Iberis flowers: features of cultivation and care in the open field. Iberis - planting and care in the open ground The sun and warm air are important for the beauty of Iberis

It is a common ornamental plant. It can often be seen in flower beds, in gardens and front gardens. This is a flowering and unpretentious plant that covers a flower bed with a single carpet. Iberis flowers are so densely arranged that foliage is almost invisible, Iberis umbrella is also famous for its pleasant delicate aroma. Gardeners love this plant for a long and beautiful flowering and ease of care.

Iberis belongs to the Crucifer family, but unlike most plants of this family, Iberis is not eaten. It is exclusively ornamental plant, which is designed to decorate flower beds, lawns, front gardens.

Structural Features of Iberis:

  • Iberis umbrella really looks like an umbrella. Its inflorescences are quite flat and wide. From afar it may seem that this is one large bud, but the inflorescence consists of a large number of small flowers (1 cm in diameter).
  • The color can be of different colors: from pure white to bright pink, lilac.
  • The plant is a perennial shrub up to 40 cm high. The bushes are quite compact with large inflorescences. In the natural environment, these plants are found in Central Europe. The name of the flower comes from the ancient name of Spain - Iberia. This plant is also referred to as Iberian, a diverse pet.
  • Iberis is not distinguished by dense foliage. Usually the stem is fairly bare, pubescent with a small number of leaves.

Iberis umbrella is usually grown on open ground, as for pot growing it is a bit too big. But if you wish, you can decorate balconies and gazebos with this flower. Iberis go well with various flower beds. They bloom for a long time, about a month, so they are ideal for flower beds.

Some argue that Iberis has and healing properties, but the umbrella variety of this flower is rarely used for medicinal purposes.

Iberis usually picks flowers and seeds, which are then used for medicinal purposes. The ground parts of the plant are quite bitter in taste, but are considered useful for work. of cardio-vascular system. Also, decoctions from Iberis are used for various diseases of the digestive tract, to increase appetite. Flowers have a choleretic, analgesic and tonic effect.

Iberis contains not only useful, but also quite toxic substances. Medicines from this plant must be prepared carefully in compliance with the dosages. It is not recommended to use this plant without consulting a doctor. It is also contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women and infants.

Iberis umbrella is propagated, as a rule, by seeds, however vegetative propagation also possible. The choice of propagation method depends on the desire of the gardener, but the annual Iberis umbrella is much easier to propagate seed way. It is perfect for beginners.

Methods of propagation of Iberis:

  • Seeds can be purchased at the store or collected independently. Iberis umbrella forms pods that contain seeds. Pods are formed not only in autumn, they unevenly ripen throughout the summer, so it is recommended to collect them as they mature. The pods are dried, the seeds are removed and stored in a dry, dark place until the sowing process.
  • It is recommended to propagate Iberis in the seedling method, but some gardeners sow seeds directly into the open ground with the onset of the first heat. It is necessary to sow seedlings in March, so that in May they can already plant it in the ground. If the seeds are sown immediately in the ground, then it is better to do this no earlier than mid-April.
  • If you decide to propagate Iberis, then the cuttings need to be harvested after flowering. Intact cuttings up to 5 cm long are cut. The cut stalk can be planted immediately in the ground and greenhouse conditions can be created. To accelerate rooting, solutions of phytohormones are used. It is worth remembering that Iberis color is very magnificent and grows well. To obtain a dense flower carpet, the distance between the seedlings should be at least 15 cm.

Seeds for seedlings are sown not in one large box, but immediately in small containers, since Iberis does not like transplants very much and does not tolerate them well. Soil for seedlings can be purchased at the store. It is slightly moistened, and the seeds are deepened slightly, by 1 mm.

To seed well sprouted, the containers are placed in a warm bright place and create greenhouse conditions: cover with a film or glass.

The seedlings must be regularly ventilated so that the seeds do not rot. Seedlings should be regularly watered, but waterlogging should be avoided. The light must be diffused so that burns do not form on the leaves.

If the seeds are planted immediately in open ground, you must first make shallow grooves, and then put the seeds there. Sowing depth - not more than 1 cm.

To Iberis bloomed all summer, you can plant a plant twice a season: in May and in July. Flowering time at proper care reaches 1.5 months.

Iberis umbrella is famous for its unpretentiousness. To grow this plant, minimal care is enough. Even a novice can grow Iberis. However, it is not worth throwing a flower at all. In order for the plant to bloom magnificently for a long time, you need to follow the simple rules for the care of Iberis:

  1. Iberis needs regular watering, but does not tolerate clay soils where moisture is retained. Before planting, you need to choose a place with sandy or rocky soil that will let air through to the roots. If the soil is dense, good drainage is required. Iberis should be watered with a small amount of water as the soil dries. If the summer is too hot, water more often. It is impossible to flood the plant strongly, to prevent stagnation of water, since the roots of Iberis quickly begin to rot.
  2. Usually, by the fall, Iberis is cut, but the Iberis umbrella is an annual, so there is no need for pruning. It is enough to collect the seeds. Wilted flowers need to be removed. This will make the plant healthier and give the flowerbed a neat appearance.
  3. The flower bed should be regularly weeded so as not to interfere with the growth of the bush. Weeds take away nutrients from the soil and impoverish it.
  4. Iberis does not need frequent feeding. It is more important not to overdo it than underfeeding. For the most magnificent and long flowering 2 top dressings per season will be enough: when the first leaves appear and at the beginning of flowering. For top dressing, you can use complex, purchased in specialized stores.
  5. Iberis loves the light and quite resistant to the heat. Best plant blooms in sunny places, but can grow in partial shade. It is worth considering that shading can affect the size and number of flowers.
  6. The annual Iberis umbrella is removed in the fall. It is advisable to dig the soil, remove all the roots and large stones. This will help prevent weeds.
  7. It is also important to periodically loosen and weed the soil. This will allow the roots to be saturated with oxygen, and the moisture will not stagnate. Without loosening, a crust forms on the soil surface, which prevents air from penetrating to the roots.
  8. After removal, it is better to burn faded plants after removal, as they may contain larvae of various insects.

Iberis diseases can be associated with improper care (fungal diseases due to waterlogging) or with various pests, insects that feed on plant sap:

  • False powdery mildew. This disease affects Iberis with excess moisture: too frequent or heavy watering, long rains. The disease is caused by a fungus, spores of which winter successfully in the remains of shoots and leaves, which is why it is recommended to burn the remains of plants. The course of the disease can stop on its own in dry and hot weather, absence frequent watering. You can treat the disease with special drugs or folk remedies type of garlic solution.
  • Kila. This disease affects cruciferous crops. Infection can not be noticed immediately, since it starts from the root. The root system of Iberis is covered with growths and swelling, is deformed. Due to root damage, nutrients from the soil do not enter the plant. It begins to dry, grows poorly, does not bloom. The diseased plant most often dies. To avoid further infection, you need to process the soil, the frame of the greenhouse, seeds.
  • Blackleg. it fungal disease, which causes the death of the plant at the seedling stage. To protect plants from this disease, you need to thoroughly treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, sterilize or buy ready-made sealed in the store.
  • Earth fleas. These are small bugs that feed on plants and can jump. Earthen fleas prefer to eat seedlings or young plants. Bugs leave rounded holes in the foliage of the plant. Earthen flea larvae can lay on leaves or in soil. Scarecrow flea ordinary tansy. It needs to be laid out between rows.
  • Mealybug. Mealybug strikes garden plants, it sticks and draws nutrients from the plant. Pests leave a white, viscous substance on the plant. You can get rid of insects using ordinary soapy water or special disinfecting drugs.

It is best to cultivate the soil before planting Iberis in advance. Special preparations will disinfect the soil, destroy insect larvae and fungal spores that cause rotting.

More information can be found in the video:

Both in Latin and in Russian, the name sounds the same - Iberis. People call it Iberian and pepperbox. More sophisticated names are not uncommon: heterosexual, stennik. Belongs to cruciferous, the habitat is large: southern regions of Ukraine, the lower reaches of the Don, highlands of Southern Europe. It is also commonly found in Asia Minor.

The genus Iberis is very large and includes at least 40 species. Some live only a year, others (for example, Iberis perennial) will please beautiful flowers for a long time. What kind of care for the Iberis plant will depend on its thermophilicity. Some varieties are drawn to light and heat, while others are not even afraid severe frosts. There are shrubs, grassy species.

This plant looks great in the flower garden near the house.

Iberis landing recommended for creating alpine slides, masonry, spectacular design of flower beds. Even in the bride's bouquet, Iberis is evergreen - not so rare. He perfectly copes with the functions assigned to him.

Iberis Features

Below we will consider the features of Iberis evergreen, since it is the most popular in our country.

  • The roots are rod. That is why the transfer of Iberis to the open ground is a difficult task.
  • Shoots. It all depends on the species. They are erect, creeping.
  • Leaves are tiny.
  • Iberis flowers are made in the shape of an umbrella, consist of small elements with a diameter of not more than a centimeter. Iberis bloom is very violent. Sometimes there are so many inflorescences on it that the leaves are completely closed. Coloring varies from white to red. Iberis perennial begins to bloom in May or late summer. Duration - 2 months. Iberis annual blooms much shorter. Flowers are fragrant in most species.
  • Fruit. Who would have thought that a plant of the genus Iberis has an intricate fruit pod? It is oval or round, slightly flattened.

Composition with Iberis

We grow Iberis from seeds

For those planning to plant Iberis at home, growing from small seeds seems the best option. And that's why. First, seeds are easy to harvest on your own. Secondly, they can be purchased at any flower shop at an affordable price. There is a vegetative method, but it is more complex, requires more time.

For most species (Iberis bitter, Iberis umbrella, Gibralthan, seed cultivation was recommended in April. There is one simple way to prolong flowering. Seeds collected from Iberis or bought in the store are planted with a difference of 15-20 days. The appearance of the first seedlings can be expected after a week. However, do not panic if nothing happened after 7 days. Seedlings may appear after 10-14 days.

Sowing and seedling plants

To create the optimum humidity of the substrate, the container is covered with glass, transferred to a warm, well-lit place. Watering is moderate, only if absolutely necessary. Necessarily using a sprayer. Picking when growing for seedlings is not provided.

Growing from seeds (video)

Open Landing: Questions and Answers

We answer the popular questions related to Iberis, his landing and departure in open ground.

When to plant?

To plant well rooted, planting in open soil is carried out when the frost has passed. Usually this is mid-May. Choose a site with good access to the sun, rocky soil. Too wet soil will not work. Stagnation forms in the roots, which adversely affects root system.

How is disembarkation made?

  • Seedlings are removed from the container in which they grew. The procedure is performed very carefully so as not to injure the root. To do this, you can take a seedling with a lump of land.
  • Bushes are planted in the soil at a distance of 12-15 centimeters.
  • The earth is carefully rammed, sprouts are watered.
  • A little trick for those who would like to get Iberis different color and decided to plant a variety of varieties. Maintain a decent distance between the bushes - they can become dusty.

In the future, reproduction is possible by cuttings, division.

Iberis is better to plant late springafter the last frost

The subtleties of care

If we talk about Iberis for many years, landing and further care are completely uncomplicated. Even novice gardeners will be able to cope with this task.

  • Watering. Only with severe drought.
  • Top dressing. There is no urgent need for it. However, to bloom was lush and lush, they are fed 1-2 times a season with universal fertilizer.
  • All wilted flowers are removed in a timely manner. The procedure is absolutely simple, but it contributes to normal growth and development.
  • When the bushes have blossomed, the shoots are shortened by a third. The plant immediately acquires a nice, neat look.
  • At the age of 5 years old Iberis is seated for many years. If this is not done, all subsequent flowering will be less spectacular, and the flowers will decrease in size.

Common Diseases and Pests

Let's start with pests that are dangerous for Iberis. Earth fleas feed on leaf plates - they eat large holes in them. Mealyworms, aphids, settle on the flowers, from which one should not expect anything good either. Good remedy anti-aphid is considered potash soap. 200 g of the substance are dissolved in 5-6 liters of water. The resulting solution is used to treat infected flowers. Seven days later, the procedure is repeated.

How to get rid of mealybugs that have chosen Iberis evergreen? The bushes are treated with fitoverm, mospilan. After 7 days, it is recommended to repeat the procedure to consolidate the result.

Fungus is another common misfortune of the genus Iberis. The easiest way to prevent the problem than to try to cure plants already affected by the fungus. Before planting, a plot of land is cultivated with fungicides. Are the roots already starting to rot? The affected specimens are dug up and burned, the place of growth is carefully processed.

There are not so many pests in this plant, therefore, with proper care, Iberis will not create problems for you

Seed collection

To properly collect the seeds, the pods are torn off and dried in a warm place. Then the seeds are recovered. Store in a dry place until spring.

Many varieties of Iberis perfectly propagated by self-sowing. Even if the seeds were not collected, in the spring thick shoots will appear. All that remains for the gardener is to thin them out in time.

Despite the good frost resistance, in the winter the pepperbox is covered with spruce branches. The part of the bush located above the surface of the soil is cut off.

Popular varieties

Among annuals, only two species are in demand: Iberis amara (bitter), I beris umbellata (umbrella). They will be discussed.

Umbrella view

The luxurious appearance of the annual is the main reason for its popularity among gardeners. Reaches 40 cm in height. Shoots are smooth, branched, leaves have a lanceolate shape. The flowers have an unrivaled aroma, the color varies from white to purple. Ten weeks later, the first flowers appear. Iberis umbrella has been cultivated since the 16th century. Two grades deserve special attention:

  • Red flash. Reach 30 centimeters. The flowers are bright red.
  • Fairy Mixture. Height does not exceed 25 cm. A successful mixture of pastel colors.

Variety Iberis Fairy Mixture

Bitter look

Relatively low annual - only 30 sentiments. Flowers reach 2 cm in diameter, can be painted exclusively white, slightly purple colour. Leaflets back-lanceolate, serrated edge.

Iberis is bitter

Among the common varieties distinguish:

  • Tom Thumb. Up to 15 centimeters, white flowers.
  • Hyacintenblutig Riesen. 35 centimeters, lilac shade.
  • Weiss Riesen. 30 centimeters, white flowers.

Gardeners have successfully cultivated perennials. Let's consider them in more detail.

I beris gibraltarica - perennial perennial

You can distinguish it from other varieties by many small flowers pink colour. Iberis Gibraltar is semi-evergreen, diameter 40 centimeters, height - 25 centimeters. Please note that at Gibraltar Canditaft, the flowers are lilac, but eventually turn white.

Gibraltar Iberis

Iberis simplex - Crimean Iberis

The bushes are very small, not more than ten centimeters. Shovel-shaped leaves. It is noteworthy that the buds are purple in color, but when opened, the flowers are always white.

Crimean Iberis

Iberis saxatilis - rocky Iberis

Reaches 15 centimeters. When flowering, a unique effect is created, as if the petals are covered with snow.

Rocky Iberis

Iberis sempervirens - evergreen Iberis

Perhaps the most popular perennial. Height 40 centimeters, leaflets extended by 7 centimeters. They have a characteristic dark green color, the diameter of the inflorescence is 5 cm. It blooms for 3 weeks very luxuriantly and brightly, it is possible to repeat flowering. First began to be cultivated in the XVII century.

Evergreen Iberis

Iberis evergreen has several varieties, among which are very popular:

  • Dana 15 centimeters bush, abundant flowering.
  • Findall. 20 centimeters high, very large in diameter.
  • Mini floc. Usually it can be seen on stony masonry, the height of the bushes is 15 centimeters.


The light charm of fragrant Iberis inflorescences will be a successful addition to any landscape. Plants feel great in our climate zone, they are easy to care for. If you put a small pepper at the edges of the curb, they will shine with new colors, they will look very extraordinary. The gentle palette of the stennik goes well with any culture, therefore, in the rock gardens and rocky slides, the representative of the cabbage genus will definitely take its place. A particularly successful ensemble will turn out in combination with large-flowered bells, stunted marigolds, phlox. And with such neighbors as a cypress and dwarf pine, Iberis will always live peacefully and amicably.

All about Iberis (video)

Iberis (iberis) perennialor stennik - a plant that is well known to lovers of arrangement of picturesque alpine hills.

This is interesting groundcover The cruciferous family does not at all resemble its closest relatives - cabbage and radish.

Firstly, iberis is inedibleand secondly, he has a wonderful appearance, which allows you to grow it to decorate the garden, and a very pleasant aroma.

Give the wall a little bit of your time - and the unsightly bare earth of your garden will turn into a flowering carpet.

Most popular variety gardeners still have a wall with white flowers, although today there are enough varieties with lilac, purple and even red inflorescences.

Iberis flowering period - About a month and a half in the midst of summer. All this time its persistent rich aroma will soar over your site.

Perhaps, outwardly, this plant may not seem effective enough to someone, but there is simply no one indifferent to its amazing smell!


Iberis comes from Asia Minor and Southern Europe. It is a small (up to 30 cm) shrub plant with evergreen oblong leaves up to 7 cm long, shiny, whole-edge, dark green.

The flowers are small (up to 1.5 cm), white, collected in umbrella inflorescences up to 5 cm, with strong smell. It blooms in June for 20-25 days, very plentifully, completely covering the green leaves. Therefore, from afar the blooming Iberis resembles snow-white clouds.

The rest of the year has a wonderful decorative look. Bears fruit.

Types of Iberis

In total, about 40 varieties of this plant are known. In the conditions of our climate, several of them took root well:

iberis evergreen (i.sempervirentes) - a low shrub with narrow leaves and long white inflorescences, blooming in the second year after sowing;

iberis rocky (i. saxatilis) - a miniature plant with creeping leaves up to 10 cm high, with flowers appearing in late spring - early summer on an umbrella inflorescence;

iberis Gibralthar (i.hiblartarica) - the so-called "juvenile" (often does not tolerate the second winter): it blooms with lilac inflorescences, which turn pale by the end of summer.

Care Features

Iberis is a beautiful plant in every way, since it belongs to the category "Planted and forgot". In addition to thinning crops after germination and periodic removal of dried flowers, in no other care is this modest plant, according to by and large, does not need: neither in shelter for the winter, nor in top dressing, nor in frequent watering.

It feels great on loamy, stony and sandy soils with good breathability and lighting. Preferably the soil was not acidic or moist.

Sowing and planting in open ground

Most varieties of Iberis are sown directly in open ground in the month of April. First sprouts appear already on the 6-7th day. After this, thinning is performed, forming separate bushes spaced from each other at a distance of 12-15 cm.

Iberis does not tolerate crowdinglikes space.

If in autumn, during the period of seed maturity, the weather remains favorable, the plant gives self-cultivation.

To prolong flowering, you can sow seeds with a pause of 1-2 weeks, achieving constant flowering of Iberis until the fall. You can sow it and late fallthen sprouts will sprout earlier, flowering will be even more plentiful.

Can grow seedlings Iberis in boxes, and then in May to land her in the open ground. But there is another way of reproduction: cuttings.

After flowering, small shoots are cut from the bush and root them under glass in greenhouses. For better development use solutions of phytohormones. But with this method, planting seedlings in open ground is possible only for the next season.

Because Iberis flowers pollinated by bees and bumblebeesthen when growing different grades observe spatial isolation by planting them at a sufficient distance from each other.

Possible problems

Root system - The most vulnerable part of the Iberis. It is the roots of the plant that are often affected mushroom plasmodiophorabrassicae, or, as they call this misfortune in the people - keel cruciferous.

Prevention of these diseases consists in disinfecting the soil, and treatment - in the timely removal of diseased plants to prevent further spread of infection.

Of the insects, the main enemies of Iberis are:

  • cabbage .

Their attack on the bushes is fraught yellowingand leaf fallweak flowering, general oppression of plants. In the first case, treatment with anticoccids is carried out, in the second - with a solution wood ash with soap.

Iberis is perfect for alpine hills, rockeries, borders, foregrounds of prefabricated flower beds.

Unpretentious and cute, it will add variety to the multicolor of your garden, add to it its unique paint, charm and unforgettable aroma.

Iberis - flowering herbaceous plant originally from the Mediterranean. It belongs to the Cruciferous family and is represented by annual thermophilic herbs and perennial frost-resistant shrubs. Iberis can also be found under the names "wall" and "heterosexual". During flowering, dense green shoots are covered with a snow cap of umbrella inflorescences. Plants effectively decorate the garden and terraces, filling the air around with a pleasant honey aroma. Due to beauty and easy care Iberis is quite popular among gardeners. Those who have not yet paid attention to this flower should definitely look at it.

Botanical Description

Iberis - perennial and annual plant with rod rhizome. Erect or lodging stems are covered with leaves and form a dense dark green shoot 25–35 cm high. Bright green or dark green leafless leaves sit on the stem again. They are 4-7 cm in length. The sheet plate has a narrow oblong or cirrus-dissected shape with a rounded edge.

In June-July, and sometimes in spring, on the tops of shoots dense umbrella inflorescences bloom up to 5 cm in diameter. They consist of many small flowers with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm. The corolla includes 4 petals different sizes white, yellow, purple or pink. The core of the flower is bright yellow and consists of short but thick stamens and ovaries. The flowering of Iberis is so plentiful that during this period the plants are compared with clouds or snow caps. It is also accompanied by a strong pleasant aroma. The plant is an excellent honey plant. After pollination, small oblate pods with two leaves ripen. Inside are small brown seeds.

Species and decorative varieties

The genus Iberis has more than 30 species of plants. In addition, breeders brought several decorative varieties, which allows you to create unusual compositions in the garden.

Perennial shrub lives in southern Europe and Asia Minor. Its height is 30-40 cm. Evergreen leaves of saturated color are located along the entire length of the stem. The size of a single oval leaf plate does not exceed 7 cm. In June, many umbrella blossoms bloom. The diameter of the flower is about 1.5 cm. If you cut off the wilted flowers, then in mid-August will re-bloom. Decorative varieties:

  • Little Jam - a groundcover up to 12 cm tall, blooms snow-white flowers;
  • Snowflake - dense dark green curtains 20-25 cm high and up to 45 cm in diameter with white flowers.

At this annual branched stems grow 40 centimeters in height. They are covered with a brownish-green smooth bark and small whole leaves. In June, many dense corymbose inflorescences with snow-white fragrant flowers bloom. They bloom for more than two months. Varieties:

  • Red Rash - a shrub about 30 cm high is covered with carmine-red inflorescences;
  • Pink Dream - a lot of small bright pink flowers bloom above a low dark green shoot, this cold-resistant plant withstands short-term frosts.

A biennial undersized plant with less dense, airy vegetation has branched shoots. They are covered with rare lanceolate leaves. The top is decorated with pink or white umbrella inflorescences. Plants are suitable for landscaping rocky areas. Candy Tuft is a very popular variety. At the beginning of flowering, a hat covers the bush lilac flowers, but gradually the petals brighten and become almost white.

An evergreen perennial plant up to 15 cm high begins to bloom in late April. Flowers are preserved for 1-1.5 months. During this period, the ground cover with drooping stems is covered with a solid light pink or white hat of flowers. Varieties:

  • Pygmaea is a groundcover up to 10 cm tall with small white flowers;
  • Weiss Riesen - a spherical bush 30 cm high is covered with snow-white inflorescences;
  • Hyacinthin Blutig Riesen - a plant with light lilac flowers.

Growing and planting Iberis

Iberis is most commonly grown from seeds, although perennial species can be propagated vegetatively. Seeds are sown immediately in open ground or previously for seedlings. Flowering usually begins 2-3 months after emergence. In open ground, seeds are sown in mid-April. To prolong flowering, gardeners practice sowing in several stages with a frequency of 3-4 weeks. Then, early flowering plants will be replaced by later crops. You should choose a well-lit, open area with fertile, loose soil. Seeds are evenly distributed in shallow grooves and carefully sprinkled with earth. If necessary, water the soil. When the seedlings appear, they are thinned out so that the distance between the plants is 12-15 cm.

Shallow crates with sand and peat soil are prepared for growing seedlings. Small seeds are distributed on the surface and pressed with a plaque. Sprinkle on top is not necessary. The container is covered with glass and placed in a well-lit, warm place (+ 15 ... + 18 ° C). Periodically you need to ventilate and spray crops. Shoots appear within 1-4 weeks. From this moment, the shelter is removed. Growing plants dive in separate pots.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-May, when the danger of night frost disappears. In the south, you can do this before. The soil should be well-drained, loamy or sandy loam. Preferred soils with neutral or alkaline reaction. If necessary, lime is added to the ground. During planting, it is important not to damage the fragile rhizomes of Iberis. The distance between plants depends on the variety and is 15-25 cm. You do not need to deepen the root neck. Then the soil is tamped and carefully watered.

Large, overgrown perennial bushes in early spring can be divided into several parts. For this, the plant is dug up and cut at the base. Immediately plant the delenki in the soil.

During the summer, apical cuttings can be cut and rooted. To do this, cut shoots 8-10 cm long and root in moist soil under a hood. When young shoots begin to appear, the shelter is removed, and plants with a large lump of land are transplanted onto permanent place. Lying shoots in the process of growth give roots, they can be separated and planted in a new place throughout the warm season.

Outdoor Care

Iberis is an unpretentious plant that develops well even with lazy gardeners. He needs to pick up an open, well-lit area. Even in partial shade, flowering becomes less plentiful. The plant normally tolerates drafts and periodic cooling.

It should be watered sparingly so that water does not accumulate at the roots. In rainy weather, there is enough natural rainfall. Iberis fertilize twice or thrice a season. Usually use complex mineral compoundssuch as Kemer. You can also feed flowers with a solution of "Mullein".

At the end of flowering, the tops of the shoots should be trimmed. So beautiful greenery will acquire a more well-groomed appearance, reminiscent of a regular lawn. At the ends of the processes, new flower buds may have time to form, which means that in August, repeated flowering is possible.

Possible difficulties

On too heavy and wet soils, Iberis suffers from fungal diseases. If other representatives of the Cruciferous family grew on the site before, the probability of soil contamination with cabbage keel is high. It remains in the ground for several years and is detrimental to the roots. Before planting, it is advisable to conduct soil treatment with fungicide.

Of the pests, Iberis can be affected by mealybugs, earthen fleas and aphids. When holes and punctures appear on the foliage, it is urgent to conduct insecticide treatment (Aktara, Fitoverm, Mospilan).

Plant use

Iberis is good in group landings on rocky slopes, in rockeries and on alpine roller coaster. It is also used to decorate borders, and in containers - on balconies. Iberis flowering bushes look great on the background coniferous plants. In the flower garden they can be combined with bells, gazania, phlox, marigolds.

Inflorescences on tall stems, characteristic of medium-sized varieties, can be cut to make bouquets. In a vase, they will stand for 7-10 days. In some countries, young shoots are eaten. They are sweetish in taste and resemble broccoli.

Iberis has been decorating my garden for more than 3 years. It does not impose high requirements on the composition of the soil and does not need painstaking care. Your task is to water the plant in a timely manner and carry out preventive treatments.

I advise you to place Iberis in a spacious sunny area. First you need to grow seedlings at home. I present to you the photo of decorative culture.

The Iberis perennial plant is a shrub of the Cabbage family. It has several names: Iberian, peppercorns, and various peers. Iberis is found in Europe, Asia, in the west and south of Russia.

There are more than 30 species of this plant. Iberis evergreen includes annuals and perennials. Depending on the variety, the shrub can be cold-resistant or heat-loving.

Iberis has rod roots, for this reason it is better not to transplant it. The size and structure of the stems depend on the type of plant.

Some shrubs have creeping stems, while others have erect stems. Iberis is characterized by compact dark green leaves. Its flowers are collected in inflorescences resembling umbrellas.

If you chose an annual plant for planting, it will bloom longer than a perennial. Gardeners often cultivate white, pink, red varieties, purple are less popular.

The plant begins to bloom in early May or August. Its fruit is presented in the form of a small round or elongated pod. Seeds remain viable for 3 years, but it is better to use it immediately after purchase.

How to grow Iberis from seeds

Plant seeds can be bought at a flower shop; they do not require pre-treatment. I recommend planting Iberis in late April, with proper care, it will bloom before the start of autumn.

If you wish, sow the flower in 2 stages with an interval of 20 days. Shoots will appear in 10-15 days, you will need to thin them. The distance between the copies should be 13 - 16 cm.

You can grow a flower by seedling. Sow the seeds at the end of February, after selecting compact containers for them. I advise you to deepen the seeds by 1 cm, and then sprinkle with sand.

I recommend to cover the capacity in which your crops will be covered with thick polyethylene or glass. This is necessary so that the seedlings receive a sufficient amount of moisture. I advise you to keep crops in a dry, cool room.

It is necessary to add water from the spray gun as the soil dries. It is worth remembering that iberis has a special root system. It is not necessary to transplant young plants. Plant seedlings in open ground in early May, when the soil warms up.

The plant takes root in a spacious well-lit area. It prefers not heavy loamy soil. Sandy soil suitable for Iberis.

Land carefully, try not to injure the roots. Carefully remove the plants from the pots along with an earthen lump. Plant seedlings so that the distance between them is 14 cm. After planting, compact the soil, apply a small amount of water under the root.

Plant care

As I said, water must be added as the soil dries. In hot weather, Iberis should be watered more often. The plant does not require top dressing, but for abundant flowering You can make complex compositions for decorative crops.

In order for the annual to feel good in the open ground, it is necessary to remove wilted flowers in time, and also to correct the stem.

The plant positively perceives corrective pruning. Transplant only perennial flowers when they reach the age of 5 years. Without a pick, the shrub will form small flowers and lose its attractiveness.

Malicious insects, possible diseases

If the plant is not properly looked after, it is attacked by pests:

  • mealybugs;
  • flea.

The latter leaves small holes on the leaves. To expel a flea from a garden site, it is necessary to moisten the soil near Iberis.

In the fight against cabbage aphids, a solution prepared based on potassium soap (300 g per 9 liters of water) is used. The same tool is used against aphids.

It is applied from the spray 1 time in 7 days. Mealybugs are dangerous in that they affect the stems and leaf plates. In the fight against these pests, Aktaru is used. Perform two preventive treatments with an interval of 10 days.

Iberis, like other representatives of the cabbage family, is susceptible to fungal diseases. For prophylaxis, fungicides should be used. Root rot not treatable.

Having found the affected specimens, you should immediately dig and destroy them away from the garden plot, disinfect the soil with a potassium permanganate solution. If you take good care of the pepper shaker, illness will not overtake him.

Beginning gardeners ask me how to collect the seeds of this plant. The pepper bud blooms from May to September and at this time forms seeds.

You do not need to wait until they mature. Collect the pods and store them in a dry, well-ventilated area. Annuals propagate by self-seeding. When you see on garden plot miniature plantsjust do thinning. If the winter is snowless in your area, cover the shrub with shafts.

Planting and caring for Iberis will not take you much time. Even novice gardeners grow the flower. It looks spectacular in flower beds, large hanging flowerpots. Place the plant where you like!