How to lay laminate flooring lengthwise or across. Laying laminate flooring: choosing the right laying direction

Modern laminate- it is not easy to imitate wooden or ceramic floors with a flat surface. Boards with a bumpy surface are on sale, as if the texture of a saw cut wood. There is also an embossing that imitates a surface scratched with a metal brush (“brush”).

Light focuses attention on the volume, the play of the resulting pattern created by the seams, the chamfers of individual floorboards and the texture of the laminate. If the floor becomes an additional decoration of the room, you should carefully consider the direction of laying.

The option is suitable for beginners and economical. With any choice of laying pattern and row offset size (for example, by a third of the board), only a few elements are trimmed. Some of the cut pieces will be used at the end or beginning of the row. Small pieces will also be needed for laying laminate around heating pipes.

Important. If the laminate boards are without chamfers, longitudinal laying, taking into account the direction of light along the rows, will create the effect of a solid sheet without joints.

Installing floorboards in this way is a more time-consuming task: there are more elements for trimming. But if laminate boards with a chamfer (beveled edge) are chosen for the floor, such laying will additionally emphasize the beauty of the pattern.

Advice. Choose transverse styling if you want to add extra volume to the space of the room. Rows of stripes visually expand a narrow room

Important nuances of laying laminate along or across relative to the window

Before starting work, determine what will serve as the basis for the new coating. You can leave linoleum, parquet, if:

  • the surface is hard, even;
  • no wet areas;
  • there are no colonies of mold and fungus;
  • the wooden floor is not damaged by a wood bug (grinder, bark beetle, shashel), rot.

Carpets, all types of soft flooring are removed. Laminate laid on such a base will quickly fail.

Small unevenness of the floor is eliminated with self-leveling compounds (for concrete and cement), sealant or grout.

Important. First, a vapor barrier is placed on the concrete floor, then a sound-absorbing substrate.

In narrow and long corridors, even if there are windows, the direction of light is usually not taken into account. It is more important to visually expand the space. In some cases, a few colored patches of laminate in different colors and widths turn an ordinary floor into a stylish element of the room.

Suitable for straight corridors:

  • wide floorboards with a uniform pattern of one tone (light ones will further expand, and dark ones will visually narrow the space);
  • Laminate with imitation of ceramic tiles, stone.

Attention. If individual elements have a “lock”, and not a regular groove - when laying, transverse to the direction of regular movement of people, fasteners quickly come out, creaks and cracks appear.

Many manufacturers apply a small pattern along the length of the board with a regular larger image (cut wood, stone). When combining individual rows, the joint is hidden, the seams become invisible. If the wear resistance of the laminate is high (see the package label), you can lay the floorboards on the floor both along and across.

Useful tips: how to lay laminate along or across the room

Traditionally, boards are laid on the floor in the direction of the light from the window. This decision is followed by:

  • when a separate element is three-layer (not five) with low wear resistance;
  • instead of the "lock" the usual groove.

The reason is simple. It is difficult to achieve a beautiful even distance between the joints. And the light falling from the window will emphasize the flaws. When the laminate is of high quality, there is no doubt about the skill of the workers, and the designer's idea is to visually expand the room, the planks are laid perpendicularly. However, such laying will be more expensive: more packs of laminate are bought with a margin for cutting.

When choosing a solution for the direction of the laminate board, consider:

  1. If the new coating is laid on wooden floors, the right choice is perpendicular to the boards. This prevents deflection of the floor sections.
  2. If there are no windows, and the room is narrow and long (corridor), laminate boards are laid across, achieving a visual expansion of the space.
  3. If the room has two or more windows, consider the overall intensity of the lighting.
  4. If you know the arrangement of furniture, take into account the load created. The legs of a chair or sofa should not put pressure on one floorboard - otherwise, the mount will quickly break due to the load. The degree of withstand load is shown by the marking.
  5. If the room is low, longitudinal laying is preferable.

The psychological perception of the pattern on the floor is also important. It is more comfortable to walk along a long row than to “step over” the floorboards. In some cases, after the repair is completed, the laminate is re-layed because of this.

Any doubts left? Lay a few planks of laminate on the floor. Turn on and off the chandelier, lamps, pull and open the curtains. By turning a piece of laminate flooring, choose the optimal pattern on the floor.

Laminate is a modern finishing material that has long gained great popularity. It can be seen in administrative offices, private cottages. The appearance of the laminate is attractive.

But in order to lay a laminate, it is necessary to level the floor. After that, you need to decide how to mount the laminate: along or across the room? Any of these options can be used during installation. To make the right choice, consider several important factors:

  • lighting;
  • the dimensions of the room and its geometry;
  • plate lamella design.

Mounting differences

Laying laminate relative to the parameters of the room - along or across requires a competent approach. This is as important as creating a new interior. You can lay laminate flooring up and down. Each of the methods is applied depending on the existing conditions.

Laminate can also be laid diagonally. But to get such an effect, you will have to spend the material and make additional calculations that require high professionalism.

When mounted along, the joints are not visible when the light from the window enters the room

In which direction to lay the laminate depends on several nuances that relate to the direction of the panels. Experienced craftsmen who create a laminate floor easily determine how to mount the laminate.

Experience tells you which method is more practical. To determine which direction for laying the laminate to choose, take into account the location of the windows.

The general rules for installing laminate flooring require that the flooring be parallel to the rays of light. In other words, the installation is carried out perpendicular to the wall, where one or more windows are located.

Why is it so, on what are such conclusions based? When laying the laminate along or across the room is done relative to the window, the edges of the panels do not cast a shadow, they become invisible. The laminate laid in this way is considered practical. The seams become invisible, and the base looks monolithic and perfectly smooth.

The location of windows is not always done on opposite walls. Light falls unevenly. You have to decide how to do the installation correctly.

The direction of the light rays must be taken into account when planning a floor finish. The longitudinal edge of the laminate should be oriented relative to the large window. To make the finish look good, take into account the complexity of the perimeter of the room being finished.

Whether it is possible to lay a laminate by placing the panels across the room is decided individually. The classical rules do not apply in this case.

Sometimes you have to install laminate flooring in rooms where there are no windows at all. The contractor himself decides how best to do this. For example, to create the visual effect of expanding a room, you can create a transverse pattern.

Preparatory work

Laminate installation, regardless of direction, is carried out only on a leveled surface. If it is uneven or with small indentations, the locks of the connection will begin to diverge.

Large loads experienced by the floor covering will cause a gap. Moisture will begin to get through it, the panels will become unusable. The most practical basis for a laminate floor is:

  • concrete screed;
  • wooden floor.

Before laying, a substrate is made. It is made from several types of material:

  • natural cork: expensive, but with excellent properties;
  • bituminous canvas with cork inclusions: an excellent waterproofing agent;
  • high strength polyurethane foam;
  • polyethylene, the most affordable low cost material.

According to manufacturers, if the substrate under the laminate is done correctly, it levels the base. This statement is somewhat exaggerated. The laid layer of the substrate is done to provide thermal insulation. The underlay only compensates for unevenness. She doesn't straighten them out.

Good to know! The installation of the substrate is carried out only end-to-end. Docking points are attached with adhesive tape. As a result, the substrate does not move during installation.

No less interesting: — stages of work, advice and choice of materials

Tool for the job

To get the job done, you need a small set of tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • rubber mallet;
  • a block of wood;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Choice of direction

Before starting work, soak the laminate in the room where it will be laid for 48 hours. The material will pick up the humidity of the room and the ambient temperature.

Only after that the installation technology is selected. Referral can be done in several ways:

  • diagonal;
  • perpendicular;
  • parallel.

The direction of the light rays is taken as the reference point. Diagonal laminate installation is suitable for narrow spaces. It visually expands the room.

Flooring is done in different ways. Someone likes the way of laying along, someone considers the direction across to be beautiful. Either of these methods does not affect the quality.

Important! When the panels are arranged along the direction of the light rays, the impression of a solid coating is created. If the light incidence is perpendicular, the butt spots of the lamellas become noticeable, the coating does not have a solid appearance.

If the window is located on a small wall, the panels are laid parallel to the long wall. This technology is used by professionals. They call this technique straight stacking.

This method saves material, and the coating becomes attractive and original. This layout gives a beautiful look to a simple and inexpensive laminate.

How is laminate installed?

The method of installation of the laminate is reflected in the beauty of the coating, in its further operation. The strength of the floor is achieved by laying each subsequent row, shifting the seams.

An economical option is when trimming the board that ends the row is installed. Where furniture will stand on the surface, laminate pieces less than 30 centimeters long are laid. Thus, a minimum consumption of material is achieved. This will not affect the quality of the coating and its aesthetics.

High strength is given by laying the material in a staggered manner. In other words, the shift of the next row is performed by half the panel. The pattern becomes attractive, especially when the panels are chamfered.

If the panel is displaced by a third of the length, an original coating is created where the end seams do not match.

Competent installation

Work begins after determining the far corner. The finished coating should lag behind the wall by 10 mm. This value is controlled by special wedges or cutting of the laminate.

Such a gap is necessary for the expansion of the panels in case of a change in the humidity value. In the first row, panels with a cut comb are placed. This allows you to create a smooth edge that points towards the wall. With the help of the lock, the subsequent rows are docked.

The design of the locks has several differences, so docking is done in two ways: at an angle or in a single plane. To create a tight connection, the panels are knocked out with a rubber mallet. After the first row is fully assembled, the last panels are sawn off to the desired size.

Laying the second row begins with the third part of the lamella. Such a beginning will prevent the coincidence of the seams. All subsequent rows are assembled in the same way. In the last row, boards are sawn to get a centimeter thermal gap.

It is important that the installation is carried out in relation to the existing lighting. The long side should be directed perpendicular to the light beam. Panel joints will become invisible, and the length of the room will be visually expanded.

The room will look larger if the laying is done in a diagonal way. In small rooms where there is no natural light, the installation of the laminate is done across the room.

If the laminate is laid on a wooden floor, the plates are laid across the floorboards.

For detailed instructions on laying laminate boards, see the video below.

The different direction of the laminated panels when covering the floor allows you to achieve different visual effects. You can visually expand a narrow room or divide it into zones. In what way and how correctly to obtain the desired effect: diagonally, along or across?

How to lay laminate: choosing a laying pattern

An important component of high-quality finishing of the premises is design. Or rather, the creation of a simple drawing, on which it is necessary to indicate the dimensions of the future environment and the direction of laying the laminate flooring. The main factor in the choice is the direction of the daylight source.

Laminate flooring can be laid in different ways:

  • perpendicular to the source of daylight;
  • parallel to the light source;
  • diagonally.

In general, the laminate involves a large number of a wide variety of ways of laying. However, it is better for a beginner to start mastering these skills in a simple way - direct.

The most common type is laying perpendicular to the light source, due to the fact that you can get a perfectly smooth coating. It is possible to lay laminate in a parallel way in narrow rooms for their visual expansion. Diagonal laying is suitable for non-standard rooms. Such styling can be a way to divide space into zones. But diagonally laid laminate will look beautiful in spacious, uncluttered rooms. It is also characterized by a more labor-intensive laying process and a high consumption of material.

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Straight Laminate Laying: Longitudinal or Crosswise?

Installation of laminate along or across refers to the direct laying method. But how to choose the best option?

Laminate installation along the line of light is the most common. With this installation, laminated panels are mounted parallel to the long wall of the room. Thus, lighting from a window will make the panel joints invisible, since there is no shadow casting. The flooring looks perfectly smooth, like one solid panel. This option is well suited for rooms with a window that is located along a short wall. However, in a corner room with windows on adjacent walls, this effect cannot be achieved.

Mounting slats across the line of light or along a short wall of the room is less welcomed by professionals, but this method also has its advantages.

By laying the laminate against long walls, you can achieve a visual expansion of the room.

But such laying in a very narrow room, for example, a corridor, will also be more laborious due to the large amount of trimming.

From the above, we can conclude:

  • if there is only one window in the room, then lay the laminate perpendicular to the window to visually hide the joints;
  • if the room has two windows located on adjacent walls, lay the laminate perpendicular to the window that gives the most light.

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Choosing a laminate flooring and laying it out

When buying a laminate, pay attention to the way it is assembled. It is advisable to choose a coating not with an adhesive connection system, but with a lock one, since the adhesive installation method is already outdated, and the lock connection will provide an even and smooth coating without gaps during quick installation.

It is necessary to purchase a laminated coating with a margin, having previously calculated the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The packaging indicates the quadrature of the laminate contained in it.

The amount of laminate flooring you choose will depend on which laminate layout you choose. For directions along and across, it is necessary to purchase 5-7% more material, for diagonal - 15%.

It is necessary to make a scheme for the future laying of the laminate, since the lamellas must be displaced during installation. Most laminate manufacturers do not recommend the use of fragments shorter than 30 cm. The width of the panels can very rarely be a multiple of the size of the room. Therefore, the last row is often made from planks sawn lengthwise. According to technology, it is not recommended to make the last bar already 5 cm. And if it turns out to be less than 5 cm according to the scheme, then it is necessary to make the first row narrower by sawing off a small part from it.

To obtain a floor covering from lamellas laid in a checkerboard or brick pattern, they will need to be trimmed. You can alternate them both symmetrically and without adhering to any sequence. The symmetrical laying method allows you to get a certain pattern. With an asymmetric laying pattern, the lamellas are displaced in a random order due to the installation of trimming from the previous row to the next. This scheme is the most economical.

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Steps for laying laminate flooring diagonally, lengthwise or across

Regardless of which method of laying the laminate you choose - diagonal, lengthwise or across, the installation technology is the same.

To install laminate flooring, you will need the following tools:

  • measuring instruments - tape measure, ruler;
  • pencil;
  • jigsaw;
  • hand saw;
  • mounting crowbar;
  • tamping bar;
  • a hammer;
  • expansion wedges.

The work on laying laminated panels consists of the following steps:

  1. Foundation preparation. While the purchased laminate kit will adapt to the temperature and humidity conditions of the room, you can start preparing the base. Laminate flooring is laid on a flat surface, which can be obtained with a self-leveling or “dry” screed. If the base is wooden, it must be processed with a grinder. After leveling, a polyethylene waterproofing film is laid on the concrete base, and after that - a special substrate for the laminated coating. It performs a shock-absorbing and soundproofing function.
  2. After that, proceed with laying the first row of laminate. The connection of the lamellas takes place according to the “comb in the groove” principle. On the lamellas of the first row, it is necessary to saw off the ridges. When laying the lamellas, leave a small gap of 7-10 mm from the wall by inserting wedges. This will allow the laminated coating to freely narrow and expand during temperature and humidity fluctuations.
  3. Having assembled the first row of laminate, proceed to the second. The second row starts with half of the lamella, and then the whole elements are laid. So you will ensure the staggered order of laying the lamellas. If a lamella fragment remains from the first row, you can use it as the starting element of the second row, provided that its length is at least 30 cm.
  4. After assembling the second row, it must be inserted with ridges into the grooves of the first row. In this work, you can not do without an assistant. Attach a padding block to the end of the second row and lightly tap it with a hammer, moving the block along the row to slam the mechanism.
  5. The third row of laminate again starts with a whole lamella.
  6. When laying the laminate diagonally, it is better to start installation not from the corner of the room, but from the longest diagonal or from the doorway. So you can install the lamellas in two directions and make it easier in the doorway.

By following this scheme, you can quickly, easily and correctly assemble a laminate flooring. The main rule - do not forget about the gaps between the coating and the walls. These gaps can be easily hidden in the future with skirting boards that are attached not to the floor, but to the wall, which makes it possible for the laminate to “walk”.

One of the easiest flooring to install is laminate. Its charm lies in the fact that you can put it even without experience. Everything is simple. But even if not everything immediately turns out perfectly, mistakes are easy to eliminate. The cover can be taken apart and reinstalled. And to avoid this, you need to know how to properly lay the laminate. And the first thing you need to decide is the direction of laying - along or across the room.

To choose the direction of laying the laminate, there is a rule: they try to lay it so that the flow of light is directed along the board. That is, if the room has a window, the bar must be turned with the short side towards it so that the light falls along the long side of the window. As in the diagram on the left. What is the basis of such a rule? With this orientation relative to the window, the light slides along the long joint. That is, it gives the impression of a solid coating. Only short joints are visible - in places of transverse joining of the planks.

Second moment. With this position of the coating, the structure on the board is more clearly visible. But only if the surface is structured - with imitation of wood fibers.

But, if the room is long and narrow, this way of laying visually adds more length. This is not at all what is required. In long rooms, the board is turned across. This cross-laying option is the middle one in the picture. The transverse direction of laying the laminate visually makes the room shorter and wider. And about the fact that the joints will be visible, the latest trend is a laminate with chamfers. These are specially formed grooves along the edges of the laminated plank. They are needed just to highlight the joints. So the “visibility” of the joints is an amateur. It is critical for you that they are visible - place them away from the window. More concerned with the correct geometry - choose the transverse direction of the laminate when laying in a long room.

Laminate laying options - along or across the room

There is another intermediate option - laying diagonally. If you cannot decide how to lay the laminate correctly - along or across - choose this method. It has the advantage that it is easier to hide imperfections in the geometry. Not all rooms we have have the same width at the beginning and at the end. When laying longitudinally, you have to adjust this by cutting the boards along. It's not always easy. In the case of diagonal laying, this problem does not exist. True, the consumption of material for the same area will be greater - due to more waste. The difference is 10-15% of the area of ​​the room.

How to lay laminate on the balcony and loggia

And in the corridor, and on the balcony, and on the loggia, the choice is the same - along, across or at an angle. But how to lay the laminate correctly if the light is artificial or comes from all sides - like on a balcony? Yes, whichever you prefer. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony is small, so you can throw a few pieces this way and that. And see how exactly this coating looks better on your loggia or in the corridor. In a specific color, with a specific texture.

The direction of the laminate when laying on the balcony and loggia can be any

By the way, the same can be done in the room. It is necessary to collect some area "dry". Without fitting, fixing and glue. This will definitely help you understand how to lay the laminate - along or across the room, so that it looks beautiful.

Now consider the disadvantages of all options. If you lay the laminate on the balcony along the long side, then if the geometry is violated, it will be difficult to cut the edge boards. If you lay across - it will be necessary to cut a lot. After all, everything must also be done so that the joints do not coincide. And the good news is that if the same coating was used in the room, you can use the remaining segments. They are easier to apply here. Diagonal laying - cutting each board at an angle. If it doesn't bother you, why not. That's just "expand" visually there is nothing. A meter and a half wide, no matter how you lay it, it will not seem wider.

In which direction to lay the laminate in the hallway

In the corridor, the situation is somewhat different. Here you can build on large light sources. If they are on the ceiling, the direction is arbitrary. If the light comes from the walls, you need to look at which direction of the laminate will look better. To do this, turn on the lighting, lay out several boards as you expect. Like? So, it’s worth laying laminate in the corridor like this. I do not like? We change the position of the boards until we find an acceptable way of laying.

Even in the corridor you can navigate by the location of the doors. For example, you want the laminate to go from the living room or dining room to the corridor without a joint. Then the direction of its laying in the corridor pops up automatically. It will be a continuation of the coverage from the room.

How to lay the laminate - along or across the room, you decide. Do it the way you like it

Another option - you do not like the longitudinal docking of the boards under the doorway. So, choose such a laying method so that the laminate planks go under the door end. Straight or at an angle - here, again, your choice.

Where to start laying

Regardless of the type of lock, it is more convenient to work if laid with a spike in the center of the room. Therefore, it is most often recommended to start laying the laminate from the far right corner from the entrance. The first plank is laid with a groove to the wall, a spike into the room and all the others in the same way. But it is right and convenient to do so if you decide to lay the laminate "along the light", that is, from the window, which is located on the opposite side of the entrance.

With the transverse method, start from the wall farthest from the entrance. When laying at an angle - from the far corner to the right or left. Here as you wish. But this is not a rule either. You can also start from the entrance, if it is more convenient.

There are some restrictions if you need to lay the laminate in a single sheet on two adjacent rooms or make an exit to the corridor without a joint. Then start laying, focusing on the middle of the doorway. Laminate in the opening looks better if laid symmetrically. So the “starting” lane is located in the center of the aisle. You can beat it off with a masking cord and focus on this line.

If there is no experience, it is better to nail the strips along this line, which will serve as guides for the first row. Lay the coating in one direction - to the right, as is usually done. Then remove the guides and put to the left. In this direction, the laying will turn out “vice versa” - it will be necessary to insert the spike into the groove. But you can get used to it. Although this method takes a little more time.

How to choose the direction of laying the laminate in the apartment

We know how to properly lay laminate in each room, but how to choose the direction of laying throughout the apartment? We take the plan of the apartment, a pencil and an eraser. We outline the selected methods of laying in the rooms. After all, they don't have to be the same. Geometry, area, and the coating itself can be different. We look at the big picture, we figure out in which direction it is better to lay the laminate in the corridor and hallway.

Plan for laying laminate by room

If everything suits you, you can start and then proceed with the installation. If you want something different, you can "play" with the directions. But not always what looks good in the picture, in reality looks the same. Often the opposite. The simplest thing is to peep from someone you know with a similar layout. This makes it easier to decide whether you like what you came up with or not. In principle, the laminate is good because it can be shifted if you don’t like the result. In this regard, this is the perfect cover.

There may still be questions in terms of where to start laying the laminate. It is logical - from the room farthest from the entrance. The general order is first in the rooms, then in the corridor. If one of the rooms will be laid as a single canvas with a hallway or a corridor, and the rest of the rooms - each on its own, then the flooring is first laid in rooms with separate laying, and then in the room where the laminate goes into the corridor.

If it is planned to have a continuous flooring without thresholds throughout the apartment, then the laying in the “front area” begins first. As a rule, this is a living room or dining room. The coating is taken out of it into the corridor, laid before entering other rooms. And they are already moving away from this direction. In this case, as described above, a starting line is drawn, guides are nailed along it and work to the right, then to the left. Or vice versa, if it's more convenient.

If you decide to install the laminate flooring yourself, then quite often the question arises - how to lay the laminate along or across the room. There are several ways to install laminate flooring.

Basic principles for installing laminate floors

The main requirements that must be observed when installing a laminate floor are as follows:

  • Laminate floors should only be installed on a flat surface. The height difference of the subfloor should not exceed five millimeters, as required by the installation instructions;

  • Some laminate flooring requires an additional waterproofing layer consisting of a waterproof film. The price of installation at the same time, of course, increases;
  • The surface for installing the laminate floor must be clean and dry;
  • Also, when installing a laminate floor with your own hands, you should not forget about laying special substrate.

Important. Depending on the class of the selected laminate flooring, the substrate for the laminate is selected, as well as the method of installation of the coating. The substrate for laminated floors should not be thicker than five millimeters. For floors with a lamella thickness of 8 to 12 millimeters, the instruction provides for a substrate of 4 to 5 millimeters thick.

Joints for laminate floor slats

Laminate floors have several options for lamella adhesion:

  • Lock - locks;
  • Click - locks;
  • Adhesive method of laying laminate.

The direction of laying the laminate in the room should be focused on the source of daylight - a window or on a constant source of light in rooms without windows (corridors, hallways, pantries). This is due to the fact that sunlight or electric light, falling on the floor laid perpendicularly, illuminates the joints of the lamellas and the floor looks unattractive.

All floor panel connections will be visible. Therefore, the answer to the question - how to properly lay the laminate along or across, will be only one correct one - the panels should be parallel to the light source in the room.

Click-laminate panel locks - installation features

The system for snapping laminate lamellas with the help of collapsible locks is distinguished by the strength of the connection and resistance to mechanical stress. This connection system is quite easy to install and durable.

This method of interlocking the laminate lamellas guarantees a minimum gap between the lamellas, but, nevertheless, laying the laminate along or across the room must be oriented parallel to the light source.

Mounting sequence

  • First, the width of the room is measured and the width of the lamella is calculated in the last row, which is laid out along the wall. In which direction to lay the laminate? We accept the width of the room along the wall without windows. The width of the boards of the first and last row of coating should be the same.

Important. When calculating, take into account the required gap of eight to ten millimeters at each wall. This provides a so-called "floating" floor structure. In rooms with an area of ​​​​more than twelve square meters, the gap between the walls and floor panels is calculated by the formula: one and a half millimeters per meter of the length of the room.

  • Installation of lamellas is desirable to start from the far left corner of the room. And in what direction to lay the laminate? Only in the direction of light along the long side of the laminate lamella.
  • The slats are laid out along the room, fastened with a locking method from the end of the panel;
  • The seams of the next row of slats, as required by the instructions, should be shifted by thirty to forty centimeters. This is necessary in order to ensure a uniform mechanical load on the floor surface.
  • Installation is carried out at an inclination of one of the lamellas at 45 degrees. Gradually lowering the laminate slab until a characteristic click, which means that the lamellas are connected.
  • It is important in which direction to lay the laminate, the light source (window) should be located opposite the end of the floor lamellas.
  • Further, the installation of the lamellas is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, observing the offset of the boards in increments of forty centimeters. If necessary, the lamella boards can be cut to the required length or width.

Lock-laminate panel locks - installation features

The installation sequence of a laminate with a Lock-fastening system does not differ from the above-mentioned click-fastening system. Only the panels should be installed parallel to each other during installation, and the adhesion of the lamellas is ensured by special grooves at the ends of the plates.

How to lay laminate flooring along or across the room with the Lock fastening system? You should also focus on the light source and place the laminate panels with the long side in the direction of the sun's rays.

Adhesive method of attaching laminate

Laminate floors with an adhesive installation system are more labor intensive to install. It is better not to install such floors with your own hands, but to resort to the help of a specialist.

Since laminate floors with this fastening system cannot be dismantled after installation, the installation must be carried out professionally.

Many people wonder - how to properly lay the laminate along or across the room.

Laminate is always laid with the long side of the lamellas facing the light source. But in some cases, when it is necessary to visually expand the room, for example, a corridor without windows, it is better to place the covering lamellas across the room.
To have an idea of ​​how to lay the laminate correctly, you can watch video materials on this topic on the Internet. But first of all, the direction of laying the lamellas depends on the individual characteristics of the room. As well as the design and features of the room.
The main thing is that the light source (window, chandelier, backlight) does not cause shadows to be cast between the joints of the laminated coating panels.

In the question of how best to lay a laminate, you should first of all be guided by what effect is supposed to be achieved. Laminate laid in the width of the room makes it much more spacious, and in length - increases its length.

Advice. Therefore, for example, in wide and low rooms it is better to place laminate lamellas along the length of the room, thereby hiding its unaesthetic configuration.

We draw a conclusion- Laying the laminate along or across the room depends on the location of the light source, so that the joints between the panels are not conspicuous, and the coating looks stylish and spectacular.