How to cut a 45 degree skirting board. How to cut the corners of skirting boards: solutions for different materials

Installation of a ceiling plinth only at first glance seems to be a very simple task. In fact, you can run into small and not very problems that can not only exhaust you, but completely discourage the desire to make repairs. One of these problems is the matching of the ceiling plinth in the corners.

Many copies were broken by ordinary apartment residents about the question of how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth, because it cannot be simply cut off at an angle of 45 °. What to do in this case? Let's turn to the professionals for advice.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth, how to properly fit and cut a plinth

Yes, the main and most insidious nuance in the technology of installing a ceiling plinth is how to properly cut the plinth and dock it at the inner and outer corners. The fact is that, unlike conventional skirting boards, the ceiling molding is attached to the base at an angle of 38-45 °, which makes it difficult to make a classic 45 ° cut at the joints. On the inside, the cut edges do not join, leaving gaps.

But this is all complex professional lyrics. And how to make a corner of a ceiling plinth at home? The easiest way to work is with styrofoam accessories. First of all, measure the very angle between the walls. If it is 90 ° or so, then trim the edges at a 45 ° angle. Do the same with the second crop. For uneven joints between walls and ceiling, the corner radius is halved. Do not confuse the details with each other: the baguette that will be glued to the left should have a cut on the right side, and the right fillet on the left.

To create the inner corner of the skirting board on the ceiling, its lower part should protrude above the upper one; for the outer corner, the opposite is true. Due to the soft and pliable texture, it is not necessary to adjust the expanded polystyrene fillets to each other, but you will have to tinker with plastic or wooden fillets. After making the side cuts, try on the strips to the ceiling and, if necessary, trim them in accordance with the direction of the accessory's abutment to the surfaces.

After roughly joining the ceiling skirting boards, screw or glue the fillets to the ceiling and wall, and then seal the seams.

How to cut ceiling plinth corners, trimming and corner cutting tools

To cut the corner of the skirting board, you need certain tools. If you want to make joints no worse than a venerable repairman, then an electric miter saw or miter box will be useful to you. With the help of these devices, it is possible to achieve high cutting accuracy. In this case, no effort is needed. All you need to do is set the required parameters and lower the sharp saw blade onto a plastic or wooden surface.

You can also trim the ceiling plinth with more economical materials, such as a hacksaw or a hand miter box. A simple saw is very cheap and extremely easy to work with. The only drawback of such a device is rudeness. There is always a risk of spoiling the material. If you bought poor quality plastic or wood, then during operation the product may begin to crumble or delaminate into fibers.

To make a corner on the ceiling plinth without burrs, a jigsaw will help. The advantage of this tool, in addition to high accuracy and efficiency, is also ease of use. You can set the jigsaw in any direction of movement and make the highest quality cuts.

But these are all products that help solve the problem of how to dock a ceiling plinth made of wood or PVC. It makes no sense to use such a complex technique to work with foam. A regular construction knife will do here. The main thing is that it has a well-sharpened blade, then you will be able to make a high-quality cut without tearing and delamination of the material.

You still have not decided how to cut the ceiling plinth? No problem. In stores you can find fillets already prepared for joining in the corners. In this case, the principle of the opposite applies. When working with such a skirting board, you need to make not oblique, but only straight cuts for the frontal connection of parts. True, the cost of such accessories is higher compared to classic ones.

In order to start cutting the corners of the baseboard, you need to acquire such a tool as a miter box. This attachment adjusts the correct angle for cutting with a mounting knife or trowel. Its size depends on the complexity of the work being done. For the installation of a plastic structure, it is enough to use miter boxes with low slopes up to 90 degrees. The most difficult moment here is, perhaps, the joining of all the elements so that there are no gaps between them. First you need to make a sketch. The plinth is placed directly on the wall. If the miter box is not at hand, you can get by with a regular stencil. The photo shows the process of cutting a small piece of foam with a knife.

How to make a corner on a skirting board

In order to make a corner on a skirting board, you need to acquire two important elements. This is the material with which you will glue the ceiling, as well as a ruler with which you can measure the angles on the ceiling. If the wall is flat, then, as a rule, there are no special problems with measurements, but if there are gaps on it, then you cannot do without improvised means. It is better to pre-treat the corners with a sealant, sometimes it may need to be painted. It is important to remember that you first need to determine the angle of the product, and then carry out the following operations, such as, for example, cutting the ceiling corner. In the diagram you see a hint on how to make the corners correctly.

Ceiling baguettes

Ceiling baguettes - special decorative strips for the ceiling, which can be decorated in various elements. Such a product can give the surface a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Most often, the baguette acts as a cornice and is used in theaters and other buildings of cultural education. However, now in stores you can buy its varieties for home use. Most often, the product acts as an additional element. Its execution can be different, both with the inner corner of the plinth and the outer corner of the plinth. It is recommended to install baguettes by experienced repairmen.
The figure shows one of the varieties of ceiling moldings.

How to cut ceiling plinths in corners

In order to cut ceiling skirting boards in the corners, you need to have several important building materials with you and follow certain important rules:

  1. use a pencil to measure the required length of the ceiling in which you are going to lay the plinth.
  2. using a miter box, you need to measure the length at which you will lay the corner of the baseboard and cut the corner.
  3. draw up an approximate layout with length readings and cut directly with an assembly knife.

Miter boxes can be purchased at any hardware store in your city.
In the figure, mark the area, the corner of which you want to trim.
Watch the video for more details:

Ceiling fillets

Ceiling fillets are now gaining wide popularity due to their ease of installation. To start installation, you need to measure the perimeter of the room using a regular ruler. We divide the area by about 2, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room itself. You need to decide how many fillet strips you need to take. You can glue them in two ways: using glue or putty. In the first version, you will need a flat surface of the wallpaper, for the second we cut the corners of the PVC baseboard with a clerical knife, and then we strengthen the products with putty.

How to cut a ceiling plinth

In order to trim the skirting board, you need to use a miter box. If you resort to professional repair, then you can buy the simplest version with a narrow range of corner radius, from about 45 to 90 degrees. In order not to be mistaken in how to cut the skirting board, draw a layout. This can help, for example, when installing a plastic product. It is cut off by the very edge of the miter box, if there are uneven edges, they are sawn with an assembly knife. In plastic skirting boards, it is advisable to measure out several pieces of stucco molding, and then deal with their separation. You can use a regular saw to cut the skirting board.

What are the corners for the ceiling plinth

The corners for the ceiling plinth or, as they are also called by another name, baguettes are special pieces of plastic that have a decorative finish. In everyday life, you can still find such a name as ceiling cornices. They were originally used for decoration in buildings of cultural importance, but over time their use has expanded to simple home decoration. For the corners, it is also necessary to first measure the length of the ceiling. Corners are most often made of polystyrene and have a dense texture and structure. Placing such baguettes requires concentration and care. Installation is not much different from conventional ceiling finishes.

Skirting corners come in various shapes. Their main feature is decorativeness and protection of the outer corner.

How to join a ceiling plinth

We will give you some tips on how to fit your ceiling skirting boards correctly. It doesn't matter if you have a narrow or wide skirting board. In order to start joining each piece, you need to point one piece of foam plinth to the diameter of the wall and draw a line with a pencil to the other corner. This way you can measure the skirting board joint and the corner joint. Next, you need to attach the fillet directly to the corner (not to the mark!), And cut it with an ordinary clerical knife. For a successful connection, use sandpaper sticks. The corners are assembled directly into a monolithic structure and one color.

What is wood ceiling plinth

Wood skirting boards are a type of decorative ceiling finish that hides visible wall irregularities and adds a touch of flair to your room. In addition to standard plastic products, there are also wooden ones. You can get them at the warehouses of logging factories, or at a regular hardware store. Choose only one that matches your home's finish. Be sure to purchase nails or screws to hold the wooden ceiling cornice. Installation of these elements takes a certain amount of time, but the installation process itself is not as complicated as it seems.

It is necessary to carefully saw down the pieces, cut out the corners, and process the places of future joints. You will need a variety of tools and accessories to cut wood. The docking technique is practically no different from other types of similar products. The main thing is to carefully read how to calculate and how to fit all the joints. Then the connection will pass without problems.

How to join skirting boards

In order to tackle the process of joining the skirting boards, you need to prepare several tools:

  1. pencil for measurements;
  2. docking stationery knife.

To begin with, measure the length and perimeter of the ceiling and mark it out with a pencil. If your surface is flat, you can get a regular miter box. The device is used when applying skirting boards at small angles, approximately 90-120 degrees. One strip of the product is placed under the miter box and cuts are made with the help of a knife in order to form grooves for layout. A docking clerical knife is used if the corners of the ceiling are not even.

What is a Styrofoam skirting board

Polystyrene has long established itself as a good building material due to its ease of installation. For ceilings, it is the foam plinth that has found widespread use. Such products are now readily available, and they can be bought absolutely in any construction market. Polystyrene foam has good decorative properties. This skirting board is usually supplied in particles. To fix it, several objects are used, such as a miter box, a clerical knife. In order to measure the length, you can do with an ordinary well-sharpened pencil.

How to cut a corner for a ceiling plinth

How to cut a corner? In order to start installing the skirting boards, you first need to know how to cut the corner of the skirting board. The angles are measured using goniometers and a marking pencil, by means of which it is possible to calculate on which side of the corner we need to apply the piece. If we have a flat surface, we do it with a miter box at small angles, and then, using a clerical knife, we cut out the allotted corners. If this is a plastic skirting board, you need to draw a rough diagram in order not to make a mistake in the joining of elements. Circumcision must be done carefully

How to cut a skirting board

In order to know how to cut a plinth during installation, you must have a miter box (for flat surfaces) or a utility knife, which is used for uneven corners. If you have a plastic product, it is best to use a special hacksaw for metal, then trimming will be much easier. Cut the skirting boards carefully, without pressing hard on a knife or saw, so as not to cut your hand instead of the corner of the skirting board. The miter box is used only for flat surfaces. The product is most often cut at small angles, at a distance of up to about 90 degrees. The stationery knife is a universal solution. When cutting, it is advisable to avoid places where there are cracks.

What is a miter box for a ceiling plinth

The skirting board miter box is the most important tool for processing skirting boards in the ceiling. It is characterized by the presence of cutting tips on both sides at different angles from 45 to 90 degrees, which are usually located on the left and right side. With these tips, the skirting board is clamped on both sides and sawn off with a cutting tool. In order to attach parts of the skirting board, you need to draw the necessary corners with a pencil for joining. The marked product is inserted into the miter box so that it stands firmly on its surface. The plinth is held with one hand, and with the other, from the other corner, you need to cut the material.

How to glue a ceiling plinth

In order to know how to glue a ceiling plinth, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. always start from the corners of the room, they are the lightest, and then you can proceed to the rest of the room (you need to glue the corners so that no gaps form);
  2. with a plastic plinth for leplins, a finishing putty is used.

The attachment points are moistened with soil or plain water. After the putty has dried, it is recommended to seal the cracks. Sealants of various contents are used to cover them, but it is best to take an acrylic-based substance. For a small room, one package is enough. Installation with sealant is similar to putty.

Styrofoam ceiling skirting boards are a great way to decorate wall and ceiling joints, regardless of the choice of finishing materials. How to properly cut ceiling plinths in the corners of the room? How and what to glue it to the walls and ceiling? Let's figure it out.

Corner joining is the main problem in the skirting board.

How the skirting board fits in the corners

In general, there are only two main scenarios.

Decorative corners

Special decorative corners are used - external and internal.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the method?

  • This docking method is as simple as possible. The corner is glued to the wall; adjacent plinth strips are glued to it and to the adjacent section of the wall... No hassle with a fit.

Yes, the plinth is also cut to length here; however, cutting at right angles is not difficult. It is enough to put the plinth on the corner of the table and cut it off exactly along its edge (see).

Tip: The best tool for cutting skirting boards is a clerical knife. He, unlike all types of hacksaws, does not crumble material.

  • However, alas, corners suitable in width and pattern are often very difficult to find. Simply due to the limited range of products from one manufacturer from a particular seller (see).
  • In addition, the corners only allow the skirting board to be joined at right angles. In rooms with complex shapes, angles are often not equal to 90 degrees..

Decorative corners are the simplest solution. But it will not always help out.

Trimming planks

This method of joining is more versatile: no additional materials are required besides the plinth; docking is possible at an arbitrary angle. The essence of the method is reduced to the point of trimming the plinth planks in the corners so that the gap between them is absent or at least minimal.

With a knife in hand

So how do you cut your skirting boards properly?

Scenario 1: right angle

Let's start with a simpler case. How to cut ceiling skirting boards so that they fit at right angles?

Obviously, a seam will look best if the seam splits the corner exactly in half. Thus, we need to cut each of the planks that we connect at an angle of exactly 45 degrees (see).

The best tool for this operation is a miter box. This simplest joinery is a tray with walls cut at several fixed angles. Including the one we need.

  • We put the plinth in the miter box so that the areas for the sticker are flat against its bottom and wall.
  • We cut it off using the slot we need as a guide.

If the miter box is not at hand, it is easy to make it yourself, using smooth planks or strips of thick plywood as material. The slots in the walls are marked with a square or protractor.

The miter box is a tool that is easy to make yourself.

Scenario 2: an arbitrary angle or right angle in the absence of a miter box

How to properly cut the skirting board in this case? The miter box will not help in the case of an oblique or obtuse angle; and often there is no point in buying or making this instrument for the sake of a small room.

Take an internal corner fit as a reference. From the tools we need only a pencil and the same stationery knife. The edge of the table will serve as a support for us when trimming the edge of the skirting board.

Then again, one by one, we apply both plinths to the ceiling and mark the intersection point on them.

All that remains to be done is to correctly draw from the outer bottom corner to the inner top line and cut the plinth along it. The easiest way to do this is by placing the plinth on the edge of the table and aligning both cut points with its edge. Then strictly vertically cut the bar along the edge of the table.


The operation itself is extremely simple; however, as elsewhere, there are a number of subtleties.

Tip: acrylic putty will at the same time hide the gaps between the plinths and the wall, gaps in the corners and other flaws.

  • It is optimal to glue the skirting board not over the wallpaper, but on the plastered surface. The plaster is primed with a primer: this way the plinth will hold much more reliably.
  • When using synthetic universal bites, the main problem is that the skirting board slips or falls before the glue hardens.

The solution can be very simple. Apply glue to the edges of the skirting board, press it into place and tear it off immediately. After waiting about a minute, press again, this time completely. The thickened glue will hold the foam securely.

  • Be sure to glue the skirting boards together.
  • The ceiling plinth can be used with a stretch ceiling; however, in this case it is only glued to the wall. There is a minimum gap between the top edge and the canvas. In this case, the joints of the plinth in the corners should be additionally reinforced with match pins.

  • The displacement of the plinth from the ceiling surface by a dozen centimeters will allow you to lay LED strips into it, providing the ceiling with hidden lighting.


If some points of how to cut the ceiling plinth remained unclear for you - a useful video at the end of the article may be able to answer your questions. Good luck in the repair!

The ceiling plinth is a product that looks no different from its counterpart for flooring. It is also called fillet. This part serves to mask the joints of the wall and ceiling. It is installed at the very end of the finishing work, since the element does not carry any functional load, but plays only a decorative role. The process of installing the product is not difficult at all, but many are faced with the dilemma of how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth. Depending on the materials chosen and the tools available, fillet corners are trimmed in different ways.

The modern construction market offers the following options for these products:

  • Polyurethane. They are considered the highest quality and most reliable. In addition, they are moisture resistant and elastic. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high cost and exposure to temperature extremes. Because of this feature, the corners of the skirting board made of this material can crack if a stove is installed underneath. It is also important to remember that with inaccurate pruning, slight deformations are possible, which ultimately can lead to significant curvatures.
  • Polystyrene. They practically do not differ from the previous material, but they have a lower level of strength, therefore they easily break due to mechanical stress. Also, polystyrene products cost a little less.
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This is the cheapest material option. The low cost has left an imprint on the quality: the products are difficult to work with, they are prone to dents. To make the outer or inner corner of a PVC skirting board requires a lot of experience and special tools. But the manufacturers of these products do not stand still, and today for these purposes you can purchase special fittings - corners for ceiling plinths, thanks to which even a novice home craftsman can install plastic parts.
  • Wooden. These skirting boards look impressive. Unlike all other products, wood materials are installed on screws or nails, and not on glue.

The above options can be produced in various sizes, have a relief coating or be completely smooth. Usually the color of the products is white, but if you wish, you can find or order any other.

Creating fillet corners

Decorative corners for skirting boards can be used to connect two planks. But in the absence of those, the material will have to be processed. The following will tell you how to properly cut a corner on the ceiling plinth.

How to use a miter box for processing

The miter box is one of the simplest carpentry tools, with the help of which they cut various products at different angles. Usually it is a plastic, metal or wooden tray with several slots in the walls. The simple version only has slots for 45 and 90 degrees. In more complex ones, there are more angles, and a professional tool is equipped with a swivel mechanism that allows you to direct the cutting element at any angle. The principle of operation is simple: before cutting off the corner of the plinth, the workpiece is fixed in the tray, and then processed with a cutting tool (knife, saw, etc.), lowering it into the slots.

Cutting the ceiling plinth with a miter box

How to properly cut the ceiling plinth for the inner corner on the miter box:

  1. The first step is to attach the plinth to the surface and mark the required length with a pencil.
  2. Then the part is installed in the tray so that its current position coincides with the position on the surface.
  3. Using a clamping mechanism, the plinth is fixed on the far wall of the tool container.
  4. The product is taken with the left hand. Then it is necessary to select the correct position of the cutting element (angle 45 degrees). In this case, the handle of the tool should be as close as possible to the left hand.
  5. Applying light pressure on the part, begin trimming. It is important not to press too hard on the product, otherwise you may deform it.
  6. The same manipulations, only in a mirror image, must be carried out with the second plinth.

Then the trimmed planks must be checked for correct processing. To do this, it is enough to connect the ceiling plinth by simply attaching the planks to the surface. If a wooden product is used, then most likely it will have to be additionally processed with a file.

On a note! First of all, it is necessary to arrange the internal corners on the ceiling plinths, only after that proceed to the external ones. Otherwise, the length of the purchased strips may not be enough.

How to properly cut the ceiling plinth for the outer corner:

  1. Before cutting the corners, you need to attach the fillet to the edge of the wall so that the product extends slightly beyond the surface, and make a mark.
  2. Then do the same operations as in the previous instructions.
  3. At the end, make a fitting and, if necessary, additionally process the edges with a clerical knife or file.

Important! To cut the corners of the skirting boards with a miter box, a perfectly even surface angle of 90 degrees is required. If there are any irregularities on the walls, due to which there will be deviations of more than 2 degrees, you will have to use other tools.

Fillet processing using markup

Most often, the final alignment results in even corners. But in some cases, the deviations are so large that even after trying on and filing fillets, gaps remain. And then the question of how to properly cut the ceiling plinth using a miter box will be meaningless, since in this situation it is better to cut the planks with preliminary fitting in place. To carry out this procedure, you will need the following:

  • A thin hard pencil or marker (this tool leaves clear lines so you don't have to peer).
  • A small piece of fillet.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • A special construction or office knife for processing polystyrene, polyuretone or PVC baguettes.
  • Saw or hacksaw for working with wooden skirting boards.

Before cutting off the ceiling plinth, you must lean the plank against the corner and draw a line along the outer edge of the product on the ceiling surface. Then attach the same fillet fragment to the opposite wall and draw the same line.

As a result, an intersection will appear on the ceiling surface, in which the cut products will need to be joined. The resulting mark is alternately transferred to the parts that will be joined.

Then you need to take a ruler and connect the fillet edge with the markings. Then the product is placed on the table and cut along the line.

This method is quite simple, but it comes with some risks. As a result, the interior of the skirting board can interfere with the joining of the parts on the surface. To prevent this from happening, you can do the following: before cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners, it must be placed on the table in the same position in which it will be glued to the wall. Then cut the outside corner or the inside corner at a 45 degree angle. The next bar should be processed in the same way. Thus, lengthy processing after fitting can be avoided.

Next, you need to adjust the joint, but already at the fillet installation site. That is, before gluing the ceiling plinth in the corners, it is necessary to check the internal joint without applying adhesive or fasteners. Then carry out the same manipulations for the outer corner planks. After preliminary fitting and bringing the corners to an ideal state, you can glue the products.

Now the question of how to join the ceiling plinths on uneven corners should not arise.

Trimming with a square

Now let's look at how to cut a ceiling plinth using a standard set of tools. For this you will need:

  • ruler or tape measure;
  • square;
  • construction, office knife or hacksaw.

How can you cut the corner of a ceiling plinth if the surfaces are perfectly flat:

  1. A ruler is applied to the fillet at an angle of 45 degrees. Using a knife, cut off an unnecessary fragment with one movement of the hand.
  2. If there is a wooden product, markings are first applied to the plinth with a pencil, and then sawed off with a saw or hacksaw.

If the surfaces of the walls have irregularities, then the first step is to measure the degree of the angle, and then divide it by two. Let's say the angle is 80 degrees, which means that each piece needs to be cut at an angle of 40 degrees.

If adjacent walls do not form a right angle, then some calculations will have to be done to trim the skirting board.

Decoration by means of decorative corners

The easiest way to join ceiling skirting boards in the corners is to use special products. They are sold in hardware stores and are immediately ready to use. Fillets are simply glued to the surface, and the joint is closed with a decorative element. In this case, the question of how to properly cut the skirting board does not make sense. Even if the joint is uneven, this defect will be hidden by the decorative corner.

How to replace the miter box with improvised means

How to make the corners of the ceiling plinth using available tools? There are several ways:

  • First way. Prepare three wooden planks of the same thickness and width. Connect them into a U-shaped structure using nails or self-tapping screws. Mark the corners of 45 and 90 degrees (you need a square or protractor for this), and then make cuts with a hacksaw on wood. The result is a homemade miter box. How to trim ceiling skirting boards with this tool is shown above.

  • Second way. In this case, a simple structure should be built to hold the fillet before cutting out the ceiling plinth. To do this, you need to take two boards and put together a corner from them. Then take paper and draw lines on it, going at different angles. Now let's see how to cut corners using the resulting tool:
    • the fillet is laid on a wooden corner;
    • in the marked place - a template with drawn lines is applied to the product and trimmed.

  • Third way. This method is the simplest, but it takes some experience and a steady hand. In this case, you can use any structure with a right angle, for example, a table.

On a note! Before cutting the corner, measurements should be taken at the fixation point. To mark the inner corner, they begin to measure from the junction of the walls. Before cutting out the outer corner, it is necessary to apply a marking, taking into account that the product will go beyond the boundaries of the surface by its thickness.

The process of making a miter box at home demonstrates the video:

Installation of skirting boards

This operation will be successful if you follow several recommendations:

  1. Installation of ceiling fillets begins with the design of the corners. After completing this operation, you can proceed to install the remaining parts.
  2. When fixing products, it is necessary to press their edges so that there are no gaps. In this case, excess glue should be removed immediately so that it does not dry out.
  3. If a PVC skirting board was purchased, then to fix it, you can use a finishing putty, which may have remained after finishing work.
  4. Before gluing the skirting boards to the ceiling, you need to treat the surfaces with a special primer or just water. Then the fillets are installed in their places and wait until the surface under them dries out. At the end, seams and gaps are sealed with a sealant or other material with a similar composition. It is better to use acrylic-based sealants.

Installation of skirting boards is a fairly simple procedure that even a novice master can handle. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations and regularly check the correct installation with a level, even if the fillets look perfectly even by eye. It is also important to remember that this element carries an exclusively decorative load, therefore even the smallest oversights are unacceptable.

A high-quality renovation requires an attentive and accurate attitude to detail. Finishing the work with the ceiling, you need to arrange it well - for this, ceiling plinths are used. As a rule, the installation of the slats does not cause any particular difficulties; you will have to tinker with the corners. Let's take a closer look at how to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners, talk about different methods, and give useful recommendations on the topic.

Ceiling skirting boards from any material can be cut using one of the methods described below. They are suitable for everyone except for plastic ones: they are designed using ready-made corners.

For ceiling plinths, the following tools may come in handy, depending on the chosen method of work:

  • Saw on wood. Suitable for working with wooden skirting boards.
  • Metal sheet. Suitable for all other types of skirting boards (foam, plastic, etc.).
  • Miter box. The tool is a chute, which has the shape of an inverted П, where lines for cutting are marked at angles of 45 ° and 90 °.
  • Electric miter saw. Can be used instead of a miter box, helps to achieve high cutting accuracy.
  • Electric jigsaw. Easy to operate, with the help of it you can efficiently and correctly cut a corner without burrs.
  • Stationery or construction knife. Suitable for Styrofoam skirting boards, it is important that it has an excellent cutting blade, and therefore must be well sharpened.

How to make an even corner: ways

The most difficult thing is to cut the corner so as to get a perfectly flat one: the surface of the materials used is not easy to cut, in addition, you need to observe good joining, preferably without huge gaps. How to make a corner on a skirting board? You can use several methods: with a miter box, without a miter box, using decorative corners, and also in an alternative way.

We cut the corners of the ceiling plinth without a miter box

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth without a miter box? For work, you need a well-sharpened pencil, a small piece of plinth, a stationery knife (for polystyrene or polyurethane) or a metal saw (for other materials), a ruler.

You need to attach the plinth to the corner and draw a line with a pencil along the outer edge, then attach to the other side of the corner and also mark. As a result, a cross will turn out on the ceiling, the center of which will mark the place where the plinths of the ceiling plinth should converge. Place a piece of skirting board where you will glue it. Resting the end against the wall, transfer the desired mark to it. This way you can cut the corners of the skirting board without a miter box.

Making corners using a miter box

If the walls and corners of the room are even, you can use a miter box for work. In order to properly cut the corner, a part should be laid inside the miter box, in which the person will make a gash, then insert the saw into the guides. This holds the part in place and can be cut at the desired angle. For high-quality cutting of the skirting board, it must simultaneously adhere to both surfaces, therefore it should be pressed against the wall of the miter box. The ceiling plinth is pressed with the side that is closer to you.

With a miter box, you will need to cut a 45 degree angle. First you need to decide how to position the plinth in the miter box. To avoid confusion and cut correctly, place the right plank on the right and the left plank on the left.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Fold the cut pieces together - you have an inside or outside corner.

Place it on the ceiling and check the geometry. If it is not even enough, you can fix it a little with a knife, and in case of minor defects and wide gaps, you can use a putty.

How to cut skirting boards using decorative corners

With the help of them you can easily and quickly obtain the desired angles in polystyrene or polyurethane skirting boards. Install them on the ceiling, and then glue the strips to them. Cutting them is simple using a utility knife.

How to make the corners of a ceiling plinth without fixtures

  1. Mark the skirting boards as required.
  2. Using a ruler, connect the edge of the skirting board to the mark. If you just cut along the line, the parts in the corner will still not fold, since the inner part will interfere. You can trim it later by taking measurements on the ceiling.
  3. You can lay the piece to be cut on the table, with the part that will be located on the ceiling, and cut at an angle of 45 degrees. An adjustment would be required, but less.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the second plank, making the outer corner.

Thus, you can make a ceiling plinth without special tools, using available tools.

Using fillets

You can not make fillets yourself, but immediately purchase those that were initially prepared for docking. This is how they produce expanded polystyrene fillets, which do not need to be adjusted to each other.

The baguette that will be fixed to the left must have a right cut, and the right baguette must have a left cut. When creating the inner corner, make the bottom section rise above the top, for the outer corner everything should be the other way around.

Attach the baguettes to each other, if necessary, make undercuts at the joints of the base. If everything is in order, the skirting boards can be fixed with glue or screwed to the walls with further sealing of the seams.

How to join skirting boards in the corners

When a certain part of the skirting board is glued and a small distance remains to the corner, so as not to be mistaken with the length, it is necessary to leave a margin. To begin with, you can cut off a piece that will be 10-15 cm longer. Then cut the corner in a convenient way, try it on a dry surface, attach the plank to the ceiling and highlight the place to which it needs to be shortened. Undercutting is performed at an angle of 90 °.

Next, you need to correctly join the corners. The made ceiling moldings are attached at an angle of 38-45 °, so the classic 45 ° is not always suitable at the joints. In various cases, the cut edges do not join and leave gaps. For this reason, after the initial trimming of the corners, it is necessary to carry out a "dry" and the most accurate joining of the baguettes directly to the ceiling. Especially you will have to tinker with wood and plastic materials.

Having completed the rough joining of the skirting boards, glue or screw the fillets to the walls and ceiling, then, if necessary, use a putty and seal the seams at the end.

Important points

Let's consider how to correctly cut the corners of the ceiling plinth and get an excellent result the first time. Follow a few helpful tips:

  • Before fastening, both parts must be matched to each other. Attach both halves to each other. The surface of the wall must be dry. Having found defects, you can easily level them with a knife.
  • Several trims may be required. Don't be discouraged if it takes a long time and has to make a few trims, especially if this is your first time doing the job.
  • Determine the correct length of the planks in the corners. For the inner corner, the length of the plank should be adjusted exactly from corner to corner; on the outer corner, the measurement is taken from the inner point towards the room.
  • If the corners generally match perfectly, but there are small gaps in the middle, they can be repaired with a putty.

How to glue a ceiling plinth

Start from the corners of the room, as they are easier to work with, then move on to other parts of the room. Cover the corners in such a way that, if possible, no gaps are formed or defects, if they are inevitable, are minor. For plastic skirting boards, a finishing putty is used.

Water or soil is applied to the areas for fasteners. After the putty mixture has dried, all the cracks need to be repaired - various sealants are used for sealing (professional builders recommend choosing acrylic-based products). In general, one package is required per room. Installation with a sealant is carried out in the same way as when using a putty.

How to properly cut corners on baguettes (ceiling plinth) video

Mark the corners with a piece of paper
Method of marking with a water container instead of a template
Using a computer program
How to cut a profile tube at an angle

When installing piping, it is often necessary to reduce the piping below a certain slope.

Accuracy plays an important role in this task. There are several easy ways to cut the tube at an angle.

Incorrect cutting of pipes makes it impossible to install the structure of the originally designed shape. For example, if you intend to rotate the system 45 degrees, the hose should be cut 45 degrees.

To complete the task, you will need marking tools and Bulgarian (you can replace it with metal wire).

Marking the corner with a sheet of paper

Posting paper is one of the easiest ways to accomplish a task.

How to make a corner of the ceiling by knitting with a chair and improvised means

Requires a square sheet. Precise diagonal crease. The learning circuit for cutting pipes should be wrapped around the product with the long side parallel to the section.

On the small sides, it forms like 45 degrees.

A cut line with a pencil or marker remains on the sheet of paper.

This method is great for long, large pipes with a cut in the center of the piece.

Method of marking with a water container instead of a template

This marking method is suitable for small diameter pipes that are designed to be cut at a specific angle close to the edge.

First you need to prepare your deep water tank. Indicates the estimated slope of the slope. Now you must carefully load the end of the product into the liquid, tilt it to the mark and pull it out.

As a result of such actions, a clear line of contact with water is displayed on it, it should be emphasized. Pipe cutting is at an angle. This method is best for jobs that require multiple labeling.

Using a computer program

To implement this method of marking a cutting line, you need a computer with special programs. First, you need to draw a drawing that shows the transverse dimensions of the product and is also designed as a cut.

You need to get a virtual template.

Print it out on a printer. And then you need to understand that the larger the pipe diameter, the more sheets you will need to print. Then you need to accurately cut the drawing parts from all sides and glue, it is best to apply this office box.

The template on the pipes should continue to be used and the label used.

This method of solving the problem is very accurate. You can download all the necessary programs on the Internet, download them and use them for free. There you can also find a sample for cutting the tube at an angle. It remains only to print it and disable it. To complete the label, the curve simply hangs around the pipe.

How to cut a profile tube at an angle

The profile of the profile tube differs from the round profile. Executing it manually can cause a significant error.

The best way to solve the problem is to create a cutting template from one profile, but with a larger diameter.

Take a small part of the profile tube.

On it, using the projutor, mark it as 45 degrees. Now, using a grinder, the piece of workpiece should be cut along the marked line. Cutting edges must be routed to correct defects. Residual product remains only in the miter tube template.

Then you need to mark the cut line of the larger profile. And already a tube is cut through it.

The text describes how to cut the tube at an angle of 45 degrees.

When the tag has already been completed, it is recommended to use the Bulgarian language. With her help she will be able to cut smoothly. We can replace it with a metal saw. The other part of the product will weld, but you will need experience with the tool or there will be irregularities. Also read: "How to smoothly split a tube - cutting tools and techniques."

Now in construction workshops you can find a special tool for cutting pipes. However, it is easier and cheaper to create a template yourself.

How to cut a ceiling plinth

At first glance, it seems that the procedure for mounting a baguette is not particularly difficult.

Indeed, this is the case if you cut the cornice correctly for the ceiling. This is easy and simple to do with a device such as a miter box. But if the tool is not at hand, do not despair. There are techniques that allow you to perfectly cope with the task and without it. We will teach you how to cut a skirting board without a miter box.

In most houses and apartments, a right angle is decorated with a ceiling plinth, so we will cut the baguette into 2 sectors of 45 degrees.

And let's start with the method, which consists in creating markings on the wall:

  1. We will attach the product to the corner in place of the fastener.
  2. Along its edge we draw a line on the surface, which will act as a base for the fastening level.
  3. We will do the same on the other side, attaching the baguette to the docking wall.
  4. As a result, two lines are formed that intersect at one point.

    Transfer it to the baguette, as this point is the upper cut point.

  5. Next, you should again attach the plinth to the ceiling to draw lines between the edges of the cornice to indicate the cutting line.
  6. Place it against the corner of the room to trim.
  7. Use a knife or a hacksaw to trim the skirting board, depending on the material it is made of.

In addition, there is a rather interesting way to cut a baguette - to draw a miter box on paper.

Draw this device on paper: draw two lines that should be parallel to each other, mark the corners, keeping their degrees, for which you can use a protractor. In this case, trimming the plinth is necessary in the same way as when using a real miter box.

The product should be parallel to one of the lines. Cut off the corner. But this technique may not give an ideal result, since we will cut the product at an angle of 45 degrees, but the corners in our houses, as a rule, are crooked, and as a result we get a noticeable gap.

This method of trimming the ceiling plinth consists in creating a special shape.

To do this, you need 3 planks or a piece of thick plywood. Use a protractor to cut the sides of the garment at a 45 degree angle. Thus, you can cut the baguette without a miter box.

Another simple technique is paper handling. Bend the sheet to the desired angle. Then it must be placed on a block and cut off along the formed line, which should be previously drawn.

Such a block will serve as a kind of template: a ceiling plinth is placed under it in the position in which it will be attached, and the corners are cut off, keeping the knife strictly vertical.

A fairly expensive way to create the corners of the ceiling plinth without a miter box is to use special additional inserts.

They are divided according to their purpose: for internal and external corners, there are also docking inserts.

If you have to work with non-standard corners, for example, those that have several intersecting edges, or rounded, you do not need a miter box.

How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth correctly

After all, the angle is by no means 90 °. In this case, you should take a baguette and use a mock-up or clerical knife to cut it "by eye" at 45 degrees. Then the part to be joined must already be adjusted to the desired angle, constantly trying on the structure in weight at the installation site. There can be a lot of such fittings, so get ready. But if you wish, you can achieve a good result, even if the angles in the room are non-standard.

Thus, the absence of a miter box when installing a ceiling plinth is not a sentence.

On the contrary, this is a great opportunity to learn several new techniques that will help you trim the baguette just as well. Perhaps you will like some of them even more!

Cutting the ceiling plinth: how the professionals do it

If you need to get an angle of 45 degrees, what should you do in this case? For this there is a protractor known to everyone, even from school, so you can measure any angle with it.

Well, if there is no protractor nearby, then there is no need to urgently search for it, you can do without it.

There are many different techniques or methods for this, here is the simplest and most effective:

An angle of 45 degrees can be obtained using a regular sheet of paper, you can use a regular notebook or landscape sheet.

As a last resort, you can get by with a newspaper.

Look closely at the drawing.

In order to get the desired angle, we first make a template out of paper, and with its help we easily measure the required value.

It remains only to attach a paper blank to the part to be reshaped and draw a line with a pencil.

As you can see, such a simple technique can easily help out in the work if the necessary tools are not available.

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How to cut the corners of skirting boards: solutions for different materials

In this article I will talk about how the floor and ceiling skirting boards are adjusted in the corners. As you know, it is made from different materials, and the reader and I will have to analyze the features of each of them.



Here, cutting is not required as such: in the outer and inner corners, the planks are joined by corners; longitudinal docking uses connectors.

Hence, there are two obvious conclusions:

  • The skirting board is cut at right angles to the longitudinal axis;
  • Cutting accuracy may not be perfect. An error of 1-2 mm is allowed.

The bar may be slightly shorter than the required size.
If you cut it off with a margin, one of the planks joining at the corner will simply not adhere to the wall.

I cut the planks like this:

  1. I set the corner to the nearest corner and insert the bar into it until it stops;
  2. I mark the position of the next corner or connector;
  3. I step back from the 3 mm mark, on which the plinth will fit into the connector or corner;
  4. Having laid the plinth on a flat surface and attaching a construction square to it, I draw a line perpendicular to its longitudinal axis. Small deviations, inevitable due to the complex shape of the section, will not do the weather: as we remember, they are permissible;
  5. I cut off the bar with a grinder with a cutting wheel for stone or steel. The cut is very accurate and without burrs, unlike any saw; a knife (even the sharpest one), due to strong pressure, often breaks fragile plastic.

If clipped, I do it in this order:

Why is the lid trimmed separately? Because its displacement during cutting often leads to the fact that the length of the cover is 1 - 2 mm less than the length of the plinth. An untidy gap between the cover and the connector, you know, we don't need it.


Ceiling plastic skirting boards and starter profiles are used primarily when assembling a suspended ceiling from plastic wall panels. Such a ceiling is very practical in the bathroom or in the kitchen: it collects a minimum of dirt, is easy to clean and is completely indifferent to fluctuations in humidity.

Corner and connecting fittings, however, are not available for skirting boards and edge profiles. How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth in this case?

Cutting in miter box

A miter box is a simple carpenter's tool, which is a tray made of plastic or plywood with slots at angles of 90 and 45 (less often - 30 and 60) degrees to the longitudinal axis. The retail price of a plywood miter box is no more than 200 rubles.

How to cut corners on skirting boards with this tool?

  1. We put the plinth or profile in the miter box tray, pressing it tightly against one of the side walls;
  2. We take a hacksaw for metal and cut the plastic along the slot at an angle of 45 degrees, pressing the blade to one of the sides of the slot. It is a hacksaw for metal that is needed here because its small teeth do not break plastic (unlike a hacksaw for wood) and leave burrs of the minimum size, which are easy to clean with a sharp knife.

Do not forget that at the outer corners the edge of the plank does not fall on the corner, but protrudes beyond it by the width of the adjacent plank.

The instruction is extremely simple and ... often giving disgusting results. The fact is that the slots in the miter box are just as wide as a carpenter's hacksaw for wood; a thin sheet of metal dangles in it, as ... I think the dear reader will choose a suitable association himself.

As a result, no matter how hard you try to cut exactly at an angle of 45 degrees, the blade will at least slightly, but will lead to the side.

Cut-off with marking in place

How can I cut corners on a skirting board with more precision and / or without a miter box?

Spatial imagination will help us. If we mentally combine both plinths in the corner, it turns out that the lines of the intended cuts should pass through the intersection of their edges.

  1. We apply a plinth or profile to the place of permanent deployment and draw lines with a pencil along its edges on the wall and ceiling;
  2. We repeat the operation with the second plinth;
  3. Repeatedly alternately apply both planks and mark on them the points of intersection of the edges with the lines marked along the edges of the adjacent plank;

  1. Using a ruler, connect the points on each plinth;
  2. Having laid each bar on a flat base, we cut it off with a grinder with an abrasive wheel, keeping the plane of rotation of the disc strictly vertical.

Using this method, even cutting corners of the ceiling plinth at angles other than 90 degrees will be accurate.

Foam, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane

How do I cut corners on Styrofoam and other foamed ceiling skirtings?

Both of the above methods of bevelling in the corners will work for this material as well.

There are, however, a number of subtleties.

  • In no case should polystyrene and materials based on it be cut with a hacksaw, an abrasive disc or other tools that cause intense heating of the cut area. The low-melting polymer melts and hangs down with untidy burrs or drops. For cutting, only and exclusively a sharpened knife with the thinnest blade is used;

The tool is a thin and sharp knife.

During the trimming of the plinth in the last room I finished with an area of \u200b\u200babout 19 m2, I sharpened the knife three times.
The first sign that your tool is too dull is that when cut, the foam begins to crumble, and part of the cut exposes its granular structure.

  • When using a sufficiently long knife, cutting in the miter box gives a very decent result. The secret is simple: it is much easier to press the knife tightly against one side of the miter box slot.


The trimming of a wooden fillet or floor plinth is performed:

  1. In a miter box with a regular garden hacksaw. The width of its teeth, with the correct setting, quite accurately corresponds to the slots in the miter box, and possible deviations of the cutting line are minimized. To avoid chipping the edges, avoid pressing hard;

  1. A very accurate cut is obtained if it is marked in place using a grinder with a diamond wheel. Unlike abrasive discs, diamond discs do not carbonize the edges. The main thing is not to rush, lead the disc along the marked line with minimum speed, pressure and in a strictly vertical position.

Useful little things

  • It is easy to seal the seams between polystyrene or polyurethane ceiling skirting boards with acrylic putty on concrete. I have been using it lately for sticking skirting boards and filling the cavities between the irregularities of the latter. For the sticker, the putty is applied to both planes of the plank, pressing against the ceiling and wall. Tool - spatula;

  • In the corners of wooden skirting boards, the gaps are sealed with acrylic putty on wood, matched to the tone... The putty can also be prepared with your own hands: it is enough to mix PVA glue with the sawdust left over from the cutting;

Sawdust for filler is collected in a separate container when sawing wood and in no case is swept off the floor.
In the estimate, there will inevitably be dust, which will affect the color of the improvised putty.

  • Floor skirting boards with cable channels are convenient even if you do not plan to hide wiring or twisted-pair LAN cables in them. They allow you to securely fix the bar with ordinary dowel screws and hide the fasteners.


I hope that my experience will be useful to the reader. To see more clearly how skirting boards are cut in different cases, the video in this article will help. Please feel free to leave your additions and tips in the comments. Good luck, comrades!

April 28, 2016

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