Making a hammer handle at home. Light wooden hammer - mallet or simply a do-it-yourself mallet

A wooden mallet can be used for many purposes, but the main work is related to joinery and carpentry. For example, a wooden mallet will be needed to assemble spiked joints. The fact is that when struck with an ordinary metal hammer, serious dents remain, which then have to be sanded or puttied. A wooden hammer does not leave such point dents.

We will make a wooden mallet with our own hands. Oddly enough, there are quite a lot of options for assembling such a tool. The fact is that for different purposes, the shape and weight of the product can differ markedly. It is one thing to use a heavy mallet in construction, for carpentry. And woodcarving is completely different, I mean the creation of sculptural compositions.

Let's try to take a mallet for a sample standard view, you can say the base model.
Among other things, this option is the most versatile.

First you need to pick up two blanks, for the handle and head. The material can be used from different breeds tree. Someone only makes oak mallets, but from my own experience I will say that too dense wood leaves marks on wooden details from soft rocks.
Therefore, the appropriate material is selected for different purposes. It can be oak, beech, birch, hard pear, or maple, alder, cedar for softer ones.
The photo shows a mallet made of oak.

General dimensions of the wooden mallet: Head - length 130 mm. , width 90 mm. , thickness 60 mm. . Length with handle 350 mm. .

At the ends of the mallet, you can make a beveled surface. So it is more convenient when cutting down nests and other work with a chisel and a chisel. Usually they make a bevel angle of 6-8 *, but this is how you like it.

Next, we make markings in the center of the mallet, for gouging a through nest.
The most reliable mounting option is when the handle goes on a cone and is inserted from above. This is how sledgehammers, picks, cleavers and mason's picks are planted.

Pictures from

Handle thickness 20-22 mm. , width 30-32 mm. , or so.
According to this section, we mark the nest on both sides of the head and cut the nest with a chisel, cleaning it with chisels.

Then we adjust the section of the handle under the socket so that it enters the cone from above.

The main error that may appear during assembly is the mismatch between the cone of the handle and the socket. Of course, you can spit and make a new one, but in general, if you wish, everything is customized.

If the handle is installed from below with gaps, then wedges must be cut and driven into them. An optimist can even glue them in, but I think it’s better to leave the opportunity to knock out a mallet loosened on the handle with these wedges. If the gaps are already large, then it is better to glue the wedge on one side, and finish off the second when fixing.

Homemade wooden oak mallet. You can also make a toy for a child, see how to assemble a fake one.

It is hard to imagine a house without a hammer. This tool is indispensable. He will hammer a nail, help crack nuts, and sometimes you can’t do without him in plumbing work.

However, there are times when it is broken or only one head is left of it. And it is simply necessary to perform work that is associated with a hammer.

Therefore, you need to figure out how to make a hammer with your own hands.

Hammer use

The history of the origin of the hammer goes deep into the times. They were still used by primitive people. They found him the most various uses. Used in construction, mining, hunting.

By modifying the hammer, you can track how humanity has developed. Mostly the change affected only the material from which it was created. The design itself remained unchanged.

There are a huge number of types of hammers that are used in various spheres of human life. So, it is used in medicine, construction, cooking, metalwork. In these areas, a hammer is indispensable. However, each sphere has its own specific type of hammer.

The most popular and in demand is the usual hammer, which is used in everyday life. Its popularity is due to the fact that it is multifunctional and versatile.

Its main purpose is to increase the strength of a human strike. In addition to being used for hammering nails, it is also indispensable assistant for other construction tools. For such as center punch, chisels, chisel.

Hammer performs the following work

  • nails are hammered;
  • crush tiles or concrete;
  • make holes;
  • straighten or bend metal objects.

Hammer design

In the photo of the hammer, you can see that it consists of two parts

  • lever
  • striker

The handle can be made from the following materials

  • wood
  • plastic
  • metal.

In the production of the striker, they use

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • lead;
  • wood;
  • rubber.

Its shape and size depend on the area in which it is used. And the shape of the striker greatly affects the cost of the hammer.

The square one is much cheaper than the round one. Since its impact part has a much clearer accuracy, as well as greater impact power. The speed of any hammer can only be adjusted by a person.

How to make a hammer

The tool begins to be made from the handle. Since the striker itself is usually there. Making it at home is problematic. Therefore, do not throw away the old hammer heads.

The handle is easiest to make from wood. For this, I’ll fit 3t, the following tree species

  • Birch;
  • maple;
  • Rowan;


A piece of wood is required for crafting. The size depends on how long the hammer is needed. The handle itself is machined from the block. After that, be sure to sand it so that later there is no discomfort in the work, and the skin on the hands is not damaged.

The prepared wood must be thoroughly dried and then varnished. The drying room is chosen carefully. Since it must comply with the basic rules:

  • good ventilation;
  • lack of a large amount of sunlight;
  • constant positive temperature.

It is important that wood cannot be dried with artificial lighting devices. Since it can be deformed, and its size will change a lot.

The next stage is the most difficult, this is the connection of the handle with the striker. The narrowed end of the handle with some effort must be inserted into the hammer head.

It often happens that the tip does not fit in size. In the manufacture of the handle, it turned out to be a little larger. It's not scary with a rasp you can process it up to right size and then sand to make the surface smooth.


The striker is mounted perpendicular to the base of the handle. In this case, the structure must be kept in a vertical position.

The head is mounted with the help of gradual blows on a hard surface until the handle fits snugly into the head. Everything, the hammer is ready to use.

Making a hammer yourself is not difficult, the main thing is desire. Of course, you can buy a new hammer in a store, but this does not give a full guarantee that the connection between the head and handles will not break again. Therefore, it is advisable to make a hammer with your own hands.

DIY hammer photo


Durable, capable of withstanding a large impact force and at the same time rubberized on the outside of the hammer, it is easy to do it yourself. The mold for casting it is done elementarily, and the materials you will need will be quite affordable. Step by step process making a concrete hammer with your own hands is outlined and clearly demonstrated below.


Before you make a hammer with your own hands, make sure you have:

  • Lego constructor;
  • mortar for mixing concrete;
  • solution epoxy resin;
  • wooden handle;
  • sharp knife or screwdriver;
  • wax for polishing wood;
  • chisels;
  • sandpaper;
  • gloves
  • corner.

Step 1. From the Lego constructor, assemble a mold for casting the impact part of the hammer. The constructor is good in that its parts fit as tightly as possible to each other, preventing the solution from flowing out through the cracks. The product can be made in any size. In this case, a small hammer was needed. You can change it at your own discretion.

Step 2. To the center assembled form to cast a hammer, put a wooden handle. Be sure to make sure that the part of the future tool is strong and not rotten. For the handle, choose strong woods, in this master class it was walnut.

Step 3. Dilute the concrete solution according to the manufacturer's instructions and pour it into the mold. Make sure that the handle continues to stand strictly upright during the process. Correct it if necessary. Seal the solution with your hands, after putting on gloves. Make sure there are no air pockets. The solution must be packed tightly.

Step 4. After a few hours, disassemble the constructor. Due to the smooth surface of the plastic, the process will go without special efforts, but if you doubt that it can be separated from concrete, grease the mold before casting vegetable oil. Give the material some more time to dry.

Step 5. Dilute the epoxy solution. It must be tenacious. Gently apply it with a pencil on the concrete part of the hammer. Leave the product until the materials are completely dry. This process will take about a day.

Hi all. In today's project we do it yourself Let's try to make a hammer similar to the hammer from the neurologist's office. You can, of course, buy a ready-made one, but why buy an expensive rubber hammer if you can make this tool yourself from hot glue sticks ?!

It is very simple, cheap and does not take much time.

So let's get started!

Step 1: What you need for the project

Necessary materials:
- 4 sticks of hot glue (30 cm long and 11 mm in diameter)
- Some water
- Steel rod with a threaded end
- A glass bottle of pills (the larger the diameter, the larger the hammer ...)
- Soap
- 2 plastic bags

Tools (+devices):
- Hot glue gun
– Wooden vise
— Drill with a diameter of 10 mm
- Utility knife
- glass cup
- A hammer

Electric/power tools:
- Microwave
- Fridge
- Drill

Reason for making: I need a rubber mallet!
Precautionary measures: ventilated area, leather gloves, goggles
Price: $2.50
Qualification: basic
The approximate time: 3 hours (~60% of which is waiting time).

Step 2: Heating a glass of water

Work begins with heating a glass of water. This action will prevent the glass from cracking due to temperature changes, and will also help the hot glue cool more slowly (next step).

I put a glass of water in the microwave for over a minute. A kettle is also suitable for this operation.

Step 3: Pour the hot glue into the glass bottle

Start pouring hot glue into the bottle. Make sure that water does not get inside the bottle through the neck.

Step 4: Allow the hot melt to cool

Let the hot melt adhesive cool for one hour. After 60 minutes, it will be slightly warm.

Then I put the bottle in the fridge and (intentionally) forgot about it. it a good idea, since the hot melt will harden better in the cold.

Step 5: Break the glass bottle by throwing it on the floor!

First wrap the bottle in two plastic bags. Then, forcefully drop to the floor. I didn't get anything right the first time. I had to throw the bottle 5 times for the glass to crack!

Don't forget to wear safety goggles, safety is always needed!

Step 6: CAREFULLY remove glass

The hot glue stuck to the glass so badly that I had to use a hammer. Remove glass residue by first putting on leather gloves.

Step 7: Wash the hot glue blank

Remains of dirt and pieces of glass should be removed. To do this, rinse the resulting workpiece with water, lather, and then rinse again. Next, wipe dry with a towel.

Step 8: Trim Excess Hot Melt from the Workpiece

Excess flows of hot-melt adhesive are formed in the neck of the bottle. Cut them off with a utility knife.

Step 9: Drilling the hole for the handle and attaching it

I clamped the resulting hot glue blank in my wooden vise. Next, I drilled a hole in the center of the blank, about ¾ inch (1.9 cm) deep. Insert the hammer handle into this hole.

Now turn the handle. It turned out great!

Sometimes it happens that normal view instruments quickly becomes boring and is not original in any way, since it does not stand out from the others, which, as usual, looks dull and does not cause any delight. That is why the idea of ​​​​creating a carved hammer handle was undertaken, and how the author made it, I will tell in this article. Before moving on to the process of making a carved handle, you need to decide on the choice of tool, namely, in this case, a hammer, since it is very popular in the workplace of every do-it-yourselfer.

In order to make a do-it-yourself carved handle, we need:
* Hammer itself with wooden handle, normal, standard, in this case 600 grams.
* Wood cutters.
* Stationery knife.
* Bormashinka with grinding nozzles.
* Varnish for wooden products.
* Pencil.

After making sure that all the details are there, you can begin the creative process.

Step one.
Armed with a pencil, draw the pattern that you want to see on your handle, in this case a diamond pattern that looks quite original and tasteful.

After all the markings are ready, you can start cutting out the template, the so-called removal of the first layer, we do this with a clerical knife, accurately cutting out a part of the tree along the lines. When working with sharp tools, be careful and do not forget about safety measures, for this it is better to protect your hands with gloves. In the process of cutting patterns for more precise end faces, it is better to cut them with more force so as not to leave scratches.

Step two.
Next, we use cutters designed for carving in wood, with the help of them you will get a deeper place in the patterns, which will give them greater distinctness and will look more spectacular than a shallow groove. Chinese-made cutters cannot boast of high reliability and resistance to stress, therefore, in the process of cutting, their blades have repeatedly broken, so be on the alert and also work with them carefully, as during processing there is a risk of driving the blade into your hand, which is not pleasant outcome of events. After the final work with the cutters, something similar to rhombuses turned out.

Step three.
Refinement of patterns is done with a drill and a grinding nozzle, after this processing process, the handle took on a more beautiful aesthetic appearance and smooth corners.

When the work with the drill is completed, we make the surface smooth with sandpaper, which needs to be cleaned on all sides of the handle.

Step four.
For greater convenience, a decision was made to make a hole in the handle in order to place the hammer on a shelf or hang it on a nail next to other tools. We do this with a drill installed in a screwdriver, after grinding this hole and increasing it with a drill.

Step five.
The final step is to cover the surface of our carved hammer with a preliminary decorative layer, then varnished in several layers.