Growing petunia seedlings in plastic bottles on toilet paper. Growing seedlings on toilet paper

Many growers complain that petunia is difficult to germinate. There are many ways to sow seeds, but today gardeners especially praise the method of growing flowers in a plastic bottle on toilet paper... This version of germination has several advantages, is simple to implement, and does not require unnecessary consumption. money, it is easy to apply even for a beginner. This method is simple and allows: to save space on the windowsill, since boxes with earth are not required; seeds are in a constant comfortable environment and germinate better; plants are easier to pick up; you do not need to have special materials for planting: soil, containers, hydrogel, perlite, expanded clay and others; no need to worry about drying out the soil and changing temperatures, which is important for seed germination.

Planting seeds

To select seeds suitable for sowing, they are dipped in a solution made up of three teaspoons of salt and a liter of water. After a few minutes, the seeds remaining on the surface can be removed and discarded - they will not hatch, and the rest are suitable for planting. There are several options for planting petunias using toilet paper and a bottle. You can make a mini-greenhouse from an old container or cut out a convenient "glass" where the seeds will be placed.

Greenhouse from a plastic bottle

For sowing petunias you will need: transparent plastic bags; a bottle made of colorless plastic. Its size will depend on the number of seeds, and for stability it is better to choose bottles with flat walls; any toilet paper; petunia seeds; warm, settled water. The bottle chosen for planting is cut, removing the sidewall and leaving the bottom and neck intact. The bottom of the bottle is covered with 3-4 layers of toilet paper and sprayed with a spray bottle so that the paper gets wet through, but does not melt. The seeds are laid out on the surface and pressed lightly - they should be pressed against the wet pulp.

Please note: since the seeds are small, you can use a toothpick to pick up the seeds and transfer them to paper.

The bottle is wrapped in foil or put into a bag that is tightly tied - you get a greenhouse, where there will be no fluctuations in temperature and humidity. There is no need to add water to the bottle - it will be enough to maintain the moisture content of the condensate. With the appearance of cotyledon leaves, the plant needs light, otherwise the stem will begin to stretch. If there is little sunlight, then it is better to illuminate the plantings with phytolamps. When transplanting, you do not need to remove all the paper from the roots - it will dissolve well in the soil and will not interfere with the plant.

Germination in rolls

For the second method of sowing in a bottle, you need to prepare: a plastic bottle of any shape; transparent film; toilet paper; warm water.

Polyethylene is cut into strips, toilet paper is spread on them in one layer and sprinkled with water so that it gets wet all over, but does not melt. Petunia seeds are laid out on ribbons in two rows, no closer than one and a half centimeters from the edges of the paper. For different varieties it is convenient to make separate rolls, but germinate in one container. After laying, you need to cover the tapes with a second layer of paper and film and roll everything into rolls.

Advice for gardeners: the seeds should be staggered so that they do not interfere with each other as they grow.

A plastic bottle is cut across, water is poured into it 3-4 cm and a roll with petunia is inserted into an impromptu glass so that its lower edge is in water. The seeds should be on top. The glass is placed in a warm, well-lit place. The water needs to be changed every 3-4 days.

After two weeks, the seeds will sprout, and when two true leaves appear, you can take out a roll, separate the seedlings and plant them in the prepared soil. In order for the seedlings to get used to the new conditions, they will need to be covered with a film for some time.

As you can see, the method of germinating petunia seeds on toilet paper is quite simple due to the availability of materials and technique.

Specialists landscape design every year offer new ideas for landscaping adjoining territory... Vertical flower beds quickly gained popularity among owners of small plots, allowing them to decorate the surrounding space without taking unnecessary square meters... What features await you when arranging non-standard structures, what they are made of and for which plants are optimal, we will consider in detail.

Characteristic features of vertical gardening

There are two options for becoming the owner of a vertical flower bed: purchase from a gardening store ready containers or do original design yourself. The second option is much more practical - using the materials at hand, the created extraordinary flower garden will harmoniously fit into the landscape design of an individual site.

Distinctive advantages of a vertical flower bed:

  • Manufacturing the structure does not require serious costs, as raw materials fit plastic pipes, bottles, mesh netting, car tires, boxes and other products that have served their life.
  • Various forms of vertical beds will provide attractive landscaping not only land plot, but also house building walls, fences, outbuildings, gazebos for rest or decorative arches.
  • Compactness certain types allows you to exquisitely decorate small areasincluding a balcony.
  • It is not difficult to make a vertical flower bed, caring for planted plants is not difficult.
  • Being disconnected from the ground reduces the risk of pests entering.

Along with a lot of advantages, when arranging a vertical flower bed and further care for plants, certain nuances should be taken into account:

  • A limited amount of soil makes it necessary to regularly make additional fertilizing for the full development of plants.
  • Given the increased susceptibility to low temperatures, vertical flower beds require additional insulation. Lack of precautions is possible in two cases: compact structures are removed on winter period in a warm room or frost-resistant annual plants are planted in them.
  • Plantations in vertical beds need frequent watering.

The following measures can be taken to prevent drying out of the soil and death of plants:

  • At the stage of soil preparation, it is supplemented with a hydrogel, which ensures the accumulation and retention of moisture.
  • Make drip irrigation... The initial costs will pay off lush bloom over a long period.
  • When designing a vertical flower bed, opt for undersized species that do not require a large amount of moisture.

Remark! A mobile vertical bed should not be large; when planting berries, take care of a sufficient amount of sunlight; pre-fertilization of the soil will provide high yield strawberries.

Pipe structures

Most often, PVC pipe flower beds are used for planting strawberries or strawberries. For the manufacture of the structure, pipes with a diameter of 50 and 150 mm will be needed. A product with a smaller diameter is intended for watering crops, its length exceeds the main frame by 10-15 cm.

Make from pVC pipes vertical flower bed is quite simple:

  • The pipe with a smaller diameter is equipped with holes for water outlet.
  • Burlap or non-woven fabric wrapped around and fixed along the pipe will help prevent clogging.
  • The bottom of the sprinkler pipe is covered with tape or foil.
  • On the external structure, plant holes are placed at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, their diameter is 15 cm.
  • A plug is placed below.
  • The outer pipe is securely fixed in an upright position, after which a smaller irrigation structure is placed inside.
  • The formed gap is filled with expanded clay or gravel to a height of 10-15 cm to form drainage, fill it with soil from above.
  • Periodic watering as it fills with earth will allow you to avoid voids.
  • At the final stage, plants are planted through the holes.
  • Watering and fertilizing the soil is carried out through inner tubewhich closes when inoperative.

In addition to strawberries, the vertical flower bed is ideal for widely growing flowers: nasturtium or petunia.

For a vertical flower bed, drainage or heating pipes are also useful. You can make an exquisite screen in two steps. The first is to put side plugs on downpipes or make holes in heating products. The second is to make vertical ones out of strong ropes hanging mounts... Having installed the structure on a terrace or in a gazebo, you can fill it with soil and plant your favorite plants. This option vertical gardening convenient to dismantle for the period of winter cold.

Option with plastic bottles

Make a vertical flower bed out of plastic bottles - another inexpensive way decorate the site. Before using them as containers, the products are thoroughly washed and cleaned of labels. It is most convenient to use plastic utensils to decorate the fence. As with pipes, vertical bed bottles can be positioned in different ways.

The first method involves the following actions:

  • The container, preferably with a volume of 2.0-2.5 liters, is cut in half.
  • The upper half is equipped with a wire fastener, then soil is poured into it and seedlings are planted.
  • The container with the plant is inserted into the bottom half of the bottle, the whole set is attached to the surface in need of decoration.

Advice! The bottle cap should not be tightened tightly, allowing excess liquid to drain when watering a vertical flower bed.

Instead of plastic bottles interesting flower bed can be made from tin cans or pots, after taking care of drainage holes... To give the vertical flower bed bright touches, painting containers with aerosols or acrylic paints.

The second method involves placing the plastic bottles horizontally. On one side, a rectangular hole is cut out for filling the soil and planting flowers, on the opposite side it is necessary to make holes for the drain of excess moisture. The bottom and neck of the bottle with the help of an awl are also equipped with holes through which a rope is passed, a reliable knot is formed on it from below, fixing the container at the height required for a vertical flower bed. Initially, a kind of screen has an unpresentable appearance, but in the future, the overgrown plants will successfully disguise homemade plastic containers.

For such containers, representatives of ampelous plants are not suitable due to the insufficient volume of land. It is better to arrange a screen on the fence with greenery with a small root system. Mattiola, lobelia or minitunia - optimal solution for vertical flower beds in plastic bottles.

Applying the mesh

It is possible to exquisitely decorate the landscape design, planted in vertical flower beds, the basis of which is made up of nets. Most often, the structure has the shape of a tower, but if you show your imagination, you can make a cube, a ball or an animal figure.

The process of equipping a vertical flower bed from a mesh includes the following steps:

  • Four posts of the required height are inserted into the ground.
  • A cylinder is formed around them from a mesh with geotextiles, the edges are securely fixed with wire.
  • The center of the vertical flower bed is equipped with two irrigation pipes, in which the holes for water supply are preliminarily prepared, located in a staggered manner.
  • At the next stage of the formation of a vertical flower bed, the mesh form is filled with soil with the addition of baking powder. Vermiculite or perlite are suitable for this role. Also there are hygroscopic materials in the form of special technical cotton wool or sphagnum moss.
  • After filling the container in the geotextile (it is successfully replaced by lutrasil), holes should be made through which seedlings of suitable flowers are planted.

A budget alternative to geotextiles in a vertical mesh bed can be an ordinary polyethylene film... Alternatively, the mesh is not wrapped around the posts, but inserted into a voluminous flowerpot, but then you should additionally take care of its stability.

In addition to exquisite Rambler or Opera petunias, nasturtium or remontant ampel strawberries are suitable for a vertical mesh flower bed. A vertical flowerbed in the shape of a tower, strewn with pink or white flowers mixed with berries - original decoration landscape design.

Other ways of arranging vertical plantings

Looking around, you can make a flower bed with a non-standard arrangement from various materials, in excess of those present at their summer cottage.

Boxes and pallets

To build original painting from green spaces of compact sizes, landscape design specialists offer using an old pallet or plastic box... Inside the container, a mesh is attached, compacted with non-woven fabric or straw, after which the container is filled with soil with the addition of sphagnum moss, which acts as a hydrogel. At the final stage, seeds or seedlings are planted. As in previous version, unpretentious garden succulents are optimal for a vertical flower bed in the form of a small picture. You can make such a design for a balcony or decorate a fence with several copies.

The second option for using boxes is the design of a flower bed in the form of a pyramid. The base of the vertical decoration consists of timber frame large sizes. After filling with soil, a smaller container is installed on top. It is better to make a height that does not exceed human height, so that the maintenance of the vertical flower bed does not bring additional inconvenience. Watering of this design can be traditional or drip. In the second case, the center of the flower bed is pre-equipped vertical pipe with holes for watering.

Car tires and pots

The most simple and a budget option - arrange car tires in a pyramid staggered manner. The size and shape of the vertical flower bed varies solely based on the wishes of the site owner. Opening the material with acrylic paints will help to make the design more attractive. Such a flower bed does not need drip irrigation equipment.

You can make an original mobile flower bed from ordinary flower potsby stringing them onto a central base or placing them on a special stand.

Seeds of new varieties and hybrids are becoming more and more accessible to amateur flower growers, and the sown area for seedlings has not been increased. So the craftsmen come up with all sorts of tricks. One such smart novelty is petunia seedlings in a plastic bottle on toilet paper.

The reasons for using this method are as follows:

  • Saving space on the windowsill;
  • Saving time for sowing;
  • Economy of containers for crops;
  • Possibility of visual control of the quality of seed germination.

Necessary tools and ingredients

Having decided to grow petunia seedlings at home on toilet paper, you will need:

  • A plastic bottle of any volume, preferably two liters, you can use a used one;
  • Bottle cutter or scissors;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Water and spray bottle;
  • Petunia seeds;
  • Soil mixture.

Using all this, we sow petunia on toilet paper in two ways:

  1. Direct sowing.
  2. Sowing in a snail (twisting, diaper);

Sowing preparation

Cut the plastic bottle across. We build a mini greenhouse from two particles. Crops and seedlings will be at the bottom, and the top will serve as a greenhouse cover.

Method number 1

In the lower part we arrange toilet paper, folded in 3 - 4 layers. We spray it with water and sow petunia seeds on top. Spray again, close the "greenhouse" and send it to a warm place.

After 2 - 3 days, the seeds "come to life" and show their germination. We open the bottle and lightly coat the seeds with soil mixture. We spray it and put it back in a warm place. After another 3 - 4 days, add the soil mixture again and put it on the lightest window sill, or under a lamp for additional lighting to prevent the seedlings from pulling out. After 10 days, the seedlings are ready for picking in the traditional way.

Method number 2

For this method, you will also need a piece of dense polyethylene or oilcloth and an elastic band. From them we cut a tape 5 - 7 cm wide and long, depending on the volume of the bottle. We put toilet paper folded in 3 - 4 layers on the cut off tape. We spray the paper with water. Departing from the edge of the tape by 1 - 1.5 cm, lay out the petunia seeds at a distance of 1 cm and roll them into a roll. We put an elastic band on the roll. Place the roll at the bottom of the plastic bottle. Once again we spray everything and close it with the top of the bottle. We put our crops in a warm place.

After 4 - 5 days we unwind the crops, determine the percentage of germination and sprinkle all the seeds with a soil mixture by 1 - 2 cm. Spray with water, and rewind everything. Now the elastic band can be removed. Place it back on the bottom of the bottle and cover.

If you decide to grow petunia seedlings in this way, you will need much less seeds. Each seed is under your control and supervision, which is very convenient.
Now the bottle needs to be installed in the brightest place, or under the lamp and carry out additional lighting.

Sowing dates for petunias

When to plant petunias for seedlings depends on whether you can provide the length of daylight hours. If this is not possible, and you rely only on natural daylight hours, it is better not to rush to crops. If there is insufficient light, the seedlings will stretch out, and it will be difficult to achieve the beauty of the plant.

Without additional lighting, it is better to start sowing in mid-March. Until the seeds sprout, it will take another 10 days, by which time the daylight hours will increase, and it will be enough for successful cultivation seedlings.

Growing seedlings

To understand how to grow petunia seedlings at home, you need to learn a number of rules:

  • After the emergence of seedlings, the temperature drops to 20ᵒC during the day, and to 16ᵒC at night;
  • The lower the illumination, the lower the ambient temperature should be in the growing area;
  • Watering the seedlings with a watering can is unacceptable, we work only with a spray bottle;
  • The water must be free of chlorine residues, tap water it is necessary to defend;
  • The temperature of the irrigation water should be the same as the temperature of the substrate;

When starting to pick seedlings, it is necessary to prepare an earthen mixture. It can be prepared independently from leaf compost or earth, peat and humus, with the addition of sand. You can also carry out a pick in the purchased universal soil.

For seedlings, you can use disposable cups with a capacity of 200 ml. They are filled with soil, compacted and a depression is made in the center.

Petunia sprouts are picked up with a toothpick and, together with the substrate, are transferred into cups. The soil is compacted and watered. Expose seedlings on a light windowsill. After complete rooting, it is necessary to feed with full mineral fertilizer.

You can dive into peat tablets. The tablets are settled in a tray with water, they swell and become suitable for picking. Peat tablets enriched nutrientsso no further feeding is required.

To make the bush lush, pinch the seedlings over 4 - 5 real leaves. For ampel petunias this rule is mandatory.

Growing seedlings is a very exciting experience. If you adhere to all the rules, then after 55 - 60 days petunia will delight you with its flowering.

Many growers complain that petunia is difficult to germinate. There are many ways to sow seeds, but today gardeners especially praise the method of growing flowers in a plastic bottle on toilet paper.

This germination option has several advantages, is simple to implement, does not require the expenditure of extra money, it is easy to apply even for a beginner.

This method is simple and allows:

  • save space on the windowsill, since boxes with earth are not required;
  • seeds are in a constant comfortable environment and germinate better;
  • plants are easier to pick up;
  • you do not need to have special materials for planting: soil, containers, hydrogel, perlite, expanded clay and others;
  • no need to worry about drying out the soil and changing temperatures, which is important for seed germination.

Planting seeds

To select seeds suitable for sowing, they are dipped in a solution made up of three teaspoons of salt and a liter of water. After a few minutes, the seeds remaining on the surface can be removed and discarded - they will not hatch, and the rest are suitable for planting.

There are several options for planting petunias using toilet paper and a bottle. You can make a mini-greenhouse from an old container or cut out a convenient "glass" where the seeds will be placed.

Greenhouse from a plastic bottle

For sowing petunias you will need:

  • transparent plastic bags;
  • a bottle made of colorless plastic. Its size will depend on the number of seeds, and for stability it is better to choose bottles with flat walls;
  • any toilet paper;
  • petunia seeds;
  • warm, settled water.

The bottle chosen for planting is cut, removing the sidewall and leaving the bottom and neck intact. The bottom of the bottle is covered with 3-4 layers of toilet paper and sprayed with a spray bottle so that the paper gets wet through, but does not melt. The seeds are laid out on the surface and pressed lightly - they should be pressed against the wet pulp.

Note: since the seeds are small, you can use a toothpick - with its help, the seeds are picked up and transferred to paper.

The bottle is wrapped in foil or put into a bag that is tightly tied - it turns out a greenhouse, where there will be no fluctuations in temperature and humidity. There is no need to add water to the bottle - it will be enough to maintain the moisture content of the condensate.

With the appearance of cotyledon leaves, the plant needs light, otherwise the stem will begin to stretch. If there is little sunlight, then it is better to illuminate the plantings with phytolamps. When transplanting, you do not need to remove all the paper from the roots - it will dissolve well in the soil and will not interfere with the plant.

Germination in rolls

For the second method of sowing in a bottle, you need to prepare:

  • a plastic bottle of any shape;
  • transparent film;
  • toilet paper;
  • warm water.

Polyethylene is cut into strips, toilet paper is spread on them in one layer and sprinkled with water so that it gets wet all over, but does not melt. Petunia seeds are laid out on ribbons in two rows, no closer than one and a half centimeters from the edges of the paper. For different varieties, it is convenient to make separate rolls, but germinate in one container. After laying, you need to cover the tapes with a second layer of paper and film and roll everything into rolls.

Advice for gardeners: the seeds should be staggered so that they do not interfere with each other as they grow.

A plastic bottle is cut across, water is poured into it 3-4 cm and a roll with petunia is inserted into an impromptu glass so that its lower edge is in water. The seeds should be on top. The glass is placed in a warm, well-lit place. The water needs to be changed every 3-4 days.

After two weeks, the seeds will sprout, and when two true leaves appear, you can take out a roll, separate the seedlings and plant them in the prepared soil. In order for the seedlings to get used to the new conditions, they will need to be covered with a film for some time.

As you can see, the method of germinating petunia seeds on toilet paper is quite simple due to the availability of materials and technique.

See video about growing seedlings roll way in a bottle: