How to solder copper pipes for plumbing. Do-it-yourself instructions for soldering copper pipes

Why in modern life some copper pipes, and even with soldering? Solid relics of the past, when there are cool synthetic substitutes, bonding technologies and much more. Well, these kinds of questions can and do arise in many minds. We answer.

Copper things are a wonderful phenomenon in our technical life, this eternal pipes in the house, which are worth it to read our article and come to grips with the arrangement, for example, of your home. - a process with features that you need to know, which is quite within the power of everyone who is interested in it.

Everything is very simple: they are needed where they are used - in plumbing systems and air cooling systems - modern air conditioners. It is used for installation or repair work. copper parts and blanks.

This technology is well within the power of home hobbyists, and the result is exceptional reliability and amazing durability.

We will not hide, the cost of copper products is not the lowest, but all costs are fully paid off. From them it is possible to build heating system, and plumbing, and cooling: everything where strong pipes are needed.

Gas burner device.

Things made of copper, of course, can be boiled. But most best method their connection has long been soldering. The essence of the process is as simple as laundry soap: workpieces are held together by a special molten filler called solder.

Melt the solder with high temperature. After the joint is filled with solder, it begins to cool rapidly, thereby forming a strong joint with hermetic properties.

Another significant advantage of this connection method is the possibility of simple separation of parts, if necessary for any reason. To do this, all you have to do is heat the solder back up to its melting temperature.

What you need to have for soldering copper

No expensive equipment for soldering copper or special consumables is needed, everything is very simple.

To solder copper pipes for home use, you will need the following:

  • Heating element in the form of a gas burner for heating and melting solder.
    The most commonly used propane is pressure controlled. You can use a more powerful soldering iron or a building hair dryer also with decent power.
  • Special cutter for copper products.
    Copper is a very soft metal, so you need to cut it with tenderness because of the risk of crushing the walls. Such cutters are called pipe cutters, they are of great variety - for every taste. Models on the market are offered in all variety, including devices for cutting in the most hard-to-reach places.
  • Brazing fittings if unannealed tubing bends are expected.
  • A pipe expander is also a special device for expanding the diameter of a copper pipe before heating, if necessary.
    This possibility is extremely important when products with dimensions that are slightly different in size are joined.
  • The so-called "beveler" is a device where the name speaks for itself.
    We are talking about chamfering the end sides of the tubes. The fact is that after trimming, metal burrs can form on the ends. They are not harmless at all, and on the contrary, they will not allow you to form a strong and beautiful butt joint. Bevelers are of two types: in the form of a pencil or round in shape. It is preferable and more convenient to use round ones: with their help, you can remove burrs from soft copper products with a diameter of up to 36 mm.
  • Brushes and brushes with steel bristles for the preparation of copper parts: removing dirt and oxide film.
  • Consumables for the solder itself.
    Solders for soldering copper pipes can be made from two types of wire: copper wire with a high melting point, which contains a small proportion of 6% phosphorus. The second option is tin wire, in which the melting point is much lower - about 350 ° C.
  • Pastes and special flux mixtures to protect the metal from the formation of defects in the form of air bubbles and better adhesion between copper parts and solder.

Additional things to the basic tools for soldering copper pipes will be non-specific tools:

  • measuring tape or tape measure;
  • building level;
  • marker and brush;
  • hammer.

Before starting the soldering of tubes, it is necessary to solve a fundamental technological question: what kind of solder will be used for soldering? Hard solder in the form of copper wire, which is more often used in work on air conditioners and refrigerators?

Or use tin wire, which works great with heating pipes or plumbing?

Now Technology: Nine Steps and Some Tips

The technology of soldering copper pipes is quite simple.

Here are the steps the process can be divided into:

  1. Cutting and sewing: cut the metal to the desired length with a pipe cutter.
    Make the cutting place even, keep the cutter perpendicular to the surface.
  2. Cleaning blanks with a metal brush, removing burrs from the ends.
    At this stage, sandpaper should not be used due to the risk of formation of fine sand, which will interfere with the adhesion of solder.
  3. Expanding the edge of one of the pipes so that the end of the other pipe fits easily into the first with a minimum gap.
  4. Careful cleaning of the ends with a wire brush after its expansion.
  5. Applying the flux mixture to the end of the pipe in the most uniform thin layer.
  6. Insert the ends of the pipes into each other, warm up well until the color of the flux on the pipe becomes silvery.
  7. Solder is brought to the joint, which immediately melts and fills the joint gap between the pipes.
    The process ends when the gap is filled with solder.
  8. After heating, the sealed pipe must be allowed to cool thoroughly - in no case should it be touched at this time.
  9. Wipe, remove residual flux.

Pipe connection method.

Copper tubes using solder is based on physical phenomenon- capillary effect. The fact is that the molten solder fills the gap between the pipes due to the forces surface tension. After hardening, the solder in the gap turns into a strong monolithic seam.

If suddenly there was a defect in the form of a fistula or damage to the joint, the product can be quickly and easily repaired. To do this, it is enough to heat it up and dismantle it. After removal of defects, reheat and solder again.

Purely butt joints copper products cannot be made - they are not viable, and you will definitely have a flood - all soldering will collapse. It is better to make coupling connections by expanding the end of one of the pipes.

Now about bending. Only soft annealed pipes can be bent using a pipe bender. If they are not annealed, they are used copper fittings soldered. The angle can be 90° or less.

Pros and cons of soldering copper pipes

To begin with, let's remember that copper is a metal with a high melting point and is generally quite capricious, with its own character. From our point of view, this feature has both pluses and minuses for working with it.

A definite plus lies in the possibility of a continuous heating process and, thanks to the ability of copper to keep and retain heat, even if there is a break in heating.

A serious plus is the availability of consumables and equipment. You do not need to purchase anything special, all the necessary things are usually available in any home workshop.

A definite minus high degree heat dissipation, which is why heating is needed "with a margin".

Another technological disadvantage is the heating of the entire product along with the attachment points. Because of this, you need to work with gloves and with great care.


The procedure for soldering copper pipes.

What you need for soldering:

  1. Flux on salicylic acid.
    The chemical composition of fluxes for soldering copper pipes is quite complex: it contains alcohol, vaseline, and even a little bit of gold. Its use results in excellent seam quality.
  2. A group of solvents based on phosphorus.
    They perfectly clean parts from oxides and additionally displace unnecessary water from the place of soldering.
  3. Rosin.
    It is practically not used in its pure form. In mixtures, it combines perfectly with sodium salts: if molten rosin covers the soldering surface with a film, then sodium salt plays the role of an antioxidant. There is a drawback: the mixture does not like heating.
  4. Homemade mixture on aspirin.
    You can make the mixture yourself: we take petroleum jelly, alcohol, as a basis - aspirin tablets. Such a mixture is not particularly effective. You can only work with it on electrical installation tasks.
  5. Paste for soldering copper pipes.
    This flux paste for soldering copper is more expensive, but the game is worth the candle. It is used in responsible tasks. The paste adheres well to working surface, spreads in a thin layer when heated - a great option.
  6. for soldering copper pipes.
    The choice of type of solder depends on what exactly you are going to solder. If the main criteria are strength and resistance to high temperatures, you need to choose copper wire solder with a proportion of phosphorus. The most popular and available is soft solder- from tin. It is suitable for all plumbing systems. This also includes fittings for soldered copper pipes.

Soldering with a gas burner

First, let's deal with the low-temperature method. copper pipes with soft solder heating occurs gradually and for quite a long time, the solder melts from the heated part. You can use both a torch and a hairdryer with a soldering iron. As gases, propane or butane is used. Everything is familiar, nothing special and new.

High-temperature soldering of copper occurs when heated to 650°C and above. Here you will not manage with a hairdryer or a soldering iron, you will need a gas burner on a mixture of acetylene and oxygen. It is important to remember here that you will get the simultaneous heating of the solder and the seam.

The solder melts instantly - from one touch and immediately fills the gap. Let cool in the most natural way, no dousing with water.

At the end of the soldering of the copper pipe with hard solder, remove the remnants of the flux mixture, wipe it with a cloth. We do a final inspection for possible defects.

Decided to use copper pipes in the arrangement of the plumbing system? Want to create in the bathroom interesting style steampunk but don't know how to solder copper pipes? A guide to doing work for beginners is suggested in the material below.

Copper, although it has a high cost, unlike polymers, is still quality material for the device of water supply communication. The advantages of copper include high strength, aesthetic appeal, non-susceptibility to corrosion, a tendency to operate under high pressure and excellent thermal conductivity. The copper pipeline will work faithfully for more than a dozen years.

Copper is a soft metal alloy, which even in ancient times was used with pleasure by chasers for their work. Today, copper is no less in demand. Pipes made of such an alloy are an integral part of heating and air conditioning systems. Plumbing can also be arranged using copper elements.

For the installation of the trunk, the soldering method is used, during which the copper elements are connected to the solder. This material from soft species metal melts under the influence of certain temperatures and forms a single hermetic connection.

Important: soldering copper pipes with your own hands is not a difficult task. The main thing is to choose the right solder and determine the soldering temperature. At the same time, it is worth knowing that, at its high cost, copper pipes do not require additional connecting elements. That is, copper can be connected into a single line and at the same time save on the purchase of fittings, couplings, etc.

About how to solder copper pipes, and how to do it right at home, in our material below with detailed video instructions.

Methods for soldering copper pipes

  • Low temperature method. Most commonly used at home. Here soldering takes place using soft solder from tin, lead or their alloys with the addition of silver. The soldering temperature can reach a maximum of 450 degrees when working.
  • High temperature method. It is also called brazing copper pipes. In this case, in order to melt the solder and achieve the connection of the elements of the line, it is necessary to reach the heating temperature of the burner in the range of 600-900 degrees.

Tools needed to get the job done

  • Pipe cutter. Necessary for a perfectly even cut of pipe sections before soldering. Thanks to this tool, the inner lumen of the pipe and its circumference are not disturbed during cutting.
  • Chamferer. It is used to clean the edge of the cut and round it inside the pipe for high-quality joining of the water main from several pieces of the pipe.
  • Pipe Expander. It is used in the event that the soldering of copper pipes of the water supply will be carried out without the use of fittings and couplings. The pipe expander expands one end of the pipe to the desired diameter so that a piece of another tube fits snugly into it.
  • Brush and ruff for high-quality stripping brazed pipes from oxide.
  • Reflector. A working element that is attached to the burner nozzle so that the flame does not damage other nearby objects.
  • Gas-burner . It is she who supplies the flame to the section of the soldered tube.

About what kind of burner you need to prepare, we analyze below.

Gas stove

In order to sleep properly water pipes from copper, you need to prepare the appropriate type of burner. They are divided into several types:

  • Device with a disposable balloon for domestic use;
  • Burner with installed stationary cylinder;
  • Oxy-acetylene torch suitable for brazing copper pipes. It is she who needs to be found to complete the work.

In turn, the burner for melting solder and soldering copper may differ in power. You need to choose depending on what kind of solder you will work with (soft or hard).

  • For soldering with soft solder, you can take a low-power semi-professional burner with hot air gas. Such a tool develops a temperature of up to 650 degrees when the flame is burning. Distinctive feature such a device is that here it is possible to regulate the temperature of the flame supply, and at the same time it will remain predetermined-stable.
  • Hard soldering of copper pipes of the water supply system can only be carried out with professional burners.


To perform reliable soldering, you need to purchase solder. It comes in two types - hard and soft.

  • Hard solder is produced in the form of long rods. Such solder can be used for soldering hot water pipes, gas supply, air conditioning or for a highway operating at high pressure. The soldering temperature of such solder reaches 900 degrees. The most common types of hard solder are copper-phosphorus self-fluxing Cu94 P6 alloy and Cu92 P6 Ag2 alloy with the addition of silver from phosphorus and copper.

Important: such hard solder contains a 6% phosphorus additive, which reduces the soldering temperature to 750 degrees.

  • Soft solder is produced in the form fine wire 2-3 mm in diameter. Such solder is used when soldering a water pipe with your own hands in everyday life.
  • There is also a special paste called flux. Issued in banks. It must be used for high-quality cleaning of pipe joints, removing oxide from the seam after soldering and improving the solder melting characteristics. In this case, the flux is both for soldering at high temperatures (over 450 degrees), and for soldering at low temperatures(up to 450 degrees).

Important: the flux contributes to a better adhesion of the solder to the copper.

In addition to all the tools, solder and flux, fittings must also be prepared if there is a need to make turns and bends in the water main. All fittings have a regulated diameter and comply with GOST. The cost of fittings and adapters is quite democratic.

We carry out pipe soldering

The technology for soldering a copper line looks like this:

  • We cut off with a pipe cutter desired areas pipes and clean the edges with a beveler.
  • If a fitting is used, then both its edges and the edges of the tube are degreased with high quality. If the fitting is not used, then expand the edge of one pipe with a pipe expander.
  • We try on the details to review the evenness of the joints.
  • Now we process the edges of the tubes with a thin layer of flux from the side of the joints.

Important: if high-temperature soldering will be carried out using self-fluxing solder, then flux is not needed here.

  • Now we turn on the gas burner and qualitatively heat the pipes at the joints to the desired temperature.
  • After that, we put solder in the places of the gaps. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the solder melts strictly from the heated pipe, and not from the flame of the burner. The edges of the tubes are carefully pressed.
  • After the tubes have cooled, remove the remaining flux and oxide from the copper surface with a cloth.

Important: you should know that the heating of the tube and the melting of the solder occur within 5 minutes. Therefore, it is important not to overheat the pipes.

Tip: if two pipe sections close to each other are soldered, then the already processed part of the line must be cooled soaked in cold water rags. Otherwise, there is a risk that the brazed joint, when the next section of the pipe is heated, will disperse under the influence of high temperature.

Avoiding Mistakes

When soldering copper tubes, novice craftsmen often make a number of common mistakes. These are:

  • Weak heating of the elements of the line, as a result of which the melting of the solder occurs incompletely. Such a connection will collapse under any load.
  • Excessive overheating of the copper alloy, on the contrary, leads to the destruction of the flux layer. This, in turn, will lead to the formation of oxide and scale on the metal surface. Such an effect will also lead to the destruction of the connection.
  • Ignoring security measures. Since work is being done with chemical elements and at high temperatures, protective gloves and a mask should be worn.
  • If you are going to check the connection, you should make sure that the tube at the soldering point has cooled down.
  • During the soldering procedure, it is worth ensuring good ventilation premises. This is required by the technology of work, since soldering is performed using aggressive acidic substances.
  • Protective clothing made of rough fabric will also not be superfluous, since there is a risk of flame sparks and solder particles falling on the body, which can lead to burns.

Tip: if in doubt about the correct heating of the pipes to the desired temperature, invite experienced craftsman to get practice. A professional knows exactly how long copper warms up to certain temperatures.

Video: technology for soldering copper tubes


The technique of connecting copper pipes is easy and reliable. The most common joining technique is capillary soldering. This method is based on the capillary effect, the essence of which lies in the fact that with a small distance between the walls of two wetted surfaces, the liquid rises up the capillary due to adhesion, overcoming gravity. Exactly this effect allows solder to spread evenly over the entire surface, regardless of the position of the pipe (for example, solder can be fed from below).
To improve the quality of soldering and increase the adhesion coefficient, special fluxes are used, and the soldering surfaces are pre-cleaned.
This is the most reliable best way copper pipe connections. When connecting pipes with high-temperature soldering, the entire system can even be poured with concrete, which is not allowed with a threaded connection.
Brazing is carried out at temperatures above 425°C, but below the melting point of the metals to be joined. It occurs due to surface adhesion forces between the molten solder and the heated surfaces of the base metals. The solder is distributed in the joint by capillary action.
Do not confuse soldering hard solder soldered soft solder, although the operations are very close. The connection of metals during soft soldering occurs at temperatures below 425 ° C.


Thus, to perform work on soldering copper pipes, you must select the following:

  1. Copper pipe tool
  2. Solder to be used in soldering.
  3. A gas burner that will melt the solder.

This choice is due to two initial parameters:

  1. The maximum diameter of the copper pipe used.
  2. The medium (or liquid) that will be inside the pipes.
  3. The price the customer is willing to spend to complete the job.

These three important parameters will primarily determine the choice of a particular tool or solder.

I. Copper pipe tool

The process of preparing the ends of a copper pipe for soldering is reduced to the following operations:

    Cutting copper pipe pipe cutter for cutting copper pipes. Lots of pipe cutters. The choice is determined by the diameter of the copper pipes used, as well as the convenience of its use. For example, is there a need to use a pipe cutter in hard-to-reach places. Is it necessary to have a beveling knife in the pipe cutter body, as well as a spare cut-off wheel. plays a role and price. The larger the diameter of the pipe cutter, the more expensive it is, of course.

    Chamfering and deburring copper pipe edges chamfer. This operation is performed to remove burrs from the inner and outer edges of the pipes in order to facilitate the insertion of the pipe into the pipe or fitting. Bevelers are of two types: in the form of a pencil, or in a round body. The round beveler is limited to a maximum copper pipe diameter of 36mm, but is more convenient and more expensive.

    Expansion of the pipe with a pipe expander. This operation is performed during fitting-free installation of copper pipes, i.e. when expensive fittings are not used, which, with a certain amount of work, saves installation. Expandable copper pipe must be either soft or annealed! After expanding one of the ends of the copper pipe, you can insert the pipe into the pipe or into the fitting. The choice of pipe expander depends on the diameter of the copper pipe and the financial solvency of the customer:

Quality pastes, used with soft solder, in accordance with DIN EN 29453, containing flux in accordance with DIN EN 29454-1 3.1.1.C, tested according to DVGW registration no. F1 028, for soldering copper pipes with copper pipes, red bronze and brass fittings in hot and cold water systems in accordance with DVGW, regulation GW 7, solder content 60%, flux residues 100% soluble in water.

Gas burners on disposable cylinders for soft soldering.

Or gas burners work with stationary gas cylinders

Soldering copper pipes

Surface cleanliness is a prerequisite for reliable soldering. Before the soldering operation, the metal surfaces to be joined are cleaned of dirt. sponges ROFLAYS. (The use of abrasive materials for stripping is strictly prohibited!)

It is necessary to prevent oil, paint, dirt, grease and aluminum from getting on the surface of the metals to be joined, otherwise they will prevent the solder from entering the joint, wetting and bonding of the solder to the metal surfaces.

When connecting two pipes of the same diameter in cold and hot water supply systems, as well as in heating installations where the coolant temperature does not exceed 110 degrees C, you can do without a fitting. With the help of a special device PIPE EXPANDER– the end of one of the connected pipes can be expanded independently for capillary soldering. This operation is possible with soft or annealed copper.

After expanding the tube, one tube is inserted into the other so that it enters a length not less than the diameter of the inner tube. Between the walls of the inner and outer pipes there should be a gap of 0.025-0.125 mm (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Installation of soldered pipes

The pipes to be connected are heated evenly over the entire circumference and length of the connection.
Both pipes are heated by a burner flame at the junction, evenly distributing heat (Fig. 2). In this case, the solder itself should not be heated. The connection must not be heated to the melting temperature of the metal from which the pipes are made. Use an appropriately sized burner with a somewhat reduced flame. Overheating the joint enhances the interaction of the base metal with the solder (i.e., enhances the formation of chemical compounds). As a result, such interaction negatively affects the service life of the connection (Fig. 3).

Rice. 2. Placement of the torch when soldering pipes: 1 - outer pipe; 2 - burner; 3 - heating zone; 4 -inner pipe

If you introduce solder and a burner flame into the soldering zone at the same time, the joint will heat up unsatisfactorily. The inner pipe does not warm up sufficiently, and the molten solder will not flow into the gap between the connected pipes (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Distribution of solder in the pipe joint:
a - the inner tube is heated to the soldering temperature, and the outer tube has a lower temperature;
b - the outer tube is heated to the soldering temperature, and the inner tube has a lower temperature;
c - both pipes are heated evenly to the soldering temperature

If the entire surface of the ends of the pipes to be soldered is evenly heated, then the solder melts under the influence of their heat and evenly enters the joint gap (Fig. 3, c).

The brazing tubes are warm enough if the brazing rod melts on contact with them. To improve soldering, the solder rod is preheated with a burner flame (Fig. 4).

Rice. Fig. 4. The location of the burner and the solder rod when soldering the connection of the ends of pipes heated to a dull cherry red color: 1 - burner; 2 - inner pipe; 3 - solder bar; 4 - outer pipe

Under the influence of capillary forces, the solder enters the joint. This process proceeds well if the metal surface is clean, the optimal gap between the metal surfaces is maintained, the ends of the pipes in the joint zone are sufficiently heated (molten solder flows towards the heat source) (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Solder movement in the gap between pipes during soldering

Joining copper to brass with copper-phosphorus hard solder

To connect copper to brass using hard copper-phosphorus solder, the above operations are the same as for connecting copper to copper.

Before the joint is heated, a small amount of flux is applied to ensure wetting of the solder on the brass surface.
At the end of the soldering operation, the flux residues are carefully removed. hot water and brush. Most fluxes are corrosive and must be completely removed from the joint surface.

Joining steel to steel, copper, brass or bronze with silver solder

To join steel to steel, copper, brass or bronze using silver solder, follow the above operations for joining copper to copper.

Before heating, a flux is applied to the joint for subsequent wetting and movement of the molten solder into the gaps between the parts to be joined.
The solder rod is heated and then dipped into the flux. The solder is covered with a thin layer of flux, which prevents the formation of an oxide coating on its surface (zinc oxide).
Upon completion of the soldering operation, the flux residues are carefully removed.

Fluxes for soldering

Flux absorbs a certain amount of oxides.
The viscosity of the flux increases when it is saturated with oxides. If flux residue is not removed after soldering, flux will enter the joint and, over time, may cause corrosion and leakage.
When soldering, use a minimum amount of flux, and then carefully clean off its residues after completion of this operation.
The flux is applied along the surface, not into the joint. It should get into the joint before the solder.

Rules for soldering copper pipe

  1. A slightly decreasing flame is applied, which creates maximum heat, and cleans the joint.
  2. metal surfaces cleaned and degreased.
  3. Check the relative position of parts and clearances.
  4. When soldering, apply a minimum amount of flux on the outside of the joint. When soldering copper to copper using copper-phosphorus solders, flux is not required.
  5. For soldering, heat the joint evenly to the required temperature.
  6. Solder is applied to the joint. Check it out uniform distribution in connection, using for this purpose soldering torch. The molten solder flows towards the hotter joint.
  7. Flux residues are carefully removed after soldering.
  8. An important point soldering is fast execution this operation. The heating cycle should be short and overheating should be avoided.
  9. Adequate ventilation must be ensured when soldering, as harmful fumes (cadmium fumes from solder and fluorine compounds from flux) can be released.

If steel is usually boiled, then copper is better to solder. Even a beginner can handle soldering copper, if desired, which cannot be said about welding. Soldering at low temperatures does not spoil the structure and practically does not affect the properties of the metal; it is also not necessary to purchase expensive equipment, which is usually difficult to find. Most importantly, solder joints are reliable and heat-resistant, which is good for heating. If you want, you can build a water pipe with your own hands, which will last for many years.

Types of copper pipes

Copper pipes can be annealed or unannealed.

  • Annealed pipes are reheated to 700 degrees, this is what restores their elasticity. This type of pipe is more expensive than unannealed. Among the shortcomings, their fragility is distinguished; due to heating, the pipe walls become thinner.
  • Unannealed copper pipes are strong and far from brittle, but they cannot be called flexible. When wiring, such pipes are cut into small pieces and used only in conjunction with fittings.


The process achieves sealing of the surface between the pipe and the sleeve through solder (thermoplastic substance). The solder becomes more liquid at high temperatures and fills the space between the sleeve and the pipe, thereby bonding them.

For such work, craftsmen use a portable welding post. Its composition includes gas cylinders, gearboxes, connecting sleeves, torch and cutter. Welding stations are needed for work related to cutting, soldering, metal structures. It is usually necessary for high temperature soldering because high temperature soldering requires special equipment, including a portable post. However, if there is a desire to learn how to solder and independently engage in repair work, then such a post must be purchased.

In addition, for self-soldering, you must familiarize yourself with GOST 19249-73 “Brazed joints. Basic types and parameters. The standard establishes mandatory norms for each type of product, explains abbreviations, classifies compounds.

Materials and tools

For the production of work on soldering copper pipes, you need special tools and materials.

  • Soldering torch. The main tool you can't do without. It is better to choose a gas welding machine with flame adjustment. A propane gas burner is often used, usually it has a gas saving and supply mode. The flame is soft and does not burn copper. Acetylene oxygen burners can be distinguished, they reliably and firmly solder parts. Oxy-acetylene burners are either disposable with a cylinder. The burner can be portable or stationary. In some cases, you can use a soldering iron.

  • Solder for soldering copper pipes. When soldering, you can use either high temperatures(soldering is called high-temperature), or relatively low (soldering is called low-temperature).

There are hard and soft solders.

  1. Low temperature solders are those whose melting point is less than 300C. Their tensile strength is 16-100 MPa. Such solders allow work to be performed at a temperature that has little effect on the characteristics of copper. Practice shows that this gives less durable seams. Low temperature is used for water supply and heating. Everyone knows that lead negatively affects human health, so there are lead-free solders. They are used in pipeline constructions. drinking water. Lead-free solder is mostly tin, the rest is impurities. Such material is expensive.
  2. Solders for high-temperature soldering have a melting point above 300C and a tensile strength of 100-500 MPa. As well as the density of the seam, resistance to high temperatures. But a lot of work experience is required, while beginners often burn copper, this metal is easy to burn through. Fluxed solders are good because flux is present in their composition and on the surface. The use of additional flux is not necessary even for complex designs.

  • Flux. This pasty substance is applied to the surface of the pipe and fitting. The paste protects against copper oxidation. Preference should be given to formulations where there is zinc chloride. There are many options for flux, it can be in a bottle with a brush, but experts recommend purchasing the material in the form of a paste.
  • Pipe cutter. A tool for cutting copper pipes, one of the main devices. All pipe cutters have a similar design and differ little. Pipe cutters differ from each other in design, longer handles on the device make it possible to apply less effort.

Compact pipe cutters are suitable for pipes that need to be repaired and are already built into the structure, but can handle pipe cutters small sizes much more difficult.

  • Pipe expander. A tool for increasing the diameter of a pipe, installing one structure into another.
  • Chamfer (edge ​​cutter). An accessory required for surface cleaning and chamfering.
  • Fitting. Connecting parts having different purposes and sizes.
  • Thermal paste. Use paste for heating pipes. The contact and the seam are coated with thermal paste.
  • Heat dissipating pastes. Provide reliable protection connections from desoldering, prevent the material from changing color during operation.
  • Brushes and brushes. With a brush and a brush, excess flux is removed during work, and the joints are cleaned.
  • Tongs for pipes. For safety reasons, hot, incandescent pipes can only be taken with tongs.
  • Protective gloves. When soldered, the metal melts, which, with any careless movement, will leave a burn on your skin. Fluxes leave chemical burns.


There are two technologies for soldering copper pipes.

  • Low temperature(soft solder is used) is used in plumbing or heating systems. The environment where this technology is applied should have a temperature not higher than 110 degrees.
  • high temperature soldering (hard solder) is used in systems with high temperature and high pressure. Mainly used in industry.

Which of the two methods to choose is your own business. But for high-temperature soldering, you need a professional torch, which is not so easy to find in the store, and it costs a lot of money. At low temperature it is allowed to use blowtorch or inexpensive manual burner with replaceable bottle.

Soldering pipes under nitrogen

Nitrogen treatment is needed for installation, and soldering copper pipes without nitrogen gas is not allowed. Often, structures are soldered with hard solder, which allows you not to worry about whether the connection will withstand high temperatures during operation. In the process of hard soldering, copper is heated to a red color of the metal, this has a negative effect on the structure of the material itself. Scale is formed on the inner and outer surface of the pipe. Dross - the remains of burnt copper, which were formed when it was heated. The walls of the pipes become much thinner.

Nitrogen keeps the copper from thinning from the inside, and the use of solder prevents the copper from breaking down from the outside. Soldering pipes under nitrogen will significantly increase the life of the system.

If you decide to use nitrogen, then follow these recommendations in your work:

  • connect the line to the cylinder containing nitrogen;
  • then install the gas regulator or rotameter;
  • adjust the reducer of the nitrogen cylinder to the minimum nitrogen pressure, set the rotameter to a speed of 5 m/min;
  • as soon as soldering is completed, nitrogen is let through the pipe, this is done until the pipe has completely cooled down.

Soldering pipes with a building dryer

Pipe soldering possible building hair dryer if the pipe diameter is small. Manipulations with this method are similar to the use of a burner. With this connection, the seams are very strong and withstand high temperatures. For beginners, copper burns are inevitable when using this method. The metal is easy to overheat, it is because of this that the material breaks.

Capillary soldering

If the pipes have different diameters (the difference is not more than 0.5 mm), the capillary soldering method is used. The solder fills the resulting space between the pipes. It should be noted that as such a seam does not work, a seamless connection. Then use hard solders, their protective functions are better.

Induction soldering

High frequency current can have a beneficial effect on the metal. Induction soldering has gained popularity because of its uniqueness, work with this method is carried out quickly, while the material does not become thinner, but retains its qualities.

The following advantages have been identified:

  1. Heat is generated in the pipe without outside interference;
  2. All equipment is automated, devices help to get desired result with specific parameters;
  3. Induction brazing is carried out in a vacuum, the metal in this environment is protected from corrosion;
  4. Saving production resources;
  5. Safety - when induction soldering does not need a flame or gas, only the seam is heated.

Preliminary preparation

Before soldering copper pipes, it is necessary to prepare them.

Surface cleaning

The quality of the solder bond depends on the degree of cleaning of the soldered surfaces. Any residues of any other substances, dirt, prevent the solder from penetrating, reduce its fluidity. All this leads to the fact that the substance is not distributed evenly, the surface is not completely treated with solder. This often results in failure to achieve quality work, and the connection fails.

There are two methods of metal cleaning: chemical and mechanical. The outer part of the pipe and the inner part of the fitting are cleaned of oxide film, dirt and impurities with a metal brush. In addition, options for using steel grinding wool or skins are possible. After that, the solder is well distributed over the surface.

Comfortable to use are nylon-based cleansing wipes.

A significant plus that distinguishes them from a metal brush or sandpaper is that after cleaning the surface with a napkin, there are no cleaning residues left. After napkins on a nylon basis, no abrasive crumbs or steel residues are observed on the pipe.

Chemical method involves the use of an acid that reacts with oxides. You can use a flux that degreases the surface and actively fights oxides.

Using Flux and Assembling Parts

Flux must be applied to the cleaned surface. It is applied to the section of the pipe that will be connected with a fitting or socket, spread the flux well on the surface, an excessive amount of flux may adversely affect the connection. But also do not use flux with inside fitting. Adjust the amount of paste.

After applying the flux, you need to properly connect the parts to avoid foreign particles sticking to the surface. If soldering is to be carried out later, it will be much better to have the parts already assembled. It is necessary to turn the pipe all the way, thereby checking its connection and flux distribution. After that, remove the flux residues with a cloth prepared in advance for work. The connection can be heated.

For low-temperature soldering, fluxes are used, in the list of composition of which aluminum chlorides occupy not the last place. Fluxes are hazardous substances, so care must be taken to ensure that excess does not remain on the outside of the pipe. Such carelessness can lead to metal corrosion and leakage. After soldering, inspect the surface again, there will be some flux due to the thermal effect. The flux that appeared on the pipe must be removed again.

In high-temperature soldering, borax is used instead of flux. It is mixed with water to a thick consistency of porridge. You can use special pastes for high-temperature soldering. If you have chosen a copper-phosphorus solder, then you do not need to purchase a flux for it, it is already present in the composition. It is better to use a kit from one manufacturer, while coordinating this with the type of soldering.

Bell thickening

For connections in everyday life, either fittings for soldering copper pipes or bell-shaped thickenings are used.

It is better to choose the option with a bell-shaped thickening, so it will be necessary to apply only one seam at the junction of the pipes.

  1. From the end, the parts are processed with a rolling pipe cutter. The cut must be even and strictly perpendicular.
  2. From the ends of the pipes, they get rid of the chamfer using a beveler. Interior and exterior surfaces are cleaned.
  3. One section of the pipe is clamped in a vice, a pipe expander is inserted inside. Then you need to carefully expand the inner diameter of the pipe to fit the outer diameter of the second pipe.

Before repair work, do not forget to remove plastic fragments from the structures, otherwise they will melt and be unusable.

Process steps

Consider the process step by step for different options connections.

Solder connection

Experts say that for such work it is necessary to purchase low-melting solder and low-temperature flux. The gas burner can be filled with a mixture of propane, air or butane.

The flame must be directed strictly along the pipe seam, moving over the entire joint area. This is done to evenly heat all areas. Do not forget to periodically coat the gap with solder, gradually it will begin to melt. As soon as melting has begun, the burner must be withdrawn, and the substance will fill the capillary gap. When the gap is completely filled, the parts need to cool under normal conditions, without temperature differences. An uncooled connection must not be touched.

In the process, it is important not to burn the copper, this will happen if it is overheated. The flux can break down, it will not protect the metal from oxides. This, of course, will adversely affect the operation of the system.

Sometimes it is not recommended to solder any products, in such cases welding is preferred. The process is practically no different from soldering. But before proceeding to the welding process, familiarize yourself with the safety rules and the progress of work. You will need safety glasses.

High temperature soldering

The composition of the gas burner filler is changing, now it is filled with propane with oxygen or acetylene with air. Warming up should not take long, the device should supply a blue flame.

The flame, as in the case of low-temperature soldering, must be applied throughout the joint, changing the position of the burner. When the metal is heated to about 750 degrees, it will turn dark red. At this point, you need to use solder, you can heat it with a burner. However, the solder should ideally heat up from the part.

The product must be given a temperature at which the solder will quickly melt and fill the space between the parts. After full filling, you need to leave the structure to cool.

Do not disregard the seam of the joint and the surface, be sure to remove the flux residue. It is better to flush the finished pipeline warm water, washing off excess flux and solder.


With your own hands, you can eliminate the problems that have arisen in the plumbing or household appliances, for example, a refrigerator or a split system.

Metal lamination is a common problem. In this case, high-temperature soldering is used, this will significantly extend the life of the system. A common occurrence is the appearance of cracks on pipe bends. Masters recommend using low-temperature welding.

To prevent cracks from appearing on bends, the radius of the bend itself should be no more than 3.5 pipe diameters with a diameter below 1.5.

In repairs, it is also necessary to clean the surfaces before starting work, otherwise the structure will quickly fail. If the fitting leaks, you will have to cut this part of the pipe and solder a new one with a new coupling. If a nut or gasket breaks, then it is enough to replace only this part.


Copper has a high thermal conductivity, so you must wear mittens or gloves on your hands, otherwise a burn cannot be avoided. Elements are taken only with tongs or protective gloves.

Care must be taken to apply the flux, make sure that it does not get on the body. Otherwise there will be a chemical burn. If, nevertheless, the substance gets on your hands, you need to leave work and wash the place. big amount soapy water.

The flux burns slowly when heated, its vapors are toxic, so the room in which pipe soldering work is carried out must be well ventilated.

Pay attention to the clothes in which you are going to work. It should not be synthetic, because this material is highly flammable. It is better to choose clothes made from organic cotton.

Masters advise beginners to practice on pipe cuts before starting work. So, after a couple of workouts, the result will be much better.

Reasons for defects

The soldering process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. But most continue to make mistakes.

Consider the most common.

  • Defects on the surfaces of pipes, their parts, fittings. Pay attention to the surface of the pipe, fittings. Due to such damage, the quality of the seam subsequently suffers.
  • Dirt and residues of any materials on the pipes. After the part has been sanded or brushed, this part must be treated with a degreaser. Otherwise, particle residue will interfere with the connection.
  • Poor heating of the part. If the part is not heated well, then the solder will not fuse with the surface. With a small load, delamination along the seam will occur.

  • Overheating of the metal leads to a violation of the flux layer, a violation of its protective functions. Oxides and scales appear.
  • Premature connection check. Until the structure cools down, it must not be touched, otherwise the pipe will deform and be unusable.
  • Ignoring safety rules.
  • Connecting pipes with too large a difference in diameter. The difference in pipe diameters should be no more than 0.5 mm, otherwise the connection will be fragile and will not last long.

See below for a master class on soldering copper pipes.

Home craftsmen try to carry out construction and repair work independently, which allows not only to save the family budget, but also to be absolutely confident in the quality result. Therefore, they have to master new methods and technologies for themselves - such as soldering copper pipes.

We will tell you how to assemble and connect communications from copper pipes. Here you will find out what Consumables and tools required by the performer. Skills that are useful even in everyday life will make it possible to independently assemble pipelines with excellent performance characteristics.

copper piping rarely used in practice. The reason for this is the rather high cost of materials. However, copper pipelines are rightfully considered the best.

This metal surpasses all other materials in terms of heat resistance, flexibility and durability. after assembly, it can be poured into concrete, hidden in walls, etc. During operation, nothing will happen to them.

Copper pipelines are considered the best, as their service life is comparable to the service life of the building in which they are installed.

This should be taken into account when choosing a material for arranging heating or plumbing. In terms of long-term operation, higher costs are fully compensated. In addition to excellent performance characteristics, which copper possesses, it is quite simple to install. The "dread tales" about soldering difficulties are most often exaggerated.

Copper is easy enough to solder. Its surface does not require the use of aggressive cleaning agents. Many fusible metals have high adhesion with it, which simplifies the choice of solder.

Expensive copper fluxes are not needed, since during the melting of the metal there are no violent reactions with oxygen. During the soldering process, the pipe is not deformed, its shape and dimensions remain unchanged. The resulting seam can be soldered if necessary.

Methods for soldering copper parts

Soldering is considered the best method for joining copper parts. During operation, molten solder fills a small gap between the elements, thus forming a reliable connection.

There are two most common ways to obtain such compounds. This is a high-temperature and low-temperature capillary soldering. Let's see how they differ from each other.

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