What is a toilet installation and how to choose the right model. What is installation: subtleties of choice and parameters of certain models

There can be completely different approaches to the layout of the space in the bathroom and in the bathroom. Fortunately, the further, the more options for the location of plumbing. Modern systems installations allow you to economically place all devices so that each square millimeter was in the account. The days when 40% of the bathroom area was occupied by His Majesty the toilet are already over. Today we will consider the scheme of overthrowing the dictatorship of the toilet bowl, it is called by the intelligent term "installation".

What is a toilet installation

With very small areas of the bathroom, and especially in combined bathrooms, the installation of plumbing allows you to save a lot of space without limiting the functionality of the devices, and often on the contrary, increasing it. Can't it be? As much as he can. Look at the photo and everything will become clear.

Plumbing installation is a device mounting system that allows you to place plumbing fixtures anywhere. All communication connections and connections are hidden by the bezel. We see only the device itself and the neat flush button.

Types of installations

Some of them are adjustable in height within a meter. According to the layout of the system, installations can be of the following types:

  • double-sided systems that allow you to hang equipment from both sides of the partition, and the flush button is installed on the upper end of the partition;
  • corner installation systems, they allow you to place all or almost all of the equipment in the corner, if there is such a need;
  • linear installation systems are the most popular systems that combine an unlimited number of devices into one linear unit.

There are several more criteria by which they assess the need for certain advantages that the installation for the toilet has. How to choose and how to install, we will figure it out after we consider the types of structures for fastening. By by and large, they are all suspended, but there are two nuances

Elements of the installation system

Everything is simple here. The installation, as such, is metal structure, to which the entire plumbing communication system is attached. Also, brackets, pins, squeegees, clamps for faience and a toilet tank are fixed to the structure. It is of key importance in the reliability of the structure, so it is molded from durable plastic, all gaskets are made of expensive silicone material, and the noise level meets the standards for toilets in the EU, it turns out there are some.

The toilet itself is nothing special and with the installation you can install both a floor-standing and a suspended version. The drain button is selected separately from the communication system, which is hidden behind the bezel, but it can be either the simplest one with a mechanical drive, or with a remote control and a pneumatic drive. The button can also have additional functions: stop-flush, dual-mode flush buttons, as well as infrared proximity buttons.

Installing the installation

The entire installation system must be installed ideally correctly, because later it will be buried under the false panel and it will be somewhat problematic to get to it. This is why the installer takes responsibility for every coupling and every gasket. Hence the corresponding cost of the system.

And then the bathroom, even in the cramped Khrushchev, will become spacious, comfortable and extremely aesthetic.

), .. 1) the technique of artistic exposure, thanks to which a work or their combination is actively distributed in space, becoming like a developed stage structure that occupies entire halls. Is a purely technical principle of exposure, in contrast to environmental, which is already a special kind of art

2)] Installation work, installation of structures, wiring of the lighting network, assembly of the air conditioning system, etc.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .


See what "INSTALLATION" is in other dictionaries:

    installation - and, w. installation f. Dipl., single Count Chernyshev reports that the king not in Windsor kept the first cavalry of the Order of the Garter, ... and that the formal installation is being repaired, as is custom, in the church of that order. 1749. AB 3 72. 1. The Masons ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    - [eng. installation installation, equipment] claim. a modernist work of fine art using various kinds of textures household items, machine parts, etc. Dictionary foreign words... Komlev N.G., 2006. installation ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    The process of installing a software product on a specific machine, for a specific user. Installation is carried out using a special program supplied by the developer. In English: Installation Synonyms: Installation See also: Software ... ... Financial vocabulary

    This term has other meanings, see installation. Contents 1 Some slang expressions ... Wikipedia

    The process of installing a software product on a specific machine, for a specific user. Installation is carried out using a special program supplied by the developer. Installation in art is a spatial composition created by ... ... Business glossary

    Present, number of synonyms: 2 video installation (1) electrical installation (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 201 ... Synonym dictionary

The word "installation" appeared in the Russian language relatively recently. It is borrowed from English vocabulary and has whole line values.

Installation art

In the visual arts, this is the name for a modernist work in which ready-made parts or objects are used. For instance, plastic bottles, buttons, old magazines.

They are combined in a special way and placed in space. As a result, familiar things take on new meaning.

An installation is also called an artistic method of composition. When an exhibit or their combination is placed in a hall, creating a certain structure, similar to a stage one.

Installation should not be confused with environment. Installation is just a technical moment in creating an exhibition composition. And the environment is modern look art.

This is one of the most "advanced" art practices. In which a team of artists, architects, engineers creates an integral, non-utilitarian art space.

Term for programmers

For those who use a computer, the word "installation" is also familiar. This is the name of the time during which the installation takes place software on computer. The installation is started using a special program recorded, for example, on a CD-ROM.

The installation process takes place in automatic mode... The user only makes a choice of some settings and the computer disk on which the program will be stored. The installation includes placing and creating the files needed to normal work programs.

Installation and service

The word "installation" is also used by those who are engaged in the installation and maintenance of equipment. It can be different: medical, drilling, refrigeration.

When equipment is complex, it not only needs to be delivered and installed, but also brought into working order. Make adjustments and adjustments. The specialist must be well versed in the equipment itself, have extensive knowledge in the field of its application.

Installation for the "white friend"

This technical term takes on a slightly different meaning when it comes to plumbing equipment... In particular, about toilets.

Recently, toilet bowls, which are not attached to the floor, but to the wall, have been in great demand. They are more practical to use, take up little space, and are hygienic. Toilet wall mountings are also called installations.

They are constantly improving. There are designs that allow you to adjust the height of the toilet.

There are words that have not one but several meanings. For example, the word installation is what? What exactly does it mean? Sometimes we hear that somewhere there was an exhibition at which installations of such and such an artist were presented, and then, on the computer, we see the inscription "Installing the program" on the screen. We call the master home to replace the plumbing and again hear from him the mysterious word installation; we are looking for work on the Internet and suddenly we come across such a field of activity as installation and service ... Well, my head is spinning from this universal word! Meanwhile, everything is simple and clear if you know its meaning.

Light installations

Recently, light installations have become especially popular all over the world. Such unusual art objects are found in many capitals and large cities planets.

Glowing objects of a wide variety of shapes and colors give the city streets and squares a fantastic festive look. Apparently, this art form has a great future.

The choice of modern plumbing in our time is so great that, coming to a specialized store, it is easy to get lost in the models and designs of various objects and devices. Therefore, when planning to make repairs in the bathroom, it is best to understand in advance the purpose and arrange the devices and accessories necessary for it in order to immediately assess the possibility of connecting them to the water supply and sewerage system.

The toilet is a necessary plumbing fixture that, during overhaul usually changes without fail. There are two main types of toilet bowls - the traditional, that is, floor-standing, and the less common, but rapidly gaining popularity, the suspended version. An ordinary, familiar and time-tested device is installed on the floor and does not cause doubts among users about its reliability. But when choosing the second option, questions often arise, and one of them is a wall-hung toilet with an installation, which one to choose, so that it is reliable and durable.

It should be noted that suspended structure has a number of advantages over a traditional toilet. Such pronounced advantages include:

  • It becomes possible to completely hide in the wall or decorative box all plumbing communications, which often violate the aesthetics of the design toilet room.
  • The suspended structure will eliminate the need to secure the toilet to the floor.
  • In addition, the floors under the toilet become completely free, and this accordingly entails the following benefits:

- it is possible to install a "warm floor" system over the entire surface of the bathroom floor without resorting to complex bypass configurations of pipes, cables or heating mats;

- the laying process is greatly simplified ceramic tiles for the entire floor, there is no need for complex cutouts in this fragile material;

- if the tile is already laid on the floor surface, then you will not need to think about how to fix it on top floor-standing toiletwithout damaging the coating;

- the owners have the opportunity to freely carry out cleaning in all corners of the room, which is very important for maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom;

- the advantage is the compactness of the design, which allows you to make the most efficient use of the already small area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom;

  • The installation of a wall-hung toilet is a reduction in the noise level from draining water, since the tank is built into the wall or box.
  • The system, as a rule, assumes two levels of water discharge intensity, which helps to significantly save on water consumption costs.
  • And, of course, the aesthetic side of the issue remains extremely important - hanging toilets really look very advantageous.

To make a choice suspended version, it will not be enough to get information about the toilets themselves - you will need to first figure out what the installation is, and what it can be.

What is an installation and its design features

An installation is called a frame system that is built into the wall or a decorative box on which all the elements of a wall-hung toilet are fixed, as well as a cistern, valves, plumbing and sewer pipes, other devices or mechanisms. Design features include the following:

  • The cistern installed in the installation is made of plastic, not ceramic. This is done on the basis that the polymer is always lighter than the ceramic, which significantly reduces the load on the frame system. And the external data of the tank are not taken into account - it will still not be visible.
  • The tank designed for this system differs from the usual one in that the drain button is on its front panel, while in traditional tanks it is located on top of the tank.

  • IN suspension system the design of the drain button differs from a conventional tank also in that it consists of two sectors, one of which provides a full drain of water from the container, and the second only half or even ⅓ of the total volume. This is especially important in cases where you have to pay for water according to the readings of the water meter.
  • After the complete installation of the structure, only the drain button and the toilet itself, fixed by weight, will come out into the bathroom.
  • There are two ways to attach the installation - only to the wall surface, or to the wall and to the floor. Both mounts are reliable enough and capable of withstanding a weight load of up to four hundred kilograms.
  • Suspended systems can be supplied with toilet bowls with different modern forms and a convenient water distribution system when draining it, which greatly facilitates the care of the bowl, as well as for a long time keeps her "new" appearance.
  • It is very important to know that the dimensions of a niche or box for installing plumbing should ideally match the parameters of plumbing elements. Therefore, when considering an acquisition such a system, the place of its installation must be measured in advance. There are models equipped with sliding top drains that can be set to the desired width, but in this case the load on the wall will be significantly increased.

Criteria for choosing an installation for a wall-hung toilet

To do right choice installation for a wall-hung toilet, it is required to take into account some features:

  • First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the parameters of the place where it is planned to mount the system, since it is by them that you will need to navigate when purchasing an installation. In case if the right size it was not possible to pick up the frames, you will have to purchase a model equipped with movable elements that allow you to adjust the frame according to the parameters of the niche intended for it.
  • If you plan to purchase a kit immediately with a toilet, then special attention you need to pay attention to its design and workmanship. This item overall design is especially important, and the criteria for its selection will be considered separately below.
  • Having chosen the required installation model, it is necessary to conduct a thorough check of its configuration, since in the absence of individual parts sometimes it is impossible to carry out a complete installation of the structure. The installation kit may include different parts, but it is recommended to purchase a structure that has the following elements:

- supporting frame;

- a set of fasteners;

- cistern;

- key cistern;

- adapter for flush elbow;

- soundproof materials.

  • It is very important to take into account the method of installation of the structure, since sometimes additional fasteners will need to be purchased to the general set.
  • It must be remembered that for some models it is very difficult to find a replacement - it is also better to think over this factor in advance by studying customer reviews. If one of the necessary parts is not included in the factory package, then it is better to immediately pick it up and purchase it with the installation, otherwise it would be wiser to refuse such a purchase altogether. Do not rely on the seller's words that the missing items can be easily found anywhere else. It is absolutely not logical - if it is not in the assortment of the store that implements the installation, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to pick it up in other retail outlets.
  • It is important to decide on which wall the structure will be fixed to. If it is a main wall, then the installation is carried out using anchor bolts... If they are not included, they will have to be purchased separately.
  • In some cases, although the flush button is included in the kit, it is possible to choose a different model of it, which you like more for its design or for the presence of one or two buttons on its panel. Which button is better to choose will depend on the preferences of the buyer, but double buttons will help save on water consumption.

Basic types of installations for wall-hung toilet bowls

Installation for a wall-hung toilet can be one of three types of design. How they work is worth understanding in more detail.

  • The block installation is a plastic tank enclosed in a solid metal reinforcement frame. The kit with this system necessarily includes fasteners for installing the toilet. The block design is most often built into the wall completely, and it is used not only for wall-mounted, but also for floor-standing toilets.

The best option for the place of its installation will be a ready-made niche in the room of a combined bathroom or separate toilet. Quite often used as a niche back wall toilet room, which is then closed decorative partition from drywall.

This type of structure is attached exclusively to the main wall of the room.

TO positive sides block installation can be attributed to its affordable price.

  • The frame structure of the installation is metal framewith high strength and reliability. It can be mounted on the wall, at four points, or on the wall and on the floor.

The obvious advantages of this type include the fact that it can be installed on any wall by design. The frame must be equipped with elements for securing the toilet, a drain system and sewer outlets.

Such a frame can be fixed on a straight wall section or in the corner of a room. In addition, the design is suitable not only for hanging the toilet, but also for the washbasin, as well as for the bidet.

  • Corner frame installations are used if it is planned to install a toilet (bidet, sink) in the corner of the room in order to save space. They are fixed on the wall or on the wall and floor. Their design is quite reliable and stable, but the price for such frames is usually much higher than for the two previous fastening systems.

Overview of installation models for wall-hung toilet bowls

When choosing an installation system for installation in a specific place, you need to take it into account design features... It should be remembered that the frame will be completely hidden in the wall or behind the partition, so there will be no permanent free access to it. And this, in turn, means that it is best to immediately acquire quality product and reliably install it so that you do not return to this issue.

The table below shows examples of installations for wall-hung toilet bowls. The selected models are those that have earned high marks both among plumbing installers and among consumers who have tested this equipment in practice. However, as you can see, there are practically no 100% perfect products. A more detailed analysis of these models will be given below the table.

Model name, country of originItems included in the kitType of constructionRating on a 10-point systemApproximate price, rubles (April 2016)
"Cersanit DELFI Leon",

- installation;
- hanging toilet;
- drain button;
- fasteners.
Framework8 7500 ÷ 7800

- installation;
- fasteners;
- tank;
- button for draining.
Frame height 1130 mm.
Framework10 11500 ÷ 14600

- installation;
- flush button with two buttons;
- soundproofing pad;
- a tank with a double flush;
- fasteners;
- branch pipes with rubber cuffs for docking with a toilet.
The height of the structure is 1120 mm.
Framework10 12000 ÷ 12700
Geberit Duofix UP320,

- installation;
- a button designed for dual flush.
The height of the structure is 1120 mm.
Framework10 12300 ÷ 14500
"Wisa 8050",

- installation;
- hanging toilet;
- flush cistern;
- toilet seat;
- flush button;
- fasteners;
- soundproofing pad.
The height of the structure is 1180 ÷ 1380 mm.
Framework8 22000 ÷ 28800
"Jika Zeta",
Czech Republic

- installation;
- hanging toilet bowl oval;
- a tank with a double flush;
- double flush button;
- fasteners;
- seat and cover with microlift.
Framework7 11000 ÷ 12500
"Roca Debba A34H998000",

- installation;
- a tank with a double flush;
- a suspended toilet bowl of a square shape;
- seat and cover with microlift;
- fasteners.
Framework9 17900 ÷ 19800

And now - the promised reviews, both positive and critical, of those consumers who have already tested these models in their bathroom.

  • "Cersanit DELFI Leon" - installation with a wall-hung toilet, made in Poland. It has a very affordable price compared to other manufacturers, in which even the kit does not include a toilet. The model belongs to economy class products, but, despite this, it has quite positive reviews.

Consumers did not have any complaints about the quality of fasteners and plastic elements. Problems may arise if the tank mechanism breaks down, the components for which cannot be found, and you will have to completely replace this element with a new one.

From the reviews about this design, you can highlight its advantages and disadvantages:

The positive aspects of the Cersanit DELFI Leon model include:

- reliability - for some users it works smoothly for 5 ÷ 7 years;

- affordable cost of the kit.

Cons of the product:

- sometimes the drain button sinks;

- fixing pins are 240 mm long, therefore they are not suitable for all walls;

- it is almost impossible to find replacement parts;

- plastic adapters go to the collapsible frame.

  • GROHE Rapid SL (38750001)- this kit is made in Germany. It does not include a toilet, therefore, when purchasing it, you need to calculate certain costs for this accessory as well, since it is desirable to select and buy it at the same time as the installation. However, despite this drawback, there are more positive reviews about this product than negative ones.

The design has a strong, reliable frame with a high-quality anti-corrosion coating. The installation is fixed to the floor and walls. In order not to run into a fake, it is recommended to carefully study the details of the construction - they should be affixed with the GROHE logo.

high quality execution;

- durability and reliability;

- ease of installation;

- manufacturer's warranty - 5 years.

Design flaws:

- lack of a toilet bowl;

- quite high cost;

- there are fakes for this model on the market.

  • "TECE" (9.400.005)made in Germany also deserves positive feedback not only from users, but also from specialists.

Design advantages:

- the tank is filled with water absolutely silently;

- soft travel of the flush buttons;

- easy to find components in case of breakdown;

- easy access to all structural elements;

Only one factor can be attributed to the conditional disadvantages - this is a rather high price, also taking into account the fact that the toilet bowl is not included in the kit.

  • Geberit Duofix UP320 made in Switzerland. The good thing about the installation is that it can be mounted in areas of the bathroom where other models will not work, for example, when the pipes running behind the toilet interfere with the installation. This is made possible by the fact that the kit includes powerful 500 mm long fixing pins.

The advantages of this product include:

- high-quality assembly;

- design reliability;

- ease of installation;

- the ability to find spare parts;

- manufacturer's warranty - 10 years.

Obvious shortcomings, with the exception of the high price, could not be formulated

  • "Wisa 8050" - this Dutch-made installation is distinguished by its reliability and stability in operation. The frame of the system frame is powerful and heavy, so it is quite difficult to attach it to the surfaces of the wall and floor, but if it is mounted efficiently, then absolutely no questions will arise during operation.

"Pluses" of the design:

- the presence of a toilet bowl with a lid equipped with a microlift.

- high quality and reliable assembly;

- except for direct, produced corner option installations;

- adjustment in height is possible, which is very convenient when setting up the structure.

"Cons" of the model:

- quite high price;

- pretty complex installation, which is aggravated by the lack of available instructions;

- difficult access to service items;

- it is very difficult to find spare parts in case of unexpected breakdown.

  • "Jika Zeta"czech production has "polar" reviews, and if we summarize them, we can conclude that much depends on the quality of the installation of the structure, but enthusiastic and critical comments are about equal.

The advantages of such an installation:

- complete completeness of the system, that is, the presence of a toilet bowl;

- structural strength;

- fast filling of the tank;

- affordable price.

Disadvantages of the model:

- leaks on the fastening bolts (may appear with poor-quality installation);

- it is noted that the drain button sometimes sinks;

- the set includes low-quality gaskets - it is better to immediately change to others;

- there are complaints about not too high-quality flush.

When purchasing this installation model, it is necessary to choose a product of Czech production - only in this case you can get a quality product.

  • Roca DebbaA34H998000 » made in Spain. Just like other models, it has positive and negative reviews, which also directly depend on the installation of the system and, of course, on the originality of production. In order not to acquire a fake of this design, it is recommended to very carefully check the documents that the seller must have. The system can be produced not only in Spain, but also in other European countries, for example, in Germany or Poland, but there are also Chinese parties.

So, the positive aspects of the users of this system include:

- aesthetic appearance;

- comfortable seat;

- high-quality and quiet water discharge;

- the intensity of flushing is regulated by a double button;

- the design is easy to clean;

- the toilet does not spray water.

The disadvantages include the following points:

plastic mounts microlift (if it is installed in the structure) quickly fail, therefore it is better to choose models with metal elements;

- cracking of the plastic cover was noted.

As a result of all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that before purchasing an installation, especially one that comes immediately complete with a toilet, it is best to first familiarize yourself with information about it on the Internet, study user reviews who have already been convinced by their own experience as a specific model , learned about her characteristic "diseases".

If the installation is purchased without a toilet, then you should find out in advance how to choose it correctly.

Hanging toilets

Criteria for choosing a wall-hung toilet

Hanging and side-mounted toilets are attached to the installation. As mentioned above, hanging model does not touch the floor, but the attached one is mounted on the floor close to the wall. Do not trust the general opinion that toilets are universal in design, as they can have different variations.

To determine the choice of this structural element, you need to rely on the following criteria.

  • It is better, of course, to purchase the installation complete with a toilet bowl - then it will be possible to avoid searching for a completely suitable model of the latter. In the same case, if you have to buy these elements separately, you need to make sure that they are exactly compatible.
  • Next, you need to pay attention to the material and shape of the bowl. Toilet bowls can be made of ceramics, metal, glass, polymers, artificial stone etc.

However, more often than not, ceramic products are still found and selected, which are traditional and more familiar due to their qualities. Ceramic toilets are easy to maintain and resistant to any chemicals, and also durable enough.

  • A high-quality toilet bowl made of ceramics has a fairly large mass. It is by this criterion that it can be distinguished from Chinese products, the material of which is porous, and therefore much lighter. The toilet bowls of the eastern manufacturer are not very durable, therefore they will not last a long time; over time, a fine or large network of microcracks may appear on its coating. Therefore, you should not delude yourself with the low price, since soon enough a low-quality product will have to be changed, which means new costs will follow.
  • The shape of the toilet is chosen depending on the preference of the user, design bathroom rooms, as well as amenities. The toilet should be not only of high quality, reliable in fastening, but also necessarily convenient, therefore, when choosing a bowl, you should sit on it in the store before purchasing it.
  • The surface of the toilet bowl must be perfectly flat and not have any deformations in the form of protrusions or recesses, otherwise the seat and lid will not fit snugly against it. And this means that under load they will bend in one direction or the other, which will lead to quick breakdown.

It is not difficult to check the evenness of the surfaces - you just need to lay an ordinary wooden ruler on the rim in turn in different places and make sure there are no gaps between the ruler and the surface of the toilet. If a loose fit is found, it is recommended to refuse the product, otherwise later this flaw will bring a lot of trouble and unnecessary costs.

  • It is very important to pay attention to the toilet flush system, as the convenience of use and the quality of cleaning the bowl will depend on it. In older models, the water inlet was always located in the rear upper part of the bowl, and the flush was carried out with one jet. In modern products, a design with a circular, cascade or shower flush has proven itself well. In such devices, water is supplied to the toilet from several holes located under different angles around the entire perimeter of the upper part of the toilet. In this case, the water rinses the entire inner surface of the bowl, moving in a spiral.

  • The internal design of the toilet bowl may be configured to prevent splash water. However, in some cases, such forms somewhat interfere with the effective cleaning of the bowl from the contents.

If there is an anti-splash in the design, then the drain hole is located in the front of the bowl, or it has a platform or shelf that prevents the rapid drainage of water.

Overview of models of wall-hung toilet bowls

Now, knowing what design a hanging toilet can have, you can consider several budget and luxury models.

Model name, country of origin, illustrationItems included in the kit. Short description modelPrice level, rub. (April 2016)
"SANITA Attica-Lux",

This version of a suspended toilet bowl of Russian production has an affordable price and is distinguished by its original shape.
The design provides for an anti-splash system - an inclined semi-shelf that prevents splashes.
The set includes a seat with a semi-oval cover, made of duroplast, resistant to mechanical damage. It has an antibacterial coating that prevents bacteria from growing. Duroplast does not lose its original color over time, is resistant to impact detergents.
The lid is produced in two versions - with a microlift and without it, fixed on the toilet with metal fastenerswhich are more aesthetic and reliable than plastic options.
The toilet is made of porcelain and has a dirt-repellent coating, so dirt and water do not retain on its surface.
The dimensions of the toilet bowl are 590 × 345 × 385 mm (L × W × H).
Manufacturer's warranty - 5 years.
It should be noted that this model of a toilet bowl is not inferior in design and construction, and in some ways even surpasses some foreign counterparts.
3900 ÷ 5000
"Cersanit Malmo",

"Cersanit Malmo" is a wall-hung toilet made in Poland.
It has original design and looks quite aesthetically pleasing in the interior.
The product is made of faience and equipped with a duroplast seat, on which a microlift is installed, which ensures smooth closing of the lid.
The seat is coated with an antibacterial compound containing silver ions, which prevents the growth of bacteria and ensures the proper level of hygiene and safety.
The body is decorated with side glass inserts with an internal pattern imitating the structure of wood.
The inner surface of the toilet is covered with a dirt-repellent coating that does not allow dirt and water to linger on the walls.
The toilet has dimensions of 365 × 580 × 360 mm (W × D × H) and will fit perfectly into any bathroom room or combined bathroom.
6800 -13800
Villeroy & Boch 6604 10 Subway,

"Villeroy & Boch 6604 10 Subway" - this model is the bestseller, as it has excellent performance and famous German quality.
Product characteristics:
- hanging oval toilet bowl has a size of 355x480 mm;
- anti-splash system;
- horizontal drain;
- silent filling of the tank;
- protective covering "Ceramicplus";
- circular drain;
- bowl material - sanitary porcelain;
- there is no shelf in the toilet bowl, so a direct drain is formed;
- fixed on the installation;
- inspection window through the removable panel of the drain button;
- the mounts are hidden.
Toilet bowls have modern style, the manufacturer's warranty period for porcelain products is 25 years, for plastic components - 1 year.
10000 ÷ 16500
Hatria Fusion Q48 YXJ7

"Hatria Fusion Q48 YXJ7" - Italian model of wall-hung toilet, made of faience.
Equipped with a seat and cover made of polyester, with a microlift system.
The dimensions of the toilet are 355 × 480 × 350 mm. (W × D × H).
There is no shelf in the toilet bowl, but there is an anti-splash system, the water outlet is horizontal.
The manufacturer's warranty is one year.
27500 ÷ 32000
Geberit 4-vp4 aquaclean 8000,

The Geberit 4-vp4 aquaclean 8000 is a wall-hung shower toilet that does not require the use of toilet paper.
Brief characteristics this device:
- power consumption - 1000 W;
- rated voltage - 220V;
- current frequency - 50Hz;
- range of hydraulic pressure - 1 ÷ 10 bar;
- water consumption - 1.4 ÷ 5.5 l / m;
- volumetric air consumption - 10 m³ / h;
- supply water temperature - 37 ˚С;
- boiler volume - 1.8 l;
- power consumption in heating mode - 5 W / h;
- the maximum load on the device is 150 kg.
Considering the high cost of such a device, it is worth mentioning additionally about the other possibilities of this shower toilet model:
- the structure is equipped with a remote control remote controlallowing to control the flush remotely;
- it is possible to install separate programs for 3 ÷ 4 users, in addition to the main function, the possibility of rinsing using a special tool.
- with a single press on the device control keys, the jet is delivered and unpleasant odors, and drying with a hairdryer is automatic.
- the fitting with the bidet tip extends to a length selected by the user and gives a jet of water for washing at body temperature.
- water pressure can be adjusted according to individual preferences.
- at the end of the use of the bidet function, the nozzle of the hair dryer extends and performs comfortable drying with warm air.
- the seat cover is equipped with a microlift, which ensures its smooth lowering.
- the material of manufacture and the shape of the seat provides complete comfort when landing.
- the cover is fixed on steel chrome-plated hinges that hold it firmly.
- the design provides for self-cleaning of water supply nozzles. Before starting water procedures, they are automatically washed. After the completion of the procedures, the nozzles are also washed special means and rinsed clean water.
- the toilet has a special dirt and water repellent coating, thanks to which drops and dirt roll down the surfaces of the walls without lingering.
- The device is equipped with an infrared sensor that detects the presence of the user.
195000 ÷ 250000

If one of the toilet models with installation was purchased, you should not immediately start installing it yourself - you should really assess your capabilities and existing skills. It is better to entrust the installation to an experienced master who has recommendations, since the "would-be plumber" is able to spoil even the most reliable and high-quality model of installation and toilet with his improper work. This is the only way to ensure that leaks, button sticking and other unpleasant moments can be avoided, which many users often unfairly attribute to the manufacturer's defects.

Video -Correct height of wall-hung toilet

Video - How to choose a toilet