Flower stand as a trendy element of modern design. Simple and beautiful do-it-yourself flower stand Do-it-yourself flower stands made of metal

Carried away by the cultivation of domestic plants, most people sooner or later face the question of where it will be possible to place exhibits of their collection without prejudice to the living space, when there is no longer enough space on the windowsills and on the shelves of cabinets.

Thinking about how to solve the problem of economical use of space, many come to the conclusion that it is necessary to purchase multi-tiered whatnots for plants, hanging shelves or floor structures for arranging domestic plants.

The easiest solution is to purchase a ready-made flower shelf, hanging rope pots or hanging flower shelves on the walls. These types of designs are sold in stores in a wide variety of forms, styles and configurations.

In addition to buying, you can start looking for materials on how to make a flower stand yourself, using either the material at hand for this purpose, or by visiting stores that sell the necessary materials required to assemble these structures.

Making a stand for flowers with your own hands is interesting because the object created during the work will be unique. A person working on its creation can decide for himself what form, color, texture it will be - and not worry about the fact that somewhere in the world there is another, exactly the same piece of furniture.

A beautifully made flower stand can be a highlight of the interior

It is known that with careful manufacturing, a flower stand can become a real interior decoration, and not just an item that helps the owners of the premises save space and place all their favorite plants in the room. Therefore, when building it, you need to be very careful, and do not hope that the plants will completely hide the inaccuracy and negligence of the master.

Today, almost all houses and summer cottages are decorated with fresh flowers. They enliven the room, make the air cleaner, and lift the mood. To save space or create a pot arrangement, flower stands are usually used. But store copies are quite expensive and do not please with a variety of designs. Therefore, creative people who want to create interior items with their own hands may well make a flower stand themselves.

The main types of stands for flowers:

  • forged coasters. Flowers look very elegant in them. They are durable, reliable and have an elegant look, but making them yourself at home most likely will not work, unless you are, of course, a master professional;
  • wooden coasters. This option is most common. They are more economical and suitable for any interior. The easiest way to make a do-it-yourself flower stand is from wood. The material can serve as boards, chipboard, natural material, for example, a piece of log with branches sticking out in different directions, etc. To make the wooden stand look even better, it is usually varnished;
  • metal flower stands. Such stands, as well as forged ones, cannot be made independently. The exception is combined products, in which the bases for pots are made of wood, and ready-made metal pipes with a section of 25 mm are used for the supports. But if you nevertheless tuned in to metal stands for flowers, due to their reliability and resistance to external influences, then you will have to buy ready-made ones;
  • flower stands, which are a composition of several different items. There are no longer any rules and features. It all depends on the imagination and the amount of free space. Below is a master class on making one of the options for such stands for flowers, and a photo as illustrations.

Master class # 1: flower stand + decorative bird bath

Such a stand is more suitable for decorating a yard or an open veranda. For her, you can use pots of different shapes, or you can use the same. The color in which they will be painted depends on your idea and taste. In our case, the pots are one color, but you can paint them in different colors.

For work we need:

  • one large and tall pot that will serve as the base;
  • four smaller flower pots;
  • one pot, which will be at the very top. It is smaller in size than the base but larger than the intermediate pots. A decorative bath will be attached to it;
  • metal bar as a support for the entire structure. If the store does not find the size you need, then you can buy a longer one and cut it with a hacksaw for metal;
  • spray paint;
  • spray primer;
  • a small ceramic bird figurine;
  • water-repellent glue.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • priming the surface of the pots and after drying, paint it. The color can be one or several, according to your taste;
  • we measure and add the height of all pots, add 600 mm to them and thus calculate the height of the support rod. Using a hacksaw for metal, cut off a piece and hammer it into the ground by 600 mm. This action will provide the structure with a stable position;
  • put the pot-base on the rod through the hole in the bottom, set it straight and fill it with earth;

  • then we put on all the subsequent pots, one after another on the rod, fill it with earth and tilt it alternately to the right and then to the left;
  • we set the uppermost pot straight, like the base, we attach a plastic or ceramic bath prepared in advance to it. We glue a bird figurine to its edge and keep it for a day until it dries completely;
  • after all the work is over, we plant flowers and enjoy the result.

Master class number 2: hanging stand for flowers

For placement on a veranda or indoors, a hanging flower stand is most suitable. Wood and rope are the basic materials needed to make it. You can place flowers on it that you do not want to hide on the windowsill behind the curtains.

To make it we need:

  • wooden board or shelves from old furniture;
  • rope, not thick, but not thin either;
  • flower pots, in our case four pieces, but you can take at will;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • paint and brushes;
  • metal ring.

  • in order to provide the product with the necessary strength, the wooden bases into which the pots will be inserted should be made a couple of centimeters wider than the pot itself. To achieve this, attach the pot to the board with the wide side, circle it with a pencil, and then, measuring 2 cm in each direction, draw a square. This will be the size of the base. We draw such squares according to the number of pots;

  • to outline the line for the inner cut, cut a round template out of cardboard paper. Its diameter should be 15-20 mm less than the outlined pot. After the template is made, circle it inside each of the base squares;

  • now you need to cut a hole into which the pot will be inserted. To do this, attach the square with a clamp to the work table, make a hole in the middle with a drill, insert a jigsaw through this hole and cut out the inner circle. In the process of work, be careful and do not rush so as not to spoil the product;

  • after the holes for the pots are cut in all the base squares, drill holes for the ropes in all corners of each of them. Care must be taken to ensure that the holes on all squares are in the same places;

  • now you can think about design too. Paint the wooden parts with paint of different colors or stain, depending on the style and interior of the room. The rope also needs to be dyed, we have chosen black, but you can use any color you like. To do this, use acrylic paint;

  • this is followed by the assembly of the structure. It must be produced taking into account the height of the plants that will be installed in the bases. We start the assembly from the top: after passing the four ends of the rope into the ring, we stretch them into the corner holes of the first square and tie them to a knot under it to fix;

  • in a similar way, we fix all the squares-bases for the pots on a rope, and cut the remaining ends under the last of them;
  • then insert the pots and hang the stand in the desired location.

Master class number 3: floor stand for flowers

This stand with graceful curved legs will brighten up any room. It consists of a triangular base with rounded sides on which the pot will stand, a slightly smaller shelf of the same shape, and three curved metal legs.

To make the curved legs, you will have to bend the metal tubes yourself. A special bending template will help us with this.

We need materials:

1. For the stand:

  • 2 pieces of waterproof plywood 24 mm in thickness - one 37x37 cm, and the second 22x22 cm;
  • 3 copper pipes with a diameter of 1.5 cm and 68 cm in length;
  • 3 sticks with balls at the ends for the legs;
  • polyurethane glue.

2. For a template:

  • a piece of fiberboard or MDF 40x80 cm;
  • 5 bars 2x4x10 cm;
  • clamps, screws.

Manufacturing sequence:

  • on the pieces intended for shelves, we make markings using a compass;
  • cut out the parts with a jigsaw, grind the edges with sandpaper;
  • on the base under the flower pot we draw medians so that even ones appear along the rounded sides. We place the shelf exactly in the center, press it tightly and drill three holes in its corners. The drill must go through both parts;
  • we grind the edges of the shelves with sandpaper;
  • we fix wooden balls used for the legs with a vice and drill holes in them;
  • we open the wooden parts with a layer of varnish, dry them, lightly grind them with sandpaper and apply another layer;
  • we also grind metal legs, apply varnish or paint;
  • we insert the legs into the holes on the upper shelf, and at the level of the small shelf, rewind them with double-sided tape and glue them;
  • a bar with a ball-shaped tip is inserted into the hole in the pipe leg and fixed with glue for greater reliability.

Making a template and giving the legs a curved shape:

  • mark the slab around the circumference and attach the bars to it with screws;
  • the tubes themselves are carefully pressed to the bars by means of clamps;
  • after relaxing the clamps, the pipes are sprung.

A beautiful stand for flowers, assembled by hand from wooden or metal parts, serves as part of the overall design of a room or site. Greenery and structural elements complement each other, so they should not cause feelings of disharmony.

Often, bent and forged metal, natural wood (driftwood, fin) are chosen for the coasters. But the object used as a stand may be completely innocent of nature - the beauty of the composition in this case is achieved through contrast. These are the coasters made of scrap materials and old things. The florist's fantasy also turns unexpected objects into a wonderful addition to flowering plants.

How to make simple flower stands?

For those who have the skills to work with a welding machine, it will not be difficult to make flower stands out of metal. From a thin bar and welding wire with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm, you can make many options for floor and hanging plant shelves. The simplest thing is to twist several pieces of wire into a tight bundle, spread their ends to the sides and weld small shelves to them. From the bottom, the ends are parted so as to form a stable base.

But those who are deprived of the opportunity to work with stubborn and hard metal need even simpler methods. Original stands can be made of wooden planks or plywood with a thickness of at least 1 cm. For work you will need:

  • board or plywood;
  • durable and decorative cord;
  • drill and drill, the diameter of which corresponds to the thickness of the rope;
  • sandpaper;
  • varnish or paint.

Wooden shelf parts can be square or rectangular. At a distance of 3-4 cm from the edge, holes must be drilled in the corners. Measure the rope so that its length corresponds to the total size of the shelf, multiplied by 2, plus another 20-25 cm. Next, you should find the middle of each segment and tie them so that the knot is located approximately in this place. Thread the ends through the holes 1 of the plank, align the knot in the center of the plank and secure the cord by tying the knots just above the holes at each end of the rope.

Then measure the required height of the next shelf, make knots to support it. If the cord is thin and there are fewer holes, then a small piece of a strong stick should be inserted into each knot. The rest of the parts should be fixed in the same way. The flower stand should be suspended from a sturdy hook screwed into the ceiling.

Another option for a simple stand for wall mounting can be made from leather or canvas straps. To do this, you need to take measurements taking into account the width of the board and the length of the fasteners above it. Fold the strap sections in half, aligning the ends. Attach them to the wall at the required height with nails or screws with dowels, aligning the caps flush.

Sand, varnish or paint the shelf board. Insert it into the resulting loops so that it is perpendicular to the wall. Small pots with ampelous plants can be placed on the shelf.

Reliable stands for large flowers

To make such simple but reliable stands, you need a hacksaw or electric saw. It is better to use wood screws of sufficient length as fasteners. You will need a screwdriver to install them. You can also connect the parts with nails.

The best material for the racks is a 5x5 cm wooden bar. Instead of a bar, you can use even thick branches of a tree, then the structure will acquire a natural style.

The length of the supports can be chosen arbitrarily. Before you make a do-it-yourself flower stand from such material, you need to determine its design. There are 2 options:

  • double-sided floor stand for flowers has an A-shaped support profile;
  • one-sided wall-mounted model consists of vertical and inclined posts.

The racks in both cases are connected by shelves for flower pots located at different levels. With an inclined arrangement of the supports, the shelves are located so that they do not interfere with the plants of the lower row. In whatever version a wooden stand is made, the collection of indoor plants will resemble a green slide.

Having measured the bars for the racks, the lower parts of the inclined supports must be cut to an angle that will correspond to the angle of inclination. In the upper part, you can connect them closely, choosing a piece of wood and superimposing the very ends of the posts on top of each other. If desired, the supports can be crossed by making recesses for the connection just below. To make the stand stable and strong, a crossbar is installed between the supports. Its fastening is carried out in the same way, in a half-tree way, if desired, leaving protruding ends.

Having made 2-3 identical supports, they are connected with shelves made of board or plywood 1.5-2 cm thick. For fastening, use a metal furniture corner or short bars nailed to the supports at the desired height. After the stand is ready, it is varnished or painted, decorated with natural material or carved wooden details.

Metal stand

A simple but convenient option is shelves of different heights from the corner. Outwardly, the structure resembles several parallelepipeds having 2 common faces. Its assembly begins with the rack, which is the highest.

On the previously drawn sketch, mark the size of the tallest of the interconnected stands. Measure 4 equal lines for vertical supports and 8 for horizontal edges. Connect by welding, making 2 squares or rhombuses from short segments. They must be exactly the same, otherwise the design will skew.

Finished horizontal edges must be connected with vertical (long) posts. The do-it-yourself parallelepiped of the highest floor stand is complemented with side low parts:

  1. Weld the cross member between the uprights at the height corresponding to the next shelf.
  2. Make a rectangle, the length of which is equal to the same measurement, and the width is the distance between the vertical supports of the high stand.
  3. Cut 4 pieces to determine the dimensions of the lower stand. With their help, connect a rectangle from a corner and the same one formed by verticals and a crossbar on a large shelf. If desired, make an even lower stand using the same algorithm.

A floor slide made of metal parts can be made angular. For this, the metal racks of the lower shelves must be welded to the adjacent sides of the highest rack. Each wing can be continued by adding the next level of shelves and welding them to the sides of the previously made ones.

Sophisticated and beautiful coasters

A woman can also make such if she has welding skills. It is possible to bend a welding wire with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm according to a template if you have tools for cold forging (bends, templates, etc.) and a hammer weighing about 0.8 kg. After drawing a sketch, you need to break it down into simple elements and determine the size of each part.

If you have many of the same parts, you can use metal templates. By driving the wire between the turns of the template with a hammer, it is easy to get identical arcs, spirals, curls, from which the forged pattern is assembled by welding them together.

How to make a stand for flowers from openwork elements can only be suggested by the imagination of the person who creates it. Most often these are natural forms: curved branches and tree trunks. Leaves and flowers are live plants placed on a stand.

In garden design, the same stands are used on which containers and flowerpots with beautifully flowering and fragrant annuals are placed. Petunias and carnations, scented tobacco, mattiola and other flowers create living columns or hedges. Stands in the form of trellises are placed near perennial climbing roses and vines.

Natural material coasters

Floor and table stands made of natural material can decorate the interior of almost any style. They are appropriate even in a minimalist atmosphere, you just need to make them as laconic as possible.

The material for the stands will be bizarrely curved branches, driftwood, and fin. The natural shape doesn't even need to be supplemented. Sometimes the grooves or hollows of the wooden base are ideal for placing containers. A high stand for flowers from a trunk or branch will require mounting shelves or rings where you can put flower pots.

Having found a suitable piece of wood, they clean it of rotten areas and exfoliated bark. After thoroughly cleaning all defects to healthy wood, they determine the position of the driftwood in space: floor stands can be both horizontal and vertical. If stability is required from the driftwood, then you need to attach a wide base from a saw cut of wood from below, or add the stand with a detail that will support it.

To strengthen a flower on such a rack, you will need to install a small shelf from a saw cut or a plank. You can also install a ring made of stiff wire 0.3-0.5 cm thick. You can strengthen it by drilling deep vertical holes in the wood. The ends of a wire bent in the form of an open circle with protruding edges are driven into them.

The shelves are attached to the ends of the sawn-off branches. If desired, the shelf can be fixed directly on the body of a shapeless driftwood or tree stump. Self-tapping screws and a corner serve as fasteners.

From a small picturesque part of a tree, you can make a table stand for a cactus or other slowly growing flower. Such plants can be placed in the natural groove of the driftwood. Having adjusted the hole to the size of the pot, the wood is sanded and varnished, trying to preserve its natural beauty. Sculptures of small animals (lizards, snakes) or insects can serve as decor.

The flower stand can be made from different materials. Traditionally, it is metal or wood, as they combine light weight and ease of processing. Decorative stands require complex processing, but the driftwood has already been processed by nature itself. Decorating old things such as whatnots or ladders, you can come up with completely exclusive coasters based on them.

Indoor plants make the house more beautiful and comfortable, cleanse it of carbon dioxide and saturate it with oxygen. Well, in order for indoor flowers to harmoniously fit into the interior of the house, it is important to place them correctly.

The problem is that sometimes there are not enough window sills for all flowers, in addition, green plantings are not always comfortable on window sills, because in sunny weather they can be too hot, and the aggressive sun, reflecting from the glass, can damage the leaves, and in frosts on the window they will be cold.

The ideal solution would be a flower stand. Moreover, well-chosen coasters themselves can decorate a room.


Stands for indoor plants are different in their structure, configuration, material of manufacture and colors. Based on these criteria, several types of stands are distinguished.

Floor stands for flowers are hinged shelves on a stable vertical support. Moreover, the frame of the stand can be both mobile and fixed. This product can combine several shelves at the same time.

Stands-stands are rectangular frames, reminiscent of whatnots with open shelves. You can find modern models, the design of which has an oval or round shape.

Mobile stands are products of different shapes, consisting of 2 or more tiers with wheels that allow you to move flowers.

Unusual models are stands of unusual shapes and colors, for example, racks on which trailed parts and carved or concave supports are fixed, such products are often brightly painted. Unusual creative supplies can be seen on the photo of the flower stand.


The most common materials for making a stand are wood, metal, plastic, stone and glass.

Metal. Metal stands for flowers are the most demanded, as, due to their strength and stability, they allow you to place the maximum number of flower pots.

In addition, if we are talking about a forged stand, then it is also very graceful and elegant.

Forged flower stands can be made in different stylistic directions.

Recently, manufacturers have been delighting flower growers with unusual shapes of forged stands, for example, in the form of a medieval carriage, or an Egyptian pyramid, or a musical instrument.

Wood. Wooden flower stands are convenient, practical and inexpensive accessories for indoor plants.

Thanks to wooden supplies, you can not only decorate the interior, but also change the space by placing several pots of flowers in one zone, thereby focusing attention in the right direction.

Wooden products look great in the Provence interior and in the minimalist style. More original analogs, for example, in the form of wooden steps, will harmoniously fit into the interior, made in a high-tech or loft stylistic solution.

A stand made of natural wood will become stronger if it is supplemented with metal parts, which will add elegance to everything else.

Many people think about how to make a flower stand on their own. In order to make a stand with your own hands, you will need a wooden frame and wicker elements, such a stand is great for a rustic room.

Glass constructions

Such a design solution as a glass flower stand looks quite interesting in the interior.

Glass flower coasters can be of various shapes and colors, decorated with patterns, matte and transparent. This stand model is suitable for any room style.


Plastic is popular with florists due to its quality as plasticity, because it can be used to make a product of any shape and size.

Therefore, as an accessory for flowers, you should take a closer look at plastic models, because both a low and a high flower stand will be equally beautiful and comfortable.

Plus, plastic coasters are usually affordable.

Photo stands for flowers