Decorative Kalanchoe: home care, breeding features and recommendations. Kalanchoe care at home: where to place and how to care Home Kalanchoe care

Kalanchoe belong to plants from a very extensive family of bastards. In addition to this plant, the family includes more than two hundred more different types... The natural climate for the Kalanchoe is tropical and subtropical. Thus, this plant is easy to find, for example, in Australia, Asia and Africa, and also in Madagascar. Among the Kalanchoe, you can find perennials, succulents (plants that can store water) and shrubs.

In almost all varieties of this plant, the leaves are plump and rather fleshy. And the stems can be creeping or growing upward. Note that the height of an adult plant is individual. You can find specimens reaching about half a meter, and there are those whose height will not be higher than twenty centimeters.

Kalanchoe is an unpretentious plant, therefore it is easy to look after it. In addition, it adapts to the conditions of the apartment very quickly. And if we take into account the fact that it grows rather quickly and reproduces very easily, then it is easy to understand why this flower has become so popular among fans of planting flowers.

This plant blooms for a very long time and is very abundant. And inflorescences can have a wide variety of colors. Among them, you can see white, scarlet or yellow flowers.

And more recently, flower lovers have a chance to buy rather non-standard Kalanchoe hybrids. The flowers of these varieties are quite large and very bright. In addition, they grow quite well even in those rooms where the lighting is weaker than usual.

Already very for a long time people know about useful qualities of this beautiful flower... Its juice has found applications in the medical field - in surgery, dentistry and even obstetrics. And the thing is that Kalanchoe juice can prevent inflammation, and very well cleanses sores and wounds. The juice of this plant is almost non-toxic, and therefore does not cause any irritation or allergic reactions.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe

Dentists quite often use the juice of this flower in the treatment of such unpleasant diseases as periodontal disease or gingivitis. And in surgery, it is used to treat severe burns, ulcers, and complex wounds. As for gynecology, in this area it is most in demand for ruptures received during childbirth. By the way, it is for medical purposes that the juice of an adult Kalanchoe is always used.

But it's worth mentioning that its juice is used not only in medicine. It is also very useful in cosmetology as it delightfully rejuvenates the skin.

For more information on the properties of a home healer, see the video review:

How to care for Kalanchoe at home

One of the most versatile succulents (a plant with tissues where water is stored for future use), Kalanchoe is prized for its beautiful foliage and boldly colored flowers. Kalanchoe is a low-grade grower at the solar border or in a container.

Some varieties are also grown as potted gift flowers and can be bought blooming during the winter months. New owners grow them in quality. In Ikea, a loose flower in a pot costs no more than $ 5.

Kalanchoe grows from 20 to 30 cm in height and has wide oval shapes that provide attractiveness and color saturation even when the plant is not blooming. The color shades of the flower petals include yellow, pink, red, or white.

As already mentioned, this flower is not at all demanding and no special conditions need to be created to care for it. It adapts perfectly both in a flowerbed in the yard and in flower pot on the windowsill. Helpful advice - when the Kalanchoe has faded and began to lose its decorative effect, divide it into cuttings.


It is better to place the Kalanchoe in a sunny place, indoors or out, choose the side of the sun.

Kalanchoe branches are delicate and break easily, so be careful when moving or replanting.

This flower is very light-loving and therefore tolerates the influence of direct sunlight without any consequences.

But even if there is little light in the room allotted to it, it does not matter. In the dark, he will feel no worse.

Temperature level

For Kalanchoe, there is no need for any special temperature regime. For example, in warm time it develops well at temperatures up to +24 Celsius. And in more cold period time - closer to winter, you just need to make sure that the temperature is around +15. The fact is that if a flower is hot in the cold season, it will not let flowers.

In addition, there is no need to worry about drafts - this plant is not afraid of them. But in the summer it is better to put it on the balcony so that it can receive more sun, but at the same time it was protected from precipitation.

How to provide watering

Since Kalanchoe is a succulent plant, water it when the soil feels dry to the touch. The stems and leaves of this flower are plump, so you shouldn't worry about it drying out if you skip watering.

In the warm season, watering is enough once or twice a week. But with the approach of cold weather, it is worth making this range larger. Watch the soil. Before watering again, pay attention to the pot, upper layer the earth must definitely dry out. Remember, if the water stagnates, your plant can get fungus.

How to moisturize

In this case, the attitude to different types is different. Do not spray water on kalanchoe leaves, which are covered with a kind of light down. You should also not allow water to fall on these leaves while you water the soil.

If your flower has smooth leaves, you can not be afraid to spray them and periodically you can even rinse with water. room temperatureto remove dust.

About fertilizers and feeding

Plants that produce flowers need to be fertilized with a slightly larger amount of fertilizing than those plants that do not produce flowers. Fertilize them once a month, from mid-spring to early autumn.

For this, a universal top dressing is perfect (about half of the recommended dosage). If your Kalanchoe does not bloom, most likely cactus feeding will help it.

What top dressing is better: liquid or dry - we learn from the video:

Soil mixture

For such a flower, an earth mixture is perfect, which is usually used for succulents. If you have a desire to prepare this mixture on your own, then mix humus with sand, add leaf and sod soil in equal amounts. And don't forget about drainage.


It is necessary to transplant Kalanchoe annually, but only during the period while the flower is still young. After growing up, it needs to be transplanted only once every couple of years. Kalanchoe seedlings are delicate and break easily, so be careful when moving or replanting.

Flowering period

Those varieties of Kalanchoe that give flowers need bright light, because otherwise it will not bloom. But if there are no problems with lighting, be sure that it will give large and bright flowers.

By the beginning of winter, be sure to move your plant to more cool place, otherwise flower buds will not form. If you have a desire for it to bloom in winter, then in warm periods of the year artificially reduce its daylight hours to ten hours a day.


You need to cut the plant when the Kalanchoe has faded. The stalks are only cut a little, and do not forget about the removal of dried inflorescences. This will preserve the aesthetics of the flower.


There are many ways to breed Kalanchoe. Seeds and stem or leaf cuttings are perfect for this procedure.

If we talk about seeds, they are very small - so they are not buried in the soil, but simply spread over the top ball of the soil. They need to be watered exclusively from a spray bottle. And the best sowing period is from January to March.

As for cuttings, this will make the plant even easier to propagate. For example, you can root any leaf.

If you have “kids” with already formed roots, plant them in a soil substrate, before adding a little sand to it.

Harmful insects

Quite rarely, Kalanchoe can get sick due to worms and aphids. It is no more difficult to deal with them than in the cases with other plants of the bastard family.

Varieties of Kalanchoe

At home, you can grow many varieties of Kalanchoe. For example, very often at home you can find this decorative variety this flower, like Blossfeld's Kalanchoe. This is a low shrub, which, in addition to its usual form, also has dwarf ones. Usually, however, this shrub can reach half a meter in height. His distinctive feature - smooth dark green leaves with wavy edges. Flowers have a variety of colors, yellow, white and scarlet.

The Kalanchoe Kalandiva species is quite unpretentious in growing at home. His direct "relative" is the aforementioned Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The plant itself is not tall, but it blooms for a very long time and beautifully. The flowering period begins in April and ends in the fall. When flowering is complete, it will be necessary to cut off the stems. And also reduce watering. It will be better to place a pot with a flower in the shade - at this time a period of calm begins.

Such varieties of this are insanely in demand among flower growers amazing plantlike Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremona. They differ from the rest of their brethren in that daughter plants are formed directly on the mother's leaves. This variety has a straight stem and triangular leaves. Brood buds form right at the edges of these leaves. When a bud falls off, it takes root very quickly.

Common varieties

Kalanchoe Mangina is also popular. This curious species has drooping stems, and small leaves grow on them. The flowers do not exceed a couple of centimeters in length and resemble bells in shape.

Kalanchoe paniculata is also a very interesting variety. Its leaves are rounded and, interestingly, double-colored. The leaf itself is light green, as usual, but the edges smoothly change their color to red. The flowers of this species are also small, yellow in color.

Florists can often find Kalanchoe Bekharsky. By itself, this plant is a semi-shrub with erect stems that grow upward. The leaves of this variety seem to be covered with a bloom of gray-blue color, but do not be surprised - this is as it should be. The leaves themselves are triangular in shape, with wavy edges. Over time, the leaves fall off.

Felt Kalanchoe leaves have even more interesting colors. They themselves are painted greenish-gray, and along the edge of the petal you can see a strip brown color... The leaves are oblong and covered with a light downy.

The same non-standard color of leaves can be found in the marble Kalanchoe. They are light green with large dark brown spots. As for the flowers, they are quite large - up to six centimeters in length - and bright white.

In almost every apartment you can find such a flower as the Kalanchoe, which many use for decorative and medicinal purposes. This is a rather unpretentious plant, which is easy to care for at home, but for this you should adhere to certain rules. Only in this case the Kalanchoe will delight its owner. bright pink flowers, but the flowering period is not too long.

The vast majority of Kalanchoe grows in tropical climates. Therefore, it is so important to create similar conditions for its normal development.


In nature, this plant prefers open spaceto get as much light as possible. For this reason, for the pot, you need to choose a window that faces south or west. Try not to block the tulle, as even direct sunlight will not harm the sprouts or flowers.

Temperature and humidity

In summer, the temperature should be around +22 degrees, in winter - around +16 degrees. But if the temperature exceeds +25 degrees, the leaves will quickly begin to wither and crumble. Even frequent watering will not help the situation.


For Kalanchoe, it is better to choose settled water at room temperature. But the most perfect option - melt water. In the warm season, the flower is watered up to three times a week, in winter - about 1 time in two weeks (provided that the temperature in the room is not higher than +17 degrees).

But here it is important to monitor the soil in the pot: if the top layer is dry, you can start watering.

The soil

When preparing the soil, it is necessary to pay great attention to drainage issues. With stagnant moisture, root rot may occur, which will lead to the death of the plant. In hot weather, the soil must be thoroughly moistened, but at the same time avoid daily watering. It is also recommended to put the pot in a container of water - due to this, you can not worry about having enough water.

The soil itself for cultivation should be loose, consist of humus, turf, peat and leafy earth in equal proportions.

Fertilizing and fertilizing

Highly important point - fertilization, because often many problems with this plant arise as a result of a shortage nutrients... In this case, you may observe:

  • yellowness of the leaves;
  • lack of peduncles;
  • the presence of brown spots;
  • inhibition of growth.

At the same time, there is one important point: it is better to apply more fertilizers when feeding, because the flower will react to this better than to their lack.

Approximate feeding calendar (once every 2-3 weeks):

  • in the spring, nitrogen is introduced, which is required for the active growth of the flower;
  • during the formation of buds, add phosphorus and potassium.

After the end of flowering, you need to reduce flowering to 1 time per month, and in winter time additives should not be added.

Plant transplant - rules for performing work

All elements - root and leaves - grow very quickly. In one season, a flower can grow up to 40 cm in height. It is for this reason that a plant will have to be transplanted once a year. The best time for work - early spring. The main thing is not to transplant Kalanchoe during flowering. Otherwise, the buds will fall off, and the plant itself will suffer very much, it will hurt.

Before transplanting, the soil in the pot is thoroughly moistened: in this case, it will be much easier to remove the flower. Kalanchoe is taken out together with a lump of earth, gently shaken off the soil.

If rot or darkened leaves are found, they must be cut off.

The main ways of breeding Kalanchoe

Caring for this plant also includes reproduction. So, the plant can be bought at flower shop, but it often happens that after buying the Kalanchoe, for some unknown reason, it begins to die.

You can breed it with your own hands, and various methods are suitable:

  • dividing a large bush;
  • planting a separate sheet;
  • sowing seeds;
  • rooting cuttings.

At home, a large bush is divided in the event that it is necessary to refresh it. But the divided flower may not take root or will take a long time to recover. The easiest option is to root the cutting. The advantage is that the roots of the plant grow very quickly, due to which the Kalanchoe will take root very quickly in a new pot. One place is enough for the bush to become lush and strong.

But from the parent plant, you can take not only a stalk, but also a leaf. It takes root also quickly, but the plant will only grow larger after 1-1.5 years.

Another option is to use seeds for propagation. However, the grains are so small that it makes it much more difficult to plant them. Therefore, they just need to be laid on top of the ground, slightly pressing into the ground, without sprinkling on top. Then the container is covered with a bag. They put the pot in a warm place, air it once a day and make sure that no direct sunlight falls on the sprouts. When the first shoots appear, you need to remove the package, and move the pot to a well-lit place.

Features of pruning and pinching a plant

Pruning, especially during the flowering period, is necessary only if pests attacked the Kalanchoe or it got sick. There is nothing complicated here: the damaged parts of the plant are cut off.

After flowering, it is required to provide the plant with a dormant period. To do this, you cannot do without the following activities:

  • trimming peduncles;
  • moving the pot to a dark area;
  • lack of watering for at least 1.5 months.

After the specified time, the pot is placed in a lighted place, fed, watered - return to the usual methods of care.

Pinching is an exercise that will allow the plant to bloom again. In addition, it helps to increase the amount of minerals that the Kalanchoe needs for normal development. Weak shoots can be pinched with anything, but the work must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to harm the plant. If this happened, then the "wound" should be sprinkled with ash or charcoal to prevent infection.

What is the right way to keep it from wilting? More on this in our material.

To grow a flower of female happiness at home, you need to know in advance all the features of caring for it. You will find out about this.

In more detail in ours we will tell you about the rules for caring for a rose at home.

Similarly, all types of Kalanchoe are cared for, including the mix variety.

Pest and disease control

Despite the fact that Kalanchoe is a rather resistant plant, it is also susceptible to "attack" by pests, and diseases are usually formed as a result of improper care.

So, if small white spots are found on the leaves, we can talk about such a pest as a mealybug. This small insect feeds on plant sap, quickly “devouring” and destroying the entire bush. The affected areas must be removed, and the plant itself must be wiped with mineral oil.

This plant is loved by aphids and ticks, which reproduce especially well in dry climates. To get rid of the pest, you just need to wipe the leaves with a soapy solution. If there are too many insects, you need to additionally purchase special chemicals.

With stagnant water in the ground or with strong bait, plants may appear on the leaves dark spots, plaque. In this case, it is required to immediately correct the care of the Kalanchoe. So, the plant itself is transplanted into looser soil with a high-quality drainage layer. Spoiled leaves and rotten roots are cut off. As a result, the plant will quickly bounce back.

One of the most annoying problems is powdery mildew... Most often it appears in the case of too dry indoor air. The problem is that this disease quickly spreads to other plants. To fight, you need to spray the Kalanchoe with fungicides and move the pot to a cooler room.

When and how often does Kalanchoe bloom at home?

Kalanchoe one of the most ornamental plants, which is appreciated primarily because of its long flowering, bright large caps of flowers of a wide variety of colors and shades.

When does Kalanchoe bloom? Compact bushes kalanchoe often pleasing to the eye when a blizzard sweeps outside the window. And therefore the period flowering Kalanchoe can be called winter.

Flowering period: Kalanchoe in bloom maybe already at the end of January, but sometimes it happens that they do not bloom, hold on for a long time, then the plant throws them off by the beginning of March.

And after a while, it picks up new ones that bloom by the end of the month. Flowering continues throughout the spring.

But some varieties, mostly artificially bred, can bloom from March to the end of September with the right content.

If the plant is comfortable, then, having finished flowering in late spring, it can start again in mid-summer and finish in late autumn.

That is why, when asked how many times a year and when kalanchoe blooms it is impossible to answer.

How to make it bloom?

Basic rules on how to care for the Kalanchoe so that it blooms. Observing these conditions, you will certainly achieve flowering:

Many people perceive the Kalanchoe as a bouquet plant, and when it fades, it is thrown away.

Those who leave complain that the Kalanchoe no longer blooms. Actually flowering can be provoked.

A photo

Kalanchoe blooming:

Care blooming Kalanchoe: pruning after flowering

Why doesn't it bloom?

What to do, if Kalanchoe decorative stopped blooming at home?

  • if a Kalanchoe blooming does not bloom, but grows upwards, then you need to radically cut off, remove all the upper leaves so that the plant goes in breadth, be sure to cut off the shoots on the leaves if roots begin to appear;
  • so that blooming Kalanchoe you can provide him with a minimum temperature during the rest period along with a short daylight hours;
  • it is worth trying to rearrange the plant on a window that faces the other side of the horizon, but not to the north;
  • what to do to bloomed Kalanchoe? It is closed with a cap made of dark thick paper and left for 20 - 21 days without water.

    After the sunlight is returned to him, it is worth feeding with fertilizer;

  • how to make bloom Kalanchoe at home and in winter period? To do this, you need to organize for him a short daylight hours, lasting 8 hours.

    After a month of living in this mode, kalanchoe begins to bloom.

Kalanchoe can bloom almost the whole year, if the conditions of its detention are met.

But flowering Kalanchoe at home, throughout the year, it is characteristic mainly of young plants that bloom the first year.

Kalanchoe faded

What to do after flowering? Kalanchoe care after flowering:

  • if a the flower is already "tired", you need to cut off old wilted leaves;
  • flowers with peduncles, put it in a cold place;
  • when new shoots appear, it is best to pinch them, at the level of no more than three rows of leaves from the root, otherwise the plant will look "disheveled", and this should be done until about the end of November.

Kalanchoe after flowering needs updating. It is very simple to do this - by cuttings in the spring.

And already on new very young plants buds will appear, which will become flowers faster than old ones.

What to do with faded Kalanchoe flowers is to cut off and let the plant dry out. Kalanchoe is not the most capricious flower... With proper care, a novice florist can cope with it, and he will answer you delightful long flowering and will decorate your home.

Useful video

How to properly transplant decorative Kalanchoe and produce proper careYou will learn from a short video:

Once every 2-3 years In summer - room temperature, in winter 12-16 No more than once a week, when the topsoil dries out by 3-4 cm Not required Bright lighting A rest period is desirable


The plant needs bright lighting. But you should avoid prolonged exposure of the plant to direct sun. The main feature of cultivation is the creation of 12-hour daylight hours for it. This is a pledge abundant flowering.

In summer, daylight hours must be reduced by shading the plants, and in winter it must be additionally illuminated with special lamps.

Diffused lighting or partial shade - the best place for Kalanchoe... He will be most comfortable on the eastern or western windowsills, even on the southern ones. From morning to afternoon, the plant is not afraid of the sun's rays. From the bright sun, the leaves acquire a light reddish tint. However, after lunch, it is recommended to remove the flower in partial shade or cover it with a light cloth.

In winter, the plant can also be grown on the southern window. It is not necessary to move it around this time of year as the sun is not as active as in summer.


In summer, room temperature is quite suitable for the plant. It can withstand both cool 18 ° C and 30 ° C heat. In the autumn-winter period from October to January, the temperature can be slightly reduced. The plant hibernates at 12-16 ° C. With the arrival of February, the temperature is gradually increased so that the plant begins to grow and bloom in early spring.

Kalanchoe is not too demanding on thermometer readings. In summer he will be comfortable at 22-28 degrees. However, with good watering, it can endure 35-degree heat without loss.

In winter, it is recommended to lower the temperature of the content to 14-18 degrees, since such conditions are optimal for setting flower buds. It is not advised to keep the flower at temperatures below 7 degrees, as this is fraught with disease and even the death of the plant.

In the warm season, when the temperature both day and night will be at least 10 degrees, the flower can be carried out to fresh air: to the balcony, terrace, veranda, garden. In this case, it is better to choose a place protected from strong drafts and the scorching rays of the sun.


Water the flower sparingly. Kalanchoe are succulent plants that accumulate moisture and do not require abundant and frequent soil moisture.

Excessive moisture is very harmful to succulents..

In summer, Kalanchoe is rarely watered, no more than 1 time per week. In winter, when the plant is kept cool, watering is significantly reduced.

At any time of the year, Kalanchoe is watered only after the topsoil dries out by 3-4 cm.

The plant is adapted to dry climates, no spraying is required to moisturize. To remove dust from the leaves, the flower can be washed in the shower, but this is done no more than 1 time per season and only in summer. In this case, water should not enter the soil.

The soil

For growing Kalanchoe fertile and well-permeable soil is required. The best soil for Kalanchoe will be a mixture of turf and leafy soil, sand, peat and humus in equal parts.

The plant grows well in any universal potting mix with the addition of peatwhich can be purchased at flower shops.

A store-bought substrate for succulents is also great. It is necessary that the soil is slightly acidic or neutral.

Another option for self-preparation soil mixture: deciduous and sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 4: 1: 1. Peat can be replaced with coniferous soil. For epiphytic species, it is recommended to add a little humus to the soil. Place on the bottom of the pot good layer drainage.


The plant is fed during the growing season and flowering. In winter, when the flower is at rest, feeding is stopped. Fertilize the soil every 2 weeks. It is best to feed the Kalanchoe with liquid complex fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

The plant does not experience a strong need for feeding... However, if there is a lack of minerals (slow growth, lack of flowering, leaves become smaller), it is necessary to fertilize the plant. This can be done in spring, summer or autumn, but in no case in winter.

Top dressing can be carried out once every 2-3 weeks.... It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic. Such procedures can be performed regularly from mid-spring to late summer. Also, feeding should be carried out in the fall, when flower buds are laid.

It is important to know that the concentration of fertilizer for Kalanchoe should be made 2 times weaker than indicated on the package. This will be enough for the plant. An important rule - it is important to dissolve the mixture in warm water, and only after it cools down, you can add it to the soil. Otherwise, the roots will not absorb nutrients.

When feeding a plant, it is important to remember that an excess of fertilizers is more harmful to it than a lack of them. Therefore, such procedures should not be abused.


Consider how to care for the Kalanchoe at home, so that the plant blooms magnificently and develops.

Kalanchoe needs short daylight hours.

Therefore, in the summer, the plant can be cleaned in the closet in the evening. In winter, you need to additionally illuminate it.

IN good conditions the plant will bloom every year. If it is kept at room temperature, it can bloom as early as January. If the flower hibernates in a cool room, flowering will come only at the end of winter, or even at the beginning of March.

A rest period for Kalanchoe is desirable, but not at all necessary.

Florists claim that after a cool winter, the plant blooms better and longer. The main requirements of the Kalanchoe for good growth and abundant flowering is low humidity environment and an abundance of ambient lighting.

Kalanchoe can be called a plant of short daylight hours... The buds are laid when the daylight hours begin to noticeably decrease, namely in the fall. Therefore, in order to wait for abundant flowering, the plant must be deprived of light for 12-14 hours a day for a month and a half in the autumn. For this experienced florists it is recommended to cover the flower with a paper cap from 17-18 pm and hide it in the closet. And put it back on the windowsill in the morning.

With this routine, the plant needs a lot of light in the daytime to form flower buds. Therefore, it is better to put it on the southeast or southwest windowsill with diffused lighting.

In its homeland, this flower lives in conditions of low humidity. Do not humidify the air near the plantas this can lead to the development of various fungal diseases. And when water gets on the stem and leaves, their decay may begin.

Flowering kalanchoe

As a rule, Kalanchoe blooms once a year: in late winter - early spring. However, with perfect care and the creation of the necessary light regime, you can achieve two flowering times.

If the plant has not released buds by the end of March, you should inspect it for the presence of pests, mold or fungal diseases.

With abundant watering rotting of roots, stems and leaves is observed. In this case, you need to water the plant less often, and remove the affected leaves and shoots.

When insufficient lighting the plant stretches, and its lower leaves fall off. In this case, you need to move it to a brighter place. Also, the shoots of the flower are bare if the temperature in the room is very high.

In case of poor growth, the plant should be fed... But do not overdo it. With an excess of nutrients in the soil, the flower grows leaf mass, but does not bloom.


At home, Kalanchoe propagates by cuttings, children or seeds. The first two methods are the simplest and fastest.

When propagating by cuttings, you can use apical cuttings, which have at least 3 pairs of leaves. Before rooting, it is recommended that the cut sites be dried a little and treated with crushed activated carbon to prevent decay.

Rooting can be carried out both in water and in soil... In the first case, we use boiled water room temperature. Roots appear in 10-15 days. In the second case, a mixture of peat and sand is used for rooting, the cuttings are deepened by 1-2 cm.

Some plant species form small “babies” with roots at the edges of the leaves. They often fall to the ground on their own and take root. They can be planted separately in a container (in a mixture of light soil and peat) at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. When planting, the "kids" do not go deep, their leaves should be on the surface. Watering is moderate. When young specimens grow up, they are planted in separate pots.

Seed propagation of Kalanchoe is a very laborious process that is almost never used by amateur flower growers. Moreover, it is almost impossible to obtain plant seeds at home.

You can read more about the reproduction of Kalanchoe.


The plant is transplanted only when the roots have grown and braided the entire earthen lump. Therefore, he does not need annual ones. It is enough to transplant the plant into new soil 1 time in 2-3 years.

The transplant is carried out in late spring or early summer.when flowering ends completely. To do this, take a pot that is 1-2 cm larger than the previous one.

A drainage layer of broken brick or expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the flowerpot, and then 2-3 cm of new earth is laid.

Kalanchoe is taken out of the old pot and transplanted into new way transshipment... The gap between the wall of the pot and the root system is filled with fresh soil.

After transplanting, the plant, like other succulents, should not be watered for 3-4 days. Then watering is resumed as usual.

Description of the plant and species

Kalanchoe is a perennial succulent representative of the Tolstyankov family, the homeland of the race is the tropics of Australia, America and Asia.

The plant has long shoots with dense light green or dark green foliage. In different species, the shape and size of the leaves are very different: they can be weakly or strongly dissected, have a short or long petiole. Typically, the leaves are fleshy and dense.

IN room conditions Kalanchoe blooms once a year, with perfect care - twice. The flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences and can be white, yellow, purple, red or orange in color.

In nature, about 200 species of Kalanchoe are known, however, a small part of them are grown in room conditions:

  • Kalanchoe Degremona is an ornamental-deciduous species that has oblong triangular leaves, reaching 10 cm in length. At the edges of the leaves, "children" with roots are formed, which, falling off, take root in the ground. With age, the Kalanchoe Degremon leaves slightly curled along the length.
  • Kalanchoe Mangina - has small rounded leaves, bell-shaped flowers reach 2 cm in length.
  • Kalanchoe Blossvelda - can reach a height of 45 cm. It has dark green ovoid leaves, slightly wavy along the edge. It blooms with lush, umbrella-shaped inflorescences that can be red, white, pink, yellow or purple in color.
  • Kalanchoe pinnate is the most popular viable species, it can reach a height of 1 meter. Oblong fleshy leaves are light green in color, and form "kids" around the edges. This species has a healing juice.

Growing Kalanchoe at home. Feng Shui signs and recommendations.

Plants play different roles in human life. They are medicine, weeds, and pets. Among the latter, the Kalanchoe occupies a worthy place among the housewives.

It grows and gives long flowering in response to reasonable care and attention. Although recognized unpretentious plant in terms of watering, fertilizing and replanting.

Is this really so - to understand the article.

What is Kalanchoe blooming, what it looks like, how it blooms: description

blooming Kalanchoe in pots

Kalanchoe in our latitudes are plant hybrids from Madagascar. It belongs to the succulents, the fatty family. More than 200 of its species are known in total.

The blooming Kalanchoe has gained the maximum distribution and popularity of such varieties as:

  • Blossfeld
  • pinnate
  • Daygremont
  • one-flowered

External parameters of the plant:

  • low up to 30 cm
  • leaves are large, fleshy, elastic, oval in shape with a serrated edge
  • flowers are small, connected in inflorescences
  • flower shape - tube with 4 petals
  • during the flowering period, cover the surface of the plant with a dense carpet
  • gamma - from white to deep red

Kalanchoe - is it possible to keep at home: the meaning of a flower, signs and superstitions

blooming Kalanchoe in an eco-bag - great gift for all occasions

Kalanchoe has medicinal qualities, it is useful for humans. Therefore, be sure to get yourself this plant. She is patient enough and takes minimal personal care with gratitude.

As for the signs, they all have a positive meaning. Kalanchoe is not a magnet for dark forces, outbreaks of quarrels and abuse, illness and troubles.

On the contrary:

  • kalanchoe absorbs heavy energy accumulated at the end of your working day
  • cleans the aura of the house, takes away negativity from space
  • promotes harmonization of family relations
  • encourages the change of negative thoughts to positive
  • brings the family together for pleasant conversations
  • if your Kalanchoe has bloomed, then harmony, peace and harmony reign in the house

However, consider if:

  • your green pet suddenly began to fade and died, which means he took on an external dark attack aimed at destroying the harmony of your family,
  • he lives with you for many years and does not bloom, which means that sincerity, depth of relationship, harmony are absent in your family.

How to water Kalanchoe in winter and summer at home?

watering can near pots with Kalanchoe

Since the Kalanchoe is not a picky plant, it is not difficult to take care of it.

On the other hand, like any other green inhabitant of your home, he is sensitive to excess moisture, cold, complete lack of sunlight.

IN summer period water the Kalanchoe moderately once a week.

  • Choose water that has stood in the room for a day.
  • Avoid pouring cold water from the tap under the roots of the Kalanchoe.
  • Leave the stem of the plant without drops of moisture so that it does not provoke diseases.
  • Saturate the soil with moisture so that water does not remain on the surface and in the pan of the pot. In the second case, pour it out immediately.
  • Remember that Kalanchoe is native to the tropics, therefore it tolerates a short period of drought more easily than an excessive amount of water in the soil. After all, he tends to accumulate moisture in his leaves and stems, which he uses during dry periods.

In winter, reduce the frequency of watering to once every 1.5-2 weeks.

  • Raise the leaves gently before watering. Avoid the accumulation of water on them in order to avoid starting the processes of decay and disease.
  • Cut the amount of water for one irrigation by half. It is better to wait until the soil is completely dry in the Kalanchoe pot and then water than adding liquid to wet soil. This will reduce the chances of plant freezing and stress from the watering procedure.
  • The water temperature should not be lower than room temperature, in which the Kalanchoe lives.

The general principle for watering at any time of the year is good impregnation earthen coma, but no bay.

How to transplant a blooming Kalanchoe?

young Kalanchoe seedlings in pots after transplanting

Consider a number of parameters before transplanting:

  • choose the diameter of the new pot a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one
  • schedule the procedure for late March to mid-April and repeat every year
  • preserve soil composition to accelerate plant adaptation


  • fill in new pot drainage and soil by 50%
  • carefully remove the Kalanchoe from the old pot. Leave its roots with an earthy clod
  • install in a new flowerpot and add soil
  • lightly tamp the soil around the stem
  • water the plant moderately in a new pot
  • feed him for a week until he fully adapts

What kind of land is needed for Kalanchoe?

a mixture of soil in the hands of a girl before falling asleep in pots for transplanting Kalanchoe

The ideal soil composition for transplanting and growing Kalanchoe at home is a combination of elements from equal whole and half parts. Namely:

  • leaf humus, sod land and coarse sand, taken in equal whole shares
  • charcoal and brick chips - in halves

Use bone meal as a fertilizer. It is enough for 1 g per 1 liter of soil mixture.

  • Observe the acidity index of the soil for the Kalanchoe. The first is capable of varying between 5.0-6.5 pH.
  • You can either buy ready mix in specialized stores, or prepare yourself. In the second case, additional sterilization is needed.

How does blooming Kalanchoe reproduce?

healthy Kalanchoe seedlings on a plate before planting

Blooming Kalanchoe is able to reproduce in 2 ways:

  • vegetative, that is, cuttings, leaves
  • seeds

In the first case, choose:

  • healthy material,
  • warm season, when the duration of the bright part of the day is at least 12 hours and the temperature does not drop below + 24 ℃,
  • well lit place, but no direct sunlight.

In the second:

  • different soil composition. It should be made of peat and sand, taken in equal parts,
  • regularly ventilated room with a temperature not lower than + 18 ℃,
  • warming the pot with cellophane before seed germination. This usually happens 7-10 days after sowing.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering?

a trimmed peduncle of the Kalanchoe after all the flowers have wither
  • Make sure all flowers are wilted.
  • Use a garden shears to remove the peduncle as low as possible to the roots. Then no fungi and mold are afraid of him.
  • And also cut off the outermost 2 leaves on each branch of the plant. In this way, you will stimulate growth. kalanchoe correct oval shape.

Kalanchoe should be pruned not only after flowering, but after purchase and for preventive purposes.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, curl, dry and fall off?

Kalanchoe leaves tips dry

There are several reasons for this phenomenon, depending on the nature and location of the affected leaves.

  • If these are only the upper ones, then the plant lacks the light of the sun.
  • If only the lower ones - you allowed the soil to dry out and haven't watered the Kalanchoe for a long time. And also, perhaps, there is a too hot battery under his pot. Therefore, change the place to a cooler one.

A few more reasons:

  • tightness of the pot
  • aging of the plant, which means it's time to pinch off its healthy shoots / leaves and take measures to rejuvenate,
  • the defeat of aphids, if a similar situation manifests itself in the summer, and the plant itself lives on the balcony or in your garden.

Kalanchoe does not bloom and stretches up: what to do?

Kalanchoe stretched up and without flowers

First, define possible reason... This is either:

  • lack of sunlight, for which the plant reaches
  • too long daylight hours, which is 12 or more hours

There are also 2 ways out of this situation:

  • rearrange the pot with Kalanchoe on the windowsill without the presence of neighbors, except for succulents,
  • monitor the length of the day for the plant, cover it with opaque polyethylene in the evening until morning.

Kalanchoe begins to form peduncles when:

  • he has enough strength, that is, watering and feeding is normal
  • he sees sunlight for no more than 10 hours in a row

Feeding Kalanchoe

Choose ready-made fertilizers for succulents and halve the recommended dose on the pack. So you feed the Kalanchoe without harm to its health.

The frequency of fertilization is once a month.

Another option is special complex nutritional mixtures for flowering plants. They are good for Kalanchoe, which delight the owners with bright colors.

Where should the Kalanchoe flower stand according to Feng Shui?

blooming Kalanchoe are located in the southern part of the house, therefore they bloom profusely

According to Feng Shui the best places Kalanchoe locations are:

  • window sills on the southern part of the house,
  • the extreme left corner of the dwelling - to attract abundance and wealth to the owners,
  • left corner from the computer monitor for those who work in dark time days. The plant absorbs fatigue and replenishes the strength of the worker.

So, we examined the main stages of caring for a blooming Kalanchoe, the reasons for its drying and pulling up. Learned about the benefits and favorable omens from the presence of a plant in the house.

Get yourself a Kalanchoe, if you haven't already, and check in practice the power of its healing effects.

Video: how to care for blooming Kalanchoe at home?