Ornamental shrubs are not flowering. Winter-hardy ornamental shrubs (photo with names)

Planting ornamental shrubs is a great way to make your site unique. They will fit perfectly into any landscape style. The widest assortment of both decorative and decorative deciduous crops will allow you to make the necessary choice and create an original composition.

The options for using ornamental shrubs in summer cottages are varied.

The entire diverse community of ornamental shrubs for the garden can be divided into three large groups:

  • flowering;
  • decorative deciduous;
  • conifers.

Within each group, there is a division that takes into account the size of plants, the ability to retain or lose leaves on the eve of winter, the duration of flowering, frost resistance, and attitude to growing conditions.

Features of growing ornamental shrubs in the garden

Ornamental shrubsthe best way for those who want to improve their summer cottage.

This category of plants is so diverse that it is impossible to give uniform recommendations for all species at once. You can take into account only some tendencies and note that when planting different types of ornamental shrubs, you need to group them according to the same requirements for soil, illumination, and irrigation regime. With solitary planting, it is much easier to create suitable conditions for the plant. If a composition is created from several types, they should be positioned so that each can show the maximum decorative effect.

Flowering shrubs for a summer residence: a list

This is the largest group of ornamental plants. There are many of their species that can successfully grow and bloom in the middle lane, due to their good frost resistance. In the southern regions, where this problem is not acute, the choice of flowering shrubs is even greater. Let's talk more specifically about each type.

Chubushnik (jasmine)

This deciduous shrub is often found in gardens. Its height ranges from 1 meter to 3. Bell-shaped white flowers with elegant yellow stamens are collected in clusters of 5 to 9 pieces each. The size of the flowers depends on the variety. In some, their diameter does not exceed 2 cm. And in the Akademik Komarov variety, they are simply huge - up to 10 cm in diameter.

Jasmine bloom lasts about 3 weeks and begins in early June, but there are also champions. Shrenk's chubushnik blooms the longest, and the Snow Avalanche variety of Vekhov's selection blooms most abundantly.

This is the decoration of any garden.

Terry jasmine varieties bloom very beautifully:

  • Ballet of moths;
  • Virginal;
  • Ermine mantle - this variety can bloom for up to 49 days;
  • Moonlight;
  • Blizzard.

Some of them re-bloom in late summer - early autumn.

The aroma of the crown mock-orange is familiar to everyone - it is very bright and rich. But there are varieties in which flowers smell like strawberries or pineapple, or have no aroma at all.


It is an upright, deciduous shrub with beautiful flowering. The color of tubular-bell-shaped flowers is varied: white, yellowish, pink, purple or dark red.

A very popular plant among flower growers because of the decorative crown.

The three most frost-resistant species:

  • Early Weigela blooms when the lilac blooms.
  • Weigela Middendorf blooms from mid-May, flowers do not fall for a month, can please with repeated flowering in September;
  • Weigela blooming blooms at the end of May, flowering lasts 20 days.

Only their young bushes need a solid shelter. In adults, in frosty winters, the tips of unripe shoots freeze slightly. Hybrid varieties of Dutch and Polish origin, of which there are many now on sale, do not differ in high frost resistance, so they may not wake up after winter.

Japanese quince

Many people know Japanese quince as henomeles. It is a deciduous shrub that blooms in late May and early June. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks. All this time, the bushes, spreading with arched branches, are decorated with bright flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. In autumn, hard fruits ripen, similar to small green apples. The main color of the flowers is red-orange, but varieties and hybrids with pink, red, white, and sometimes double flowers have been created. Outside of flowering, the bush is also very beautiful thanks to the glossy green leaves. The height of the plant in the middle lane does not exceed one and a half meters. Japanese quince shears very well, therefore it is an excellent material for low hedges.

An exotic plant that bewitches with its beauty and aroma.

Only young plants are suitable for planting. The long taproot is an obstacle to transplanting adult specimens. This shrub is unpretentious and drought-resistant, but with good care flowering is more abundant.


It is a deciduous shrub with many species and varieties. Its height depends on the species and variety and ranges from 60 cm to 2 m.

Quite a beautiful shrub that can decorate any garden picturesquely.

By flowering time, spireas are divided into two groups:

  • early flowering (May - June) - Wangutta, Nippon, oak-leaved, they bloom on last year's shoots, so they do not need cardinal pruning;
  • late blooming (July - August) - birch, Billard, Japanese, Bumald, Douglas, willow, they bloom on the shoots of the current year and need spring pruning.

Flowers in spirea are medium-sized, collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. In most varieties and species, flowering is abundant and long. Many species have white flowers, but there are also varieties with pink and purple flowers.

Spireas are unpretentious shrubs, but they grow better in lighted areas with loose, fertile and humus-rich soil.


Hydrangea is often referred to as the Queen of the Garden. And there is a reason. In terms of the size of inflorescences, only the viburnum Buldenezh can argue with it. Most hydrangeas bloom in the second half of summer.

Hydrangea is a popular planting crop for parks, gardens and home gardens.

The most common types of shrubs.

  • In hydrangea large-leaved flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, which have a diameter of up to 20 cm. The height of this species ranges from 60 cm to 2 m. The color of flowers is varied: white, pink, blue. The vast majority of varieties bloom on last year's shoots. Large-leaved hydrangea is not hardy. To wait for flowering next year, it must be very carefully covered.
  • Hydrangea paniculata. This is a completely frost-hardy shrub, it can reach a height of up to 5 meters. The inflorescence is most often pyramidal, up to 30 cm long, the color is white, which in some varieties turns pink over time.
  • There is a liana-like species - petiolate hydrangea. If there is a support, it can climb to a height of 25 m. If it is not there, it turns into a ground cover plant. The flowers of the petioled hydrangea are white and do not last long.
  • Treelike hydrangea is slightly less resistant to winter cold, grows up to 3 meters, has fluffy spherical inflorescences, usually white. It blooms on the shoots of the current year and requires a thorough spring pruning.

All hydrangeas are acidophiles. They love acidic soil and acidic watering.

Caucasian pear

The plant is widespread in the Caucasus.

At home - in the Caucasus, in Armenia and Azerbaijan - this is a majestic tree up to 26 m tall. In the middle lane, the crown does not rise by more than four and a half meters. This is an unpretentious plant that can easily do without watering. At home, it is very decorative, especially at the time of flowering, painted in White color flowers of 5 petals. They are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The Caucasian pear is also good at the time of fruiting, covered in abundance with small round strongly rusted fruits. But all this beauty can be seen only in warm regions. In the middle lane, the tree does not bloom and does not bear fruit, and in severe winters it can freeze slightly.


We are more accustomed to seeing fruit honeysuckle. Its berries can be enjoyed in early summer. But in the family of honeysuckle varieties with edible berries, there are literally a few. All the rest are ornamental shrubs or vines.

Shrub species are winter-hardy. They can grow up to 4 meters, are decorative both at the time of flowering and during the ripening of berries. Shrubs such as Tatar honeysuckle, Maak, Maksimovich are quite suitable for hedges. They can also grow as a small tree.

Unpretentious, frost-resistant culture.

Liana-like shapes will perfectly wrap around a gazebo or pergola. Feature of honeysuckle - unusual shape colors. Their color is varied, sometimes combined. They often have a pleasant aroma. Among the vines, the most famous are honeysuckle, honeysuckle, Brown and Hecroth. There are creeping and dwarf forms of honeysuckle. Their use is rockeries, alpine slides, mixborders.

Most honeysuckles love moist, fertile soil. The attitude to lighting in different species is ambiguous. Many quite put up with partial shade, and some are even shade-tolerant.

Three-lobed almond (Luiseania)

It is an amazing sight when Luiseania is in full bloom. Delicate pink double flowers completely cover a small tree and look like a pink cloud, exuding a wonderful aroma.

Almonds are an ornamental shrub that a novice gardener can easily grow.

If the plant is grafted, it will grow as a tree, in ordinary culture it is a shrub. Its height is small - up to 3 meters. The most remarkable thing is the bloom. Flowers are double, their diameter is up to 3.5 cm. The main range is pink. The only pity is that it does not last long. Immediately after it, young leaves begin to bloom. It is at this time that the luizeania can be cut off so that the flowering next year is abundant.

Luiseania will calmly endure frosts down to -30 degrees, but suffers greatly from winter thaws. In this plant, the genetic period of deep dormancy lasts only a month. Therefore, a thaw, which can be long, will cause swelling of flower buds, and if then frost follows, it will destroy them.


It is one of the most beautiful and early flowering ornamental shrubs. He comes from the east. The genus of rhododendrons unites almost 600 species, among which there are deciduous, evergreen and intermediate species. Rhododendron is complex in culture. It grows best where the summer is cool and humid, and the winter is not too frosty. In continental climates, the plant feels uncomfortable. A flower grower will have to work hard to tame this capricious sissy. Most rhododendrons are not frost-hardy; they can survive a harsh winter only under a solid shelter. Although there are varieties, for example, helsinki University or Elite, which do without it, they are not afraid of frosts down to -35 degrees. Deciduous species are more resistant.

It received special love and distribution for large flowers of different colors.

The corolla of rhododendron flowers is slightly irregular, in most species it is assembled in a corymbose inflorescence, but there are species with single or paired flowers. Color palette - almost all colors and shades. In some species, flowers have a scent.

Bush height at different varieties can range from 40 cm to 2 m. Moreover, their width can be twice the height.

Flowering occurs in late May and early June. Some varieties delight with repeated autumn flowering. Most of them bloom late - in the fifth or even seventh year of life. Plants grow very slowly. Rhododendrons are acidophiles, develop well only on acidic soils ah and when watering with acidified water.

Tree peony

These imperial, as they are called in their homeland in China, flowers can become a decoration of any garden. The openwork feathery leaves are decorative throughout the season. Huge flowers, reaching a diameter of 20 cm, are simply mesmerizing. Even if they are not terry, the bush looks very beautiful. And if there are a lot of petals, and besides, they are two-colored, you simply cannot take your eyes off it.

The tree peony is popular with many flower connoisseurs.

Plant height varies from 1 to 2 meters and depends on the variety. And tree-like peonies have a huge number of them - a flower in culture for more than 2000 years. Not all varieties of tree peonies are frost-resistant; they will have to be covered for the winter.

Treelike peonies bloom from May to early July. Flowering of each variety lasts up to 3 weeks. This culture is more capricious than herbaceous peonies but the result is worth any effort.

Rose hips

Decorative rose hips are the closest relatives of inimitable roses, but they differ favorably from them in their unpretentiousness and frost resistance. The decorative rose hips have arched hanging branches, which are covered with strong and very sharp thorns. The height of the bushes is different, ranging from 1 to 3 m. Flowers can be simple and have 5 petals. There are also those who can have up to 180 of them. Terry species differ in larger colors. Decorative rose hips reproduce well, have a rich color range - white, all shades of pink and crimson. The only drawback with many species is the short flowering period. Most of them have it from May to July.

Rosehip has a huge number of medicinal properties and great decorative value.

The wrinkled rosehip is adorned with flowers from June to late autumn. From the middle of summer, orange or red fruits are a great addition. The color of flowers is white, pink, lilac-violet. When crossing a wrinkled rose hip with a polyanthus rose, large-flowered forms with good frost resistance were obtained.

Like any other plant, decorative rose hips need watering and feeding, the formation of a bush.

Felted cherry

Felt cherry successfully combines decorativeness and practical use. This distant relative of the common cherry has sour fruits and is not so tasty, but the harvest pleases. Felt cherry blossoms are amazingly beautiful. All shoots are literally covered with medium-sized white-pink flowers. True, flowering, starting at the very beginning of May, and sometimes in April, does not last very long, and if another variety is not planted nearby, there will be no berries at all - this plant is, for the most part, cross-pollinated.

It will decorate the garden with its amazing flowers and pleasant aroma, and in the summer will pamper you with delicious berries.

Such an unusual name was given to a low tree for the pubescence that covers the leaves, shoots and fruits. The height of the felt cherry does not exceed 3 m, so the berries are very easy to pick. They do not crumble and add decorativeness to the tree. Felt cherry is short-lived; even with good pruning, it does not live for more than 20 years. To preserve the plants, it will be necessary to carry out treatments from a monilial burn, which they are greatly affected by.

Altai wolf

Branches strewn with flowers look quite interesting.

This relict plant is found in the wild in Altai and in the Belgorod region. The height of the deciduous shrub is from one to one and a half meters. In May, it blooms with white, nail-like flowers. Black poisonous berries ripen in July. In nature, it is an endangered species and is included in the Red Book. The plant has been cultivated for more than 200 years. The shrub grows well, is unpretentious and frost-resistant.


Cultivated grapes can hardly be attributed to ornamental shrubs, except during the ripening of the berries. In many countries, home gardens are decorated with maiden or wild grapes. It also has another name - virgin ivy: small blue berries can form without pollination. But they are not the decoration of the plant. The most important thing in maiden grapes is decorative foliage. In summer, beautiful palm leaves are painted in green color... With the onset of frost, they turn crimson and burn up to the very fall of the leaves, bringing bright colors to the dull autumn landscape.

Spectacular and unpretentious garden decoration.

Via maiden grape you can decorate any unsightly structure or fence. One has only to give him support, and he will very quickly fill the space allotted to him. The dense carpet of leaves is bactericidal and inhibits the growth of some pathogens. There are 12 species of wild grapes in the family. They differ in the shape of the leaves and their size, color in autumn, but they are all very decorative. The height that grapes can master reaches 15-20 m. The plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant, does not need to be removed from the support for the winter.

Ornamental and deciduous shrubs for the garden: a list

For these ornamental shrubs for the garden, flowering is not the main thing. Their main beauty is in the leaves. They can be unusually colored or have a beautiful original shape.


This plant belongs to the pink family. The height of the deciduous shrub varies from 1.5 to 3 m. Plants are well leafy, they look voluminous. The bushes are decorative throughout the season. They are very decorated with flowers of white or pale pink color, collected in a corymbose inflorescence. They appear in June and last for 3 weeks. At the beginning of autumn, fruits ripen, which look like small red bubbles, which is what gave the plant its name.

Bubbles is an ornamental shrub with a dense crown.

The leaves of the vesicle are large, corrugated, the edges end in denticles. In green-leaved forms, they turn yellow in the fall. Red-leaved forms have a brighter pink color of flowers and red leaves of various shades. In the shade, the bright color of the leaves is not so pronounced.

The bubblegum is unpretentious, calmly tolerates the gas pollution of the air, and it makes an excellent hedge. It tolerates poor soil, but planted in fertile soil will be more lush.

Red japanese maple

They are all very decorative. Maple flowers are yellow-green and red in color, give life to lionfish seeds, with which trees reproduce. The crown of Japanese maples is branched, the leaves are graceful, the branches are twisting. In autumn, they are painted in bright, burgundy, cherry, orange or yellow colors.

The Japanese red maple is a very beautiful, decorative, showy tree.

Japanese maples are represented by three types:

  • palm-shaped; it has an original highly cut leaf shape that retains a crimson color throughout the growing season, the palm-shaped Japanese maple grows slowly;
  • fan-shaped; he has strongly dissected, fan-like leaves, the height of the tree is small;
  • Japanese.

On the basis of these basic varieties, hybrid forms have been created that are highly decorative.

Japanese maple loves humus-rich, slightly acidic soil. Stagnation of moisture is destructive for him. The tree feels best when it receives the sun's rays in the morning and evening. It should be in shade at midday.

Japanese maples are not frost-resistant and suffer, both from spring frosts and from winter frosts. For the winter, the tree needs shelter.

Mountain ash-leaved field

Ease of planting and care provided the plant with the love of gardeners and landscape designers.

This plant is doubly decorative:

  • strongly dissected, corrugated, similar to mountain ash, but with a sharp top, the leaves are beautiful at any time of the year; in spring they are pinkish-orange, in summer they are light green, and in autumn they are yellowish-red;
  • from June to August, the plant flaunts large cone-shaped panicles of yellowish fragrant flowers with long stamens.

The height of the bush is up to 3 meters. It grows very well, can withstand being cut and can make an excellent hedge. Plants are able to grow both in the sun and in partial shade. The fieldfare is not picky about the soil, but it does not tolerate drought well. In central Russia, the plant is quite frost-resistant.


This plant is common in nature, but mainly in places with a warm climate. Many highly decorative varieties and hybrids have been created on the basis of wild species. A feature of the plant is the presence of hard thorns. Leaves can have a variety of colors, sometimes consisting of several colors. There are species with yellow, purple or red leaves.

Barberry bushes with variegated foliage look great in the garden.

The shrub is most decorated at the time of flowering, when it is covered with clusters of yellow flowers, in some varieties they have red veins. The berries of barberry are also beautiful, but in decorative varieties they are usually unsuitable for food.


Almost all of the 50 species of deren grow in the Northern Hemisphere. Usually these are shrubs, and only sometimes trees. They can be deciduous or evergreen.

Derain is preferred over other types of ornamental shrubs.

Derain is decorative any time of the year:

  • in spring and summer - unusually colored foliage and rather large white flowers;
  • in autumn, the color of the leaves becomes pink or burgundy, and white or blue fruits appear in place of flowers;
  • in winter, the brightly colored branches contrast with the snow.

Most often in culture, you can find white turf. This shrub grows up to 3 meters, has brightly colored branches and green leaves with white spots. Small white flowers are collected in a corymbose inflorescence. It blooms magnificently in the first summer months, repeats flowering in autumn. At this time, on the bushes you can see both flowers and white fruits with a bluish tinge.

Derain is unpretentious, able to grow even in the shade, perfectly resists heat and frost.


The most interesting thing about this plant is the original multi-colored fruits hanging on long legs. Depending on the species, it is a tree or shrub that reaches a height of 2 to 10 m. Interesting shape- dwarf euonymus, practically without a trunk. Creeping plants consist of arched branches with evergreen long leaves. At Fortune's euonymus, as it is called, the leaves are green with yellow or white spots.

Euonymus is widely used by gardeners to create a variety of flower arrangements.

The euonymus blooms inconspicuously. Leaves give it a high decorative effect, dark green in summer, in autumn they are painted in all shades of red, orange, purple and yellow. Not uncommon - a multi-colored leaf.

The euonymus is poisonous, so all work with it should be carried out only with gloves.


A distinctive feature is light, translucent leaves, shaped like a heart.

This deciduous tree grows up to 15 m high. It has beautiful foliage and unusual nuts. The silvery bark is deeply cracked. Hornbeam has a very dense spreading crown. Male flowers are long earrings, and female flowers are like hop cones, they reach a length of up to 25 cm. Natural habitat - Southeast Asia. In the middle lane it often freezes, after which it grows as a bush. The tree is unpretentious, tolerates shading well, multiplies easily.

Leafy elm

As soon as this is not called popular in landscape design kind of elm tree!

It also has other names - elm, birch bark. This tree can reach a height of 30 m and a diameter of 1.5 m. Its leaves are dense, petiolate. Flowering is observed before the leaves open. Flowers are collected in bunches, have a rusty-red perianth. The fruit is a lionfish. It grows rapidly at a young age. Can live up to 300 years. In nature, it grows in places with temperate climate... It tolerates drought well, loves the sun. It can freeze in the middle lane.

Decorative forms of fruit trees

In spring it will delight you with flowers, and in autumn with fruits.

At the time of flowering, all fruit trees are decorative. But there are also specially bred varieties that are not intended for fruiting, but for decorating garden plots.

  • The most decorative of the apple trees is the Nedzwiecki apple tree. This short tree makes an excellent tapeworm. At the time of flowering, it is strewn with red-purple flowers, after leaf fall, small bright red apples are clearly visible. The apple tree is unpretentious and well-trimmed. There are other varieties of ornamental apple trees with unusually colored foliage.
  • Among pears, willow pear stands out with a special decorative effect. The leaves are long and narrow and are completely uncommon for this type of tree. Small flowers exude an amazing aroma. There is also a weeping tree form.
  • The most attractive and decorative cherry is considered to be felt.
  • There are also decorative plums, for example, the Nigra variety, which has black and red leaves. Its dark red fruits are edible. Nessie is also very good, her foliage has a bronze-violet color with a pink border. The Chinese plum is also beautiful, with double rose flowers.

Caring for ornamental trees does not differ from that for ordinary fruit crops. They are beautiful in themselves, can be a great backdrop for others. flowering plants.

Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for summer cottages

Among the plants presented in the list, you can find many decorative flowering frost-resistant shrubs that successfully endure harsh winters.

It perfectly tolerates severe frosts!

You can add to them:

  • Shrub cinquefoil, it is sometimes called Kuril tea. Bushes with small foliage from 1 to 1.5 m high. Flowering is very long, almost throughout the summer. The most common cinquefoil with yellow flowers, but there are varieties with red, pink or white flowers. Cinquefoil are frost-hardy, drought-resistant, love rich soil and sunny location.
  • Snowberry. The most beautiful thing about this plant is the fruits that adorn it throughout the winter. These are small balls of white or pink color. The first form withstands frost best. Plants are undemanding to the soil, they like to grow in the sun, they practically do not get sick.

Coniferous and evergreen ornamental shrubs

There are not many evergreens that can withstand the harsh winter.

You can choose any plant of your choice!

The most persistent of them:

  • Fortune's euonymus;
  • boxwood;
  • some types of rhododendron;
  • holly;
  • horizontal cotoneaster;
  • the honeysuckle is brilliant;
  • Mahonia is holly.

The assortment of conifers is much wider.

  • Various types of junipers.
  • Cypress trees.
  • Fir.
  • Berry yew.
  • Eastern biota.

Almost all conifers are lovers of acidic soils. Among their wide variety, you can pick up those that love the sun, and those that feel good in the shade. Most conifers grow slowly, and do not tolerate drought and stagnant water. Some are capable of severely sunburn in the bright spring sun and need protection from it.

Ornamental shrub hedge

A hedge is a great way to protect an area from prying eyes, noise and dust. It is durable and, unlike a fence, does not require repair. It is enough just to care for the plants and trim them in time to give the desired shape.

Hedge - great alternative an ordinary fence.

For hedges, unpretentious shrubs and trees are suitable, which grow quickly, multiply easily, withstand frequent haircuts, and branch well.

The hedge can be high. For her, tall bushes are needed: vesicles, hawthorn, white turf, tall spireas, lilacs, irga, chokeberry, common barberry. It is from the latter that an absolutely impenetrable green fence can be created. It will be the same if you plant rosehip bushes in a row.

A low hedge, the so-called curb, can be created from Potentilla, decorative barberries, Japanese quince, brilliant cotoneaster, holly mahonia, boxwood.

Great combination plants!

A very high hedge will turn out with a dense planting of trees: hornbeam, thuja, yew, linden, larch, spruce.

A hedge can be mixed, for which plants are selected with the same vigor and similar growth requirements.

Every gardener dreams of shrubs blooming on his site all summer long. It is possible to realize such a desire, it is enough to collect as much information as possible about suitable species and varieties. The list of flowering plants is large, you just have to choose the most acceptable options for yourself.

Flowering shrubs for giving: description

  • Budlea is a beautiful lilac-like plant. It can grow up to 3 m. During flowering, a delicate and pleasant aroma emanates from the bush. It lasts from the very beginning of summer until the first frost. The plant has different colors: purple, blue, white, pink, lavender, etc. If you remove fading brushes and leaves in time, you can extend the flowering time of the budlea. This shrub is ideal for decorating flower beds, slopes, borders, etc.
  • Karyopteris is a shrub with brushes of blue flowers. He is not picky about care, he is not afraid of either drought or heat. The shrub can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. It is often used to decorate borders, flower beds and containers.

  • Calicant. Amazing graceful flowers water lilies and beautiful glossy foliage make Calicanthus one of the most original shrubs that bloom all summer. He is able to fill your garden with a pleasant aroma. Calicant does not require special care. The plant is quite hardy and unpretentious.

  • Small hydrangea is the easiest to care for of all types of hydrangea. It is showered with fluffy tassels of white flowers. Fading, the brushes acquire pink and green shades. Dried inflorescences are colored creamy beige. Some shallow hydrangea varieties can be grown in the shape of a tree, making it ideal for a large tub.

  • Oleander will delight flower growers with its shades of pink, purple, yellow, red, lilac and white. This shrub is quite thermophilic and also poisonous. After planting it in your garden, make sure that children do not touch its foliage and branches! Oleander grows in a large bush that forms beautiful wall... In colder regions, this shrub is grown in containers and brought indoors in winter. Oleander prefers moist, well-drained soil and open sun.
  • Cinquefoil is one of the most common and easy-to-care shrubs that blooms all summer. It begins to bloom in late spring and continues to bloom until the 1st frost. The colors of Potentilla can be very diverse: white, orange, red and yellow. good drainage, she loves the open sun. The shrub has worked well in traditional medicine.

Flowering shrubs: a list with names

  • Cistus is a very beautiful plant whose flowers are similar to poppies or non-double roses. It blooms throughout the summer. Cistus shades can be very diverse - from pale pink to purple. Some species secrete gum, which the ancient Greeks used to make perfume and in medicine.

  • Shrub rose - resistant to frost and various diseases. These are the hardiest of roses, they bloom throughout the season, or they bloom again after a certain period of time. Plants have a range of flowers of various shapes, colors and aromas. Some bushes are very tall, others - on the contrary, small and compact. The flower can be either one-color or two-color. A bush rose comes in almost all colors except blue. The plant has thorns, so don't plant near paths.

  • Skumpia tannery is a very spectacular shrub. Most common scumpia varieties have dark purple foliage that turns into bold yellow, orange and red leaves in the fall. Scumpia has the shape of a large shrub or graceful tree with a branched crown that resembles an umbrella or ball. The plant reaches 4 - 5 m in height, and in a subtropical climate it grows up to 12 m. The life span of a scumpia is up to 100 years.

  • Alder-leaved cletra - practically irreplaceable in ornamental gardening for planting in wetlands. It is most often used in mixed plantings with rhododendrons and other plants, as potassium or azalea. The flowers are pink and golden in color with a wonderful scent. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, so it is better to do sanitary pruning in the spring. Prefers acidic, fertile and drained soil.

  • Meadowsweet, or as it is also called, spirea. The shrub has an intoxicating aroma; it is often used in folk medicine and for the preparation of certain dishes. The bush is incredibly tenacious, you can hardly take care of it. They can decorate any place on the site, the spirea is especially well suited to create a cozy corner. Meadowsweet flowers are numerous, pink or white small, collected in terminal brush-like paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. Meadowsweet prefers wet places - this plant can be found in swampy areas, in damp meadows, along river banks, on the slopes of ravines saturated with moisture.

Flowering shrubs: photo

Shrubs that bloom all summer are a great way to decorate your garden. You can combine different types and varieties to transform your garden into a work of art. Flowering shrubs not only visually change the shape of the site, but also create a feeling of celebration with their flowering, make the color palette of the flora much richer. They look great on lawns and next to the terrace, on the far borders of the site and near the gate.

When arranging a flower garden or personal plot gardeners try to choose plants that are short in stature, frost resistance, and also very beautiful flowering. Today, such crops are represented in a wide variety. Each plant has its own requirements for growing and care, and also have certain varietal characteristics.



If you had to observe the flowering of this culture, then you could notice how beautiful its buds are. The bush is distinguished by voluminous flowers that are spherical in shape. They can be presented in different color... To get a brighter flowering, it is necessary to plant a hydrangea in a soil with high acidity.


The plant blooms from August to September. You can plant a hydrangea even in partial shade, and it is also not afraid of frost. But you can not place the culture in dry and calcareous soil. But how the planting and care of Hortense seeds occurs in Siberia is described in great detail in this

Derain white

This bush is famous for its brightly colored red crown. There are several varieties of turf. Some of them form white flowers, while others are multi-colored. To keep the crop bark bright, the bushes have to be cut short each year. The shoots should only be visible a few centimeters above the soil. If you form a bush correctly, then it forms an expanding thicket.

Derain white

Deciduous barberries

This shrub is highly resistant to frost and easy to care for. Leaves can take on yellow, green, red and purple colors. Any soil is suitable for growing barberry, as well as a sunny or shaded place. The bushes are easily pruned, but this is not necessary. It is enough to remove damaged and dried branches in the spring.

Deciduous barberries

The height of the bush can be 60 cm - 2 m. The plant is unpretentious and strikes with an extensive color of leaves. Barberries can be used in different ways: for planting on slides, slopes, or for creating hedges. Another plant can act as a background and edge.

It will also be interesting to know how Budleia is grown from seeds:

It grows well in the sun and partial shade. The culture is resistant to winter frost and does not require shelter. Spireas can be of various sizes, bush shapes and leaf colors. Due to these qualities, you can plant a garden with only spireas.

Shrub cinquefoil

This bush can have several names at once - Kuril tea, cinquefoil and five-leaf. Due to the large number of small flowers, Potentilla takes on an attractive appearance. Most often, gardeners acquire a plant with yellow flowers.

Shrub cinquefoil

Flowers can be single or collected in racemose inflorescences. The foliage of the plant is decorative and has a bright green color. When growing Potentilla, it is necessary to take into account that it does not tolerate dry air poorly.

The height of the bush reaches 1-1.5 m. When choosing a place for Potentilla, it is necessary to take into account that it is well lit. The plant is drought tolerant, but watering should still be regular and moderate. Cinquefoil is able to withstand temperatures of -40 degrees. You can use the plant when creating curbs or low hedges. For all lovers of beautiful and green vegetation, you should turn your horizontal Blue chip on the juniper, and how the planting takes place.

Bubble plant

This bush is short. It is frost-resistant. Leaves can turn golden and purple in color. During and after flowering, clusters of red fruits are formed instead of flowers.

Bubble plant

The height of the bush can reach 1-3 m. The shrub begins to bloom in early summer, and flowering lasts 20 days. The culture is unpretentious in care, loves drought and is shade-resistant. But it is better to plant in an area illuminated by sunlight. Only in this way will the leaves be able to maintain their brightness. The plant can be used to create hedges and single plantings.


Magonia is a beautiful ornamental bush with glossy leaves and fragrant flowers. The smell during the flowering of Mahonia is very similar to lilies of the valley, but the resulting berries can be used for food or making wine. You can observe incredibly beautiful flowers in November-March, and it will remain even during severe frosts.

The crop is planted in the shade of trees. Several bushes can be combined. Before the winter cold sets in, Mahonia must be insulated with needles or spruce branches.

Under the influence of the spring sun, the leaves of the plant can be burnt. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to protect the shrubs from direct sun exposure in the first few weeks.

The following types of low-growing heather can be planted in a flower bed:

As you can see, there is a wide variety of undersized and frost-resistant bushes today. Each of them requires specific conditions for growing and during care. Nevertheless, they all differ in incredibly beautiful flowering. Of course, their color can be any, so you can use several different cultures to get an original and colorful flower bed.

" Trees

Gardens and cottages new wave- stylish cottages, with a comfortable area for recreation of the townspeople, surrounded by a beautiful landscape. A traditional summer cottage, the main function of which is to harvest, also necessarily includes a recreation area, lovingly decorated by the owners. Precisely for a spectacular design backyard territory, a beautiful lawn, a playground, are necessary ornamental plants and trees worth talking about in detail.

In addition to the natural aesthetic function - to give a person the enjoyment of the beauty of nature, ornamental trees and shrubs are used by gardeners and designers to solve purely practical problems. Visual extension of an area that is too narrow or too small. Decoration of outbuildings, strengthening of slopes and talus. Zoning the site, creating dividing screens between the garden and the backyard area. Protection of individual space small summer cottages from prying eyes, without erecting a fence.

Popular ornamental trees in the garden and in the country

The current trend in gardening is a beautiful, fruitful garden that does not require huge physical costs for the care and maintenance of decorativeness. The priority is the beauty and unpretentiousness of trees; the practical benefits of plantings fade into the background. This explains the popularity of new forms of fruit and forest trees presented by modern breeding:

  • compact standard trees with a spherical crown;
  • dwarf forms fruit and forest trees;
  • weeping forms;
  • columnar hybrids familiar trees.

An interesting novelty is the use of forest trees for decorating a summer cottage. For example, hornbeam seedlings are sold by nurseries at bargain prices. Hornbeam is great for creating hedges, decorative backdrops and walls.

To create spectacular compositions, lawn edging, trees of different heights are used:

  • tall (up to 6 m);
  • medium-tall (up to 3 m);
  • undersized and dwarf trees (up to 1.5 m).

A backdrop is formed from tall trees(wall, or focal point), which is complemented by trees and shrubs below. From the undersized, the foreground of the composition is formed. Trees can be decorated with gravel, located on an open lawn, solo, or combined into relief, multi-tiered groups.

The tallest are planted in the background, then the middle ones. Low-growing trees and shrubs are placed in front.

Recognized leader - coniferous trees

Mature plants require little or no maintenance. Conifers are decorative all year round, including winter. In early spring, many species bloom with bright lilac candles, reminiscent Christmas decorations ... Then comes the time of active growth, the young growth is much brighter than last year's branches. During this period, all coniferous trees look especially smart.

Spruce grows well on marshy soils, this is especially true for the Moscow region. Pine is drought-resistant, tolerates pruning well, which allows varying height and decorative shape. For low hedges, walls, yew can be recommended... Yew holds its shape perfectly, does not require significant pruning.


An unpretentious thuja can be safely chosen as the main decorative element garden, which will unite plantings with a single plan. Thuja of different varieties will perfectly fit into a composition with undersized shrubs, variegated and flowering trees.

In the nursery, you can pick up varieties of pyramidal, elliptical, or spherical shape... The garden wall of thujas, planted with a smooth line, looks very interesting. This allows you to unusually beat even a standard suburban area.

For the middle lane, varieties and hybrids of Western thuja are recommended. The unpretentious Brabant variety is suitable for the formation of a wall, backstage. A single thuja will grow wide, a close planting of a thuja (after 0.5 m) will form a too low wall... The optimal distance between the seedlings of the Brabant variety is 1 m. An interesting variety is Wagner's thuja, which has a rounded shape, lower in growth. Tuya is very fond of shower, spraying, sprinkling.

Decorative maples

Most popular maple Canadian, Plane, Norway maple with burgundy foliage. They are great soloists on open lawns, are good in compositions and against the backdrop of hedges.

Maple Holly or Plane-shaped burgundy

Like most plants with a brightly colored leaf, decorative colored maples prefer a sunny spot. In the shade, the natural color will be faded... Maple prefers fertile soil with neutral acidity. Young seedlings should be covered for the winter. An adult plant of a frost-resistant variety will no longer require this.

Exotic for lovers


It can be formed as a bush, but a full-fledged tree with a picturesque crown can grow. Blooming magnolia is an exotic sight, most varieties have a delicate, vanilla-citrus aroma... Magnolia is covered with large flowers (bud length up to 12-15 cm). The color scheme and shape of the opened flower in different varieties of magnolia differs very radically.

The whimsicality of magnolia is greatly exaggerated, for successful cultivation just follow a few rules. When planting magnolias, special attention should be paid to the root system and the choice of planting site. It is necessary to buy magnolia with a root ball (in plastic container), preferably in a nursery or garden center. When planting, try not to injure the roots of the seedling. Magnolia is very fond of the bright sun, does not tolerate drafts and winds. The optimal landing site is under the southern wall of the house, any outbuilding. He does not like calcareous soils, so such lands must be acidified with peat. There is no need to care for an adult plant, only minimal sanitary pruning. For growing in gardens of the middle lane, deciduous forms of magnolia are recommended, and the corresponding hybrids.

Young seedlings, even frost-resistant varieties, should be covered for the winter (mulch the roots and cover the crown with agrofibre).


The Japanese relative of the familiar cherry, is famous all over the world for its magical flowering. The growing conditions for sakura and magnolia are identical. A sunny place without drafts; neutral or slightly acidic soil... Like ordinary cherries, sakura will need seasonal spraying from pests, abundant watering, and substantial pruning.

Sakura does not have to be bought, it reproduces well by cuttings... It is much cheaper than buying a seedling. In August, the stalk is grafted onto a traditional cherry (or sweet cherry), by budding (with an eye, a kidney).

Decorative forms of fruit trees

The apple tree familiar to everyone has many decorative subspecies that bloom more abundantly than simple apple trees. Blooming with scarlet flowers, Ola's apple tree is simply flooded with flowers so that you cannot see the branches.

Ola apple blossom

Ornamental varieties are grown in the usual agrotechnics, familiar to gardeners for caring for traditional varieties of apple trees. Fruits - small (heavenly) apples adorn the garden until late autumn... Yellow, red, purple - look great on the branches. They attract birds to the garden, this modern version natural solution to pest problems. From heavenly apples, an original jam is obtained. Particularly interesting are weeping forms, with a variegated and colored leaf.

Ornamental shrubs in landscape design

The shrubs in the garden technically fulfill the natural function of the undergrowth. From an aesthetic point of view, shrubs harmoniously complement garden trees and flower beds , performing the role of middle management. This is an extensive class of diverse plants, we will focus on especially popular species.

Junipers: type and variety of bushes

Emphasized decorativeness, a wide variety of forms and varieties, the names of the most common are given below. By releasing phytoncides, junipers significantly purify the air. In sunny weather, a healing aroma hovers near such a plant.... A common plus of junipers is frost resistance. Bath lovers will come in handy with young juniper twigs, which are added to bath brooms for aroma.


The recognized varieties include Variegata juniper... Flat, with scaly azure needles, and contrasting sandy tassels at the end. The shrub is shade-tolerant, but in a sunny place the decorative brushes of the Variegat will be brighter. An adult plant in a sufficient area will look like a lush flower bed.


An unpretentious smoky plant, prefers light soils, looks great in a composition with variegated hosts, common and tree peonies. Loves loosening and sprinkling of branches... When transplanting, the hole should be 2 times the size of the root ball. Junipers do not resist pruning, although they do not need to be pruned.

Between the bushes Cossack juniper should be at least 1 - 1.5 meters. In adulthood, it is a sprawling, lush bush.

Rocky Sky Rocket

Tall Blue Juniper - Rocky Sky Rocket... In diameter up to 1 meter, height up to 7 meters. It looks like a slender tree, vaguely resembles a cypress.


Low Glauka juniper (up to 30 cm), can grow up to 3 meters wide. The powerful root system of this plant allows you to strengthen the slopes, if necessary. This suitable plant for the foreground of the garden composition.

Mint Juliet

The fastest growing medium juniper - Mint Julit, reaches 3.5 m in width, up to 1.5 m in height... The Blue Carpet is an active aggressor, occupying a vast area. Reacts to pruning with increased growth. This must be taken into account when planting, but you can use it for your own purposes.

Barberry - add bright accents

Interesting bush shape, delicate branches, bright foliage, inherent in various varieties, allows the barberry to lead among the colored shrubs. Blooms actively in spring. The crown of purple, red, lilac, lettuce color in summer, incredibly transforms in autumn... This is a real carnival of colors, from lemon to wine-colored foliage, scarlet bunches of fruits. Barberry berries are an excellent seasoning for pilaf and meat dishes.

Barberry looks great in single and group plantings. The front garden, the alpine slide, the edging of the meadows - all these compositions will successfully complement the barberry of the variety and colors you like. Barberries of different heights (from 30 cm to 1.5 m) can be interestingly beaten in a prefabricated mixborder... Barberry Thunberg is good in combination with conifers... The undersized cushion-shaped barberry Green Carpet is used for Japanese-style rocky compositions.

It develops well in an open, sunny place, not picky about soils. Does not tolerate stagnation of soil input, when planting, the barberry should be provided with a high-quality drainage cushion.

Low-growing shrub (up to 80 cm) in looks very exotic, blooms profusely with orange-red flowers... In summer and autumn, it is decorated with fruits reminiscent of paradise apples. Used for flower beds and rose gardens.

Japanese quince grows well on light sandy loam soils, loves lighted places. Excellent jam is made from the fruits of the hostess.

Red viburnum

A familiar shrub that never ceases to delight with its beauty and healthy berries... Viburnum is very good in bloom, in autumn it turns crimson-yellow, red clusters of berries glow in the sun.

Kalina loves shady places, the bush can grow quite extensively. This property of viburnum can be successfully used to decorate outbuildings, blank walls of sheds. Loves good watering, soil for planting is mixed with humus (1 × 1)... The land under the viburnum bush should be mulched bark, it will help moisture-loving plant develop.

It grows wild in central and southern Europe, in North Africa, in the European part of Russia, mainly in its middle part and in Asia Minor. Rarely found in the west and north of Russia. Kalina can be found in Central and Western Siberia, as well as in the eastern and northern regions of Kazakhstan. Viburnum vulgaris does not grow in Central Asia and the Far East.

Familiar from indoor forms, hydrangea Large-leaved garden - a find for lovers of bright, actively flowering plants. Large inflorescences (12-15 cm) bloom in July and remain on the branches until autumn. An adult wisteria bush is not tall (up to 1 m), it can reach two meters in diameter, this must be taken into account when planting... Large inflorescences are white, greenish, crimson, pink and even blue.

Hortense loves enough lit places, but direct sunlight is harmful to her. You will need a moist, slightly acidic soil, abundant watering, top dressing. When planting, peat, sand, coniferous forest land are added to the earthen mixture. Feeding the hydrangea with iron preparations, amateurs achieve a bright blue color of the inflorescences from the hydrangea. Barrel circle it is advisable to mulch with needles, use slightly acidified water for irrigation. For the winter, the hydrangea should be covered.

Interesting novelty: columnar fruit trees

The compact, productive trees, strewn with fruits of the usual size, have fascinated many gardeners. Columns bear fruit in the second year, take up little space, and are easy to care for... The lifespan of such a tree is up to 15 years, in contrast to the usual longevity. ordinary trees fruit and stone fruit crops.

What are the columnar trees

Columnar apple - undersized, dwarf (relative to the standard) standard tree... Proven high-quality varieties - Arbat (medium-ripening red apple), Bolero (winter), Gin (summer variety).

On sale are seedlings of columnar trees of the latest selection: plums, cherry plums, pears, peaches. The main problem is the instability of the variety. The dying off of the lower branches, changes in the shape of the crown (the formation of a "broom"), freezing of growth buds, the degeneration of the variety. Sellers are outright fraudulent. If you decide to grow columns, buy adapted seedlings from proven regional nurseries.

On the this moment, only the columnar apple tree boasts large quantity varieties of resistant selection. The rest of the columnar novelties can be purchased only at your own peril and risk.

Features of planting and caring for fruit fruit trees

Columns are very comfortable for handling and maintenance, organizing drip or spot irrigation. The growth of an adult fruit tree is about 1.5 m, it is grown in the usual agricultural technology, like ordinary fruit and stone fruit trees... Depending on the variety, seedlings are planted at a distance of 0.4 - 0.7 m from each other. The distance between the rows is 2 - 2.5 m. You will need seasonal pruning, pest control, top dressing, loosening of the root circle.

After planting a one-year-old seedling, the plant will show its variety in the first year. To do this, leave 2-3 flower ovaries on the tree, it is better to remove the rest of the flowers in the first year... The seedling needs strength to adapt to a new place, to form a healthy root system.

Selection does not stand still, popular varieties are constantly being improved... Whether experimenting with original novelties, or choosing a decorative variety that has been proven over the years, this is a constant temptation for the gardener. Based on your taste preferences, you can choose original decoration for your favorite garden.

Already in early spring we direct all our brain energy to planning a summer cottage, choosing ornamental shrubs that should bloom and delight us with their aroma throughout the summer. This is understandable, because the time for flowers is coming, and, finally, there is such a rare opportunity to create your own happiness in a separate corner of the earth. Further, your attention will be presented a selection (names and photos) of the most decorative and beautiful perennial flowering shrubs for the garden and vegetable garden.

Features of perennial ornamental flowering shrubs and their use in landscape design

Most gardeners plant ornamental shrubs for the purpose of zoning the site and creating a hedge. And if they also bloom beautifully all summer, then such perennial plants will be just a garden decoration.

When choosing such flowering perennials, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Frost resistance and, accordingly,need for shelter shrub for the winter.
  • The degree of care required. Of course, the best option is an unpretentious perennial, which, as a rule, a flowering shrub is. But most of these plants, at a minimum, require periodic pruning of the crown, removal of peduncles, watering and feeding.
  • The composition and type of soil required for planting (although you can always additionally fill the planting hole with the required soil mixture).
  • The size of the bush, its height and volume of leaf mass. The perennial should fit well into the place allotted to it on the site.
  • The timing and duration of flowering. It is ideal to plant flowers and shrubs in the garden that will bloom throughout the summer season.

The most popular perennial flowering shrubs for summer cottages


This is the most popular early-flowering perennial shrub, the peak of flowering, as a rule, occurs in May, and at the beginning of June it completely fades away. Nicely smelling flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple, double and super double. Height - from 1.5 to 2 meters.


An incomparable spring bush, whose original flowers-stars will surely win your heart. As a rule, it is comparable in size to lilacs (1.5-2 meters).

Important! Some varieties of forsythia are not particularly frost-resistant, so they should be covered for the winter.

Chubushnik (garden jasmine)

In almost every garden you can find a wonderful jasmine (mock orange), which is not only beautiful, but also has a unique aroma. Sizes can vary greatly, anywhere from 1 meter to 4 meters.

Henomeles (Japanese quince)

In addition to beautiful flowering, this bizarre perennial shrub also bears fruit closer to the beginning of autumn. The height of the bush is from 50 to 80 centimeters.


Possesses extraordinary beauty flowers that appear in late April and early May. The bush itself reaches a fairly large size from 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

Scumpia (Wig tree)

Anyone who walks past this shrub during its flowering period will definitely stop and be simply amazed at the incredibly exotic beauty of its flowers and leaves. Height - from 1.5 to 3 m.

Important! For the winter, the skumpia must be covered without fail.

Wisteria (Wisteria)

It blooms in late spring, while it can retain rare flowering purple clusters throughout the summer.

It is worth making a reservation that this very fragrant plant is more related to

Important! The plant is thermophilic, in the southern regions it blooms much more abundantly than in the northern latitudes, it definitely requires shelter for the winter.

Tree peony

It still possesses the same exquisite beauty of its herbaceous variety only in bush form, and its spring May bloom, as a rule, begins a couple of weeks earlier. The sizes of the bush are the most standard - from 1.5 to 2 m.


Delicate flowers camellias in the shape of buds are very reminiscent of roses. As a rule, a magnificent shrub reaches about 2 meters in length.

For the winter in cold regions, it requires a sufficient warm shelter.

Colquicia is pleasant (lovely)

A wonderful decorative flowering and deciduous perennial shrub. His luxurious bloom falls in late spring-early summer, blooms with touching pink bells. The height can reach 1.5-2 meters.

Luiseania (bean, garden almond, terry plum)

Very elegant ornamental spring flowering shrub. Depending on the variety, it can be a 1.5 meter bush or a 4 meter tree.

Cercis Canadian

Initially, this is a tree, but most often, if cercis is not grown at home, then it has the shape of a bush. Gorgeous flowering begins in mid-spring and continues until the beginning of summer, so to speak, until the foliage appears.

There is also a European version of it, but it is cercis Canadian the most unpretentious and cold-resistant.

Video: the most beautiful flowering shrubs

By the way! Many of these ornamental perennial shrubs are capable of blooming all summer long, we'll talk about them further.

Perennial ornamental shrubs that bloom all summer


In plain text, we can say that this bright plant picks up the spring flowering from previous shrubs and rightfully occupies one of the most honorable places in the gardens of many summer residents. It is represented by a huge number of varieties, which not only have different flowers, but also the color of the leaves. The height of the bush can be from 1-2 m. It is believed that weigela is in to a greater extent spring Flower, but it can bloom and bloom throughout the summer (it blooms again in August).

Spirea (Tavolga)

There are a lot of varieties and varieties of this catchy perennial shrub: there are spring-flowering spireas, and there are also summer-flowering ones. The colors and shapes of flowers can also be completely different. The sizes of the shrub are different: miniature 50-60 centimeters and up to 2 meters in height. Perfect for creating hedges.

Cinquefoil (Kuril tea)

This spectacular and beloved perennial shrub blooms throughout the summer (May to September). The height of the bush is from 50 to 100 centimeters. This plant is not only beautifully flowering, but also useful (you can brew tea from its leaves). Also suitable for creating hedges.


What could be more beautiful than summer hydrangea bloom? The start of flowering occurs at the beginning of summer, the finale is in late autumn, and the dry hydrangea also looks incredibly beautiful. The sizes of perennials can vary greatly and depend on the species: from tiny 50-70 centimeter bushes and up to 1.5 meter trees.

Buddleya (summer lilac)

Buddleya is very similar to lilacs, not only with brushes, but also with a magical scent. It can grow up to 1.5 meters. Typically used in flower gardens in the background.

Oleander ordinary

The shrub not only has an irresistibly beautiful appearance, but is also considered very beneficial: it draws out literally all harmful toxins from the air. In height, this perennial can reach 2 meters, but you can hardly afford to keep such a huge plant at home.

Carefully! This shrub is poisonous.

Note! Unfortunately, in winter, this thermophilic (exclusively southern) shrub mercilessly freezes out. At the same time, a shelter does not even help him, so for the winter it should be brought into the room, so to speak, used as a tub culture.

the Rose

Rose, as everyone has known for a long time, is the queen of the garden.

Rose bushes can be made into a first-class and virtually impenetrable hedge.