Paint for exterior painting of a wooden house. Correct painting of a wooden house

Wood is a living material, so over time it begins to age and loses its original beautiful appearance. There are many reasons for aging: ultraviolet radiation from the sun, precipitation and temperature fluctuations.

In addition, the building is constantly affected by biological threats: the wood can suffer from rot and mold, it is destroyed by wood-boring beetles, blueweed and other pests. To update the appearance of a building, you can paint an old house using modern materials.

What products can be used for old wood?

There can be quite a lot of answers to the question of how to paint an old log house: it is important not only to create a new decorative coating, but also to protect the wood from further destruction by various threats. In this regard, painting an old log house means providing a multi-layer treatment using several types of products. To fully protect your home you will need:

  • Antiseptics. These are deep penetration products (up to 7 mm) that allow you to protect your home from rot, mold and other biological threats.

For an old house, they are simply necessary, as they allow you to restore the tree by removing pockets of infection. The choice of antiseptics is quite wide; you can purchase European or Russian products.

  • Wood bleaches. They are needed only if the logs have become very dark over time and have completely lost their appearance.

There are also quite a lot of such funds; as an example, we can name “Senezh Effo”. They are expensive, so professional bleaches can be replaced with regular “Whiteness” - a chlorine-containing composition can also give good results.

  • Facade putties are necessary in order to completely close cracks in logs. Wood tends to crack when it dries out or during shrinkage, and if the cracks are not closed in time, this can lead to a decrease in the strength of the log and its load-bearing capacity. Putty will help cover the affected area.
  • Preparing old wood for painting ends with the application of a façade primer. This substance also penetrates deeply into the wood structure, leveling the surface. If you pre-treat the wood with a primer, the paint will go on smoother and you will need much less materials for painting.

When deciding how to paint the outside of an old house, it is better to avoid glazing compounds unless complete pre-treatment with bleach is intended. Translucent paints will only emphasize the dark color of the old wood, which will not add beauty to the house at all. It is better to spare no expense in completely restoring the external appearance of the building.

Types of paints for exterior home treatment

What paint to paint an old house? After pre-treatment, the building will be ready for final painting, for which you need to choose the right composition. For the exterior treatment of a wooden building, the following types of paint compositions can be used:

  • Oil paints. This is a traditional option that is becoming less and less common these days. They are quite durable; the paint layer will last for at least 6 years without major changes, since they penetrate deeply into the wood.

But they have a number of disadvantages: oil-based paint takes a very long time to dry, and the specific smell makes working with it very unpleasant. In addition, it is very difficult to apply evenly: most often, unsightly streaks remain on the wood.

  • Acrylic paints are the most modern popular option. They form an even layer with a pleasant shine; such paints will make the wood truly alive.

At the same time, it will be very convenient to work with them, the coating dries quickly, and in the future it will not get dirty. Acrylic paints can be considered the most profitable solution today.

  • Alkyd paints are another popular solution. They are made on the basis of alkyd resins: the finished coating will have a water-repellent film, so the wood will be reliably protected from moisture. Moreover, such paints are also inexpensive, which makes them a very profitable solution.

Is it possible not to remove old paint?

A common situation: the old paint layer is cracked, but it will take too long to remove it. The question arises, how and with what to paint the outside of the house using old paint, and whether it is worth doing.

In this case, preliminary work will be required to remove the peeling paint with a spatula, followed by sanding. Only after this will it be possible to proceed to full painting.

How to paint a wooden house using old paint? The best option is to use the same composition as the one that has already been used. If the walls of the house were covered with oil paint, you need to choose a similar solution, then the new layer will lie much smoother.

If there is no paint on any part of the wall, it is better to pre-prime the surface with a suitable composition. You can use acrylic penetrating primer; drying oil is used to prepare the surface for oil paint.

Proper surface preparation and painting will restore your old home's beauty and make it look beautiful again. Full treatment will extend its service life and protect it from any threats.

How to paint a wooden house so that it looks great in appearance and at the same time is reliably protected from various bugs and microorganisms, you can read in this article.

Wood is a living material that is subject to aging. It is influenced by numerous natural factors, such as water, solar radiation, fungus. Negative phenomena can be noticed literally a few weeks after a new house has been built.

Precipitation in the form of rain and snow first causes swelling, and after drying the reverse reaction occurs. As a result, cracks appear on the surface, inside which the fungus begins to develop; it acts “on the sly” - it develops inside, so it is quite difficult to notice it.

You shouldn’t discount it either bark beetles, who for 2-3 years can sleep peacefully inside your house, and you will not even be aware of such neighbors.

Atmospheric loads affect wooden buildings located in coastal areas or open spaces much more than those houses that are located at a decent distance from the source of moisture. The north side of the building is much less susceptible to negative influences than the south and west.

There are more than enough reasons for wood to age. But you can still help her if you use the right paint.

Unprotected wood

Paint for a new wooden house

You have built a new house and now you want to paint it. What paint should I use for these purposes? Let's figure it out.

Preliminary stage - careful preparation

Before you start painting, you need to carefully prepare the surface. The preliminary stage allows you to create the necessary base, which improves adhesion and significantly increases the durability of the finished coating.

  1. Using a garden sprayer and a not too stiff brush, remove dust. Water absorbs dust much better than if you simply brushed it over the entire surface.
  2. You may notice mold or blue discoloration on the wood. It must be removed with a special means.
  3. The resin should be removed with a metal spatula and coated with knot varnish (this will make it smoother).
  4. Coat metal parts with a metal primer.
  5. Having completed these works, it is necessary to let the wood rest for one and a half to two weeks, covering it with film. Don’t forget to leave holes for ventilation, and in warm weather you can remove the “blanket” altogether.
  6. If the wood is damp and it is not possible to dry it, then you can apply a tinted antiseptic primer directly to the damp surface and leave the house alone until you have a chance to dry it.

What is the best way to paint wood?

For these purposes, you can buy three types of coatings:

  • antiseptics
  • acrylate paints
  • oil paints

Antiseptics have high penetrating ability. Their penetration depth is 4-7 mm. This allows you to reliably protect the surface from all atmospheric loads, mold and rot. They come in covering and glazing types. Glazing antiseptics are transparent, preserve the texture of the wood, and give it a noble, natural shade.

Appearance of wooden beams treated with antiseptic and tinted

Opaque antiseptics completely hide the texture, maintaining its relief.

House painted with opaque antiseptic

Acrylate paints They are highly weather resistant and retain their color and shine perfectly for a long time. Acrylate allows the wood to breathe.

House painted with acrylate

Oil paints like acrylates, they have excellent weather resistance, and like antiseptics they are perfectly absorbed, but they have one rather significant drawback - they dry slowly (a day or more). Over time, the surface may change its color and become matte, which is not too noticeable on light shades.

The oil will protect against atmospheric negativity

Any, even the most expensive and high-quality paint, will sooner or later require updating. When does this moment come?

  • The average service life of glazing antiseptics is about 5 years, although this figure can change both up and down.
  • for coating antiseptics - up to 7 years;
  • for acrylate paints - up to 10 years;
  • for oil - up to 6 years.

The figures are indicative - you should see for yourself when the house loses its original appearance.

How to Paint New Wood Surface

No special skills are required to apply this, but there are several nuances.

  1. Applying primer. A primer antiseptic is important for protection against fungi. Do not skimp on antiseptics; it can significantly extend the life of the finished coating.
  2. Applying paint. The first and most important rule is that you need to paint on a completely dry surface in several layers (2-3 layers will be enough). Each layer should be dried.

Coloring rules:

  • the paint must be stirred periodically so that its shade is always the same;
  • It is better to apply with a brush, this way you can achieve a uniform layer, but do not overdo it with paint;
  • for better painting, use a primer color, then the color will be perfect;
  • Do not paint wood under the scorching rays of the sun - the paint will dry too quickly, which is not desirable. The most favorable weather for painting work is warm, cloudy and windless;
  • both paint and antiseptic should be applied only in the longitudinal direction;
  • The end parts of logs and boards are their weakest link - water in these places is absorbed very quickly. To avoid rapid destruction and rotting due to high humidity, the ends must be carefully treated with several layers of primer and coating material.

Treating the facade of a timber house with an antiseptic

Each element is painted sequentially from top to bottom; smudges and “overlaps” are unacceptable.

Painting an old wooden house

Before starting work, you need to carefully examine the surface - it may require immediate repair. The western and southern parts of the house quickly lose their attractive appearance; it is these sides that suffer the most negative impacts.

In the case of a complete repainting, you should adhere to the rule - use either the same paint (meaning the manufacturer), or the same type of paint that you used for painting last time.

If you bought a house and don’t know what it was previously painted with? Then you can try to independently determine the type of paint product. This is done visually.

  • acrylate paint looks and feels like thin leather. It usually cracks in the direction of the grain.
  • The oil coating becomes matte over time and leaves a light chalky mark on the skin when touched. It cracks across the fibers, or in cells.
  • glazing antiseptics become thinner. If its surface is glossy, then you can paint the house with an antiseptic of the same or darker color, or even with oil paint. And if traces of the antiseptic are practically invisible, then you can use acrylate.

Old peeling paint on a wooden surface is a signal to start finishing work

In addition to visually assessing the surface, you can conduct a small experiment: tear off a piece of old paint and roll it into a roll. If it rolls up easily, then the house was painted with acrylate, and if it crumbles right in your hands, then it is oil.

Preparing a wooden facade

First you need to clean the surface of the wood from hanging pieces of old paint, dirt and dust with a scraper or brush. Then rinse with water, spraying the walls with a spray bottle.

If there is mold, it is removed with a special solution, and for better adhesion of the paint to the surface of the wood, it is additionally treated with an alkaline detergent.

Replace old, uneven and rotten boards with new ones, otherwise they will spoil all the work with their unpresentable appearance.

The paint can be removed using scrapers, wire brushes or chemicals, but if it adheres well and does not peel, then you can leave it. The mechanical removal method is the most preferable; if you want to complete all the work as quickly as possible, then use the “chemical peeling” method. This option preserves the wood texture much better, but takes quite a lot of time, although the result will certainly please you - the surface of the wood will be like new.

Detailed video instructions with a description of the technological process and recommendations for choosing consumables will help you consolidate the information received and obtain new useful information.

It so happened that to cover wooden facades they choose the first paint material they come across, while paints for wood have completely different properties. Today we will tell you how to make the right choice of paint or varnish when it comes to the exterior decoration of a wooden house.

Basic functions of paint coating

Why do you need to paint wood at all? The answer, at first glance, is quite obvious: to extend the life of the wood and provide it with additional protection. This is indeed the main, but not the only function of paints and varnishes for wood; moreover, you need to understand what harmful factors the coating will have to deal with.

The most important indicator for any façade paint is weather resistance. We are talking about the ability of the coating to resist moisture absorption and maintain integrity under the influence of chemically aggressive substances dissolved in rainwater. Resistance to sunlight is also important: transparent compositions that preserve the wood texture must contain a UV filter to prevent darkening of the wood, and opaque compositions must simply preserve the color of the coating for as long as possible.

Paint or varnish should also contribute to asepticity. As a rule, this is achieved by protecting the wood from getting wet, but many paints and varnishes have additional additives that do not allow the development of destructive microflora. Don't forget about insect pests: high-quality paint covers the wood with a hard shell that the bark beetle cannot chew through.

Finally, decorative properties should not be overlooked. The facade is the face of the building and the entire exterior depends on its appearance. Depth and the correct selection of colors in coordination with the details of the adjacent landscape will ensure aesthetic harmony and make the house stand out pleasantly from the surrounding background.

Special properties

Depending on climate and a number of other environmental conditions, paints may exhibit different performance qualities. They are determined mainly by the technical properties of the coating and depend on the chemical composition of the paintwork material.

For different regions, you should choose paint with a certain degree of frost resistance. The material must retain a certain amount of elasticity at low temperatures so that the coating does not crack. Equally important is the ability to withstand high temperatures without irreversible changes in the structure of the coating, because on a hot day, a sunlit building wall can heat up to 70 °C.

You also need to remember about the ability of the paint to reliably adhere to the base. Most materials, even from a low price category, have good adhesion to pure wood, but the situation changes radically if the wood is already coated with some kind of composition. To avoid the grueling process of cleaning the facade, you should choose the right composition so that the paint or varnish base does not conflict with the existing coating.

The ability of paint to withstand mechanical stress should not be overlooked. It seems that this indicator is not important for the facade, but the dust contained in the air acts as an abrasive and gradually thins the upper glossy layer, which is why the coating over time loses its resistance to moisture, sunlight and biological erosion.

Which paint base to choose?

Almost all paints and varnishes consist of a base, a solvent and a coloring pigment with a set of additives. And if the appearance and some special properties depend on the latter components, then the main characteristics of the paint are determined precisely by the base, which can be of three types.

Water-soluble acrylic paints are the lightest type of coating; they are not able to withstand the destructive effects of the natural environment for a long time. Therefore, they are usually used with the expectation of regular renewal, or if the wood itself is stabilized and does not need protection. The advantage of acrylic paints is ease of application and environmental friendliness, as well as the ability to easily create an individual shade yourself.

Paints based on synthetic resins - glyphthalic, pentaphthalic and others - are called alkyd enamels. Their main difference is that they create a durable glossy film on the surface of the coating, which, unlike the film of acrylic paints, is an impenetrable barrier: it does not allow water to pass through and limits the coating base from chemical reactions with atmospheric gases. Not all alkyd enamels have high weather resistance, but this type of paint provides the highest degree of protection for wood. Polymer-based varnishes and paints are often included in this group, but not because of chemical affinity, but because of similar performance qualities.

The third type of base includes stains, which are designed to give wood a certain color and act as an impregnation that protects against bacteriological damage. Stains do not form a film, and therefore are not able to protect the wood from getting wet and aggressive chemical exposure. For this reason, they are used only if they are subsequently opened with varnish, usually transparent.

Color, glossiness and transparency

The choice of paint and varnish materials for finishing wooden facades, as a rule, is carried out with the aim of giving the building an exceptional appearance. The success of the solution largely depends on understanding the basic principles of working with wood, as well as on your own taste.

Paints in bright, saturated colors are very rarely suitable for facades. On the contrary, the most beneficial would be to choose a calm natural color. If the house is located in a dense building, it is better to give preference to soft pastel colors. For houses located near bodies of water, variations of blue and green are well suited, but always muted with gray.

Buildings located in a natural environment, for example, with a high density of green spaces, as a rule, try to stand out by painting them in colors from sulfur and mustard to dark brown. If natural stone appears in abundance in the surrounding landscape, red-brown tones, as well as deep green and almost all light shades, work well.

The paint does not have to have a high density of pigmentation. Some enamels allow partial manifestation of the texture, which is very good for houses whose facade is finished with high-quality lumber with a minimum number of defects. If the emphasis is on the natural appearance of the building, it is better to give preference to tinted and transparent varnishes. It should be remembered that the more transparent the coating is used, the higher quality the wood should be and the more thoroughly it must be processed before varnishing.

All facade paints differ in the degree of gloss, which must be chosen taking into account two circumstances. The first is the norm of natural light: shinier coatings look better in shade, while a house with matte paint will not glare too much in direct sunlight. It should also be taken into account that the higher the degree of gloss, the smoother the film created on the surface when drying, which means that the protective properties of the coating will be higher.

Consumption and application methods

Paints and varnishes differ significantly in viscosity and hiding power, which limits the choice of method of application. For example, so-called film-forming impregnations can only be applied with a brush, which is extremely inconvenient when finishing surfaces with a large area or when working at heights.

Alkyd enamels and varnishes are the most versatile in this regard; when working with them, you can use a roller or spray. Acceptable application methods are indicated by the appropriate pictograms on the label. When covering wooden facades, it is optimal to work with a roller: coatings that allow this method of application significantly improve the speed of work without increasing consumption.

The total amount of paint for finishing the facade is determined by the consumption standards declared by the manufacturer, the surface area and the number of layers. It is imperative to take into account that the consumption when painting rough and smooth surfaces may differ by 1.5-2 times. Also, when working with a spray gun, it is necessary to purchase paintwork materials with a margin of about 20-25%. Of no small importance are the drying speed of the paint before applying the next layer and the permissible temperature conditions - these parameters must be taken into account when planning painting work.


The range of modern paints and varnishes is organized in such a way that for each individual product a specific chemical composition and any quantitative expression of the basic properties are not indicated. This is done not only to preserve trade secrets, but also to make the choice easier for the buyer.

Therefore, when purchasing paint for your wooden facade, the most correct approach would be to be guided by general ideas about the behavior of a particular type of paint, and also to assign the responsibility for selecting paintwork materials to consultants. In this case, you only need to indicate the type of surface and type of wood, the presence or absence of any coating, region, special operating conditions, desired service life and additional wishes.

Please note that not only paints are used to protect wooden surfaces. The manufacturer will definitely recommend a suitable primer and protective impregnation. If high demands are placed on the facade in terms of durability and quality of appearance, such recommendations should not be neglected.

Today, many people ask the question: how to paint the outside of a wooden house?

There are many types of paints on the market, and not every type is suitable for wood.

In addition, correctly selected paint will extend the life of the walls of the house and protect them from pests and adverse weather conditions.

Color is also important, since painting can radically change the design of a house and make it both attractive and repulsive.

Types of paint

Today, many people prefer to build houses from wooden beams. This is due to the fact that wood is a living material, which not only has excellent thermal insulation properties, but also looks great.

However, wood also has a number of disadvantages, primarily its vulnerability to moisture, sunlight, fungi and various pests.

If the wood is not protected from these factors, then over time the walls of the house will dry out, crack and be affected by fungus.

Therefore, the question of what paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house is very important, since the right paint will protect the house from external weather factors and significantly improve its design.

This is especially true for wooden houses built in conditions of high humidity (for example, near a pond).

Currently, there are three types of paints available on the market that are suitable for a wooden house.

The first type - antiseptics - is characterized by deep penetration into the wood (up to seven millimeters), thereby perfectly protecting the walls of the house from adverse weather conditions, fungus and mold.

Antiseptics are glazing (transparent) and covering (opaque). If the question is what is the best way to paint wooden walls, then it is better to choose glazing antiseptics.

Thanks to their transparency, the structure of the wood is preserved, and the design of the house becomes unique due to the color shade.

A house painted with glazing antiseptics looks great on the outside and is reliably protected from the outside.

The house will need to be repainted after about five years if glazing antiseptics were chosen, and after seven years if coating antiseptics were chosen.

Oil paints are very resistant to various atmospheric influences and are also deeply absorbed into wood.

Their disadvantages include long drying (more than a day) and a slight change in color over time (the surface becomes matte).

However, the color change is almost invisible when painted with light shades. Oil paint will last about six years on the walls (see photo).

Acrylate paints also have excellent weather resistance. In addition, when painting the walls of a house with such paint, you can be sure that it will last for a long time (up to ten years).

Acrylate paints give the wood the ability to breathe, thereby making the house more alive.

Due to the presence of acrylate, the paint is quite elastic, so when the house shrinks, it will move with the walls without collapsing.

If the question arises about how to paint the inside of a wooden house, then it is better to use ordinary water-based acrylic paints.

They are not very suitable for exterior use, but painting the inside of the house with these paints will be the best choice to improve the interior design of the house.

Today there are many options on the market for how to paint the inside of a wooden house.

Painting a newly built house

The question of how to paint the facade of a house with your own hands - that is, apply paint to the surface of the wall - usually does not arise, since almost everyone knows how to work with a brush.

But how to properly paint the outside of a wooden house is an interesting question, since there are nuances in the preparatory work.

First of all, you need to prepare the walls for painting, and this does not mean that you just need to brush off the dust with a brush.

It is advisable to do this using a spray bottle with water, since the liquid will absorb dust much better.

If there is mold or mildew on the walls, they need to be treated with a special product sold in stores.

If there is resin on the wood, you need to remove it - a spatula is perfect for this purpose. There may be many nail heads and screws on the walls of the house.

They need to be coated with a special metal primer, otherwise they will begin to rust over time.

After the wood has dried, you can begin painting. Almost everyone knows how to paint, however, there are several nuances.

It is better to carry out work in the warm season, but not under the scorching sun, otherwise the paint will dry too quickly.

It is advisable that the weather be calm, otherwise various debris may stick to the wet, fresh paint.

The paint must be stirred regularly in the jar so that its color is always the same. It should be applied to wooden logs exclusively in the longitudinal direction - just like an antiseptic.

The ends of the logs suffer the most from atmospheric influences, so they should be given the most attention. They should be soaked in several layers of antiseptic and paint.

The question often arises: what color to paint the outside of the house, because this greatly affects the appearance of the building?

Many stores offer consulting services on choosing a color to match the color of the roof and other home features, as well as the landscaping.

Often you can buy a small amount of paint in a store and experiment on an unnecessary board, comparing the results and choosing the option you like.

In many stores you can find samples of wood painted with a certain paint, and you can see the result immediately before purchasing.

How to paint an old house?

The question often arises: how to paint the outside of a house if it is already many years old and the old paint no longer holds?

In this case, painting will not only significantly improve the appearance of the building, but will also protect the wooden walls and extend their life.

To properly paint an old wooden house, you need to take into account some nuances.

The first step is to use the same type of paint as last time, or to completely remove the old paint from the entire building down to the depth of the wood.

This process is quite labor-intensive and complex, so it is much easier to determine what the house was painted with last time.

This can be difficult to do if another person did the painting. If the house was painted with oil paint, it is easy to determine visually - it is cracking in cells or across the wood fibers. Acrylate paint cracks along the grain and feels like leather.

You can also try rolling a piece of old paint into a roll. If this was possible, then the house was painted with acrylate paint, and if a piece crumbled, then with oil paint.

Glazing antiseptics become thinner over time; the coating can be renewed with the same composition of a darker color.

Before painting begins, old paint must be removed from the walls. It is better to do this with a metal brush.

You can use chemical cleaning agents that will preserve the structure of the wood much better.

However, this process is quite long and labor-intensive, so if you have a lot of free time, you can use a gel remover to remove old paint; if not, then the walls need to be cleaned mechanically.

If the old paint is holding strong, you can leave it. Then you need to clean the walls from dust and dirt, preferably using a sprayer.

If mold or mildew is present, the affected areas must be thoroughly cleaned. If there are rotten boards in the wall, it is better to replace them with new ones.

For better adhesion of the new paint to the wood, the walls can be treated with an alkaline detergent. If necessary, you can treat the walls with sandpaper.

An antiseptic primer must be applied to old walls, paying special attention to the ends of the building.

This will extend the life of the wood and protect it from mold and fungi. Painting the walls is carried out using the same method as for a new wooden house.

The most popular paints today are from the Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila. This company has been a leader in the paint and varnish market for many years.

Good quality is offered by the Finnish company Pinotex and the Slovenian company Belinka. By purchasing paints and antiseptics from any of these companies, you can be sure that the house will be painted with a high-quality composition that will last for many years.

Painting an old or newly built wooden house is quite simple.

To do this, you need to take into account some of the nuances of the process, purchase high-quality paint and primer antiseptic, and thoroughly clean the walls from dust, mold and resins.

With proper preparation and painting, a wooden house will acquire an attractive appearance and will be protected from negative atmospheric influences for many years.

Painting a wooden house made of timber will ensure long-term ideal preservation of the exterior. Simply slathering paint on the cobbled sides of logs does not create a reliable coating for preserving a cobbled house from constant exposure to moisture and wind, dust and debris, harmful insects and elementary mold. Painting a wooden house from the outside is a responsible action! The main thing is to choose the right paint for painting your house.

  • Oil paints based on drying oil are still actively used.

Drying oil deeply impregnates the wood layer, providing its reliable protection. Plus, availability of purchase, wide choice of colors, low price. The disadvantages are long drying time, rapid fading and dependence on precipitation (rain or wind significantly reduce the quality of coating with oil paints).

  • There is a wide choice among acrylate paints.

These paints are chosen by 80% of consumers when they are planning to paint the outside of a house made of timber, especially if they live in the northern regions. This is a quality standard for exterior finishing at low temperatures.

The absence of a pungent odor, a “breathable” structure (does not clog pores, while simultaneously preventing the penetration of moisture), resistance to frost are the main qualities of acrylates. Additional advantages include a wide range of colors and the ability to mix different colors without fading or fading. Fast drying. Service life – up to 6-8 years. The previous layer is updated without clearing the previous one.

Among the disadvantages - when stored in sub-zero temperatures, the paint after defrosting is absolutely unsuitable, both for painting the external walls of a wooden house, and for use in general.

  • Alkyd-acrylate paints (Al/Ak).

They appeared on the market of paints and varnishes not so long ago, but have already won their staunch admirers who prefer to improve the beauty of their log home. Al/Ak is a covering antiseptic, which allows not only to protect the surface of the wood, but also to “highlight” its texture and to reveal the characteristics of the samples used for the timber. Service life – up to 10 years. This material is in no way inferior to conventional paints, and looks much more impressive when applied.

  • Azure and varnish.

They have the property of not only emphasizing the beauty of wooden surfaces. Painting a house made of laminated veneer lumber with such materials will reliably protect it from atmospheric influences. Glaze contains less wax, but it penetrates the wood more deeply, which is of course good.

  • Oil-wax coatings. This material is easy and pleasant to work with!

Firstly, there is more freedom in applying the material for painting a wooden house outside; such compositions can be used inside without any risk of being “scorched” by the pungent odor. Secondly, oil-wax is not inferior to conventional varnish in terms of wear resistance, is superior to alkyd-acrylic compositions in terms of efficiency and is no less environmentally friendly than acrylate paint.

Thirdly, the material allows you to paint the outside of the house in two or three different colors, layers are applied on top of each other, and the first layer will “look through” the subsequent ones. Fourthly, after painting, the pattern of the wood from which the house is made will be visible through all the layers.

One of the obvious advantages is that it is possible to apply (paint) the outside of a house on wood of natural moisture, regardless of whether the house is made of laminated veneer lumber or rounded logs.

The oil-wax composition involves impregnation of wood fiber to give it special elasticity, resistance to cracking, and an obstacle to the accumulation of moisture from the outside, but at the same time allows it to dry naturally, allowing moisture to pass out from the log or timber. Thus, wooden houses dry practically without cracks, which, of course, only improves their appearance.

There are no obvious disadvantages when painting laminated veneer lumber or treating a wooden house made from solid logs with this composition. Except that the price is steep.

We minimize costs

The facades of wooden houses made of gun carriages, rounded logs or profiled laminated veneer lumber need protection. The sooner the exterior of a timber house is painted, the less hassle it will be to maintain a beautiful façade. The choice of material for laminated veneer lumber depends not only on its quality, but also on its price.

What paint to paint the outside of a wooden house? More expensive or cheaper? On the one hand - cheaper, “economy class”, so to speak.

Cheap facade paint, as a rule, does not exceed 100-200 rubles/kg. However, it will soon begin to lag behind the surface being painted, crack and begin to peel off. This means that in the near future the facade will need to be sanded and then repainted. Is this use economical?

Facade paint for painting the outside of a “middle class” house costs more: 150-300 rubles/kg. The manufacturer recommends it as a durable, reliable coating for 4-5 years. This, of course, is better than “economy class” (2-3 years), but here atmospheric phenomena again begin to play a role. The more rain, winds and frosts, the less hope there is for maintaining the durability of the “middle class” coating. And again - tear off, putty, sand, paint... Calculate the area of ​​the facade and multiply it by the cost of 1 kg. selected paint. Are you ready for such expenses every 3-5 years?

Premium coating. These paints are not cheap - more than 300-500 rubles / kg. However, they will provide protection for the facade of a wooden house for at least 10 years, provided that the technologies for painting a wooden house specified by the manufacturer are followed. In 10 years, it is quite possible to save up not only for a new covering for the house, but also for a cobblestone extension to it.

It turns out that spending on expensive paint will be more justified than buying cheap coatings - the stingy one pays twice!

On video: selection of facade paint for a wooden house.

Table of approximate service life of paints and their application

Calculation of the required amount of paint

When you have decided which paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house, before placing an order in the store, you need to correctly calculate how much of this paint will be needed.

The volume of consumable material per 1 sq.m is indicated on the packaging. Be careful! This volume is indicated for the paint consumption when applying it in one layer.

Painting of timber houses on the facade is done in two layers! You will need the amount of paint multiplied by 2 + a small reserve for unexpected needs to ensure you have enough.

Where to start painting?

Waiting for good weather! There is no point in starting such important work when “the sea is rocking and a hurricane is raging,” and temperature also matters. Acceptable temperature “swings” must also be indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the painting material for a log house or a house made of laminated veneer lumber. Good weather is a guarantee of high-quality facade painting work!

  • Sanding walls.

The walls of a log house must be “smoothed” very carefully, so it is worth paying attention to the processing of the log even at the stage of purchasing a log house. For walls built from laminated veneer lumber, it will be enough to sand them once with a grain size of 150-180, this will already create optimal quality for applying a primer.

After cleaning, the surfaces to be treated should be wiped with a damp cloth.

  • Primer.

Creating a durable, dense, carefully primed surface is a mandatory procedure before painting the house with the chosen paint. Primed walls are:

  • Strengthen the surface before applying paint to avoid dust.
  • Less absorption of moisture by the wooden base of paint, which allows you to use the coating more economically.

Walls made of laminated veneer lumber do not require the application of antiseptic - it is added to the glue itself. The surface must be primed in the same way as paint, then the paint itself will lay down in a more even layer. Before painting directly, the primer must dry thoroughly!

How can we not remember about oil-wax coatings, which can be applied not only to “unstable” log houses, avoiding the formation of cracks and “blue staining”, but also painting the timber with them is many times faster.

  • Painting

If the timber façade will not be hidden under other finishing materials, the paint should be matched to the overall design of the site. The facade can be darkened with a coating or, conversely, lightened, or you can give it any colorful shade. It all depends on how to paint the outside of timber houses. The “application tools” will also depend on this choice. Paint is applied to the facade with a brush, roller or spray gun, depending on the thickness of the chosen paint, its viscosity and the texture of the base.

Painting an old house

It’s wonderful when the owner chose to enhance the beauty of his home without covering it with a “thick, thick layer of chocolate” made from oil paints. But what if you own an old, old wooden house that has been repainted many times in different colors? Under multiple layers of rough paint, its walls have darkened, mold has spread in some places, and the once strong wooden crowns have been undermined by voracious insects.

What should we do? Paint the house! After the necessary repair work, we arm ourselves with sandblasting and strip everything clean until clean wood appears.

Next - everything is the same as for a brand new cobblestone house: we sand, prime, select the desired paint for a wooden house and paint the outside of our home in a new, life-affirming color, giving it harmony, attractiveness and an original appearance that will be the envy of all neighbors!

Painting wooden facades (1 video)