Honeysuckle honeysuckle planting and breeding care. Honeysuckle will decorate any site

6 minutes reading

If you dream of creating a picturesque and beautiful corner in your garden filled with delicate and fresh aromas, then pay attention to honeysuckle honeysuckle. Many gardeners have already fallen in love with the delightful flowering and aroma of this plant ...

In the language of flowers, honeysuckle honeysuckle means "captivating dreams." She personifies devoted love and loyalty. It was sung more than once in ancient legends. So, the legend of the lovers Eloise and Abelard tells how the plant wrapped around their tombstones, symbolizing eternal love.


Belongs to the family of honeysuckle, a genus of climbing shrubs. All varieties have evergreen or falling leaves. Honeysuckle flowers are arranged in pairs. Less commonly, flowers can be combined into capitate or spike-shaped inflorescences. The rim has a two-lipped shape with five lobes.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle

The fruits are edible or inedible berries that grow in pairs or loosely. Wood is often used for handicrafts. A representative of such a variety as honeysuckle is often used to green city streets. It should be planted in a sunny location. Very fond of light, grows in the undergrowth.

Reference. In total, 119 species of honeysuckle grow on the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. It can be found in Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Plant species, varieties

The most common types of plants include:

  • Curly honeysuckle - used for decorative vertical gardening.
  • Blue honeysuckle - grows in the Carpathians (edible berry).
  • Caucasian honeysuckle - grows in the Caucasus.
  • Edible honeysuckle - can be found in the East or Siberia, has edible berries.
  • Tatar honeysuckle - grows in middle lane RF, has gray leaves.
  • Common honeysuckle - "wolfberry", not edible varieties.

Blue honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is a curly representative of the honeysuckle variety. It has the most pronounced aroma, which manifests itself in the evening and attracts butterflies. It has reddish-yellow fruits that are inedible. Most of the other honeysuckle varieties have edible berries.

Honeysuckle propagation honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle reproduces in the following ways:

  • Reproduction by layering. To do this, you need to lightly dig in the lower branches and then water them regularly. Roots will grow on them over the summer. The next year you can plant them.
  • Reproduction by cuttings - their pruning occurs after flowering, namely, by the beginning of July. You can propagate honeysuckle by shoots, the pruning of which should be carried out in spring, summer, autumn.
  • Reproduction by seeds.


In autumn in October, you need to rub the honeysuckle berries through a sieve. Seeds need to be washed and dried. Then they are sown in prepared rows, two cm deep. Liana will sprout only after a year, by September. Later, you should take good shoots and divide into pieces with five or four eyes and ten cm long. Then they should be planted in loose soil to the last eye, building a shelter with leaves.

Honeysuckle seedlings

To plant seedlings, the depth of the planting pit is half a meter, and the size is 60 by 60 cm. For one hole you need to mix, a bucket of peat manure compost and 60 grams of superphosphate, 50 grams of potash salt. The neck of the root should rise 3-4 cm above the ground surface. For planting, you need to use seedlings, the age of which reaches two to three years. The vine should be planted immediately on permanent place.

Reference. Honeysuckle is an unpretentious plant. Planting, as well as further care, does not require special skills from the gardener. In order for the vine to grow quickly, it is imperative to use a support made of metal or wood. The growth of the plant depends on the height of the support.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle refers to those vines that do not grow without support. It is best to plant honeysuckle seedlings in spring into moist and loose soil. The area should be sufficiently lit with sunlight. In the shade, the flowering will not be so abundant. Where a number of plants will be planted, it is necessary to dig a trench.

You can also dig individual holes for the seedlings. The planting branch should have two or three buds, which will later develop into liana branches. When you plant seedlings, sand and compost must be added to the soil.


After planting, decorative honeysuckle will give an increase of two meters per year. The onset of winter does not mean at all that you have to remove the sprouts that have crawled. The plant is hardy. Likewise, pruning of one-year-old shoots for the winter is not necessary.

Pruning honeysuckle

But if frosts are expected, then the honeysuckle should be covered with spruce branches, and the base of the plants for the winter can be covered with dry leaves or peat. This should only be done with one-year-old plants. Vines growing for two and three years do not need this winter insulation... They tolerate winter well, despite their vertical growth.

In the spring, when the honeysuckle begins to release new shoots, you can estimate how many branches have died during the winter. Dead processes should be cut off. However, pruning should not be done at the root. Separate those shoots that are no longer producing new shoots. Sometimes pruning is not easy, as the buds of the plant are formed quite late. You should wait until the buds grow and begin to bloom. Then you will see healthy kidneys that should not be touched.

In a sunny place, honeysuckle honeysuckle will bloom very profusely, producing large flowers. However, growing honeysuckle in the shade will not bring much harm, but too abundant flowering, in this case, should not be expected. For nice looking plants, mandatory pruning of dried parts is required.

Most of all, honeysuckle needs care in the first year of life, after the seedlings have sprout. In case of dry summers, abundant watering is required. It is necessary to loosen the soil from time to time, only this must be done carefully, since the roots are not too deep. You can mulch the soil with humus and sawdust, then it is possible to do without loosening.

Important. In the spring, the bushes and seedlings of the plant should be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. In autumn, only potash and phosphate fertilizers... If quality cultivation and care are provided, the vine will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

About diseases and pests

Curly honeysuckle and its seedlings are fairly resistant to pests and diseases. Therefore, its cultivation does not cause any particular problems. Occasionally, honeysuckle honeysuckle can be affected by viruses, diseases and insects. Pests and diseases are especially dangerous if you practice the cultivation of honeysuckle, the berry of which is edible. If the plant is attacked by sucking insects, the leaves gradually turn yellow, dry up and fall off.

Pest infested honeysuckle trunk

Leaf-eating insects cause curling and perforation of leaves. For prevention, you should use the means "Eleksar" and "Rogor-S". For prevention purposes, the leaves are sprayed in the fall, and for treatment - at any time of the year. The appearance of spots on the leaves indicates a fungal infection. To solve this problem, you need to spray the leaves with a solution of copper sulfate: 2 tbsp. spoons for ten liters of water. Only with a viral infection of the plant, nothing can be done, except to burn the affected shrub. Cultivation of plants in the place where the honeysuckle infected with the virus grew must be stopped for several years.

  • During the flowering period, you can water the honeysuckle with an ash solution, then the flowers will look even more spectacular. To do this, you need to mix a bucket of water with a liter of ash.
  • In contact with

    Today hedges are very popular. This is due to several factors. Firstly, the purchase of seeds or seedlings requires much less funds than Construction Materials or a finished fence. Secondly, nothing beats a hedge of lush flowers. Third, using climbing plants, you can close an unsightly wall or divide the site into zones. If we talk about the shortcomings, then the plants need constant care. This is not only pruning branches, but also feeding the plant, fertilizing it and caring for the soil. And in the fall, when the hedge has shed its leaves, the entire area will be visible at a glance. Of all the plants that can be used as a hedge, only ivy is not deciduous.


    Curly honeysuckle looks very beautiful as a hedge. The number of varieties of this plant reaches 200. However, conventionally, all of them can be divided into 3 categories. The criterion will be appearance... The first category includes varieties that look like a small tree. The second category is represented by plants in the form of shrubs. They can be either creeping or high. And the last category is represented by climbing vines.

    Curly Honeysuckle attracts attention with luxurious inflorescences. Her flowers have unusual shape... And the color scheme is represented by almost all colors of the rainbow. There are bushes with delicate cream, white and golden flowers. And you can find honeysuckle with bright crimson or purple inflorescences. Any site will acquire a special piquancy if honeysuckle is planted on it. The description of this plant does not in the least exaggerate its beauty. You can dream up and plant several types of honeysuckle on your site. During the flowering period, your site will be filled with bright colors. Korolkov's honeysuckle is considered the most blooming. And in the fall, the shrub will be decorated with decorative fruits. Some varieties are edible. Decorative honeysuckle, due to its unique aroma, can be used to decorate a recreation area. This plant is successfully used both in landscape design and in vertical green architecture. From it, you can create unique arches, slopes and gazebos. The presence of varieties of different size and shape makes it possible to use honeysuckle in the creation of various compositions and alpine slides.


    No plant has such a scent as climbing honeysuckle. Planting and leaving will not be difficult. The first step is to decide on the location. The decisive factor should be the aroma, which is hallmark honeysuckle. Therefore, it is advisable to plant the plant in that corner of the garden in which you spend a lot of time. For lush bloom shrubs need sunlight. However, there are forest varieties. For them, a large amount of light is undesirable. They will feel great under the vault of a tree. But windy places will not please the plant. If you chose curly variety, then in parallel with the landing, you need to take care of creating an arch or support.

    It is desirable that the earth be saturated with organic matter. Honeysuckle dislikes acidic soil... During planting, it is necessary to use drainage (this can be broken brick). If you are planting more than one bush, but several, then you should not place them close to each other, and for planting it is better to use a mixture consisting of 3 parts of sod land, 1 part of humus and 1 part of sand.

    If necessary, honeysuckle can be transplanted. However, you should not do this during the flowering period. Better to wait for autumn or have time to transplant in early spring... This must be done carefully so that the root system does not suffer.


    Decorative honeysuckle sprouts many shoots during growth. Some of them begin to creep along the ground and, therefore, take root. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the growth rate and remove unnecessary shoots.

    Some varieties are highly frost-resistant. These include, for example, honeysuckle honeysuckle. However, most plants tolerate the winter well enough. Honeysuckle and spring thaws are not very beneficial. This is due to the fact that the kidneys wake up early enough. And since this happens at the end of January, the shoots cannot withstand frost. However, honeysuckle quickly recovers, shoots grow from dormant buds, which are located closer to the ground.

    Curly honeysuckle often suffers from pests. The most common are the clouded moth, honeysuckle mite and leafworm. She is also prone to phyto-viral diseases, fungal and suffers from powdery mildew.

    The leaf roll can be fought with more than just chemicals. From available tools, pepper, tobacco or garlic are suitable. If pests have attacked the honeysuckle, then they should be collected by hand. Only in the case of a massive attack, which is extremely rare, should you use chemical agents... Fungal diseases develop, as a rule, if the air has high humidity... If honeysuckle is ill with phyto-viral diseases, then it cannot be treated. It needs to be dug up and burned.


    Curly honeysuckle is also unpretentious in this regard. Reproduction can be done by everyone known methods... You can purchase seeds and plant them according to the instructions. And if possible, it is better to propagate the honeysuckle by cuttings. If no guarantees can be given in the case of seeds, then 90% of the cuttings take root. You can also propagate the plant by layering and overgrowth from the stump.


    Honeysuckle should be watered 2 times a week if the weather is dry. If the hot season has not yet arrived or has already passed, then it will be enough to water the plant once a week. An insufficient amount water can cause bitterness in berries. It is highly undesirable for water to stagnate in the soil. That is why drainage is used during planting. You need to monitor this moment during watering.

    Top dressing

    Curly honeysuckle needs additional feeding. She needs a large amount of minerals. You also need to feed the plant before flowering. Due to the large number of inflorescences that delight the eye for a fairly long period, the shrub needs a lot of strength. For this, you can use a special liquid fertilizer. And in the fall, it is advisable to pour wood ash under each bush.


    Like many other shrubs, climbing honeysuckle needs pruning. However, you only need to do this in order to give shape to the plant. If there are edible varieties in your area, pruning can slow down the rate at which the fruit ripens.


    Curly honeysuckle, planting and caring for which will not be difficult, will decorate any site. Today gardeners have about 200 varieties of this plant. There are several classifications depending on the characteristic taken as a basis. Some are based on the shape of the plant, some on its height. There is also a division of varieties depending on the ripening time of the berries. If we talk about the height of the plant, then such varieties as Ramenskaya honeysuckle, Lakomka, Souvenir, Julia and Kamchadalka are undersized. Their height does not exceed 150 centimeters. Medium-sized, whose height ranges from 150 to 200 centimeters, include Korchaga, Kuminovka, Cinderella, Shahinya and Kingfisher. Shrubs are considered tall if their height exceeds 200 centimeters. Notable representatives are Nymph, Blue Spindle and Fortune.

    Early ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are distinguished according to the ripening period. Blue spindle, Princess Diana, Ulyana, Gzhel early and Roxana are early maturing varieties. Omega, Cinderella, Shahinya, Bakcharsky giant, Souvenir and Yugan are mid-season varieties. And later of all, Kingfisher, Nymph, Ramenskaya, Bakcharskaya Jubilee, Moscow 23 and Lakomka ripen.

    Curly honeysuckle "honeysuckle"

    This variety is unpretentious. This factor makes it especially popular. Honeysuckle "honeysuckle" is a climbing vine. It is perfect for hanging around a fence or a gazebo. However, you should not let goats near it, for which there is no better delicacy than the leaves of honeysuckle "honeysuckle".

    During flowering, the vine is covered with inflorescences that have an atypical color. WITH inside the flowers are golden and dark pink outside. Each bud is 5 centimeters long. The shape of the petals is also unusual. They are curved in different directions. Four petals point upward and the fifth one downward. The stamens are also arc-shaped. The leaves of this vine are bluish-green.

    Honeysuckle "honeysuckle" is not afraid of frost, and therefore survives the winter easily. It is unpretentious, can survive even in rocky forests. This is due to the ability of its shoots to attach to a rough surface. Honeysuckle has one more feature, thanks to which it attracts special interest. On its stem is whole line buds, which cannot be said about most plants, in which only 1 bud is hidden in the leaf axil.

    Curly honeysuckle "serotin"

    This variety of honeysuckle is liana-like. The height of an adult plant reaches four meters. Over the course of one year, serotin increases on average by 1 meter. The flowering period falls in mid-summer and early autumn. Lush inflorescences are tubular. The flowers are bright purple-red on the outside and soft cream on the inside with a delicious scent. The leaves are elliptical. As soon as the flowers have faded, red decorative fruits appear on the shrub. Honeysuckle "serotin" is quite unpretentious to the soil. But the place for planting it is necessary to choose a sunny one.

    Honeysuckle "Tatar"

    This variety is popular for its light pink flowers, which bloom in the second half of May. The length of each flower reaches 2 centimeters. And in August to replace delicate flowers decorative fruits come, the color of which can be yellow, orange or red. These decorative fruits hang on the branches for a long time. This variety is one of the most unpretentious. Honeysuckle "Tatar" can grow even in conditions of severe air pollution and drought. Due to these qualities, it is often used for landscaping cities.

    Brown's honeysuckle

    This variety has great decorative value. Its flowers are large and bright. The flowering period is during the summer months. As soon as it ends, bright red fruits take the place of flowers. However, the disadvantage of Brown's honeysuckle is that it does not bloom every year. As for the characteristics of this variety, it does not apply to frost-resistant ones. Therefore, it is better to cover it for the winter. And when choosing a place for planting, you need to know that cold winds have a detrimental effect on Brown's honeysuckle.

    Alpine honeysuckle

    Already from the name it is clear that this variety is suitable for decorating alpine slides. This variety of honeysuckle belongs to the undersized. Its height does not exceed one and a half meters. During the flowering period, which is 2 weeks, the shrub is covered with yellowish flowers with a red tint. At the end of summer, bright red fruits can be seen on the bush. They have interesting shape and resemble scarlet cherries. This variety is frost-resistant and does well in the shade. But he is quite whimsical to the soil. He needs a calcareous sandy loam soil. You can use it to create hedges.

    Maak's honeysuckle

    This view cannot be confused with any other. Maak's honeysuckle is a tall variety. The height of an adult plant reaches four meters. At the beginning of summer, its shoots are snow-white in color. And the elliptical leaves reach 10 centimeters in length. They have long cilia along the perimeter. The flowering period is 1.5 weeks. At this time, the plant is covered with golden flowers. And in late summer and early autumn, the shrub is decorated with coral berries. They are arranged in pairs.

    Honeysuckle Morrow

    This variety belongs to the undersized. Its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The flowering period begins in late spring. Snow-white flowers appear on the shrub, which look charming against the background of rich green foliage. It is no less attractive at the end of summer. It is decorated with red and orange fruits arranged in pairs. You can use them to decorate the alleys.

    Curly honeysuckle, the varieties of which are now difficult not only to list, but even to count, is irreplaceable plant to create cozy corners in your garden, magnificent arches or hedges. It is not for nothing that it is so often used for landscaping. Curly honeysuckle, the photo of which does not exaggerate the true beauty of the plant, will make any site inimitable.

    Large bright flowers, abundantly covering honeysuckle, honeysuckle, fill the garden with an extraordinary aroma every spring. This liana is good with inedible, but very picturesque fruits in vertical gardening... In our review, you will find information about planting honeysuckle, about how you need to care for it, about breeding methods.

    About varieties and varieties of honeysuckle

    All varieties of honeysuckle are divided into fruit and ornamental. Fruit type honeysuckle is a bushes with a height of 1 to 2 meters. The varieties of this species differ in terms of ripening, yield, fruit taste. Decorative look includes plants prized for their beauty.

    Tatar honeysuckle

    This includes two groups:

    1. Bushes - Tatar honeysuckle, Korolkov, alpine, ordinary, Maksimovich.
    2. Lianas - honeysuckle, Thälmann's honeysuckle, curly, Brown.

    Thälmann's honeysuckle

    The most beautiful among the lianas is honeysuckle honeysuckle, reaching a height of 6 m. Its young shoots, sometimes light green, sometimes all shades of red-violet, become covered with grayish-brown bark with age. Long stems are covered with large dense dark green above and bluish below the leaves. In May-June, the shoots are decorated with fragrant multi-flowered exquisite inflorescences. Everyone has it rose flower white or creamy core. A month later, fruits appear - orange balls, ripening in August. Although flowering lasts only about a month, it is an ornamental fragrant vine until late autumn.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle

    Honeysuckle looks great next to conifers, weaving roses, other shrubs. It is enough to look at the photo of this powerful honeysuckle liana, which in translation means goat, in order to want to settle it on your site.

    Attention: the fruits of honeysuckle, honeysuckle, cannot be eaten - they are poisonous.

    In the sun, honeysuckle blooms more abundantly, so a place well-lit by the sun is allocated for planting it. It is better to plant in spring, and for the plant to develop correctly, support is needed. On average, honeysuckle grows by 1 m per year. It grows in one place for 50 years.

    Features of planting honeysuckle

    Lonicera caprifolium is planted in a permanent place at once. It is believed that the goat vine prefers neutral acidic soils. She does not like clay or dry soils and develops poorly on them.

    Honeysuckle fruit honeysuckle

    The planting process consists of several sequential steps:

    Attention: a slight deepening of the root collar is useful for honeysuckle.

    Honeysuckle care honeysuckle

    Fragrant honeysuckle has high winter hardiness. The first 2 years will have to cover the ground around the roots with fallen leaves or peat, and then you can forget about this procedure. Scourges that have grown over the summer do not need pruning. If in the spring it turns out that in some places the stems are frozen, cut them - buds on these shoots still do not form. The further care process consists of several important aspects:

    Weed removal- is one of the important points in the care of honeysuckle. They should be removed from the site even before planting the bush, especially perennial weeds.

    It is important that weeds do not interfere with the development of honeysuckle.

    Watering. Honeysuckle loves moisture. In summer, watering should be regular, and in drought, the portions of water are doubled.

    Pruning- affects the development and formation of the bush. It is carried out immediately after disembarkation, otherwise the fast-growing honeysuckle will turn into a completely unattractive green mop. First, we prune the weak stems, leaving no more than 3 of the most reliable ones and shorten them by 1/3. Then we carry out regular inspections, reject damaged and dry shoots, and when the vine reaches the planned height, we cut the top, then the bush will grow in breadth.

    Tip: prune branches in the spring, after the buds appear. Prune the shoot above the bud using a pruning shear.

    How and what to fertilize and feed

    Goat honeysuckle reacts positively to feeding, only this must be done correctly:

    • at the end of autumn, we apply potash and phosphorus fertilizers, add compost, humus under the bushes;
    • in spring - the vine needs nitrogen, it is also useful to water it with diluted bird droppings or mullein.

    Feed the plant twice a season

    Reproduction of fragrant honeysuckle

    It is easy to propagate honeysuckle, for this there are 4 ways:

    • seeds;
    • cuttings;
    • layering;
    • dividing the main bush.

    Honeysuckle from seeds

    We harvest the seeds in July, for which we extract them from the pulp, rinse them thoroughly, dry them. The difficulty of this method is that the seed material of the honeysuckle does not germinate well. To fix things experienced gardeners it is recommended to preliminarily subject fresh seeds to stratification. To do this, in the fall, pour wet sand into some container and pour out the seeds. Place the dishes in the refrigerator on the lower shelf. Every 14 days we check the moisture content of the sand, sprinkle it with water if it is dry.

    You will need ripe honeysuckle to harvest the seeds.

    Thus, in the spring, the seeds will be prepared for planting. Sowing is carried out using the following technology:

    • we fill the box with a nutritious substrate;
    • pour the seeds with sand on top;
    • sprinkle the seed with a thin layer of soil;
    • moisturize;
    • cover with foil or glass;
    • we remove the shelter after the emergence of shoots;
    • we move the seedlings to a permanent place in the fall, creating a shelter for them.

    Honeysuckle sprouts

    You can plant stratified seeds in the spring, somewhere in April, on a garden bed, making grooves 15-20 mm deep and sealed them to a depth of 10 mm. In summer, they should be watered, not overgrown with weeds, and covered with peat for the winter. In the spring of next year, the seedlings are ready for relocation to their permanent habitat.

    Propagation of goat honeysuckle by cuttings

    For this method of reproduction, it is necessary to prepare cuttings. It is best to do this before the end of the flowering period. Not suitable as source material cuttings that do not break when bent - this indicates that they are not yet mature enough. There should be 2-3 internodes on the handle. We make the upper cut straight at a distance of 1.5 cm from the kidney, and the lower one - at an angle of 45 degrees. Lower leaves remove completely, and shorten the upper ones by ½. We plant the blanks in a greenhouse, protected from the sun, maintaining a distance between them of approximately 0.2 m. The substrate for planting cuttings is made up of peat, garden soil and sand (2: 1: 2).

    Honeysuckle cuttings take root very easily

    We spray the cuttings three times a day for a month. During this time, the first leaves are formed and the seedlings will no longer need shelter. In order for the sprouts to successfully endure the winter, we mulch them. We transplant into open ground in the spring.

    Tip: harvest cuttings from the middle of the lash. Ideally, the workpiece is about 10 cm long and about 0.5 cm thick.

    Reproduction by layering

    This method is the simplest and most reliable. The algorithm is as follows:

    1. We select suitable shoots from spring or autumn.
    2. We dig holes to a depth of about 0.2 m from the side of the layering.
    3. We fill the seat with fertile soil with the addition of lime.
    4. We bend the lash to the ground, laying it in the deepening so that the top remains at the top.
    5. We fix the layering using staples made of strong wire.
    6. Cover with a layer of soil, water and mulch.
    7. Digging up young offspring of fragrant honeysuckle next spring, separated from the base plant, planted in a permanent place.

    Reproduction of honeysuckle by layering is within the power of even an inexperienced gardener

    If honeysuckle is grown as a hedge, then the layers from the main bush may not be separated. Near the upper part protruding from the ground, we simply install a support and tie a plant to it, which continues to develop as an independent bush.

    The fourth breeding method is dividing the bush

    From overgrown, good developed plant you can painlessly separate the transplant part:

    • we dig a bush at the base;
    • we take a sharp secateurs and cut off the shoot with roots.

    Reproduction by dividing a bush is a more laborious method

    Or in another way:

    • we dig out the plant completely together with a large earthen clod;
    • we divide the bush into parts using a sharp shovel;
    • we process cuts with ash or crushed coal;
    • we shorten the shoots by a third of the length;
    • we put each share in a separate seat;
    • we begin to form the crown a year after the transplant procedure.

    Diseases and pests of honeysuckle honeysuckle

    It is necessary to study well the description of the signs and photos of diseases of honeysuckle, since it is often affected by them. Among the most dangerous diseases - ramulariasis... It manifests itself on young leaves in the form of grayish-brown spots with a brown center. Later, the stems and petioles are also affected - they begin to die off. The plant is weakening due to loss nutrients... Spraying with "Fundazol", copper sulfate helps.

    No less dangerous and cercosporosis... Something in the form of dots with a reddish-brown border forms on the leaves. Control methods are similar to those used for ramulariasis.

    There are dangerous fungal diseases affecting honeysuckle

    Tuberculariosis affects the branches of honeysuckle. Red bumps appear on them. The spores of the fungus also settle in the bark. Shoots and leaves wither. The affected areas should be cut out and destroyed, and for prevention, spray the plants in spring with Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate.

    Of the pests, the most dangerous is aphid. With its presence, the leaves turn yellow, become stained, then die. Shoots are also damaged, since the larvae suck the juice out of them. Aphids are destroyed by using such drugs as "Eleksar", "Actellik", "Confidor".

    In our gardens, the issue of vertical gardening is one of the most urgent and demanded ones. Vertical gardening means gardening of walls, gazebos, small architectural forms... Quite often, on young, underdeveloped areas, the question arises of overlapping middle and long-range plans, creating a shadow on the site and dividing individual zones in the garden, where all the plants are still very young. In this case, vertical gardening techniques will save us. While the seedlings of large shrubs and trees are growing, perennial and annual flowers dominate in the garden and the only vertical accent is the shade or decoration of the wall of the house, gazebo and other buildings can provide vines. Quite an interesting representative of the vines used in landscaping our gardens is Honeysuckle caprifolium (Lonicera caprifolium).

    In the language of flowers, “honeysuckle” means “captivating dreams”. Honeysuckle flowers have often been compared to faithful, devoted love, love that knows no boundaries and limits in ancient legends. In the legend of Héloise and Abelard, honeysuckle wrapped around their tombstones - a kind of symbol of eternal love. And in the legend of Tristan and Isolde, Isolde is very often compared to a honeysuckle flower, just as delicate, sublime and very poetic, and in many legends this flower is a symbol of passion, love and devotion.

    In addition to the fact that honeysuckle blooms very beautifully, it also smells absolutely amazing. This is a stunning, very fresh and delicate scent, and the scent intensifies in the evening hours. And if you want to create a corner in your garden that is not just beautiful and picturesque, but also filled with aromas, then you cannot do without honeysuckle honeysuckle.

    For all its advantages, honeysuckle does not require much maintenance. In order for this perennial vine to develop and grow exactly vertically upwards, it must be given support. This is the type of vines that will not rise up without support, and the higher the support, the higher your plant will rise. In principle, a 5 to 6 year old vine can grow to a height of 4 to 5 meters, which is sufficient height for our small gardens.

    It is better to plant honeysuckle in the spring. The liana is planted immediately to a permanent place, so that there are several buds on the plot, preferably 2-3, of which long stems will go, which are actually liana. Planting should be done in loose, sufficiently moist soil. Honeysuckle responds very well to fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. It is best to feed her with nitrogen, potassium and manure. But keep in mind that manure should not be fresh, but rotted, i.e. 2 - 3 years old, or you can use peat compost, which you can prepare yourself, putting in compost pits all the plant waste that is found in almost every garden. Moreover, if you prepare peat compost in advance, i.e. in compost pits If you store plant waste from the site for a rather long time, and sprinkle it layer by layer with peat, then in a year you will have a fairly good substrate that you will add to the planting pit when planting honeysuckle honeysuckle.

    Planting is usually carried out either in a planting hole or in a planting trench, depending on what you want to achieve. If you have an element of vertical gardening, and you are planting a whole row of honeysuckle so that it closes the trellis, then it is better to make a trench-groove, and immediately put all the necessary substances into this trench for many, many years - rotted manure or peat compost, microelements, organic fertilizers... All this is thoroughly mixed with the planting soil and your little deeds are planted in this prepared mixture. And if you plant in the spring, quite long young shoots will appear by the end of the season. At good care per year, honeysuckle can grow up to 2 meters in height, and sometimes more. These long lashes, which you attach to vertical landscaping structures, do not need to be removed for the winter, honeysuckle honeysuckle is quite winter-hardy. And it is not at all necessary to cut off long annual whips of honeysuckle every winter. It is quite enough, if severe winter weather is expected, in young plants with a fresh planting, mulch the root zone with peat or dry leaves, or cover the bush with spruce branches. Moreover, this should be done only during the first two years after planting, and then your honeysuckle will winter well even in an upright state. When the plant begins to vegetate in the spring, i.e. buds will begin to bloom, a new young growth will begin, you will see which part of the lash is frozen and which is preserved. So, in the spring after severe winter frosts, you need to make sanitary pruning, but this is exactly sanitary pruning, you do not need to cut the honeysuckle into a stump. You just need to carefully prune and remove those shoots on which buds do not bloom, i.e. those that have not wintered. But there is one catch - the buds of honeysuckle bloom quite late and at the same time these buds are hidden on the shoot. You simply will not see, as on an ordinary bush, whether the bud has begun to grow or not. So do not rush to prune the honeysuckle after winter, wait for the small young buds to appear, which will appear from the hidden sinuses of the shoot. And when you see that the overwintered bud is strong, it swells, and above it there is a naked shoot, then this shoot above the bud must be cut off with a pruner.

    If a vine grows in bright sun, then it gives very profuse flowering, but honeysuckle honeysuckle can develop in partial shade. The plant itself will not suffer from this, the bush will be powerful enough, and the vine will be high, but the flowering will no longer be abundant.

    Among the many species of honeysuckle (Lonicera), there are both bushy and curly - deciduous and evergreen. Climbing honeysuckle is one of the most decorative and beloved plants that conquered Europe more than 100 years ago, but everyone is still loved to this day. Honeysuckle-lianas are good as ground covers and for vertical gardening (design of arches, retaining walls and gazebos; masking the trunks of old trees and hedges). Climbing honeysuckle starts growing early and decorates the garden at any time of the year, especially during the flowering period. Bloom in late May - early June. When long shoots of the current year are completely covered with elongated tubular flowers in spectacular inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. Liana-like honeysuckle has many advantages: numerous leaves and abundant flowering, bright and fragrant flowers (these are wonderful honey plants), ornamental fruits. The leaves of most types of honeysuckle are elliptical, dark green above, and gray below.
    Most species of honeysuckle-lianas like a sunny location, but shading at the base is very favorable for them. Lianas are quite shade-tolerant (however, in the shade, the flowering of honeysuckles begins later and it is less abundant). Honeysuckle-lianas grow quickly, many species are undemanding to the soil (but develop better on fertile, moist soil), they tolerate transplanting and pruning the crown well due to their high shoot-forming ability. The liana is thinned out after flowering, while cutting out excess old stems. It is recommended to feed honeysuckles growing on marginal soils with mineral fertilizers in the spring. Climbing honeysuckle reproduces easily: by seeds, green cuttings, layering.
    Among the honeysuckle-lianas in the garden, honeysuckle, honeysuckle, is most often grown.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle, or fragrant (L. caprifolium), specific name with Latin translated as "goat leaf" - a deciduous liana, capable of rising to a height of 10 meters with the help of a support. In central Russia, it is the most common of the curly honeysuckle; it is quite frost-hardy, hibernates under the snow (the tips of the shoots often freeze slightly). In natural conditions, it grows in the Caucasus, Central and Southern Europe. Honeysuckle is photophilous, demanding on soil fertility and moisture. The leaves are rather large, dense, leathery, elliptical or broadly elliptical, dark green above, bluish-gray below; 2-3 pairs of upper leaves grow together with bases in an elliptical disc. They retain their color until late autumn and fall one of the last in the garden. The honeysuckle honeysuckle at the beginning of summer has a peculiar shape of flowers, with far protruding stamens, collected in bunches and placed in the axils of the upper fused leaves. Flowers up to 5 cm in length, white or yellowish inside, outside with a purple tint or purple-red stripes, fragrant, especially in the evening. The life of one flower lasts 3-4 days, in general, flowering lasts about three weeks. The elegant fruits (inedible for people) ripen in early August and decorate the vine until late autumn. The orange-red berries of the honeysuckle have a short peduncle, framed by green leaves, they seem to glow. It blooms and bears fruit from the age of four. It develops quickly, its young shoots grow by 1.5-2 m per season. It can live up to 50 years or more.
    Has two decorative forms: white (f. alba) - with white flowers, blooms 2 weeks earlier than typical; few-flowered f. pauciflora - with pink-red flowers, very decorative, but blooms less abundantly than the typical form.
    Now this vine cannot be called fashionable, it is rather traditional, and despite the last years many clematis and climbing roses, sooner or later still finds its place in the garden.

    Planting site selection and soil preparation
    Climbing honeysuckle is photophilous, undemanding to soils, quite winter-hardy (in the Moscow region, annual shoots freeze a little), are resistant to pests and diseases. Most honeysuckles are moisture-loving (!). They prefer loamy or loamy neutral soils rich in organic matter, although they can grow on acidic peaty and moist limestones. Root system curly honeysuckle pivotal, densely branched. The bulk of the roots is located within a radius of 1-1.5 meters at a depth of 40-50 cm.

    Reproduction of curly honeysuckle
    Reproduction: seeds, cuttings and layering.
    With the vegetative method, honeysuckle is propagated by winter, spring and summer cuttings... In late autumn, strong summer shoots are taken and divided into pieces with 4-5 eyes, 10-15 cm long. They are planted in a loosened ridge to the last eye and covered with leaves.
    Green cuttings are cut at the end of flowering (early July). Each must have 2 internodes. The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are shortened by half. Cuttings are planted in a shaded greenhouse at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other to a depth of 2-3 cm and covered with glass. The substrate is made up of peat, coarse sand and garden soil (2: 2: 1). Plantings are abundantly sprayed 2-3 times a day. With the appearance of the first young leaves (usually after a month), the glass can be removed. For the winter, the cuttings are mulched with peat, and in the spring they are transplanted to a permanent place. When planting, it is advisable to slightly deepen the root collar of the plant, which stimulates the development of adventitious roots. Rooting rate of cuttings without preliminary treatment is 50%.
    Seed propagation is a longer process. The seeds are harvested at the end of July. They are cleaned of pulp, washed and dried. Store at room temperature... To facilitate germination, the seeds are stratified, that is, they are kept for a long time in wet sand at a low temperature. To do this, in February, dry seeds are mixed with sand (1: 3), moistened and stored in a refrigerator at a positive temperature for two months. They are periodically examined and, if necessary, moistened. In April, the seeds are sown together with sand in prepared ridges to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The seeding depth is 0.9-1 cm. During the summer, the seedlings are watered and weeds are pulled out. In the fall or next year in the spring, plants can already be transplanted to a permanent place. In the early years, it is advisable to mulch the bushes with peat before winter.

    Planting seedlings
    The best time for planting honeysuckle seedlings is early autumn. The dimensions of the landing pit are 60x60 cm, the depth is 50 cm, the distance in a row is 1.5 meters. For one pit, mix 1 bucket of peat-manure compost with 50-80 g of superphosphate, 40-50 g of potassium salt. Use 2-3 year old seedlings. The root collar should be 3-5 cm above the soil surface.

    Care and feeding
    This wonderful vine has one significant drawback - left to itself, it quickly turns into a tangled, untidy lump. It is a shame when you see a neglected unattractive bush with a shapeless mass of greenery. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary from the very beginning to properly care for her climbing shoots. The first thing to start with is to make a solid and beautiful support. It can be metal, wooden, a nylon net with a large mesh or cords stretched vertically or in any desired direction will do. Young shoots are directed along the support, evenly distributing it over its entire area. It should be borne in mind that honeysuckle honeysuckle stems twist counterclockwise. Have reached the desired height shoots cut off the top, thereby stimulating the development of lateral shoots. Loosening of the soil in near-barrel circles... This is done 4-5 times per season to a depth of 4-5 cm. Honeysuckle needs watering during the summer growing season. Curly honeysuckle is quickly exposed from below. This feature must somehow be compensated for by other curly ones. The second important condition for preserving the decorativeness of curly honeysuckle is correct pruning... With its help, the bush can be given and maintained the desired shape, enhance flowering, and rejuvenate an old plant. If the bush is too neglected, it is better to cut the stems completely. Then new shoots will develop from the dormant buds at the base of the plant. No fertilization or watering can replace this important operation. After formative pruning, flowering will be especially abundant. Resistant to pests and diseases.
    During the period of prolonged rains, the leaves and berries of climbing honeysuckle can be affected fungal diseases... For diseases, honeysuckle is sprayed with copper preparations - copper chloride 0.15% (in spring) and other fungicides.

    In order to ennoble adjoining territory, to create a recreation area and hide the area from prying eyes, gardeners recommend planting Honeysuckle, a fragrant vine, actively growing and braiding supports of any shape. In addition to the direction of growth of the lashes and periodic pruning, there are no difficulties in growing this honeysuckle.

    Honeysuckle Honeysuckle, fragrant or goat, is an ornamental liana plant with graceful flowering and bright fruits. The shoots of this species are gray-green, they turn reddish from the sun. An unusual arrangement of ellipsoidal leaves gives the bush decorativeness: they grow oppositely and grow together into a disk, in the center of which a flower is formed, and then a bunch of berries.

    Liana blooms for a month from late May or early June. Red, yellow, pink or white flowers fill the air with a spicy scent. Bright orange berries ripen by autumn. Unlike blue honeysuckle or its other fruitful varieties, the fruits of the honeysuckle Kaprifol are inedible and are not used for medicinal purposes.

    Honeysuckle is grown only as an ornamental plant.

    Honeysuckle Honeysuckle in the presence of supports can grow in height up to 4-5 m. Scourges twine around the supports in any direction that the landscape designer thinks. Due to these properties, the plant is popular in vertical gardening of areas. It is necessary to form a bush from the first days of its planting, otherwise the whips in search of support will choose the main shoot, the plant will lose its decorative effect. The installation of a support is a prerequisite for growing.

    With proper care, goat honeysuckle can grow in one place for decades. It should be borne in mind that decorative Caprifol is not adapted to harsh winters, it easily freezes and dies. In most cases, it is grown in the middle lane and southern regions. which is not so difficult to familiarize yourself with, it is much more hardy, it is not afraid of gas pollution and frosty winters down to -35 ° C. These species can be grown in a joint planting.

    Which climbing variety to choose for the site?

    Popular varieties:

    In addition to the listed varieties, the sprawling Golden Trumpet, Dropmore Scarlet with a blue tint of young shoots, and dense Goldflame are chosen for planting.

    Recommendations for choosing a place, timing of planting seedlings

    Planting and care, carried out according to the rules, will protect the plant from freezing, diseases and pests. It is important for a summer resident to know when to plant a vine and where, how to properly prepare it for winter.

    Features of preparing a bush for planting:

    You can move the seedling to the site in the spring after the snow melts. By the summer, the vine will delight the gardener with young shoots. Under favorable conditions in the first year, the bush can stretch up to 1.5 m. Autumn planting is also possible; it is recommended to move the seedling into open ground on a warm day in August or September. Autumn work is preferable due to the high sensitivity of the plant to changing the place of growth.

    Agrotechnics of planting, selection of support

    How to plant a honeysuckle bush correctly? For a beginner, it is enough to adhere to the simplest rules:

    Support for honeysuckle - important criterion decorativeness. The structure is installed immediately upon landing. It can be either wooden or metal. The main requirement is resistance to plant weight and wind. Structures can be made from available tools:

    1. From wooden slats make a square frame, sheathed with smaller slats diagonally.
    2. An ordinary wooden staircase is suitable as a support.
    3. In order for the bush to grow in the form of a cone, several stable sticks are fastened together in the form of a hut, and then they are wrapped with fishing line or rope.
    4. You can make a net with rope or fishing line stretched between two posts.
    5. A fence or gazebo grid is suitable as a support. You can stretch the line directly onto the wall of the garden building. The vines will quickly entwine it, hiding the area from prying eyes.

    Formation video fragrant vines.

    How to care for a plant?

    To in open ground the vine grew well and did not get sick, it would be necessary to comply with the watering conditions, periodically feed the bush, guide the lashes and prune in time.

    Care rules:

    Pruning fragrant creepers is a procedure that requires special attention... In the spring, all frozen parts are completely cut off, as they can become a source of infection for the entire plant. The first formative pruning is done after the seedling has been planted. Leave the 3 strongest stems and shorten them by a third. All other shoots are cut off completely.

    In order for the bush to develop in breadth, it is necessary to pinch the top of actively growing shoots.

    Throughout the season, the crown is thinned out, all weak, dry and damaged shoots are removed.

    Variants of compositions with honeysuckle Caprifol

    If you plant a vine along the fence, it will quickly braid the structure, creating a dense hedge... With the help of such thickets, you can hide ugly buildings. If you put whips on the wall of the gazebo, after a few years you can get a shady place to relax in the garden.

    In landscape design, the fragrant liana is also used in group plantings. There are several combination options:

    1. Two varieties of honeysuckle with different shades of flowers look beautiful next to each other.
    2. Coniferous shrubs will be successful neighbors: varieties of Cossack juniper, western thuja.
    3. The maximum decorative effect in vertical gardening is achieved by placing shrubs with long arcuate shoots, for example, climbing roses, next to the liana.
    4. An interesting solution is to combine with other berry bushes.

    Growing fragrant honeysuckle in the garden does not cause any particular difficulties, even for beginners. It cannot be completely ignored. If you let everything take its course, a shapeless bush will grow on the site instead of an elegant hedge. A little effort in pruning and positioning the vines on a support will pay off as the plant spreads through the structure in a lush, flowering carpet.