Where to plant flowers in the country. The most unpretentious flowers for the garden (38 photos): a review of perennials

Most people who plant their summer cottage, are well aware that it should not only be a place to work and grow crops, but also places where you can relax from the noisy city and enjoy the beautiful views of nature and the site.

Almost every amateur gardener knows that one of the foundations of the landscape design of the dacha is flowers. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that beautiful blooming flower beds can, of course, be made with your own hands. However, you need to be guided by certain recommendations and principles. Otherwise, you risk getting just a motley set of colors that will be quite tasteless and dull.

Let's see how it is better to create these or other compositions, as well as consider the main types of perennial and annual flowers for giving with the names on the photo and pictures.

Flower garden design

It must be said that the owners of the sites prefer flowers that do not require a course, are unpretentious to the weather, not only in May, June, July and August, but also in early spring. However, even before this you will need to clarify several important things, including such as choosing the right and suitable place for flower beds and flower beds, with the condition that the different plants are well suited to each other in design. And now let's look at the main types of flower gardens that you can choose for the summer to give and garden.

By the way! A very good option flower beds are arches made on the site.

Beautiful country beds

If we consider the types of flowerbeds in the country, among the most common of them are the following:

  • Diamond-shaped.
  • Round (most familiar).
  • Figured, the shape of which often depends on the surrounding terrain.
  • Strict square.

If we consider the height of the beds, I would like to mention, above all, flat and elevated above the ground. Moreover, they are raised not so much: a maximum of 0.2 meters. Along the edges, such flower beds can be additionally decorated with the help of various finishing materials, including silicate and ceramic bricks, natural stone, and a sidewalk border.

Original multilevel mixborder

Mixborders are specialists in landscape design and planning called special types of flower gardens, which use several flowers and other plants that have different heights. Traditionally, it is customary to equip mixborders on the background of a flat structural or decorative element, whether it be a brick fence or a wooden fence.

Such flowerbeds may vary somewhat throughout the season, as new flowering plants gradually replace one flowering plant. The scheme of planting such flower beds can include both perennials and annuals. In addition, decoration can be made using a combination of these two types of colors.


If we talk about lawn-type flower beds, it should be noted that they are, at first glance, a somewhat unorganized planting. It is more like a forest clearing or a small plot of natural meadows. On the other hand, the beauty of a lawn flower garden lies precisely in its natural, natural beauty. Perfect for fans of wild flowers (cornflowers, white and red clover, immortelle, forget-me-nots, poppies, daisies). A feature of such a flower bed is that all these flowers are very unpretentious and practically do not require care.

Flower arches

The basis in such cases is special artificial structures made of wood or metal. To plant it is necessary, as a rule, various types of climbers. Examples include: curly rose, ornamental beans, clematis, ivy, girlish grapes, and so on.


This type of flower bed is a special strip of flowers, as a rule, narrow (from 30 cm to one and a half meters). They can be placed along the tracks and parking lots for cars, along the perimeter of the house (along the blind area) or near the terrace. As a rule, when making a discount, annuals are used, which form peculiar stripes. Shades can be used as a contrast, and complement each other. Plant height can be both small and medium.

Perennial flowers to give

When thinking about which flowers to plant in the garden, consider this option. According to its growth, these flowers are divided into three main categories: short, medium tall and tall. Briefly consider each of them.


For unpretentious perennial flowers to give include several popular types. These are, first of all, large-flowered flax, oak sage, silverweed, soft cuff, paniculate gypsophila, geranium, gentian, dwarf phlox and some others. They do not require strict everyday care and can be safely recommended for planting at the dacha. They can be used in the arrangement of beds or mixborders.

Medium thick

If we talk about the growth of such plants, then it is, as a rule, 0.3-0.8 meters. They are quite universal, and such a significant difference in size makes them suitable for almost all types of flowerbeds.

Noting the names of medium-sized flowers to give, I want to highlight the following types:

  • Day-lily.
  • Rhodiola rosea
  • Yarrow
  • Astilba.
  • Monarda double.
  • Knapweed.
  • Paniculate phlox.
  • Peony (choose later varieties).


This group of perennial flowers for giving includes some of the most popular names. Their height starts from 80 centimeters, which, on the one hand, somewhat limits the possibilities of their landing, and on the other hand, on the contrary, makes them more unique compared to lower analogues. Popular types:

  • Tricyrtis Pearl Beauty.
  • Stock rose.
  • Gelenium hybrid.
  • Vasilisnik
  • Veronica dlinnolistaya.
  • Sunflower sunflower.

Remember! Such plants can be used for flower beds, rabatok, as well as for beds.

The use of perennials in the summer cottage is justified for many reasons. One of them is that it can take a long time to break up a beautiful, well-shaped flower garden, especially a mixborder. Often we are talking about a few years. Therefore, perennial plants will come at the right time, precisely for such cases.

Rules for the care of country flowers

Despite the fact that most garden flowers do not require care to the same extent as more fastidious garden plants, their cultivation requires following certain rules. In addition, it is advisable to pay attention to the reviews and advice of experienced gardeners.

In most gardens or suburban areas grow flowers that bloom twice a season. So, these plants should be pruned after the first flowering. Pruning the stem should be at a height of 0.1 meters, if we are talking about Lupine, Lychnis of Chalcedony, larkspur, Kotovik, bathing bath, terry broth, sage, tansy balsamic. The only exception is the small-scale gorgeous. This plant is cut by 1/3, and then fertilized.

An interesting feature are those plants, the flowers and leaves of which can reach large sizes, and, accordingly, have a rather big weight. Such plants need to be supported with props. As a rule, a rod made of metal, wood or even bamboo from an old fishing rod can act as a support. To create an additional support, the flower stem is tied to a twig. For this you need a piece of ordinary rope.

For bushy plants that love to grow in width, special designs are also needed that could play the role of an additional support. To do this, you can:

  1. Churn the frame of the wooden planks of a small section.
  2. Drive in a few small posts and pull them off with strong cords.
  3. Use special supports that can be bought in the appropriate store of goods for gardeners and gardeners.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the solution of such a problem as pruning of old, dry or wilted leaves and other parts of the flower. If the plant has faded, it must be cut or completely removed by weeding the flower bed. Not only does this make the flower bed ugly, it also selects, to one degree or another, the strength and energy of the plant, which could be used for its restoration or subsequent flowering.

Thinking about the care, we often would like to know which of the flowers are the most unpretentious in the conditions of summer cottage and suburban area. So, here, among the many flowers for the garden, we can distinguish such as:

  • Annuals. Sylvia, calendula, petunia.
  • Perennial, shadow-loving: tulips, ferns, snowdrops, clematis, lilies of the valley, kirkazon, zhivuchka.
  • Perennial, preferring the sun: bell, mallow, lupine, lily, carnation, peony.

As we have already noted, a very important condition for the maintenance and planting of those or other country flowers is their unpretentiousness. It is this circumstance that should be taken into account before choosing which flowers to plant at the dacha, since the improvement of the dacha is not so simple, and I would not like all the work to be wasted.

It so happened that in some publications, especially in specialized magazines, from time to time the hidden advertising of a new-fangled brand may “slip”. This is done in order to increase the sale of seeds of certain varieties of flowers. Perhaps they look attractive. However, given the difficult conditions, as well as the lack of opportunities for regular care of flowers in the country, the purchase of such seeds or ready-made seedlings is not always justified.

What to choose for the garden: perennials or annuals?

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Both types of flowers have certain advantages. It cannot be said that some of them are better, and some are vice versa, worse. Simply, they are designed for several different tasks.

So, if it comes to annual plants, then we can definitely say: in cases where the flower bed needs to be arranged as soon as possible so that the first results are visible, then it is definitely necessary to make a choice in favor of planting annuals. The first of them begin to bloom after a little more than a month from the time of planting. The cycle of flowering in many such plants is long enough, and they will delight you, starting in the spring and ending in the time when the first frosts come.

On a note! It is worth noting that the flowering period of a significant number of perennials is usually very short.

Do not forget about such a plus annuals to give, as an opportunity to experiment a little. The fact is that sometimes the flower bed may not work out the first time, especially for inexperienced gardeners. But do not be upset: it helps to gain valuable experience. In addition, in the same year you can plant new flowers, which are likely to be more successful.

Speaking about the merits of annual flowers, we should not forget about the advantages of perennials. Of course, their growth and formation does not occur as quickly as in annual plants. In addition, they require, as a rule, a closer look. On the other hand, once having grown such a plant and caring for it properly, you can enjoy its beauty for several years.

Remember! In addition, we must not forget that you will be forced to sow annual flowers annually.

Annual flowers for a long flowering period

Let's analyze the most popular from a wide list of annuals that grow in suburban areas.


First of all, consider zinnias, which also have an alternative, popular name - majors. They have a characteristic thick stem. Zinnias are known, among other things, because of their excellent immunity, which makes him immune to many diseases. In addition, they are resistant to dry conditions, so nothing terrible will happen if you irrigate no more than 1 time in 7 days. However, if possible, it is still better to water them regularly. A wide range of colors will delight lovers of variety in colors.


One of the favorites of all our summer residents is marigolds. Their beauty is easily explained due to the variety of shades: from yellow to terracotta and even brown. Often they are planted along the curbs, making a kind of "path". They feel well, as with frequent rain, and with rare watering.

Be careful, and do not plant marigolds in shady places, as this may have such a consequence, as the lack of color. Try to provide the flower garden with marigolds a sufficient amount of sunlight.


A variety of forms and beautiful appearance makes you immediately fall in love with petunia. At the same time, it is not as unpretentious as marigolds or zinnias in terms of resistance to dry weather. So, if you do not have the opportunity to provide regular watering of petunias, it is better to refrain from planting this flower.

Of course, there are other annuals to give. However, their list is truly huge, and it is simply impossible to consider even a small part of them within the framework of a single article. Therefore, we have mentioned only the most common ones.

Common Perennials

The most popular among all types of perennial flowers in the country are peonies and dahlias. There are various ideas on how to decorate your garden with these noble plants.

By the way! Any specialized online store offers a huge selection of any flower seeds.

Reproduction of the perennial peonies mentioned is carried out using tubers. The flowering period begins in July. The color scale, on the one hand, is not very wide, and on the other, it is simply elegant, because it includes such rich colors as pink, burgundy and white. Outside the flowering period, the bush itself can also perform decorative functions.

As for dahlias, they bloom later, beginning in late August and early September. Common colors: yellow, purple, red and white.

Clematis are also an excellent choice. They can additionally decorate the fence, arch or. Their little flowers will decorate any cottage. They bloom from June to October.

What you need to know about bulb flowers

Almost all bulb flowers are perennials. One of them is crocus. Already in March, it begins to appear from under the falling snow. As a rule, flowering begins simultaneously with the appearance of the first leaves. On the other hand, it cannot be said that crocus has a long flowering period.

Remember! Most bulbous perennials have a short flowering period.

Unconditional "hit" among the flowers, the reproduction of which is done with the help of bulbs, are tulips. When compared with crocuses, it should be noted that tulips are a bit more picky about the conditions of care. But with their widest range of colors they can spell literally everyone.

In addition to unpretentious crocuses, as well as a little more capricious, but beautiful tulips, you should remember about other perennial bulbous flowers, which have long become a kind of "classic" in summer cottages. This is primarily about hyacinths, lilies and daffodils. At the same time, besides the fact that all of them are a real decoration of any country garden flower garden, all such flowers have a wonderful aroma.

Growing flowers in flowerpots

Some examples of colors with names and photos are presented here (click to enlarge):

Flowers intended in flowerpots are not always a replacement for more traditional flower beds. Hanging pots or pots can perfectly complement the more familiar to us flower beds. They can be a particularly interesting option in cases where there is not much free space on the summer cottage for arranging flowerbeds. Flowerpots of various shapes are, among other things, a very practical solution. In addition, to change the overall composition you will only need to replace one or two pots or swap them. What flowers can be planted in vases in the country?

The first thing that comes to mind is geranium. In addition, a fairly unpretentious flower is lush pelargonium. Terry and semi-double asters, which, by the way, love the abundance of the sun, also deserve attention.

Often in the flowerpots can be grown and those flowers that seem to be more familiar to flower beds. An example would be dahlias or pansies, as well as some varieties of violets and asters. They can be used to decorate the place next to the bench, next to the porch, near the terrace. For greater convenience, sometimes it is customary to put the flowerpots on stands, especially when it comes to volumetric and bushy types of flowers. Other examples (photos are clickable):

In the gardens of country cottages you can find many different types of flowers that have a different flowering period. Some gardeners prefer to plant annual or biennial, others choose perennial.

It is considered that perennial plants are the most practical, they delight the decorative view for years. What perennials to plant in the country, what varieties are unpretentious, long-flowering, what are the best beautiful perennial flowers for the garden, photos with names and characteristics of the species - we will tell in this article.

Characteristics of perennials

One of the characteristic features of ornamental perennials is a long flowering period. Due to this, garden flowers adorn the front gardens for a long time, unlike annuals. The complexity of care perennials are not significantly different from annuals. The main care activities take place in the spring:

⇒ removal of dry leaves and branches;

⇒ planting seedlings;

⇒ Applying appropriate fertilizers in the form of compost, manure, and mineral fertilizers so that the plants quickly regain their shape, acquire a decorative appearance.

Perennials for giving flowering are considered an important part of the composition in landscape design. Their inflorescences have various colors and shapes. Certain species have a wide variety of varieties. So the choice is not easy!

Benefits of Perennials

Perennials are a diverse group with many benefits:

  1. have a huge wealth of forms, colors;
  2. varied in size, flowering period;
  3. do not require fertile soil, special care;
  4. frost resistant;
  5. generally resistant to diseases;
  6. rarely attacked by pests;
  7. durable, grow a few years.

Perennials have an attractive flowering calendar - from early spring to late fall. With proper selection, they can continuously please the eye with beautiful inflorescences, decorative appearance, rewarding with charm almost all year round, even in winter, if you leave dried inflorescences. Below are the popular varieties of perennials, photos of various compositions.

Description of colors with photos


Phlox - unpretentious perennials, blooming all summer. There are many species with different colors. Plant height - up to 70-120 cm. Requires planting in a sunny place, fertile soil, moderately moist. Phlox bloom profusely, are resistant to disease, cold. If they grow in partial shade, the color of the inflorescences (white, pink, purple) is more intense. In the summer, beautiful dense hemispherical inflorescences are formed, often 2 tones.

Slightly fragrant phlox suitable for flowerpots. At one place they can remain for many years. Every 4-5 years the bushes need to be divided, replanted.


Echinacea - spectacular perennial, blooming almost all summer, beautify any summer cottage. Echinacea belongs to the family Compositae, come from the prairies of North America. Characterized as unpretentious perennial with high decorative qualities. Often cultivated echinacea purpurea plants, up to 1.5 meters high. The plant has coarse, tough leaves of dark green color.

Echinacea requires solar exposure, fertile moist soil. It blooms from July to October. The flowers have a characteristic convex conical middle, dark pink petals. There are varieties with white, yellow petals. Echinacea spreads easily.

Siberian Iris

Siberian Iris - grows up to 50-100 cm in height. The plant has narrow, green, tender leaves. It blooms from May to June. Siberian iris grows well in the sun, in partial shade and shadow. It can be planted in the garden, in the swampy coastal area of ​​the pond. Some varieties grow to 60-120 cm in height. Delicate flowers with a diameter of 60-75 mm have a purple, blue, white color, a clear pattern on the lower petals. Decorative narrow leaves resemble bunches of grass.

The iris grows on fertile, slightly acidic, moist, even marshy soils. The plant is quite unpretentious, completely frost-resistant. It is successfully cultivated in pots on balconies, terraces.


Lilies love many, they are deservedly considered among the most attractive, fragrant bulbous plants. Lily has a large number of species, an incredible variety of forms, designs of petals, the entire inflorescence. The soil for the perennial should be fertile, permeable, the flower does not like waterlogging. Best of all, lily grows in the sun, on slightly raised ground (this prevents excessive accumulation of water). Depending on the species, it reaches a height of 50-120 cm. Early varieties are planted in March or September, in late April, white lily - in August.


Daylily - unpretentious perennial originally from Asia, great for giving. Durable, resistant to harsh conditions. Depending on a grade reaches height of 30-120 cm. The form of a flower reminds a lily. During the growing season the daylily gives decorative foliage. Blooms profusely and long. On the trunk there are 15-20 buds, ripen gradually. Flowering can last up to a month, although individual flowers fade after 24 hours. Daylily is characterized by an incredible variety of patterns, colors, shapes. It has many varieties.

Among the varieties can be found flowers of different colors:

  • white,
  • pink
  • purple,
  • black
  • yellow
  • orange,
  • dark brown.

Flowers are characterized by a variety of forms, including rather unusual, star-like spiders. There are almost odorless and strongly scented species.

Daylilies practically do not require care, are attractive for novice gardeners. The plant does not require fertile soil. The position should be sunny or slightly shaded. Planting is usually carried out at a depth of 5 cm at a distance of 30-40 cm. Care is limited to watering, fertilization. Old varieties grow even in poor, dry soils. It is useful for coloring, opening the buds to make several times foliar feeding with a predominance of phosphorus. Daylilies without transplantation can grow in one place for 15-20 years.


Lupine - a beautiful perennial, beloved by many gardeners because of the high decorative value, ease of cultivation. Often lupine is found in gardens, looks great on colorful flowerbeds. Lupine belongs to the legume family, includes dozens of species. Lupine grows best on solar exposures, needs fertile soil with a low calcium content. It has hard inflorescences of dark or light blue, pink, white, yellow color and even two-color, 60-80 cm high. It is easily scattered, it does not tolerate transplants.

Catchment, orlik or aquilegia

Orlik garden or aquilegia - perennial, preferring half-shaded, shady places, humus, moist soil. Orlik grows great under a canopy of trees. It is short-lived, but it is easy to disperse, it remains in the garden for many years. Original flowers have many colors, color combinations are endless.

Larkspur High or Delphinium

Garden Delphiniums - require sunny position or partial shade, fertile, permeable, moist soil. Hard inflorescences grow up to 200 cm in height, have dark or light blue, lavender, pink, white color. After flowering inflorescences need to prune right above the ground, then larkspur will bloom again. Delphiniums are short-lived, they need to be separated every few years. Sometimes you have to tie to the support.

Sunflower Heliopsis

Heliopsis sunflower blooms with yellow flowers, looks beautiful in the company of dark leaves. Flowering begins in mid-summer. Heliopsis reaches a height of 1 m. The exposure should be on the south side, but in the shade. The soil will need quite fertile, with humus. The flower adapts well to the environment, can grow in worse soil, frost-resistant. Heliopsis looks beautiful, planted next to the delphinium, asters. The color is long, abundant, often before frost, creates large clusters of flowers, easily spreads.


Sage oakwood loves solar exposure, but tolerates partial shade. The soil should be fertile, permeable, moderately wet. Rigid buds grow to 80 cm, dark blue flowers. Removal of faded inflorescences stimulates the development of new ones.

Astilbe or false salsify

Astilbe - long flowering perennials. If you provide them with optimal conditions, will thank a long, beautiful flowering. Fluffy, colorful inflorescences will decorate any shady corner of the garden. Chinese Astilbes are slightly easier to grow than others - if you give them very moist soil, they grow well even in a sunny place.

Astilbe belongs to the saxifrage family. Scientists know about 20 species of these ornamental plants. Habitat - wet, shady forests of Asia, North America. They are quite often grown in home gardens. Astilba grows well in partial shade, requires a fertile soil, permeable, moist, but not poured. Depending on the variety, it has a height of 30-60 cm. Small flowers are gathered in hard panicles of violet, light or dark pink, white color.

Curly perennial flowers, photo, catalog

Climbing plants to give in addition to their beauty have many practical advantages:

  • create a large area of ​​greenery with a minimum occupied space on the ground;
  • they can cover an unattractive place;
  • located on the gazebo, shed, create a shadow.

Some species can climb walls with antennae, others grow around supports. Many species have so thick stems that sometimes you need a really reliable support. Before you buy a perennial loach, let's see which species are suitable for planting in a planned place in specific conditions, so that it is not surprising that, for example, honeysuckle does not want to climb up the wall.


Honeysuckle (Lonicera peryclimenum) is a blooming loach with a wonderful aroma. Honeysuckle have no special requirements, but bloom in a sunny place. Need support. Abundantly bloom all summer. The flowers consist of many thin tubes of different colors:

  • yellow
  • pink
  • red
  • purple,
  • whites.


Wisteria is a perennial winding vine with beautiful flowers. The flowers hang in the inflorescences of various color:

  • purple
  • white,
  • pink,
  • lavender,
  • blue.

Some varieties can form inflorescences reaching a length of 70 cm! Wisteria grows around strong supports, old stalks are rather thick, with a circumference of several tens of centimeters.


Clematis (Clematis) is very demanding, although there are varieties rather unpretentious. Clematis bloom very beautifully. The variety of varieties is wide. Clematis differ in a variety of shapes and colors. There are options, such as Barbara Dibley, with huge colors. Clematis rise up the support.


Campsis radican (Campsis radican) - perennial liana. Sensitive to frost, landed in protected places. This liana is sometimes confused with wisteria, has very similar flowers in the form of tubules of a beautiful red, orange, yellow color. Flowering begins only a few years after planting, so you have to be patient. Curls around the supports.

Fallopia Aubert or Highlander Aubert

Fallopia Aubert (Fallopia aubertii) is a liana with a large increase reaching 6-8 meters per year. Planting fallopia is the fastest way to cover walls with greens. You should be careful with fallopia, the plant is so expansive, it can quickly get out of control, grow in unwanted places.

Curly hydrangea

Curly hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) is the queen among the shade-loving perennial blooming reeds. It grows in partial shade, shadows, as evidenced by beautiful white, large inflorescences in shaded conditions. Hydrangea requires strong support around which it grows. The stems are very thick, sometimes they can destroy the fence of the boards, between which they are intertwined.

Curly Rose

The rose probably needs no introduction; many gardeners and summer residents love and grow it. Roses require support, but they should not be as powerful as for hydrangea, wisteria.

Lemongrass Chinese

Chinese lemongrass is best known for its healing properties, and can also be a garden decoration. Flowers inconspicuous, white, very decorative red fruits collected in hanging clusters. Grows better in partial shade.

The article presents the most popular perennials, photos and a brief description of the species should help make the right choice for a specific soil and climatic conditions. The correct choice, taking into account all factors, will allow you to enjoy the benefits of the plant, to see the magnificent flowers that will decorate any cottage, garden.

How to plant flowers in the country, to give your summer cottage an incredible charm?

Landscaping cottages

At first glance it may seem that it is much easier to develop landscape design for a large suburban area than for a small one. But, in fact, this is far from the case. Having picked up the wrong way, or by placing it incorrectly, you can visually “reduce” your already small, summer cottage.

In order for this not to happen, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • The first rule is the rejection of large buildings, trees and shrubs. Large plants take up a lot of space, from which it will seem that the dacha is completely “scanty”.
  • It is necessary to abandon the high hedges, completely entwined with curly flowers. If the site is completely fenced, plant a large number of flowers around the fence, it will be more like a cage than a place to rest.
  • You should not plant in the country tall flowering trees. Because of them, the plot will be completely darkened, and most in such conditions will not be able to grow. You can, of course, plant the entire summer cottage with shade flowers. But most of them practically do not bloom, and also will not be able to grow if the soil is with a low level of acidity and humidity.

We make flower beds

To create a perfect must adhere to the following rules:

  • varieties must be combined with each other not only in inflorescences, but in the form of leaves;
  • harmoniously look different in shape inflorescences, leaves, but similar in shade;
  • it is necessary to take into account the flowering period of each flower;
  • tall plants are planted in the center or on the last tier, undersized - on the edges or on the curbs;
  • in the center, the distance between plants should be large, closer to the edge - the density increases. Plants planted near the curb should be placed "carpet";
  • it is not advisable to plant near a large number of varieties with different shades of inflorescences. So the flowerbed will look disharmonious;
  • it is important to take into account the preferences in soil, irrigation, the amount of sunlight, the acidity of the soil.

Perennial varieties

Perennial flowers are a universal option for those who do not want to develop new planting schemes every year. In order to constantly bloom on the site plants need to pick up perennial varieties.

Varieties by flowering time are divided into several types:

  • blooming in spring;
  • blooming in summer;
  • blooming before frosts.
July Aug. Sept October
  Aster + +
  Marigold + + +
  Dahlia + +
  Gladiolus +
  Celosia + + +
  Purslane + +
  Clarkia + +
  Hypospila + +
  Cosmea + + +
  Lavertera +
  Snapdragon + +
  Sea lobularia + +
  Nasturtium + +
  Petunia + +
  Fragrant tobacco +
  Zinia + +

Based on this table, you can pick up perennial varieties so that the plot is “blooming” from early spring to late autumn.

Most flowers whose flowering period begins immediately after the snow melts (as a rule, it is mid-April) can be found in the forest.

First of all it is:

  • snowdrops (galantus);

  • hellebore;

  • scilla (scilla);

  • anemone (anemone);

  • crested crest;

  • marigolds;

  • liverworm.

They all begin to bloom immediately after most of the snow has melted.

Annual varieties

If perennials, which can grow for several years in the same place without requiring a transplant, are understandable, then annuals are another matter. Annuals will have to plant every year again.

On the one hand, this is an advantage, because if the flower does not like or does not look in the overall composition, then next year you can simply not plant it. But on the other hand, if it fits perfectly into the landscape design, you will have to annually cultivate this variety.

Name of annual bloom July Aug. Sept October
  Aster + +
  Marigold + + +
  Dahlia + +
  Gladiolus +
  Celosia + + +
  Purslane + +
  Clarkia + +
  Hypospila + +
  Cosmea + + +
  Lavertera +
  Snapdragon + +
  Sea lobularia + +
  Nasturtium + +
  Petunia + +
  Fragrant tobacco +
  Zinia + +

But among the annuals rarely meet varieties that begin to bloom in early spring. Most often, the flowering period they begin in mid-summer and ends with the onset of the first frost.

Proper bedding arrangement

Before you begin to engage directly in planting, it is necessary to graphically depict the pattern of future flower beds. This greatly simplifies the task and does not allow to make a mistake.

The second rule - it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the varieties selected for planting. Shade-tolerant plants will not be able to grow in the sun, and light-loving plants are not recommended to be planted in dark areas. In addition, the composition of the soil is important. Some prefer not only "dark places", but also high humidity or acidity of the soil.

The easiest way is round. Even a beginner can handle it. For example, tall people can be planted in the center (it can be delphinium, roses, peonies or phloxes). Next, undersized varieties of one species (balsam, flax or pansy) are planted.

Between these two stripes, you must leave a place for planting, which bloom throughout the summer (petunia, marigold, pelargonium).

According to this scheme, you can create any form. The main thing is fantasy. Also at the edges of the tracks you can plant low-growing with decorative grass.

Another universal version of flower arrangements is vertical. This option is suitable for those very small suburban areas. The easiest way to create a vertical flowerbed is a “wooden screen” with climbing flowers. You can put it together and plant some plants next to it, or use hedges.

You can also attach strong ropes to the roof of the house and fasten them to the ground. Especially this method is convenient if there is an open veranda. Flowers will create a shadow, and please their appearance.

Making a vertical flower bed

  • clematis;

  • ipomoea purpurea;

Ipomoea purple heavenly stars

  • ivy;

  • wisteria;

  • actinidia;

  • quamoclit;

  • winged tunbergia;

  • rhodochiton;

  • kampsis;

  • curly honeysuckle;

  • large-leaved kirkosan;

  • curly rose.

For vertical, you can use hanging pots. Flowers that are planted in hanging pots are called ampelous.

Ampelnaya flowers:

  • Lobelia;

  • Petunia;

  • Pelargonium (geranium);
  • Verbena;

  • Campanula;

  • Viola;

  • Ampelnaya fuchsia;

  • Surfinia;

  • Bakopa;
  • Dichondra

The main plus of hanging pots - they can be moved to another place at any time, thereby reviving your garden.

The choice of plants for planting in the country is a very important stage, because the appearance of the villa territory, the amount of time spent on caring for flowerbeds, and the mood of the hosts and guests who visited the country estate depend on their varietal diversity. To begin with, you should not get hung up on difficult to care exotic species, it is better to choose a few unpretentious but bright representatives of the flora. Let us consider in more detail what kind of flowers to plant in the country, so that it becomes a cozy paradise.

Many lovers of country rest visit the country only on weekends, therefore, they need to choose flowers that require minimal care. In addition, the plants should tolerate drought perfectly or, on the contrary, prolonged rains. If you plant naughty roses in more northern latitudes, they will require daily attention, so consider options that calmly develop independently, at least within a week.

Cheerful yellow and orange marigolds are undemanding to the soil and atmospheric "gifts". The only condition for their successful cultivation is the place lit by the sun, and this may be a penny in the middle of a lawn, and a narrow flowerbed along the path, and containers suspended from the wall. Low varieties of marigolds are ideal for device ravatok or borders.

Bright monophonic marigolds look more elegantly surrounded by plants with decorative large leaves, for example, against the background of an ordinary or spotted host

For slightly shaded areas, a climbing, loving freedom nasturtium is great. It grows quickly, so it should be planted in places with a large amount of free soil. In order for the nasturtium shrub to retain its shape and size as long as possible, it is placed in a pot or a small container. The beginning of May is the best time for sowing these pink, maroon, lilac, yellow or variegated plants.

Large, visible flowers from afar are distinguished by imopei, capable of decorating both the wall of the house and the trellis specially made for it. Imopeya loves support and has a high tenacity, so she can easily “pounce” on any object standing nearby - a bench, a tree, a corner of the house. These beautiful flowers with large buds like sunlight and organic fertilizers.

The peculiarity of growing nasturtium is the dosed application of fertilizers. A large amount of minerals will cause rapid leaf growth, but will quench the formation of inflorescences.

Two or three varieties of imopei with buds of different shades, planted near the trellis, arches or trellis, look original and harmonious.

Perennials as a symbol of stability

If there is no time to change the composition of the beds annually and transplant plants from place to place, it is better to dwell on perennials, which, once ingrained, will please the eye for a long time. The recognized leaders among perennials are luxurious dahlias and fragrant peonies, which during their flowering turn flower beds into huge white-pink-red clouds.

Get ready for the fact that the aristocratic peony will decorate your territory for 10 years or more. This dominant plant blooms violently throughout the summer, and the rest of the time the decorative task is performed by its dark glossy greens. Peonies are not capricious: in the fall it is enough to remove their above-ground part. Covering or wrapping plants against frost is not necessary, so as not to damage the sprouts in the spring.

Dahlias are great for individual plantings, and for group compositions, and even for creating lush arrays. They like places well lit by the sun, but protected from the wind. One of the conditions for planting is moisture-intensive, fairly fertile soil, as well as moderate use of organic matter (manure). Dahlia blooms closer to the end of summer, so the flowerbeds can be supplemented with lower plants.

Dahlia roots need additional airflow: regularly feeding and watering flowers, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Unrivaled Country Style

The persistent smell of mint, herbs and slightly wild, uncombed flower beds - old childhood memories send us on a journey through the garden of our beloved grandmother, where motley plants of unimaginable varieties merged into a single picture, which is now commonly called.

The center of the landscape, of course, is a lush rose bush, spreading around itself a delicate soft fragrance. Choosing a soil that is neutral in acidity, not over-wetted and fertile, you can not think about renewal for the next 10 years. Timely planting, depending largely on the variety, regular hilling and feeding will help create a strong plant with large noble buds. To give the bush a certain shape, you need additional pruning.

Pruning roses is best done in early spring. Climbing and climbing plants remove old, dead shoots, bush stems are cut at a height of 20-30 cm above the ground

Tall, reaching 2 meters delphiniums give a flower bed a special lively color. Their slender stems soar upwards, releasing into the wild a multitude of large, bright flowers resembling the inhabitants of saline expanses - dolphins. Colors of various varieties of delphinium - from soft-lilac to deep-purple and sky-blue correspond to the marine theme. The most successful place for planting is the center of the flowerbed or the section along the wall of the high fence.

Delphinium is very difficult to grow seedlings, so experts recommend using the division of the bush and jigging of the cutting. A good breeding season is early spring or August.

Some varieties of violets multiply by seeds, for others green cuttings, which is better to spend in early summer, are more suitable.

Shade-tolerant varieties of flowers

Shaded garden corners often look monotonous, boring and abandoned due to the firm opinion that nothing takes root there. In fact, there are many beautiful plants that can turn even the darkest part into a multi-colored glade. These include both perennials and noble herbs, the main decorative element of which is variegated, striped, spotted and colorful leaves. Consider to revive them.

Moderately flowering plants

Bright pink and blue flowers stand out against the background of greenery, a low plant - Lungwort. Perfectly tolerate the shadow of the three most common species - medunitsa officinalis, Dacian and red. The plant is valued for its versatility and unpretentiousness: early spring flowering in the summertime is replaced by the decorativeness of variegated leaves, which persists until the first snow. One individual can grow and bloom for 30 years.

The beautiful honey plant and the digitalis medicinal plant are also easy to apply to shading. The lack of sunlight does not prevent her from reaching a height of one and a half meters and crumble with juicy pale pink or snow-white buds. To turn a boring corner of the garden into a comfortable area for reading or relaxing, it is enough to put a bench and surround it with lush bushes of foxglove - the gloomy place will come to life and play with bright colors.

The seeds of foxglove ripen closer to the end of summer. The most viable seeds are in the boxes at the bottom of the stem, where the first flowers appear.

Original ornamental herbs

Forest thickets and shady places near the walls and fences are not afraid of garden ferns. From fern bushes and shade-tolerant plants form beautiful green compositions that can decorate the garden, the recreation area, and the local area. The most popular varieties of fern: adiantum, listovik, polynyadnik, ostrichnik, nomad.

The fern is easily propagated by spores, which are best sown in early spring. Optimal soil for planting - a mixture of fertile forest land and peat

The garden will not do without a diva of shady zones - hosts, different varieties of which set the mood of the lower tier. An inexpressive flowering is compensated by the beauty and nobility of exquisite leaf plates, which can be decorated with wide white stripes, marble stains, large specks or bluish-purple edging.

Perennial hosts feel great for several seasons in one place, therefore, the soil is sometimes necessary to dig, fertilize and mulch

Dacha plot - a great place to experiment and translate their own ideas. To turn a gloomy territory into a positive and rosy place of rest, it is enough to break a flower bed near the porch or arrange a small flower garden in the garden - the choice of filling it up for the owners.

Flowers are a beautiful decoration of the dacha, without them creating an interesting landscape design is extremely problematic. We will tell you about the most popular and successful colors with which you can decorate your garden.

Let's start with the perennial, they have a number of clear advantages:

  • Do not need constant transplant.
  • Not afraid of temperature changes.
  • Undemanding to wintering (some will have to dig and store in a cool place, others may remain until the spring in the ground).
  • Easily breed and grow.

TOP-5 perennial flowers to give


Perennial flower of the Amaryllis family, begins to bloom in early spring. About 25 species are cultivated, including tubular, terry, small-and large-crown, cyclomen-like and others.

Daffodils: planting and care

  • Planting pear-shaped bulbs, can be propagated by dividing the bulb into 4-6 parts.
  • Daffodils love bright diffused light and moisture.
  • It is not necessary to spray, but it’s better to take care of drafts.
  • You can not replant 3-5 years.
  • The soil is needed fertile, of any kind, but narcissuses do not like fertilizer with manure. It is better to fertilize the ground a year before planting the bulbs.
  • Planted most often in August.

By the way, daffodils can be of different colors and shapes, so your flowerbed won't be of the same type or boring!


A herb that belongs to the Agapanta family. In natural conditions it grows on the sea coast. It has a strong root system, linear leaves, and the length of the peduncle can reach 1 meter. There are several varieties of agapanthus: umbrella, eastern, bell-shaped. With free pollination, plant hybrids often appear.

Agapanthus: landing and care

  • Agapanthus likes good lighting, abundant watering from spring to autumn.
  • Feed fertilizer every two weeks from spring to October.
  • Agapanthus loves clay-soddy soil.
  • Replant the plants better every 3-4 years.
  • Sprinkle with leaf or sawdust in the fall.
  • In very cold climates, the plant is removed for the winter in the cellar or basement.


The bulbous perennial of the Asparagaceae family, in natural conditions, grows in forest glades and mountain slopes. Flowers in height can reach 40 cm, they have a pleasant aroma. Muscari - a frequent guest of rock gardens. There are about 60 varieties of Muscari: crested, uviform, terry, bell-shaped and others. Depending on the variety, muscari may bloom from April to September.

Muscari: landing and care

  • They love good lighting, loose soil, abundant watering.
  • Provided regular feeding plants can not replant 5 years or more.
  • Culture is propagated by splitting the bulbs into several parts.
  • For the winter, the bulbs are not dug, it is enough to bury them in the ground.


Perennial herbaceous, belongs to the family Lily. Non-capricious, can grow in one place for at least 15 years. There are several thousand varieties, including hybrid ones. The most popular are terry, fragrant, deciduous, spider-lily.

Daylily: landing and care

  • They are very fond of good lighting - then all the beauty of the inflorescences is revealed.
  • For soil suitable for any garden soil, which must be periodically fertilized with compost and mineral fertilizers.
  • If there is no good drainage, the bed with daylily should be raised.
  • New plants are planted in spring or autumn, for the winter daylily can be left in the garden, but to mulch the soil.
  • If the bush has become less fruitful, it should be transplanted or transplanted to another place.


Perennial curly flower of the family of legumes. It is a tree-like liana with abundant buds. 9 species belong to this genus, but most often Japanese and Chinese wisteria can be found in the garden. The height of the vine is 15 meters. Flowers - lilac, white or purple with a characteristic aroma. It starts blooming at the end of March and can please the eye all summer.

Wisteria: landing and care

  • Seeds are planted in November-December and grown in a room on the windowsill, in the soil can be transferred in early spring.
  • Wisteria loves solar space, which is protected from drafts.
  • The soil should be weak alkaline and with drainage.
  • Watering is moderate, wisteria can stay in one place for 10 or more years.

It is important to know that for the first time wisteria blooms at the age of 2-3 years, all buds simultaneously open and bloom profusely.

TOP 5 annual flowers to give

Annual crops will have to be planted every year, but in your garden there will be a variety and space for experiments.


There are one-year and perennial crops. Chrysanthemums belong to the Astrov family. This shrub (less grass) with inflorescence-basket. There are more than 150 types of chrysanthemums, both with small and large flowers. The most popular: Alpine, crowned, keeled, bushy, Chinese, terry.

Chrysanthemums: planting and care

  • They like bright diffused light, watering plentiful.
  • The best soil is a soft sod substrate.
  • During the active growing season, chrysanthemum can be sprayed twice a day.
  • It blooms from late summer to October.

Interesting! In Japan, the Order is named after this flower, which is issued only for important services to the state.


This plant is also called Capuchin, it is a bright representative of the Nasturtium family. There are more than 90 species of plants, in the natural environment it is a perennial, but in our latitudes nasturtium cannot winter. It is a shrub or liana with semi-double, double and simple flowers of irregular shape.

Nasturtium: landing and care

  • It multiplies in the seed way, they are sown in the open land in May. Water with warm water and cover with foil - seedlings will appear within 2 weeks.
  • Nasturtium planted in a flower bed with good lighting with slightly acidic fertile soil.
  • It is important to provide drainage because the root system of the plant is weak.
  • It blooms from late July to September.


Bright low-growing plant of the genus Portulakovy, great for decoration curbs and alpine slides. There are about 100 species of portulac, but in our latitudes only one grows - large-flowered portulac. This is an annual which, even under cover, cannot withstand winters. Its height does not exceed 30 cm. The portulak has a well-developed root system, fleshy leaves, bright flowers. Flowering period - from June to September. Despite the fact that in the evening the flower will fade away, there are so many inflorescences on the plant that the flowering becomes continuous.

Purslane: landing and care

Special care is not required: it is enough to ensure the plant timely abundant watering and plant it in a place protected from drafts.


A tall herb that belongs to the family of Buttercups. There are more than 40 species, of which the most popular are the Ajax field and delphinium. A delphinium will decorate any flower garden: it is tall enough, it blooms from June to September, and bright blue, pink and purple flowers are hard to confuse with something else.

Delphinium: landing and care

  • Planting seeds must be in a sunny place, the ground must have drainage, otherwise the roots will simply rot.
  • Be sure to fertilize with humus or mulch the earth with peat.
  • Regular watering and fertilizing every 10 days is a guarantee that the flowering will be long and abundant.

Morning glory

This is a vine, which belongs to the family Vyunkovyh. In tropical latitudes, it is perennial, but only one season grows on the plot. An ornamental plant can reach a length of 5 meters. It has thick stems and large flowers on long legs, similar to a gramophone trumpet. Popular varieties such as ipomoea Cairo, purple, tricolor, ivy-like, moon-flowering.

Ipomoea: landing and care

  • Ipomea from seeds is grown on a windowsill and in May-June is transferred to open ground.
  • The distance between the shoots should be at least 20 cm, be sure to provide a support - the grid or the tensioned grid.
  • The soil should be with good drainage, ipomeyu need to feed every 2-3 weeks.
  • It blooms from July to September.

Important! Before choosing plants to give, it is worth making a preliminary plan of planting, taking into account the type of plants (low, medium or tall), their preferences in moisture, the amount of light, soil - and select the “inhabitants” of the flower bed according to these criteria.

Experiment and decorate the site to your taste!