How to cause a bride with spoons, pencils or delicious treats. How to call the brownie, ways to communicate with him how to talk to temporary help

In the former days of houses, they worshiped and appreciated for helping to keep track of the house. Call the spirit and in modern conditions to get his help, find the lost thing or protect the dwelling from any evil.

Before calling the house, it is important to make sure that it is in an apartment or house. . Making sure that there is a domain, you can proceed to the appeal of the Spirit. It is important to remember that it is just like that, for balobiness, causing a house one. He can be offended, and then in the house adds trouble. The house is able to send nightmares, confuse things and interfere with sleeping, clapping doors and even breaking the dishes.

How to call for a house at night

The brownie is important from the very beginning, putting a saucer with porridge or milk into a secluded place, leaving sweets without wrapper or old shopping shoes with a soft cloth. Small gifts will help to quickly call the house at home.

After the delicacy is left, it is worth waiting for a day, and then start a rite of call. It is necessary to do it in silence and without prying eyes. The best appeal takes place at night, as the spirit of the house prefers to awake in the dark.

The house will definitely respond to the call, if you get back to the table, followed by the family, and pronounce:

"Batyushka houses, donate with me, accept me to treat from the bottom of my heart, take about my request."

On the table must necessarily stand a treat, and so that the houses were nice, spread a beautiful tablecloth. It is possible to understand that the house is, you can, in a slight rustle, knock or sketching of the floor. Sometimes the spirit curses to attract attention. You should not turn around, having heard foreign sounds to keep it. The brownie is invited at the table again and thank you for the trust rendered.

The spirit of the house can be asked for several urgent questions, asking him to knock him back. Questions should be asked simple to which you can answer consent or denial. After the conversation with the house is made, it is once again thank to:

"Thank you, the father's house. Stay with me, I will not forget about you: I will bring treats, to support the house in the house. "

The houses love when the house is cozy, so with reluctance to settle there, where the owners are not accustomed to clean, it is worried and quarreled on trifles.

How to call a house day

In case of extreme need to encourage the houses in the daytime day. It is important that the reason is really respectful, otherwise the keeper of the house can be very offended. Most often, the houses call for help in search of the missing thing or to get rid of the evil eye and damage to the house.

The ritual of the call begins also with the treats that are asked for a house. In addition, the house is important to maintain order and purity, as well as not ignore pets. Those who can afford a pet worth paying attention to the kitten who himself will find the owner at random. According to believe, it is with cats that the houses get better.

Call on houses in the following words:

"Batyushka houses, not angry, the average in broad day will be displayed. I urge you not fun for the sake, but for the case of an important. Come, respond, helped the problem helped and do not turn away. "

The house will notify the noise or knock, and then you can agree with him, as well as enlist his support.

The people believed that the presence of a house in the house was an indicator of a prosperous life, but sometimes the perfume of the house begins to lean. You can doubt them, if you regularly clean, repair broken things, do not save the trash and maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house. In this case, the houses will be happy to help their owners. For those who are going to move, it is worth holding a rite of resettlement of the houses so that the small owner continue to guard the family and in a new house. Happiness to you and do not forget to press buttons and

08.05.2019 04:29

Our ancestors believed that in every house he lives the spirit that can look after the housing and households. ...

We are in a hurry to delight you, on the other side of the reality in your apartment lives a creature, which considers it to her rightful owner. Scare and call ghost hunters is not necessary. This character is distinguished by a good temper and a hot character.

How to find out whether there is a house: signs

On the other side of the ocean, he gained bad fame, people die in mystical trembling at the mention of Poltergeist. But in our Slavic tradition, he is depicted as a positive goodness in old age with abundant vegetation on a body covering even palm.

This figure is so revered that a cartoon was removed in his honor. For a playful temperament, it is sometimes affectionately called a drum, but he is more known as a house.

According to one of the legends, he was born in the construction process of the house, from the soul of a fired tree. Also on believing, he is a good family man who loving his wife Domovichihu and little domes. According to his father's line, he has the brothers - the debate, waterfront.

Visually, the house does not show itself, except that sometimes flashes the shadow on the wall. But the noise effects creates enough - sighs loudly, mirkeling something under his breath, wandering around the night house.

If in the morning you woke up, and your beard turned into braided pigtails - with 100% confidence you can talk about the tricks of the house. Inexplicable bruises after night - the same hand is the case.

Strange inexplicable sounds missing things, constantly burning light bulbs - all these ways of communicating a brownie with you. And he does not like unpleasant guests and makes every effort to survive them from his abode.

Pets react very sensible on it. Surely, you noticed your pet in a frozen pose, motionlessly looking at one point. Be sure it is there at this moment and is the house.

How to call it at home?

It is necessary to be careful because our ancestors believed that after communicating with him you can stay with a skirmish, or worse, to numb.

If you decide, then be patient, he does not like to be in humans or coming according to the first call, which is not surprising, with such a pedigree. It should only call him a member of the family, ideally - the owner of the house.

It is necessary to do this no more than once a month at night or during the day, it is advisable to stay alone at home. Prepare a gingerbread and a beautiful saucer with a small tablecloth with ancient woman drawn on it.

Put a treat on the table and turn away, while you should be in the standing position, connecting the legs together, and the eyes close. So that you hear, in no case turn around. Then they say the following words three times: "Batyushka, come to me for treating a treat."

Do not think to call him houses, for him this is the biggest insult. If he reacted to your call, then it will manifest itself through a light rustle from behind or barely catchy touch. At this point, you need to agree on the rules of the game, speaking them loudly.

In the case of a positive response to the question you will have a right hand, and in the case of negative - left. No need to ask questions by type "When I marry." The wording should be a clear and assume only two answers - yes or no. If communication has passed successfully, the next day burn gingerbread under any tree, except aspen.

He helps and young girls who doubt the loyalty of the narrowed. Lost at home, she appealed to the houses through special. It happened on Thursdays, with the exception of holidays. As a sign of gratitude to Paul left candy, a saucer with honey or other sweets.

If you have lost the thing and you can't find it, contact him with the words "Master Patushka, show where the lost" is lied. " Sometimes they sentence "house, house, play and give", but for its ears it is too familiarized.

The role in cleansing an apartment

The main task of the spirit dwelling in the house is not to defend the hands to protect you and your hearth from any manifestations of the unclean.

Our ancestors believed that the house was one of the children of God Veles, the patron of Slavic peoples. Previously distinguished two perfumes, the yard - the owner of the yard, and the house - the lord of the house.

The yard asked to look after the cattle. It was believed that the health of pets directly depended on his mood. To raise the emotional tone, it is undermined left in a hulya food.

The house in turn was responsible for the atmosphere of the housing. Due to the age of age, there was a lazy and often loved to warm his old bones on the oven. It feels comfortable in the attic, in Chulana, in the corners and the threshold. But the bathroom does not complain, most likely because it does not want to share it with other entities.

Houses Excellent defenders, the evil spirits are thrown over the mile. If there is a person in the house with evil intentions, he will warn the owner of the danger in all possible ways, maybe even dishes from the hands of an unwanted guest.

How to hide the spirit of the house?

People always treated her home spirit. For example, every year on June 9, he loved to build on a broom. To do not bring it out of the house along with the garbage, on this day, the floors did not sweat at all. In addition to the fact that he left Harci as a full-fledged family member, in his honor and the holiday came up.

Do not forget to congratulate, February 10 - the name of your domain, and it will be nice to taste a festive treat. In Russia, traditionally left the pot with a porridge near the furnace. And so that the dinner does not cooled, hot coals put hot. Remember, the most important thing for it is attention. Food for morning, most likely, will remain untouched, since the houses are not feed on the food itself, but the energy it emitters.

If you are interested in the presence of a house in the house, it will not be superfluous to know about his habits. He does not like whistles and tobacco smoke, he does not tolerate evil people in the spirit, but on the night of April 12, loved to fool. Try not to leave at night on the table sharp objects and onions with garlic, they interfere with him in the fight against the dark forces.

The easiest way to back up the house is not to be angry. He loves neat, tidy owners and harmonious, loving families.

If it is true to him sincerely and with love, he will not be able to refuse his patronage. Never forget about his name, arrange songs and dances on this day. After all, your attention so important for him.

If he really does not feel, try not to scold. In the evening, contact him and ask for a dream to show the cause of discontent.

What if he appeared and comes?

The house like sitting on the chest at night. If you woke up at this moment, ask him the question of your future, he will tell you, in which the key will develop further events.

Sometimes the meeting is familiarized in nature, he just wants to consider new tenants at home. There are also pretty sentimental individuals who love to welcome tenants after their long lack.

Often he acts as an educator and teaches the mind of the unrelated owners, Favoring mess in the house. It is not bent and disadvantaged, and the thing is straining.

Sometimes a policeman has to portray. For example, if things were stolen from the house, the house came to the Warm into the house and started to take a wilder until the frightened criminal threw them back.


  • If house rustle in the house - Wait for trouble
  • If pulls a woman for braids - Beware of a quarrel with her husband
  • If a cold paws touches cheeks - being trouble, warm - to good, shaggy - to and wealth
  • If a ride dishes - It is necessary to show caution with fire
  • If a crying - I am grieving
  • If a howl and slaps the doors - To the dead man
  • If a wedrick in a dream - to be illness
  • If a on scallop will play - To joy

Try not to throw out family relics. Not only does the house painfully respond to it, he will also demand them back.

How to pick up a house with you when moving?

As a rule, the house is getting used to one habitat and does not like to change the place of residence. In ancient, the owners faithful to homemade spirit transferred him to a new home, placing on a wooden shovel for a furnace or in a lap. Now the owners take the house with them with the help of, slippers, boxes with soft things or caskets.

To pick up a house when moving to a new apartment, this thing simply needs to be left in an empty housing for a while and call the spirit of the house with me.

Fairy tales and cartoons present the image of the house as a fussy old man, which is distinguished by a grill and slightly shavy character. They are good and evil, helpers and pests, pedantic or chaotic. However, finding a common language with magical entities, you can not only get a strong defender, but also get answers to a number of questions. There is at least several ways to cause a house one at home, suitable for both newcomers and people who are familiar with magic do not appear.

How to call a house at home

Call good houses at home is not too difficult for the day. In the event that it is the owner of a responsive gear and good nature, the house must be invited and will come to contact. If he does not hurry to appear, it is likely that the house was abandoned due to a bad atmosphere and accumulation of negative energy. The room, the inhabitants of which are prone to scandals and manifestations of aggression, causes the houses of hostility and pushes in search of a new place of residence.

To call on the house to the house is better, being in it alone, since such creatures do not tolerate excess noise and can be frightened by large clusters of people. The best time for the ritual is the late evening. It is necessary to pre-prepare a treat for a keeper, which has a reputation as a sweet tooth and amateur of dairy products. Among other delicacies to which the "drums" are not indifferent:

  • bread;
  • candy in the deployed form;
  • cookies;
  • chocolate products;
  • gingerbread

For several days before the start of the ritual, it is recommended to leave meals to the night guest in the kitchen or dining table, covered with a beautiful tablecloth. After the keeper will be pumped up with tuts, it is necessary to turn it away from the table, saying three times in a row to the phrase:

The appearance of the house does not remain unnoticed. The keeper's visit is usually accompanied by the easiest rustles and barely distinguishable in silence. However, it is not recommended to turn on such sounds to turn on such sounds that it can be a sage of a house and postpone contact with it indefinitely. Thanking a guest for the trust rendered, it is worth inviting the table and try specially prepared treats.

Then you need to contact the domain permission to ask exciting questions or make a desire. Before the start of the dialogue, you need to agree with the keeper that in the case of a positive answer, it will touch the right hand and left if the answer is negative. This is important because it cannot communicate with people with words, and this method of transmitting information fits it much better.

After completing the rite, you must thank the keeper for anxiety, response to the call and communication session. When it becomes clear that he retired back to his shelter, you can turn away face to the table. With the onset of the morning, the treats cooked for the domain, close to the housing near the tree. There are other options to call the house at home.

How do you cause a good house

Most of the famous rituals make it possible to call the house at night, but you can talk to the keeper in a bright day of day.

To respond to the challenge, it is capable in the following cases:

  • if there are good relationships based on trust;
  • if he is severely angry and eager for revenge.

In order to prevent the occurrence of a second situation, it is worth the establishment of good neighborly relations with the keeper, right after the new school. To begin communication is preferable from gifts to the houses, as well as conversations of out loud and loud jokes. According to popular beliefs, "drums" have an excellent sense of humor and can appreciate the cheerful story. Houses do not like unclean owners, so it is recommended to maintain purity in the dwelling. A truly calling the house is only after the establishment of contact with it.

Features of the challenge of the brownie with ordinary pencils

The keeper call with the help of pencils is considered a strong ritual, so it is permissible to use it only if the task is to allow, which is very problematic.

Such ritual helps people living in one room for six or more. For the rite will need two people. Usually this role is performed by the mistress and the owner of the house. Everyone takes into the hands of new pencils (the ends of which should not be sharpened) in the number of three pieces and keeps them in the face in such a way that they formed the letter "P".

Then letters unfold to each other. Of these, the geometric figure of the rectangle should be obtained. When she is ready, the owners turn to the house with a pre-prepared question. If the answer is positive, the participants of the ritual are asked to raise the sticks up. In the case of a negative response, pencils must be lowered down. When the keeper gives his consent to the dialogue, pencils immediately come into motion. During the fulfillment of this ritual, the hosts have the right to set home no more than three issues. It is important to take into account that it is impossible to ask the same question as part of a session, even if the answer to it was inaccurate or unsatisfactory.

Call with tablespoons

The ritual of the challenge of the brownie with the help of spoons is considered fairly simple and uncomplicated, so excellently suitable for newcomers. It will take long paper strips and four tablespoons of identical sizes. Cutlery turns around with sheets so that tails from paper remain on their tips, which will need to sck and whisper the houses: "If it came, there are one of the spoons and back." Spell is pronounced in the dark in the evening. Before that, it is necessary to close the doors and windows tightly.

If the house took an invitation, a distinct rustling will be heard. When the sound becomes clearly pronounced, it is necessary to touch the cutlery. They should be cold to the touch, which indicates the readiness of the houses to communicate. Before you ask him questions, it is worth determining and speak out loud that the noise of paper will mean "yes", and the lack of a row is "no".

Precautions when calling a house

Before you start the rite of the call of the houses, it is important to remember that he is not obliged to be a call, therefore it is not recommended to obsessively require him. The annoying can accelerate him very much and it will definitely revenge at the first opportunity.

Houses do not like:

  • whistle;
  • quarrels and scandals;
  • disorder, dust and dirt;
  • smell of spices and tobacco smoke;
  • garlic, pepper and salt;
  • acute items such as knives and scissors.

Before calling a house, learn good about his character and habits. After all, this spirit must dwell with us constantly, and, inadvertently offended by him, you will harm the well-being of your house.

There is a couple of signs for which you can determine if there is a house in your apartment. Where there is no houses, you will never achieve comfort, in such places it is difficult to make a pet. It is believed that he should live everywhere, where people live for a long time, but it is not. Houses originally do not live in hostels and hotels, but can dwell on the cottage or in the hunting hut, even if you live rarely there. The houses go out of houses in which there are many dirt, the owners are often drunk, quarrels, pronounce and whistle. Sometimes the house leaves the house, which in such cases it is also said that the "host of the house" was replaced by a line. The main sign of the departure of the houses due to damage is the emergence of a large number of cockroaches, which cannot be derived. The house becomes harder to live, people in it often ill, breaks the technique, beats the dishes.

Do not try to call where it is most likely not. At your call can come completely different creatures, not always kind.

The challenge of the house is simplified when you are a good relationship with it. The spirit of the spirit is worth regularly and especially before calling. The houses are treated with sweets - leave them in secluded places. He, of course, does not eat them, although some argue that the proposed candy sometimes disappear in incomprehensible way. The house is powered by the "Spirit" of food, subtle energies. Then the treats are not thrown away, but they feed some kind of pet.

Here is a couple of ways to call the house.

1. (Challenge for divination.) You will need the same 6 unprecedented wooden pencils, better round. Each of the gadgets holds 3 pencils in such a way that they form a half of the rectangle in the air. Fingers should easily compress pencils in the corners of this rectangle, and the elbows cannot be pressed to the body. Slowly twist the ends to finish the shape. Now one of the fortune-gadgets can ask: "Battya of the house, come to tea, answer questions!" If the ends of the pencils at one of the gadgets rose up - the house came and is ready to answer the questions "yes" or "no". If you drop down - he does not want to talk to you. When the ends move in different directions or pencils are spinning, the house lens or has not yet decided on the answer. Ask a question again.

2. Here's how to call the house you can alone. Leave all your clothes in the evening far from the bed. Get to bed Naked, holding a lit candle in your hand (the electric light is turned off in advance). Take the candle, already lying in bed. Now you need to wake up among the night and quickly send the light from the flashlight to the side of the clothes. The house will sleep there, and you can see how it runs away.

If during divination or at all you saw the house, heard him foreshadow and happy life. And if the house leans - he is dissatisfied. It's time to force the spirit with treasures.

Few people can confirm that they saw the house, but many believe in its existence. In general, it is considered to be a good spirit who lives in the house, and protects it from evil spirits. The houses are inadvertent and incredulous, and do not like to get into touch and even more so communicate with people. Now we will deal with how to call the house and make contact with him, as it is useful and profitable. Invisible Spirit can help find a lost thing, attract good luck, protect the house from thieves, etc. By the way, the behavior of the house directly depends on the owners and on their way of life.

How can I call a house?

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the right to chat with the Spirit has only the owner of the dwelling. It is not recommended forcibly to force a house to communicate, as this can lead to different troubles. It is best to call a house one day, since friends may not like and no one will come to communicate. There are several ways to make it possible to consider the most popular of them.

How to call home?

It is necessary to prebate and treat the spirit. To do this, buy gingerbread, put them on the saucer, and under it a small tablecloth. Then stand your back to the table, where you put the treats and do not turn around. Even if you heard some rustles, still hold on. Now it's time to call the invisible spirit, but, in no case, do not pronounce the word "house", since it is for him a manifestation of disrespect. It is best to say: "Batyushka, come to me for treating a treat!". If after that you felt someone's presence and even touch, it means everything turned out. Stand smoothly, legs together and close your eyes. Now you can ask him the questions you are interested in who should follow the answer or "yes" or "no". If this is a statement, the right hand will begin, and if not - left. After conversation, it is important to thank the house. For this gingerbread, which were bait, you need to bury under any tree, with the exception of aspen. Similar rituals do no more than once a week.

How to call houses with pencils?

This ritual is used when it is necessary to get the Council about solving a complex issue. It is necessary to conduct it, only if you live in a room at least 6 years. Take 6 not sharpened pencils of the same color. You need support for a loved one, as to bring up the house at night, you need help. Each person must take 3 pencils, put them in the form of the letter "P" and hold the peaks with a large and index finger, but without applying efforts. Expand the shapes to form a solid rectangle. After that, say such words: "House, house, tell me, please (the exact question that can be unambiguously replied). If "yes", then raise the sticks up, if "no", then down to lower. " Immediately after that, the pencils must ever move and answer. Calling the house with the help of pencils, be sure to thank the Spirit for the help and say goodbye to him. Thanks to this ritual, you can only ask 3 questions and do it only one person. Another comment is important - in no case ask the question again, if you did not arrange an answer.

How to call a bride with spoons?

Take 4 identical spoons and as much the same long strips of paper. Wrap spoons with stripes, and remember the tips. Put in the circle, turn off the light, push the curtains and close the door. Sit near the spoons, close your eyes and say loud: "Come, come, the owner! If you come - unfold any spoon one and wiring it back. " If you heard the rustling of paper, then the house has come. After that, open your eyes and take a spoon, they should be cold.