How to fix the anchor bolt. Anchor bolt with nut - for fastening heavy structures! Anchor bolt with nut - weight, dimensions: what the gost tells us

Set of tools

Installation procedure

  • drill with a set of drills;
  • hammer drill with a set of drills;
  • open-end wrench;
  • a hammer.


Load bearing capacity

Connection reliability

Calculation for pullout.

Installation of extensions

Installation of a chemical anchor.

Page 2
  • Reinforcement
  • Manufacturing
  • Instruments
  • Mounting
  • Calculation
  • Repairs

How to anchor anchor bolts in concrete?

A real anchor bolt is always installed before the start of concreting and is installed on the basis of drawings, and not only construction drawings, but it would be nice to look at the equipment, at least see the equipment passport, or even better, the equipment installation diagram. Then a drawing is taken, a tape measure, a level, looking at the drawing with a tape measure, we measure the exact distance from the axes, with the help of a level we check the position of the anchor in height. And only having checked the correct installation of the anchor several times, we fix it in the structure. If there is no special fixing method in the drawing, then the anchor is usually welded to the reinforcing cage. Then we wrap it on top with a film so that God forbid concrete not to slap the thread, fill the structure, wait at least a week until the concrete gains more or less strength, remove the film, if the strength of the concrete allows, then we install the equipment or mount the columns, depending on what the anchor is for ... This is a real anchor bolt and is made by real builders. On such anchor bolts, any equipment is mounted within 20 minutes, rises like a poured, such anchors withstand exactly the load for which they are designed. It remains only to tighten the nuts and hand over the equipment according to the act. All other anchors are not real and they are not made by real builders, and therefore they are suitable only for domestic needs, because any method of installing such anchors does not ensure reliable operation of the anchor and such anchor bolts are not installed under critical equipment. There are many ways to install fake anchors: you can use the option that fktif indicated with pictures, you can gouge the hole, install an anchor bolt, then concrete this hole, you can install the anchor in the hole previously left for it and pour super-duper resin or adhesives instead of concrete, but anyway, such an anchor will only work halfway.

High-quality installation of anchors in concrete

Until recently, only screws or nails could be used to attach to hard surfaces. But now this method of fastening is practically a thing of the past, it is being replaced by anchors much more adapted for this purpose.

The bolt is the most powerful fastener, an order of magnitude higher than the dowels with screws.

How can you effectively and quickly fix objects in the wall? Only with the help of anchors - they can be driven in or screwed into the base.

This is a metal part that is inserted into a solid base, expands there and holds the object, which is fixed with its help.

Inside there is a thread into which you need to screw the mount. In both repair and construction, anchor bolts are a reliable "anchor" that is difficult to replace with anything. Installation with their use is quick and easy.

This type of fastener is also used with great success for dense materials such as solid bricks or concrete, as well as for softer materials such as drywall, for example. Installing a shelf or hemming a false ceiling, hanging a cabinet or a painting on a concrete wall - for all these manipulations, bolts are needed. More often than others, mechanical ones are used. They can be held both by friction and by a stop.

Set of tools

Installation procedure

To do this, you need the following tools:

  • drill with a set of drills;
  • hammer drill with a set of drills;
  • open-end wrench;
  • a hammer.

Concrete materials are much more dense in density than most building products. It will take some effort to make a hole in them. Drills must always be coated with special strength alloys. In order to make a bolt hole with straight edges, a simple drill will not work, it is best to use a hammer drill.

To properly secure the bolt, the hole in the concrete must be flat and the diameter must match the outside diameter of the bolt. The anchor does not need to be disassembled under any circumstances - it is inserted entirely “as is”. Some still try to take it apart and then insert it. But this can be done only when an anchor with a nut is used, and even in this case, you can only twist the nut, no more. When the bolt is inserted into the hole, it must be tightened clockwise. For the installation to be successful, the fasteners must be selected depending on the weight of the attached structure. It should be optimal both in diameter and in length.


By design, the bolts are somewhat different from each other.

Each type is designed for a certain load,

  1. Klinova. When installing it, a hole is drilled in the concrete, where the anchor will be hammered. The wedge bolt has an important difference from others: it is the only type of such fastener without a shirt. There is a wedge inside the sleeve, which expands when screwed in. After the wedge fastener is clogged, it is necessary to tighten the nut, which, due to the expansion of the sleeve, fixes the rod. The wedge bolt is used for fastening various heavy structures, cable routes, fences, load-bearing elements.
  2. Spacer. This type is considered the most common in construction. It is produced with a length of 2-12 cm and a diameter of 0.4-2 cm. The expansion bolt has a sleeve that runs along the entire rod. There is a thread inside it, a wedge-shaped head is planted on it, which, in the process of twisting, expands the sleeve. Thus, the fasteners are fixed. The most effective application of such a fastener will be for concrete and solid bricks. There are also models of anchors that are designed for use in hollow materials. It should be mounted in a hole that is pre-drilled in the material with the required diameter and depth.
  3. Expandable. Inside this element there is a sleeve with several petals and a sliding nut. When twisting, it will push the petals apart. Installing such an element in concrete is quite practical.
  4. Hammer. Its sleeve has an internal wedge and special cutouts, due to which the sleeve will expand when the bolt is hit. The blows are applied to the anchor (the wedge rests against the bottom of the hole) or to the wedge with the help of a mandrel, which is inserted into the product itself. The use of a hammer will be necessary anyway to install the fasteners. Driving bolts can be made of metal or polymer - the principle of operation will be the same as for spacers. The nylon has a difference in the form of a special screw with a thread in the shape of a shark tooth, thanks to which it will have an advantage during installation. Driven fasteners for concrete surfaces are used quite often - this seems to be the best option in most cases.
  5. Chemical. All previous types are attached mechanically, while chemical ones are glued to the material. A briquette with glue is inserted into the hole made by the tools, then pressed down with an anchor. The bolt is securely fixed with glue.

Load bearing capacity

Performance characteristics of fasteners at a standard embedment depth in a base of heavy concrete B20 (C20 / 25).

Each type of bolt has its own bearing capacity, which is characterized by the load that the bolt can withstand without destruction and without violating the integrity of the bond with the material. First of all, the bearing capacity will depend on the material from which the fastener is made. For this, they mainly use various types of high quality steel - anti-corrosion, structural, stainless and non-ferrous metals. With the exception of brass, almost all non-ferrous metals have the lowest strength. As a rule, the bearing capacity is indicated on the package or on it.

Connection reliability

Calculation for pullout.

Such an inspection is carried out directly at the place of work. Depending on the material of the wall, it will be possible to determine the reliability of the connection. If the material is brick or concrete, the pullout load will be about 350 kg. For fastening rather heavy objects, this indicator is quite enough. When the material is aerated concrete, its load will be within 230 kg. It should be borne in mind that the installation of fasteners must be carried out in accordance with the requirements and operating properties of the material. For high-rise installation, for example, this will not be enough - here it is recommended to choose chemical ones, which have a pull-out load of about 700 kg.

Installation of extensions

Installation of a chemical anchor.

In order to securely install any of the types of anchors, a sufficiently deep hole must be drilled in the concrete, which is slightly larger than the diameter of the fastener. After that, the hole must be cleaned of dust, an anchor is inserted into it, after which it must be securely fixed. Chemicals must be inserted with a pistol. The adhesive mass is squeezed out into the hole and the fastener is inserted. After penetrating into the pores of the material, the adhesive hardens and provides good adhesion. The resulting connection is so strong that it is fearlessly used when installing large and massive objects.

Characteristics and installation of anchor bolts in the wall, methods

An anchor is a fastening element made of a metal material, it is inserted into a concrete base and there it holds an object, which is fixed thanks to it. This type of fastener has recently become well-demanded. Installing anchor bolts into the wall acts as an anchor. Thanks to this, they are able to hold incredible loads. This makes it possible with their help to fasten heavy structures and individual objects. Not so long ago, nails and screws were available to secure something to a stone surface. Now everything has changed, and this type of fastener is a thing of the past. Anchors, more convenient for this process and adapted, replace them with success.

How can you securely, with great effect and very quickly fix certain objects in the wall? Anchors are an excellent way out here, with them you can hammer or screw anything you want into the concrete base.


The anchor has a thread inside, it is into it that the fasteners must be screwed. When building a house, repairing an apartment, anchor bolts are the best anchor, they will not lead you exactly, and it is impossible to replace them with something similar. Installation using these bolts is quick and easy.

They have found great application for dense materials. For example, concrete, brick. They are also good for working with drywall. They can be used almost everywhere - if you need to hang a shelf, wardrobe, painting, or equip a suspended ceiling. All of these laborious processes will require anchors. Most of all, mechanical anchors are used, capable of being held by an emphasis or frictional force.

During construction or for household needs, it is required to attach various kinds of objects, structures for installation. There are different fasteners for these purposes. To work with concrete or brick, special anchors are needed, and when wood blanks are used, self-tapping screws for wood. Anchors will help to strengthen the heaviest structures well. For example, it can be a water heater, a Swedish wall, a children's swing to the ceiling.

By itself, such a bolt is nothing special. This is a fairly simple bolt, nut and body connection. A plastic lining is provided to keep moisture out. The bolts work according to a simple spacer principle. When the bolt is tightened, the nut at the end is pushed in. This encourages the enclosure to expand in size due to expansion and is hammered into the concrete.


The requirements for these bolts are quite stringent, as people have to be confident in the reliability of this fastening due to the weight that they place on it. Therefore, when choosing these products, give the choice to those that are made in accordance with GOST. On the construction market, the following types of anchor bolts are distinguished:

  1. One-piece bolt - head with six faces, cone nut. Here the nut is the spacer that expands the pipe. It itself is soldered with a tip - it has a nut with a washer. When they begin to tighten the bolt, it immediately enters the pipe, thereby expanding it.
  2. Wedge. It is a metal material rod with a large head. A wedge emerges from it and enters the rod upon impact. This increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe part that is placed in the concrete hole.
  3. With strut, shock. When a nail is driven in, it enlarges and adheres firmly to the stone.
  4. Double-spaced with nut. This fastener is used for massive objects, for critical work. Accordingly, it is the most reliable fastener. It becomes wider in two places at once. These spacers are located at the end of the tube and at the junction of the two sections of the cylinder. The elements are made so that when the nut is tightened, its parts are drawn into each other.
  5. Hammer. Fasteners are hammered into the wall hole. Already during this, it increases in width and grasps with the stone. When the bolt tightens, it expands even further. This type of bolt is the fastest to install.
  6. Expandable in four parts. Its parts are independent of each other, forming a cylindrical shape in the assembly. At the top there is a part with a ring, and at the other end there is a fixation with a spring. When it is twisted, the action of a spacer with four faces begins at the cylinder. She unclenches these segments, after which they are pressed against the wall along the entire length. Here, not a bolt is used, but rods with a ring or a hook.

From the descriptions it is clear that the first two anchors act in the same way. The difference between them is in the mobility of the elements. If the first has a nut with a cone, then the second has a bolt. The first two types of fasteners are typical options. Already on their basis, the rest of the range of these bolts is presented. Anchors with a hook and a ring are considered simple and quite convenient. Since when the nut is tightened, then the bolt is immediately firmly fixed in the hole in the wall.

Mounting method

It couldn't be easier than attaching an anchor bolt to a wall. You just need to drill a hole in the concrete wall. Its diameter must match exactly with the bolt. Then you need to insert the bolt itself and attach. It is not necessary to disassemble the anchor, it is completely inserted in the same form in which it is sold. Some people take them apart for something and then try to insert them. The anchor with the nut is disassembled, and then, only by twisting the nut and that's it. When the anchor is in the wall, it must be screwed clockwise. Using such fasteners, you can immediately understand how fast, convenient and reliable it is.

Using them to help, you can hang lighting fixtures, install interior doors, and do finishing work. Based on the fact that such a fastener is designed for heavy loads, it is produced from high strength steel. Mounts of this type are fairly easy to make. The bolt in the wall is properly fixed. This is all thanks to adhesion, support, friction - the key to reliable fastening. These principles operate both together and separately, without affecting the strength a single gram. Absolutely every man can fix the anchor bolt with his own hands.

Installation rules

The steps for installing anchor bolts are the same as with dowels. This is not difficult to do, although their design looks rather complicated. There are only some features. The instructions for attaching the anchor bolts are as follows:

  • You will need a drill of the required diameter, which must be inserted into the hammer drill.
  • Drill a stroke, clean it of debris.
  • Knock in the bolt, tighten with a wrench until it is firmly fixed in the base.

There is also a small number of rules that you need to remember and know:

  1. It is forbidden to install an anchor bolt in a hollow brick.
  2. For installation, use a size of up to eight millimeters.
  3. When the hole cannot be cleaned, then it should be drilled further twenty centimeters.

Of the tools for this work, you will need a drill and a perforator with drills, an open-end wrench, a hammer.

Concrete is much stronger than most other materials. Therefore, it will take some force to make a hole in it. The drills should be coated with strong alloys. You won't be able to use a simple drill if you need straight edges. In this case, you will have to resort to a puncher.

Mounting bolts

Installed bolt in structure

For example, in a foundation structure, there are several ways to install an anchor. The main ones are:

  • Basically, the installation of bolts into the foundation takes place before the concrete is poured. When the rebar frame is installed, the curved anchors are fastened by welding. It is very important to control their vertical position, the distance between them and in the foundation. Once they are secured, the threads must be closed, for example, with polyethylene. This will prevent the concrete from entering the threads.
  • It will be easier to install the anchors in the poured concrete. And control all the necessary parameters there.
  • To make the anchor straight, you need to drill a hole of a suitable diameter in the foundation, get rid of dust and concrete. Insert a straight anchor there, fill the voids with glue.
  • The cone anchor is installed in the same way as the straight one. Then do not forget to tighten the nut on the stud.

Before dwelling on one or another anchor, decide on the method of fastening. In this case, be sure to remember about the future load. For the sake of reliability and quality, you should not purchase a smaller diameter of the fastener. Choose those manufacturers in whom you are sure who make the production of products according to GOST standards.

What to look for

The method of work for the installation of anchors is to comply with the tightening standards. Some manufacturers in their catalogs prescribe recommendations for tightening anchor fasteners. At a small value, an important friction force will be absent; at a large one, the pressure on the base increases. Because of this, there is a possibility of destruction.

It is important to observe the installation of chemical anchors. The steel stud should fit into the hole with a screwdriver. This is important for thorough mixing of all elements of the composition. During the application of injections with the composition, the already mixed composition enters the hole. When inserting the hairpin, it must be screwed. If the composition does not come out of the hole, then it is necessary to remove the pin, add the composition more. The chemical must harden. This takes about 40 minutes, depending on the air temperature.

Finally, I would like to add that the installation of anchor bolts into the wall must be carried out according to strict rules, because they carry a great responsibility for supporting heavy weight. Such fasteners appeared not so long ago, and are already very popular and in demand in the construction market. They are relatively inexpensive, and have unique versatility and high reliability.

Anchor bolts - if we consider the principle of operation of the two main types of fasteners - anchor and dowel, then the anchor has a significant advantage. The metal anchor, in addition to the frictional force, is held at the base by means of a "stop" in the form of a kind of anchor obtained by the spacer part of the shank. The force of resistance to destruction of the base material is added to friction.

There is also chemical anchorsinstead of a metal sleeve, they use fast-setting adhesives, which are inserted into the hole before installing the anchor bolt. The result is a monolithic connection with the base.

There is a large range of anchors on the market, but they can all be divided into several classes.

Anchor bolt with nut: how to fix

In fact, it is a stud with a nut and a washer, which is screwed into a sleeve (threaded sleeve). Therefore, it can be called an anchor bolt with a nut or a stud anchor. How to fasten anchor bolts with a nut, we study in detail independently and use it.

Anchor bolt (foundation bolt) with nut

On the one hand, a nut with a washer is screwed onto the stud, on the other, there is a "wedge" in the form of a cone. In the wide part, the wedge corresponds to the diameter of the coupling, in the narrow part - to the hairpin. The wedge-side coupling has a notch and longitudinal slots.

Installation is quite simple, even a beginner will understand how to fasten anchor bolts with a nut.

Anchor bolt: fixing diagram

A hole is drilled at the base for the coupling, cleaned of dust. A part is hung on the anchor, inserted into the hole and hammered into the hole with gentle hammer blows. Then tighten the nut a few turns.

When screwed onto the stud, the nut "unscrews" it from the coupling, as a result of which the wedge expands the coupling along its entire length with slots.

Anchor bolts are made of galvanized steel. Used for concrete, stone, solid bricks.

There is an "improved version" of such an anchor - double-expansion.

Double-expansion anchor bolt

It has two movable slotted couplings, one of which cones into the other. When screwing in the nut, the shank pushes one sleeve over the other. The first one expands with a wedge cone and itself expands the middle coupling, forming two fastening belts.

Wedge anchor - how to fix

This type can be considered as a modification of the previous one. The coupling is made in the form of a movable short sleeve-ring at the end of the hairpin from the side of the shank (wedge).

The principle of operation is similar, there is a slight difference - precise drilling in the depth of the hole and cleaning it from dust is not required. The hole is drilled with a margin, the anchor is inserted to the desired depth and the nut is screwed in, expanding the coupling with the shank.

Anchor rod with hex head

This is a classic bolt with washer that is screwed into a slotted sleeve at the end. The tail cone nut serves as a spacer.

Installation is standard - drill a hole, clean it, insert the anchor with the attached part and lightly tap it. It remains to tighten the anchor bolts a few turns - the nut cone enters the coupling and expands it.

Stud anchor - installation diagram

The scope of application is the same as for the previous types - fastening heavy structures to a base of concrete, stone and solid bricks.

With this type, the bolt can end in a ring or a hook. They allow you to simply hang structures after installing the anchor, otherwise there are no differences.

Impact anchor bolts - how to fix an anchor bolt.

Such a sample combines the functions anchor and nail.

Impact type stud anchor

It consists of a hollow metal rod, one end of which is made in the form of a stud with a thread for a nut and a washer, the other is a sleeve with a four-blade spacer.

Installation, how to fix an anchor bolt - an anchor bolt must be driven into the base hole, into which a nail is in turn driven in. Sleeve petals diverge. The nut serves only for fixing the attached part.

Expanding anchor, four-segment

By the principle of operation, this type is closer to an anchor with a nut or hex head. Although it does not have a wedge or taper nut on the shank of the stud or bolt, expansion occurs by screwing the bolt itself into the hollow sleeve, which moves the inner square element.

Four-segment anchor bolt

The anchor consists of a cylinder with four slots that end in a narrow ring. The lamellas are held by a flat spring, after which the slots are wedge-shaped. Moving, the tetrahedral threaded element expands these wedges.

Anchor rod installation diagram

The bolt is not included in the kit, but is selected depending on the size of the suspended structure.

In addition to the bolt, a bolt with a hook or a ring can be screwed into the expansion anchor. These modifications are supplied with them.

Due to the wide opening of the wedge lamellas, expanding anchors can also be mounted on weak bases - hollow (slotted) bricks, gas or foam concrete blocks.

Driven anchor - how to fix an anchor bolt.

One of the easiest types of anchors to install.

The device is a threaded bushing having slots from the driven end, a tapered inner shape and a wedge.

Installation - a hammer-in anchor is inserted into the prepared hole and, using a special impact nozzle, the cut part is burst with a wedge. When the anchor bolts are screwed in, the petals expand even further, increasing traction.

Made of galvanized steel or brass.

Screw anchor

Has a special design. The slots in the sleeve are not completely cut and end with a ring with a nut. Closer to the head and in the middle of the liner, the lamellas are weakened. By tightening the screw, the nut displaces and expands the lamellas in the middle.

Specially designed for weak and hollow substrates. It can be produced not only with a screw, but also with pins, hooks, rings.

In order to properly install the anchor bolts, it is necessary to take into account the type and strength of the base, choose the type of anchor that is optimal for a particular part and determine its load capacity.

Until recently, only screws or nails could be used to attach to hard surfaces. But now this method of fastening is practically a thing of the past, it is being replaced by anchors much more adapted for this purpose.

The bolt is the most powerful fastener, an order of magnitude higher than the dowels with screws.

How can you effectively and quickly fix objects in the wall? Only with the help of anchors - they can be driven in or screwed into the base.

This is a metal part that is inserted into a solid base, expands there and holds the object, which is fixed with its help.

Inside there is a thread into which you need to screw the mount. In both repair and construction, anchor bolts are a reliable "anchor" that is difficult to replace with anything. Installation with their use is quick and easy.

This type of fastener is also used with great success for dense materials such as solid bricks or concrete, as well as for softer materials such as drywall, for example. Installing a shelf or hemming a false ceiling, hanging a cabinet or a painting on a concrete wall - for all these manipulations, bolts are needed. More often than others, mechanical ones are used. They can be held both by friction and by a stop.

Set of tools

Installation procedure

To do this, you need the following tools:

  • drill with a set of drills;
  • hammer drill with a set of drills;
  • open-end wrench;
  • a hammer.

Concrete materials are much more dense in density than most building products. It will take some effort to make a hole in them. Drills must always be coated with special strength alloys. To make a bolt hole with straight edges, a simple drill will not work, it is best to use a hammer drill.

To properly secure the bolt, you need to make it even, and its diameter should match the outer diameter of the bolt. The anchor does not need to be disassembled under any circumstances - it is inserted entirely “as is”. Some still try to take it apart and then insert it. But this can be done only when an anchor with a nut is used, and in this case, you can only twist the nut, no more. When the bolt is inserted into the hole, it must be tightened clockwise. For the installation to be successful, the fasteners must be selected depending on the weight of the attached structure. It should be optimal both in diameter and length.


By design, the bolts are somewhat different from each other.

Each type is designed for a certain load,

  1. Klinova. When installing it, a hole is drilled in the concrete, where the anchor will be hammered. The wedge bolt has an important difference from others: it is the only type of such fastener without a shirt. There is a wedge inside the sleeve, which expands when screwed in. After the wedge fastener is clogged, it is necessary to tighten the nut, which, due to the expansion of the sleeve, fixes the rod. The wedge bolt is used for fastening various heavy structures, cable routes, fences, load-bearing elements.
  2. Spacer. This type is considered the most common in construction. It is produced with a length of 2-12 cm and a diameter of 0.4-2 cm. The expansion bolt has a sleeve that runs along the entire rod. There is a thread inside it, a wedge-shaped head is planted on it, which, in the process of twisting, expands the sleeve. Thus, the fasteners are fixed. The most effective application of such a fastener will be for concrete and solid bricks. There are also models of anchors that are designed for use in hollow materials. It should be mounted in a hole that is pre-drilled in the material with the required diameter and depth.
  3. Expandable. Inside this element there is a sleeve with several petals and a sliding nut. When twisting, it will push the petals apart. Installing such an element in concrete is quite practical.
  4. Hammer. Its sleeve has an internal wedge and special cutouts, due to which the sleeve will expand when the bolt is hit. The blows are applied to the anchor (the wedge rests against the bottom of the hole) or to the wedge with the help of a mandrel, which is inserted into the product itself. The use of a hammer will be necessary anyway to install the fasteners. Driving bolts can be made of metal or polymer - the principle of operation will be the same as for spacers. The nylon has a difference in the form of a special screw with a thread in the shape of a shark tooth, thanks to which it will have an advantage during installation. Driven fasteners for concrete surfaces are used quite often - this seems to be the best option in most cases.
  5. Chemical. All previous types are attached mechanically, while chemical ones are glued to the material. A briquette with glue is inserted into the hole made by the tools, then pressed down with an anchor. The bolt is securely fixed with glue.

Load bearing capacity

Performance characteristics of fasteners at a standard embedment depth in a base of heavy concrete B20 (C20 / 25).

Each type of bolt has its own bearing capacity, which is characterized by the load that the bolt can withstand without destruction and without violating the integrity of the bond with the material. First of all, the bearing capacity will depend on the material from which the fastener is made. For this, they mainly use various types of high quality steel - anti-corrosion, structural, stainless and non-ferrous metals. With the exception of brass, almost all non-ferrous metals have the lowest strength. As a rule, the bearing capacity is indicated on the package or on it.

Connection reliability

Calculation for pullout.

Such an inspection is carried out directly at the place of work. Depending on the material of the wall, it will be possible to determine the reliability of the connection. If the material is brick or concrete, the pullout load will be about 350 kg. For fastening rather heavy objects, this indicator is quite enough. When the material is

In construction and installation work, the most demanded operation is the connection of various kinds of elements, both to each other and fasteners to fixed bases, namely: walls, floor, ceiling, beams, etc. For these purposes, various kinds of fasteners are used, however, in some specific cases, anchoring will be the best option.

If you open specialized sites and look at the photo of the anchor bolt, you can note a wide range of designs, sizes and other distinctive features. What is the principle of reliable fastening? What is an anchor? - read about all this in this article.

Design features

In its most general form, an anchor must be understood as a special fastening element installed in a supporting, fixed base and designed to hold some structure or part.

This connection is of a collapsible type. In other words: if necessary, the structure fixed by means of an anchor can be dismantled, and then installed again without changing the fasteners themselves.

If we trace the etymology of the name, then the word anchor has German roots and is translated as "anchor", which fully describes the principle of its action.

Structurally, the anchor bolts look like a special kind of stud, which is laid in a blind or through hole, and under some conditions, it is clamped in it, moreover, for mechanical anchors one property is true - the stronger the load on the stud, the stronger it will be held in the hole. In some versions, a bolt and a special shaped nut may be used, but the principle remains the same.


A special capsule with an adhesive solution is placed in the hole. During installation, the capsule collapses and, after hardening, reliably fixes the pin in the hole.

The main advantage is the possibility of installation in hollow bases.

Mechanical anchors

This is the most common type used in practice. In this case, the principle of operation of anchor bolts is based on the effect of wedging or collet expansion in a steel sleeve.

Depending on the weight and the degree of force applied to the structure to be installed, the required dimensions of the anchor bolts are selected. For mechanical fasteners, the installation technology, the characteristics of the base and other external factors are taken into account. In this context, the following types are distinguished, distinguished by the method of implementing the principle laid down in the idea of \u200b\u200bfasteners.

Wedge anchor

It is a special wedge nut that is installed inside the hole, with a sleeve mounted on top. When tightening the bolt, the nut, trying to come out, wedges the sleeve and is firmly held inside the hole.

This design is a bushing with a tapered hole inside and a threaded thread. When the anchor is screwed in, the sleeve is wedged in the hole and is thereby fixed.

Expanding anchor "butterfly". The main feature is that it can be installed in through holes, as well as in the case of thin-walled bases. The principle of operation is based on the deformation of the middle part and disclosure of the petals when the anchor is screwed in.

Expansion anchors. This is the most common type and does not require particularly careful hole dimensions. The principle of operation is based on the expansion of the sleeve when pulling out of it a stud with a conical or spherical thickening at the end in the process of screwing the nut onto it and pulling it out.

So, we have indicated the main types of anchors used in practice. In some specific situations, special fasteners are required, according to the laid down principles of action, it is similar to those considered, but it has design features, and therefore below, as an example, two of its varieties are presented.

Special anchors

Anchor bolt with a ring - in this case, at the end of the anchor there is a special ring, through which a cable, twine or various kinds of stretching is threaded. It is used for installation and strengthening of spacer cables when installing masts, columns, banners, as well as in other special situations.

Another type is anchor bolts with a hook. Their field of application is similar to the previous one, the whole feature is the ability to put on rings, that is, there is no need to thread the cables through the hole.

Anchor bolt mounting technology

First of all, depending on the thickness of the base and the mass of the structure to be strengthened, the size and length of the anchor fasteners are selected.

Drill a hole in the base. The sleeve must fit tightly. The depth is made slightly more than the length of the sleeve.

Attention! After drilling is done, thoroughly clean the hole from the rest of the base, crumbs, etc.

An anchor is installed in the hole, after which the structure is assembled. Installation must be done with light hammer blows. The force applied during twisting should gradually increase. Do not "overdo it": the anchor must hold firmly, but not destroy the base material.

Photo of anchors

An anchor is a fastening element made of a metal material, it is inserted into and there it detains an object, which is fixed thanks to it. This type of fastener has recently become well-demanded. Installing anchor bolts into the wall acts as an anchor. Thanks to this, they are able to hold incredible loads. This makes it possible with their help to fasten heavy structures and individual objects. Not so long ago, nails and screws were available to secure something to a stone surface. Now everything has changed, and this type of fastener is a thing of the past. Anchors, more convenient for this process and adapted, replace them with success.

How can you securely, with great effect and very quickly fix certain objects in the wall? Anchors are an excellent way out here, with them you can hammer or screw anything you want into the concrete base.


The anchor has a thread inside, it is into it that the fasteners must be screwed. When building a house, repairing an apartment, anchor bolts are the best anchor, they will not lead you exactly, and it is impossible to replace them with something similar. Installation using these bolts is quick and easy.

Types of anchors

They have found great application for dense materials. For example, concrete, brick. They are also good for working with drywall. They can be used almost everywhere - if you need to hang a shelf, wardrobe, painting, or equip a suspended ceiling. All of these laborious processes will require anchors. Most of all, mechanical anchors are used, capable of being held by an emphasis or frictional force.

During construction or for household needs, it is required to attach various kinds of objects, structures for installation. There are different fasteners for these purposes. To work with concrete or brick, special anchors are needed, and when wood blanks are used, self-tapping screws for wood. Anchors will help to strengthen the heaviest structures well. For example, it can be a water heater, a Swedish wall, a children's swing to the ceiling.

By itself, such a bolt is nothing special. This is a fairly simple bolt, nut and body connection. A plastic lining is provided to keep moisture out. The bolts work according to a simple spacer principle. When the bolt is tightened, the nut at the end is pushed in. This encourages the enclosure to expand in size due to expansion and is hammered into the concrete.


The requirements for these bolts are quite stringent, as people have to be confident in the reliability of this fastening due to the weight that they place on it. Therefore, when choosing these products, give the choice to those that are made in accordance with GOST. On the construction market, the following types of anchor bolts are distinguished:

One piece bolt

  1. One-piece bolt - head with six faces, cone nut. Here the nut is the spacer that expands the pipe. It itself is soldered with a tip - it has a nut with a washer. When they begin to tighten the bolt, it immediately enters the pipe, thereby expanding it.
  2. Wedge. It is a metal material rod with a large head. A wedge emerges from it and enters the rod upon impact. This increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe part that is placed in the concrete hole.
  3. With strut, shock. When a nail is driven in, it enlarges and adheres firmly to the stone.
  4. Double-spaced with nut. This fastener is used for massive objects, for critical work. Accordingly, it is the most reliable fastener. It becomes wider in two places at once. These spacers are located at the end of the tube and at the junction of the two sections of the cylinder. The elements are made so that when the nut is tightened, its parts are drawn into each other.
  5. Hammer. Fasteners are hammered into the wall hole. Already during this, it increases in width and grasps with the stone. When the bolt tightens, it expands even further. This type of bolt is the fastest to install.
  6. Expandable in four parts. Its parts are independent of each other, forming a cylindrical shape in the assembly. At the top there is a part with a ring, and at the other end there is a fixation with a spring. When it is twisted, the action of a spacer with four faces begins at the cylinder. She unclenches these segments, after which they are pressed against the wall along the entire length. Here, not a bolt is used, but rods with a ring or a hook.

From the descriptions it is clear that the first two anchors act in the same way. The difference between them is in the mobility of the elements. If the first has a nut with a cone, then the second has a bolt. The first two types of fasteners are typical options. Already on their basis, the rest of the range of these bolts is presented. Anchors with a hook and a ring are considered simple and quite convenient. Since when the nut is tightened, then the bolt is immediately firmly fixed in the hole in the wall.

Mounting method

It couldn't be easier than attaching an anchor bolt to a wall. You just need to drill a hole in the concrete wall. Its diameter must match exactly with the bolt. Then you need to insert the bolt itself and attach. It is not necessary to disassemble the anchor, it is completely inserted in the same form in which it is sold. Some people take them apart for something and then try to insert them. The anchor with the nut is disassembled, and then, only by twisting the nut and that's it. When the anchor is in the wall, it must be screwed clockwise. Using such fasteners, you can immediately understand how fast, convenient and reliable it is.

Using them to help, you can hang lighting fixtures, install interior doors, and do finishing work. Proceeding from the fact that such a mount is designed for heavy loads, it is produced from high strength steel. Mounts of this type are fairly easy to make. The bolt in the wall is properly fixed. This is all thanks to adhesion, support, friction - the key to reliable fastening. These principles operate both together and separately, without affecting the strength a single gram. Absolutely every man can fix the anchor bolt with his own hands.

Installation of anchor bolts

Installation rules

The steps for installing anchor bolts are the same as with dowels. This is not difficult to do, although their design looks rather complicated. There are only some features. The instructions for attaching the anchor bolts are as follows:

  • You will need a drill of the required diameter, which must be inserted into the hammer drill.
  • Drill a stroke, clean it of debris.
  • Knock in the bolt, tighten with a wrench until it is firmly fixed in the base.

There is also a small number of rules that you need to remember and know:

  1. It is forbidden to install an anchor bolt in a hollow brick.
  2. For installation, use a size of up to eight millimeters.
  3. When the hole cannot be cleaned, then it should be drilled further twenty centimeters.

Of the tools for this work, you will need a drill and a perforator with drills, an open-end wrench, a hammer.

Concrete is much stronger than most other materials. Therefore, it will take some force to make a hole in it. The drills should be coated with strong alloys. You won't be able to use a simple drill if you need straight edges. In this case, you will have to resort to a puncher.

Mounting bolts

Installed bolt in structure

For example, in a foundation structure, there are several ways to install an anchor. The main ones are:

  • Basically, the installation of bolts into the foundation takes place before the concrete is poured. When the rebar frame is installed, the curved anchors are fastened by welding. It is very important to control their vertical position, the distance between them and in the foundation. Once they are secured, the threads must be closed, for example, with polyethylene. This will prevent the concrete from entering the threads.
  • It will be easier to install the anchors in the poured concrete. And control all the necessary parameters there.
  • To make the anchor straight, you need to drill a hole of a suitable diameter in the foundation, get rid of dust and concrete. Insert a straight anchor there, fill the voids with glue.
  • The cone anchor is installed in the same way as the straight one. Then do not forget to tighten the nut on the stud.

Before dwelling on one or another anchor, decide on the method of fastening. In this case, be sure to remember about the future load. For the sake of reliability and quality, you should not purchase a smaller diameter of the fastener. Choose those manufacturers in whom you are sure who make the production of products according to GOST standards.

What to look for

The method of work for the installation of anchors is to comply with the tightening standards. Some manufacturers in their catalogs prescribe recommendations for tightening anchor fasteners. At a small value, an important friction force will be absent; at a large one, the pressure on the base increases. Because of this, there is a possibility of destruction.

It is important to observe the installation of chemical anchors. The steel stud should fit into the hole with a screwdriver. This is important for thorough mixing of all elements of the composition. During the application of injections with the composition, the already mixed composition enters the hole. When inserting the hairpin, it must be screwed. If the composition does not come out of the hole, then it is necessary to remove the pin, add the composition more. The chemical must harden. This takes about 40 minutes, depending on the air temperature.

Finally, I would like to add that the installation of anchor bolts into the wall must be carried out according to strict rules, because they carry a great responsibility for supporting heavy weight. Such fasteners appeared not so long ago, and are already very popular and in demand in the construction market. They are relatively inexpensive, and have unique versatility and high reliability.