How to heat a country house if there is no gas. Heat bills won't scare you anymore! What is the most economical way to heat a house? Which fuel is more profitable

The warmth of an apartment or a country house on cold autumn-winter days is always coziness, comfortable well-being, good rest, and productive work. Even the ancient man "tamed" the fire, forcing it to warm the dwelling. The modern world has invented new methods of heating, which are possible only in the conditions of civilization - with the help of gas and electricity. But the need for heating without gas remains relevant to this day, meeting the needs and capabilities of a fairly large part of the population.

How to cheaply heat the house

There are a great many options for heating units and systems. Most of them convert the energy of combustion of fuel into thermal energy, contributing to the best distribution of warm air inside the building.

Heating types

Heating of apartments in high-rise buildings is most often central, although now many houses are switching to autonomous systems, which is considered much more profitable in terms of quality and economics. In low-rise buildings, private country houses, in summer cottages, heating can be arranged:

  • Also steam central,
  • Autonomous gas or electric,
  • Furnace using various types of fuel,
  • Fireplace.

You can have both heating without pipes and communications, consisting of only one heating device, and a whole system with batteries and pipe lines.

The cheapest fuel

Heating devices can use various fuels - solid, liquid, gaseous, electronic. At the same time, its traditional types are not always more convenient or cheaper for the consumer:

Stove complex with fireplace

  • Electricity is the easiest way to organize heating, but also one of the most expensive.
  • Gas heating is cheaper, but it should be borne in mind that main gas and liquefied gas are somewhat different things, since the basis of the gas supplied centrally is methane, and the substance in the cylinders is propane-butane, the combustion of which is 4-5 times more expensive;
  • Diesel fuel - diesel fuel - is also quite an expensive pleasure (1 Gcal of heat will cost more than 3.5 thousand rubles), which creates an unpleasant odor near the heating apparatus, although it can become an affordable alternative to centrally supplied fuels.
  • Coal is a fairly cheap fuel, with which heating will cost 3-4 times cheaper than with diesel fuel (1 Gcal of heat will cost about 1 thousand rubles),
  • Peat supplied in briquettes is about 1.5 times more expensive than coal,
  • Firewood will cost quite cheaply, but here it should be borne in mind that it is not always convenient to use them, and they burn out much faster than coal,
  • Pellets - granules based on wood waste - will give 1 Gcal for about 1.5 thousand rubles, while they are convenient to use for boilers where fuel is supplied automatically.

Pellets - an alternative fuel

Alternative heating options

Without electricity and gas

With the temporary or permanent absence of the types of fuel to which we are accustomed, it is quite possible to arrange heating at home without electricity and gas. As you can see from the above, by replacing them with something else, you can even save money. The options here can be as follows:

  1. Of course, stoves and fireplaces - wood, coal, etc. Choosing this option will require the construction of an appropriate brick structure or the purchase of a ready-made unit. At the same time, you will get an environmentally friendly way of heating, and with some of these ovens - even cooking thanks to the presence of a stove (oven or frying compartment).
  2. Heating from your own source of electricity will be an original way. There are two ways to get electricity autonomously:
    • From sunlight. To do this, you need to purchase solar collectors that convert the sun's energy into heat (a kind of "heater without electricity") and electrical. Of course, you will have to spend money on the purchase of equipment, but then you will be able to get heat and light, practically without wasting.
    • From wind energy. You can buy a ready-made apparatus that converts it to receive electricity, or you can assemble it yourself. The scheme is quite simple: wind turbine (spinner), generator, battery.

Such methods of generating heat are very beneficial for country and country houses in areas where gas pipelines do not pass, especially for rarely visited households (summer cottages).

Solar collector installed on the roof of the house

Without pipes and boilers

The heating device can be equipped with a boiler with a connected system of pipe-radiator communications for heating several rooms at once (depending on the power of the device). But with no less success, you can have heating without boilers and pipes, consisting of only one heat source. Usually this:

  • Metal or brick oven with the function of heating one or two adjacent rooms,
  • Fireplace, as for medieval castles,
  • Electric heater (oil, reflex, heat gun),
  • At the worst, the heating function of devices such as air conditioners, etc.

INTERESTING! For houses built on the model of the old Russian "five-walled" houses, more than one heat source in the form of a stove, located right in the middle, between two adjacent rooms, is sufficient. Even at present, steam heating with pipes and radiators is not provided in such houses.

Heating without fuel

Modern scientists have invented a way to heat a house even without burning any fuel resources - the so-called "heating without fuel". It is provided through the operation of a unique device - a heat pump.

Design and operation

The heat pump consists of tubes filled with freon, as well as several chambers - throttle, compressor, heat exchange. The operation of the device is similar to that of a refrigerator. It is named by scientists after its inventor "Carnot cycle", which is based on simple laws of physics:

  • Liquid freon passes through tubes lowered deep into the ground or a reservoir, where the temperature even in winter remains up to +8 0 C. There it becomes a gas, since its boiling point is only +3 0 C.
  • Rising up again, freon gas enters the compressor chamber, where it is strongly compressed, which is quite easy to do with a gaseous substance. As you know, the compression of any substance in a confined space leads to its heating, therefore freon heats up here to about 80 0 C.
  • Giving the received heat through the heat exchanger to the heating system, the freon passes to the throttle chamber, where its pressure and temperature decrease, turning it back into liquid.
  • Further, liquid freon is again sent to the depths of the earth to warm up, repeating the cycle again.

IMPORTANT! Of course, electricity is still required to operate a heat pump, but its amount is incomparably less than with direct electric heating of the coolant.

Types of heat pumps

Heat pumps differ in the way the freon is heated before it turns into gas, that is, according to the source of "low-level heat":

  • Water for installation near surface water bodies,
  • Water for receiving heat from groundwater,
  • Earthy,
  • Air.

The name of the apparatus also includes the type of coolant in your heating system, that is, the passport for it must contain the words: "soil-water", "water-water", "soil-air", etc.

Heat without heating

Finally, if the creation of a heating system is impossible for technical, economic or other reasons, or there is simply no point in doing this, because the heat will be “just about”, then it is possible to warm up at home for some time without heating.

There are several ways of such heating, they can be used both individually and all together:

  1. Insulation of the home will keep the crumbs of heat received from cooking, breathing of residents, etc. This includes not only building changes, but also the addition of warm carpets, heavy curtains and the like. It is worth doing this in any case, even if you have complete order with heating: this way you can save energy resources.
  2. We insulate ourselves: an extra sweater, a warm blanket, a fur cape on a cold evening can help you.
  3. We use additional methods of warming: hot tea and a heating pad can really warm you.
  4. We warm ourselves psychologically: we change the color scheme of the room to a "warmer" one with yellow-brown combinations, add knitted and wooden accessories. You can glue a photo wallpaper with a sunny picture or light an aroma candle with a pleasant warm scent. At the same time, we act not on the sense of touch, but on the organs of vision, thereby deceiving our body and making us feel warm.

Warm colors in the interior

Be that as it may, if you wish, you can find a suitable way to warm the house and your loved ones even in severe frosts. We hope that the methods described by us will help in any situation that arises, under any opportunities and circumstances.

Video: how to heat an apartment for free

Most large settlements have an extensive centralized gas supply system that meets the needs of residents. In remote locations, the situation is not always happy.

Long distances to main pipelines and significant gas costs force the use of alternative options for heating premises. When studying the issue, it turns out that efficient heating in a private house without gas can be provided using various types of liquid and solid fuels, and in some cases, even without it.

Gas savings

In climates with harsh winters, there are additional concerns. Too low outdoor temperatures necessitate a large gas consumption, which significantly increases the financial costs of maintaining comfortable conditions.

Heating bills in winter make up a significant part of a family's budget. There is a natural desire to reduce the volume of payments where possible. Therefore, attention is focused on all possible ways to save gas without compromising the temperature regime.

House insulation

You can significantly reduce heating costs in advance, during construction. Correct thermal insulation of walls, foundations, roofs will prevent thermal energy from escaping into the atmosphere. The upcoming heating costs will be acceptable. If the house is no longer new, you can insulate it during the renovation phase.

There is a wide range of materials that provide thermal insulation for buildings in general, individual apartments and houses in particular. Qualified craftsmen will help you choose an effective and economical solution for home insulation. In addition to working with walls, flooring, ceiling structures, window and door openings should be carefully sealed.

Additional sources of savings

During construction, technical equipment of a house, it is important to correctly calculate the required boiler power. Excessive potential of equipment will lead to excessive consumption of gas fuel and an increase in the size of payments.

Up to 15% of costs can be reduced by correct routing of the heat pipeline.

The installation of a collector system for distributing the coolant allows you to save your budget. In the bedrooms, you can increase the heating at night, in the living room - during the day. It is advisable to install automated temperature sensors in the house, at the dacha. You need to do this once, enjoy the result constantly. With a decrease in the air temperature outside, the gas supply, the intensity of the heat boiler increases. The sensor can work remotely, which is especially convenient for regulating the heating of a country house.

The modern version of the ventilation device can significantly reduce the gas consumption for heating. Installation of a recuperator, in which hot air leaves the room through the inner pipe, and cold air enters through the outer jacket, warming up at the same time, allows you to heat the house with minimal fuel consumption.

You can make a warm floor in living quarters. It is an economical way to raise the temperature in your home with minimal cost. Of course, you need to install gas meters. They help to significantly save heating costs.

How to do without gas

In a country with huge resources, there is always an alternative to choosing a fuel. An inexpensive organization of heating a house without gas and electricity is possible. There are several options, the choice of which depends on the specifics of the place of residence, the availability of one or another organic raw material.

Solid fuel

Many houses in the villages had wood-burning stoves. The tradition has been preserved to this day in the corners of the forest zone of the country, which has no problems with the delivery of timber. In addition to firewood, other raw materials can be used for heating.

There are modern designs of boilers with an automatic device designed for the use of various types of solid fuels:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • pellets from various raw materials.

In many regions, solid fuel is the cheapest heat source. Sometimes boilers are made for a certain type of raw material, but universal equipment is popular. Such an autonomous heating method is associated with the need to monitor the operation of boilers all the time, add organic raw materials, regularly remove ash and clean chimneys.

The use of coal-fired stoves is not environmentally friendly, many harmful gases are emitted. It is best to use pellets or briquettes as fuel.

A good option for heating a private house is the arrangement of a fireplace. In addition to ordinary fireplaces that heat one room with warm air, you can build a piping system with a coolant that can heat a country house completely without gas. Water supplied to radiators or air, which is distributed to all rooms through air ducts with adjustable dampers, is used as a heat carrier. Fireplaces are very inert, so you will have to wait until the whole dwelling warms up. Some inconvenience of heating is compensated by the special comfort that the fireplace creates, pleasant aesthetic impressions.

Liquid fuel

You can heat a house cheaply and without gas, using liquid raw materials. The efficiency of liquid fuel boilers and stoves is high, however, they are large in size and weight. For the installation of heating stoves, it is necessary to provide a separate room with good ventilation and a system for removing flue waste. How heat sources can be used:

  • kerosene;
  • fuel oil;
  • diesel fuel;
  • waste combustible or lubricating products.

Liquid fuel has a pungent unpleasant odor; a separate building needs to be built for storage. Outside, at low winter temperatures, flammable liquids will freeze, so the storage room needs to be heated or be prepared for the fuel to be brought to the required state before use. Taking into account all the difficulties, it makes sense to heat a wooden house with liquid fuel only in the absence of other available options.

Heating by electricity

Regardless of the geographic location, you can use electricity to heat your home. There are many models of electric heating equipment on sale that work effectively without any gas and are convenient to use. It will not always be possible to save money. The costs are comparable to those for heating with gas, which makes you think about other technologies.

However, if you use film infrared heaters, then the power consumption will be more economical. Sometimes heating with gas or wood is combined with the installation of electric heaters, making living conditions more comfortable. With the help of electricity, separate sections of the room are heated, portable heaters are installed in utility rooms, in summer cottages.

Modern alternative

There are completely different approaches to the use of energy for heating purposes without the use of gas. The choice depends on the willingness to seriously engage in the equipment of the new system, the financial capabilities of the owners of the house.

Heat pumps

A still unusual option for organizing home heating is the use of a heat pump, the principle of which is based on converting the energy of soil, air or water into heat. The unit takes the low-temperature potential from the environment, heats up the heat carrier in the evaporator and transfers it to the heating system.

The source of energy can be:

  • soil located near the surface of the earth;
  • wells;
  • heat from non-freezing reservoirs.

In the first case, the contour is laid horizontally under a layer of soil, located just below the freezing level. It occupies a part of the local area. At the end of the installation of the heating complex, the soil can be used for growing plants with small roots.

Wells are made in deep systems. Curved collectors made of polyethylene pipes are lowered into them. The number of wells and their depth are determined by calculations. The installation of the heater can be done quite quickly.

Laying polyethylene heating pipes at the bottom of the reservoir is more difficult to do. Fasteners should not only firmly fix the pipeline under water, but also make the plastic structure heavier. There are known unsuccessful examples when, due to savings on fasteners, polyethylene fragments of the collector floated up, broke, and the coolant poured into the reservoir.

It is possible to take ordinary air from the street for the heat pump to operate. This is the simplest option, which is economically justified only in places where frosts are not stronger than 20 ° C.

All types of geothermal heating equipment are environmentally friendly. For their operation, a compressor is needed, it is good if it can be powered not only from the central power supply, but also from a mobile generator. Heat pumps are more than three times more efficient than gas boilers, but first you need to invest a considerable amount of money, which will not pay off immediately.


The increased environmental awareness, the level of general awareness of the population allow the use of non-traditional energy sources, an example of which are various types of biofuels. Biological materials release gas as a result of fermentation. The combustion of gaseous products generates energy that can be used to heat a private house or greenhouse.

Any organic waste of animal or plant origin can be taken as raw materials. Most often, they take manure, mix it with sawdust, peat, fallen leaves, straw, and other plant waste. This must be done in a sealed bunker, pit. To initiate fermentation, the mixture is heated to a temperature of 35 ℃. After the start of the reaction, heating continues spontaneously, organic gas is released, which must be sent to the pipeline system and used for heating as a conventional gas fuel. It is important to take into account that the composition of biological gas is different from that of natural gas. Therefore, the burners must be adjusted to operate under the specified conditions.

Most often, biofuels are used to heat greenhouses and utility rooms. The technology is growing in popularity and the benefits are clear. In the not too distant future, biofuel will be widely used for heating homes.

Solar collectors

The possibility of using the energy of the sun for heating purposes is interesting. There are systems that convert solar energy into electricity and heat. The former are called solar panels, the latter are called collectors.

Batteries powered by the sun are rare in our country. But heating collectors are gaining popularity every year, although they also have their own characteristics that complicate their widespread use.

It will not be possible to completely install heating without gas using solar collectors throughout the country. For this in winter, there is not enough daylight hours and radiation intensity. However, from spring to late autumn, the energy of the sun is quite enough to heat water as a heat carrier. The heat accumulated in the collectors is forcibly circulated in the system due to the operation of the pump.

There are gravity models that work completely autonomously without the use of electricity. A pump is not needed in such heating systems.

Any type of solar collector costs a lot. Additional costs are required for the purchase of a storage tank. They will pay off in at least 10 years. In the southern regions, the use of solar energy for heating is justified by the high solar activity. It is quite possible to do without gas here.

Innovative and traditional technologies make it possible to consider alternative sources of energy supply for heating without the use of natural gas. In addition to the above, there are heating systems that use the energy of wind and geysers.

When planning the construction of a new house, re-equipment of old housing, one should study the issue well, assess the availability of one or another source, calculate the fuel consumption for heating the entire area. In this case, it will be possible to significantly save on heating and do without gas.

Unfortunately, even in long-lived and completely "civilized" regions, it is not always possible to connect to a centralized gas main, and therefore the question of how to organize heating without gas in a private house is quite relevant for many developers. Let's consider the most popular options, their strengths and weaknesses.

Stoves and fireplaces - a tribute to tradition

Stoves are one of the most ancient ways to heat a house, and today they are successfully used where there is no gas, but there is an opportunity to get hold of inexpensive firewood and coal.

Their closest relative, the fireplace more and more often performs a decorative function, but the stove as a heating device has not lost its relevance, especially if heating is planned without gas and electricity. The advantages of this system are:

  • The costs of building the stove and its maintenance are not too high.
  • Affordable fuel is abundant throughout most of the country.
  • The stove and fireplace fit perfectly into the "traditional" design, feel organically in the country-style interior, and add coziness to the room.

The disadvantages include difficulties in operation: during the cold season, the stove must be heated every day (sometimes more than once), the chimney requires periodic cleaning. Unpleasant moments include the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, high fire hazard and large dimensions of this structure, soot and fumes that eventually settle on walls and furniture, as well as uneven heating of the room.

Our next material provides step-by-step instructions for laying a brick oven:.

Solid fuel boilers: firewood, coal, pellets

Firewood and coal are used as fuel not only in stoves, but also in various types of solid fuel boilers. In addition to them, chips, sawdust, straw, pellets are used. The latter type of "fuel", due to its environmental friendliness, is becoming more and more popular both abroad and in our country and is represented by pellets (capsules) from compressed wood residues.

Solid fuel boiler, at the moment - the best replacement for main gas

As a result of fuel combustion, water is heated, which circulates in the heating system, due to this, the premises are heated. Such a system is quite safe and effective, but laborious operation negates this advantage: multiple loading of fuel, regular cleaning of the combustion chamber, etc. - all these are unpleasant and tedious procedures.

Now solid fuel boilers are becoming more and more convenient: so many opt for boilers with automatic fuel supply, which are loaded every few days, or for pyrolysis boilers with unusually high efficiency.

Solid fuel boilers with automatic fuel supply, according to experts, are one of the best options to "arrange" heating a private house without gas.

Oil-fired boilers: efficient and reliable

In terms of performance and characteristics, liquid fuel boilers are very close to gas boilers, a significant difference is only in the cost and type of fuel that is used for them: fuel oil, diesel fuel (diesel fuel or kerosene), less often rapeseed oil. Their most important features are:

  • Difficulties often arise in the delivery and storage of fuel, which is characterized by high cost and flammability.
  • When using these boilers, there is a need for an additional room - a boiler room.
  • Diesel boilers "bypassed" all the others in terms of emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, in addition, they need high-quality protective automation.
  • Oil-fired boilers have an excellent efficiency factor.

With a power of up to 10 kW, for example, they can easily heat a house with an area of ​​up to 100 m2, so they are suitable even for large buildings. There are hot water and steam boilers, most of them are compact and easy to install.

An overview of boilers with a description of the principle of operation, models and characteristics can be found in our article:.

Electricity is a decent alternative to gas

Electric boilers can be used both as the main and as a backup heat source. The second option is preferable, since the high cost of electricity makes this type of heating one of the most expensive. Their advantages:

  • They are environmentally friendly and safe, and can be installed directly in a residential area.
  • They are small and light enough.
  • They are easy to assemble and not capricious in operation.

The use of an electric boiler is possible only with reliable, modern power grids and a sufficiently large allocated electrical power in the house. So, to heat a modest cottage of 100 m 2, a power of 10 kW is required, the larger the size of the building, the higher the power requirements. Installation of a powerful boiler will require approval from the energy supervision authorities.

Compact and lightweight electric boiler can be installed in a residential area

Modern electric boilers make it possible to establish efficient heating of a wooden house without gas. Houses made from other materials require more "solid" equipment.

Compact, economical, durable and unpretentious modern electric convectors are becoming more and more popular as heating devices. Another option for additional heating is an electric underfloor heating.

Autonomous gasification: an expensive pleasure

Heating with liquefied gas is just the option that needs to be considered in special, exceptional cases: not only is the fuel itself quite expensive, but you also need to install a massive gas tank, the cost of which depends on its volume, in general, the cost of gasification can be quite significant.

Heating with liquefied gas will require the installation of a gas tank

You can, of course, use small cylinders for heating, but this is inconvenient for a number of reasons, especially in large houses in which they live permanently, and not from time to time. Thus, autonomous gas systems cannot be called a popular way of organizing heating.

Energy from the sun is one of the available alternatives

As an addition to the traditional methods of setting up heating without gas and firewood, solar collectors are increasingly used, which are a device for converting solar energy into thermal energy and serve to transfer it to a coolant.

The solar collector is used to convert solar energy into thermal energy.

While solar systems are still very dependent on natural factors, and therefore are not always effective, they also have other disadvantages:

  • high cost of system installation and maintenance;
  • high-quality and expensive insulation of the building will be required in order to reduce possible heat loss.

And yet, solar energy is one of the available and most promising alternatives, which is no longer perceived as exotic.

Our next article provides recommendations for assembling a solar collector with your own hands:.

Geothermal heating - "ecological" heat

One of the "fashionable" alternatives to traditional heating is the use of heat stored deep in the earth's surface. The system consists of a heat pump and a collector located in the ground or under water.

Geothermal heating is quite expensive

Such a "design" does not pay off soon, but it has a number of important advantages:

  • geothermal energy is renewable and environmentally friendly;
  • the system is highly efficient and durable.

This technology is already being widely implemented abroad, but in our country, due to its high cost, it is rarely used so far.

Of course, main gas today is the best option for organizing heating of a private house, but we are convinced that there are many other interesting options that can be used both as a complex and independently of each other.

The HVAC equipment market includes dozens of heater models, thanks to which the owners of country houses can choose the best option.

For example, if people live in a modern house for a long time, it is better to use gas, electric, diesel and solid fuel boilers.

In old buildings electric heaters are often used that perfectly cope with their functions. Metal and brick ovens are considered classic options.

Heating of old-built country houses: which is better?

Most owners of old summer cottages build ovens or ordinary brick posts... The fact is that not every settlement is equipped with gas supply.

In such summer cottages for the winter cut off the electricity supply, and for water, pipes made of metal laid on the surface of the earth are used. Talk there is no point in water heating in the cold season in this case.

The main fuel in these buildings is firewood and coal... Thanks to the ovens you need heat regularly (at least once a day), it is far from always possible to quickly obtain the desired temperature. Often residents of old dachas buy in addition electric heaters, so that upon arrival at the cottage, immediately turn them on and make up for the lack of heat.

Features of brick ovens

To understand on what principle brick ovens work, it is worth considering their central place, namely firebox for firewood. Good heating to the desired temperature will be possible only if such two conditions:

  1. Regular oxygen supply that keeps the flame alive.
  2. Continuous withdrawal from the furnace combustion products.

The supply of fresh air to the firebox is ensured by blower door or ash pan... The combustion products gradually rise along the stone structure, entering a special opening through the combustion chamber and exiting through the chimney.

Exists different design features brick ovens, each of which has its own specific nuances. The most common models for giving are "Dutch", Russian, fireplace stoves and "Swede".

Among advantages brick ovens stand out as follows:

  • compact size;
  • large selection of designs;
  • the possibility of equipping the summer cottage with an oven and a stove;
  • fire safety.

The ovens also have several disadvantages:

  • labor-intensive masonry requiring practical skills in construction;
  • the high cost of the material used.

Specificity of metal furnaces

In such ovens fuel is stacked according to a peculiar principle so that there is practically no space between the elements. If we talk about firewood, then they are placed in the form of a crate. The most dense bookmark will burn for a very long time (sometimes the temperature can remain up to up to 24 hours). Firewood starts to smolder and gives off heat energy. Fresh air from the outside is fed into a special area, and not into the combustion chamber itself.

Since the main material for the assembly of such furnaces is metal, the key features of this design depend on it.

Metal poorly accumulates heat... However, its thermal conductivity relative to the heat capacity is considered to be higher in comparison with the frame fired brick.

For metal furnaces such dignity:

  • excellent heat dissipation ( More than 80 percent efficiency);
  • compact size;
  • reliability (ideal performance is characteristic of cast iron);
  • unusual design.

Among disadvantages furnaces emit:

  • lack of the ability to accumulate heat;
  • the impossibility of creating a comfortable temperature in large summer cottages;
  • low level of fire safety compared to brick structures.

What are the heaters

One of the most popular and demanded are gas heaters. They do their job from propane-butane or from a gas pipeline... In small summer cottages they usually install gas convectors and infrared heaters. Such models are simple to operate, are considered economical and have good efficiency. The only drawback is the consumption of a large amount of gas, which often hits the pocket.

The second type is best suited for giving - electrical heaters. They are divided into specific subspecies:

  1. Oil heaters. The most economical models for summer cottages. The main disadvantage is the long heating process to the operating temperature and the large weight of the product.
  2. Fan heaters... They attract users with their small size and low weight. A significant drawback is the minimum volume of the heated space.
  3. Electrical convectors... Such heaters occupy a small area, are safe, operate quietly and warm up the room perfectly.
  4. Infrared heaters. Infrared rays do not heat the air space, but nearby objects. The main disadvantage is the rapid cooling of the product.

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The nuances of the infrared film

The specificity of the work of infrared film is that it emits heat rays... This process is comparable to heating asphalt under the influence of the sun in summer.

Important! When using this type of heater saves up to 25 percent electricity consumption in the country.

Almost all infrared films have their own technical and operational features:

  • mains supply is 220 V;
  • power consumption at its peak is 210 W / sq. m.;
  • per day electricity consumed by 20-60 W / sq. m;
  • Maximum temperature IR film is 55 degrees centigrade;
  • film dimensions in width - 50-100 cm.;
  • up to the maximum temperature of the product heats up in a few minutes.

This type of heating is characterized by such Benefits:

  • quick installation;
  • ease of care;
  • after installation, the height of the cottage ceilings will not decrease;
  • the possibility of laying over the heating layers of any floor coverings without dropping the temperature.

According to customer reviews, such heaters have and negative points:

  • the system can quickly fail when interacting with thin or sharp objects;
  • the film increases the electrostaticity of surfaces, so dust is constantly attracted to them.

How to heat a modern summer cottage in winter?

Newer buildings use systems that heat up quickly premises of the required area, drain liquid from the pipeline with water heating, have a solid power in order to effectively warm up a house with low thermal insulation properties, and so on. This is about boilers, actively used by the owners of modern country cottages.

With the help of such equipment, there is constant water circulation heated to a certain temperature through pipes to the batteries and back. During the laying of the pipeline metal, polypropylene or metal-plastic products are used... They are considered to be durable and can last for decades subject to the correct operation of the boiler.

Boilers as the basis of heating systems

Gas boilers are quite common products and attract customers. democratic cost, and fuel availability... They are characterized by maximum automation, high efficiency and reliability. At the same time, some models are installed in the country exclusively in rooms with good ventilation and access to the street.

Photo 1. Scheme of water heating of a summer cottage using a boiler with an additional expansion tank.

Electric boilers are different the most expensive service, but such Benefits, such as: convenience and ease of use, simple installation, no open flame (high level of safety). On the other side, such models, maintaining the temperature, consume too much electricity and need separate wiring in the case of installing three-phase equipment.

The most difficult to maintain counts solid fuel boiler. It is often used in summer cottages as a main or auxiliary heating device. Among pluses distinguish unpretentiousness to fuel quality, ease of operation and maintenance. Low efficiency and low productivity - limitations such boilers.

The last variety is liquid fuel boilers that have become popular due to their high efficiency and good autonomy. The only one disadvantage considered the high cost of maintenance and the price of consumables.

Classified boilers for:

  • Copper.
  • Cast iron.
  • Steel.

Principle of operation boilers are quite simple. The building heats up thanks to an increase in the temperature of the coolant in the heat exchanger structures, after which the water begins to flow from pipes to radiators... When heat is supplied through the air, it comes back and heats up again up to a certain temperature.

Reference! Wall-hung boilers are often equipped with copper heat exchangers with less weight, and floor-standing ones - cast iron and steel.

Devices are working on liquid, solid or gaseous fuels, some boilers use several types at once. These units have built-in universal burners. When choosing the above devices, it is recommended to pay attention to the maximum power, temperature and type of fuel used, the presence of certain functions, as well as the material of manufacture and other parameters.

Useful video

A video comparing different types of heaters: which one allows you to most efficiently heat a summer cottage?

Thermal insulation is an important component

Reliable thermal insulation is really considered the basis of all country houses and summer cottages. With her help heating costs are reduced, emissions of dust, gases and soot are reduced, which contributes to an improvement in the environment. The optimum temperature for floors, walls and ceilings has a significant impact on creating a comfortable indoor environment. Good thermal insulation keeps the building in good condition and improves the quality of life.

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It is known that the gas system is considered the most inexpensive heating option. But there are situations when it is not possible to use it, for example, if the gas main does not pass nearby. In this case, heating the house with electricity is recommended. The most economical way can be found by analyzing all the options offered. This is what we will do in this review.

Why you should choose heating your home with electricity: the most economical way

Electric heating system has the following advantages:

Electric heating options for a private house

Such a heating scheme involves the use of various types of equipment.

Boiler application

Selecting IR Panels

When deciding how to economically heat a house with electricity, you can consider the option of installing infrared structures. Such products do not warm the air inside the rooms, but various objects. If in the version with a boiler the air masses move upwards and then cool down, then in this case the hot streams are directed to the floor.

If you add thermostats to IR devices, then they will work more efficiently. One regulator is enough to control three heaters. This equipment is economical to use, but expensive in terms of installation and construction costs. Infrared devices consume a small amount of electricity. They also distribute heat efficiently. They can be used for spot and zone heating. Even after the structure is turned off, objects generate heat for a long time.

Installation of such equipment can be done independently. The infrared system is used both as the main type of fuel and as an additional one. The advantages of this option include a long service life, up to 80 years.

Heating the house with electricity is also carried out using infrared. It is an economical and effective remedy. This design is not afraid of unexpected power surges and does not break with minor damage. Such a device can be installed under various flooring except parquet. Infrared rays heat only solid objects, therefore, when the floor is heated, the elements themselves do not heat up.

An expert's point of view

Andrey Starpovsky

Head of the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Group, GRAST LLC

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“Infrared heaters can be placed anywhere. They are installed on the floor, on the ceiling or even behind some objects. "

Convectors advantages

When choosing the most economical electric heating without a boiler, it is worth examining the possibilities of convectors. According to manufacturers, it heats the space with high quality and at the same time spends a small amount of electricity. The main advantage of the device is that its installation is simple.

It takes about two minutes to warm up the heating element, which is much faster than when heating with water devices. The advantages of such designs include:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • fire safety;
  • the heating system can be completed not immediately, purchasing additional radiators as needed;
  • modern design;
  • uninterrupted operation even with sudden voltage changes;
  • small size.

This method maintains the desired humidity ratio in the room and does not destroy oxygen at the same time. Excellent technical properties and excellent power indicators allow the use of electric convectors for heating both large and small private houses.

The main element of the design is the heating element, which converts electricity into heat energy. The principle of operation is air convection. In this case, the cooled flows penetrate into the slots of the lower part of the housing and then exit through the upper openings. The convector can be operated separately or in a system controlled by a temperature controller.

Useful information! For a more economical installation, use a temperature controller.

Which option is better not to choose?

When choosing the most economical way to heat your home, it is worth exploring options that are not worth buying. The costly options include an oil cooler. It has increased power, but it consumes a lot of electricity when working in winter. Despite the significant power, such products have a low heating efficiency. Interestingly, infrared panels of the same power will warm up the space in the house faster. Fan heaters are ineffective devices. They reduce oxygen, make noise and move dust.

How to improve the efficiency of electric boilers for heating a private house: prices and methods

To get the most economical way, heating the house with electricity must be properly organized. The efficiency of the entire structure can be reduced as a result of poor thermal insulation. Various gaps, cracks and lack of windows contribute to the rapid cooling of rooms.

If no one is at home during the whole day, then you do not have to heat the house for the whole day. In such a situation, you can install a special controller that will start the heating system a few hours before the arrival of residents. Two hours is enough to fully warm up the rooms.

Of great importance is a skillfully drafted heating system, taking into account the location of the heaters and the power. Installation of a multi-tariff meter is considered a good solution. This device allows you to save electricity at night, when the heater is in operation.

To get a home heating system with electricity cheaply, you need to choose the right equipment and calculate the location of all appliances.
