Work on the repair of the facade of the house. Features of repairing the exterior walls of a private house - from plaster to siding

For today, appearance, this business card private house.

Simultaneously plaster facade serves as external insulation walls.
The professionalism of the builders, the correct consistency of the system and the quality of the material used, will definitely bring you what you want to see with your own eyes.
There are two types of facade repair, current and capital.
Overhaul of the facade is carried out if more than 40% of the total volume of the facade is damaged.
Current repairs are carried out if less than 40% of the total volume of the facade is damaged.
Various modern building materials are used for facade plastering, the choice of which increases every year, manufacturers provide materials of different price categories.
It is important to understand and take into account two points, you need to purchase only high-quality material and choose builders who know their business, subject to two points, you can achieve the desired result.
IN different regions Russia has a different climate, so do not forget about it.
Plastering works are carried out on various buildings, in particular on private houses, office buildings, etc.

Consider Maintenance facade, the description will be concise, before starting work, you need to carry out preparatory work, lay hardboard on the blind area of ​​a private house, this will prevent damage to your blind area, collect scaffolding, hold a shelter scaffolding protective mesh (kapron). This will prevent accidental drops. building tools during the work of builders, as well as additional protection from ultraviolet radiation and precipitation.
To carry out tapping of the entire plane of the facade, tapping of some baying places, this is a mistake that will lead to additional costs.
If you need to organize the jointing of cracks, perform this operation with the help of a grinder and a disk. Next, we apply concrete contact with a brush or roller, after which we carry out plastering work in places where the baying places were beaten off, it is imperative to apply a deep penetration primer over the entire plane of the facade.
AND finishing layer this is the application of paint, the paint is applied in 2 layers, the consumption depends on the surface of the facade, the minimum drying time for 1 layer is 12 hours, during precipitation, these works cannot be performed, the minimum air temperature should be at least 5 degrees Celsius. There is a term in construction,> when doing work in the above season of the year, they follow a number of rules that allow you to achieve the final result.
To carry out the purchase of lumber and technical film, in the end we get the so-called> inside which they will work daily heat guns, this is all and allows plastering work to be carried out at temperatures less than 5 degrees Celsius, but we always advise our customers not to move into late autumn, one of the reasons is energy costs.
Let us briefly consider the overhaul of the facade, this is a more expensive repair option, and do not forget that it is carried out when the damage from the entire plane is more than 40%.
The temperature conditions are the same as during the current repair.
Overhaul operations are more complex, and compliance with all norms will lead to what you want to see.
The overhaul of the facade, if the building is new, is carried out when the building is fully built, it has completely shrinked, not less than 6 months, since during this type of work there is an additional load on the walls and foundation.
The facade of the house must be prepared, dust removed, mechanically knocked down irregularities on the base, after proceeding with the application of a deep penetration primer, in dusty or very windy weather, these works are prohibited.
After application, allow the primer to dry, arrange a source of water supply and electricity in advance.
Prepare the mixture strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions to prevent extra expense material.
It is strictly forbidden to prepare in a concrete mixer.
Consumption depends on the thickness of the plaster layer, the minimum is 10mm.
More than 20 mm, in this case it is necessary to use a metal facade mesh to avoid slippage of the layer and the appearance of cracks.
After finishing plastering work, steadily apply a primer that improves adhesion. Last layer depends on the desire of the customer.
Properly executed sequence will provide you with durability, impact resistance and beautiful view Houses.
The overhaul of the facade solves two issues in parallel, this is external insulation, after which heating costs in the winter season will drop by 15-20%, and the second, while the interior of the building remains unchanged, which is important for each client.
There is another popular type, the stucco facade.
Consider >, modern and in demand, in comparison with cosmetic and overhaul, in practical side cases, the implementation of this type is more difficult and has more complex operations.
By more plaster facades are primarily intended for insulation and then as an aesthetic appearance.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, cover all elements with a technical film, in particular, window and door openings, a plinth and a blind area.
Next, carry out the installation of scaffolding, start inspecting the facade, then mechanically tap the facade with a rubber hammer, you need to pay attention to the baying places on the facade, we knock them twice, this is if plaster was previously applied to the base.
If the cake is turnkey, then a visual inspection of the base of the building is carried out, then we carry out priming of the walls, we recommend CERESIT with a deep penetration primer ST-17 brand.
We give the primers 2 hours to dry completely, it is possible to apply if the air temperature is plus 5 degrees.
We recommend insulating the facade of the house, we recommend a minimum layer of insulation of 100 mm, it can be more than 100 mm, it all depends on the client's budget, we use mineral basalt wool, for several reasons, we highlight the main one in the first place, it belongs to the class NG material.
On each plate of insulation is applied with a notched trowel, plastering adhesive mixture, consumption per 1 sq / m2 6 kg.
After that, we gently press the insulation, then the next stage is the application of a reinforcing layer, the reinforcing layer is made of plaster adhesive solution, the reinforced layer is applied in a thin layer, after which we proceed to the installation of the facade alkali-resistant mesh, which does not decompose.
After installing the mesh, apply a layer of plaster.
After applying the plaster, be sure to apply a primer.
The finish is solely on the client's desire and budget.
A well-known option is decorative finished plasters.
Two types of insulation are used for plaster facades, mineral basalt and expanded polystyrene. Compared to costs, mineral basalt wool is more expensive, formed from several points, the volume of the batch and the season of the year.
There is another way of applying plaster, namely, mechanized application by a plastering station, there are also certain advantages of this method.
Speed, noticeably easier and faster than by hand.
Less material consumption, dry material for the machine will be cheaper than a mixture for the manual method.
High quality mortar preparation, due to its mixing with a plastering station, the mixture consumption for square meter less.
Good adhesion of the mortar to the wall surface,
savings on additional finishing works ah, you can immediately start applying the finish coat,
reduction in the wages of builders.
When performing plastering work, it is required to have construction tools. Building level two meters long, knife and hacksaw front,
perforator, creating holes for dish-shaped facade nails, and a nozzle for mixing the solution,
grinder, paint brushes, notched trowels and ordinary ones for plaster, tape measures including laser, metal and plastic buckets, broom, scoop and small consumables.
Practice the following thickness of the plaster layer of plaster. The use of a thin layer will not block the unevenness of the facade, as well as natural precipitation instantly penetrate into the cake. Drying will not take place evenly, but in separate sections, at first glance it seems that the painting was carried out at different times. In fact, this means that parts of the facade dried out at different times.
This clearly means that the surface was not prepared in advance for plastering. This situation an ordinary phenomenon, like the unevenness and negligence of performers.
The base, which has been in a cold state for a long time, it is possible that the formation of thin-layer ice and cracks will occur. Later, practice shows, we see negative adhesion. The facade in this state will begin to bubble. In such situations, so-called long-term construction or delays in delivery occur, since finishing work needs to be carried out, spots will also form. Your choice fell on decorative plaster, it is necessary to prepare the facade, without fail, treat the walls with a primer.
A wet facade is acceptable for the basement of the house, it is also necessary to carry out preliminary work, in particular, waterproofing should be ready and a blind area of ​​​​the house should be made.
Performance " wet facade» possible, including for multi-storey construction.
It is necessary to remember and know that everything has its pros and cons, this did not bypass the facade arrangement system according to wet technology. Exceptionally, these works are carried out only in the warm and daylight hours of the year. In addition, bad weather can interfere or slow down the work.
, which will cause it to pause for a certain amount of time. If you do not take this moment into account, then stains will remain on the walls.
When choosing this type of plaster insulation with outer side buildings, there will be no condensation inside, which, as everyone knows, leads to the following troubles, to the formation of mold and fungus.
The plaster facade also serves to protect the insulation from the effects of weather factors and at the same time solves the architectural and aesthetic issues.
The service life of a plaster facade is about 25-30 years. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account the region in which the work is carried out, with strong humidity, any type of facade serves a much shorter period.
The service life is also affected by the following, amateurism of builders, poor-quality material was purchased or increased humidity or work performance. Such a violation leads to the following, that after a short period of time, the layers of the cake will undoubtedly begin to lose their quality under the pressure of precipitation, rain, snow, sun.

Insulation from the outside of a residential building has acquired a large-scale mass character, including for this reason that the cost of each insulation is quite budgetary, which means that those who have a small income can afford the purchase of these materials. Many people know that the prices for insulation are practically unchanged, so this plaster facade, for insulating a house, will steadily remain profitable. There are enough customers who have chosen and completed the insulation of their home in this way, and over time did not regret their choice, and changes were definitely noticed in better side, in parallel, it should be noted that after the above work, customers in winter period began to incur lower heating costs.

And we steadily advise our future customers, when choosing a type of facade, it is worthwhile to conduct an antithesis of all types of facades, to understand the pros and cons of each of them, if possible, to study the technology of each of them, it is necessary to understand what material is used when choosing a particular facade, pay attention to the choice contractors, on which a lot depends, including the final result.
Also, do not deprive attention to the choice building materials, on which the result, quality, durability and aesthetic appearance of the plaster facade also depend.
Do not forget about the season of the year, remember in which quarter it is better to perform plastering work, because, as you already know, not everything depends on quality material and builders who know their business, nature plays an important role.

And a reminder, since these works are classified not only as heat-insulating, but also decorative, their implementation is possible only after the installation of the roof has been completed, high-quality waterproofing foundation, summed up and connected all the necessary communications, air conditioning and ventilation, carried out floor screed and interior finishing work.
One of the main distinguishing features of a wet facade is the layering of the cake, and each layer has a strictly defined task, the plaster is responsible for fixing the structure, the insulating layer performs the task of insulation, the reinforcing layer of the cake is responsible for the strength of the structure and ensures and facilitates the process of applying the finishing layer of the cake.

The StroyProekt company will repair the facade in Moscow and the Moscow Region. We work with objects of any level of complexity and degree of damage. Our masters pay special attention to the quality of the materials used. Works are carried out in strict accordance with existing technologies. This guarantees a long lasting result.

What tasks does facade repair perform?

  1. decorative function;
  2. protection load-bearing structures from negative factors environment;
  3. thermal and waterproofing.

Over time, under the influence of dust, moisture, temperature changes and aggressive substances (for example, contained in exhaust gases), the coating becomes unusable. Timely repair of the facade will help restore the integrity of the protective materials and restore the aesthetic appearance of the building. These works must be carried out with a certain frequency. It is due to the characteristics of the environment, the nature of the materials and technologies used.

If you ignore the repair of the facade of the building, the wear rate of the supporting structures will increase. The service life of the structure will be significantly reduced. The cost of maintaining it will be very high with no guarantee of a positive result. Regardless of the level of reliability, facade materials it is necessary to periodically check and carry out repairs (cosmetic or capital).

Damaged lining poses a threat to human life. Falling off tiles, plaster and other materials can cause injury. Therefore, the facade must be carefully taken care of.

Capital repairs of the facade

The overhaul of the facade of the house involves filling and waterproofing all cracks, seams and other damage to the bearing surface.

Priming provides sufficient adhesion for fixing plaster materials, after application of which the installation of the cladding is carried out.

Overhaul of the facade is chosen, guided by the degree of damage. In the presence of minor defects that do not affect the functional characteristics of the cladding, it is enough to restore its integrity.

For the final outdoor coating, tiles are used, natural and fake diamond, decorative brick, porcelain tile, siding. When restoring historical buildings, materials are chosen that are as close as possible to the original ones.

The repair of facades in Moscow is completed by the application of hydrophobic coatings. This provides additional protection against moisture and aggressive substances, and also extends the service life.

Upon completion of the work, the building receives an aesthetic appearance and properly functioning external elements. A wide range of products and materials will guarantee the impeccable quality of the implementation of the tasks.

  • scope of work;
  • urgency;
  • degree of damage;
  • the nature of the materials used;
  • building features (for example, the need for industrial climbers).

In our company, the cost of facade repair is determined individually for each client. We are evaluating the project. Based on the information received, the most suitable technologies repair. Our masters will restore and modernize the old protective coatings.

Redecoration of the facade

The most common purpose of facade repair is to restore the aesthetic appearance of the structure while maintaining the functional parameters of the cladding. To achieve this goal, periodic redecorating facade. The cost of this procedure is more affordable than a major restoration.

Facade repair is carried out to improve the functional characteristics of the cladding:

  • increased moisture protection;
  • ventilation device;
  • additional thermal insulation.

Changing the appearance of the building is one of the most significant tasks repair work. Restoration of historical objects, including facades, is carried out in the presence of appropriate permits from specialized state organizations.

Redecoration of the facade of a building in Moscow and the Moscow region extends the term safe operation structures. Bearing elements are reliably protected from moisture, temperature extremes, fungus and mold, which can reduce the comfort of staying inside.

We work with any facades. Our goal is to restore or update their appearance, as well as improve their protective performance. Wear is most susceptible to plaster coatings and tiled cladding. They are slowly deformed and destroyed under the influence of moisture and temperature changes. Temporarily stop this process will help the immediate repair of the facade of the building. Our experts will select materials that ensure a long service life of the coating.

To a lesser extent, facade repairs are required for ventilated solutions. Thoughtful multi-layer construction provides effective removal moisture, as well as protection against low and high temperatures. Maximum reliability and durability is ensured by the correct implementation of ventilated facade technologies. Such work requires high precision and control. If the owner of the object decided to save in favor of poor quality materials, soon the facade of the house will need to be repaired, possibly overhauled.

We can offer our customers other types of facades

Rushing rhythm modern life does not tolerate delay. Using new materials and technologies that have appeared on construction market, it became quite feasible to perform facade work and in winter time.

Do not consider the cold season as some kind of obstacle. Facing the facade of the house in winter will save you time and finish construction earlier. The procedure is as follows:

1) Installation of scaffolding. It is performed in the same way as in the summer, without any differences.

2) Installation of moisture-proof film around the perimeter. It is needed to maintain a stable temperature directly on the outer walls.

3) Installation heating appliances. For this, devices powered by electricity or gasoline can be used. Heaters that form soot are absolutely unacceptable so as not to spoil the appearance of the building.

After installing the film, thanks to the heating, the necessary microclimate will be formed and it will be possible to carry out repairs at a temperature under the tent of about 5-8 degrees Celsius. In the language of workers, such a simple structure is called a "teplyak". It provides comfortable conditions for decoration in winter and protects from snow and gusts of wind.

The surface of the walls of the house must be dry, without snow or ice. Work in winter is carried out with the help of special masonry mortars designed for use in conditions low temperatures. Under no circumstances should the solution be prepared with hot water.

Contact our team right now, and experienced specialists will help you calculate the amount of work required, their approximate cost and lead time.