Maintenance and major repairs: are they mutually exclusive? Overhaul and maintenance: features and differences What is considered a major overhaul of a building

Repairs: a set of operations to restore the serviceability or operability of the object and restore the resource of the product or its component parts (clause 3.3. "GOST R 51617-2000. State standard of the Russian Federation. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions." in connection with the publication of "GOST R 51617-2014).

What is the difference between major repairs and current and reconstruction?

Definition of the concept of "overhaul" is contained in a number of regulations.


"..."overhaul"- repairs carried out to restore the technical and economic characteristics of the facility to values \u200b\u200bclose to the design values, with the replacement or restoration of any component parts; ..." (extract from the Order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of 13.12.2000 N 285 "On the approval of the Typical instructions for technical operation of heat networks of municipal heat supply systems ")

"...Overhaul - carrying out a complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral deterioration, not associated with a change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building and functional purpose, providing for the restoration of its resource with partial replacement, if necessary, of structural elements and systems of engineering equipment, as well as improvement performance indicators ... "(extract from the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 30.07.2002 N 586-PP" On approval of the Regulations on a unified procedure for pre-design and design preparation of the construction of engineering communications, structures and road transport facilities in the city of Moscow ")

The following types of overhaul highlighted in the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 09.29.2010 N 849-PP (as amended on 07.07.2015) "On approval of the Regulations for the overhaul of real estate objects owned by the city of Moscow and transferred to trust management." It should be borne in mind that this Regulation does not apply to overhaul of the housing stock of the city of Moscow, common property in an apartment building). So:

- overhaul - carrying out a complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral deterioration, not associated with a change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building and functional purpose, providing for the restoration of its resource with partial replacement, if necessary, of structural elements and systems of engineering equipment, as well as operational indicators;

- complex overhaul - covers all elements of the building, provides for the simultaneous restoration of all worn out structural elements, engineering equipment and an increase in the degree of improvement of the building as a whole, eliminates physical and moral deterioration. Carrying out the next comprehensive overhaul of a building or structure is impractical in cases where the demolition or transfer of buildings or structures is planned in connection with the upcoming construction of another building or structure on the site they occupy, reconstruction of the building is planned, the dismantling of the building is planned due to general decay. In these cases, work should be carried out to maintain the structures of the building or structure in a condition that ensures their normal operation during the appropriate period (until demolition or reconstruction);

- selective overhaul - covers individual structural elements of a building or its engineering equipment, while eliminating physical wear and tear of individual elements and technical systems of the building. Selective overhaul is carried out in cases where a comprehensive overhaul of a building can cause serious interference in the operation of the facility, with significant wear of individual structures that threatens the safety of the remaining parts of the building, with the economic inexpediency of carrying out a comprehensive overhaul according to the restrictions given in the definition of a comprehensive overhaul;

- emergency overhaul - repair or replacement of all structural elements, devices, systems of engineering equipment that have failed as a result of accidents, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and vandalism;

Overhaul of buildings and structures:

"...3.8. Overhaul of buildings and structures includes work on the restoration or replacement of individual parts of buildings (structures) or entire structures, parts and engineering equipment due to their physical wear and tear and destruction to more durable and economical ones that improve their performance ... "(extract from the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 05.03.2004 N 15/1 (as amended on 16.06.2014) "On approval and implementation of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation" (together with "MDS 81-35.2004 ...")

"...Overhaul of the building - a set of construction and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and functional (moral) wear and tear, which do not involve changes in the main technical and economic indicators of a building or structure, including, if necessary, the replacement of individual or all structural elements (with the exception of non-replaceable ones) and engineering systems equipment with their modernization. Overhaul does not extend the service life of buildings, since it is determined by the most durable elements that cannot be replaced during repair ... "(extract from the" Methodological recommendations for the formation of the scope of work on overhaul of apartment buildings funded by funds provided by the Federal Law from July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Utilities Sector" (approved by the State Corporation "Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Utilities Sector" 15.02.2013)

"... Overhaul of industrial buildings and structures includes such works in the process of which worn-out structures and parts of buildings and structures are replaced or replaced with more durable and economical ones that improve the operational capabilities of the repaired facilities, with the exception of a complete change or replacement of the main structures, the service life of which in buildings and structures is the greatest ( stone and concrete foundations of buildings and structures, all types of building walls, all types of wall frames, pipes of underground networks, bridge supports, etc.).
See Appendix 8 for the list of overhaul works. (Clause 3.11 Resolutions of the USSR State Construction Committee of 12/29/1973 N 279 "On approval of the Regulations for the scheduled preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures" (together with "MDS 13-14.2000 ...")

Overhaul of capital construction objects:

"... 14.2) overhaul of capital construction objects (excluding linear objects) - replacement and (or) restoration of building structures of capital construction objects or elements of such structures, with the exception of load-bearing building structures, replacement and (or) restoration of engineering and technical systems provision and networks of engineering and technical support of capital construction objects or their elements, as well as replacement of individual elements of load-bearing building structures with similar or other elements that improve the performance of such structures and (or) restoration of these elements; ... "(extract from the" Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation "dated 29.12.2004 N 190-FZ (as amended on 19.12.2016)

Overhaul of an apartment building:

"...1) overhaul of an apartment building - carrying out and (or) provision of works and (or) services provided for by this Federal Law for eliminating faults of worn out structural elements of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as common property in an apartment building), including for their restoration or replacement, in in order to improve the operational characteristics of common property in an apartment building; ... "(extract from the Federal Law of 21.07.2007 N 185-FZ (as amended on 23.06.2016)" On the Fund for Assistance to Reform of Housing and Communal Services ")

Overhaul of the common property of an apartment building:

"...Overhaul of common property an apartment building: a set of works (services) for the replacement and (or) restoration (repair) of structures, parts, engineering and technical support systems, individual elements of load-bearing structures of an apartment building that have lost during operation the load-bearing and (or) functional capacity for similar or other indicators to their standard state, when the volume of such work exceeds the current repair ... "(extract from" GOST R 51929-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Terms and definitions "(approved and put into effect by Order of Rosstandart dated 06/11/2014 N 543-st)

Complex overhaul of an apartment building:

"...and) Complex overhaul - this is repair with the replacement of structural elements and engineering equipment and their modernization. It includes works covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, which compensates for their physical and functional wear and tear ... "(extract from the" Methodological recommendations for the formation of the scope of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings, financed from funds provided by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ "On the Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services" (approved by the State Corporation "Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services" 02/15/2013)

Elevator overhaul repair:

"...Elevator overhaul - repairs carried out to restore serviceability, full or close to full restoration of the lifespan of the elevator with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ... "(extract from the Order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1999 N 158" On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for organizing operation elevators in the Russian Federation "(together with the" Regulations on the system of scheduled preventive maintenance of elevators ")

Overhaul of engineering communications:

"...To overhaul of external engineering communications and improvement objects include work on the repair of water supply networks, sewerage, heat and gas supply and power supply, landscaping of courtyards, repair of paths, driveways and sidewalks, etc. "(extract from the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 05.03.2004 N 15/1 (in ed. of June 16, 2014) "On the approval and implementation of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation" (together with "MDS 81-35.2004 ...")

Overhaul of bridge structures:

"...Overhaul of bridge structures: change in the parameters of bridge structures, which does not entail a change in the class, category and (or) the originally established indicators of the functioning of such objects and in which there is no need to change the boundaries of right-of-way and (or) security zones of such objects ... "extraction from" ODM 218.3.014-2011. Industry road methodological document. Methodology for assessing the technical condition of bridge structures on highways "(issued on the basis of the Order of Rosavtodor dated 17.11.2011 N 883-r)

Overhaul of the road, road surface

"... overhaul of a road - a set of works on the replacement and (or) restoration of structural elements of the highway, road structures and (or) their parts, the implementation of which is carried out within the established permissible values \u200b\u200band technical characteristics of the class and category of the highway and during which the structural and other reliability characteristics are affected and safety of the motor road and the boundaries of the right-of-way of the motor road do not change; ... "(extract from the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 N 257-FZ (as amended on 03.07.2016)" On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation ")

"...Overhaul of the road: a set of works for the replacement and / or restoration of structural elements of a highway, road structures and / or their parts, the implementation of which is carried out within the established permissible values \u200b\u200band technical characteristics of the class and category of the highway and during which the structural and other characteristics of reliability and safety are affected road and the boundaries of the road right of way and its geometric elements do not change ... "(extract from" SP 78.13330.2012. Set of rules. Highways. Updated edition of SNiP 3.06.03-85 "(approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated 30.06 .2012 N 272)

Overhaul of the road surface:

"...overhaul of the road surface - a set of works in which a complete restoration and increase in the performance of road pavements and pavements, road beds and road structures is carried out, worn structures and parts are replaced or replaced with the most durable and durable ones, the geometric parameters of the road are increased taking into account the growth of traffic intensity and axial loads cars within the standards corresponding to the category established for the road being repaired, without increasing the width of the roadbed along the main length of the road ... "(extract from the Order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region of June 29, 2015 N 125-RV" Moscow region")

Overhaul of road facilities:

"...Overhaul of the ODH - this is a complex of works in which a complete restoration and improvement of the working capacity of pavement or pavement is carried out, worn structures and parts are replaced or replaced with more modern and durable ones ... "(extract from the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 16.12.2014 N 762-PP "On the approval of the Requirements for the sanitary and technical maintenance of road facilities of the street and road network of the city of Moscow and the Procedure for the execution of work on overhaul, current repair, marking and maintenance of road facilities of the road network of the city of Moscow")

Overhaul of equipment and vehicles:

"... Overhaul of equipment and vehicles - complete disassembly of the unit, repair of base and body parts and assemblies, replacement or restoration of all worn parts and assemblies with new and more modern ones, assembly, regulation and testing of the unit ..." (removal from "Sectoral features of budget accounting in the social and labor sphere in terms of correspondence of accounts on typical sectoral operations" (approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on February 19, 2008) (together with "Methodological recommendations on budget accounting for institutions of the social and labor sphere")

Well workover:

"...15. Well workover - a set of works to restore the operability of wells and increase oil recovery, industrial, environmental safety and protection of subsoil, including:
restoration of technical characteristics of casing strings, cement sheath, bottomhole zone, perforation interval;
restoration of the operability of a well lost as a result of an accident or incident;
lowering and lifting of equipment for separate operation and injection of various agents into the formation;
impact on the productive formation by physical, chemical, biochemical and other methods (hydraulic fracturing, hydrosand-jet perforation, hydromechanical crevice perforation, hydrochloric acid treatment of the formation, etc.);
sidetracking and drilling of horizontal sections in the productive formation (without completely replacing the casing);
isolation of some and involvement of other horizons;
transfer of wells for another purpose;
well survey;
abandonment of wells ... "(extract from the Order of Rostekhnadzor of 23.04.2007 N 279 (as amended on 18.12.2007)" On the approval of the Methodological Instructions on the procedure for examining organizations performing work on routine, capital repairs and reconstruction of wells. "(together from "RD-13-07-2007. Methodical instructions on the procedure for examining organizations performing work on the current, capital repairs and reconstruction of oil and gas wells") (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 01.06.2007 N 9582)

Overhaul of technical security equipment:

"... Under the overhaul of the TCO is understood the repair carried out to restore the serviceability of the TCO and complete or close to it the restoration of the resource of the system with the replacement or repair of any parts, including the basic ..." (extract from the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 16, 2012 N 689 "On approval of the Instruction for organizing the activities of non-departmental security units of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to ensure the protection of objects, apartments and places of storage of citizens' property using technical security equipment"

Overhaul of linear facilities:

"...14.3) overhaul of linear objects - a change in the parameters of linear objects or their sections (parts), which does not entail a change in the class, category and (or) the originally established indicators of the functioning of such objects and which does not require a change in the boundaries of the right-of-way and (or) security zones of such objects; .. "(extract from the" Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation "dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ (as amended on December 19, 2016)

Major renovation of monumental art:

"...overhaul of works of monumental art (objects of urban sculpture) - research, design and production work aimed at preventing subsequent destruction and achieving optimal conditions for the long-term preservation of urban sculpture while maintaining its expositional qualities, replacement and (or) restoration of composite elements, replacement and (or) restoration of structural elements. .. "(extract from the Order of the Moscow City Heritage of 17.09.2014 N 127" On approval of the Methodology for the current maintenance, overhaul and work to preserve works of monumental art located in the city of Moscow ")

Overhaul of the gas distribution network (gas consumption):

"...Overhaul of the gas distribution network [gas consumption]: repairs carried out to restore serviceability and full or close to full restoration of the resource of the gas distribution network [gas consumption] with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including the basic ... "(extract from" GOST R 53865-2010. National standard Russian Federation. Gas distribution systems. Terms and definitions "(approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated 09/10/2010 N 242-st)

Major ship repairs:

"...2.2.15. Overhaul - ship repair (element, unit), performed to restore its technical and operational characteristics to values \u200b\u200bclose to those of the construction, with the replacement and (or) restoration of any elements, including basic ones. Overhaul is carried out under the technical supervision of the Register inspection. By construction characteristics we mean the characteristics that were valid at the time of the construction of the vessel (element, unit). Overhaul of the vessel, as a rule, is carried out by the nodal method ... "(extract from the Order of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR dated 05.12.1989 N 61" On the introduction of the Rules for the repair of ships of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR ")

Overhaul is significantly different from routine and cosmetic repairs. The Federal Law "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Utilities Sector" (FZ-185) provides an exhaustive and capacious definition of it. According to his interpretation, overhaul is a set of works to eliminate malfunctions in worn-out or worn-out structural elements of the common property of apartment buildings.

The concept of overhaul includes those carried out to restore elements of the facades of residential buildings. Also, overhaul includes work on partial and complete replacement of roofing materials. Replacement of communications: sewers, water supply risers (hot and cold water), electrical wiring and gas supply - all this, also major repairs. All these provisions are clearly spelled out in the methodological documents for management companies and their employees.

This provision gives the tenant a guarantee that, if necessary, work will be carried out in a timely manner to partially or completely replace all the elements listed above. This is especially true of municipal housing, where capital repairs are carried out in full, within a strictly specified time frame at the expense of the management company.

All previous information is given in the article for general acquaintance with the concept of overhaul. After all, the tenants carry out major repairs in the apartment on their own, at their own expense and the management company in this case is not an assistant to them.

Fundamentals of apartment overhaul

The concept of overhauling an apartment by its owners includes the following items:

  1. Full alignment of ceilings and walls in the apartment.
  2. Complete or partial replacement of unusable floor elements.
  3. Replacement of water supply internal communications.
  4. Replacement of all doors in the apartment.
  5. Replacement of electrical metering devices and replacement of old electrical wiring.
  6. Replacement of floor and wall tiles in the apartment.
  7. Replacement of plumbing.
  8. The device (voluntary or forced) ventilation and hoods in the apartment.
  9. Replacement of windows.
  10. Redevelopment, for its subsequent change.
Redecoration is different from major themes, that in the first case, changes occur only in the external appearance of structures without complete or partial replacement of their elements.

Redecoration includes:

  1. Change of flooring.
  2. Pasting ceilings and walls with any kind of wallpaper or painting these surfaces (without plastering).
  3. Painting of doors and windows in the apartment.
  4. Painting of water supply risers.
  5. Painting of batteries, heating pipes.
Before starting repair work, you need to decide what the result should be. If, in the process of carrying out work, the owners want to change the interior of the apartment, thanks to the redevelopment of the internal space, they need to get it. Collecting documentation is a long and painstaking process, so you need to be patient.

Redevelopment of a room is an expensive pleasure, so before starting work, you need to draw up a plan for their implementation and draw a sketch of the future room. If the demolition of the old and the construction of new partitions in the room will solve the problems of improving living conditions, then construction work can begin. It should be borne in mind that the load-bearing walls should not be touched, as this can lead to the destruction of the entire house.

When redeveloping an apartment in an old house, the owners need to pay attention to the state of communications. In houses built in the "Soviet period", they probably require replacement.

Of course, according to the law, the replacement of communications must be carried out by the management company, but this type of work is usually not planned for them in the near future. For apartment owners who want to hedge against the future, there is only one way out - to replace communications on their own.

Replacing sewer risers and risers for water supply will protect against emergencies after the completion of repair work. It is hard to disagree that it is very offensive to get a stain on the freshly painted ceiling due to a pipe that broke through at the wrong time.

But when planning even such a good deed as replacing old risers with new ones paid for out of pocket, it is necessary to obtain the consent of neighbors who live on the floor above and below. This is necessary in order to join the old and new material of the risers in their apartments. Docking seams, according to all the rules, should not be in the overlap, as this makes it difficult to access them to eliminate possible leaks.

All of the above rules apply to electrical work, with the only difference that the electrical wiring must be changed at the entrance. Replacing an electric meter, designed for 5-10 A, is vital, otherwise it simply will not withstand the load from modern powerful household appliances. This applies not only to old houses, but also to new ones, in which the wiring is not designed for high loads.

Stages of overhaul work in the apartment:

  1. It is necessary to free the work area from furniture. It is necessary to take the wires into the corridor only if there is a room-by-room repair. The rooms can be connected in turn after the completion of repair and finishing work.
  2. Dismantling of the structural elements of the heating system can be carried out only after making sure that there is no water in the heating system and in the risers.
  3. Installation of the heating system includes the installation of taps and the installation of internal communications for hot and cold water supply.
  4. Removing wallpaper from walls and ceilings. Dismantling the floor and floor covering, if replacement is foreseen.
  5. Leveling the entire surface of the walls with gypsum plaster or drywall sheets. Wall tiling in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
  6. Correction of ceiling defects with plasterboard sheets or plaster mix with the addition of gypsum. To level the ceiling, you can use suspended, hemmed and stretch ceilings.
  7. Filling the walls and ceiling with finishing plaster and further cleaning the top layer with sandpaper.
  8. Sub-floor installation.
  9. Installation of new plumbing.
  10. Repair of door and window slopes. Replacement of doors and windows.
  11. Painting the ceiling with any paint you like.
  12. Pasting walls with wallpaper or painting them.
  13. Floor covering
  14. Layout and installation of skirting boards and platbands.
After all these works, the repair can be considered almost complete. The last stage is the installation of heating radiators and electrical appliances.

Well, that's all, now you can enjoy the result of the renovation work!

17.05.17 94 103 2

And how not to overpay for it

This summer, Muscovites will pay more for major repairs.

Now for a small odnushka they pay about 600 R per month, or 7200 R per year. If this is not much money for you, then you can pay further and do not worry.

Olga Menikhart

pays for overhaul

We'll tell you what to do if you want to keep track of these spending. Moreover, this money can be spent more efficiently.

Hardware and history

To keep the high-rise building clean, and the house not to collapse, you need to do a thousand small things: clean the staircase, repair a broken elevator, patch up cracks in the walls. All this is done by the management company (MC) or the homeowners' association (HOA), depending on which organization is chosen in the house. The organization receives money for its work.

Most of the management companies know how to do cleaning in the slightest degree, but not everyone succeeds in high-quality repairs. Because of poor repairs, houses are decaying: according to government estimates, the depreciation of the housing stock in Russia is 60%. To prevent the houses from starting to crumble themselves, the government decided to renovate apartment buildings without asking the residents' opinions - that is, by force.

Previously, tenants paid for major repairs to management companies. The tariff was set by the owners themselves, and the payment was optional. The tenants at the meeting could decide that they would not collect money for repairs, and they did not have such a line in the receipt.

Previously, residents decided for themselves whether to make major repairs. Now it's a must

Now the overhaul is mandatory. Muscovites have received a new payment since July 2015. The tariff is 15 RUR per m², from July 1, 2017 - 17 RUR per m².

Who does not pay for overhaul

The government obliged not everyone to pay for overhaul. Beneficiaries, residents of new buildings and emergency houses do not pay.

Beneficiaries - these are invalids of military operations, orphans, lonely pensioners over 80 years old. For a complete list of preferential categories, see the website of the Moscow Overhaul Fund. The list may vary in other regions.

Residents of new buildings. If the building was put into operation after the region adopted a major overhaul program (in Moscow - July 2015), then tenants may be temporarily exempted from payments. The maximum vacation period is 5 years from the date the house is entered into the program. The decision about the holidays is taken by the regional authorities. Holidays are already in operation in the Orenburg and Vologda regions.

Residents of emergency houses. Buildings that are going to be demolished or reconstructed are not included in the regional overhaul programs. If the house is recognized as emergency after the program began to operate, then the capital repair fund must transfer contributions "for the purpose of demolishing or renovating the house." That is, the money paid for the overhaul will be used in any case.

Residents of Khrushchev, which are going to be massively demolished in Moscow, will not be refunded the money for overhaul.

How money is saved: the fund

Money for overhaul is saved in two ways: in the general cashier of the fund for overhaul or on an individual account at home.

The fund is a "common pot": a piggy bank into which residents of all houses in the region put their money. Every year they take money from this piggy bank and spend it on repairs. Today, your money is used to pay for the repair of your neighbor's house, and tomorrow the neighbors are paying for yours.

The funds belong to the regions: Muscovites' funds go to renovate buildings only in Moscow. The Moscow Region is formally a different region, where houses are being repaired by a different foundation.

The order in which buildings are being repaired is indicated in the regional capital repair program. The Moscow program is designed until 2044.

The foundation is obliged to do almost all the organizational work. Before repairing, he must determine what exactly to repair in the house, select contractors, supervise them, accept work and sign acts.

Representatives of the Criminal Code and apartment owners can participate in the acceptance. Residents can participate in determining what the foundation will renovate.

The foundation is a government organization. The Moscow Foundation was created by the Moscow government. Therefore, every year he reports on the work done: how many and which houses he repaired, how much money he spent.

How to save money: personal account

A personal account is an individual piggy bank of a particular house. Residents choose a bank, open an account and transfer money there every month. The funds on behalf of the owners are managed by the account owner: a representative of the management company, HOA or overhaul fund, depending on who the tenants have appointed.

The account owner cannot simply withdraw money and spend it: the bank will ask for a justification for each operation.

Owners manage the money on the personal account

To transfer money to the contractor for the repair performed, you will have to provide the minutes of the general meeting of the owners, the contract for the provision of services and the acceptance certificate. You can write off money from the account only to pay for overhaul work or to pay for a targeted loan.

The owners decide for themselves when to renovate the house. They select contractors, supervise them, and accept work. But repairs will still have to be carried out before the end of the regional overhaul program - until 2044.

It is not necessary to extend the renovation program until 2044; you can raise funds earlier. To do this, set a higher rate: not 17 R per m², but, for example, 30 R per m².

Although the money in the special account belongs to all the owners, you will not be able to collect your share when you move. It will be inherited by the person who will move into your apartment.

How to raise money for a major overhaul

Pay the fund

Money goes to the common cauldron

Save on account at home

The money goes to renovate a particular house

Pay the fund

The repair period is determined by the foundation. The work must be completed by 2044

Save on account at home

The term of the renovation is determined by the tenants. The work must be completed by 2044

Pay the fund

Contractors are controlled by the fund

Save on account at home

Contractors are supervised by residents

Pay the fund

It is impossible to increase the tariff for overhaul

Save on account at home

You can increase the rate for overhaul

Can't wait for repairs

By default, money from your home goes to the regional capital repair fund. The order of work is determined by the program, at the beginning of the list are the most worn out houses. If you live in a solid block of flats, your home will be renovated sometime in 2030.

Nobody knows what will happen in 15 years. Savings can be burned out, the fund's budget can be spent on the construction of a stadium or bridge. Therefore, it is more profitable for residents of good strong houses to save money on the account of the house, and not in a regional fund.

The money collected in the fund may be lost

The money for the overhaul is kept in the bank, while the funds in the individual account at home and the funds in the fund account are differently protected from bankruptcy.

The money on the special account is not protected in any way. The law allows to open special accounts only in those credit institutions where the equity capital is at least 20 billion rubles. This is the only requirement for the bank, and it seems to be insufficient.

In Tatarstan, HOA members can lose money that they have been saving since 2014, because their bank went bankrupt. They kept the money in Tatfondbank, on March 3, his license was revoked. Investors' funds will be paid primarily to individuals and individual entrepreneurs and only after them - to legal entities. When exactly this will happen is not clear.

The money on the account of the regional operator is allegedly protected by the state. If the regional fund does not fulfill its obligations to the owners or fulfills them poorly, the entity bears “subsidiary responsibility”, the law says. But not all regions will have the money to replace the lost savings.

Your payment is almost unrelated to your specific repair

The amount of payment for the overhaul is not tied to the technical condition of the house, it is calculated based on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. Therefore, the owner of the apartment in the new building and the owner of the apartment in the old Khrushchev pay the same, although the cost of repairs is different.

And if the old house is also small, with 20 apartments, then the tenants will not have time to reimburse the repair costs during the program. That is, partly for the renovation of the house will be paid by the tenants of other houses, who are saving money in the general fund of the fund.

How much does a house overhaul for 24 apartments cost?

Cost of work - 7,172,616 rubles. The house has 24 apartments, their total area is 954 m². Residents pay a total monthly overhaul 14 310 R, per year - 171 720 R.

The overhaul program is designed for 30 years. During this time, residents will accumulate only 5,151,600 R... Another 2,021,016 R is a deficit. It will be covered from payments from other owners.

Type of work

The cost

Repair of the power supply system

918 207 RUB

Repair of the cold water supply system

424,419 RUB

Hot water system repair

654,175 RUB

Sewerage repair

372 604 RUB

Heating system repair

1 332 786 R

Facade repair

1,073,420 RUB

Roof repair

1,549,274 R

Basement repair

After you have found your home on the site, check where your payments go: to a fund or to a special account. The list of houses where you decided to start your own account is posted on the website of the regional fund in two files:

  1. Special accounts owned by the fund.
  2. Special accounts owned by management companies, cooperatives and homeowners' associations (HOA).

If your address is not there, it means that the foundation is engaged in the repair.

Make sure that the foundation has the correct information about the house: the year of construction and the total area, and the renovation is really planned for the next 5-10 years.

If the house is new, keep the money in your account

It is beneficial for residents of new large houses to save money on their own. Open a special bank account so as not to spend your savings on renovating other people's buildings. To do this, you need to hold a meeting of owners so that the tenants agree on opening an account and decide to transfer the money that was accumulated in the regional fund to it.

It is difficult and costly to hold a meeting on your own. You will have to contact the Criminal Code for information about the owners of apartments and the size of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, calculate the shares of each of the tenants, print forms for the owners - and this is only preparatory organizational work. For the decision to be legitimate, two-thirds of the residents must vote for. This means that each owner must be invited to the meeting, and when he still does not come, go to his house.

If your home is run by an HOA, it makes the process easier. This means that the owners are organized enough to independently control the overhaul process. Find out who the head of the HOA is, get to know him and offer to transfer money to an individual account at home. If it is profitable for your home to save money in this way, most likely you will not be refused. Then the meeting of tenants is organized by representatives of the HOA, who know how to do it.

After the meeting, the final protocol is sent to the regional capital repair fund. Three months after that, the fund will stop collecting contributions and within five days will transfer the accumulated money to the account of the house. Residents will then pay to their own account.

The fund may refuse to transfer money to a personal account if the house has already been renovated and the collected payments have not yet covered its cost. In this case, you must first pay off the debt and only then leave the fund.


  1. If the house is old, pay the regional fund.
  2. If the house is new, keep the money in your account.
  3. If you are paying the foundation, check the information for your home: year of construction, total area, list of planned works and their sequence. If you find a mistake, get it fixed.
  4. You can leave the fund and create a separate account for your home at any time. To do this, you need to hold a general meeting of residents and send the decision of residents to the foundation.
  5. The Foundation will release you three months after it receives the minutes of the general meeting. The fund transfers the money accumulated by residents to the account of the house.

Repair work, as a rule, depending on the frequency of carrying out, is divided into two types: maintenance and overhaul.

List of overhaul works

Lists of types of capital repairs are contained in departmental acts (Regulations, Norms and Rules .., Instructions, Recommendations, etc.). These lists of types of work vary depending on the type of capital construction object, its purpose.

The types of work are given in the annexes to the departmental regulations, the texts of which are given in the attachment to this publication:

Appendix 8. The list of works on capital repairs of buildings and structures ( Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee of 12/29/1973 N 279 "On the approval of the Regulations on the scheduled preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures" (together with "MDS 13-14.2000 ..."))

Appendix N 8. An approximate list of works performed during the overhaul of the housing stock ( Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170 "On approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock")

Appendix 9. List of works on capital repairs of buildings and structures ( Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia of 28.09.2001 N 276 (as amended on 24.01.2006) "On approval of instructions for the technical operation of buildings and structures of institutions of the penal system")

Table 2.3. The list of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings to be included in the scope of work financed from the funds provided for by Federal Law N 185-FZ ( )

Definition of the concept of "overhaul" in the regulation

Overhaul - repairs carried out to restore the technical and economic characteristics of the facility to values \u200b\u200bclose to the design values, with the replacement or restoration of any component parts ( Order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of 13.12.2000 N 285 "On Approval of the Standard Instruction for the Technical Operation of Heating Networks of Communal Heat Supply Systems").

Overhaul - carrying out a complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral deterioration, not associated with a change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building and functional purpose, providing for the restoration of its resource with partial replacement, if necessary, of structural elements and systems of engineering equipment, as well as improvement performance indicators ( Resolution of the Moscow Government dated July 30, 2002 N 586-PP (as amended on December 23, 2015) "On approval of the Regulations on a unified procedure for pre-design and design preparation of the construction of engineering communications, structures and road transport facilities in the city of Moscow").

Overhaul of capital construction objects (except for linear objects) - replacement and (or) restoration of building structures of capital construction objects or elements of such structures, with the exception of load-bearing building structures, replacement and (or) restoration of engineering and technical support systems and networks of engineering and technical support of capital construction facilities, or their elements, as well as the replacement of individual elements of supporting building structures with similar or other elements that improve the performance of such structures and (or) the restoration of these elements ( (as amended on 18.06.2017)

Overhaul of buildings and structures

Overhaul of buildings and structures includes work on the restoration or replacement of individual parts of buildings (structures) or entire structures, parts and engineering equipment due to their physical wear and tear and destruction for more durable and economical ones that improve their performance ( Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia of 05.03.2004 N 15/1 (as amended on 16.06.2014) "On approval and implementation of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation" (together with "MDS 81-35.2004 ...")).

Overhaul of the building - a set of construction and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and functional (moral) deterioration, which do not involve changes in the main technical and economic indicators of a building or structure, including, if necessary, the replacement of individual or all structural elements (with the exception of irreplaceable ones) and engineering systems equipment with their modernization. Overhaul does not extend the service life of buildings, since it is determined by the most durable elements that cannot be replaced during repair ( "Methodological recommendations on the formation of the scope of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings, financed by the funds provided by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ" 02/15/2013)

Overhaul of an apartment building

Overhaul of an apartment building - carrying out and (or) providing the works and (or) services provided for by this Federal Law for eliminating faults of worn out structural elements of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as common property in an apartment building), including their restoration or replacement, in in order to improve the performance of common property in an apartment building ( article 2 of the Federal Law of 21.07.2007 N 185-FZ (as amended on 23.06.2016) "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Communal Services").

Overhaul of the common property of an apartment building: a set of works (services) for the replacement and (or) restoration (repair) of structures, parts, engineering and technical support systems that have lost during operation and (or) functional capacity, individual elements of the load-bearing structures of an apartment building for similar or other improving indicators up to their standard state when the volume of such work exceeds current repairs ( )

Overhaul types

Complex and selective overhaul

Overhaul is subdivided into complex overhaul and selective overhaul.
a) is a repair with the replacement of structural elements and engineering equipment and their modernization. It includes work covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, which compensates for their physical and functional wear and tear.
b) is a repair with full or partial replacement of individual structural elements of buildings and structures or equipment, aimed at full reimbursement of their physical and partially functional wear and tear.
Attribution to the type of overhaul depends on the technical condition of the buildings assigned for repair, as well as the quality of their layout and the degree of internal improvement ( "Methodological recommendations for the formation of the scope of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings financed from the funds provided for by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ" On the Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services "(approved by the State Corporation" Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services " 02/15/2013))

Complex overhaul: replacement, restoration and (or) repair of the common property of an apartment building or its individual parts, performed in relation to most of the common property of an apartment building ( "GOST R 51929-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Services of housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Terms and definitions" (approved and put into effect by Order of Rosstandart of 11.06.2014 N 543-st)

Complex overhaul - covers all elements of the building, provides for the simultaneous restoration of all worn out structural elements, engineering equipment and an increase in the degree of improvement of the building as a whole, eliminates physical and moral deterioration. Carrying out the next comprehensive overhaul of a building or structure is inappropriate in cases where the demolition or transfer of buildings or structures is planned in connection with the upcoming construction of another building or structure on the site they occupy, reconstruction of the building is planned, the dismantling of the building is planned due to general dilapidation. In these cases, work should be carried out to maintain the structures of the building or structure in a condition that ensures their normal operation during the appropriate period (before demolition or reconstruction) ( )

Selective overhaul: replacement (restoration) of the common property of an apartment building or its individual parts, carried out in relation to a smaller part (some parts) of the common property of an apartment building ( "GOST R 51929-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Services of housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Terms and definitions" (approved and put into effect by Order of Rosstandart of 11.06.2014 N 543-st)

Selective overhaul - covers individual structural elements of a building or its engineering equipment, while eliminating physical wear and tear of individual elements and technical systems of the building. Selective overhaul is carried out in cases where a comprehensive overhaul of a building can cause serious interference in the operation of the facility, with significant wear of individual structures that threatens the safety of the remaining parts of the building, with the economic inexpediency of carrying out a comprehensive overhaul according to the restrictions given in the definition of a comprehensive overhaul ( Resolution of the Moscow Government dated 09.29.2010 N 849-PP (as amended on 07.07.2015) "On approval of the Regulations for the overhaul of real estate objects owned by the city of Moscow and transferred to trust management")

Emergency overhaul - repair or replacement of all structural elements, devices, systems of engineering equipment that are out of order due to accidents, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and vandalism ( Resolution of the Moscow Government dated 09.29.2010 N 849-PP (as amended on 07.07.2015) "On approval of the Regulations for the overhaul of real estate objects owned by the city of Moscow and transferred to trust management")

Overhaul of external engineering communications

To overhaul of external engineering communications and improvement facilities include work on the repair of water supply networks, sewerage, heat and gas supply and power supply, landscaping of courtyards, repair of paths, driveways and sidewalks, etc. ( Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia of 03/05/2004 N 15/1 (as amended on 06/16/2014) "On approval and implementation of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation" (together with "MDS 81-35.2004 ...")

Overhaul of roads

Overhaul of the road - a set of works on the replacement and (or) restoration of structural elements of the highway, road structures and (or) their parts, the implementation of which is carried out within the established permissible values \u200b\u200band technical characteristics of the class and category of the highway and during which the structural and other reliability characteristics are affected and safety of the road and the boundaries of the right-of-way of the motor road ( art. 3 of the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 N 257-FZ (as amended on 07.02.2017) "On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation")

Overhaul of the road surface - a complex of works, in which a complete restoration and increase in the performance of road pavements and pavements, road beds and road structures is carried out, worn structures and parts are replaced or replaced with the most durable and durable ones, the geometric parameters of the road are increased taking into account the growth of traffic intensity and axial loads cars within the limits corresponding to the category established for the road being repaired, without increasing the width of the roadbed along the main length of the road ( Order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region of June 29, 2015 N 125-RV "On approval of the Rules for the improvement of the territory of the Balashikha urban district of the Moscow region")

Overhaul period. Reasonable timing

The timing of the overhaul is either established by the parties, or established by regulatory legal acts (NLA). In the absence of an indication of the timing of the repair in the contract or regulation, it is carried out within a reasonable time.

The concept of a "reasonable time" is traditional for civil law and is mentioned repeatedly in the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (see Art. 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in relation to the relationship of pledge - clause 4 of Art. 345, clause 1 of Art. 358 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A reasonable time frame for major repairs depends on the condition of the property, its properties, climate characteristics, features of major repairs, technical capabilities and other reasons.

In addition, the normative legal act may provide for both specific terms for carrying out repairs, and the procedure for determining them can be fixed, and the frequency of certain types of repair work can be established.


; Appendix 8 to the Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of 12/29/1973 N 279 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Preventive Maintenance of Industrial Buildings and Structures" (together with "MDS 13-14.2000 ...")

Appendix 8



I. Foundations

1. Changing wooden chairs or replacing them with stone or concrete pillars.
2. Partial re-laying (up to 10%), as well as reinforcement of stone foundations and basement walls, not associated with the building superstructure or additional loads from newly installed equipment.
3. Restoration of vertical and horizontal insulation of foundations.
4. Restoration of the existing blind area around the building (more than 20% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe blind area).
5. Renovation of existing drains around the building.
6. Change of single collapsing stone and concrete pillars.

II. Walls and columns

1. Sealing cracks in brick or stone walls with clearing furrows, with bandaging joints with old masonry.
2. Arrangement and repair of structures that strengthen stone walls.
3. Re-laying of dilapidated brick cornices, lintels of pit parapets and protruding parts of walls.
4. Re-laying and repair of individual dilapidated sections of stone walls up to 20% of the total volume of masonry, not associated with the building superstructure or additional loads from newly installed equipment.
5. Reinforcement of reinforced concrete and stone columns with clips.
6. Repair and partial replacement (up to 20% of the total volume) of columns, not associated with additional loads from the newly installed equipment.
7. Change of aggregates in walls with stone, reinforced concrete and metal frames (up to 40%).
8. Change of dilapidated crowns of log or cobbled walls (up to 20% of the total surface of the walls).
9. Solid prokonopatka log or block walls.
10. Partial change of cladding, backfill and slab heaters of frame walls (up to 50% of the total wall area).
11. Replacement or repair of plating and heating of wooden plinths.
12. Repair of stone plinths of wooden walls with their re-laying up to 50% of the total volume.
13. Repositioning and replacement of worn-out clamps of log and cobbled walls.

III. Partitions

1. Repair, replacement and replacement of worn out partitions with more progressive designs of all types of partitions.
2. During the overhaul of partitions, partial redevelopment is allowed with an increase in the total area of \u200b\u200bpartitions no more than 20%.

IV. Roofs and coverings

1. Change of dilapidated wooden roof trusses or their replacement with prefabricated reinforced concrete.
2. Complete or partial replacement of dilapidated metal and reinforced concrete trusses, as well as replacement of metal ones with prefabricated reinforced concrete trusses.
3. Strengthening of trusses when replacing the types of coverings (replacing wood slabs with prefabricated reinforced concrete, cold coverings with warm ones, etc.), when suspending lifting devices, as well as during corrosion of units and other elements of metal and prefabricated reinforced concrete trusses.
4. Partial or complete change of rafters, mauerlats and battens.
5. Repair of supporting structures of skylights.
6. Repair of devices for opening bindings of skylights.
7. Partial or complete replacement of worn-out elements of coatings, as well as replacing them with more progressive and durable ones.
8. Partial (over 10% of the total roof area) or continuous change or replacement of all types of roofs.
9. Reconstruction of roofs due to the replacement of roofing material.
10. Partial or complete replacement of wall gutters, slopes and covers of chimneys and other protruding devices above the roof.

V. Interfloor ceilings and floors

1. Repair or change of interfloor floors.
2. Replacement of individual structures or floors in general with more progressive and durable structures.
3. Reinforcement of all types of interfloor and attic floors.
4. Partial (more than 10% of the total floor area in the building) or continuous replacement of all types of floors and their bases.
5. Reorganization of floors during repairs with replacement for stronger and more durable materials. In this case, the type of floors must meet the requirements of the norms and technical conditions for new construction.

Vi. Windows, doors and gates

1. Complete replacement of dilapidated window and door blocks, as well as the gates of industrial buildings.

Vii. Stairs and porches

1. Partial or complete change of landings, ramps and porches.
2. Change and strengthening of all types of stairs and their individual elements.

VIII. Internal plastering, facing
and painting work

1. Renewal of plaster of all premises and repair of plaster in the amount of more than 10% of the total plastered surface.
2. Change of wall cladding in the amount of more than 10% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe faced surfaces.
3. Continuous anti-corrosion painting of metal structures.

IX. Facades

1. Repair and renewal of cladding with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 10% of the coated surface.
2. Full or partial (more than 10%) renewal of plaster.
3. Complete renewal of rods, cornices, belts, sandrids, etc.
4. Renewal of stucco details.
5. Solid coloration with stable compounds.
6. Cleaning the facade with sandblasting machines.
7. Change of balcony slabs and railings.
8. Change of coatings of protruding parts of the building.

1. Complete re-laying of all types of heating stoves, chimneys and their bases.
2. Re-equipment of furnaces for burning coal and gas in them.
3. Complete re-laying of cookers.

XI. Central heating

1. Change of individual sections and units of heating boilers, boilers, boiler units or complete replacement of boiler units (if the boiler unit is not an independent inventory item).
2. Repair and replacement of expanders, condensation traps and other network equipment.
3. Repair and relocation of foundations for boilers.
4. Automation of boiler rooms.
5. Transfer from stove heating to central heating.
6. Change of heating registers.
7. Connection of buildings to heating networks (with a distance from the building to the network no more than 100 m).

XII. Ventilation

1. Partial or complete change of air ducts.
2. Change of fans.
3. Rewinding or changing electric motors.
4. Change of gates, deflectors, choke valves, blinds.
5. Partial or complete change of ventilation ducts.
6. Change of heaters.
7. Change of heating units.
8. Change of filters.
9. Change of cyclones.
10. Change of individual chamber designs.

XIII. Plumbing and sewerage

1. Partial or complete change of the pipeline inside the building, including water supply and sewerage outlets.

XIV. Hot water supply

1. Change of coils and boilers.
2. Change of pipeline, parts and pumping units in general, tanks and pipeline insulation.

XV. Electric lighting and communication

1. Change of worn out sections of the network (more than 10%).
2. Change of safety guards.
3. Repair or restoration of cable channels.
4. During major overhaul of the network, it is allowed to replace the luminaires with other types (conventional ones with fluorescent ones).


XVI. Water supply and sewerage facilities

a) Pipelines and network fittings

1. Partial or complete replacement of the anticorrosive insulation of the pipeline.
2. Change of individual sections of the pipeline (due to pipe wear) without changing the diameter of the pipes. At the same time, it is allowed to replace cast iron pipes with steel, ceramic pipes with concrete or reinforced concrete and vice versa, but it is not allowed to replace asbestos-cement pipes with metal ones (except in emergency cases).

3. Replacement of worn fittings, valves, fire hydrants, plungers, valves, water columns or their repair with replacement of worn out parts.
4. Change of individual siphon pipes.

b) Wells

1. Repair of well cages.
2. Change of hatches.
3. Stuffing the trays again to replace the destroyed ones.
4. Replacement of worn-out wooden wells.
5. Renewal of plaster.

c) Water intakes and hydraulic structures

1. Dams, dams, waterways, canals

1. Change or replacement of fastening of banks or slopes up to 50%.
2. Replenishment of swollen slopes of earthen structures.
3. Change of ryazh.
4. Renewal of the protective layer in the underwater parts of reinforced concrete structures.
5. Change of gratings and nets.
6. Repair and replacement of panel gates.

2. Water wells

1. Construction and dismantling of an oil rig or installation and dismantling of an inventory rig.
2. Cleaning the well from collapses and silting.
3. Removing and installing a new filter.
4. Casing the well with a new casing string.
5. Replacement of water-lifting and air pipes.
6. Recovery of well flow rate by torpedoing or flushing with hydrochloric acid.
7. Cementation of the annular space and drilling out of cement.

d) Treatment facilities

1. Repair and replacement of completely waterproofing.
2. Repair and renewal of plaster and ironwork.
3. Re-laying of brick walls and partitions up to 20% of the total volume of masonry in the structure.
4. Sealing leaks in reinforced concrete, concrete and stone walls and floors of structures with concrete dismantling in separate places and concreting again.
5. Continuous gunning of the walls of structures.
6. Repair of drainage around structures.
7. Replacement of tank hatches.
8. Replacement of grilles.
9. Replacing the loading of filters, biofilters, aerofilters.
10. Change of filter plates.
11. Replacement of pipelines and fittings.
12. Re-laying of the drainage system of sludge platforms.

XVII. Heating

a) Channels and cameras

1. Partial or complete change of coverings of channels and chambers.
2. Partial or complete change of waterproofing of channels and chambers.
3. Partial re-laying of the walls of brick channels and chambers (up to 20% of the total surface of the walls).
4. Partial re-laying of drainage systems.
5. Repair of the bottoms of channels and chambers.
6. Renewal of the protective layer in the reinforced concrete structures of channels and chambers.
7. Change of hatches.

b) Pipelines and fittings

1. Partial or complete replacement of the thermal insulation of the pipeline.
2. Renewal of the pipeline waterproofing.
3. Change of individual sections of the pipeline (due to pipe wear) without increasing the diameter of the pipes.
4. Change of fittings, valves, expansion joints or their repair with replacement of worn out parts.
5. Replacement of movable and fixed supports.

XVIII. Access and in-plant railways

a) Subgrade

1. Broadening of the subgrade in places of insufficient width to normal size.
2. Treatment of the subgrade in places of landslides, erosion, avalanches, abysses.
3. Restoration of all drainage and drainage devices.
4. Restoration of all protective and fortifying structures of the subgrade (sodding, paving, retaining walls).
5. Restoration of regulatory structures.
6. Correction, filling of bridge cones.
7. Change of individual structures of artificial structures or their replacement with other structures, as well as a complete change of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the subgrade).

b) Track superstructure

1. Cleaning the ballast layer or renewing the ballast with bringing the ballast section to the dimensions established by the standards for this type of track.
2. Change of unusable sleepers.
3. Change of worn out rails.
4. Change of unusable fasteners.
5. Straightening of curves.
6. Repair of track switches with replacement of individual elements and transfer bars.
7. Change of turnouts.
8. Repair of the bridge deck.
9. Changing the flooring of level crossings or replacing wood with reinforced concrete.

c) Artificial structures (bridges, tunnels, pipes)

1. Partial change of elements or complete replacement of worn out superstructures.
2. Partial re-laying of stone and brick supports (up to 20% of the total volume).
3. Repair of concrete supports (up to 15% of the total).
4. Shotcrete or cementation of the support surface.
5. The device on the supports of reinforcing reinforced concrete shells (shirts).
6. Repair or complete replacement of insulation.
7. Change of bridge beams.
8. Change of anti-theft bars.
9. Change of wood flooring.
10. Change of flooring from reinforced concrete slabs.
11. Change of counter rails.
12. Replacement of damaged elements of wooden bridges, excluding piles.
13. Replacement of wooden packages with reinforced concrete spans.
14. Partial re-laying of stone and brickwork of arches and walls of tunnels.
15. Injection of cement mortar behind the tunnel lining.
16. Repair and replacement of drainage devices in tunnels.
17. Repositioning the head of the pipes.
18. Change of elements of wooden pipes (up to 50% of the volume of wood).
19. Change of elements of reinforced concrete or concrete pipes (up to 50% of the volume).

XIX. Car roads

a) Subgrade

1. Treatment of subgrade in places of landslides, landslides, erosion and depths.
2. Restoration of all drainage and drainage devices.
3. Restoration of all protective and strengthening structures of the roadbed.
4. Change of individual structures of artificial structures or their replacement with other structures, as well as a complete change of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the subgrade or road as a single inventory object).

b) Road clothes

1. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.
2. Laying of asphalt concrete leveling layer on cement-concrete pavement.
3. Installation of asphalt concrete pavement on roads with cement-concrete pavement.
4. Change of cement-concrete pavement to a new one.
5. Strengthening of the asphalt concrete pavement.
6. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces.
7. Paving the pavement.
8. Profiling of dirt roads.

c) Bridges, pipes

1. Partial re-laying of stone and brick supports (up to 20% of the total).
2. Repair of concrete supports (up to 15% of the total).
3. Replacement of damaged elements of wooden bridges, excluding piles.
4. Change of wooden or reinforced concrete flooring, as well as replacement of wooden flooring with reinforced concrete.
5. Complete change or replacement of superstructures.
6. Repositioning of pipe heads.
7. Change of elements of wooden, reinforced concrete or concrete pipes (up to 50% of the volume).

d) Sites for cars, road construction
and other machines, storage areas, as well as sites
grain receiving points

1. Repair and restoration of drainage structures (trays, ditches, etc.).
2. Paving cobblestone areas.
3. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces of sites.
4. Repair of concrete sites with the laying of a leveling layer of concrete.
5. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.
6. Covering with asphalt concrete sites listed in items 2 - 5.

XX. Electrical networks and communications

1. Change or replacement of unusable fittings.
2. Replacement of hooks with traverses.
3. Change of wires.
4. Repair and replacement of end and connecting cable sleeves.
5. Repair or replacement of grounding devices.
6. Change of supports (up to 30% per 1 km).
7. Installation of cable wells.

XXI. Other structures

1. Repair, change or replacement for other supports of flyovers for air laying of pipelines.
2. Repair or change of platforms, ladders and fences of overpasses for air pipeline laying.
3. Repair or replacement of individual columns (up to 20%) of crane trestles.
4. Repair or replacement of crane beams of crane trestles.
5. Repair of galleries and ramps for fuel supply of boiler and gas generator substations with a change (up to 20%) of structures without changing the foundations.
6. Change or complete replacement of wooden fence posts (fences).
7. Repair or replacement of individual concrete and reinforced concrete pillars (up to 20%) and fences (fences).
8. Repair of individual sections of infills between fence posts (up to 40%).
9. Repair of individual sections of solid stone fences (up to 20%).
10. Repair of individual sections of solid adobe fences (up to 40%).
11. Repair of chimneys with the change or replacement of the lining, with the setting of hoops, with the restoration of the protective layer of reinforced concrete pipes.
12. Repair and replacement of individual links of metal chimneys.
13. Repair of ash and slag discharges with complete replacement of individual pipeline links (without increasing the diameter).
14. Repair of loading platforms with a complete change of wooden flooring, blind area or asphalt. Change of individual supports or sections of retaining walls (up to 20%). In the event that the unloading area is part of a warehouse facility (ramp), a complete change or replacement of all structures is allowed.

An indicative list of works performed during the overhaul of the housing stock; Appendix 8 to the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170 "On approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock"


1. Inspection of residential buildings (including a complete survey of the housing stock) and the production of design estimates (regardless of the period of repair work).
2. Repair and construction work on the change, restoration or replacement of elements of residential buildings (except for the complete replacement of stone and concrete foundations, load-bearing walls and frames).
3. Modernization of residential buildings during their overhaul (redevelopment taking into account the downsizing of multi-room apartments; installation of additional kitchens and sanitary facilities, expansion of living space due to auxiliary premises, improvement of insolation of residential premises, elimination of dark kitchens and entrances to apartments through kitchens with a device, with necessary, built-in or attached premises for staircases, sanitary facilities or kitchens); replacement of stove heating with central heating with the installation of boiler rooms, heat pipelines and heating points; roof and other autonomous heat supply sources; re-equipment of furnaces for burning gas or coal; equipment with systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage, gas supply with connection to existing main networks at a distance from the input to the point of connection to the mains up to 150 m, arrangement of gas ducts, water pumping, boiler rooms; complete replacement of existing central heating systems, hot and cold water supply (including with the obligatory use of modernized heating devices and pipelines made of plastic, metal-plastic, etc. and a ban on the installation of steel pipes); installation of household electric stoves instead of gas stoves or kitchen stoves; installation of elevators, garbage chutes, pneumatic garbage disposal systems in houses with an elevation of the staircase of the upper floor 15 m and higher; transfer of the existing power supply network to increased voltage; repair of television antennas for collective use, connection to a telephone and radio broadcasting network; installation of intercoms, electric locks, installation of fire-prevention automation and smoke removal systems; automation and dispatching of elevators, heating boilers, heating networks, engineering equipment; improvement of courtyard areas (paving, asphalting, landscaping, fencing, wood sheds, equipment for children and household areas). Repair of roofs, facades, joints of prefabricated buildings up to 50%.
4. Insulation of residential buildings (work to improve the heat-shielding properties of enclosing structures, installation of window fillings with triple glazing, installation of external vestibules).
5. Replacement of intra-quarter engineering networks.
6. Installation of metering devices for heat energy consumption for heating and hot water supply, cold and hot water consumption for the building, as well as installation of hot and cold water meters for apartments (when replacing networks).
7. Reconstruction of non-ventilated combined roofs.
8. Architectural supervision of design organizations for the overhaul of residential buildings with full or partial replacement of floors and redevelopment.
9. Technical supervision in cases when subdivisions for technical supervision of capital repairs of the housing stock have been created in local governments and organizations.
10. Repair of built-in rooms in buildings.

List of works on overhaul of buildings and structures; Appendix 9 to the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated September 28, 2001 N 276 (as amended on January 24, 2006) "On approval of instructions for the technical operation of buildings and structures of institutions of the penal system")

Appendix 9


1.1. Foundations.
1.1.1. Changing wooden chairs or replacing them with stone or concrete pillars.
1.1.2. Partial re-laying (up to 15%), as well as reinforcement of foundations and basement walls under external and internal walls and pillars of stone and wooden buildings, not associated with the building superstructure or with additional loads from newly installed equipment.
1.1.3. Reinforcement of foundations for foundations of stone buildings that are not related to the superstructure of the building.
1.1.4. Restoration of vertical and horizontal insulation of foundations.
1.1.5. Restoration of a settled existing or device of a new blind area around the building (more than 20% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe blind area) in order to protect the soil under the foundations from erosion or waterlogging.
1.1.6. Repair of the brick cladding of the foundation walls from the basement side in separate places with the re-laying of more than 10 bricks in one place.
1.1.7. Partial or complete restoration or installation of new waterproofing in basements.
1.1.8. Partial or complete re-laying of pits at the basement and ground floor windows.
1.1.9. Replacement of rotten wooden foundation chairs in wooden buildings with new wooden, brick, concrete or reinforced concrete pillars.
1.1.10. Renovation of existing drains around the building.
1.1.11. Replacement of single collapsing stone and concrete pillars.
Note. At the expense of funds for major repairs, it is possible to artificially consolidate the soils of the foundations by chemical, thermal and other methods.

1.2. Walls and columns.
1.2.1. Re-laying of brick plinths (more than 10 bricks in one place).
1.2.2. Sealing cracks in brick or stone walls with clearing furrows, with bandaging seams with old masonry.
1.2.3. Installation and repair of structures that strengthen stone walls.
1.2.4. Re-laying of dilapidated brick cornices, lintels, parapets, pits and protruding parts of the walls.
1.2.5. Full or partial re-laying and fastening of individual dilapidated sections of brick walls (up to 25% of their total area in the building), not associated with the superstructure of the building or with additional loads from the newly installed equipment, as well as the change in wooden buildings of individual crowns, which also do not exceed 25% common wall surface.
1.2.6. Strengthening the walls with tension and metal ties.
1.2.7. Change of fillings in walls with stone, reinforced concrete and metal frames (up to 40%).
1.2.8. Sealing cracks in brick walls with excavation and clearing of old masonry and installation of new ones, with bandaging seams with old masonry.
1.2.9. Restoration of the waterproofing layer of the entire horizontal plane along the edge of the foundation.
1.2.10. Fastening or strengthening stone walls that deviate from the vertical position and have deformations.
1.2.11. Re-laying of dilapidated cornices, parapets, firewalls, pits and protruding parts of the walls.
1.2.12. Repositioning of individual, worn out, window and door lintels.
1.2.13. Warming of dilapidated wooden walls by stripe boards on the roofing board or with additional boarding and backfilling with fine slag.
1.2.14. Partial dismantling of existing internal walls and laying of new ones (up to 25% of the total volume), associated with the redevelopment of premises.
1.2.15. Replacement of various types of aggregates in walls with stone, reinforced concrete and metal frames (up to 50% of the total wall area).
1.2.16. Change of dilapidated crowns of log or cobbled walls (up to 20%).
1.2.17. Solid prokonopatka log or block walls.
1.2.18. Partial change of cladding, backfills and slab insulation of frame walls (up to 50% of the total wall area).
1.2.19. Change or repair of plating and insulation of wooden plinths.
1.2.20. Repair of stone plinths of wooden walls with their re-laying up to 50% of the total volume.
1.2.21. Re-positioning and replacement of worn out clamps of log and cobbled walls.
1.2.22. Strengthening reinforced concrete and stone columns with clips.
1.2.23. Repair and partial replacement (up to 20%) of columns not associated with additional loads from newly installed equipment.

1.3. Partitions.
1.3.1. Repair, replacement and replacement of worn out partitions with more progressive designs.
1.3.2. Partial redevelopment with an increase in the total area of \u200b\u200bpartitions (up to 20%).
1.3.3. Repair of partitions with the replacement of unusable straps and boards in an amount of more than 2 m2 in one place.
1.3.4. Strengthening the sound insulation of partitions by upholstering them with an additional layer of hardboard, cardboard or other materials, followed by applying a layer of plaster, wallpapering or painting.
1.3.5. Replenishment of the backfill of two-layer partitions, followed by boarding and all finishing work.

1.4. Roofs and roofs.
1.4.1. Replacement of formwork boards in places of grooves and cornice slopes.
1.4.2. Replacement of dilapidated roof structures with a roof made of ready-made reinforced concrete elements coated with tar paper, roofing felt and other roofing materials.
1.4.3. Full or partial replacement of dilapidated metal and reinforced concrete trusses.
1.4.4. Strengthening of trusses when replacing types of coatings (wood slabs for precast concrete, cold coating for warm ones, etc.), as well as in case of corrosion of units and other elements of metal and precast reinforced concrete trusses.
1.4.5. Partial or complete change of rafters, Mauerlats and roof battens.
1.4.6. Repair or replacement of worn metal roof railings.
1.4.7. Repair or replacement of worn outdoor fire escapes.
1.4.8. Arrangement of new manholes on the roof, dormers and transition bridges to them.
1.4.9. Relocation of smoke and ventilation pipes on the roof.
1.4.10. Complete replacement of dilapidated wall gutters, slopes and coverings around chimneys and other protruding devices above the roof.
1.4.11. Reconstruction of light lanterns with low illumination of premises for a large one.
1.4.12. Repair and painting of supporting structures of skylights.
1.4.13. Repair of mechanical and manual opening and closing devices for bindings of skylights.
1.4.14. Partial or complete replacement of worn-out coating elements, as well as replacing them with more progressive and durable ones.
1.4.15. Partial (more than 10%) or continuous change or replacement of the roof (all types).
1.4.16. Reconstruction of roofs due to the replacement of roofing materials.
1.4.17. Repair of coatings around smoke and ventilation pipes, firewalls, parapets and other protruding parts on the roof.
1.4.18. Strengthening parapets, steel fencing gratings, repairing ventilation shafts, gas ducts, sewer risers and other protruding parts on the roof.
1.4.19. Restoration and repair of ladders for the safety of cleaning chimneys on roofs with soft surfaces or steep slopes.
1.4.20. Maintenance of outdoor fire escapes for access to the roof.

1.5. Interfloor ceilings and floors.
1.5.1. Repair or change of interfloor and attic floors.
1.5.2. Replacement of individual floor beams, extension of the ends of the beams with prostheses with all subsequent work. Replacing the pick between the beams.
1.5.3. Replacement of individual structures or floors as a whole with more progressive and durable structures.
1.5.4. Strengthening all elements of interfloor and attic floors.
1.5.5. Shotcrete of reinforced concrete floors in case of damage.
1.5.6. Partial (more than 10%) or continuous change of sexes (all types) and their bases.
1.5.7. Reorganization of floors during repair with replacement for stronger and more durable ones, while the type of floors must comply with the requirements of the norms and technical conditions for new construction.
1.5.8. Restoration of the concrete base under the floors with the installation of a new floor.
1.5.9. Re-laying of clean board floors with leveling of logs and adding new material.
1.5.10. Re-laying of parquet floors with fixing or replacing the battens.
1.5.11. Re-laying of floors on joists in the first floors with correction or replacement of the base and restoration of brick posts.
1.5.12. Repair or replacement of walls of underground channels.

1.6. Windows, doors and gates.
1.6.1. Complete replacement of dilapidated window and door blocks, as well as gates.

1.7. Stairs and porches.
1.7.1. Partial or complete change of landings, ramps and porches.
1.7.2. Change or strengthening of all types of stairs and their individual elements.
1.7.3. Replacement or repair of handrails and handrails of stairs over 5% of their total.
1.7.4. Arrangement of new porches.
1.7.5. Change of metal stringers or welding of damaged parts of stringers.

1.8. Internal plastering, facing and painting works.
1.8.1. Renewal of plaster of all premises and repair of plaster in the amount of more than 10% of the total plastered surface.
1.8.2. Upholstery of walls and ceilings with dry plaster.
1.8.3. Restoration or replacement of wall cladding in the amount of more than 10% of the total area of \u200b\u200bcladding surfaces.
1.8.4. Renewal of stucco details inside the premises.
1.8.5. Painting of window frames, doors, ceilings, walls and floors after overhaul of these structures.
1.8.6. Oil painting of radiators, heating pipes, water supply, sewerage, gasification after overhaul of the system or new installation of it, if the costs are carried out at the expense of overhaul funds.
1.8.7. Continuous anti-corrosion painting of metal structures.

1.9. Facades.
1.9.1. Repair and renewal of cladding with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 10% of the cladded surface of the facades of buildings with the replacement of individual tiles with new ones or plastering of these places with subsequent painting to match the color of the facing slabs.
1.9.2. Full or partial (more than 10%) renewal of plaster.
1.9.3. Restoration or alteration of rods, cornices, belts, sandrids and other protruding parts of building facades.
1.9.4. Complete replacement and installation of new drainpipes, as well as all external metal and cement coatings on protruding parts of building facades.
1.9.5. Restoration of modeling and stucco decorations and details.
1.9.6. Continuous painting of building facades with stable compounds.
1.9.7. Change or installation of new gratings and fences on the roofs and balconies of buildings.
1.9.8. Cleaning of facades and plinths with sandblasting machines.
1.9.9. Replacement or reinforcement of all supporting and enclosing structures of balconies and bay windows.
1.9.10. Change of coatings of protruding parts of the building.
1.9.11. Restoring old or installing new gates.
1.9.12. Oil painting of facades of wooden buildings.

1.10. Stoves and hearths.
1.10.1. Repair, alteration and installation of new stoves, kitchen hearths, burnished boilers and chimneys for them.
1.10.2. Complete re-laying or installation of new heating stoves, chimneys, ventilation ducts and chimneys and their foundations.
1.10.3. Re-equipment of heating stoves from wood-burning to gas heating or to heating with solid fuel.

1.11. Central heating.
1.11.1. Installation of central heating instead of stove with adaptation of the existing room for a boiler room and installation of a boiler room. In some cases, if it is impossible to adapt the existing premises to the boiler room, it is allowed to add an extension to the existing building with a building area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 65 m2 or to build a new boiler room building.
1.11.2. Change of individual sections and assemblies of heating boilers, boilers, boiler units or complete replacement of boiler units (if they are not independent inventory items).
1.11.3. Replacement of the existing central heating pipeline.
1.11.4. Repair and replacement of expanders, condensation traps and other network equipment.
1.11.5. Arrangement of external furnaces and accessories for boilers for a blast furnace.
1.11.6. Change and installation again of additional sections of heating devices and individual sections of the pipeline.
1.11.7. Repair, re-laying or re-installation of foundations for boilers and other equipment.
1.11.8. Boiler room automation.
1.11.9. Change of insulation of pipelines that have fallen into disrepair.
1.11.10. Repositioning the boiler and chimney lining.
1.11.11. Placing patches on a steel boiler, boiler, steam boiler, tank.
1.11.12. Manufacturing and installation of a new casing.
1.11.13. Restoration or installation of new lining and lining of central heating boilers.
1.11.14. Replacement of worn out metal chimneys from boiler rooms.
1.11.15. Change of heating registers.
1.11.16. Connection of buildings to heating networks (with a distance from the building to the network no more than 100 m).

1.12. Ventilation.
1.12.1. The device of a new, restoration or reconstruction of the ventilation system.
1.12.2. Partial or complete change of air ducts.
1.12.3. Change of fans.
1.12.4. Rewind or change electric motors.
1.12.5. Change of gates, deflectors, choke valves, blinds.
1.12.6. Partial or complete change of ventilation ducts.
1.12.7. Change of heaters.
1.12.8. Change of heating units.
1.12.9. Change of filters.
1.12.10. Change of cyclones.
1.12.11. Change of individual designs of ventilation chambers.

1.13. Water supply and sewerage.
1.13.1. Restoration or installation of a new internal water supply and sewerage of the building, pipelines, including water supply and sewerage inlets and their connection to the water supply and sewerage networks. The length of the line from the nearest water supply or sewer outlet to the street network should not exceed 100 m.
1.13.2. Installation of new indoor water intakes.
1.13.3. Arrangement of additional inspection wells on existing yard lines or street networks at the points of connection.
1.13.4. Relocation of underground water and sewer pipes.
1.13.5. Replacement of cast-iron lavatory cisterns with flush taps with alteration of the piping and shortening of the flush pipe.
1.13.6. Replacement of taps, valves and sanitary fittings.
1.13.7. The device of water pumps.
1.13.8. Installation of new sanitary facilities.

1.14. Hot water supply.
1.14.1. Change and installation of new hot water supply.
1.14.2. Change of individual sections of the hot water supply pipeline.
1.14.3. Replacement of worn-out tanks, water heaters and water heaters.
1.14.4. Repair of tanks, coils and boilers, associated with complete disassembly and replacement of individual units and parts.
1.14.5. Change of pipeline, parts and pumping units in general, tanks and pipeline insulation.
1.14.6. Change and installation of baths, showers and fittings for them (shower nets with piping, water taps, flexible hoses).

1.15. Electric lighting, communications and power wiring.
1.15.1. Installation of new electric lighting in residential and public buildings and connection to the mains.
1.15.2. Replacement of worn out lighting electrical wiring with the change of installation fittings (switches, knife switches, plugs, sockets, sockets), and during a major overhaul of the building - the installation of a new electrical wiring.
1.15.3. Installation of new and replacement of group distribution and safety boxes and shields.
1.15.4. Reconstruction of the electrical wiring with the installation of additional fittings in connection with the redevelopment of the premises.
1.15.5. Automation of electric lighting in the stairwells of buildings.
1.15.6. Replacement of metering devices and protection devices for electrical installations.
1.15.7. Repair or restoration of cable channels.
1.15.8. Replacement of luminaires with other types (conventional for fluorescent, etc.).

1.16. Gas supply.
1.16.1. Installation of additional gas equipment in apartments with its connection to the gas network.
1.16.2. Gasification of individual apartments.
1.16.3. Change of individual sections of the gas pipeline.
1.16.4. Replacement of worn-out equipment (gas stoves, water heaters) with new equipment.

1.17. Elevators and lifts.
1.17.1. Re-installation of elevators with all types of construction and installation work.
1.17.2. Full or partial replacement of electrical equipment and elevator cargo winches.
1.17.3. Reinforcement, full or partial change of metal structures and mine enclosing nets.
1.17.4. Complete or partial change of electrical wiring in mines.
1.17.5. Dismantling and installation of elevator equipment in connection with work to reduce noise in rooms with constant presence of people.
1.17.6. Elevator automation.

2. Structures

2.1. Water supply and sewerage facilities. Pipelines and network fittings.
2.1.1. Partial or complete replacement of the anticorrosive insulation of the pipeline.
2.1.2. Change of individual sections of the pipeline without changing the diameter of the pipes. At the same time, it is allowed to replace cast-iron pipes with steel, ceramic pipes with concrete or reinforced concrete and vice versa, but it is not allowed to replace asbestos-cement pipes with metal ones (except in emergency cases).
The length of the network sections, on which a continuous pipe change is allowed, should not exceed 200 m per 1 km of the network.
2.1.3. Change of worn-out fittings, valves, fire hydrants, plungers, valves, water columns or their repair with replacement of worn-out parts.
2.1.4. Change of individual siphon pipes.

2.2. Water supply and sewerage networks. Wells.
2.2.1. Well masonry repair.
2.2.2. Change of hatches.
2.2.3. Stuffing the trays again to replace the destroyed ones.
2.2.4. Replacement of worn out wooden wells.
2.2.5. Renewal of plaster.

2.3. Water supply and sewerage networks. Treatment facilities.
2.3.1. Repair or replacement (completely) of waterproofing.
2.3.2. Repair and renewal of plaster and ironwork.
2.3.3. Re-laying of brick walls and partitions (up to 20% of the total volume of masonry in the structure).
2.3.4. Sealing leaks in reinforced concrete, concrete and stone walls and floors of structures with concrete dismantling in separate places and concreting again.
2.3.5. Continuous gunning of the walls of structures.
2.3.6. Repair of drainage around structures.
2.3.7. Replacement of tank hatches.
2.3.8. Replacement of grilles.
2.3.9. Replacement of loading filters, biofilters, air filters.
2.3.10. Replacement of pipelines and fittings.
2.3.11. Change of filter plates.
2.3.12. Re-laying of the drainage system of sludge platforms.

2.4. Heating. Channels and cameras.
2.4.1. Partial or complete change of coverings of channels and chambers.
2.4.2. Partial or complete change of the waterproofing of channels and chambers.
2.4.3. Partial re-laying of the walls of brick channels and chambers (up to 20% of the total surface of the walls).
2.4.4. Partial relocation of drainage systems.
2.4.5. Repair of the bottoms of channels and chambers.
2.4.6. Renewal of the protective layer in the reinforced concrete structures of channels and chambers.
2.4.7. Change of hatches.

2.5. Heating. Pipelines and fittings.
2.5.1. Partial or complete replacement of the thermal insulation of the pipeline.
2.5.2. Renewal of waterproofing pipelines.
2.5.3. Change of individual sections of the pipeline without increasing the diameter of the pipes.
2.5.4. Change of fittings, valves, expansion joints or their repair with replacement of worn parts.
2.5.5. Replacement of movable and fixed supports.

2.6. Car roads. Earthen bed.
2.6.1. Treatment of subgrade in places of landslides, landslides, erosion and abysses.
2.6.2. Restoration of drainage and drainage devices.
2.6.3. Restoration of protective and strengthening structures of the roadbed.
2.6.4. Change of individual structures of artificial structures or their replacement with other structures, as well as a complete change of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the subgrade or road as a single inventory object).

2.7. Car roads. Travel clothing.
2.7.1. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.
2.7.2. Laying of asphalt concrete leveling layer on cement-concrete pavement.
2.7.3. Installation of asphalt concrete pavement on roads with cement-concrete pavement.
2.7.4. Change of cement-concrete pavement to a new one.
2.7.5. Reinforcement of asphalt concrete pavement.
2.7.6. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces.
2.7.7. Paving the pavement.
2.7.8. Profiling of dirt roads.

2.8. Warehouse and other sites.
2.8.1. Repair and restoration of drainage structures (trays, ditches, etc.).
2.8.2. Paving cobblestone areas.
2.8.3. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces of sites.
2.8.4. Repair of concrete sites with the laying of a leveling layer of concrete.
2.8.5. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete sites.
2.8.6. Covering sites with asphalt concrete.

2.9. Electrical networks and communications.
2.9.1. Change or replacement of fittings.
2.9.2. Replacing hooks with traverses.
2.9.3. Change of wires.
2.9.4. Repair and replacement of end and connecting cable sleeves.
2.9.5. Repair or replacement of grounding devices.
2.9.6. Change of supports (up to 30% per 1 km).
2.9.7. Installation of cable wells.

2.10. Other structures.
2.10.1. Repair, change or replacement for other supports of overpasses for air laying of pipelines.
2.10.2. Repair and replacement of platforms, stairs and fences of overpasses for air pipelines.
2.10.3. Repair or replacement of individual columns (up to 20%) of crane trestles.
2.10.4. Repair or replacement of crane beams of crane trestles.
2.10.5. Repair of galleries and ramps for fuel supply of boiler and gas generator substations with a change (up to 20%) of structures without changing the foundations.
2.10.6. Change or complete replacement of wooden fence posts.
2.10.7. Repair or replacement of individual concrete and reinforced concrete pillars (up to 20%) of fences.
2.10.8. Repair of individual sections of fencing elements (up to 40% filling between posts).
2.10.9. Repair of individual sections of solid stone fences (up to 20%).
2.10.10. Repair of individual sections of solid adobe fences (up to 40%).
2.10.11. Repair of chimneys with the change or replacement of the lining, with the setting of hoops, with the restoration of the protective layer of reinforced concrete pipes.
2.10.12. Repair and replacement of individual links of metal chimneys.
2.16.13. Repair of ash and slag outlets with complete replacement of individual pipeline links (without increasing the diameter).
2.12.14. Repair of loading platforms with a complete change of wood flooring, blind area or asphalt. Change of individual supports or sections of retaining walls (up to 20%). If the unloading area is part of a warehouse facility (ramp), a complete change or replacement of all structures is allowed.

The list of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings to be included in the scope of work financed from the funds provided for by Federal Law N 185-FZ; Table 2.3 ( "Methodological recommendations on the formation of the scope of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings, financed by the funds provided by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ" 02/15/2013)

This list was formed on the basis of the revised lists of capital repairs recommended by the above regulatory documents as part of the types of capital repairs of apartment buildings defined by Article 15 of Federal Law N 185-FZ. At the same time, it is assumed that the provisions of these guidelines apply to apartment buildings subject to major repairs without stopping their operation. As a result of the overhaul, all the necessary work must be performed to bring the common property of an apartment building into a technically sound condition by restoring or replacing all parts of structures and engineering systems that have shorter service lives between regular (according to the standard service life) overhauls than bearing structures.

2.3.2. Consistent and methodological linking of technological processes to the list of works given in Table 2.3 of these recommendations is contained in Section 3.

Table 2.3

The name of the types of work in accordance with Part 3 of Article 15 of Federal Law N 185-FZ

Subspecies and list of works

Repair of in-house engineering systems of electrical, heat, gas, water supply, drainage

1. Repair or replacement of engineering systems:

1.1. Cold water supply, including:

1.1.1. Repair or replacement of water metering units;

1.1.2. Repair or replacement of distribution lines and risers;

1.1.3. Replacement of shut-off valves, including on the branch from the risers to the apartment;

1.1.4. Repair or replacement in the complex of equipment for booster pumping units

1.1.5. Repair or replacement of equipment, pipelines and fittings of a fire water supply system

1.2. Repair or replacement of the hot water supply system, including:

1.2.1. Repair or replacement of heat exchangers, heat exchangers, boilers, pumping units and other equipment (as part of common property) in the complex for the preparation and supply of hot water to the distribution network;

1.2.2. Repair or replacement of distribution lines and risers;

1.2.3. Replacement of shut-off valves, including on the branch from the risers to the apartment.

1.3. Repair or replacement of the sewerage and drainage system, including:

1.3.1. Repair or replacement of outlets, prefabricated pipelines, risers and hoods;

1.3.2. Replacement of valves, if any;

1.4. Repair or replacement of the heating system, including;

1.4.1. Repair or replacement of distribution lines and risers;

1.4.2. Replacement of shut-off and control valves, including on the branch from risers to heating devices in residential premises;

1.4.3. Rearranging or replacing heating devices in public places and replacing heating devices in residential premises that do not have disconnecting devices;

1.4.4. Installation, repair or replacement in the complex of ITP equipment (individual heating points) and in the presence of booster pumping units

1.5. Repair or replacement of the gas supply system, including:

1.5.1. Repair or replacement of in-house distribution lines and risers;

1.5.2. Replacement of shut-off and control valves, including on the branch from risers to household gas appliances in residential premises;

1.6. Repair or replacement of the power supply system, including:

1.6.1. Repair or replacement of the main switchboard (main switchboard), distribution and group boards;

1.6.2. Repair or replacement of in-house distribution lines and risers of communal and apartment lighting;

1.6.3. Replacement of branches from floor panels or boxes of apartment meters and installation and lighting devices for communal lighting;

1.6.4. Replacement of electrical networks to power the electrical equipment of elevators and electrical equipment to ensure the operation of engineering systems;

2. Modernization of engineering systems, including:

2.1. Mandatory use of modernized heating devices and pipelines made of plastic, metal-plastic, etc. and a ban on the installation of steel pipes

2.2. Transfer of the existing power supply network to increased voltage;

2.3. Replacement of lighting devices for the needs of municipal lighting with energy-saving ones;

2.4. Re-equipment of heat points and water metering units;

3. Replacing stove heating with central heating

with device

boiler rooms,

heat pipelines and

heat points;

roof and other autonomous heat supply sources

4. Equipment by systems

cold and

hot water supply,


gas supply

with accession

to existing backbone networks with a distance from the input to the point of connection to the highways up to 150 m,


gas ducts,

water pump,

boiler rooms.

Repair or replacement of elevator equipment, found unsuitable for operation, if necessary, repair of elevator shafts

Repair and replacement of elevator equipment with its modernization, including:

1. Repair or complete replacement of elevator equipment found unsuitable for use;

2. Repair, if necessary, of mines, replacement of attached mines;

3. Repair of machine rooms;

4. Repair, replacement of automation elements and dispatching of elevator equipment;

5. Equipment of devices required for connection to existing systems; automation and dispatching of elevator equipment

Roof repair

1. Repair of roof structures:

1.1. From wooden structures:

1.1.1. Repair: with partial replacement

Rafter legs,


Solid and discharged lathing from bars

1.1.2. Antiseptic and fireproofing of wooden structures.

1.1.3. Insulation of the roof (attic) floor

1.1.4. Repair (replacement of dormer windows)

1.2. From reinforced concrete rafters and roof decks:

1.2.1. Elimination of faults in reinforced concrete rafters and roof decks;

1.2.2. Insulation of the roof (attic) floor

1.2.3. Repair of screed for roofing;

2. Replacement of roof coverings

2.1. Complete replacement of the metal roof covering with the device of abutments;

2.2. Complete replacement of a roof covering made of rolled bitumen materials (roofing felt) on a roof made of welded materials with an adjunction device

2.3. Complete replacement of the roof covering made of piece materials (slate, tiles, etc.) with an abutment device

3. Repair or replacement of the drainage system (overhangs, gutters, gutters, trays) with the replacement of drain pipes and products (external and internal);

4. Repair or replacement of roof elements

4.1. Repair of manholes on the roof

4.2. Airflow repair, repair or replacement of dormer windows and other devices for ventilation of the attic space;

4.3. Change of caps on the tops of smoke ventilation blocks and ventilation shafts;

4.4. Change of coverings for parapets, firewalls, add-ons

4.5. Repair (plastering, painting) and insulation of smoke ventilation blocks and lift shafts

4.6. Restoration or replacement of the attic roof fence;

5. Reconstruction of non-ventilated combined roofs to ventilated ones with insulation of the under-roof (attic) floor

Repair of basements related to common property in apartment buildings

1. Repair of sections of basement walls and floors

2. Insulation of walls and basement ceilings of basements

3. Waterproofing walls and basement floor

4. Repair of technical rooms with the installation of metal doors.

5. Repair of air vents, basement windows, pits and external doors

6. Sealing of passages of inputs and outputs of engineering networks in the outer walls (performed when repairing networks)

7. Repair of the blind area

8. Repair or replacement of the drainage system

Insulation and repair of facades

1. Repair of facades that do not require insulation

1.1. Repair of plaster (textured layer), including an architectural order;

1.2. Repair of facing tiles;

1.3. Painting over plaster or textured layer;

1.4. Repair and restoration of sealing of horizontal and vertical joints of wall panels of large-block and large-panel buildings;

1.5. Repair and restoration from the side of the facade of sealing the joints of window and door openings in public places;

1.6. Painting from the side of the facade of the window frames;

1.7. Repair of enclosing walls;

1.8. Repair and replacement of windows and balcony doors (as part of common property);

1.9. Repair or replacement of external entrance doors.

2. Works on the repair of facades requiring insulation

2.1. Repair and insulation of enclosing walls with subsequent surface finishing

2.2. Repair of windows and balcony doors (as part of common property) or replacement with windows and doors in an energy-saving design (window blocks with triple glazing, etc.) with their subsequent insulation (sealing)

2.3. Repair of external entrance doors with their subsequent insulation or replacement with metal doors in an energy-saving design

3. Works common for both groups of buildings

3.1. Repair of balconies with replacement, if necessary, of consoles, waterproofing and sealing, followed by painting

3.2. Reinforcement of canopy structures over entrances and top floors with subsequent surface finishing

3.3. Strengthening the structures of eaves blocks with subsequent surface finishing

3.4. Change of window sills

3.5. Change of downspouts

3.6. Repair and insulation of the basement

Installation of collective (common house) resource consumption meters and control units (heat energy, hot and cold water, electric energy, gas)

Installation of collective (common house) consumption meters:

Thermal energy for heating and hot water supply;

Cold water consumption,

Electric energy,

Resource control nodes, with equipment for automation and dispatching devices to provide remote accounting and control;

Repair of the foundations of apartment buildings.

1. Works on repair or replacement of foundations.

1.1. Sealing and joining of joints, seams, cracks of foundation elements. Protective layer device.

1.2. Elimination of local defects and deformations by strengthening the foundation.


1. During overhaul of structures and engineering systems as part of the common property of an apartment building, as defined by Federal Law 185-FZ, at least 50% of each structure and engineering system is replaced.

2. The in-house heating systems as part of the common property include: risers, heating elements in common areas, in residential premises - branches from risers to the first disconnecting device (in its absence - to the place of interface with a heating device, heating element), regulating and shut-off valves; collective (general house) heat energy meters, as well as other equipment located on these networks.

3. In the event that, during the overhaul of structures and engineering systems as part of the common property of MD, due to the technological and design features of the structures and engineering systems being repaired, it is necessary to dismantle or destroy parts of the property that is not part of the common property of MD , work on its restoration is carried out at the expense of capital repairs, which should be provided for in the design and estimate documentation.

4. In the event that a heating system with a hidden pipeline laying is designed in an apartment building that is not repairable (Appendix 2), during the overhaul, it is allowed to install a new heating system with an open laying of pipelines and heating devices, heating elements, including in living quarters.

Each apartment owner is often faced with concepts such as maintenance and major repairs. The owner, when paying for utility bills, often sees lines with such names. Not everyone understands why they generally pay this certain amount, when will this major overhaul take place and what types of services are included in it? All questions will be answered in this article.

What is included in this concept:

  • Restoration or complete replacement of building structures.
  • Reconstruction of engineering systems.
  • Replacement of communications.

The main goal of the overhaul is to eliminate the deterioration of the building due to the disruption of important systems. This type of activity is a complete redevelopment of a structure, the installation of new engineering structures, the replacement of old equipment with a new one.

Overhaul is divided into:

  1. Complex.
  2. Selective.

With a comprehensive overhaul, there is a complete replacement or restoration of obsolete elements of the structure. Replacement occurs when parts of the house are completely worn out.

Selective repairs are carried out if the house itself is not threatened with destruction, when no more than two of its elements need to be replaced (for example, make a roof and completely renew the facade of the building).

During the overhaul, the craftsmen try to restore the original appearance and characteristics of the houses.

Overhaul, examples:

  • Renovation of the facade of the building.
  • Complete replacement of engineering systems (for example, heating pipes, replacement of the sewer system).

Overhaul is not carried out if the integrity of the bearing walls is broken. In this case, the house is recognized as emergency with subsequent demolition, or its complete reconstruction is carried out.

Maintenance and major repairs. What are the differences?

Indicator / Criterion Overhaul
The cost Minimum costs Maximum costs
Execution periods If necessary, throughout the year Once every 15-25 years
Who conducts Management company, HOA, or residents of the house with their own money, if they independently manage it Homeowners' association, management company, residents of the house at their own expense or a contractor company
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