Name of cities by population. The largest cities in Russia by population

Scattered across different parts of a large country. Million-plus cities are the center of attraction for millions of tourists from all over the world, migrants, students and workers. Population statistics are compiled from the annual census of the population by the bodies of RosStat. It should be noted that only citizens who permanently reside in the territory of a particular city are indicated in the population. The following are the most populated cities in Russia.

1. Moscow

Moscow is the largest city in Russia both in terms of population and area. A population of 12,330,126 inhabits both sides of the city's waterway, the Moscow River. The capital of the state - Moscow - is the most multinational city in Russia: migrants, students, workers and tourists come here from all over the country.

Ten facts about Moscow:

  • a major international center of economy and trade;
  • a major industrial hub of the country;
  • one of the best and biggest educational centers for Russian and foreign students;
  • a large number of research institutes are located in Moscow;
  • more than 50 directions in religion;
  • a major cultural and historical center of the European part of Russia;
  • the country's largest transport interchange: 3 river ports (in Soviet times Moscow was called the "port of 5 seas"), 9 railway stations, 5 airports with directions to all corners of the planet;
  • Moscow is “kilometer zero”, all roads lead here;
  • tourist center of the country;
  • the capital is one of the "five" cities in the world in terms of the number of dollar billionaires living in it.

Petrograd, aka Leningrad or Peter in short, is located along the sovereign course of the Neva River and its coastal granite. Many poems have been composed about the beautiful city located between Ladoga and the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland, which is near the Baltic Sea. This big city is shrouded in secrets and legends. Walking along its streets, you walk along the streets of Dostoevsky, Gogol or Tsvetaeva. Populationis 5,225,690 people with a population density of 3631 people. per square kilometer with a total city area of ​​1439 km².

Ten facts about St. Petersburg:

  • northern Venice - the second name of the northern capital because of the huge number of large and small rivers, tributaries and canals and the similarity with the Venetian streets;
  • Petersburg is listed in the Red Book according to the total length of tram lines in the city - it is 600 kilometers;
  • the deepest subway in the world, the depth of some stations reaches 80 meters;
  • "White Nights" is one of the main attractions that attract tourists to the cultural capital;
  • in St. Petersburg there is the highest cathedral in Russia - the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the height of the spire of which is 122.5 meters;
  • The Hermitage is a world famous museum that attracts tourists from all over the world, has a length of its corridors of 20 kilometers, and a tourist who wants to get acquainted with all the exhibits of the museum will need several years to complete this mission;
  • the question that every tourist in the city asks is what is the total number of bridges in St. Petersburg? 447, this is the number in the register of the Mostotrest company, which maintains the bridges of the city;
  • Peterhof is a marvel of engineering. Fountain park, which was laid out in the times of Peter the Great, but to this day none of the fountains has pumping unit, but only a carefully thought-out pipeline;
  • Peter himself "chooses" the inhabitants, and not the resident chooses him. The damp and humid climate of the city, which at times is very gray and foggy, not every person can withstand;
  • The architecture of St. Petersburg is similar to the architecture of the neighboring countries of the European Union - Tallinn on the Estonian side and Helsinki on the Finnish side.

3. Novosibirsk

The city was awarded the last place in the top three most populated cities in Russia. It is the center of Siberian industry and trade, research and educational activities, cultural, business and tourism areas of the district. The Siberian capital is home to 1,584,138 people, while the area of ​​the city is only 505 km².

Novosibirsk is a city with a very developed infrastructure and economy, and it is a point of attraction for those migrating from nearby cities, regions, republics, and even neighboring states.

Five interesting facts about Novosibirsk:

  • The longest metro bridge is located in the capital of the Siberian Federal District;
  • the opera and ballet theater in Novosibirsk is the theatrical building, which is the first largest in Russia and the second largest in the world;
  • Planirovochnaya Street is both parallel and perpendicular to itself, forming 2 intersections;
  • the only museum of the Sun in Russia is located in the city;
  • Novosibirsk Academgorodok is a large educational and research center in the Siberian Federal District.

4. Yekaterinburg

Yekaterinburg, formerly Sverdlovsk, ranks 4th among Russian cities with a population of more than a million people (1,444,439 people with a total city area of ​​1,142 square kilometers). Trans-Siberian Railway and six major highways pass through this huge transport and sorting center, which occupies a huge niche in Russian logistics. Yekaterinburg is an industrial city with a developed industry in the most different areas, starting from the opto-mechanical ending with the light and food industries.

5. Nizhny Novgorod

Gorky until 1990, or "Nizhny" in the common people, a million-plus city and an auto giant in the Volga Federal District. Founded at the time of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, Nizhny Novgorod, spread out on both sides of the Oka, today has a population of 1,266,871 people and is the fifth largest city in Russia. The area of ​​the city is only 410 km², but a large seaport, the largest automobile plant in Russia, a concern engaged in the manufacture and production of military equipment, aircraft factory and shipbuilding. In addition to the development in the industry, Nizhny Novgorod is famous for its Kremlin and extraordinary architecture. This is a wonderful city for tourism. Even the most sophisticated traveler will be delighted with the beauties of Nizhny Novgorod.

The area of ​​the city is 425 square kilometers with a population of 1,216,965 people and a population density of 2,863 people per square kilometer. The capital of Tatarstan has its own Kremlin and a rather rich architectural heritage, which encourages Russians and foreign residents to tourism. Kazan is not just a beautiful and big city, but also a center of international trade and economy, education, tourism with an interesting historical past.

The population of Chelyabinsk is 1,191,994 people per 530 square kilometers, which is 2,379 people per square kilometer in terms of density. The “Severe City”, as it is jokingly called, has a lot of funny stories and facts: the meteorological hyperionic brick, Kaganovichgrad, the forest in the city center, Chelyabinsk meteorite, Stalin in the Chelyabinsk prison... Interested? Then it's time to go to Chelyabinsk with a tour!

An important and rather large industrial and transport center, where the well-known oil refinery is located both in Russia and abroad. Omsk is also a significant city for tourists: the Assumption Cathedral for foreigners is included in the list of "the main attractions in the world", and the Okunevskoe sanctuary is included in the list of holy places of world importance by the Vatican. The population of the administrative center-capital of the Omsk region is 1,178,079, while the area of ​​Omsk is only 572.9,572 km².

The millionaire city, formerly called Kuibyshev, is known for its historically important places that have become attractions: Iversky convent, Lutheran church, Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Cathedral Square - now Kuibyshev Square - the first in size in Europe and the fifth in the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people from the country come here to the Grushinsky festival of bard songs. The population of 1170910 people lives in the city, the area of ​​which is 382 sq. km.

10. Rostov-on-Don

Rostov, popularly called "Rostov-Papa" is a city of federal significance for the south of Russia. It's big, beautiful, noisy. Often the phrase hurts the ear: “Rostov-dad, Odessa-mother” - this is a historical expression - both cities were criminal capitals competing with each other. With a rather small city area of ​​348 square kilometers, the population of Rostov is 1,119,875 people. and ranks 10th in the ranking of the largest cities in Russia in terms of population.

Moscow, July 19 - “Vesti. Economy". Every year the population of Russian cities is increasing. Demography is one of the main economic indicators of urban development, so it is important to track the dynamics of population changes. INNOV has prepared a list of the largest cities in Russia. The population of cities was used as the main indicator. According to Rosstat, large cities in Russia can be divided into several groups according to population size. Among them are cities with a population of 1.5 million to 500 thousand inhabitants (15 cities), 43 cities with a population of 500 thousand to 250 thousand inhabitants, and 90 cities with a population of 250 thousand to 100 thousand people. Below we present the top 10 largest cities in Russia. 1. Moscow

Population (as of January 1, 2016): 12,330,126Change since 2015: +1.09%Moscow is the capital Russian Federation, federal city, administrative center Central federal district and the center of the Moscow region, which does not include. The largest city in terms of population in Russia and its subject, the most populated of the cities located entirely in Europe, is among the top ten cities in the world in terms of population. Center of the Moscow urban agglomeration. 2. St. Petersburg

Population (as of 01.01.2016): 5,225,690 Change since 2015: +0.65% St. Petersburg is the second most populated city in Russia. City of federal significance. The administrative center of the Northwestern Federal District and Leningrad region. St. Petersburg is the northernmost city in the world with a population of over one million people. Among cities wholly located in Europe, St. Petersburg is the third most populated and also the first most populated non-capital city. 3. Novosibirsk

Population: (as of January 1, 2016): 1,584,138 Change since 2015: +1.09% Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia in terms of population and the thirteenth city in terms of occupied area, has the status of an urban district. Administrative center of the Siberian Federal District, Novosibirsk region and the Novosibirsk region, which is part of it; the city is the center of the Novosibirsk agglomeration. Trade, business, cultural, industrial, transport and scientific center of federal significance. 4. Yekaterinburg

Population (as of January 1, 2016): 1,444,439 Change since 2015: 1.15% Yekaterinburg is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Ural Federal District and Sverdlovsk region. It is the largest administrative, cultural, scientific and educational center of the Ural region. Yekaterinburg is the fourth most populous city in Russia (after Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk). The Yekaterinburg agglomeration is the fourth largest agglomeration in Russia. It is one of the three most developed post-industrial agglomerations of the country. 5. Nizhny Novgorod

Population (as of January 1, 2016): 1,266,871 Change since 2015: -0.07% Nizhny Novgorod is a city in central Russia, the administrative center of the Volga Federal District and the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Nizhny Novgorod is an important economic, industrial, scientific, educational and cultural center of Russia, the largest transport hub and government center of the entire Volga Federal District. The city is one of the main directions of river tourism in Russia. The historical part of the city is rich in sights and is a popular tourist center. 6. Kazan

Population (as of January 1, 2016): 1,216,965 Change since 2015: +0.94% Kazan is a city in the Russian Federation, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, a major port on the left bank of the Volga River, at the confluence of the Kazanka River. One of the largest religious, economic, political, scientific, educational, cultural and sports centers Russia. The Kazan Kremlin is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has a registered brand "the third capital of Russia". Kazan is the largest city of the Volga economic region. A compact spatial grouping of settlements has developed around Kazan, constituting one of the largest urban agglomerations of the Russian Federation. 7. Chelyabinsk

Population (as of January 1, 2016): 1,191,994 Change since 2015: +0.73% Chelyabinsk is the seventh city in terms of the number of inhabitants, the fourteenth city in terms of area in the Russian Federation, the administrative center of the Chelyabinsk region. Chelyabinsk is the seventh largest city in the Russian Federation and the second in the Urals Federal District. In 2016, a forecast was made according to which the population of Chelyabinsk should decrease from this year, but the number of residents continues to grow. 8. Omsk

Population (as of January 1, 2016): 1,178,079 Change since 2015: +0.36% Omsk is one of the largest cities in Russia, the administrative center of the Omsk region, located at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers. Omsk is a large industrial center with enterprises in various industries, including defense and aerospace. This is a million-plus city, the second largest in Siberia and the eighth in Russia. The Omsk agglomeration has more than 1.2 million people. 9. Samara

Population (as of 01/01/2016): 1,170,910 Change since 2015: -0.08% Samara is a city in the Middle Volga region of Russia, the center of the Volga economic region and the Samara region, forms the urban district of Samara. It is the ninth most populated city in Russia. Over 2.7 million people live within the agglomeration (the third largest in Russia). A large economic, transport, scientific, educational and cultural center. Main industries: mechanical engineering, oil refining and food industry. 10. Rostov-on-Don

Population (as of January 1, 2016): 1,119,875 Change since 2015: +0.45% Rostov-on-Don is the largest city in the south of the Russian Federation, the administrative center of the Southern Federal District and the Rostov Region. With a population of 1,119,875 people, it is the tenth most populous city in Russia. In addition, it is the 30th city in Europe in terms of population. Takes the 1st place among the cities of the Southern Federal District. More than 2.16 million people live within the Rostov agglomeration (the fourth largest agglomeration in the country), the Rostov-Shakhty polycentric agglomeration-conurbation has about 2.7 million inhabitants (the third largest in the country). The city is a large administrative, cultural, scientific, educational, industrial center and the most important transport hub of the South of Russia. Unofficially, Rostov is called the "Gate of the Caucasus" and southern capital Russia.

Almost all residents of our country know that the largest city in terms of population is Moscow - the capital of the Russian Federation, and the second largest city in terms of population is the city of St. Petersburg - the northern "capital". And what other cities are in the top 10 in terms of population in our country - Russia. Two cities are constantly fighting for third place, which periodically replace each other in this position - this is the Ural capital Yekaterinburg and the Siberian capital Novosibirsk. The population of these cities fluctuates around one and a half million people. Also in the top 10 are such cities - Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, whose population is more than one million people. All these cities are classified as cities with a population of one million in the Russian Federation. Also, this category of cities, in addition to the above, includes such cities as Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh, Volgograd. Another 21 cities in our country have a population of 500,000 to 1,000,000. Other cities in the country have a smaller population.


The capital of the Russian Federation with a population of 12,330,126 people. The largest city not only in Russia, but also in the world, where it takes 10th place. The city was founded in 1147. Located on the Moscow River. The largest city in Europe.

St. Petersburg.

Northern, cultural "capital" with a population of 5,225,690. The second most populated city in Russia. The hero city that was under blockade for 872 days during the great patriotic war. Until January 26, 1924, it was called Petrograd, until September 6, 1991, Leningrad. It was founded in 1703 by order of Peter the Great. The third city in Europe in terms of population.


The Siberian capital with a population of 1,584,138 people. The third most populated city in Russia, the largest in Siberia. Founded in 1893, received city status in 1903. Until 1925 it was called Novo-Nikolaevsk.


The capital of the Urals with a population of 1,444,439 people. Founded November 7, 1723. From 1924 to 1991 it was called Sverdlovsk. During the reign of Catherine II, the Siberian Highway was laid through the city - the main road to the riches of Siberia - Yekaterinburg became a "window to Asia", like St. Petersburg - a "window to Europe".

Nizhny Novgorod.

It closes the top five Russian cities in terms of population - 1,266,871 people. The city was founded in 1221 - one of ancient cities our country. From 1932 to 1990 it was called Gorky.


Capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Population 1,216,965 people. The city was founded in 1005. The largest tourist center.


Population 1,191,994. Founded in 1736. The largest industrial center of the country.


City of Siberia with a population of 1,178,079 people. Founded in 1716. The second city in Siberia in terms of population. It is located at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers.


Population 1,170,910. Founded in 1586. From 1935 to 1991, the name Kuibyshev began. The city has the highest railway station in Europe. Samara has the longest embankment in Russia.


Population 1,119,875 people. The city was founded in 1749. The city is located on the Don River. The city is called the "gates of the Caucasus", the southern capital.

Russia. The expanses of this State have no end and no beginning. In Russia, as in fact in any modern country, there are cities. Small, medium and even cities with a million people. Each city has its own history, and each one is different.

Every year, sociological surveys are conducted in settlements, mainly a population census. The vast majority of cities are small settlements, especially there are parts of Russia where settlement is not so intense. The ranking includes the ten smallest, but cities of the Russian Federation.

City of Kedrovy. 2129 people

The city of Kedrovy is located in the Tomsk region and is very little known. Located in a pine forest, its purpose is a settlement for oil station workers.

Built Kedrovy in the eighties of the last century. This whole city consists of almost one five-story houses. Surprisingly: several five-story buildings in a pine forest. Probably, its inhabitants do not complain about the smell of exhaust gases and the noise of cars. 2129 people - the population of the city of Kedrovy.

City of Ostrovnoy. 2065 people

Murmansk region. It is located on the coast, near the Yokang Islands (Barents Sea). What is most interesting is that it is practically a ghost town. Only about 20% are inhabited. There are no roads to the city. Railway lines, too. Can only be reached by water or air. Previously, as those who still remained there say, an airplane flew, but now there are only helicopters, and then only occasionally. If you look at it from afar, then the city is quite rather big, but if you know its population, it will be difficult to believe. In total, 2065 citizens live in this dying city.

City of Gorbatov. 2049 people

Approximately 60 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod. The city is truly ancient, information about it was first recorded in 1565. Before it began to die out, it produces (and produced) ropes, ropes and other similar things for the navy.

Studies have been conducted, and the results say that 2049 people now live in the city. In addition to ropes and ropes, gardening in this city is also very well developed. There is also a souvenir factory.

Ples city. 1984 people

Refers to Ivanovo region. There is information about him that comes from the chronicle of the Novgorod monasteries (1141), this information is the first. Some sources say that this city once had its own fortress, but when is still not clear. The population is falling, and the city will probably continue to attract tourists with its legend.

It does not look like modern cities: there are no five-story buildings, transport communications. It looks like an ordinary village, only bigger. The population is 1984 people. The city has no industrial enterprises.

City of Primorsk. 1943 people

It just has more modern buildings. Reminiscent of a small Pripyat, apparently built to the same standards. Located in the Kaliningrad region. Before the war, it belonged to the Germans, but was captured in the 45th year by the Red Army.

It acquired its name two years after the capture. Now 1943 people live in it. As far as we know, it can be easily reached. Before the city belonged to the Soviet Union, it was called Fischhausen. From 2005 to 2008, it was listed as an urban-type settlement in the Baltic urban district.

City of Artyomovsk. 1837 people

In the last century, about thirteen thousand were registered (in 1959). The population began to drop rapidly. It is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, about 370 kilometers from the center. It looks like a large plant in a mountainous area.

It is in fifth place in the ranking of the smallest cities in the Russian Federation. This city was founded in 1700, it was previously called Olkhovka, as it was surrounded by trees of this species. Now it is part of the Kuraginsky district. The population is falling this moment it is 1837 people. It is engaged in the timber industry, as well as the extraction of gold, copper and silver.

City of Kurilsk. 1646 people

1646 people live in this city and Kurilsk is located on the island of Iturup. Belongs to the Sakhalin region. The Ainu once lived here, they are an indigenous tribe. Later this place was settled by explorers. tsarist Russia. It is somewhat reminiscent of a resort village, although the climate for recreation is very unsuitable.

The terrain is mountainous, which adds more picturesque places to Kurilsk. He is mainly engaged in fish farming. In 1800 it was captured by the Japanese and only by 1945 it was occupied by the soldiers of the Red Army. The climate is moderate.

City of Verkhoyansk. 1131 people

This city is the northernmost settlement in Yakutia. The climate is very cold, several decades ago the air temperature was recorded here, which was about -67 degrees Celsius. Winter is very cold and windy.

This city is characterized by low rainfall. In 2016, its population was 1125 people, and in 2017, according to the latest census, it increased by 6 people. This city was built as a Cossack winter hut.

City of Vysotsk. 1120 people

It was built as a port. It is located in the Leningrad region (Vyborgsky district). Passed into possession Soviet Union only in the early forties of the last century, and before that it belonged to Finland. It plays a strategic role, since the naval base of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation operates here. The population of the city of Vysotsk is, according to the latest data, 1120 inhabitants. Vysotsk is located in a very convenient place for the border troops, right on the border with Finland. The port also has an oil loading function.

City of Chekalin. 964 people

Tula region, Suvorovsky district. In first place in the ranking of the smallest cities in the Russian Federation. In 2012, they wanted to recognize it as a village, but the residents of the city began to protest and left the status. Another, old name is Likhvin.

During the war, Likhvin was renamed Chkalin. The fact is that at this place the Nazis executed a partisan, who was then only sixteen years old. He received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. Despite such a small population, which is only 964 people, In 1565 (the year of its foundation) it occupied an area of ​​about 1 square verst.

Population modern Russia lives mainly in cities. IN pre-revolutionary Russia the rural population predominated, currently the urban population dominates (73%, 108.1 million people). up to Until 1990, Russia experienced a steady increase in the urban population, leading to a rapid increase in specific gravity in the population of the country. If in 1913 the urban population accounted for only 18%, in 1985 - 72.4%, then in 1991 their number reached 109.6 million people (73.9%).

The main source of the steady growth of the urban population during the Soviet period was the influx of rural residents into the cities due to the redistribution between and agriculture. Important role in ensuring high rates of annual growth of the urban population plays the transformation of some rural settlements into urban with a change in their functions. To a much lesser extent, the urban population of the country grew due to the natural increase in the population of cities.

Since 1991 for the first time in many decades in Russia urban population began to decline. In 1991, the urban population decreased by 126 thousand people, in 1992 - by 752 thousand people, in 1993 - by 549 thousand people, in 1994 - by 125 thousand people, in 1995 .- per 200 thousand people. Thus, for 1991-1995. the reduction amounted to 1 million 662 thousand people. As a result, the share of the country's urban population decreased from 73.9% to 73.0%, but by 2001 it had risen to 74% with an urban population of 105.6 million people.

The largest absolute reduction in the urban population occurred in the Central (387 thousand people). Far East (368 thousand people) and West Siberian (359 thousand people) regions. The Far East (6.0%), Northern (5.0%) and West Siberian (3.2%) regions are leading in terms of the intensity of reduction. In the Asian part of the country, the absolute losses of the urban population as a whole are greater than in the European part (836 thousand people, or 3.5%, compared with 626 thousand people, or 0.7%).

The growth trend in the share of the urban population continued until 1995 only in the Volga, Central Black Earth, Ural, North Caucasus and Volga-Vyatka regions, and in the last two regions the growth of the urban population in 1991-1994. was minimal.

Main reasons for the decline of the urban population in Russia:

  • the changed ratio of migration flows arriving in urban settlements and departing from them;
  • reduction in last years the number of urban-type settlements (in 1991 their number was 2204; by the beginning of 1994 - 2070; 2000 - 1875; 2005-1461; 2008 - 1361);
  • negative natural population growth.

In Russia, it left its mark not only on the ratio of the urban and rural population in the territorial context, but also on the structure of urban settlements.

Population of Russian cities

A city in Russia can be considered a settlement with a population of more than 12 thousand people and more than 85% of the population of which is employed in non-agricultural production. Cities are distinguished by functions: industrial, transport, scientific centers, resort cities. By population, cities are divided into small (up to 50 thousand inhabitants), medium (50-100 thousand people), large (100-250 thousand people), large (250-500 thousand people), largest (500 thousand people). - 1 million people) and millionaire cities (population over 1 million people). G.M. Lappo distinguishes the category of semi-medium cities with a population of 20 to 50 thousand people. The capitals of the republics, territories and regions perform several functions - they are multifunctional cities.

Before the Great Patriotic War, there were two millionaire cities in Russia, in 1995 their number increased to 13 (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Volgograd, Omsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk).

At present (2009), there are 11 millionaire cities in Russia (Table 2).

A number of the largest cities in Russia with a population of more than 700 thousand, but less than 1 million - Perm, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Saratov, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Togliatti - are sometimes referred to as sub-millionaire cities. The first two of these cities, which were once millionaires, as well as Krasnoyarsk, are often called millionaires in journalism and semi-officially.

Most of them (except Tolyatti and partly Volgograd and Saratov) are also interregional centers socio-economic development and attraction.

Table 2. Cities-millionaires of Russia

More than 40% of the population lives in large cities of Russia. Multifunctional cities are growing very fast, satellite cities appear next to them, forming urban agglomerations.

Millionaire cities are the centers of urban agglomerations, which additionally characterize the population and significance of the city (Table 3).

Despite the advantages of large cities, their growth is limited, as there are difficulties in providing cities with water and housing, supplying a growing population, and preserving green areas.

Rural population of Russia

Rural resettlement - the distribution of residents by settlements located in rural areas. At the same time, the entire territory located outside the urban settlements is considered rural. At the beginning of the XXI century. in Russia there are about 150 thousand rural settlements, in which about 38.8 million people live (data from the 2002 census). The main difference between rural and urban settlements is that their inhabitants are predominantly engaged in agriculture. In fact, in modern Russia, only 55% of the rural population is engaged in agriculture, the remaining 45% work in industry, transport, non-manufacturing and other "urban" sectors of the economy.

Table 3. Urban agglomerations of Russia

The nature of the settlement of the rural population of Russia differs according to natural areas depending on the conditions of economic activity, national traditions and customs of the peoples living in those regions. These are villages, villages, farms, auls, temporary settlements of hunters and reindeer herders, etc. The average density of the rural population in Russia is approximately 2 persons/km2. The highest density of the rural population is noted in the south of Russia in Ciscaucasia ( Krasnodar region- more than 64 people / km 2).

Rural settlements are classified according to their size (population) and the functions they perform. The average size of a rural settlement in Russia is 150 times smaller than an urban one. The following groups of rural settlements are distinguished by size:

  • the smallest (up to 50 inhabitants);
  • small (51-100 inhabitants);
  • medium (101-500 inhabitants);
  • large (501-1000 inhabitants);
  • the largest (over 1000 inhabitants).

Almost half (48%) of all rural settlements in the country are the smallest, but they are home to 3% of the rural population. The largest proportion of rural residents (almost half) live in the largest settlements. Rural settlements in the North Caucasus are especially large, where they stretch for many kilometers and number up to 50 thousand inhabitants. The share of the largest settlements in the total number of rural settlements is constantly increasing. In the 90s of the XX century. settlements of refugees and temporary migrants have appeared, and cottage and dacha settlements are growing in the suburbs of large cities.

By functional type, the vast majority of rural settlements (more than 90%) are agricultural. Most non-agricultural settlements are transport (about railway stations) or recreational (near sanatoriums, rest homes, other institutions), as well as industrial, logging, military, etc.

Within the agricultural type, settlements are distinguished:

  • with a significant development of administrative, service and distribution functions (district centers);
  • with local administrative and economic functions (centers of rural administrations and central estates of large agricultural enterprises);
  • with the presence of large-scale agricultural production (plant-growing brigades, livestock farms);
  • without manufacturing enterprises, with the development of only personal subsidiary plots.

At the same time, the size of settlements naturally decreases from rural regional centers (which are the largest) to settlements without industrial enterprises (which, as a rule, are small and smallest).