Stories about it in an orphanage. Erotic children's games: remember everything! Children seconds from reading stories

Not my story, but just liked! In life often it happens ...

They knew each other for many years. They did not know each other for many years.

She was six, he was ten. 4 years - a huge difference at this age. But when the dog burst into the courtyard and rushed to the playground, where he played the baby, he was first on the road, he was exactly he, a boy with a scar on his cheek. And a little girl behind his back, froining the salt post, when everything was running out, only she saw the tears of fear in his eyes and stubbornness in the brings unfolded. And how could she leave when this brave defender was afraid? Shook his head, became near, disheveled and grew. And the dog ran further, hardly drawing attention to two desperate human young. Silence, only shrill creak of children's carousel. This then he was roaring from the experience of horror behind the garage. And a small handmade, stretching a dirty handkerchief and a frown mug with water: "on, clever."

He is sixteen, she is twelve. A completely adult, with already piercing mustache over the upper lip. The door of the elevator opens, skips forward a thin, flexible as a shrine girl, first beauty. It follows as a confession, without having a look from the back under the translucent blouse, from the long legs under a short skirt. Almost removes the girl from the road, as always disheveled, awkward. And it stands at the opened zoom elevator, escorts the removing couple. Slises in the already closed doors, a finger on the "Stop" button, and go in desperate sobs. Can't understand why it is so incredibly painful. And all these games in "Loves, does not like" with classmates so stupid, so far now.

She has graduation. It comes out an hour before the designated time, circles in the yard. Toe shoes Patterns on dust ... He must see her, should! Easy runs away from the porch: "Oh Hi! Why is such a beautiful? Already graduation? Well, congratulations, baby! Want to pass?" Gently descends on the seat. Inhales the smell of his cologne, cigarettes. His smell. Nothing sees anything in front of him, landscapes change with a bright kaleidoscope. The heart, as on the American roller, rolling to the throat, it turns out to ask just how it is. "Yes wonderful, baby! Yesterday in the registry office filed a statement! Come to our wedding? We will invite you to send you!" The kaleidoscope outside the window is sat down under the wheels of the machine, the heart is blown away like a ball, pushing, shrinking ... And he continues to talk something fun, laugh. "Well, come! Good luck, baby!" What good luck, what life? It all ended, nothing ... This evening she leaves with the most insistent workman. And silently lies later, turning to the wall.

And the invitation did not come. The bride did not send him. Women, unlike men, always notice such things ...

This is all remembered, sitting at the cafe table near the playground, where they encountered by chance in one solar day. He had apple juice, her cigarette. He has a tummy and lisinka, she has red curls and a high incision on the skirt. He looked at his son, and she was on her daughter. And spinning, circled in a circle. Old creaking carousel with two fun squeezes on her.

I. Based on my sex life research girls I put a retrospection of adult women (the predominant age of 23-33 years), teachers and students, memories of their most vivid sexual impressions of early childhood: they had to write only that they remember very well, Moreover, starting from early childhood. Such an instruction was given in order to give a questioning minimally difficult work ("Only what is very well remembered"), but at the same time to send it to the side of possibly earlier childhood. Before giving memories in writing in an audit atmosphere, I clarified the enormous importance of the memories for science, in particular for sexual pedagogy. Memories were written in my eyes, in general, about 1 hour, moreover anonymously. After on the basis of this material, I received some idea of \u200b\u200bthe most striking sexual impressions in the life of girls, I found the opportunity to find out a number of questions that have arisen about the sex life of girls in 14 women approximately the same profession and the same age as those that are wrote memories. Only here, the questions concerned all the parties to the sex life of girls, for which I just came out during the study. Finally, I had the opportunity to use the retrospection (in the form of oral answers to questions) of the five women who were leading extremely dissolved in sexuality (many fleeting sexual relations as "because I liked it," so because of the possibility of a light random hardship, although in There are no special money, as legal earnings are not lower than the average). It goes without saying, all the respondents gave memories only about their childhood.

P. In the resulting material there was not a single memoil, which with confidence would relate to age earlier than the 4th year. The earliest memories were designated only approximately: "Three to four years", "when I was three or four years," and so on. Thus, it is impossible to use the retrospection towards early childhood - predos-school.

Does this amnesia apply only to early sex life? Exploring the first memories of childhood, I found that in adults (aged 22-30), the maximum of these memories falls on the 4th and 5th year; The average age for these memories is the beginning of the 5th year (4.2 years). Thus, this amnesia is not specific to sexual life: it covers all his life in early childhood. Here are how they were located by the years 148 of the first memories of childhood assembled by me:

If these numbers represent graphically, a rather symmetrical curve is obtained, culting in the 4-5th year.

Of the 80 memories collected by me about the bright sexual impressions of early childhood only 27 treated preschool age. Only 21 memories were dated from them, and almost everything is approximately. Therefore, they can only be reduced into a rather approximate table:

As you can see, the table is pretty similar to the previous one. We can sufficiently argue that sexual life in early childhood is forgotten approximately as well as in general early childhood. Nothing specific amnesia of early sex life is not.

However, in one circumstance must be stopped. Yet approximately a quarter (26.5%) adults gave their first childhood memories of the age of up to three years, while no sexual memory applied to such early childhood. How to explain it? It seems to me that the insignificance of sexual impressions at this age.

Of the 190 first childhood memories assembled by me, only one thing, and even then with stretch, you can count sexy ("I was afraid that naked"). This indicates that the sexual impressions of the early childhood are weak. Memories of early sex life are absent, most likely, because, in essence, there is nothing so significant in them, that would be crazy for life. This is the most believable assumption. The hypothesis about special sexual amnesia in relation to this age excessive: there is no need for it, and it is not justified by anything.

Available for observation External manifestations of sexuality of girls in the earlier childhood - onanism and (controversy) unusual manifestations of tenderness. We have no reason to assume the sexual nature of these manifestations of tenderness, except for a dubious analogy with adult experiences in similar provisions. Thus, only onanism is, apparently, the undisputed manifestation of sexuality in the earliest childhood. But here even arises the question of what to understand in this case is sexuality.

I did not have the opportunity to watch girls 0-3 years old in such a quantity and so carefully so that I could make any conclusions about the prevalence among them onanism. In general, all existing statements on this issue must be considered unreasonable, since there is no description, at what the number of children were observed and how these observations were organized. Therefore, it is not known what percentage of children in early childhood is engaged in masturbation. But regardless of this, if the baby or the baby is masturbing, their masturbation in his psychological nature cannot not differ from masturbation of more adult children. In it, for example, there are no onanistic representations, i.e., onanistic dreams.

I am expressed by psychological terms, onanism in the earlier childhood deprived of a heterotropic erotic idea, deprived of any sexual imitation of ideas. It is just a pleasure to manipulate with its genital organs. This early onanism is so even elementary that there are no psychological experiences, except for simple pleasure, it has no. If you add to it that the baby or the baby does not even have at least largely complex and intensive experiences of masturbation as a forbidden, dangerous to be conspicing the act, it becomes quite understandable why the earliest childhood does not give bright sexual impressions and why While approximately a quarter of adults give their first childhood memories of up to 3 years old, the very first sexual memories belong to age after 3 years.

III. Only a third of the women respondents wrote about their sexual experiences in preschool childhood. Thus, approximately 2/3 of women denied the cash of sexual entraints at this time. This denial can be explained or oblivion, or hypocrisy, or it was actually so. In my work "Das Problem der Ersten KindheitseRinnerung" ("Arch. Fd Ges. Psychologies 1929) I found that the first childhood memories are among adults on average by 4.2 years. End of preschool childhood, age 5-7 years, is already relatively It is not bad to remember adults. Therefore, the aforementioned negation is difficult to explain with oblivion, unless not to make an assumption that early sex experiences are especially forgotten. But such an assumption will suit us a little if we take into account that at the same time a third of the women of the women claimed that sexual The attraction appeared in them only during puberty, during adaptation. It is probably possible to assume that two thirds of women could forget all their sexy experiences to adapts, if these experiences were really. Most of the second assumption - hypocrisy, so common when People talk about their sex life. But I am not inclined to this assumption in this case. In addition what anonymity was firmly guaranteed and they wrote about their distant past, moreover about childhood, with great consciousness of the importance of truthful messages, the most who denied the sexual attraction in their early childhood, at the same time did not shry in their posts to write about themselves At a later age, very intimate and even odious details. It is difficult to allow you to write so frankly a woman suddenly showing insincerity in taking their earlier, preschool sex life. Therefore, I tend to show the gullibility and think that indeed only in a third of the female respondents, sexual attraction awakened in preschool childhood.

More precisely, I was awakened. " All these women, without exception, sexual attraction was awakened by external very strong erotic stimuli. These incentives were usually the following two births: or the little girl turned out to be the subject of sexual encroachment (most often), or (somewhat less frequent), it was a COITIUS certificate "a.

Cases when a little girl turned out to be the subject of sexual encroachment, in turn, can be divided into several species. Most often it was to consider her genital organs (usually older) boys and drawing it with them (in this number, sometimes brothers) in a sexual game or even in something like sexual intercom. Sometimes it was her teaching her maternity girlfriends and nanny girls. Finally, sometimes it was sexual stimulation by adult men, usually through kisses and comic flirting, in some cases - direct and rude sexual encroachment. In two cases, paintings with bare male bodies and pornographic paintings were shocked.

In cases where the sexual attraction of a small girl was awakened by the fact that it turned out to be a Coitus witness "A, it was usually coitus her parents. In several cases, it was coitus animals, but the latter sexually stimulated only under special conditions that will be speech below.

Thus, in the awakening of sexual attraction in a small girl, the environment plays an extremely important role. At the same time, the budding external stimulus is usually rudely primitive and at the same time strongly erotic stimulus. In his primitiveness, he as if corresponds to the primitive psychology of a little girl. Human love with its complex and topping manifestations outside of her attention, she passes without noticing, by her. The other thing is the above incentives related to primitive, so to speak, the animal side of sexual life: they should not be noticed; You can not even go past them, especially since they are often directed at him. It is quite natural that a primitive creature, how little girl is, is excited by primitive sexual incentives.

And at the same time, as we emphasized, it is a highly active incentive stimuli: the erotic manipulation of the genital organs of the girl, the observation of Coitus "a, etc. therefore it is not surprising that they are a powerful push for the awakening of sexual attraction.

So - from the outside, primitive and at the same time a very erotic stimulus - awakens a sexual attraction of a little girl. If this is true, then it is clear why in these early years it turned out to be awakened only in the third of the women surveyed. The case is in the environment: it wakes up sexual attraction at this age. This is mainly due to either the sexual aggressiveness of comrades and adults, or as a result of careless behavior in the child. It is possible that in a sexually more spoiled environment and with less cautious educators, sexual attraction will be awakened in more than a third of the girls. On the other hand, it is likely that in a more advanced environment, sexual attraction at all will not wake up at an early age.

Interestingly, none of the surveyed 93 women confirmed the views common in modern psychology about the eroticating action on the child's problems of the appearance of a person to light. I unsubscribed by this, I made an additional special survey on this issue of 158 women and received the same result. The issue of the birth of a person arises from the child most often in 4-6 years and is often one of the series of issues about the genesis of various things: "Where did something?" According to my materials, he took an erotic character only when they used (most often a friend) for scab cutting further conversations about Coitus "e.

Depending on which incentive, the sexual attraction of a small girl was witch, the latter develops anyway. As already mentioned, most often the encouraging incentive is sexual encroachment by boys, usually manifested in viewing the genital organs of a girl or sexual game. Sometimes, having passed such passive exhibitionism, the girl becomes further active exhibitions, i.e. itself begins to offer boys to watch her genitals. When the teachers of kindergartens reported to me about the girls who seen the manifestations of sexuality from the kids, their messages are almost completely (if it was not about enzyme) belonged to the exhibitionism of girls and watching the boys, and the girl sometimes turned out to be in an active role, that is, offering.

Not always the case ends with exhibitionism. From the object of viewing, the girl sometimes becomes an object of sexual game and coordinate action. Here is one of the examples: "The girls raised the dresses, and the boys ran with Penis in their hands and touched a naked body."

All this, judging by reports, does not pass without a trace for a little girl, but, as a rule, has an outcome in masting with appropriate sexual gold. So, the awakened environment of sexual attraction finds himself in the future satisfaction either in mastanism, or, on occasion, in exhibitionist (passive or active) or key-like actions. The girl in reality or (much more often) in masturbation Gins begins to strive for this. But it's not limited to this. Some of the materials definitely say that the image of the boy's seducer is cut into memory as like-like and plays a role in the formation of a love taste: "And subsequently, when I became an adult, I liked men with such eyes."

So deeply on the whole further life affects the sexy story of a little girl.

Considly in these cases the seductors were somewhat older boys. Sometimes among them appears in the role of a pimmer, then in the role of an active partner brother.

Working on a study not yet published by me in adults in adults, I came across several cases of jealousy Sisters to my brother: The sister is warmly rising against the marriage of his brother, insisting on his bachelor, then she hates his brother's wife and suits him real jealousy scenes, then she It begins abnormally strongly, right up to the illness, to raise due to marriage of his brother, etc. Now, by studying the development of sexual attraction in boys and girls, I again came across the facts of sexual relations between my brother and sister. True, in general, there are few such cases, but still in my collection 6 out of 93 pointed out sexual relations with brothers during preschool childhood. These sexual relations arise or as in cases with other boys (exhibitionism - passive and active; sexy games), or as a result of a common bed: "The cold encouraged to go to each other, it was very nice," the desire of a bodily convergence appeared, which in the form of friction and was produced in solitude (the initiator - brother). Roman Brother and sisters, therefore, should find its place, in particular, with psychoanalysis.

But the little girl can also be sexually stimulated by adult men. Here's a typical story: "I stayed at the uncle. Sometimes he took me on his hands and kissed. I liked his lips, bright and soft. The feeling was pleasant, and I began to run on him to kiss me. After the men liked the same Type - with bright lips and brunettes. " This kind of sexual stimulation is usually not strong enough to fully wake the sexual attraction of the girl: according to my materials, it does not result in masturbation, onanistic dreams, etc. And nevertheless, the effect can be very deep, affecting the formation of a love taste. For further sex life even an adult woman.

Probably, completely reverse action has a direct encroachment of adult men on a small girl. I say "probably" just because I consider myself no right to make a generalization of everything on the basis of two cases in my collection. In both of these cases, the reaction of the girl under the influence of pain and strong fear sharply negative, and preserving and in adulthood. In the first case (rape) "I felt hellish pain ... He was very afraid. After that, the disgust in general to the sexual act, feared it"; In the second case (depraved actions) "I felt that this was not a simple caress. I was very unpleasant and very scary. Then I was afraid of this man and hated him. Subsequently, this case always causes a gady feeling. Rough caress is eager for me and now."

In cases where the sexual attraction of a small girl wakes up due to the fact that it turned out to be a Coitus witness "A, it was usually coitus her parents. View coitus" a, this is the strongest sexual pathogen acting in this case in a very intriguing setting, eroticizes the small Girl, lighting her sexy feelings and taking. As a rule, the guidelined sexual attraction finds itself in the future outcome in masting.

We have already seen how the Bully sexual attraction of a small girl incentive has a commonly double action, one thing - in the present, usually developing onanism with the corresponding masturbation gold, and the other in the future, affecting the love taste and character of sexual attraction of an adult woman. In this case, this is the second action, apparently, negative. "I do not like sexual intercourse, despite my 24 years, despite the fact that I waited for this sexual intercourse for so long," I lived in a sex life, but she was very little interested in me, sometimes there was a squeamishness "- and about the way all Women in this category. Perhaps the resulting amalgam of sexual arousal and fright and the fact that Coitus produces parents, cause the association with an unpleasant feeling subsequently.

Sometimes a push to the awakening of sexual attraction of a little girl is the view of Coitus "A animals. But the consequences, judging by my materials, are not as the impression of the impression of Coitus" A, as rather, the subsequent "clarifications". These consequences can be broken into two groups: "I later learned the meaning of my peers. This gave a reason to watch animals and people. I learned that my parents live like animals. Since then I avoided boys, and in the future and men before 23 years old. Excessively simplified "biologization", more precisely, "zoologization", human sexually related sex feeling with disgust. But it happens another position: "The visible sexual act of horses awakened an extraordinary curiosity in me. To satisfy it, I turned with the relevant question to my mother. My mother answered me:" These horses play. "I was not satisfied and asked the same question to the servant. That I explained to me completely differently with all kinds of additions, eventually told about my first sex with my husband. This explanation gave a big impetus to my thoughts and even led to masturbation. "

The swords once indicated * as one of the manifestations of the disharmony of nature on the fact that sexual attraction awakens much earlier than sexual maturity. In a large number of cases, it really happens. But this, if judged on the basis of our material, is far from universal phenomenon, and, at least in girls, it is not always possible. The sexual attraction awakens before puberty when it wakes. In my material, which was given by ordinary normal women, the sexual attraction of a small girl has always been exogenous origin. A crucial role is played by the environment. At the same time, the erotic stimulus must satisfy two conditions: first, it should be very strong (operating with the genital organ of the girl, coitus, etc.), and, secondly, it must be relatively elementary, so to speak, rudely primitive corresponding to the primitive psychology of a little girl. The awakening of sexual entry is manifested in the following either in maternating with the relevant Gresses, or in sexual communication with the boys, and the latter is reduced to the show of the genitals, kotoid-like actions, etc. The early sex biography of the girl has a strongest influence on the sexual psychology of an adult woman, due to A significant degree is a positive or negative attitude towards sexual act depending on whether the initial incentives were pleasant or, on the contrary, unpleasant, for example, frightening, causing pain, etc. Even on the love taste of an adult woman influence these first early impressions.

* (Mesnikov I. I. (1845-1916) is an outstanding scientist in the field of biological and medical sciences, paying a lot of attention to the issue of the general laws of the development of wildlife. In this regard, he, in particular, gave an analysis of harmonies and disharmonies in the organic world. (See "Etudes about the Nature of Man." M., 1961).)

Interestingly, not in one case it was noted that masturbation in itself led to the search for sexual rapprochement, sexual glands, etc. But in some cases, it was indicated on the contrary, as sexual arousal caused by an external stimulus led to onanism.

By no means trying to give a more complete psychological analysis of onanism, as for this I have no material, I will dwell only on one question. Already in the earlier childhood, we sometimes see the baby manipulation by the bodies of their body: this manipulation, as a pleasant, subsequently repeated already deliberately. So arises a suggestion (so far only as a hypothesis) that this very early form of onanism, which conventionally called simple manipulating onanism, is associated only with an elementary feeling of pleasure, but completely deprived of sexual ideas. The next time the form of onanism is one that can be called presenting onanism, when manipulation is associated with certain erotic gold. This representing onanism is no longer just mechanical, but psychological origin and has a more complex content. Being otherwise on the origin and more corresponding to the more complex psychology of the growing girl, he may impass, over time, displaces a simple manipulating onanism, the cases of which can still be observed sometimes in small preschoolers, especially those who are deprived of education: so, for example, in the village It is not so rarely you can see 3-4-year-old children, "playing" by their genital organ. This representing onanism, characteristic of all ages, besides [infant], feeding his dreams originally from an external buddy incentive, and subsequent dreams, no matter how diverse they are, they are somewhat often for this stimulus as their primary source.

IV. We will miss now for reasons that will be clear somewhat later, early school age, the period of changing the teeth, and let's stop at the teenage girl in the period of puberty. Her sexual psychology is strongly opposite to the sexual psychology of a little girl. I will identify from the very beginning what is specific for this age.

Reading maiden diaries relatively quickly catches a peculiar pattern of them. [A] It is, sometimes in some records very much begins to figure dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with everyone others, cardiac longing and some not very definite desire. The template is that when such records are started, you can not doubt that other records will appear in the near future - entries of love. Dissatisfaction, longing, tomorrow is a kind of introduction to the subsequent love novel. This novel this with one or another "they" is also deployed not immediately: the desire of love precedes the love itself, and "he" usually does not immediately have obvious, but often it is even looking for.

Thus, a certain declaration in one or another subject is preceded by a more or less long condition, which could be called "finding in a state of readiness to fall in love." It turns out something very similar to the ripening process: the girl gradually becoming more and more matures for his lover. This process, as already mentioned, begins with discontent, dissatisfaction, cardiac longing, languor, and gradually passes into a more or less intensive quest "Him".

External incentives play, of course, role, but other than a little girl. Little girl (yes I will say such a patterned image) - a very immature bud, which strong external exposure deploats, sometimes very rude. A teen girl - almost ready to spread the bud, and here the external incentive (usually courtship) only awakens already in itself ready for awakening the mood. An external stimulus here is no longer a strong and rude push, but reserved, developer. Therefore, he may be insignificant in its strength. In my materials there is no shortage in the directions, as sometimes a small occasion, for example, a scene of a kiss in a movie, a scene in the novel read, powerfully wakes up the strongest love emotion. It is also characteristic and psychologically easily explained also often found in the materials expression: "I first felt myself a woman." For example: "I started the attention of some young man - I first felt myself a woman" or "once he kissed me. I still remember this kiss. It left a strong impression. I then felt myself a woman, and me His kiss was very pleasant. " It is precisely because the girl is sexually matured, so powerfully acts on her by itself a relatively weak erotic stimulus: "I was about 14-15 years old, when one unfamiliar strong man told me that I was already a girl that he had long turned to me Attention, and at the same time I firmly shook my hand above the elbow, took me at hand. I trembled, I wanted to indignant, but I was not indignant. I was incredibly hot, nice and a little shame. "

In preschool age, the sexual attraction awakens far from all, but in those whose it is awakened at this age, this happens under the influence of a very strong incentive incentive. On the contrary, at the age of puberty, sexual attraction is available in all women, and the external stimulus plays here only the role of an identity that already has already matured, and therefore may be weak in itself, and it will still be strong. This gives us the right to argue that the Mesnician disharmony between sexual maturity and sexual entry, existing to puberty, not the Eternal Law of Nature, but only the law of an imperfect medium, by chance or deliberately a prematurely erotic girl; In a more advanced environment, this disharmony may not be, and in such a medium, sexual attraction can develop simultaneously with sex ripening. Even in my materials available and then 23 out of 93 [women] deny cash in their memoirs of noticeable manifestations of sexual attraction to the period of puberty. This should be recognized as the norm in the sense that this is how the case is happening under adverse conditions.

But if this is the norm, then it should be recognized by normal just the type of sexual desire, which is specific in this case. It is love that is such a type of sexual attraction, while a little girl has sexual attraction appears primarily in a roughly sensual form.

Debating the psychology of love their other article *, I only briefly note the highlights of this psychology in this article; Moreover, only [insanity] because it comes to a young girl. The first premature is already known to us: this is a preceding period of dissatisfaction, cardiac longing, languor. Let's call this stage the stage of the need for love. It is psychologically characterized by a number of troubling experiences that are localized mainly in the heart area. At this point, a second point should be relatively soon, when the girl becomes very attentive to what belongs to love, and is highly sensitive to the corresponding stimuli. Let's call somewhat awkwardly the stage of love sensitization. As far as it was possible to see from memories and diaries, this stage ends usually several relatively light hobbies, sometimes completely insignificant, and through them goes to the next stage - in love, which I would prefer to call the staters of love eros, because for this stage the most characteristic - constant And a very strong desire for a loved one. Here are typical for this stage of a row of one memories: "I was looking for his meetings, all burned with this desire, but when I met, I was lost, it seemed to me that the whole world looks at me. Thoughts were all focused only on it, I do not have science Could ". The so-called first love was described so many times in the literature that we can completely limit ourselves to only one typical example, especially since in the general memories of this different subjects are quite similar: "I was 14-15 years old when I liked my brother's friend. I just wanted to play for us to play together, and most importantly, so that he did not give any of the girls to any of the girls than me. Especially I became boring in the evenings in the summer (the situation was located - a good shady yard, moon nights) , I did not have the desire to play with the girls. I was infinitely glad when he came to us with my brother, but I was very proud of myself, as if not wanting to talk to him, and then I could not sleep in bed, thinking about him . It was nice to listen to talk about him. "

* (This refers to the head of "Psychology of Love", which is not included in this publication.)

The love of a young girl or stops at this stage - the stage of love eros, a love desire, or goes to the next - the last - stage: the stage of love communication, puberty, and that is, in actually marriage relationships. The brake for the transition of love to this final stage, except for the consent of the partner, is mainly valid or represented as possible disapproval of the surrounding society. Movility, shyness, restraint, alpining, etc. Characterized for a very large number of cases of love eros of a teenage girl. But where the public environment does not give brakes, the last stage may come, that is, in the final result of Coitus or its surrogates, such as widely practiced methods of sexual communication without damage to Hymen.

Thus, in cases where the social medium does not eroticize a prematurely small girl, but on the other hand, and does not reward obstacles to the further development of the love eros of young girl, the following three main facts take place: 1) sexual attraction develops parallel to sex maturation, 2 ) It is manifested in the form of love and 3) the path to sexually rapprochement goes through love.

But the situation is far from always and even, on the contrary, rarely, since the social medium is, of course, is active in relation to the smaller girl. Thoring, on the one hand, the transition of love eros is a young girl in sexual communication (consideration of the consequences of this braking for the girl goes beyond this article), the public environment, on the other hand, eruptizes a little girl prematurely. In this case (and such cases, when a woman is eroticized to puberty, among my subjects 2/3 of all cases) at the age of puberty, it is quite often a kind of dualism: the love of a young girl and a primitive rude sexy life, which appears most often in representing onanism , form a two separate row. On the one hand, she loves and passes quite template the usual stages of girlish love; On the other hand, she is masturbating and presents rudely sensual scenes. This peculiar dualism sometimes flows peacefully: both rows are not mixed, so to speak, peacefully get along with each other. But such peaceful dualism is not always. In some cases, on the contrary, one row begins to influence the other. In my materials, the effect of primitive sexual series for love was most often observed. This influence affects both the pace of development of the love process and on the very nature of love. Love under appropriate conditions the rapid pace is committed to the final stage - sexual rapprochement, and in love experiences heavily acts on both in love dreams and in the ways of attracting a loving entity. Sensual moment. On the contrary, the influence of a love row on primitive-sexy was much less likely. As far as it was possible to trace, this influence was manifested in the fact that onanism was either weakened, or accompanied by a stronger struggle against masting, ascending a negative-emotional attitude towards him, etc., and [on the onanism) were particularly strongly avoided [ ] So that the favorite subject somehow turned out to be the subject of onanistic dreams.

A young girl already has well-known moral and aesthetic attitudes, which in some cases determine its sharply negative attitude towards roughly sensual incentives: "Stroking my breast scared me, and I was indignant ... On this day I felt a depressed, and I have a disgust for a long time. "," The type of depraved courtship has developed me dislikeing for men, fear them, caution "," the conversations of the girlfriends (for sexual themes) I was very frightened, I began to cry, they were frightened and stopped. "

These moral and aesthetic attitudes in the above examples had a protective value to a certain extent. But in some cases, their hypertrophy may result in injury. So, one correspondent reports how the kind of birth of kittens from the beloved cat made an amazing impression on it: subsequently "my seven-year marriage was a solid nightmare in the field of sexual relations because of the fear of childbearing and led in the full sense of the word to two broken lives, despite What we both deeply loved each other. "

V. We made chronological inconsistency in our presentation by making a jump from preschool childhood to the stage of puberty, having missed the childhood change of teeth. This MI was done with intent, so that the contrast of two ways to develop sex attractions from a woman. The first way is the path of parallelism between the sexy ripening and the development of sexual waste - can also be called through the endogenous development of sexual waste, since the latter develops mainly due to internal reasons (the process of puberty), and in this sense this path can be considered by the normal development of sexual entrays. . He comes from love for sexual communication. The second path is the path of pre-carefully, i.e. premature, the development of sexual entry under the influence of mainly exogenous factors (Wednesday); The path in this public environment is frequent, but nevertheless cannot be considered normal.

The period of changing the teeth is intermediate between the dairy child and the step of puberty. As such, he does not contain anything brightly specific. The sexual attraction at this age has one of the three following destinies: either it has not yet awakened a noticeable way, or it is manifested in a roughly primitive form, or finally, this is an early love. The girl of early school age has already grown enough, and therefore it is more stumbling, they are more shy; It has fewer cases be a evidence of roughly erotic scenes. As if it is less likely and the object of gross sexual encroachment. As a result, sexual attraction where it is awakened, it is usually manifested only in the form of onanism representing. It is this representing onanism that is a typical view of onanism for this age. At the same time, judging by the available materials, in this age, the most technique of masturbation is diversified.

However, at this age, the erotic influence of the children's company is stronger, primarily girlfriends. In the same way, very erotic external incentives at this age are much more activated by the girl. For example, out of 7 cases, when a small schoolgirl turned out to be a coitus witness "A, in 5 cases was then done by Coitus (of which in two cases with girlfriends and in one - with a brother). It can be argued that the influence of rude erotic external incentives is At this age, the most dangerous in the sense of direct impact on sexual behavior.

But such cases are still not frequent at this age. It is characteristic of it in cases where the sexual attraction is awakened, or the aforementioned representing onanism, or love and kisses. Let us dwell on the analysis of this early love (according to our materials, the age of shifting of the teeth accounts for about 1/4 of all the first inquirements, the rest - on the age of sexual ripening), developing, probably as a result of early puberty.

Most often, the subject of lover is a boy. Roman usually begins with friendship: "I was very friendly with one boy, I missed him when it was not. We often ran together, and I remember, I really liked to sit with him somewhere in a secluded corner." But often the novel of a small schoolgirl occurs in the form of "tease" in order to attract attention. For example: "Often fought, especially with one that I liked, I tried to tease him, push and this makes him pay attention to me. The last tool was to remove the cap from the head and run away, and then he caught me. I liked me when he was me I caught. " In our schools, teachers often pay attention to the groups where children are studying 11-13 years old, in cases of such "teases" by the boys with girls (and back - "bailiffs" of boys) and consider them "bad relationships" between boys and girls. Not rare teachers appealed to me for advice on these "bad relationships." We see now that these almost amouring relationships can hardly be considered bad.

I called this relationship "almost amur", because here we still have no case with the full development of love. The next story-memory can be considered typical for this early, I would say, germinal love: "At that time I was about 10-12 years old, and he was 15. Having arrived, we first quarreled. He destroyed all our plans for games. Then, Separating from us, I became pursued. Once, having met us, he, separating me from the girlfriends, told me that he did not like me for the fact that I did not agree with him and always argue, so he does not want to meet With me and wants to leave here. Then I did not argue with him, but at the same time I avoided him. After a little time, he called me with him into his room, saying that he wants to show me a book. But instead of the book he kissed me. I was very ashamed. Long, I could not meet him. Then I left (it was in the country). "

If in preschool childhood, love is generally absent, and in the maiden years, it is a culminating completion of it in the absence of brakes is sexual communication, then at the age of changing the teeth, the climax of early love is a kiss. It is usually characteristic of an ambivalent reaction: on the one hand, "I wanted to scream and hit it," shame and depression, and on the other, "it was pleasant", delight, excitement. The story is typical for these situations: "He quickly kissed me from behind in the neck. I broke out, and the blood was hot somehow rushed into my head. I got up and ran away. The rest of the evening I was not my own: some kind of delight and extraordinary Excitation. After a few days I was as hard as killed, and it seemed to me that some kind of bad thing happened. This boy I still met with great pleasure, but at the same time herself hiding from him. "

Kiss and generally love affairs at this age play the role of a strong causative agent. He, no matter how somewhat forces the development of the girl's love attraction, speeds up and strengthens this development. "Seeing the kisses, I wanted the same, but I was afraid of 14 years old that a child would be born from a kiss," "I sought to find a boy who would take me by the hand" - such memories often appear in my materials.

The first ages include the first mention of homosexuality. I have too little material for more or less wide conclusions, but something can still be argued, however, it is not so for the purpose of theoretical generalizations, as rather, in ordering the problem.

The mentioned cases of homosexuality at this age are sharply disintegrated into two completely different groups. The first group is rudely primitive sexual actions between girls, consisting mostly in reproducing seen or hearing coitus "a. This is a kind of experimentation, and it is characteristic that in one case I did not meet instructions on the duration of such classes. This gives the basis to bring similar experimenment With such phenomena, as a mutual viewing of the genital organs, with the name of their special names or training a friend to masturbation. It is unclear for me whether it is possible to attach all this to homosexualism. No facts indicating that this has served to further develop homosexuality, I do not have.

It is quite different about the case with another group of cases where homosexuality is already undoubted. All these cases are in love with a little schoolgirl in a woman, and in my materials this woman has always been an adult and almost always (except two cases) a teacher of the girl, and the most lover, or rather a reason for it, eccentric, outstanding. So, in one case, the girl falls in love with a pregnant teacher, moreover, so that "I accompanied it and met and, I confess, I was ready to kiss the edge of her clothes"; In another case, the girl was struck by a magnificent chest and hands with her by chance a naked teacher, etc. At the next age (phase of puberty) cases of homosexual lover become relatively frequent (much more often than in any other age of life), but the object Love here most often girlfriend.

Vi. In general, you can distinguish between two types of sexual entry development - premature and Suo Tempore *. Premature development occurs solely under the influence of the external environment. This environment is far from indifferent in this respect to a small girl. It is often aggressive in relation to the girl: her senior boys encourage her to exhibitionism and sexy games, her girlfriends are corrupted, finally, sometimes they are excited sexually, consciously or unconsciously, adult men. But also where the environment is sexically not aggressive to the child, she sometimes careless with him, shameless, making a little girl with a witness of the most erotic scenes. Where we have a premature awakening of sexual attraction in the girl, the reason should be searched primarily in external incentives, and not in a problematic "hypersexual constitution". These incentives are usually very real and easily relatively discovered, while the notorious Constitution is still only a hypothesis, hypothetical X. Even maternity in this age, very different from a simple maternal maneerism, the genetic basis of its dream has a certain external incentive.

* (Suo Tempore (Lat.) - Timely, at one time.)

This premature development of sexual entraint has a number of harmful psychological consequences, not to mention physical harm. In the event that the stimulus alarm opened negative emotions, sexual phobias develop, disgust for sexual act, etc. If, on the contrary, this incentive was pleasant, it develops to premature sexual communications, so to speak, is presented, more primitive , more elementary subsequently love, thereby clearing complex cultural content. Thus, the question of organizing a sexually healthy environment for a child is acute.

In the event that this environment does not exist eruptizes the girl, the sexual attraction is awakened by endogeneously at the age of sexual maturation, while not in the rude primitive forms of elementary sexual attraction, but in the form of love. Initially, it is developing vaguely, then more clearly conscious need for love. This need entails a little later than the search for the subject of love and after finding his lover. So, consistently with the internal necessity, the stages of the love needs, love sensitization and the search for a love eros (aspiration) are passed, and under the appropriate conditions of sexual convergence. Wednesday plays an incomparably less role here. The main role here is not a writer, since the need for love wakes up mainly due to internal reasons. But this does not mean that its role here is generally insignificant. It affects partly on the formation of a love taste, more accurately, on the individual features of it. In addition, it plays the role of the brake when passing by the love of the above-mentioned stages, especially the last two. Appropriately organizing the Wednesday, we can influence one way or another both the course of love and the choice of the object of love.

VII. Analysis of the brightest sexual impressions of the girl makes it possible to draw up to a certain extent an idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of child sexuality.

Sometime, one of the types of disharmony of nature, one of the types of disharmony of nature considered the disharmony between the sexual ripening and long before him with an awakening sexual activation. He considers this disharmony as if the law of nature. In fact, such a law of nature is not: almost a third of the women responded by me, sexual attraction awakened only during puberty.

Normally, sexual attraction awakens only during puberty. This is normal we have in some cases. But how are the cases of completely healthy people, so exactly not frequent and these normal cases. They are more in a sexually healthy environment, and there are few of them in a sexually unfavorable environment. Therefore, the frequency of these cases is very much varied depending on the conditions of the education of the girl - the degree of its inactivity, housing conditions, behavior with it and with it, the conditions for its bedroom, etc. In some conditions, all 100% of girls in preschool age can already have sex a life. But it is quite conceivable that in other conditions such girls can be 0%.

Abnormally, if sexual life (including sexual attraction) appears before puberty. "Undormatically" is that it only happens only under the influence of extraordinary external incentives or in cases subject to psychopathology. We need very strong erotic stimuli that a small preschooler awakened a sexual attraction. In the vast majority of cases, girls are either direct impact (in one or another) on their genitals, or sharply erotic scene. Stimulus strong in erotic terms, but primitive.

In sexual terms, the preschool is still quite primitive, both by virtue of its sexual immaturity and due to the general insufficient development. Therefore, it is excited only by strong and primitive incentives. It primitably and reacts to these incentives - onanism or heteroerotic acts.

Unlike onanism in the earliest childhood, onanism in preschool age from a psychological point of view is more complicated. Psychological scheme of early childish onanism: masturbation + pleasure. It is just a pleasant procedure, first, in all likelihood, peripheral origin, and then gradually turning into a pleasant habit. However, from solving the issue, as far as the onanism is accustomed to, i.e. it becomes an already habit, I shy away, because I do not have enough actual material. Perhaps, it is possible in the form of a hypothesis to be verified, to assume that at this age, the habit of making is not yet resistant. The grounds for such a hypothesis: 1) This age is generally characterized by a comparative instability of habits (the child is easily repulsed), 2) an external stimulus and therefore it is easier to eliminate.

Other is the psychological scheme of onanism in preschool age: erotic representation + masturbation \u003d pleasure. Here the stimulus is already central (presentation). So far, it is an idea (and it is also animated with the memory, then it is reproduced), there will be a stimulus to masturbation. If an elementary feeling was encouraged in an early childhood in early childhood, simple pleasure from masturbation, and the object of exposure was external genital organs, then in preschool age, an erotic imagination appears on the forefront and the genitals are initiated first from the inside under the influence of this imagination. Thus, here the sexual excitation is no longer peripheral, but central origin. Hence the conclusion: if in the early childhood measures against masturbation is extremely physical, then in preschool age, one measures are not enough, measures and psychological are needed.

Where it is not limited to only onanism, usually, usually, in the absence of supervision and initiative of older children, and other sexual deeds. Most often this or imitation in one form or another form of sexual intercourse, or passive exhibitionism. These imitation are usually a kind of sexual imitative game, sometimes pretty (but not very) complex dramatization (for example, known sex games in Pope and Mom). The role of the imitation is obvious here. I call the girl's passive exhibitionism at the request of his game partners (for example, a well-known sex game in the "Doctor"). Thus, sexual reactions at this age are primitive and rudely sensual. It is easily explained by the fact that the psychology of preschool people is still quite primitive.

The initial incentive of child sexuality at this age is external. In the future, this sexuality is supported by either a sense of pleasure experienced as a result of relevant procedures, or also imagination and memory. But what psychological experiences, on the contrary, impede the development of sexual behavior at this age? Already almost from the very beginning to sexual experiences of a little girl, fear joins, when she herself or people close to her become the subject of coarse sexual attacks, when it is afraid of discovering forbidden sex games. This or fear before the attack, which can sometimes be a sexy attack on her or people close to her, or the fear of being caught during the forbidden action. Somewhat later, as the public behavior and the consciousness of a little girl develops, they begin to perform on the first place shame, in the future - disgust, a complex feeling, the main component of which, according to Bane *, are fear and hatred. Fear before the encroachment on her body, the fear of social repression (punishment, condemnation, etc.), and sometimes hatred of the encroachment - that, judging by me, the main experiences that are paralyzed by sexual pleasure at this age. If the fear we define as an emotional reaction to the upcoming trouble, and hatred is like an emotional ratio of combating the source of trouble, then from a genetic point of view, such evolution of sexuality can be represented as a paralysis of sexual pleasure to anticipating trouble related to him. Amalgam of sexual excitement and fear is common at this age.

* (Ben, Alexander (1818-1903) - English philosopher and psychologist, one of the representatives of associative psychology. He studied the patterns of mental processes, emotions and will, feelings and intelligence. A number of his work translated into Rus. Yaz.: "On the study of character." St. Petersburg, 1866; "Psychology", vol. 1-2. M., 1902-1906, etc.)

Although the material available in my disposal is insufficient for quite categorical statement, still it gives some reason to assume that the sexuality of a small girl who excited from the outside of a strong erotic stimulus is silent to a certain extent if it is not supported by the corresponding incentives from the outside. If you can say so, the child begins to forget this impression, the memory of it weakens and ceases to eroticize the child. In this case, sexual experiences turn out to be a transient episode in the life of a preschool girl: an erotic medium stimulated her, but further, if there is no such influence of the environment, the girl begins to live normally for this age life. According to the testimony of some subjects, they have stopped even the onanism.

In this case, there is not even the active "quest" of an erotic stimulus, a sex object, which is typical for later age. This "quest" usually happens only at the first time after the primary incentive: the child seeks not to sleep and spy on the shared bedroom of the sexual intercourse of parents, climbs sex games, etc. But if the medium no longer gives nutrient material for considerable time, such active Attempts seem to be freezing.

But unfortunately, there are, of course, and such cases when the environment gives a child the opportunity to have sexual incentives and receive appropriate satisfaction. Then sexual experiences become familiar, more or less permanent, moreover in elementary sensual form. It is characteristic that all those mentioned by me at the beginning of this article surveyed women, leading sexually lifestyle, had just such a pre-school childhood.

VIII. Already above, we have shown that younger school age is sexually transitional in the sense that we find here or primitively sensual manifestations of sexuality, like preschoolers, or in love, similar to adolescent age. In the second case, we have an early, premature awakening of love.

I chose 10 very developed intellectually women, moreover, those who, according to them, and in childhood intelligently exceeded the peers, and asked about the time of their first lover. I made the same in relation to 10 women, the most stupid intellectually. In the questions, I thoroughly emphasized that we are talking about in love, and not about a simple sexual interconnection. As a result, it turned out that the first lover took place in the prequisite age in 6 women of the first category and only one - the second category. Based on this, it is possible to make an assumption that in love, as a relatively complex experience, implies an already known degree of mental development, but the latter is not, of course, the only condition. On the other hand, in my small material I did not find any noticeable connection between primitive-sensual sexuality in younger school age and mental development. Often, such sexuality was a continuation of similar sexuality in preschool age.

A relatively complex erotica of love and a kiss, characteristic of adolescent, and sometimes for pre-childhood, apparently is not related to continuous development thread with primitive-sensual sexuality of younger age. In the ontogenetic evolution of the roots of love are branched in more complex phenomena than primitive sexual sensuality. At the same time, as the sexuality of a small girl is commonly product of erotic influences from the environment, love is, rather, the product of maturation, and not the environment plays here the main role: if for a little girl a strong sexual impression is usually breaking from the outside as if impromptu It is completely unprepared, then a teenager girl needs love, willingness to fall in love commonly precede the love itself.

The teen girl herself is aware of the vast majority of cases between the experiences of love and primitive-sensual sexual experiences. Moreover, it is often overwhelming this difference as antagonism. It is characteristic of many teenage girls that just at this age develops the need for love and lover, on the one hand, and sharply negative attitude (most often in the form of disgust) to sexual attacks on the part of others. Even more and more, the path of love becomes the only way to sexual life. Since in the future psychology of love I dedicate a special study, now it's not in the details of young love.

Erotic gereras and erotic conversations are also typical for this age. Dreams are like love and primitive sensual content. Love dreams, judging by retrospective stories and diaries, according to their content, usually or fantasies about love luck (sometimes about death - about the posthumous, if you can put it, good luck, for example, when the beloved regrets it), or repeated memories, as if Again the experience in various variations of various cases of proximity to the subject of love. Typically, these dreams proceed in the sphere of consciousness (in any case, normal), only occasionally descending into the sepure of the seafood and even a dream. As for the dream of primitive-sensual content, they, on the contrary, are most often happening when they are, in dreams or (less often) in half a heart and are worried about the girl (at least that which sexual experiences first appeared only in adolescence) Not as a product of her conscious will, but [as] what her will should even fight, in any case, as something involuntary. In full of waking state, these dreams are usually associated with masturbation.

Analyzing the sexual experiences of a teenage girl, we meet with a love as the most common look at this age of these experiences. But the analysis of early love was easier to produce if a general psychological analysis of love was previously produced. Unfortunately, psychological science does not differ in the number and quality of such tests. Therefore, we need to produce it yourself, so that, against the background of a general psychological analysis of love deeper and clear, consider the originality of the love of a teenager.

IX. But before parting with the theme of this article, several more questions should be touched. Almost any popular book on the sexual matter is paying a lot of attention to children's questions about the origin of man. In my material I did not find any case when this question arose in a child in connection with sexual experiences. For a small child, this question is not sexy, but scientific; It is based on not sexual, but an ordinary theoretical interest in origin. In an adult, such interest would lead to familiarization to one degree or another with embryology or obstetrics. But the child has a question about the origin - the question is not growth and development, but (in the vast majority of cases) the question of origin in the local sense: "Where am I from (or just a born child, etc.) took, appeared?" Sexual this question is not by itself, but as a result of those explanations that the child receives. Environment (girlfriends, nanny, etc.) often uses this child's question for erotic conversations with him about Coitus "E, and sometimes for direct corruption.

Similarly, the view of Coitus "A domestic animals in itself does not eroticizes not yet informed in the sense of this act of a child, but only causes interest and the question.

But again, the same environment often uses this issue for erotic conversations with the child. The other thing is already "enlightened" child: a similar type of animal sometimes eruptizes slightly.

Freudism greatly exaggerated and to a certain extent distorted the sexual nature of children's research on the difference in floors, at least in relation to the girls. There is no case in my material when the opening of the gender difference eroticized the girl in itself. Eroticization of the girl in such cases occurs in a completely different context. Most often, and more the intensive all this erotization occurs when the girl finds out (sees) the sexual difference of the boy, but, on the contrary, when the boys find out (see) her sexual difference. Stripping clear and pointing when she (her genitals) is a subject of viewing. In cases where it exists here, the latter is in the suggestion to consider it. Inconsistently less often, the girl is erootized as not an object, but a subject of viewing.

In the same way, judging by the testimony of respondents, the first menstruation for the girl, rather, a medical or aesthetic question, and not sexual.

The shocking case that occurred in the village of Elovka showed how cruel and cynical can be children

In the village of Elovka, Irkutsk district, the children were sophisticated over the five-year-old Masha. The nightmare for the child lasted at least three hours. The girl was dragged into the forest and forced to undress the devil. Then, frightening Masha in the spirit of a dead woman, schoolgirls carried out their sexual and sadistic fantasies. The baby was forced to swear that she would not tell anyone about what happened in the forest for several hours. But the girl did not hold back and told adults, where she had bruises and scratches on the whole body.

"She did not go. This we dragged her. "

An eleven-year-old Julia and nine-year-old Sasha are friends since childhood. At that Monday, August 11, the girls decided to stroll around the village. Together with them, the five-year-old Slavik and Masha went. Masha girls disliked. In particular, according to adults, Yulia did not love her. The girl, as they themselves confess, often did not obey them, could call, hit. When the plan was ripe, which girls eventually carried out, it is difficult to understand from their coming story. Sasha and Julia are talking about what happened in the forest, in turn, rebuilding, waiting for each other in a lie, sometimes running in the chronicle of events and confused when the pronunciation of words.

We went to bathe dogs on the bridge, - starts the story of the older girl Julia, - and then rose to the mountain, to the forest. Masha went with us, we did not call her. And then decided to go to the forest. Masha did not want to go, we ourselves dragged her. Girls, as they tell, took a child in their arms and dragged into the forest. Masha began to resist, slippers fell from it, but it was decided to bring to the end. "I let her go, and I kept Julia," Sasha says. "This Julina was an idea - to take her to the forest."

The thought of committing such a goule came to the head, according to her, on Sunday. Then she once again quarreled with a little Masha and struck her. For this mom's mother bought off Julia. It was the main claim to Masha. After all, the child promised not to tell his mother about the fight. Looking ahead, let's say that I "passed" a hooligan not Masha, but saw all this neighbor.

Julia began to ask Masha, why she told all mom, - Sasha's forest events retells. "Then I pushed her out and slapped on my head." Masha fell and began to cry.

Adult games

Girls began to scare a baby "White Baba". In the village for naughty children, they invented the legend of a dead girl, the spirit of which wanders around the surroundings in search of the groom. Older children already understand that this is a fiction, but it had an impact on Masha.

Having turned away from the child, the girls passed the requirements of the "white women". "At first, White Baba said that the court would now be," they tell. Masha cried, but did not fully fulfill the requirements of girls.

First, Masha had to take off the dress. Then the "White Baba", under the threat of the fact that he would not let go of the girl home, forced the child to undress completely. "Her things carried Slavka, and I took Tuzika," Sasha recalls. "Masha didn't want to go further, but we said that there would be another court." The girl was led to the pni and forced the pleasure, "What women get during sex," explains Mom Sasha.

Then we said that you need to go to the cross. Masha did not know how it was, we showed her.

Girls demonstrate that it was necessary to lie on the ground, spreading his arms and legs. All this time, Masha was divided and barefoot. Things were not given to her, they did not offer to dress - a lot was still ahead. Julia, from the words of Sasha, forced the child to crawl on all fours, dragged her by the hair, forced the mushrooms found in the forest. Then followed even more sophisticated "torture." Later, Glory and Julia pissed Masha in his mouth. "Masha almost chokes, she cried. I was terribly watching, "says Sasha.

Then other knowledge of sexual life was applied ... A little time, Julia tried to set fire to Masha's shin on the lighter, which was drawn from the house - nothing happened. Further, Julia, from the words of Sasha (Julia did not deemed anything), pushed the girl to earth, began to kick and walk on her, beat stick.

Then the children threw Masha with branches and sticks. At that moment a man was held through the forest. Girls and glory hid behind the bushes, Masha under a bunch of branches remained unnoticed.

Sorry and not sorry

Sasha offered to let go of the girl: "I said that Masha hurts, and Julia said:" I'm on the fig. "

Julia, didn't you feel sorry for Masha, she cried?

Yes, it is a pity, but not sorry. Fifty fifty, - says 11-year-old schoolgirl.

From the stories of the girl it becomes clear that Julia has been the initiator, Julia has put forward demands, Julia said what to do Sasha, Julia more often and most of the birth of a child, Julia led the actions of little glory, hung the child to the "Tarzanka". The girl herself did not deny this and even added details. "Then I got to Julia that the car would kill us," and the girls came up with history: Masha had to say that she was beaten by a six-year neighbor.

Everyone in shock from the actions of girls, who everyone knows as good guys, diligent schoolgirls. Girls are grabbed by the heads - where does such dirt come from in their children brought up in love, affection, weakness. Parents, everyone in their own way, punished the daughters for this nightmare, to which they subjected to a five-year-old baby, and are now waiting for the arrival of the police.

Let them come and ask them, "Sasha's mother is militant. - And how else to explain to them that what happened, does not fit in any framework! How to punish them, how to convey? I am ashamed - I want to fall through the earth. In the village I try not to go out at all: my daughter imagined it!

You are not afraid that now will you put on records in the commission on juvenile affairs? We asked in small criminals.

Scary, - Girls are quite indifferent, most likely not to understand the seriousness of the act.

Mom with the injured girl went to the hospital, took off the beatings. It is said that the baby has the whole body in bruises and scratches. On how the child's mentioned mental development will affect the further mental development, now it is difficult to say even physicians.

P.S. All surnames changed.

How to punish

Yulia Vereshchagin, Inspector on the Department of Internal Affairs of the Irkutsk District:

Now this fact is conducted by checking, which will last ten days. Girls suspected of a crime will be invited to the commission in ATC in the Irkutsk district. Without a doubt, they will be registered. Material in production, but it is already known that the fact of the child's arson was not confirmed.

Don't do without adults

Oksana Savchuk, psychologist of the Institute of Pediatrics and Reproduction, Senior Researcher:

Sex and aggression are one of the basic needs of a person. They have every child. An adult is able to control both sexual, and aggressive needs, whereas a child has a skill to modify "straight" desires should be developed by parents in childhood. Adults must explain what is good and that it is bad that it is possible and what it is impossible. The most important thing that certain bans are stable to have the surrounding adults behave as they teach this child.

Only then in a small man will appear inner morality. Be sure to control the video that the child is watching: check the discs that he brings home to ensure that he looks on TV. So that the child did not receive the information on his weak psyche with which he will not cope.

Who are they

Svetlana Ponomareva, teacher of school village Elovka:

This is a great shock for us. After all, both girls grow in prosperous families. Sasha has a complete family, Yuly raises mom, grandmother and grandfather. It is surprising that in this situation the reserve, let's say, was Julia. Although at school she, on the contrary, looks more "slave" girl. Sasha, on the contrary, a child with solid beliefs. But in this situation, apparently, age played the age - Julia older and somewhere bolder.

Not the first time

Julia tells that this is not the first case when she tormented the girl. Two years ago, with the help of a friend, she lowered her to the cesspool toilet. And then, in order to launder the child, dipped into a barrel with water.

"Do not tell anybody"

Taking an oath that Masha will not tell anyone what it was, continuing the stumps and humiliation, the company returned home. The baby rushed to his relatives, the girls fled at home. After a few minutes, all events became known to mother Masha. The woman rushed to seek the offenders - taped Julia for his ear. We note, now, a few days later, the girls play again all together on a pile of sand. "We asked for forgiveness from Masha, and she forgive us," they say. It remains to hope that the children's consciousness will strike out all the heads that happened.

7:05 - 13.10.2016 / 6059 views

Information about the stepfather of the rapist caused a response from many users in the social network. Children were silent because they were afraid of mom's life. This story prompted the screenwriter Svetlana Taaiko Talk about your experience in the social network. Open and freely. Her story caused a squall of comments and reviews. That is not suspecting, the light revealed a hole. Thank you for it. Yes, this topic is unpleasant, it is inconvenient, and we try not to think about it. Apparently, in vain. Svetlana informed Sakhaday that many began to write to her:

"All these beautiful, successful, funny girls are moms, wives, lonely - everyone has their own wound. All these memories of women blocked in memory and try not to think about them. Almost every woman is a surviving girl with her story. "
Below the history of Svetlana itself and the story sent by it by the social network users. History №1. Uncle Yasha is not a rapist, and Shalun I I do not know what kinds of pedophiles are subdivided, but Uncle Yasha was not a rack. He was one of those Shaluns who rub into confidence and draw the game. ABOUTneither moved from somewhere and became our neighbors. Our moms were classmates, so they became close to us. An atypical family at the time for me: Mom Sakha, Pope Bashkir, older daughter from the first marriage of Sakha and the youngest - from Bashkira. A very cheerful family was, they began to gather classmates Mom. Just moved the same - so many sites. Me, 10-year-old, brought from the eldest - the same age should be friends, they said. We began to be friends. The only snag - she was Russian-language, like everyone else in their family. He studied in the Russian school. But this is the best practice. FROMabout the time I began to understand that the eldest of them as a housekeeper and nannies for younger. Her day was filled with farm and child care. It did not interfere with us to paint the time for games, the parents were all day at work, and she dragged with the younger and, like any girl, playing with us in children's games. By evening, her house was pribran, dinner ready, sister is clean and fed W.she was bad, she was left for the second year, honestly lagged in knowledge, she did not read books, it really stupid, she had a crash in his studies. Yes, it was impossible to consult on the lessons and share the opinion of the read, but she knew how to whiten the lingerie and how much time to cook spaghetti Pit was eraidically in a stupor. It will freeze and looks at one point. And universal sadness in this glance. I remember one conversation. She sits and says: - Happy you, Svetka. - Yes, and Cho? - Nicho. Happy you. Svetka-squirrel. I looked at my hands ...
ABOUTduples on the beach she suggested playing a gynecologist. And we all played with hunting and interest. Sand, leaves, twigs, mirrors went to move. She taught how to play, but the children did not understand that it was an alarming bell - someone had already played this "wonderful" game. It is not you banal mother's daughters
INrusheh she was - the science fictions would be disconnected. At school, she had no friends. But it was perceived by me just - the newcomer who complains something, plus the stars from the sky lacking, the beauty-well-talent-charisma-society does not shine. And she became close in the neighborhood, and parents were friends. And my personal girlfriends did not complain her. Strange she and not even M.aT adored his skinny puchglase man, dust blown. The youngest daughter is the same poureglase and skinny. Capricious kingdom. The eldest took care of her, but at times he was twisted, until the parents are not in childish, and she is helpless - Gorky cried. Then she calmed down and persuaded not knocking parents, and she will do something to her, fulfill her whim. She agreed to the senior sister. For me it was amazing, I did not care about my sister, but never beat.
M.they worked at her refueling, on duty. And then the children remained with dad. Uncle Yasha was a cool dude - always played with the hunt with the children, hired, dragged with them. Kind very. And when Mom left to dudge, the girlfriend called me to my spending on the night. It should be noted that my dad, my harsh, never played with us, did not pick up, I will not take the knees, it will not hurt, does not kiss. Never. We had a nonstinking with him. And Uncle Yasha is so cool! With him so fun! He has so many games, you can ride it, you can jump on it
AND Here I went to them with the night. It was very fun. I liked you to spend the night. Even more dad liked the girlfriend. She was robust, limited, and dad them - such a careful, kind, mixed, fed. My dad, so that I fed? And I gained to them. Dad slept with younger, and we with my girlfriend
ABOUTlady - the criterion is such - when I already, as he believed, fell under his influence, suggested playing "in the attack". The girlfriend was laughed, they consulted each other with each other, then they decided - I will understand and imbued. I realized that it was horror which interesting game for dedicated stated that this is a secret game, which cannot be said about anyone. It will be our secret. The prime view of the friend suggested that the game is really clown. And I agreed - always dreamed of playing with his dad, but never happened. And Uncle Yasha is so funny! Remember, there were caida - type Tulle on a pillow, beauty is unpretentious, rustic interior chip ANDit was necessary to go at night, go to bed. Baby three-year-old fell asleep. We also lay down. Everyone was handed over to the attacks and lanterns. It turned out, these are ordinary hide and seek, just need to hide naked, reaching the cud. I didn't like the idea of \u200b\u200bremoving the panties, but (!) It didn't scare in any way. Everything is cheerful, it means that the game is worth it. But resolutely refused to undress and remained in his children's yellow cowals. FROMbegan it was necessary to look for Uncle Yasha. With a flashlight. On the dark big house. At this place was an understanding that I do not want to find it. If only it would not find, just not to find. But I continue to walk around the house and shake the lantern. And then the cheerful scream of girlfriends: Svetkaaa, grappaaaay, so he! Here! INfrom he stuck past in the attack, so he ran to the bed, here it is enough to the girlfriend and brings on the bed. I call me: help me, help, go here! I go on cotton legs in this stupid attachment and see that a friend lies at the stepfather and has the main goal to disrupt the attack from him. Circle laughter and fun. Help me, Sterling, Sterling, Watch Lantern! I am aiming the light, I look at the most unprecedented Hapsagai and stand in a stupor. This terrible hairy bare body concerns my girlfriend, which is 10 years old. I get bad, especially from what she likes it. She throws on him and tries to grab between the legs, and I accidentally see a huge black hairy monster there. He seemed to be fed, filled with laughter. The girlfriend got to the goal of the game, shone the lantern and screamed: I won! Won. E.if she had shouted and asked for help, everything would be as part of my understanding. And she was worn, and she was inserted not in childish. The game in which she played a long time ago. And my worldview was confused. I could not understand for a short time, where the norm and which of us is normal.
TOak and in any game of hide and seek, now she hid. After some time, visges and buses began under the parent bed. They were definitely fun. The girlfriend was fighting, kicking, but did not cry, but laughed. Such a game. Only me remained. Where to? Where to hide? I began to run in the dark, and not clogged into the corner. In this stupid attack and yellow cowards on thin legs. Winter is on the street. Small mining moving around the house - and now! He grabs me and pours on the bed
T.the next, small, hairy, begins to try to pull the attack, I am a meant, girlfriend joyful shines with a lantern. He gets to the cowarders, and I understand that this is the end of the world. End of light. Under the light of the lantern AND Here something went wrong in their gaming life. I start hysterical. Howl. Tears. The youngest wakes up. Begins to swell too. It's all in a mad, you spoiled such a game.
INkey light. I do not know what kinds of pedophiles are divided, but Uncle Yasha was not a rapist, judging at this point. He is from Shalun, who rubs in trust and pulls into the game.
Postroom night I began to get home, but I was not allowed - Uncle Yasha locked the door. I could not stop and cried, and only in the morning I fell asleep. He was not angry, did not beat, but tried to calm down. Girlfriend in general in misunderstandings, clearly thinks that I am strange. I wake up in the morning, he fuses in the kitchen. Already light, I need to go to school. Must let go, the mother will soon come. Uncle Yasha is sitting at the table. Prepared eggs with sausage, poured tea. I never did a dad. But already perceived everything differently
I I sit, unable to move. And then Uncle Yasha falls on his knees and really cries! Takes my hands into your hairy sinful hands and kisses them, crying. Forgive me, I'm sorry! Nothing parents say, promise that you will not say. Your dad will immediately kill me - do you want him to go to jail? So that you are because of me, urodes, remained orphans? Do you know what prison is? He will die there. And my children and wife? They will be disgraced, how do they live after that? Aunt Lyuba will kill himself, and children will be orphans. And all this can do you. And how will you live after that? You misunderstood everything, it seemed to you, and if you say, then all this will be on your conscience.
AND I did not say. I could not take so many deaths on myself right away. But my behavior has changed. My interests became others. My drawings became other. I stopped walking towards them. I really wanted parents to find out. But they were slightly in 30, they have their own business from morning to evening. Once they found my sex comics behind a mirror in a slit on the wall and ... rzhali. I came home, on the table - naked man and woman drawn by me. Mom with dad ask that this is what I am a terrible girl, I will not walk more in the movie. But something bothered to dig deeper? BUT What happened to that girl and with this family, you ask. At some point, the aunt Lyuba in his duty began to send eldest to relatives. I never believe that she did not guessed the freak, with whom the bed was divided. And once they all went to Tatarstan on holidays on his homeland. They brought a aunt to any in the zinc coffin. Said, drowned. And here, you know, I do not believe it. So I see wet hairy hands in the water. The man normally lives his century, do not judge the fate of children is not known to me. We have already moved to another place. And I chose not to think about them. And in his life it would be possible to figure it out after that case - and that success. History №2. Subscription-rapist M.they moved, and my mother took me to a new school. As I remember, I opened the door and pushed, went English lesson. I have already had 13 years old, with my scarce, but baggage experience. I already smoked, seen adult films. Immediately noticed the girl - sooo beautiful. I think, then then go to the podiums. Probably she is the Queen of the school. What is there! From the first change, I realized that the attitude towards it is strange. Girls kept her tender (envy, thought), her boy was tormented by a boyish slaughter (attention paid, thought). TOorol, my first minute was attached to me. I am surprised. We began to go to school together and from school. She told about some Sailayk - according to her stories, it was the paradise on earth. Here, in the village, it's not like life, whether it is in Saiveyk! I have never been there and imagined that it is a type of Moscow, New York - something inaccessible. She was not in a hurry home. I wanted to communicate all the time, sitting on the shore. And to communicate, as it turned out very quickly, is nothing. W.she cleaned her badly, slowed down, I didn't understand the elementary things, I took my time, and soon she fell apart - the beauty stopped seeing. I understand the men who are conducted on the external, but remove the verdict: the dummy, and go. Overalling, I left. And she remained alone. I remember, she dressed cleanly, but she smelled badly. The body smelled of outcast. You know, skunks to defend, source, and people have it. If there are no other ways.
ABOUTon, too, periodically fell into a stupor. Froze. This was similar to the first girl. And then in the glass eyes there was fear. But when you are a child, you are not to other people's problems. With your own it. I did not understand that with her not. I thought that not mine, I was not interested with her. And after three years she was pregnant. And almost after her - her sister is native. The sister also lagged her studies, too, did not know how to be with the children. And only then I had to admit that Issi-Mudakought them for many years! And everyone knew about it, could not but know !!! And if the girls were not pregnant and did not give birth, it would not be publicity.
E.he condemned. They say it has long been released, lives. History №3. Friend Father E.the light of the world sent a friend.
"She is fragile, beautiful, such - only take care and wear in their arms, pamper, mother, wife," Svetlana wrote about the author of the letter.
"Procked these stories and remembered what happened to me. When I was 5 years old, we lived with my mother and dad in a private house next to the father's friend who lived with his elderly mother. All the children of our street walked to visit them, as the grandmother gave candy to children. Her son, dad friend, was a driver of Kamaz and often ride us on his car.
Pomnila his face is only in places. But I remember his hands and how he touched me "there" when I came to them. As he showed his "this" and said that I touched him.
INi spoke it all just a year later, when I came home to Pope and there were his friends there. And Dad said, remember here (his name), he catches you on Kamaz in childhood ... I had a hysterical, I put everything about it all right there! And this man began to deny everything, and the dad was angry, said that he could not be! And I wanted to simply "believe," because I don't want to remember this. But I think that I'm not alone I remember, since the kids on our street there was a lot. Now I am writing this and the hands are trembling. The precipitate and the result of this is, I do not want to write what, I just shame it to admit it. " History №4. Uncle History from hope: "FROMa small step, today I think about these children all day and remembered the episode of my life, which I turn out far away. Was visiting the aunt on their dacha (I think it was 11-12 years old, hardly less), rose to the second floor, and there her husband sits (then he was 50 years old) and he called himself, began to ask about what Yes, and touch for the chest ... I was afraid and ran down.
I did not say anyone - I did not want to upset the aunt.
Now I understand that thank God, I didn't go to them from the night. Mom has already told about this episode when he matured. There was no reaction from it, it seems to be missed and did not know what to do. " History №5. Stepfather Also from sentlight sent: " M.not for 30. No children. There was no intelligent relationship with men. Although I am adequate, caring and beautiful woman. When my relationship collapsed once again, I went to a psychologist. Wake up your cockroaches. I went to the trance course. I thought I will lie in the hypnotic trance and I will understand what I am doing wrong in my personal life. But in practice screamed on the whole hall: "Mom, I hate you, bitch" ... amazing, but not because I suddenly remembered the reason for this hatred. It is surprising that this pain is sitting in me so far, it turns out. Pain from her betrayal. FROMhow many years ago ... I'm 22. Still live with my mother, sister and stepfather. Simply no relationship yet. Yes, and that sin to hone - the girl is home me. I still can not walk later 21:00. Total control in everything. Mom saves me. We live together. I care for everyone. Mom and stepfather careerists. They have no time. I do lessons with my sister. I cook. Contain a house and a family wardrobe clean (life of life is excellent: and now I can podrook 10 men's shirts literally for 30-40 minutes). All perfectly. We are happy family. Somehow went on an anniversary to relatives. My parents are ridiculous - dancing, having fun. In the same raised mood we go home. Mom immediately goes to sleep. Sister watching TV. I go to the shower. Wechi smoke in the kitchen. Stops me and says about the following:
"You are a woman of my dreams. Beautiful, smart, clean. I waited so long until you grow up. Waited. I want us to finally be together "... I experienced shock, I will give everything that I told him about my mother and sister ... I ran away to the night from the house to the girlfriend. And there, in silence and security, under beer, I was covered ... and I remembered ...
C.that was how many years ago. I am 11 or 12 ... New Year's Mom's friends and her Uhager (then he was not her husband yet). I want to sleep, and we leave to sleep in his apartment, on its territory. My mom and we sleep on the same bed. He is on the floor. But at some point he wakes up and (through mom !!!) begins to touch me. Everywhere. THERE. I am a chain. Move, pushing into the wall. I understand that mom does not sleep. I do not understand how long she listens it. Finally, she wishes him. Then, after a couple of days, she forces him to apologize in front of me. It costs a huge, under 2 meters tall, smelling expensive cologne, in a well-headed shirt, a handsome man, by the way, asks for forgiveness. And my mother whispers in the ear: "Forgive him. He was drunk. He treats us so well "... and I forgive ... Memories are interrupted. Pfrom my 13 ... We ride a slide. The sun hits my eyes. I laugh at all the throat when he catches me. I feel happiness. I love him ... I do not remember how it happened. I remember only the result. He is God for me. I love the smell of his cologne, the smell of his cigars, he is the smartest, most delightful. I love to stroke his shirts, catching his look like a dog ... He gives me the first gold jewelry, beautiful clothes, perfume ... Mama also gives. We both are the same gifts go. The little sister grows by an ordinary child ... Memories are broken ... M.not 22. I drink beer at your girlfriend in a half-empty apartment and roar. Roar from shock. How could I forget everything ??? How could mom forget everything? Or not to see? Encourage? ... Then I just left the house. A few years later, Mom's marriage and stepfather fell apart, he left to live in another city. And decided to talk with mom. I then asked her only one question: "For what?" She said: "Well, you are so dramatizing. These were the 90s, I needed support. And he treated you so well, helped us, paid your studies. " Curtain. Mom, I do not respect you. L hate you". History №6. Old man
"Piosmo girl is beautiful, bright, cheerful, talented, successful, "from the letters of light.
Pthe donkey reading all the stories decided to write to you. In my childhood, there were also cases. M.there was no approximately 5-6 years, maybe even less, since I went to kindergarten. Not all children's memories remained in my memory, but it will never forget. At some point it pops up before your eyes. Once I am very sick very much, I did not quit at all, my parents decided to put in the hospital. Hospital Rustic, adults and children passable. Pomma, adult uncle taught me to read, I really liked it. Have women in the hospital? I do not remember at all and doctors too. INthe older generation was gathered in the lobby, someone reads newspapers, someone plays chess. I was very boring one, and I often happened there. I I knew a lot of poems, like all the children in Soviet times. And every time I was asked to read, I was very glad that adults pay attention to me and, standing in the middle of the hall, for applause read poems.
AND One day one old man with a cane says: Girl, I became very old and I do not hear, come closer, sit down on the knees and read the poem. I walked joyful, I sat down on the knees of my grandfather and began to read poems, and suddenly the old man climbed into the panties and began to touch there. I do not remember what was later, apparently, I left.
N.o on the next days I refused to read the poems, the grandmothers asked, almost forced, I could not. I was very scary, I knew that it was abnormal. T.from the old man was persistent, everyone asked to sit on his knees, and then the grandmother sitting next to, says: "How are you, granddaughter of Lenin, do not respect the sick old people and refuse?" I refused to sit on my knees and grandmother said that the grandfather touches my panties. She did not believe and made it. D.rowing left hand held me for the waist, the second hand got under the dress so that it was not noticeable. Pthe donkey reading the poems I got down and ran to my grandmother and say that it was repeated, but she did not believe, he said, did not see anything. She scolded me for a lie and said it was the biggest sin. Pi have never come out of this donkey from the chamber and begged, so that mom took me from here.
C.yerez a few days mom came, I tried to say that there is a very bad old man, but she did not understand anything or, if I understood, I chose nothing to do anything. I remember my despair and cry of the soul, I literally shouted in myself. Then in adulthood, I told her about this case and wicked her in the fact that she did nothing then. She was silent ...
Pthe donkey in me changed something, I became another. The truth is said that such children become more sexually concerned not at their age, everything was so. Now problems with your daughter on the same soil, and I can't talk to her on this topic. I can not find forces, since for me it is disgusting. I literally copy my mother. I feel that I lose touch with her, if not even lost. I do not know how to be. Now after reading and support, I decided to talk to her, which is not so. "

Resort life

Part one

If it fell into the empire to be born - it is better to live in a deaf province by the sea. Approximately such lines I remembered when we got out of the bus. The village was a typical example of a deaf, by local standards, provinces. Well, given what exactly is considered deaf on the Black Sea coast. A small village in which every shed in the summer surrendered to the people from the more northern regions of the Motherland. Father grabbed suitcases and led us in the direction of the sea, easily determined by smell. Somewhere there we have already been waiting for "an excellent house, next to the beach, and inexpensive!", Which father recommended someone from acquaintances. So we drove, after conclusing with the owners and accurately knowing where we will live.

We were waiting. The hostess, granny very old years, showed us a hefty barn with windows at the far end of the courtyard, almost hidden by the scorched bushes:

Won. . Tama will live ... just do not confuse - your door to the left.

Upon closer examination, the shed was clearly dual-use. In the sense, it was divided into two, um in half. . Apartments. In our was one large room with three beds - we and my sister on one and parents are large, the cabinet and bedside tables, a small entrance hall, it is, due to the presence of a table and electric tile, a kitchen ... and that's it. I, frankly, expecting more enthusiastic descriptions. The second half of the shed, apparently, was exactly the same. As Granny said, there are already living there, but now they are on the beach.

We went to the beach. Immediately the first inconvenience was revealed - so that his mother and his sister moved up, and the Father was kicked out to the street.

Nothing, we'll be back - we are with you a closet across withdraw. - promised Batya - there will be at least some kind of two rooms.

In general, the mood is not at all porto. At sea, we were the last time I didn't remember when. That time was not enough, then the money ... This time everything was successful, besides, I finished the school next year - that is, the exam, intake and all that. In general, not before the rest will be accurate.

The beach, of course, also turned out to be rustic. Just stretching along the sea of \u200b\u200bmeters per hundred strollers of frightened sand grass. At the edges, the shore rose, turning into a break, leaving the water from the water a narrow stony strip, completely unsuitable for rest. People, however, grabbed. A man collapsed so fifteen on towels in different poses, substituting the sun of varying degrees of body causticity. Some quantities splashing in the water, surprising me with its transparency. Well, yes, there is no one to shit. With a ritka, of course, the first thing plunged. Mom with his father at this time has been equipped with lying on us, and then changed us in water. I was falling apart by the belly up and began to look at the surrounding people. Ritka was engaged in the same.

F-F-Fuuu ... - she gave out after a while - not a single decent guy!

And this one is yours ... how it ... Dimka seems ... decent or what?

Dimka, recently spinning near the sister, did not cause me sympathy.

Compare too ... at least some better! - she poked me with a cam in the side.

It must be said, contrary to the popular opinion about the twins, we were not particularly close to the Ritka. From a certain age, her girlfriends began and interests, I have my own company. So I knew little about Dimka and therefore did not argue.

Well, move! Relight here! - I heard the voice of my father.

They silently approached Mom, finding that we and my sister took everything cooked on four places. Mom, supervised her hands in Boc, stood opposite me, expressing indignation with all his appearance. I was not purely from harmful to free to liberate them, brazenly staring at her, involuntarily assessing the mother's figure against the background of a pale blue sky. Hair collected on the back of the head, opened a beautiful neck, a heavy breast, supported by a swimsuit, was released forward, stomach, rounded-convex, downstairs smoothly switched to hidden pubic panties. Further, the panties were a wide strip between the legs, not giving the hips to bombard at the very top, but below the complete hips in contact with each other, narrowing to the knees and moving to beautiful ankles. I thought about Ritka - it turned out that, minus the age, they were very similar. The proportions of the body, carry the manner ... Forms just at ruts were much more modest, well, yes with age, probably will appear. My thoughts interrupted the Father, unceremoniously split us with his sister.

That's much better! - Parents lightened between us, almost pusing us on the grass.

Well, okay! - jumped ritka. - Fed, went to the water!

In the evening we met the neighbors. The family turned out to be very similar to our, even the Son, Bear, turned out to be about our peer, but his sister Ira is a little older. Not much, for a year or two. Accurate age, of course, no one to figure out. On the occasion of dating, a feast was arranged, to which the hostess was invited. Granny willingly agreed, by participating the hefty bottle of wine of its own manufacture. At the same time, at the table was another inhabitant of our yard, which we did not suspect - Babulkin's granddaughters. The guy traditionally from childhood for the summer sent here, and it was tired of him for a long time. However, by entering the institute, he was not here for three years already, and so came, deciding to remember youth. Now, judging by his mind, he regretted much.

In the company of the ancestors, we caught hard time. Then their conversations about life in this paradise place (according to some vacationers) or in this God the forgotten hole (according to local residents) we are tired. The youth moved to the grass from the fence, where, however, we also started asking Oleg as he lives here. The granddaughters complained of life unrestrained. As it turned out, earlier every year out of such as he was going on a warm company and was fun. Now everyone has grown, finished school and who went away, who is categorically not wanting to return to their former life. This year, there were only two of them from the company in a dozen man here - he is still some kind of Igor. He was smuckling Oleg, who was driven by the attack of nostalgia and infected her friend, for which he now listened to the lot of reproaches. In a word - longing. We strongly sympathized and nodded, agreeing with every word, trying to figure out what entertainment is there.

Yes, no, in general ... I am suffering. Well, do you want, went swimming? - he suggested. - Now is the time - the sun village, the water is warm, there is no one on the beach ...

The sea and in fact turned out to be warm. Introducing swelling, we got to the shore, enjoying from the evening.

We need to squeeze melting. And swimsuits. - prompted Oleg. - And then freezing.

What, right here? - I did not understand Ritka.

Well ... - Oleg realized that she wanted to say. - We are here, and you are there you can, under the break. No one will see.

The specified breakdown was on the edge of the beach.

Yes-ah ...? - Ircka looked into the darkness. - And there is no one there?

No one. Who can be there?

No, I'm afraid ...

Want, I'm going with you? - suggested Oleg.

Here's another! So that with an unfamiliar man went there, where is so scary?

Ir, and give Fedka with us? - suggested riot. - I know him.

Irka looked at me:

Let's go...

I was left at the very edge, the punishment turn away and for nothing to turn, and they themselves went a few steps further. I have long fought with myself, looking at the opposite side of them, but then I still turned to the sea, pretending to look at the wave lazily. Sooting the eyes a little left, discovered that the girls undress, turning back to me, and then he was openly staring in their direction. They fightering a little, diligently twisted swimsuits. In the twilight Bells, maiden buttocks, slender ritkins seem to even relate to each other and more rounded Irquins. At Ira has already been noticeable from the tan. In addition, turning a little sideline, she demonstrated to me the right chest. More precisely, only the shape of a ungrade cone, looking forward and down. All attempts to see that they have failed between their legs - dark and distant. I admired for a short time - as soon as they began to dress, I accepted the original position.