When can you replant sea buckthorn in the summer? Planting sea buckthorn: how to plant correctly and when - in spring or autumn

Sea buckthorn is one of the few plants that should definitely be in a private garden. Fresh fruits and processed products of the “Siberian pineapple” not only have excellent taste, but also have valuable medicinal properties.

At the same time, caring for sea buckthorn is not particularly difficult if you know some of its features. However, amateur gardeners, for various reasons, often do not dare to plant it on their summer cottage.

Most of our doubts and fears are associated with the unknown, so first let’s get to know sea buckthorn better.

Nutritional value and medicinal properties of sea buckthorn berries

Sea buckthorn is known throughout the world as a record holder for the content of the most vital vitamins and microelements. Its regular use has long been recognized as the best path to health and rejuvenation. So much has already been written about the composition of its berries that there is no point in giving the percentage content of all substances. A distinctive feature of sea buckthorn from other berries is the presence of fat-like substances (sea buckthorn oil), which improve the absorption of vitamins. Thus, sea buckthorn serves as a powerful tonic and is indicated for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies in the winter-spring period and during illnesses.

The main beneficial properties of sea buckthorn berries are presented in the following list:

  • bactericidal and antioxidant (sea buckthorn oil is used for inflammatory processes and for recovery after poisoning);
  • wound healing and analgesic (lotions made from fresh berries heal ulcers, burns and cuts);
  • high serotonin content helps restore the nervous system after stress;
  • biostimulating (the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases, cell growth is stimulated);
  • choleretic (increases appetite, normalizes digestion).

In sea buckthorn, not only the fruits are valuable, but also the leaves and bark. In folk medicine, they are used to treat skin diseases, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and conjunctivitis.

The use of any product has its limitations and contraindications, and sea buckthorn is no exception. Its use is limited in case of allergic reactions and completely excluded in case of exacerbations of stomach ulcers, diseases of the pancreas and urolithiasis.

What varieties are best to plant?

Sea buckthorn is widespread throughout Russia. It is grown everywhere in cultivation due to its high winter hardiness. The first cultural forms appeared in Siberia (Altai) - in their natural habitat. In the Altai Territory and Transbaikalia, sea buckthorn is also often found in gardens, like the apple tree in the Moscow region. Today, varieties have been bred that thrive not only in the Far East and Siberia, but also in the Urals and central Russia.

Work on developing varieties is aimed at increasing productivity, eliminating prickly thorns on branches, increasing taste and increasing fruit size. Forget your grandmother’s sea buckthorn with small sour berries on thorny branches, which you are reluctant to pick - modern varieties are devoid of these shortcomings. Of all the achievements of selection, we note only the best varieties of sea buckthorn.

To begin with, let us note the varieties that immediately meet all the basic needs of gardeners: they have a fairly high yield, fruits with a dessert taste, compact bushes and are poorly covered with thorns or completely devoid of them.

Naran - an early ripening variety with large orange fruits of excellent taste and pleasant aroma; has a decent yield (up to 10 kg per bush); branches are weakly covered with thorns; bred for Central Russia.

Moscow beauty - medium ripening variety; medium-sized fruits, orange-red, with slight sourness and weak aroma; dessert purposes; transportability is good; high yield (up to 12 kg per bush); few thorns; Suitable for growing in central Russia.

Solar - medium ripening variety; the fruits are large, light orange, with a slight sourness; high yield (up to 15 kg per bush); medium degree of thorn coverage; adapted for Central Russia.

Giant - late-ripening variety; the fruits are very large, cylindrical, orange; there are no thorns; universal purpose; Suitable for growing in the Urals and Far East.

Variety Fruit Productivity, kg/ bush Presence of thorns Growing area Ripening period
Elizabeth large
bright orange
sweet and sour
on a long stalk
to 10 very little Siberia early
Botanical large
with a dry break
with thin skin
with sourness
on a long stalk
6 — 7 very little Northwestern, Volgo-Vyatsky,
Central and North Caucasus regions
Chuyskaya large
on the middle stalk
sweet and sour
13 — 22 very little in all regions of Russia early
Jam medium size
dessert taste
up to 12 none Siberia average
Herringbone small
average available Has a decorative purpose late
Darling medium size
with thick skin
good taste
12 — 15 few Western Siberia, Ural, Central region early
Pepper average
bright orange
with sour pineapple aroma
6 — 8 available Zoned for the Moscow region
and North-West region
Altai large
sweet and sour
moderate and unstable none Siberia average
Openwork very large
bright orange
up to 6 kg none Siberia average

Among all the variety of sea buckthorn varieties, there is no ideal super variety. One way or another, shortcomings can be found in anyone, which is characteristic of any culture. The presented varieties are optimally suited for growing in a private garden.

When choosing a variety, be sure to focus on the climate zone. Ideally, the variety should be locally bred. The description of the variety is true only if the variety is grown in the climatic zone where it was bred.

What should the planting material be?

The peculiarities of growing sea buckthorn are determined by its biology. This is a dioecious, wind-pollinated plant. For the female plant to bear fruit, the male plant must be close to each other. Popular male varieties are Alei and Gnome.

When buying planting material, you need to choose only seedlings obtained from cuttings (they usually have a well-developed root system and short shoots). Seedlings grown from seeds will turn out to be prickly wild plants, and acquiring dug up shoots (with long growth) is akin to playing Russian roulette: there is no guarantee that it will be a female fruiting plant, since in this case it is impossible to distinguish it from a male one.

The sex of a young seedling can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • if the buds are large with 5 - 7 scales, then this is a male plant;
  • if the buds are elongated and small with 2 scales, then the plant is female.

This rule is true both in the spring before the flower buds bloom, and in the fall after the leaves are shed.

Sea buckthorn nodules form on its roots, which help the plant absorb atmospheric nitrogen. You should not mistake this symbiosis for painful growths and break off or cut them off.

If there is a catastrophic lack of space at the dacha, then you can graft several cuttings from a male plant onto a female plant, thus artificially obtaining a monoecious plant.

Choosing a place in the garden, planting technique and timing

There are negative reviews from summer residents about the poor survival rate of sea buckthorn and problems during cultivation. This is not to say that there are no difficulties at all, but if you know and take into account its characteristics and needs, a high and stable harvest is guaranteed. Let us examine in detail how to plant and grow sea buckthorn in the country.

When choosing a place for sea buckthorn, you need to consider the following:

  • its natural habitat is sandy and pebble soils along the banks of reservoirs;
  • it is quite drought-resistant, but loves moist soil;
  • the root system does not tolerate close proximity to groundwater;
  • it is very photophilous, so the area should not be shaded by other tall trees;
  • Despite high frost resistance, male plants may suffer during temperature changes after thaws, which is often observed in the European part of Russia, therefore
  • The landing site should be on the south side and protected from the winds;
  • she does not like the close proximity of trees, shrubs and even herbs and flowers, so the edge of the plot, the area near buildings or a strip along the fence is suitable for planting;
  • it does not tolerate acidic soils and responds well to the application of lime;
  • it has a superficial root system that extends significantly horizontally (several meters from the plant), the roots are fragile and are easily injured;
  • tillage and replanting, therefore it is strictly forbidden to dig up tree trunk circles, and seedlings must be planted with a large ball of earth.

The planting hole is made 0.5 m wide and deep. For backfilling, prepare a mixture of humus, river sand, garden soil, superphosphate and wood ash. It is better not to overdo it with fertilizers. After planting, the root collar of the seedling should remain at the level of the soil surface, taking into account shrinkage. The tree trunk circle is well watered and mulched. Mulch will protect the young seedling from overheating, retain moisture in the soil and slow down the growth of weeds.

Plants are planted at a distance of 2 - 3 m. The male plant can be planted in the center, and up to 3 female plants can be placed around it, or all plants can be planted in a row, placing the male plant at the beginning of the row on the side of the prevailing winds.

For successful planting, you need to know when to plant sea buckthorn in a specific region. There is no point in indicating specific calendar dates, since you will still have to rely on weather conditions. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that sea buckthorn has a very short period of winter dormancy, so in the European part of Russia the buds can awaken after the first long thaw. For young seedlings planted in the fall, this phenomenon can be disastrous. Therefore, for Central Russia, planting sea buckthorn in the spring is more acceptable. According to reviews of many summer residents, this particular period gives the best results in terms of survival. In this case, the optimal planting time is in the earliest spring. Saplings with an open root system should be planted first, but for container material the timing can be pushed back a little. If you prepare the planting holes in the fall, there will be less hassle in the spring.

Planting sea buckthorn in the fall is also possible, but there is a risk of the plants falling out. It is carried out in September - mid-October until the first frost. The seedlings do not need shelter.

Subtleties of caring for sea buckthorn

During the period of active growth, sea buckthorn loves moderate fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Do not overdo it with nitrogen and organic matter. It makes no sense to apply fertilizers to the tree trunks of an adult bush.

Throughout the growing season, sea buckthorn needs good watering, but stagnation of water should not be allowed.

Fruiting of sea buckthorn begins 3 - 4 years after planting the seedling. Until then, formative pruning is important to create the correct shape of the bush’s crown. It is carried out in early spring before the buds open, removing improperly growing young growth and diseased shoots. 8 - 10 years after planting, rejuvenating pruning is carried out, leaving only 3-year-old shoots. Annual sanitary pruning helps clear the bush of dry, diseased and frozen shoots.

Sea buckthorn can be affected by diseases and pests. To combat them, it is better to start with biological and mechanical methods, since the use of chemicals will negatively affect the medicinal properties of the fruit.

Harvesting and processing

Sea buckthorn begins to bear fruit very early and its yield quickly reaches its maximum value. Modern varieties yield from 10 to 30 or more kg per bush. Harvesting is complicated by another feature of sea buckthorn - the berries have a short stalk and sit very tightly on the branch. Therefore, it is useful to know how to harvest sea buckthorn quickly and efficiently.
Fruit harvesting can be done in two periods: in the fall after full ripening and in early winter after frost. Freezing does not affect the medicinal properties of the berries in any way. The harvested crop can be stored before processing for no more than 3 days in a cool place and without access to sunlight. Frozen berries retain vitamins for up to 6 months.

Homemade scraper for picking berries

You can collect frozen fruits by simply shaking them onto a clean cloth. For autumn harvesting, there is a cunning device for collecting sea buckthorn - spring tweezers for sniffing. This method of harvesting will not harm the plant and will preserve the marketability of the fruit. Considering the juiciness and thin skin of the fruits, it is better to collect them in wooden boxes with a wide bottom.

You should definitely prepare dried leaves for health tea. Cut sea buckthorn branches can be hung indoors at temperatures close to zero. This way the berries will last until spring. When stored in the refrigerator, sprinkle it with sugar in equal parts. Drying of fruits is carried out not in the sun, but in the oven. Sea buckthorn is very good in processing. You can make vitamin juice, jam, jam and jelly from it. However, we must remember that heat treatment and preservatives greatly reduce the vitamin content.

Below are simple sea buckthorn recipes for the winter:

Sea buckthorn in sugar. The washed and dried berries are mixed with sugar in equal parts (if the berries are too sour, the amount of sugar can be increased) and ground with a wooden pestle to a pasty consistency. The resulting mass is placed in sterilized jars, covered with lids and lowered into the cellar.

Sea buckthorn jam with walnuts. Chopped walnut kernels (200 g) are boiled in syrup (about 4 liters of water, 1.5 kg of sugar) for 20 minutes. Then add 1 kg of fresh berries and cook for another 20 minutes. Delicious and nutritious jam is ready!

Sea buckthorn is capable of producing a bountiful harvest of very healthy berries every year. But in order to achieve maximum success, you need to know the rules of planting.

Each fruit crop has its own distinctive features to consider.

It is best to plant sea buckthorn in the country in the spring, in which case the plant will have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather.

Spring planting is usually carried out in late March - early April. It is during this period that the soil is sufficiently moistened and the shrub is at rest.

But for seedlings with a closed root system, autumn planting may be acceptable. Its timing varies from late September to early October. An important condition is a comfortable temperature of +4 degrees.

Sea buckthorn is planted after leaf fall so that the seedling can spend all its energy not on natural processes, but on taking root in a new place.

If the deadline for planting the bush was missed, then the seedlings need to be buried in the ground so that they can overwinter for later cultivation. To do this, at the highest point of the site, dig a ditch 50-60 centimeters high and place the seedlings there.

The crown should lie in a southerly direction; this position will help avoid sunburn. Then the hole is filled with earth and watered thoroughly.

As soon as the cold weather sets in, the plant is completely buried in soil., leaving only the tips of the branches on the surface. To protect from rodents, such a structure is covered with spruce branches on top.

After snow appears, it is carefully compacted around the seedling to create additional protection. When planting several seedlings at once, Roots should not be allowed to tangle.

Advantages and disadvantages spring and autumn planting of sea buckthorn:

pros Minuses
  • when planting sea buckthorn in spring, the first harvest will appear a year earlier;
  • the root system of the tree will have time to fully strengthen before the onset of cold weather, so there is less risk of death of the young;
  • for spring planting work, you can prepare a hole in advance and it will have time to brew; this factor significantly affects the fertility of the soil, and therefore the future harvest;
  • During this period, it is very easy to identify those plants that do not take root well in a new place and require additional care.
  • One of the main criteria when choosing a time for planting is the biological dormancy of the plant. In the spring, it is quite difficult to correctly determine the time so that the tree has time to adapt to a new place before the onset of sap flow;
  • spring seedlings need to be looked after very carefully, protecting them from heat and drought;
  • When buying a seedling in the spring, you will have to be content with a small assortment.
  • In autumn there is a wide selection of seedlings; they can be assessed by the quality of foliage and other criteria that are not available in spring. Also, many sellers offer to try the fruits of the trees they sell;
  • during this period, the price of planting material decreases significantly;
  • in the fall you have to spend less time watering the plant and other care;
  • Trees planted in autumn will begin to grow 2-3 weeks faster than in spring.
  • frosts have a detrimental effect on the root system of sea buckthorn, as well as the wind, which can easily break off young branches;
  • in winter, the plant is very often attacked by rodents; a small sea buckthorn may not withstand the invasion of various animals.

Basic rules for autumn and spring planting bushes in the country

Many novice gardeners believe that there is no difference between spring and autumn planting and replanting of sea buckthorn. But it is worth remembering that these two procedures have significant differences, which consist in the following features and rules for seasonal planting.

For spring work adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Plants are planted before the onset of hot weather, so you should not rely on a pre-agreed framework. The gardener must carefully monitor the air temperature in the region and choose the most favorable period.
  2. When planting, organic fertilizers, such as manure, are used.
  3. Immediately after planting, young plants need careful care, which includes timely watering and protection from the scorching sun.
  4. To speed up the growth of sea buckthorn, as well as the appearance of young shoots, you can use various growth activators.

During autumn work adhere to the following rules:

  1. Particular attention should be paid to checking the condition of the root system of the seedling. Sick plants most likely will not be able to take root in a new place.
  2. If the planting dates were missed and cold weather set in, then sea buckthorn is added dropwise until spring arrives.
  3. During this period, manure should not be used as fertilizer, as it can damage the roots of the plant.
  4. In order for the tree to survive the winter, it must be carefully covered using various available means, such as spruce branches, paper, film, blankets, snow, etc.
  5. To protect from the wind, sea buckthorn is tied to a peg, which will serve as support and protection.

Selection and preparation of soil and seedlings for cultivation

When purchasing a sea buckthorn seedling, you need to pay attention to its root system and crown. They should be free of mechanical damage and signs of disease.

To obtain varietal planting material, it is best to choose a seedling obtained after grafting. Sea buckthorn grown from seeds or obtained using root shoots most often does not inherit the characteristics of the parent plants.

In order for the plant to absorb atmospheric nitrogen, nodules may form on its roots. Such growths are natural for sea buckthorn and should not be removed!

In order to get a harvest of sea buckthorn, it is worth remembering that she needs an additional pollinator in the form of a male variety the same culture. The most popular of them are Alei and Gnome.

There are several signs, by which you can determine the sex of the plant:

  • the male plant has large buds with 5-7 scales;
  • The female plant has elongated buds with 2-3 scales.

How to distinguish male and female sea buckthorn trees:

If there is not enough space on the site to plant both female and male varieties, you can graft a male plant onto a female one.

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Before planting, seedlings must be prepared:

  • in the autumn, all foliage is removed;
  • before planting, the roots of the seedling are dipped in clay mash;
  • if the root system has dried out, it needs to be moistened by placing it in a container of water for about 2-3 hours.

Choosing a place to plant this tree

Every culture has its own preferences regarding the habitat. Important factors may be soil composition, climatic conditions, etc.:

  • The natural habitat of sea buckthorn is sandy or pebble soils on the shore of a reservoir;
  • prefers neutral or alkaline soils;
  • this crop has good drought resistance, but timely soil moisture will contribute to a good harvest;
  • unacceptably high groundwater levels;
  • sea ​​buckthorn loves sunlight very much; shade can adversely affect the health and fruiting of the plant;
  • strong winds also have a detrimental effect, so most often gardeners choose the south side of the site;
  • such a culture does not tolerate proximity to other plants due to its spreading root system, which is buried only 30-40 centimeters, but can reach several meters in diameter. Therefore, the edge of the plot, the area along the fence or buildings are usually allocated for sea buckthorn.

How to plant in open ground

Regardless of the landing time, the hole for the seedling must be prepared in advance. For the spring period, preparation is carried out in the fall, and for the autumn period, about a month before the start of work.

In this case, the soil will have time to infuse and become more nutritious and fertile.

The depth and width of the pit should be 40-50 centimeters. When digging it up, the top (fertile) and bottom layers of soil are folded separately.

Then fertile soil mixed with:

  • 1 bucket of humus;
  • 1 bucket of river sand;
  • 200 grams of superphosphate;
  • 800 grams of wood ash.

When carrying out work on planting sea buckthorn, you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the fragile root system of the plant.

  • during planting, the seedling is carefully placed in the hole, after which it must be sprinkled with earth;
  • the root collar should be 5-7 centimeters above ground level;
  • at the final stage, the soil around the plant is watered abundantly and mulched with peat or sawdust.

In the first 2-3 years after planting, sea buckthorn does not require additional fertilizers., at this stage it will have enough of the nutrients that were added during planting.

One of the most important factors is soil moisture, so The gardener must ensure that the soil does not dry out, and so that moisture does not stagnate in it.

A young tree like never before Need help fighting insects and rodents. The use of chemicals can affect the quality of the fruit, so it is preferable to use various biological additives or mechanical means in the form of special traps.

In the first years of life, you need to help the plant form the correct crown shape. To do this, remove branches that grow in the wrong direction, and also cut off diseased or dry shoots. This procedure is carried out in the spring, before buds form, or in the fall, after leaf fall.

Features and care of sea buckthorn:

Sea buckthorn requires the most careful pruning in the 4th-5th year of life.. At this time, the plant is actively growing, so it is very important to correctly form its crown.

For this early spring, before the first buds appear remove shoots that grow parallel to the trunk; it is also necessary to cut off fruiting branches, because an excessive number of berries on a tree can negatively affect its development and growth.

Another type of pruning is called sanitary pruning. It is usually carried out in autumn, after leaf fall. During this procedure, the following work is performed:

  • remove all dry and diseased branches, also clean the plant of dry leaves or dried, uncollected fruits;
  • all cutting areas must be treated with garden varnish;
  • If a fungus is detected, it is cut off and the affected area is treated with antiseptics.

How to properly trim and shape sea buckthorn in the garden:

How to replant: simple rules for replanting shrubs

The rules for transplanting sea buckthorn are not much different from the initial planting plants. The most preferable time is spring to replant the plant, but autumn may also be suitable for this procedure.

In the spring, the tree will be able to quickly get used to the new environment and recover from the work carried out, but in the fall (especially in the Urals and Siberia) there is a risk of sea buckthorn freezing due to lack of time for establishment.

Considering the structural features of the root system of such a tree, many gardeners recommend not replanting an adult sea buckthorn at all, because there is a high risk of damaging its roots.

Despite the fact that sea buckthorn is one of the healthiest berries, many gardeners grow such a tree or shrub for decorative purposes.

From this we can conclude that sea ​​buckthorn not only produces fruits rich in chemical composition, but is also a decoration for any site.

Sea buckthorn is a rather unusual plant for most gardens. Many gardeners do not perceive it as a fruit crop. At the same time, this amazing, juicy berry should not be underestimated: sea buckthorn contains a simply unique set of useful substances. Just 100 g of berries or sea buckthorn juice is enough for the body to receive the daily requirement of almost all necessary substances.

In addition to its beneficial properties, sea buckthorn is also very beautiful. During the ripening of the berries, this plant is the best decoration of the garden. The bright orange fruits, densely clinging to the branches, are very colorful and create a pleasant autumn atmosphere.

Sea buckthorn bush with fruits

How to grow this wonderful berry crop on your site? An important stage in growing sea buckthorn is proper planting. It is this that is the key to good tree health and the reason for abundant harvests. In this article we will look at how to plant sea buckthorn correctly.

Selection of male and female sea buckthorn specimens

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant, pollinated by the wind. This means that there should be female and male specimens of sea buckthorn in the garden. You can determine the sex of sea buckthorn by its buds before they bloom, in spring, autumn or winter. This is especially true for a male plant, because the female plant is easy to identify in the summer by its flowers and fruits. You can choose male and female varieties of sea buckthorn in our catalog .

Male and female representatives are planted quite close to each other. A distance of 5-10 m is quite enough for good pollination.

One male specimen can pollinate 4-5 female sea buckthorn plants at once. However, it is better to plant two male plants.

If there is very little space in your garden, then both male plants can be planted close to each other - at a distance of 30-50 cm.

Choosing a place to plant sea buckthorn

Since sea buckthorn is a light-loving and moisture-loving plant, the optimal place for planting is a sunny, elevated area, not shaded by other plants.

In addition, sea buckthorn must be planted at the greatest distance from cultivation zones - it is recommended to make a distance from other plants of at least 2 m. The reason for this is the shallow location of the roots - 15-20 from the surface of the earth. Digging up the soil near sea buckthorn can lead to poor fruiting and the appearance of shoots in places where the plant's root system is damaged.

Sea buckthorn fruits

When is it better to plant sea buckthorn - in spring or autumn?

The best time for planting sea buckthorn seedlings is considered to be early spring, when the plant is dormant - until sap flow begins and the buds begin to swell. For planting in spring, seedlings with both closed and open root systems are suitable.

Autumn planting is also acceptable for the crop. In autumn, sea buckthorn is planted with a closed root system (in containers) after the end of leaf fall and at a comfortable temperature of +4 degrees.

Advantages of planting sea buckthorn in spring

  • root system manages to fully get stronger ,
  • since the seating area is prepared in advance - in the fall, pit with fertilizers manages to brew , which has a positive effect on the future harvest,
  • when planting sea buckthorn in spring, the first the harvest can be harvested a year earlier than during autumn planting,
  • easierhighlight plants , which are difficult to take root in order to provide the necessary additional care in time.

Advantages of planting sea buckthorn in the fall

  • much is spent less time for care after landing,
  • trees planted in autumn start growing 2-3 weeks earlier than those planted in spring,
  • in autumn easy to determine the quality of seedlings by foliage and other criteria,
  • autumn sales allow you to save your budget.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant sea buckthorn

Planting sea buckthorn in the spring is not much different from planting other fruit crops; the only difference is in the rate of fertilizer. Sea buckthorn does not like soils that are too nutritious, so when planting, the main thing is not to overdo it with mineral and organic nutrition.

1. First, we prepare the landing hole. Its size should be 35-40 cm deep and 40-50 cm in diameter. Regardless of the time of planting, the pit is prepared in advance: for spring planting, it is prepared in the fall, for autumn planting, 3 weeks in advance.

2. Top and bottom layers of soil fold separately .

3. To the center of the pit drive in a peg for garter.

4. Saplings with open root system preparing - soak in a solution of Kornevin, Heteroauxin or other root system stimulants.

5. We fill the bottom of the pit nutritious soil mixture: add 1 bucket of humus or compost, 30-50 g of double superphosphate and 15-30 g of potassium fertilizers (per 1 plant) to the soil from the top layer.

6. Further form a mound from the top layer of soil, carefully straighten the roots and cover them with soil, periodically spilling the hole with water. Watering should be plentiful - until it becomes muddy. This will ensure that the soil adheres tightly to the root system.

8. Forming a circular hole around the seedling, thoroughly pour 2 buckets of water again and mulch the hole with peat, straw or old sawdust.

9. We tie up the sea buckthorn to the peg.

Sea buckthorn planting scheme

But not in every yard you can find such a seemingly unremarkable tree as sea buckthorn. What are the features of sea buckthorn, the rules for planting, growing and caring for it, what kind of crop we can harvest and what to cook from it - all this is discussed in this article.

Sea buckthorn: botanical description

Sea buckthorn (lat. Hippophaë) is a thorny tree or shrub from 1 to 3 meters high, belongs to the Elaeagnaceae family. The leaves are greenish, long and narrow, with white speckles.

Sea buckthorn is not very noticeable during flowering, since it blooms quite inconspicuously, and the flowers are small and appear before the leaves begin to bloom. Round or elongated fruits, from yellow to bright orange and even red in color, decorate the branches in thick clusters (that’s where the name of the tree comes from). The fruits ripen at the end of summer and until mid-autumn and do not fall off when ripe, but can hang on the branches all winter.

The plant initially spread throughout Central and Northern Asia, and today it can be found all over the world.

Prefers sandy and pebble soils, often found on the banks of ponds, rivers and streams.

Important! Sea buckthorn has a male (2) and a female (1) tree. It is important to distinguish between them, since only the female bears fruit. This is best noticeable in the spring when the buds are swelling. Male kidneys are 2 times larger than female ones, they are covered5-7 scales, while for women there are only two. But the tree will not bear fruit unless a male bush is planted nearby for pollination.

Features of planting sea buckthorn

The most important stage of growing is the correct and competent approach to planting a tree. Let's figure out how to plant a plant so that it not only grows, but also begins to develop and bear fruit.

What kind of lighting does sea buckthorn like?

Sea buckthorn is a light-loving and moisture-loving tree. It is planted in sunny areas not shaded by other plants and especially requires care in the first years of growth.

If you plant a small tree and allow it to become heavily overgrown, then the very first year in the garden will be a test for the tree, and it can easily die from lack of light.

Selecting soil for planting

Moisture in the soil is especially necessary at the beginning of the tree's life. Sandy loam or loam soil would be ideal, as they retain moisture for quite a long time, preventing rapid evaporation from the soil. At the same time, we choose an elevated location, since sea buckthorn does not tolerate stagnant groundwater.

Proper planting of sea buckthorn seedlings

Planting scheme

Don't forget that we need to plant a male and a female tree. The developed crown of sea buckthorn makes it clear to us that the distance between trees should be at least 2.5 m. There are two methods for planting sea buckthorn:

  • the male plant is in the center, and the female plants are around;
  • We plant the male one on the leeward side, and behind it several female ones.

Rules for caring for sea buckthorn in the garden

So, the tree has already settled down perfectly in our garden; now it is important not to abandon it, but to care for it in a timely manner.

When to water the plant

As a moisture-loving plant, sea buckthorn loves regular. In any year, especially in the first year after planting, regularly pour 3 buckets of water into the hole, and during fruiting, 5-6 buckets are possible.

Important! Too moist soil and stagnant water can damage the roots of the plant and block air access. When watering, observe moderation.

Soil care

The soil is regularly loosened, but it is important not to forget that the roots are located high, loosening should be carried out no deeper than 7 cm, and it is not advisable to dig at all.

Plant nutrition

At the same time, every year the tree requires feeding. In the first year, you don’t have to fertilize, and then every spring you add organic matter (compost or humus at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq. m of area around the trunk). Top dressing for 1 bucket of water is also perfect - up to 30 g, which has a positive effect on tree growth and productivity.

How to prune sea buckthorn

If the young plant is correctly formed in the first years, then the tree does not need to be pruned. If there are very few young shoots, then the trunk must be shortened. On a 4-5 year old tree, a formative one is made, removing unnecessary branches parallel to the trunk.

An older tree needs careful pruning, as many branches dry out and fruiting decreases. All old, dried branches are removed and the plant is rejuvenated to three-year-old shoots. Do not forget about the root shoots, which must be removed closer to the root so that new ones do not form on the root buds.

A little about sea buckthorn propagation

Sea buckthorn reproduces by offspring and grafting.

  • The easiest way to get a new tree is to separate the offspring that grew near the mother tree with a shovel, water it, and transplant it to a new place in the spring.
  • Seeds rarely convey the qualities of varietal trees, but if you decide to choose this method, it is better to sow them in the spring, after first soaking them in water for 4-5 days. The earth should already be warmed up, and after the seeds germinate, place them in holes 5-7 cm deep.
  • When propagating by lignified cuttings, one- or two-year-old shoots are cut in late autumn, which overwinter at a temperature of 0 - +2 °C. In spring, cuttings are cut 15-20 cm in length, deepened 10 cm into the ground, leaving buds above the surface. With daily watering, by autumn there will be rooted cuttings with a developed root and above-ground system.
  • Grafting is not the most common type of reproduction. As a rule, a male cutting is grafted onto a female tree for pollination, if it is impossible to plant a whole tree nearby.

There is an opinion that sea buckthorn is far from the best plant to plant. This is due to the fact that it is quite prickly, and its fruits are sour. However, if you plant sea buckthorn yourself and take good care of it, it will yield a large, sweet and sour harvest and very healthy.

Self-grown sea buckthorn will be an excellent addition to dishes, and sea buckthorn oil will be a useful remedy for treatment. Berries have a rich supply of minerals that are simply necessary for the body. Sea buckthorn can produce tasty fruits all year round, but this is only possible from high-quality varietal seedlings.

Buying sea buckthorn seedlings

There are several rules that must be followed when purchasing sea buckthorn seedlings:

  1. Do not take seedlings from random sellers, as they cannot guarantee you the purity and health of the fruit. It’s better to buy them from friends who plant them, or find out who sells good fruits and go to him. The seedling should have 3-5 skeletal roots, the length of which is 20 cm, and many fibrous ones. Also, the seedling must have a stem 35-50 cm high and 6-8 mm in diameter with several shoots.
  2. Look at the bark. It is important that it does not peel off from the wood. A high-quality healthy plant has smooth, elastic bark, without scratches. If browning of the wood is observed, then such fruits should not be taken. This indicates that the plant froze in winter.
  3. Buy 3-4 female plants and 1-2 male plants. One male is enough, since it can pollinate several females at once. For successful pollination, the male and female fruits should be at a distance of 5-10 m. A second male plant is taken in case the first one dies.

Sea buckthorn planting in autumn

It is believed that the best season for planting sea buckthorn is spring, since this plant tolerates winter quite difficult. This is especially true for seedlings with an open root system. But some people plant sea buckthorn in the fall. The main thing in this case is to ensure that the roots do not freeze. It should be noted that the roots of sea buckthorn are long; they are located at a depth of about 50 cm. They do not tolerate digging well. It is recommended to plant sea buckthorn on neutral, light soils. In addition, the sun should constantly fall on it, since sea buckthorn is a light-loving plant.

Choosing a place to plant a plant is very important. It is required to plant so that the plant is located at a great distance from the garden soil cultivation zones. It is wise to plant sea buckthorn along the road, near the lawn.

It is noteworthy that the landing has no special features. The tree is rooted in the same way as other fruit plants. If you still decide to carry out the process in the fall, then it is best to do this in early October. This is necessary so that the plant does not have time to take root before frost. So, the planted shoot is rooted onto a hill in a hole, the diameter of which is about 50 cm. The roots need to be carefully spread along the slopes, and then a mixture of organic matter, sand and soil from the site is poured into the hole in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Then fertilizers are added, for example, double superphosphate in the amount of 200 g. Now you need to cover the shoot with soil up to the root collar. It is important to make a wide hole around the seedling and water it. One plant requires at least two buckets of water.

In the year of planting there is no need to feed the plant. In the spring, you can apply nitrogen fertilizers of approximately 20-30 g. Sea buckthorn does not need frequent watering. A few good waterings are enough, especially during dry periods. Before the cold winter, water is especially important. Also in the fall you need to add organic and phosphorus fertilizers to the soil.

Sea buckthorn processing

Like any other plant, sea buckthorn must be protected from pests and dangerous organisms. This requires regular sanitary treatments. It is very important to collect fallen leaves, clean wounds on trunks and branches, and also treat them with a three percent solution of copper sulfate. In addition, you need to whitewash the trunk and skeletal branches of the tree with lime. Thus, sea buckthorn will be protected from pests. For prevention against fungal plants, a seven percent urea solution is used.

Fruits should be harvested when the berries have reached large sizes and acquired the appropriate color. It is better to collect sea buckthorn fruits when the plant is not very tall. If the sea buckthorn has grown greatly, it must be trimmed to the required height. In general, sea buckthorn tolerates pruning easily. This procedure can be carried out at any time of the year except winter. It is especially important to carry out sanitary pruning in the fall, before the onset of cold weather.

Plant propagation

This plant can be propagated in the following ways:

  • lignified and green cuttings;
  • shoots;
  • vaccination;
  • seeds;
  • Note that propagation by seeds contributes to the loss of varieties. This method is suitable only if it is necessary to breed new varieties or obtain male plants. Approximately equal numbers of male and female individuals emerge from the sown seeds.

    Propagation by seeds is carried out from the beginning of autumn. It is necessary to prepare the beds for them: determine the sowing location, mix the top layer of soil with coarse sand and organic fertilizers, as well as compact the soil and make grooves 2-3 cm wide. In addition, at the beginning of autumn you need to start preparing humus, which will be useful to cover the seeds. When cold weather sets in, you need to remove snow from the beds and put seeds in them. The distance between them should be 1-1.5 cm. Next, you need to cover them with humus so that you get a layer of 1 cm. If you sow in the spring, you need to soak the seeds in water for 4-5 days in advance. After germination, they are placed in beds.

    Reproduction by grafting is performed only when males die. In this case, cuttings of males are grafted into the crown of females. They grow quickly and after a year they are able to pollinate female plants.

    Lignified cuttings are propagated as follows:

  • annual shoots are cut from healthy bushes in late autumn or early winter;
  • they must be stored at a temperature of +2 degrees;
  • in the spring, cuttings are cut from shoots, the length of which should be from 15 to 20 cm, and the thickness - 0.6 cm;
  • then the cuttings are placed in water for a couple of days;
  • then they are planted in the beds in a vertical position;
  • When planting is completed, you need to compact the soil, water it well and sprinkle with peat. The first two weeks should be watered at least 2-3 times a day. It also requires loosening and weeding from time to time.
  • Propagation by green cuttings involves cutting shoots 15-20 cm long during the fading growth of the plant. Then the shoots are cut into pieces. After this, you need to use a thin blade to make a cut above the bud, remove a few lower leaves, collect the cuttings into a bunch and put them in a bucket of water. Before planting, the soil should be well watered. It is important to choose a place where the sun does not directly hit. Next, you need to mix peat, topsoil and coarse river sand, after which sand is poured on top of the bed.

    The simplest breeding option is this process carried out by offspring. In the spring, you need to separate the root shoots from the mother plant with a shovel. Then it is covered with earth. It needs to be watered from time to time until it has a healthy root system in the fall. After this, the offspring is transplanted to a permanent place.

    The best varieties of sea buckthorn in the Urals, Siberia and Moscow region

    Despite the fact that the climate and soils of the Urals and Siberia are not very suitable for growing berry crops, certain varieties of sea buckthorn still grow there. For example, Giant, Altai sea buckthorn, Inya, Nugget and some others.

    In the Moscow region, unique varieties of sea buckthorn have been grown since the 40s. In the Moscow region, this berry grows well and produces a large number of fruits. There you can find such varieties of sea buckthorn as Golden Cob, Elizaveta, Aromatnaya, Lomonosovskaya, Orange and others.

    How to plant sea buckthorn correctly in the fall

    Sea buckthorn bushes grow in almost every garden plot. Compotes and jam are made from its berries. The orange or yellow fruits of sea buckthorn are a real storehouse of vitamins, and there are even more of them in the seeds. These are vitamins P, E, F, C, B1, B2. They contain much more carotene than all fruits in temperate zones. This is very important, since carotene significantly strengthens vision.

    Beneficial features

    In folk medicine, they believe that sea buckthorn cures almost all diseases, and that this remedy is almost miraculous. That’s right, sea buckthorn is a medicinal plant. It even helps animals. For example, sick sheep and horses are fed sea buckthorn leaves, and they get better. An infusion of sea buckthorn bark is considered to have excellent properties against dysentery, and a decoction of the seeds can easily replace a laxative. Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat stomach ulcers, burns, eczema, and frostbite. It reduces pain and heals wounds. B vitamins improve well-being and strengthen the nervous system. Vitamin F regulates metabolism in the skin.

    Sea buckthorn berries are very difficult to collect. They are located very densely on the thorny branches of the bush, and immediately burst if you touch them carelessly. Up to seventeen kilograms of berries are harvested from old and mature bushes. Sweet and sour berries taste a little like a fruit - pineapple. Sea buckthorn grows in areas with a temperate climate and loves moist soil.

    Description of the plant

    Sea buckthorn belongs to the Lokhov family. This is a dioecious plant, which means that it has female plants - they form pistils and set fruits, and there are male plants, in their flowers only stamens are formed, which produce a lot of pollen. Pollen from male plants is carried by the wind to female plants at a distance of up to one hundred meters. Insects do not take part in this process. One male plant can pollinate ten to fourteen female ones. At a young age, it is very difficult to distinguish female plants from male ones. Signs by which they can be distinguished appear at the beginning of the fruiting process. The buds are large, slightly swollen in male plants, they are slightly removed from the shoot, and are covered with four scales on top. In female plants, the buds are very small, covered with only two scales, and they are pressed against the shoot. In nature, there are several types of sea buckthorn, for example, willow sea buckthorn grows in the Himalayas on the southern slopes. This tree grows in height from five to eleven meters. Tibetan sea buckthorn grows in northern China, in the highlands of the Himalayas.

    Sea buckthorn, which is grown in private plots, does not exceed four meters. Most often, the plant begins to bloom in mid-May. Flowering lasts for several days. The flowers, both female and male, are quite small, you can see them only if you look very carefully. The fruit is a drupe, red, yellow or orange in color with different shades, oval or round in shape, weighing from 0.03 to one gram. The fruits are attached to the shoot using a short stalk and stick around it completely.

    The roots are closer to the surface of the earth than other plants. The root system is much wider than the crown and extends up to four meters from the trunk. The main mass of roots, as a rule, lies to a depth of up to thirty centimeters. The roots are weakly branched, cord-like, slightly fibrous, fragile and very juicy. They have nodule formations the size of a large walnut. They can convert air nitrogen into compounds that plants can absorb. Thanks to this, the deficiency of all nutrients is replenished. Adventitious buds are formed on horizontal roots, from which root shoots develop in the future.

    Sea buckthorn is a very light-loving plant. Fruit formations and wood have high frost resistance, but in cold winters there is a significant death of flower buds and a strong reduction in yield. Grows well in medium loamy and light soils. High-carbonate and saline soils are not suitable for it. It develops very poorly in acidic soils. Sea buckthorn loves moisture very much; if there is a lack of it in the area where the roots live, yields drop significantly. It also tolerates long-term flooding with running water, but poorly with stagnant water.

    Proper planting of sea buckthorn

    It is best to plant sea buckthorn in the fall. To plant sea buckthorn, you need to choose lighted places where snow cover accumulates moderately, so that during the spring melt it does not break off all the branches of the plant. Sea buckthorn loves light soil, but in heavy soils it is recommended to add as much sand and organic fertilizers as possible; it is better to use coarse-grained river sand. Typically the feeding area is four to six square meters. Sea buckthorn is planted at a distance from each other, for example two by two, or two by three meters. This entire area is fertilized, fifteen to twenty kilograms of organic fertilizers and three hundred grams of superphosphate are added per square meter, and everything is dug up to a depth of forty centimeters.

    Male trees are planted from the direction of the prevailing wind. If there are only three or four female trees on the site, then in order to save space in the crown of one of them, you can easily graft three or four branches of a male plant. This will be more than enough to pollinate all plants. Basically, for planting, one or two-year-old plant seedlings are used with two to three shoots and a height of no more than fifty centimeters, with three to five main roots no more than twenty centimeters long. The diameter of the root collar trunk is approximately eight millimeters. The best time for planting a plant such as sea buckthorn is considered to be autumn, no later than the tenth of October, or early spring before all the buds bloom.

    The size of the landing pit should be fifty by fifty centimeters. It is necessary to add two buckets of organic fertilizers, at least two hundred grams of superphosphate. The sea buckthorn seedling is placed twelve centimeters lower in the hole than it grew in the nursery, in order to create the necessary conditions for the formation of the second tier of the root system. When transporting the seedling, the roots must be protected from drying out. If they have nodule formations, then they must be preserved. When planting, the soil is pressed tightly against the roots. After planting the seedlings, they are immediately watered abundantly with at least one bucket per plant. In the future, sea buckthorn should be cared for in the same way as other crops, with the exception of a couple of features. It is recommended to loosen the soil no deeper than eight centimeters, because the entire root system is located almost at the surface.

    There is practically no research on the fertilizers that sea buckthorn needs; as practice shows, it responds well to phosphorus and organic fertilizers. In a fruit-bearing area, once every two years it is recommended to apply six kilograms of organic fertilizers and one hundred grams of superphosphate per square meter of tree trunk circle. Nitrogen fertilizers are needed only for sea buckthorn that grows on very poor soils. Fertilizers should be scattered and embedded to a depth of ten centimeters, not so deep near the trunk. It is recommended to apply fertilizer in the spring. From spring until the fruits are fully ripened, the soil moisture should be monitored; it should be watered three to four buckets per square meter of the tree trunk circle.

    Sea buckthorn begins to bear fruit at three to four years. Fruits, as a rule, are formed only on the growth of the previous year, and therefore fruiting constantly moves to the edge of the crown, and those branches that bear fruit become bare, so one should strive to ensure excellent growth each year and lay the foundation for a higher harvest next year.

    On fairly old plants, the yield is significantly reduced, because growth noticeably decreases over the years, and picking berries becomes very difficult due to the high crown. In order to extend the life of the plant, it is necessary to carry out rejuvenating pruning of four-year-old branches to a side branch. There is no need to cut off the entire crown in one year; it is better to do it in parts in different years. At the place of cutting, new, strong ones will definitely appear that will bear fruit well.

    Every year, some of the branches of sea buckthorn fall off. During the formation of the crown, dead and broken branches are removed, and thickening shoots are carefully thinned out. Last year's shoots cannot be shortened, because the yield will immediately drop significantly. With excellent care, you can get up to seventeen kilograms of berries from one tree.

    Sea buckthorn fruits ripen at the end of August and beginning of September. When they are fully ripe, then they begin to harvest. Overripe and unripe berries contain less oil than ripe fruits. Overripe fruits are very difficult to pick as they burst very easily. When collecting, you should use special forks; they are made of steel.

    The shoot is clamped with a fork; it just fits in the recess on the cheeks of the clamp. They move along the shoot with a fork, thereby picking the berries, which in turn fall into the canopy, which is first suspended under the branch. It’s okay if shoot branches come off along with the fruits; as a rule, they live only one year and die in the autumn. Instead of a canopy, you can also use an aluminum or wooden tray covered with film with straps, which the collector first hangs around his neck. It is quick and easy to collect fruits because you can approach any branch. Thus, more than fifty kilograms of fruit can be collected per day.

    With an excellent harvest, branches with fruits often sag and the wind breaks them, so in advance a kind of support is placed under them - chatala. After harvesting the berries, the soil on the tree trunk circles is loosened, the stands are removed, and the weeds are destroyed. In winter, the snow around the trees must be leveled evenly, but the height of the snow cover should not be more than seventy centimeters, because too high snow can break off all the branches during melting. If a lot of snow accumulates closer to spring, then with the onset of warm days the branches are freed from it.

    How to propagate sea buckthorn correctly

    Sea buckthorn is propagated by grafting cuttings, rooting lignified and green cuttings, and horse shoots, if the sea buckthorn is rooted, grown from root shoots or cuttings, and not grafted. The most affordable way for amateur gardeners is to root woody cuttings. Well-developed annual shoots are cut from the plant in early April, carefully tied into bunches and stored in the snow. From cut shoots with a diameter of eight to nine ml. Cuttings root better. The shoots, cut at the beginning of May, are cut into cuttings fifteen to eighteen centimeters long and tied into a bundle, so that the bottom of all of them is necessarily on one side, and the top on the other; their lower ends are immediately placed in water for one third of the entire length and kept at room temperature for seven days until the buds are completely swollen. Afterwards they are planted in prepared soil.

    The area for planting must be protected from winds on all sides and well lit. The soil must be fertilized with compost or humus; if necessary, sand can be added; the soil is carefully dug up and made like a bed for strawberries. It is recommended to make such beds in the fall. Cuttings should be planted vertically, so that three or four buds remain above the soil. The feeding area is ten by ten centimeters. The soil should be as close to the cutting as possible. After planting, they are watered abundantly.

    Planting sea buckthorn through film can give excellent results. It is necessary to spread plastic film on the bed, the edges are pressed with boards or sprinkled with earth. The cuttings should be inserted into the soil through holes made in the film and watered very well. Every morning, this area is watered abundantly using a watering can with small holes. In this case, only the top layer of earth should be wetted and not create a flood. If necessary, the weed is removed and the ground is loosened.


    Plant sea buckthorn in autumn

    Sea buckthorn is quite winter-hardy, however, in winters with sharp temperature changes, wood and, especially, the flower primordia of male plants freeze. Generative buds in sea buckthorn are formed during the current year's growth. Productivity largely depends on weather conditions. The seed progeny of sea buckthorn begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years, and the vegetative progeny at 3-4 years.

    Selecting a planting site and preparing the soil.

    Sea buckthorn is a light-loving plant. When shaded, it grows poorly and bears little fruit. She prefers light, fertile, sufficiently moist soils. Does not withstand stagnant water. The groundwater level should be no closer than a meter from the soil surface. Acidic soils must be limed with slaked lime at the rate of 400-600 g per 1 m2. Lime is spread in an even layer over the surface of the soil, and then dug onto the bayonet of a shovel. This work is usually carried out in October.

    On heavy loamy soils, to improve breathability, it is recommended to mix the top layer with coarse river sand and humus (or peat) in approximately equal proportions. 200-300 g of superphosphate and 30-50 g of potassium salt are also added here. Nitrogen fertilizers and lime are not added to the planting hole to avoid burns to the roots.

    When allocating an area for sea buckthorn, you should take into account that its roots can extend several meters beyond the crown. In the area where sea buckthorn is grown, the soil cannot be dug up, but it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil to a depth of 5-10 cm, for example with a hoe, cutting off the weeds. It is necessary to add compost or humus mixed with mineral fertilizers annually with loosening in the spring at the rate of 0.5-1 bucket of compost mixed with 2-4 spoons of nitrophoska per 1 sq. m. meter. Another option: in the spring 15 g of urea, in the fall 1 bucket of humus, 30 g of double superphosphate, 15 g of potassium chloride.

    Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant. This means that on some specimens only male (staminate) flowers develop, which are pollinators, while on others, female (pistillate) flowers develop, which after pollination and fertilization produce fruits. Before entering fruiting, male and female individuals are practically indistinguishable in appearance. When entering the fruiting period, they are easy to recognize before the growing season begins. In male plants, the buds are two to three times larger than in female ones, and have five to seven covering scales; in females, the buds are small, elongated, covered with only two scales. For normal pollination, one male plant is enough for 4-6 female plants.

    It should be taken into account that sea buckthorn is a wind-pollinated plant. Therefore, it is better to place the male plant on the leeward side: at the beginning of the row (for single-row planting) or in the center of the rectangle (for double-row planting of female plants). Sea buckthorn flowers are small, barely visible to the naked eye. If the weather is calm during flowering, additional pollination of the female flowers should be carried out. To do this, simply cut a twig from a male plant and shake it over the crown of a female plant.

    Planting sea buckthorn seedlings.

    Sea buckthorn seedlings should be planted only in spring, When planting in autumn, the percentage of unestablished plants is high. The planting pattern is 3x2.5 m. When planted with seeds, varietal characteristics are not preserved. Sea buckthorn should be propagated by root shoots or cuttings. You can plant cuttings in the fall. There was a case of changing the sex of a cutting. Some varieties of sea buckthorn produce a lot of root shoots, but you can seriously damage the root system of the mother plant when digging up the shoots. It should be noted that not all varieties are resistant to diseases, and resistant varieties should be selected in each area. A distinctive feature of cultivated sea buckthorn is the absence or very small number of thorns.

    We purchase sea buckthorn seedlings.

  • Do not buy seedlings from random people, they will not be able to guarantee you the health and purity of the plant variety. What requirements must standard two-year planting material meet? The seedling should have 3 - 5 skeletal roots 20 cm long and many fibrous ones, a stem 35 - 50 cm high and 6 - 8 mm in diameter with several shoots.
  • Pay attention to the bark. It should not peel off from the wood. A healthy plant's bark is elastic, not wrinkled, and without scratches. Browning of wood is evidence of freezing of plants in winter; such seedlings are unsuitable for planting.
  • How many seedlings should I buy? Life experience has shown that in a family of 4 - 5 people, sea buckthorn is on the table all year round (in fresh and processed form), it is enough to have 3 - 4 female plants and one male (pollinator).
  • And if there is already a male plant in the neighboring area and the distance to it is no more than 12 meters, then it may well become a pollinator for your sea buckthorn. In this case, males do not need to be planted. To protect sea buckthorn from diseases, you do not need to plant it where stone fruit trees (apple, pear, cherry, plum, sweet cherry, apricot) have recently grown, as well as raspberries and garden strawberries.
  • So, you have purchased sea buckthorn seedlings. If this happened in the fall, then it is better to bury the plants until next spring in a trench 20-30 cm deep, at the bottom of which pour a layer of sand. The seedlings are placed in a trench one by one in a row (at an angle of 45°) and covered with earth. When cold weather sets in, they can be covered with dry leaves, peat or spruce branches.

    The best time to plant sea buckthorn is spring, before the buds open. as a last resort - before the sea buckthorn begins to flower, which contributes to better plant development.

    When purchasing sea buckthorn, remember that you need to purchase female and male plants in a ratio of approximately 4:1 or 5:1. In spring, plants are planted on the site either in a clump - in the middle there is one male plant, and around the female plants, or in rows, where in the first row on the side of the prevailing winds male plants are planted (1 - 2 plants), and behind them - female plants (4 - 5). The distance between plants is 2.0 - 2.5 m.

    The origin of male plants in the garden is not significant, however, for good pollination it is better to have several male plants of different origins (Altai, Sayan, Kaliningrad, etc.).

    Several flowers are laid in the buds: from 4 - 8 in females to 32 in males! The flowers are collected in a spike-shaped raceme; the flowers are inconspicuous, small, and difficult to see with the naked eye. Flowering lasts from 7 to 12 days depending on weather conditions.

    Sea buckthorn is planted in holes 65 x 65 x 65 cm with two-year-old seedlings according to the scheme 2 x 4 m or 1.5 x 3 m, depending on the varieties. The soil, I repeat, should be loose, nutritious, medium loamy or medium sandy loam with a pH of 6.5 - 7.

    Sea buckthorn is planted on a mound in a hole, the roots are carefully spread along the slopes of the mound and then the hole is filled with a mixture of organic matter, sand (on loam) and soil from the site in a ratio of 1:1:1, mineral fertilizers - double superphosphate, 200 g in each hole. All this is mixed with soil. Fill the soil up to the root collar. On sandy loam soils, the root collar can be slightly deepened, but on loamy soils this is not recommended.

    Make a wide hole around the seedling and water it (about 2 buckets of water for each plant). And subsequent care of the seedlings consists of watering.

    There is no need to feed the plants in the year of planting. In the spring of next year, to stimulate shoot growth, nitrogen fertilizers (preferably in liquid form) should be applied at the rate of 20-30 g of urea per bucket of water. Give 0.5 - 1 bucket of solution per plant.

    When caring for young and fruit-bearing plantings, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers (humus, compost) every 3-4 years at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m2 of tree trunk circle. Fertilizers are embedded in the soil to a depth of 10-20 cm. This is done carefully so as not to damage the roots.

    In dry years, sea buckthorn responds positively to watering. They should not be very frequent, but plentiful.

    Sea buckthorn propagation

    Sea buckthorn can be propagated in various ways: woody and green cuttings, shoots, grafting and seeds. It should be taken into account that during seed propagation, the characteristics of varieties are not preserved. This method of propagation is used mainly for the purpose of breeding new varieties or obtaining male plants. From the sown seeds, approximately equal numbers of male and female individuals grow. Most of the seedlings, as a rule, inherit the characteristics of their wild ancestors: strong thorniness and small fruit.

    Propagation by seeds. It should be carried out from the beginning of autumn. Prepare the beds for the seeds: determine the sowing location, mix the top layer of soil with coarse sand and organic fertilizers, compact the soil and make grooves 2-3 cm deep and wide, compact the bottom again. In early autumn, also prepare the required amount of humus, which will be needed later to cover the seeds.

    When stable frosts set in, clear the beds of snow and place the seeds in them at a distance of 1–1.5 cm from each other, then cover with humus to form a layer 1 cm thick.

    If you want to sow seeds in the spring, first soak them in water at room temperature for 4–5 days. Once the seeds begin to germinate and the soil has warmed up, place the soaked seeds in the beds to a depth of 4–5 cm. To make it easier to care for the seedlings over two years, make furrows at a distance of 20 cm from each other. And after two years in the fall, transplant the seedling to a permanent place.

    Reproduction by grafting. Grafting by cuttings (method of improved copulation) is usually resorted to in case of death of male plants. Then cuttings of male specimens are grafted into the crown of female specimens. They grow quickly and after 1 - 2 years they can pollinate female plants. They also resort to grafting males onto females when the garden area is limited.

    Propagation by lignified cuttings. From healthy four- or five-year-old bushes, cut off annual shoots in late November - early December or early March. Store the shoots indoors or under snow at a temperature of 0+2 degrees. At the beginning of spring, cut cuttings from the shoots 15–20 cm long and 0.6 cm thick or more.

    Place the cuttings in water for 2-3 days, after which they are planted on the beds in a strictly vertical position, leaving a distance of 10 cm between the cuttings and the beds. 2-3 buds should be at the top. After planting, compact the soil, water it generously and sprinkle with peat. For the first 2–3 weeks, water the soil 2–3 times a day, periodically loosen and weed. By autumn, if all care requirements are met, a plant with a well-developed above-ground and root system will be formed.

    Positive results are obtained when rooting two-year-old sea buckthorn branches. Biennial branches are cut from mother plants, annual growths are removed from them, leaving stumps with two or three buds, and biennial parts are kept in wet sawdust for 10-15 days at a temperature of plus 10-15°. After the formation of tubercles and small roots, the branches are carefully planted in open ground in a horizontal position in pre-watered furrows. Cover with moist soil in a layer of 3 cm and mulch with sawdust in a layer of 1.5-2 cm. With this method of propagation, the rooting rate is 90-100%.

    Propagation by green cuttings. In June, during the fading growth of sea buckthorn, shoots 15-20 cm long are cut early in the morning and cut into pieces 5-7 cm long. Green cuttings do not form a root system well, so choose slightly lignified shoots for cutting.

    Using a sharp knife or blade, carefully make a cut above the bud, and remove the 3-4 lower leaves. Gather the prepared cuttings into a bunch and place them in a bucket of water.

    Prepare the soil before planting cuttings. Select plot, which is not exposed to direct sunlight, dig it to a depth of 25-30 cm, mix the top layer of soil, peat and coarse river sand in equal proportions (in a ratio of 1:1:1). Fill the top of the bed with sand to a thickness of 2–3 cm.

    Immediately before planting, water the bed well, deepen the cuttings into the soil 2-3 cm, the distance between the cuttings is 3-5 cm, in a strictly vertical position.

    Water the soil again, place wire arcs over the ridge and stretch polyethylene over them so that the distance between the top of the cutting and the film is at least 2–3 cm.

    Sprinkle the edges of the film near the edge of the ridge with earth.

    At a daytime air temperature of plus 25-30°, favorable conditions are created under the film for the rooting of green cuttings. After 2-3 weeks, 40-50% of them take root well and begin to grow. In order for the cuttings to develop well, take care of them: water, loosen, feed with ammonium nitrate (20 g per bucket of water). A month after planting the green cuttings, the plants are gradually hardened, for which, at certain times, lift the film, water less often, ventilate more often, opening the film shelter.

    Even before the onset of cold weather, insulate the cuttings with leaves and sawdust and leave them in the garden until spring. In the spring, when the cuttings have formed a strong, healthy root system, transplant them onto previously prepared soil for growing. Leave an empty space of 30 cm between the furrows. Place the cuttings at a distance of 15 cm from each other. After transplanting, be sure to water the cuttings generously, and then constantly look after them during cultivation: weed, hill, loosen, water. There are various ways to prepare the soil for growing, depending on the composition of the soil. So, neutralize acidic soils by adding lime. Mix heavy soil in equal parts with peat or coarse sand.

    Reproduction by offspring- the easiest way to propagate sea buckthorn. The appearance of root shoots or shoots in a 4-5 year old plant is one of the features of sea buckthorn. To get a seedling, in the spring, separate the root sucker from the mother plant with a shovel, cover it with soil and water it periodically until it develops a healthy root system in the fall. Now transplant the offspring to a permanent place, having previously determined the sex of the plant. Remember that shoots taken from a grafted plant do not retain the properties of the mother plant.

    If you do not want to wait for the natural appearance of offspring, the process of their formation can be accelerated. To do this, find a skeletal root in the ground and cut it a short distance from the bush. Leave the cut area open. Later, suckers are formed here, on which roots will appear by the second year.

    A year before transplantation, separate the offspring from the mother plant, and in the spring transplant it into a previously prepared hole.


    Sea buckthorn - planting and care

    Despite its great decorative and healing properties, sea buckthorn is quite rare in gardens. The reason for this paradoxical phenomenon lies in the peculiarities of planting. What is the secret of growing and caring for sea buckthorn?

    When is it better to plant sea buckthorn: features of spring and autumn planting

    Sea buckthorn is planted in early spring, immediately after the soil has thawed, but sap flow has not yet begun. The optimal time for planting a tree is in March-April, when the temperature is above +4-5 C.

    Advantages of spring planting sea buckthorn:

  • During the warm season, the seedling gains strength and forms a good root system, thanks to which it safely endures the long winter.
  • With proper care, the plant quickly takes root and begins to grow.
  • A lot of time is allocated for preparing the planting pit, since arrangement work begins in the fall.
  • The disadvantages include the following factors:

    • It is difficult to guess the time for planting, since the interval between the thawing of the soil and the beginning of sap flow is very short.
    • To prevent seedlings from drying out during the summer heat, they need to be provided with appropriate care.
    • Before giving preference to autumn planting of sea buckthorn, you need to take into account the fact that sea buckthorn is one of those plants that does not tolerate winter well, especially if it is very changeable. So, if prolonged thaws often occur in the growing region, the plant begins to grow and freezes when it gets colder. In more severe conditions, young seedlings lack strength and die. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, sea buckthorn is planted in the fall immediately after the leaves fall at the end of September - the first half of October.

      Among the advantages of autumn planting of sea buckthorn are the following:

    • In autumn, you can easily find a seedling of the required variety and assess its condition by the appearance of its foliage and bark.
    • Many sellers provide the opportunity to taste the berries, so you can quickly choose a variety.
    • Plants planted in the fall begin to grow 2-3 weeks earlier than those planted in the spring.
    • Considering all the above facts, the best time to plant sea buckthorn is in early spring. Only seedlings grown in a container can be planted in the fall.

      How to plant sea buckthorn: features and step-by-step instructions

      Planting, like any other procedure, requires compliance with rules and recommendations, which guarantees a positive result. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the tips and instructions below.

      What should a seedling be like?

      When choosing planting material, first of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the root system and sea buckthorn bark. A good plant should not have mechanical damage, dark spots, limp or peeling areas.

      Important! Small nodules on the roots cannot be cut off. With the help of these growths, the plant absorbs nitrogen from the atmosphere.

      To minimize the risk of damage to the root system, it is better to give preference to sea buckthorn seedlings with a closed root system. A biennial plant 50 cm high should have a rhizome with 5-8 shoots about 25 cm long.

      Since the shoots that have separated from the roots practically do not retain the characteristics of the mother plant, it is best to use grafted seedlings for planting.

      Seedlings with an open root system, which has dried out during exposure to air, are immersed in water for 24 hours. The rhizome, which has restored its elasticity, is dipped in a clay mash and then planted in the ground.

      Important! Sea buckthorn trees are divided into male and female. The sex of the plant can be distinguished by the size of the buds: in the “cavaliers” they are larger and covered with 5-6 scales, the buds of the “ladies” are somewhat elongated and covered with 2-3 scales. In order for the plant to bear fruit, one male and 1-3 female trees must be planted on the site at a distance of 5-10 m from each other.

      Landing location

      The light-loving plant should be planted exclusively in sunny areas, protected from strong winds. The root system of sea buckthorn consists of several weakly branched shoots about 5 m long. Despite such vastness, the bulk of the roots lie at a depth of 20-30 cm. Therefore, in order to protect the tree from damage, it must be planted away from vegetable gardens or areas where deep rooting will take place. digging.

      Groundwater must lie at a level of at least 2 m.

      Thus, the best place for planting sea buckthorn in a country house will be an area located on the periphery or along the road, near which there are no large buildings or dense trees.

      What you can’t plant with

      The worst neighbors for sea buckthorn are raspberries, strawberries and black currants. The result of such proximity will be a deterioration in yield, since these crops consume the same substances.

      It is also not recommended to plant a medicinal tree near the garden, especially next to potatoes and tomatoes. In addition, incompatible plants located nearby are at risk of being infected by the same pests.

      At what distance

      Due to the nature of the root system of sea buckthorn to grow strongly, the minimum distance between plants should not be less than 2.5-3 m. To the edge of the site there should be at least 1.5 - 2 m. If there is not enough free space for planting two plants, The female tree is grafted with a male cutting.

      What kind of soil is needed

      Sea buckthorn grows best on sandy and sandy loam soils with an acidity greater than 6.5. The most unsuitable soils for growing plants are clayey, acidic soils. In order to improve such soil, the following actions are carried out:


      Sea buckthorn: planting and care, reproduction, cultivation

      Often we talk about such a beautiful plant as sea buckthorn. Planting and care are fundamental processes necessary for the successful cultivation of all plants. For many gardeners, sea buckthorn is not as valuable a crop as, for example, black currants or raspberries. On the contrary, for many years it was uprooted from garden plantings. The negative attitude towards sea buckthorn is very easy to explain - the berries are too sour, there are thorns on the shoots, and the bush produces a large amount of weedy root shoots that choke out other plants. However, wild sea buckthorn has these properties. Your attitude towards the plant will radically change with the appearance of a cultivated garden berry in the garden.

      It is precisely how to grow varietal sea buckthorn on your site that will be discussed in this article. Sea buckthorn, planting and caring for which requires certain knowledge from the gardener, will help you in solving some gardening problems.

      Biological features of sea buckthorn

      Many gardeners immediately try to find the necessary information in specialized reference books - “Sea buckthorn: planting, growing, pruning.” However, first it would not hurt to become familiar with the biological characteristics of this culture. Sea buckthorn belongs to the family of dioecious plants. This means that in order to bear fruit in the garden, you will need to plant not one shrub, but two - male and female. Determining the gender is not difficult. In the spring, when the plant has not yet unfurled its leaves, take a closer look at its buds. In female sea buckthorn they are half as large and have only two covering scales. The buds of the male tree are large and contain 5-7 scales.

      Little by little, it’s time to move on to truly valuable information that can answer the question of how sea buckthorn seedlings are planted. Pollination occurs by wind, so trees should be planted close to each other at a distance of no more than 50 m. A male plant can even be taken from wild growth, but a female plant must be a varietal one.

      Sea buckthorn: we grow it in the country. Care and planting

      Sea buckthorn is photophilous and moisture-loving, prefers open sunny areas. An adult plant is quite frost-resistant, but in particularly harsh, snowless winters the flower buds may freeze. This undoubtedly leads to a decrease in yield. Therefore, when buying a seedling, check with the seller how adapted the variety is to your climate zone. All this information can be found in the section of the gardening reference book - “Sea buckthorn: planting and care.”

      The plant prefers light and medium loamy soils, does not like acidic, saline and high-carbonate soils. When planting crops in heavy loams, add coarse sand to the planting hole. The sea buckthorn bush should be planted away from the vegetable garden and beds, that is, from those places where loosening of the soil often occurs. This is explained simply - the root system is spreading and extends away from the plant for several meters. By digging up the soil under the garden bed, you can easily damage the roots. This injures and weakens the sea buckthorn, and the fruit yield decreases. Damage to the roots of the plant leads to abundant growth of unwanted wild growth.

      Planting and replanting sea buckthorn seedlings

      The most favorable time for planting sea buckthorn seedlings is spring. During the warm months the plant will take root well and become stronger. Of course, sea buckthorn can also be planted in the fall. But in this case, there is a high probability of the plant freezing - in a short time the sea buckthorn does not have time to take root well enough.
      Usually one-year or two-year-old seedlings with two thickened shoots 35-40 cm long are planted. Male trees are planted on the side of the blowing winds. For more economical placement, it is even possible to graft 2-3 branches of a male tree onto female sea buckthorn shoots.

      To plant the crop, prepare a 50x50 planting hole. Add 2 buckets of organic matter and at least 200 g of superphosphate to it. Dilute heavy soil with coarse sand. When planting, place the seedling 12-15 cm deeper than it grew before transplanting. This will create conditions for the formation of an additional layer of roots. After planting sea buckthorn, press the soil as tightly as possible to the roots. The new plant is watered immediately.

      It is better to replant sea buckthorn in the spring. Try to injure the plant’s root system as little as possible. If the roots of the tree are damaged during digging, the shoots should also be cut off by at least a third. On an adult plant, when transplanting, cut off all the side shoots without regret, leaving only the central trunk.

      Sea buckthorn: cultivation, planting, care, varieties

      All varietal sea buckthorn is frost-resistant. However, sudden changes in temperature in winter can cause great damage to the flower primordia of male plants. In order not to lose the harvest, it is better to have two male trees on the site.
      In summer, during drought, sea buckthorn will require additional watering. The crop does not require frequent fertilizers - once a year will be enough. Due to the fact that its roots are spreading and extend far from the tree trunk, fertilizing is quite difficult. And in two or three years there is no need at all.

      Reproduction of sea buckthorn by woody shoots

      It is not difficult to propagate sea buckthorn. The fastest way to do this is in a vegetative way: varietal female trees - with green or lignified cuttings; male - root shoots.

      With the second option, everything is simple - they dug it up and transplanted it to the required place. Rooting cuttings of female varietal trees is a little more complicated. To propagate by lignified cuttings, well-ripened shoots are cut off in November and stored in the snow until spring. As soon as the cold weather has receded, cut cuttings no more than 20 cm long, keep the lower limbs in any rooting solution for 2-3 days, and then plant them in furrows at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Two buds are left on the cuttings above the soil surface. The bed with planted plants is watered abundantly.

      For faster rooting, the cuttings can be covered with polyethylene in order to maintain a fairly humid environment inside the greenhouse. During the entire rooting period, make sure that the soil always remains moist. When they reach a height of 50 cm, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent location.

      Propagation of sea buckthorn by green cuttings

      In industrial plant growing, the method of propagation by green cuttings is used. At the end of June, when there is already good growth on the mother plant, green shoots no less than 15 cm long are cut off. The two lower leaves of the cuttings are torn off and the bottom side is dipped in the Kornevin solution for 16 hours. Then they are planted on a prepared bed under film. While the cuttings are rooting, it is necessary to carefully monitor soil moisture and promptly water and spray. Rooted and grown plants (approximately 50 cm in height) can be transplanted to a permanent place.

      Rejuvenation of old sea buckthorn bushes

      Picking berries from a low-growing sea buckthorn bush is much easier than reaching for the long top. An overgrown tree will require extensive pruning. As the practice of skilled gardeners shows, this crop not only tolerates pruning well, but also increases productivity. Such a plant is sea buckthorn, whose beneficial properties and planting rules you could read in our article.
      Every 8-12 years, sea buckthorn should be rejuvenated, that is, cut down to form a stump. As a result of this operation, a large amount of young shoots will grow from the remaining stump, which will eventually ripen an even larger harvest.


      So, in the course of this article, we dealt with all the questions that relate to the topic that interests us - “Sea buckthorn: planting and care.” At the beginning, general information about the biological characteristics of this plant was given as an introduction. Do not forget how useful a berry such as sea buckthorn is in winter. Planting, growing, care and pruning, however, are processes that must be carried out with knowledge and real positive experience in this matter. Analysis of the topic “Sea buckthorn: planting seedlings and propagation” required us to take an integrated approach to this process. In any case, now that you have read this article, you have at least an idea of ​​what needs to be done.