How to start a profitable flower business from scratch. Flower growing business plan: how to grow flowers in a greenhouse, how to plant flowers, organize a flower shop

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Those looking to make high profits can learn how to start a flower business from scratch. Flowers are a product that has a constant high demand and profitability. But cut flowers tend to fade quickly, so this must be taken into account when organizing your store. You can build a flower growing business if there is a summer cottage with a greenhouse or a place to build it on personal plot... Growing indoor flowers in pots can also bring good profits if you correctly draw up a business plan and get serious about the matter.

How to start a flower business

Before starting a flower business, you need to draw up a business plan. You can cope with this on your own, but it is better to turn to professionals who know all the nuances of this type of activity. After drawing up a business plan, you need to register as individual entrepreneur at the local tax office. Without registration, a business can be closed and a rather large fine issued.

An important stage in the flower business is choosing a location for opening a future store. It should be populous and accessible to motorists and pedestrians. It is recommended to choose places near the railway station or bus station, near transport interchanges. The area of ​​the city in which the store will be located is also of great importance. In the city center, where there are many workplaces and offices, there will be good trade on weekdays. If you open a retail outlet in a residential area, then a good attendance will be on the weekend. Ideally, if there is a registry office not far from the store. A lot of flowers are always bought for weddings. You can open a store on the outskirts of the city, but here you should carefully consider the assortment and make low prices to attract customers.

The flower shop should be large enough so that there is no risk of accidental damage to fragile goods. Outlets for selling flowers can be the following:

  1. Small stalls, pavilions near transport stops, metro or market. The place should be crowded.
  2. Small shops in shopping centers, on the ground floors of office buildings. In such outlets, you can expand the assortment and attract customers with beautiful packaging, gifts, souvenirs.
  3. Luxury flower shops are located in areas where wealthy people live and work, surrounded by boutiques and expensive shopping centers.
  4. A promising direction is Internet trade. In small provincial towns, such flower sales are not very developed, but they are quite profitable.

Flower sales equipment and staff

Growing flowers as a business and their subsequent sale requires the installation of special equipment. Flowers are a living commodity that quickly deteriorates, so a refrigerator is required for storage. Additionally, you need to purchase the following:

  • containers and flowerpots for the preservation of cut flowers;
  • shelves, racks and display cases for goods;
  • cash machine;
  • it is necessary to install a stand with documentation and certificates of the store, a book of complaints and suggestions, which will be located in a place accessible to customers.

An important stage in trade is recruiting. Ideally, you will need 1 person - a florist who can make beautiful flower arrangements. If the store is large, then several florists are hired. If you are planning a flower growing business, you need a specialist who will do this. All employees must undergo a medical examination and have the appropriate entries in the health book. The registration must be official, otherwise there will be problems with the tax office.

Flower shop assortment

After the hall for selling flowers is equipped, you need to find suppliers who will bring quality goods. The assortment in a flower shop should be as diverse as possible so that each customer can find a suitable option for himself. Flower shops usually purchase the following:

  1. Cut flowers, which are most often bought for gifts at various celebrations and events. It should be remembered that cut flowers do not live long, therefore specialized conditions must be created for their storage: flowerpots, refrigerators. Older flowers are put up for sale if they are in a marketable condition. You need to buy such flowers in small quantities, otherwise there will be a loss.
  2. You can open a business for growing flowers in pots and selling them. Potted flowers are not so popular, but they are still in demand among buyers. Many people like to take care of indoor plants and buy them as a gift to their family and friends. Such flowers will decorate the room. long time... So build profitable business on growing flowers is quite possible if you approach this correctly. You will also need a specialized worker to care for potted indoor plants.
  3. A great business idea is growing seedlings of agricultural crops and selling them. Summer residents love to care for plants that bear fruit. You can sell a variety of cucumber, tomato, eggplant and pepper seeds. Alternatively, sell seeds indoor plants so that people can plant and care for them on their own.
  4. A separate niche is occupied by the sale of related products: flower pots, packaging for flowers, soil for planting, containers for seedlings. Such products are no less popular than flowers. Various postcards for the holidays are also in demand. Without beautiful packaging for flowers, there will be no good trade in the store. In addition, due to it, you can cover losses from substandard colors that had to be written off and thrown away.

Such a wide assortment is desirable for large stores. Breeding flowers is not necessary if there are reliable suppliers. Small outlets specialize mainly in cut flowers, postcards and creating beautiful bouquets.

Business advertising

A business cannot do without advertising, especially with such a narrow specialization. At the initial stages of development, it is important to organize good competitiveness. Therefore, you must initially use the possible advertising moves to attract more clients. It is important to decorate the shop window beautifully and create a signboard with a memorable name so that it would be interesting for a potential buyer to go through and admire the beautiful flowers.

It is necessary to rent advertising banners and stands, place advertisements in local newspapers, radio and television. Advertising on the Internet will also help: you can create your own website for a store, where, in addition to pictures of goods and a list of services, you can post interesting information about varieties of certain flowers, master classes on creating beautiful bouquets. Promotions need to be carried out constantly. For regular customers, you can create a system of discounts.

It is advisable to conclude contracts with large companies and offer them wholesale flower delivery for various special occasions.

Flowers prices and suppliers

Typically, the end-user price markup is 200%. For a product that looks expensive on the outside, you can make a higher markup. However, one should not forget about periodic price reductions. Cut flowers do not last long and must be sold before they lose their attractive appearance. If it was not possible to sell the entire slice in a week, the price for it decreases slightly.

It is important to find suppliers who will bring quality and fresh goods. It is important to take care of ordering flowers in advance before the holidays. It is desirable to have several suppliers - at least 3. If there are any interruptions in supplies from one supplier, the remaining 2 will cover the lack of assortment in the store.

The flower business has many pitfalls, but if you choose a development strategy and strictly follow it, everything will definitely work out.

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Investments: Investments 2,000,000 - 3,500,000 rubles

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Investments: Investments 199,000 - 280,000 rubles.

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Investments: 400,000 - 800,000 rubles.

The Sumarokov Brothers workshop is a production and trading company. We manufacture equipment for growing plants at home, greenhouse and other conditions. The main products are grow boxes - special "cabinets" with adjustable temperature, lighting and humidity, in which our clients grow various plants. We are also official dealers of related products from Europe, necessary for progressive crop production. Description of the franchise ...

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Investments: from 1,500,000 rubles.

Stabilized plants, mosses and flower arrangements widely used all over the world for interior decoration of offices, banks, hotels, shopping centers, car dealerships, receptions, shop windows, exhibition stands, conference halls, any public premises, as well as apartments, cottages, villas. However, in the cities of Russia this niche is still quite free, and you have every chance to take leading positions in your region. ...

Investments: 65,000 - 99,000 rubles.

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Investments: from 250,000 rubles.

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Indoor flowers as a business

Plants are now in almost every home and the demand for them is not decreasing, which means that a business on indoor plants can be quite a promising occupation. I have already written about different types making money on flowers, including about such exotic ones as, today the article will simply be about how to start a business of growing indoor flowers for sale.

You've probably noticed that in flower kiosks, shops and even supermarkets, there are now a lot of houseplants in pots for sale. Exotic chic shrubs in flowerpots or popular indoor flowers that do not require maintenance, from to cacti, from to tangerine fruit trees - you can list for a long time. Previously, many of them were imported to Russia from other countries, but the sharp jump in the dollar made this type of business on indoor plants unprofitable. But he gave the opportunity to Russian flower growers to show themselves in all their glory.

Promising business on indoor plants

Now the cultivation of indoor flowers for the sake of business is quite common, there are so many flower shops in many cities that it seems impossible for a beginner to break through. But if you pay attention to the assortment, you will see that it is very limited. This is almost always a set of the same plants, and people constantly want something new, some kind of exotic.

Therefore, there are prospects even in those cities where the flower industry is well developed and, although this is not a topic from the category of "how to quickly become a millionaire", a profitable business on indoor flowers can be built and built without large financial investments.

If you have indoor flowers at home, know how to plant them, then it remains to study the market for plants offered for sale, for which particular demand is high - these are city forums, websites of florists or firms selling indoor plants and flowers. Ask even about the little things - usually experienced florists do not see the future "competitor" and willingly share their experience. Over time, you yourself will learn to recognize promising species and varieties and will enter the market with something original, which means that it is well-sold.

Home colors business - where to start?

Breeding and growing indoor plants for sale are somewhat different things, you can breed favorite plant in any quantity and give it to friends and acquaintances, or you can sell it. Don't know how to start - donate the most beautiful specimens friends, and ask them to tell their friends about where you can buy such flowers. Do not be afraid to advertise yourself on Avito, the city website, social networks, participate in exhibitions of indoor plants, and be sure to make beautiful business cards that will help increase the number of those who know about you. Growing flowers is a great job at home for women who, for whatever reason, have a lot of free time - this is home decoration, and "pocket" (and even more) money. Starting with one client, you can create a client base that will constantly expand - this is real and not as difficult as it seems.

What you need to breed indoor plants:

  1. The desire to mess with the earth, flowers, plant pests, etc.
  2. The area in the house, which is not a pity to give away for many pots and pots. If you're building a home business, houseplants should have everything from a convenient location to the very best fertilizer.
  3. Houseplants that already "live" in the house.
  4. Books, it is advisable not to use advice from "knowledgeable" people who do not deal with houseplants themselves. Read encyclopedia books, magazines that were published earlier in Soviet time- there are only facts and advice from plant breeders. You can offer books by Vorontsov, Klimenko, Ketter and others.
  5. Choosing a plant for which all conditions can be created in your home. Basically, most people start by breeding flowering cacti or violets.

Does the future income depend on primary investments?

If you want to add to the family budget, then choose the simplest plants in all respects, for example, geraniums, tradescantia, ficuses. In general, those plants that grow best for you. Costs will be minimal, and the increase will be in the amount of a family's monthly income with a customer base of 8-10 people or an agreement with a flower shop.

If you expect to build a business on indoor plants, then investments will be required, but also small:

  1. Manufacturing of additional shelves for placing plants, lighting wiring, others construction works- from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of planting material in good companies for floriculture - 2-3 thousand rubles.
  3. Pots, boxes, packaging material during transportation of plants to customers, tools for plant care, fertilizers and additives - from 3 thousand rubles.
  4. Land, hydroponics or hydrogel are purchased depending on what you will be growing - from 1 to 12 thousand rubles.
  5. Other costs for various little things - up to 5 thousand rubles.

Most costs can be reduced by doing a lot with your own hands, but it will take time free from housework and childcare.

I will give a few examples of the primary costs of getting a budget increase:

Pachystachis yellow- from one two-year-old flower, with timely pinching, you can get up to six to seven cuttings the next year, and the original plant will remain to grow. Humidity, no drafts, room temperature, from fertilizers - mullein or granular chicken droppings, drainage up to 1.5 cm. That is, from one plant you get at least five good stems, decorated with leaves. Expenses only for the purchase of mineral fertilizers and wide pots - isn't this kind of growing indoor flowers a business not too expensive? The cost of one formed flower is 1-2 thousand rubles. taking into account the requirements of the store.

Saintpaulia- all lower leaves may be future planting material, and since the violet blooms almost all year round, it can be considered an advantageous offer - contracts with customers can be concluded for a long time. Costs: a multi-mesh wooden grate, a water tray (a grate is placed in it), small pots for seedlings, mineral fertilizers, correct watering... A violet from the hands will cost less - 500-600 rubles, through the store - up to 1.5 thousand rubles.

Asparagus or herringbone for flowerpots - great for any apartment or house, but not an office. Comfortable temperature, adequate lighting, propagation by shoots, the number of which depends on feeding. Shoots easily take root in moist soil saturated with fertilizers, grow quickly, and the bright green color makes the presence of such a flower in the house pleasant. Formed plant together with pots costs up to 3 tons. Rub.

Most specialize in the cultivation of several types of plants, others generally in one - ficuses, geraniums, orchids, cacti. Moreover, some sell young plants, seeds, cuttings, others based their earnings on the cultivation of large-sized plants - large plants for offices, shopping centers, country houses. So start, try, study the market, look for customers, build authority. Landscaping in a sanatorium or hotel can overwhelm the family's annual budget.

Growing indoor plants has almost no waste material, because all flowers not sold on time can be issued as a gift. In addition, some flowers are blooming for a long time, so the sale goes at the same speed in winter. More and more often, customers prefer a flower in a pot for a gift, rather than a bouquet that will wither in a week.

Growing indoor flowers for sale cannot be called a new or exotic business, it is widespread, which, however, does not prevent some from having a good additional income from it, while others make it their main activity.

You have already read many articles and different ideas related to earnings - it is quite possible that on our website, in the "Business" section. Perhaps even, they have already begun to implement some, it does not matter - ours or others.

The sequence of business "" is as follows:

  1. We are looking for specialized resources on the Internet that tell about any exotic flowers, bushes, etc.
  2. We assimilate this material.
  3. We are looking for the sale of such plants on the same resources. Or we "rotate" within the framework of our city, region. Suppose you can walk through the greenhouses of the city, choosing the plants you like.

In general, the first point is clear: we collect a large collection of various plants, in case we thoroughly want to do such a business. If we are interested in this idea insofar as, then we give an announcement that you have such and such a "super-duper" flower that will just look great in the office of any entrepreneur (while, of course, it is desirable to have some semblance of this super-flower ).

So, the collection of indoor plants is assembled. What's next?

  1. We decide on what level we want to achieve in this area.
  2. We organize a sales point. This point will depend on the degree of the height of the bar of your aspirations. Nobody bothers you to sell plants in the city market, or you can open a network of specialized stores.
  3. Analyze your region for the implementation of such an idea, find out the cost, range of future competitors and go to battle.

I would like to add that the "Indoor flowers for sale" market is poorly developed. The main reason for the poor implementation of such an idea is low level life and concern of CIS citizens with minor problems. So you can specialize in growing plants of a certain category (office element, design home comfort, events, etc.) and therefore you can easily get into this market - and this is a big plus.

So, such a part of the flower business as the cultivation of flowers and plants of a certain category (for the office, home comfort, organizing all kinds of events, etc.) is still poorly mastered. The reason is our low standard of living and eternal preoccupation with some problems. But many people are quite capable of growing flowers at home without spending a lot of time on it.

Indoor flowers for sale, this type of business today has one of the lowest bars to start with... For a start, an amount of 3-3.5 thousand dollars will be enough (or even less - it all depends on your aspirations). Of course, not taking into account the cost of renting a room or a plot for a stall. Most importantly, you should have an air conditioner to maintain a certain temperature in the room. The best place to start is in the spring, when there is an opportunity to display some pretty flower stands on the sidewalk to attract buyers.

The best place for work is to hire people who understand plants so that they can communicate with clients about this topic. Only a knowledgeable, enthusiastic salesperson can, on the one hand, give sensible advice, qualified advice to a client and make him your friend later, and on the other hand, will not allow him to leave empty-handed.

Regardless of the size of the collection, all lovers of indoor plants need not only the plants themselves, but also containers for their placement, of different sizes, made of all kinds of materials, suitable for different interiors, as well as fertilizers, soils, grates for climbing plants, expanded clay for drainage.

Happy business!

Write your feedback and results!

Hello! In this article, we will discuss how to make money with home flowers.

  • How much can you earn: from 10,000 rubles per month.
  • Minimum Requirements: the ability to plant capricious flowers.
  • Should I do: if you are not afraid of difficulties and high competition.

General information on home business

Before we move on to the main topic of the article, I would like to talk about it in general. Most people see a home business as just a way to make some money with little to no effort. I will try to destroy this myth. But first, let's talk about the good.

The home business has its advantages:

  • Complete independence.
  • Ability to work from home.
  • High income.

But this imposes a number of restrictions and risks. For example, if you are working with message boards and social media, you constantly have to answer messages and calls, communicate with potential customers and face the stupidity of people.

There are many examples when the ad says “call from 10 to 20”, and people try to get through at 7-8 in the morning.

And one more important point. Your income will always depend on the amount of work you do every day. You cannot do something relaxed when there is time and constantly putting it off until tomorrow. If you want to make money, you have to adjust and live at a higher pace. And endlessly, over and over again, leave the comfort zone.

Business risks are the most important and most difficult. No one can say for sure whether they will buy something from you or not. Will you be able to reach really good income or so you will hang out in the region of 5-10 thousand rubles every month. Or maybe, in general, you will be at a loss.

That's why home business suitable only for those who are truly confident and love what they do.

If you are ready to do a home business and take all the risks, let's talk in detail about whether you can make money from flowers, how to do it and how much you can earn.

Is it possible to make money on indoor flowers

The flower business is one of the highest. The prime cost of 1 flower is usually 3 - 5 times lower than its retail value. But indoor plants are an exception.

Indeed, sprouts cost little money. But there is also land, pots and fixed costs for the premises. Lighting, temperature maintenance, etc. This really comes at a cost.

At the same time, it should be understood that it will take a long time to grow your own flowers - from 1 to 3 months, depending on the species and variety. This also leaves a certain mark. Those in the resale will surely be in the lead, as there is usually no more than 7-14 days between order and delivery.

There are many people who want to make money by growing indoor flowers. But they do not know how to do business, sell and do everything correctly and competently. Regardless, the flower business is huge, so it will be difficult for a beginner to advance at first.

We can draw a simple conclusion: you can make money on home flowers. But for this you will have to learn a lot, withstand the competition and rebuild to the new rhythm of life.

How to organize income from flowers

To learn how to grow home flowers, the Internet alone will not be enough. You need someone who really understands this. Any specialist with practical experience will do.

Just don't go to flower sellers. They don't know how flowers are grown. They have no experience. They just stand behind the counter and help you choose.

Then you can move on to practice. Before starting a business, it is better to practice and grow 3-5 plants for yourself. Buy sprouts, soil, and pots. Do everything right and after everything works out, you can proceed to the next stage.

To grow home flowers, you do not need special equipment and greenhouses, you will need to re-equip at least 1 room.

In 1 room 20x20, you can grow about 150 flowers.

There should be a lot of light in the room. So you have to buy good powerful lamps. At first, you can get by with a balcony and window sills, but in the future this will not be enough. It would be a good idea to buy humidifiers and an air conditioner to maintain a constant temperature in the plant room. It is very important.

The total cost, in the presence of a good room, is 7-10 thousand rubles.

What flowers are in demand

The most important thing for such a business is to choose the right flowers. There are two factors here:

  • People don't buy what they can grow themselves.
  • The price depends very much on the appearance.

In demand in the flower markets are: orchids, zamioculcas, hoyu, varietal violets.

Beautifully decorated home flowers are in demand. It is difficult to implement this, but if you manage to decorate it beautifully, then even unpretentious house plants will buy. Just because they look really cool.

A win-win option for earning money is micro-gardens. They are made from plants and small houses along with the plot. But this is more from the category of decorations.

Where to look for clients

And after that you repost to your own page. And from her you already communicate in thematic groups, tell about yourself, what you do, without a hint of sales. Interested users will come in, see and, if they like your flowers, will discuss the purchase.

Message boards - not sure if this will work, but as one of the sales channels - why not. It's pretty simple to work:

  1. Register on the bulletin board of your city (this may be the Vkontakte group) and on Avito.
  2. Publish ads for the sale of home flowers.
  3. You are contacted for a purchase.

To work with message boards, you need to get a little pumped up in your writing skills and take high-quality photos.

Skill will come with experience, but nice photos better done from the beginning. They will help you sell your flowers better than all your assurances.

Markets - as corny as they are, they still work. Markets are a good place to sell just about anything. Potted flowers are one of the sales options.

It will be great if you have grandparents who have practically nothing to do in their free time. Because the first time, when you stand in the market, you will have to spend a lot of time and will not be able to combine it with your main job.

Flower shops - these guys usually don't have problems with suppliers. But there is one important difference. You are close. No need to spend extra money on shipping. And if you also offer favorable terms, you can easily sell your own product. You need:

  1. Come to the flower shop.
  2. Ask for the owner's contacts.
  3. Offer him your own flowers.
  4. Discuss conditions.
  5. Reach an agreement.

This sounds rather difficult, especially if you have no experience. But with the proper ability to negotiate, you can easily convince the store owner that it is more profitable for him to buy flowers from you than to bring them at least from the capital.

Owning a small store is already a dream to strive for.

In my city there were 3 small pavilions in the shopping center where indoor flowers in pots were sold. Unfortunately, they closed very quickly because the owners were aiming for too much rent.

For this method of selling, you need to have a good knowledge of the business. It is necessary to think over what the traffic will be, how many potential customers there will be, what profit will be, what additional sales can be included, etc. It is highly discouraged for a beginner to rent space for sale.

Who buys home potted flowers

Deciding on is almost half the battle for a successful sale. Your prospect's portrait is roughly the following:

  • Woman.
  • 25-40 years old.
  • Average income.
  • Lover of flowers.
  • Married.
  • With kids.

This kind of audience will mainly buy home flowers. This means that you need to focus on feelings and emotions in your marketing materials. Talk about the beauty of flowers, how they bring well-being in the home, etc.

The benchmark for good selling copy is your mom. If she liked it and wanted to buy it, then everything will be fine.

How much can you earn from growing flowers

Before you have stable clients who will bring their acquaintances to you, you can count on 10-15 thousand rubles a month. This is a kind of start for anyone involved in any home business.

Over time, as soon as you have customers and until the moment you open your own store, income can grow to 30-40 thousand rubles a month. Unless, of course, you do not perceive it as a seasonal business and do not treat breeding and selling as a hobby.

As soon as you open your first small store, your profits will be noticeably higher. With the right approach, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles every month, but about half of all money will have to be spent on consumables and payment for the store.


A home business is an opportunity to become independent and earn a decent income by doing what you really enjoy. Indoor plants are one option. If you enjoy caring for your plants, then breeding and selling them is a really good option.

Glossy magazines, vacation trips abroad, offices of large companies, specialized exhibitions ... There are more and more sources that feed the fashion to decorate houses with graceful compositions of plants. And before we had a lot of people who like to plant greenery on windowsills, using improvised materials, different-colored pots and bowls. But today everything is different. There is a steady demand for the "right" accessories, new plant species that require special soil, fertilizers, and supports. And it's high time to offer this product to fellow citizens.

We are already used to abundance retail outlets offering cut, that is, plants for bouquets. However, this market is so competitive (more precisely, corrupt and criminal) that it makes no sense to enter it today in the hope of a quick "promotion". It is much easier to master new niches in this area, and the most promising is the sale of not so much exotic indoor plants that have become recent times extremely popular with us, how many are those numerous items, tools and potions that are required for their safe growth.

While preparing this material, we interviewed the owners of almost a dozen flower shops in Moscow. In most cases, they were unanimous: the main source of income in the flower business is “ expendable materials», Which, in principle, is true in almost all industries. As you know, even such giants as HP or Xerox receive a significant share of the profits from the sale not of office equipment, but of cartridges and other "consumables".

Selling a green friend

Florists are a little crazy people. They themselves say that they behave in a flower shop "like goats in a vegetable garden." In fact, everyone's needs are different, and if one, having found a coveted specimen of a plant, stops at least for a while, the other will buy a dozen during this time. However, regardless of the size of the collection, all lovers of indoor plants need not only "tops and roots", but also containers for their placement, different sizes, made of all kinds of materials, suitable for various interiors, as well as fertilizers, soils, grates for climbing plants, expanded clay for drainage.

Although the question of whether it is worth including indoor flowers in the assortment of a store selling accessories, as it turned out, is not on the agenda at all. “For many such establishments, indoor flowers were a kind of transitional bridge from the cut trade to the current arrangement,” says Tatyana Ivanenko, manager of the Moscow store “World of Flowers”. - At first we only traded in bouquets, then the simplest types of indoor plants were added: violets of Saintpaulia, dracaena, kolanchoe, chrysanthemum. Now in our store there are many varieties of pots, types of soil, fertilizers, stands for flowers, etc. We stopped selling cuttings three years ago. But potted plants, despite the fact that they give much less profit, will still be preserved. Very often customers come to us, attracted by the lush greenery in the hall, blooming orchids, and unusual varieties of hibiscus. As a rule, these plants cost a lot, and even if the buyer decides to purchase them right away, he will certainly walk throughout the hall. He will remember, for example, that his ficus needs polishing of leaves for a long time, and will buy an aerosol for 120 rubles. And then he will see suitable pallets for Saintpaulias - here's another 50-100 rubles. Then he discovers a lovely flower stand. And finally, no customer leaves without a couple of packages suitable soil". According to Tatiana, the average check in her store is about 400 rubles. With a flow of buyers from 60 to 150 people per day, daily revenue reaches 60 thousand rubles.

It is not easy to talk about the profitability of the flower business in exact numbers. According to Vadim Sokhnadze, the owner of a flower kiosk near the Kievsky railway station, everything very much depends on the merchant's appetites and his ability to calculate the exact balance between the purchasing power and the willingness of the population to give a certain amount: “We do not raise prices for decorative flowering potted plants, we give the same gardenias are only 350 rubles, while competitors sell them for 450. And in general we keep them only for bait. But a sensible seller will immediately offer the buyer a beautiful flower pot for a fragrant bush, and a couple of bags of fertilizers, so the whole purchase will cost 600 rubles. "

The sale of potted flowers in metropolitan areas has recently become an advantage of large shopping centers, which can offer prices significantly lower than individual retail outlets. “You see, our violets cost 120 rubles, we add no more than 40 percent of the cost to the wholesale price,” says Dmitry Sotskov, owner of three flower pavilions in different parts of the capital. The conversation was going on at his shop near the Smolenskaya station, the customer had just walked up to a pallet of violets and, with an indignant snort, declared that the price for them was “shamelessly raised”. “Hypermarkets, especially specialized ones, can afford to hold super promotions to attract buyers. On Violet Day, for example, they sell these plants for only 40 rubles, which is much lower than wholesalers' selling prices! That is why we are trying to switch to accessories. "

By purchasing potted plants from the same wholesalers who work with large shopping centers small retailers could get good discounts by pooling their orders. “Unfortunately, we are not doing well with the unification,” Dmitry throws up his hands. “We tried to offer this kind of cooperation to several companies, but immediately there were riots, because everyone has their own vision of what exactly should be purchased.”

The gods do not burn the pots

They prefer to buy from us large-sized plants (as they call large-sized plants), as well as "sale" plants in hypermarkets. But then, when the green trophies are already in the apartment, the issues of their arrangement are decided in the nearest area.

Usually, picking up armfuls of flower pots on the cheap, buyers do not think at this moment that they will need to be replanted in the very near future, - says Olga Chekar, co-owner of the FloraPlus pavilion. - A little later, it is discovered that the flowers grow in soil intended solely for transportation, that the plastic pots in large-sized plants are too light and therefore unstable, that ficuses need a haircut, hibiscus need a garter, and indoor jasmines need a support for weaving. Going for such little things in the same OBI is hardly advisable. And then buyers come to us.

Most often, soil, pots and pots are purchased. There are already a lot of soil producers in Russia, so it can be purchased both directly from them and in wholesale companies. It is desirable, as the shop owners suggest, to have several varieties of land: universal, for palms, azaleas and rhododendrons, etc. abroad, especially for plastic.

Best of all are plastic and simple ceramic pots without glaze in brown, terracotta tones, - Tatiana Ivanenko shares her experience. - They look natural in any interior and are inexpensive. Plastic are especially practical - they are good for transportation, as they weigh very little. At the same time, they are produced in whole sets. Such pots fit easily into each other, which tempts many flower growers to buy them in batches at once. These same pots are best used on racks that are mounted on spacers between the floor and ceiling: ceramics are too heavy for such a design.

However, today there are many domestic producers of ceramics, including pots. The products have one common drawback - they have too thick walls, they are difficult to transport and often frighten off buyers with this quality. “However, there are pleasant exceptions,” says Olga Chekar. “For example, beautiful ceramic pots are now being produced in Yaroslavl; in Yekaterinburg, pots from the nearest town of Nevyansk are in great demand.” And there are many such examples. “It is worth taking a closer look at the local manufacturer and, perhaps, starting an“ explanatory ”work with him,” she jokes. - At one time we did just that, having held a series of negotiations with one of the Moscow Region ceramics producers. He hadn't done any floral business at all before, and we came up with our purchase proposals on time. This allowed him to avoid a lot of mistakes that beginners make in this business, and we - to achieve a reasonable price / quality ratio and find a permanent, reliable partner. " Apparently, this cooperation is especially valued by FloraPlus, therefore the company politely refused to give the coordinates of its partner.

Issue price

It turns out that this type of business today has one of the lowest starting standards. As Dmitry Sotskov, who started his business four years ago, told us, both then and now the amount of 3–3.5 thousand dollars will be enough to start. Of course, not taking into account the cost of renting a room or a plot for a stall. Most importantly, you should have an air conditioner to maintain a certain temperature in the room, he says. It is best to start in the spring, when there is an opportunity to put a couple of beautiful stands with flowers on the sidewalk to attract buyers. In addition, the most new floriculture enthusiasts appear this season. “Apparently, nature itself pushes us towards business,” jokes Dmitry. - Note that I myself got involved in the flower business at this time of the year. I found it very tempting and enjoyable to spend my life in such a beautiful environment. Of course, everyday life turned out to be somewhat drier, - he notes. "And still, I like this business."

It is precisely such people - in love with flowers - that should, according to Dmitry, be selected for the trade in accessories. "Only a knowledgeable, enthusiastic seller can, on the one hand, give sensible advice, qualified advice to a client and make him your friend later, and on the other hand, he will not allow him to leave empty-handed." In total, according to the traders themselves, in the capital, each family has 3-4 houseplants on average. And every year he buys a couple more, that is, about a million plants a year acquire new owners. “This market is growing before our eyes,” says Olga Chekar. “It's time to enter it, because fellow citizens have just begun to realize the taste of life among flowers.”

As Dmitry Sotskov notes, the earnings of the owners of the flower and accessories business depend on their enthusiasm and desire to work: “One of my colleagues has a single point in one of the passages. Despite the high rents, he organized the business in such a way that the monthly profit is about $ 30 thousand. And its success is quite repeatable. "

I think that flower growers can live very well in the regions, - admits Tatiana Ivanenko. - Naturally, there are nuances everywhere. So, for example, it is unlikely that somewhere in Kostroma or Novgorod, packaging with earth will be very successful. However, almost every family can afford beautiful pots today, and there are enough local producers.

Finally, there is another area that has not been mastered - as the sellers of indoor plants and their accessories note, there is an urgent need in the market for specialists caring for indoor flowers. This profession is still a rarity, they say, but more recently, specialists in caring for aquarium fish have been just as exotic. Now you can call a pro to clean your home water or cure a sick tilapia. In the same way, after a year or two, you can invite a master who will transplant you a particularly prickly cactus or save a sick orange - the niche is free. It's time to get back to your roots!

Piece goods

Enough hot commodity recently, the owners of large collections have become various racks for pots. Those who decorate verandas and balconies with plants can be offered amusing solutions: stands for pots in the form of a wooden cart, a metal mouse with a wheelbarrow, where the pot is placed, etc. Domestic craftsmen have also gotten used to producing such products. They are still not in circulation, which means they are original enough to attract the attention of fans. They could be in circulation, but there would be no happiness for buyers if misfortune did not help. As the owner of the flower business Dmitry Sotskov says, “wooden carts and stands are made for us by a real Karelian master. We tried to poke their heads with them into large flower-growing centers at OBI and IKEA stores, but the entry price turned out to be such that the game is not worth the candle. "

By the way, popular expression about the sheepskin made Dmitry think about a new direction in business, and then implement it. One of his acquaintances was friends with a man who appeared in the program "My own director" with unique miniature felt boots the size of a woman's palm of a couple. “This is a real Russian souvenir, it is well bought not only in summer, but also in winter, and it also looks very organic on large conifers,” Dmitry laughs. - Now this master produces felt boots for us at once in whole batches! "

Felt boots on cypress trees are a purely Russian invention. However, there are many already implemented ideas for arranging indoor plants that have come to us from the West. For example, very often florists use dry dyed moss - not only green, but also blue, yellow, purple, red. Looks good in wide flower pallets multi-colored pebbles. In pots with decorative deciduous plants, which, by definition, never bloom themselves or bloom completely inconspicuous, fellow citizens are happy to add artificial butterflies, beetles, dragonflies on wires and clothespins. All this splendor can be made with your own hands, and the manufacture of such crafts will cost absolutely ridiculous money. Any lively granny from a village near Moscow will agree to collect and paint moss for a conditional reward for your company, and with pebbles and quartz sand the seaside aunts will be engaged, fortunately, Russia has enough coasts.

Evgeniya Lenz