How to attach a wall panel. Ways of attaching plastic panels to the wall

The repair started at home with his own hands is a process that is very extended in time. Not everyone is delighted with its duration, so many owners try to carry out the work efficiently, but relatively quickly. Therefore, the question of how to fix plastic panels to a wall without a crate arises quite often. Sometimes in a small room (usually in the bathroom) it is simply impossible to allocate space for the frame, but you still want to make the apartment as attractive and comfortable as possible. This option is possible, but there are conditions that must be met, otherwise the walls will bring grief instead of joy.

The choice of finishing material

PVC panels are practical, but they also have an Achilles heel - the most vulnerable spot. This is the thickness of the top layer, for the lion's share of products it is only 0.5 mm. Such panels are not able to withstand accidental impacts, and even simply resting your fingers on them can leave dents. A thin finishing material is suitable for the ceiling, for walls you will have to buy thicker strips.

The standard coating width is from 250 to 450 mm, the length is 2000-3000 mm. Too wide panels are not recommended to be taken, since due to improper storage, you can purchase a defective pack. To check the packaging, several plates are taken out of it, their groove is applied to the groove or a thorn to a thorn. This makes it easier to detect the curvature of the panels.

Before buying, you need to make a rough estimate in order to find out what sizes will minimize waste. If the wall width is 3000 mm, and the ceiling height is 2700, then the optimal length of the panels is 3000 mm (300 mm will go to waste), the width is 250 mm. This means that 12 pieces are needed to decorate the wall.

When purchasing material, you need to carefully examine each product. If on the surface of the plastic drops or waves "flaunt", the finish is threatened with distortion. The ribs should be straight, parallel to each other. The more of them, the stronger the product. Its edges must be neat: sealed and sanded. Otherwise, perfect joints will not work.

The use of defective goods is unacceptable even in places that are not visible. One element with a defect will inevitably affect the entire structure. It will not be superfluous to check the panels with a fingernail (but not white ones), as a very unstable coating can get caught.

Installation methods: "easy" or not

Plastic panels are mounted in three ways:

  • fastening with liquid nails or glue;
  • fixing to the wall with self-tapping screws;
  • on the crate, metal, wood, plastic (mounting profile).

The first two options are suitable for owners of flat surfaces. Otherwise, all defects, even camouflaged with plastic walls, will be "an eyesore". But fixing PVC panels with self-tapping screws will disfigure the wall, the work will take a lot of time, nerves and forces. The neighbors will also not be delighted, since a lot of holes for fasteners will be required. Glue is the best option if the surfaces are relatively flat: it is possible to protect walls from "wounds", to preserve precious space, which for some reason is always scarce.

The latter method is a prerequisite if the differences in the walls or ceiling are more than 3 mm. When there is no opportunity or desire to fight the curvature for a long time, it is hidden with the help of a crate. The frame is also necessary if the walls of the room are permanently damp, which happens very often in bathrooms.

How to fix plastic panels to a wall without lathing

Adhesive is more often used. Such a frameless method is simple, so even a non-professional can make the cladding. In addition, the walls of the room will not be damaged. The main argument in defense of installation without lathing is the reliability of the future wall. Plastic glued directly to it is more resistant to pressure. Conversely, voids in the frame increase the risk of accidental damage to the panels. Fixing anything bulky and heavy to such a wall is also problematic.

How to prepare the base

Before attaching plastic panels to a wall without a crate, the surface of the base must be extremely carefully prepared. Any bumps must be removed with a drill or cut down with an ax. If there are dents, then the plane is leveled with putty. The ideal wall is an almost unattainable dream, but it is not required either, since it is enough to get rid of the differences over 3 mm.

The old coating is removed completely, leaving bare concrete. It is coated with an antiseptic, after it dries, the surfaces are primed, it is better to make 2 layers, “concrete-contact” primers are optimal. They are waiting for the composition to dry. Having provided high-quality adhesion, they begin the main work.

The choice of adhesive

There is no shortage of assortment here. When choosing a suitable option, attention is paid to the qualities that the composition needs. It:

  • resistance to high humidity, significant temperature changes;
  • fast solidification and reliable long-term fixation;
  • the ability to form a transparent film.

Hot glue, which readily expands during temperature fluctuations, does not meet one of these requirements, therefore it is prohibited. You can use a special composition for PVC panels, focus on very popular liquid nails, choose a polyurethane sealant. Usually, home craftsmen and pros prefer the following compositions:

  1. "Nails": Quality (universal or for panels, extra strong), Titan Wild, LN-915. The first ones have enviable reliability and are recommended for different types of facing material. The relative minus is white. The second, possessing the same qualities, have a significant drawback - the fear of moisture. LN-915 is a panacea for "wet" rooms: nails are used at high humidity, temperature drops are not afraid of them either.
  2. Adhesives. Emfikol 34012A "specializes" in plastic panels. It has good adhesion to the material, there is no negative reaction to temperature changes, and has a moderate viscosity. Kleiberit 636 is homogeneous, dries quickly, extremely resistant to high humidity.

The famous Titanium, Moment Montage and Moment Crystal, Eko-Nacet, MiterFix are also popular. But before buying glue, it is better to consult with a knowledgeable person. Or look in the instructions which adhesive composition the manufacturers of the purchased panels recommend.

You can determine the quality of the glue in a proven way: try to glue a small piece of material to the surface, and after a day try to tear it off. If it turned out with great difficulty, then the composition is perfect.

Facing works

Before starting, the panels are cut to the desired height using a ruler, knife or scissors, wiped with a damp cloth from the back.

Special glue for plastic is applied to the facing material or to the wall. The panel is pressed against the wall, first it is shifted by a couple of centimeters, then, applying strong pressure, it is returned to its intended place.

If liquid nails are used, then the composition is applied to the panel pointwise, but not too close to the edges, the distance between the points is 200-300 mm. Another way is around the perimeter and in the middle of the material. A strip of glue is first applied to the base, gently tapped with a palm from top to bottom, then torn off, leaving the glue to dry for 5 minutes. If liquid nails are selected, this is a mandatory procedure, as the short-term drying of the glue will prevent the panel from moving when the next strips are mounted.

When cladding using polyurethane sealant, the composition is also applied pointwise, but the plastic is glued to the wall without delay. But in order for it to grab, the element is pressed several times, the frequency of actions is 2-3 minutes. The last stage is the installation of floor and ceiling skirting boards, which are mounted with self-tapping screws.

  1. To give the room a flawless look, tiling starts from the corner that catches the eye first. Even a perfectly trimmed panel does not belong there. They finish the work in the farthest corner, since the trimming in this case will not be so visible.
  2. To install the starting strip, a thorough level check is required. To avoid its potential displacement, the first panel is fixed with self-tapping screws at the ceiling and floor in those places that will then be covered with skirting boards.
  3. To facilitate their work, they buy not special connecting elements with grooves, but ordinary plastic corners (sizes - 20-50 mm). They are attached to the joints with a transparent sealant.
  4. In order to avoid the appearance of mold and mildew in the bathroom, all the joints of the panels are sealed with cold welding a day after the cladding.

How to fix plastic panels to the wall without lathing? Easy, not expensive, fast, but neat. What adhesive composition is optimal, you can find out if you watch this video:

Plastic panels are an irreplaceable material used for finishing bathrooms, bathrooms, saunas and other rooms with high humidity. They are easy to assemble and do not require a lot of installation time. How do you fix plastic panels to the wall? This article will tell you about this in detail.

Before proceeding directly to the issue of installing PVC plates, you need to figure out what kind of material it is. PVC panels are two-sheet plastic products that are separated by stiffening ribs. Along the edges of such plates there are structural details that allow them to be fastened together. Material thickness ranges from 8 to 12 millimeters.

The PVC material itself stands for polyvinyl chloride. It was opened in 1985 by the German chemist Regnald and is widely used in interior decoration and window production, as well as other industries.

PVC panels are two-sheet plastic products that are separated by stiffening ribs.

Main types of PVC plastic panels

PVC boards can have different characteristics. This versatile material has the following parameters:

  • Size - there are square and rectangular elongated slabs. Also available are the so-called PVC slats up to 15 centimeters wide. There are also slabs whose width reaches 2 meters;
  • Surface - can be glossy, half glossy or even matte;
  • Frame type - seamed and seamless. With a seamless type, the joints between the panels are practically invisible. Due to this, the surface becomes solid. With the suture type, the joints, on the contrary, show through well. These types of frames are used depending on the design of the room;
  • Also, PVC panels have a huge assortment of colors, textures and images. Therefore, each apartment owner will find something to his taste and preferences.

PVC panels have a huge range of colors, textures and images.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels

Why did plastic panels become so popular? It's all about their huge list of advantages:

  • In terms of their moisture resistance, they are in the top among all finishing materials. Plates are capable of repelling water molecules in both liquid and gaseous states. Such material can even replace ceramic tiles and waterproof paintwork;
  • This material is hygienic. It is easy to look after him. In addition, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms do not develop on plastic plates;
  • Fastening wall panels made of plastic is a simple process that even an inexperienced novice master can handle;
  • In hardware stores, you can always pick up the shade, texture of this material. You can buy such panels with any pattern and even put photographs on them;
  • PVC boards always delight buyers with their price. It depends on the size of the slabs and starts at 50 rubles per item.

Plates are capable of repelling water molecules in both liquid and gaseous states.

Like other wall cladding material, PVC panels also have disadvantages:

  • Plastic boards are very easy to deform or break. One sharp movement, albeit not so strong, and a crack or a hole appears in the slab. At the same time, the strength does not depend on whether the panel was mounted on a frame, or simply attached to the wall;
  • This material is flammable. In addition, it emits poisonous smoke when ignited, which negatively affects human health;
  • Poor quality products can emit harmful substances even if they do not burn. This is affected by high temperatures, as well as direct sunlight;
  • First, PVC boards have a perfect surface. But over time, it scratches and expands from temperature changes. Therefore, this material is very short-lived.

Before buying such material, you must carefully study its manufacturer. Otherwise, the purchased product will be unsafe. The country of production, as well as the smell emitted by the product, can serve as a reference point.

Plastic boards are very easy to deform or break.

Necessary tools and materials for attaching PVC plastic panels to the wall

Of course, before directly attaching the plastic PVC panels to the wall, each master prepares for himself all the necessary tools in advance. As a rule, these are:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Hacksaw and scissors for cutting metal.
  3. Convenient staircase.
  4. Self-tapping screws.
  5. Water level, tape measure and pencil for measurements.
  6. Construction stapler.
  7. Electric drill.

In addition to the PVC plates themselves, other materials will be needed for their installation:

  1. Internal and external corners.
  2. Start and docking profiles.
  3. F-profiles.
  4. Ceiling and floor skirting boards.

All this can be bought in the same place where plastic profiles are sold.

Before attaching the PVC plastic panels to the wall, each master prepares for himself all the necessary tools in advance.

Preparatory work before attaching PVC plastic panels to the wall

The nature of the preparatory actions before fastening the products is connected with the base and the degree of its evenness:

  • If the master has chosen to mount by means of a crate, it is not necessary to level the base in advance;
  • But if the slabs are to be mounted directly on the wall, you should first check the base for evenness and perform leveling work, if necessary.

Before any installation of PVC panels, the surface of the walls must be pre-treated with an antiseptic. This will keep them from mold and moisture. Next, the surface is primed. The primer should be applied in 2 coats. In this case, it is not recommended to apply the second layer until the first has dried.

Also, before installation, you need to prepare all the accessories and additional elements. In addition, you should immediately prepare the crate if the master decides to attach the plates to it.

The primer should be applied in 2 coats.

The process of attaching PVC plastic panels to the wall

After completing all the preparatory work, you can start directly fixing the plastic plates. Below will be presented a step-by-step instruction for installing wall panels using lathing:

  1. The first step is to install the frame. It is made with metal or wood slats. The distance between the blocks should be no more than 40 centimeters. The slats are mounted to the wall perpendicular to the plastic plates themselves.
  2. Then all existing fittings are installed - the inner and outer corners, the final part of the panel. If the final part reaches the ceiling itself, a ceiling plinth must be installed on the top beam.
  3. Then you can insert the rest of the plates into the mount with the thin side. They are closed on the wide side with staples or ordinary nails.
  4. Now you need to check if the very first panel is inserted exactly. If so, you can insert the next slab into the groove of the outer panel with the narrow end first. Plates must be mounted tightly.
  5. The plastic plate, which will be the last, will need to be inserted between the final and the penultimate. For this you need to make an effort. When the panel does not lend itself at all, it is cut a little lengthwise with a construction knife.

The first step is to install the frame.

Fastening method without lathing

PVC plates are attached directly to the wall without a frame if the room is dry and the surface of the walls has no drops. For this, a special glue is used. It is applied to the very surface of the panels and immediately applied to the wall.

How to glue PVC panels on the wall with liquid nails? If liquid nails act as glue, they are also applied to the plates, but they wait 3-5 minutes for the nails to acquire a certain rigidity. Only then can the slab be applied to the wall.

Self-tapping screws can also serve as fasteners. However, in this case, you will need to make a lot of holes. And the fasteners will be striking.

PVC plates are attached directly to the wall without a frame if the room is dry and the surface of the walls has no drops.

The nuances of fixing plastic PVC panels in different rooms

How are PVC panels attached to the wall in different rooms? After all, the installation, depending on the room, has its own nuances.

Bathroom and toilet

High humidity is present in rooms such as bathrooms and toilets. Therefore, the slabs should only be attached to the crate.

In the bathroom, plates should only be attached to the crate.


There is always a lot of vapor in the kitchen. Therefore, it is better to mount this finishing material using a pre-prepared frame.

It is better to mount this finishing material using a pre-prepared frame.


If the balcony is sufficiently insulated, and the humidity in it is minimal, you can take a chance and install the products without crate.

If the balcony is sufficiently insulated, you can take a chance and install the products without crate.

Other possible rooms where they can be used

In other rooms it is also possible to install PVC boards without the use of lathing. Of course, it is better to use liquid nails or special glue as fastening. Self-tapping screws can spoil the visual characteristics of the interior.

It is better to use liquid nails or special glue as fastening.

The nuances of attaching PVC plastic panels to different types of walls

Depending on the type of surface on which the panels are attached, the fasteners will be different.


For example, concrete surfaces are faced with dowel-nails or dowels and self-tapping screws.

Concrete surfaces are faced with dowel-nails or dowels and self-tapping screws.


Brick walls are finished according to the same rules as concrete ones.

Brick walls are finished according to the same rules as concrete ones.

Other possible options

For a wooden surface and a plasterboard base, it will be enough to use ordinary self-tapping screws as fastening.

For a wooden surface and a plasterboard base, it will be enough to use ordinary self-tapping screws as fastening.

Below are some helpful tips to help you install quickly and safely:

  • When cutting the slabs, it is best to turn them face up;
  • It is recommended to wear protective glasses when working;
  • If glue remains on the front side of the product, it can only be cleaned with soap and water;
  • It is better to apply glue in the form of an even mesh;
  • When screwing in self-tapping screws or driving in nails, you need to be extremely careful so as not to accidentally break the plate.

When cutting boards, it is best to turn them face up.

Video: Installation instructions for PVC panels

The modern market offers a huge number of varieties, standard sizes and design options for PVC panels, so they can be matched to any style of interior. PVC panels are inexpensive, quickly assembled, operate for a long time, and most importantly, they will help to equip a unique, unlikely design of the room. How to fix plastic panels to the wall: on glue, on self-tapping screws, on a crate? Which panels to choose and which installation method to prefer, we will analyze all these questions in detail in our article.

Why PVC panels for bathroom decoration have become the number one competitor for tiles? It's all about ease of installation. Laying tiles, even on the most even ground, is beyond the power of a person who has never done this. The services of a specialist will be required to level and strengthen the base, mark the wall and lay out the tiles row by row, observing the levels and width of the tile joint. In addition, cutting the tiles itself, if necessary, requires additional special tools and certain skills.

With PVC panels, everything is much easier. They have a lot of advantages:

  1. Lightweight: their transportation to home and installation is not difficult.
  2. Exist several mounting methods from simple wall stickers to battening systems that even a layman can handle.
  3. Panels biologically sustainable and during operation, the appearance of fungus on them is excluded.

In addition, we can note such advantages of plastic products as moisture resistance, hygiene, duration of operation and inexpensive cost... Of course, they also have their own characteristics. For example, despite the presence of stiffeners in the design of the product and the thickness of the plastic, are quite fragile material and in the event of an unintentional strong point impact, they can break. Therefore, when buying, you need to choose the most durable products from European manufacturers.

However, if the cladding is of good quality, then when bathing, for example, you can lean on it as much as you like: it has sufficient flexibility and elasticity to support the weight of a person.

When choosing products, you should look at such technical characteristics as:

  • plastic thickness (the larger, the more reliable);
  • the presence and number of stiffeners;
  • when looking at the front plane under artificial lighting, the transverse ribs should not be visible;
  • the surface should be intact, undamaged, not scratched, the film on the front surface should not be damaged;
  • plastic from the ends should not be with burrs and microcracks.

There are several varieties of PVC panels, differing in size and other parameters.

Table 1. Types of PVC panels.

CeilingThinner up to 5 mm thick
WallThicker and stiffer up to 10 mmwidth 15-50 mm, length 90-300 mm
RackNarrow strips with shaped edges, similar to lining, have a tongue-and-groove lockwidth 13-50 mm, length 90-300 mm
LeafyLarge rectangular sheets with a relief or pattern on the outsidewidth 50-122 mm, length 30-98 mm
TiledTilewidth 30-98 mm, length 30-98 mm
SandwichTwo-layer, with a heat-insulating layer, the thickness can be up to 4 cmwidth 90-150 mm, length 300 mm

In width, standard wall panels are most often found 25cm and 37cm, length - 2700cm, 3000cm... Different manufacturers can make products in different sizes. The difference in price depends on various factors: the quality and thickness of the plastic, the type of decor printing, its complexity, etc.

Polyvinyl chloride panels are divided into several types by their coating. They are:

  • one-color;
  • colored, with a dye added to the mass;
  • mirrored;
  • with an image pasted on a thermal film;
  • with a pattern applied by offset;
  • with one image spaced into several panels, forming a panel.

According to the method of joining, the products can be seamless and with a groove. Of course, when joining seamless panels, the seam still remains visible, but unobtrusive. If the products are chamfered, then the seams are more prominent and create a certain geometry of the room.

In addition, there is a large selection of fittings for fastening elements: starting and F-shaped profiles, inner and outer corners, docking profiles, skirting boards... The use of fittings allows you to give an aesthetic appearance to the joints, and of course is used for more reliable and simple fastening.

Find out what types, as well as read the step-by-step instructions for finishing, in a special article on our portal.

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Wall panels


To carry out the calculation, you first need to decide on the direction of installation. Products can be fixed and horizontally and vertically... Vertical placement is preferable for small spaces such as hallways, kitchens, baths. With this method of finishing, the ceiling visually rises due to the vertical lines. Horizontal installation is more often used to decorate spacious rooms, for example, in camp sites, in hostels. It resembles a traditional horizontal finish, especially if the panels are matched, for example, to imitate wood.

There are three ways to fix the panels:

  • for any adhesive;
  • on self-tapping screws;
  • on the crate.

The first method is the easiest, simplest and fastest, but it is used only if the base is sufficiently leveled. The second one is also not particularly difficult, but requires skill in handling a screwdriver. In this case, the panels can be dismantled over time and moved to another place. The method of fastening to the crate is the most durable, labor-intensive and capital. This allows the cladding to be firmly mounted on uneven surfaces.

The selected mounting option does not in any way affect the sequence of measures when mounting the plates directly:

  • fittings are installed: starting and finishing strip, inner and outer corners;
  • fittings are installed along the openings;
  • the panel is inserted with a narrow shelf into the fastening element. Fastened from the side of the wide shelf with self-tapping screws. The elements must be mounted tightly;
  • the final panel must be squeezed between the one in front of it and the finishing element of the row. The excess can be cut neatly along with a knife;
  • the joints with the ceiling are covered with the ceiling, the joints with the floor are covered with floor plinths.

How to glue panels

Bonding - the easiest way finishing the room with panels, which is allowed or in the event that when the wall is perfectly flat or when the rented premises are being renovated according to the principle and so it will come down, clean and fine. It will be quite difficult to dismantle such a finish in the future and it certainly will not work to use it for re-installation.

The panels are glued on an even or slightly uneven base. Previously, to improve adhesion, it is necessary to remove and smooth out all irregularities and weak layers of the previous finish. Then plaster and putty on uneven places. Then prime the surface to improve adhesion. The finished base for gluing the cladding must be flat, dry and clean.

Apply the adhesive to the wall, spread it evenly with a notched trowel and gently press the panel against the wall. The duration and force of pressing usually depend on the glue and are indicated on the packaging or in the instructions for use. Apply glue to the next panel, then gently dock it with the previous one and press it to the base. Thus, you can get a pretty decorative coating quickly enough.

Video - Installation of PVC panels with glue

As for the glue for panels, modern manufacturers offer just a huge selection of adhesives. The most popular ones can be listed:

  • quality liquid nails;
  • liquid nails and Titan Wild glue;
  • Emficol 34012A;
  • Kleiberit 636.

Liquid nail prices

Liquid Nails

The above adhesives are resistant to high humidity and temperature fluctuations. The facing materials glued to them will hold during the entire service life.

Advice! If you have a choice, it is better to choose the adhesives that set the fastest - for example, liquid nails. Then you do not have to wait a while until the first panel grabs to start gluing the second one.

Installation of PVC panels on self-tapping screws

This mounting method also implies the presence of a sufficiently leveled base... Although the requirements for surface condition are less than when working with glue. There is no need to remove greasy stains from the wall and treat it with a primer to increase adhesion. However, to improve the quality of work and increase the speed of installation, you will need a screwdriver. However, today screwdrivers can be bought even for one and a half thousand rubles, so this installation method can be called quite budgetary.

As for self-tapping screws, you can opt for self-tapping screws for wood with a wide notch. Length 16 mm will provide normal fixation to the wall. If finishing is planned bathroom, you should opt for galvanized, which will not rust during operation. Do not choose self-tapping screws with a wide head, it can interfere with joining.

The process itself is extremely simple. From the inside, the screws are screwed into the bottom of the lock, there they will not interfere with the fixation of the next panel. The next strip is inserted into the lock, pressed and fastened with self-tapping screws from the inside. All subsequent parts are attached in the same way.

Attention! Be sure to check where the wiring goes in the wall. To do this, you can use such inexpensive devices as screwdrivers, indicators, alarms or metal detectors.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


How to fix panels to an uneven wall on a crate - step by step instructions

If the wall is very uneven, and the stay in the apartment is supposed to be long, you cannot do without the crate. There are 3 types of battens: wood, metal and plastic. Wooden is an option for the most extreme case. The tree is not suitable for the bathroom - it will swell from moisture, for the same reason, you should not use it on the loggia. Therefore, the best option is galvanized profiles for gypsum boards with a width 40mm.

The only drawback of the traditional lathing fastening is that it eats 3-4 cm of usable area at each wall... But under it you can lay communication cables, as well as make a sound-insulating layer in the apartment or heat-insulating - on the loggia.

A good variety of a convenient and easy-to-assemble lathing system is plastic mounting plates and cleats. It is a special fastening system designed for PVC cladding. Fastening is carried out as quickly and simply as possible: the plate snaps into the groove on the profile with clamps. No other hardware is used. If necessary, such a finish is instantly disassembled: just pry it off with a screwdriver. Installation of the entire cladding in a 15-square room with such a system will take no more than a day.

The advantages of plastic sheathing are obvious. Firstly, if one panel is damaged, it can be pulled out and replaced, and for this no need to disassemble the entire structure... Secondly, if the house shrinks, or if it is a country house, as well as during seasonal shifts the cladding will retain its solidity... Thirdly, such a crate eats only 1 centimeter from every wall.

For bathrooms and kitchens, the best option is a ready-made plastic lathing system sold in construction departments. It does not deform due to high humidity and temperature fluctuations, does not rot or crack. Galvanizing is also an excellent solution to the problem. It is permissible to use wood blocks, but before starting work, they must be treated several times with special impregnations against decay.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to mount the crate:

Step 1. We clean the wall from crumbling old finishes. You don't need to align it.

Step 2. We treat the surface of the wall with antifungal compounds.

Step 3. We mark the places for the battens of the batten structure. They should be perpendicular to the PVC panels. If they are mounted vertically, the crate is mounted horizontally. The distance of the planks should be 30-35 cm.

Step 4. We fasten the blocks at the beginning and at the end of the wall, around openings, niches and other structural elements of the room. Then the rest. The entire system is attached to the dowels. IN concrete put 6 * 40mm, in brick 6 * 60mm with a step of about 60cm.

Step 5. We align the crate with a plumb line in one plane. To do this, at first, the fasteners are not completely tightened, and if necessary, thin plywood is pushed under the strips to the required level. After alignment, the fasteners can be retightened. For attachment, you can use plasterboard suspensions. With them, it is easier to level the surface of the crate.

Step 6. If the system is assembled from plastic elements, it is necessary to check their perpendicularity to the PVC panels, otherwise there is a risk that the locks will not snap into place. It will be more convenient to work with a plastic crate if you install wooden blocks along the perimeter of the entire wall to be finished along the thickness of the guides.

Prices for building levels

Building levels

Now you can see how the panels are attached to the crate:

  1. Starter and ceiling skirting boards are installed and attached with appropriate fasteners to the system... The result is a frame. It is necessary to strictly check the verticality and horizontalness of this frame, and then the facing plane in terms of level, since even a millimeter deviation can cause a blockage in the future.
  2. Elements are cut to length with a hacksaw... At the first panel, a protruding thorn is cut off, then the cut side is inserted into the corner, and the edges are tucked into the profiles. The bar is driven to the stop and fixed to each cross member.
  3. Subsequent panels are joined.
  4. The latter is trimmed to the width and inserted into the profiles.

Video - Installation of PVC panels on the crate

Note! Some craftsmen prefer to work without corner profiles. The panel that fits into the corner can be cut from the back and gently bent so as not to break. This usually succeeds the first time, since the plastic used for the manufacture of panels is quite flexible and elastic. From the front side, such a fold will look nice and neat.

Features of fastening in different rooms

Pay attention to the article - where we examined interesting options for installing panels in the restroom.

The following features of the finishing device in different rooms can be distinguished:

  1. In the bathroom and on high humidity and temperature fluctuations often occur, so it is better to take a lathing system from a plastic or stainless steel. If the wall is without special bumps and pits, you can glue the cladding on liquid nails or even foam. Mounting on self-tapping screws (also made of stainless steel) is permissible.
  2. For finishing loggia or balcony it is better to take sandwich panels and lay them on a crate, under which a layer of thermal insulation can be placed.
  3. For finishing living rooms take decorative panels with patterns, drawings or with a 3D effect. Installation should be carried out taking into account the condition of the walls. If there are a lot of wires in the room, it is better to use a crate, behind which they can be hidden. In the rooms, you can arrange a more economical wooden crate, since the humidity drops here are small.
  4. For finishing rooms of country housesused only in the season, as well as terraces and verandas, you should use any crate, except for wood, as in an unheated period they can increase humidity.
  5. In addition, the panels are used for finishing administrative premises, offices, trade departments and supermarkets.

Pvc panels are also well suited for exterior decoration of the house. Manufacturers make them in different colors and with interesting designs.

This will diversify the expressionless look of the building. The design is so simple that it is very easy to install them. In order to do everything with your own hands, you should ask how to attach plastic panels to the wall from those who have already encountered such work.

What can be attached

Wall plastic parts can be attached to the base using:

  1. Nails or self-tapping screws - in this case, the elements cannot be dismantled, they will break at the attachment point.
  2. A special stapler is a very convenient and quick way, the staples are easily removed when disassembling such a finish.
  3. Glue liquid nails - this option is even more convenient than the previous one, but dismantling is impossible.

Each of the methods securely fixes the installed pvc panels both to the frame and to the bare wall.

Do I need a frame

Fastening of plastic panels is carried out on a wooden or metal frame, or without it. How do you know if you need a frame? If the base is even without bumps or depressions, without cracks that must be repaired, then you can do without a frame. Any mounting method is suitable, the main thing is to choose the appropriate basis.

If the walls are wooden, you can install wall panels using a stapler, nails or self-tapping screws, but if the base is concrete, you will have to stock up on dowels. Adhesive is a versatile option that can be used on any surface.

In case the walls are completely uneven, a frame should be built before fixing the panels. As mentioned earlier, the lathing can be wooden or metal. Wood is quite durable, but short-lived material. It quickly decays, especially if there is high humidity in the environment.

The wooden grill, on which the plastic panels are installed, must be treated with antiseptic and antifungal agents before installation. This will help slightly extend the life of the material. For the construction of such a frame, an absolutely dry bar with a minimum size of 20x20 mm is used.

The metal crate will last much longer. This material does not rot or corrode thanks to a special coating. Also, it is not eaten by rodents or insects, which often happens with a tree.


Before you begin to mount the trim on the wall or build a frame, you must prepare the surface well. This will determine how firmly the elements will hold, and whether there will be problems with mold. For this:

  1. Eliminates all dirty and greasy stains.
  2. Remove traces of the fungus.
  3. If there is an old coating, they will be dismantled.
  4. Severe irregularities or cracks are repaired.
  5. The surface is treated with a primer.

If the installation of plastic wall panels is carried out without a frame, then you can proceed after the primer has completely dried.

Frame installation rules

A properly installed frame will help to evenly fix the pvc panels and avoid tilting to one side or the other. It is important to consider that the lathing should be placed perpendicular to the parts to be laid. That is, if the elements are mounted horizontally, then the frame strips are installed vertically on the wall, and vice versa, if the elements are vertical, then the crate is horizontal.

The first step is to make the markings on the walls. This saves a lot of time. The starting line is marked at the bottom of the wall (horizontal frame) or at the corner (vertical). For the first option, be sure to use a level so that the line is perfectly flat, for the second - a plumb line.

Next, a finish mark is made on top of the wall or at the opposite corner. Additional lines are drawn between these two lines. The step between them must match the width of the part so that it can be attached. After the marking is completed, you can fix the elements of the crate.

To increase heat and sound insulation, you can install insulation in the crate cells before you start attaching the wall panels.

How to pin elements

Considering that not everyone knows how to properly fix plastic panels, we will understand everything in great detail.

  1. First you need to install the start, finish and corner moldings. These are special strips into which parts of the structure are inserted. They help to fix the entire installed canvas and hide the edges.
  2. Next, install the first element and fix it with nails or glue. It must be set perfectly even, since the subsequent parts are attached, relying on the first. In order to check whether everything is correct, you should use a plumb line or a building level.
  3. The subsequent laying of the plastic panels is easy. The thorn of one element is inserted into another and fixed. But you must take into account the fact that when the temperature rises, the material can expand, so do not tighten the screws to the end and do not nail the nails too tight. Otherwise, the plastic will crack at the attachment point.
  4. In order for the joints to be as tight as possible, the edges of the panels are treated with a small amount of sealant.
  5. If the panels are fastened to a metal crate, then special clips are used for fixing. They simplify the process.

Installation with glue

Glue for pvc products is very toxic, so when working with it you need to use a respirator.

Fastening panels to a flat wall with glue is a very quick and convenient way. No need to make additional holes in the wall.

  • moldings are also installed first;
  • a small amount of glue is applied to the prepared base;
  • fix the first element, pressing it slightly against the wall. For good fixation on the surface of the panel, you can walk with a rubber roller. For another 15 minutes, the element can be moved, leveling, but then the glue will harden;
  • then all the remaining parts are attached.

Before fixing the wall finishing panels with your own hands, you should carefully prepare and the facade updated in this way will last a very long time. Moreover, this surface does not require special care. Just warm, soapy water will suffice.

How to fix plastic panels to the wall: installation rules

There are several ways to attach plastic panels. But you do not need to choose the simplest one, you should choose the one suitable for the material of which the wall is composed.

How to fix plastic panels - step by step instructions

When thinking about renovation, we always want to get an excellent result, and at the same time do without unnecessary costs and meet the minimum deadlines. Another important point is that the repair work does not cause a lot of trouble, does not leave dirt behind and does not greatly interfere with the neighbors.

An excellent solution in this case would be the installation of plastic panels. Our instructions will help you understand how to fix plastic panels. They can be easily attached to walls or ceilings without the need to level the surface in advance.

Plastic panels are easy to clean and are ideal for rooms with high humidity (bathroom, sauna, boiler room). A variety of colors and textures will help create a unique and cozy interior. To mount such panels, it is enough to have a few tools at hand.

Required tools and preliminary preparation

The tools necessary for attaching plastic panels can be found in almost every home:

  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • scissors and a hacksaw for metal;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • tape measure, building level, pencil or marker;
  • hammer, stapler;
  • ladder.

First, use a tape measure to measure the work surface, this will allow you to correctly calculate the required amount of materials.

The surface must be free of wallpaper. In case the panels will stick, be sure to clean the walls or tiles from paint and dust.

Features of installation and procedure

The panels are fastened either directly to the wall, or to a pre-prepared crate. For wall mounting, it must be perfectly flat. Lathing is wooden beams or slats that are screwed to the surface at a certain distance from each other. For walls, the width between the slats should not exceed 30 - 40 cm, for the ceiling - not more than 30 cm. The battens for the lathing are mounted on the wall perpendicular to the direction of the panels.

If the wall to which the slats are attached is wooden or any other into which self-tapping screws are easily screwed in, then it is best to use them to fasten the bars. If the wall is concrete or brick, then it is best to fasten the bars with dowel-nails or with ordinary dowels and self-tapping screws.

An example of fastening the lathing for plastic panels.

Before getting started, you must understand how to properly attach the plastic panels to the wall.

  • If you decide to fasten the panels to the lathing with nails, then keep in mind that reuse of the material will be impossible, since, most likely, the integrity of the panel will be violated during dismantling.
  • The best way of fixing is with clamps.
  • But using staples that are driven in with a special stapler is also a good option.
  • Another good option for attaching panels is self-tapping screws.

The most common ways of attaching plastic panels.

After you have decided on the method of fixing the panels, you need to do the following:

Install the fittings first: finishing element, outer or inner corner. If the panel covers the wall to the ceiling, then fix the ceiling plinth to the top beam.

Available varieties of fittings for plastic panels.

Insert the panel into the fixing element with the narrow fixing flange. The panel is fixed on the side of the wide mounting shelf using nails or brackets.

After making sure the first panel is level, insert the next, narrow end, into the groove of the previous panel. Try to mount the panels tightly to each other.

Installation of the necessary fittings and the first plastic panel.

The last plastic panel that completes the row must be forcefully inserted between the finishing element and the previous panel. If the panel needs to be reduced in width, cut off the excess with a knife, moving along the panel.

Features of mounting plastic panels on walls

If the room is dry and the walls are level, then the panels can be mounted directly on the wall without using the crate.

Fastening the panels with glue directly to the walls without using the crate.

In a room with high humidity, a plastic or metal mounting profile should be used as a crate. In this case, the panels are attached to the rails with special clips, which greatly facilitates the installation and dismantling of the structure.

Fixing panels using a plastic profile with special clips.

Consideration should be given to the expansion of the material with changes in temperature, therefore, when adjusting the panels in height, leave a small gap. If a wide beam is used for the lathing, then insulation or soundproofing material can be placed in the resulting space between the wall and panels.

Features of mounting plastic panels on the ceiling

Now let's look at how to attach plastic panels to the ceiling. Before installation, you need to decide on the distance between the panels and the ceiling. This gap will depend on the type of lighting. If you plan to install built-in lights, then the distance should be at least 10-15 cm, so you can completely hide the wiring. Mark in advance with a pencil the places of the lamps, cut out the holes and install the base of the lighting fixtures.

Metal lathing for mounting plastic panels on the ceiling in the bathroom.

Next, you follow the same steps as when installing panels on walls. In a room with a flat ceiling, you can do without lathing. Install the ceiling plinth on three walls before starting work. Use a building level to place the panels evenly.

When installing plastic panels in a damp room, fill the ceiling gaps with silicone sealant to ensure complete waterproofing.

1. Cut and drill the panels face up. Use a metal hacksaw, hand saw or utility knife to cut. Always wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.

2. Apply the adhesive directly to the wall. Draw the grid with straight lines, leaving no gaps. Use only special construction glue "liquid nails".

3. When driving nails into the panel during installation, be careful not to hit the surface with a hammer, otherwise dents will remain.

4. Clean plastic panels with soapy water. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents, coarse scourers or solvent-based products for maintenance.

Now you know how to attach plastic panels to the wall and how to care for them. Installation of plastic panels does not take much time and is within the power of any beginner. By choosing this easy-to-install material, you can create a unique interior with your own hands. Among the variety of panels that imitate stone, wood, paper of various colors, you will definitely find an option to your liking.

How to fix plastic panels to a ceiling or wall correctly and without mistakes

The step-by-step instructions will help you decide how to attach plastic panels to walls or ceilings, you will learn how to mount, various tips and nuances.

How to fix plastic panels to the wall with your own hands: detailed instructions

If you are thinking about decorating walls or ceilings in a bathroom, hallway, kitchen, balcony or other rooms with high humidity, pay attention to PVC panels. This is the best choice in terms of price, practicality and quality. They wash well, do not fade or deform from moisture. And the biggest plus is the simple installation of the panels. They are ideal for leveling walls and provide a variety of design ideas to come true. How to fix plastic panels to the wall: all the subtleties and nuances.

Required materials and tools

Plastic panels are easy enough to install, so it is possible to sheathe the walls or ceiling with your own hands. To make the installation yourself, you will need the following tools:

  1. A drill or hammer drill depending on the walls to be paneled. For a brick and concrete wall, it is better to take a punch, for the rest, a drill is suitable.
  2. Metal scissors are required for cutting a metal profile, you can use a grinder.
  3. Screwdriver. It is needed to connect the frame parts and fasten the PVC panels to the profile.
  4. A stapler and staples will be needed if plastic is attached to a wooden crate.
  5. Building knife or hacksaw - for cutting panels and moldings.
  6. The miter box is an indispensable tool for correct cutting at the right angle.
  7. Roulette, marker, level. For small construction work.

If the required tool is ready, you can go to purchase materials for finishing. You will need:

  • plastic panels;
  • rails for fastening plastic;
  • metal profile and accessories for it or a wooden beam 20x40 mm;
  • dowels, screws.

But before making purchases, you should take measurements of the room and calculate the required amount of materials for future decoration.

Calculation of materials for installation

Plastic panels are produced in various colors and sizes. Most often, the length of the panels is 2.7, 3 or 6 m, and the width is 10, 25, 37.5 and 50 cm. The thickness of the panels is 8 or 10 mm. Therefore, having decided on the choice of plastic and the size of the walls, you can make the necessary calculation of the amount of material.

To do this, it is necessary to measure the length and width of each wall, determine the direction of laying the plastic panels (along the wall or across) and calculate the consumption by these dimensions.

For the installation of the crate, it is worth purchasing a metal profile or a wooden bar.

Fastening plastic panels to walls

PVC panels can be finished in two ways:

  • on the frame (recommended for large uneven walls)
  • on glue or liquid nails.

Installation of plastic panels using a metal or wooden frame.

For wall decoration with plastic panels, a metal or wood frame is required. Before installation, we clean the walls from excess dirt and dust, treat with a special anti-fungal agent and draw a lathing grid on the wall using a level. The gap between the slats is set to 40 - 50 cm. Along the marking lines we drill holes at a distance of 50 cm and fasten the profile to the wall with suitable fasteners.

For relatively flat walls (the difference is not more than 5 mm), you can make a frame from a wooden bar, and for very curved walls, it is better to use a metal profile, since it can be fixed at some distance from the wall using special fittings. After you have made sure that the crate is securely installed, you can proceed to the finishing.

It is better to start work from a corner farther from the entrance, as this is the most visible part of the room and any trimming will be very noticeable. First, the starter strip is attached at the bottom and top of the crate, and on the side - the inner (outer) corner, depending on the installation location. These slats serve to secure the plastic and hide the unaesthetic appearance of the panel sections. After that, you can mount the plastic. We cut off the panel of the desired size (about 0.5 cm less, taking into account the deformation from temperature changes) and insert it into the guides, first at the top and bottom, and then on the side. We fix the plastic with a screwdriver or a stapler in each strip of the crate. We fasten the next strips accordingly.

The most difficult step is installing the last panel. To do this, cut the panel 0.5 cm smaller than the required size. First we insert it into the corner profile, and then we snap it into the groove of the previous panel. This way you will not deform the guides and finish the wall mounting neatly.

Home heating solution: electric boiler

Installation of PVC panels on special glue or liquid nails.

If your house has perfectly flat walls, it is possible to install plastic panels without a frame. This method has many advantages and practically no disadvantages:

  • saving space (which is important for small rooms);
  • absence of dirt and dust during installation;
  • quick installation;
  • less cost (no need to buy materials for the frame);
  • no special skills required.

This method of mounting plastic panels requires careful preparation of the walls. Clean them from foreign objects (wallpaper, old paint, crumbling putty), close up visible irregularities and prime. The panels can now be attached. If the wall allows, during the installation process, you need to fix the panel with one self-tapping screw to the wall approximately in the middle - this will provide a more reliable fastening. A special flexible corner is glued in the corners of the room, the sizes of which vary from 2 to 5 cm. It gives the room completeness, forms the inner and outer corners and hides the curvature of the corners.

This installation method has only one drawback - you cannot hide the wiring and install built-in lights. Therefore, the choice is yours.

Fastening plastic panels to the ceiling

One of the advantages of using PVC panels on the ceiling is the ability to hide wiring, exhaust pipes and other communications, as well as place built-in lighting.

For the installation of plastic panels on the ceiling, a special frame made of metal profiles is used (it gives more opportunities for embedding various communications due to the use of various special fittings (suspensions, crabs, etc.), and does not deform due to moisture, unlike wood). Before installing the frame, it is worth preparing the surface of the ceiling (clean it from old paint, whitewash, falling off plaster and dust, treat it with an anti-fungal coating to avoid the development of fungus in the room).

First, using a level, we make markings on the walls of the room at a distance of 5 - 10 cm from the ceiling. Next, we set the mesh elements at an interval of 30 - 40 cm from each other. At a greater distance, the plastic can sag. Further along the perimeter, we attach a starting profile or a special baguette for plastic; it is better to trim the corners using a miter box or right at the installation site with a construction knife. Now we install the plastic panels.

How to fix plastic panels to the wall - recommendations for self-installation

How to fix plastic panels to the wall, description of the process. Possible installation methods. Installation of PVC panels on the ceiling. Recommendations for self

How to properly fix plastic panels to the wall: with and without lathing

In skillful hands, wall cladding with plastic panels resembles the assembly of crafts from a children's designer: the same pleasant-to-touch details, the same principles of fastening PVC panels: either with glue on a prepared surface, or with bolts on a prepared frame.

But if you look closely, each method of their installation will have its own nuances that must be taken into account.

DIY frame method for mounting plastic panels

The essence of this method is to fix the panels with your own hands on a special frame, called a crate. Its main difficulty is to correctly calculate the upper and lower level of the crate, which should go strictly parallel to each other: the uniform distribution of the guides on which the PVC panels will subsequently be attached depends on this.

However, this does not mean that such installation does not require additional preparation. The latter directly depends on the purpose of the room.

In rooms with stable temperature and humidity - such, as a rule, are living rooms - it is enough to simply remove the old peeling coating from the walls with a spatula, carefully examine for cracks, cracks and chips and, if necessary, seal them with putty or plaster.

If, however, temperature changes and humidity in the room are common (remember, for example, bathrooms, kitchens, balconies), additional waterproofing of the walls will be required.

The waterproofing layer is applied to the pre-moistened walls using a roller or paint brush. And after it dries, the walls are treated with an anti-mold and mildew agent.

Most often, the crate is made either wooden or metal.

Wooden blocks of at least 20 × 20 mm in thickness are cheaper, but they are less durable and are not suitable for rooms with high levels of humidity. Therefore, before using them, they must be properly dried (the permissible moisture content of the tree should not exceed 12-15%) and must be treated with an antiseptic to protect against decay and insects.

The metal profile is more expensive, but suitable for any premises, stronger and more durable. At the same time, a distinction is made between the UD profile, with which the contour of the batten is formed, and the CD profile inserted into it, which serves as intermediate elements (guides).

But regardless of the material, before installing it, you need to stock up:

  • a building level and a plumb line - to determine the position of the main elements of the crate;
  • dowels - for attaching it to the wall;
  • screws - for attaching its elements to each other;
  • tape measure - to measure the distance between the guides;
  • material for underlays for guides - wood or thick plywood;
  • screwdriver and drill - to facilitate work.

You will need metal scissors to trim the metal profile. For additional work with wooden blocks - a saw with medium teeth, a chisel, a mallet.

Installation of the battens to the wall

The installation of the lathing can be divided into several stages.

Frame marking for wall panels

It starts with determining the lower level that runs along the floor in such a way that the plinth can be screwed onto it later. In this case, the "reference point" is the most protruding part of the wall: focusing on it, they determine the distance by which the crate will subsequently retreat from the wall.

Then comes the definition of the upper level, passing along the intended ceiling height, and then the side levels. When installing the upper and lower levels, it is necessary to use the building level, and when installing the side levels - a plumb line.

Bringing the frame to the proper level

In general, all levels are not attached to the walls closely, but to direct suspensions, observing the required indentation. The outer edges of the lathing should be at the same level, which can be adjusted either by grinding the battens of the lathing or with substrates.

The distance between the screws to which the profile is attached should be 20-25 cm for a wooden one and 15-25 cm for a metal profile.

Fastening the guides inside the frame of the frame

To begin with, they cover all protruding wall elements, as well as window and door openings.

The purpose of this action is to securely fasten the edges of the sheathing elements along their borders. Then the intermediate profiles are mounted.

When installing them, one must take into account how the PVC panels will be attached - horizontally or vertically: they are fastened perpendicular to the guides.

Wooden bars (for wooden lathing) and CD profiles (for metal ones) are inserted into the frame of the frame and fixed with screws at the edges. To give the metal profile additional rigidity, it is recommended to use U-shaped profiles - they are screwed to its guides after the profile is installed and secured.

Naturally, when carrying out this type of work, do not forget to use the building level. But the crate is ready. And it's time to start installing PVC panels.

How to fix?

To do this, you need to stock up on:

  • plastic panels, which must "acclimatize" before starting work, having been in the room intended for finishing for at least a day;
  • moldings, that is, special angle profiles that ensure smooth joining;
  • clamps - special brackets for fastening;
  • a building level that helps to determine as accurately as possible the location of the first PVC panel on the crate, which serves as a reference point for further installation;
  • with a special knife or metal saw for trimming panels.

Installation of PVC panels does not begin with the installation of moldings - internal and external: it is from them that you will have to build on in the future.

The first panel is installed with a spike in the profile, fastened with clamps to the crate. The second panel is installed in the groove of the previous one and is fixed in the same way. Thus, they reach the end of the wall.

The latter is cut in such a way that it can be installed all the way into the finishing corner, while the distance between its spike and the groove of the previous panel should be 2-3 mm.

The cut edge is inserted into the profile, then the panel is pulled out and connected to the previous panel.

If it is necessary to hide moldings, the technology of installing plastic wall panels becomes more complicated. The first panel is fixed strictly in the very corner, the next - close to it. A spike is removed on one of the corner panels, as a result of which a groove appears at the end.

This panel is pushed over the hook brackets installed on the second profile. The next corner panel is inserted into the starting profile.

Installation of PVC panels without lathing

The essence of panel mounting without lathing consists in gluing panels directly to the wall. And its main difficulty is in the preparation of the walls, which require careful alignment, and the correct selection of the adhesive composition.

The initial preparation of the walls is the same as with the frame method: the old coating is removed, and the cracks are closed. It is, of course, difficult to ideally align the wall, but the permissible size of drops, bumps and holes should not exceed 5 mm, otherwise the plastic may peel off or damage.

And given that a dusty, dirty and oily surface is not able to provide sufficient adhesion to any glue, there is a need for high-quality cleaning of the walls: washing off whitewash, cleaning from fat with detergents, priming.

The range of glue on the modern market is great. For installing plastic panels with your own hands, universal tools such as Kleiberite 636, Emfikol 34012A or Moment Crystal are perfect, but it is best to use glue designed specifically for gluing plastic. Good glue:

  • after drying it becomes transparent and forms a film layer;
  • not afraid of moisture, frost and temperature changes;
  • holds surfaces together for a long period and sets quickly.

It provides too rigid fixation and, "interacting" with plastic, which has a considerable coefficient of thermal expansion, deprives the panels made of it of free-wheeling, thereby facilitating their separation from the walls.

A more reliable non-expanding polyurethane sealant and liquid nails - their sufficient plasticity does not allow the panel to come off the wall during temperature fluctuations.

PVC panels are glued to the wall as follows:

  • the panel is taken and wiped from the back with a damp cloth to remove dust;
  • glue is applied to the back side in a dotted manner, the distance between the drops of which varies from 25 cm to 35 cm;
  • then the panel is attached to the wall.

If, when trying to glue, liquid nails were used, it is better to tap and tear it off: this type of glue requires chapping for 5-7 minutes - only then it will acquire additional rigidity and will not allow the panel, after pressing it again, to fall off the wall until it is completely dry.

It is enough to simply stick them on transparent silicone, wiping with a damp cloth to remove its excess. The size of such inserts ranges from 20 mm to 50 mm, depending on the curvature of the corners. If it is required to glue PVC panels around the outlet, the space for the outlet is pre-cut, and the electricity is turned off.

At the last stage of installation, floor and ceiling skirting boards are installed, which are fastened with self-tapping screws. The joints between panels are treated with polyurethane foam or transparent silicone sealant (the latter is preferable in rooms with high humidity).

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When repairing the balcony, I decided to finish the walls with plastic panels. And although I have never worked with this material, I ventured to try. It turned out that there is nothing difficult in working with PVC panels. I used a metal crate, the main thing is to mount it correctly, observing all levels. And then further work is not difficult. The panels are mounted quickly, I did all the work in one day without any experience.

After the grandmother, the apartment was inherited, naturally not in the best condition, so we decided to make a small renovation. The husband suggested to decorate the toilet with pvc panels, not expensive and neat. We found the ad master, in the end, we got a very nice toilet, but what was our surprise when we saw that on one wall, the panels were attached upside down)) This "joint" did not rush immediately into the eyes, but then it became insulting, after all, we gave normal money for the work, and hoped to accept quality work. After all that has happened, dear friends, I can advise you to hire craftsmen only on the recommendations of friends or from decent repair firms!

How to fix plastic panels to the wall: basic DIY installation methods

At first glance, it is quite simple to fix PVC panels correctly. However, this work has its own nuances, depending on the condition of the walls, on the method used and on the availability of certain knowledge of working with plastic as such.

PVC panels are a popular finishing material that is durable, practical and affordable. Such coatings can be used for wall cladding and ceiling decoration. Plastic panels are installed quite simply and quickly. It is quite possible to cope with such work on your own. Today we will talk in more detail about how to fix PVC panels to walls.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic panels are a popular and common wall covering. They can be found in many shops that specialize in decoration materials.

Wide sheets and lining made of plastic are in great demand because they have many positive qualities.

  • First of all, it should be noted the durability of such finishing materials. In our climate, their service life can be more than 20 years.
  • Such materials are durable. They are not afraid of dampness and moisture. In addition, they are not subject to rotting, as, for example, natural wood.
  • Plastic panels do not require complex and regular maintenance. Dust and dirt do not accumulate on their surface. If the finish is dirty, then it will turn out to be cleaned with a regular damp cloth.
  • PVC panels have sound insulating properties, so they are perfect for wall cladding.

  • Using plastic panels, you can divide the space into functional zones.
  • Plastic panels are lightweight materials that make them easy to work with. All processes can be handled without the involvement of assistants.
  • Plastic is a very malleable material - it lends itself to various types of processing without problems. Therefore, in stores you can find PVC panels that have a variety of colors, textures, prints and ornaments.

  • These finishing materials can be used in a wide variety of interior styles. The only exception can be pretentious and pompous ensembles, in which extremely expensive and natural elements must be present.
  • You can install plastic canvases both in a city apartment and in a private house.
  • Various communications can be hidden behind the panels, such as electrical wiring.
  • It is quite possible to install PVC panels on walls with your own hands, since this process is not complicated and inaccessible. You don't need to stock up on expensive tools for this.

Of course, PVC wall panels are not ideal finishing materials. They also have their own weaknesses.

Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels, it will be easier to work with them. You can avoid many mistakes during the installation process.

Criterias of choice

PVC sheets produced by different manufacturers have different properties and performance characteristics. When buying a suitable material, you need to pay attention to its quality - this is the main criterion on which you should rely.

  • there are damages (even barely noticeable) on their stiffeners or they are completely deformed;
  • stiffening ribs protrude too much;
  • if the lines of the drawing on the frontal half are poorly expressed, and there is also blurring of the edges;

  • scratches and other minor damages are visible on the surface of the panels;
  • lamellas from one set differ from each other in shade and brightness (such a finish will look inharmonious and ridiculous on the walls);
  • panels from one set have different sizes (in this case, the technology of installation of finishing will be noticeably complicated, since different-sized elements will not be fixed efficiently).

Pay attention to the decorative layer of the panels. Any drawings, prints and paints should not be washed out and too dull. These features may indicate poor quality material. Such coatings will quickly lose their original appearance.

Currently, there are Chinese and European PVC panels in stores. European products are considered to be of higher quality.

When choosing a suitable material, you must pay attention to its density. It is this parameter that determines how durable and wear-resistant the panel is. This indicator is influenced by the number of rigid ribs that are located in the inner part of the sheets.

The optimal indicators are:

  • front side thickness - 2-1.5 mm;
  • number of stiffeners - 20-30;
  • the total weight of the part is 2-1.7 kg / m2.

To ensure the reliability and strength of the material, you should press on it with your finger. The front side of the panel should bend slightly under pressure, and then quickly return to its original state. If the lamella is strongly deformed, then this indicates that it contains a large amount of chalk - such materials do not last long and are very fragile.

Preparatory stage

If you decide to install PVC panels yourself, then you should adhere to a specific work plan. If at every stage you do everything right, the result will not disappoint you.

First, you need to prepare the wall base for the future plastic cladding. This work is especially important if you plan to attach PVC panels in a frameless way.

Algorithm of work.

  • The first step is to remove old finishes and any items that might fall off the wall.
  • It is also necessary to get rid of all floor defects. If there are noticeable potholes or cracks on their surface, then they should be repaired with a suitable mortar.
  • Too prominent areas need to be cut.
  • When the wall is leveled, and all the shortcomings are eliminated, it must be treated with a high-quality primer with antibacterial components. Such coatings are necessary so that the base is protected from the formation of mold or mildew.

Only after all the work done on preparing the walls can you proceed to the design of the lathing (if you use the frame method of installing the material).

Tools and accessories

It is necessary to properly prepare for the installation of PVC panels and stock up on all the necessary tools and accessories.

You will need the following tools:

  • tape measure with a pencil or marker (indelible) to mark;
  • a hacksaw with small teeth for cutting sheet panels;
  • building level and a plumb line, so as not to encounter distortions and irregularities;
  • triangle;
  • plastic profile, slats for design corners of the structure;

  • self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, clamps for fixing various elements on the base;
  • screwdriver and hammer drill;
  • sealing compound;
  • glue;
  • antiseptic.

Also, in the process, you will need special accessories:

  • external and internal corners;
  • docking profiles;
  • start profiles;
  • F-shaped profiles;
  • ceiling and floor skirting boards.

All tools and accessories must be of high quality and reliable.


It is recommended to proceed to finishing work only after all the necessary calculations have been made. This step is needed to find out the exact number of PVC panels that you will need for wall cladding. Thanks to accurate calculations, you can avoid unnecessary overpayments due to the purchase of material with a large stock.

Fastening PVC sheets assumes their horizontal or vertical arrangement. In this case, the choice remains only with the owners.

  • first you need to measure the entire room (that is, find out the length around the perimeter);
  • then you should subtract the width of the window and door openings;
  • now the remainder must be divided by the width of one PVC panel.

As a result of such simple calculations, you will receive the number of panels required for finishing the room. It is recommended to add a couple of additional units to the resulting value. This is necessary so that you have stock in case of damage to some parts.

As for calculating the amount of material horizontally, then it is carried out as follows:

  • first you need to measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • then the area of \u200b\u200bdoor and window openings should be subtracted from it;
  • the resulting number must be divided by the area of \u200b\u200bone panel from the kit.

Add 10% to the final figure - this will be a margin. It should be borne in mind that with a horizontal layout, the plastic panels will have to be cut out, so you will have leftovers in the form of PVC scraps.

Installation methods

Installation of plastic panels cannot be called too complicated. According to experts, such work can be done alone, since PVC sheets do not have much weight.

There are two main methods for installing such cladding materials.The first one is wireframe. Choosing a similar installation option, you must be ready to manufacture a reliable and high-quality crate, to which the plastic sheets will be attached. The second installation method is frameless. With this option, you do not have to make a separate frame, but you will need to carefully prepare the wall base for the future application of finishing materials. Otherwise, PVC panels will not adhere firmly and securely to the floors.

It is worth considering in more detail how PVC sheets are installed in both cases.

On the frame

When you have finished preparing the rough slab, you can start preparing a high-quality frame. It can be made of metal or wood. Both options are quite reliable and durable. However, if you want to build a structure made of wood, then it must be additionally treated with antiseptic agents to protect it from decay and drying out.

The batten guides must be installed perpendicular to the PVC panels.Simply put, if you are going to mount the sheets horizontally, then the crate should be vertical and vice versa.

The frame strips should be mounted at a distance of 30 cm - this value is optimal in this case. These parts must be fastened at the beginning and end of the wall and around door and window openings.

It is recommended to fix the frame structure for plastic panels to the bases with dowels. 6x40 mm fasteners are inserted into the concrete floor (this is necessary so that a piece does not fall off on the other side of the concrete base), and 6x60 mm into the brick floor. Fasteners are recommended to be installed keeping an indent of 50-60 cm.

The crate must be placed in one plane - so the plastic sheathing will turn out smooth and neat. To achieve this effect, you can use small pieces of wood or regular plywood pieces and place them under the frame slats. Do not forget that these elements also need to be treated with antiseptics.

It is also permissible to use special perforated hangers, which are usually used for plasterboard ceiling structures. Such elements are necessary for exposing metal profiles in the same plane, however, they can well be used in the case of wood frames.

If you plan to use plastic profiles for the construction of the frame, then you should take into account one important caveat: these elements should be located only perpendicular to the polyvinyl chloride panels. The slightest deviation can lead to many problems, for example, the clamps may not close and will not perform the main function. To avoid such errors, it is worth constantly checking the vertical and horizontal lines.

Also, experts advise to install wooden frame elements around the perimeter of the room. the same thickness as the PVC profiles, since the starter panels will be attached to these bases.

Further, at the level of the floor and ceiling, a starter or ceiling plinth should be used. The starter element is a narrow plastic strip. Ceiling plinth is a molded part with a special cutout.

Laying PVC profiles should start in one of the corners (at the top or bottom). The fixing of the trim should be done on the frame strips. Fasteners are selected depending on the material that you used to construct the battens. The result is a frame-like structure. It is into it that PVC panels will be inserted further.

Next, you need to cut the starting lamella in accordance with the length and height of the wall. To cut off excess pieces, you should use a hacksaw or a special metal saw. When cutting the panel, do not press too hard with your foot or hand - push or break. In order for the first part to fit correctly in the right place, you need to measure its length again. Subtract 4-5 cm from it and cut off.

A protruding spike must be cut off at the starting strip. After that, with the cut side, this part must be inserted into the corner profile, tucking the edges into the upper and lower profiles. It is worth tapping lightly with your palm to drive the bar as deep as possible.

Be sure to place a level against the edge of the installed element to check that it is even. If the part is right, then you can safely fix it to each lathing strip.

When you install the launch pad, cut off the second one, dock it to the first, and secure. Further actions are very simple and of the same type. Problems often arise only with the installation of the last lamella on the floor. Most often, this part has to be cut in width, after which you need to try to tuck it into the groove and into the profile (starting or corner) at the same time. It is not always possible to do this neatly, since the plastic wrinkles easily. In order not to face such a problem, do not install a second corner profile. In such a case, this part is slid onto the fitted finish panel. Then these assembled elements are joined to the previous lamella. The profile is fixed only after these actions.

Further cladding of floors with PVC panels occurs in the same way.

According to experienced finishers, the frame method of mounting plastic panels is reliable, but more complicated than frameless.


In cases where the floors are flat, plastered or sheathed with plasterboard, they do not require the installation of battens for finishing with plastic. In this case, it will only take away the free area in the room. On such bases, PVC panels are attached using silicone, liquid nails or polyurethane foam.

However, in this case, the starting panels will still have to be fixed on the walls with dowels.

After that, the following is applied to the back half of the sheets:

  • foam (it is better to lay it on PVC sheets in a zigzag);
  • silicone (it is recommended to apply it on the panels in small portions at intervals of 10-15 cm).

Then the bar is inserted into the profiles and pressed tightly. After that, it is fixed with fasteners. Further, the installation of plastic panels should be continued according to the same principle.

The main advantage of this installation method is that it takes up a minimum of free time. However, you can refer to it only if the walls in your home have a perfectly flat surface without serious flaws. It should be borne in mind that in the future it will hardly be possible to remove such a finish without damaging the plastic.

Wall cladding with plastic is not the most difficult job. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions provided and to use quality materials / tools.

If you decide to do such finishing work with your own hands, you should take into account some recommendations from specialists.

  • It is not recommended to combine PVC panels with more expensive materials. For example, the union of luxurious marble and polyvinyl chloride will look ridiculous and disharmonious.
  • According to experienced craftsmen, hot melt glue cannot be used for PVC.
  • To make a competent installation of panels around the sockets, you should make all the necessary holes for them in the material in advance. Before doing this, be sure to turn off the electricity.

  • If in the bathroom or in the kitchen you have designed a wooden crate, then a couple of millimeters must be added to the resulting indentation, since the wood is subject to deformation under the influence of dampness, moisture and temperature extremes.
  • PVC panels are a popular and demanded material, however, they are not recommended to be laid in the bedroom (both for children and adults). For such rooms it is better to choose more "breathable" materials.
  • It is not recommended to sheathe the walls with PVC panels immediately after purchase. They should rest in a dry and warm room for at least 2 hours.
  • Wall decoration should be started only after the floor and ceiling are ready.
  • The advantages of polyvinyl chloride panels include their ability to hide various communications. However, these items should still be available to the hosts. To do this, use removable inserts.

  • If you use liquid nails to fix PVC sheets, then you should not pull with the removal of their nodules - these compounds dry out very quickly.
  • Materials for wall decoration should not have different openings at the joints. This must be monitored when choosing plastic panels.
  • At each stage of laying PVC panels, it is necessary to check the evenness of the structure using a level. This device will help to avoid bevels and curvature of the finish.
  • Experts recommend purchasing high-quality polyvinyl chloride panels. Don't look for too cheap coverings - these materials are already available. Ask the seller for certificates of the quality of the paintings. Study them carefully. The composition of such finishing materials should not contain toxic compounds.

Design options

PVC panels look organic in many environments. Designers do not recommend just combining such coatings in one ensemble with very expensive and pompous coatings (for example, natural stone). Against the background of such finishing materials, PVC sheets may seem too modest and even "poor".

Plastic panels can revive the interior of the hallway, corridor, living room, bathroom and kitchen. The main thing is to choose coatings of a suitable color and texture.

In a small loft-style kitchen, the dining area can be highlighted with polyvinyl chloride panelsimitating dark red brickwork. Against such a background, a laconic white table and metal chairs with dark wooden backs and armrests will look harmonious. The dining area will look complete if you hang a large dark clock over the table.

PVC panels can be used to decorate an apron in the kitchen. For example, in a room with burgundy walls, a white floor and the same white headset, an apron trimmed with a wide plastic sheet with an image of coffee beans will look spectacular.

In the hallway, PVC panels are used most often. In such rooms, coverings that imitate brick and stone look especially attractive. As a rule, they are side by side with ordinary wallpaper in neutral colors. For example, canvases under a light brown stone will look harmoniously in tandem with yellow wallpaper and a wooden entrance door.

Also, in a hallway or corridor, PVC panels with a silk-screen effect look good. Against the background of such light canvases, both entrance and interior doors of dark shades look advantageous. Such coatings look attractive, side by side with wooden furniture and decor items.

With the help of polyvinyl chloride panels, you can revive the interior of the living room.In such environments, 3D coatings with embossed surfaces look especially original and stylish. For example, you can decorate an accent wall with a TV with spectacular textured black canvases, and place a dark chocolate woven sofa opposite it. To prevent the ensemble from appearing too dark and oppressive, light laminate should be placed on the floor.