If a leather product has broken what to do. How to restore a torn leather jacket at home

07.02.2018 3 6 487 views

The leather jacket has become part of each person's wardrobe. These things love for durability, practicality. At the same time, they emphasize the individual style. But sometimes there are mistakes and clothing rushes. Consider how to make a leather jacket at home?

Specialists will cope with this task. But it is not always possible to contact the studio. If the hostess does not have a minimum experience, the patch will not be so neat. In this case, the process will give knowledge that can be used for other products. It is not very difficult to stick the skin on the jacket, if you step by step algorithm and exercise caution, any person will cope.

Why can the skin on the jacket?

The oversight occurs for various reasons - the hook for a nail, an inackering of his hand in his pocket. The most common types of damage are considered:

  • bursting a piece of leather;
  • the gap in the form of an angle.

Based on this, the methods of fixing things are distinguished. Qualitative result will be able to consider these factors.

What tools and means are needed to repair?

The following tools will be required:

  • toothpick;
  • a piece of skin for patchwork and substrate (you can apply the old glove);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • hammer or heavy subject;
  • brush;
  • paint;
  • solvent for degreasing.

If the gap occurred in the form of an angle, the fabric often remains on the jacket. With full pulling, you need to choose a small piece with a similar texture, thick and the same in size. If you manage to save the detached material - the task is simplified.

In the absence of suede and skin, you can apply dense fabric. It should be noted that it will be harder to glue it.

To glue the skin superclaim and certain types of "moment" is not worth it, since when frozen, they become solid. It is best to apply its classic option (rubber, for shoes), as it has the necessary ductility after drying.

How to stick a hole on a leather jacket?

Step-by-step algorithm of the fact of the stuff do it yourself:

  1. Glue the piping inside the product so that the torn area is available from the inside.
  2. Find an area where you can slightly resort the material and get to the hole.
  3. Cut a piece of glove, glue inside to break, put a heavy item on top. Color for the Loskutka can be chosen any, as it will be noticeable.
  4. After drying the patch, you need to handle the front side. It is desirable to pick up a hue of the jacket, but you can apply paint. Skin piece shape must be identical. For a better result, pour a small amount of glue and pull the edges.
  5. Wait to complete drying, apply paint for the skin for a pip.
  6. Sew lining.

Liquid skin can also be treated. Thanks to this method, it will be almost not visible. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut a piece from a medical bandage slightly larger than the hole than the hole (for several mm).
  2. On the front of the damage to apply liquid skin with a spatula, hurt the bandage. It will be necessary to pull the whole, causing a means in a small amount.
  3. Wait 10 minutes, after making one more layer.
  4. Hold 3 hours before drying. After this period, the cut will be inconspicuous.

Artificial leather things are revealed in similar ways. At the same time, it is necessary to approach the selection of glue. "Superclones" is not suitable for dermatina, since new damage is risking due to squeezing the surface. It is best to apply a fliseline tape.

Step by step algorithm:

  • attach a web inside the jacket;
  • in the upper part put a gauze bandage;
  • treat iron.

Because of the pair, the phlizelin is spreads, glued to the material. A patch is formed, which is almost impossible to see.

Rule corner

Often, when clinging the nail and harsh trimming the hand is formed. You can very carefully take the break so that it will not be noticeable to anyone. The process should pass on a thoroughly illuminated surface. It is important that free space remains enough. Step by step algorithm of actions, if a leather jacket broke through:

  1. Remove the thing inside out, carefully examine the lining. Find the area where the outer seam is.
  2. After pouring and fingers find a hole inside the product.
  3. For a good consolidation of the patch, to conduct a solvent degreasing procedure.
  4. Prepare a piece of leather or suede a few cm more holes.
  5. Apply glue to the inside around the cut and on the patch.
  6. Wait until complete drying (about 20 minutes).
  7. Repeat action again.
  8. Attach a piece of leather to the area with the called "Moment", press.
  9. Turn over the front surface, pull the edges of the section as close as possible, use toothpick for lubrication with glue.
  10. Align part of the jacket with a patch over the table surface, put a heavy item from above, wait 24 hours.
  11. Apply paint after complete drying "moment".
  12. Sew lining with maximum accuracy.

If everything is done according to the algorithm and carefully, it will no longer be breaking in this area.

It is important to check that glue is good dry to apply the next layer. Otherwise, the quality of the connection will be much worse.

Out of a whole piece

Select a torn leather jacket in the following method:

  1. Caution with the help of a tweezers, insert a broken piece in the hole and attach a tape.
  2. Remove the thing to the involve region, get to the rupture with your fingers, pre-triggering the firmware outwards on the sleeve. Put the jacket on the illuminated surface of the table, apply a solvent for degreasing solvent.
  3. Loskutoks to attach not to the junction, but on a piece of leather.
  4. While the glue is not drying, it is possible to move the cloth. Remove the thing carefully, remove the scotch. Correct the patch with your hands, grip strongly, wait until drying.
  5. Repair lining.

To sew material, it is better to use a special needle for leather things. When using a standard needle and sewing machine, there is a risk of damage to the device and the object of clothing. Excess glue It is necessary to remove a dry napkin - to wet is prohibited, as this can lead to the fact that additional seams will disperse, it will be necessary to apply another layer. In this case, the thing will look inactively.

Leather products are not accidentally popular. They have a stylish appearance, but need constant care. Sometimes there is such a trouble in the life of the owners of leather products when the favorite thing gets serious damage.

Help to return her the former look can only know how to repair a leather jacket at home. Although there is a simpler option - use the services of the studio to repair clothes, but not everyone he is on his pocket.

And if we are talking about a simple defect, it is possible to eliminate it without difficulty and independently. To do this, it will be necessary to allocate some time and exactly follow the recommendations below. So you, saving a certain amount of money, give the product to the second life.

Elimination of gaps

Most often, this type of damage appears on leather products. The jacket can break if you are on your own inattention fell behind a bad clogged carnation, an iron fence or another sharp object and on the arrival of home notice unknown from where the ugly peeve appeared on things.

But if the defect is small on your leather, then you can easily eliminate it Forces. This will help you with a step-by-step instruction, from which you learn how to repair a leather jacket or leatherette if the corner is groaning.

  • First of all, unscrew the jacket inside out. On the sleeve where damage arisen, find a stroke seam and spawned it very carefully. The easiest way to do it on a clean, smooth and well-lit surface. Therefore, we advise immediately decide where you will be engaged in the repair of your leather. Position the jacket on the working surface so that you feel comfortable, shove your hand into the rice hole and click the break from the wrong side.
  • We advise you to process the torn plot with a special solvent, which is used for degreasing.
  • After that, you need to prepare a tissue patch or skin segment. When determining its dimensions, proceed from the fact that the patch should be 1-2 cm to be greater area of \u200b\u200bdamage on each side.
  • Glue designed to work with the skin, apply on the wrong side of the patch, as well as to the area around the rupture, using a cotton wand or brush. Do not apply the composition for a damaged area, otherwise the patch will be glued unevenly. After you apply glue, wait until it dry. Usually it takes about 25 minutes, and then apply the second layer.
  • How carefully glue one side of the break so that in the appearance of the jacket it was difficult to guess about the presence of damage. Align the corners among themselves, and then stick the patch on the cut. As much as possible, press the damage to the place of damage. Try to do everything so that the joint is turned out to be smaller as possible: it depends on how much the seam will be noticeable.
  • Next, we can only consolidate the result and check the quality of work. For this, the jacket is turned and bend in place of damage. If the location of the edges dutched, take a thin brush and process the edges of the damage to the thin layer of glue. Then combine them and press them as stronger with your fingers so that they are securely connected.
  • Position the jacket on the table as much as possible, put the cargo on the plot with a break. It can be a can with conservation or several heavy books. Give me a jacket in this form during the day.
  • A day later, apply a layer of special cream paint to the gluing line. It must be done to disguise the seam and give the surface is uniform color.
  • After that, you need to sew lining and you can rejoice in a qualitatively performed job.

Liquid holes

An equally common problem with which many owners of leather and leather jackets are facing, are holes that any owner of such a thing can be repaired.

We advise you to immediately take action as soon as you discovered the escaped area on the clothes. It is necessary creap the plaster from the wrong side. If you get it with it, the damage will become even more, and then you will not be able to repair the clothes and return her former appearance.

To fasten a hole on a jacket with a plaster is necessary to avoid the subsequent spreading of the material. First of all, it is worth thinking about it to the owners who are outside the house and do not have the opportunity to do the repair. Fix this defect is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the algorithm below, and then your jacket will look like new.

The first thing you can do is sew the resulting damage. Although not everyone knows how to peel to sew correctly, with all the radicality, this method often becomes the only one in the situation when the hole is quite large. To glue the escaped skin area does not always succeed. Therefore, we advise you to immediately begin to prepare for the repair, for which you need threads, a suitable patch and machine.

  1. At first, you will have to spread the lining, but at the beginning the jacket must be turned inside out. How can you carefully cut the edges of the hole. So it will be easier for you to pick up the suitable sizes, and after repair, the damaged area will look carefully. The patch is best to do from the material having the same texture and color as your jacket. If you take into account all these nuances, the jacket will look again like a new one, and the place where the hole arose will be very difficult to distinguish.
  2. For repair, you will have to cook two patch: the first can be made of any material, since you will be sewed from the inside, and the second must be performed only from the skin suitable to your jacket, as it will fascinate on the outside.
  3. Special attention is paid to the size - it must be 1-2 cm more of the place of the cut on each side. Align the prepared leather flaps with the place of damage, and then enter them. It is best to use a fixed needle for self-contained, specially designed to work with leather things. You should not neglect this recommendation, otherwise you risk spoiling not only a jacket, but also damage the sewing machine.

If you do not have a sewing machine or a hole has a small size, then it can be fixed by stuck. This is a fairly conservative way that does not require special knowledge or materials from you.

To figure out how to make a leather jacket at home, everyone can.

This way will help you. quickly and efficiently restore A damaged jacket, without resorting to expensive services of the workshop for the repair of clothing.

Refine collar

Eliminate damage on this part of the leather product using any of the above methods.

Especially I would like to dwell on the repair of the collar of the jacket, which deteriorated as a result of long-term socks and late cleaning. Each leather owner knows that various contamination is formed on the skin.

Among them, a rather frequent problem is the collateral toolness, due to which the latter quickly loses its original appearance. But this defect can easily eliminate on its own and return the jacket to the former purity, if you know how at home to fix the leather jacket. In order to cope with this task, you will need aviation gasoline and special paint For skin.

At first it is necessary to treat all the plots with signs of casualization with gasoline and give it to dry. Such a procedure should be done 2-3 times. Gradually, you will notice that fat stains disappear, its familiar color is returned to the collar. But note that after such a processing, traces will definitely be left, to eliminate which will have to additionally apply the paint of the corresponding tone jacket.

To perform this operation you a special sponge will be requiredwhich paint is applied to one layer, looking at each centimeter of the surface of the collar. To achieve the best result, we advise you instead of paint to handle a protective gloss collar.

Before you use this method, be sure to test it On a small skin. If everything went well, you can move to the restoration of the entire collar. So you can avoid damage and you will be sure that after your actions, the product will not deteriorate completely.

Repair with liquid skin

Regularly facing defects of leather products, owners have to invent all new ways that allow the effort to restore clothing at a minimum of efforts.

One of the proven and modern ways is the repair of a leather jacket with liquid skin. If you master all the subtleties of this procedure, then in the future you can easily eliminate many types of damage.

This product was able to become popular due to ease of use and high availability. It is important that the set of liquid skin is presented in stores. in a wide assortmentWhat makes it possible to choose the goods at an affordable price to each owner. Do not everyone know how to make liquid skin at home, however, this option also finds great use.

Before you start repairing the jacket, it must be prepared. The complex of basic measures involves cleaning the surface of the product from contamination, degreasing and drying.

Elimination of through cuts

Liquid leather is a great way to eliminate small cuts. If end-to-end cuts were formed on the leather product, then at first you need from the inside to secure the patch at the place of damage. The remedy will be applied to it.

This operation will also allow you to avoid hole deformation during drying. Please note that the flaps are made of the same skin as your jacket, or at least from Dublerin. After gluing the patch apply to it in two layers of liquid skin, And the excess surplus carefully remove the dry sponge.

Elimination of cuts with uneven edges

Liquid skin can be used to eliminate cuts with uneven edges. The procedure for repairing a leather jacket with such damage is not distinguished by complexity. First of all, you need to gently fill the edges with a special knife or acute blade.

As a rule, manufacturers of similar compositions for leather repair indicate the necessary time on the package.

Usually after 10 minutes, the damage is well polymerized. However, before you can take advantage of your favorite thing, must pass at least 8 hours. If you unsuccessfully picked up the color of the composition, then simply remove it without waiting for drying, ordinary sponge.

Many of our compatriots wear leather jackets. These products were able to win high popularity due to their stylish appearance. But over time, they begin to lose it because of various damage. But it is not worth upset about this. Many defects can easily eliminate yourself. In most cases, they do not even have to spend money on the purchase of specialized means for repairing the leather product.

All you need is to find a suitable instrument on the repair of the skin with your own hands and follow its algorithm. If you already have experience in fixing any things, for example, down jacket, then you will probably easily close and damage on the leather jacket.

ATTENTION, only today!

Products from natural materials are valued for their beauty and consumer qualities. Leather jacket is no exception. However, you need to know how to care for it, and in the case of the loss of integrity, return the former look at it. Of course, to remove the hole on the skin is not the easiest way of restoration, but sometimes without it can not do. One thing remains to be stuck. At home, a leather jacket, like any other product, can be easily fixed independently. To do this, you will need a pair of hands, a little imagination, patience and free time.

Materials for work

In our age glue any two surfaces - this is not a problem. Therefore, at home, as well as a suede or dermatino, with the help of glue is also possible. As adhesives, the "moment", waterproof PVA or niphite. All of them have properties, without which the repair would be impossible:

  • rapid drying of the layer;
  • plastic;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures;
  • viscosity;
  • resistance to the effects of fats and water.

In order to connect leather surfaces, most often use glue from Henkel. The famous "moment" can be found almost in any store, but you need to choose the one whose tube is written "universal" or "for shoes".

The second most popular is the waterproof PVA glue. In addition, it perfectly seizes the surfaces of the dragging niphite glue, and the liquid skin allows you to work with a layer for half of twenty minutes.

When "moment" is useful

You can repair a leather jacket if it broke. The restoration of the lost skin fragment is effectively carried out using the "moment" for shoes - rubber glue. It has excellent plasticity, and when operating the product, the adhesive layer will be naturally stretched and shred together with the base. Also useful to stock:

  • Solvent. It is necessary to degrease the surface treated surfaces.
  • Leather or suede patch.
  • Small chopsticks (matches), toothpicks.
  • Tassel.
  • Paint for leather.
  • Scissors.
  • Little ship or hammer.

The restoration process itself is completely simple. However, it requires compliance with some sequence. What you need to do if the leather jacket broke:

Work with liquid skin

It is very convenient to work with this material, because it is a polymer substance on an alcohol basis. By structure, something resembles glue. However, it should be used carefully so that the products are neat.

Under certain conditions in operation, the polymer layer is fully connected with a restored surface and becomes indistinguishable from it.

The polymer mass is also conveniently used in the event that the damage to the leather layer is insignificant, for example, in the case of a cut. To eliminate it, the following materials are needed:

  • Small spatula. It should be on the area not more than 1 cm 2. You can make it from an old credit card or plastic bottle.
  • Bandage medical. It will take a small flaskwork from it.
  • Jars with liquid skin. If the proceedable product has a complex shade, it is possible to mix multiple polymer colors.

A small part is cut from the bandage corresponding to the size of the cut. With the help of a spatula on the surface of the jacket, a little liquid skin is applied. It is worth noting that the polymer should be signed precisely on damaged edges. It is necessary to do it carefully, the surplus can be removed by the usual sponge for washing dishes.

Then the glued and dry bandage is completely covered with a thin layer of polymer. After drying, the resulting surface will be almost indistinguishable from the outer layer of the jacket. The time of complete drying of the layer is about three hours.

There is another method of eliminating cuts. However, it can be applied in the case when the hole was already formed on the product. To do this, you will have to use a leather or suede patch. It is glued on the inside of the jacket, the plots in the right place is the lining. Then, from the wrong side, a layer of liquid leather is applied to the gluke. They give him to dry completely, and then apply another one. As a result, scratch will be completely eliminated.

Repair of things from leatherette

Along with product products from genuine leather, similar products from leatherette are widely represented on the market. However, the artificial leather is not distinguished by durability and can crack themselves over time, and just break. It is as easy to repair it, like the hole on the leather jacket. With the only difference that the usual rubber "moment", and any other glue here can not do. It can damage the fragile surface of the material and bring the product even in a more deploy state.

Therefore, as an alternative to glue for dermal products, it is customary to use a flieslin ribbon, which sticks to the layer under the action of heat. To eliminate holes, cracks or scratches, iron and the following materials will be required:

  • flizelin-based tape;
  • liquid skin;
  • cotton Fabric Laces or Normal Medical Bandage.

The lining material of the jacket is unpacked in the desired place along the seam. Having access to the hovering layer of Dermatin, the phlizelin patch is applied to it, and a layer of tissue is added on top. The hot iron stroke the cloth together with the phlizelin, which is connected to this with the dermal basis. On the front side of the jacket, the piping must be sealing with liquid skin into two layers. Each such a layer must be sinking separately.

How to sew a jacket

With our own hands, the leather product can be repaired not only with the help of adhesive compositions, but also with a thread with a needle. This method is suitable for those people who can and know how to work with a sewing machine. So, it will take for work:

  • glue;
  • leather and tissue patchwork;
  • needle for leather;
  • threads in tone jacket.

If the jacket broke through, then in order for the edge of the holes, it is even more, you need to glue a piece of the plaster on the wrong side. He will close the destroying edges and will not give them sprawling.

Then, if the damage is significant and used to repair the combination of glue with liquid skin is inappropriate, you need to get a sewing machine, prepare a leather patch in tone jacket.

Skin flap should in shape fit the rupture area, but be a little more. Patch is applied on the machine directly on the front side of the product or with an inside. In the first case, it is recommended to use the Zigzag seam, and in the second - the "line".

In some situations it is worth "beat" the patch so that it becomes a kind of decoration of the product. To enhance this effect, you can cut another hole in the skin and sew it as well as the first hole.

About how to put a patch on a bologna jacket read
About how to put a patch on a bologna jacket read

Of course, the repair of the leather jacket is quite painstaking, but in this process there is nothing that you could not do. Without minimal experience in how to stick a leather jacket, your patch can, and it will look a little less neat than in the studio, but a self-tapping will not only save money, but also gives knowledge that you can use for the repair of other skin products .


For both ways to fix the jacket with their own hands you will not need anything special: skin for patchwork and for substrate, glue and toothpick.

  • If a piece of leather is cut down an angle, then the material for the patch is usually remained in place. If the piece is pulled completely, you will have to pick up a small piece of similar thickness and textures equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe resulting hole, if, of course, the slice has not been preserved.
  • For the substrate you can use not only the skin and suede, but also a dense fabric, although the latter is glued worse.
  • To take a leather jacket with any glue: super-glue and some "moments" variations are hardening when frozen. Use the classic "moment": it has sufficient plasticity after drying.

Method 1

The first method of sticking the jacket with their own hands is more suitable, if you need to repair the gap to the angle, however, it will need to add a small piece of scotch to the tools.

  • In order to fix the jacket at home, we need access to the rupture not only with the facial, but also from the wrong side, which means that it is necessary to break the integrity of the lining. It is possible to take it on the seam at any convenient place, but it is best to do it along the sleeves in the place where the factory external seam is.
  • So, for beginnings, we fix the break from the front side with the help of a tape so that the escape piece is put back as carefully.

Very sticky tape can leave tracks after removal, so glue it to your hand until the gap gluing is to loosen it a little.

  • Now from the inside we glue the patch of fabric, leather or suede according to the glue instructions. It is important to decompose the material as soon as possible so that the folds are not formed at the time of the gluing. Despite the fact that when gluing the "moment", an effort is important, and not the time of pressing, put the load on the already missed area to avoid deformation and smooth the site. By the way, the patch must at least 1 cm go out of the edges of the break to completely close the hole.
  • When the patch is completely dried, remove the tape and apply glue through the junction of the dotty section. The glue takes quite a bit: everything is excess to be removed with a rag before drying.
  • The last stage of the repair of the jacket with their own hands will be tinted with a patchwork with liquid skin, special paint or at least conventional skin cream to the tone of the product.

Method 2.

You can repair the jacket with your own hands and with the help of another tactics: first to take a hole from the inside, and then take it on the front side. The second method is more suitable for repairing a jacket with a completely eliminated piece of leather.

  • In advance, ensure access to the discontinuity from the inside, as in the first way.
  • Stick the patch from the inside the same way as in the first way, pressing the place of breaking with something heavy.
  • After complete drying of the inner patch, make repairs from the front side, gluing the outer piece of the skin. The most difficult stage will cut a piece of skin, as much as possible on the outlines of the hole. It is important that a piece should not go beyond the edges of the break, but at the same time the places in which the edges are loosely died, it will be possible to fill in a small amount of glue.

The inner patch can be of any color, and even for the facial bookmark you can use a piece of another color if you will paint it with paint or liquid skin. But if you are going to use only the cream, then the color of the external patchwork should be selected as much as possible on the color of the jacket.

  • When the external patch dried, you can start painting a renovated area.

These methods differ only on the sequence of actions and will have the same accurate result, if approaching the repair process with patience and accuracy, which will make the place of patchwork with almost imperceptible. And yes, do not forget to sew the lining!

How to make a leather jacket at home? Leather products belong to the popular wardrobe subject in many people. And all because they are comfortable in wearing and care. But despite this, there are cases when a cut appears in leather things . As a result, the question is brewing: how to fix the hole on the jacket? There are many ways to eliminate the problem: putting out clothes in the workshop or repair a leather jacket with your own hands. The last method does not require special repair skills, you only need to adhere to performing actions.

In most cases, people seek help with a cut in various places of the product. The holes arise in a number of reasons, the most common of them if the skin clinched at a sharp object when performing any action.

The resulting gap can be seen without leaving traces. Such actions should be carried out in a well-lit and ventilated room.

However, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules used in the repair of clothing:

  1. Initially, the leather jacket turns inside out - it is necessary to inspect damage. Next you need to find outdoor seam .
  2. When it is discovered, it is desirable to sew a leather jacket, but before it should be found a torn part on the inside.
  3. The patch is placed on top of the cut. So that it does not disappear, this place is necessary to treat the solvent.
  4. Prepare a larger leather flaps. The difference must be a few centimeters.
  5. Glue is applied on the inner side. It is also processed by the flaps.
  6. The next stage is the waiting for the drying of glue, a total of 20 minutes can take 20 minutes.
  7. Previous actions are done twice so that the result is more efficient - glue the case of the cut.
  8. After the drying of the adhesive base is completed, it is necessary to put the flaps on top of it and press a little - it will speed up the ripping .
  9. Next, deploy a jacket on the front side. We glue the smashed corners of the jacket with your own hands. You can speed up the process when using toothpick, the edges of which will be lubricated by glue.
  10. The glued place must be pressed by a heavy item. In such a state, it should hold out for about a day until it does not dry.
  11. When finite dried, noticeable corners of the jacket can be masked by the corresponding paint.
  12. Seel carefully lining .

Attention! No need to worry that cracks will appear again. This is not happening if the recommendations were followed.

Consider a leather jacket is not so simple, but you can do it. The only thing that is required is to follow the instructions. With the right execution of all items, the repaired thing will become suitable for further use.

How to make a leather jacket with your own hands? Liquid leather is used in the presence of some damage in a product - more often used during cuts. Such a means can hide pronounced defects if clothes are bullied.

To make the intended, you need to have certain things at hand:
  • ordinary bandage;
  • medium sized spatula. It can be made independently from an unsuitable card - a small strip is cut, the end of which should be sharp.
Repair of the leather jacket involves a specific step-by-step algorithm:
  1. It is necessary to prepare the flaps carved from the medical bandage. Its sizes should be a little more than the hole itself .
  2. What to do , if the thing has broken not on the seam? On the front side, glue the liquid skin, which is applied using a spatula. After the prepared scaffolding of the bandage is superimposed. The latter must fit tightly to the place where the skin was broken. . If necessary, the process can be accelerated if the bandage is lubricated with liquid skin.
  3. Then you need to wait a bit until the place of the bonding substances dry. It may be needed for about 10 minutes. Next, glue another strip of liquid skin.
  4. Remove the product aside until it fails. After 3 hours, there will not be a noticeable glued place.

Attention! When complying with the main stages of the rowing, the bonding area will remain invisible.

We repair things from the leatherette in the same way, just need to choose the right glue. The best assistant in this issue will be the use of flizelin ribbon. It is the most subtle material, and therefore it will be removed much faster to remove unevenness.

How to sew a jacket such a tape? Surride holes quickly, without making special efforts by the rules.

For such a case, there is a detailed description of the process, to find out which in the attached instruction:
  1. Put the material closer to the inside to easier to interact with the seam .
  2. Place a piece of gauze on it.
  3. Ingue this place with an iron.

Attention! Hot couple will contribute to the rapid gluing parts of the clothing. Ultimately, the patch should not break back again.