How to plant a sprouted lily bulb. Lilies: sprouting bulbs in pots in winter and spring

The best time for planting lilies is in autumn - from the last days of August to the beginning of October. The bulbs planted at this time have time to take root well, fully grow stronger, and in the spring the lilies that have started to grow will calmly endure the spring cold snap.

With small sprouts, there is a way to get rid of them and plant a bulb without greenery in the fall. This process requires skill, since the sprout should come out as much as possible. But you need to take into account the fact that the bulb will weaken, so it needs to be well covered for the winter.

NECESSARY: wait until the sprouts grow 20 cm in height, andcarefully pull them out of the bulb, rotating in different directions. The sprout should come out as completely as possible.

After that, you can safely plant a lily, not forgetting to organize a shelter for her.

Lily bulbs with large sprouts, what to do in this case?

Lilies with large shoots would be better planted in a tall pot. It will not be possible to save the bulb until the spring planting, since the sprouts will only stretch out during the winter, and those planted in open ground will continue to grow in the ground and die.

On a bright window sill, with proper care, your lilies may even bloom. They should be watered and fed with liquid flower fertilizers. In late May - early June, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, transplanted into the garden, trying not to damage the roots, for this the hole is made deep.

They also brought me bulbs with strongly overgrown sprouts. In this case, you should not take risks, and I planted them in a deep pot. All sprouted instantly and have already gained color. As soon as they bloom, I will put them in a cool place, and then I will remove them in the cold. And in the spring I will land in the ground as expected.

Bulbs with lily sprouts are best planted in spring

Subject to the conditions for planting lilies with shoots, you can get a brightly flowering plant this summer. Sprouted bulbs are planted in the ground at the end of May, when severe frosts are already behind. Otherwise, tender sprouts may freeze.

The deepening of the bulb depends on the degree of development of the sprout. If the sprout is still low, rolled up with a “tube” and the leaves on it have not yet opened, then you can plant it at the usual depth. For bulbous crops, it is three bulb heights, counting from the bottom. For different types of lilies - 12-20 cm.

But if the sprout on the bulb has already unfolded the leaves, then such a bulb cannot be planted deep - only up to the neck of the sprout, without deepening it. The sprout will not be able to rise from the thickness of the earth and will rot. With such a shallow planting, there is a danger that the bulb will freeze in winter. Therefore, it is more reliable to transplant the lily bulb to the prescribed depth in the fall.

How to determine the right time to plant bulbs?

For planting in autumn in open ground, it is advisable to take only those bulbs that were grown this season on their own or purchased from local gardeners. Lily bulbs should be clean, plump and not sprouted, and the roots should be alive, without rot, at least 5 cm long ...

Planting material bought in the store is imported mainly from Holland. Since the climate is somewhat different there, bulbs for sale are dug up in October-November, then dried, cooled and sent to Russia. They reach our shelves by spring, so it is better to plant them in spring.

Sometimes it is possible to save bulbs bought too early. To do this, put them in a storage bag filled with moistened peat or sawdust, make holes for ventilation and store in a suitable place at a temperature of -2 to + 3ºС - you can in the refrigerator.

Planting and caring for lilies in the fall

Many summer residents plant lilies in the fall. The advantage of this planting is that its timing may vary, since the bulbs are at rest and will not start growing. The optimal planting dates are the end of August, September and even October.

In the fall, plants dormant after flowering should be transplanted, which were dug out this year. You need to buy such bulbs in the markets, from local gardeners. It is these bulbs that will be adapted to our climate and will survive the winter favorably.

Which bulbs are not suitable for autumn planting?

It is important to understand that not every variety of lilies is suitable for autumn planting. If you want to enjoy some exotic variety of this flower, and you buy bulbs in a store with the intention of planting them in the fall, then you are unlikely to be happy with the color of this plant.

The thing is that the bulbs that are sold in supermarkets or specialized stores are brought from Holland. The climatic conditions of this country allow planting flowers in October, as it is quite warm there. But with us they need to be planted exclusively in the spring, otherwise the flowers will not survive the winter frosts.

When you have decided on the bulbs, you can begin preparations for the autumn planting - the soil and the planting site.

The plant loves sunny places, but in the midday heat it needs shade. The only wish for the soil is that it should be well-drained and deeply cultivated. It can be slightly acidic, neutral or slightly alkaline earth. The substrate must be cleared of root weeds.

It is impossible to say unequivocally when it is possible to plant lilies. This is due to the fact that autumn has been quite warm lately, therefore, if you plant the bulbs earlier, then due to favorable weather, they may begin to grow, and this is highly undesirable. The ideal time for landing can be determined independently, depending on the region of residence. So, if the average daily temperature does not rise above 10-12 degrees, then you can safely plant flowers.

If the type of soil does not meet the requirements, then the planting site must be prepared in a month. In light soil, you need to add a little peat, in heavy - sand. If the substrate meets all the requirements, then you can dig a hole in it with a depth of about 15 cm (or 3 bulb heights). The distance of the bulbs from each other should be approximately 15 cm.

The secret to the successful rooting of the bulb is that coarse sand must be added to the hole to retain moisture, because the bulbs should not dry out for several weeks after planting. After you put the sand, you need to place the bulb in the hole, sprinkle it again with sand and press it well. It is not necessary to sprinkle the earth on top.

Winter shelter for garden lilies

It is best to cover the lilies with dry oak leaves, straw, spruce branches or peat (10-15 cm layer), any non-woven covering materials (Spunbond, Agrospan), and on top with a film. Oak leaves are an excellent winter cover for those flowers that do not tolerate dampness well. Despite the fact that at the initial stages of a lily's life moisture is needed, then excessive dampness will only harm.

Shelter time is not earlier than heavy autumn rains, after the first frosts, when the soil freezes slightly. In plantings of lilies sheltered for the winter, the soil does not freeze for a long time. The roots of lilies are able to grow almost all winter at very low positive temperatures. Remove cover in spring, before lily sprouts appear above the ground.

For flower growers, the time when you need to plant lily bulbs is autumn. It has to do with the life cycle of the plant. Nevertheless, there are situations when you have to plant lilies in the spring. In this case, lily bulbs are planted with sprouts. When planting these flowers in the spring, you need to follow a number of simple rules that raise questions among inexperienced lovers of these flowers. plant lilies in spring It's not about planting potatoes. It is necessary to theoretically prepare for this event. In this article, we will look at how corms with sprouts are planted in the spring.

Preparing for landing

Ideally, if the bulbs have a smooth shape, without scales, spots, rot, live elastic roots 4-5 cm long. Such bulbs do not need to be treated with drugs from pathogens. Otherwise, the bulbs should be soaked in a solution of the "Maxim" preparation and, when planting, pour the soil with "Fitosporin" according to the instructions indicated on the package.

If planting material is purchased early, for example, in February, the bulbs began to sprout, and it is still far from planting in open ground, you should not hide them in the refrigerator, as they may die. They should be planted in a pot without holes in the bottom or a container, preferably transparent, so that you can control the state of the root system and regulate watering, since waterlogging and overdrying is dangerous for this flower.

Choice of landing site

Daylilies are unpretentious to the landing site. It is enough that they had enough light and there was not too much moisture stagnation. The soil should be with a lot of sand, which is added additionally to the hole during planting.

Soil preparation for planting bulbs with sprouts includes the following activities:

  • digging up the top layer of soil up to 40 cm deep;
  • organization of drainage so that excess water does not stagnate;
  • for nutrient-poor soil, the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and humus. These plants do not need a lot of humus, so be careful with it;
  • for too acidic soil, reduce its acidity to 6.5 pH by adding chalk or wood ash;
  • moistening the soil so that it is soft.

When to plant lily bulbs in spring

Lilies should be planted in the spring when there is definitely confidence that there will be no more frosts. The best time is the end of April and the beginning of May. Of course, if we are talking about a temperate climate, in Siberia it is better to postpone the planting time until the end of May and the beginning of June. If the summer is cold and short, then you should not expect good results from planting in the spring. Lilies may not bloom this year, but only the next year, if they do not freeze in winter.

The best time to plant bulbs with sprouts is when the soil is warm, moist and loose.

The technology of planting lilies with bulbs with sprouts - video

To plant lilies with sprouts, you need to dig small holes with a depth of 5 to 20 cm. It all depends on the variety. If the plant is supposed to be tall, then you need to plant it deeper. In floriculture, it is customary to plant the bulb of this flower to a depth that exceeds its diameter by two or three times. Sand or fine gravel is poured into the hole to create good drainage. On top of this, soil or a special soil mixture is poured. Next, you need to water the hole well, when the water is absorbed, pour a little sand and put an onion in it, which can be rolled in wood ash, its roots should be carefully straightened. How to plant lilies with bulbs is shown in the video below.

Features of planting lilies with bulbs with sprouts in spring

Lilies with sprouts are not planted so deeply if the bulbs are planned to be dug in the fall for the winter. Sprouts should not be buried in the ground, otherwise they will simply rot.

Spring lilies may not produce offspring. They need to be fertilized more often. Fertilizers are applied only in liquid form. The intervals between the application of fertilizers must be observed at 10-15 days. The sequence of feeding this plant after planting:

  • calcium nitrate;
  • potassium-phosphorus fertilizers;
  • potassium magnesia after the appearance of buds and a week before the flowers bloom;
  • potassium monophosphate after flowering twice, observing the indicated interval.

It should be remembered that any mineral fertilizer is good in moderation. Because if you overdo it, then the lilies will simply burn out from chemistry. Without restrictions, you can only fertilize with wood ash.

For these flowers, high-quality watering without waterlogging is very important, it is also impossible to overdry the soil, as the plants will be stunted and will definitely not please the gardener with a lush color. In this plant, the root can reach a length of up to 1.5 m, so often surface watering does not provide the plant with the necessary amount of moisture. drip irrigation system- an excellent solution for the care of lilies.

Many beginner flower growers are concerned about the question at what distance from each other to plant lily bulbs. It all depends on the variety.. If the plant is supposed to be tall, then you need to plant the bulbs, observing an interval of 30 cm. For undersized varieties, this interval can be reduced to 10 cm.

Unfortunately, these beautiful flowers are susceptible to many diseases of gray mold, root mold, rust. To prevent these diseases and protect against pests, it is necessary to observe optimal watering conditions and regularly inspect lilies.

Some summer residents may face a serious problem: lily bulbs planted in late August - early September sprout before winter. Why this happens and what the summer resident should do in this situation - this will be discussed in this article.

The first thing you should pay attention to is how the bulbs got to you. Sellers in pursuit of profit may continue to sell goods that have not been sold out since the spring. Such leftovers are passed off as supposedly fresh bulbs, often they even have small sprouts - “palms”. The latter circumstance should be especially alert, because at this time the lily bulbs should be at rest.

What to do? Give up and regret the loss, which will fully manifest itself only next year, when beautiful tender lilies do not sprout on the site? The situation is not simple, but by no means catastrophic. Let's try to save those lilies that sprouted in the fall.

Trim the seedlings, leaving a 10 cm stump in place of each, and cover them well. In the ground used for their falling asleep (hilling up), add literally a pinch of ground black pepper (to discourage rodents) and a sufficient amount of humus.

Be prepared for the fact that, most likely, not all plantings will sprout in the spring. Some bulbs may “sleep through” the right moment and not rise. However, after another 1 year, they will sprout, as expected, and will certainly delight you with their abundant flowering.

Another option is to plant the bulbs in a container. It is worth noting that lily transplants are usually well tolerated. It is convenient to use disposable kefir paper bags (square section) as containers. In it, plants will feel good right up to transplanting into open ground. Do not forget to make a hole in its bottom to remove excess moisture from the soil. Landings place on the sunniest window in your apartment.

Around April, lilies will begin to bloom, delighting all households with their beauty. After the plants have faded (by May), the rudiments of the fruit must be cut off without touching the stem itself (it should remain). Then the lilies are transferred to a sunnier closed loggia. During the summer, containers can be located somewhere in the corner of the loggia, thus they will not take up much space.

In August, lilies can be transplanted into open ground in the country. When transplanting, the stem does not need to be cut; also try to preserve the root system of the plant as much as possible. Carefully cut the bottom of the bag with nail scissors, then cut one of the vertical edges of the landing bag with them. In this form, install the package along with the lily in a pre-dug hole (slightly larger than the size of the package). After that, begin to gently pour the soil, while at the same time pulling the surrounding root ball out of the ground.

Why we plant a lily in March

The situation when the snow lies outside the window, and your lily bulbs have already begun to grow, is common. You bought something in the fall and put it in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator on the advice of the sellers, but planting lilies postponed (forgotten or did not have time before the frost). Something in OBI and Auchan, because at this time you really want to bring spring closer, and sales of planting material there begin according to Dutch standards.

Lily bulbs, in which the sprout has stretched 2-3 centimeters, must be planted in the ground. But if the sprout is already 5-7 cm, then this must be done immediately.

For this, I take an ordinary plastic beer glass of 0.5 liters, make a hole in the bottom with a diameter of at least 0.5 cm. Any purchased soil can be used. Since store soils consist mainly of peat, planting lilies they will be optimal.

At the bottom of the glass you need to add about 1-2 cm of soil and put the bulb strictly vertically. But if the sprout is strongly curved, then it is possible to put the onion on its side, so long as the sprout looks up or at least to the side. But not down!

The layer of soil above the top of the bulb should be 8-10 cm. No need to pull out a sprout 2-3 cm in size into the light, it will remain underground and come out on its own to the surface.

Feeding roots will form in the soil layer on it. Pour planting lilies and put in a cool place, it is in the coolness that the bulbs take root better.

Green shoots need light

When a green shoot appears, then the lilies need to be illuminated. If this is not done, then the stems will stretch, twist, turn pale. Hybrids need especially a lot of light. I put the shoot glasses right under the fluorescent lights.