Scary stories and mystical stories. Scary stories and mystical stories one slosk for the whole village

Notebook found in the search in Apartment number **, in the house number *** on the street d *****.

"Today our mother died. Right on the sofa, where lay. She suffered strongly, my poor mommy. I was able to wash her and disguise into dry, then people came from the social funeral service, took the mother to bury. I wanted Sashulya, too, went to the cemetery, but could not get it off the bed. He is very fat and lies all the time and eats. Sashulyu is sick, Mom has always said that he must regret, feed and care for him. He has a lag in development, he does not understand what is happening around. "

"Now only came from the cemetery, I cried a lot - my Sasulu and I left at all alone. I hope that I can handle it myself, because to ask for some kind of neighbors, we have no nearby, the house is old, everyone left. I went to cook - Sashulya asks to eat, he always eats a lot and sleeps, now only me to care for him, I regret it. "

"Feet very hurt. From the store walked for a very long time - tired strongly, rested on every bench. I came home - Sashulya is already crying: when he does not eat long, crying, although I just recently fed it. "

"Only faced a rest - Sashulya eats a lot, to cook. I'll sleep ... "

Pages are doring.

"I have no more strength to walk and feed it, and he wants to eat constantly, I'm afraid of him, he comes at night and breathes at the door and constantly sculit that he wants to eat. My legs almost do not obey me and there is no strength to reach the toilet, I'm scared, and help no one. I really want to drink, but there is no water in the room, and Sashulya wants to eat and wipes me in the corridor. He thinks I'm hiding food from him, but there is no meal, the last pack of Makarona he is dried dry ... ".

"Every day I get worse. Yesterday I tried to try toilet before the toilet, and Sashulu was waiting for me in the corridor. He lay on the floor on his back, his huge stomach often climbed and lowered. Sashululy is very big and wants to eat all the time - he grabbed my leg and squeezed me: "Olya, to eat, Olya, give me to eat." I could not explain to him that there was no food, I tried only sluggishly to unbound from him, but the legs do not obey me at all. Somehow I could get to the toilet and in my arms I was working to the toilet. There is no light in the apartment, it was disconnected for non-payment - I did not have the strength to go to pay for utilities, and we almost all the time in the pitch darkness - after all, now winter, and darkens very early. "

"Today, someone called the door for a long time. Sashulya in the next room mumbled something. I thought that he was sleeping, and crawled to the kitchen - there, under the kitchen box, lay the loaf of bread hidden from Sashuli. I got drunk water and crawled into my room to eat bread. As soon as the door closed, heard noise in the corridor and Sashulin whisper, like breaking: "Olya, to eat, Olya, to eat ...".

"It is good that I have scored the water with you last time - at least somehow savage. Bread almost left, I'm trying to suck your crust. The legs were completely taken away, Sashulu was able to break the castle on my door and ships to me. Now lies on the floor near my bed and looks at me. I feel sorry for him - I crushed the last crusts of bread to him in the mouth - he accidentally bites me for the finger, already before the blood. I became scary - the blood fell into his tongue, he lied and reached out again to my hand, I barely managed to get off. His eyes burned, he whispered everything: "Olya, to eat ..." - then fell asleep. "

"I am starved nightmares that my legs cut off. I am afraid very, I do not feel the feet at all. But most of all I am afraid of Sashulu, he does not leave me away from me, lies near the bed, sculits that he wants to eat. I also want to eat, I don't feel a feet at all - I think, maybe it will become easier for me, and I can walk to the store at least ... ".

Pages are doring.

"We will weaken every day grasphem. Sashulya moved away from my bed - I'm glad. He bit me for the finger, while I slept, but then installs it in the kitchen - something rats there. I think he found jam in the refrigerator. Maybe she will fall asleep, and I would have locked the door to the room while ... ".

"... and I had to take a knife with a kitchen. But today it became worse - Sashul is not afraid of the type of knife, but only looks at me and whispers: "Eat, Olya, to eat, Olya ...". He grabbed my hand again and bit my finger. Blood flowed, he began to lick it from my fingers. I grabbed the knife and snotted my hand in Sashulina. He went and began to look like blood flowed from his rings on his hand, then looked at me and smelled the blood from his hand. I was very scary and disgusting to look at him - he liked the taste of blood. "

"Yesterday I found in a bag with which I go to the store, loafing bread - accidentally forgot the last time on the door handle. Sashulya, it seems, Sgzbz almost all the wallpaper in his room, the document was able to reach out. As soon as I start riding from the bed - he is already sitting on the threshold of my room and looks at me. He is waiting for me to feed it, but I have nothing to do. I am afraid to approach him - he is trying to bite me all the time. Sometimes I want him to die. "

Pages are doring.

"Very-very scary. Sashulu can not open the door to my room for the third day and very angry. The other day he again bitter me for the finger, I could not pull my hand for a long time from his mouth. I had to knock him down on my head with all the power. Sometimes it seems to me that he wants me to eat me. "

"I can't sleep - I'm afraid very much. Sashulya is constantly sitting under my door. It seems to me that he was able to catch and eat a mouse. I still have the half of the Polbuhanka bread - I am his shore. It is good that last time I became more stuck with a bigger water, but the head is constantly spinning. "


"... He screams and squeals like a dog, I have under the door. At night, Sashulu sleeps a little, and then it starts to growl, and all the time my name repeats: "Olya, Olya, Olya ...". It seems to me that he caught all the mice, which only were - I sometimes hear their squeak. I'm scary, bad, but I was able to move the desk to the door, so that Sashul could open the door to my room ... ".

"... He growled a very long time and dodied, like a dog:" Eat, eat, Olya, to eat ... ". Then he was whining again, then, probably fell asleep. I go to the toilet in the flower pot, there is nothing to breathe in the room, but it was able to reach out something like and open the window ... to shout in the window about help, but there are few populated houses in our area, and anyway, no one will hear ... " .

Pages are doring.

"... He will soon break the door, I'm scared ...".

"I need to somehow get out of here, but how I don't know ... Sashulu has broken the door and plenty to me. I was very frightened - his face was everything in dried blood and some hair. I thought it was from mice, which he ate ... Eyes are very evil, hair has grown, black bristles. He is plenty to me on all fours and growled: "Olya, to eat, Kush-sh-sh-sech ...". I did not have time to take a knife, he grabbed my hand and began to bite, it was very painful, I screamed and cried. She was able to take a knife with a different hand and climb him on the shoulder. He buried, bounced off and filled into his room ... I have no strength to close the door ... "

Pages are doring.

"Hurt ... I want to sleep ...".

Pages are doring.

"... your fingers on the legs, it's good that I don't feel them ... the left hand hurts - he has grown up and there are almost all fingers, I can't resist - there is no strength. He drinks my blood and becomes more stronger. Rugs, like a beast ... Help me ... ".

"... He growls and chasing - he glands my legs. I'm so happy that they are numb, and I do not feel them at all. The hand hurts very ... ".

Pages are doring.

"... I'm not afraid ... almost ... If Sashulu did not break into the bathroom. I'm lying under the bathroom, it's very cold here, well, let him, then Sashulya will not get me, I hope ... ".

"He almost broke the door ... guessed where I hid ... Olya, to eat, Olya, eat ... This is the only thing he remembers - what he wants to eat ...".

Records are interrupted.


New year has come, the page of the Great History of the Great People ...
Our descendants will read the pages of this story, admire the greatness of the spirit manifested by the workers in the conquest of power in the name of the benefit of the disadvantaged and achieving the Light Kingdom of Socialism.
They will be admired and, at the same time, sometimes wondering what had to worry about the people.
Along with bright pages, the story writes and dark.
One of the dark pages of these experienced by us now.
This is hunger.
Unprecedented, almost extraordinary disaster!
We feel so much so that that, no matter how tried to forget in work, we constantly skittish those immeasurable flour, which are experienced there, in the village, semi-footed snowdrifts, which still fed us, gave and means And wrestlers for the great struggle, and now, dying myself, pray for help.
The moan of help does not give us the opportunity to work as it should work, one thought is relentlessly in the brain: how to help, reduce disaster?
And, like immersive enough for the straw, we cling to all the possibility that seems to us can at least weaken the misfortune.
"The world is great", he can do a lot, and we are referring to it.
We dedicate the New Year's room of the Izvestia of the Samara Provincial Union of Consumer Societies Hoddes and ask all cooperative bodies to be widely used, for information purposes, the material in this issue publishing cooperation is placed by us.
We believe that the population is happier for the crop of locality, reading about those horrors that they are committed from us, will not be deaf and come to help with hunger.
We believe that the cooperation will take everything that depends on the fight against a disaster to occupy the honorable place.
We deeply believe it, knowing that they would not be deceived.
And therefore call:
- Comrades-co-operators, to fight hunger!



Terrible hunger disaster.
From there, where people are starving, fluttering from hunger and die painful death, prayers rushing:
- Help! Save away from death!
But there is no help ...
It is but far insufficient: the millions are starving, the same hundreds of thousands are hungry.
This is a drop in the sea.
And the mass of people in a crazy longing is molded, looking for salvation of themselves, their children and does not find him.
What flour is experiencing, barely can be imagined on those Westms that are coming to you with Moloto on help.
And, when reading these news, the heart is squeezed, and covers horror.
How much suffering!
Unprecedented disaster, which is difficult to find a comparison in the past.
What to compare it? - hunger in the XII century in Germany, when half of the population extinced her, with a potato hunger in Ireland, taken in half the last century more than a million lives, with past hunger strikes in Russia?
Now the disaster is growing more terrible.
If the help is not given, we will not sweep away half of the population, and more, not one million, as in Ireland, and more, in the Samara province alone.
Involuntarily, when you read what is being done where it is starving, one of the gloomy pages of our story is remembered.
I remember 1601-02 years.
This is where you can find a comparison with the present.
And then people are starving ...
As now, they rushed in the flour of hunger, in longing the expectation of death.
Thoughtful and, in suffering, seeking salvation, mad and were solved for everything ...
There were not only any nausea, Padal, but also the corpses of people.
Moreover, in order to have human corpses better, not so exhausted, killed healthy people and eaten their bodies.
Killed and strangers and their own; Parents satisfied themselves with the bodies of their children.
That's what a man was solved in hunger tormented!
And now the starving reached the last feature, they reached the horrors of hunger 1601-02.
Read simple uncomfortable lines of messages from places about horror hunger and if after that you can calmly drink and eat, without thinking about hungry and dying, do not want to help them not people, but stones!
What flour should be experienced to decide whether there are corpses?
What you need to survive, to make rid of your children from the long suffering of hungry death, decide to take them into the Desert of the Snow Stuppete and throw them on the more ambulance death?
What are the suffering, to, lose the mind, a sense of humanity, raise his hand to her child and kill him to saturate his body itself?
All this is happening now, and not in 1601-02 years ...
The gloomy page of history is experiencing in the 20th century ...
And you do not find indignations, but you feel only an endless pity for a person, informed to the suffering before scanning.
Read these terrible lines, feel this pity, experience the suffering yourself, and you will not be able to stay calm.
You will give hungry not only your surplus, but take off your last scarce piece.
Do you hear continuous moans and prayers that are joining you?
- Help!
- Help, "We suffer from hunger, die. Help!
"Help, we are starving from spring, we patiently silent, thought to survive, waited for the harvest, but the sun burned everything!
- Help! We have no only, bread crumbs, no grass, the roots we fed instead of bread ...
- Help! You do not have a cattle, - she fell, sold, with "eating ... Now we eat cats, dogs, Padal! ..
- Help! We have no already fell, there is nothing! ..
- Help, we die from hunger! ..
- Help, help !!

K. Rodowaev.

Horror hunger in the Samara province.

When hunger began.

Usually, it is customary to think that 1920 was not hungry. This is an erroneous.
1920 should be counted for the discharge of obviously lack of town for the Samara lips. years In a number of counties in 1920, not a single rain fell. The disasters of the dry year tried pests. In this way,

Hunger began long ago.

In the spring of 1921, the peasant walkers stated that individual villages were already from Christmas 1920, they switched to surrogate food. Ate, mainly Zholdi, mixing them in half with flour, and Swan.
By the beginning of June 1921, the position of the Samara lips. In rural economic relations, it was finally determined: it turned out that the province is experiencing a second arid year in a row. Concerning,

Hopes on the harvest collapsed

For all summer, almost no rain fell across the province. Fields and meadows burned out. Hordes of locusts appeared in other pests. In the forest county of the province, the whole summer took place giant forest fires. This was facilitated by extraordinary dry air. Burned and sat down,

To top off-arrived cholera,

A permanent resident of the Samara lips., Cholera and this year made himself to know significant devastations. She received a special development in cities.

Element of resettlement.

By the end of the summer of 1921, uniformed panic began. Drought, fires, cholera-all this raised the population of the province, exactly at the point: "Saw together who can!". According to the country roads of the province, water and jerse. Dor. Dour paths jumped the wave of resettlement. All who was possible Moving all the available means.
The migration trains were crowded, the waterways are loaded: on all country roads of the province day and night, the carts, a downtown, covered by violence skins, shouted camels, shed cows, blew sheeps, cried and groaled children.

Turkestan, Siberia, Ukraine.

Bot three magic words that were overwhelmed by Samara migrants. The human flow raised continuously, to the deepest autumn. People saved from the horrors of the coming winter and on the road at the privals, the tens and hundreds and saults. Pet cattle. Dear horse fell-in charge of cows. And miserable, emaciated cows, while stilling, performed the unusual work of harness. Something medieval has affected this natural wave of resettlement, the painful flight.

The farms were sold for a scentual.

The entire home Skarb of the migrants was given for a traffic spot, the huts were broken or sold. In the autumn of 1921, a well-equipped peasant farm could be checked for 2-3 pudges. This was used speculators and various dark "Deltsi", which appeared in the villages.

Position of children.

Some children from orphanages were sent to the prosperous locality "Organized" by; part remained in crowded and infectious children's homes of the province. The main mass of children abandoned on the fate of his parents was truly in a street state. Horrors of children's houses cold, hunger, dirt , the stiffness and the incidence of children were great, and the measures to eliminate these phenomena are negligible, and it is clear why children's drums were tens of orphans daily.

Children's immigrants.

Towards Siberia and Turkestan. The roads moved the masses of street, hungry, torn children. No words convey the horror of their position, especially in connection with the cold.
Eyewitnesses say that in large stations, literally stood stood from many children's votes, praying:
- Dia Adenka, give at least a cpo one! ..
Everything that they was served, they were grinding, like sparrows, burned out and, without causing it, eagerly eaten all kinds of cars emitted from windows, garbage: watermelon crusts, bones, tomato husks and PP.

Autumn 1921.

Starting from September, reports began to report on the position of the starving the peasantry of the province directly from the places.
Therefore, in the future, in the description of the sizes and horrors of the hunger, we will proceed from observations of eyewitnesses, reporting rural councils and letters from the places.
Here is how, for example, describes the early autumn in the village one of our correspondents:
"Fallen deserted gave ... On the sides, the golden znivo is not stretched by the wall.
Wild chicory, steppe wormwood, plantain, clinging behind the wheels are not running towards.
The rolled road glitters, devastated and wipe, merging with bare, deserted fields.
It is not visible on the sides, neither the stacks nor the screens are not stretching towards long summons, they fly away the migratory flocks of birds.
Quiet, deserted and terribly circle ...
Our cargo car rushes forward, throwing us on the marriages and pits.
We arrived. The crowd of kids in ripped hubbanks, barefoot. Silently and incredulously look at us. Learn that they were brought by Xle6 and porridge, smile and talk with us.
In the hut surrounded us women with the guys on their hands and in two or three voices began to talk about their ceremony live. The rags unfolded, began to show their guys with wrinkled skin, thin, like worms, curves and with large, like a pappy, belly ...
We hurry, sit down in the car and-in the way back.
Autumn twilight thickened, dark night floated from ravines and lowland.
Quietly circle. Neither screams or groans "...

The position of the Mariev parish.

But as describes the Volkomgolod of Mar'evskaya Vol., Pugachevsk. y., the position of the starving peasants parish in October 1921:
"Nature itself is relatively with other surrounding volosts, Mariev volost offended more than others. In the volost for the third year there is no harvest, especially this year, when all the crops and herbs died completely from idly, locusts and a friend. pests. The population of the volost this year from the crop did not receive either grain and currently up to 90% are uniformly hodded, they roam the swollen and many from Bessili are already in bed. With parish, more than 50 cases of hungry death are registered.
While still the population was fed by different surrogates, it came to the gophers, but at present this product came to an end.
Having extracted food, residents of the parish almost completely lost the living and dead inventory, clothes, and so on. Property: All this was traded into other volosts on the products in the closer statistics, relatively last year, the population of the volost in cash remained livestock only 25%.
Excited petitions about food aid until now remaining without a result. But it is impossible to be silent. State assistance to the worker to the peasant, the owner of the village, is necessary, otherwise the village and agriculture in the future faces the collapse.
Perfect faithfulness in the parish is testified by five agronomic acts with five agronomics. "

Hungry horrors.

November-December 1921 (facts, the description of which we give in the future, took place in October and mainly in November and December 1921) are not months, during which hunger in Samarsk lips. got his highest development.
The greatest development of hunger in the province, it must be assumed, will receive the new 1922 during the spring months. But the fact that the Samara village is experiencing is now - makes it harmful every fresh person.
But let us speak for yourself the village itself.

From the hungry village.

Here is a series of frequency messages about hunger from the most subsurface of our long-suffering village. Only criminal, full and deaf will remain indifferent to the suffering of the hungry masses.
These messages (reports, letters "reports") reflect the authentic horror of rustic experiences. They can not be classified, introduce into the system, but the value of them is definitely huge.

"Human documents".

This is truly human documents, every word in which is calling and screaming about help. They are not red written, but the brighter and the convex of the nightworker of the village of Village is in them.
Here are these "documents":
Novo - the guaranteed peasant CT mutual assistance comes that "in mind a terrible hunger, the peasants do not know how to saturate their stomach and, hungry, collect festivals for nutrition. There is a terrible theft of the sheep, then the cow will be taught and divert. There is a murder. It all makes hunger. The kids who have parents have long received a timeless death from the hunger strike, lying on the streets, "follow the signatures and print).
In the departure of the boric plumbing-from s. Dugouts, Neptyuvsk. ox., Buzul. W.:
"Despite the increase in up to 25% of the nutrition of children, the mortality of such from hunger continues. It is aggravated by the fact that the adult population also dilutes from hunger. In recent days, hunger takes terrifying dimensions. "21 Oct. 1921 (signature).

"We can't help them ..."

Head of department Society. Nutritional Mountains, Samarsk. y., writes:
"Transfer moans and tears of citizens of our district on paper is not a mind.
Every day, in the morning and until late evening, the hungry masses crowded at the buildings of the Volistolom community. Nutrition, with tears and hysterics ask for help, but we cannot help them, as soon as consolation and hope for the future. We promise that I will soon receive products from you and open the nutritional points, but until now, products did not receive products from you. Having at present a part of your products, immediately open Pitpunctions by 800 people. Now, the request of our citizens - send rather products rather, for every hour of deceleration carries extra innocent victims; Of course, from the side to judge the horror of hunger, not as on the spot to be the audience untimely fussing people; It is very hard and hurt, but still horrors of hunger on paper is impossible and not able to express. "

From the Christmas to mutual aid.

"In the dining room from early morning and until late at night, the small, semi-dial, cold and hungry kids and elderly old men who do not use dinners, and only hear from them moan and plea:
- Dai, Christ-sake, spoon, get rid of the soul from death!
Of course, they say, and they themselves see that already dinners are distributed, but they still ask to give them to pour at least that water that boilers wash. And so, when you see this terrible picture, tears involuntarily pour. If you describe everything, it's not enough for this forces. "

From the village of Sunflower Buzul. y

"We bring you to the attention that our society is currently in the critical situation. Eat solely one grass, but crumb bread does not have. Only thirty-three people of children are opened in our approach, and only thirty-three people have children, and in society there are children 332 hours, and all the starving, bread is absolutely no, they live in the poorest position, die ... Feeded vegetables and grass, and now Nothing was anything, the vegetable was lying all, and the grass stood and began to get nothing about and no place and you have to die with the hunger in place, why and ask you to add children to the dining room for meals. Chairman of the Committee (signature) ".

"Only one territory ..."

The chairman of Kuzbaevsky Varev-Koma informs that "the day is close when in Kuzbaevsky ox. There will be one territory without a population. "

Whole areas will turn into the desert.

Pugachevsky fiction writes that "if there is no ambulance in the near future, then the whole districts of Pugach, y. In the end, Mzhyg turn into the desert. "

Eating rats.

In the Semenovsk ox., Pugach, y., "The population is experiencing horrors of hunger: not only herbal surrogates, but also cats, dogs, rats, gophers eat. The Board does not have time to remove the body. "

Moan from horror hunger.

The Board of the Kabanovsky Multi-Pooress Communication, society characterizes the position of the district in the following expressions: "Selling with public diet threatens the full extinction of the population. All preparatory work on the opening of Pitpuncts is finished, but no products. We have repeatedly already wrote and telegraphed for all instances about the need for a speedy delivery of products and now once again confirm that the population of our district moans from horrors of hunger and need to immediately attach to Him to help-take at least to feed his children, and for this need bread without which we do not have the opportunity to open the Pitpunctions prepared by us. "

Crawl into the premises of the Council.

from. Averkino, Bugorusl. U.-EGINSKY SELLS, AVERKINA OVER., RECEIVE RESIDITE that "fear and horror approach. Hungry, including children, daily crawl into the villagers' room and require meals. Hungry or dried as skeletons or to disgrace swollen. The extinction continues, the preparation of a fraternal grave is required. "

Not only the graves, but also a coffin.

From the peasants of the Neptyvskaya Vol. The following "Human Document" was obtained, fastened by the seal of the village council and the signatures of 14 householders:
"In recent days, children and adults have died 60 people., Half of the village is unable to get up from bed and neighbors from regretful carry them lunches from Pitpunka. Many comrades, having more strength, get the graves, repaid for the future. The position of our village is the most terrible. In the whole village there is no odnsgo of bread, feed the swan, Padalu, Salon and the roots of the cantham. Many died along the way to Pitpunction at lunch.
Not only the graves, but also a coffin. Half of the inhabitants finally fell in spirit. "

From p. Sorochinsky, Buzul. y

"From seats come very irreparable information. The position of the starving everything worsens, the hungry death is increasingly waving its scythe and people are already lying under her blows no longer, and dozens.
When you come from beds, we ask for documentaries about the degree of their needs, then they will answer the greatest things like this:
- What are the documents for you? We are there for themselves, they will begin to show their swollen legs, hands and belly. "
Komäkchevsky district, Bulgakovsk. Volost, writes:
"The people die of hunger, so eats roots and reeds, different Moslas who have been lying for many years, and now they are dried and tickly, after which they are eaten. Currently, all the people of our parish remain in hungry deserts; We, members of the RCP (b), please, together with their population, the highest power to tell us assistance as food "(follow signatures and printing).

In the Pilyugin parish.

In the act on the survey of the population of the Pilyuginsk VOL., Produced by the Commission as part of the preyed. local volspalkom, wolkrestom of mutual assistance, doctor of the Pilyugin Soviet hospital of Menchinsky, authorized by the Whisit Committee and others, read:
"The examination found 190 families completely helpless, not even might move. Until January 1, 1922, only 25% stretched on surrogates. "
From p. Yekaterinovki, Bulgak, ox., Reports that "a different Padal, which was lying on, was assembled" and goes to food. The village council asks for help to suffering the population. "

from. Slavinka, Pugach y.

The overall collection of citizens of the village describes its position: "The population of Slavinka village, not having food, recently recent limits of grief and despair. There was no harvest last year, they did not get bread from the fields, nor feed for livestock in the present year. Since the spring of 1921, we began with a real hunger; What could be sold, exchange-was to bread: the inhabitants were obscured. From the spring, the people still felt in herbs, roots and similar surrogates, but when coldly and these surrogates were with "eating. All the beasts-somehow: cats and dogs are almost well. Quiet, the people are dying away from hunger. Dy away with almost whole families . Moved from grief and hunger Parents throw their children to the arbitrariness of fate. And these children, hungry, swollen, spread, drunk, in the cold roam the villages and announce the street with their moans and screams.
At the sight of these horrors of the hunger, people lose a sound dishonor. Without having any help from anything, come in complete despair. The number of daily deaths from hunger is growing every day and hour. The corpses lie unbridled for several days. There were cases when those who died from hunger were found in empty premises. Hungry, powerless people are unable to even prepare the graves for the dead. It was noticed to the disappearance of corpses by dogs.
The people of the whole Isso, indulge in the earth and lives only with one hope for future assistance, without which he left only hungry death.
The hungry population appeals to the Samara Provincial Eviance. Oh, a request to discover in our village a dining room or nutritional points for the starving people.
In the county town of Pugachev, a disposition of 180 versts (as required by the rules of instructions), for the absence of livestock, funds and even human forces, we cannot contact your request - so you need for digestible counterparts. We hope that the Soviet government of the people will not allow the death of all the inhabitants of our settlement around the hunger.

"Must die the hungry death."

(From materials with "Riding Timashevsky O-Va Pley, Samar. Y.).

"I am a representative of the Committee of Societies, mutual assistance T.-Sollyansky Pitpunkt, I bring to your information that a terrible hunger is raging in the village of T.-Solinka, people eating one winch without impurities without impurities, and Padal Konin; From among the 1010 shower there is not a single person who would eat clean bread.
If there is no help from the state, then the people of this village must perish the hungry death. "Signature.

Citizens in the frenzy.

From p. Alekseevka, Zaplavinsk. ox., Buzul. y., We are written like this:
"The village steppe; There were no herbs; Surrogates Bread absolutely no; The remaining horses and cow (sheep almost no longer) - -systems are destroyed on meat. Fugress completely nothing; Citizens in the frenzy. Mortality from hunger reached up to 6 people a day and every day increases.
Unpresenting emergency, immediate support for children and adult citizens will entail a hungry death with whole families, which is almost already observed now, such as: one of the citizens of our village from 7
Family man remained two and those on the eve of death; Another family has 9 people, three died, the rest are lying on the deathbed. There are no one ten families of such families. "

What will happen to spring?

Head of the Department of Public. Food of the Buguruslan Multi-Poland O-Va Pley writes that "the food situation of our area is terrible, stunning. People have long been no longer eating pure bread, such surrogates, like a swan and smear of meakin, are the only food objects. To improve meals, cut and eat the last cows and horses, and without the doomed to death from nonsense. Diseases and deaths on the basis of hunger are all rapidly, it is now, in November, and what will happen by spring, when all the scorest stocks run out when there are no swans, nor the ball, cattle or go to food, or will die of hunger? ".

Stones and crying is heard from everywhere.

Commissioner Buguruslan EPO telegraphs:
"Tsyng and tumors are ruthlessly populations. The number of hungry deaths in the area increases every day. Stones and crying children and adults rushing from everywhere. The painting is terrible, indescribable. Next to slow with criminal. "

From Ponomarevsky Potcher. O -a.

At least, the picture and in the report of the Ponomarevsky polypolar Potcher is not reflected. O -a. "The overall position of the starving population in the area is almost hopeless. 90% of the population is powered exclusively by sunroot, having no bread crumbs. Massage of diseases; Mortality is growing every day. The stock of herbs and root decreases. With the onset of colds, the death of the population is inevitable, the most emergency measures are needed to prevent this disaster. First of all, it is necessary to make every effort to feed at least 50% of children in November. "

From the report of the inspector A. R. A.

The report of the county inspector Ara surveyed Balakovsky and Pugachevsky. y
He's writing:
"For many areas of the Balakovo and Pugachev counties, a complete extinction of the starving peasantry is not far off. Already there are places where the swollen from hunger is from 70 to 80%. So, in the Elansky Sulakskaya Vol. Balakovsk. y And in general, a number of volosts Pugachevsk. y Residents of sets of villages completely swollen and quickly die out. Different and other diseases, with the absolute absence of medical agents, significantly reduce the suffering of hungry. If 30-40% of patients survive, then not for long, because the surrogates with an admixture of the punching can not be corrected.
Eating cats, dogs and dead horses-ordinary phenomenon. With the onset of winter, there is a rapid increase in mortality, since frosts are taken away by the population the last opportunity to eat bitter stems of watermelons, all sorts of roots, burdens, reauls, etc. Herbs.
At least an irrepresentable picture of children's homes in cities and some villages. Since the first evacuation of hungry children, children's homes managed to quickly fill and even overflow. Receivers or collectors, where children fall asleepy and rural population fall, represent a terrifying picture. 200 or 300 children in a house that can accommodate only 50, and all of them are swollen or dry as skeletons, to all semi-battles, barefoot. The air is progress, which is difficult to breathe. In addition, in these receivers there are many not isolated children with infectious diseases.
A rapid increase in the number of children, no linen, beds and medicines makes the stay of children in these houses in nightmare, quickly cutting their lives.
All these children A. R. A. gives meals, but its value under the conditions described is extremely negligible.
In both of these countries, the situation, transport in the near future will be directly catastrophic. Helpless adult population, which does not get any help, with "Eating everything that seems to be with, hard eye. In both counties with" Eternally livestock from 80 to 90%. The remaining cattle has lost the minimum performance. In some places Pugachevsky y. At 20-30 villages can be found, no more than 10 couples of bulls (eg, Avantheyevskaya parish). So far, frost and snow have not yet hid from the peasant surrogates in the form of roots and herbs, he did not dare to touch the cattle, but with the onset of frosts, the destruction of the cattle began to grow in continuous progression.
It is safe to say that for the lack of a gentle transport to January and February, more than half of the dining room will cease their work, due to the inability to get products. "

What the population eats.

The peasants feed on everything that they can, and first of all the surrogates, "there are nothing in common with bread" (pilugino. Bugur. Y).

Bread is neither crumbs.

From the village of Sunflower, McATovsk. in., Buzuluk. y., report that the population eats exclusively by grass, bread doesn't have a crumb.
The peasants of 8 mi volosts of the Maleevsky district on the 15th e October were distributed in food ratio into four groups: a) eating bread-1821 people., B) bread with an admixture of surrogates - 18.448 people, c) alone surrogates - 17,893 people. and d) absolutely starving 1239 people.
Nowadays, a similar "distribution" could be considered ideal. Now bread does not have crumbs, surrogates on the outcome, the number of hungry has increased significantly, the mortality has increased.

Surrogate series.

A comprehensive idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrogates of plant origin gives the following community from the places:
from. Pokrovskoye, Samar, U.- 50% of the population of the parish is powered by surrogates: swan, birch beams, watermelon cortex, sunflower stems, flaxfall and PP.
Peasants of the Berezovsky District, Pugach. y., make up yourself food from cabbage, oak bark, birch leaves, poking, chuck's roots. These surrogates cause a large number of diseases, since bark, birch earrings, sunflower stem, sunflower seed husks are harmful.
In p. Grachevka Buzul. U., most commonly used surrogates are a duplicate sheet, a winch and "Katun-grass".


Sunflower stems, which in the steppe locations of the province, usually, to prepare on firewood, now went to food. - Of these, with the addition of a straw and herbs "roll-field" removed from the roof, the so-called "paste" is cooked in peasant everyday dish.

The smell of swan bread.

Instructor Ara in Stavropol. It writes: "Clean bread is absent even in wealthy families, where they have not had time to" have a last horse or a cow. And everyone has a winch. In a few lucky-with an admixture of 20-30% flour. Characterized smell of swan breads you hear the challenge , barely open the door "...

"In the covers or grain".

The same instructor writes: "I had to inspect several bins and bread bags, - everywhere" earrings "birch or hazel, smiling of meakin, woody leaves, -takovy the reserves of the peasants. Many unwind the raw, unbearable skin and are committed to some kind of miracle In the stomach. "

Surrogates come to an end.

Inspector Ara writes that in Stavropolsk. y "Surrogates, to the horror of the population, come to the end."

Wood sawdust.

In a number of villages, she are in food; Especially for this purpose, Lipa is exterminated.
So, from the village of sunflower, Buzul. y., They write that, due to the flow of grass stocks, "citizens for food to cut the tree and sawdust to warm up and besides the minor lipnyak and challenge on food, why they are very sick and murut."

Bone flour.

The peasants collect bones of animals who have fallen more than 10 years ago, and grind them on flour (s. Starobelogorka).
"Even Moslas who were lying on the dung piles for several years, citizens were chosen, now I will not see Moslov on the navigasses, the hungry stomach is not considered anything" (Novo Guarank. Sencons).
Raw animal skin go to the manufacture of jelly.

Eli Suslikov.

Susliki is found in the steppe locations of the province in abundance. Before the onset of cold weather, when the gophers lay down in a hole-on winter hibernation, they were a big delicacy of the starving population. From "Jersey for the summer Susklik represented a delicious dish. Unfortunately, with the onset of winter, the powers are stopped.

Cats, dogs-in food.

But with the onset of winter from the places they began to flow numerous information about the mass extermination, for the purpose of nutrition, cats and dogs.
So, from p. Senthales (Bugur. Y.) Telegraph: "The mortality of the starving increases. The population eats cats. "
From p. Starrobelogorki, buzul. y., report that the peasants eat not only surrogates, but also all sorts of garbage and Padal. Cats and dogs steal with greed, kill and eat.

War because of the dog.

On November 25th, in the same village there was such a case: one of the citizens the dog dragged a piece of meat, but was caught and killed, because of the corpse of a dead dog starving the starving peasants, almost a war was raised, the family of the victor who won the corpse, as a special delicacy .


Count Starrobelogors P. Chernyshev with "ate already twenty cats and fifteen dogs.

Infectious horses in food.

Citizens with. Pilyugina is used in the writing of infectious horses that have fallen from the disease.
Commissioner for societies. Food of the borsal plox (buzul. y.) Writes: "Surveying pitpunks of a non-merice ox., I came across the following: Two widows pulled the KZ Earth to Poland (fell from Siberian ulcers), lying in the land of a month and a half, a member of this fell and faded themselves. , and hopelessly patients dying, I had to see them. "

In p. Dugouts, Neptyevsk. ox.

Anfisa Kottenkova began to ask for the chase. Kozhevnikova two three days ago born puppies. He did not give, but she had screamed on his knees, cooked them in the bath and, removing the skin, without paying, with "ate.

"In mind hunger, there are no prices ..."

Natalinsky Volossev Committee of Mutual Assistance sent information about the food regality "of the villages of the villages united them. From seven villages-in five surrogates, 100% of the population eats. Food is: Swan, straw, meakin, birch bark, woody bark, roofing roots and fallen cattle . In some cases, the skin and bones of fallen animals, marsh roots, wigged husk, and woody leaves are eaten. On the issue of prices for bread, meat and so on. The Committee briefly replies that "because of hunger, there are no prices for them."

Eat even Padalu.

From p. Ekaterinovki, Buzul, y., Report that "a different creature, Padlo, who was lying around, all collected" and goes to food. The village council requests "the highest authority to pay attention to such an arbitrariness of the people and what is his suffering."
The peasants of the villages of New-Volyn and Birch saw. Bugur y., Suffer terrible food needs, feed on swan, leaves and other plants and roots of algae. Even the potal disease is eaten and the mass of gastric diseases appears from such nutrition, even the abdominal typhoid, which threatens the epidemic.

Raw fucked horse.

In p. Kuzminovka instructor of the province "stumbled upon five people. Children who hurt the raw rotten horse, whose piece (pounds in five) have just brought them a mother, having received a horse in the priest who fallen in the field of someone's horse. "

Silent because of his shame ...

Christmas K, mutual. It reports that "the population has already shuffled and extended that there is nothing more to sell to buy for it although a piece of horse drinker or some kind of surrogate, even there is a case that a citizen of our society stabbed the dog and with" ate. There are many other cases , similar to this, but also the citizens themselves are still silent about this because of the shame of others, and the population, having lost all hope for salvation, every day and mint "every day."

Have you reached the cannibal?

If not reached, they almost reached. The instructor of the Guesthouse, who worked in Buzuluksky., Approved the case of killing the parents of his sick daughter for eating. This case of detebide, no doubt, is not the only one, but so far this information has not come to us.

Eating the corpses of people.

All participating cases of eating human corpses are observed.
So, for example, in p. Moksha, Pugach, y., The corpses of the dead from famine people add up in the barn. For the accumulation of 10-15 corpses, the fraternal grave and corpses are buried to the ground. From a warehouse of corpses (although with it the watchman) there was a case of embezzlement. Chase Shishkanov climbed at night in the barn, chose a corpse of an 8-year-old girl, cut off his legs, hands and head and wanted to remove, but was detained. For about "Clashkin Shishkanov, thermal worm is kidnapped for eating.
As a common "principle" eating human corpses, it has been established that the troupes are eaten:
a) relatives of the dead in this family, inclusive to fathers and mothers,
b) outsiders, in the latter case, the "method" of the embezzlement is used to mining the corpse.
In the area of \u200b\u200bBuzuluk Mountains, up to 12 cases of eating human corpses are registered.

Theft of corpses.

In p. Andreevka. Buzul. With., According to the provinces instructor, there are repeated cases of the embezzlement of corpses from warehouses, where they temporarily add up to common funerals in the mass grave produced by the Saturday. The corpses steal in order to eat.

"This boys with" Eat ... "

Before us - the protocol record of what happened on December 10 in p. Thanks, Buzul. y (We save the style and spelling of the original):
"Upon the presence of a volisppartum T. Vostrikova, December 9th, died by the boy Egor. Peshikov and died on December 9, the mother of Avdotia Pershikov and come in the morning on the morning of December 10, the boy chopped into pieces and want to cook, but wanted to cook Pelagia Satishchev. What she really is from hunger, that boy died from hungry death, the boy was 11 years old.
When I began to chop the boy, the girl Fedosia Kazyulin came running, came and Zgtained to Shabram, and Shabrich Pelagei Sinelnikov said to the Council, and in the Council at that time there was a chairman of the Vilitol Committee and went there a member of the village council and the Chairman of the Volistolom. In fact, really, the hand is cut off and cut off the stomach and the intestines and Pelagia Satishcheva said: "Eat this boy, then we will cook this woman," which proves Fedosia Kazyulina; They lived all together and on December 9, three died: this very boy and mother of the boy Pershikov and died there and Gavril Kozulin there.
What the signatures and the press certifies the explanatory rural council. Chairman of the Board of Levkin. "

Cattle is destroyed.

Cattle drops, it cuts into meat, is used in food. 0 Tom, what are the sizes of cattle destruction, the following facts say:
Small cattle (sheep, etc.), it can be said that there is no: cows held to snow; With the onset of winter, they are mercilessly cut on meat. The working livestock (horses and camels) by the spring of 1922 will remain no more than 5-10%.
Karabaevsky Voloste with "Riding (Bugur.") It states that the population has consumed the horses, killing them on meat and picking up in order to power the fat cattle.
In view of the foregoing, with "Riding refers to the" institution of the highest distance "with a request to satisfy the population by the solder. In p. Natalia Palo horses 10 percent, cows 6 percent., Sheep 15 percent., Foam 5 percent., C "Harvested horses 30 percent., Sheep 50 percent, foals 80 percent. In addition, different livestock is stated from 4-25 percent . (Sheep).

It is impossible to escape the flight.

In Stavrop. U., according to the Ara inspector, "exhausted horses are narped and eat, so that the people's hungry death are not possible to escape

Started "to solve" horses.

From p. B. Kamenka, Samar. y., They write that the middle peasants began to "decide the" last horses; Horned cattle has long been with "erogen. The corpses of fallen horses are eaten by the grab. Cattle is made.
In p. Pokrovsky, Samar. U., For August, September and October Palo: Horses -112, foal-46, cows-49, calves-130, sheep-147, lamb-134.
In p. N. Nikolsky, Buzul. y "Cattle is absolutely no no, it's about the cats" (from the instructor's report).
In p. Gracovka, Buzuluk. y "There is no gentle transport. Transportation of catering from Art. Buzuluk to the warehouses of the Grachev Mountains for this reason is impossible. No horses and forage. Cattle is finally dying out and cuts into meat. Score of livestock is great. If there were 1000 work horses in the village, then there are some 30 babies bare. "

Position with geud-transport.

The position with the transport in the most hungry mosses is becoming increasingly threatening.
In p. Saifutdinov, Bogdanovsk. ox., For example, there are only 4 horses. In general, everywhere in the area there is a magnitude destruction of horses. Prescribe a peasant in the submission, and he takes a knife and cuts a horse, saying:
"How to wash it on the road, so I'll scout her at home myself."
Because of this, the transportation of products for pitpunks is very difficult.
The Bohezuluk Mount Management Board asks for the Visor to send a car truck to his order to deliver products. Otherwise, the approval of the board, -Hell pitpunctions can cover and children will be doomed to death, due to the absence of horses and camels suitable for transportation.

There are no cows for a long time.

In p. Old Belogorko two months ago, it was up to 300 horses, now 25 left the most prosperous inhabitants, and 275 horses with "eat. Cows have long been not there. Finish dogs and cats. On the way to Sorochinsky two weeks ago there was a lot (up to one and a half dozen) corpses Fallen horses, now they were picked up hungry.

One slush to the whole village.

"In p. Kuzminovka-writes the instructor of the province, I met only two horses: one in the slaughtered form (it was slaughtered before my death), the other, lying, elaborated the blocks thrown from the roof of straw. The owner of this one on all the village of Horses says that it will have to go three days later, since it will also die. "

"Human transport".

We do not have time to carry the dead in the overall grave and in the public coffin, the representative of the village council with. Kuzminovka, -Added cases when the body lay in the house but a few days, and only because there is no horse on which it would be possible to take him.
It is often necessary to carry a wagon with the dead man with human transport, "for everything in the village of 500 yards is there only 13 horses, and those are lying.
The other day we decided as soon as snow falls, with "ride food for catering in s. Gracovka (for 12 miles) on the sledding of a human burner, but we do not know if we find people who can bring at least two pones .

How to plow?

Alekseevsky Customer Assistance, Zaplavinsk. ox., Buzul. U, writes that due to the destruction of livestock, it will not be possible to sing a single lasp of bread.

Robbery lives continue.

From Kuzminovsk. ox., Buzul. y., report that "the hunger catastrophe began to take terrible dimensions. In each village, the parberies began at the day and night. The destruction of livestock robbery and murder continues.
There are almost no hope of hopes.
The reason for this is the absence of a forage and a huge loss of horses that are overhaled and cut by citizens on meat. Loss occurs in a very significant number. "

The incidence is large.

The incidence of the population on the basis of hunger takes large sizes, exacerbating the lack of medical care and medicines.
It is mainly expressed, in the phenomena of extreme exhaustion and kynegi. There are villages, where the whole population is completely swollen ("echo").
From citizens with. Trunner bush, Samar. y., Received a message about the disease on the basis of hunger 174 people.
According to the Chistovskaya Vol., Childish diseases-308, as well as the mass of diseases of adults.
From M.-Chesnekovskaya Vol. Report diseases from hunger-adults 50 cases, children's 75.
In Petropavlovsk, ox. Hurt from hunger adults-1974 people, children - 1637 people, diseases are increasing.
In Vasilyevsk. ox. Hurt from hunger 553 h.
The chairman of the M.-Chesnekovsky volisten team states that "no one exists in an entrusted volost in him before the new crop."
In p. Borovka. Meleksk. y., got sick on the basis of hunger 25 people. (Tatars) and 14 children.

"Completely impersonal ..."

From p. Marietic reports that many people have so swollen that "completely impersonal."
From p. Morshanki, Pugach, y., Reported that in recent times there were cases that bear the peculiar name "run" (the entire population lies in the bed).
Starobelogorsky Pitpunkt. In addition to feeding on the boiler, there are hungry children 257, of which 106 were swollen from hunger, 74 are sick for the same reason and all of them are extremely exhausted, barely can speak and move.

Typhoid fever.

In the village N-Volyn, Bugur, y., On the soil of food, the mass of gastric diseases develops to the PADAL; Abdominal title threatens to develop into a terrible epidemic.

What looks like swollen from hunger.

Horrible look: hands and legs like pillows, face is nalito, the eyes are barely noticeable. It is a man of Io Street and barely bears on his legs.

S. Novo-Nikolskoye, Buzulu.

Having visited this village writes in this village: "There is not a single family, where there would be one healthy person. People have or kind of covered skeleton leather or a view of a brilliant, pouring out of the heads to the legs of the log, so there is not enough strength to withstand without shudding. "

Along with hunger and cold.

In a number of villages, located in the steppe areas of the province (mainly in Buzuluksky district), along with hunger, the population is also becoming needed in fuel. In the absence of fuel, a way to voluntarily seal several families in one house is widely applied. It even more enhances mortality and incidence of infectious diseases.

Medical care is not.

From a number of villages, they briefly report that there is no medical care, there is no medical personnel (Stavrove. Y.).

Are you crazy?

Cases of madness on the basis of hunger almost uncovered, oddly enough. Only Matveyev Mountains (Bugur.) It writes that "some do not tolerate the torment of the king of hunger and lose weight, go crazy."

How dying.

Dying not only in homes. Death Causes people to the streets, in the field, in the dining room catering, in search of food.
So for example, the dull cooperative about "Unity reports the following cases of hungry death: 1) Danilov, Nikifor, having learned that a dead horse is lying in the field, he went to look for her to cut off her meat, and with a knife in his hands was found near the horse in the field Dead; 2) Girl of Ragjquin, 14 years old, going to the gardens to collect Swan's flour, found dead in the ditch.
Head of Pitpunct in p. Starobelogorsky describes several cases of death from hunger, of which we take the most characteristic:
"Malich Rakhmatoldina, 25 liters, wandering on the village and reaching the building of the rural council, entered and uttered a few incomprehensible words, left the board of the Council; After walking twenty, fell and ended on the street.
- Nazinejdin Bikinin, 20 years old, left the house of his apartment and went for the courtyard, fell and ended. "

Fraternal graves.

For the growl of the graves about "is labor, a service, the fraternal graves; part of the funeral purposes are used by the trenches remaining from the times of Czechoslovakov who are not allowed to crumble.
In some villages of the Grachevsky district, people roam the street from the hunger strike and frighten; Measures are taken to clean the corpses, prescribe citizens to pull the graves, but in the near future these outfits will not be performed, since the people have completely exhausted.

Funerals are produced without coffins.

S. B. Kamenka, Samarsk. U.- daily roms from hunger to 10 people, mostly adults. Funerals are produced without coffins. The poor was completely lost economy and die out.

Who dies.

A large percentage of mortality gives old men and in general people elderly (Morshanka, Pugach, u.).
From p. Cobelma, Samar. y, they write that "death comprehends exclusively adults."
Along with the old men, mruh children.
Committee of mutual assistance of the starving village of dugouts, a non-mercy volost, Buzuluksky district, reports that they have to be released on the village of 38 dinners, it is necessary to distribute not between the starving, and literally between the children dying from hunger, and there are no cases when in the eyes of the Committee, the child who has not received food, dies . Of the adults die from hunger not only the elderly, weak, but young and even recently strong. Full family die off (a list of 36 people who died from hunger are attached). The society is concerned about the preparation of the fraternal grave, for it is confident that the time will come soon, when no one is able to fulfill this debt, since the Earth freezes and the exhausted people do not hope more on their strength.
Especially for this she suffered the death of Foma Eremin, who was deceased on the very boiler of catering. The Committee, seeing that Eremin dies from hunger, enlisted him with a guard at a dining room and he fed to her for several days. But previously so hotmed that the stomach of his overflow could not and he died. Large work was worth it to bury him, since the peasants struggled to the grave with difficulty.

Unable to dig graves.

In p. Cobelme, Samarsk. y., from hunger daily dies 5-6 people. The corpses of the dead for several days are not buried. All adult population is so much exhausted that unable to dig graves. Peasants do not know what to do with the dead. On November 28, the general meeting of citizens with. Males, on which it was decided to dull one fraternal grave with shared forces.
If there is no state aid, then 95 ° / about the population is sweeping.

Wait for their turn.

Half of the remaining alvanian places. Mikhailovsky (Buzul. Y.) Wanders like shadows, waiting for his turn. If some of the houses have remained some of the stocks of vegetables, they are enough to say that it can be said for a while and unmistakably it can be said that in two months the entire village will die without public aid.

Do not manage to bury.

From p. Matveyevka, Buzul. y., report that "adult population, in the specials of Tatar, is doomed to death from hunger, unless there is an ambulance. Tealer no longer have time to bury (t, e, to roast into the ground), and put on the barns in the pile of tens. Feed completely nothing. "

Tired of burying.

From conversations with a priest with. Gracovka turned out that he was tired of burying the dead from hunger. "When-says, there will be an end to all this, I already very angry."

How acts of death are drawn up.

We present one of the many acts about the death: "Old-Screen Rural Council (Meleksk. U.) certifies that the chase. from. Old-writer Danilov Peter, not having food, feeding two months by surrogates, died of hunger on November 24. Chairman of the village council (signature) print. "

Mortality statistics.

A complete study of hungry mortality can not be made, since there is no medical personnel for this, and official acts on cases of hungry death are not compiled; However, judging by the protocols, the mortality rate on the soil of exhaustion is very large. "Thus reports the Stavropol Pottreb. O-in.
Indeed, statistical data on hungry deaths and the movement of the population are generally far away and scattered. But about the number of deaths, we can judge at least by those concerns information from the counties that we have.
Bot them:

Samara county.

According to the West Committee, on December 1, 4720 people died in the county. and got sick 35 396 hours.
According to the reviews of doctors, most deaths are accelerated from the supply of surrogates, - eating wood seeds of birch, river Il, clay, etc.
In p. Titovka 63% of the population is powered by surrogates. He died in hunger 26 adults and 6 children.
From Elhovka report that children who need help, in the area 5093. The mortal cases on the soil of hunger strikes for October and November were 663. Registered patients from hunger of children 2785 and adults 3991 people. Position in the area of \u200b\u200bthreatening. Need immediate help. There are no surrogates.
On the border of Samarsk. and Pugachevsk. U.U. This is the case:
In the area of \u200b\u200bEkaterinovskaya Multioxis, 604 mortal deaths were registered: in p. Krivochye-Ivanovka 200 people, in p. Marieto 50 people, in p. Yekaterinovka 204 people in these villages already have Pete. Points opened by Visuvoyuz. In addition, 50 people. Died in with. Students and 100 people. in p. Kanuyevka, where there is no nutritional items.
Especially sad position in p. Creaters, Ivanovo parish, Pugachevsk. With., where hunger, accepted threatening sizes. Of the 5868 inhabitants of 5650 do not have food and are doomed to the right death. Every day dies from hunger for several people. There are already 200 such deaths. Children are especially affected, which are about 2800. In the village, from September 15, a dining room was opened to local funds, which somehow maintained half-reserved existence of up to 1000 inhabitants. Now the means dried up. Residents are asked to assist.
Ekaterinovskaya cooperation has risen hastily to maintain the dining room in p. CHILLATE products for 1000 children. Need wider assistance.

Pugachev county.

S. B.-Glushitsa. In July, the population of the parish consisted of 18,962 souls; In November, there were 14.995 souls. Most of the times "laughed: 102 people. Died from hunger (in July-5, in August-12, in September-16, in October-27, in November-52).
With oak spam. During the time with 16 seconds. On October 16, in the four villages of the parish (Oak Vet, Birch Guy, Kolyvan and pos. Grigorievsky) died "from the hungry death" 324 people, sick on the basis of hunger 2526 people.
Patients swollen and often lie whole families; The rest of the population is barely walks from severe weakness; No bread, eating one surrogate.
In the dry-Vyazovsk ox. From June to October, 58 people died from hunger. (adults).
In p. Moksha with a nurse in October died from hunger 200 hours and 1200 people. Leaving in the crop terrain.
In p. Dergovka from July to October died from hunger 84 people. and dispersed in different sides for feeding 1120 people.
In p. From August 15 to November 15, Morshanka died from hunger 139 people.
From p. Pestravki telegraphs that 60 or more people die from the district; In the future, "mortality threatens in incomprehensible sizes."
from. Apple enemy, from July to November, inclusive in the parish died from hunger 19 people, of which more than half the old man.

Buzuluk county.

from. Kirsanovka, Totskaya Vol., Died from hunger 14 people.
from. Antonovka, Grachevsk. ox., for November died from hunger 13 people.
from. Nikolaevka, Sorochinsk Vol., From 1 to 19 November, 10 people died from hunger.
From p. Gracovka write: "According to the information to complete mutual assistance, in the area from August 1 to December 15, 1380 people who died from hunger are 1380 people, and the swollen 8700 people."
PO certificate of Bulgakovsky Volossa, the food state of the population by the middle of November is:
The number of souls in the parish by the beginning of 1921-16,240; Delivered in the yield. Places on the occasion of hunger-2220; Died from hunger within 1921.-1000; patients and echoing from hunger at present - 6500; The number of shower in the parish is currently-13,200.
According to the information collected by the Special Commission and the local doctor, in Kuzminovskaya Vol. Of the dead from August 1 to November 1 - 559 people, 1433 people swollen from hunger, starving 11.116 people. In the Tallinn Vol. Died from hunger 68 and swollen 215 people.
In the district of Chernovsk ox. From October 29 to November 5, 4 children and 6 adults died from hunger, sick on the basis of hunger 10 children and 6 adults.
PO on December 10 in the area of \u200b\u200bPavlovsk Mountains on the basis of hunger died 697 people and ill 5009 people.
From p. Alekseevka, Bulgakovsk. ox., report that from the thirty householders of this village 10 houses die with hunger, 10 houses have no products and 10 houses on the eve of hunger.
Andreevsk, ox. For October, the month in three villages Andreyevsk. Volost, buzul. y Andreevka. Baigorovka and Krasnoyarov, with a population in a total of 4500 people, died from hunger 24 people, poisoned by the surrogate-repear flour-14 people, from diarrhea 3 people, from the abdominal typhoid 5 h, weeding 4, from childbirth 3, from Infant disease (convulsions) 1, uncertain 2, just 56 people. General settlement of population-45. In the neighboring mosses are no better, in many even worse, so, the Petrovskaya parish, Buzuluk, especially suffer. y.; in p. Gavrilovka daily up to a dozen coffins.
In p. Pokrovka, Buzul. From October 1 to December 14, 97 people died on the basis of hunger. And for the same reason, the 8th% of the total population, people, both children and adults, are all swollen.
S. B.-Malyshevka, from 1 to 8 November there were 10 deaths from hunger.

Buguruslan county.

In the area of \u200b\u200bMatveyev Mountains from August 1 to November 23, 249 people drew up from hunger. With Matveyevka died of hunger for three weeks - from 1 to 22 November-25 children and 9 adults, in p. Savelyevka for the same period killed 29 children. In general, the death rate of children in the area takes an epidemic character.
V. s. Pilyuhin registered 48 deaths. In a very near future, these cases will give a huge number.

Stavropol County.

The umbilical department reports that "deaths on the soil of hunger according to the represented acts 152, in reality, much more, since many deaths are not registered and they do not declare about them."

"Are in death agony" ...

The authorized Sentalin Mountains declares that in his area "is noticed a strong mortality rate."
Next, one of the alands of county testifies that, according to the court's conclusion, "20 people. Are in death agony. "

Up to ten coffins per day.

Little is the Glushtsky reception room, Pugach, y., Indicates that "mortality is increasing every day and comes to 10 coffins per day and more. To bury the dead no one, all put in one common grave. "

How to spend winter peasants.

The classes of peasants in the amazing hunger locations are very uncertain. When there was an opportunity, the surrogates were blank; Now they are looking for bones, fell and in general all sorts of ways are reducing food.
Patients lie in a lying.
The economic condition of the peasants is crying. The property is almost all eliminated, part of the BAB, part (in a similar area of \u200b\u200bthe province) for heating.

"Outstanding in the hands of fate" ...

The instructor of the province writes: "The state of the population in Buzul. y the most desperate; The complete absence of any material sources; Position, full of horror. The peasants live hope for someone and stupidly and shamefully give themselves in the hands of fate. The farm finally collapsed. "
From Pugach. y They write that in the Berezovsky district "the hungry mass of people with swaths wanders along the shores and ravines, looking for something with" hard, not believing with quality, just to quench the hunger. "
Kozlovsky village council writes that citizens are engaged in the fact that they roam along the steppe, looking for the remains of fallen animals and, finding those, eat with greed.
"Often whole crowds and single peasants walk along the banks of the rivers and lakes, in the hope of finding some kind of food, grass or root; Slim from the trees dry bark, which is ticking and eating. Full families are brave swollen, with incredibly disfigured faces and inflamed eyes, people of all ages in tips and committees are asked to help them. There were several cases when, having lost hope, it was lost at the exit of the institution lost the last forces, fell and dyed, "said Matveevsk. Oh-in Pley (Buzul.).)
Peasants "from the day a day roam the villages as mortal shadows, in search of some piece, or kill yard pieces and cats and eat them in food. Thus, the unfortunate pass several degrees of hunger and in the end-dying. "(Morshansky Voltoistte).

Ask for help state.

"Only the hoping of ambulance from the side still lives and thinks the peasant" - they communicate from p. Ponomarevka, Bugurel. Y.
"Cutting and nutritional items are deposited by a crowd of hungry peasants of parents of starving children, who are asked to immediately help from the state, at least for their children" (pos. Mikhailovsky, Buzul.).).
One of the headplicit directions asks for instructions, "how to do with a hungry mass that does not allow feeding children, since, entering the dining room, requires help and food."

Army security of pitpunct.

From the rhokovka (Buzul. Y.) Telegraphs that "with a distribution of food in the dining room there are armed guards, due to the strong head of adults and children who do not receive a soldering."
However, there are villages, the population of which is more consciously belong to the experienced disaster.
- We will immediately open Pitpunkt in the village. Equipment and heating will take at your own expense, are the peasants of such villages.

"Once again trying happiness ..."

In p. Bulgakov discussed the issue that in a month will be with "the whole surrogate will eat and the magnetic extinction will begin.
The general meeting of the citizens of the village, discussed this issue, decided: "Once again, trying to happiness, ask the state of vacation of any products in order to not allow to die at least our children who are currently roaming as shadows, without seeing nothing nutritious, with the exception of Swan , tree bark or fell, which is considered even for the delicacy. "
At the same time, the society asks to take into account that "before all the outfits required from us, both food and other, we performed without any slowdown and prosperity."

Peasant youth in the fight against hunger.

Sometimes, as for example, in p. Devlvizerkin, (Bugorusl. H.), In the fight against hunger, the peasant youth in the face of the local cell R. K. S. M.
In general, peasant activity in the fight against hunger is not great, and not wonderful: what active attitude to life can be demanded of people's disfigured hunger?

Where is the rural intelligentsia?

The instructor of Ara, who visited Meleksky., Writes: "The case of help is inhibited by the lack of intelligent forces and even enough competent people."
In general, rural intelligentsia (teachers, clergy, medical personnel) in the fight against hunger exhibits itself very weak. Most of it left the terrain threatened over the hunger.

Hands are lowered ...

No wonder Christmas is a mutual assistance, Buzul. y., notes that "even the most energetic people, and then their hands are lowered, not knowing what to do."

Children suffer the most.

What children suffer and die most of all, they do not have to talk about it. This is myself for myself a number of facts.

"Father died, mother escaped ..."

There is an almost magnitude flight of the relatives from their children. "My memorable book writes the Gonduz Instructor - upon bypass with. Grachovka Pestert notes: "Father escaped" or "father died, mother escaped"; "Father and mother escaped, leaving some orphans" .. Having come to one house, I met a bunch of kids lying on the furnace, all of them are sick, their six, and the oldest 14 years. Father died, and the mother ran away, and now they are now Already the second week do not even see the surrogates and are injured only by a scanty public catering solder received for two.

Children gnawing the handms.

Karabaevsky Voloste with "Riding, Bugorusl. Ye. By setting a terrible hunger strike, he writes that" Mothers of starving children, being in a wave committee, say that children do not see anything from "Eat, because of what they nibble, so you have to To connect them. "
From the Kassovsky village, Buzul. y., report that children are still exhausted, which is roming during grass collection in the field. Grass is going to eat.
From Novosergievka (Buzul. Y.) Telegraph: "Cases of the hungry death of children are rapidly".
From p. Pagrawards (Pugach, u.) Telegrafate that "MRUT children every day; The corpses are selected on the streets. "

Definitely freeze children.

There are cases of intentional freezing children in the fields and roads (Novosergievka).

Children freeze in the steppe.

Chornovsky Volipolkol, Buzul. u . Pavlovka. Unlocking to the ego home, children are thrown into the steppe to arbitrarily. There were cases when the corpses of frozen, exhausted children were found in the steppes. Numerous cases of leaving children in the mutual assistance committee are observed.

S. Krivapye Ivanovka.

Mother fools children.

From the Matverevskaya volost (Buzul. Y.) They write: "There are often such pictures in our area that the child refuses to get food for himself, but asks for permission to feed his mother, but there are cases when his children suffocate his children to their children to Do not leave them to suffer. "
There are cases (truth, rare), when a child sent to the pitpunkt for dinner and the brothers-unceremoniously caught the potatoes and fish, providing the rest to the share of others.

School children are not visited.

County inspector Ara in Stavrop, y. It writes that "the children from exhaustion became sluggish and lifeless, they only can be seen somewhere dried in the corner or, like flush old men, they sit on the stove for all day. Schools are not visited by part because there is no physical opportunity to go to school, part of them, because most of them do not have clothes that have long been sold on bread. "

In p. B.-Aldarkine.

Members of the B.-Aldarkinsky Selkomass Complex, Buzul. y., sent us the following letter:
"In p. B. Aldarkine, Buzul. U., Open October 26 dining room for non-lawy children. But, unfortunately, she according to the issued products, satisfies only 1-% of all children of our village. We, as those who observe the right food distribution between children, have to be a chance of being involuntary witnesses of the stunning soul of paintings. He barely begins the morning as a long string of children with pots, pots, cups of heading in the dining room, and in the morning, the dining room is filled with children. There is not a single child who has left the slightest features, testifying to its normality in physical terms, -fall, stiffers, poured eyes and cheeks and skinny torsions, barely hold on their feet. What a feeling of pity and compassion fills the soul of everyone who saw these children - this color and the hope of the Soviet Republic, which had a lot of terrible hunger.
But the moment of emergency is coming. The whole crowd of children begins to worry and alternately substitute her bowls, pots, cups.
The lucky, enrolled in the dining room, finally satisfied and, satisfied, diverge down home, but after them the crowd of children remains, the number is much longer than satisfied, and the crying begins, requests, plenty: "Why is we not eating food, why are we left overboard? "Many children, hunger and exhausted children, in the dining room fell into infamousness. There were even more terrible facts: 12 Summer boy Nikolai Egorov, died at the boiler, a day in the dining room, his sister, Pelagia, 6 years old, and Another day, their father-Andrei Egorov died. Thus, within 4 days, a whole family died out. And such terrible facts are observed daily.

Children's mortality.

That the mortality rate of children is higher than the mortality rate of other age categories, is proved by these seven villages Buzul. y For the period from half November to December 10, 1921 (Konovalovka, Trostya, Perovka, N. Keskovka, Alekseevka, Sunflower and Neptevo):

ChGO will children make, when will their parents die?

This question is asked by the Andreevsky Volyspilk (Buzul. U.) In the parish the other day, opens with quakers shelter for a hundred children-round orphans. The dining room is open to a thousand children. But it is a drop in the sea. Fasting all population. And the children will have to be very bad when their parents will die.

Why do you need to feed one of the ten?

So asks us to the head of the Costroopic Department of the Buguruslan Mountains, T. Kuzmin:
"The usefulness of nutritional points in public catering is obvious, the population with Otradi meets their appearance, but they are far from satisfying the needs of the population: there can eat one of the decades clearly starving children, and nine are left to the mercy of fate. Such help is very insignificant and even incomprehensible, why do you need to feed one of the ten? Yes, and this assistance is not fully, there is no bread, crumbs and fats, it is necessary to feed only fish and potatoes. "
The same question is given by citizens with. Abdulov Plant, Bugur. Solve mutual assistance offered to citizens of this village strictly observe a 10% nutritional rate of hungry children
"Having learned about this, the Chairman of the Amanak O-Va Pley, -EP, is surrounded by the Abdulovsky Plant and asked me to admit all children with tears. Early children surround daily dining and cry, asking for a spoonful of hot soup, while screaming: do not let the hungry death or a cross you immediately so that we do not suffer more! Some children from Besseli fell right in the snow and had to be taken around the houses in Salazki to their parents who say: where do we have children, when we plow from hunger and soon die. "

Examination of starving families.

The attempt of the residential survey of starving family-yards was first produced in the area of \u200b\u200bSentalin Multiw. O-Va Pley, Bugurusl. y
The three most afflicted villages of the district were examined, - in each three typical starving families.
The survey was made by local authorities, a settlement with representatives of cooperation, and gave the following result.

S. Deniscino.

The village is the most amazing hunger in the area.
1) House Haliolev. In the saint on the bare floor, there is a corpse of a woman of 65 years, in the hut full destruction, on the floor lies the last representative of the woman's family of 65, which represents a living corpse. The whole family died from hunger.
2) Other dwelling dustwater digested after a fire; On the hiracles, in the mud, three children are lying from 3 to 7 years and the owner itself is 35 years old, everything is without movement. I bare one hostess at home.
3) the house in Heirullina-owner has already died; A woman has remained 40 years old with three children from 3 to 8 years. The woman still walks, but the children lie without movement.
Houses like those described in Deniskin there are 100 and about 200 people under death from hunger.

With costunko.

The hunger strike in the village turns into a massive.
1) chase. Kazantseva. The husband died from hunger. The state is terrible. In Sybank, a child of one year. The face is an afflicted-crossed, senile, similar to fabulous gnome. Hands dried to the impossibility. Crying is not heard. To the question than the child feeds, the mother responds: exclusively with milk, but it's more difficult to find it every day. The child awaits hungry death. Mother hopelessly looks at the possibility of help from the side.
2) chase. Maslov.-Girl 9 years old died: Another girl begins to flush. Live surrogates and worldly handout. The old man of home-lies without signs of life. The position is hopeless.

S. Old Urmetyevo.

1) Milgorods Const.-Enjoying the house, representatives of the villagers were met by the words:
- Please do not leave the children ... I will die myself ... Bread neither crumbs ...
Family of 6 people; The old man is 60 years old lying on the stove and occasionally makes a moan, accompanied by a convulsive movement. Of the 4 children, two are recorded in Pitpunk. Hope for the remaining swan, and the straw roof (they think to sell on food).
2) Gypsies you-dirty stuffy hut. Father and her son are busy with a flying in the stove of two horsepower meteer. Mother and daughter gone to collect on the village. Only a boy is attributed to the dining room. In addition to fell and garbage from slaughter of cattle, they almost do not eat.
- Where dwells the cattle, tell me, I he all, - the owner.
Nadezhda is lost on state assistance. Only the discovery of the children's dining room gives parents the hope that children will not die. The parents themselves are definitely waiting for death.
3) Rytnikov Maria. Husband and some of the children died from hunger in September. Now there are three children. Are in smoky, dirty bath; Food is cooked in the followingbod, in the "fireplace". The avar-usual phenomenon. The situation of the family is crying. Baked bread from the swan with horsepower. Awesome mother is completely concerned about the salvation of children. The message about the upcoming opening of the pitpuncture was greeted by children with indescribable joy. Eyes hungry joyfully glistened . Mother buried. Not only food help, but also help with clothes, linen, for both children and mother are literally covered with rags.

S. Devlliserkino.

1) gr. Step. Madorkin. The family consists of 6 people. Children lie in rags, swollen. Legs and the whole body of the mother swollen. Sold the last cow. The family is doomed.
2) Izba Yak. Kazantseva. Has stove two children; The body dried out, one skin remained yes bone; Alive only alone eyes. The family consists of 7 people. Sold the last horse. The owner of the house left where his eyes look, capturing with his 15 year old boy.
3) Izba Andron. Kazantseva. Poverty position. Two sons of the owner serve in the Red Army, their father dies on the stove with the hunger and from the working peasant turned into a shadow. Last year, the breadstaking imposed on it took to a reference point to one pound.
In the devlvizerkina of such houses there are up to 120. If the help does not come, the magnitude extinction will begin.

Bypass are wrong in Meleksky.

Instructor Ara The commodity of several houses in with Borovka. As a result, he writes: "I can't get rid of the soul of the tearing scenes even now, in a few days."
Here is the data of his surveys:
1) In one is the old man's corpse. His family, fleeing from hunger, spread out where his eyes look did not have enough strength to leave and he died a slow death.
2) We enter the Song of another hut. In the middle of the Seine-corpse of the girl 13-14 years. At the sight of her, I was vividly remembered by pictures that were seen in childhood in some kind of magazine with the inscription: "Hunger in India." Literally the same thing. Skeleton, barely covered with thin, dark dirty skin. Thin hands, loose deeply belly, dried Lips that did not close white young teeth. In the following rats, there are also the corpses. They did not have time to burrow. It's hard to dig graves, no strength.
3) We are still in the hut. Big family. The preserved strength hurry to Tkut Rogodh, in the hope of selling them to get even a pound of flour. On the Narah, a young girl with big, still eyes. She will not die today, tomorrow. In the corner, on a pile of urinated, a large human body can be seen under a pitiful covering. They are told that two people die here. I open the rag - a growing figure of a girl, tightly, face to face, pressed against an adult woman. These are two sisters. Mother had died, the father "disappeared." They did not eat anything about 7 days, and now they die ... They don't even turn their heads to us, do not change the wide open glance ...
The governing instructor t. Smirnov examined the position of the peasants in four villages of universities. U.-results of his surveys are:

S. Novo-Nikolskoye.

In five families, 24 people. Of these, 18 children. Of the 18 children 11 feeds in the dining room.
Healthy-at least relatively - no adults; Only one child can be ranked among healthy.
Exhausted adults 3, children 6. The swollen adults b children 9. Moreover, one child is finally sick.
In two families, husbands escaped, baby died from hunger; In the third - her husband in the Red Army, children died.

S. Kuzminovka.

In 13 families, 84 people, of whom children-51. Of 51 children feed on the dining room 20.
"Healthy" (barely go) adults 17, children 4. Exhaust adults 7, children 34.
The swollen adults 4, children 12. He is very sick of adults 4, children 2.-Two died: an old man and a child.

S. Erokhovka.

Five families were examined. In them, 27 people Of these, children are -17. Of the total number of children feeds in the dining room 6.
Conditionally "healthy" one adult, the exhaust adults 5, children 6. The swollen adults 4, children 11. In one family, the husband escaped.

S. Gracovka on the current.

Thirty families were examined. The total population of their-156 people. Children 97, of which 43 are powered in the dining room. "Healthy" adults 22, children 26. Exposed adults 8, children 18. Finally patients, adults 9, children 11.
Husband died; The owner escaped; Father died, mother escaped; Husband escaped; The husband escaped ... "(from the instructor's notebook).

General results.

Total surveyed 53 families in four villages.
In them, people-291 people.
From "Children -183"
Of the total number of children feed in the dining room 80 people.
"Healthy" - adults 40, children 31.
Exposed- "34," 91.
Swollen - "19," 50.
Patients - "13," 14.
And in this case, irrefutably establishes that children suffer much more adults.

Over the past days.

The present number was already completed by a set, when from a number of villages began to flow into abundance more and more affecting the new "household phenomena" of the starving country of crime, cannibalism, terraced and so on.
In view of this, we found it necessary to supplement the number with these, chilling blood, reports from the places.

What the village looks like.

One of the magician instructors writes about this: "The overall tone of the hungry village is dark to the impossibility. I do not hear the funny laughter of playing children and noisy conversation and perezaty people; I do not hear pcs; At night you will not hear the cocks of the sheen. And day and night silence and burning chilling. Even daws, crows and other birds, - and those somewhere disappeared ... "

Hunger makes people criminals

The suffering of the village reached such limits that they erased any line between "admissible" and "unauthorized." Hungry introduced into practice the principle: "Everything is permitted."
That hunger makes people criminals, proves all the increasing number of robberies.
So, from the urochinsky village council, Buzul. y., They write that "citizens, before never unnoticed, now, in connection with the lack of food, produce all sorts of robbery, theft and murder. At night, unknown gangs are to citizens and in every way they mock them, with defeating, after which they produce robbery.
Parents take all sorts of measures to destroy their children. "
From the August ox .. Pugach y., They write that "some starving appealed to the robbery, taking the last good of the same hungry brother."

Cannibals and truads.

Messages about cases of cannibals and eating human corpses are beginning to do almost daily.
So, from the Pestragon, Pugach, y., Reports that "the woman cut off his arms and legs from" ate. Hungry is dragging with a cemetery corpses for food. The dead children are not worn on the cemetery, leaving for nutrition. "
The embers and eating corpses are caused by the extreme degree of hunger.
In homes where people are solved on the worm, there are neither crumbs with "Eat. One of the representatives of the authorities carefully examined a similar house, but" no consumer substance is not found. "

How to deal with cannodies?

Terepimi in human society cannibals and truads?
The Novgorod Chronicler of 1230-31 describes, about the same horrors:
"Annea is a simple tea (mobile) Cut people live and poison, but the Alia is dead meat and corpses of cutting, poison, but a diversity of horseback, a dog, cats."
But then-690 years ago, such people were enough and burned on fire, they cut off her heads and generally executed.
What do we do with people who are decisive for cannibalism? Pursue, kill? ..
The only yield-rational assistance that can return the human appearance to them.

With the funeral even worse.

The funeral business is increasingly deteriorating. From the rhokovka to the current (Buzul. U.) They report that "the corpses of the dead in a number of villages and the villages are going through the streets and add up to empty barns until spring, since for exhausted hungering peasants digging graves. unbearable. work. Separate citizens burden the corpses on the cemetery only in the snow, but the wind spreads it, exposing the corpses, koi disappear by dogs. "

What are the conclusions?

From our assembled material you can make a variety of conclusions. But we would like to be made from it now the only and most important conclusion:

It is necessary to help hungry.

Let us provide a "final word" by the representatives of the famine. Places.
We tried to describe hunger horrors. Not on a cold-blooded historian and the famous famous hunger, they are calculated, but-on the responsive soul of the worker and the peasant of prosperous locations. For history, time has not come far away, and our description has only a practical task.
In this case, we are maintained.
- "If all this is described, then no strength is enough, it says Christmas. Kt mutual. - Not described, need, and immediate. Live help.
"If there are no measures to save at least hungry, dying children, adjusts it, they are doomed to faithful death."

"Death Delay Like ..."

The Board of the Kabanovsky Multi-Pointer also declares that "delaying with public food threatens the full extinction of the population," and the earthlings of the Cooperator. "On" Unity states that "adults are doomed on the faithful and inevitable death."

If only save children!

Such is the output of the starving peasantry "look at them literally rolling tears. Taking into account that the future sons of the revolution, innocent children, are difficult to suffer from the misfortune of hunger, "they need help and they need to help them." - Writes the cryptochye-Ivanovsky wolf.

In debt will not stay!

So assure the starving peasants (s. N.-Tuarma, Bugur. Y):
"We call for all institutions, organizations and persons, which roads of the workers' interests. Give us at least a small piece of bread! In debt will not stay! "
From a number of villages, the villages report that the peasants are promised to pay all the assistance to Storice.

Help, help and help.

But help should be serious. Its dimensions quite clearly defines a non-merpure parget bubble. y
"Once the whole families die out of hunger, this is already a formid sign of such hunger, to fight against which you need to come quickly, not by semi-dimensions, but products, in such a quantity so that you can not die people."
And Chairman of the Matverevsky Cooperative (Buzul. U.) It says exactly what and we would like to declare about anything, for which this number is published: he calls for help with starving.

Help, not too late!

"I hear here about such a terrible distress of our long-suffering peasant, sometime the breadwinner and the fading, and seeing how these pillars fall our workers' and peasant state, by virtue of human compassion, I am not able to restrain, so as not to scream:
- Comrades, help, not quite late, to the one who put the last heritage in the heavy godines of war and the revolution, and now, lonely, by all abandoned, like an unnecessary dog, stalking with hunger. Help, not too late!
Believe me, finally, the disaster is too large, a hundred times more than you think there, and that help, what it turns out now, there is only a drop in the sea ... "

Hunger in numbers.

How many of the population in the Samara province, in counties and cities, according to the Gubafatburo statistics, how much of them is provided with food, how many foods, how many hungry, without a piece of bread, on January 1, 1922 and how much of them is fed by the Golovogolod and Ara, - Tell the following table in numbers:

Comparative number of the population of the Samara lips. (starving and secured by food).

(D and a g r a m m a).

The dimensions of the necessary assistance.

The population of the Samara lips is starving.
Hunger began with last winter. Every day the number of starving increased, the means of nutrition gradually melted, and at present the hunger is reached to terrible sizes.
Already in the spring of 1921, the hungry population was fed with herbs, leaves ... But at that time there were some hopes for the harvest. In July, these hopes collapsed finally. From the fields, instead of bread, the windes were collected, oatsuk, horse sorrel, and others. Weed herbs. Everything that could eat was drawn to the flour and with "Even. In October and November, bread was replaced by other surrogates. Cats, dogs, horse litter, the corpses of fallen animals and even .. the corpses of people, - one word, everything You can fill the stomach, which is thrown into the usual time, to which the fusion person cannot look without disgust, -All it eats hungry. But these "surrogates" every day becomes all mevsh and less. Entrances of them every day are depleted. No, however, not all reserves, the number of human corpses increases.
That's how horror the position of the starving is reached. The population itself without any assistance from such horror does not get out, because for this there is no funds or strength. The first are across, and the second are spent in search of food.
We need the broader assistance immediately helping not individuals, but the entire population of Russia. Public, mandatory assistance. So that the phrase about the help is a blank phrase, we will try to explain it with numbers.
According to the collected statistical information, in December, the entire population of the province of nutrition was distributed in such images:
Secured food. . . 260386 people 9.2%
Secured in insufficient. degree. . . 638603 "22.8%
Starving. . . 1907650 "68%
Total. . . 2806639 "100%
It can be seen from the above data that satisfactory 9 people feed on every hundreds of population, 26 people live. and 68 people. Eating those listed by us "surrogates".
Among 2 546 253 (638.603 + 1 907 650) in need and starving consists of:
Children. . . 1.015.146 people-39 8%
Adults. . 1 531 107 "- 6O 2%
Until now, the help was only children. In December, the month was fed:
In the dining area of \u200b\u200bthe Golovod, - Gof
136 741 people - 13.4%
Ara 185.625 "- 18 3%
Total 322.366 people. - 31.7%
The rest of the children are among 692,780 people. (68.3%) and all adult nisenia 1,224,870 people. remained without any help.
Consequently, almost two million people are experiencing all hunger horrors and need immediate help.
What do you need to do to save them from hungry death?
For the answer to this question we turn to arithmetic. 8 months left for the future harvest. Hungry man not to die, you need 15 f. flour per month or (15 f.x8 mec.) 3 Pone for 8 months. Alternating 3 Pone at 1.907.650 people. Hungry, we get 5.722.950 powder, which are necessary before the new crop. Monthly rate will be determined in 715 369 pounds.
Here are the size of the necessary assistance in numbers.
To implement this assistance in fact, it is necessary to strain all the forces of the entire population of Russia.
Only with the organized assistance of the entire population of Russia it is possible to carry out the rescue of the two millionth population from horrors of hunger and hungry death.
Dear reader, who would have been, or a man or a peasant or the power, after, reading this magazine and rolling it, remember again reading to you, imagine all the horrors of hunger and look at the title of articles. It is written there: "Help". Help and what can you. If you are working something; if you are a peasant-share your stocks with a hungry brother; if you are powerful to help your influence to the early gathering and delivery of bread. Remember Reader that every hour even every minute of acceleration can save human life.
Share with a starving brother. Remember that at the time when you, surrounded by the family, dinner, at that time a mother was distraught from hunger, maybe, too, lunch ... The corpse of the child who died from hunger.
Help the same !!

M k-in

The consequences of failing and hunger.

The consequences of each of the former faithfulness and their accompanying hunger strikes were always more or less significant, depending on the size of the disaster.
These consequences are two kinders: physiological, undermining population health, and economic, undermining its welfare.
Anyone is known that from lack of food, from hunger, living organisms lose weight and, as they say, "trash". The dimensions of this expense depend on the size of the malnutrition, the duration of it and in the end can be a story to death.
The duration of the starvation period of various living things is different: it is the smaller than less and younger than the animal. Already in ancient times, the famous Greek doctor Hippocratic, who lived in four centuries to R. X., it was known that the elderly tolerate hunger tolerate, then adults and harder children and of them, especially those who are less in temperament. In experiments on animals, it was found that very young puppies died when they were deprived of their food in two or three days, two weeks later, and old dogs - after 1 1/2 - 2 months. Such, approximately, the average duration of possible starvation and in humans of various ages; 3 - 4 days in children and up to 2 months in old people. If we take the stuffing different sizes, then we will see that, for example, a horse or camel can starve for months, a guinea pig or rabbit-days 10, crows-days 4, and small birds are no more than a day.
With starvation, the starving the starving the body does not turn out of food, but binds from its own fabrics, from which loss in the body weight occurs. The supply of fabrics is limited why starvation or even malnutrition can last only a certain time, which is depending on the size of the energy by the body during operation, motion, etc. If the body is in full, then the flow of body tissues occurs slowly and it can do long without Food. For example, with a winter hibernation of some animal gophers, Surkov, hedgehogs, bears, they are very long time without food without apparent harmless to their organisms in the sense of health loss. To the same methods of protecting their body from excessive losses in the tissues resorts, consciously sniffs unconsciously, man. In the literature, there are instructions that Pskov, for example, the peasants during the hunger strikes dressed in Tulup, climbed to the furnace or even in the oven and remained silently and motionless, as if imitating sleeping bear. Such immobility and reduction in the loss of heat, which is also one of the types of energy, reduces the loss in body tissues to a minimum and makes it easier and longer to transfer fasting. In addition to such techniques, limit their spending the body during the hunger strike is not able.
A person, as has been established by experiments on himself with scientific and sports targets Tanner, Chttyi, Milatti, Sukki, and others, can be hungry, going around at all without any food, up to 40 days, provided that it will be in complete motion. In life there were cases of starvation approximately by the same time. For example, there was a case of 35 day starvation on religious soil of one person, who, however, died.
Science has been established that the starvation is complete and incomplete does not have a significant difference. Both the same, in the end, is disastrous for the body.
Incomplete starvation when food is absorbed in all its components, due to any diseases of digestive organs, or when it does not contain in a sufficient number of some of these parts (eg, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or finally salts), leads to the depletion of the body. In case of incomplete starvation, the picture of the changes in the body will be diversified, for example, for example, the complete absence in the food of mineral salts leads to death even faster than even with complete deprivation of food. Obviously, salt, not being the source of energy themselves, are necessary for the correct movement of chemical and physical processes in the body, and the absence of them causes a rapid disorder of these processes incompatible with life. The vital machine cannot function without salts, like a locker without lubricating oil.
This is an extremely important circumstance to clarify everything harm even with incomplete fasting. After all, and in the conditions of a disaster experienced, one can say, almost no one feeds in the entire mass of the population as it should and, therefore, we must understand how great disaster. It should be scary to reflect on healthy those who survive, leave indelible traces in them; It will affect not only those who survived hunger, but also on their offspring. To illustrate, give an example. In the 90s, in France, it was noted that citizens conceived for serving military service, conceived and born in Paris during the siege of his Germans, was distinguished by weakness, small growth, etc.
What changes occur in the body during starvation? Studies of the corpses of the almighty, persistent, and the bodies of the person who had fallen after 35 day hunger strikes, which was already mentioned above, showed that they suffered changes not only to fabrics in general, spending on life support, but all almost internal liver organs, spleen, kidneys and Other. With the exception of the heart.
Here in short features, everything we found it possible to say about the consequences of the hunger, which he will leave on the surviving population. It is undoubtedly scary to affect the editor of the masses of the population and very much on future generations.
The Samara Province has land scope and peasants in this regard were in better conditions than in other provinces, but, nevertheless, the peasant economy did not have a solid foundation. Darkness of the mass, backward forms of earth processing and in general the irrationality of the construction of the peasant economy led to the fact that each cripples were painfully experienced by the population and strongly undermined his welfare. So it was still in normal conditions, to the imperialist war and the revolution.
Each failure to respond primarily to the reduction of sowing and livestock. Thus, the sown area under all cultures in 1911 was-3,933,179 dec., After the crash of this year, she fell to 3,777,895 dec. (for 150 thousand decals). True, next year, she again rose to the former digit, but the population could not recover from the consequences of a fault. This is seen from the following.
The total number of all types of livestock to the Wing of field work since 1911 was expressed in such numbers:
1911. . . 4 243 820 goal.
1912. . . 3 231 746 "
1913. . . 3,748 012 "
The crown caused a reduction in cattle numbers by more than one million goals. The ego reduction touched each type of livestock without any exceptions. By the spring of next year, the reduction is expressed by a smaller digit, but still it is huge, reaching up to 500 thousand heads. Even by the spring of 1914, the number of livestock has not yet been restored and it expressed in the figure of 4.009 267 goal. Three years have passed and during this period the infrared influence was not completely eliminated.
With regard to workers' horses and cows, it was more favorable. Comparisons give such numbers:
In the spring of 1911. Slave. horses 868,336 goals, cows-602 120 goal.
In the spring of 1914. Slave. Horses 869,009 Gol., Cows-593 488
The number of work horses was able to restore completely in the spring of 1914, but the number of cows was still less than three years ago, although the decline in the number of cows is relatively expressed by a very small value.
Of all these comparisons, we could, say c. And Baskin, excerpts from the article "Ten years ago" ("Bulletin of the Samara Lip. Ek.") We led along with digital data, - a certain conclusions about the duration of that period during which the peasant economy could cope with The consequences of the currently worried year experienced. The analogy could be expected to be expected that the sowing area, which in the coming year should decrete even more, in 1923 it will again have to come closer to the initial value.
But the crown of 1920 was preceded by the disastrous 1920 and, in addition, peasant farming and cattle breeding were loosened in their foundations long and civil war.
Let us give some data to illustrate. Sowing area was reduced as follows:
In 1913 it was equal to 4,022,631 dec.
"1916" "" "2.808,000"
"1920" "" 1.647 000 "
"1921" "" "1,323,000"
In 1922, she would have to express 1,051,751 dec. (441.750 dec. Winter sowing and 610,000 stern), but this figure is supplementary in the part belonging to the Snove. From the places there are so disappointing information about the planning of livestock, which are serious concerns that the ocemium of the Svoric Wedge will express in a significantly smaller figure.
By the spring of 1921, the number of working cattle according to Gubafatburo, it was 426,021 goals., By the autumn it, due to the case of a nonsense, slaughter and export from the province, a 36.7% decreased and by the time of the autumn pose allegedly 270 thousand . goals. Loss of livestock continues and how much it will remain for the spring, it is impossible to say, one can now see that the position with cattle is a catbathical.
Under such conditions, we are standing before the threat of even greater cutting of sowing plays, for without cattle is unthinkable, the processing of the Earth.
In addition to loss of livestock, decreases dead S.-X. Inventory sold out to buy bread, it will not decline, it cannot be taken into account even approximately.
The peasants are well aware of their hopeless position and say that in the spring "shovels will pick up the land", but they fall like a spring as possible. How much can you sit in this way, especially if you bring the terrible decline from the hunger strike of the entire population that will survive? Work on that Skot, which will not be sold, with "eroen, will not fall from the nonsense? - What are terrible questions who involuntarily stand up to us.
We are no longer asking for yourself such a question: when the population will recover from the consequences of an irreservation of 1921, - he is not limited.
Now they can only ask questions about the preservation of hundreds of thousands of lives, on the preservation of their performance, and farms - from final destruction.
All the forces should be sent to permission to be resolving, at least, why we add to the population of the provinces that are in the best conditions for harvest, with a call to help, which can be, Samara shift.

K. Grigoriev.


In the days of madness and horror, in the days of hopeless grief and tears, one common moan rushes from the snow-made villages and villages:
Of bread!
In this stonance, the screams merged into one and plea fathers and mothers, and children's unlucky crying and suicide hoarzing dying.
This moan, the cry comes to us with the morning gar, lives with us grave, trivial days, and when we, tired, nervous from day work, are going through their corners, he invisibly goes for us, draws unwanted, unheard of flour, sounds in the ears One:
- Of bread!
In a litter of forgetting from the concerns of a rebellious day when the dream is looking for power, over a person, promising him the sweetness of oblivion, this moan scream breaks into the room, penetrates the heart, penetrates the brains and get up to closed eyes with thousands and thousands of disfigured hunger.
Look! The end is not doomed to death. They pass with a long string, with eyes, full of plea, with the awesome cheeks, for which death put her gray seal of the earth ...
The infinite turn, they will be invented from the driving steppes Pugachev and from the forest thickets of Stavropol and Bugulma, from everywhere, where the fire-sun fired his sacrifice, "the bread and meadows sat down, dried up the land and gave the roots of the roots, bones and fell into food.
Do you see those who live under an inevitable hungry death, these hungry faces, if this terrifying cry comes to you, will it wakes up you in the dark nights of rest, does it sound with all his power at the light of the day, makes you tremble your heart with compassion And are you ready to go to the aid dying with famous pagaris?
We do not care about you, your unbearable wear, for we ourselves are powerless before a natural disaster, we can not do our own that you need and folding this wear in front of you, brotherly call:
Going a part of it as you can, for yourself, save from a missing mortal flour, although how many of those who have recently fed many of them and many more than recently.
Save the landpashtz with his family of a piece of bread, who can, save his working horse, because there is no peasant and peasantry without it, it's about "death of thousands of hungry, drunk and spread kids, after all, shame and shame will fall on your heads if The fraternal graves, and, already dig, "the population of the whole province will be buried, if instead of the resident of Russia it will become a solid cemetery, the housing of the dead!

All compommalists, cooperative and professional organizations, RCP members (b) and their party committees, all workers, peasants and honest citizens R. S. F. S. R.

Dear comrades!

Rebuilding New Year's room "Izvestia", we want to inform all workers of Russia the truth about horrors of hunger in the Samara province.
We are deeply confident that we printed documents from hungry places will be the most eloquent evidence of disaster enormity and the best agitation material.
We are pleased to friendly and even demand from you: spread our Izvestia among the workers; reprint documents in your publications; to develop maximum energy and initiatives to campaign in order to awaken the feelings of humanity from full and half-breed Collection of donations and take exceptional measures to transfer the collected us.
In the Assistance of the starving Samara G. is an economic apparatus. Gippomegolod. Money, products, linen, clothing Shlit in the address of the province, in parallel informing this lippomgode. Address: Samara, Castle Ul, No. 151, the provincial consumer union about-c.
Dear comrades! Every hour of delaying with a removal of help takes hundreds of hundreds, thousands of life of Samara children and Herborobov. Not a single minute, proceed to campaigning and collecting donations.
Help more! Help continuously!
With Friendly greet
Board of the Samara provincial Union consumer. About-in.

Price number 3000 rub. (The entire collection is intended in favor of starving).

Publisher and editor:
R. V. Ts № 73

Typography Vigigova and Belyaeva,
Samara, Soviet street, Doy number 56.
Circulation 20000 copies.

Notebook found in the search in the apartment number ...

Today our mother died. Right on the sofa, where lay. She suffered strongly, my poor mommy. I was able to wash her and disguise into dry, then people came from the social funeral service, took the mother to bury. I wanted to Sashulya, too, went to the cemetery, but could not get it off the bed. He is very fat and lies all the time and eats. Sashulyu is sick, Mom has always said that he must regret, feed and care for him. He has a lag in development, he does not understand what is happening around.

Now only came from the cemetery, I cried a lot - my Sashulu and I were completely alone. I hope that I can handle it myself, because to ask for some kind of neighbors, we have no nearby, the house is old, everyone left. I went to cook - Sashulya asks to eat, he always eats a lot and sleeps, now only me to care for him, I regret it.

Feet very hurt. From the store walked for a very long time - tired strongly, rested on every bench. Came home - Sashulya is already crying: when he does not eat long, crying, although I only recently fed it.

Just lossed to relax - Sashulya eats a lot, getting ready to cook. I'll sleep ...

Pages are doring.

I have no more strength to walk and feed him, and he wants to eat constantly, I'm afraid of him, he comes at night and breathes at the door and constantly sculit that he wants to eat. My legs almost do not obey me and there is no strength to reach the toilet, I'm scared and help me. I really want to drink, but there is no water in the room, and Sashulya wants to eat and wipes me in the corridor. He thinks I'm hiding food from him, but there is simply no food, the last pack of Makaron, he is dried dry ...

Every day I get worse. Yesterday I tried to try toilet before the toilet, and Sashulu was waiting for me in the corridor. He lay on the floor on his back, his huge stomach often climbed and lowered. Sashululy is very big and wants to eat all the time - he grabbed my leg and squeezed me: "Olya, to eat, Olya, give me to eat." I could not explain to him that there was no food, I tried only sluggishly to unbound from him, but the legs do not obey me at all. Somehow I could get to the toilet and in my arms I was working to the toilet. There is no light in the apartment, it was disconnected for non-payment - I had no strength to go to pay for utilities and we almost all the time in the pitch darkness - after all, now winter and darkens very early.

Today, someone called the door for a long time. Sashulya in the next room mumbled something. I thought that he was sleeping and crawled to the kitchen - there, under the kitchen box, lay a loaf of bread hidden from Sashuli. I got drunk water and crawled into my room to eat bread. As soon as the door closed, heard noise in the corridor and Sashulin whisper, like breaking: "Olya, to eat, Olya, to eat" ...

It is good that I scored the water with you last time - at least somehow saved. Bread almost left, I'm trying to suck your crust. The legs were completely taken away, Sashulu was able to break the castle on my door and ships to me. Now lies on the floor near my bed and looks at me. I feel sorry for him - I crushed the last crusts of bread to him in the mouth - he accidentally bites me for the finger, already before the blood. I became scary - the blood fell into his tongue, he lied and reached out again to my hand, I barely managed to get off. His eyes burned, he whispered everything: "Olya, to eat ..." - then fell asleep.

I am starved nightmares that my legs cut off. I am afraid very, I do not feel the feet at all. But most of all I am afraid of Sashulu, he does not leave me away from me, lies near the bed, sculits that he wants to eat. I also want to eat, I don't feel at all - I think, maybe it will be easier for me and I can walk to the store at least ...

Pages are doring.

We are wearing every day more stronger. Sashulya moved away from my bed - I'm glad. He bit me for the finger, while I slept, but then installs it in the kitchen - something rats there. I think he found jam in the refrigerator. Maybe We will fall asleep, and I would have locked the door to the room ...

And I had to take a knife with a kitchen. But today it became worse - Sashulu is not afraid of the type of knife, but only looks at me and whispers: "Eat, Olya, to eat, Olya" ... He grabbed my hand again and bit the finger. Blood flowed, he began to lick it from my fingers. I grabbed the knife and snotted my hand in Sashulina. He went and began to look like blood flowed from his rings on his hand, then looked at me and smelled the blood from his hand. I was very scary and disgusting to look at him - he liked the taste of blood.

Yesterday I found in the bag with which I go to the store, loafing bread - accidentally forgot the last time on the door handle. Sashulya, it seems, Sgzbz almost all the wallpaper in his room, the document was able to reach out. As soon as I start riding from the bed - he is already sitting on the threshold of my room and looks at me. He is waiting for me to feed it, but I have nothing to do. I am afraid to approach him - he is trying to bite me all the time. Sometimes I want him to die.

Pages are doring.

Very, very scary. Sashulu can not open the door to my room for the third day and very angry. The other day he again bitter me for the finger, I could not pull my hand for a long time from his mouth. I had to knock him down on my head with all the power. Sometimes it seems to me that he wants me to eat me.

I can not sleep - I'm afraid very much. Sashulya is constantly sitting under my door. It seems to me that he was able to catch and eat a mouse. I still have the half of the Polbuhanka bread - I am his shore. It is good that last time I became more stuck with a bigger water, but the head is constantly spinning.

He screams and squeals like a dog, I have under the door. At night, Sashulya sleeps a little, and then it begins to grow out and all the time my name repeats: "Olya, Olya, Olya" ... I think he caught all the mice, which were only - I sometimes hear their squeak. I'm scared, bad, but I was able to move to the door of a writing table, so that Sashul could open the door to my room ...

He growled a very long time and dusty, like a dog: "Eat, eat, Olya, to eat" ... then he was whining again, then, probably fell asleep. I go to the toilet in the flower pot, there is nothing to breathe in the room, but it was able to reach out something in my hands and open the window ... to shout in the window about help, but in our area there are few populated houses, and anyway, no one will hear ...

Pages are doring.

He will soon break the door, I'm scared ... I need to somehow get out of here, but how - I don't know ... Sashulu has broken the door and plenty to me. I was very frightened - his face was everything in dried blood and some hair. I thought it was from mice, which he ate ... Eyes are very evil, hair has grown, black bristles. He plenty to me on all fours and growled: "Olya, to eat, Kush-sh-sh-sht" ... I did not have time to take a knife, he grabbed my hand and began to bite, it was very painful, I screamed and cried. She was able to take a knife with a different hand and climb him on the shoulder. He buried, bounced off me and filled into his room ... I have no strength to close the door ...

Pages are doring.

Hurt ... I want to sleep ...

Pages are doring.

Fingers on the legs, it's good that I don't feel them ... the left hand hurts - he has grown and there are almost all the fingers, I can't resist - there is no strength. He drinks my blood and becomes more stronger. Rugs, like a beast ... Help me ...

He growls and chasing - he glands my legs. I am so happy that they are numb and I do not feel them at all. The hand hurts very ...

Pages are doring.

I'm not afraid ... almost ... If only Sashulu did not burst into the bathroom. I'm lying under the bathroom, it's very cold here, well, let him, but I will not get me Sashulya, I hope ...

He almost broke the door ... guessed where I was hidden ... "Olya, to eat, Olya, to eat" ... This is the only thing he remembers - what he wants to eat ...

Records are interrupted.

POST Views: 62

Notebook found in the search in the apartment number ...

Today our mother died. Right on the sofa, where lay. She suffered strongly, my poor mommy. I was able to wash her and disguise into dry, then people came from the social funeral service, took the mother to bury. I wanted to Sashulya, too, went to the cemetery, but could not get it off the bed. He is very fat and lies all the time and eats. Sashulyu is sick, Mom has always said that he must regret, feed and care for him. He has a lag in development, he does not understand what is happening around.

Now only came from the cemetery, I cried a lot - my Sashulu and I were completely alone. I hope that I can handle it myself, because to ask for some kind of neighbors, we have no nearby, the house is old, everyone left. I went to cook - Sashulya asks to eat, he always eats a lot and sleeps, now only me to care for him, I regret it.

Feet very hurt. From the store walked for a very long time - tired strongly, rested on every bench. Came home - Sashulya is already crying: when he does not eat long, crying, although I only recently fed it.

Just lossed to relax - Sashulya eats a lot, getting ready to cook. I'll sleep ...

Pages are doring.

I have no more strength to walk and feed him, and he wants to eat constantly, I'm afraid of him, he comes at night and breathes at the door and constantly sculit that he wants to eat. My legs almost do not obey me and there is no strength to reach the toilet, I'm scared and help me. I really want to drink, but there is no water in the room, and Sashulya wants to eat and wipes me in the corridor. He thinks I'm hiding food from him, but there is simply no food, the last pack of Makaron, he is dried dry ...

Every day I get worse. Yesterday I tried to try toilet before the toilet, and Sashulu was waiting for me in the corridor. He lay on the floor on his back, his huge stomach often climbed and lowered. Sashululy is very big and always wants to eat - he grabbed my leg and began to squeak: "Olya, to eat, Olya, give me to eat." I could not explain to him that there was no food, I tried only sluggishly to unbound from him, but the legs do not obey me at all. Somehow I could get to the toilet and in my arms I was working to the toilet. There is no light in the apartment, it was disconnected for non-payment - I had no strength to go to pay for utilities and we almost all the time in the pitch darkness - after all, now winter and darkens very early.

Today, someone called the door for a long time. Sashulya in the next room mumbled something. I thought that he was sleeping and crawled to the kitchen - there, under the kitchen box, lay a loaf of bread hidden from Sashuli. I got drunk water and crawled into my room to eat bread. As soon as the door closed, heard noise in the corridor and Sashulin whisper, like breaking: "Olya, to eat, Olya, to eat" ...

It is good that I scored the water with you last time - at least somehow saved. Bread almost left, I'm trying to suck your crust. The legs were completely taken away, Sashulu was able to break the castle on my door and ships to me. Now lies on the floor near my bed and looks at me. I feel sorry for him - I crushed the last crusts of bread to him in the mouth - he accidentally bites me for the finger, already before the blood. I became scary - the blood fell into his tongue, he lied and reached out again to my hand, I barely managed to get off. His eyes burned, he whispered everything: "Olya, to eat ..." - then fell asleep.

I am starved nightmares that my legs cut off. I am afraid very, I do not feel the feet at all. But most of all I am afraid of Sashulu, he does not leave me away from me, lies near the bed, sculits that he wants to eat. I also want to eat, I don't feel at all - I think, maybe it will be easier for me and I can walk to the store at least ...

Pages are doring.

We are wearing every day more stronger. Sashulya moved away from my bed - I'm glad. He bit me for the finger, while I slept, but then installs it in the kitchen - something rats there. I think he found jam in the refrigerator. Maybe We will fall asleep, and I would have locked the door to the room ...

And I had to take a knife with a kitchen. But today it became terrible - Sashulu is not afraid of the type of knife, but only looks at me and whispers: "Eat, Olya, to eat, Olya" ... He grabbed my hand again and bit the finger. Blood flowed, he began to lick it from my fingers. I grabbed the knife and snotted my hand in Sashulina. He went and began to look like blood flowed from his rings on his hand, then looked at me and smelled the blood from his hand. I was very scary and disgusting to look at him - he liked the taste of blood.

Yesterday I found in the bag with which I go to the store, loafing bread - accidentally forgot the last time on the door handle. Sashulya, it seems, Sgzbz almost all the wallpaper in his room, the document was able to reach out. As soon as I start riding from the bed - he is already sitting on the threshold of my room and looks at me. He is waiting for me to feed it, but I have nothing to do. I am afraid to approach him - he is trying to bite me all the time. Sometimes I want him to die.

Pages are doring.

Very, very scary. Sashulu can not open the door to my room for the third day and very angry. The other day he again bitter me for the finger, I could not pull my hand for a long time from his mouth. I had to knock him down on my head with all the power. Sometimes it seems to me that he wants me to eat me.

I can not sleep - I'm afraid very much. Sashulya is constantly sitting under my door. It seems to me that he was able to catch and eat a mouse. I still have the half of the Polbuhanka bread - I am his shore. It is good that last time I became more stuck with a bigger water, but the head is constantly spinning.

He screams and squeals like a dog, I have under the door. Upon nights Sashulya sleeps a little, and then it starts to grow out and all the time my name repeats: "Olya, Olya, Olya" ... it seems to me that he caught all the mice, which were only - I sometimes hear their squeak. I'm scared, bad, but I was able to move to the door of a writing table, so that Sashul could open the door to my room ...

He growled very long and seemed to be banging like a dog: "Eat, eat, Olya, to eat" ... then he was whining again, then, probably fell asleep. I go to the toilet in the flower pot, there is nothing to breathe in the room, but it was able to reach out on my hands in some way and open the window ... to crush the window about help, but in our area there are few populated houses, and anyway, no one will hear ...

Pages are doring.

He will soon break the door, I'm scared ... I need to somehow get out of here, but how - I don't know ... Sashulu has broken the door and plenty to me. I was very frightened - his face was everything in dried blood and some hair. I thought it was from mice, which he ate ... Eyes are very evil, hair has grown, black bristles. He plenty to me on all fours and growled: "Olya, to eat, Kush-sh-sh-sht" ... I did not have time to take a knife, he grabbed my hand and began to bite, it was very painful, I screamed and cried. She was able to take a knife with a different hand and climb him on the shoulder. He buried, bounced off me and filled into his room ... I have no strength to close the door ...

Pages are doring.

Hurt ... I want to sleep ...

Pages are doring.

Fingers on the legs, it's good that I don't feel them ... the left hand hurts - he has grown and there are almost all the fingers, I can't resist - there is no strength. He drinks my blood and becomes more stronger. Rugs, like a beast ... Help me ...

He growls and chasing - he glands my legs. I am so happy that they are numb and I do not feel them at all. The hand hurts very ...

Pages are doring.

I'm not afraid ... almost ... If only Sashulu did not burst into the bathroom. I'm lying under the bathroom, it's very cold here, well, let him, but I will not get me Sashulya, I hope ...

He almost broke the door ... guessed where I was hidden ... "Olya, to eat, Olya, to eat" ... This is the only thing he remembers - what he wants to eat ...

Records are interrupted.

"She was only 12" he thought, looking at the emaciated face of his daughter and protruding cheeks. They sat at the road, among the small bushes of the Drock and heather. Cold.

She took off the T-shirt to put on a warm sweater, he saw her skinny ribs, hands, fingers and was horrified. She changed out and looked at him:

Dad, maybe you do not need to go there? I'm not hungry. Better will eat like that time in the wild forest.

It dropped the thin wand with a click, which he kept between his fingers like a cigarette. As when everything was different and people were different, and he could safely smoke.

Then silently took her hand.

- You are afraid?

She shook his head negatively, but in his eyes he read fear.

Behind the back was the last house in the village. Food they did not find and he brought himself for it. Further opened the endless field. He looked at his daughter once again, the sunset reflected in her eyes with orange glitter.

I took the map from the backpack and turned on dry heather, sharpening along the road. The village was just five kilometers. I decided that I would master in an hour.

Let's go, here is another village. It should already be southern light

He took her in his arms and went on a dusty road. And one thought was spinning in my head that he promised his wife to save her daughter, by all means. At dusk, they stood on the banks of the river, the light breeze was blowing and was so pleasant and cool. He then did not tell her, but inside he decided that he would do it even at the price of himself and all his stupid ideas that would still be random. She has everything ahead, and he has some doubts and fatigue.

I wanted to reach the scarce. Chagal quickly. The plan was simple - he knew where the cache at the grandmother Tamara in the southern light. It was necessary only to reach, although this is not today today. From depletion, he passed no more than 10 kilometers a day. Southern light was somewhere thirty kilometers from here. Soon ahead seemed to the village.

The crunch of dry sand with small branches under his feet caused pleasant sensations. But a sharp rumbling in the abdomen reminded of reality.

Dry autumn stood, the year was a yield, but hunger swept the whole south.

He shifted, now it got cold, but the jacket was only one, her daughter.

- Even in the 32nd hunger there was no, - he murmured.

- What dad?

- Under Stalin, hunger reaches ... - he began to say and cut off. It is better not to pronounce this surname, even with daughter.

Finally approached the edge of the village.

The sun finally village, but the remnants of light were still spilled on the world to the darkness. The deserted road caused a tear.

There were two houses, then there were some abandoned sites and further a more revive street.

They slowly walked past the houses and looked around. Sleepless. Twilight descended and, as always, when darkness comes, it becomes not in itself.

Finally, he saw a man. He stood and looked at them.

Fit closer. The man was dressed in a long dirty coat, on the legs of a shabby shoes, a long redhead beard hid face, but in his eyes there was a strange shine.

"Where are you from," the man asked them?

- We are from Kholmogorovka. We want to find the night and food.

"Then, let's go to us - a man said unnaturally elevated tone.

- What do you have?

- Meat and potatoes, of course, no, - he laughed a little nyatunto, - but a couple of porridge plates for you will find. Now even with this tight.

Father looked around. Something embarrassed, but he could not understand what it was. Then she looked at her daughter. She stood in indecision, but her thin handles forced him to grasp this opportunity. He shoved his hand in his pocket, squeezed the cold handle of the folding peer knife and nodded.

- Okay. We have money.

Male laughed

- We also, but why?

They went to the courtyard. High fence tightened by grapes - in the pan of the veranda, at the table someone sits. All bunches in the vineyard are neatly cut off.

Father looked at the traveler.

- I am Anton, and this is Anya

"Egor, pleasantly - a man spoke again from joy again. For some reason, it was thought that this was not his real voice.

Put the Oriole. For a long time, he did not hear her singing and it relaxed him a little.

They approached the veranda. There were a man and a woman.

- See whom I brought - Anton and Any. Need to feed them

Woman looked at them with horror, and then turned away. And maybe horror only seemed to Anton, he did not have time to disassemble.

The second man slid in an indifferent look and said nothing, did not even say hello.

The same overgrown, like Egor.

- Tanya, find in the basement Cropa and prepare guests a little cereal.

We sat at the table. The conversation was not glued. Silently watched stars. Anya from fatigue buried in his shoulder. Men about something quietly talked.

- How is your mood in the village?

- Yes, how everywhere

Finally, Tatiana returned with two porridge plates. She put them. Anton noticed that her hands were shaking. Put two aluminum spoons and moved away. Spoons quietly baked about wooden table.

Anton quickly attacked food, Anya followed him.

A minute later, he saw both men stood. They sat right in front of him, so he could quickly react. Also got up.

The unnatural shine appeared in the eyes of Egor. Suddenly, Anton saw how many more shadows appear behind them, the figures of people. The voice of Egor became sharp and low

- Daughter remains with us. - It was his real tone, deaf and sypret.

How, generosity. As it was possible to believe in such generosity - two porridge plates.

"Try - Anton took Any and put his back to himself."

The second bearded, not introduced, began to sharply bypass from the side and attacked Anton

The knife was in the side pocket, Anton pulled out with a sharp movement, opened on the move and rushed along the hand of the attacker. He cried out.

"He had a knife - scolded bearded.

Figures that came up from behind turned out to be two young men who were dirty in horror.

On the opposite stood only Egor. He gradually approached, but Anton jumped to him and hit him several times. It was not like a street brawl, they were all skinny klyachi. Where in it so much strength, probably because of the danger for the daughter, flashed in the mind faster than zipper.

Egor fell and groaned. Anton grabbed her daughter by her hand, the other hand hooked a backpack and jumped over the gate.

They fled how much had strength. Only when in exhaustion fell next to some kind of bush or tree, he allowed himself not to get up.

I rained at night. He barely managed to dissemble polyethylene over his heads and lay, listened to the noise of the droplets, quietly rustling on the film over them. Daughter slept. And he lay and thought, thought, thought, but what if. But they remained alive. And this thought gave such a cheerfulness that he could not sleep ..

In the morning I got out from under polyethylene and examined.

For the raw river, a view of the city was opened. It was quite close, maybe the day of the way. Thin streams of smoke from several pipes in the distance in the city instilled hope and he smiled. Anya has also slept.

He almost lost her. Russed a cold knife in his pocket and it instilled a little confidence. Raised on the elbow, no longer had. It was necessary to walk to the city, another twenty kilometers.

Anya woke up. I got up, went along their shelter and returned.

He said:

- We left a little

- Dad, but don't we near the southern light.

- And what's in there?

"There is food," he paused. And I decided to add - I know where to find it.

Rose, collected polyethylene, mattress in a backpack.

- The sooner we leave, the sooner come.

He took her hand and led next to the road. Sometimes cars drove out, but he did not even wave them. On the contrary, firmly compressed a knife in his pocket. Then he sat down on the side of the fatigue and realized that she could no longer go. In the side of Kolol.

For an hour, no one stopped.

He sinking. The sun rose. It smelled with hay and freshly acted grass. Someone recently squeeed it, probably somewhere there are cows, he thought.