Wall and ceiling decoration. Drapery ceiling with fabric (30 photos): original design ideas

Ceilings are unfairly deprived of all kinds of decorations. And completely in vain! After all, your guests don't look up until they spot something unusual. It is worth diversifying the monotonous whiteness with at least some decor and it will instantly attract attention.

But the ceiling is a blank canvas for your creativity, and in this case, it is not even a metaphor. A huge white space, given to the will of the imagination. How many opportunities - and how little attention.

So, you were touched by the unenviable situation in which ceilings often find themselves and you firmly decided to correct this omission. Then we will tell you what interesting things you can use to decorate ceilings.

In general, the methods of decorating the ceiling can be divided into four large groups, although it is also impossible to say that they do not penetrate each other in any way.

Capital ceiling decor

Overhaul ceiling decor is a decor that requires either a major overhaul or planning during the construction phase. In view of these features, it is not so often used, and is more common in country houses.

However, it is its rarity that will make the interior of your home truly unique.

The following options are related to the capital decor of the ceiling:

  • Vaulted ceilings - flowing arches are reminiscent of graceful Gothic architecture and can make your interior unique and unlike anything else. However, such changes, if your house is already built, will require a lot of effort, time or redevelopment.
  • This also includes the stylization of the vaults of the cave, which requires either raising the level of the floor of the second floor, which is not very expedient, or by layering decorative elements over the finished surface. As is clear, if the ceilings are low initially, it is difficult to arrange such a thing.
  • Multi-tiered ceilings - the technology of such decoration is based on drywall, fixed on lightweight structures.
  • Suspended ceilings - installation of a variety of panels that are attached in a similar multi-tiered way. This includes, for example, mirrored ceilings, although the reflective effect can be realized in other ways.
  • False ceilings are in many ways similar to suspended ceilings, but in this case, the supporting structures are not suspended, but are attached directly to the ceiling itself.

Vaulted ceilings

The creation of arches requires either planning even at the construction stage - and it is desirable that the house be made of brick - or the presence of initially high ceilings so that structures that imitate arches can be layered from below.

As you can imagine, this is a costly and complicated matter, because in addition to decorative delights, you also need to attend to both the light and the electrical wiring to it.

Another of the decor options, close to arched ceilings, is a cave stylization. It is rare where you can find it, since, firstly, it is difficult to execute - it requires both the creation of a vault and the layering of materials that imitate the structure of the stone. And secondly, there is a very limited number of interiors that such natural outlines will successfully fit into. But if you are an adherent of biodesign, then don't be intimidated by the complexity - the result is worth it.

By the way! It is not necessary to limit yourself only to arches or imitate a ceiling under the cave vaults. You can create any relief you want. Incorrect faceted shapes? Or soft play?

But the best part is that all this can be achieved not only by changing the structure of the ceiling itself, but also by a layer of plaster, plaster or curtain walls.

Suspended and false ceilings

Sewn and false ceilings are created thanks to guide rails, which are either attached to special hangers, or "sewn" directly onto the ceiling.

This method is especially good in that it allows you to easily hide wires and communications under the rails, and hollow spaces provide additional opportunities for insulation. And the mobility of structures allows not only to change the level of the ceiling, but also to decorate it in a variety of ways:

  • Multilevel ceilings

The different level is ensured by adjusting the height of the slats. Usually, drywall is chosen as a facing option for such a frame.

Such ceilings can create both angular relief and smooth overflows, which is well suited to modern interior styles. But this does not mean that multi-level ceilings have no place in the classics - with the right color selection, they will perfectly fit even the most austere and old-fashioned styles.

Another advantage of such ceilings is the ability to divide the space of the room with the help of them, additionally designate different levels with color and, most importantly, play with lighting.

  • Panel suspended ceilings

In this case, panels are attached to the guides. This method is often used in offices, and therefore it is associated with cheapness, but it can also be used in residential buildings with due efficiency. But it is extremely important to choose the right colors of the panels and the trims of the guides (which in this case will be visible).

A good solution can be the use of wood-styled panels and the same platbands - this will create an association with ceiling beams. The diagonal arrangement of the guides, the installation of mirror panels and the patterned alternation of different colors may also be successful.

These are two main types of decor, which are realized with a lightweight frame. But in fact, this method is much wider - even the arches mentioned above can be easily created by attaching metal structures of the appropriate shape to the ceiling. Therefore, it is difficult to clearly divide this method into groups - it all depends on your imagination! And from the original height of the ceilings, of course.

Beam structures

If you give preference to country style and natural materials, then installing heavy beams under the ceiling will create the feeling of a well-knocked log house - even if we are talking about a city apartment. To install such a pleasure, you will have to make a few extra holes in the walls, but what can't you do for the sake of beauty?

What to do if the house is a country house, the beams in it are provided for by the design and you do not like them? There are many ways to fix this: from the installation of stretch ceilings, to a variety of decor such as wallpaper or stencils.

These are the most common methods for overhauling ceilings. They are time consuming, but they can both transform your home or private room, and set the stage for lighter decor options such as wallpaper or appliqués.

Lightweight ceiling decor

It is not at all necessary to resort to such radical methods as redevelopment and a perforator to make your ceiling unusual and interesting - and redecoration will provide enough opportunities to turn around. Lightweight decor will only require you to dismantle the lighting sources and the ceiling plinth (fillet).

These types of decor include:

  • Stretch ceilings - a special canvas stretched over the ceiling. They are durable. They are moisture resistant, allow the application of a variety of patterns, and are also textured: under fabric or suede.
  • Glued ceilings are lightweight plates that stick to the surface. The advantages of this type are the ability to create a relief and ease of installation, and the disadvantages are weak moisture resistance and the general cheapness of appearance.
  • Decorating with roll wallpaper - these wallpapers are denser than wall ones and, as a rule, have a certain relief. Their undoubted advantage is the ability to create a single surface with the walls: both in texture and in color.
  • Decorative plaster - can press a certain texture to the ceiling or create a stylization for a stone surface, oil strokes, or even display an interesting pattern.

Glue ceilings

As a rule, these are square panels that are simply glued to the ceiling. They are made of lightweight materials that will take up about a quarter of this article by name, so just trust me: they are really very light, which allows them to hold on to the top.

Such panels can have a pattern, a certain texture, and even a relief. All this, given the ease of installation and low cost, favorably distinguishes glue ceilings from other types of decor.

However, they also have disadvantages:

  • depending on the material, they may be afraid of direct sunlight or water
  • since this is a tile, you will not get a uniform structure of the ceiling - the connecting segments will be visible
  • many options look frankly cheap, so you have to strain yourself with the choice

Ceiling wallpaper decoration

The name speaks for itself - it is the covering of the ceiling with special wallpaper. They are somewhat different from the wall ones: they are denser and thicker, often have a relief. If you want a ceiling that is not perfectly smooth, but you do not like the segments of glue panels, then this wallpaper is for you.

Another argument in favor of ceiling wallpaper: nothing prevents you from making it to order with the image you want.

In addition, ceiling wallpaper allows you to create a uniform surface with the walls. Choose the same pattern for the ceiling and walls - thereby you will achieve the effect of solidity and completeness of the room.

But avoid dark colors, they visually lower the level of the ceiling, and the room will appear lower and cramped.

Decorative plaster

How is it different from the usual one? First of all, by the texture and, of course, by the purpose: its task is far from utilitarian.

There are many types of decorative plasters, but the essence is the same - granules in the adhesive. The texture depends on their size and shape. So, fine-grained plaster will look almost even on the surface, while coarse-grained plaster will create a relief and furrows.

If the granules are round, then the surface will come out rough, while the oval ones will leave furrows behind them. The paint capsules create streaks that mimic marble veins. Or do you want pearlescent highlights? There are renders with fine acrylic particles that will create just such an effect.

Decorative plasters allow you to play not only with color and imitation, but also with texture. The seashell effect can be achieved by applying the mass with a spatula in a circular motion. Or create a braided braid pattern. Or maybe even bring out strange and chaotic intertwining patterns? The choice is yours.

Of course, all this can be attributed to the walls, but you must admit that the ceiling, stylized as a sea beach, is really impressive.

These are the main ways to decorate the ceiling, which will not require you to make major changes to the layout or the installation of additional structures. Despite the fact that they are easier to implement than "capital" friends, they provide no less opportunities.

Light ceiling decor

Do you want to diversify the appearance of your ceiling, but you are not ready for drastic measures such as major repairs, installation of structures or wallpapering?

You can be understood. However, in nature there are many ways to decorate the ceiling that do not involve serious interference with the look of your apartment. We will analyze them today: you will not be required to dismantle any elements of the ceiling and many can be made by hand.

  • stucco molding and imitation stucco molding
  • pendant decorations - it can be artificial flowers, many decorative lamps, garlands. The complexity of installing anything that can be hung on the ceiling varies greatly: from ordinary gluing to the need to hang a special hook
  • stickers and applique
  • art painting and stencils


In view of the fact that any type of stucco molding is attached either to special adhesives and / or screws, you will not need any additional devices for its installation. It is classified according to what material it is made of. This could be:

  • Plaster molding

The most difficult, complex and reliable of all. It can be both standard and custom-made. It is attached - if the element is light - with glue or with screws, if its weight is significant. Its advantages over the rest are reliability, durability, and texture for the touch - but the latter is true for walls. There is hardly anyone who will often touch your ceiling.

  • Polyurethane stucco molding

Pre-cast inorganic polyurethane moldings. It is cheaper and much lighter than its "plaster" comrade, but on a larger scale it is manufactured according to standard designs. But lightness, durability and moisture resistance make this stucco molding the most preferable for the ceiling.

  • Papier-mache, polystyrene, cement

These are less popular materials for making stucco moldings. But they also have their own characteristics: it is easy to fill the mold with cement and it comes out cheaper than gypsum; foam is fragile, but inexpensive and lightweight; papier-mâché is often used for self-production of stucco elements.

From a design point of view, classical stucco molding will not fit into every interior: the Romanesque style, baroque, rococo will accept it with a bang, but in more modern designs like modern or minimalism, pretentious carving will be extremely inappropriate.

However, it does not necessarily have to repeat the complex patterns of classical styles. You can order angular, futuristic designs that will look unusual and modern.

Suspended structures, which we talked about in the last article, do much better with creating such effects. But if you are not ready for radical changes in the apartment, you are a fan of Art Nouveau styles and have firmly decided to decorate the ceiling, then the most daring ideas can be realized with the help of custom-made stucco moldings.

Hanging decorations

It is very difficult to somehow classify everything that can be hung on the ceiling - because such decor, as a rule, is carried out independently and directly depends on the owner's imagination. These can be, for example, flower buds planted on glue - made of paper, plastic or synthetic fabrics.

How about a ceiling decorated with paper cranes? This way of decor will perfectly fit into the interior in the kitsch style, and diversify the Asian motives for the room.

In cramped rooms, they often resort to installing "blank lamps" - these are ordinary incandescent lamps that are not connected to the network. However, light from the "main" lamp reflects and glares off the glass of the "fake" lamps.

Despite the breadth provided by a variety of suspended ceiling decorations, they also have common features that need to be considered:

  • any part protruding beyond the surface of the ceiling will accumulate a lot of dust;
  • in view of its creativity, a rare hanging decor will fit into a classic design that strictly adheres to certain canons.

When creating an original home design, many leave the surface of their ceiling snow-white clean. Sometimes this is due to stylistics, but often this comes from ignorance of all the possibilities. Modern methods of decoration make it possible to use ceiling decor not only for aesthetic, but also for practical purposes. There are a lot of decoration options to choose the right one for the interior.

Since a person rarely looks straight up, the beauty of the ceiling may be ignored by him. Therefore, it is necessary that the guest should notice the unusual decor upon entering the room. However, the original interior surface finish is not an end in itself. It is much more important that a competent ceiling decor allows you to visually change the space and hide all the flaws of the plane. The recommendations of specialists and detailed video tutorials are quite enough for independent finishing work. Next, we will present the main types of decor.

Varieties of ceiling surface decor

The modern approach does not oblige the owners to seek professional help at all. Some options are easy to do with your own hands. Using this or that type of decoration, it becomes possible to completely transform the room. The familiar design will become unrecognizable even for the owners. Among the many available, the following types of decor are considered the most popular:

  • Stretch and fabric ceilings;
  • Painting;
  • Photowall-paper and applications;
  • Decoupage and painting;
  • The use of polyurethane stucco molding;
  • Drywall;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Skin;
  • Styrofoam tiles;
  • Parquet;
  • Bamboo decorations.

Ceiling finishes

There are really a lot of options. In order not to get confused by the abundance of the opportunities provided, we will conduct a small educational program on each of them.

Some are gradually going out of fashion, like stretch ceilings. Others, on the other hand, are gaining popularity. However, they all have the right to be used for design decoration.

Stretch ceiling

Due to the possibility of drawing a pattern on PVC material, the style of stretch canvases can be absolutely any. Ethnic motives, modern curls - all of them will emphasize the conceptual taste of the owners of the dwelling. The originality of the images correlates with the individuality of the owners, after which it is fixed on the ceiling surface. It is recommended to leave the installation of tensioning canvases at the mercy of professionals, since the work involves the use of special tools. If the technology can still be learned from video tutorials from the Internet, then not everyone wants to buy a heat gun. In addition, the image is applied to the film using special equipment. There are other nuances that experts prefer not to share.

If the drawings look great in the nursery, then in other rooms you can do without images at all. Leave a perfectly flat, matte ceiling. However, the white ascetic canvas does not satisfy many with its simplicity. The soul of the owners requires an unusual color of stretch ceilings with spot lighting or another kind of decor.


Decor by means of environmentally friendly fabric is able to decorate any plane of the house. Safe material is characterized by the widest range and excellent performance properties. It fights well against mold, is easy to clean and does not deform over time. Ceiling decoration with fabric changes the visible dimensions of the room.

Advice. The fabulous texture of some materials will be appropriate for a nursery. Luxurious drapery with a radial pattern is more suitable for the bedroom.

If you use a flatbed type of mounting, then it is easy to achieve a marquee effect. To enhance the airiness of the undulating surface, it is recommended to use translucent types of fabric. If the drapery is carried out with a glue method, then this effect cannot be achieved here. Since the material will be glued like a classic wallpaper, without a frame or profiles. Fabric inserts will look interesting.


The simplest solution. It's easier to just leave it as it is. It can be used not only as a finishing stage of finishing, but also as a preparatory stage for further decoration. Ease of painting requires a flat surface and a single coat of primer. After drying, it is sufficient to apply an even coat of water-based paint. Then the finish will not crumble.


The primordially souvenir type of decoration is also applicable to the upper plane of the dwelling. It does not require a perfectly flat surface if it is planned to achieve the effect of antiquity or wear. Decorating any other image will require leveling and grouting. Modern drawings are printed on a printer and covered with acrylic varnish. Then it is applied to the ceiling. To achieve smoothness, you need to pick up a special roller. If the owners stop at the antiquity, then gluing can be limited. After drying, the top layer is carefully removed. It is soaked with a spray bottle to separate it from the finish. When the drawing is dry, it is recommended to apply another coat of decorative varnish.


The range of this kind of decor is limited only by imagination. Bright canvases are easy to install and print quality. You can always additionally decorate with a customized image. Inserts of personal photos into cartoon plots look original. This ceiling decor is ideal for a nursery. The child can be given the right to choose favorite characters.


Also used for the nursery. The convenience of purchasing standard stickers is that they are easy to replace when needed. They hide flaws in planes or dirty spots. But you can arm yourself with drywall or vinyl to try to make the appliques yourself. The stickers leave virtually no residue. And the ability to re-glue a pretty decoration inspires not only children.


The easiest method after painting. Often it means decorating the ceiling with your own hands, since making stencils does not require special skills. The contour image is cut out on dense material, and then attached to the ceiling plane. It is used for a children's room, but, as a rule, adults are "coming off". They experiment with different colors to make the drawing look extremely effective. You do not need to be too zealous in this, since the main advantage of the stencil is the speed of finishing.

Advice. You can get by with just one color if you correctly designate the gradients.

Design delights depend solely on homebrew artists. It is necessary to dilute the paint and provide for several layers. The next one is applied only after the previous one has dried. To create a three-dimensional pattern, dense material and thick paint are used. Instead of saturated paint, the use of putty is allowed. The brush is replaced with a spatula, and fine work gives way to a brutal finish.


If the owners are planning to decorate the interior in the style of the century before last, then stucco molding is the best option. In a room with a high ceiling, this solution will look great. The modern approach involves the use of practical polyurethane, which has the desired performance. The lightness, moisture resistance and flexibility of the material are complemented by a long service life without discoloration. Special glue is used for fixing to the ceiling. Subsequently, the material can be safely washed and repainted. Gypsum products are rarely used due to their weight. Most people love stucco for the budget cost and the ability to do it yourself. Foamed polyurethane is attached to an adhesive binder, putty or liquid nails. Home ceiling decor can be decorated with the following types of stucco molding:

  • Ceiling moldings should be installed at the very end. They visually increase the amount of space and hide flaws in the plane. It can be cracks, crooked joints with walls, easily soiled spots. Smooth or convex decor elements are used based on the style of the interior. They can be matched to the color of other walls. But no one bothers to paint with his own hand. To do this, you should purchase a primed skirting board so that the adhesion is successful.

Attention! Smooth molding is used when the ceiling is already saturated with a certain decor. To avoid the feeling of luridness, the embossed moldings are set aside.

  • False beams are designed to mimic natural wood beams, which are bulky and expensive. Polyurethane is much more effective in many ways. The effect of changing the apparent volume of the dwelling remains the same. Among the advantages of false beams are moisture resistance and the absence of mold. They hold their shape for a long time, reducing the owner's expenses for purchasing new elements. Another important feature of the material is the hollow structure of the lightweight parts. Due to its fire safety, this advantage is used for wiring. Light communications are practically hidden in the ceiling, providing perfect lighting.
  • If there is nothing without a chandelier or other lamps, then the owners should take a closer look at the sockets. They have a variety of shapes and fit the style of a large lamp. Suitable for the decor of any room, regardless of its purpose. The branded collections contain all the required dimensions, so it is not necessary to limit yourself only to the center of the ceiling.

Decorative plaster

Among the varieties of this type of finish, structural and textured plaster are distinguished. The first is characterized by the creation of a colorful relief on a white plane. This is achieved through the use of combs and rollers. The work is quite laborious and requires some skills. The finished mixture of decorative finishes is easy to paint after drying. The features of the textured finish include the absence of the need for manual revision. The instruments are set aside as the mixture itself has a characteristic relief. It is also painted after complete drying, if required by the owner of the house. The only wish for such plaster would be compliance with the environmental safety of its components. Water-based finishes and dispersion paint create a unique decor on the ceiling. This does not require skills or work experience.


The ease of working with the material inspires human imagination. The implementation of the most unexpected ideas is due to its excellent performance. Takes any shape and proportion. It produces illumination well, which is important for a nursery. Practical material does not require special maintenance and covers all surface imperfections. If desired, you can create a multi-layer structure according to the stepwise principle. Soundproof drywall is mounted on an installed frame made of wooden beams and metal profiles. It is then complemented with matching fabric and recessed lights. After filling and painting, spot lighting creates an exclusive design. Aesthetic pleasure is guaranteed.

An important place in creating a holistic image of a room is occupied by the ceiling. However, many question whether the decorations are appropriate and if so, which ones.

General principles of decorating

At first glance, it may seem that decorating the ceiling is not difficult, but it is not.

If you do not want to spoil the thoughtful design of the room, you will have to think carefully about the decoration. There are several principles that designers follow:

For the rest, you are free to act at your discretion: just do not forget to take our advice into account. Then the room will look really impressive!

What can you use?

There are many methods for decorating your ceiling beautifully. Some types of ceiling coverings are so beautiful that they themselves can be considered decorative elements - for example, a stretch canvas or solid wood.

However, even them can be made even more beautiful by applying one of the following techniques:

Ceiling tiles, painted or voluminous, suitable for simple plasterboard ceilings. If you arrange them in a checkerboard pattern or make a couple of accents, for example, on a chandelier or in the corners of a room, they will serve as a worthy decoration.

An ideal option for a classic interior is stucco molding. Made from quality materials, it will serve you for years to come. True, such a decor is not suitable for all rooms - in a high-tech interior, it will not look entirely appropriate.

Fabric draperies rarely seen on the ceiling. We consider this an unfortunate omission that needs to be corrected!

Styrofoam and drywall love for the ability to take almost any shape and color. Why not use this in your room decoration?

Doubt about your artistic talents? Try using special stencils. It is enough to choose a suitable paint and the ceiling will be decorated with beautiful patterns or paintings.

The traditional way to decorate the floor is with a fresco. Yes, it cannot be called a cheap pleasure. Beauty and durability, however, make up for the high price tag. Plus, frescoes are back in vogue - maybe give it a try?

It cannot be called a decor - it is an independent element of the interior. But for combined coatings, such an insert will serve as an additional decoration.

Use if you are not sure about the consistency of your tastes (you can read more about them here). Variety of patterns and sizes, easy gluing and removal ... Perfect decor!

Images printed on PVC materials are also popular. Pick a picture that matches the style of the room and see how the ceiling changes!

There are also more traditional decorations: skirting boards, baguettes, and even may well be decorative elements, if decorated appropriately. Even lighting can become a beautiful accent - just choose an original chandelier of an unusual shape.

As you can see, decorative ceiling decoration includes many concepts - from simple stickers that can be purchased at any store to complex custom designs.

Examples in the interior

If you still have not answered the question of how you want to decorate the ceiling, this is not a problem! We have collected for you an extensive selection of photographs with various types of jewelry. Some of it will undoubtedly please you.

One of the cheapest methods is to use paper as decoration. If you know how to make peonies or other flowers, take a brightly colored wrapping paper (make sure the color matches the interior!) And hang the finished pom-poms from the ceiling with thin fishing line.

If you are using floral paper, it is best to hang the finished product away from the chandelier - it can melt when heated.

Another beautiful option is paper figures. Arm yourself with a stencil, scissors and patience - you can't always get the perfect result the first time around. These lace decorations will suit almost any room - from the bedroom and nursery to the kitchen. Perhaps, they should be avoided only in the bathroom - there they will quickly get wet and lose their attractiveness.

An effective and original way of decoration is Chinese paper lanterns. Yes, they are not in harmony with every interior. However, in a bedroom or living room in a minimalist or Asian style, this decor is very appropriate.

As you can see, even from the materials at hand that are in every home, you can create something unusual, turning the room into a real design masterpiece.

A popular way to decorate the ceiling is molding, otherwise called skirting board. Simple solid or multi-colored panels, carved or imitating stucco molding - the variety allows you to choose something for every taste.

The classic option is to finish the ceiling around the perimeter. Here it is better to choose a beautiful openwork molding that goes well with pastel colors and classic design. If using it as a baseboard seems boring to you, try adding an inner square. True, this technique is not suitable for small rooms - it visually compresses the room a little.

Modern craftsmen are able to create real masterpieces from it - look at the openwork carving in this photo. Would you agree, a worthy decoration for the ceiling of a hall or office in the Victorian style?

By the way, these are not always just panels. You can also order curly molding, which will emphasize the beauty of the designer chandelier and fit perfectly into the classic interior.

A more difficult option is installation on the entire ceiling area, which will create the effect of embossed patterns on the coating and add volume. A beautiful, but a little difficult solution to implement: if you want this type of decor to look beautiful, it is better to trust the professionals. The slightest unevenness or distortion can completely kill the entire effect.

Previously, fabric drapery was only used in restaurants or concert halls. It's time to move away from this outdated principle! A beautiful and unusual reception will decorate any room, from the bedroom to the living room.

In this case, you need to take care of fire safety: fabrics are highly flammable, so make sure that the wires are well insulated. And choose LED economical light sources, avoiding incandescent bulbs. They heat the fabric less, thus preventing fire or melting (this is only relevant for synthetics).

Modern stucco molding is most often made from drywall or polyurethane. The second option is cheaper, but we insist on the first: it is much more environmentally friendly. In addition, gypsum is easy to paint in any color, and it takes shape almost without restrictions.

Stucco molding is well suited to rooms decorated in a classic style. Make sure that the design is made neatly: negligence will immediately catch your eye, since this type of decor is quite pretentious.

A ready-made solution for those who like to constantly bring novelty to the interior - vinyl stickers. You can choose a beautiful twisted pattern for the living room, bright cartoon characters for the nursery, or a romantic landscape for the bedroom.

Their main advantage is the ability to quickly replace the picture if you are tired of it. True, they require an extremely smooth surface - a stretch canvas is best suited.

Do you want to decorate the ceiling with beams? This can be a single bar for zoning a space (try for a country style) or. The latter type of decoration is rapidly coming into fashion again - it is comfortable, reliable and very beautiful. True, it cannot be called cheap.

By the way, containers for communications and pipes can also be decorated under beams - a great way to hide not particularly pretty structures.

Suspended structures on a plasterboard ceiling can be safely carried out as a separate type of decoration: they can take any shape, look very beautiful in almost any interior and look original.

Try to move away from the geometric shapes familiar to many in favor of butterflies, flowers, clouds.

Using a fresco as a decor will cost a lot, but you are guaranteed an impressive result. Of course, not everyone can implement such an idea with their own hands. However, many firms are engaged in such work and are ready to bring your idea to life.

The frescoes are suitable for any interior design: from the living room to the kitchen. However, remember that they need an appropriate frame: classic, Victorian, baroque. At the same time, there is no need to overload the room with other decor - otherwise the beauty of the canvas will simply be lost.

A properly made fresco can withstand temperature extremes, so don't worry about the paint fading over time.

Another way to decorate the ceiling in an unusual way is to use hidden backlight. This method is best suited for multi-level structures: multi-colored LED strips look very impressive.

Pick one or two colors, make sure the lighting is routed correctly, and enjoy the effect.

Looking to create a floating effect for your flat ceiling? Choose a stretch fabric of not too dense texture, place the backlight around the entire perimeter and you're done. Alternatively, lay powerful LED strips that will create the impression of refracted light on the surface - an original, but very peculiar technique that not everyone will like.

Using stencils, you can easily apply a pattern to the ceiling yourself: the main thing is to choose a picture that will appeal to your household and fit into the interior.

It is better to use gypsum plasterboards as a canvas - they can be painted before installation, which greatly simplifies the process. Still, admit that not everyone will be able to drive with a brush or wield a spray can, balancing on a stepladder.

Choose paints with a dense texture that do not deform from moisture or heat - this is especially true for decorating the ceiling in the bathroom or in the kitchen. And don't be afraid if you don't draw well - a stencil will turn anyone into a professional painter.

We hope we managed to convince you that everyone can decorate the ceiling with an unusual decor - just show a little imagination!

In this article you will find many interesting ceiling design ideas with photos and descriptions. You will find out why it is not possible to use drywall everywhere, and how stretch ceilings will help you avoid a flood from your neighbors!

Having decided to start a renovation, you will have to choose the color palette of the room, choose the way to decorate the walls, ceiling and floor, find the optimal combination of practicality, aesthetics and, of course, price. If you study the possibilities of modern decoration, you can save the lion's share of the family budget, since everyone is well aware of how unplanned alterations can lead to huge, irrational waste.

Choosing a ceiling design option

Any redecoration starts from the ceiling; it largely depends on its completeness, design and construction as a whole. To date, there are a lot of options for finishing the ceiling. They are selected based on the preferences of the owners, the purpose of the premises and, of course, the cost. When the question of saving is acute, classic budget options for finishing are chosen - painting and whitewashing, or with expanded polystyrene plates. Suspended ceilings are relatively inexpensive, but also more practical and aesthetic. And, of course, when the question of the price of repairs is not so acute, the choice may fall on elite stretch ceilings.

Let's try to describe in detail each type of finish to help you choose the best option for you.

One of the most ancient, laborious and messy methods, requiring a perfectly flat ceiling surface with neat joints of ceiling tiles. Everyone remembers how much whitewash has to be washed off the floor and furniture after painting or whitewashing the ceiling. In addition, it is quite difficult to achieve a perfect uniform surface without streaks using a chalk solution or ceiling paint.

On the other hand, painting and whitewashing was and remains the most budgetary repair option. And it must be admitted that the qualitatively reconstructed painted ceiling looks quite neat and aesthetically pleasing. Plus, at your discretion, you can tint white with other shades.

It is less messy and time consuming than whitewashing, but just as inexpensive, especially along with suspension and tension systems. There are a huge variety of design options, from combinations of wallpapers of different patterns to their coloring in any color.

If you use special for the ceiling (ideally, liquid wallpaper), they will retain their original appearance for a long time. It is not recommended to use them in the bathroom or kitchen. In addition, the ceiling is unlikely to smooth out the unevenness of the ceiling, so the surface to be pasted should be as even as possible.

Pasting with expanded polystyrene plates

This finishing option is very similar to wallpapering, so we will not dwell on it for a long time. The only thing, unlike wallpaper, polystyrene ceiling tiles are able to resist moisture and smooth out small imperfections in the ceiling surface.

Plastic paneling

A good option for finishing the ceiling is PVC panels. They are durable, strong, soundproof and resistant to moisture and high temperatures. The latter allows them to be used with LED and halogen spotlights. PVC panels perfectly mask irregularities in the ceiling, pipes and wiring. All in all, it is a budget alternative to more expensive trim and false ceilings.

Plasterboard ceilings

This is a versatile and inexpensive false ceiling that allows you to bring all kinds of design ideas to life, hide any surface defects, unevenness, lighting, electrical wiring, etc.

Perhaps the only drawback of drywall is its fear of moisture, so it is not suitable for a bathroom. Otherwise, drywall is almost an ideal finishing material.


  • Sheathing of any, even untreated surface;
  • The ability to hide wiring, pipes, ceiling seams and other irregularities;
  • Getting an absolutely flat and smooth surface;
  • Creation of a multilevel ceiling;
  • Carrying out a built-in lighting system;
  • Excellent thermal insulation and the ability to maintain a microclimate in the room;
  • Security;
  • Heat resistance and incombustibility;
  • Low cost compared to stretch ceilings.

Unlike previous finishing methods, you will have to tinker with the installation of drywall panels - install the frame, mount the plates, carry out the subsequent decorative finishing. Depending on the unevenness of the ceiling and the volume of hidden wires and communications, you can lose 5-10 cm in height. On the other hand, these are minor drawbacks, since as a result you get a beautiful, inexpensive, perfectly flat ceiling of the design you like.

If you are interested in finishing plasterboard ceilings, be sure to read!

In addition to the aforementioned plasterboard ceilings, false ceilings can be made of fiberboard and MDF. These are durable, safe, moisture-resistant finishing coatings, of a huge color and textured variety.

MDF and fiberboard can imitate wood, tiles, untreated brickwork or natural stone. The surface of the slabs can be easily painted with enamel and oil paints, pasted over with foil, decorated with slats and other elements, thereby creating an imitation of beams. Such a false ceiling will allow you to create an “expensive ceiling effect” and embody many interesting design solutions.

Dropped ceilings

The most popular type of mid-range ceilings. A suspended ceiling is a construction when various finishing materials are fixed to a wooden or metal frame. With its help, you can easily hide all the flaws and irregularities of the ceiling, wiring and communications, you can carry out a climate ventilation system, install built-in lamps.


  • Cassette ceilings - durable, durable, moisture-resistant and fireproof steel or aluminum plates (cassettes), commonly used in public spaces - restaurants, hotels, offices, medical facilities, etc.
  • Armstrong-type ceilings are a budget finishing option that has become widespread, both for administrative premises and home rooms. These are easy-to-install, inexpensive, aesthetic slabs made of pressed mineral fibers, which have thermal insulation, fire resistance and increased light reflectivity, which allows you to save a lot on lighting.
  • Rack ceilings are a very durable, shockproof, moisture resistant and fireproof metal ceiling. It does not need scrupulous care, does not rot, does not accumulate dirt and dust.
  • Mirrored ceilings - allow you to create rich, spacious and stylish designs with lots of light and depth of space.

The last type of ceilings is elite modern fashionable stretch ceilings. In addition to the fact that this type of design looks very expensive and stylish, it is also a fairly practical way to decorate the ceiling.

  • Stretch ceilings create an absolutely perfect surface, hide the asymmetrical shapes of the room, cover all irregularities and communications;
  • Stretch ceilings hold a lot of weight, in case the neighbors decide to flood you;
  • The material does not allow moisture to pass through, which allows it to be used in all rooms without exception.
  • A very wide variety of designs - from the choice of color or texture (matte, glossy or satin) to photo printing, glitter, jewelry and more.

Unfortunately, the installation of stretch ceilings will not do without cons:

  • This is the most expensive type of finishing;
  • They can only be installed by professionals using special equipment (gas cannon);
  • The canvas is afraid of mechanical damage, sharp objects, it is easily punctured.

Stretch ceilings are not installed in cold rooms without heating or with temperatures below +5, they lose their technological properties.

Choosing a ceiling design depending on the room

Now you know the features of each type of finish and can make a choice.

But remember that the choice of material for finishing the ceiling is highly dependent on the place. You cannot wallpaper the ceiling in the bathroom, and hope that in a month the appearance of the ceiling will remain in its original form. Most likely, yours will go with divorces, if not peeled off at all.

In the living room

On the kitchen

- this is a place with constant vapors, temperature changes and special requirements for hygiene, therefore, the kitchen ceiling must be moisture resistant, fireproof, environmentally friendly and easy to clean. Whitewashing and painting the ceiling in the kitchen, as well as wallpapering are long gone due to their fragility. On such ceilings, stains and stains quickly appear, they crumble, peel off, and due to the large accumulation of steam they become an excellent breeding ground for fungi.

If there is a question of price, then it is better to use laminated polystyrene tiles or relatively inexpensive PVC panels.

For large irregularities, plaster, suspended or stretch ceilings will be the best solutions.

To the bathroom

The requirements are the same as for the kitchen. Due to the large amount of fumes, the risk of accumulation of fungi and pathogenic bacteria, the need for regular cleaning of surfaces, plasterboard ceilings, ceilings covered with wallpaper or finished with chipboard and fiberboard panels without special impregnation are completely unsuitable for the bathroom.

Few can boast of a large bathroom area, so suspended slatted and mirrored ceilings, which will expand the space, add more light and shine, are ideal options.

Plus, they are quite easy to care for, they are perfectly cleaned of stains and plaque.

A more expensive alternative is a stretch ceiling, which is also ideal for a bathroom.

Choosing a ceiling for your home

For Khrushchev

The small height of the ceilings in Khrushchev, unfortunately, is not a myth, but a harsh reality. Their maximum height is 2.40 m or even less if the floor was replaced and screed in the apartment. Naturally, in such conditions, it is quite difficult to install a suspended or stretch ceiling, which will steal 5-10 cm from an already small height.But it is still possible if the real surface of the ceiling does not have too large transitions, and the ceiling can be installed with minimal loss of space ...

For a modern new building

Unlike Khrushchev, choosing a ceiling for a new building is much easier. Here, the ceiling height is higher and the quality is newer, so you can choose almost any type of finish. It should only be borne in mind that within 2-3 years, the new building will shrink a little, which may affect the geometry of the premises. Therefore, finishing materials, especially for the ceiling, should be installed with some margin. All types of suspension and tensioning systems are ideal for new buildings.

For a private house

In a private house, the issue of thermal insulation is acute, therefore, the ceiling material should retain heat well in the house. Since the outer covering of the ceiling must also take into account the layer of insulation (from expanded clay, mineral wool or foam), it is best to use frame structures - suspended and stretch ceilings.

For suspended ceilings, a frame is first assembled for attaching an external ceiling (cassettes, drywall, etc.), and then a layer of insulation is laid in the space between the profiles. For stretch ceilings, on the contrary, first create a frame from bars for insulation, lay it, and only then stretch the outer canvas.

The choice of a light source and the correct arrangement of light determines which room you will end up with - small and dark, large but cold or warm and cozy.

Chandeliers and lamps

The classic lighting option is a chandelier in the center of the ceiling. Gives a lot of warm light, perfectly suits almost any type of interiors, gives the room an exquisite coziness.

Remember the mass of the lamp! It is not safe to mount a heavy chandelier on light drywall; it is better to mount it to the concrete base of the ceiling.

Unfortunately, this type of lighting is not very suitable for modern suspended and suspended ceilings, therefore, it is gradually being replaced by built-in lighting.


  • They allow you to create the necessary lighting around the perimeter of the entire ceiling and make a certain pattern out of it, if provided by the designer;
  • Easy to install fixtures and replace bulbs;
  • Security. Spotlights do not heat up the ceiling;
  • Rotary models allow you to change the direction of lighting as needed;
  • This is a relatively inexpensive way of lighting.

LED strips

LED strips are a very non-standard and non-trivial approach to room lighting. You can not only choose an unusual lighting color, but even create a real light show at home, thanks to dynamic light effects - smoothly changing colors, light music, waves, etc.

Modern trends in the design of ceilings

  1. Light neutral tones make the room more spacious, brighter, higher. If you decide to use patterns or bright colors, accent them in one small place so that the room does not become clumsy.
  2. Multilevel ceilings allow you to perfectly divide the space into zones. For example, a bulging section of the ceiling will perfectly concentrate attention on the bed in the bedroom.
  3. The glossy, mirrored and lacquered surface diffuses light, creating the effect of a 3-dimensional space.
  4. For a low room, a plain light plasterboard ceiling with LED strips along the edges is ideal. This illusion will visually raise the ceiling.
  5. The ceiling, sheathed with wood or wood-like clapboard, in conjunction with light furniture gives the interior naturalness, wealth and comfort.
  6. The glossy finish of the bathroom walls matches perfectly with the matte ceiling.
  7. The eternal question of repairs is to do it yourself or to provide work to professionals. In fact, many of the above methods for decorating the ceiling are not particularly difficult and may well be done independently. You can easily whitewash or paint the ceiling yourself, paste over it with wallpaper or expanded polystyrene plates. With a certain skill and the study of video tutorials, you can plant a plasterboard or MDF panel on the frame.

    The only type of ceiling, the installation of which is recommended to be entrusted to specialists, is a stretch ceiling. First, because it takes at least a little practice to install it. Secondly, because the canvas is stretched with the help of a special expensive gas cannon, which is not advisable for you to buy for one repair.

    We offer several video tutorials on decorating ceilings yourself, and you already decide how much these methods are within your power.