Why cracks ceramic tiles and how to avoid it. Why the bathroom cracks the tile why the tile is bursting on the stove

It happens that in a couple of years after repair, cracks appear on your tile. A nightmare, - drills the thought in your head, - deceived! Suggested defective tiles! But they assured in excellent quality!

Indeed, most people are inclined to assume that the cause of cracks is the low quality of the tile itself. In practice, the quality of the tile, as a rule, has nothing to do with the cause of the disorder.

Most often cracks on the tile are a consequence cracks or shifts at the base on which laying was made. Suppose you put the tile on the concrete tie. It turns out by mixing water, cement and aggregates (sand, rubble, etc.). As the water drying, the mixture begins to shrink, which leads to the formation of cracks. Tile, glued to such a base for cement glue, becomes one with it. Therefore, any deformation that will be formed in the screed will create a tension in the adhesive layer and in the tile and entail the formation of cracks in the tile.

From cracks in concrete almost noeway to do, this is his normal property. (There are tricky ways, but if you are not engaged in screed every day, you will most likely come across the formation of cracks). They may appear every other day after filling the screed, but you will see the most clear picture in a month. It is important to close all cracks, otherwise they will grow. Only after that you can start laying the tile. If you start work earlier than the foundation as you dry, sooner or later your tile will have to be changed. Unfortunately, from the appearances of new cracks in the concrete you are not insured, so they may appear in a year and five years.

If you put the tile on a wooden base (which is better not to do), then any deflection will result in the tile, glue and grouting will begin to operate compression and stretching forces, and it will end it by the fact that the tile will crack. In general, when laying on a wooden base, you need to be prepared for the fact that the tile can crack at any time. The first symptom of what it happens will be cracks in the grout.

In addition, if you enter the new home, remember that its walls can give a significant shrinkage in the first year, so the tile on the walls can become in the hill and then fly away.

Next common cause of cracking is related to tile property shrink and expand depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment. The tile is a porous material that absorbs moisture (absorbed water can be up to 24 percent of the weight of the tile). If you put such a tile on the street, then after the onset of frosts, the water in the pores will turn into ice. As you know, during freezing, the water expands by almost 10 percent, so the tile can be said, tearing from the inside.

Unlike tile, porcelain stoneware almost does not absorb moisture (the water absorption coefficient is about 0.05 percent). This is explained by the fact that it is pressed under great pressure, and it practically does not remain emptiness that water could fill in it. Therefore, in the cold, nothing terrible with porcelain will not happen.

Moreover, tile will expand and when increasing the temperature. You will probably imagine how the thick glass is bursting with sharp heating. The same will happen with a tile - only in a smaller volume, you will not notice this to the eye.

The thermal expansion of the ceramic tile is from 0.004 to 0.008 mm per linear meter when the temperature changes by 1 degrees. What does this mean? Suppose you decided to warm up in the shower in the cool day, and the temperature reigning in the bathroom + 20s does not suit you very much. You send a stream of water with warmer, say, degrees 40c. And if the water falls on the tile and heats it to the same temperature, then each square meter of tiles can expand on 20x0.008 \u003d 0.16 mm.

And if you pursue the goal to bring yourself to perfection and regularly take a contrasting soul (+ 10 / + 40), then each meter of your tile will be feetdown by 0.24 mm. In principle, not scary. Therefore, especially in the presence of temperature seams filled with silicone sealant, it is not necessary to worry about repairs in the bathroom.

Other situations where the heat expansion is happening - the street, when the sun, the day falling on the tile, heats it and causes an extension, and at night, with a decrease in temperature, the tile is compressed.

A similar situation is observed if your kitchen countertop is finished with ceramic tiles, and you from all the swing put on her crap with hot bastard. At what temperature did your dish, + 200С baked? And room temperature + 25c. The extension will be about 0.7 mm per meter, provided that you have a porcelain stoneware, 1.4 mm per meter for tile. So do not put the tile of the joint in the joint, without seams, it just nowhere will be expanding.

By the way, thanks to my absence, you will learn how good your tile is. The fact is that the quality tile is mandatory undergoing a thermal impact test and the manufacturer ensures that nothing happens to the tile from a sharp temperature change. Bad tile will crack enamel due to different temperature expansion enamel and tiles.

Will a rubber rug under the red-hot baking sheet?

So, you still decided the first time in my life, bake a chicken in the oven about the completion of the repair. Successfully clocking the moment when she just started to smoke, you proudly pull it out and freeze like a sculpture of Rodin "Thinker". Where to put it? On tile? In the store they were told that she was a test for a thermal blow, that is, her bait her like a cute friend. But re-start repairing do not want. How to proceed?

You have enough to know the following: tests are conducted on separate tiles, which are placed in the autoclave. By changing ten times the temperature from 15 to 105 degrees and pulling out the tile from the autoclave, the manufacturer joyfully makes sure that she did not happen to her terrible, and solemnly hangs the certificate on the wall. You have something completely different when the tile is carefully glued to the base (so as not to fall off), the seams between the tiles are practically absent (because there is no ugly), there are no temperature seams, and it was possible to save on the glue (as it is still not visible).

The tile will still expand, and what's the difference that theoretically nothing happens to her if she just nowhere to expand? Therefore, if your case coincides with the critical, described above, the rug is required. If you have provided temperature seams and put porcelain stoneware instead of tile - you can put a baking sheet. However, all manufacturers in one vote are recommended to put a rubber rug under the baking sheet in any case.

The next bad news is that tile will change your sizes with timeEven if you strengthen your home temperature sensors and you will always support the temperature perfect for mummifying.

Tile will still expand. It was careful with a thorough mixing of clay and sand, pressing and baking at high temperatures. All this was quite unpleasant for clay and sand, so after the end of the baked, they will still try to return to the initial state for some time. The exact amount of expansion is difficult to predict, as it depends on the type of clay, furnace, cooling time, humidity, etc.

But most often, the tile, which was baked at a lower temperature, will be quite increased in the first months after baking and at a lower speed after that. And the tile that baked at a higher temperature, on the contrary, in the first months will show a minor increase, but will drop the speed at the subsequent time.

Tile expansion laws are a fairly popular subject for research. Recently, magazines will be fulfilled by articles of German, Italian, Brazilian and even Russian scientists on this topic. There are even assessments of archaeologists to dating various shards. The good news is that this expansion is extremely small, otherwise Greece would have turned into a landfill of huge clay amphors.

The result of the research states that on average, the increase in the size of the tile should not exceed 0.03% in the first 5 years after baking. That is, with a good coherence, the tile 30x30 cm will increase no more than 27 square meters. millimeters. Terracotta tiles for 5 years increase by 0.07%, and in 15 years by 0.11%.

A separate study claims that the glazed ceramic tiles may increase by 0.046 percent for the first 3 years, of which 0.03% occurs in the first 2 months, 0.039% in the first 11 months, 0.041% in 16 months and 0.04% for 3 years .

Output? If you build a monumental construction of the type of mausoleum in 1000 square meters. meters, it is better to buy a tile, which managed to sequen a year old.

there is a few more reasons why tile can spoilBut they are much less common, so we will list, but we will not stop on them.


- poor quality of glue, glue used after the expiration date or inappropriate type of glue. For example, you put mastic in the area by the fireplace or in any other place where strong heating occurs. The result - it can become dry and fragile from heating, the tile will lose clutch and starts to fall off. This also includes cases where mastic is used in rooms with high humidity and to lay a large-size porrite. (For more information, read the article for tile glue. Mastic and cement solutions).

- the use of compounds to accelerate the hardening of concrete. Such tools may contain ingredients that will react with tile glue and it will be worse to grab. Because of this tile, it can start falling off, walking the walker and crack. In addition, similar means often provoke the appearance of large cracks in concrete. You know what it is fraught with.

- foreign materials on the basis of. For example, you blurred part of the floor with paint or varnish. This will lead to the fact that the glue is badly closed with the surface and, again, the tile will begin to fall off and crack.

- moisture.

This topic is so extensive that it is good to write a whole book. In the bathroom water can leak out of the pipes, soul or fastening toilet bowl. In a country house with insufficient earth drainage, water can leak through the foundation and walls. On the street, the external coating can break rains, etc. One way or another, all this leads to one result - the moisture that fell under the tile, but does not disappear from there. It remains inside and begins to spoil the glue on which the tile holds. This leads to the fact that the tile falls off and, if the source of moisture is not eliminated, it will constantly fall off, no matter how much you have changed it. Over time, the mold is headed under the tile - not only is ugly, it is still dangerous for health (some species cause a strong allergic reaction).

In general, the moisture more often leads to the fact that the tile is chips than it cracks, so we will not disclose this topic in detail. It is important to remember that water can penetrate both from the inside and outside, through the grouting seams. Grout is a porous material that perfectly passes water, and also has a property to change in size depending on the humidity, and therefore crack. And through the grout and especially through the cracks, the water will penetrate under the tile. Therefore, use special grouts that are designed to contact with water, and close up all cracks that appear in the grout before moisture falls.

And of course, in all areas with high humidity, it is necessary to specifically process the base for laying and eliminate all possible sources of moisture penetration.

- curve base for laying. Align, align and align the base once again. Even the best tile will be the victim of curves or warming floors.

Bad workers. Perhaps you have already heard a story about how one rather respected and rich man in his house 1500 square meters all surfaces lined with tiles, marble and onyx. After 2 years, the floors and walls began to be covered by cracks. Urgently causing a master on disassembly, the owner heard the following truth: cracks in the tile - the thing is completely normal, ordinary. The wizard at home is also all in cracks, which you can make sure that you can get to visit. Output? If you decide to hire a wizard, see how the fruits of his works look a couple of years after laying and, if possible, do not save on the work.

So, before you blame the tile in all troubles, check if the reason for the failure of the consequence of one of the reasons described in this article. And we will try to write a separate one. The article about how to warn the formation of cracks.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Laying the tile usually involves a long service life and its practicality. But over time, individual elements can crack, collapse, despite the accuracy of the installation. The reasons for this phenomenon are several: disrupting the temperature regime in the room, the violation of the rules of operation, the defect of the tile. After reading the main factors of damage to the tile, you can avoid them during the subsequent laying of the material.

Why tile cracks in the bathroom

Many owners when looking for an answer to the question why the tile cracks, rest on the low quality of the acquired material. But defects leading to such issues are usually obvious. These include the presence of irregularities on the surface, chipping, damage. True, in most cases, the reason for the appearance of cracks belongs to incorrect laying of the tile. Often there is a tile in the bathroom due to the following violations:

1. Not enough flat surface of the floor and walls.

The lack of an ideally smooth screed will result in the future to damage the tile. If the alignment was also not carried out on the walls, then any ledge or deepening may cause a dugout, cracking the tile.

2. Incorrectly harvested screed, primer.

If the proportions should be violated during the leveling of surfaces, according to which the solution should be harvested or a putty was carried out, then the base may be deformed. And since the tile is glued to them quite firmly, the finish itself will begin to shift, which will lead to its damage.

3. Permanent humidity in the room.

Many owners are interested in why the tile is cracking in the bathroom on the wall, if the laying was performed correctly. One of the reasons for such phenomena can be considered non-compliance with the operating conditions of the operating conditions. Tile is characteristic of partially absorb moisture, which can lead to its deformation and subsequent cracking.

If there is heavy furniture, household appliances on the tile, then in a short time it can be covered with cracks. Strong pressure leads to damage to the material. Sometimes the tile is cracking on the floor and due to significant mechanical effects. For example, after falling to the tile of a heavy item, in a short time, even with a weak blow or low load, cracks may appear on it.

The reason for damage to the tile can become its incorrect selection. Printing wall tiles on the floor is the most common mistake of the hosts. It is better to purchase a finishing material for the floor at a higher price than to save on repair and in the future to face damage to cheap analogues.

What to do if the tile cracks on the wall or semi

Decless the problem will help only new repairs. Removing individual tiles and gluing new will not help avoid repeated damage to the materials. Therefore, when conducting a tiled decoration indoors, it is important to take into account the following requirements:

  • correctly pick up the tile (taking into account its purpose, quality);
  • perform correct leveling of surfaces (if you do not work yourself independently, it is better to invite proven masters);
  • comply with the proportions of mixing, the procedure for applying leveling compositions.

Given these requirements, the owners will not face the problem when the tile cracks, disturbing the aesthetics of the interior. Additionally, they will help to work quickly and high-quality training photos and video: they consider not only the rules for laying the material, but also the requirements for its choice, tips on the neat cutting tile. Compliance with the recommendations will make it really high-quality repairs and avoid the problems considered.

If a crack appeared on the ceramic tile, it rather speaks about the shift of the base, to which the tile is laid than on the marriage of the material. If the tile laid onto a concrete tie, then a mixture consisting of cement, aggregates and water, with time, starts to dry, compress, can be covered with a grid of cracks.
Ceramic tile, laid on the screed, merges with it in one. Therefore, any changes in the state of the base lead the tile deformations. The voltage in the adhesive layer goes to the tile, leading to the appearance of cracks.

Cracks in concrete may appear every other day, and a month after the fill. The main thing is to close the seams, cracks, only after that begin to lay the ceramic tiles. If you start working on facing before the tile is driving, it will lead to the appearance of unnecessary cracks.

When laying on a wooden surface, you can also encounter cracks. The tree is very sensitive to moisture and temperature drops. Therefore, constant deformations will lead to the fact that the tile will crack at any time.

At the entrance to the new building, remember that the house should give a shrinkage, only after that you can proceed to facing surfaces.

Ceramic tile has one feature that affects the appearance of defects. It is capable of shrinking and expanding, reacting to air temperature. Due to porosity, the tile absorbs moisture, which can be in some cases about 24% of the tile weight. Tile laid on the street in winter is exposed to low temperatures. Water inside the tile also freezes, so the tile cracks. If you are looking for a material that will be resistant to frost, pay attention to the porcelain stoneware: it, unlike the tile, does not absorb moisture.

Reacts ceramic tiles and high temperatures. This should be considered if the countertop is tiled. If you put a baking sheet on this tabletop, then the material laid without seams will not stand. The extension for ceramic tiles in this case will be 1.4 mm per meter. But modern manufacturers improve this property of the tile to resist high temperatures. Thermal blow test is carried out by many manufacturers.

Experts found that even if sensors controlling the level of temperature and humidity are installed in the house, the ceramic tile is still expanding over time. After all, clay and sand are burned at high temperatures, having received a dose of discomfort, materials are trying to return to its original state. Therefore, extensions cannot be avoided. It all depends on the cooling time of the material, the type of clay, the type of furnace. It is better to use a tile that has already managed to fly around for about a year.

Under the tile during the styling the water could get, it also leads to cracks. Water can be reduced under the bath, or the neighbors are heated, or moisture penetrates from the basement. The causes of the wet environment may be set. The main thing is that water remains under the tile, destroying the glue. How many changes to the tile on such a section of the surface, without eliminating the source of moisture, you will not help. Even if the seams between the tiles are treated with grout, water will still penetrate the tile.

If the means to accelerate the hardening of concrete, then cracks are inevitable. The composition of such substances may include components that react with glue. It grabs worse, so the tile loses a stable position.

The reason for the appearance of cracks can be unfair experts who carried out work. If you have the opportunity, take a look at the wizard, which he performed a couple of years ago. If they are in perfect condition, you can safely invite a person to work.

Ceramic tile: Tile replacement with crack

To remove the cracked tile, drill several holes in it. This is done so that you can remove the tile without damaging the neighboring. Holes are drilled in a row. According to the resulting row, we carry out with the help of a chisel and a hammer line in the form of notes. Do not forget to use safety glasses.

Mount Remove tile fragments. The place must be processed, remove the old glue, dry.

The gear spatula is applied a new layer of adhesive composition. Adhesive scallops are formed on the surface of the solution.

When laying a new tile, pay attention to the sizes of the seams. It is necessary to place the tile in such a way that the seams are identical to the size of the surrounding seams.

Most likely, the new tile will be laid higher than the remaining tiles. Therefore, it needs to be aligned, subsidence under the level of the surrounding space. Top on the tile lay a wooden plank to protect the tile. Hammer neatly begin to draw tiles over the entire surface.

Wait until the glue freeze. Prepare the grout, fill the seams, remove the surplus. Finally, the grout can dry out a day or a week, it all depends on the composition. After completely drying, the grouts can be treated with sealants.

Why is the tile crack? Tile defects. Elimination and prevention.

Often this situation occurs when some time after repairing in a house or apartment, defects begin to manifest. Especially disappointing when cracks appear on the ceramic tile. After all, it is almost impossible to hide the defect of the tile, so this thought instills solid disappointment.

Most people, first of all, will think that they were sold to a defective, poor-quality tile. And it is quite natural, because it seems that it is not to blame for this, and that it would be impossible to allow one's own mistake. In fact, in most cases the causes of cracks on the tiles are completely different, and they do not depend on the manufacturer at all.

The most frequent causes of cracks are cracks or shifts at the very basis on which the tile was laid. For example, you wanted to put a tile on a concrete base. In order to make a concrete screed need to mix water with cement, adding some aggregates (crushed stone or sand) there. Together with the burden of screed, the water begins to evaporate, and the screed gradually shrinks, which leads to the appearance of cracks. And the tile, which lies on top of the screed, literally becomes one of the whole, so cracks appear on it too. Thus, any deformations appearing on the screed will create a voltage and adhesive basis, and on the tile, which will entail cracks.

Unfortunately, the formation of cracks on a concrete screed is practically not avoided, and this is a completely normal process. Of course, there is a pair of hard ways with which you can avoid this. But, if you are a person who does not engage with tiles every day, you can not be avoided. The manifestation of cracks, in some cases, can be noticed literally the day after the screed, but it happens rarely. The most obvious picture is manifested later after you have made a screed. After this time, you will see all the cracks and defects that were formed on the surface of the cement. Now, you need to close these cracks to prevent them from further distribution and prevent their influence on the tile. And only after that you can proceed to laying the tiles. But if you decide to put the tile even before dry the base, soon you risk it to change it new. Unfortunately, the appearance of cracks is not a controlled process, from which no one is insured, so defects can manifest themselves even several years later.

In cases where the tile is placed on wooden bases, even minor defunctions and deformations can lead to the tile and all thread and adhesive means will affect the stretching or compression force, which actually ends the appearance of cracks on the tile. Therefore, it is not recommended to put tiles on the wooden surface, and if you did it, then do not be surprised by the manifestation of cracks on the grout or tile for even a short time after repair. By the way, the first thing the cracks will appear on the grout, and only then on the tile.

Moreover, if you move into a house built from scratch, then be prepared for the fact that the walls of the house need time for shrinkage. Therefore, the tile laid on the floor, or the walls can crack. Hence the advice - refrain from laying tiles in a new house, do it after a while.

For this reason, the appearance and propagation of cracks on the tile does not end. So, they are still associated with the fact that the tile has the ability to expand or compression depending on the ambient temperature or humidity. As is known, the tile is a porous material that is able to absorb some amount of moisture (to be more accurate, then it is up to 24% of the weight of the tile). Imagine if you put such a tile on the street. With the onset of cold and frosts, water in the pores of the tile will freeze. And during freezing, water is capable of expanding to 10%, so the ice will, in the literal sense, tear the tile on the part from the inside.

Since it is typical for conventional tiles, it is much more expedient in such conditions to use a porcelain tile, as it practically does not absorb moisture. This is caused by the production technology of such a tile, as it is pressed under huge pressure. As a result, it practically does not form any voids where water could penetrate. From this it turns out that water stoneware is not terrible water.

In addition, it is worth noting that the ordinary tile is expanding with increasing temperature. We all know well how the glass is bursting from the effects of fire, how the glasses are burst from the fact that boiling water is poured. The same thing happens with tiles, but only on the level imperceptible to human view.

Let's take a look at it in numbers. The thermal expansion in the ceramic tile is 0.004-0.008 millimeters per 1 m, with a change in temperature by 1 ° C. What does this give us? This means that, for example, if the temperature in your bathroom is equal to the standard 21 degrees, you need a temperature higher. In order to take a warm shower, you turn on the water, the temperature of which is 38-40 degrees. Thus, when water enters the tile (the temperature of which is 21 degrees), and heats it, each square millimeter is expanding as follows: (40-21) x0.008 \u003d 19x0.008 \u003d 0.152mm.

A person who hosts a shower daily, constantly draws tile in the bathroom effects, so every day it will expand and narrow 0.152 mm. There is nothing terrible in this, because when laying a tile, you probably provided temperature seams by filling them with silicone sealant.However, the situation in the street is somewhat worse, where the temperature fluctuations are much higher and more often than at home. So, during the day the sun's rays heat the tile to a high temperature, and with the onset of the night this temperature drops. Accordingly, the tile, the day expands, is compressed at night.

The same applies to the kitchen when on the table top (lined tile) you put a saucepan or a pan, which only removed from the fire. The temperature of such an object is high enough, about two hundred degrees, and the temperature of the tabletop is such as temperature in the room, that is, degrees 20. Total, the temperature difference reaches a 10-tech difference. Therefore, when laying a tile, we need to think over the presence of temperature seams, because the seamless facing risks quickly.

Of course, it can happen that with a tile absolutely nothing happens. This is all because high-quality tile manufacturers, as a rule, check their product on a thermal and thermal blow, and try to raise these values \u200b\u200bto the maximum. Therefore, they guarantee high quality facing tiles. In low-quality tiles can easily burst enamel due to overloads described above.

What to do and how to be with overheating tiles?

Imagine that you made repairs in the kitchen, and after the first cooking, come across the situation when you do not know what place to put a hot saucepan, frying pan or a baking sheet. You have two options - leave a saucepan on the stove, or a baking sheet in the oven, or put hot dishes on, quite recently, a very new lined surface of the table top. When buying a tile, you were assured that the goods are high-quality, and the effects of high temperatures to it nipochem. But, inner voice suggests you that in case of deception (exaggeration), you risk repaired repaid.

To figure it out, you should know how tile is checked at the factory. From each batch of ceramic tiles there are several random samples, and put them in a special autoclave. In this installation, checking the temperature from 16 to 110 degrees, and repeats this procedure up to ten times. After, pulls out the tile from the autoclave and looks, whether any defects appeared on it. Moreover, it looks not to the eye, but checks the special device - a flaw detecto, which detects even not noticeable for our eye cracks. In the absence of defects, the strain "allowed for sale" or "goods is checked", after which it goes to the market. It would seem that after such checks, you can completely trust the manufacturer. However, in your case, the situation is somewhat different. After all, your tile is already planted using an adhesive material. Plus, if there is a small temperature seam between the tile, or there is no one at all (because you counted it, not fit into the interior), it will be much worse.

Therefore, to solve the problem in this situation, equip the surface of the tile of some rubber or wooden lining. It will help to isolate most of the heat from the tile, and save it from cracks. If you have provided thermal seams - wonderful! You can safely put hot dishes directly on the surface of the tile (but if there is a rug, why not use it).

Like nor sad, but you need to recognize the fact that the tile has a property of changing its size, simply over time. No matter how cool, even if you maintain perfect temperature graphics, and comply with all tile usage rules, it will still expand.

It is quite natural, because both all objects, the tile is also not eternal. After all, the tile is manufactured by mixing natural components, such as clay and sand. With certain pressing processes and the effects of high temperature, and the tile is obtained. Each natural material at time is trying to return its original look. Therefore, the tile over time, as it were, is climate in the new state conditions. Of course, the exact expansion is difficult to call, because it depends on the type of clay or sand, the tile has been manufactured.

As practice shows, the tile that has been manufactured at low temperatures will be expanded faster at first after the manufacture, but at least after this time. The tile, which is made at a large temperature, in the first time almost will not expand, but after some time will begin to do it.

The study of the properties of expansion and deformation of the tile is a fairly relevant issue and the occupation today. Many scientists and researchers are now actively engaged in this issue, intersecting even with historians who work with the subjects of the ancient world. Of course, the extension of the tile occurs not as fast as it may seem. Look at items, found on various excavations - some ceramic vases and plates, and remained integer, despite the fact that thousands of years have passed.

It was found that an increase in tiles in size, and its deformation ranges from 0.03% after the first 5-6 years after the manufacture. If we talk specifically about the tile, then the usual ceramic tile, 30 cm, expand to 27-28 mm². The terracotta tile will expand by 0.07% during the same time, and in 15 years of operation only 0.11%.

Also, research suggests that glazed ceramics canexpand to 0.046% in the first three years. From this indicator 0.03% expands in the first 2 months, and for eleven months this figure will increase to 0.039%. Further, for 16 months, the tile expand to 0.041%, and in three years it will reach its 0.046%.

It would seem that this is absolutely unnecessary information that does not say anything. But, now you just think - what is better to take? A new tile, just baked at the factory, or such that lay on some warehouse year-second and has already managed to expand to constant values. It seems that the answer is quite obvious.

Among the reasons, due to which the tile can burst or spoil during operation, there are others, let's look at them in more detail:

When cladding, the use of improper or inappropriate glue. Also, it is possible to use glue that has expired expiration. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with that, but in the end we get cracks right on the tile. For example, you tiled a tile subject to be near the heat source. Inappropriate or overdue glue begins to intensively dry and disperse, from which a variety of consequences arise. In the same item, it is possible to attribute the situation when a mastic is used in premises with high humidity, and styling, for example, porcelain tile.

The use of solutions and compositions that contribute to the rapid hardness of concrete. These funds in their composition contain such ingredients that react with mastic or glue, destructively affecting them, from which glue will be badly seized. As a result, the tile drops begin, the occasion from the place, the appearance of emptiness, and, in the end, the appearance of cracks. Moreover, such means provoke not only the appearance of cracks on the tile, but also on the concrete itself, and this is "mutually" for concrete and tiles.

The presence of foreign objects on the basis of. If, let's say, on the basis of paint or varnish, it may be the reason that the adhesive is simply not cling to the base, which means the tile will be bad, which means that soon it can disappear or crack.

Moisture that falls under the tile, also makes significant harm to facing. In fact, the effect of water on the tile is a rather extensive topic. In the apartment, in the bathroom, water can flow through the plumbing, at the fastening of the toilet and so on. In its own house, in addition to the flows inside the house, water can break through the drainage system into the foundation or wall. And on the street on the tile can constantly affect the rain or snow. In all cases, particles of water that fall inside the tiles, and under it, it will never disappear from there. Water will begin to influence the glue that will come into disrepair, and the tile will begin to disappear. Moreover, if you do not eliminate the place where the water will leak, the replacement of the tile will be meaningless. In addition, the fungus will begin to form, and this is ugly, and harmful.

In a word, the impact of moisture, it is in any case negatively, and it most often leads to the disappearance of the tile, the appearance of cracks and so on. Also, you should know that the moisture can penetrate not only from the inside of the tile, but even outside, right through the grout. After all, the grout, as a rule, is a porous material, and therefore it is wonderful through itself water. Also, it can change its size if a large amount of moisture acted for a long time. Therefore, in premises with high humidity, use special grouts that are resistant to water (usually specified on the package).

The foundation curvature on which the tile is stacked is also largely solving the reliability of its operation. Therefore, closely follow the surface on which the laying of tiles will occur. Align, if it is necessary in this, because even the highest quality tile will deterue due to the crooked floor or walls.

And of course, one of the reasons for the plowing tile may not be completely qualified performers. If you know how to make a cladding, make it yourself and do not trust this case to unfamiliar masters. Even if you do not correctly complete the tile laying, you will not feel that chagrin and disappointment, which you can experience after someone else will work for you.

Thus, asking the question, why the tile cracks, you get a lot of reasons and nuances, from which it all depends. It follows only to know that the laying of the tile is not at all comic, so if it is performed correctly, then the tile will be operated normally.

Another right articles about tiles:

If harmony in your apartment broke the cracks on the ceramic tiles, then you fell to the address. Stroyremontiruy will tell that it is the cause of cracks and how to disguise the defect so that it does not cut the eye.

Immediately let's say that globally cracks on the tile appear because of:

  1. - aging material,
  2. - Errors in the preparation of the surface and laying.

Tile time in the cemetery

If the reason is in aging, the disguise will not help. Cracks on the tile due to the old age of the tile look like a small mesh (web), when wiping the wall or floor, a characteristic crackle is heard. How much does the tile serve, and why there are cracks from aging tiles? Modern tile without problems surchates 20 years, sometimes more. Tile times of the USSR has already exhausted its resource and asks for dismantling.

And yes, the old tile cracks not a ceramic base, but the glaze. The material will not fall off from the walls, and may still serve, but it will not disguise the mesh due to the peculiarities of the defect and the number of small cracks. Collect money on laying a new material.

Cracks due to stacking errors

If the tile is relative new, but the cracks appeared, it means that you were mistaken with the choice of the master or made a mistake. The reasons for the appearance of cracks are many, we note from the most common:

  1. - Poor surface preparation,
  2. - use of low-quality glue,
  3. - High load on the tile,
  4. - Permanent humidity in the room.

Surface preparation

Poor surface preparation concept complex. It can be:

  • - bad leveling of the wall or floor before laying,
  • - improper proportions of the solution when tie
  • - Laying tiles on fresh screed or plaster.

If the surface is uneven, then in one place the layer of tile glue will be greater, in the other less. The density of the adhesive composition of Ceresit or ILMAX differs from the density of the base, so cracks appear during the load on the tile. Deviations on the meter of the wall or floor should not exceed 5 mm along the plane. The thickness of the glue layer is a minimum of 3 mm, the maximum for the walls 10, and for the floor 15 mm. All that is more / less is a straight road to cracks.

If a solution with incorrect proportions was used when tie or plaster walls, then it can faster to absorb water (increased absorption), so the glue dries unevenly. It also often leads to cracks and chips on the tile.

Also, you can also put the tile of fresh screed and plaster - at least 3 days should pass after the plaster of the walls and 5 after laying the screed.

Glue, load and humidity

The glue for laying tiles should be high quality, sorry for the banality. If the bags with glue winter lay on your balcony, or you buy them on the market, where they are stored not on the pallet and fall under the rain, then get ready for the dismantling of the tile.

Ceramic tile Material is durable, but it is not titanium - if you are with the joy of a loader moving on it heavy furniture or drop hammers, then cracks may well appear. When moving on the tile of heavy furniture, put felt under the legs, and do not throw hard items on the tile. Trite simply.

The tile is different by moisture absorption, some series have permanent humidity, others are bad. There are collections that are not provided for styling in the bathroom, since the material absorbs moisture and loses strength from it. Specify this moment when the material is purchased and the likelihood of good mood after laying will increase.

Masking cracks

If the cracks are a global problem, only repair surgery will help - dismantling the tile and laying a new one. If the cracks appeared piecewise and the hope remains that they will not come true as rabbits, then cracks are masking. One tile is removed from the wall (the seams cut through and raise the tile), they scatter in water, remove the glue and glue it again, pressing the cracked place or replacing the tile. You can disguise the cracks without removing the tiles.

To do this is used:

  1. - Fugue,
  2. - Special corrective composition,
  3. - Plotchevka,
  4. - Paint.

If the crack is big, and then squeeze it with something sharp, stick the place of the defect, prcribsente, spend once again and squeak the paint to the tile tone. Small cracks can be disguised as a fugue. Cerezite in the color of the tile - just skate the chips with a rubber band.

As an alternative, corrective compositions, sealants and color wax are used. To give a specific advice that you cannot buy, since the choice depends on the humidity of the room, the type of tile and a number of other factors. Contact advice to the seller of the construction store, if you see in his eyes a spark of knowledge of the case and you can describe the problem to him.

Also always leave the contacts of the Tiler, which made styling. It is not necessary when the cracks appear to shout on it with a mat, perhaps there is no guilt, but I will not ask the Solk Council to be superfluous.