Birthday for a girl 5 years old ideas. Birthday script

Happy Birthday, Princess,
Now you're already five!
On this day of kindness and laughter,
We hasten to wish!

Always be happiness for mom!
Daddy - the sun is on the way!
Always be kind, beautiful
Smile! Do not be sad!

What a lovely date -
The baby is five.
And I congratulate you on your daughter,
I want to wish you all the best!

Let him not know sadness and grief,
May she be happy.
Let the angel protect her
From troubles, all kinds of evil!

And I wish you patience.
Much awaits you ahead.
I wish you good, inspiration,
So that you live in harmony!

I congratulate a sweet, beautiful, kind girl on her 5th birthday. I wish you to remain a wonderful princess. I wish you to be always happy and cheerful, so that every day yours is filled with a joyful mood, exciting games, interesting fun, good cartoons, good friends and favorite sweets.

Happy five years
Accept congratulations.
In your tale, you, princess,
Open wider doors.

Let them live with you
Magic and wonders
May from joy and happiness
Your eyes are shining.

I want to be fun
Do not get sick and do not be sad
Be obedient, not capricious,
To love mom and dad.

Congratulations to you, our little, beautiful princess. We wish your life to be always easy, fun and fabulous. So that she always looks like a holiday, filled with laughter, pleasure, favorite toys, balloons and sweets. Grow up as an obedient, cheerful and energetic girl. Rejoice, laugh and be enveloped in love. Happy birthday!

In the morning, a familiar fairy flew in,
She revealed a wonderful secret to me in my ear,
That the most beautiful girl in the world
Today is exactly five years old.

Of course I immediately wanted to
Congratulate that girl, and wish
Always be beautiful, listen to your parents,
Be the healthiest and not lose heart.

5 is a great number,
You are already quite big!
So that you are lucky in everything
We wish with all our hearts.

Sing, dance and have fun
And learn by reading books.
There is a great life ahead!
Happy Birthday Baby!

Congratulations to the young princess on her 5th birthday! We wish that dreams come true and good magic happens everywhere! Good friends, many gifts and wonderful mood!

To the little princess
5 years old
Prettier girls
In the whole world, no.

Ringing bell
Let your laughter ring
I wish you
Be the happiest of all.

In life, to a rainbow
Shone over you
And our princess
She became the queen.

We wish you a birthday
A lot of joy, laughter, fun,
A sea of ​​gifts, toys,
Houses, dolls, animals.

You grow up smart
Always help your mom.
Be healthy and beautiful
And the most happy in the world!

What can you say about this age? These are no longer kids who prefer to be spectators rather than active participants, but they are also not nimble preschoolers who already have the skills to participate in team games and individual competitive tasks. I do not recommend holding contests in which there are winners and losers - there will be many tears and resentments.

What to do? I chose feasible tasks for children 5 years old, which are conducted with the participation of adults. If you prepare well, your home party will be great.

As in all children's parties, contests and games alternate with treats at the table.

Home Party Scenario!


For every child who comes to visit, the host (dad, mom, grandmother or grandfather) announces that the entrance is only by password. If you have time, come up with a "solemn gate" through which you need to go. It might just be a doorway to a room, decorated with balls or corrugated paper flowers. Or you can come up with a narrow and low manhole between two chairs. Decorate them with balls or soft toys too.

The password can be written in advance in the invitation. If you didn't give them out, just teach the guest at the front door: "Woof, meow, meow, happy birthday." For many, the end of the phrase sounds "congratulations" :-).

Fireworks in honor of the birthday boy

Scatter a lot of balloons on the floor. Is our birthday boy 5 years old? At the command of the presenter, the children clap their hands 5 times, after that they quickly bend over for the balls, toss them up with the word "Salute!" They immediately bend over for the next ball, shout "Salute!" And so you can shout, throwing balls, for a couple of minutes :-). Turn on a funny song, write down this funny congratulation for the family chronicle. Yet .

Finger tree

In order for the child to remember his 5th birthday for a long time, I propose to make a painting "The Magic Tree" with finger paints. It is desirable, of course, that each guest has their own color. There are as many fingers on the hand as our hero of the occasion is, so we will dip each finger in the paint. I took the idea from a wedding tradition, you can see how beautiful a tree with finger leaves looks like. Such a panel may well decorate a nursery for many more years.

There are only paid models of the A3 tree on the Internet, and if you need to print on a regular A4, choose the desired option from these trees, they are on Yandex Disk. Perfect for our 5th birthday :-).

Use a pen to write the names of the guests. Now is the time to wash your hands before serving :-)! We all go to the bathroom.


It is not recommended to carry out active games immediately after eating, so we will deal with a giant application. Spread your drawing paper or unwanted wallpaper on the floor (pattern side down). Cut out clouds, sun, trees, flowers, mountains, sea, fish, etc. from colored paper in advance. And we will also need the types of transport on which we will send the birthday man on a journey: a car, an airplane, a balloon, a boat, an elephant. If you still print and cut out a round portrait of a child, it will be generally great.

Lay out the applique together with the children, come up with a trip, glue the figures with a glue stick.

Candy soup

This is a relay race. Bring two pots, place them on stools or just on the floor. Choose two participants, give each a ladle (from experience, five-year-olds are easier to handle than a spoon). Now, at a distance of 2-3 meters from the pots, fold 2 handfuls of sweets. You need to transfer one candy in a ladle. Try to help the laggard so that friendship wins and children receive the same prizes :-).

Guess the beast

We blindfold the child. We give a soft toy in our hands. You have to guess who it is. I advise you to introduce adults to this fun. Let them show that this is not a very serious task - you can joke, make assumptions for a long time and in the end call the hare a dragon. Children quickly adopt the manner of comic guessing, laugh a lot. Prizes are a must for everyone!

Mouse Concert

It's a strange thing ... A child is often embarrassed to tell a poem "for himself", but voicing a fairy-tale character is no longer so scary. Let's use this for our mouse gig. Print out my paper finger mice, put it on the index finger of each guest and offer to tell any poem in a thin voice. It will be fun, I promise! An adult, of course, must set an example.

Download from Yandex Disk by clicking on the picture with mice... It remains to cut and glue! (To make the size of the mice correct, save the file to your computer before printing).

If you have finger puppets (or glove puppets), use them for a small concert.

Cold hot

The most common game of finding a hidden toy. Children leave the room, the presenter hides the bear, calls everyone back into the room. According to the words "cold-warmer-hot" children know where to look. To children at the age of 5, this game seems very mysterious :-).

In the bag

Children stand in a circle. Find a nice summer hat with brim, put it on the head of one of the children. As soon as the music starts playing, the child turns around, takes off and hands the hat to the neighbor. He puts on, turns around, again passes clockwise. The music stops suddenly. The one in the hat drops out and sits down at the sweet table, waiting for the others.

I have a few more fun fun with props in my article, don't miss it!

Competitions in which children and parents participate at the same time

Seven-flowered flower

While the children are eating the cake, we tell them the fairy tale "Seven-flower flower". Not everyone remembers the plot and moral of Valentin Kataev's works, they listen with great pleasure. Now we take out our flower. It is not necessary for him to make a leg, it is difficult. You can use a ball mount, by the way ...

A child's birthday is a grand event in the family. Parents try to prepare in advance: buy groceries, choose a gift and an outfit for the birthday boy. But do not forget about the fun - contests, quizzes, games will really please the little guests. Prepare small gifts for the winners, incendiary music, to which 5 years will pass - this is a real first anniversary, so take a responsible approach to planning the celebration. Do not forget that all tasks for children of this age must be feasible, otherwise tears cannot be avoided. After all, a five-year-old child is no longer a toddler, but not yet a smart preschooler. In addition, the child already has his own tastes and preferences, consult with him before inviting guests and making a program.

Create a mood

At the holiday, decorations are a must for the kids. The room can be decorated with colorful balloons, garlands, posters with cartoon characters. Arrange the balls in the form of an arch - and the place for a family photo session is ready! If you're hosting a theme party, everything should be tied to one trend. Have the kids have a pirate adventure, a ball in a palace, or an underwater odyssey. You can make costumes, come up with birthday games (5 years), contests and tricky questions.

In order for guests to stop being shy, start the ceremony of presenting gifts to the originator of the collection. Have the children take turns congratulating the birthday person and saying a few good wishes. After this procedure, the little ones will be able to relax and feel like-minded.

Have fun from the heart

Choose a leader who will lead the entire process. You need to sketch out a plan for the party on paper and prepare everything you need in advance. Birthday contests for 5 years should alternate - mobile and creative, otherwise the children will get tired and start to indulge. The presenter will set the tone for the party, come up with a fun, non-trivial outfit, because clowns appear at every children's party. Dress it up with a Luntik or SpongeBob - kids will be happy from communicating with their idol.

Moments of creativity

All children love to draw, sculpt, glue. Divide them into two teams and offer to make a congratulatory poster for the new five-year plan. You will need two tables and a bunch of markers, pencils, crayons, paints and a drawing paper. Give the children 15-20 minutes and start evaluating the masterpieces. You can print photos and make a collage - you get a memorable gift that can be hung on the wall.

The guys will be amused by drawing blindly. Hang the Whatman paper on the wall and blindfold the participants. Let them try to create a portrait of a friend in 5 minutes. Parents will really like such children's birthday contests (5 years old), everyone will laugh heartily.

Let's get the audience excited

It's time to move a little and show your skills and strength. Prepare a large number of indoor slippers, if there are no real ones, you can cut them out of colored paper. Spread them randomly on the floor, but one of them shouldn't have a pair. While the music is playing, the kids run in a circle, as soon as it stops, they must stand on the slippers with both feet. Anyone who lacked one shoe is eliminated from the competition. And so on until the slippers run out. The smartest player is awarded a prize. Please note that (5 years) the home must be safe for the health of children. Try to move furniture apart and create a playground, remove all breakable and sharp objects.

We are looking for treasure

Make your team feel like real treasure hunters. Write down notes in advance indicating where the next message lies, and arrange them in the selected places. The treasure can be a box filled with sweets or small souvenirs for everyone. The presenter notifies the children that treasures are hidden in the apartment, they need to rally and turn on their ingenuity to find the treasured chest. He gives them the first note, and the guys begin to complete the quest. Let them wander throughout the apartment and look for notes with interest. Kids will be completely delighted when they find the treasure and will gladly share the prey for everyone.

Air battle

Birthday contests (5-6 years old) are best held in teams, and friendship will always be the winner! After all, kids who cannot even once win the competition can go home with tears.

For air combat, you will need a lot of balloons. They can be hidden in a blanket or blanket and taken out before the start of the competition. Divide the children and the room in two. It is best to pull the tape in the middle. Participants must throw as many balls as possible to the opponent's side while the music is playing. As soon as the melody dies down, ball counting begins on each team's territory. Those lucky ones who threw more balls on the enemy side win. Several stages can be carried out to give victory to both teams.


Balloons are a great thing to have 5 year birthday contests. Balloons are inexpensive, so stock up on more. Each participant is given a ball - now they will feel like riders. The child must sit on the bright horse and jump until he bursts. The one who holds out the longest will receive a prize!

Let's check the accuracy of the guys. Offer them to hit the bucket with a balloon at a distance of a meter. With each step, move the bucket 10 centimeters further away from the players, making it harder for them to do the job. The most accurate shooter will receive an award!

Animal world

If there are a lot of kids at the party, you need to play games in which no one will be superfluous. The presenter approaches each participant and the name of the animal. On command, the guys should start making sounds of animals. Silently, without negotiating, they must gather in flocks of identical representatives of the fauna. Crowing, grunting, barking, meowing, they will rush around the room, looking for their fellow tribesmen, it will turn out very funny. Such birthday contests for 5 years must be filmed with a camera, and then arrange a family viewing.

Guess what it is

All children love gifts, and the more, the better. Give every little one a chance to go home not empty-handed. The game is called "Magic bag", in which you must put small toys, sweets, stationery in advance. The child is blindfolded and allowed to dip his hand into this storehouse of surprises. Without removing his hand, the kid must guess what he took. If the answer is correct, the prize remains with the player.

Young fishermen

In any toy store you can buy the game "Fishing", the kit includes a fishing rod and plastic fish with magnets. Birthday contests for 5 years with imitation of fishing can be carried out in different interpretations. Divide the players into teams, in the form of a relay race, the participants run up to a basin of water, catch a fish with a fishing rod and run back. The team that completes the task faster will win.

Individual fishing can be arranged. Whoever catches more aquatic inhabitants in three minutes gets a prize. It will be a lot of fun, and the rod will soon be in the hands of the dads.


Surely every child has cubes, for this competition you will need as many of these figures as possible. The guys take turns putting a cube on a cube until the pyramid collapses. The one who placed last is eliminated.

Responsibility for mom

This is a significant holiday, a special children's birthday - 5 years old. The script, contests, menus, gifts, games - all this needs to be thought out in advance. The highlight of the program is a delicious and beautiful cake. Everyone is looking forward to this moment, especially the birthday boy. The kid makes a wish and blows out the candles - a touching moment for the whole family. You can decorate the confectionery creation yourself. And it is better to involve children in this and spend everything in a playful way.

Take out the finished cake and cut into portions. Prepare marmalade, mastic figurines, sprinkles, waffle flowers. Let each child decorate their piece of cake however they like. Kids will be creative, and then they will happily eat the masterpiece.


It's not so easy to find contests for a child's birthday. 5 years is a difficult age. Some children are already trying to seem older, while others, on the contrary, have not yet said goodbye to the pacifier.

Give the little ones a confusing exercise with simple movements. The presenter names one movement, but shows something completely different. You need to repeat what you hear. This is not an easy task, you need to be extremely careful. The one who made a mistake drops out of the circle.

Everybody on the podium

If a little fashionista has a holiday, you will not be able to do without a fashion show! Special births will be needed here. 5 years old girl is no longer a simple age, not just a celebration, but a glamorous party. The birthday girl can shine in a princess dress with a stunning hairstyle. Girlfriends will also come dressed up, but there is no limit to perfection. Give the little ones a pile of scarves, hats, wigs, skirts and jewelry. Let them create their own unique image and walk the catwalk in front of the audience. The jury members, boys or parents, will give their points and determine the winner! Although it will be very difficult to make a choice, girls will do their best to look irresistible.

A hairstyle contest can also be included in the program. Divide the little princesses into pairs and let them create a miracle out of their hair. The prize can be a beautiful headband or hair clip!

After all, it is a pleasure to spend a children's birthday (5 years old). Scenario, contests, games - everything must correspond to this age! The menu can include canapes, chicken skewers, fresh vegetables and fruits and some sweets.


Entertainment can be not only mobile but also intelligent. A fun quiz will give children a physical rest and show their mental abilities. Save as many small presents as possible to encourage each correct answer.

  1. This kid is afraid of everything, white in winter, gray in summer. (Hare).
  2. What are we eating for? (At the table).
  3. What do we see with our eyes closed? (Dream).
  4. Lives in the forest, huge eyes, hoot all night! (Owl).
  5. The size of a crumb, very afraid of a cat. (Mouse).
  6. He loves meat, fish and sour cream, sleeps half a day, plays half a day, chases mice at night. (Cat).

The holiday was a success

Be sure to run birthday contests for 5 years so the kids don't get bored. Then the holiday will be fun and interesting, the little guests will remember it for a long time. You can end the event with fireworks or a launch in the kids will squeal with delight! Prepare bags or disposable containers to hand out leftover cake to guests, as babies usually bite off and leave the rest on the plate.

Give your beloved birthday boy an unforgettable evening, you just need a little imagination and patience. These memorable days leave fond memories for a lifetime. After all, once in a lifetime there is a 5-year-old child's birthday. At home, contests are held like clockwork.

Give your children as much attention and care as possible so that they treat their babies the same way!

Birthday- the most long-awaited, brightest and most favorite holiday for a child! The best friends are invited, the festive table looks incredibly appetizing, everyone is waiting for their turn to present memorable gifts, bursting laughter, real fun, favorite songs ... Oh, what a pity that a birthday is just once a year! But on the other hand - that is why this holiday is so long-awaited!

So your baby very soon birthday, and you are at a loss. How to arrange the best holiday for the one who means everything to you? And of course, how to please the guests and make this event the most unforgettable for everyone?
Important note. To celebrate your baby's birthday will be remembered by everyone as the most fun, positive and vibrant event, then contests(and games) required! A little good competition, the development of imagination, and of course, unforgettable emotions - all this is guaranteed!

The beginning of the holiday.

So, the celebration for your baby's birthday is just beginning! We meet guests, politely greet the kids and their parents, take everyone to the room where your wonderful holiday will take place. Beautiful decorations, a festive table, you can include the funniest children's songs. The guests look around with interest, get used to the new environment, smile, and then begin to congratulate the birthday man. Probably the most pleasant thing for a child on this holiday is to receive long-awaited gifts. What could be nicer, what could be better than seeing your child happy? Eyes sincerely glow with happiness, a smile never leaves his charming face - this is happiness for parents!
While this little gift-giving ceremony is going on, throw a large number of balloons on the floor (of course, you need to inflate them in advance). Distribute party hats to the main hero of the occasion and guests. If the birthday boy turns 5 years old, then at your command, the kids should clap their hands 5 times, and then immediately reach for the balls, throw them up with shouts of "Salute!" Again reaching for a new ball, again shouting "Salute!" This action will last about a few minutes :) In the meantime, you instruct one of your parents to shoot all this magnificent action on a video camera (phone, camera) for your family video archive :) While this little festive chaos is taking place, you can set the table. Invite guests to the table. Well, now it's time for the first contest!

The first test "The most delicious competition».

Invite your toddler to be the first to participate. Blindfold your baby and put a berry or a small piece of fruit in his mouth. Of course, the choice should be rich: apples, pears, kiwi, bananas, strawberries, blackberries, cherries, grapes, etc. The hero of the occasion must guess what delicious fruit or berry he just ate with pleasure. We are also conducting this competition with all interested participants. Pampering is allowed - you can put various gelatinous candies, a small piece of cake or chocolate in the mouth of children. By the way, be sure to find out the preferences of the guests in advance. Well, those who correctly guessed the "lots" receive the same fruits or berries as a gift :)

The second test is "Treasure hunt".

Sounds intriguing, right? To play this wonderful game, you need to prepare the props. So first, draw "Treasure map"... To do this, you need to take a sheet of Whatman paper, paint and draw (or copy) a treasure map. If you are an unimportant artist, it doesn’t matter! You can always ask for help from one of your friends or older children. A masterpiece of fine art is useless here. The main thing is that everything is from the heart. Believe me, children feel it;) There must be signs and marks on the map. "Start" of the adventure, "Finish" (in fact, this is where the "treasure" is hidden) and intermediate tasks. Let me explain in more detail the whole essence of this game. Start by handing out to all the children that you bought in advance from the holiday store. These are pirate hats, the legendary black flag with a white skull, blindfolds, stylish pirate bandanas, vintage compasses, etc. Children with interest begin to "transform" into sea wolves, looking intently at the ancient compasses in their hands.

One more moment - and they are ready to go in search of treasures! By the way, as the team captain, you should also wear a hat, as well as a blindfold (at least). Of course, it will be really cool if you go out to the kids in a pirate costume! :) It's up to you to decide. So, you inform your faithful "team" that a treasure is hidden somewhere nearby and you need to carefully study the map. The children are curious about your Treasure Map. So, our adventure begins! Children perform intermediate tasks while they go to the "Finish". The tasks can be very different! For example, jump for 30 seconds on one leg or recite any verse; guess the cartoon character faster than others; portray your favorite fairy tale hero and much more (connect your imagination). By the way, you can agree in advance with the parents who will "wait" for the children at different stages of this game and give assignments. After successfully passing all the tests (at this time you need to move around the apartment), the children reach the "Finish" and finally find the treasure! You need to buy some toys (or candy) in advance. Accordingly, it would not hurt to ask the parents in advance what exactly their child wants. Toys should be small (something like symbolic souvenirs), you can buy a small pirate chest (shops sell such ones made of cardboard). The treasure has been found, the children are very happy. They laugh, brag about their "trophies" and look forward to the continuation of the holiday with delight. The pirate theme is more close to boys according to statistics, BUT girls also love to search for something, complete funny tasks, and of course, receive prizes! By the way, all pirate paraphernalia, as well as costumes of brave corsairs, can be bought in our store at an affordable price!

Third Guess the Beast Challenge.

And now a calmer, but no less fun test :) It is called "Guess the Beast". We again blindfold the baby and put a soft toy in our hands. For example, a plush giraffe. The kid must feel by touch what kind of animal this is :) You can involve parents in the game. Let them show their kids that this game can be really fun. To do this, you can “guess” the animal for a long time, give out ridiculous assumptions and, finally, “call” the same giraffe a bear. Children will love it! Prizes are a must for everyone, no doubt!

"I want to be..."

The fourth competition "I am an artist, as I see it!"

A fun competition for kids who love to draw. Distribute a small sheet of paper and felt-tip pens (or pencils), blindfold all participants, except for the hero of the occasion himself, and ask to draw a birthday person. Children try to draw the main character of the festive evening, cheerfully "puff", laugh. The winner is the one whose portrait is more believable.

Fifth competition "Movements are life!"

Children cannot sit still for a long time, so you can arrange an incendiary competition called "Dancers". Bring a wide variety of equipment such as balls, chairs, mops, stuffed animals, etc. We turn on different melodies in turn and ask the children to dance to the music in different ways. For example, a dance with an apple squeezed between your foreheads or a dance riding on a broom :), maybe a dance with chairs or a mop, or maybe it will be the most touching dance with your favorite soft toy. Whoever danced more original and funnier gets a prize (it can be a small toy). The rest of the participants must also be encouraged, for example, with their favorite sweets.

"Unfortunately, the birthday is only once a year ..."

Your holiday is already coming to an end, the guests are about to leave. Invite them to draw what is most memorable today at the holiday. You can even draw in advance on a large sheet of Whatman paper little girls and boys, as well as a "cloud" of their thoughts. The kids will fill these "clouds" with pictures. Imagine, in 10-20 years or more, your adult son or daughter will see this sheet of Whatman paper with memorable drawings and will definitely smile when he remembers his childhood. The most carefree and golden time in our life is childhood. Therefore, we want our children to remember their childhood with a slight smile on their lips and so that there are only bright memories in their hearts :)

The guests have already departed, and your baby is happy with what holiday you gave him. It's time to look at gifts over and over again, but all you have to do is "a little" cleaning;) You will sigh, and then you will smile kindly. And it was worth it, right? ;)
P.S. I hope this article was useful for you, and your holiday will be unforgettable :) I would like to note that, in addition to pirate paraphernalia, we have many other accessories for the brightest event! We are always glad to see you in our store!