Mirror panels. Mirror wall panels How much does a mirror panel cost

A do-it-yourself mirror panel is not just a way to pass the time, but also an opportunity to replenish home interior whimsical decorative element. It should be understood that simply in this work in no case will it be! However, the result and the effort spent in any case are worth it.

Even a very complex mirror panel can be done on your own, giving the issue its due share of attention! It is enough to thoroughly think over the main aspects of the process, apply markings on the wall and purchase the main components.

First of all, it is important to take care of the availability of appropriate materials:

  • Mirror tiles;
  • Thin wooden planks;
  • plywood plates;
  • Fasteners.

All tiles will be laid out on a wooden base, and fastened with the help of the so-called " liquid nails". In order to frame the resulting mosaic, thin strips are used, which turn into a kind of frame. And if you cover the wood with paint rich color, it will take on a very noble appearance.

As a rule, mirrors are laid out on the wall according to the 3x3 scheme - three mirrors in length and a similar number in width. Thus, you can get a rather interesting interior solution, among other things, visually increasing the space.

Connoisseurs of beauty - a mirror panel in the interior

In free sale, you can easily find solid mirror panels or those that you have to assemble yourself. What to choose is an individual question, it depends on the preferences of the owner of the house and the features of his house.

So, monolithic mirrors have the following advantages:

  • Ease of installation work;
  • The ability to immediately see the result of your work.

Panels consisting of several parts also have strengths:

  • The ability to independently simulate a mirror picture;
  • The picture can be created gradually, not in one day.

Which of the above to install on the wall is decided solely in individually.

Mirror panel in the bedroom - decor for a restful sleep

When planning the space in the bedroom, many people try to recreate the atmosphere of comfort and peace there. In such conditions, a mirror panel will also become useful, which looks best in a bamboo frame.

The wall panel for the bedroom must also meet a number of requirements:

  • Be not too bright, perhaps with a matte coating;
  • The design should not be monolithic, it is better that it be divided into several parts.

Modern designers quite often use mirrors in their work, so find the right idea won't be too difficult. After desired option find, you can carry out its study and further installation.

Mirror panel in the kitchen: is it relevant

The kitchen space is usually loaded to the eyeballs, so it is sometimes very difficult to squeeze even a small panel into it. There are no impossible situations!

You can place a mirror:

  • On a small wall space;
  • On the kitchen wall
  • In close proximity to the sink.

The main thing is that the mirror surface does not come into contact with fats, which usually cover the entire kitchen. Droplets of fat that accidentally fall on it will be almost impossible to wash off! That is why it will be better for mirrors to avoid contact with harmful substances.

Children's mirror panel: decoration for the little ones

A children's mirror panel is perceived by many parents as an innovation, which should be treated with caution. In fact, everything is completely wrong! It is quite possible to beat the surface in a playful way by installing a curved mirror that will make the baby laugh.

It is important that the mirror:

  • It was securely fastened;
  • Couldn't hurt a child.

Children grow up very quickly and, soon, will be able to appreciate design decision parents.

Mirror panel with facet: non-standard techniques

Faceting is decoration the edges of the tile, allowing you to achieve an unusual reflection of light and provide the future panel with a more fashionable look. Outwardly, each of the tiles resembles a cut stone, very pleasing even to the sophisticated eye.

In addition, thanks to mirrors with facet, you can:

  • Hide the flaws of the room;
  • Purchase an exclusive and fashionable design;
  • Protect the space from dampness and deterioration of standard coatings.

Achieving originality in the interior is so easy! And, what is especially pleasant, you can achieve this on your own.

Sliding wardrobes with a mirror panel: original furniture in any home

Traditional wardrobes today are in almost every home. However, why not modernize them? For example, with the help of a panel of mirrors! Of course, you can give the whole cabinet door for decor, but it would be more expedient to go for a little trick.

A standard mirror is installed in human height (if one is not available), and a mosaic is made on top of it, along the edges or in the upper part. Thus, it will be possible to keep usable space and significantly diversify the interior.

In addition, you need to take a number of simple rules into service:

  • The panel should be installed on the outer sash to avoid friction;
  • Faceted glass, of course, looks beautiful, but if it is excessively concentrated, it will ripple in the eyes;
  • Tiles almost always look advantageous, but for the bedroom it is better to choose the smallest crystals.

Over time, furniture tends to get bored, but is it worth it to quickly send it to the scrap? It is better, with the help of the right decor, to give it a second life!

No extra effort: do-it-yourself mirror panel

Having firmly decided to make a wall mirror panel on your own, it is important to evaluate all the risks that this process. It will be especially difficult for those who work with a mirror surface for the first time.

To begin with, you will have to cut out squares of the same size, carefully sharpening sharp corners. This must be done with a sharp and precise movement so that the surface does not crumble.

When working with glass and mirrors, it is important:

  • observe safety precautions;
  • put on protective gloves;
  • protect eyes from small crystals.

Getting started for the first time, you need to try to cut the glass into the largest possible pieces. It will be much easier to work with them, and the result will be just as good!

Mounting a mirror panel on the wall: work in stages

Before proceeding with the installation of mirror tiles, it is necessary to prepare the space. Wall, closet door, etc. should be perfectly even, which can be achieved by grinding. This process is strictly not recommended to be neglected! Otherwise, the fashionable mosaic runs the risk of falling off after a few days.

After the space is prepared, you can start the main work:

  • Marking the place where the panel will be attached;
  • Staged placement of elements on the wall using liquid nails;
  • Final decoration and enclosing the mirror in a wooden frame.

DIY mirror tile panel (video)

Nothing complicated or impossible! Maximum attention and very soon a fashionable panel will decorate a once boring wall or furniture and become a full-fledged and original element interior!

Mirror panel in the interior (photo)

A beveled mirror panel, consisting of individual tiles with a mirror surface, is a great way to transform the interior of any room, whether it be:

  • living room,
  • trade area,
  • restaurant or cafe hall,
  • hall of an official institution,
  • clubhouse or something else.

Skillfully mounted on the wall mirror panel and tastefully decorated, will decorate any interior. However, for some types of premises, the installation of this element of the interior will be a way to radically transform the decoration of the room.

  • There is no better way to visually increase the volume of a too small, cramped and poorly lit room than to install a beveled mirror panel on the wall. As a result, the room will have a feeling of spaciousness, it will be filled with air. And the problem of lighting is easy to solve by supplementing the panel with lamps or lighting.
  • The wall on which the mirror panel is installed can become the center of the design concept of the entire room. If desired, it can be decorated with engraving, facet, photo printing. The use of mirror tiles to create panels will also look spectacular. original form or triangular, or rhombuses, and different colors. Such a wall will attract attention, while the rest of the situation can be quite restrained. You just have to correctly place the accents in the interior design.
  • One more good reason install a panel of mirrors on the wall - the ability to use it to visually change the configuration of the room. This element of the interior will help transform too narrow room, "remove" protruding corners and columns.
  • good and mirror wall installed on the partition when zoning the space: by delimiting the functional zones using this technique, you will not make the room either cramped or gloomy, but on the contrary, keep an abundance of air and light in it.

Mirror panel with facet on the wall

Panel of mirror tiles

Our company offers its customers an impressive variety of design options for mirror panels on the walls of rooms for any purpose. We are not afraid of difficulties and will be happy to take on any of your most creative orders.

We offer:

  • Mirror tiles of various sizes and shapes, from rectangular to the most bizarre.
  • Mirror panels of any size.
  • Production of mirror panels with facet, engraving, as well as using other mirror processing technologies ceramic tiles at the request of the customer.
  • Production of tiles of various colors.
  • Order a finished mirror wall panel with rhombuses.

Buy a mirror panel

The use of mirrors in the interior is a wonderful way to make your home individual and bright. Our glass company offers an exclusive service - custom-made beveled mirror panels. Design, delivery and installation! You can use it in the most different rooms- bedroom, hall, bathroom, living room, and everywhere it will look appropriate and attractive. Designers offer a lot of ideas on this topic, each of them is able to turn your home into an example of style and luxury.

What is a mirror panel?

This is a composition from mirror tiles different shapes cut with maximum precision. The size may vary and depends on the scale of the design project and its idea. Such an element of design is attractive not only because of the sparkling surface, but also because of the special edge trim – facet. The width of the facet can be different, as well as the pattern of the cut, which is successfully played up by decorators. It is worth noting that you can buy mirror panel in Moscow as in ready-made and make an individual order.
The use of such a design element in the interior is possible for the following purposes:

  • Visual expansion of space. With the use of large mirrors, this is quite simple: any wall can become an exit to infinity;
  • Changing the geometric proportions of the room. By installing this design element in a bedroom, living room or other room, you can easily “raise” a low ceiling or force narrow room look wider;
  • With the help of illuminated mirrors, it is additionally possible to create unique lighting effects.

Mirror tile has a facet cut, which makes it more refined and attractive in appearance. Making a panel is more difficult, but the effect is worth it - your home will simply change!

The cost of a mirror panel with facet

We guarantee the quality of production and full compliance with the requirements of the customer in all respects - by ordering an exclusive item, you get it. Moreover, we promise that the cost of the work will not be exorbitant, and many can afford to order such an art object for their home.

In the company "Glass Master" you can buy a mirror panel with facet at a price of 7000 rubles per square meter. Due own production the cost of mirror products is 20% lower than the market price.

Each stage of work - from the call to the installation of mirror tiles on the wall, we control with all rigor. Buying this element of interior design is an extremely successful idea and soon you will see for yourself!


We manufacture the most different variants mirror panels on the wall simple mirrors to the most complex and spectacular composition, consisting of mirror tiles different size and forms:

  • From elements of complex shape;
  • From artificially aged material;
  • With an enlarged central element.

Specialists will go to the place where the installation is planned. The master will make a preliminary inspection of the place and make a series of sketches. After you choose the most suitable option work will continue:

  • A sketch and project will be created;
  • Produced accurate calculations the shape, size of each mirror and the total cost of the mirror panel;
  • Further, the manufacture (cutting of the mirror), its delivery and installation on the wall by the workers of our company is carried out.

Mirror panel in the interior

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To create an exclusive interior design, experts use a variety of materials that combine with each other. Wall panels made of glass or mirror segments have gained great popularity. Such a product will become a real decoration of the room, it will expand the space due to the voluminous reflective surface.

Mirror panel- an excellent option for decorating any room, because it adds light and volume even to a small room without a panoramic view.

The mirror composition on the wall is often used to mask the imperfections of the base or finish. Figured reflective panels are able to modify the geometry of the room, highlight a certain area or emphasize any detail in the interior.

New design trends suggest using circle-shaped panels in the interior:

A panel of mirrors visually pushes the boundaries small room. In addition, mirrored panels add natural light to a poorly lit room. This piece of decor is often combined with LED spotlights.

Varieties of mirror panels (on a rectangular area):

diamonds Ruby Screen
Window bricks Laminate

It is important to remember that in many respects the quality of installation (the absence of discrepancies) depends on the quality of manufacturing products in production! In the case of panels, the manufacturing tolerance must be less than 1 mm.

Where is a panel of mirrors used?

Panels are widely used to decorate trading floors, exhibitions, halls of public institutions and offices. As a rule, the tile is framed by a baguette made of wood, metal or plastic.

The mirror panel fits perfectly into the interior of any premises intended for commercial activities - for example, in a hotel, cafe or restaurant, in addition to enlivening the interior, it also performs the function visual magnification premises (halls or banquet halls).

Examples of mirror panels in the interior:

Panel inserts can be very successfully combined with mirrors with artistic matting:

When assembling the structure, tiles with diamond edges are most often used, which have high reflective properties. The surface of the panel can have a silver or bronze tint, as well as a graphite-like color. If you want to create an interior in the style of "classic", "vintage" or "retro", then a panel of artificially aged mirrors is perfect for this purpose.

The diagram-drawing of a panel of rhombuses may look like this:

An example of a vertical panel design scheme:

Panel of mirrors moisture resistant, which allows them to be used in the utility room, bathroom, toilet - wherever there is high humidity. It is also practiced with tiles decorated with a pattern or ornament.

Mirror composition can be set almost anywhere:

  • in the apartment;
  • in a private household, townhouse or cottage;
  • in a restaurant, cafeteria;
  • in the trading floor of the store;
  • in the office or reception;
  • in a beauty salon.

When using moisture-resistant components, the product can be used when decorating the walls of a room with high humidity(in the bathroom, in the pool, bathroom). In the living room, with the help of panels, you can create original false windows in a decorative frame, which will “spread” the space and fill it with light.

Thanks to exclusive design, the product will become a "highlight" of the interior, will give it additional originality and style. But in order for the reflective panels to harmoniously fit into the allotted space, it is necessary to correctly calculate their size. This task is recommended to be entrusted to a professional designer.

Fragments for panels are made of any shape - it can be rectangular, square, triangular elements made in the form of rhombuses or asymmetric parts. The panel is going to solid foundation using special glue or fasteners.

When choosing a panel for a room, it is necessary not only to correctly correlate its dimensions with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but also to correctly fit it into the interior. The field for imagination is limitless here - any room with the help of this element of decor will become exclusive and attractive.

see also

  • beautiful exclusive glass shelves under the order;
  • professional installation of large mirrors in the premises;
  • durable tempered glass tops for tables.

Mirrors are most often placed in the following areas: bedside tables, above the head of the bed, in the wardrobe and boudoir area. Let's look at specific design projects that will allow us to appreciate all the advantages of such a finish.

Glow of gold: author's mirror panels in the bedside area

All photos In the photo: Beautiful bedroom with golden mirrored panels

In the interior, tinted mirror panels, for example, gold or any other, can also be used. For a nursery, you can use a mirror tinted in pink or lilac, for a bedroom - in gold or rose gold.

Colored mirrors can add some intrigue to your interior. For example, minimalist interior design often uses black, dark gray or copper tinting, which looks incredibly chic.

Fairy forest: fantasy decor of a mirrored partition

All photos In the photo: Bedroom interior with a mirror panel

A mirror panel is a real piece of art that the best way decorates the bedroom, creating the effect of spaciousness and fullness of brilliance and light. Designer Anzhelika Prudnikova is engaged in the creation of author's sketches for such panels, each of them is unique and unrepeatable.

Mirror panels look best in classic and art deco interiors, adding extra luxury to premium apartments. Plants, beautiful ornaments and patterns can be depicted on the surface of such panels, a certain scene - for example, a girl with a rose looking at the moon - which is not an option for exclusive design girl's bedroom?

Art Deco bevelled mirrors

All photos In the photo: In the photo: Art Deco bedroom design with bevelled mirror panels

In this luxurious bedroom, the wall design in the area behind the bedside tables is mesmerizing. Mirrors are located from floor to ceiling and are ideally combined with the design of the textile headboard.

Here, the facet technique is used with a polished or ground strip, which seems to border the surface of the mirror. This technique gives the mirror original design and amazing volume effect. There are facets on glass, double and double-sided - all of them are actively used in the design of mirrors in the interior.

Mirror inserts in Art Nouveau style

All photos In the photo: Art Nouveau bedroom with mirror panels

If you want to add a special charm to your bedroom, use practical mirror panels to decorate the area behind the bedside tables. The Art Nouveau style is famous for its stunning ornaments and patterns that will appeal to even the most sophisticated connoisseur of sophisticated design.

Mirrored walls and ceilings

All photos In the photo: Mirror decoration in the Art Deco interior

Such an amazing beautiful bedroom, it seems, can only dream! But Anzhelika Prudnikova makes dreams come true every day. By ordering a project from us, you get the exact realization of all your most secret desires, for example, a luxurious bedroom that any princess or even queen can envy!

Faceted mirrors framed by pilasters in a classic mocha bedroom

All photos In the photo: Mirror panels with facet in the interior of the bedroom

The classic interior of the bedroom can be done in a dark color scheme, and then you simply cannot do without finishing with mirrors. They refract natural sunlight and artificial light, allowing the room to light up with glare or muted flicker.

romantic mood

All photos In the photo: Bedroom decoration with mirrors designed by designer Anzhelika Prudnikova

This luxurious bedroom with an amazing lighting scenario and mirrored wall decoration looks charming. She wants to wake up and just enjoy life!

Bedroom with burgundy accents

All photos In the photo: Art Deco bedroom interior design

Now not only small mirrors assembled in panels or panels are fashionable, but also large ones, with and without facet, as, for example, in the bedroom project in the photo above. This design option looks strictly, restrained and at the same time luxurious.

Luxurious panel with a pattern

All photos In the photo: Exclusive mirror panel based on a sketch by designer Anzhelika Prudnikova

You can see another stunning version of the wall design with a mirror panel in the photo above.

Options for decorating walls with mirrors in the hall or hallway

Of course, the design of the hall or front hallway should be pleasing to the eye, because this is the “face of the house”. And even better if it will delight - as in the design projects of Anzhelika Prudnikova, which we will consider below.

Bright interior of the hall in art deco style

All photos In the photo: Mirror panel in the interior design of the hall

Surely you remember the luxury of interiors in the film "The Great Gatsby" directed by Baz Luhrmann with Leonardo DiCaprio in leading role. Art Deco elements were used to decorate most of the scenes, creating a special mood and giving the atmosphere a unique charm.

Elegant mirror panel with floral pattern

All photos In the photo: Designer mirror panel based on the sketch of Anzhelika Prudnikova

We see what is now decorative panels in trend. But their exclusivity and luxury have always been highly valued by the French aristocracy, so they were used to decorate palaces, country residences and mansions, as well as chateaus.

Rose gold mirrored panels

All photos In the photo: Hallway interior with mirror panels

Paired with Starburst style mirrors, mirror paneling can look especially luxurious. The rose gold hue adds even more elegance to this solution.

Fabulous panel in a delicate cream hallway

All photos In the photo: Designer mirror panel based on the sketch of Anzhelika Prudnikova

And here is another spectacular hallway with a mirror panel that looks amazingly good. It turned out to be very atmospheric and certainly surprises and delights every guest.

Interior decoration of the front hall

All photos In the photo: The interior of the front hall with mirror panels

The strict geometry of the mirror pattern and the floral ornament with smooth lines balance each other, making an excellent pair in this interior!

Mirror panels in the design of the walls of the living room

Of course, in the interior design of the living room, the decoration of the walls and ceiling with mirror panels and panels is no less popular. Consider the two most commonly used options.

Exquisite Art Deco Geometry

All photos In the photo: Living room interior with rose gold mirrored panels

In the interior of this living room, vertical mirrored panels in rose gold tone organically complete the image of an aristocratic living room.

Natural Stone and Art Deco Beveled Mirror Finish

All photos In the photo: Mirror panels in the interior of the living room

This living room uses beveled mirror panels, which is most often seen in Art Deco interiors. The pattern is spectacular and eye-catching.