leaves with a damp cloth.


Like most representatives of the tropical flora, ficus microcarpus is very fond of moisture. However, excessive soil moisture is detrimental to the flower: its roots can rot, and the plant itself will die.

Water for irrigation is recommended to use soft, well-settled (at least 12 hours), room temperature. In the spring-summer period, the flower requires more active watering, and in winter - more moderate, it is always necessary to ensure that the earthen lump in the pot does not dry out and the water does not stagnate in the pan.

It is not difficult to track the frequency of irrigation: between the irrigations, the earth must have time to dry to a depth of at least 2-3 cm.

Feeding and transplanting

Top dressing

You need to start dressing the plant from early spring to the middle of the canopy. For these purposes, you can use both universal organic or mineral fertilizer, and special fertilizer for bonsai. You need to bring it into the earth, still wet after watering, once every two weeks.

In the period from November to February, it is enough to feed the ficus of the microcarp once a month, while the dose of fertilizer should be half the usual dose.

The plant also responds well to foliar feeding, when a small amount of suitable fertilizer is added to the water to spray the leaves.


As a substrate for ficus microcarp, a mixture of equal parts of sand, clay granulate and dive ground is well suited. You can also purchase in the store a special primer intended for la ficus.


It is recommended to transplant the plant once every 2-3 years, in the spring. There is no need for an annual transplant, since the trunk of small-fruited ficus grows very slowly. However, the substrate is recommended to be periodically updated, otherwise the flower will begin to hurt.

Do not worry if, after transplanting, the plant begins to drop foliage - this is a normal process. After a period of adaptation, the foliage will recover.

During the transplant, you need to be very careful not to damage the roots. Handling ficus in a new pot is necessary together with an old lump of earth, pouring a new substrate in the required amount. The pot must be with openings for water drainage, and at its bottom - drainage with a height of 2-3 cm.

The formation of ficus small-fruited

Due to the fact that the trunk of the ficus microcarp is able to grow intensively in width, and its shoots are very plates, the plant is easily amenable to formation for every taste.

In order to obtain a powerful trunk, it is recommended in young plants to cut it repeatedly and strongly. Also, when shortening the trunk, a large number of leaves are removed, which significantly reduces the need for ficus in moisture.

The direction of the branches can be formed using wire. If they grow too thick, then with shoots up to 20 cm long, you can trim them.

In the case of the formation of strong branches at the shoots up to 5 cm, you can remove the top - so you get a branched crown of your bonsai.

Ficus microcarp - care and possible difficulties

The appearance of dark spots on the leaves and rotting of the roots indicates excessive watering.

With a lack of moisture, the plant noticeably weakens and begins to drop leaves.

Also, drafts, sudden changes in temperature, lack of light and watering with cold water can become the cause of loss of foliage.

Infection of the plant with a spider mite indicates too low humidity in the room where the ficus of the microcarp grows. Care in this case should be aimed at eliminating the causes of infection and combating pests of indoor plants.

Ficus microcarpa (Ficus microcarpa) is an evergreen tree belonging to the mulberry.

Initially, it grew in vivo only on the island of Borneo, located in Southeast Asia.

Later he began to move to Bermuda and some tropical regions of the United States of America. In the wild, this type of ficus is a very strong and hardy plant. Sometimes it is called ficus microcarp of moclam.


Ficus microcarp in natural habitat is a large epiphytic plant. Settling on large trees, it grows rapidly, forming a lush crown and long, but powerless roots. Hanging from tree branches, they are a very interesting sight (see photo).

The height of a plant growing in tropical forests can reach 20 meters. Instances living in room conditions reach 1.5 meters, but most often they are grown in the form of small original bonsai, gradually exposing the roots and conducting regular pruning of shoots.

The trunk of this ficus is characterized by a bark of gray color, it has a very smooth, thin and delicate structure, so when grown indoors, you need to handle it carefully so as not to damage it. The shoots of the plant are covered with small foliage, which can be elliptical, oval or rounded.

During flowering, the ficus of the microcarp is covered with flowers of an unusual shape resembling berries (siconia). Subsequently, very small fruits of not more than 1 centimeter in diameter are formed in their place. That is why this type of ficus got its name, the translation of which sounds like “small-fruited”.

Often Ficus microcarpa Ginseng, or Ficus ginseng i.e. "ginseng". These ficuses are grown in a special way.. After planting ficus, it very quickly forms a root, the growth of which is stimulated by special means and hormones.

When the root reaches a considerable size, they dig up the ficus, cut the trunk, clean it and plant it in pots, leaving the root above the surface of the soil, only by slightly digging it.

Over time, the skin of the roots coarsens and turns into a bark.

The growth of a new shoot is also stimulated by chemicals or the branches of other plants are planted.

At this stage, in the form of a small tree with a large root, the plants fall on store shelves.

In order to grow bonsai in the future, use agents that slow down the growth of ficus.

Leaving in the first days after purchase

Currently, ficus microcarp bonsai with original roots that strongly surface, can be easily purchased in specialized stores.

Caring for it in the first days after the purchase will determine its further condition and proper development.

Important! Bringing the plant from the store home, you can’t transplant it immediately, it must go through a period of adaptation   and get out of the stressful situation that he caused the move to a new residence.

A pot of ficus should be placed separately from other indoor plants for two weeks. At this time, you should monitor its condition and check for signs of diseases and pests that may have been invisible when purchased. If they are detected, you must immediately carry out the appropriate treatment.

During this period, the plant may discard part of the foliage.. Do not be scared, the loss of leaves is his natural reaction to a change of scenery. You just need to regularly water it and spray it daily, you can add a growth stimulator to the water, and very soon it will start releasing new, young leaves.

At the end of quarantine, it is necessary to transplant the ficus microcarp into a new pot with the appropriate soil. Plants in stores, as a rule, are contained in containers with transporting soil, which is practically free of nutrients.

Important!   Place the pot with ficus immediately after planting at a constant place of growth, since this species does not respond well to permutation. The exception is the summer period, when it is recommended to place it on the balcony or porch, where it develops well.

Ficus microcarp: home care

Despite its exotic look, ficus microcarp does not require any special conditions, as well as complex care. It is enough to simply study some rules on its content and follow them in the process of growing this unusual plant.


Ficus macrocarp doesn't like heavy lighting. But, and a strong shadow is contraindicated to him. In this case, it will begin to discard foliage, stretch, and then slow down growth and lose decorativeness.

Therefore, for him, you need to choose a place in the western or eastern part of the room, preferably at some distance from the window.


This type of ficus refers to heat-loving plants. Therefore, in the spring and summer, he needs to provide air temperature from 25 to 30 degrees. In autumn and winter it is reduced, but not lower than 16 degrees.

In this case, the temperature should be constant, the plant reacts negatively to its drops, as well as to drafts.


Watering the ficus of the microcarp should be done as necessary after the top layer of the substrate dries. Frequent overfill threatens to rot the root system, and a prolonged lack of leaf fall. Water for irrigation should be purified or settled and have room temperature.


For normal functioning of the ficus microcarpus, a high level of humidity is not required, 70 percent will be sufficient. If it is lower, then you need to increase the number of sprayings of the plant and the space around it.

You can place the pot with the plant in a pan filled with pebbles or sphagnum moss, which must be moistened daily.

Soil and fertilizer

For this type of ficus light, nutritious soil with low acidity is required. To compile it, you can use the following proportions:

  • Sod land - 2 parts;
  • Sheet earth - 1 part;
  • Humus land - 1 part;
  • Coarse sand - 1 part.

In the spring and summer period, the plants are fed every 2 weeks using complex mineral fertilizers. Since the fall, it is reduced to 1 time per month.

Before applying top dressing, the ficus of the microcarp should be watered to prevent a burn of the root system.

Cropping and shaping the crown

To maintain the beautiful shape of the crown of the plant, it is necessary to carry out regular pruning of newly overgrown branches.

They are usually allowed to form up to 10 pairs of leaves, and then shorten to 3.

If a sufficiently small specimen was purchased and it is supposed to be grown in the form of bonsai, then when it reaches a height of 15 centimeters need to trim the top to stimulate the active development of lateral shoots, as they grow in the future, to form a crown of the selected form.

Some more tips on caring for the ficus of the microcarp and forming its crown in this video:

Ficus microcarp - transplant

Since the trunk and root system of the ficus of the microcarp grow quite slowly, a plant needs only one transplant in two years. This must be done at the beginning of spring, so that it can easily take root and begin to develop rapidly further.

This type of ficus should be transplanted into the pot no more than 5 centimeters more in diameter than the previous one.

A good layer of drainage and new nutrient soil should be poured into it.

The ficus must be carefully removed from the container, the roots should be cleaned of soil residues and cut off by 10 centimeters.

After that, it must be placed in a new pot, compact the soil and slightly moisten it.

The plant must be placed in a shaded room before rooting.


This plant can be propagated with the help of air layers and seeds. But, these are quite laborious ways, and sometimes they end unsuccessfully. Most often, for propagation of ficus, the microcarp is produced by cuttingsusing apical cuttings about 10 centimeters long.

You can take those that remain after trimming. To plant them, you need to prepare boxes with a drainage layer and a mixture of peat and sand. Planting material for several hours is recommended to be placed in a container with a solution of growth stimulant, and then planted. Boxes should be placed in a warm, shaded room.

Within a month, roots should form on the cuttings. After this time, the seedlings need to trim the entire foliage, leaving only the topmost pair.

After half a month it is necessary to carry out the first feeding of young plants. After a few months, when they are well strengthened, they can be planted in separate pots with a diameter of not more than 10 centimeters.

Possible diseases and pests

With improper care, the ficus of the microcarp can be infected with spider mites, when they appear, the leaves become entangled in cobwebs, and then fall off.

If the foliage of the plant has become sticky, then a scab has settled on the plant.

In these cases, immediately wash all parts of the ficus with a solution of green or laundry soap, and then spray with a solution of insecticide.

Of the diseases for this type of ficus, the most dangerous are root rot, which occurs during excessive watering. In this case, it is necessary to transplant the plant into new soil, having previously removed the affected areas of the root system, and the remainder should be treated with fungicide.

Types of ficus microcarp

Ficus microcarpus has many names. It is called the Indian laurel, green island, Chinese star anise, ficus ginseng or ginseng, ficus blunt or or retusa. All this is one and the same plant. Currently, breeders have bred its varietal varieties, which differ in the size and shape of the leaves.

Ficus microcarp is a very original plant, which deservedly enjoys the love of many gardeners, as well as those who are far from plant growing. It does not require complicated care, which takes a lot of time. At the same time, it can become a wonderful decoration of a room made in any style.

Ficus microcarp, this is a miniature tree, in other words a bonsai.

Bonsai - the device and the ability to grow small copies of large trees at home. A feature of this species is the fruit, which at home is almost impossible to achieve, since the ficus simply refuses to bloom.

Natural habitats of tropical forests of Asia, China, Australia with good sun lighting. Care at home ficus microcarpus is not particularly difficult, although some conditions must be adhered to, otherwise a small tree simply will not survive. The peculiarity is the binding of the root system to certain forms (figures), which is located on the surface, as well as a beautiful magnificent crown.

The name of the microcarp is due to its miniature fruits, which is translated from Greek mikros karpos - a small fruit.

Description: In the tropics, the height reaches 20 - 25 m, at home, does not exceed 2-3 m. In nature, it is often an epiphyte, that is, it constantly grows on another tree.

Oval wide lanceolate leaves at the end are curved, smooth with a uniform color, located on short petioles. They seem to be waxed. The bark of the trunk is brown, the leaves are green, dark green. Fruits in vivo in small yellow fruits, which, when ripe, become burgundy. Especially afraid of dry climate and scorching sun.

Ficus microcarp (bonsai) home care

This type of ficus is a small decorative tree that prefers a damp room and does not tolerate temperature extremes and drafts.

When buying, or moving to a new place, do not worry if your favorite tree has begun to drop leaves. After another month, everything is normal. So the ficus is trying to adapt to a new place and climate, dropping unnecessary (extra) leaves, thereby making a store of resistance in the habitat. Keep it in constant humidity, spraying daily and new leaves will appear in a month.

Lighting: Prefers moderate light, avoiding direct sunlight. It feels good away from the window in constant partial shade. He does not like frequent permutations from place to place, otherwise he will begin to drop leaves. For partial prevention, there is a purchased “Epin” biostimulant that needs to spray the plant.

Temperature: The main feature in the care of ficus microcarpus is not temperature indicators, but the absence of drafts and sudden changes of 5-7 degrees. Comfortable habitat temperature is 16-23 degrees. Temperatures above 25 degrees can cause the soil to dry out and reduce indoor humidity. In such cases, the ikus must always be sprayed. It is also better to put a humidifier in your home. The water is used for at least 10-12 hours, slightly higher than room temperature, otherwise the ficus will begin to drop leaves. Dropping can also occur through too low a constant temperature regime.

The soil:   A kidney is used or purchased for ficus (palm trees), or prepared independently. Recipe: sand, dive ground, clay. All mixed and added in equal proportions.

Humidity: As mentioned earlier, ficus needs a humid climate. Regularly, in the hot period daily, spray it 1-2 times a day. Also during the heating period, if there is no way to reduce the temperature on the heating radiators. Leaves in addition to spraying, you can wipe with a damp cloth. It is not the trunk that is sprayed, namely the leaves.

Watering: Watering should be moderate, an excessive amount of water causes rotting of the root system and the tree dies. The interval between watering is determined by the presence of dry land. Try, if the soil is 2-3 cm deep dried out, you can water. Water is used at mild, or rain, room temperature, or slightly higher. Cold water leads to leaf falling. Excess water in the sump must be poured out; stagnation also negatively affects growth. There is no specific watering interval, all individually for each tree.

Transplant: A transplant is performed 1 time in 3 years. Ficus microcarpus doesn’t really like transplanting and can damage the leaves if the roots are damaged. In addition, the growth of the trunk is quite slow. When replanting, partially or completely replace the soil with fresh. The pot is chosen 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. First, they make good drainage from expanded clay and charcoal. The soil should be loose, good water and air permeability.

Top dressing: It is necessary to regularly feed from spring to autumn. In winter, at rest, the ficus does not need fertilizers. Use purchased fertilizers on mineral and organic substances for ficus or palm plants. There are also special fertilizers for Bonsai (ornamental trees). Add 2 times a month before watering. You can add fertilizer to the water for irrigation, and to the water for spraying.

Pruning: To form a lush crown, the ficus microcarp bonsai needs regular pruning several times a year. The trunk of young plants is also trimmed to increase thickness and power.

Propagation: Like any other of these species, the microcarp propagates by cuttings. The top is cut off with a sharp knife and placed in a vessel with water until the stem is rooted. Shoots must be taken strong with fully developed fibers. After 2-3 weeks, the roots will appear. Then the young shoot is transplanted into the ground, where there is further growth with regular transplants every year, until the ficus is 3-4 years old. Then the transplant is reduced every 3 years.

Diseases and pests:   Ficus is quite resistant at home to pests and diseases, but if the above rules and norms are not observed, the tree is attacked by aphids, mealybugs, and insects. Also, the leaves may lose color, blacken, dark spots appear, or even fall off.

Key Care Issues:

  • The leaves darken and gray spots appear - most likely, there is an excess of moisture and the roots begin to rot. Watch for watering and humidity in the room. There may be water in the pan.
  • Often drops leaves - too dry lump and not enough moisture. Leaves are sluggish and weak. It also happens with drafts, frequent relocations (rearrangements) to new places, or sudden changes in temperature. Another feature of dropping leaves is watering with cold water or lack of light.
  • Dark twisted leaves - perhaps the ficus received burns from direct sunlight.
  • Spider mite - low humidity in the room.

Pests are either washed off with water with a damp sponge, or with a soap solution with the addition of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of alcohol per 1 liter. water is also replaced by an earthen room.

Perhaps this is all you need to know about the ficus microcarpus bonsai, for proper care at home.