How to make a swan from a car. How to make a swan out of a tire on the example of a master class using additional improvised materials

Coloring the figure of a swan gives it an aesthetic appearance. In addition to the traditional white version, versions with a silver or golden tint are sometimes used. Black birds look extraordinary and solemn. Any paint intended for external work will help to make a high-quality color. For a swan made of tires, nitro paints, enamel or oil products are suitable. Aerosol car paint residue is a perfectly acceptable option. The main thing is that the surface of the tire must be clean and dry before starting work. After applying the base layer, you can show your imagination and decorate the figure of a swan with acrylic material. The drawn head with a beak and plumage give the tire sculpture a naturalistic look.

It is worth paying attention to the location of the swan figure. When placed in the front garden near the entrance, it is enough to make a stand from the second tire and paint it blue. The sculpture of a swan is easily transformed into a small flower bed - just pour earth inside the tire and plant your favorite flowers that are unpretentious in care. In the summer cottage, it is better to resort to more complex decoration. The main habitat of majestic birds is water bodies. Therefore, the figure of a swan made of tires organically looks in a small pond. Making it is pretty easy. A small pit is covered with a film, pressed down with stones along the edges, pebbles are laid on the bottom. Timely replacement of water will not allow it to stagnate. An imitation of a reservoir for a tire figure is also appropriate. It is enough to make a mound of small stones in a small area and paint them blue. Additional design in the form of green spaces around will enhance the decorative effect of the tire swan figure.

What can be made from tires

The idea of ​​using improvised materials in landscape design is not new. Designers gave a name to this trend in the art of territory design - trash art. In addition to the favorite swans, you can make a lot of decorative figures or useful elements for giving from tires. By analogy with a swan, it is easy to make a bright parrot out of a car tire. In the future, the figure is used as a hanging flower bed.

The easiest way to make a border for the front garden is from an old tire. Possession of artistic talent allows you to apply a fancy pattern to the fence, which will delight the eye even on a cloudy day in late autumn.

The original idea is to make a swing for a child out of an old tire. It can be a rocking chair or a hanging version of the design.

All sorts of variations of flower beds - the most popular way to make a necessary thing in the household out of a car tire.

Craftsmen manage to make even pieces of furniture out of rubber - tables and chairs of various designs, a familiar decor in many dachas.

By cutting holes of the desired diameter in the tire and fixing the base, you equip a convenient stand for umbrellas.

An oversized car tire is the perfect base for a small body of water. Covering it with a thick film and decorating the sides with stones, you will get an oasis in the middle of the hot summer heat of the earth.

In addition to decorative purposes, original steps can be made from tires for a comfortable descent down the slope.

The main thing is your imagination, and there are practically no boundaries in the design of the site with old rubber.

Swans have long chosen not only ponds and lakes, they are increasingly found in personal plots. On the green lawns you can see whole flocks of swans made from car tires. Designers called this direction trash art (from the English. trash-art) - art that involves old trash.

The name is new, but the idea of ​​creating beauty from waste appeared a long time ago. Outstanding miracle birds have already adorned more than one yard or garden. If you like this kind of art, we offer you to get acquainted with the technology of making swans in more detail.

How to make a swan from a car tire

Beauty on the site can be made from improvised materials, but you must understand that this is work, not pampering. In order for miracle swans from tires to bloom in the garden, you will need:

  • old tires;
  • Electric jigsaw or grinder (grinder);
  • Electric drill;
  • Nippers, pliers;
  • Chalk for marking;
  • metal rod;
  • Dye.

What tires to choose

For swans, old, well-worn tires from cars are suitable. Moreover, the rubber should be as worn out as possible, erased to the limit. Such tires are called bald. The worse the material looks, the easier it is to work with. Do not take studded tires, especially imported ones.

If there is an opportunity to choose, then it is better to take rubber with a nylon cord. Such material can be cut simply with a knife. Tires with a metal cord are more difficult to process, in which case special tools are indispensable.

Alternatively, in search of suitable materials, you can contact the nearest tire shop. Usually, in such places, unnecessary tires are happy to give away. One swan needs one tire. If you want to experiment with the shape of birds, take a few. Before starting work, the rubber must be washed and dried. All work is best done outdoors.

Marking the scheme on the tire and cutting

The appearance of the swan depends on the marking scheme. During operation, the tire will need to be turned out. The complexity of this process will depend on how you make the cuts.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands is described.

Step-by-step instructions for making a swan with your own hands

Tire marking, for making a garden swan.

With the help of chalk, you need to divide the tire in half. Then outline the beak, head and neck. The length of the neck together with the beak should be more than half the circumference of the tire. The wheel R13 has a circumference of 180 cm, respectively, for the neck you need to measure about 95 cm. For a proportional head you need 10 cm, the length of the beak is 9 cm.

How to cut from a wheel

Step-by-step instructions for cutting out a tire:

  • The tire must be cut along the marked lines. A knife can handle old-style tires with a nylon cord. In order to facilitate the work, prepare a soapy solution and dip the cutting object into it from time to time.
  • The metal cord will not succumb to the knife. You can use a grinder. You need to work exclusively outdoors, and do not forget about closed shoes and work gloves.
  • Please note that working with rubber increases the consumption of circles. It will take about 3 discs per swan. In addition, heated rubber does not spread the best smell around, soot and soot are provided to you. The grinder cuts quickly, but not environmentally friendly.
  • It is more pleasant to work with a jigsaw. To plant the file, you need to make a hole. You can use a chisel or drill. The wear of the jigsaw blades increases from working at high speeds. The best option is to work at speeds below average using a file with a reverse tooth. So you can cut the metal cord without any problems: the reverse motion of the file will simply break it, and a low speed will prevent the rubber from getting very hot.
  • For adherents of hand tools, a metal file is suitable. She will also cope with the metal cord, but the speed of work will be lower. What are the paths of corks from plastic bottles, set out.
  • You need to cut the tire along the contour of the neck and head, transverse cuts are not needed. As for the sequence, the biggest mistake that beginners make is to completely saw out one side of the neck. If you cut the tire on one side, it will be quite difficult to cut the other side.

  • The next step is the tail. Its length is about 25 cm. It will become an additional decorative element and will facilitate the eversion of the tire. Cut it out in the same way.
  • The workpiece must be turned out. The process is time-consuming and looks like this: the workpiece is placed with the cut part down, it is pressed down with a foot and pulled, turning the side parts up. The central part needs to be pushed through.
  • Now the design really resembles a swan. The side half rings must be lowered down. If you took a tire with a metal cord, then the edges need to be processed with a grinder. But even such a procedure will not be able to completely smooth out the protruding reinforcement. Therefore, swans made of tires with metal cord are suitable only for decoration, but not for playgrounds. Touching sections with protruding wires is not safe for adults, let alone children. Learn more about crafts from tires for the playground.
  • In order to give the swan the desired shape, the neck should be strengthened. For fasteners, it is necessary to drill two holes along the entire length of the neck every 15 - 20 cm. They must be placed along the center line. Brackets made of thin soft wire are inserted into the holes. Brackets need to fix a thick steel wire. It will need about 1.50 m. The lower end is fixed on the inside of the neck, at the base of the tire, the upper end is at head level.
  • The swan is almost ready, you just need to bend its neck properly and make eyes out of rubber. They can be fastened with screws. For decoration, the edges of the wings are cut, then the notches resemble the plumage of a bird. If you want to have a swan princess in your garden, make a crown from a plastic bottle.

How to decorate

In order for the birds to look outstanding and aesthetically pleasing, they need to be painted correctly. For swans, white or black is usually chosen. Silver and gold sculptures look good. Any durable outdoor paint will do.

It is good to decorate rubber with oil, enamel and nitro paints. Do not forget that any paint is applied to a clean, dry surface. Properly applied paint fits well on the sculpture, does not deform and lasts for a long time. Residues of automotive paint sprays will do. Then the work will go quickly. An evenly painted surface can be decorated with acrylic paints. Draw the head, beak, plumage. Such swans look more naturalistic.

Do-it-yourself tire swan scheme, step-by-step instructions and a master class. The swan is a beautiful, graceful bird, but it is loved not only because of such qualities. She is a real symbol of love, tenderness, inseparability, purity.

Therefore, many people often make crafts in the form of swans from paper, wood, plastic bottles, ice and many other materials. Another interesting material is a car tire.

What you will learn from this article:

Let's look at how to make a swan out of a tire step by step.

  • 1 What tools do you need
  • 2 Tips for choosing tires
  • 3 Step by step instructions
  • 4 Where and how to place
  • 5 Photo gallery for ideas and inspiration

What tools will be needed

To make a beautiful and graceful swan out of a tire with your own hands, you should approach the lesson with responsibility and prepare the necessary items in advance. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • tire without spikes;
  • jigsaw or knife;
  • paint - white or any other, as well as yellow and black;
  • brushes for painting;
  • metal staples;
  • drill or sharp nail;
  • elastic wire or metal rod;
  • pliers.

If you want to carve one swan out of a tire with your own hands, then one tire is enough, if you want to make a cute couple or a whole company, then, of course, the number of car tires should correspond to the number of "feathered" copies.

It is best to use worn, frayed, old car tires. It is with such material that it is easier and more convenient to work. It is also optimal to use domestic products.

You should not make a garden decoration with your own hands from foreign-made tires, with spikes, with a metal cord.

Before you start, you need to clean the material from dust, dirt, let them dry.

Do-it-yourself tire swan step by step

A creative event requires caution and care. Before starting work, put on thick gloves and goggles. And follow the step-by-step instructions on how to cut a swan out of a tire:

  • Take the tire and make a mark with chalk on which you will cut out a beautiful bird. The future type of decoration depends on this scheme. First you need to divide the wheel into two parts, mark the head and neck, they must correspond in length to half the wheel. Then outline the body, wings, tail. A photo with a swan layout scheme will come to your aid:

  • Then you need to cut the swan out of the tire, for this you can use a jigsaw or a sharp knife. You need to cut according to the diagram drawn in chalk.

Advice! Do not cut one side first and then try to do the other. The process will be very time consuming and inconvenient. It is recommended to cut the swan in parallel, working on each side.

  • Cut out? Let's start giving a realistic shape to the bird. To do this, lay the material with the cut side down, step on it with your foot and pull to unscrew the side elements.

  • Now you need to fix the neck of the swan from the tires, otherwise it will not hold. This can be done according to the following scheme: make two holes along the neck for every 10-15 centimeters (using a drill or an ordinary nail, if there is no first tool), such holes must also be made in the body of the bird, insert metal staples into the paired holes, fasten wire on the neck and torso, fix it with staples using pliers.
  • The next step is painting the swan from the wheel. It is necessary to choose resistant paints, nitro paint, oil, enamel, car paint in aerosol form are suitable. White is traditionally used, but any other color can be used to make a non-standard bird on the site. The tip of the head should be painted orange or yellow to mimic the beak, the eyes should also be black or blue, and feathers can also be painted on. Acrylic paints can be used to decorate such details.

Step-by-step instructions for making a swan from a tire

Where and how to place

And now the work on making a decorative bird is behind. Surely the question arises - where is it better to place a swan so that it looks beautiful and organic? Consider some of the most popular and interesting options:

  • In an artificial reservoir. The swan is a waterfowl, so a pond is its natural habitat for it. And even an artificial tire swan craft will look organically in.

  • On a blue tire imitating water. It is not necessary to have an artificial reservoir in the country house and garden; you can make an imitation of it from a tire painted blue or blue.

  • Make a flower bed on a swan. You can place the bird in any prominent part of the garden and make a flower bed out of it with your favorite flowers.

  • Swan on a stone bed. The product will be interesting to look at any flower bed. How to make such a flower bed, read in this material.

  • The product can be placed on a bed that imitates a pond. It can be covered with sand, stones painted blue, decorated with plants or flowers.

Photo gallery for ideas and inspiration

Although all the product execution patterns are very similar, you can decorate your garden with an artificial bird in different ways. And all options will differ in individuality and style.

Do-it-yourself swan from tires photo

The photos below prove it:

An elegant decoration for the garden can be done by almost everyone. And the cost of such decoration will be very cheap. After all, old car tires can be bought at a low cost or you can get it for free. But the work requires concentration and effort, following the instructions and job description, but a beautiful bird will decorate your yard for many years. For information on how to make other decorations from old car tires, read this article.

Do-it-yourself workshops on making a swan from tires

Tire swan- a cheap option for decorating your site. Almost every driver has unnecessary tires, they are lying around in the garage under the pretext of "Someday come in handy." It's time to apply them - let's make swans!

How to make a swan out of tires with your own hands?

Before making a swan out of tires, we will find an old and unnecessary tire. It is best to take a bald one and without a metal cord. Otherwise, the process may be delayed, processing will take longer.

We will also need:

coarse wire;
- screws;
- dye.

Do not forget to prepare the tools - a knife, a jigsaw and a drill.

1. To begin with, we will mark our tire with chalk so that we know exactly where to cut. Divide the tire in half, one side will be the beginning of the head, the second - the tail.

2. Then we draw lines along the tire, separating the head, tail and wings. Let's start cutting them out. We use a knife, and in difficult places - a jigsaw.

3. Now one of the most difficult moments, the tire cut into pieces, needs to be turned out to the other side. It is best to do this with someone, it will be very difficult on your own.

4. The frame of the swan is ready. There are a few steps left, one of them is to secure the neck. We drill holes in the tire with a drill, and attach the wire.

5. The swan is done! Paint it red and white.

These beautiful swans can be placed wherever your heart desires.

It was one of several designs for the swan. You can also make a swan without turning the tire inside out, but then you have to cut the wings into 2 parts, as shown in the photo.

VIDEO. How to make a swan out of tires?

Unusual and sophisticated decoration of the summer cottage - swans made of tires. How to make them yourself, let's try to figure it out in detail. Such a “snow-white” craft is quite popular: it is made independently or ordered to be made by experienced landscape designers. As a result, already existing samples are simply dubbed, so it is difficult for the master to show off originality. But still it’s worth trying to get a “replenishment” in one more family - swans from tires shone with their beauty at their summer cottage.

tire swans

How to make them neatly and quickly, it is worth understanding thoroughly. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say that deft movements of “golden hands” must also be added to the flight of fancy in order to sculpt a work of art, and not just cut something awkward out of old rubber, and place the craft for just a few days on the garden plot, and then throw away as useless and aesthetic unattractiveness.

Why do you need a swan made of tires on a personal plot

Therefore, if you sculpt a “monument” of fidelity and purity on a personal plot, then create a really swan, and not an ugly duckling. Your creative goal is tire swans, how to make them without any problems, decide in advance, and not at the time of sculpting. That is, prepare drawings, tools, tires in advance, and then decide to become a master, a conqueror of a stubborn tire. Your task is to breathe life into it.

Before you start solving the question of what tire swans can be, first look at the photo, study the available instructions, and then go ahead in practical terms.

The second version of this design, when the void is filled not with earth, but with water, and egg-pods, lilies or lotuses will soon appear in such a small pond. Beautiful, no doubt!

How to make drawings of swans from tires

The quality of the product depends on a good pattern. Do-it-yourself swans from tires will never turn out perfectly “by eye”, you can find photos of unsuccessful products on the net as confirmation of unsuccessful experiments. It’s better not to become a master, but to act according to the instructions and get a decent result at the end - high-quality production of swans from tires. So, what is the usual algorithm of actions:

Thus, we painstakingly and slowly make a swan out of tires, wanting to get a nice and original decor. If you know a simpler method for making crafts from tires, then share it in the comments after the article, your advice will be useful to someone. Thanks in advance for the information!