Organizer made of plastic pipes. What can be made from PVC pipes - from furniture to jewelry

From plastic pipes with your own hands.

Organizers - convenient devices for storing small items

Even without special skills, you can easily make such useful crafts from plastic pipes with your own hands. They'll even get into it completely short trims of different diameters. To work you will need a sharp knife and glue.

The drawing shows how to cut off one edge of a piece of pipe in order to then make a convenient organizer for writing things or bathroom accessories. It is only important to try to ensure that the angles are the same everywhere.

Then the workpieces are cut into a flat surface: a stand or a wall. If desired, you can paint the organizers or put a design or ornament on them. Or you can even paste photographs of the most pleasant moments of life.

Using this algorithm, you can make other crafts from plastic pipes with your own hands: a creative shoe rack, a sock holder, a wine rack. And if the cuts are made strictly horizontally, you will get beautiful flowerpots or flower vases.

Designer find - a chair made from scraps of propylene pipes

A good owner will never lose anything. With a reasonable approach, every little thing will go into action, and through the efforts of a patient craftsman, amazing crafts from plastic pipes can be obtained. You can easily make a luxurious chair with your own hands using the same knife and glue.

In this case, pipe sections are cut to arbitrary lengths according to large quantities. It is only important to maintain the same dimensions of the longest supporting pieces.

Then the segments are glued along their length. The longest supporting pieces should be located at the same distance from each other. For the armrests, the sections are prepared higher than those that make up the seat. And for the back you will need even longer ones.

All that's left to do is sew it beautiful pillows and fill them with padding polyester or cover the foam rubber parts of upholstered furniture with fabric.

Stool made from scraps of polypropylene pipes

They say that the goal is cunning in invention. This is the absolute truth! Only a thrifty person can invent something similar - create amazing crafts from polypropylene pipes left over after repairs or construction, that is, practically from garbage. This means that, with his wise approach to life, he will never be naked.

For a stylish stool you will need thin pieces of pipe of different lengths. Before work, you should make paper patterns according to the drawings. Pipes with asymmetrical bevels on both sides are cut along them and glued together along their length. The last trim is the support one, it will serve as a leg. Therefore, it is the longest and has a horizontal lower cut.

When all four side parts are assembled, they are held together with corner trims. The bottom is assembled from short pieces with a horizontal cut at the top. The stool can be painted any color, or it can be left white - it all depends on the preferences of the master.

Fencing a flower bed or sandbox

Using the same algorithm as chairs and stools are made, you can build other necessary things. It will be practically

Plastic pipes make excellent original fencing for summer cottage or in the yard country house. Moreover, you can use even the shortest cuttings of various lengths and thicknesses. They are fastened together along the length in the form of a miniature fence and dug around a flower bed or sandbox

You can use glue to make such a creative fence. It will be even more interesting if the scraps are tied with wire, imitating a wattle fence.

Children's Corner

If you use your imagination, you can create interesting crafts made of polypropylene pipes that will delight your beloved children. Cool stands for laptops and easels, canopies over a crib and frames playhouses Easily assembled using fittings and tees.

You can strengthen the joints with additional glue, and cover the product with paint and varnish. You can also decorate the top of the craft with stickers or ornaments.

Greenhouse for a summer cottage

It is difficult to list all the DIY plastic crafts created by visionary craftsmen. But not to mention such a necessary and useful structure as a greenhouse is the height of imprudence.

To build, you need to fence off the designated area with boards or bricks and dig pins around the perimeter. Their diameter should be slightly smaller than the pipes used.

Now you can start designing. Therefore, the next step will be to secure the pipe sections on pins in the form of arches. To do this, first the ends of the pipes are put on the racks on both sides. Then you can additionally attach the pipe from below with a strip of tin to the perimeter of the fence.

You can add rigidity to the structure using several pipes, which should be placed perpendicular to the arches. The intersections are tied crosswise with wire or strong twine.

Now all that remains is to stretch the film over the structure - and the greenhouse is almost ready.

Coffee table with figured legs. Master Class

Crafts made from plastic pipes (PVC) are amazing design work. For example, the original glass table top and bent legs will become a real landmark of the home.

Of course, first of all, you should carefully think through, calculate and draw out all the details of the future model of a craft made from plastic pipes. It’s not difficult to make drawings with your own hands if the master has skills in this regard. Otherwise, you can use a ready-made one, which is offered here. Dimensions are taken arbitrarily.

The legs of this table are arched. To add rigidity to a pipe, you need to reinforce it. Strong wire is suitable for these purposes. The master draws out the life-size shape of one arch on his workbench and lays the first section of pipe with a rod inside. Then he gives the arch the required form. The same should be done with the second segment. Although you can use a cardboard template to give the desired shape.

Then the shape of the arch-holder on which the tabletop will lie is drawn on the table. It is also appropriate to use a template here. The holders are made according to the algorithm described above.

It is best to connect the legs to the tabletop holders using tees. For greater fixation, you can coat the joints with glue or cement. The structure, assembled from scraps of PVC pipes, is painted in desired color. The glass can be glued to the holders to prevent it from slipping. Although it would be quite appropriate in this model.

In general, you can make many other useful and beautiful things from pieces of polypropylene pipes, you just have to think carefully and apply your manual labor skills and diligence.

August 1, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Plastic pipes are an excellent material from which you can assemble not only pipelines, but also all kinds of crafts. Moreover, working with them is quite easy and simple, not to mention that this procedure is very exciting. As an example in this article I will give the 10 most interesting ideas use of plastic pipes.

Features of making crafts from plastic pipes

In the hands of a master, plastic pipes and fittings (angles and tees) turn into a real construction set from which you can assemble any frame structures. The only thing you need to pay some attention to is the choice of pipes. For example, metal-plastic is not suitable for these purposes, as its bending strength is very low.

Therefore, it is best to use the following types of pipes:

Before gluing the PVC pipe to the fitting, you need to chamfer it to get rid of burrs that could scrape off the glue during the process of joining the parts.

Homemade options

Option 1: Laptop stand

Let's start with the simplest, but nevertheless very useful product - a laptop stand. In the photo below we see how to make a stand from PVC pipes.

So, the instructions for making it are quite simple:

  1. First of all, measure your laptop so that the stand fits it perfectly;
  2. then cut the tubes according to the obtained dimensions:
    • The 2 tubes should be approximately 5cm longer than the depth of the laptop;
    • 1 tube should be 2-3 cm shorter than the width of the laptop;
    • 2 short tubes – the height of the stand depends on their length;
  1. now glue the corners to the two long tubes and connect them with the short tubes, resulting in 2 L-shaped parts;
  2. after that, glue the corners to the short tubes and connect the parts with the longest tube, which should be perpendicular;
  3. then glue the corners to the two ends of the L-shaped parts, which will serve as limiters so that the laptop does not move off the stand;
  4. At the end of the work, the product can be painted in any color you like with spray paint.

Now it will be more convenient for you to work with your laptop, and you can also place it on the bed or sofa and it will not overheat.

Option 2: sled for children

Sleds made of plastic pipes are a more complex design, however, they are made in almost the same way as a laptop stand. That's why Every skilled person can cope with the task.

To make a sleigh you will need following materials:

  • two pipes with a diameter of 40 mm;
  • tips for pipes 40 mm;
  • pipes with a diameter of 25 mm;
  • tees and angles at 90 and 45 degrees for pipes with a diameter of 25 mm.

The sled is made as follows:

  1. start work by preparing a drawing. Use any sled in the photo above as the basis for the design. The main task of the drawing is to indicate the dimensions of all parts, which will simplify and speed up further work;
  2. Next, make runners from magpie pipes. To do this, mark the places where they bend with a pencil and heat them over an open fire, rotating the pipe along its axis. When the plastic softens, the ends should be bent so that the runners slide easily through the snow and do not bury themselves.
    It is advisable to bend the runners not only in front, but also in the back. After this, you need to put plugs on the finished runners;
  3. Now you need to assemble the upper part of the sleigh, i.e. frame to which the seat will be attached. The frame must have racks for connection to the runners.
    This design is a rectangle with stiffeners in the form of jumpers. To install jumpers and racks, use tees;
  4. if he goes sledding Small child, also be sure to do the back. To do this, use short pieces of tubes and 45-degree angles;
  5. when the frame is ready, you need to connect it with the runners. To do this, install it on the skids and make markings, indicating the holes into which the racks will be inserted;
  6. now drill holes of the required diameter so that the racks can fit into them;
  7. after that, connect the runners to the posts by inserting them into the holes until they stop. To fix the racks in the runners, use self-tapping screws;

  1. To complete the work you need to make a seat. For this you can use wooden slats, which are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws or planks.

This completes the sled making process.

Option 3: rack

Another simple and quite useful design for household use is a rack. It can be useful in the garage, for storing all kinds of small items, in the country house, or even in the apartment to conveniently arrange canned food in the pantry.

The process of making a rack is extremely simple:

  1. start work by making a drawing, indicating the dimensions of all parts;
  2. then, according to the drawing, assemble the racks and connect them with jumpers using tees;
  3. now install the rack and place boards on the lintels that will serve as shelves;
  4. If the rack turns out to be high, you need to provide brackets for attaching the structure to the wall.

Option 4: Snowshoes

We figured out how sleds for children are made, now we’ll look at how to make snowshoes with your own hands from plastic pipes for adults. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • 2 pipes with a diameter of 20-30 mm, one and a half meters long;
  • nylon cord 4-5 mm thick – 40-50 meters;
  • elastic band for fixing the foot.

The process for making snowshoes is as follows:

  1. cut a piece 200 mm long from each tube;
  2. on long workpieces, apply a mark in the middle and heat them in this place over an open fire, for example, over a gas burner;

  1. when the plastic softens, you should bend the pipes around a cylindrical object, for example, you can use a kettle for this purpose. Wherein during the bending process, do not apply much force, it is better to heat the workpiece again so that it does not crack;
  2. Heat the resulting sock again and give it an angle of approximately 120-130 degrees. Do the same with the ends of the pipes;

  1. Now both ends of the pipe should be connected. To connect pipes, you can use self-tapping screws;
  2. after this, sand the frame of the snowshoes so that the surface is rough;

  1. Now you need to weave a mesh of nylon cord on the frame. You can connect the nodes according to the diagram above.

While making the net, you need to tie a jumper to the snowshoes. When the product is ready, tie the elastic bands to secure the snowshoes to the leg.

The size of snowshoes depends on the size of your feet. With a foot size of 42, a snowshoe with a length of about 60 cm and a width of about 25 cm is sufficient.

Option 5: catamaran

For lovers of active recreation in nature, we can recommend doing homemade catamaran from plastic pipes. This design is based on large-diameter external sewer pipes. Their length should be about two meters.

Manufacturing process of this product looks like that:

  1. place the three pipes at the same distance from each other and connect them with pipes of smaller diameter, using clamps or other fasteners. Distance between two extreme sewer pipes should be about one and a half meters;
  2. then glue plugs on both sides of the pipes. To reduce the resistance of the floats, “bend” them at the front using 45-degree corners;
  3. on the base of the tubes connecting the floats, lay a wooden shield that will serve as a deck;
  4. A seat, which can be made from boards, should be secured to the shield.

At this point the catamaran is ready. This floating device is perfect for fishermen, as well as just lovers of walking on the water.

To steer the catamaran, use the oars from the kayak. Of course, if you wish, you can develop and implement a more complex design with pedal-driven blades.

Option 6: tent

The tent is made according to the same principle as all other structures - it is based on pipes and fittings. The only thing is that the parts do not need to be glued or soldered to make the product collapsible. Another feature is that you will have to sew an awning, for example, from tarpaulin or other suitable fabric.

The design manufacturing process looks like this:

  1. To make it easier to work, draw a drawing indicating the dimensions of all parts and the location of fittings. The design of the tent is quite simple - the base is a rectangle, to which four posts are attached at the corners.
    The roof is attached to the posts on top. If the roof is gable, then to assemble it you will need 45 degree fittings;

  1. after that, cut the tubes into pieces of the required length;
  2. Now, from the received parts and fittings, assemble the frame according to the drawing;
  3. Next you need to make an awning. To do this, cut the material into sheets for each side of the tent, as well as the roof, and then sew them;
  4. Now put the resulting awning on the tent to make sure that the job is done correctly.

For the tent, use high-quality fittings so that they hold the pipes firmly and do not crack.

Option 7: making a velomobile

For those who like to design and invent, we can recommend making a velomobile. Is it true, Please note that for its manufacture you will need stronger pipes than for the products described above.

An excellent solution is PVC pipes with metal reinforcement with a diameter of 1/4 inch. However, it is almost impossible to find such material on the domestic market. It can be replaced with 40 mm uPVC pipes intended for swimming pools, although their disadvantage is the high price of the fittings.

In addition, you can use ordinary polypropylene reinforced pipes, into which metal tubes of suitable diameter are inserted. Another option to increase the strength of pipes is to fill them with foam.

The process of making a velomobile frame is not complicated. The structure is assembled according to the same principle as all other products - the tubes are connected using fittings and thus the frame is assembled.

The most difficult thing when performing this task is to securely fasten the metal parts - the wheel axles and the drive. To do this, use metal plates that can be secured to the frame with bolts. To screw the bolt into the pipe, use bushings that are glued into place.

As for the mechanical part, all parts are used from the bicycle. The only thing is that you can use the electric motor, as shown in the photo above. In this case, an electric drive is installed on one rear wheel, and a mechanical drive on the second.

To implement a mechanical drive, an axle with bends in the form of pedals should be placed in front, as in the photo below. This axis, in turn, transmits torque to the sprocket, and then everything is like a regular bicycle.

Here, in fact, are all the main nuances of making a velomobile. You will probably find solutions to other design problems yourself.

Option 8: zherlitsa

If you love fishing and experiment with different gear, then you will probably be interested in this idea of ​​​​using a plastic pipe, which is to make a summer girder. To do this, you will need a piece of sewer pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of 10 cm, as well as a fishing line, hook and sinker.

The vent is made from a plastic pipe as follows:

  1. remove the edges from both ends of the workpiece;
  2. then drill a hole with a diameter of about 5 mm, stepping back from the edge of about 1.5 cm. This hole will be used as a line stopper;
  3. now drill from the opposite side of the workpiece through hole, i.e. there should be two holes in the tube opposite each other;
  4. Now you need to equip the workpiece. To do this, tie a suspension of fishing line to two opposite holes (for hanging the girder). The suspension should end with a noose loop;
  5. Now tie the fishing line to one hole and wrap it around the tube. 10 meters will be enough;
  6. You need to put a sliding sinker on the end of the fishing line, and also attach a tee hook;
  7. To fix the fishing line in the working position, put a tight rubber ring on the workpiece.

Now the gear is ready, all that remains is to prepare the bait and go to the nearest suitable body of water to test it in action.

Option 9: folding chair

If previous version If you liked the use of a plastic pipe, then a folding one will probably also come in handy. Moreover, it is produced extremely simply and quickly:

  1. from tubes and corners, assemble a rectangle with dimensions of approximately 40x30 cm; if desired, you can make the chair even more compact;
  2. now assemble a second similar rectangle. Its height should be the same, and its width a few centimeters smaller so that it can fit tightly into the first rectangle;
  3. now drill holes opposite each other in the center of the long sides of each rectangle;
  4. then connect both parts using bolts;
  5. To finish the job, sew on a rag seat, as in the photo above.

As a result, you have a light and compact chair that can even be put in a backpack.

Option 10: waterfall for children

As you know, children love to splash in the water on hot summer days. Therefore, if you have a summer house, do not deny them this pleasure and make a waterfall.

The design of this device is extremely simple. It is a U-shaped frame. In the crossbar of this frame from below you need to drill small holes through which streams of water will fall down.

To ensure that the crossbar stands firmly on the ground, attach the legs from below, perpendicular to the frame, as shown in the photo above. Attach a hose connection or threaded fitting to one of the legs. Install plugs on the remaining ends of the legs.

Now the waterfall is ready, all that remains is to connect the water to it. For these purposes you can use a tank from summer shower or install a special container where the water will be heated under the sun.


From plastic pipes, as we found out, you can make many interesting and useful crafts. We have considered only 10 options for their use as an example. However, if you stretch your imagination a little, you will probably discover a lot of other, no less interesting ideas.

From the video in this article you can get more information about how sleds are made from plastic pipes. If some points are not entirely clear to you, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

August 1, 2016

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Very often situations arise in which it is necessary to solve the problem of drying clothes. Today we’ll talk about the problem in small summer cottages or during outdoor recreation. In these cases, very often you have to face the fact that it is impossible to place a stationary dryer due to lack of free space.

In such cases, portable dryers come to the rescue. You can buy them ready-made, or you can make them yourself, which will be much cheaper and more interesting. One option for making a portable clothes dryer is using PVC plastic pipes. This unique material, which can be used not only for assembling plumbing systems, but also for arranging various furniture items.

Let's talk about pipes

On the Internet you can find quite a lot of products that can be made from plastic material. If we talk about a summer cottage, then such design options as all kinds of shelves, folding chairs, dryers and even greenhouse frames are possible. This is not the entire list for the manufacture of which PVC pipes can be used.

Even a children's highchair can be made from plastic pipes

The question often arises: is it possible to make similar products from polypropylene pipes? Of course yes. But there are some nuances. Firstly, the products will have grey colour, and secondly, to connect them you will need a soldering iron.

But I still want to point out the advantages PVC pipes:

  • products made from them have a beautiful aesthetic color;
  • simple and convenient to connect, like a Lego set;
  • If you do not use glue for joining, you will get a collapsible structure, which is very convenient for transportation.

Propylene material does not have such features.

If the goal is to make a strong single structure, then glue is used to connect the elements.

Features of working with PVC pipes

Adhesive for PVC pipes

In the manufacture of any product, accurate measurements and correct cutting of the plastic are required. Otherwise, we can only talk about a pitiful semblance of furniture.

So that the result of the work pleases and lasts for a long time, you must adhere to some rules when working with pipes:

  • measure the required length of pipe using a tape measure and mark it with a marker;
  • make a small incision in the marked place using a knife;
  • Next, carefully fixing the pipe in a vice, we cut the pipe using a hacksaw.

A pipe cutter for plastic pipes is also used for this operation.

Pipe cutter for plastic pipes

In order for connections to be made easily, the cut should be made at a right angle.

Then sand the cut to prevent chips or nicks.

If a curved part is required, then smooth lines are achieved by heating the material using gas burner, then give it the desired shape with your hands and leave it for a while to harden.

If the household does not have a gas burner, then heating can be done over a regular gas stove.

Clothes dryer - step by step instructions

You can choose the shape of the dryer at will

Let's look at how to make a portable clothes dryer from plastic pipes with your own hands. Appearance The dryer being manufactured resembles an easel. To make it you will need:

  • pieces of plastic pipe of different lengths;
  • two connecting corners;
  • several tees (their number is exactly twice more quantity jumpers for drying);
  • two clamps for fastening pipes.

The dryer consists of two rectangular parts of the same length, but different widths. The width of the second rectangle should be 10 cm smaller. The width of the product itself should be determined to your taste based on conditions such as the amount of laundry and the stability of the dryer. For an example of a simple clothes dryer on a radiator, see this video:

The clothes dryer is ready. When drying clothes, it is installed in the shape of the letter “l”, and clothes are hung on the crossbars. It is very convenient in the household. When it rains, it can be quickly moved under a canopy. For the secrets of quick and smooth fitting of tubes, watch this video:

As you can see, making a dryer from plastic pipes is very easy, quick and interesting. Thanks to positive characteristics of this material, such a product will last quite a long time, since the plastic is not susceptible to corrosion and does not require periodic repairs.

Construction of a house or renovation of an apartment is always accompanied by a bunch of leftovers from consumables. Pipeline repair is also no exception, because after replacement metal pipes The plastic ones are left with a lot of scraps, as well as connecting elements - fittings, which many owners simply throw away.

However, there are also such creative people who can make a durable and original furniture, for example, tables or chairs, as well as other household items such as an organizer. In this article we will examine in detail some similar ideas from PVC pipes.

DIY children's chair made from plastic pipes

Polypropylene is a hypoallergenic and non-toxic material, so you can make various children's furniture from it without worrying about the health and well-being of the child. By implementing ideas from plastic pipes with your own hands, you can easily assemble a table, playpen, chair, etc.

One of these simple projects can become a comfortable children's high chair, which is assembled from pipes and fittings like a construction set. The size of each part will depend on the size of the desired result, but below we will provide instructions in which we will tell you how to make a chair for a five-year-old child.

To make a high chair you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. PVC glue;
  2. Approximately 3 meters polymer pipe;
  3. 6 T-fittings;
  4. 8 corner fittings (90°);
  5. Durable fabric;
  6. Fine tooth saw;
  7. Sewing machine;
  8. Scissors.

Building a chair:

  1. First of all, you need to cut the pipe into pieces: 7 pieces. 33 cm each (A), 4 pcs. 20 cm each (B), 4 pcs. 13 cm each (C) and 2 pcs. 18 cm each (D);
  2. Take two parts A and secure them at each end with an angle fitting;
  3. Insert all elements B into each of the fittings;
  4. Place T-shaped connectors on each element B, turning their perpendicular part perpendicular to element A;
  5. Connect the T-fittings in pairs with elements A. As a result, you should have parallel chair legs;
  6. Insert all elements C into the free ends of the fittings;
  7. Next, you need to place the structure so that the ends of the legs “look” at you;
  8. Take the two corner fittings and slide them onto the C parts closest to you;
  9. Slide the two T-pieces onto the C pieces further away from you, rotating them so that the center joints are facing you;
  10. Next, you need to connect the inserted fittings with parts A parallel to the chair legs;
  11. We insert parts D into the free ends of the T-shaped fittings and put corner fittings on them, turning them “facing” each other;
  12. We connect them with element A, ending with the back of the chair;
  13. Make a seat out of fabric by stretching it between parallel bars;
  14. Glue all connections, then let the chair dry.

Office desk with plastic frame

Buying even the cheapest office desk can be big problem for some people, so we will tell you how to make a table from plastic pipes. This project differs from the previous one in its complexity, so you will have to think through some parts yourself, but we will try to explain everything to you as clearly as possible.

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the table. In our case, we take a ready-made tabletop (915x2030 mm), under which we will assemble the frame. When choosing a tabletop for your own table, pay attention to its weight and follow the rule: the lower the weight, the better for your table. The best solution it will be hollow for the countertop door leaf. You can also assemble the tabletop yourself using flat boards, fasteners, a saw and a drill.

First of all, prepare 12 meters of plastic pipe and cut it into the following parts:

  • 5 parts of 7.5 cm;
  • 10 pieces of 30 cm;
  • 4 parts of 50 cm;
  • And 4 pieces of 75 cm.

Among the other parts for the frame you will need the following:

  • 4 T-fittings;
  • 4 four-way fittings;
  • 2 cross fittings;
  • 10 plugs for pipes and fittings.

Having prepared all the necessary parts, you can begin to assemble a table from polypropylene pipes. It is better to perform the first assembly without using glue, and after assembly, glue all the connections one by one. Begin assembly by constructing the sides of the frame on which the tabletop will rest.

Next, assemble the back part, which will connect the two already assembled. To give the table additional stability, we recommend making back wall third leg. When assembling the table, carefully monitor the parallelism of all elements in order to ultimately obtain an even structure.

At the final stage, it is necessary to connect all the parts into a single structure, obtaining a table frame. Check it for strength, correct any unevenness, and then glue all connections.

To secure the tabletop:

  1. Place the tabletop on the floor, turning it face down;
  2. Place the frame on top so that the top plugs fit tightly to the tabletop;
  3. Trace the adjacent caps;
  4. Disconnect the plugs from the pipe and screw them to the tabletop in the marked places;
  5. Install the table frame and place the tabletop on it so that all the plugs fall into place.

As a result, you will be able to great table from PVC pipes with your own hands. This material is so versatile that you can even make a bow from PVC pipe, which will be quite functional.

Shelving for the garden

After renovation, not only polypropylene pipes, but also a metal profile from which you can try to make a rack for a summer house without using welding. To work, we only need a tape measure, a pencil, a screwdriver and a hacksaw.

First of all, it is necessary to design the future rack. Draw a diagram on paper, observing all dimensions. Next, you can purchase an additional profile to the existing one, and also find several sheets of plywood 15 mm thick. You can also make a rack from PVC pipes with your own hands, using the diagram for the profile.

Let's look at the manufacturing process using a specific example:

  1. Take the profile and cut it into pieces: 4 vertical posts, 8 front and 8 rear crossbars;
  2. Assemble 4 frames that should become shelves in the future;
  3. Using self-tapping screws, secure the resulting frames to vertical racks;
  4. If you wish, you can screw the rack to the wall and paint it, after which you can lay plywood on the frames to make shelves.

Various interior elements made from PVC pipes

To decorate the interior, as well as create useful structures from PVC pipes, you can use very short sections of pipes. So, you can make organizers from short pipes, where you can put shoes, writing utensils and other small things in the holes.

You can also easily make wine racks from PVC pipes with your own hands. To do this, simply glue several pipes together and screw the resulting structure to the wall. In a similar way, you can make a glass holder. To do this, just cut the plastic pipe lengthwise and then fix it to the wall. The stem of the glass fits perfectly into the cut hole, and the rigidity of the polymer pipe does not allow it to fall out.

If your home doesn't have enough space for outerwear, then a hanger made of plastic pipes - perfect solution this problem. You can design and assemble such a hanger based on the examples with a table and a children's chair.

In conclusion, I would like to say that plastic pipes are a cheap and lightweight raw material for creating various decorative elements. Any item you create can always be painted, covered with glitter, or decorated various elements, for example, shells glued with glue. Polypropylene rings can also be used for seasonal decoration of the apartment, for example, under New Year You can do wall panel and fill it with New Year's paraphernalia, for example, balls and figures.

As you can see, to create cozy atmosphere and decorate the apartment, you don’t have to spend a large amount money, because the main thing is a creative approach that will allow you to create desired result with minimal costs.

Using PVC pipes. But greenhouses and canopies are not all that can be made from PVC and aluminum pipes With different diameters. Furniture, decorative items for the home, organizers, shelving, even weapons - beautiful bows different forms. People's imagination is constantly being embodied in new PVC forms, and we have made a selection of the most interesting DIY projects for you.

Let's start with homemade furniture made of aluminum and PVC pipes connected by fittings. There are both children's furniture and options for adults, cute designs that will fit into any interior, and shelving with many shelves.

DIY furniture made from pipes

1. Low table made of pipes and wood

Table made of pipes and wood

And here is a detailed video instruction on how to make it.

2. Dining table

Dinner table

This table made of three boards and metal pipes can be used as a dining table. A note of industrial style in the design of the room. You can see the manufacturing technology.

3. Large rack made of pipes and wood

Pantry rack

A rack for a spacious pantry or garage is an excellent solution for storing all sorts of things. It's durable and looks cool. Read the assembly manual.

4. Shelving for the room

Hall rack

TV, audio system, souvenirs and books - that's it homemade rack everything will fit. Let's see how to make it.

5. Another rack

Shelf made of metal and wood

The shape of this rack is somewhat unusual, as if it was planned for specific items. Looks cool with paintings, figurines and other contents. There is a list of building materials and a story about production.

6. Coffee table with glass top

Coffee table

The legs of this table are made from bent and painted PVC pipes. As for the tabletop, it doesn’t have to be made of glass, but it certainly looks cooler. you will find manufacturing instructions.

7. Bed made of aluminum pipes

Bed with aluminum tube frame

Large bed frame with canopy made of aluminum pipes and fittings. Manufacturing Guide.

8. A simpler bed made of pipes and wood

Bed made of pipes and wood

This bed looks simpler and is easier to make. You will need pipes, fittings, wooden "ribs" and a manufacturing manual.

9. Canopy over the crib

Canopy over the crib

Anyone can make this simple canopy from PVC pipes. It turns out a children's bed with a tulle canopy.

10. Simple towel rack

Towel dryer

A few PVC pipes and fittings, and your towel rail is ready.

11. Cute chairs for children

Chairs for children

You can easily make these cute chairs yourself. Frame made of PVC pipes and seat woven from threads. You can see how to braid chairs.

12. Simple Camping Chairs

Outdoor chairs

Small comfortable chairs for patio or hiking in nature. Children will definitely like bright furniture. See how to make such chairs.

13. Play area

Place to play

For kids, you can organize a place to play with a PVC frame.

14. Beach style bar counter

Bar counter

PVC pipes painted to resemble bamboo, various attributes such as exotic masks and a thatched roof - this bar counter will be an excellent reminder of exotic hot countries and beach holidays. Read detailed instructions on production.

15. Simple and convenient drawing tablet

PVC Tablet

This lightweight drawing tablet is perfect for home practice. There is no need to attach paper to it - the album is placed on a special stand along the bottom edge of the tablet. Read how to make it.

Organizers and shelves

16. Desk organizer

Simple desk organizer

20. Creative wine rack

Wine stand

If you need a stand for a maximum of four or five bottles, you can make a PVC creative like this. It's easy to do and looks great.

21. Laptop stand

Notebook Stand

A simple and convenient stand for working with a laptop.

Interior decorative items and gifts

22. Curtain rod

Curtain rod

Nice cornice made of painted PVC pipes and decorative elements. Read more about production.

23. Dresser decoration

Dresser decoration

PVC pipes cut into thin rings can serve as decoration for furniture.

24. Creative frame for a mirror

Mirror frame

And again PVC pipes, cut into thin rings. Cut, compose into in the right order, glue them together and admire the new frame.

25. Piggy Bank

Piggy bank

This funny pig with a base made from a scrap of PVC pipe can be given to someone or placed at home as a souvenir. Here