Requirements for the placement of wall-mounted gas boilers. Ariston double-circuit gas boiler - features and advantages

The Italian company "Ariston" for twenty years has been producing and selling equipment of a high quality level in the markets not only in Russia, but also in many European countries. All equipment responds European standards and has high level wear resistance and strength. All products of the Ariston company simultaneously combine environmental friendliness, reliability and a high level of quality. What characteristics distinguish the Proterm bear gas boiler, read.

Technical characteristics of the gas boiler Ariston

The whole the lineup heating gas boilers Ariston has almost the same functions, regardless of the price. All menus are provided in Russian.

Guarantee for heating equipment the standard type is valid for two years, and for condensing boilers it is equal to three years. Any Ariston thermo-equipment is incredibly easy to maintain, install and operate.

The following functions are responsible for safety:

  • Circulation pump blocker;
  • Make-up system semiautomatic;
  • Scale protection;
  • Automatic evacuation of air from the heating circuit of the device.

The sizes of Ariston gas boilers are different, but the average is 700/450/600.

You can also control a gas heating boiler using a remote controller. If something goes wrong, the system will analyze and immediately report a breakdown.

Types of gas boilers Ariston

The heating equipment market is literally replete with products of the Italian company "Ariston". Many buyers prefer the evo and comfort models, as well as the following types of gas heating boilers:

  • boiler Ariston Egis plus 24 ff, it is resistant to voltage drops and works normally at low gas pressure;
  • gas boiler Ariston 24 cf, it is designed to maximize resource savings when maximum effect from his work;
  • gas boiler Ariston genus evo 35 ff, has a triple water purification filter and perfectly adapts to variable indicators of resource supply, to low water consumption;

Double-circuit heating gas boilers Ariston are attached as on wall panel and are installed directly on the floor. The presence of two circuits means that the gas boiler can simultaneously heat the room and supply hot water... Boilers of the series fall into this category:

  1. Clas,
  2. Egis,
  3. Genus.

The most "strong" in terms of functionality are considered heating boilers Genus.

This group is equipped with primary and secondary heat exchangers. They have high performance. All boilers have an LCD display. Read more and how much they cost.

How to install and start a gas boiler Ariston?

If the boiler is installed on its own, then it is necessary to carry out the installation in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to install a coaxial angle on the heating boiler, make technical measurements of the distance from the center of the corner to the edge gas boiler... According to the standard, this distance should be 105 mm.
  2. Lay the base of the corner with cushioning material and fasten the clamp to it.
  3. Before directly installing the chimney, it is necessary to make a hole for it in the wall and only then screw the fastening strip.
  4. It is more convenient to connect the branch with two people.
  5. Next, you will need to solder the polypropylene pipes.
  6. Connect polypropylene to metal-plastic pipes.
  7. Install control valves.

Only after performing these manipulations can the gas boiler be started.

The launch is quite simple:

  • After the gas is supplied, it will be necessary to pump liquid.
  • Check the working pressure level (0.8-0.9 atm).
  • Then the "winter" mode is set, provided that the heating boiler belongs to the double-circuit category.
  • We connect to the network.

    If the boiler does not turn on, then it is necessary to turn the plug in the socket (many Ariston boilers depend on the phase).

Operating instructions for the gas boiler Ariston

Malfunctions of the gas boiler Ariston

The most popular error codes for heating gas boilers Ariston:

  • boiler Ariston error 5p3 - "Flame separation" often occurs in the absence of grounding;
  • boiler Ariston error 501 - "lack of constant pressure" should be solved only by a specialist, since the pressure is regulated using a pressure gauge.

Repair of gas boilers Ariston

Repair or adjust the heating system yourself gas equipment The manufacturing company does not recommend Ariston, because any intervention in the heater system will lead to the loss of the warranty. Therefore, if a significant breakdown is found, then you will have to eliminate it for your own money.

Spare parts for gas boilers Ariston

Components for heating equipment of the Ariston company can be purchased from dealers or contact service centres in the region and learn more from them detailed information about spare parts. For example, a room thermostat for a gas boiler Ariston can be purchased at almost any specialized store.

Gas boiler price Ariston

The Italian company Ariston is a leading manufacturer of heating equipment. The variety of manufactured equipment is huge, so make right choice, to decide which gas boiler Ariston to buy, customer reviews can help, as well as our review.

Heating boilers differ, mainly in terms of power and functionality. The main difference from other gas boilers is that Ariston gas boilers specifications are excellent, and the price is affordable for the most economical owners.

Gained the greatest popularity double-circuit boilers Ariston. Customers fell in love with it for its excellent appearance (there is a casing that covers all attachment points), compact size, ease of use, ease of maintenance. Plus, the Ariston gas boiler is quite silent and economical. Many functions are made for the safe use of boilers. Cleaning filters are provided.

Types and features of the device of double-circuit boilers Ariston

If we talk about installation, then Ariston double-circuit gas boilers are available floor and wall. Floor standing boilers placed on a flat, stable base. They have a steel or cast iron heat exchanger, so they are quite heavy and voluminous. Very durable and able to serve for a long time.

More compact and lightweight gas boiler wall-mounted Ariston, copper or stainless steel heat exchanger. The quality of operation of such boilers directly depends on the pressure of the energy carriers (gas and water) in the pipelines. Gas boiler is functioning double-circuit Ariston as a home heater and as a water heater. One circuit supplies heat to the radiators in the form of hot water, and the second circuit heats domestic water. When the tap opens with hot water, the valve automatically closes and the boiler starts working to heat the newly supplied cold water.

Gas boilers Ariston come with an open or closed combustion chamber. Open type the chamber implies the flow of air from the housing where the boiler is located, the combustion products are removed through the ventilation. Combustion boiler closed type requires a forced draft device, that is, air is taken from outside the room, and combustion products are emitted too. There are built-in fans for this. Expansion tank 8 liters. The capacity of Ariston gas boilers can be either 24 kW or 28 kW, this is enough to heat an area of ​​500 sq. M.

It is worth protecting the blocking of the pump, from scale and freezing. The equipment has a self-diagnosis system, all possible mistakes and faults are displayed on the liquid crystal display. There are several modes with which the Ariston double-circuit gas boiler is equipped, the price of which does not depend on which mode is present in the boiler.

The following modes exist:

Just like wall-mounted gas boilers Ariston, floor-standing boilers Ariston also have different kinds control: climamanager, t-control.

Popular double-circuit gas boilers Ariston

EGIS PLUS is a 24 kW gas double-circuit wall-mounted boiler with Info function. Compact, lightweight, has two separate heat exchangers: copper and stainless steel. Hydraulic system made of composite durable material, this prolongs the service life. Each of the circuits is equipped with a filter. They can work in the most severe frost... The combustion chamber meets both open and closed. Economical. If you read user reviews about Ariston gas boilers, then they are all unanimous: “A simple and understandable control system, reliable protection from pressure surges ".

These gas boilers are capable of operating at lowering gas pressure(up to 5 mbar), neither the water consumption nor the low pressure in the mainline in any way affects the functionality of the boiler. Changes in the voltage in the mains are also not a hindrance. The heating power can be reduced without changing the water heating power. There are options: turn-on delay, uninterrupted electronic modulation of the flame in the burner, protection against frost, against the accumulation of scale on the heaters, prevention of blocking of the pumping system and three-way valves.

The gas boiler Ariston Egis Plus 24 FF is equipped with self-diagnosis.

Motor-driven three-way valve. The boiler has two NTC sensors, two filters for mechanical cleaning, an expansion tank with a volume of 8 liters. If desired, you can connect a room thermostat and a digital T-Control programmer thermostat. You can read how to choose a gas boiler for an apartment.

GENUS EVO is a wall-mounted boiler of the Comfort sub-series. Very economical. Able to save up to 35 percent of energy resources. Has two heat exchangers. One works like a stove - for heating the home, the other for hot water supply. Outwardly beautiful and easy to operate. Three temperature sensors, water pressure sensor. The circuits are equipped with filters. Considering all the advantages, a double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler, the price of Ariston is not high. But excellent efficiency.

Quiet and lightweight. Combustion chambers are found both open and closed. Maximum power 35 kW. Thanks to the sensors, it “senses” the weather and adjusts the boiler itself, focusing on the climatic conditions outside the window. You can set the temperature support level for a specific day of the week. For example, leaving home every weekend, the boiler will not heat up at full capacity these days. To buy a double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler Ariston does not need to go far. This line of boilers is known in almost every city.

CLAS B 24 CF - wall mounted gas convection boiler.
Has an open combustion chamber, electric ignition. Heat exchangers are made of copper. One of the advantages is the presence of a built-in circulation pump, a 40-liter boiler, and an 8-liter built-in expansion tank. It is equally capable of operating on natural and liquefied gas. Equipped with the "Comfort" function. There is a power indicator, thermometer, pressure gauge, auto - ignition, flame modulation.

BS II - wall-mounted double-circuit boilers of economy class with a capacity of up to 24 kW, operation and control are as simple as possible, designed for heating apartments and providing hot water to residents of apartment buildings. Differs in uninterrupted boiler service with a decrease in pressure in the mains. For this purpose, the option "continuous electronic modulation of the burner fire" is provided, a whole set of options ensuring the safe use of the boiler.

It must be said that any wall-mounted gas boiler Ariston 24 reviews this is confirmed, it is equipped with the following functions to ensure safety: semi-automatic make-up, pumping air out of the system, blocking the operation of the circulation pump, protection against freezing and scale accumulation. Compared to other brands, the Ariston BS 24 FF gas boiler is inexpensive, has a fast heating and is very energy efficient; there will be an excellent bonus in the form of a decrease in utility bills.

Easy to use, small-sized, simple settings do not require special skills.

Economical, with a closed combustion chamber, protection against scale accumulation, non-freezing. Each gas boiler double-circuit Ariston has self-diagnosis, during use it is necessary to control the readings on the liquid crystal screen, all failures and errors in the operation of the boiler are displayed on it.

Floor-standing gas heating boiler Ariston double-circuit has two types of condensation model:

Pros and cons of gas double-circuit boilers Ariston

Regardless of the fact that the Ariston company is better known as a manufacturer of water heaters, its gas boilers received a very wide use and immense popularity.

Ariston products have the following advantages:

The disadvantages that unite gas boilers of all manufacturers of heating equipment are mainly related to the quality of energy carriers:

  • all heating devices do not tolerate bad, hard water;
  • poor quality gas, reduces the service life;
  • ignition is impossible without electricity.

If one of these energy carriers constantly enters the gas boiler double-circuit Ariston, malfunctions will arise sooner or later. More often for this reason, the pump or tank breaks down. Malfunctions can occur due to poor air supply to the combustion chamber, incorrectly set temperature. very much in demand, so it is important to choose the right equipment.

In conclusion, I would like to note the excellent service that the Ariston Company guarantees, the absence of a shortage of spare parts and components. If the Ariston gas boiler is installed in the house, the instruction manual clearly prohibits allowing children or persons who have not been instructed in safety to operate. It must be remembered that when turning off the gas boiler for a long period, it is necessary to check that all the taps on both circuits, especially the gas valve, are screwed on, and it is also necessary to disconnect the boiler from the mains.

The quality of work does not depend on voltage changes in electrical networks, but, nevertheless, deciding to buy a gas boiler Ariston, it is better to immediately purchase a voltage stabilizer. One-time voltage drops may not affect the operation of the boiler, but if the voltage in the mains jumps strongly and often, this can kill the boiler. The stabilizer can also burn out, but it is better to purchase another stabilizer than another boiler. When purchasing any Ariston double-circuit gas boiler, the operating instructions must be studied. Following the recommendations will extend the life of the boiler for many years.

Installation of a gas boiler and its connection to the system is the most effective method organization of heat supply in a house or apartment. Controlling services have special requirements for the premises. To install a gas boiler, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work.

Installation of equipment is preceded by measures to adapt the premises in accordance with current requirements. These are detailed in Specifications issued by Oblgaz or Gorgaz. This is important for the organization of heating on liquefied or natural gas... But usually, in the latter case, the registration of an official permit is neglected, which can entail a serious fine and a ban on the use of the existing heat supply system.

The document regulating the requirements for the premises for the installation of gas heating boilers is developed on the basis of the following regulations:

  • SNiP 31-02-2001. Designed to control construction works and building design.
  • SNiP 42-01-2002. Describes the rules for organizing gas distribution systems.
  • SNiP II-35-76 v latest edition from 2012. They are guided by the choice of boilers and similar gas equipment.
  • SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 41-104-2000. Needed to comply with standards when designing autonomous heat supply sources.

It can take a long time to study these documents. In fact, about 20% of their content is devoted to the organization of domestic heat supply using gas boilers. To avoid wasting time, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with useful excerpts from regulations.

Requirements for the organization of the boiler room

If the boiler power does not exceed 200 kW, any built-in rooms of the house can be used as a boiler room. These include basement and basement rooms. For boilers up to 30 kW, the minimum room volume must be at least 7.5 m³. Accordingly, for equipment from 30 to 60 kW - 13.5 m³, more than 60 kW - from 15 m³. You also need to take into account other characteristics of the boiler room.

These include the following requirements:

  • square ventilation hole for gas boilers up to 30 kW - 0.02 m², from 30 to 200 kW - 0.025 m² ();
  • the distance from the protruding parts of the equipment to the walls is regulated by the manufacturer;
  • the presence of a transom or a vent to reduce the concentration of gas in the event of a leak, providing a threefold replacement of air in 1 hour;
  • natural and artificial lighting of the room, the ratio of the window area to the volume - 0.03 m² per 1 m³;
  • if the boiler room is located on the first or basement floor- necessarily equip a separate passage, the door must open outward;
  • ceiling height - not less than 2.5 m;
  • on the walls, in the boiler installation area, a refractory material is installed, the fire resistance of which is at least 0.75 hours.

The placement of heat supply components is free. The main requirement is that nearby objects should not interfere with repair or maintenance work.

Characteristics of a kitchen for installing a gas boiler

The power of most gas boilers rarely exceeds 30 kW. This makes it possible to install them in the kitchen of a house or apartment. This is also done by agreement of the controlling organizations. Many of the above rules are applicable for this case, but given the specifics of the premises, there are additional ones. for a boiler with an open combustion chamber, three times air exchange is provided within one hour;

  • the wall at the installation site must be made of non-combustible materials, the minimum distance from it to the boiler is 10 cm;
  • for wall models distance to the ceiling - from 15 cm, to the side wall - from 10 cm;
  • when installing boilers with an open combustion chamber, it is prohibited to install an exhaust hood.
  • In practice, much less effort is required to prepare the kitchen. So, ventilation can be provided by installing a grill or a gap of 0.02 m² at the bottom of the door.

    These rules are not "the ultimate truth". The main document for the preparation of the boiler room for the installation of gas equipment will be the Technical Conditions.

    Gas boilers Ariston appeared on the Russian heating market among the first. Largely due to its worldwide famous brand, this Italian manufacturer of gas heating equipment quickly managed to "win" a domestic buyer and achieve high sales dynamics.

    The Ariston gas boiler, the owners' reviews of which help to better decide on the purchase, we can often find on different sites and in online stores. Modern feature set and good design, good technical characteristics and a large selection of models are a clear advantage when buying a device, even though the prices are somewhat overpriced.

    But today we will consider not only the pros, but also the disadvantages of Ariston mounted boilers, having studied their structure and features of the models, using the operating instructions, photos, customer and professional reviews.

    Lineup of wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers Ariston

    The Italian manufacturer is represented on the Russian market by a fairly wide range of wall-mounted gas boilers. We can find Ariston gas boilers, double-circuit and single-circuit, traditional and condensing, with and without a storage boiler.

    In addition, like most competitors, gas boilers heating Ariston issued from closed chamber combustion (turbocharged) and open (atmospheric). For devices with forced draft, the chimney outlet is provided horizontally through the wall, having additionally bought for it a special one with a pipe diameter of 60/100 mm.

    Gas boilers Ariston: model range

    Today, the Italian company produces several modifications of its traditional double-circuit gas boilers:

    - Ariston BS 15 FF, 24 FF and 24 II;

    - Ariston Cares X 15 CF and 15 FF, 18 FF, 24 CF and 24FF;

    - Ariston HS 15 CF and 15 FF, 18 FF, 24 CF and 24FF;

    - Ariston Clas X 24 FF, 28 FF and 24 CF;

    - Ariston Egis Plus and Premium;

    - Ariston Genus X;

    - Ariston Alteas X.

    Single-circuit gas boiler Ariston with the ability to connect a boiler indirect heating represented by only one model "Ariston Cares X System" from 15 to 32 kW with closed and open combustion chambers.

    Ariston double-circuit gas boilers are produced with a capacity of 15, 18, 24 and 28 kW. The most popular modification is a 24 kW device that can heat a house with an area of ​​up to 200-230 m2. Turbocharged boilers are named FF, atmospheric boilers CF.

    Features of the gas boiler Ariston Cares X: instructions, device

    Ariston Cares X 24FF

    This model is one of the budget models in the price segment up to 35,000 rubles, and due to this, the most popular, judging by the number of reviews from the owners of the Ariston boiler. But even for a small amount, the buyer receives a modern wall-mounted gas boiler with a nice appearance, button control and LCD display, as well as the entire range of necessary functions.

    As in all models of Ariston wall-mounted gas boilers, the Cares X series devices are equipped with: circulation pump stamps Wilo with automatic air vent and gas valve SIT... In addition, they are equipped with a boiler safety group and a membrane expansion tank 8 liters.

    Gas boiler "Ariston Cares X" has two heat exchangers: the main copper with an aluminum coating for the heating circuit and a compact stainless steel secondary for the DHW circuit. The capacity of this secondary heat exchanger for the 24 kW Ariston Cares X 24 FF (CF) models is 13.6 l / min. Consider the device of a double-circuit gas boiler Ariston Cares X 24 FF NG:

    Double-circuit gas boiler Ariston

    1 - outlet for a coaxial chimney;
    2 - pneumatic relay;
    3 - collector for condensate;
    4 - the main heat exchanger for heating;
    6 and 19 - temperature sensors at the inlet and outlet of the heating circuit;
    7 - gas burner Polidoro;
    8 - ignition electrodes;
    9 - secondary heat exchanger for hot water supply;
    10 - gas valve SIT;
    11 - safety valve for 3 bars;
    12 - ignition block;
    13 - manometer;
    14 - tap for feeding the heating system;
    15 - filter;
    16 - DHW flow sensor;
    17 - circulation pump Wilo;
    18 - pressure switch;
    20 - three-way valve drive;
    21 - burner flame control sensor;
    22 - combustion chamber;
    23 - expansion tank;
    24 - fan (turbine).

    Summer-winter mode and room thermostat help reduce gas costs. In summer, the boiler can only work on the DHW circuit, in winter, the device works economically thanks to the modulating gas burner... The room thermostat is not included in the boiler package, but you can always buy it separately.

    Boilers of this series have in their device temperature sensors installed on the "supply" and "return", temperature running water, flame and draft control sensors. In addition, the devices are equipped with a security system: protection against low pressure water, function of protection against freezing of the system and its overheating.

    The Ariston gas boiler is adapted to Russian conditions, such as voltage drops in the power grid, weak gas pressure and low temperature air outside the window. But, even despite this, the manufacturer himself recommends connecting the boiler through.

    This recommendation applies not only to boilers of this brand, but also to other wall-mounted gas boilers of any manufacturer. If the electronic board of the boiler suddenly fails due to a power surge, then this case will not be considered a warranty.

    Technical characteristics of a double-circuit gas boiler Ariston Cares X

    Ariston gas boiler: technical characteristics

    Advantages of gas boilers Ariston:

    - a very large selection of models;
    - a prestigious global brand;
    - Italian assembly;
    - two heat exchangers;
    - adaptation to Russian conditions.

    Disadvantages of gas boilers Ariston:

    - overcharge;
    - components made in China;
    - the main direction of the company is the production of storage water heaters.

    Double-circuit gas boilers Ariston

    Italian manufacturers have been producing Ariston boilers for a long time. Boilers became popular with us during the period of intensive individual construction of buildings, in houses where work central system heating is poor.

    Ariston succeeded in his technical abilities, fell in love with the people due to a variety of configurations, a wide range of systems and is still in demand among consumers.

    The lineup

    The line of models of double-circuit boilers, in contrast to single-circuit boilers, is more in demand, since the models are designed for heating rooms and supplying hot water.

    BCS 24 FF (closed chamber) and Uno 24 FF (open chamber)

    Most buyers choose Ariston of these brands. In addition to the operating instructions, all elements of the heating system are attached to the device, which you can operate every day and without special skills.

    Efficiency reaches 95%, power - 24 - 26 kW, hot water productivity - up to 14 liters per minute.


    It is considered the most functional model. On the case there is a display, all the parameters of the device are reflected both inside and outside. Ariston of this brand is compact, equipped with a modulated burner that helps to use fuel economically, there is also a programmer with a built-in timer.

    You can set the program to the device for a whole day at once, lower or increase the temperature, set the parameters to the unit at your discretion. The volume of the tank is 8 liters, the air vent is automatic, a self-diagnosis system is built in, all information is reflected on the display.

    Egis Plus

    Adapted for operation in the climatic conditions of Russia... Models are not afraid of gas pressure drops in pipes. The unit has 2 heat exchangers: copper and stainless steel, as well as a condensate collector for uninterrupted operation when outside temperature below - 52 degrees. The panel has LED indexing.

    All information can be read on the display.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Like any system, Aristons are not perfect.

    Its undoubted advantages are:

    1. Security. The system is safe even though the fuel is explosive.
    2. Efficiency is high, during combustion, the gas practically leaves no residue, the heating is completely consumed for the needs of the owners, the heat is retained in the room.

    The disadvantages include:

    1. You shouldn't choose a cat l for heating the room
    2. To install the boiler a separate, and not a small room is required, since it still needs to be placed nearby fire fighting system, in case of fire
    3. The pressure in gas boilers is not stable, sharp jumps are possible, which is also explosive. Required additional installation adjustment unit, burners, the device can quickly fail.

    Specifications and selection criteria

    When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the following characteristics:

    1. Boiler power, consisting in the calculation of heat. Without certain knowledge, it is extremely difficult to do this on your own. The calculation takes into account the area of ​​the openings of all windows in the dwelling, the percentage of heat transfer from radiators, and the thermal permeability of the walls. Only taking into account these parameters will the choice be optimal, and you will not have to overpay for excess electricity. The average energy consumption is 100 watts per meter of housing. When combining a heated room with an unheated one, the indicator will increase by half, up to 160 V.
    2. The presence of a gas duct for gas outlet.
    3. The presence of a circular pump in Ariston. Without it, you cannot leave the device unattended in winter, pipes may burst. The control system should be simple and understandable for an ordinary user. A device stuffed with different functions is unlikely to be required for heating water, and the cost of such multifunctional units increases significantly. They are not in demand today.
    4. Heat exchanger material. It is better if it is steel, cast iron, or copper. It is advantageous to have a copper unit, it has a high efficiency, all the resulting temperature is given to the carriers. However, copper does not differ in strength. Performance and durability are higher in cast iron boilers, the alloy is reliable and durable.
    5. The boiler performance depends on the water consumption for the needs of the family. The boiler is not suitable for heating large areas, but he will quite cope with heating water. It is not difficult to calculate the water consumption, knowing that 5-6 liters of water flows out of the boiler in a minute. Up to 12 liters are poured out of the shower during the same time. It is necessary to count the number of points connected to the boiler and make a total calculation.

    Manufacturers in the documentation for the boiler indicate the difference temperature regime before heating, compare with the temperature after heating. When choosing a model, in addition to the water consumption, take into account the water temperature before starting the boiler heating.

    If up to 5 liters of water per minute flows out of the tap, the water temperature before heating should be at least 7-8 degrees. If the apartment has 3 points, you need 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 liters. When the boiler heats up to 40 degrees with a deduction of 7 degrees, 33 degrees will come out before heating, which is quite acceptable both for washing kitchen utensils and for taking a shower.

    The advantage of modern units is given to floor-standing boilers. The quality of the power supply does not affect the operation of these Aristons; models with a cast-iron heat exchanger are more reliable and durable.

    Price and reviews

    You can buy a new Ariston for 20-25 thousand rubles. Foreign counterparts, new items with many functions and built-in LCD display are more expensive, but they are also of better quality. Although our domestic manufacturers no worse. It is better to overpay, but buy a reliable, trouble-free item, taking into account all the parameters described.