How to fertilize strawberries in the spring for a better harvest? Strawberry dressing after winter in early spring, before flowering, during flowering, organic and mineral fertilizers. Strawberry dressing in spring - fertilizers and care The better it is fertilized strawberries

Kirill Sysoev

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Sweet and juicy strawberries are the weakness of many. It is tasty and healthy. Its cultivation is possible on different soils. For good fruit development, it must be fed. To this end, fertilizers for strawberries are widely used, contributing to the activation of the growth of the berry culture and its active fruiting. Find out in what proportions, when and how to use top dressing for it.

When to Strawberry

You can prepare for the new garden season already during the last snow melt. When fertilizer is administered on time, new kidneys form faster. Not every garden or garden has fertile soil. If the soil has not been fertilized for a long time and is already depleted, you can not even dream of a rich harvest. Regular replenishment is necessary for the soil, and for the bushes themselves. At the same time, special care is required in the processing of repair varieties of berries. They are more susceptible to other types of food than other types. For this reason, they are fertilized with a time interval of a week.

Feeding steps

Fertilizer is used in three stages: after winter at the beginning of the garden season, during fruiting and in autumn. For the first time, strawberries are fed in order to promptly stimulate the growth of young shoots and first leaves. The procedure is carried out in late April - early May. Re-processing is done in July. The second feeding of strawberries contributes to the formation of new roots and buds. The first fruits will be in July. Fertilized for the third time in mid-September. Recharge during this period is necessary to prepare the culture for wintering.

How to feed strawberries

Fertilizers for berry culture are mineral, organic and complex. Mineral fertilizers are synthetic substances developed in laboratories. The greatest demand among them are urea, nitrate, sulfates, diammophos. They contain micro and macro elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, manganese). There are many enterprises engaged in the production of mineral fertilizers (Gumi-Omi, Agricole, Fertika, Akron, ChemAgroProm).

Organic fertilizers for strawberries are substances of natural origin. These include:

  • chicken droppings;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • ashes;
  • spoiled milk;
  • yeast;
  • manure;
  • humus;
  • weeds.

It should be understood that the use of organics will not bring large fruits, but they are absolutely harmless to humans. In addition, the application of such natural fertilizers does not require restrictions in proportions: they can feed the plant in any quantity. A fruit culture will absorb as many nutrients as it needs.

Complex fertilizers are designed to combine the action of mineral and organic substances. Ready-made options are available, including potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium ("Ovary berry for strawberries", "Ryazanochka", etc.). Among the wide variety of preparations of this type produced today, preference should be given to those in which there is more nitrogen in percentage terms than all other components.

Organic fertilizer

Feeding with substances of natural origin helps to get a rich harvest without harm to human health, plants and soil. In addition, the use of organics will be much cheaper than the purchase of mineral or complex preparations. Each of the varieties of natural nutrition has its own characteristics and advantages.

Manure (cow) is a mixture of straw, hay and animal excrement. It has long been used as top dressing for soil and various crops (potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). Manure as a fertilizer for strawberries is the best option for feeding in the spring before the flowering of the plant begins. It is prepared as follows: 2 cups of manure are bred in 10 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate is added. All components are mixed to a homogeneous mass. This liquid is watered under the area under each bush (1 l).

Benefits of using cow dung:

  • availability and low cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • saturation of the earth and berry culture with necessary microelements and other useful substances;
  • decrease in acidity of clay soil under the influence of manure.

Humus is a completely decomposed manure. He is considered the best top dressing in the spring. Humus is used at the rate of 5 kg per 1 square meter of the area of \u200b\u200bbeds. It can be used during the planting period with subsequent care of the crop. To get humus, you should shift the manure with weeds. Fertilizer for strawberries will be ready in 7 months. The advantages of humus are:

  • saturation of plants with useful substances with trace elements in an easily digestible form for them;
  • a positive effect on the soil - soil saturated with humus creates a favorable environment for the rapid and proper development of berry culture;
  • long-term feeding - humus nourishes the plant and the earth throughout the year.

Chicken droppings are used as nitrogen fertilizer. It is prepared as follows: 20 parts of water are taken for one part of bird organics. The resulting solution is infused for 3 days and watered with 0.5 l of the mixture for each berry bush. Chicken droppings are widely used among gardeners and gardeners due to the availability and effective effect on the growth and development of the berry.

An excellent top dressing is sour milk (sourdough). Confirmation of this fact is the statement of experienced gardeners that poorly acidic soil has a beneficial effect on productivity. To normalize the acidity level of the earth, you can add sour milk to it. Its difference from other organics is the method of application: top dressing is poured not under the root, but a little further from it (about 7-10 cm from the bush) or the spraying method is used.

A fertilizer is prepared for strawberries as follows: the product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Plants are fed at the beginning of the summer season, then after harvest and in the fall. The advantages of using dairy products:

  • enrichment of open ground with a storehouse of useful substances and trace elements (sulfur, calcium, etc.);
  • a significant increase in yield and fruiting time;
  • fast plant growth;
  • increase the defenses of berry culture against pests and diseases.


Available and convenient for cooking fertilizer are ordinary yeast. This iodized product is beneficial for the plant. A solution for feeding can be prepared as follows: 1 kg of yeast is diluted in 5 liters of water. The resulting concentration should be diluted again with water before use. For 0.5 l of yeast solution you need 10 l of water. After repeated preparation of the mixture, it is necessary to process the plant. For 10 bushes, 0.5 l of solution will go. Pour it right under the bushes.

If only dry yeast in bags is at hand, then the solution is prepared as follows: one bag of product and two tablespoons of sugar are taken on one bucket of water. To begin with, the yeast is diluted in a glass of warm water, then granulated sugar is added to the solution and mixed until completely dissolved. After that, the contents of the glass are poured into a bucket of water. Allow to infuse for 2 hours. After this time, the nutrient solution is ready for use. The advantages of using yeast are:

  • valuable composition of the product (iodine, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.);
  • culture growth stimulation;
  • a significant increase in plant yield;
  • root strengthening;
  • a positive effect on the state of the soil due to its saturation with beneficial microorganisms;
  • increasing plant adaptation to new conditions after transplantation and disease resistance.

Feeding berries with yeast, preferably 2-3 times during the summer period. The tool is used at the beginning of the season, repeatedly - during the flowering period and after harvesting. With all the advantages, it also has disadvantages. It can only be used in warm weather. In cool weather, fermentation does not occur and the process stops.


Wood ash contains a significant amount of useful trace elements. This folk remedy is rich in potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron and many other nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants. To use it, it is necessary to introduce dry ash into the grooves of the beds. Pour the powder at the rate of 150 g per 1 linear meter. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to mix ash with peat. This fertilizer has one drawback: ash cannot be used with urea. The advantages of using wood ash are:

  • availability;
  • stimulation of berry culture growth;
  • saturation of soil with nutrients and improvement of its structure;
  • yield increase;
  • improving the taste of fruits.

Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

The taste and appearance of strawberries only benefit from the use of mineral fertilizers. Berries grow large, bright, sweet and juicy. The use of minerals requires caution and strict adherence to proportions. Excessive doses can harm not only the plant, but also human health. The deadline for introducing mineral supplements is 2 weeks before the fruits of the plant ripen.

Ammofoska and ammonium nitrate

Strawberries are “fed” in the second year after planting with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 100 g per 10 square meters. This fertilizer is considered the most effective. However, in those cases when a lot of organic top dressing was introduced into the soil before planting, ammonium is not needed. If strawberries are planted for the third year in a row, then it is necessary to introduce 10 g of superphosphate, 150 g of ammonium nitrate and 100 g of potassium chloride into the soil.

This amount of fertilizer will be needed for 10 square meters of usable area. The finished solution is poured under the bushes. The plant itself does not need to be watered. Usually, the earth is fertilized with half of the top dressing in the spring, and the rest is introduced after the harvest. It is forbidden to increase the dose of nitrate. It is saturated with nitrogen, and excessive use can lead to a loss of sugar. The berry will be watery and tasteless. In the spring, you can use ammonium nitrate in combination with ammophos in a ratio of 1: 2. Water the product at the rate of 15 g per 1 sq.m. in a liquid solution with water.

Any mineral substance has its advantages and disadvantages. The vast majority of synthetic dressings are dangerous when used in large proportions. Nitroammophosk (azofosk) is no exception. It should be used in the right doses. So, during the planting period of strawberries for every square meter, you need to pour two tablespoons of the granules of this drug. In cases where the plant is re-planted, nitroammophos is applied immediately after harvesting. Prepare the solution as follows: for 10 liters of water you need to add 1 tablespoon of fertilizing.

It should be remembered that with its effectiveness, nitroammophosk is considered one of the dangerous drugs. This synthetic substance is forbidden to be used uncontrollably, since this approach can lead to the formation of nitrates in the soil. Fertilizer belongs to the third hazard level: it is highly flammable. The granules of the agent are capable of exploding. We should not forget about the short shelf life of nitroammophoski.

Complex fertilizer "Ryazanochka"

Ready-made dressing for strawberries "Ryazanochka" is very popular among gardeners. It consists of micro and macro elements (nitrogen, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, potassium, boron, molybdenum, cobalt). For root dressing, you should prepare a solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of Ryazanochka (4 g) per 10 liters of water. The plant must be fed morning and evening.

The finished product is consumed depending on the period of development of the berry culture. So, at the beginning of the vegetative development of strawberries, the solution is watered at the rate of 5 liters per 2-3 square meters. area. When budding, at the beginning of flowering and active fruiting of the berry, 10 liters of the drug are spent on the same area. The last time the plant is “fed” 2-3 weeks before harvesting.

Ryazanochka can also be used by the foliar method. Only in this case, the solution is prepared differently: ½ teaspoon (2 g) is added per 10 liters of water. The resulting product is sprayed with berry culture in the morning and evening in cloudy, but not rainy weather twice during the summer season. The advantages of Ryazanochka include the following properties:

  • a positive effect on the taste and appearance of the fruit;
  • increasing the yield of berry culture through the use of integrated dressing;
  • a beneficial effect on the resistance of the berry to disease.

Features of top dressing in spring

Fertilize strawberries in the spring should be. The further development of the plant and the result of the harvest largely depend on how correctly this procedure is carried out. It is important to know the feeding pattern of the berry culture, and that feeding young strawberries in the spring is different from feeding her adult "relatives".

How to fertilize young plants

Young strawberries planted in the autumn, there is no urgent need to fertilize in early spring. If you wish, you can give her additional food, but for this you need to prepare the following solution: for 10 liters of water add 0.5 liters of manure or bird droppings, 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate. The resulting mixture is poured under each strawberry bush, 1 liter, not more.

To obtain a rich strawberry crop, it is necessary to fertilize the plant in a timely manner. For the active growth of any culture, nitrogen is required, it is this substance that is rich in urea. Such a tool is quite easily diluted in water, while in the process of fertilizing, the plant quickly receives the necessary components for growth. But do not overfeed the strawberries with nitrogen, as the fruits ripen small. With a strong glut of the strawberry bush with nitrogen, the plant may die. Therefore, you must follow all the rules in order to collect a rich strawberry crop.

The importance of timely nutrition

The ripening period in strawberries is accompanied by an active need for nutritional components. It is during this period that you can feed the plant with urea. A positive feature of urea, also called urea, is that such a fertilizer is suitable for absolutely any soil. In addition to the root method, it can also be used for foliar feeding.

Strawberries are quite picky crops and their fertility depends on the soil in which they are planted. Also, the plant may respond differently to top dressing. It is required to observe the strawberry bushes and identify, according to the leaves and stems, what substances the plant needs. In addition, this culture is very fond of moisture and needs a large number of nutrient components. Urea fertilizer gives a large number of different substances that the plant needs.

Use of urea to feed strawberries

When feeding any culture with urea, including strawberries, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the fruits will turn out to be not tasty and will contain a large amount of water. But if you do not fertilize strawberries at all, then the fruits will be small. Therefore, feeding strawberries with urea is necessary, but it is necessary to follow certain rules.

Feeding 3 times per season is allowed:

  1. In early spring. Immediately after the snow melts, in order to awaken the plant to growth, you need to feed it with urea.
  2. After the harvest. This top dressing is required in order for the plant to survive the winter well.
  3. In the fall. To get a rich harvest next year, this top dressing is mandatory.

An experienced summer resident notes: “During the flowering period, I feed strawberries exclusively by the foliar method, and this provides me with an annual harvest of a truly rich harvest.” So, for the implementation of such feeding is required for 2 liters. water required to take 1 tbsp. l urea. With this solution, gently spray the plant. In addition to nitrogen, urea contains other useful components necessary for strawberries to form large berries.

How to improve productivity?

Letters are constantly written to us, in which gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, the harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables is poor. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not heed, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise biostimulants of plant growth, which will help increase yield to 50-70%.

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Lack of nitrogen

Most gardeners do not use top dressing, as they are considered harmful. But do not forget that if the soil does not include the components necessary for growth, then the plant has nowhere to take such components. The only way out in this situation is to fertilize the plant. By the appearance of the culture, it is possible to determine which substances it lacks.

With a lack of nitrogen in the plant:

  • yellow leaves;
  • small fruits;
  • thin stems.

Therefore, timely fertilizer of the plant is necessary. It is urea that can give the necessary substances to strawberries.

Urea Feeding Steps

The first top dressing of the season is carried out immediately after the snow melts. During the spring feeding, do not rush, because you need to make sure that the winter has completely receded. If after the first feeding, snow or frost falls, then the plant may simply die. Initially, you need to remove leaves that remained last year on the site. It is also worthwhile to carefully examine each bush and remove dead shoots. Only after all these actions can we start fertilizing with urea.

In order for fertilizer to feed strawberries to benefit, you need to dilute it in 10 liters. water 2 tbsp. l carbamide and 0.5 l. pour plants under each bush. In the spring, a feeding procedure is carried out once. Subject to all the rules, the culture will receive all the necessary substances for awakening.

It's important to know! The root method of bait during the flowering period is not carried out!

The second top dressing is done after the last harvest. Fertilizer technology is similar to the first. This bait is also quite important, it is it that makes it possible to collect a good harvest next year.

The third feeding is carried out in autumn. For breeding, you need to take 10l. water 3 tbsp. l urea. It is necessary to water under each bush of 0.5 l. solution. Experienced gardeners must carry out this top dressing, as it provides the plant with the necessary components for the period of winter frosts. Having fed strawberries in the fall, there is no doubt that she will survive the winter frosts. This is the secret of experienced gardeners, because strawberry urea dressing is necessary not only in the spring, but also before winter cold.

Urea Usage Guidelines

Whether it is strawberries, beans or strawberries, urea is equally useful for absolutely all crops. It contributes to the rapid ripening of strawberry fruits and the active growth of the plant. The cost of such fertilizer is small, so it is very popular among gardeners. Urea is produced in the form of granules, which significantly reduces the likelihood of overdoing the number of components when diluting a solution for feeding.

In the autumn, before making the last top dressing, you need to dig the soil. This will ensure an even distribution of all substances over the entire surface of the soil.

Urea can be used in combination with other top dressings. To determine what substance the plant lacks, the appearance of the culture, its fruits, leaves and stems will help.

If the plant is transplanted to another site, then you can additionally fertilize it with manure. Such fertilizer is most effective during the winter or in the spring, when the snow has not yet melted. But it is worth noting that a large amount of manure can burn a plant. Therefore, for fertilizer, it is better to use rotted manure. Also, such fertilizer can be spread between the bushes.

It's important to know! Urea can change the amount of acid in the soil!

If the earth has a high acid content, then urea will not change this level. However, in other soils where acidity is low, it can increase the level of acids. If it is required not to violate the acidity of the soil, then limestone can be added to the solution, after grinding it first. Limestone neutralizes the process of soil oxidation.

Integrated top dressing

Answering the question: How to feed strawberries additionally in spring? It can be answered that in the spring, they are fed with various aqueous solutions. In most cases, at 10 liters. water is taken 1 tbsp. l substances.

So, how to feed strawberries, with a lack of nitrogen, can be urea, it is worth considering that neglecting the proportions may not help, but harm the plant.

Also useful for strawberries is wood ash. This method is absolutely natural. In addition, the ash contains a high content of potassium and phosphorus. The application rate of wood ash leaves 3 tbsp. per 1 square. m. of land. When using wood ash, you can abandon other dressings that have potassium in their composition. It is almost impossible to harm a plant with such a natural substance. In addition, ash does not affect the taste of berries.

The plant needs magnesium, boron, iodine, so you need to choose fertilizers that contain these components.

To assimilate nitrogen, the culture requires phosphorus, which can also be delivered to strawberries as top dressings. If you need to deliver the substance urgently, you can use the spraying method.

If the plant receives the required amount of nitrogen, but it has a lack of other components, then it will not be possible to get large and juicy berries. Therefore, it is necessary to combine fertilizer with the use of urea and other types of top dressing. This approach will provide great results.

If you properly care for strawberries, and timely fertilize with the root and non-root method, this will ensure a rich harvest. Strawberry is a fairly demanding plant, so do not neglect the crusts. In particular, the most frequent problem of small berries is a lack of nitrogen, but thanks to the urea solution, this problem can be solved.

Universal strawberry fertilizer like urea

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Fertilizing garden strawberries in the spring is the primary agricultural technique, designed to increase the collection of fragrant fruits. By properly fertilizing a reviving plant, you can maintain the bushes at the time of awakening after winter, help them develop better, lay more new buds. Feeding garden strawberries during this period is carried out according to certain rules.

Why is it important to fertilize strawberries in spring

After the snow has melted, the soil has dried up, the beds with strawberries are subjected to spring overhaul. Work is carried out with each bush:

  • sharp scissors removed last year's leaves, mustache;
  • the soil near the roots is loosened so that air enters them;
  • each root spills 0.15 liters of hot potassium permanganate solution with a temperature of +55 ... + 60 ° C (2 liters of boiling water are mixed with 3 liters of well water and 1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate is dissolved) to destroy harmful microorganisms.

After 2-3 days, they begin early spring feeding with organic and mineral compounds. Strawberry fertilizer is one of the most important procedures that affect yield.

The purpose of top dressing is to ensure rapid growth of the ground part of the plant, to form many new ovaries, to replenish depleted soil with a supply of nutrients. If you competently do everything in the optimal time, according to the right recipe, you can lay the foundation for a rich harvest of sweet, nutritious, healthy berries. Top dressing is carried out according to the principle: underfeeding - lose part of the strawberry harvest; overfeed - provoke active leaf growth to the detriment of the development of the fruit or death of the plant.

Fertilization scheme for any type of garden strawberry

Experienced summer residents adhere to the proven in practice optimal scheme for feeding strawberries with fertilizers in the spring.

Table: Fertilization by year

Every 4 years the planting of garden strawberries is updated, while the feeding scheme is repeated taking into account the year of growing new bushes.

Rules for spring strawberry dressing

In various climatic zones of Russia, the start time in spring on strawberry plantations differs:

  • in the south - the beginning of March;
  • in the central regions - the end of March, the beginning of April;
  • in the northern latitudes - mid-April.

You can’t rush or be late with the deadlines. The same applies to doses: the lack and excess of fertilizers has a bad effect on the condition and development of strawberry bushes. Spring dressing has 2 goals:

  • increase strawberry yield;
  • increasing the size of berries and improving their taste.

Video: first strawberry / organic farming

Foliar top dressing

In the spring, not only top dressing of the strawberry root system, but also the bush itself is carried out. For spraying, a cloudy, windless day is selected when there is no precipitation. The main goal of foliar top dressing is to strengthen the ground part of the bushes and accelerate the growth of leaves and buds to promote the formation of strong ovaries.

Foliar top dressing is carried out daily without precipitation.

The best effect is achieved by spraying plants with a solution containing various trace elements that are absorbed directly into the leaves.

  • potassium permanganate - 3 g;
  • boric acid - 2 g;
  • iodine - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • complex fertilizer used during planting - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • warm water - 10 l.

Strawberry leaves are wetted with this solution using a manual sprinkler or an ordinary watering can. You need to wash the leaves on both sides, until abundantly wet, in the amount of 1 liter per bush. It is especially necessary to moisten the bottom of the sheet, as it most actively absorbs the nutrient solution.

Strawberries are fed the same mixture a second time in spring, before flowering. With the advent of the first buds, the amount of nutrients is reduced by 2 times and 2 g of potassium sulfate are added to the solution.

Another composition used as fertilizer consists of the following ingredients:

  • water - 10 l;
  • potassium permanganate - 3 g;
  • boric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • urea - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ash - 0.5 cups.

For each bush, 1 liter of such a solution is needed.

To combat diseases and harmful insects, fungicides and insecticides are added to the foliar feeding of strawberries. For these purposes, summer residents are advised to use:

  • Caesar;
  • Taurus
  • Fitosporin;
  • Strawberry lifesaver;
  • Actofit and other drugs.

Video: spring strawberry dressing for a large crop

Fertilizing young bushes

Last year's garden strawberries, planted in fertilized soil, are not fed during spring work so as not to exceed the dosage. But there will be no great harm if, on poor soils, the roots of the berry are poured with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings (0.5 l of concentrated organics per bucket of water) with the addition of 1 tbsp. l sodium sulfate. Under each bush, 1 liter of such a mixture is applied.

Young strawberry bushes can be fertilized with mullein or chicken droppings

Feeding Adult Strawberries

Unlike young plants, adult garden strawberries are fed regularly, as the soil is depleted. A berry fruitman who has been harvesting for several years in a row needs three times a day in April-May:

At the first feeding, organics are used: rotted chicken or cow manure. Humus in small quantities is scattered under the roots of each bush, then mulched with a 2-3 cm earth layer. In addition, a solution of 1 liter of concentrated liquid cow manure in a bucket of water will be useful. The bush itself is poured with such a mixture, that is, foliar top dressing is carried out.

Many useful substances contain yeast: proteins, amino acids, micro and macro elements. Fertilizer from them accelerates the growth of the ground part of strawberries, and strengthens the root system in the soil. To prepare the solution you will need:

  1. Dilute 200 g of bread yeast in 0.5 l of water.
  2. Stand for 20 minutes to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Connect with a bucket of water.
Ready solution needs to be plentifully watered each bush.

What fertilizers to choose to increase yield

Summer residents breed two types of garden strawberries:
  • Disposable varieties that produce one crop per season. They begin bearing fruit in the last days of May or the first days of June, which lasts 15–20 days. During these 2-3 weeks, strawberry beds give an abundant crop of fragrant berries.
  • Repairing varieties that differ in fruit ripening several times during the spring-summer period, and they are spelled in pronounced waves for a short period of time.
The choice of the type of fertilizer, the required dose, the timing of application is made taking into account the belonging of strawberries to one or another variety. Incorrect use of compositions for feeding bushes will reduce productivity and lengthen the ripening of berries.
The combination of components should preserve the plant's health, provide abundant productivity, protect against various diseases and harmful insects. Mineral fertilizers for garden strawberries provide it with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. Sulfates and nitrate are used to supply the soil with nitrogen, urea is used to produce the right dose of potassium. Organics improves the structure of the soil, enriches it with chemical elements in an easily digestible form, increases the height of the fertile layer.

Mineral fertilizers for feeding strawberries

Mineral fertilizers come in two forms:
  • With a highly mobile compound that contains potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium. These elements are absorbed by strawberries in the shortest possible time, with both roots and leaves, buds of bushes.
  • With a low mobility composition containing boron, iron, manganese and copper. These elements are more slowly absorbed by the ground part and the root system, so the effect of their use is not so fast.

Strawberries need nitrogen to grow leaves and buds. It has a positive effect on rapid development and fruiting. Lack of nitrogen can be determined by the color of the leaves, which will have a pale appearance.

The most common nitrogen mineral fertilizer for feeding strawberries in spring is urea (urea). Its overdose does not threaten the life of the berry bush, but adversely affects the sugar content of the fruit. A solution with urea is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. Under each root of the plant is poured 0.5 l of the composition.

When the first inflorescences of strawberries appear, she needs potassium. The taste and juiciness of berries depends on its presence in the soil. Sources of the substance are mineral supplements in the form of potassium sulfate, kalimagnesia. Mineral fertilizers, which include sulfur, protect strawberry bushes from diseases and pests. Roots need phosphorus for development and growth, therefore summer residents use superphosphate and ammophos.

Photo Gallery: Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

Kalimagnesia supplies potassium to strawberries
Urea is considered the most popular mineral fertilizer.
Superphosphate provides plants with phosphorus
Ammofoska contains phosphorus
Potassium sulfate provides the plant with potassium

Organic Feeding

These include natural substances that are produced by living organisms. Summer residents most often use cow dung, chicken droppings, ash and compost on strawberry plantations. Slurry made from fresh mullein, rich in nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, is especially valued.

For its preparation, a bucket of fresh cow cakes is bred with 4 buckets of water. The container is closed and left in the sun for 2-3 days for fermentation. This process is necessary for the decomposition of uric acid, burning the roots of strawberry bushes.

Some types of organic fertilizers

Chicken manure is used carefully, as it is similar in composition to mineral fertilizers. In fresh condition, it is not used.

A solution of chicken droppings cultivates the soil between the bushes, the liquid should not fall on the green parts of the plant

An infusion or extract is prepared from the litter. A nutrient solution is watered between the rows of strawberry bushes, and not the roots themselves. To prepare the infusion, chicken droppings and pure water are mixed in equal proportions with a wooden stick. Then the container is closed and placed in a dark place so that the fermentation is not strong. Otherwise, the solution will be too concentrated. After a week, the finished mixture is used for top dressing, diluting it strongly with water (1 liter of infusion per 30-50 liters of liquid). The soil is watered with a prepared solution at a distance of 10-15 cm from the bushes, after moistening the roots well with water from a watering can.

Wood ash in its pure form is scattered in the aisles

Extract from wood ash refers to the available type of organic matter. It is used in the spring to feed the roots, leaves, shoots of a strawberry bush. The nutrients contained in the ash make the berry sweet and more laid. In dry form, it is scattered in the aisles (65 g per linear meter) before watering or rain.

Serum processed strawberry bushes

Sour-milk products (whey, kefir and others) are a valuable source of nutrients for strawberries, which loves slightly acidic soil. This type of organics is used alone or mixed with mullein, bird droppings, humus.

Nettle and other weed infusion also serves as fertilizer

Infusion of nettle, lupine, weed plants used in spring, has a beneficial effect on the formation of strawberry bush. It is prepared as follows:

  1. The plants are ground.
  2. Pour warm water.
  3. Insist for a week.
  4. Filter the water and use it to irrigate the bushes.

Complex feeding

In early spring, ready-made fertilizer formulations are used to feed strawberries:

  • GUMI-K;
  • Humate + 7;
  • Health
  • Fasco
  • WMD Universal and other store organomineral mixtures.

In specialized stores there is a large selection of ready-made complex mixtures that are fed strawberry bushes in the spring

Each summer resident himself determines the need to apply one or another strawberry dressing in the spring, taking into account the structure and composition of the soil, previously used fertilizers, and the condition of berry bushes after wintering. But there are general rules that should be followed. Oversaturation of garden strawberries with fertilizers will lead to rapid growth of leaves, while there will be no rich harvest of fruit. An excess of trace elements will cause not only the active development of the ground part, but will also cause various diseases, as internal processes will be disturbed, and the protective functions of strawberries will decrease.

Strawberries belong to one of the most common berry crops, and its cultivation has certain characteristics. Every horticulturist should know how and what to fertilize strawberries in spring with, because the crop yield will depend on this. Strawberry dressing is required not only in the spring, but also in the summer to increase productivity, as well as in the fall, so that the plants are properly prepared for wintering.

From this article you will learn how to fertilize strawberries in spring, what mineral and organic top dressings can be used, and how to properly apply them to the soil, depending on the season and growing season.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring

In order to enjoy sweet and fragrant strawberries in season, it is sometimes necessary to resort to top dressing. In this article we will tell you when and how to feed it for good growth and obtaining a high yield (Figure 1).

First of all, you should decide what to feed strawberries in the spring for a better harvest. Traditionally, both organic and mineral products are used for this, but they should be added in accordance with certain rules.

The first top dressing is carried out as soon as the snow has come and warm weather has settled. It is necessary to stimulate the growth of young shoots and leaves, therefore, substances containing nitrogen should be used.

Note: First of all, the soil needs to be loosened and cut dry leaves, then fed.

The bushes of the first year of life do not feed, since when planting under them fertilizers are applied. But biennial culture especially needs top dressing. The first begins when the first leaves appear around mid-April. During this procedure, a mullein is introduced to the plant or replaced with chicken droppings.

At the second top dressing, during flowering, bushes are fed with mineral preparations. The last recharge can be carried out with infusion of weeds. To do this, weeds are removed from the beds, chopped, poured with water and insisted in a warm place for a week.

Figure 1. Methods of feeding strawberries

Also in the spring you can carry out foliar top dressing. It is carried out by spraying plants with a solution of nitrogen or organics. Thus, all useful substances are absorbed immediately, positively affect the growth of the bush and the number of ovaries. Such a procedure is carried out on a dry, calm day and preferably in the evening.

Fertilize planting in the spring you need based on your location, the south of your region, the earlier we start the procedure. In an area with a warm climate and mild winters, this is done in mid-April. For northern areas - mid-May.

In order for the fertilizer to benefit the plants, it is important to know the flowering time of the varieties that grow on your site. This is necessary, because with early application, useful substances will go into the ground, and during flowering nothing valuable will get to the bushes. And vice versa, if top dressing is carried out later than necessary, we risk getting a meager harvest. It is also important not to overdo it with useful substances, as this can negatively affect plants.

It is better to use chicken droppings in the spring and only once a year. When watering plants, the liquid should not fall on the bush itself.

Useful tips for the first spring top dressing of strawberries can be found in the video.

Strawberry fertilizer table in spring

There is a special table, using which you can accurately determine how to fertilize strawberries in the spring for a better crop, and when to do it better (table 1). For example, after the first leaves appear, infusion of chicken droppings, mullein, yeast or nitroammophoska is introduced into the soil.

Table 1. Strawberry dressing for months

During flowering, plants are fed wood ash with potassium permanganate, iodine or boric acid. When the ovaries begin to form, nettle or mullein infusion is used as fertilizer.

How to fertilize strawberries in the spring for a better crop

Spring dressing is carried out early, until the leaves have blossomed. It is recommended to combine top dressing with pruning bushes.

Note: The first top dressing should “wake up” the plants after winter, and give growth to leaves and shoots, so nitrogen must be contained in it. To do this, you can mix water, mullein and ammonium sulfate or dilute nitroammophoska with water and make under each bush. You can also use organics: infusion of nettle, mullein or chicken droppings (Figure 2).

Yeast yeast is very popular among gardeners. It is introduced in early spring to form a good green mass and to increase yield.

Figure 2. The main types of fertilizers: yeast, wood ash and complex fertilizers

When the first peduncles appear, the plant needs potassium. It improves the taste of berries, increases their shelf life and improves the appearance of plants. During flowering, it is good to use such a fertilizer: wood ash is poured with boiling water, then potassium permanganate, boric acid and iodine are added. This mixture can be sprayed on leaves, flowers and fruits. Complex preparations containing a complex of beneficial substances are also known. Such fertilizers are used according to the instructions on the packaging: diammophos, nitrofoska, nitroammofoska, ammophos.

When preparing fertilizers, it is necessary to use rainwater or standing, but in no case chlorinated. Do not forget that they must be applied after rain or heavy watering.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring with yeast

Gardeners have begun to use yeast as a top dressing relatively recently. But the result was not long in coming. Yeast not only helps the plant grow green mass, but also helps to increase yield.

In addition, yeast is an affordable and inexpensive raw material, and you can prepare good fertilizer based on them yourself at home (Figure 3).


Among gardeners, yeast is very popular. With a ready-made solution, you can feed strawberries, vegetables and home plants. This fertilizer contains proteins, minerals, amino acids and acidifies the soil well. After yeast feeding, nutrients linger in plants for up to two months. Roots are strengthened in plants and fruits grow large.

Figure 3. Strawberry nutrition with yeast

The first feeding is carried out in early spring, when the bushes begin to appear. To do this, you need to dig the earth, clean it of weeds and make yeast yeast. This will help the plant to quickly grow green mass and prepare for flowering.

The second top dressing occurs during the fruiting period, when green berries appear. From this, the fruits will become large and begin to ripen faster.

After harvesting, a third top dressing is carried out. Do not forget to loosen the earth and remove unnecessary sockets after each subcortex. The bed can be fed more often, but then the concentration of the solution should be reduced.


There are many ways to prepare yeast top dressing. All of them have been tested more than once and are simple to prepare.

To prepare the solution according to the classic recipe, take sugar, yeast and water. We dissolve yeast and sugar in a small amount of warm water. After a couple of hours, the fermented mixture is poured into a bucket of water and insisted for several days. Half a liter of sourdough is diluted with ten liters of water. Half a liter of working solution is added to one bush.

They use another way. A large pack of yeast is bred in five liters of warm water and left to ferment for several days. Half a liter of the mixture is diluted in a bucket of water. You can also make sourdough at home. Pieces of bread are placed in a container and filled with water. The container is placed in a warm, dark place for a week. So that the bread does not come up, the leaven is placed under oppression. At the end of the period, the solution is diluted with water and poured under the root. Moldy bread and chlorinated water should not be used.

Fertilizers for strawberries in the summer

Toward the end of July, a second top dressing is carried out. This is done so that the plants receive additional potassium and trace elements that they need to plant flower buds for the next year, as well as the formation of new roots (Figure 4).

In the summer, liquid manure is fed. For this, the fourth part of the bucket is filled with manure, water is added and insisted for three days. Ready slurry is diluted with water. Also, yeast dressing containing macro- and microelements, as well as complex fertilizers, is used.

Figure 4. Methods of fertilizing in the summer

As fertilizer, ash and nitroammophoska can be used and diluted with water. For laying the buds of the future crop, you can use urea. Sometimes ash can not be planted with water, but sprinkled around the bushes. After two weeks, the fertilizer procedure can be repeated.

After making nutrients on dry days, planting is plentifully watered for better laying flower buds.

If you notice that your plantings are poorly developed, then when loosening the soil, fertilizing with mineral preparations should be carried out simultaneously. To do this, you can use manure or compost, berry mixtures, potassium salt and superphosphate.

Bushes with lush foliage and a powerful mustache do not need to be fertilized. Such plants can only be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Fattening strawberries do not need watering.

Do not forget to constantly remove weeds, inspect plants for diseases and pests, and also remove damaged parts of plants in time.

Strawberry fertilizer expert tips are in the video.

Fertilizers for strawberries in the fall

Autumn dressing is carried out around September. This procedure helps the bushes to winter better, especially young plants.

As in the case of fertilizer in spring and summer, autumn top dressing has certain features, and for its implementation should take into account the basic rules and recommendations of experienced gardeners.

During the autumn feeding, gardeners are advised to use both organic and mineral fertilizers.

The main purpose of fertilizing in the fall is to maintain the good condition of the bushes and roots and provide them with nutrients before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, you should increase the amount of potassium and reduce the flow of nitrogen.

Note: In September, it is better to carry out liquid top dressing, and in October to use solid additives. Mineral and organic substances must be mixed only before use. You can not insist them together.

By a thorough inspection of the bushes, you can determine which fertilizers need more and which need to be excluded. For example, small fruits, dried leaves stained - indicate a lack of nutrients. And sluggish leaves with white spots indicate an overdose.

Before feeding, you should determine the characteristics of the soil and the presence of humus for plants, as well as take into account the characteristics of a particular variety.

At the end of August, the first feeding of urea is carried out. Then, at the beginning of September, a fermented mullein is introduced into the aisles or under bushes. The second stage of feeding occurs at the end of the month, when the culture is fed with a solution that increases the laying and preservation of fruit buds.

After the second dressing, planting should be mulched. To do this, use straw, peat, hay, sawdust. Also at this stage, ash pollination is useful. Wood ash is sprayed on the leaves and the surface of the soil. It is important to shelter only after the first frost. This will give plants the opportunity to harden.

Spring strawberry dressing with mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are used to prevent the development of diseases, with the appearance of plaque on the leaves, a white edge or drying of young shoots. The use of such fertilizers improves the taste of berries and gives them additional volume (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Types of mineral fertilizing

Today, in special garden stores, there are many mineral fertilizers for strawberries. Complex fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium are best suited. Such drugs act more on bushes than on soil. They help plants survive the winter and contribute to the laying of buds for the next year. They are used strictly according to the instructions written on the package. Mineral fertilizers should be applied to the aisles so as not to damage the bushes. Urea culture can not be fed, since urobacteria have not yet begun to function, so this fertilizer is not absorbed. Mineral top dressing must be accompanied by abundant watering.

Organic strawberry dressing

Using organic fertilizers, you will get a wonderful harvest of berries without harm to the plant and soil, as they are natural and safe. It is also a cheap way to enrich the soil.

The main organic fertilizers that can be used to feed strawberries will be described below.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring with chicken droppings

To get a good harvest, watering and pest control alone is not enough. An important element is nutrition. Chicken manure contains a large amount of nitrogen, so the mixture for feeding is diluted with water. The introduction of the finished solution is carried out three hours after watering the site, while you need to be very careful that the solution does not burn the leaves and roots of the plant. For this, the infusion is poured not under the bush, but between the rows (Figure 6).

You need to start such dressing at the beginning of the development of the plant, otherwise you risk getting a lot of leaves and mustaches, and oversaturated berries with nitrates. From this fertilizer, plants will receive the nutrition necessary for the growth and formation of large fruits.

Figure 6. Chicken droppings as a fertilizer for culture

How to prepare a solution? The main thing is to observe the proportion of water and litter: 20 parts of water per one part of dry litter. When using fresh litter in 20 liters of water, a liter of fresh litter is bred and insisted for ten days, the container is not covered. Fresh litter can not be used. However, it should be borne in mind that such dressing should not be used during flowering and fruiting.

Wood ash as a fertilizer for strawberries

The composition of the ash includes potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Wood ash can be used both in pure form or in the form of a ready-made solution. For strawberries, wood ash is considered the best fertilizer (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Features of feeding strawberries with wood ash

Ash can be brought in a handful twice a season - in the spring and after fruiting. In dry form, the ash is applied before watering or rain. Some gardeners prefer to work with a solution. To do this, pour a glass of ash with a liter of hot water and insist a day. Then they dilute in another nine liters of water and mix well. The prepared solution should be constantly stirred during watering so that the ash does not settle to the bottom. Urea, nitrate or manure should not be added to the finished solution.

Ashes as a fertilizer for strawberries

Ash is a substance of natural origin. The elements contained in it are easily absorbed by plants. Ashes contain phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, molybdenum, etc. Timely application of such fertilizer increases planting resistance to diseases and pests, improves the taste of berries and changes the composition of the soil.

Twice a year, root dressing is carried out: before flowering and after fruiting. At the stage of fruit setting, foliar top dressing is performed. To do this, boric acid, iodine, potassium permanganate and sifted ash are dissolved in ten liters of hot water. All components must dissolve. Spraying is carried out in the evening or in the early morning, until the dew has slept.

In no case should ash be used as fertilizer after burning household waste, synthetic materials, colored paper and bright magazines, rubber.

You can get a good strawberry crop in a summer cottage only subject to the technology of its cultivation. Plants should be watered on time, weed and spud. Also, strawberries are supposed to be transplanted from time to time to a new place. And, of course, this culture should be fertilized periodically. In this article, we’ll talk about how to feed strawberries after harvest, as well as in spring and summer.

What fertilizers to use

Strawberries respond well to absolutely any type of fertilizer, both mineral and organic. For example, wood ash is considered very useful for this plant. It contains just a huge amount of a variety of trace elements. Sometimes strawberries are fed with purchased complex fertilizers. For example, it is well known to everyone with the nitroammophos. It contains all the substances necessary for the good development of strawberries: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Sometimes plants feed and urea. This fertilizer does not burn leaves and is inexpensive. However, it should be used carefully. In case of an overdose, the plants will no longer tie fruit.

Of organic fertilizers for strawberries, cow dung and bird droppings are most often used. Experienced summer residents advise to use these top dressings as carefully as possible. The fact is that they may contain weed seeds. Such organics are used both in dry form and in the form of tinctures. Mullein is prepared in a proportion of 1x10, a solution of bird droppings - 1x20.

To the question of what is fed strawberries, there is another answer. You can use compost for these purposes. But only well rotted.

How many times per season do you need to feed

During the growing season, ordinary strawberries are fertilized at least three times. Fertilizing young plants is most needed during the growth period. Adult strawberries are especially in need of nutrients during fruiting.

Top dressing in the first year

Fertilize strawberries, including including planting age. For the first time, dressing for it is done in September - during the preparation of the garden. In this case, phosphorus fertilizers and organics are added to the soil in the area allotted for this berry. Nitrogen feeding for this crop in the first year of growth is not recommended. Otherwise, all the forces of the plant will be “thrown” to the development of leaves, not berries. A good answer to the question of what strawberries are fed for a good harvest is a mixture of the following composition: 8-9 kg of humus, 80 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt. If used when planting next year, strawberries are not fertilized. But if desired, before bearing fruit, the bushes can be watered with a special solution of mullein. To prepare it, take two glasses of manure and one tablespoon of ammonium. All this is stirred in a bucket of water and watered a bed in the amount of one liter per bush.

The second year after planting: how to fertilize in the spring

An excellent answer to the question of what is fed strawberries in the spring, are primarily nitrogen or complex compounds. It can be, for example, urea. It is bred in the amount of 1 tbsp. l onto a bucket of water and water the plants under the root. Very often, instead of urea, nitroammophoska is used in the same proportion.

Also, sometimes, to support the growth of the green mass of plants, gardeners use organics: mullein or chicken droppings. They are used in the amount of half a liter of solution for each plant.

Summer dressing

Next, let's see what they feed strawberries during flowering and fruit set. During this period, plants require a lot of potassium. Therefore, the best type of top dressing for them will be wood ash. You can also use potassium nitrate or bird droppings. Ash is introduced into the aisles in the amount of one handful per bush. Often a solution is prepared from it. To do this, pour a glass of ash into hot water (1 liter). The resulting mixture is infused for a day and poured into a bucket filled with heated water. Top dressing is carried out at the rate of 1 liter per bush.

Potassium nitrate is used in an amount of 100 g per 10 m 2. Bird droppings are bred as standard. Watering should be carried out strictly under the root.

What feed strawberries in the fall

After harvesting, the plants also need to be fertilized. Most often at this time, ash is used in the same proportions as in the summer. In its solution, you can add a little nitroammophoski - 2 tbsp. l

Urea is also an excellent answer to the question of what is fed strawberries in the fall. The use of this fertilizer contributes to the laying of new flower buds. As a mulch for strawberries in the winter, you can use manure or compost.

What you should know about

Thus, we have found out how to feed strawberries after harvest, in spring and summer. The technology described above is considered standard. Thus, strawberries planted on nutritious garden soils are fed. However, many sites are located in areas that are not well suited for growing garden crops. In this case, the plants just need to be traced. If the leaves of a strawberry suddenly turned pale, and it began to bear fruit with very small berries, then it lacks nitrogen. That is, it should be fed with manure or urea.

If the berries of the strawberries are too acidic, you should add some potash fertilizer under the bushes. This may be, for example, wood ash or chicken droppings. If the leaves of the strawberry have a reddish-brown hue, and its growth has slowed down, it is worth using phosphorus compounds.

How to fertilize properly

So what you feed strawberries, you now know. Next, let's see how to do this correctly. When performing an operation such as feeding strawberries, be sure to consider the fact that:

  • Fertilizing can only be done in clean beds. That is, the planting should be cleaned of debris and cut off from the plants all sagging leaves.
  • It is impossible to use any chloride fertilizers for feeding strawberries.
  • Liming acidic soil under this crop is allowed only in autumn.
  • You can feed strawberries at any time. However, during the flowering period, this should not be done more than once.
  • Urea, nitrophoska, etc. - this is what feed strawberries most often. Fertilizers are environmentally friendly. However, their dosages should be observed exactly.
  • Chicken droppings should only be used in solution. Being covered with dry, plants may cease to bear fruit.

Nettle infusion

The fertilizers described above are what feed strawberries most often. However, you can use other means for this garden crop. For example, recently, many owners of summer cottages prefer to apply for strawberries this type of top dressing, like nettle infusion. Prepare it as follows:

  • a bucket of chopped and mashed nettles is poured with heated water,
  • leave the solution to infuse for several days,
  • strain the liquid.

The resulting infusion process plants for the first time in the spring - with the formation of a bush. It is also used to feed plants in the fall. As a result of applying the nettle infusion, very large and juicy berries grow on the bushes.

Thus, we have figured out how to feed strawberries after harvest, during flowering and fruiting. The use of all the fertilizers described above can significantly increase the yield of this crop. You can use any of them. The most important thing is to observe the dosage and time of application.