Piggy bank of useful health tips. Piggy bank of useful tips

Useful Tips

In order not to litter your house or apartment with small things, there are various devices: organizers, cabinets, shelves, and so on.

But the problem may lie in the fact that there is not always enough money or it is difficult to find a device that is suitable in size and color. And then do-it-yourself fakes can come to the rescue and our helpful advice .

Read also: 10+ life hacks that will make your life easier

Studs are constantly lost? This problem can be easily solved by attaching magnetic tape using glue or nails to any wooden object in the house.

Housewives often have a problem - a washcloth for washing dishes is constantly lost somewhere. Just clip on plastic pocket on the faucet near the sink and the problem goes away.

In this case, this pocket is cut from a plastic shampoo bottle.

A very convenient device for storing canned food is racks. You may have these old racks, if not, you can get them at the hardware store.

A reliable headphone organizer is obtained when glued together two clothespins.

If you attach a small rail with a pre-installed rope, as shown in the photo, you get a hanger for small things.

DIY organizer

Here is such convenient organizer you can do it yourself from old small boxes.

If you have a small child, then you have probably encountered the problem of toys scattered throughout the house. The figure shows one of the options for solving such a problem. Just attach plastic trays on the wall or cabinet.

Interesting shelves for iron toys can be made from magnetic tape.

Such a stylish wardrobe can be built do it yourself from baskets and folders.

Previously, housewives knew many tricks that helped make household chores easier or make housework better. Today, there are also many similar recommendations, so we will consider the most useful tips for home that can be useful to everyone.

Cleaning of the apartment

Clean things

Household help

Kitchen tricks

And here are some useful tips for home and family that will help you become a good housewife in the kitchen. If you are making vegetable soup, avoid adding spices, especially bay leaves. It is better to supplement the finished dish with chopped herbs.

To keep wood cutting boards clean, they are treated with vinegar mixed with water.

A larger saucepan with salted cold water will help cool the prepared compote faster.

Apart from the usual tricks, there are some very helpful home tips that are also easy to follow. For example, a small amount of wine is often left on the table after a meal. In order not to pour it out, pour into molds and put in the freezer. When preparing a meal, you can use frozen wine or add it to sauces.

Each housewife periodically burns rice, what should I do? A slice of white bread placed on top will help get rid of the burnt aftertaste.

It is important to attract birds to your summer cottage that fight insects and caterpillars. They need to be fed back in winter. For this, a feeder is made from an ordinary glass jar. It must be hung horizontally on a branch with strings. The feeder is ready.

We have more useful tips for the home in stock. You can make many interesting gizmos with your own hands. If you have children, then the problem with scattered toys is familiar to you. You can make a bright box with your own hands in which the baby will put his things. You will need old postcards, glue, and a cardboard box of the size you want. Carefully glue the box with beautiful postcards. You can leave it at home, or you can take it to the dacha so that your baby has fun in nature. To make it last longer, you can glue it with wide tape.

The above tips for home are simple, but if you remember them, you can make your life a lot easier.

Useful tricks for the home. Household Secrets

Any work, including homework, requires a lot of effort. To make it easier, there are some useful home tricks. These are the things that make everyday chores and worries easier.

A few examples

We do useful things with our own hands

It is pleasant for any person to look at their own creativity, and it does not matter what it may be. The main thing is that it should be done with a soul and please the owner.

Useful do-it-yourself homemade products can be made from scrap materials, for example, you can make an original shelf from used tin cans. You can use it to store small items. But the main thing is that you can endlessly fantasize about the size and shape of the future masterpiece. First, you need to prepare the jars, remove sharp edges, if any, then drill holes in each at several points, depending on how they will be located. Fastening can be carried out with bolts or self-tapping screws to each other. You can screw it to the wall with an ordinary screwdriver, after driving a dowel into it.

Useful do-it-yourself homemade products are invented by home craftsmen not only from various materials, but also for different needs.
These can be adaptations for a summer residence or a city apartment.

Cleaning is not the most favorite activity of most women, but they do it and know the secrets of fast cleaning at home, and most importantly - without losing quality. There are many ways to help young housewives.

There is a simple way to clean the iron from stains on the soleplate.
You need to iron the salt scattered on the sheet of paper. If the iron is equipped with a steamer, then you do not even have to touch the surface, it is enough to bring the sole to the salt and turn on the steam. After that, the dirt will settle on the salt, and the ironing surface will be well-groomed and smooth.

Kitchen rubber gloves will help to remove wool from furniture, it will stick to them and you just have to wash your hands.

Gas burners get very dirty but difficult to clean. You can try the following method. Put a burner in a plastic bag, pour in a quarter glass of ammonia, leave overnight. Then wipe with a regular sponge.

Wooden boards are always in use in the kitchen. To keep them clean, you can use this tool. Clean the board from dirt with a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and water, then rub it with half a lemon, dipping it in salt.
Then rinse the board with water and rub vegetable oil into it with a towel. These useful home tricks will allow the wooden board to serve for a long time.

Cleaning the oven is tricky. Baking soda and vinegar will make things easier. First you need to clean the surface of debris, and then sprinkle soda abundantly. The vinegar should be poured into a spray bottle and sprinkled with baking soda. To achieve the desired reaction of these substances, then leave for 20 minutes, and then remove the composition with simple movements.

You can clean the blinds with a simple sock, put it on your hand, soak it in a vinegar solution in half with warm water and wipe the surface to the desired result. Marker marks can be removed using useful home tricks: using regular toothpaste, clean the mark off with a simple paper towel or rag.

You can use a microwave to remove germs from a kitchen sponge. Place a washcloth in it for a couple of minutes, which will make it safe for future use. It is important that the sponge is not dry. Using these little home tricks, you can save a lot of cleaning time and not feel like an eternal Cinderella.

Kitchen Utilities

There are useful tricks for the home, designed for cooking, to figure all of them on your own, it will take more than one year.

To beat the eggs into a lush foam, the whites are pre-cooled and a little citric acid is added, but it is better to beat the yolks warm, with the addition of sugar.

To get a beautiful crust on meat, it is coated with honey before frying or baking.

To stop the bitter onion, you need to chop it. After - pour boiling water for a couple of seconds.

To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, they must first be washed with cold water.

Any rice will become crumbly after cooking if it is pre-soaked for half an hour in cold water. - To add transparency, you can dip the cereal in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Pasta and rice will not stick together if you pour a little vegetable oil into a saucepan or rinse with plenty of cold water when ready.

In order for the salt in the salt shaker to always be crumbly, you can put several grains of rice in it. It will absorb excess moisture.

A small concentration of vinegar solution will help to give a good appearance to wilted onions or parsley.

If vegetables are immediately dipped into boiling water, then after cooking they will be much tastier. But if you start to cook them in cold water, then the broth will turn out delicious.

Any vegetables are cooked over moderate heat and salt is added only at the end. Thus, you can cook carrots for no longer than 15 minutes, then it will not lose its taste.

Milk will not burn over medium heat in a saucepan rinsed with cold water.

Applying home tricks, useful advice and the accumulated experience of many generations, even a novice housewife will feel confident.

Allocating your time


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For many of us, cleaning is the most onerous duty and the worst punishment. Often only at the moment when there is no clean space left in the house and the apartment begins to resemble a dinosaur battlefield, we doomedly begin to restore order. In fact, cleaning is quick and easy if you know the basic secrets.

We are in site set out to make your life easier and have put together a few new tricks to help you get through your homework.

Cleaning the dirtiest items in the bathroom

An old bathroom curtain will look like a store if all dirty areas and even places with yellowness and mold are rinsed with a solution consisting of equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water.

To remove germs from toothbrushes, soak them in vinegar for an hour. Then wash well under running water.

Soak the washcloths for an hour in hot water and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. Then rinse well with clean water and dry.

Wash my bath to whiteness

Hydrogen peroxide helps with limescale, yellow spots and gray surfaces. We spray it with a spray bottle on the surface of the bath, leave it for half an hour and then rinse it off well with warm water.

You can easily clean the surface of the tub by sprinkling it with baking soda and then pouring it in vinegar after a few minutes. After that, you need to lightly clean the surface with a brush and rinse with warm water.

Unwanted yellowness is effectively removed by a solution of ordinary citric acid. We make the solution from the calculation: one sachet per glass of water. Apply this product with a sponge to the surface of the bath and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

You can clean the bath to a shine and get rid of old plaque using a mixture of vinegar and salt. Mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and clean the bathroom until it is whitened.

Dealing with a dirty toilet

The toilet will sparkle with cleanliness if you use mustard powder with the addition of equal parts citric acid and cornstarch for cleaning.

You can make your own cleaning bombs to clean and freshen the toilet. Only 1-2 bombs thrown into the toilet will give not only a hygienic effect, but also a pleasant smell.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup citric acid
  • 1/2 tsp vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. 6% hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil


Pour baking soda into a bowl, add citric acid. In a second bowl, mix the vinegar and peroxide and pour this liquid drop by drop into the dry mixture. Add essential oil and form small balls with a spoon. Place the bombs on parchment paper and dry for at least 6 hours. We store the bombs in a closed glass jar.

We clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom

A regular white paraffin candle can be used to remove mildew, dark deposits and grime on the joints between tiles. To do this, you need to run the blunt end of the candle several times along the dirty seam. This will clean and protect the seams from mold and dirt.

Pour baking soda into a bowl, take it with an unnecessary toothbrush soaked in water and clean the dirty places. After cleaning, rinse the surface with warm water. The seams are as good as new!

We mix warm water with hydrogen peroxide in a 2: 1 ratio. With a brush or sponge, we clean the seams between the tiles with this solution, which then can not be washed off.

We wash the tiles

We take 15 grams of citric acid and dilute it with a glass of warm water. We wash the tiles with the resulting solution. Then rinse off with clean water.

If the tiled walls are too dirty, vinegar will help. Spray the surface with vinegar from a spray bottle, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Then we wipe the tile with a soft microfiber cloth. This method will not only wash the tiles, but also disinfect them.

We clean up the washing machine

We clean the washing machine once a quarter.

You can use ordinary citric acid to remove scale and water stone from the machine. Pour 60 grams of citric acid into the powder compartment. We run the machine for a full wash cycle at the highest possible temperature.

We are preparing a simple and effective tool that will put the washing machine in order.

You will need:

  • 2 cups vinegar
  • ¼ glasses of baking soda
  • ¼ glass of water
  • sponge


Mix water and baking soda in a bowl. Pour this solution into the powder compartment. Pour vinegar into the drum of the washing machine. We start the machine in the normal wash mode. After completing the cycle, wipe all rubber gaskets and the door with a sponge. Dry the drum with the door open.

Perfectly wash your stove

We remove fat from the surface of the stove and from small parts with an ordinary eraser. This method is used by employees of professional cleaning services.

A greasy stove can be tidied up with lemon juice and lemon wedges. Squeeze out the juice, wipe the stove with lemon and leave for 15 minutes. Then we wipe it with a wet cloth.

We clean the oven to a shine

You can clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits with a glass of ammonia and a liter of water. We heat the oven to 150 degrees and turn it off. We put a container with hot water on the lower grate, and a container with ammonia on the upper one. We close the oven door and leave to cool until morning.

In the morning, add a few teaspoons of any detergent and half a cup of warm water to the container with ammonia. We wipe the oven with a sponge with the resulting solution and rinse it with water.

There are tons of ideas to help you in your daily life. Some will be useful if you are cooking, others while cleaning the premises, and others while traveling. Here are just a few very useful ideas that you can use.

1. Use clothespins to cover the bag of chips, cereals, etc.

2. If the fly is constantly unbuttoning, use a key ring.

3. Use frozen grapes to chill the wine without diluting it with water (which forms after the ice cubes melt).

4. How to put two bowls in one microwave.

5. When the child grows up, you can make a table from the crib for different jobs.

6. Clean your sink without expensive chemicals. Pour half a cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar into the clogged sink. When the foam is gone, rinse the sink with water.

7. If you need to hang something on the wall and need to know where to drill, make a copy of the item and use it as a template.

8. Insert a tea bag into smelly shoes and it will absorb unpleasant odors.

9. Place folded newspaper at the bottom of the trash can so that it absorbs liquid from some foods.

10. If you want to reheat food in the microwave, make a hole in it and it will be heated evenly.

11. Wrap a paper towel around the beer bottle and place in the freezer to chill the drink in just 2 minutes.

12. Use a clothespin to hold the nail in place when hammering in if you're worried about hitting your finger with a hammer.

13. Some plastic packaging can be opened with modern can openers.

14. Small scratches on furniture can be "hidden" by rubbing a walnut on them.

15. The ice pack begins to drip when the ice melts. To avoid this, you can fill the sponge with water, place it in a plastic bag and freeze it. You will have your own ice pack that does not drip.

16. A razor blade can be sharpened by running the razor over old denim.

17. Want to make a sausage sandwich? Maybe you will like this option better (no naked corners)?

18. How to carefully cut several tomatoes at once without injuring your fingers or splashing the juice?

19. If you put a wooden spoon on a saucepan, then boiling water will not spill, because the spoon will burst the rising bubbles.

20. Adding a teaspoon of baking soda while boiling an egg can easily remove the shell.

21. If at work or school someone is constantly picking up your pen, insert the blue paste into the red pen. This will greatly reduce the likelihood that someone will take your pen again.

22. If you put your mobile phone in airplane mode, it will charge twice as fast.

23. Use scotch tape to get rid of the problem of blurry photos taken with your phone.

24. If you attach a small flashlight to a plastic water bottle, you get a large and bright flashlight.

25. To take your phone, money and keys with you to the beach, without getting them wet or covered with sand, you can use an empty, washed and dried plastic bottle of shampoo or cream.

26. And here's how you can charge your phone while traveling (USB cable will help, because many hotels have TVs with USB input).

27. How to quickly fold a T-shirt.

28. Here's how you can compactly fold your spare clothes.

29. If you need to use AA batteries for this or that gadget, and you only have AAA batteries, then you can use folded foil. These batteries will not last long, but in an emergency this method will help you.

30. If you want to play games on your smartphone, but pop-up ads bother you, put your phone in airplane mode.

Let's talk about our everyday life today? I know, I know, for women there is no harder conversation than talking about cleaning, but nevertheless, I decided to consider useful tips for the house with my own hands.

First advice

How to wash the microwave and remove burnt food from there?

Take a dish washing sponge and wet it thoroughly with water. Then put a drop of dishwashing liquid on it and achieve the formation of foam. Put the sponge in the microwave and heat it for 30 seconds. Then we take out and wipe the entire inner surface of the microwave with the same hot sponge.

Second tip

How to achieve perfect glass cleanliness?

Wash the glasses in the usual way using detergents, but at the very end, before wiping dry, use newspaper when wiping the glasses. The glass of your windows will shine, these are the do-it-yourself home hacks we have learned from the old times, which will be very useful in the modern world.

Third tip

Distance protection

To protect the silverware, which is still preserved in some families, you need to wrap a piece of chalk in gauze or a napkin and park it in a desk drawer.

Fourth tip

How to remove a scary stain from a new shirt?

Just imagine the situation, you put on a new blouse to work and immediately managed to put a stain on it. How, you ask? It's very simple, especially when you are dining in a terrible hurry. Personally, chalk came to my rescue, which I crumbled and rubbed generously into the stain. After a few hours, the chalk absorbed all the grease, and I rubbed off the stain.

Fifth advice

Ah, those horizontal blinds!

Each owner of such blinds has repeatedly encountered a problem - how to wipe all the slats without removing the blinds from the window. The answer lies in the old sock without - we pull it over the hand and voila - a special cloth for the blinds is ready.

Sixth tip

Getting rid of the smell on the mattress

Here we had a new and beautiful mattress, and after several years, it became ugly and smelled a little bad. Well, also, after the games of a small child with juice in his hands and from the constant bursting of sweets in bed. We take traditional soda and sprinkle it on the bed, leaving it on for a couple of minutes. Then we just vacuum and the mattress returns to a completely acceptable form.

Seventh advice

A stain on the carpet

My friend has exceptionally light carpets in all rooms and a small child who is very fond of juice and sweets. Therefore, catch a life hack from her - how to remove a stain from a carpet - take 1 part vinegar and 2 water (look at your stain), and then spread this mixture onto the stain. We cover it with a damp cloth, and then iron it with an iron.

Eighth tip

Let's continue the topic of smells - how to eliminate an unpleasant smell in an apartment?

For this, we need a vanilla concentrate (the pastry chefs grinned at this point) and an oven. We will dissolve 1 spoon of vanilla concentrate in water and put it in a preheated oven.

Ninth advice

Cleaning a wooden board

To clean a wooden cutting board, you need to add salt and soak the lemon wedges into it, and then polish the board well.

Tenth tip

How to keep the tap from stains?

Yes, easy - take waxed paper and rub the faucet well after cleaning. The special protection against grease will help keep the tap shine and clean for longer.