Ventcanal performance from diameter. How to make natural ventilation in a private house

Residents of high-rise buildings, decorated to move to the private sector, expect that the proximity to nature and the desire to retire immediately will manifest in all its glory. It will not be in the window of sad urban landscapes, will not be coming from the windows of the noise of a big city, there will be no odors that inevitably appear from the transport and fruit of the vital activity of many people living compactly. It will be possible to breathe clean natural air, and enjoy life. But what is the surprise of new households, when windows are fought in their country housing, the air turns out to be very wet, which is very difficult to breathe, and at the same time it can carry the "aromas" of the basement with him. And beautiful landscapes in this case will not be so pleased with the eyes. And such a phenomenon is far from uncommon. The diagnosis here is unequivocal - problems with ventilation.

What will any normal person do if it turns out to be in a similar situation? Naturally, he will try to contact specialized organizations that are professionally engaged in ventilation. And the likelihood that the problem is solved - very high, since there are now enough specialists, and there are no problems with the equipment too. But we urge first to study this question a bit alone, and then decide whether to contact or not. Is it possible that the problem is shroud and can be resolved on their own? In our article: "Ventilation in a private house: a scheme and installation," we will try to tell you about these issues all that we know. And we are going to do this so that it is understandable to everyone, and not just to those who are with the engineering science.

Proper ventilation in a private house is necessary to provide a permanent inflow of fresh air at any time of the year. After reading our article, you will learn what types of ventilation systems are, methods for increasing the level of air exchange in the rooms, as well as to heat the cold street air as quickly as possible with minimal costs.

Ventilation systems - than mechanical differs from natural

It should not be thought that the main purpose of the ventilation system is the presence of fresh air. It should also remove the spent air masses and provide an affordable air speed in rooms for humans. The speed is less, the less the tenants feel the effects of cold air and, accordingly, they feel more comfortable.

In most cases, household owners are limited to natural ventilation, which arises due to the free movement of air due to emerging drafts or ventilation. In addition, the speed of air intake for this type of ventilation is about 1 cubic meters / hour, whereas with mechanical ventilation this indicator reaches 3-5 cubic meters / hour. When carrying out, the complete exchange of air occurs in 40-80 minutes, depending on the volume of the ventilated room. In addition, there are large thermal energy losses, there is a cooling of slopes and window blocks, condensates may be observed in winter periods.

In old houses with installed wooden windows about the problems with ventilation, almost nothing could be heard. The fact is that such windows were distinguished by a very high level of air permeability. Even quite large in terms of volume, private houses were fully ventured due to numerous slots and not tightly closed windows.

In modern homes, it is often not possible to do without compulsory mechanical ventilation. The problem is that with a decrease in the speed of air movement, the ventkane cross section increases. In other words, the ventilation channels in a private house with a forced air intake system are characterized by a smaller cross section compared to similar channels intended for natural ventilation. By installing forced ventilation, you will provide your home with the necessary volumes of fresh air.

Regardless of the type of ventilation system used, it is necessary to pre-take care that the air masses have the opportunity to freely move in all rooms at home. This is fully contributed to the overpressure grilles mounted in the doors on the way of air movement. The flow is considered properly organized if the most contaminated room (for example, a bathroom or kitchen with unpleasant smells) is located last in the chain.

Another possible solution is the gap between the doors and the floor. This gap should not be less than 20 mm across the entire width of the door. The installation of special doors with streaming lattices in the same way as leaving the gap is carried out at the stage of performing construction and installation work, so about the correct and working ventilation, it is necessary to think literally from the very beginning of the construction of the house.

Window and Wall Valves - Creating additional ventilation

Most modern houses provide for the presence of metal-plastic windows from PVC. Such structures are distinguished by numerous advantages, among which is a beautiful appearance, ease of care, high levels of heat and sound insulation, tightness. However, the last property has a negative tint, since natural ventilation in a private house in such conditions is reduced almost to zero.

It is not necessary to worry about this, since decisions have already been found quite a long time ago. The most popular methods for creating natural ventilation in the conditions of using plastic windows can be attributed to the installation of supply window valves. This valve is a small nozzle that can only be installed in the wall, breaking through it through. On both sides, the nozzle is covered with lattices necessary to regulate the level of penetration of fresh air masses from the street.

Specialists advise on the installation of these devices near the windows, next to heating radiators. The optimal zone for the installation of the sub-window valve is next to the windowsill directly beyond the battery. First, in this case, the valve can be easily hidden by tulle from prying eyes. The presence of a number of heating system allows you to instantly warm the street air to avoid premises.

Technologies for the production of modern supply valves have been significantly advanced in their development. T. aK, in the construction market you can now purchase models that are equipped with temperature sensors, humidity, as well as a variety of filters.Such instruments should be installed in dining rooms, hallways, as well as bedrooms to ensure the maximum movement of air masses from residential rooms (so-called "clean zones") into domestic rooms (bathrooms, sanitary nodes, kitchens).

The supply valves will also be extremely helpful in private houses, the walls of which were insulated with a steamproof material, for example, extruded polystyrene foam or even conventional foam. These insulation reduce the amount of fresh air, but through nozzles are able to fully correct the situation.

Forced ventilation system - what does it consist of?

In some cases, ventilation in a private house cannot be sufficient through the use of one and wall valves alone. For example, if the volume of the building is very high, then it would take to install the valves almost next to each window. Naturally, the inner and outer walls in their aesthetic qualities will seriously suffer from such a large number of additional pipes. Exit from the situation is a forced ventilation system.

This system includes two main elements - ventilation network and ventilation equipment. The latter can be attributed to:

  1. 1. Fan - required directly to ensure the circulation of the required amount of fresh air.
  2. 2. Calorifer - This device is set to heal the incoming air, but it does not apply to the number of mandatory, and it can be established on the basis of funds and opportunities. Two types of calorificates are isolated - electric and water.
  3. 3. Filter - its purpose is to delay garbage and large dust particles, which are present in a large amount in the street air.
  4. 4. Air valve.
  5. 5. Noisemaster.

The ventilation network consists of the following main elements:

  1. 1. Air distribution devices (anemostats, diffusers);
  2. 2. Air ducts;
  3. 3. Air intake grille.

The construction of a fully new building should provide for the presence of ventilation channels in the interior walls of kitchens, sanitary nodes, bathrooms. Ventcanal data is recommended to lay from brickwork. In the event that the channels were not formed at the design stage, they would have to erect special detachment mines. So do not forget to think over the ventilation system of your own home before it is erected.

Exhaust fans are one of the main elements necessary for uninterrupted and constant pulling of unpleasant odors and exhaust air from the premises. As in the case of window valves, the building materials market offers a huge selection of fans capable of satisfying the requests and needs of all residents.

Fans are most popular, which are installed on the wall and go directly to the ventilation channel. Another view that has recently been on sale is the fans of the hidden editing. They are usually installed in the subtle space, but there are several important points here. First, it will be necessary to further spend the air duct for this fan. And secondly, such devices can only be used when attached or stretched ceilings.

Fans installed in bathrooms and toilets are very often included depending on the position of the light switch. For example, when the light is turned on, the device automatically starts to pull the air, stopping only after it is turned off. Some models are equipped with a delay function that the owner of the house can adjust. Such devices begin to work in a minute after switching on the light, which will be quite enough to, for example, wash your hands and once again do not use the fan and, as a result, not to overpay for the electrical energy spent.

Developed special, equipped with humidity sensors. Such an aggregate will work independently of external lighting until a normal level of humidity will be restored in the bathroom. If the noise of running fans interferes to you, you can always buy more expensive, but a silent model. Another option is to use various rubberometallic bushings to reduce noise levels.

Energy recovery installations - features of such systems

Relatively recently appeared a new type of supply and exhaust ventilation systems. We are talking about installations with energy recovery functions. Popularity is explained by the huge savings of cold air heating. Thus, standard ventilation in the house does not provide for heating entering air, which leads to large spends on additional thermal energy.

If you establish a system with a recovery of energy, then the ability to save about 50 percent of heat will appear. This high indicator can be achieved by heating with warm exhaust air of cold supply air coming from the street.

The mandatory component of such systems is the built-in calorifer, since the heat of the available air does not have enough to heat the entire volume of the air masses entering the house. During periods of severe frosts without a carrier, it will be pretty hard. However, in spring or autumn, it is quite possible to do without this heating device, which will save a decent amount of money.

This system provides for supply and exhaust fans. An additional advantage is that in the summer the system partially assumes the functions of the air conditioner, since it cools the incoming air. If you have air conditioning systems, the load on them will significantly decrease. The principle of operation is that the cold air after the air conditioner cools the warm street air, passing through the energy recuperator.

It is necessary to consider in advance where the installation of energy recovery will be located. In large buildings, the air exchange process often exceeds 800 cubic meters / hour, and therefore the size of the ventilation system may be impressive. Experts recommend to mount them in an attic room or on the ground floor. In the first case, it will be necessary to carry out insulating work in the attic, otherwise the risk of equipment and freezing of the coolant appears.

To ensure forced ventilation, air ducts are used, the purpose of which is to dissolve air masses in all rooms. Several species allocate, the main difference of which lies in their form:

  • Round ducts are the most popular on the basis of value for money. They differ in a smooth surface and, as a result, the smallest resistance when moving large volumes of air.
  • Rectangular ducts are characterized by a low cost of equipment, but resistance is slightly higher compared to round models.
  • Flexible air ducts - have the highest level of resistance due to a corrugated surface. They are ideal if there are bends of the canal on a small area.

Thus, ventilation in a private house is a very important question, to solve which is still at the stage of designing the building. But as a result, you will get pure and fresh air without unpleasant odors and pollution.

The ventilation device in a private house is the most important question, without a decision of which about a comfortable life will only have to dream.

But it is solved for the owners of a city apartment and a country cottage in different ways.

The first almost nothing has to take care, unless the need to establish a damping valve or a fan in the bathroom.

In the second, everything is much more complicated: when designing the cottage's ventsy system, an individual approach is needed, especially if the construction has two floors and is equipped with airproof metal-plastic windows. In this article we will talk about how to make ventilation in a private house.

The function of the ventilation system (SV) is to submit fresh outer air into the room and remove the already spent. Depending on how this task is solved, the following types of SV are distinguished:

  1. Natural ventilation In a private house: As is known, part of the liquid or gas with a higher than that of the surrounding agent, the temperature is always rushed up. It is this principle that is based on the work of natural St. The spent warm air itself disappears along the long vertical exhaust channel and at the same time plays the role of the pump, pulling the air from the street through the air holes.
  2. Forced: Under certain circumstances, it is not possible to achieve air intake in the desired amount due to just one convection. For example, if a filter or house is installed in the supply channel, it has too large area. In this case, it is equipped with a fan that provides forced air supply.
  3. Mixed.

Natural ventilation in a private house

With a mixed version, the main part of the SV works at the expense of the natural movement of the air, but in some rooms, where high speed of air exchange is required, fans are installed.

Selection of the ventilation system for a residential building

When designing a cottage, ventilation is trying to organize on the natural principle. Especially since such buildings are mostly located in pure air zones, so that its cleaning is not a necessity.

Since modern windows are hermetic, so-called supply valves are installed for fresh air. Such an element can be part of a metal-plastic window or be a separate device embedded in the wall.

Design of ventilation systems

The supply valves and exhaust channels are placed in such a way that the air flow follows through the whole house from the cleanest premises to the most contaminated.

For this, the hood is installed in:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • acceptor;
  • wardrobe or storage room, if the door of this room goes into the living room;
  • boiler room (there must be a hood, and a trim valve);
  • rooms that are separated from the specified premises with more than 2 doors.

Installation of the supply valve is desired in all rooms where the exhaust is not provided.

On the 2nd and subsequent floors, in the presence of an entrance door from the stairs to the floor, the exhaust channels are placed on the same principle. If there is no entrance door from the stairs to the floor, the hood and the adhesive are mounted in each room.

It is also necessary to provide natural ventilation of the following zones:

  • base space (required to remove radon with radioactive properties);
  • underground space on the 1st floor.

Requirements for ventilation systems

Consider what should be the right ventilation in a private house. In residentials, SV should have a 1-fold air exchange, that is, the volume of the air entering during this time should be equal to the volume of the room. At the same time, at least 30 cubic meters of clean air should have at the 1st tenant.

The boiler room requires a 3-fold air exchange (also in an hour) in the presence of a ceiling with a height of 6 m. At a smaller height, another 0.25 multiplicity is thrown into each misser.

Draft forced ventilation in a private house

The side of the exhaust channel section with natural air exchange must be at least 10 cm long, and the minimum cross-sectional area is 0.016 square meters. m.

The exhaust channel for a natural air exchange must be vertical, have a uniform section (without extensions and narrowings) and a duration of at least 3 m.

Within floor, all exhaust channels must have the same length - this ensures equality of the thrust in them.

To ensure good thrust, thermal losses in exhaust channels should be minimized, so they are laid only in the interior walls, and outside well insulation.


The purpose of calculating the SV is determining the cross section of exhaust channels and supply valves, as well as their quantity. Each floor is calculated separately, the following actions are performed:

  1. According to the data provided in the regulatory documents, the minimum air volume of the quantity is determined, which per hour should enter the premises with the supply valves.
  2. According to the same standards, the minimum amount of air QW is calculated, which per hour should be removed from the premises with exhaust channels.
  3. The greatest amounts are taken for the required performance of exhaust channels QP.
  4. Based on the size of the building, the length of the exhaust channels is set.
  5. According to special tables, it is picking up such a cross section of exhaust channels so that they had the required performance at a given length and temperature in the room.

To show the technique in action, we will calculate the ventilation of the 1st storey house. The structure of a building with an area of \u200b\u200b120 kV. M includes the following premises:

  • 5 rooms (total area - 90 square meters. M);
  • storeroom or dressing room (4.5 square meters. m);
  • kitchen and bathroom.

The ceiling has a height of 3 m. The height of the ventilated underground space (the floors - wooden on the lags) is 30 cm.

Calculation is carried out according to the above plan.

Step 1

According to regulations, the multiplicity of air exchange indoors with supply valves should be at least 1st volume per hour. Such in this case are rooms. Consequently, the volume of air arriving within an hour should be:

QP \u003d 90x3x1 (multiplicity) \u003d 270 cubic meters. m / h.

Step 2.

For premises with exhaust channels, the following requirements are prescribed in standards:

  • for kitchen, bathroom and toilet: air exchange in volume, respectively, 60, 25 and 25 cubic meters. m / h;
  • for storage room and underground space: the multiplicity of air exchange is 0.2 volume per hour.

Consequently, the total amount of air removed per hour should be:

QB \u003d 60 + 25 + 25 + (4.5x3 + 120x0.3) x0.2 \u003d 119.9 cubic meters. m / h.

Step 3.

Exhaust ventilation performance Take the largest computed values:

Q. \u003d 270 cubic meters. m / h.

Step 4.

Based on the design considerations, we define the length of the exhaust ventilation. Taking into account the height of the attic, it will be 4 m.

High-quality ventilation in the presence of a gas boiler is simply necessary for the proper operation of equipment and for the safety of tenants. How to shut up and what type of ventilation system to choose, read carefully.

In which cases you need a trim valve into the wall and how to properly approach his choice, read.

Ventilation in the bath should be thought out to the smallest detail, because in the steam room, the air concentration decreases and a person may experience a lack of oxygen. For this link, see how the ventilation system in the bath should be designed correctly.

Step 5.

On the table, we determine that with a length of 4 m and a temperature in the room within 20 degrees, the channel capacity with a cross section of 204 square meters. See. will be 45.96 cubic meters. m / h. (It is these channels that are in concrete blocks that are supposed to be applied during construction).

Therefore, we will need at least 270 / 45.96 \u003d 5.8 channels. After rounding to the nearest maximum, we will receive 6 channels.

Step 6.

Let's try to distribute the resulting number of channel channels:

  • kitchen, toilet, bathroom and storage room - one channel;
  • underground space - 2 channels (due to its design features).

However, with such a scheme in the kitchen, it will not be possible to provide the required air exchange: the performance of the exhaust channel is 45.96 cubic meters. m / h, while standards requires hourly air exchange in the amount of 60 cubic meters. m / h.

It is proposed to increase the number of channels up to 7 and install two channels in the kitchen instead of one.

Scheme of natural and forced ventilation with recovery

The performance of the ventilation channels installed in the pantry and underground is more than 10 times higher than the amount required by air exchange standards. So, in the storage room instead of the necessary 2.7 cubic meters. M / h We have 45.96 cubic meters. m / h; In the underground - instead of 7.2 cubic meters. M / h received almost 92 cu. m / h.

However, to reduce the performance of these channels to normalized values \u200b\u200bby installing small ventilation grids, as they provide ventilation throughout the house and in this case we will not be able to get a flow of 270 cubic meters. m / h.

An effective solution from the point of view of heat rescue is to install on exhaust channels of dampers, controlled by a hygrostat - the humidity control sensor.

SV with recovery

Obviously, when ventilation is performed, a significant part of the heat produced by the heating system literally flies into the pipe.

Significant savings can be achieved by reorganizing the ventilation system and equipping it with a heat exchanger with a heat exchanger, in which the heat of the vehicle is transmitted by the incoming flow.

Reorganization is as follows:

  1. The trimmed channel is satisfied with only one, so that for the distribution of fresh air in the room you have to build a network of air ducts.
  2. The trajectory of the airflow movement has to be made closed, combining exhaust channels into one and sulking it to the adhesive (a recuperator is installed). This requires the use of more materials.
  3. The system can only work with mechanical motivation (forcibly).

However, all these complications are quite justified, since as a result, only a small part of the heat is thrown out. The specific value depends on the type of heat exchanger. Rotary recovers are most effective. Thanks to these devices, the magnitude of the heat loss in SV can reduce the four-sixth.

Wet air inside the room condenses on objects and moisture enters construction materials, as a result of which mold and fungus are formed on the walls. Solve all problems will help the correct presented in the material.

What is required to check valve for ventilation, you will learn by reading.

Video on the topic

The microclimate of the house depends on the correct ventilation device, which has a direct impact on the well-being and comfort of all its tenants. Competently constructed ventkanals in a private house will provide a stable air exchange. They will create conditions for the regular supply of fresh portions and the unhindered disposal of polluted air.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the construction of channel ventilation in low-rise country ownership. We have in detail the technology of the device of the ventilation system, the placement of equipment, gaskets and fastening of ventilations. Disassembled enhancement options proven in practice.

The information presented to consideration relies on the construction standards. Taking into account our recommendations, you can independently build effective ventilation. For visual perception, schemes, photo-manuals and video instructions are applied to the text.

The ventilation of the room is necessary in order to create the optimal conditions for the lives of people and the existence of furniture and equipment located in the house.

If everything has been done in apartment buildings already done by specialists who built the building, then during the construction of a private real estate this question is often missed.

Sometimes the arrangement of Ventkanalov consider excessive spending time and money. However, they are a mandatory part of the project implementation, providing favorable conditions for life and long-term exploitation of building structures

This is the root of an erroneous opinion. Floor air, sweating windows, unpleasant smells with bathrooms and aromas of fried food along with the tea smoke will fall into all the rooms and even in the bedroom. Without a properly designed and assembled ventilation system, the comfortable life of the inhabitants of the house will be at risk.

Ventilation in a private house can be:

  • natural;
  • mechanical;
  • mixed.

The first type is based on the natural circulation process of air masses. No mechanisms for injection of air into the house are not used. It falls from the street, penetrating through the windows with microwave or supply valves, organized in the most suitable places for this.

For rooms at home, in which the valves are not installed, the air circulates through the doorways and through the slots between the door and the floor.

Rules for ventilation pipes

The correctly equipped ventilation system will qualitatively perform its functions and will not create the problems of homeowner. To do this, it is important to lay ventilation channels in the house, given the rules and recommendations.

Firstly, the size of the exhaust vent car in the room must be a diameter of at least 10x10 cm or 15x15 cm. It is better to use ready-made pipes than making canals from drywall - it will save time on the installation, and the air through the pipe is better.

Galvanized metal and plastic rigid or flexible pipes of various diameters are used to arrange ventkanalov

Secondly, ventilation pipes must perform above the roof on a certain height, depending on their location. Thus, the length of the vertical section of Ventkanal can average 1.5 to 3 meters. If the pipes do not fit into the overall design of the house, you can use ventilation issues in the roof.

The height of the elevation of ventilation channels above the roof level is taken equal to the height of chimneys. It depends on the location of the pipes relative to the skate edge. It is important to protect the outlet with a grid to the birds and insects do not fall into the mine

Thirdly, according to regulations, it is necessary to provide ventilation boiler room and room located above the boiler room. Moreover, the purpose of this room does not matter. It can be like a cabinet, a library and a bedroom or a living room.

Fourth, it is important to distinguish the concept of chimney and ventilation. In the first case, combustion products fall into the channel, and in the second - spent air from the room itself. In no case can these 2 channels unite in one. This is a gross violation.

Ventilation issues fit well in the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe roof design. You can choose a model that is most suitable for color.

Fifth, in the kitchen it is necessary to provide 2 separate ventilation channels - and for air-free air. The second option is to use a special lattice where the air duct is connected and there is a separate hole for air intake inside the room. Or a good way out will be a microwing window.

Thoughtful designer decisions with a stepped ceiling are able to disguise any ventilation system.

Sixth, if there are rooms intended for household needs - dressing room, postproke, pantry, washing and other destination, then it is necessary to design Ventkanal. In such premises, the windows, through which air could do, are not provided.

In the seventh, when the ventilation channel is laid in the wall, it is important that it is not carrier. It is not recommended to arrange them in the external walls - due to the temperature difference there will always be condensate.

When arranging ventkanal in the wall such rooms as a kitchen, bathroom, toilet, boiler room must be near

The eighth rule - the wooden designs of the ceiling and roofs should not adjust or touch the stone or brick vent. For a tree, such a neighbor can be destructive.

The ninth rule is undesirable to use one-hander as an infiltable valve. It is not the best option. The patient's nasophack in the morning, with a sharp change of weather per night, the owner of the house, which saved with an open window will be provided. This is especially true in the autumn and spring period.

The tenth rule - when there is no possibility to make ventkanals in the room, you can put a trim valve, drilled through a hole in the wall. And at the top under the ceiling to drill a hole for the installation of the exhaust valve. This version of the ventilation of the room will be able to provide a room and its inhabitants with fresh air.

From the competent distribution of ventilation in the house, air exchange processes in the room are largely dependent. When you start the process of designing residential premises, please note that the vents are not only in the kitchen, in the toilet and bathroom, but also in the rest of the rooms. After all, quite often modern apartments and cottages are equipped with double-glazed windows and metal doors. Because of this, the air can not normally circulate in the house, which makes it in front of.

Air exchange in a private house

It is important to note the correctness of the location of the ventilation in the residential room. It is important to note the fact that the ventilation channels must be evenly distributed throughout the rooms.

Since the incoming clean air contributes to improving your condition, it is he who is able to provide you with high immunity and a strong healthy dream.

Types of ventilation communications

Ventilation pipes in a private house can be two types. It:

  • Natural system;
  • Forced system.

In the first case, the ventilations are channels in capital walls whose thickness is more than 380 mm. The inlet holes of such channels are under the ceiling. It is best to place this ventilation in the wall that takes place in the center of the house. This location allows you to create a wiring from the channel and spend it into all parts of the house. Such ventilation provides for the minimum presence of horizontal branchings, as it will reduce its effectiveness. The channel connection occurs with the main pipe, and then output.

It is important to note that the exhaust pipe must have the wall thickness more than two bricks. If you make it more subtle, then in the cold seasons it will be quick enough to cool. It is worth noting that the height of the pipe must certainly be higher than the skate. Before proceeding with the lays down of the ventilation channel, it is worth extracting all the gaps with a mortar.

Forced ventilation is relevant to those places of premises, where there is not enough natural. Usually, it is kitchens, toilets and bathrooms. Here the air is removed due to a special exhaust or fan. The presence of such ventilation is simply necessary in the bathrooms. Without it, there will be an increased humidity in these rooms, which can lead to mold on the walls. Moreover, these ventilation channels are able to protect the bathroom from unpleasant odors.

Wall fans are perfectly suitable for this part of the house. They perfectly clean the air, but have disadvantages. Almost all of them create noise, which is clearly audible in such a room with good acoustics. Pay attention to the models of such fans that work only when the light in the room is enabled. This will save money on their use, as they work only when you are indoors.

In a private house there are rooms where it is possible to use both ventilation channels. This room is a kitchen. As forced ventilation, there is a hood, which is located above the stove. And natural ventilation is under the ceiling from the side of the plate. It is a very convenient placement of channels, because it contributes to the fact that all foreign smells are deleted in a timely manner through the channel in the wall. The combined embodiment is the best option for the kitchen.

The importance of pure air

In his private house, most people spend quite a large amount of time. Here we spend almost half of your free time, therefore it is worth taking care that the air that we breathe is clean.

Ventilation channels are designed to provide the necessary influx of clean air. After all, if you close all windows and doors in the house, then the natural channels of the air exchange will cease to work due to the pressure drop. In addition, forced ventilation will also stop working and starts to accumulate combustion products.

That is why it is important to provide high-quality ventilation in a private house for each room. Many owners of cottages still enjoy outdated downstairs, where the permanent air flow is provided through the gaps in the doors and windows. Therefore, drafts that arise in this case are not so useless.

Air exchange system

In modern houses, where double-glazed windows are installed, there is no possibility of ensuring such an air exchange. In this case, forced ventilation only worsens the situation, as it cuts the air. As a result, you are more clearly feeling the presence of a stroke indoor, which negatively affects the health of residents.

As if attending the foregoing, it is worth noting that it is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air for each room. If we are talking about a private house, it is worth paying special attention to the rooms with metal-plastic windows.

Optimal ventilation for a private house

In a private house, it is best to apply natural supply ventilation, whose channels are located on the windowsill. What is the advantage of this system?

  • The air supply is adjusted in the room. Pay attention to the fact that it is not displayed on the soundproofing qualities of the glass unit;
  • Fit air acquires the required temperature. So, in summer, the air will be room temperature. In winter, the air will be heated from radiators. This suggests that the losses from cold air, which falls into the house will be meager;
  • High-quality air purification. Naturally, the air that comes from the street is not perfectly clean. There are small particles of dust and other harmful substances. All of them will be able to settle on the windowsill, and you can always remove them during a wet cleaning.

If there is a fireplace indoors

The presence of a fireplace or an oven is a fairly frequent phenomenon in a private house, so this factor should also be considered when developing ventkanalov. In this case, it is necessary to ensure such conditions in which the combustion products could be fully utilized. To do this, it is necessary to have a certain amount of oxygen, which affects the combustion process. If the oxygen is not enough, the carbon monoxide is released, which is not output, and remains in a certain amount of indoors.

In the warm season, you can always open a window for venting and, thus, solve this problem. But how to act in winter or autumn? In this case, in order to provide high-quality air ventilation, it is necessary under the floor to hold the pipe to the fireplace or the furnace.

Basic rules for the placement of ventilation channels indoors

  • Using exhaust channels in each room of a private house. Special attention should be paid to those rooms in which there are double-glazed windows;
  • The presence of forced ventilation in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. These are rooms with high levels of humidity. In addition, foreign smells are often formed here that it costs to delete on time. Pay attention to the fans that turn on together with the light in the room;
  • Organize in the kitchen a combined exhaust system (above the stove and under the ceiling);
  • The presence of ventilation channels through the gaps in the glass packages (through the channels in the windowsill).

Features of ventilation channels

Modern houses can be different in the way of building. This fact should certainly consider when planning an air exchange indoor. Therefore, before proceeding with the injection of ventilation channels, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the floors of the house.

Thus, if the building is single-storey, the channels can not be laid in the walls, but in the ceiling itself. The yield of this system can be carried out through the attic that there are practically all houses of this design.

If the ventilation channels have to be equipped in a two or three-story building, the extract must be placed next to the inner partitions. This will provide an optimal version of the air exchange. Alternatively, you can use the Power Channel. It can be mounted in the outer wall with separate pipes.

Installation rates of ventilation channels

Note that there are a number of certain requirements that predispose the installation of ventilation channels on the roof of the dwelling.

So, the air ducts must be installed vertically. Special attention when installing channels should pay the strength of the seal, because the reliability and durability of the structure depends on it. The material from which the air ducts must be presented from steel or durable plastic.

The inlet for lattices should be under the ceiling. They are closed by special dampers, which are necessary for the correct air regulation.

The channel of the canal should not have a threshold, as waste materials can accumulate on it.

Cleaning ventilation channels

If you decide to install ventilation channels in your cottage, you need to know in advance that they need annual cleaning. In addition, the channels are inspected to fully diagnose them and the possible detection of any violations. Why do you need this cleaning? In the process of cleaning, soot is removed, as well as other combustion products that worsen the passage of clean air through the channels.

All risers are cleaned with the help of a special jersh on the rope. Grilles on hoods are removed, wash and put back already in the dried form.

Competently by installing the ventilation channels, you can improve the air exchange in the house several times, which will be positively affected by the well-being of each household. This is a sanitary rate, which is designed to make air indoors better and safe.

Natural ventilation in a private house