We paint the lining in the country: types of coatings, interesting ideas, technology. How to cover the lining inside the house in the country - proper processing, impregnation What varnish is better to cover the lining inside the house

Lining is a finishing material that looks good in the interior of a wooden house. It is used for both residential and utility rooms. The wood from which it is made needs to be treated with protective agents. And to give an attractive appearance, a decorative coating is applied to the lining. Naturally, to create a beautiful coating, you need to choose the right processing tools and materials for decoration.

Why process the lining and how to choose the right tools

Before processing the lining, you should find out:

  • whether you need to apply a protective coating, or you can do without it;
  • in which rooms the processing will be performed - in dry or with high humidity;
  • whether to apply a decorative coating, tint or leave it natural.

Having decided, you can proceed to the choice of impregnation and material for decorative finishing of the lining in the interior. You can leave the lining without covering, but this option is suitable for people who are satisfied with the fact that over time the tree darkens. Some owners deliberately make artificial aging using a blowtorch. After this, it not only darkens, but also releases resin, which gives the surface individuality. It happens that the owners of the baths do not process the walls due to the fact that they use cheap lining. It will be more practical for them to change it completely in a few years than to spend time and money on processing it.

In order to properly process the walls, you should know what functions the impregnation should perform for the lining inside the house. So, the impregnation should:

  • give good protection against ignition, such qualities give fire retardants to wooden products, which reduce its flammability;
  • protect from moisture, especially in damp rooms. For this, antiseptic agents are applied to the wooden surface;
  • protect from mechanical damage (chips and scratches);
  • protect from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Wood treated with agents that increase resistance to ultraviolet radiation, changes its color more slowly;
  • give bactericidal protection against insects;
  • give the walls a beautiful look. You can give the lining the desired shade using toning. Using varnish, you can make the surface glossy, matte or semi-matte.

To give the tree the necessary properties, several compositions are usually used that have the necessary qualities.

Types of compositions - fire retardants, stain, varnishes and paints

All compositions for processing lining can be divided into two groups: protective and decorative. The former are designed to extend the service life. They protect against moisture, insects, mold and mildew formation. The latter give the lining an attractive appearance. Processing must be regularly updated, as over time the funds lose their properties. The processing of the lining in the premises is carried out with the compositions listed below.

Fire retardants reduce the flammability of wood. This is especially important for living rooms. In the event of a fire, flame retardants prevent the spread of fire and help to extinguish it. They are odorless and therefore harmless to health.

Antiseptics protect against mold and mildew. Stop the spread of existing mold. Over time, the product is washed out and evaporated, so re-treatment is required. There are bio moisture protection products that not only protect against fungus, mold, pests, but also give the tree water-repellent qualities and an attractive appearance. They are expensive, but they make it possible to refuse treatment with stain, antiseptic and varnish.

The stain performs antiseptic functions, but at the same time gives the wooden surface a shade. The most popular stains are those that give dark shades. This tool does not create a film on the surface, but penetrates into the pores of the material to a small depth. Wood stained with wood stains should be varnished or the surface will look dirty. Linseed oil was previously very popular, but recently it is used less and less. The tree darkens quickly, and after 2-3 years the surface becomes sticky. It is used for utility rooms.

Bleach is intended for removing dark stains, areas with a blue tint, stripes from wooden surfaces. There are several types of such funds, differing in their application and effectiveness. Usually the product is applied to the surface and rinsed off after a certain time.

Varnishes are used if you want to preserve the naturalness and texture of the wood. Indoors, acrylic varnishes are used, which are harmless to human health. The first layer is applied transparently, without dyes, and in the second, coloring pigments are added. Alkyd varnishes are more used for floors, as they have high strength properties. They are applied to walls in places where high mechanical loads are possible. An alternative is to use wax mixtures that protect the wood and give the surface a semi-matt sheen.

Oil paint penetrates deeply into the wood, gives good protection against moisture, is resistant to mechanical damage. Used for decorative finishing. Disadvantages: low vapor permeability, dries for a long time, loses color over time. Acrylate paint is in many ways superior to the oil analogue: it dries quickly, does not fade over time, penetrates well into the pores, gives a rich color, and has high vapor barrier properties. Does not crack if the panels are affected by temperature extremes. This paint has one drawback - high cost.

Technology for applying protective agents and decorative coatings

A novice builder at the finishing stage has to master new technologies. You need to nail the lining correctly, know how and how to process it, and decorate it. Coating the material with the selected means is carried out in stages. Prepare the lining before processing.

  1. 1. First, it should be cleaned of contamination with a solution. To do this, dilute soda in warm water. Wash the lining with this solution. If there is an old coat of paint, for better adhesion, it is advisable to completely remove the previous coat to remove cracks and delamination.
  2. 2. Inspect the cleaned lining: remove mold, mildew, darkened stains treat with bleach. Finally, wipe the panels with a clean cloth to remove any dirt and paint residues. If there are damaged panels, they must be replaced.
  3. 3. At the next stage, we perform surface grinding. The operation is performed with pumice stone or fine-grained sandpaper. So that there are no unpolished places left, divide the entire wall into small sections and process them sequentially. Sand evenly, being careful not to rub in one place and not use too much force.
  4. 4. The final stage in the preparation of the lining for the application of products is priming. Apply a layer of primer to the wall with a brush or spray gun. The seams between the panels must be carefully processed. One layer is enough. Sometimes a paint composition is used as a primer.

By itself or with a brush. For painting, prepare two brushes: a narrow and medium - with the help of a narrow one, hard-to-reach places are painted over. In order for the coating to serve for a long time and be durable, you need to apply 2-3 thin layers. The staining order is as follows:

  • mix the paint and pour it into a small container;
  • dip the brush into the paint to half the bristles;
  • before applying, press the brush to the surface and smoothly move along the panel;
  • then the paint is similarly applied in one direction over the entire surface, without affecting the painted areas;
  • paint over corners and openings with a narrow brush.

You should start applying paint from above so that there are no drips. Apply one layer at a time to eliminate color differences. If it is necessary to interrupt, leave the work out of sight. Apply the next layer after the previous one has completely dried. We make the final layer of minimum thickness, apply with light, even movements from top to bottom.

The varnish is applied in the same way. If the product is colourable, then before applying it should be thoroughly mixed and stirred periodically during operation. In each subsequent layer we add less coloring pigment, in this case the surface after painting will acquire a deeper and more attractive shine.

Your home is your fortress, a reliable rear, a place for spiritual relaxation. Consequently, the environment in it must be consistent with all these parameters. What creates comfort and peace in the house? A matching interior, of course. To create an atmosphere of coziness, warmth and a special aura of kindness and well-being in the house, many owners use ordinary wooden lining, which has come into fashion again in recent years, as interior decoration.

But a beautiful finish, like a beautiful woman, requires a reliable protector.

Lining protection

No matter what kind of wood there would be a wooden covering, its protection must be approached with all responsibility. After all, its natural beauty and durability depend on it.

There is currently no shortage of protective equipment... What types of protective coatings exist and what properties do they have? Experts distinguish the following from them:

1. Translucent and opaque antiseptics so-called glazing and covering.

These products protect the wood from fungal growth, darkening and decay. They can serve as protection for 3 to 5 years.

Glazing, coatings, protecting the surface with a translucent film, highlight the structure of the tree, emphasize its beauty.

Covering agents not only protect, but also decorate the tree, hide its defects, highlighting its relief favorably. We can recommend: Valtti Teho, Vinha. All of them are produced by the Finnish company Tekkurila.

Video - how scuba diving works on wood:

2. Oil paints - a good and fairly common type of protection. Their distinctive feature is their special resistance to adverse natural influences.

They are well absorbed into wood and prevent deep penetration of water vapor into its structure.

Of course, slow drying and changing colors (fading) are among their negative qualities, but in general they are quite suitable for protective purposes. Durosil and Teho are commonly used types of oil paints for wood.

3. Acrylic paints retain their color and shine for many years. Protecting the wood, at the same time, they allow it to "breathe", and the substance that is part of their composition - acrylate, prevents the dye from cracking, preserving its original appearance for a long time, and can last up to 10 years. Some of the representatives are Pigna Pro and Pica Tejo.

And the most effective and popular defenders among the consumer, without any doubt, are various: polyurethane, alkyd, water-based varnishes... Which varnish for the lining perfectly protects and is best suited for the interior, as well as its distinctive features, we will consider in more detail.

Water-based varnishes - features, advantages and disadvantages

Finding varnish for the lining inside the house is not an easy task.

Connoisseurs working with various types of wood know this firsthand. First of all, they advise you to pay close attention to the water base. and their individual characteristics:

  • A high degree of protection against the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  • Durability. It is noted that they stay on the surface for 5 to 7 years.
  • Decorative features that have a positive effect on the structure of wood floors and their appearance. They do not spoil the natural color of the wood and do not give a yellow tint.
  • Environmental friendliness. They do not emit harmful vapors that have a detrimental effect on the health of household members. They do not have allergic components.
  • Fast drying (up to 24 hours) and self-leveling, which makes it possible to obtain a perfectly flat surface.
  • Fire safety. They contain components that restrain the ignition of wood.

The main feature of such paints is that, forming a transparent film on the wood surface, they do not spoil the surface texture, leaving a natural wood pattern and color.

In addition, they do not have solvents that cause an allergic reaction in the body.

Many water-based varnishes have one or two ingredients. What does it mean?

One-component ones do not contain a hardener in their base and are easier to use. However, they have a significant drawback - they are not very durable.

The two-component varnishes contain a hardener, which better protects the surface of the wood and does not allow crumbling or swelling for many years.

Speaking of water-based varnishes, experts, based on their characteristics and on consumer reviews, give them an excellent rating and believe that they are the best suited for interior decoration.

However, it should be noted that there are some minor drawbacks - you should not use strong chemical preparations when cleaning and washing. May fade. Therefore, you need to carefully choose detergents and cleaning agents, and better, on a natural basis.

Preparing lining for varnishing

So that the lacquer for the lining lies beautifully and the surface of the wood is even and pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to prepare it for painting.

First of all, you need to clean the tree from dirt, dust and remove all irregularities. To do this, you can walk over the surface with a steel or hair brush.

Then use a pumice stone and sandpaper to clean all the roughness, especially carefully at the ends and chamfers. Then the tree can be washed with warm water with the addition of 2% soda. And let it dry well. This is the first stage of preparation.

The second stage preparation is the treatment of wood with a primer. This stage is quite important. The primer fills the entire porous surface of the wood, which significantly saves the consumption of coloring matter. You can apply a primer either with a brush or a roller; many use a spray gun to speed up the process.

Now you can start the varnishing process itself.

Video - DIY painting:

Varnishing the lining with a water-based composition

Covering is not very difficult. The main thing is to know the technology of work and follow the instructions for its operation.

  • Do not dilute with linseed oil or other thinners. Water-based varnish may curdle. They are only diluted with water.
  • Do not store the dye at sub-zero temperatures, especially paint. May freeze and become unusable.
  • Stir well before use until smooth.
  • For applying varnish, it is better to use natural bristle brushes, small in diameter. They crumble less and do not leave unwanted fragments on the surface.
  • The use of a spray gun is encouraged. The varnish will be evenly distributed throughout the wood.
  • You can also use a paint roller, but with a short nap.
  • The varnish should be applied in a continuous motion along the surface, then it will lie down in an even layer.
  • It is desirable to make two or three such layers. Which will give a rich uniform color.
  • Covering the lining with each subsequent layer of varnish, it is necessary to allow the previous layer to dry. Once dry, it is best to sand each layer with zero emery paper before applying the next layer of dye. Then the surface will delight the master with a deep uniform color.

Video - final processing:


Water-based lacquers for lining have different prices. It all depends on the manufacturer and product quality. Here are some of them:

  1. PANELLILACA - a water-based mixture for varnishing walls and ceilings made of wood, produced by the Finnish company Teknos. The cost is 409 rubles for 0.9 liters.
  2. TOBAGO varnish, the same Teknos company. It is also used for interior work and is water-based. Price for 0.9 liters is 209 rubles.
  3. PANELS ASSA matt - also water-based from Tikkurila. Suitable for wood flooring. Price for 0.9 liters is 475 rubles.
  4. PANELLI ASSA semi-matt - designed for wood panels. Waterborne. Price for 0.9 liters 637 rubles.

As you can see, the prices are very different among themselves. You can decide which varnish to choose for yourself. We hope that our advice will help you make your home comfortable and safe.

To protect the interior upholstery of the house made from lining, various compounds should be used. Often, in order to protect against mechanical and other damage and moisture, the lining is coated with varnish, which will extend the life of the panels, improving their appearance. The advantage of such a coating is that the composition can be selected in the appropriate shade, which will allow to convey a certain depth of coverage and gloss.

Protection procedure

Usually, softwood and hardwood panels are used for upholstering the interior walls of premises, which undergo an aging process. Even if the species of wood was chosen, depending on the planned load on the premises. However, this unwanted aging process can be significantly slowed down.

Speaking about the list of negative factors that have a detrimental effect on the lining, the following should be highlighted:

  • FACTOR 1: Increased radiation of sunlight.
  • FACTOR 2: The increased humidity of the air, the contact of the tree with water is especially detrimental.
  • FACTOR 3: Pest beetles.
  • FACTOR 4: Mechanical damage.
  • FACTOR 5: The growth of microorganisms on the surface of the lining.

With the help of various types of impregnations and compositions, it is possible to achieve the appearance of a protective layer, which will protect the wood from the negative effects of the environment. These include temperature drops, mechanical effects, increased moisture formation, etc.

Application of water-based varnishes

Features of such compositions

Most often, compounds such as lining varnishes, which are usually used indoors, are used to protect wood.

The aqueous compositions used to treat the inner lining of the lining are made on an acrylic base, as well as on a polyurethane base.

According to their composition, they are divided into:

  • Consisting of one component... They are characterized by minimal strength, do not last too long, but are easy to use;
  • Composed of two components... These components are base and hardener. Such a composition is positioned as a varnish for Euro lining, since its protection is maximum.

The composition of the coatings does not include a solvent, which allows them to be considered highly environmentally friendly products. As for the consumption of the composition, and how to varnish the lining, it depends on the brand, as well as on how thick it is applied.

Below are approximate calculations of the quantity:

  • For planed wood - about 1 kg of varnish per 16 square meters;
  • For sawn wood - about 1 kilogram of composition per 6 square meters.

Positive sides of water-based varnishes

Speaking of water-based varnishes for wooden lining, their positive aspects should be highlighted:

  • PLUS 1: Fire safetyas the water base is unable to sustain combustion.
  • PLUS 2: High environmental friendliness. This is due to the absence of any toxic substances in the composition. This allows them to be used indoors without harm to health.
  • PLUS 3: Easy to use. instructions from the manufacturer will help. And you can do this with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • PLUS 4: Fast yellow color subject to exposure to ultraviolet rays on the coating.

An additional plus of this varnish is a large transfer area. This is especially important when spraying is applied as nothing will remain inside the spray equipment.

Negative sides

When choosing which varnish is best for the lining, study not only the pros, but also the cons of this kind of coatings. also requires a balanced approach.

Among the disadvantages are important:

  • MINUS 1: Long waiting time for drying (up to a day).
  • MINUS 2: The price is high.
  • MINUS 3: At the time of drying, humidity and temperature changes have an effect;
  • MINUS 4: During storage of the composition, attention should be paid to storage conditions: do not freeze.

It is important! Basically, if the varnish is expensive and of high quality, it can be frozen or thawed several times. However, it is best to avoid experimenting.

In fact, water-based lacquer for wooden lining is one of the most successful options. After all, the disadvantages described above are not fatal.

How to apply water-based varnish

Preparation process

Prepare the panels for painting in advance.

Accordingly, before covering the lining, we:

  • STEP 1: We carry out the process of cleaning the lining from dust, it is necessary that on the surface of the lining there is no dirt, fungal formations, microorganisms of another type.
  • STEP 2: We carry out grinding the walls of the room, you can use a simple sandpaper. It is not at all necessary to use grinders. Sanding is necessary in order to end up with a perfectly flat surface, applying a topcoat to which will give a mirror-like effect.

If you want to get the effect of a mirror surface (similar to the photo), you should use the so-called wet sanding, before which the lining must be moistened, and after processing, let it dry.

  • STEP 3: Before applying varnish, the surface should be treated with a primer, this will reduce the consumption of too expensive material. Apply the varnish only after the primer is dry.

Water-based varnishing

You can apply varnish for lining inside the house using a roller, brush, spray or swab, depending on the availability of places. Accordingly, the less available the space, the less a brush is needed so as not to go over the painted edges. Applying varnish with a brush

  • TIP 4: In order to give depth to the surface, the lining should be pre-treated with a dark-colored varnish, and then transparent, to which it is allowed to add from 5 to 10% tinting.
  • TIP 5: Several thin layers are preferred over one thick one.

In conclusion

Now you know which varnish for lining is best. Pay attention to the tips given in this article. Using water-based varnishes is a very convenient coating option for wood panels.

One of the most popular options for finishing the surfaces of a wooden house or summer cottage is sheathing with thin boards, known as lining. As a result, rooms are given a cozy feel, allowing you to relax in a healthy, environmentally friendly environment.

The impregnation for lining inside the house, which can be purchased in specialized stores and applied in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers, helps to ensure the safety of the interior unchanged for a long time. There are other products that can be used to cover wood.

Why use impregnation?

Some owners have doubts about the need to impregnate wood lining inside a suburban building. If the boards are not covered, changes will be noticeable on them after a while. With weak ventilation, blue will appear on the lining, as a result of intense sunlight it can turn dark gray.

The blueness is due to the action of microorganisms, which can be eliminated with the help of active oxidants, such as chlorine. The procedure is not very easy to perform and is accompanied by the release of an unpleasant odor.

The plaque gray from the sun can be removed by mechanical grinding of the lining, but the positive effect will not last long. It is more expedient to carry out the processing immediately after finishing the finishing, so that later there will be no problems.

In addition, the coating transforms the wood, makes the interior special. The lining, covered with a waterproof impregnation, can last longer even in an irregularly heated, damp room.

Types of compositions

How to cover the lining inside the house is an easily resolvable question, because there are many products on sale for different climatic zones and types of buildings.

Composite impregnations are designed to perform several functions, the main of which are the following:

  • decrease in flammability,
  • protection against germs,
  • improvement of appearance,
  • increased mechanical strength.

There are products designed primarily to protect the lining, and compositions created for a decorative effect. Many drugs perform several functions equally successfully.

What is the best way to process?

There are a large number of products on the market for processing wood materials. Information about the most popular drugs will make it easier for potential buyers to make a purchase.

Fire retardants

The lining located inside the house next to heating devices must be protected from possible ignition. For this purpose, they are used, which are not easy to apply on their own.

It is much more convenient to buy a lining for a summer residence, pre-impregnated with fire-fighting substances. In rooms with a moisture concentration not exceeding 70%, the lining can be coated with solutions with moderate resistance. Inside the house, the applied composition will last for a long time, it costs much less than an weather-resistant solution.


Microbiological impact is a strong risk factor for wood spoilage. They get rid of it with the help of antiseptics. Antimicrobial solutions that can be impregnated with wood, cope with biological contamination, prevent the appearance of new foci of mold and decay. Antiseptics have a pungent odor that does not fade for a long time, and you need to pay attention to this when buying, after studying the reviews on the product.

Preparations with a higher cost than conventional disinfectants can not only protect against microorganisms, but also simultaneously improve the aesthetic impression and increase the ability to repel water molecules.


Special liquids based on water, alcohol or organic solvents, which penetrate deep into the wood, create a specific color or shade, are called. The term has a foreign synonym - stain. Solutions do not protect, but only tint the wood, although there are special types of expensive wood stains with a pronounced protective effect.

Note! In any case, after applying the stain on top of the lining inside the dacha, it must be varnished. Otherwise, the tree will not retain its original appearance.

Sometimes there are dark spots on the wood planks, the appearance of which remains a mystery. You can treat such places with bleach, choosing the concentration and exposure time well. You can practice on the waste lining, see how many tones the wood base is lightened, and draw the appropriate conclusions.


Varnishes have a good protective effect in relation to the lining inside the dacha or residential building. They can also be used to cover the lining to achieve a decorative effect. Acrylic-based varnish compositions decorate the surface well, create a biological barrier on it.

Due to the minimal allergenicity indoors, it makes sense to use an aqualak. It dries longer than solutions in organic liquids, but has greater health safety. With scuba divers it is possible to create a completely or slightly matte and glossy surface.

If you add color to the solutions, you get a colored product with the desired shade. Outside, such a composition will not last long, therefore it is not recommended for outdoor use. Water-based varnishes create a vapor barrier to prevent contamination of open pores.

Note! In some modifications of the aqualak, there are additives of antimicrobial action, which significantly improves the safety of the lining inside the house.

Other compositions contain substances that neutralize the effect of UV rays. It makes sense to cover the walls with such compositions, illuminated by the sun during most of the day.

Alkyd varnish solutions have great durability, after which the coating can be preserved for 10 years. Usually inside a wooden house, summer cottages with such compounds are recommended to cover the floors. Lovers of permanent color schemes of rooms can apply alkyd varnishes to the walls. If the desire to change the interior arises earlier, you can distribute varnish of a different color on top.


To cover the lining inside the cottage, a huge group of various paints for wood can be used.

The "veteran" of the market is oil paints of all colors and shades, which stay on a dry surface for more than 7 years. After the expiration date, the paint layer may discolor and flake off, then the painting will have to be repeated. Pre-treatment of the base with linseed oil improves the fixing of pigments on wood. Drying vegetable oils cover all pores with a polymer film, which impairs vapor permeability, but improves the quality of the coating.

Note! Oil paints are the cheapest material for covering the lining, which has drawbacks.

Due to the clogging of the natural pores of the tree, the indoor microclimate worsens. During painting there is an active evaporation of the solvent, which has an unpleasant odor. Vapors of organic liquid are harmful to health, therefore painting can only be carried out in summer with open windows and doors.

Acrylate paints are also made on a harsh-smelling base, painting should be done carefully, with careful ventilation of the rooms. Acrylate paint is applied faster and easier than oil formulations, it forms an elastic, elastic coating that lasts a long time and firmly. The walls inside the cottage, painted with acrylates, tolerate winter cold well, even in the absence of heating for a long time.

Oils and waxes

In addition to drying oil, which is made from drying oils, others that are well absorbed by wood are used to cover the lining inside the cottage. They form a matte or glossy surface when gently rubbed in and then polished. Waxes have a similar chemical structure, the difference lies in the replacement of ester glycerol with a higher monohydric alcohol.

Waxes are very durable, form a shiny, even surface when properly distributed and applied to the lining. Wax coatings can last for decades in the absence of heavy mechanical stress. Glaze wax is sold ready for use. Hard waxes must be softened by melting in a water bath before application. To distribute the wax evenly, the lining must be pre-primed.

A good result will be obtained if the boards are coated with a mixture of wax and oils that combine the advantages of both components.

Features of applying impregnations

There are several types of lining, they differ in the number and shape of joints on the resulting surface. Depending on this, it will take a different amount of effort to prepare it.

In any case, before you cover the lining with any means, you must carefully look at all the boards. In the presence of dark spots, local bleaching is performed. Then the entire surface can be lightly washed with a diluted soda solution, wait until the water has completely evaporated. Only then can the wood be treated with soil and the basic composition, or immediately by impregnation.

Cracks are covered with putties for wood, everything is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper.

For a more effective fixing of the decorative layer, the wood is subjected to a primer. It is necessary to distribute the primer very carefully in the seams. To apply primer over the main part of the area, you can use a spray gun; in the joints it is better to prime with a brush.

Each product has its own application features, which are necessarily described in the manufacturer's recommendations. The accompanying documents must be well studied, the compositions must be prepared in accordance with the instructions. All funds are applied in several stages; each subsequent stage can be performed only after the surface has dried, while the final layer should be the thinnest. Following these rules will help you get a reliable and beautiful coverage.

The interior decoration of a country house must be durable, safe and durable. And if in winter it is empty and not heated, then it is also moisture resistant, since the risk of condensation in this case is very high.

Not every material can cope with such tasks, however, if you correctly process and decorate the lining made of natural ...

We paint the lining in the country: types of coatings, interesting ideas, technology

The interior decoration of a country house must be durable, safe and durable. And if in winter it is empty and not heated, then it is also moisture resistant, since the risk of condensation in this case is very high. Not every material can cope with such tasks, however, if you correctly process and decorate the lining made of natural wood, it will last for decades.

Depending on how to paint the lining inside the house in the country, it will have a different appearance: it will retain its natural pattern and shade or acquire a new one. And protective compounds for wood impregnation improve its performance.

Lining in the design of a country house

Why handle and paint the lining

Any wood material must be coated with protective compounds. Without them, the finish will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable. Paints, varnishes and impregnations have several functions:

  • Improve the appearance of the front surface of the lining;
  • Prevents natural darkening of wood;
  • Protect against mold, mildew and rot;
  • Reduces the release of resin from conifers;
  • Improves water-repellent properties, thereby preventing swelling and deformation;
  • Reduces the ability to ignite and spread fire.

Different types of coatings solve one or several problems. Therefore, for the best protection, you have to choose several formulations at once. How to paint the lining inside the house depends on what functions are assigned to the coating and what kind of finish you would like to get in the end.

Types of compositions for lining

All means for wood processing are conventionally divided into protective and decorative. Some of them need to be combined, others can be used independently. Ideally, the initial processing should be carried out before the installation of the wooden lining, so the products will be protected from adverse factors from all sides. If the cladding is already installed and coated, it will need to be removed or sanded.

Note! Euro lining, if it is made according to the standard, is already covered with protective or protective and decorative compounds.

Protective equipment

The primary tasks of these compositions are to protect the tree from pests, mold, fungus, moisture, temperature changes and extend the service life of the lining and topcoat.

Coating the lining with a protective compound before installation

Common products for treating wood surfaces:

  1. Primer. Popular base for decorative finishes. It improves adhesion, prevents moisture absorption and resin release, fills pores and hides small irregularities. Compositions with an antiseptic additive are produced, they protect the tree from mold and fungus.
  2. Oil-wax. Creates a dense film surface that perfectly repels water. Such processing is necessary for a room with high humidity.
  3. Linseed oil. Deeply impregnates wood, hardens over time. Protects from moisture and gives the lining a pronounced structure.
  4. Drying oil. Once a popular treatment tool. Today it is being replaced by more advanced formulations. Improves the hydrophobicity of wood, but the coating quickly changes color and sticks.
  5. Bleach. The material is more often used locally, where there are defects such as blue spots, natural darkening.
  6. Antiseptics. Protects the surface from pests, mildew and mildew. They are also used on the affected areas of the finish.
  7. Fire retardants. Reduces the ability of wood to ignite and spread fire.

Oil-wax and linseed oil do not require additional processing, since they give the surface a pronounced pattern, and the color can be tinted. It is also permissible not to paint the drying oil, but it will have to be updated often. Primers and antiseptics are used as a base for finishing.

Lining covered with linseed oil

Decorative coatings

It is necessary to select these compositions taking into account the state of the finish. There are tools that preserve and emphasize the natural look of wood, make annual rings more pronounced, and give a shade. Others, on the contrary, hide the drawing under a dense color layer. The first should be used if the lining is free from defects (Extra, A and AB grades) and old paint. Second, for products with multiple damages (grades B and C) and coatings that cannot be removed.

Transparent compositions for finishing wooden lining: varnishes, stain, some paints. Opaque: acrylic and oil paint, water-based paint.


For interior work, acrylic, alkyd and water-based varnishes are most suitable. They completely preserve the natural look of wood. You can add pigment to the composition, which will give the lining a shade. The lacquered surface has a glossy or matte texture. Additionally, they protect the finish from moisture, discoloration and minor mechanical damage. May contain antiseptic additives.

Lacquer coating for lining

Decorative glaze

It gives the wood a pronounced structure and any color. It does not form a film on the surface, but penetrates deeply. The material is transparent, so the lining under it should be free of significant defects. In addition to decorative, it has a protective function.

Decorative glaze shade options


Has almost the same effect as decorative glaze. It paints wood in a rich brown color of different shades. Stain is often used to artificially age the lining. It is important to take into account that it does not sufficiently protect against moisture.

Shades of wood stain

Acrylic water-based translucent paint

Forms a thin layer on the wood surface, through which the texture and natural shade of wood are visible. Such paints hide minor defects in the finish.

Translucent paint on the lining

Oil paint

Dense opaque coating. Forms a film on the surface. Can be of any shade. Retains color and integrity for a long time. This lining paint needs to be renewed approximately every 5 years. Has a pungent odor.

Coating the lining with oil paint

Acrylic paint

More durable opaque coating than oil paint. Virtually odorless, dries in a short time. Can create matte and glossy finishes. Its only drawback is its high cost.

Matt finish with acrylic paint

Water emulsion

Odorless paints, dry quickly. Forms a matte or semi-matte texture. Suitable for dry rooms only.

Water-based paint for decorating a country house

The video shows an example of a competent combination of protective and decorative coatings for lining, applied at home, without the use of special tools.

A wide selection of coatings allows you to choose absolutely any color and texture for the lining. In the conditions of a country house, it is better to give preference to the most persistent and unpretentious compositions that do not have to be updated frequently.

If the panels have a lot of defects or an old coating, then one cannot do without a dense, opaque paint. It is possible to improve the appearance of the base surface by removing the top layer of wood, but this is too laborious and time-consuming process.

An unusual combination of shades of paint for lining

The colors and shades of the lining can be combined in the decoration of one room. This technique allows you to divide a spacious room into zones. Decorate or diversify the design, highlight accents.

Color accents in clapboard decoration

Some visual effects can be achieved through the color of the finish. Light shades expand the space, dark ones, on the contrary, make it smaller. A white ceiling looks taller than a brown one.

The color scheme for the lining can match the palette of shades used in the interior or contrast.

Harmonious combination of color palette of textiles and walls

Lining processing technology

The protection and painting of the lining is performed in several stages. The first is preparation. If the finish is new, then before covering the lining, it is enough to clean it from dust with a solution of 5 liters of water and 150 gr. soda. After drying, the first coat can be applied.

If old coatings are present, sanding with a pumice stone or emery paper will be required. Better to do it with a grinder. The purpose of this procedure is to create a rough texture that easily adheres to the coatings.

Cleaning walls from old paint with a grinder

If dense paints are applied to the lining, then they can be cleaned mechanically (with a building hairdryer and a spatula, a grinder) or with special chemical solutions. Both methods do not guarantee perfect results, but it is worth trying. This option is better than painting the clapboard inside the house right on top of the old finish.

The coating can be left on, but then it should be degreased. It is imperative to remove areas with sprinkling paint, air pockets and sand to smoothness.

If there are serious defects, such as knots that have fallen out, the hole must be putty and cleaned to a smooth finish.

Application of protection

If the coating could not be applied to an unidentified lining, then you should carefully coat the joints in order to process as large an area as possible. The composition must be applied in a thin and even layer. For this, you can use both a brush and roller, and power tools. If the protection is applied in several layers, then it is important to dry each of them thoroughly before painting the lining with the following composition.


The method of applying the topcoat depends on its type. General rules for work:

  • Use two brushes (wide for the main part, narrow for the joints) or a spray gun;
  • Painting starts from the top so that random drops do not spoil the already finished surface;
  • Pass one section at a time, in a continuous line;
  • Some varnishes and paints are applied in two or three layers, each of them must dry naturally within a few days;
  • It is better to make several thin ones than one thick layer;
  • Only painted finishes should not be exposed to UV rays and sudden temperature changes.

In hard-to-reach spots for staining, you can use a foam sponge. It is best to apply the composition over the entire area in a short time. If you need to take a break, then the joint must be placed in an inconspicuous area.

Paint application with a spray gun

For interior decoration of a country house, lining is one of the best options. It does not require complex maintenance, and it is enough to restore the surface once every 7-10 years (depending on the type of coating). If you process it according to all the rules and taking into account the peculiarities of operation, the material will last at least 25 years.

How to process the lining inside the house - a quick guide

Both internal and external wall cladding with clapboard is an excellent solution for the owner who cares about the condition of his home. Interior decoration will create a cozy and healthy atmosphere in the room. The external one will protect the facade of the building from unnecessary damage.

In this article, we will dwell on why to process the lining, what protective compound is it better to do, what is the technology for applying paints and varnishes, and also how much you need to count on when painting.

How to effectively protect a tree

How to process the lining inside the house? This question is often asked by the owners who used wood in the interior decoration of their house.

Today, processing lining inside the house is not a problem. You just need to choose the right protective coating that will fit a particular room.

Some are more suitable for rooms with high humidity, others perfectly protect the boards from ultraviolet rays, and some generally increase the strength of the wood and prevent the risk of its premature abrasion.

But also an important factor in processing is that protection should look good on the boards... It should not distort the natural structure of the tree. On the contrary, its task is to emphasize the naturalness of the material used and blend harmoniously with the rest of the interior.

Most often, to protect wood, the following substances are used:

  • Antiseptic
  • Bio oil
  • Primer

Types of varnishes for woodworking

Speaking specifically, how to process the lining in the house, then the choice of protective mixtures is quite large.

1. Ground

This mixture is not only a complete primer, but also an excellent bio-protective agent. An antiseptic primer is suitable for treatment both indoors and outdoors.

Moreover, the use of a primer is appropriate even on the affected tree. The primer, along with the textured finish that is designed for protection, will prolong the durability of the board and keep it neat and tidy.

2. Protective and decorative

One of the main qualities of the mixture is that it gives the desired color to the wooden surface. By the way, protective and decorative coatings are an innovation in the paintwork materials market.

But it is very important that even when processed with such a composition, the tree structure is still visible.

They are very convenient to use, since you do not need to use a primer first for them, because they already contain antiseptics. Moreover, they are resistant to fading and temperature extremes.

Some species are suitable for use on damp wood. They are great for indoor and outdoor use.

The finish has a soft semi-matte finish. According to the manufacturers of these funds, the warranty is 8 years.

3. Aqualaki

Continuing to talk about how to treat the surface inside the house, you should definitely pay attention to water-based products. For work inside the house, professionals recommend an aqualak.

Pros of using scuba diving:

  1. Odorless
  2. Fast intercoat drying
  3. It contains no organic solvents

For external work, products with hydrophobic additives are suitable, which protect wood from dirt and moisture... Of course, it is not from the budget class, but the owner is provided with durability, ease of care.

4. Oils

Quite often, the surface of a tree is treated with oils or their combined mixtures.

Oil coating provides protection against contamination, moisture and dust, due to the fact that it penetrates deep into the structure of the tree.

An important advantage when using varnish is also that there is no solvent aroma, and you can only feel the smell of the plant on the basis of which the oil is created. Moreover, this composition is very easy to tint, with which you can get the desired shade.

Painting tools

We answered the question of how to process the lining, but one more remained: how to process the lining inside the house?

Its importance lies in the fact that all compositions are different in consistency, therefore, one should be especially careful about the selection of tools so that the application of a protective layer is convenient and effective.

An approximate list of what is required when applying paint and varnish mixtures:

  • Napkins
  • Construction scotch tape
  • Scotch bright
  • Sandpaper (# 240)
  • Tray for paint or varnish
  • Roller
  • Brushes


This process is the first stage when painting with any compound.

It is the cleaning of the boards from any dirt.

If you have difficulty choosing bleach, then it is best to use a special stain.

After the bleaching process is completed and the lining becomes a clean sheet, you can proceed to the second stage - priming. The third stage is paint application.

Whitening tools needed:

  • Roller
  • Brushes
  • Stain (bleach)
  • Solvent
  • Gloves
  • Eye protection goggles

Video - glazing of wooden surfaces:

We paint according to the rules

If the wooden surface has already been painted several times, then before applying a fresh coat of varnish, it is necessary to assess the quality.

If it is still good, then you can wipe it with a 2% soda solution.

To prepare such a solution, you need 10 liters of heated water and 300 grams of soda.

After processing with a soda solution, the work surface should be putty and treated with linseed oil. After such a procedure, all wooden surfaces in the house will be significantly transformed.

If painting the lining inside the house occurs for the first time, professionals advise adhering to a certain technology in this matter in order to avoid smudges and irregularities.

Paints should be applied with bristle tips. It is very important that it be subtle. Otherwise, a large amount of paint may become unusable. So that the pile does not leave a mark on the treated walls and ceiling, before painting, it is better to treat them with soapy water.

Also study the article - how to sheathe the ceiling with clapboard.

Video - how to properly process the walls inside the house:

Particular care should be taken when applying the final coat. For an even finish, it is best to start applying the protective compound from the top. Inaccessible places, for example, frames, plinths, the space near the batteries, are best painted over with a brush that has a diameter of no more than 5 cm.

It is best to start painting the door from the paneled side.

A dry brush will help prevent paint smudges. Upward movement of the brush will remove unnecessary flaws.

Video - painting the house inside:

The cost of work

The price of painting a lining for one square meter is approximately 280 rubles.

One square meter of the lining itself will cost the buyer about 320 rubles. But the cost of boards is significantly influenced by the wood from which they are made and its grade.

Varnish for processing wood can be bought for about 260 rubles per liter.

We hope that this article will help each owner to paint the lining with high quality, as well as to choose the right materials. Good luck with your work.

Means for covering the lining inside the house

One of the most popular options for finishing the surfaces of a wooden house or summer cottage is sheathing with thin boards, known as lining. As a result, rooms are given a cozy feel, allowing you to relax in a healthy, environmentally friendly environment.

The impregnation for lining inside the house, which can be purchased in specialized stores and applied in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers, helps to ensure the safety of the interior unchanged for a long time. There are other products that can be used to cover wood.

Why use impregnation?

Some owners have doubts about the need to impregnate wood lining inside a suburban building. If the boards are not covered, changes will be noticeable on them after a while. With weak ventilation, blue will appear on the lining, as a result of intense sunlight it can turn dark gray.

The blueness is due to the action of microorganisms, which can be eliminated with the help of active oxidants, such as chlorine. The procedure is not very easy to perform and is accompanied by the release of an unpleasant odor.

The plaque gray from the sun can be removed by mechanical grinding of the lining, but the positive effect will not last long. It is more expedient to carry out the processing immediately after finishing the finishing, so that later there will be no problems.

In addition, the coating transforms the wood, makes the interior special. The lining, covered with a waterproof impregnation, can last longer even in an irregularly heated, damp room.

Types of compositions

How to cover the lining inside the house is an easily resolvable question, because there are many products on sale for different climatic zones and types of buildings.

Composite impregnations are designed to perform several functions, the main of which are the following:

  • decrease in flammability,
  • protection against germs,
  • improvement of appearance,
  • increased mechanical strength.

There are products designed primarily to protect the lining, and compositions created for a decorative effect. Many drugs perform several functions equally successfully.

What is the best way to process?

There are a large number of products on the market for processing wood materials. Information about the most popular drugs will make it easier for potential buyers to make a purchase.

Fire retardants

The lining located inside the house next to heating devices must be protected from possible ignition. For this purpose, flame retardant impregnations are used, which are not easy to apply on their own.

It is much more convenient to buy a lining for a summer residence, pre-impregnated with fire-fighting substances. In rooms with a moisture concentration not exceeding 70%, the lining can be coated with solutions with moderate resistance. Inside the house, the applied composition will last for a long time, it costs much less than an weather-resistant solution.


Microbiological impact is a strong risk factor for wood spoilage. They get rid of it with the help of antiseptics. Antimicrobial solutions that can be impregnated with wood, cope with biological contamination, prevent the appearance of new foci of mold and decay. Antiseptics have a pungent odor that does not fade for a long time, and you need to pay attention to this when buying, after studying the reviews on the product.

Preparations with a higher cost than conventional disinfectants can not only protect against microorganisms, but also simultaneously improve the aesthetic impression and increase the ability to repel water molecules.


Special liquids based on water, alcohol or organic solvents that penetrate deep into the wood, create a specific color or shade, are called stains. The term has a foreign synonym - stain. Solutions do not protect, but only tint the wood, although there are special types of expensive wood stains with a pronounced protective effect.

Note! In any case, after applying the stain on top of the lining inside the dacha, it must be varnished. Otherwise, the tree will not retain its original appearance.

Sometimes there are dark spots on the wood planks, the appearance of which remains a mystery. You can treat such places with bleach, choosing the concentration and exposure time well. You can practice on the waste lining, see how many tones the wood base is lightened, and draw the appropriate conclusions.


Varnishes have a good protective effect in relation to the lining inside the dacha or residential building. They can also be used to cover the lining to achieve a decorative effect. Acrylic-based varnish compositions decorate the surface well, create a biological barrier on it.

Due to the minimal allergenicity indoors, it makes sense to use an aqualak. It dries longer than solutions in organic liquids, but has greater health safety. With scuba divers it is possible to create a completely or slightly matte and glossy surface.

If you add color to the solutions, you get a colored product with the desired shade. Outside, such a composition will not last long, therefore it is not recommended for outdoor use. Water-based varnishes create a vapor barrier to prevent contamination of open pores.

Note! In some modifications of the aqualak, there are additives of antimicrobial action, which significantly improves the safety of the lining inside the house.

Other compositions contain substances that neutralize the effect of UV rays. It makes sense to cover the walls with such compositions, illuminated by the sun during most of the day.

Alkyd varnish solutions have great durability, after which the coating can be preserved for 10 years. Usually inside a wooden house, summer cottages with such compounds are recommended to cover the floors. Lovers of permanent color schemes of rooms can apply alkyd varnishes to the walls. If the desire to change the interior arises earlier, you can distribute varnish of a different color on top.


To cover the lining inside the cottage, a huge group of various paints for wood can be used.

The "veteran" of the market is oil paints of all colors and shades, which stay on a dry surface for more than 7 years. After the expiration date, the paint layer may discolor and flake off, then the painting will have to be repeated. Pre-treatment of the base with linseed oil improves the fixing of pigments on wood. Drying vegetable oils cover all pores with a polymer film, which impairs vapor permeability, but improves the quality of the coating.

Note! Oil paints are the cheapest material for covering the lining, which has drawbacks.

Due to the clogging of the natural pores of the tree, the indoor microclimate worsens. During painting there is an active evaporation of the solvent, which has an unpleasant odor. Vapors of organic liquid are harmful to health, therefore painting can only be carried out in summer with open windows and doors.

Acrylate paints are also made on a harsh-smelling base, painting should be done carefully, with careful ventilation of the rooms. Acrylate paint is applied faster and easier than oil formulations, it forms an elastic, elastic coating that lasts a long time and firmly. The walls inside the cottage, painted with acrylates, tolerate winter cold well, even in the absence of heating for a long time.

Oils and waxes

In addition to drying oil, which is made from drying oils, other oil compositions that are well absorbed by wood are used to cover the lining inside the dacha. They form a matte or glossy surface when gently rubbed in and then polished. Waxes have a similar chemical structure, the difference lies in the replacement of ester glycerol with a higher monohydric alcohol.

Waxes are very durable, form a shiny, even surface when properly distributed and applied to the lining. Wax coatings can last for decades in the absence of heavy mechanical stress. Glaze wax is sold ready for use. Hard waxes must be softened by melting in a water bath before application. To distribute the wax evenly, the lining must be pre-primed.

A good result will be obtained if the boards are coated with a mixture of wax and oils that combine the advantages of both components.

Features of applying impregnations

There are several types of lining, they differ in the number and shape of joints on the resulting surface. Depending on this, it will take a different amount of effort to prepare it.

In any case, before you cover the lining with any means, you must carefully look at all the boards. In the presence of dark spots, local bleaching is performed. Then the entire surface can be lightly washed with a diluted soda solution, wait until the water has completely evaporated. Only then can the wood be treated with soil and the basic composition, or immediately by impregnation.

Cracks are covered with putties for wood, everything is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper.

For a more effective fixing of the decorative layer, the wood is subjected to a primer. It is necessary to distribute the primer very carefully in the seams. To apply primer over the main part of the area, you can use a spray gun; in the joints it is better to prime with a brush.

Each product has its own application features, which are necessarily described in the manufacturer's recommendations. The accompanying documents must be well studied, the compositions must be prepared in accordance with the instructions. All funds are applied in several stages; each subsequent stage can be performed only after the surface has dried, while the final layer should be the thinnest. Following these rules will help you get a reliable and beautiful coverage.

The better to process the lining inside the room

How to process the lining inside the house - this question worries many who use this product to decorate various rooms. Of course, the material can be left in its original form, but then it must be borne in mind that the service life of the coating will be only 5-6 years. Such a prospect does not seem entirely appropriate.

Why is this needed?

It is necessary to process the material in order to increase its operational properties and maintain an attractive appearance (to enhance the visual impression). It should be noted that working with clapboard consists of several stages, each of which is important.

So, the processing of the lining is necessary to improve the following characteristics:

  1. Resistant to fire. This characteristic allows you to increase the duration of the flame spread over the surface, the ignition time or completely prevent the occurrence of a fire.
  2. Protection of the product from mold and mildew that lead to destruction. Especially this indicator should be increased in places of high humidity.
  3. Increased resistance to mechanical damage. This property is necessary for those areas that are constantly exposed.
  4. UV immunity. Reduces color fading and drying to a minimum.

The processing of the lining allows you to extend the life of the material

The decorative factor should be noted. It consists in the fact that a substance is applied to the surface of the material that improves its decorative characteristics. Moreover, the surface can remain the same as it was originally, or completely transform.

Various types of treatment formulations

The modern market for building and finishing materials offers a wide selection of different compositions that can be used for this type of work. The processing of the lining inside the house is carried out independently, without the use of special equipment.

The processing of the lining must be carried out with special compounds.

On a note! To get a good result, you need to purchase products that have the necessary certificates, and are also produced by trusted manufacturers. The fact is that there are many fakes on the market that are not only useless, but also harmful to the human body.

Antiseptic solutions

Such substances are used in order to protect wood from the emergence of living organisms (mold, fungi, insects and even mice). The processing of the material with this drug is carried out before facing, due to the fact that it must be applied to the entire surface of the product. This procedure is especially indispensable when it is planned to use the lining on objects with a high level of humidity.

The application of an antiseptic helps to protect the wood from mold, microbes and mildew

It should be borne in mind that this solution performs exclusively protective functions. Therefore, it is applied before using decorative components. When choosing antiseptics, pay attention to the place of application. The label must state that the product is intended for indoor use.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • Each fragment is processed separately. Surface treatment on only one side will not bring the desired effect.
  • A brush and a roller are used as tools.
  • The antiseptic is applied to the entire surface in a thin and even layer. It is advisable to handle all areas - notches, corners.
  • Each element is left for a while - until it dries completely. It is necessary to avoid that the material comes into contact with each other during drying.

Work on the treatment of the lining with an antiseptic must be done separately with each element

Thus, wood is obtained that will be resistant to various microorganisms that multiply in a humid environment.

Fire retardants

These compounds are necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of fire. It is quite difficult to apply this material. The impregnation of the lining with fire retardants will be much more effective if it was produced at the enterprise. Although self-application of the substance cannot be ruled out.

The composition is divided into two groups, which differ in the mode of action:

  1. Fire retardants that prevent combustion by releasing non-combustible gases.
  2. Substances that form a protective film on the surface of the product.

Flame retardant impregnation reduces material fires

It must be understood that these solutions cannot completely protect against the effects of fire. They only increase the time it takes for the treated elements to ignite.

To know! Now there are solutions that combine the actions of an antiseptic and a fire retardant. This is a combined composition with a combination of their positive properties.


The primer is applied before applying decorative substances to the lining. This is necessary in order to increase the adhesion of materials, as well as to reduce their consumption.

Before applying varnish or paint, the lining must be treated with a primer

The outer parts of the product are processed. It should be borne in mind that priming can be single-layer or two-layer. It depends on whether the treatment was carried out with other compounds, as well as what kind of wood is used.

On a note! Currently, primers combine a lot of positive qualities. They not only reduce the consumption of subsequent materials, but also serve to protect against mold and mildew.


Stain is used as an impregnation if later it is planned to use colorless varnish or wax. It evens out the color of the wood and protects it from changes. Currently, this material has one more protective property. It includes the function of an antiseptic.

Stain improves the color of wood, and is also used as an antiseptic

Before work, you need to decide on the choice of a solution, which can be on a different basis (alcohol, water and oil). The composition is available ready-made or dry. But the method of application is completely the same.


The main task of wax is to protect the surface from damage, as well as to eliminate the likelihood of the appearance of poisonous vapors. The last factor applies to cases when the lining is used for cladding saunas and baths. That is, it is necessary to prevent the release of toxic substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Waxing must be done with a soft cloth

A purely decorative effect cannot be ruled out. The treated surface acquires a deep and even color.

The work is carried out according to the following principle:

  • A certain amount of material is applied to the surface.
  • Rub it with a soft cloth until it is completely penetrated.
  • Several coats should be applied.

Some manufacturers indicate additional conditions that are necessary for the application of wax.


The varnish is necessary in order to give the surface a beautiful appearance and protect it from damage. It is better to treat the inner perimeter of the premises with water-based acrylic compounds. This solution is transparent and translucent. If required, it can be colored by adding color.

Coating with varnish allows you to give the lining a more effective look and protect it from damage

The following application technology looks very nice:

  1. Initially, the first layer is laid - a completely transparent composition.
  2. The second layer is a translucent solution. It forms an interesting shade.

This principle allows you to maintain the natural texture of the wood.

Paints can also be used, but they are rarely used, since they completely hide the natural surface of the material.