Fairy tale “True friends. Bigfoot: myths, stories, guesses Life stories about Bigfoot

The highest mountains in the world are the Himalayas. No bird can fly over them. Rare daredevils-climbers have visited their lifeless peaks, covered with eternal snow and ice. The ancient Himalayas keep many wonders and secrets. And the most amazing one is the legend about the yeti - Bigfoot.
People have lived in the Himalayas for thousands of years. And for thousands of years, lonely travelers have been talking about their encounters with the yeti. He was seen by ancient monks and sages, he was met by medieval traders and peasants, his footprints were photographed by climbers already in our time. Tibetan monks diligently recorded all the stories about the Yeti. Over the centuries, thick manuscripts with such records have accumulated. In the mountain monasteries, yeti hair, similar to auburn wool, his bones, photographs of his tracks are kept.
But no one could ever boast that they touched with their hands or looked close to a living yeti. No one knows who the Bigfoot Yeti is. Some say it's just a big monkey. Others believe that the Yeti is a primitive man, whose tribe has accidentally survived to this day. Still others claim that the Yeti are feral people, like Mowgli. For many centuries, wild people have forgotten how to speak and overgrown with wool from the cold. Many believe that there is no Yeti, and all the stories about them are fictions and lies, like hunting tales.
From all the stories, one can imagine what a Yeti looks like. The Yeti looks like a man overgrown with long hair, or a great ape. He is very tall - over two meters tall. He has short legs and long arms. When he stands, he rests his hands on the ground. He avoids people. Therefore, they usually saw him from a distance, running away. The few who met him face to face said that he had grim red eyes, like a very angry man.
The inhabitants of the Himalayas attribute magical powers to the yeti. It is said that a yeti's trail brings trouble, and a yeti's gaze brings illness and death. They say that from the hoarse roar of the yeti, a person turns to stone, he cannot move from a place, he cannot move, although he sees and understands everything.
Yeti does not like people, but no one has ever told him to attack a person. Mountain dwellers assure that when people appear in the yeti's possessions, he goes forever to other, deserted places. Bigfoot does not like noise, screams. Experienced people advise, when meeting with him, to stand still and wait for him to leave.
One young scientist decided at all costs to unravel the mystery of the Yeti. He prepared his camping equipment and set off for the Himalayas. There he hired four Sherpa porters to help him.
The Sherpas loaded up with heavy luggage and took the scientist into the mountains. A small detachment walked through the wild jungle, made its way through impenetrable swamps, crossed the mountain rivers. The travelers had to climb steep cliffs, crawl up snow-covered slopes, and cross glaciers. Snow avalanches rustled menacingly around, the daredevils were trapped by bottomless ice cracks. The detachment slowly made its way further and further. At high altitudes, there was little air, and it became more and more difficult to breathe. At night, from the severe frost, shoes froze, clothes burst, and the fabric of tents burst. During the day, the dazzling shine of snow and ice burned faces and eyes. Without dark glasses, you could go blind.
One evening the detachment stopped for the night. Some of the Sherpas moved away from the camp. And suddenly there was his frightened exclamation. The scientist looked out of the tent. Sherpas crowded on a small snowy area and chatted excitedly.
- Yeti, yeti! - the scientist heard.
He walked over to the Sherpas. They fell silent and parted. The scientist saw deep footprints in the snow. The footprints were large, larger than human ones. A chain of footprints stretched into the distance and disappeared into the icy rocks. In the eyes of the Sherpas, there was frank fear. The scientist realized that what begins for which he climbed into the very heart of the Himalayas.
- Well, well, friends, - he smiled calmly. - Let's sleep, and in the morning we will decide what to do next.
The night was uneasy. The scientist could not sleep. He finally saw with his own eyes the trail of the mysterious Bigfoot Yeti! Among scientists, few believed that Bigfoot existed. And here is a confirmation of the legend a few steps from the tent. Of course, we must also make sure that these traces were left by the yeti, and not by a bear or some other large animal. It is necessary to find the lair of this yeti, examine it, photograph it, because in the whole world there is not a single picture of a living yeti.
From the neighboring tent, the excited voices of the Sherpas could be heard all night. The scientist understood that in the morning the Sherpas would refuse to go further in the footsteps of the yeti. He was ready for this. Each nation has its own customs, they have evolved for many centuries, and they must be respected, even if they are caused by superstition. Well, then he will go alone.
In the morning, as soon as the scientist got out of the tent, he was surrounded by Sherpas. The faces of his faithful assistants were stern. The eldest of the Sherpas took a step towards the scientist:
“Chief,” he said, “you can't go any further. The yeti's trail brings trouble. Yeti gaze brings sickness and death. We must go back, chief.
“All right, my friends,” the scientist said calmly. - You helped me a lot. You are brave men. No one could find the trail of the yeti, but you did. We will now go back. We will find a comfortable place to camp. There you will wait for me. We have food. I will follow the trail of the yeti alone. The yeti will not bring me any trouble, because I live in a distant country, and the yeti's power does not work on me. You will wait for me at the camp for two weeks. If I don’t come back, then you don’t wait any longer and go home without me.
The confident voice of the scientist calmed the Sherpas. The will of one strong person can calm an entire crowd. The stern faces of the Sherpas smoothed out. Calling each other village, they began to fold the camp. Soon the small detachment set off on the return journey.
The place for the camp was chosen on a small site under a sheer cliff. Here people were not threatened by avalanches. The scientist has collected everything necessary for his long solo trip.
“See you, friends,” he said cheerfully to the Sherpas. “If I don’t return in two weeks, then leave alone. But I will definitely be back!
And he walked forward, bending under the weight of a huge backpack. The Sherpas silently watched him go.
By evening, the scientist reached the old parking lot, where there were traces of the yeti. The weather was fine, and the tracks were perfectly preserved. The scientist set up a small tent, warmed up the supper, and fell deeply asleep.
In the morning, he photographed the footprints of the yeti and went where they led.
This yeti was a great walker. The scientist walked all day with a heavy backpack, and the chain of footprints continued to stretch into the distance. Tracks twisted between rocks, lost on rocky slopes, on hard ice. The search took a lot of time and effort. This went on until dark.
The scientist spent the night again and went on in the morning. He followed the footsteps, lost them, found them and lost them again. The tracks began to climb a steep snow-covered slope. It took a long time to climb through deep snow, the narrow ridge was only two steps away, when the scientist suddenly felt that there was danger nearby. He froze in place, carefully looked around. There was no one around. He slowly, trying not to make noise, took off his backpack, went up to the ridge and looked out from behind the stones.
Before him was a small hollow surrounded by rocks. There was nothing dangerous to be seen here. But something made the scientist silently lie on the stones and not move. The cold began to make its way through the clothes, and he still lay and carefully examined the hollow, slowly, slowly turning his head. And suddenly sounds came to him, something dark flashed in the depression of one of the rocks. The scientist held his breath.
On the opposite side of the ravine, almost merging with the dark rock, stood a yeti. Bigfoot's lair was here ...
For several hours in a row, the scientist lay motionless on the cold stones and watched. Only when the sun descended to the tops of the cliffs did he gently slide down. He was so numb that he could hardly move. With disobedient hands, he put on a backpack and went to choose a place to spend the night.
His stiff legs did not obey him; he staggered at every step. But he knew that he could not fall - the noise can alarm the yeti, because they must have excellent hearing.
It was a dense twilight when the scientist found a suitable place. He didn't have the strength to put up a tent. He could not reheat canned food: the yeti could smell the smell of food. He chewed on a frozen pack of concentrates, climbed into a sleeping bag, wrapped himself in a tent and tried to sleep.
He was very cold and he was shaking for a long time with a large disgusting shiver. Most of all he was afraid of getting sick. He found a flask of alcohol in his backpack and took a few sips. The trembling gradually disappeared and he fell asleep.
In the morning the wind rose. It intensified, whistled in the rocks. Snow was falling from the mountains, and it seemed that a huge white banner fluttered at each peak. The scientist knew that if bad weather rises in the Himalayas, then this is for a long time. We had to hurry. Fortunately, the wind was sideways, blowing sounds and smells away. The scientist put up a tent, properly secured the stretchers with stones. He warmed up canned food, ate a hearty breakfast, and drank hot tea. Then he took two of his cameras and went to the ridge.
Again he lay all day on the ice rocks in the piercing wind. This time he managed to get a good look at the yeti and photograph them several times. The faint clicks of the shutter were carried away by the wind.
A yeti family lived in the hollow: five adults and one cub. They lived in a depression in a rock like a small cave. The first to emerge from the cave were two adult yeti. They were tall, sturdy creatures, overgrown with long reddish-brown hair. They looked around. One of them opened his mouth menacingly. Through the whistle of the wind, a ferocious roar came to the scientist. After that, both yeti headed for the mountains and soon disappeared behind a cliff ledge. The scientist managed to photograph them.
After that, no one was in the hollow for more than an hour. Then two more creatures emerged from the depression. They were larger than the first, but old. The wool fell on them and hung in tufts. They moved slowly and at the same time leaned heavily on their hands. The wind ruffled their long, filthy fur. These old creatures stood in the piercing wind and disappeared back into the lair. The scientist photographed them several times.
Soon a cub jumped out onto the snow. He plopped into a snowdrift and screamed shrilly. A female ran out of the cave. She grabbed the cub, gave him a few slaps on his lean bottom. The cub screamed even louder. The scientist managed to take some interesting shots before the female carried the cub into the darkness of the hollow.
By evening, a storm broke out. Through the whirlwinds of dry, prickly snow, the scientist saw two Yeti emerge from behind the rock with armfuls of branches and roots in their forepaws. It was the morning "hunters" who returned. They looked around carefully and disappeared into the cave. Apparently, they were the breadwinners of the family. The scientist photographed them, although he no longer hoped for the quality of the images.
The storm broke out in earnest, everything around disappeared in the whirlwinds of snow. Gusts of wind tore at the numb scientist's clothes. It was time to return to the tent. The scientist crawled off the ridge with difficulty, tried to get to his feet, but he did not succeed - the scientist was so numb. Where on all fours, where he crawled to the tent. With emotionless hands, he checked the strength of the stretch marks. In the tent, he took a sip of scalding liquid from a flask and huddled into a sleeping bag. There was no strength to heat the canned food, to boil the coffee.
Buran raged for several days. The scientist had to lie down in a tent all this time. The hurricane wind was trying to break the banners and stretch marks, and the scientist was glad that he was not too lazy to properly secure his wretched refuge.
He lost track of the days. It seemed to him that he lay in a cramped tent for an eternity. Food supplies decreased noticeably, snow filled up the tent, it became difficult to breathe. But the scientist was pleased: in the backpack lay both cameras with frames, the likes of which no one else in the world had. For days, he thought about the mysterious creatures that he managed to see so close. Until he knew who they were: wild people or monkeys. To answer this question, it was necessary to deliver at least one Yeti to a large city and properly examine it in the laboratory. But the main thing the scientist was able to confirm: Bigfoot really existed!
The scientist also thought that now the Bigfoot is apparently dying out ... He survived only in such wild places. His life is hard. A whole family lives here, and in this family there is only one cub for three adults and two old people. In order for any living creatures to survive on earth, there must be no less young than adults. Probably, the yeti will soon disappear completely from the face of the earth.
Everything in the world has an end, and the long storm has ended. The wind has died down, the snow has stopped. The scientist with difficulty got out of the tent covered with snow. He was nearly blinded by the sparkling white of the snow.
And again he lay on the rocky ridge and looked into the hollow. The old yeti are completely exhausted. While the storm raged, they most likely remained without food. Now they lay all day in the snow under the bright sun and barely moved. A female with a cub in her arms sometimes appeared next to them. The cub no longer yelled. He lay silently and motionless in his mother's arms, and it was not clear whether he was alive or dead. The female licked him, pressed him to her chest and rocked him, as if lulling. The scientist looked at the yeti, and his heart was filled with pity for these unfortunate creatures of nature.
And suddenly, as if something pushed him in the back. He turned around and was dumbfounded with amazement. A tall yeti stood two steps away from him. Auburn hair glistened in the sun. Small red eyes glared at the intruder. The yeti's hands scraped the snow menacingly. The scientist was very frightened. He realized that now the yeti would rush at him.
He had a pistol. But even the thought that it was possible to kill this creature, which is already doomed by fate to extinction, seemed to him monstrous.
The Yeti opened its mouth and roared menacingly. His legs buckled as he prepared to jump. The scientist immediately hid both cameras in his bosom and rushed down from the ridge. The fall was long. He hit the stones, glided swiftly on the ice, rolled head over heels on the hard snow. Finally, the frantic descent slowed down.
The scientist clung to the stones and stopped the fall down the steep slope. The whole body was smashed. My mouth was salty with blood. He looked up. On the ridge between the stones the figure of the departing Yeti flashed.
It took over an hour to climb. Every movement hurt. He had a severe pain in his side, probably he had a broken rib. The left leg barely bent at the knee. He had lost his mittens somewhere, and his bare hands were freezing. There was no hat either, her hair was clogged with snow. My head ached and was dizzy, sometimes I felt very sick.
Finally, the scientist climbed the ridge and collapsed on the stones without strength. In the thin air, the lungs burst from lack of oxygen. When his heart calmed down a little, the scientist looked into the hollow. The Yeti went into the mountains in an uneven chain. They left the person. Two strong males walked ahead. Behind them, the female carried a calmed cub in her arms. The old men trailed last. They leaned on each other and lagged behind with every step.
The scientist watched them go. His soul was heavy. After all, it was because of him that the Yeti left their habitable lair and moved into the cold unknown. Will they find another home? Will they stay alive?
The old yeti, of course, will not stand the hardships of resettlement. A weakened cub is also unlikely to last long in hunger and cold. The Yeti family will immediately decrease by exactly half. And this is the result of his curiosity.
If he talks about his meetings with the yeti, if people see his pictures, thousands of curious people will rush into the mountains. And, of course, not only scientists will be among them. There will be many hunters and simple onlookers among them. They will drive the last yeti out of their lairs. Old yeti will die of hunger and cold. The cubs will die. Those who remain will be shot by lovers of rare souvenirs. It's so gorgeous: to spread the hide of a mysterious yeti on the floor in the living room!
... The Yeti hid behind a mountainside. The scientist stood a little longer and moved to his tent. He felt really bad. He somehow collected his backpack and moved to the camp, where the Sherpas were waiting for him. He walked as if half asleep. The head and whole body ached more and more, at times it darkened in the eyes, and nausea came to my throat. Apparently, during the fall, he received a concussion. Several times he felt so bad that he lay down on the snow, unable to take another step. But he got up again and, stumbling at every step, walked forward.
When it got dark, it turned out that he had no tent. He probably left her in the parking lot. The backpack was almost empty, there was no food in it, there was no alcohol lamp to melt the snow. It's good that the sleeping bag survived. The scientist climbed into it, put an empty backpack under his head and tried to sleep ..
The night was terrible. In the morning he could not get to his feet for a long time. Disgusting nausea stood in my throat, I did not have the strength to move my hands. Finally, he got up and walked through the hard snow. The tent and an empty backpack were left lying at the place of the overnight stay. He completely forgot about them. He didn't think about where he was going. He knew one thing: he had to go. We must go, because the Sherpas are waiting for him, and if he does not come, they will go down ...
Somewhere he dropped his dark glasses, and the glare of the sun blinded him. Eyes itched, cut, as if pepper had fallen into them. There was an annoying ringing in my head. He walked, fell, rose, walked again, and fell again.
The ringing in my head became unbearable. The scientist collapsed into the snow and lost consciousness. He woke up from loud voices. He wanted to see who was talking so loudly, but it was completely dark around.
- Who's here? - he asked. - Where I am?
“This is us, the chief,” he heard a familiar voice.
Holy Mary, - thought the scientist, - These are Sherpas! So I found them. It suddenly became easy for him. He got up and almost screamed from the strong pain in his eyes.
- Take your glasses, chief ...
Someone thrust glasses into his hands. The scientist put them on. Through the dark glass, he dimly saw the figures of his rescuers. They stood around and looked at him as if with dismay.
- Hello, friends, - said the scientist. - So I found you.
“No,” the elder of the Sherpas shook his head. - We found you. We waited two weeks. You were not there. But we didn't want to leave without you. Let's go look. And then they found it. You went in a completely different direction.
An aching pain gripped the scientist's heart. Faithful Sherpas! No wonder their devotion is legendary in the big world. They overcame their age-old fear of the yeti and went to look for him, a stranger to them.
“Thank you, friends,” he muttered. “How did you decide?
“You are a real man,” said the eldest of the Sherpas. “We couldn't leave you.
He looked at the scientist intently and asked:
- Did you find the yeti, chief?
The scientist remembered the uneven chain of yeti going into the unknown. As if in reality, he saw a female with a calmed cub in her arms. He remembered two old yeti, convulsively clinging to each other so as not to fall from weakness. Introduced crowds of funny hunters, amazing with outlandish trophies.
And he shook his head slowly.
“No, friends,” he said. - I haven't found a yeti. It was not a yeti. These traces were left by a bear.

Pork Olga Valerievna, primary school teacher of the highest qualification category, MOU "School No. 30 named after NN Kolokoltsov" in Malinovka, Kemerovo Region. Her teaching experience is 20 years.

Olga Valerievna loves children, her job. In his spare time he grows flowers and plays volleyball.

Fairy tale "True friends"

He was very lonely. Almost every evening he came to Bald Mountain, sat down and looked with a thoughtful gaze into the valley. People lived there. In the evenings, merry lights were lit up there, and children's laughter was heard. And cows bellowed, dogs barked. All these sounds excited Bigfoot. They were alien to him, and at the same time his heart fluttered when he heard them.

But then the night was falling. The valley calmed down, and the sad Bigfoot returned to his cave.

One day a disaster struck in the mountains. An avalanche descended at night. Several of the outermost houses were buried under it. In the morning, when Bigfoot wandered around the area in search of food, he heard strange sounds that came from the valley. The Bigfoot descended cautiously into the valley and, hiding behind the trees, began to observe the people. People, armed with shovels, dug in their dreams, as if they were looking for something. A small, dry woman was crying beside them. From time to time she fell on the snow and began to dig it with chilled hands, loudly shouting through crying: “Olesya, daughter, where are you? I will find you!". Compassionate neighbors lifted the woman from the snow and took her to the hut.

“O-le-sya, O-le-sya,” whispered the Bigfoot's lips. And he suddenly remembered that this was how the children were shouting to the little girl in the red cap, who yesterday sculpted a funny round man out of the snow. The Bigfoot really liked to watch this girl: she ran funny in big felt boots, laughed brightly, and her two pigtails always ridiculously bristled to the sides.

“O-le-sya, O-le-sya”, - once again, but already the Bigfoot's lips whispered themselves, and, obeying a strange feeling, he jumped out of his hiding place and with huge steps, or even leaps, rushed to the people.

Seeing a huge hairy monster approaching, people got scared, threw down their shovels and fled to the huts and sheds. And Bigfoot, running up to the place where yesterday he saw his little girl, fell to his knees and began to sniff and listen to the ground. He crawled on his knees in the snow for a long time, until he suddenly froze, and then quickly and desperately began to dig the snow with his hands. Lumps of snow flew to the sides with such force that one lump even knocked off a peasant who, emboldened, went out of the hut.

And Bigfoot was digging and roaring with pain or anger. His hands were lacerated with blood when suddenly he froze again, bent down and lifted something from the ground. People saw that he was holding a little girl in a red cap. It was Olesya.

The Bigfoot turned to the people and with the girl in his arms went to them, but the people hid again. And suddenly a small woman jumped out of the hut and shouted: "My daughter, Olesenka!" - she rushed to her daughter and savior. Running up to them, the woman hugged her daughter, looked at the Bigfoot with grateful eyes and fell to the ground from an overabundance of emotions. Then, without hesitating for a minute, the Bigfoot picked up the woman in his arms, in two leaps he was at the nearest hut, put both on the porch and disappeared behind the trees.

A month later, the following picture could be observed in the valley. A little girl in a red cap ran out of the hut. Folding her hands like a megaphone, she shouted towards the mountains: “Save yourself! Go play! " So affectionately Olesya began to call her savior.

A few minutes later, Bigfoot ran out to the girl from the side of the mountains. He tossed her in the air several times with his strong hands. The girl laughed briskly, her pigtails flew up funny, and Bigfoot's heart melted with love for this little creature. And he was also grateful to Olesya for the fact that he stopped being lonely. And now, together with the children, he sculpted a funny round man out of snow. And from the window a little dry woman was watching them, brushing away the tears that for some reason rolled out of her eyes.

This is how this fairy tale ended - a fairy tale about goodness, the power of love and friendship.

Bigfoot stories have been stirring people's minds for centuries. Ever since the time of the campaigns of Alexander the Great, who sought to conquer Africa, strange rumors have spread throughout Europe. No, we were not talking about people with an unusual skin color. With a shudder, eyewitnesses told about bloodthirsty dwarfs, no more than 1.5 m in height, which devoured people. Snow people? Quite possible. The secrets of the African continent have not yet been revealed.

Is Bigfoot's habitat Africa?

Back in the 5th century BC. NS. Carthaginian sailor Hannon mentioned in his diaries a strange people inhabiting. He gave them a name - "forest people", and very colorfully described their frenzied disposition. According to him, they were vegetarians, the bodies of men and women were covered with hair. Monkey? No, they had quite human habits.

Interesting to know. In the 5th century A.D. NS. Herodotus wrote about the mysterious “hairy people”. According to the Egyptians, who often met them, they were gigantic in size, their bodies were completely covered with vegetation. This is very reminiscent of Bigfoot, which is described by almost every modern eyewitness.

In Africa, Bigfoot is named Kakundakari, and although it lives in the impenetrable jungle, it brings superstitious terror to many African tribes. They believe Bigfoot are aggressive and cannibals. They eat their own kind, but they may well eat a person. The natives of Africa are sure that the Kakundakari Yeti eat their fellow tribesmen while they are still alive. A distinctive feature of the Bigfoot of the African continent is low growth - up to 1.5 m.

Bigfoot "took a liking" to America

October 20, 1967 became a fateful day for two friends - R. Patterson and B. Gimlin. It was they who were lucky enough to shoot the most famous film about the Yeti. It happened in (California). Bigfoot or sasquatch, as they call him in the States, came out of the forest directly to meet the young people. These stills are still the most authentic Bigfoot movie ever, and the video itself is dubbed Patterson-Gimlin's Famous Movie.

This is what Bigfoot looks like, based on the perception of American artists.

Interestingly, at the time of filming, the camera did not refuse, as is often the case with other eyewitnesses who met a Bigfoot, and the footage turned out to be quite decent. On them, the bigfoot does not appear as a blurry spot or a weak shadow, it is quite possible to see that it is a female yeti. The creature passed 7 meters from the friends, and stopped at 20 meters. After a moment of numbness, the friends began to shoot. According to them, the look on Bigfoot's hairy face was contemptuous. In total, the landmark meeting between the sasquatch and the Americans lasted 2 minutes.

Most Americans are skeptical about Bigfoot stories.

Naturally, skeptics immediately began to challenge the authenticity of the footage. However, scientists who have been studying in detail the only high-quality video about Bigfoot for many years are confident in the opposite. Not long ago, anatomist and anthropologist Noah David Henson made a statement. After carefully studying the digital copy of the Bigfoot video, he categorically stated that the Bigfoot in the footage was not an actor in a suit, but a living creature - a female, at least 2.2 m tall. she was ... pregnant.

Interesting fact. In recent years, Bigfoot encounters have become more frequent in the United States. The numbers cited by the BFRO - Bigfoot Research Organization are staggering. Since 1995, 425 Yeti have been sighted in California, 227 in Oregon, and 224 in Ohio. Traces of Bigfoot activity have been found in many states. This is Colorado, California, Michigan. Did the Sasquochies decide to occupy America?

Does Bigfoot live in China?

Chinese scientists are sure that the snowmen left the mountain peaks of the Himalayas long ago and moved to the central regions of the Middle Kingdom. Such sensational news was told to the press by members of a scientific expedition to Shennongjia - a nature reserve located in Hubei province. The reason for it was the stories of local residents that Yeti appeared in the forests. It is noteworthy that more than 360 people saw them. All eyewitness accounts agree with the "classic" portrait of the Himalayan Bigfoot. They are tall, hair covering the torso, long arms.

Presumably Bigfoot Footprint Found in China

Although Chinese experts have not yet encountered Bigfoot, traces of it have been found. Moreover, in the amount of 2000. Scraps of wool, excrement, blood samples were found. Scientists believe that Shennongjia is home to more than 20 yeti. The researchers gave them a name - giant Pithecanthropus, and continue to persistently seek a meeting with the Bigfoot, who descended from the Himalayas and the peaks of Tibet.

Snowmen have been trying to find since the 19th century. They became almost legendary after their footprints were found in the Himalayas in 1951. From that moment on, reports of meetings with Bigfoot began to arrive from all over the world. The real "bomb" was the fact that the scalp of the Yeti is kept in one of the Tibetan high-mountain monasteries. As it turned out later, he was removed from the Himalayan bear.

Interesting fact. All scientists studying Bigfoot agree that its life span is 250-300 years, and it has a high ability to self-regenerate.

Today, cryptozoologists have casts of footprints and biological material of the yeti. Several of his dwellings have been found, both in caves and on the tops of trees. After studying them, the researchers concluded that Bigfoot has remarkable intelligence.

Anatoly Sidorenko, a scientist from Kramatorsk, has been researching Bigfoot since the mid-1980s.

He went on expeditions to the Pamirs and the Caucasus, at the suggestion of the famous Russian cryptozoologist Zhanna-Maria Kofman discovered Bigfoot in the Donetsk region and now constantly monitors his movements.

In the Carpathians, they are dying of loneliness Bigfoot, according to scientists, belongs to the great apes, hominids. But not completely devoid of human traits. He, for example, is characterized by curiosity and even a sense of humor. Cryptozoologists claim that there are several types of Bigfoot, which differ in growth and habits. So, Bigfoot from America is very tall (more than 2.5 m) and dark-haired.

Siberian and Tibetan Bigfoot - large and blonde. The Ukrainian hominid, like the inhabitant of the Caucasian mountains of Almasty, has a height of about 195-210 cm and has a red or brown coat. They usually keep one at a time and often change their habitat. However, the Ukrainian Bigfoot leads a sedentary lifestyle and has become so familiar in the area of ​​villages near Kramatorsk that the locals got used to it and christened it Sashka.

Famous British cryptozoologist David Archer (left) and Ukrainian Anatoly Sidorenko

- This red male has been observed since about the 1930s. He constantly appears in one village, where they treat him calmly and even feed him. This is most likely not the same hominid, but the third generation from Sashka, noticed almost a century ago, the cryptozoologist notes. - And the Bigfoot has been living here for a long time, so long ago that he became a hero of legends. Have you read “The Lay of Igor's Campaign?” It mentions Div (a creature of great stature, strong, but stupid), who met the commander near the city of Izium. This can be considered the first literary mention of Bigfoot on the territory of Ukraine.

In general, according to Anatoly Sidorenko, hominids also live in the Chernigov, Zaporozhye regions and the Carpathians. But the mountain population is dying out, since there are no females and the possibility of reproduction.

- In the Donetsk region, we carried out monitoring in 1989 and then counted about 12 individuals. The last time we did the recount was last year. It turns out 12-15 individuals. By the way, not far from the town of Snezhnoye, near the village of Orekhovo, there was a rare case: eight individuals were observed at once in one family.

Eating plants and chewing hemp

The nature of the snow people is quite peaceful, the locals are not afraid of them. Maybe that's why no one hunts them. And scientists track Bigfoot just to learn more about their habits and habits. For example, observations show that the diet of hominids mainly consists of plants and roots: cowweed, mullein, mallow, tartar, nettle. Although it is possible that he knows how to fish and get other animals.

“The first thing that Bigfoot begins to eat in the spring, when the snow melts, is nettles,” says Anatoly Sidorenko. - He also loves cannabis, as it is very high in calories. And interestingly, cannabis also intoxicates the hominid. During the expedition in the Caucasus, we walked his way through the hemp field. You can see how he cut off the tops of his heads along the way and how his mood improved: he began to lose balance, broke bushes, and then lay on the ground.

How Almasty came to visit

The last expedition to the Caucasus with the participation of scientists from Ukraine, Holland and England, which took place at the end of this summer, brought scientists several discoveries.

- We were monitoring the old house, where Almasty often appears. Cameras were set up. We heard that he was fumbling around one of them, and were glad that there would be good night shots. But the camera was gone. On this basis, we made several important conclusions. First, Bigfoot has absolute night vision. Secondly, he is characterized by a completely human curiosity. What does a wild animal do with technology? He sniffs, touches, he can even taste it, but then he loses interest and gives up. Our hominid untied the camera from the log and took it with him. Thirdly, he has developed fine motor skills of his hands, since he knows how to untie and tie knots, and also braid pigtails, - said the cryptozoologist.

Kabardians say that Almasty often steals horses to ride them. The braids in the manes are braided solely for a utilitarian purpose: it is convenient to hold on while the animal is moving and to control it. According to the mountaineers, Bigfoot hypnotizes animals. Horses in the open pasture try to escape from him, and those that are tied, he unties and kidnaps. And the shepherds also say that Almasta has a good sense of humor. He amuses people with primitive dances and picks up evil stallions. There was a case when a stallion chased Bigfoot all night. He jumped from one side of the stone fence to the other, and the stallion ran around to chase him away and was very worn out.

- We also had jokes. We ambushed the ruins of an old house. We fried onions and toast so that the smell was pleasant, and hid. Englishman Richard Freeman became bored, cold, and he went into the house, sat down by the stove. Then Almasty appeared at the door, said "bo-bo-bo-bo", turned around and left. And Freeman got scared and with a heart-rending cry rushed away, greatly frightening the rest of the expedition, - said Anatoly. In general, Bigfoot loves to mutter something under his breath. With relatives, he communicates with shouts, beckons others with a whistle. When the female is looking for a cub, she makes a drawn-out sound, reminiscent of the one that is given by an electric train. Driving away uninvited guests, Bigfoot screams loudly, so that the frost goes on the skin.

Babay from a children's horror story

Cryptozoologists believe that the tales about Babai stealing children have their own background. Facts have been recorded when hominids abducted people. They steal children not for entertainment or murder, but for the realization of the maternal instinct. This behavior is often observed in monkeys that have lost their cubs. However, there have been cases of girls being kidnapped.

Bigfoot males, of course, did this for procreation. This explains the presence of modern human genes in the bigfoot genome. The fact of the abduction of women is also reflected in the tales of the mythical creature Diva.

"Forest woman"

As a child, I constantly asked my grandmother to talk about how they used to live. Some stories have been remembered for a lifetime. Here is one of them.

Grandmother was 4 years old (this is about 1902), she was the youngest in the family. Father and older brothers and sisters were in the field, while grandmother and mother were alone at home. Grandmother was sitting on the windowsill, the door opened (then there were no locks) and a huge woman entered (her head reached the ceiling). She was dressed in an old tattered sundress. In my arms was a child wrapped in rags and, it seems, there was another 12-year-old child nearby. She could not speak, she only bellowed.

“I heard this story long ago, when I was a graduate student from my supervisor, Professor Nikolai Yakovlevich K. Now N.Ya. not with us, and I think it would be right if I tell about the event in the first person, as I heard myself.
In the late 50s, everyone was "sick" with Bigfoot. It seemed that his capture was a matter of the coming days. Even I, although I had nothing to do with zoology, once in the summer with members of the search club went in search of a relict hominoid to the Kemerovo region, the town of Gornaya Shoria.
However, from the first days it became clear that the expedition had failed. The Shors, despite their hospitality, flatly refused to talk about Bigfoot, much less to be guides.

This story happened to my uncle when he was 14-15 years old. He and his father (my grandfather) were on the hunt. He himself lagged behind a little out of natural need. He cleared his need and went to look for my dad (my grandfather). Nowhere. Lost. Suddenly, about 50 meters away, a huge white shaggy little man with wide black eyes looked at him, bending a tree branch down from his face. He stood and looked, lowered the branch and left. My uncle went to that place - there are no traces. And the branch that hindered HIM was three heads taller than my uncle.

A hunter from Gornaya Shoria (southern Kuzbass, Russia) claims to have rescued a Bigfoot-like creature that fell through the fragile ice into the Kabyrza River, a spokesman for the regional administration said.
According to the interlocutor of the agency, Afanasy Kiskorov, a resident of the remote taiga village of Senzaski Kichi, wrote a letter to the administration of the Tashtagol region, in which he spoke about the incident. The letter, signed by Kiskorov and three other eyewitnesses, was delivered to Tashtagol by a helicopter.
In the village of Senzaski Kichi, located in a remote taiga 140 kilometers from Tashtagol, there is no electricity or road. Once a week, a helicopter flies to the village - this is the main means of communication between the settlement and the "mainland", especially during floods.