What roller paint wooden surfaces. What roller paint the ceiling - tool classification, prices and useful tips

If you decide to paint the ceiling yourself, then in this case the success will depend on several points at once. First, the quality and type of selected paint will play their role. Secondly, for a good result, your masraine skill is important. Thirdly, the design and roller type for painting will be of great importance for obtaining a high-quality ceiling coating.

The choice of roller is a responsible task, especially since modern manufacturers offer a lot of different versions of this tool.

Comfortable design

The roller device is sufficient: it consists of a light metal or plastic cylinder, which is put on a special coating (the so-called fur coat). A handle is attached to the cylinder, which can be of different lengths. This simple and time-tested design allows the roller to remain the most popular painting tool for applying paints of any type on the most different surfaces (except for figured). The tool is used to work with oil, reservoir, acrylic, acrylate and latex paints.

The universality of the instrument is also in the fact that with it can be applied glue, antiseptic, primer and other liquid mortars.

What is more convenient - roller or brush?

A paint brush has its advantages in repair work and remains an indispensable tool when painting a variety of surfaces. Using the brush allows us to paint the most hard-to-reach places, covering elements of any shape.

However, when it comes to the ceiling, which is a flat plane, the use of the brush is not appropriate: the roller provides a smoother coating, speeds up work, makes it simpler and more efficient. The performer is less tired and in general performs work on the color of the ceiling much faster.

Prices for rollers

Prices for painting brushes

paint brush

A brush can only come in handy if the ceiling is a curly design and it is necessary to high quality corners and hard-to-reach places.

What should be paid attention to when buying a roller?

There are several parameters to pay special attention when buying a roller; This refers to:

  • vault length;
  • fur coat material;
  • cylinder diameter;
  • rolling width;
  • pen length.

The type of coating and the length of the pile (if we are talking about darous materials) are especially important when choosing a roller.

What material is better?

If you paint the ceiling with waterproof paint (which is observed most often due to the suitable characteristics of this type of building material), it is preferable to choose a roller with a long pile. Such a tool has good absorbent properties and can provide a smooth surface and a dense proscure. A short pile absorbs less solution, as a result, it turns out this is not such a dense layer, which makes the performer more often to dip a paint roller.

However, with all the advantages of a long pile roller, such a tool does not give a perfectly smooth surface, so it is worth using it for the lower layers. The final layer is better to perform a new roller with a medium pile length.

Poropolone and velor rollers have their shortcomings when painting the ceiling: the foam rubbing absorbs a small amount of paint, it makes it uncomfortable. Velor can leave air bubbles.

Table number 1. Types of rollers in accordance with the type of coating material.

Type of roller coating materialDignitydisadvantages
SheepskinNatural wool is suitable for any surface and any type of paint. Allows you to get smooth coating, it makes a fairly thick layer (you will need to apply two layers of paint).High price. Big weight of the product (hand tired faster). Loss of Village.
Nylon plushLightweight tool. Gives high-quality, smooth coating. Lower cost compared to sheepskin roller.Divorces may remain. Requires certain skills when used.
PorolonAllows saving paint. Suitable for many paint options (water-olive, oil, acrylic). Easy by weight (hand does not get tired). Great for oil paint.It does not always give a perfectly smooth surface, there are often divorces. Provides the application of too thin layer of paint. Requires experience. Briefly. Not suitable for paint based on synthetic resins.
Durable. Resistant to paint. Not deformed when working.High price.
Decorative skarIt gives a beautiful pattern, the unique surface of the ceiling. Used for final coating.The roller is designed exclusively for creating a decorative surface. Has a high cost.

Valik size

The ceiling area can be very significant, so the use of a small diameter roller and a minor cylinder width may be inappropriate. Therefore, it is usually recommended to purchase a large roller size. There is one "but" here: such a paint tool may be heavy. Consider work for a long time, holding a weight roller. And after absorbing paint becomes even harder. Therefore, we recommend preferred to the average roller (up to 30 cm in width), which is more convenient to use, since it is easier to keep on weight.

Prices for acrylic paint

acrylic paint

Another point is the form of the ceiling. It can be figured, multistage. Such a form is difficult to cry with the help of a large roller - you will need a medium-sized tool. Perhaps arsenal will have to add small rollers and painting brushes of different sizes.

Paint roller type VP (1 - roller; 2 - bracket; 3 - pen)

Modern manufacturers offer the most advanced roller designs: you can find in the construction goods of rollers with a special telescopic handle (advanced), as well as tools designed specifically for painting the ceiling and having a special bodied (tray) to flow out paint surplus.

Also, in order to save savings, manufacturers offer customers replaceable elements to roller handles. This is a reasonable choice, because the roller handle serves much longer than the skin itself, and buying replaceable skins, we save on a metal-based tool.

Video - Choosing a painting roller: species, sizes, features

How to choose a high-quality tool?

In order not to make a mistake with the quality of the tool, test the roller right in the store. So you can protect yourself from acquiring poor-quality things. Of course, the price is already talking about many. A more expensive roller will serve longer, will provide a more smooth painting, whereas an inexpensive tool may be short-lived and will require more time and effort to create an attractive ceiling coating.

The necessary actions are shown below.

Try to check how strong the tool you choose. Squeeze the roller himself: will he deform? If so, it is better to pay attention to another model.

Look how efficiently the roller is made. If seam is allocated on the coat, then such and the tool will not be able to provide high-quality coating on the surface of the ceiling (traces may remain).

If you choose a roller with a long pile, try to just twist it for the pile and understand how much the material itself is strong. Is there no vain in your hand? If yes, this is a reason for doubt. Perhaps you should pay attention to a more expensive option.

Instructions for coloring the ceiling with roller

The process of staining the ceiling with a roller does not constitute anything difficult, you only need to use high-quality materials and act in accordance with the instructions.

"Slip" from plywood for roller

Table number 2. How to paint the ceiling with a roller.

Steps, illustrationDescription of action

Prepare a surface. Remove the layers of old paint. You may need to wash the ceiling with special means and wait for a complete burden. Also, if necessary, the ceiling is aligned (with a putty) and sealing cracks.

Remove plates of mold (if any). Process surface with special antiseptic agents. Wait for graze.

Apply a primer. This stage will improve the quality of the surface and extend its life.

Prepare paint (dilute it or simply mix depending on the manufacturer's recommendations - look for them on the package). Mixing is best carried out with a drill equipped with a special mixer nozzle.

Prepare tray for rolling paint roll (or fragment of old wallpaper, linoleum, boxes).

To dip the roller in the paint. It is recommended to completely lower the roller in the paint, so that the entire working surface of the instrument is commercially.

Roll out the roller on the tray (or piece of wallpaper). It is not recommended to roll it on the ceiling, since this can lead to the appearance of spots and uneven painting.

Paint the ceiling site. In order not to be noticeable irregularities and joints on the borders of the plots, it is necessary to paint the ceiling in one right.

It is recommended to perform smooth movements when painted, it is not necessary to rush and act too sharply, as it will have an impact on the quality of painting - the layer may look in an inhomogeneous. In order to achieve surface homogeneity, it is required to perform a minimum of recovered movements.

It is not recommended to take breaks. You can not sneak the drying layer, it is better to perform another full painting.

If there are influx, it is recommended to remove them with a dry sponge. Wait for complete drying. Apply paint another layer.

Painting the ceiling is carried out in two layers (this is minimum, 3-4 layers are recommended). To transition to the next layer, it is necessary to wait until the bottom layer is completely dry. It is recommended to install a heater in the room to accelerate the process.

The direction of painting the second and subsequent layers should be perpendicular to the underlying layer.

For painting corners, as well as decorative items you will need a brush.

The final layer is necessarily applied in the direction from the window.

Video - Painting Ceiling Roller

The quality of the future coverage depends not only on the used paint materials (LKM), but also on the characteristics of painting tools selected for their application. Properly chosen roller does not just guarantee an excellent result: it is capable of raising the productivity of the work and ensure their comfortable execution.

Characteristics of painting rolics

The roller consists of three main parts: handles, metal rod and rotating roller. From the type of handle tool depends on the comfort of the wizard during the execution of work. The quality of the rod affects reliability. The rotating roller consists of two elements - sleeves with a core and a fur coat (plush). Plush is the most important element, since it determines the quality of the future coating.

When choosing a painting tool, professionals are oriented into several characteristics:

  • plush material;
  • rolling width;
  • vault length;
  • kernel diameter;
  • the presence of lining;
  • diameter of the hole under the ugue;

When staining with coarse and rough surfaces, as well as angles, the excellent result will provide rollers with a long pile. Smooth, smooth layer of paintwork and lack of splashing guarantees a plush with a short pile. For stringing deep irregularities, use rollers with lining.

The material from which the painting roller coat is made, is responsible for working with certain types of LKM. Plush for high-quality, professional rollers are made of, polyamide, microfiber, nylon, velor and filta. Also distinguished foam (polyurethane foam) rollers as with a flock coating, and without.

Choosing a painting roller on the type of LKM

To obtain high-quality coverage, it is necessary to accommodively approach the selection of painting material. The role of the main criterion when choosing a plush is given by the type of LKM. Consider the most optimal combinations.

Water-based paints

In working with water-based paints with the highest quality material today is polyamide. This synthetic fiber is obtained as a result of oil refining. It is characterized by high strength, does not stick out when paint rolls up, it takes well, holds and gives the LKM. However, it is easily cleaned, which significantly increases the service life of the roller.

In the Professional Painting Tools catalog, these rollers are represented by two rules Multicolor and Expert.

Multicolor polyamide plush rollers are distinguished by very good absorption and impact of paint, which increases productivity. At the factory, the fur coat is washed within an hour at a certain temperature of water in a special car. Thanks to the pre-wet processing, the roller will not bother. However, before starting work, we still advise him to moisten it.

Polyamide Multicolor Polyamide

Multicolor polyamide rollers are combined with all types of water-based paints designed for staining facades and walls. To work with varnishes, use painting tools from this line with a short pile.

Professional painting tools from the EXPERT line are recognized by professionals among the best when working with a water-based LKM. They are made of solid polyamide fiber "endless thread". When painting, the pile is not separated and does not fall on the surface being processed, which makes it possible to achieve excellent quality of the coating.

Storch Roller Polyamide Expert, Infinite Thread

Expert rollers are ideal for drawing dispersion, latex, silicate paints, silicone colored resins. Painting tools from this short pile line are good in working with acrylic / polyurethane varnishes on a water basis, as well as with alkyd varnishes where it is not necessary for the perfectly smooth finish surface.

Solvent-based LKM

The most optimal option for working with varnishes and solvent-based paints is rollers with a spoke of genuine sheep wool (velor). This material is not afraid of aggressive chemical compounds.

Velik Storch Velik

Professional stork rollers from velor do not contain synthetic impurities, so their shelf life is much larger than that of ordinary painting tools. A short pile allows you to qualitatively apply the finishing coating on a smooth surface. Rollers out of 100% sheep wool - the perfect option for working with alkyd varnishes.

Impregnations, primers and antiseptics

To apply these materials, StORCH recommends using paint rollers from microfiber (microtonic twisted threads). They absorb the maximum amount of material, hold perfectly and transfer it to the surface with a smooth thin layer, without forming splashes. Plush from the microfiber does not leave a pile, it is easy to clean and resistant to wear.

Roller Storch Microfibra

These rollers perfectly showed themselves in working with impregnation, antiseptics, primers and other liquid LKM.

Dense lkm.

Two-component varnishes and paints and thick LKMs are best to apply nylon rollers. Plush from nylon infinite threads perfectly absorbs materials with a high viscosity coefficient and allows you to achieve high quality staining by uniform distribution.

Roller Storch Nylon

Professional Storch rollers from nylon are additionally subjected to stabilization and seal, which improves their painting characteristics and provides excellent quality of future coating.

Water based lacquer and solvent-based

To work with various types of varnishes, Storch offers to choose one of four professional painting tools.

Polyurethane foam SUPERFEIN roller is a new word in surface vanishing. From other foam painting tools, it is distinguished by a supermodule structure and the highest density. The result is perfectly smooth wildlife coating.

Storch Polyurethane Foam Superfein

Vibrant coating also provide professional Softform Pro painting rollers. They are produced from a fine-sized dense foam rubber, therefore they are distinguished by high absorbability and uniform recycling of the material. Provided perfect vapor without bands allow special cone-shaped excavations made with tool ends. Thanks to them, when rolling, from the edges of the roller, the minimum amount of varnish and the finish surface is obtained unprecedented smooth and uniform.

Storch Polyurethane Foam Roller With Soft Form Pro

The SoftForm Flock Coating Roller is made of high density polyurethane foam and is characterized by a fine-resistant structure, which allows it in comparison with other painting tools, it is much more efficient to absorb and give varnish. In turn, the flock vesinks do not allow the formation of bubbles. As a result, you get an absolutely smooth coating without a single defect.

Roller Storch Polyurethan with Flock Coating and Soft Form End Recesses

Separately, it is possible to distinguish an innovative monofilament plush from polyester, which is ideal for all types of varnishes: and water-based and solvent-based. It has a good covering ability and leaves no vors. Filtt rollers have proven themselves in working with thick paints and a new generation LCM.

Storch Polyester Filt

The choice of roller depending on the type of surface and its area.

  • To apply the LKM to smooth surfaces, use rollers with a short pile. They do not splash the material well absorb and evenly give it to the surface. The exact length of the pile depends on what result you intend to achieve. For perfect smoothness, such as varnishing, choose rollers with a pile length up to 5 mm. If the perfectly smooth result is not so important, then the pile is suitable up to 12mm
  • A uniform string of rough and coarse surfaces will provide painting tools with a long pile, optimally from 12 to 18 mm. Thanks to the long ducts and irregularities, the material is filled with material without pressing and re-applying it. It increases productivity and saves LKM.
  • The first-class scacing of embossed (very coarse) surfaces can be achieved using rollers with a lining having a pile length from 18 mm and more. At easy pressing, the pile is tightly adjacent to the surface being processed, filling the paint deepest depressions. The lining is located under a painting coat and completely skeins the sleeve, while not absorbing the paint material so as not to lose weight when working.
  • Especially for storing the corners in Storm developed roller with a specific plush shape. A painting fur coat with a long pile as it were "crawling" from the edges on the sleeve. As a result, we can comfortably paint the corners.
  • Cancelly paint the complex corner surfaces allows a special professional storch roller for corners. It is characterized by a round narrow shape and a long pile. The paint tool is distinguished by high absorbability and good recycling of the material, and most importantly allows you to quickly and comfortably cry out the angular places. A quick and qualitative result when painting large areas will achieve painting rollers with an increased diameter of the XL kernel. With their help, the Master covers more surfaces in comparison with conventional tools. Due to the increased size, they absorb more paint, which prolongs the time of continuous staining and has a positive effect on performance..
  • Mini rollers are indispensable when working with small surfaces. They are ideal for tinted and refinement. In terms of painting, the painting rollers of small sizes are not inferior to full-size tools. With their help, it is convenient to paint the slopes, decorative elements and other small sections.

When choosing a painting tool, also pay attention to the roller mounting system to the telescopic extension, the structure of the core and the ugly. We read about these features in the design of the rollers in one of the following articles.

Work using a telescopic STORCH extension with Lock-IT fixation system

Storch has tremendous experience in the development and creation of painting tools of a new generation aimed at solving all sorts of tasks. In the range of more than 40 items of professional rollers made of high-quality materials. Our painting tools are faithful and reliable assistants, allowing to achieve first-class staining of the surfaces of any type with any LKM.

You can get acquainted with all the range of StORCH rollers, and you can buy them on the site (online store) of the company -

Select the right plush more convenient and faster in the booklet table. Open the booklet developed by the company STORCH, by reference

Painting is one of the simplest ways to update the ceiling surface. Such a simple, but very effective home repairs is available to almost everyone who knows how to keep the roller in the hands and the can with paint. However, sometimes there are multiple pitfalls for the obvious elementality of a process, and the final result directly depends on how you overcome this barrier. What roller paint the ceiling? A simple and difficult question simultaneously, the price to which is your satisfaction from the work done. We offer the most useful tips on choosing and some secrets of painting.

From which the choice depends

"Do not think about the tools down" - Periprase by the order of the quotes of the quotation from a well-known song here, as if it is impossible. Most people who have settled repairs are very frivolously approaches the choice of the necessary toolkit. Especially when it comes to painting. Here, the whole philistine fantasy comes down to acquiring the first roller in the construction store.

Well still, if before buying a person he will hold him in his hands, checking on the convenience of grip. However, often and this moment is safely soluble in a hurry desire to procure everything necessary and start-up (finish) repairs.

  • type of surfaces of the surface;
  • the quality of the paint used;
  • the nature of the prepared surface.

The perfect type of surface for uniform staining it with roller - plasterboard. It perfectly absorbs any kind of paint, stably keeping the selected color. True, in front of the immediate painting it will be worth it to walk throughout the ceiling surface of the primer based on acrylic, which will slightly reduce the inductance of the cardboard sheet. And in this article you can get acquainted in more detail with the peculiarities of the painting of the ceiling by water-level paint.

Most often, the ceilings are painted with water-emulsion or water-dispersion paint, which brilliantly retains the color, is not afraid of moisture and is generally absolute safe for humans.

Depending on the type of ingredients used, it can be acrylic, silicate, latex. The answer to the question of which roller is better to use for painting the ceiling, in each individual case will be directly dependent on the choice of paint type. Thus, water-dispersion paint is great for staining plastered surfaces, which means that the tool we will pick up, taking into account this fact.

In addition, the choice of roller also affects the overall quality of the prepared surface. How ready she is to staining? Are all cracks chosen? What are the gaps between sheets, if we are talking about Ceilings from GLC? What primer was used to finish the ceiling surface? All this is only a small part of the questions, knowledge of answers to which allows you to properly decide on the instrument in each individual case.

What rollers are there

Trying to decompose all the rollers presented on sale on the shelves - the more adventure. The fact is that a variety of criteria can act as a starting point for classification. Starting from the type of coat used and ending the size of the drum. All this ultimately affects not only the speed of performance, but also on the convenience of it. Let's try to systematize the accumulated experience and consistently go through each of them.

Handle size

As a rule, in the rollers of domestic production, this indicator fluctuates within 30-50 centimeters . Experts note that these sizes allow you to confidently keep the roller in your hands and exercise a uniform painting. If the task is to paint individual elements, and not the ceiling as a whole, then you can choose a roller and with a smaller handle - 15 centimeters . As a rule, the manufacturer of such products are foreign companies.

An excellent option is a tool with replaceable handles, one of which is short, and the other is the opposite, long. Such a roller can be successfully used to perform a number of completely different tasks.

Baraban size

Standard drum size in modern rollers - from 20 to 40 centimeters . Of course, you can always find options both less and more, but universal such tools will not be called in any way, since they are not too comfortable for general painting and are more suitable for use in solving a local task associated with the coloring of visible decorative ceiling surface elements. .

Baraban design

The drum can be attached on the body of the roller both on the one hand and on the other. For all items, the first option is preferable, since it allows you to change the drum coat over time, making a tool suitable for solving other tasks.

A double-sided design, alas, significantly limits your "user interface" and change the fur coat you can not.

Type of fur coat

Probably one of the most important indicators that should be taken into account by defining with the tool.

  • fur;
  • foam;
  • polyacryl;
  • polyamide.

The advantage of the fur coat is in paint saving and its uniform distribution over the entire surface. Natural fibers used for the manufacture of such fur coats have reference absorbability, but easily pressed during painting. Of course, the final ease of use is correlated by the length of the pile.

A longer pile allows you to absorb more paint and apply a much thicker and solid layer. It uses durable and thick thread. In rollers with a short either medium pile thread, much thinner, and the surface of the ceiling after roller processing will be covered with a thin and uniform paint layer.

And now relate the received information with what you want to see the ceiling surface in the end - and accept the right decision.

The foam rollers are best used when you pursue the goal to create some kind of texture, relief on the ceiling. They are perfectly "friends" with oil paint having the most dense high-quality structure.

As for polyacryl and polyamide rollers for painting, the main sphere of their use is decorative work. To emphasize some kinda item on the ceiling, refresh the color mood, diversify the fragment - it is such a roller and should be used to paint the ceiling if your goal lies in this plane.

Current prices for ceiling rollers

The most popular rollers for painting ceilings and their cost is reflected in our table.

Name Price per pc.
Creek from artificial fur assembly with handle 250mm Sibrth 80114 93 rubles
Roller from natural fur 200mm Sibrth 80128 53 rubles
Foam roller with structural handle, Matrix Master, 80221 288 rubles
Polyacryl roller Fit mini 02693 102 ruble
Roller with plastic handle, 250 mm, pile 18 mm, D 40 mm, Matrix 80887 128 rubles
Roller Anza Platinum Antex 250/38 mm 580025 379 rubles

  1. avoid using rollers with a plastic handle - as a rule, it does not differ in particular strength and does not withstand increased pressure;
  2. sophisticated embossed patterns can be issued by velor roller - for this you need to perform intermittent and sharp movements during painting;
  3. also, for decorative design, the ceiling surface can be used by special rollers with already finished patterns on the surface of the drum;
  4. making a purchase of a roller in the store, buy several replaceable elements immediately - this will allow you to save time later, when the roller comes into disrepair and you will rapidly pick a handle or a fur coat under the undeformed parts;
  5. ceiling painting rollers are often equipped with a special capacity, which is fixed on the tool axis - it is where all the surplus paint flocks, which makes it possible to make the process of painting as convenient and indispensable.


Taking a decision, which roller paint the ceiling, think first of all about how to save on the purchase of a suitable tool, but about the convenience of future repair work. Still, the case that is performed easily and freely, with pleasure, has much more chances to end with such a result that will bring this satisfaction, and not negative polar emotions. To some extent, the choice of roller is a trifle, especially if we compare with the selection of paint to design the ceiling, but it is precisely one of these smallest things that the general result is in the success of which you are interested in most. Is not it?

Today there is a huge selection of a wide variety of paint tools on the walls, ceilings or other elements of the house, but the painful roller is particularly popular. On modern Ranke is offered a fairly wide selection of rollers, which differ in both externally and technical characteristics, as they need to stop their choice.


Roller for painting works is the most important tool for malaria. In addition to the fact that it is convenient, it can also be praised for the relative speed of the performance of various tasks on painting, and at a price it is quite accessible. It consists of a roller and bohels (handles). In turn, the rollers can be divided into monolithic and collapsible, also there are options with studs, bearings and frames.

Main types of painting rollers

So, before it is a crime to the choice of roller, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir views. For example, domestic instruments are marked with letters, the first letter B, which indicates the word "roller", the second letter, denotes the material from which its fur coat is made, and the third letter is the area where it is used.

Import rollers are divided into:

  • Mini-rollers (in most cases they are used to dye corners and other hard-to-reach places).
  • Midi-rollers (the most common view among the painters).
  • Special rollers (used for painting structural materials, aggressive and wavy surfaces).

According to the material "fur coat" rollers are divided into:

  • Polyamide (Peron)
  • Polyacryl Polyacryl Roller (Kanecaron, Modakril, Meryl).
  • Natural fur materials.
  • West, yellow ward, foam rubber, polyester.

Classification of rollers and areas of their application

Palloon roller porolon

They are used in the process of working with varnishes, primers and water-dispersive paints. Due to the structure of the foam rubber, in the process of painting, air bubbles are formed, which burst out, create an uneven surface.

Roller raner velor

Used when applied emulsions and oil paints. With it, you can evenly paint any surface, without frequent dipping in the paint.

Roller raner fur

Thanks to natural fur, the rollers are evenly applied to the paint to the surface, and they are also more durable than artificial. Such tools are divided, depending on the length of the pile. It is worth remembering that the longer the pile, the better the procration of rough and uneven surfaces will be. These rollers are ideal for enhancing enamels and oil paints. It is also worth remembering that before work with such a tool, it is desirable to wet in advance in order to reduce the stiffness of the pile.

Fact roller or painter roller with drawing

Such rollers can be with a variety of textures, for example, in the form of holes, patterns, and so on. They are ideal for creating a variety of decorative effects, most often used with texture finishing materials.

Frame painting rollers

The main differences from the rest is that their "fur coat" dresses not to the cylinder, but on a special frame, which is made of plastic or wire. Such tools are fairly cheap. They are ideal for working with intricate interiors.

Roller for wallpaper

To apply glue on the wallpaper, it is necessary to use the foam roller painter, the price of which is relatively low. In order to smooth out the wallpaper, the rubber is suitable, and in order to engage in painting wallpapers, the instrument with a medium long pile will be the ideal option.

Facade rollers

They are rollers with a layer of intermediate packing, due to which a slow slip and lack of splashing paint can be achieved.

Basic rules for choosing painting rollers

When choosing a painting roller, it is unnecessary to look at its appearance, as well as not to listen to the advice of sellers who need to just get rid of the ridiculous goods. So how to choose the best paint roller?

  1. First of all, you need to pay your attention to its weight. Today, sold tools that cannot be kept over two minutes overhead. Only professionals will be clarified. But if, when buying, any doubts arise, then it is also necessary to take into account the fact that in the course of work it is soaked in paint, due to which it will be even harder.
  2. The color of "fur coats" must be made in bright colors, since a dark pile may, after a time to politic. And if the "fur coat" is made of poor-quality materials, then the pile can fall out and remain on the painted surfaces, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.
  3. It is best to stop your choice on those painting rollers that do not have seams. In the process of applying paint, such tools will leave traces, removing which, you will need to apply a plurality of layers.
  4. In the process of this choice, it is also necessary to check how convenient handle. Taking him in hand, the feeling should appear that all fingers lie in their place.

Before starting to turn your apartment or a house to the real palace, it is necessary to pay due time and attention to the choice of roller, since any work should bring pleasure, especially if it concerns the repair of own residential premises.

Flat surfaces of a large area are conveniently painted using a hand tool - roller. The products are a plastic or wooden cylinder, which recorded the fur coat from a certain material. In the cylinder there is a pass-through hole in which the handle is inserted.

The modern building market offers a huge amount of painting rollers of various types and sizes. Products are distinguished by materials from which the fur coat is made. To choose the right tool correctly, you need to know some subtleties.

The cheapest option is the rollers for painting with a fur coat of foam rubber. With their help, you can apply water-based paints. The tool can be used for the priming and sticking wallpaper. As for the emulsion compositions, this roller will not fit. Poropolone products are not recommended for staining the ceiling, because the applied layer will be uneven. The only advantage of the foam roller is low cost. Of the disadvantages, it is possible to note the formation of a large amount of spray during operation and a short life.

Fur rollers can be used with any kind of paint. Products do not absorb too much, so do not splash during work. Due to this feature, the layer is uniform and without bubbles. In addition, fur options fill the paint small cracks, chips and other recesses. The only drawback is the property of the material from the fur coat. This is especially true of cheap products that leave a plurality of fibers on the painted surface.

Roller with fur coat

Vellar in quality coloring is not inferior to fur, and in terms of uniformity of the layer even exceed them. The surface painted by such a tool after drying becomes perfect smooth. But at the same time use the velor product is recommended only to experienced masters, which know all the subtleties of working with such a type of tool. This fur coat is perfect for lacquer coatings.

A native roller for painting walls is used in cases where the speed of work is a fundamental factor. In terms of indicators, the product is practically no different from the two previous species, but it costs a little cheaper. When working with such a tool, it is not necessary to spend too quickly on the wall so as not to spat everything around the paint. It should be noted that a good embossed pattern on the fur coat is imprinted on the walls.

Polyamide roller is used to paint any type, including materials that contain synthetic solvents or conventional water. Polyamide absorbs well and gives paint, it is easy to clean it after use. In addition, this material is resistant to different aggressive environments, so last time. The length of the pile and texture allow not only painting the surface, but also mask small defects and create a relief coating.

The color of the walls and the ceiling can be carried out by means of a roller with polyacryl coat. It is recommended to use the tool only with water-based paints, since components from other materials may be premature to spoil the fur coat. Polyacryl is a cheap analogue of polyamide, and the quality of the material is noticeably worse. The rollers are suitable for staining smooth surfaces or coatings with small defects.

Another inexpensive tool based on synthetic fibers is a roller with a coat of polyester. The product quickly fails, but it costs cheaply, so it is recommended to buy it for one-time work.

Vallekov size

There are types of rollers for painting surfaces that differ in dimensions. In this case, only the dimensions of the cylinder itself are taken into account, and the handle may be any. For this feature, the tools are:

  • Mini. In this case, we are talking about a cylinder with a diameter of no more than 9 cm and a maximum of 15 cm. Most often, the product is used to finish hard-to-reach surfaces or coatings with a small area.
  • Midi. The diameter remains the same - 9 cm, and the height is slightly more - up to 20 cm. Such tools are considered universal and recommended for finishing at home. With their help, you can quickly paint the walls in the fact that the rollers themselves weigh a little.
  • Maxi. How it is clear from the name, such products are distinguished by large dimensions. Their length reaches 30 cm, and the diameter is 8 cm. This type of roller refers to a professional tool, so the cost is appropriate. Most often, the product is used for facade works.

Some masters immediately buy a maxi size roller to speed up the indoor finish, but this is not the best solution. The fact is that such a tool absorbs a significant amount of paint, so it becomes very difficult. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner walls is not enough, which is to transfer all the absorbable paint to the surface, and the tool will remain heavy throughout the work. It is better not to hurry, but to paint all the Midi and mini rollers.

For staining outside, on the contrary, it is not recommended to use the first two options. The fact is that their diameters are greater than that of Maxi, so the paint is better sprayed, because of which it is impossible to work quickly. Outside the paint dries very quickly, so the speed of its application is very important.

On this basis, the tools are divided into the following groups:

  1. For internal work. Present small light products.
  2. Facade. They have a large size and equipped with a bearing that stops the roller at too much speed.
  3. Textual. Can be made of various materials: rubber, plastic, metal, fur, and so on. With it, it creates relief drawings when using decorative plasters.
  4. Clamps. These are rubber products, with the help of which glue compositions are applied to the surface and remove air bubbles from under wallpaper.
  5. Needle. Used for perforation of drywall and remove old wallpaper.
  6. Pilencated. Used for decorative painting without the use of the stencil. To date, such a tool is almost impossible.

Features of the choice of roller for walls and ceiling

Now about what roller is better to paint the walls. It is better to choose medium rollers, with a large handle handle. The length of the pile and the fur coat material depend only on the type of paint used, but as such does not play. If you need high quality coverage, it is recommended to purchase a roller with a coat from velor. If ordinary cosmetic repairs are planned, and the tool is no longer useful, it is better to purchase a foam roller.

As for the staining of the ceiling, then in this case it is better to buy a product with a short and medium in size to handle. The length of the pile should be medium so that the roller can absorb the working material, but did not splash it. Additionally, it is necessary to purchase a special raner tray or prepare a sheet of material that does not absorb the coloring composition. The fact is that the paint can not roll over the surface of the ceiling, therefore, these products are needed.

Now the question of how to paint the wall or ceiling, will not arise. When selecting the tool, follow the recommendations above. Remember that excessive savings can lead to poor quality surfaces and need to redo work.