How to throw snow off the roof of a house. Crazy but effective method to remove snow from the roof of the house! Reasons for removing snow from roofs

Winter is not only joy and evening walks along the street, but it is also an endless struggle with precipitation that periodically falls on the surface of the earth. Snow in this case brings not only positive emotions, but also creates unnecessary problems with its cleaning.

Removing snow is sometimes not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It all depends on the amount of precipitation, as well as how they are cleaned. V modern world there is simply a huge number of tools that can somehow help with snow removal from the territory, while spending a minimum of time.

In order to guess with the tool, you need to study each of them and come to a reasonable conclusion.

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of snow removal tools, so not everyone is able to accurately determine what they need. But all of them are somehow divided into several categories, which greatly simplifies the time spent on choosing.

Manual snow removal with a shovel or scraper

The shovel is not only the most common tool, but the most reliable. After all, the shovel has absolutely no complex parts in its design that could fail.

Working with a shovel is very productive. If, when using heavy equipment, certain resources may run out, then when working with a shovel, everything depends only on the physical capabilities of a person. The same goes for the scraper.

A distinctive feature of the scraper from the shovel is their size. The scraper is much wider than the shovel, which allows you to get rid of snow deposits much faster. But there is one drawback here - when working with a scraper, difficulties often arise from the side of the tool. If a person has weak physical indicators, then it will be very difficult to work with this tool.


by the most the best option snow removal on the large territories is the use of specialized snow removal equipment. All work is carried out with the help of heavy or semi-heavy equipment, which allows you to get rid of a large scale of snow deposits in a relatively short period of time.

To snowplows can be attributed:

  • tractor with special devices;
  • snowplow;
  • snow blower and much more.

If you need to clear the area from snow as quickly as possible, then the equipment will become the best option. But even here there are drawbacks in the form of a constant need for fuel or management personnel. Also, most vehicles have very decent dimensions, and therefore are unable to fit on the site. In general, the technique is able to cope with the task for a solid "five".

Video: comparing snow removal with a shovel and a gasoline snow blower

Worth knowing! If it is necessary to clear a small area of ​​snow, then there is no need to purchase heavy equipment. You can get by with less expensive snow removal tools.


This is perhaps the most costly way to clean the site from snow, both in terms of time and financial costs. This method cleaning allows you to get rid of snow in an almost passive way. It is only necessary to distribute the reagent on the territory and wait for the snow to melt.

Important! The chemical method can be used to get rid of snow only in those places where it will not harm humans and animals. In most cases, toxic salts are used, which, when in contact with the skin and mucous membranes of a person, can harm his body.

Snow removal by chemical means occurs by mixing or applying reagents over the snow, which, under the influence environment snow melts, leaving only water or steam with impurities of reagents.

other methods

There are also more radical ways clearing snow deposits. Their use implies the use of physical laws in the right direction. For example, one common method is simple blowing snow. Through the action of air masses on snowdrifts, snowflakes swell over a long distance, while leaving an absolutely clean surface.

Another common method is melting snow. With the help of special melting plants, the snow turns into water in a matter of seconds. The resulting water can be very easily directed to its intended purpose or simply poured out.

That's not all alternative ways snow removal. You can add new ones to them, using your own logic and ingenuity. The main criterion is rationality, which is sometimes very problematic to achieve.

After the most common snow clearing methods have become known, you can proceed to their direct description. After all, in this case, you need not only to choose the right tool, but also to know how to use it.

How to remove snow in the yard with a shovel and scraper

It would seem that it could be easier than working with a regular snow shovel? But even here there are pitfalls that can have a significant impact on the workflow.

In order to remove snow with a shovel with your own hands, first of all, you need to buy quality tools. Determining its quality is very simple - you need to check the integrity of the shovel, as well as the quality of the material used in the production. If the quality is credible, then it can be purchased.

Advice! Before starting work, it is necessary to do a warm-up. This is necessary in order to avoid injury in the form of sprains or other injuries during work.

The snow is easily removed with a shovel. All that is needed is to gradually remove the masses of snow that will be encountered on the way. The main thing is not to take too much, then the work will be completed much faster than planned.

The scraper in its purpose is somewhat similar to a shovel. It differs only in that the scraper does not come off the ground and literally pry the snow masses from below. When snow has accumulated in the scraper cavity, it can be transported to the designated place without any problems.

How to remove snow on the site using snowplows

If there is any snow removal equipment available, then this greatly facilitates the process of snow removal. After all, the main work is done by technology, a person only directs it to the required place.

The process of clearing snow with equipment primarily depends on the type of equipment itself. For example, there is MTZ tractor with front bulldozer designed for clearing snow. In this case, everything is simple - you just need to prepare the transport for work and clear the snow masses, delivering them to the far corner of the territory, or even load it into auxiliary transport.

Most often, it is used as a snowplow for home needs. snow rotor. A rotor is a device that is attached to small-sized equipment like a mole or to a mini tractor, the main element of which is screw.

Video: snow removal with a snow rotor

To clear the snow on the site with such a device, you must follow some recommendations.

  • Snow removal on the device must be directed in the opposite direction. Thus, the main masses of snow will be directed in the right direction.
  • If height snow cover is more than 1 meter, then it is necessary with remove the top layers with a shovel. In this case, the probability of equipment failure will be minimized.
  • Best to use rotors on gasoline engines . They are independent of the distance to the power source, which allows them to be used even in the most remote areas of the territory.

In general, when using such a transport, you must first of all pay attention to its capabilities and not exceed them. In this case, the work will be performed efficiently, and the equipment will not fail.

Snow removal in the yard with chemicals

The most common method chemical control with snow is use . This method has many advantages, including:

  • availability;
  • quick solution of problems with ice and snow cover for a long period of time;
  • action occurs immediately after distribution.

Principle of operation similar mixtures of sand and industrial salt is very simple: since the heat capacity of sand is much higher than snow, it heats up under the influence of sunlight, after which the resulting thermal energy acts on the snow by melting it. This is very effective way, as the snow remains on the territory until the end of winter.

There are also purely chemical reagents, which work on the principle of moisture absorption and subsequent freezing. But their use is not only dangerous to others, but also very expensive to use.

How to remove snow from a roof

When snow accumulates on the roof, it causes a lot of problems. For example, a passer-by can easily get injured from falling large masses of snow. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of snow on the roof as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What is the best way to remove snow from the roof of a private house?

For similar purposes only one tool is suitable - a shovel. V rare cases you can use a regular scraper.

If the roof has horizontal arrangement, then the snow can be cleaned in the same way as on the ground. Before starting work, you only need secure yourself with a rope or rope.

Video: how to quickly remove snow and not fall off the roof

But if snow removal work is planned to be carried out on sloped roof, then here you need to follow a number of tips and requirements.

  • Before starting work, you must warm up thoroughly. This is necessary in order not to get injured or sprained, as well as to increase the overall tone of the body.
  • Since the work is carried out at height, you need to take care of your own safety. To do this, you just need fasten to the roof ridge with a cable. The cable should not hinder movement.
  • With the help of a shovel, it is necessary to throw down masses of snow. At the same time, it is necessary stand firmly on the roof surface so as not to fall down.
  • If there is a lot of snow, you can use a scraper.

In most cases, you need to navigate on the spot, taking into account all the key points (roof slope, distance to the building, etc.).

Video: cleaning the roof of snow

If all the tips are followed, snow removal on the site or from the roof will become not only an easy, but also practically inexpensive process. You just need to choose the right the right way and a snow removal tool. If you do everything right, you will save not only time, but also money.

In contact with

Though general principle cleaning the roof of snow is the same (moving snow and ice masses from top to bottom), ways its implementation exists lots of.

In this article we will talk about most of these methods, because each of them depends on:

  • various tools;
  • personal qualities.

For one way required:

  • scrapers, which can be bought at any hardware store;
  • excellent physical shape.

For another needed:

  • technical savvy;
  • electric motor.

For the third way will need:

  • special ladder;
  • wooden shovel.

In addition, we will tell you how to clean the roof of ice growths and icicles.

How to remove snow, ice or frost from the roof, including icicles, without damaging the roofing?

Consider list of major impacts for snow and ice:

  • physical movement;
  • mechanical destruction;
  • vibration;
  • heat.

physical movement is the simplest effect.

Its essence is that they rest against snow or ice with some object and, using physical strength, push the mass from top to bottom.

Such impact does not require some complex technique and great skills, but it directly depends on the physical form, namely:

  • coordination of movements;
  • balance;
  • accuracy;
  • eye.

This kind of influence only effective in a relationship:

  • snow;
  • melting ice.

Therefore, with the help of this effect, snow can be removed at any time, and ice can be cleaned only during a thaw. Trying to clear the ice during a frost will only damage the roof or the tool.

Mechanical destruction- it's sawing. Such an impact is used if the thickness of the ice layer exceeds 20 centimeters. For sawing use conventional electric and gasoline saws.

This mode of influence very difficult to perform, so it is used only when no other methods have worked, and the ice needs to be removed urgently.

Vibration- one of very effective methods that act on snow in any weather, and on ice only in positive weather.

A huge plus of this method is that everything can be done in the attic without climbing out onto a slippery roof.

minus there are very high requirements for the truss system - the impact will be effective if all the boards of the truss system are free of rot and damage.

Heat roofing is effective as preventive measure, because it prevents the snow from caking and sticking to the roof, turning into ice.

However, against a thick layer of packed snow and ice, roof heating is ineffective.

An exception is a simultaneous effect:

  • heating;
  • vibrations.

In this case, even a thick layer of ice is cleared without any problems. minus this method is huge power consumption if you heat the roof. If you warm up the snow and ice from above, you will need a powerful gas burner.

How to clean the roof

All methods of cleaning the roof of snow, which we will discuss below, can be conditionally divide by location who will do the job:

  • standing on the ground;
  • from the stairs;
  • from a self-propelled lift;
  • from the attic;
  • from the roof.

We will also tell you how to clean even roofs (soft roofs) and such an exotic method of dealing with snow as sawing.

This method is effective when no possibility remove snow in time.

So accumulates a huge volume of ice mass that can damage:

  • roofing;
  • rafter system.

standing on the ground

This cleaning method is used only for one-story not too high private houses, in which the distance to the lower edge of the roof does not exceed 3 meters.

To work for you you will need:

  • wooden or plastic (you can use homemade) scraper;
  • handle 4–5 meters long;
  • handle 6-8 meters long (it can be made of plastic water pipe suitable diameter)
  • assistant.

For work, you can use both one scraper with interchangeable handles, and several scrapers with different lengths of handles.

Problem only that it is very difficult to store a scraper with a handle longer than 6 meters, therefore the best choice there will be a scraper with a collapsible handle. We talked about the manufacture of such a scraper and a handle for it in the article (equipment). In this case, you can increase the length gradually as the roof is cleared.

Start cleaning with icicles, which must be carefully knocked down with a scraper.

How to knock icicles off a roof without damaging it?

To do this, the scraper is taken away from the house (swing) and beaten on icicles 10–15 centimeters below the edge of the roof.

Do not hit the icicles next to the roof, a strong blow can damage the roof.

If the temperature is positive outside, then hit the icicles not hard, but several times to tear them away from the main mass of ice.

In frost time only shorten them and all. After that, carefully place the scraper on the roof (the distance to the lower edge of the roof is 30–50 centimeters) and gently pull towards you. If the snow is packed, you can reduce this distance to 10–20 centimeters.

Do not try to pull the scraper hard, if it meets some obstacle, lift it up to bypass an obstacle.

Perhaps there:

  • snow retainer;
  • ice growth.

In both cases, an attempt to disrupt the obstacle by force will not lead to anything good.

Having cleaned the bottom of the roof along the perimeter, proceed to cleaning the next section, located a little higher. Cleaning the roof around the perimeter, climb up to the top ridge.

If on the roof snow guard installed then lift the scraper so that it passes over it. Do not press the scraper against the roof, its weight is sufficient for safe removal snow.

How to remove frost or ice from the roof of a private house in the safest way to cover the roof? Most sparing option: heating combined with vibration or light mechanical impact during a thaw. Most wrong- strong mechanical impact in frost.

From the stairs

This method is suitable for one-story houses, in which the lower edge of the roof is located at a height of 3-4 meters.

To work for you will need:

  • light scraper 40–60 centimeters wide with a handle 2–3 meters long;
  • wooden block(you can use a leg from a chair or stool) or a small rubber mallet;
  • ladder or a ladder at least 4 meters long with rollover protection (wide bottom step);
  • safety belt;
  • two assistants.

Place the ladder so that the slope angle relative to the ground is no more than 60 degrees.

Climb up the stairs and fasten your belt.

Both partners at the same time must insure the stairs(one on the side, the other on the back) so that it does not fall, even if you fall.

First, with a wooden block, knock down icicles at a distance 5–10 centimeters from the roof.

Hitting higher is undesirable, because you can damage the roof.

During frost and thaw proceed as described in the previous section.

If it is necessary to completely remove the icicles during frost, then hit them with a bar from the wall of the house, so the risk of damage to the roof is minimal. Hit lightly light wooden bar or rubber mallet.

When you're done with knocking down the icicles, throw the block down or put it in your belt, then ask an assistant to bring the scraper.

Take the scraper while standing upright, because the slope can cause the stairs to move. Place the scraper on the roof to your side (make sure the assistant is standing on the opposite side), and the distance from the scraper to the edge of the roof should not be more than 15 centimeters.

Clear the snow in strips 1.5–2 meters long and 10–15 centimeters wide by moving the scraper from top to bottom without much effort.

After cleaning the strip, lift the scraper up, gradually moving from the bottom of the roof to the top ridge.

After clearing one area from top to bottom, proceed to another.

For this:

  • unfasten yourself from the stairs;
  • get down to the ground.

Then rearrange the ladder, climb on it and buckle up again.

From the cradle of a self-propelled lift

Self-propelled lifts based on trucks, many enterprises have. These devices lift a load weighing 200–300 kilograms by 20–30 meters.

To clear snow and ice from a self-propelled lift you you will need:

  • safety belt;
  • folding scraper;
  • wood bar or rubber mallet.

Having climbed into the cradle of the lift, fasten your safety belt to its lattice. Having risen to the roof, knock down the icicles with a bar at a distance of 5–10 centimeters from the roof.

If you need to completely remove the icicles, then lightly hit the icicles with a mallet from the side or from the side of the wall. After that, clean the roof in the same way as described in the previous sections.

Snow should not fall into the cradle, so clean the roof a little to the side of it. Do not try to break off ice growths. So you either damage the roof, or greatly shake the cradle.

You can remove ice growths or a thick layer of ice only by standing on the attic or roof, combining:

  • thermal impact;
  • vibrating impact.

During frost and thaw, proceed as described in the previous sections.

standing on the roof

To remove snow and ice, you will need shovel with wooden or plastic bucket. You can also use a plastic scraper with a handle 1.5–2 meters long. A wooden scraper is not suitable due to its excessive weight.

In addition, you will need wooden or plastic ladders, after all, walking on ice and snow cover is possible only on roofs without a slope. Going down the ladder to the very bottom of the roof, knock down the icicles with a shovel.

For this:

  • lower the shovel bucket to the level of the middle of the icicles;
  • holding the handle of the shovel by the edge with the left hand, right hand take the shovel to the right for a swing;
  • smoothly, with not too much effort, move the shovel to the left, making a swing;
  • during the thaw, try to remove all the icicles from the roof by hitting them several times.


  • turn over a shovel so that its bucket is directed to the roof;
  • lower it on the snow (the distance from the edge of the roof is 20–40 centimeters);
  • push snow mass down.

Do not try to clean all the snow all the way to the roof, otherwise you will only damage the roofing material. Permissible balance between the shovel and the roof 5–10 centimeters.

Follow this rule even during the thaw, so you protect the roof from damage.

Clean the entire piece of the roof in the same way up to the ridge, then move the ladder and proceed to cleaning the next section.

If you clean the roof during the thaw, then removing upper layer snow all over the roof, try gently push flaking pieces of ice.

Do not try to break through or knock down the ice, as you will only damage the roof.

You can quite lightly, moving the shovel only with your fingers and hands (without the participation of the forearms), apply light blows with a bucket on the ice from top to bottom to move it.

If the ice doesn't go down after a few hits, stop hitting and move on to another area.

If you do not use a shovel, but a plastic scraper, then the sequence of actions with it is the same.

From the attic

This most:

  • safe;
  • effective

a method of removing snow and ice, however, it can only be used where all the boards of the truss system are not damaged by rot or cracks.

For this cleaning you will need 2–3 electric motors with a power of 50–100 watts with a shaft rotation speed of up to 2 thousand revolutions per minute, as well as a hockey puck.

Can be used instead of a puck wooden or metal block. It is necessary to make a vibrator from the motor and the washer. To do this, the washer or bar is placed on the shaft and fixed, but not in the center, but by moving it to any edge. A metal bar can be welded to the shaft, and for a washer or wooden block make a switch.

One vibrator is enough for 100–150 square meters roofs. Attach the vibrator to any rafter so that the rotating eccentric does not damage anything, and lower the wire from it into the house.

The effect of the vibrator will appear through 20–60 minutes after turning it on, so warn your household not to go outside or walk under the edge of the roof while it is running. After all, when exactly the snow and ice will melt, and also what will be the mass of the descended section, no one knows. Usually snow melts within 2–4 hours, and ice within 5–8 hours.

Most effective vibrator during thaw and on roofs where the roof is heated from the inside.

Also increase efficiency operation of the vibrator can be done by heating the roof from the outside with gas burner. To do this, you will need the same ladders as in the previous section.

At the same time, the impact high temperature without the participation of a vibrator is very inefficient.

Flat roof cleaning

To clean a flat roof, you will need a wooden or plastic snow blower or a snow blower with a metal auger. A plastic or wooden scraper may also come in handy.

Start cleaning from any edge of the roof and move around the perimeter throwing snow out.

After clearing a strip around the perimeter of the edge of the roof, move a little closer to the center and clear the second strip.

After cleaning 2–3 lanes, the next lanes slide first to the edge of the roof, and then throw it down.

In no case do not pile up piles of snow and do not try to chip or cut ice.

When moving snow from the center of the roof to the edges, make sure that it thickness did not change. from the thickness of the remaining or already thrown snow.

If you make the layer thicker, then can damage:

  • roofing;
  • rafter system.

During the thaw, do not try to break the ice from the roof. If the roof is fenced with a parapet, then clean the drain holes so that melting water can escape freely.

On flat roofs, especially soft roofs, all ice should melt on one's own, and the snow is cleared only to reduce the load on the truss system.

Sawing ice

This operation is carried out only if total weight ice poses a threat to the truss system. To work, you will need a gasoline or electric saw.

Ice can be cut only if its thickness exceeds 35 centimeters. Saw ice from the top skate. First, a cut is made parallel to the roof slope, at a distance of 5–10 centimeters from the roof.

If you are not sure that you can make a cut parallel to the slope, then increase the distance to the roof. This cut is made along the entire ridge, first on one side, then on the other. Ladders are used to move on the roof.

The ice over the cut is divided in pieces convenient size (30–70 centimeters), for which they are sawn, holding the saw guide bar parallel to the roof. After that, a longitudinal cut is made, which will completely separate the ice from the main ice mass.

Ice bricks are thrown down, then the whole cycle of work is repeated on the next section of the roof. At the same time, it is taken into account that if the guide bar is parallel to the roof, then the distance from it to the ice will be 2–5 centimeters, depending on the saw model. Therefore, the saw is tilted so that the front of the blade is at the level of the already cleaned cut.

The most common mistakes and their consequences

The most common mistake, which people who do not have much experience allow is an attempt to chip ice from the roof.

It doesn't matter whether the ice is broken with a shovel or a crowbar, the consequences are always the same - damage to the roof. The only difference is that the crowbar pierces the material through and through, and from blows with a shovel:

In the spring, all materials, except for corrugated board, start to flow and corrugated board, having lost a thin zinc layer, starts to rust and after 2–4 years a hole appears in it.

Another mistake- an attempt to cut down icicles on the roof right under the roof at sub-zero temperatures, directing a blow towards the wall of the house or hitting from above.

Uncommon and very dangerous mistake- go out onto a roof covered with snow and ice without ladders.

Indeed, in this case, the only way to ensure stability is to use studded shoes.

But spikes damage any roofing material, so it is very likely that a roof cleaned without ladders spring will leak.

An exception is the cleaning of snow from the roof by climbers, because they use shoes without spikes, and stability provides them with:

  • tensioned safety rope;
  • Huge experience.


By reading this article, you have learned:

  • how to clean roofs from snow and ice with your own hands or with the involvement of climbers in various ways;
  • how to remove ice from the roof of a private house or high-rise building;
  • how to knock down icicles in various conditions.

Between all the methods of cleaning roofs from snow described in the article, there is one thing in common - they allow you to clean snow and ice, without damaging:

  • truss system;
  • roof covering.

Choice how to clean the roof of snow depends on:

  • accessibility one or another equipment;
  • your physical data;
  • technical ingenuity;
  • states roofs;
  • thickness snow and ice layers.

In contact with

To a certain extent, snow cover can serve as a heater in winter period time. Troubles begin when there is a lot of rainfall. Their heavy weight can damage the entire structure. In addition, the layers can thaw and build up, which can lead to damage to the roof. To prevent all this from happening, you need to know how to remove snow from the roof with your own hands.

Special fixtures

If you live in a private house, then cleaning the roofs will not cause enormous difficulties, as it may seem right off the bat. To do this, it is possible to build a couple of simple devices. As a rule, the top layer is sufficient, and it may already entail everything else.

  • In case you have household plot, then there must be a chopper available. You need to take it and close the blade with a plastic or wooden lining. To do this, it is possible to make a small cut half the depth in the bar and fix it with plastic ties. Now you need to lengthen the handle. This can be done with an aluminum or other light alloy tube. For such purposes, in addition, a wooden holder of enormous length is suitable. Then, using this tool, carefully pry off the layers and pull them together. It is fundamentally important to stand at a sufficient distance so that you yourself are not covered.
  • Next option there will be a similar design, but instead of a chopper blade, it is possible to take a part of a sheet of corrugated board or a tin, fix it perpendicular to the holder at the end and create cleaning using the same method.
  • It is possible to make another uncomplicated device. For this we need steel wire more than 10 mm in diameter. From it you need to make a rectangle. Its sides can be 30 × 20 cm, 40 × 30 cm. They are selected depending on the events. It is necessary to make it so that the two ends converge towards the middle and it is possible to bend them at an angle of 90? for a branch, which will later be fixed to the rod. The result should be a bent net of a rectangular shape. On the underside of the frame, you need to fix a PVC sheet or a dense oilcloth, which will be the same in width as the huge side of the rectangle, and 1.5 × 2 m in length. We move our tool so that the layers of snow pass through the net. Once on the oilcloth, they will freely roll down. So, in a couple of passes it is possible to remove all or part of the precipitation from the roof.

If there is no thirst to do something with your own hands, then it is possible to buy finished structure. In appearance, in most cases it resembles a curved snow shovel with a telescopic handle. The canvas is made of plastic, therefore it has a low weight and can easily be raised to the roof mark.

Device in action:

Bottle-rope method

For this option, we need simple plastic bottles(better if it is possible to use plastic canisters), and a strong rope. The length of the rope must be a couple of meters larger than the size of two roof slopes.

  • We cut off the neck from bottles or canisters. A non-specialized length is possible up to 10 cm. they will bend.
  • We select a drill according to the diameter of the rope and drill a hole in the lid. It can be done with a knife. We put the cover on the rope and tie knots on both sides so that it is fixed.
  • When thirsty, it is possible to cut sharp teeth on the cuts of the bottle so that a better grip occurs.
  • We wind the neck that we cut off onto the lid. We place everything so that at one end of the extension of the cover we watch upwards. At the second end, we place everything in the same way, but we turn the bottles in the opposite direction.
  • The distance between these two parts should be equal to the length of the roof slope. It is better not to reduce it, so as not to cling to the skate when performing the task.
  • If bottles were used rather than canisters, then it is possible to make a pair of such ropes and tie them into a knot along the edges.
  • Then we throw the rope over the roof and with a friend or life partner we pull the rope. So we can remove the thickness of the snow.

If there is no one who would be able to hold the second end, then it is possible to hook the middle of the structure to the chimney or another stand and independently drag it alternately by the edges of the rope.

We heat the roof

It is essential to know what is the way is fine not for all types of roofing. Some flooring from a sudden change in temperature can and will do more harm than good. Others can easily ignite. For such purposes, from time to time it is recommended to use building hair dryer. But imagine how much you will need to run and stay on the roof in order to warm up the whole thing. Please note that this method will be available if you have an attic that is not used as an attic, and the roof itself is not insulated around the perimeter of the flooring.

  • To achieve a great result, use heat guns. It is better if these are electrical units.
  • Do not use devices that have an open flame.
  • The place of heating must be changed at regular intervals, otherwise an unnecessary temperature difference may occur.
  • Stay close to the instrument at all times in order to take action in the event of an unforeseen situation.
  • Provide good ventilation. During operation, heating devices very quickly absorb oxygen from the air.

From time to time, cleaning the roof of snow and ice can be done using a puncher or a chisel with a hammer. This is not uncommon when the frozen layer has already reached a sufficient thickness and can injure others when sliding. In other environments it is possible to go the standard way. For this, a shovel and a long ladder, which can be raised to the ridge, will come in handy. Need to throw off the snow.

To do this, go very carefully so that the layers do not begin to shift and do not knock you down together with the stepladder. Use safety straps. It is possible to accelerate the melting of snow by installing a heating cable system in advance. In this case, you will not need to make special efforts - by pressing the toggle switch. The collected snow can be taken out to the garden or flower beds. Then it will become a source of liquid.

For residents of private houses, the onset of winter means not only beautiful snow-covered nature and clean frosty air, but also the beginning of the fight against snow on the roofs of houses. Snow removal from roofs is a serious task that should not be put off. This can lead to undesirable consequences such as deformation roofing material and the formation of holes in the roof.

If there is a lot of snow, and rafter system insufficiently reinforced, the roof will collapse. With warming, the snow can thaw and turn into ice, pieces of which, when falling, can cause significant damage. decorative elements facade or the territory adjacent to the house.

What do you need to remove snow from the roof?

In order to remove snow from the roof, no expensive and special devices are required, the main thing is that the tools are chosen correctly.

It is better to take a shovel plastic or wooden, they will not damage the roof. Plastic scrapers for snow removal, which are easy to use thanks to the telescopic handle, have proven themselves well.

If as roofing Since metal tiles were used in the construction of the roof, there are pushers designed specifically for this material to remove snow from its surface.

There are also special devices for cleaning snow, but they are better suited for cleaning snow from the ground, but it is better not to use them for the roof.

Removing snow from the roof yourself - instructions

Removing snow from the roof with your own hands is a simple task that does not require special knowledge and skills. It is enough to follow the safety precautions and some rules, such as:

  • It is better to clear the roof of snow during the day, this will minimize the risk of injury.
  • Before climbing onto the roof, you should decide on the place where to throw off the snow.
  • It is better to clear the roof of snow in calm weather, without precipitation.
  • It is better to work in tandem with someone who can, if necessary, provide a tool or secure in an emergency.
  • Shoes should not be slippery, and clothing should be as comfortable as possible.

Proper snow removal from the roof of the house involves the following sequence of actions:

Remove icicles around the perimeter of the roof. This can be done from the ground with a long rail.

Take care of the insurance - a thick rope is perfect for this. It should be long enough to wrap around the belt several times, and securely fix the edge behind the pipe.

Set up a ladder to climb up. It is advisable to fix it well.

First you need to clear the snow from the edges of the roof, gradually moving up. In this case, you need to be as careful and careful as possible so as not to violate the integrity of the coating, because modern materials quite thin and can be easily deformed.

If an ice crust has already formed under the snow, it is better not to touch it, but to wait until it thaws.
That's all! It remains only to remove the snow thrown from the roof, away from the house, and the task can be considered completed.

How often should the roof be cleared of snow? There is no single answer. It depends primarily on how snowy the winter is and what material was used to build the roof.

It is advisable to clean the edges of the roof at least 2 meters after each significant snowfall. At the same time, once a month it is necessary to remove the snow from the roof completely, otherwise, under the influence of sunlight, the snow will begin to melt and form an ice crust, which will be much more difficult to remove.

Other ways to clear the roof of snow

How easy is it to remove snow from a roof? This question is of interest to many, because cleaning snow from the roof with a shovel is a task that requires time and effort.

most accessible chemical agent is salt mixed with sand. This tool is publicly available, but its main drawback is that salt destroys the anti-corrosion protection of metals. Therefore, you should not use it often.

There are special chemicals that actively destroy ice and prevent new freezing in already treated areas.

Modern science also does not stand still - a system called "roofing without icicles" is an effective protection against the formation of ice on the roof surface.

The operation of the system is based on electrical cables that generate heat, which are placed along the perimeter of the roof. The system is equipped with special automation that regulates the degree of heating of the wires.

Snow on the roof of the house should be cleaned regularly, but even if there is not much snow on the roof, icicles must be removed. These icicles on the roof can be very dangerous - falling from a height, they can cause significant harm to people, cars and other objects that are located close to the house.

Timely cleaning of snow and ice from the roof of the house is the key to a long service life of the roofing - this should not be forgotten. And roof repairs are much more expensive and more time-consuming than snow removal.

Heavy snowfalls are always a nuisance. Congested traffic, an increase in accidents, endless injuries and snow-covered houses are all consequences. winter weather.

Did you know that 1 cu. m of snow weighs approximately 750 kg? Just imagine the load your roof has to withstand during a heavy snowfall! Layers of snow can melt and build up, resulting in damage to the roof. To avoid such troubles, you need to know how to remove snow from the roof yourself.

Fortunately, the editorial "So simple!" I found some easy tricks to safely get rid of those pesky roof drifts in record time!

How to remove snow from a roof

Share these tricks with your friends to bring only joy and a wonderful mood!

A fan of painting, especially Monet and Klimt. She loves cinema, appreciates music on vinyl. Architecture and sculpture - what inspires an inquisitive person around the clock! Christina is engaged in the study of digital technologies for prosthetics in dentistry. The girl chooses minimalism and simplicity both in the interior and in life. An inspiring mountain view and Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea are exactly what our charming author needs to be happy!