Orchid dendrobium King care at home. Correct care for the dendrobium orchid at home

Rank Denobiums is the richest of the orchid family on species diversity. These tropical epiphytic orchids are distributed in tropical and subtropical areas of the Earth. They can be found on trees or shrubs. Even the name of the genus originating from the Greek words "Dendron" - a tree and "BIOS" - life, they say where the representatives of these orchids live.

Another feature of the dendrobiums is their division into two groups: evergreen and deciduous. refers to the first group and is evergreen plant. It is grown in suspended baskets, porridge, on the crust or trunks of trees in sufficiently moistened cool and bright rooms.

The plant looks great in the rooms of a greenhouse type, in exotic collections, winter Gardens, in landscaping the interior.

Botanical description

(Lat. Dendrobium Kingianum) refers to the family Orchid (Lat. Orchideaceae) and is an evergreen flowering plant.

Thickened at the base of the stems possess a cylindrical shape. They develop sharp, lanceal, shiny leaves of dark green.

Coloros middlewindcarrying from three to six flowers. Flowers are small, light-sized colors with a slight aroma.

Upper cups White, bordered pink color, slightly elongated. Side - possess a triangular-sick-shaped form and form a sputter with a yellow-green spexy.

Petals, crushing shape, shorter the cups themselves. Three-blade white lip, with light green border and pink longitudinal lines at the base, is directed down. The upper part of it forms the shape of the boat. The flowering of Denobium King can be observed in February-March.

Lighting and temperature

Lighting for Denrobium King. It is important for active growth and flowering. This plant almost never flourishes, located in the northern parts of the house. But it feels successfully in the zones of the southern or southeastern direction.

Straight sunlight It can create burns on the leaves, so it is important to give the dendrobium King in particularly hot summer days.

This orchid, in contrast to most of the other representatives of the family, prefers coolness. Plant Comfortable At temperatures + 18 + 22 ° C. It is well suited for non-residential premises or for decorating bedrooms with such a level of heat. It is important that this indicator is stable.

Any temperature fluctuations For the dendrobium King less favorably affects its growth.

Humidity and watering

When the summer heat rises, needs to increase air humidity. Level 50% is quite acceptable for the plant. In summer, it needs periodic sprinkles from a shallow pulverizer with warm water. Winter spraying is not spent.

They also watered moderately and moderately in the measure of warm, dilated water. Together with watering, you can make liquid fertilizers. Important At the same time avoid stagnant phenomena in the pot and pallet.

Soil and fertilizer

Soil for Denrobium King. It must be loose and easy consisting of natural organic elements. Plant transplanted every two or three years. At the same time for growing Denrobium King. Prepare the following from equal parts:

  • deciduous land;
  • moss Safagnum or the roots of the fern of Osmund.

On the bottom of the pot Required drainage, which consists of a large or medium fraction clay. Such an enterprise will help protect the plant from constant overwhelming or rewarding the root system.

Fertilize the dendrobium King every month with a weak solution of organic liquid fertilizers for orchids.


Reproduction Denrobium King. Conduct the division of the bush or the top shoots. The division of the bush is carried out every spring when near parent plant New young processes are formed.

As a rule, on the third year of life, you can divide the bush for two full-fledged plants. At the same time you need to ensure that root system The separated copy was sufficient for independent development.

At the same time, separate topless shoots can be formed, which in the spring are neatly separated and rooted in the moistened sandy ground. After five to six weeks, young plants are rooted. You can transplant in new height containers in two or three months from the start of rooting. Care for young plants is the same as for adults.

Pests and diseases

Quite resistant to pests and plants. But in rare cases, when the rules for leaving the plant are regularly violated, it may occur. Too low temperature The content creates favorable conditions for the appearance of the pest.

And the absence of a sufficient amount of light slows down the flowering process or provokes its absence. Plant protection is performed using drugs or chemical composition. And bloom is resumed when moving Denrobium King.closer to the bright light source.

And for the most curious, we suggest familiarizing with the video about the dendrobium King

The dendrobium orchid is a bright colorful plant with an excellent aroma. Therefore, its owners so want that as much as possible in their house there were these colors. The reproduction of the beauty of the dendrobium is not much labor. And thanks to her, the house will be filled with paints, and at hand there will always be a wonderful gift for all occasions. Therefore, it is necessary to safely begin to reproduce the amazing orchid dendrobium.

    Features of dilution

    Orchid dendrobium belongs to exotic plants Sympoidal view. These plants have a certain feature, namely the presence of boulevards with its own roots. This makes their reproduction much easier than in monopoidal plants.


    Next, you can see what flower looks like in the photo.

    What is the difference between this type of flower from others?

    Unlike Falenopsis Orchids, the dendrobium orchid form a child forms children. Therefore, the reproduction of children is most often used.

    Methods for breeding and their description

    At home, the orchid dendrobium is breeding vegetatively three ways..

    • Reproduction "Baby".
    • Rooting cuttings.
    • Dividing bush.

    Soil for planting can be purchased ready in the store, but you can cook yourself.

    For this:

  1. A pine boron must be neglected, you can use the secateur for this. Pieces of the cortex should be 1 - 3 cm in size. They should be poured boiling water and leave for a while they are cooled. It is necessary to fulfill this to get a bark of moisture and disinfect it. As soon as the bark cools, the water needs to merge. Little bark pieces allow the substrate to sink in a couple of days.
  2. To the crust worth adding a small amount of coconut fiber, peat, perlite and moss sfagnum. Adding moss and peat leads to a mooring and reinforcement of the roots, so it is worthwhile to use these materials.
  3. You can add a handful of charcoal per 1 liter of the crust.
  4. The substrate prepared at home must be disinfected. Shed boiling water and give to extinguish 10-15 minutes. Wait when dry.
  5. Mix everything, the soil is ready.

For landing it is necessary to pick up a pot. It is advisable to take a plastic container of a small volume. In the pot, be sure to make ventilation holes. Thanks to them, the ground will be ventilated, and the water will not be formed.

How to prepare a plant?

For reproduction at home, preparation for reproduction is worth starting a year before. To do this, it is necessary to hold the roots of the parent plant until the middle in several places. This will help the plant to form additional apparent kidneys.

What time to choose?

Best time for breeding orchid - SpringBecause at this time of the year the plant begins the phase of active growth. Orchid accumulates a lot useful substances And therefore, more calmly postpone the separation.

Step-by-step instruction: how to propagate at home or in greenhouse?

Dividing bush

The breeding of the division of the bush is carried out 1 time in 4 years.

Important! Orchids should have at least 6 pseudobulb.

Bust division must be carried out only after flowering period.


Shining itself complicated way Reproduction. Home conditions are not suitable for this method of reproduction. It is necessary to build greenhouses and also need additional lighting.

  1. The pseudobulb must be separated from the uterine bush. It cuts off right under the root. It must be cut into parts, 10 cm each.
  2. Damage points must be treated with garden borants or cinnamon.
  3. Moss Safagnum stands before landing to moisten. Then put into the sealed package with the lock. Also as a greenhouse can be used plastic container with lid or bottle
  4. On moss you need to decompose the cuttings, a maximum of 2 pcs. In the package.

Conditions for rooting and developing a young plant:

  • Scattered light.
  • Temperature 22-25 degrees.
  • Maintaining moss in a moistened condition.
  • Daily venting.

Roots should already appear after 2-3 weeks.

Important! For the reproduction of the dendrobium, you can use old, already flashing pseudobulb.

We offer you to watch a video about the reproduction of orchid dendrobium cuttings:


Baby can grow to ripened flower pseudo-bulbs. In this case, it is necessary to simply wait when it will have the number of leaflets, usually 4-5 sheets are sufficient, and small rapid roots are formed. They should have no less than 5-8 cm long.

In order to reject the babe of the dendrobium, it is necessary, slightly scrolling, separate from the stem. Babe should easily disappear. Damaged places on kids are recommended to dry During the day outdoors.

We offer you to watch a video about the reproduction of orchid dendrobium kids:


The dendrobium orchid is extremely sensitive to reproduction. During division, the plant is subjected to a huge stress. Do not propagate orchid, if she often sick. This can lead to the death of a maternal flower and kids. Another reason for the death of the plant is considered an insufficient spraying. It is exactly what is responsible for proper formation roots.

Further care

The vegetation of the orchid dendrobium has a bad effect of dry air, lack of lighting and excess moisture. The dendrobium orchids have many species, and each of them has their own preferences, but there are general requests. Doddrobium prefers bright scattered light without direct sunlight. Does not tolerate drafts.


If the orchid has a white or pale-pink color, which means that the lighting lack, they are much easier. They can be left in the northeastern window sills necessarily showering. If the flowers are bright red, yellow, pink, it means that such orchids are better to exhibit on the windows of the southeastern and south-west side.


Watering can be watered with a superficial method or immersion. Watering needed to exercise boiled water. The water temperature must be slightly above room. From April to September, it is recommended to combine watering with feeding. But it is not necessary to feed it in any irrigation, but after about 2-3 irrigation.

Important! Water should not fall on the pattern, flowers, sinuses of leaves and young bouffones. If you do not comply with this conditions, the plant can be understood. When liquid gets, it must be blown up with a napkin.


For larger temperatures, when the water evaporates faster, the small part of the required moisture comes to the roots. At this time, it is necessary to regulate air humidity. You can put pots on the pallet with water and pebbles go wet moss. Also improving the situation spraying. Spray preferably early in the morning or in the evening so that the drops of moisture do not lead to burns.


You need to feed the dendrobium from April, and finish in September. Fertilizer can be added to the water that water flows. Or after half an hour after irrigation spray them, or the pot is placed in the solution.

Fertilizer concentration is 2 times less than written on the package.

Observing all the conditions for the reproduction and cultivation of the orchid dendrobium, you can get the most beautiful plants. What will allow this flower to please the eyes for many years.

The orchida dendrobium (Orchidea dendrobium) is a popular plant whose species there are more than 2 thousand. It refers to the family of orchid and is considered perennial plants. Orchid shared by the type of habitat in the wild. This plant belongs to epiphylet species growing on trees and to a lyoofite living on rocks and stones. The dendrobium orchid opened the Swedish botanist - Olaf Schwartz, making an expedition to the Caribbean at that time. He gave such an interesting plant name that in translation means "growing in the tree."

Brief information about the plant

Dendrobium is common in different corners Planets, so he does not have a single homeland. China, Japan, Asia, New Zealand, Austria, New Guinea, America are considered the field of this orchid. Due to this scatter, the plant is adapted to different climatic conditions. For a long time in Europe, the orchid was sold at an inaccessible price for the average agent and ranked for exotic species of plants. Breeders brought a large amount special specieswhich are easily coming up in urban apartments and homes with proper and proper care.

Many newcomers are breeding dendrobium, obeying the impulse, conquered by his beautiful bloom. Indeed, it is very beautiful blooming orchid. It is used to sell less than the well-known phalaenopsis and cost more. Under the conditions of the content, these plants are also somewhat different. But here you bought a dendrobium, brought it home. What to do with him next? Let's talk about it.

Most of the dendrobiums belong to epiphylet plants, like other orchids. They live on trees trunks, but at the same time feed on their own. Translated by S. greek The dendrobium is translated - "growing in the tree." Today, more than 1000 species of dendrobiums are described. Natural range of their growing: Asian countries, New Guinea, India.

These flowers are suitable for content in greenhouses and urban apartments. The flowering time depends on the type, but mostly falls on the spring. Inflorescences are characteristic of a light pleasant fragrance. Compared to other types of orchids, this is not such a whimsical plant.

On average, the dendrobium grows up to half a meter in height, but larger specimens are found. The stem consists of cylindrical pseudobulb. The leaves are alternate, the flowers appear from their sinuses, on which it blooms from one to 4 flowers. The color of the petals may be the most different. White, lilac, yellow, pink dendrobiums can be single-color, or two-color and even three-color.

Types of dendrobium with photos

Each kind of dendrobium differs something special and he needs his care. That is why we will highlight the most popular of them.

Dendrobium Nobile

One of the most decorative species. Dendrobium Nobile has fleshy meat-free stems with a smooth and shiny surface. Height comes to half a meter or a little more. Blooming begins on the second year of life with bright fragrant colors. Hybrid varieties bloom occurs several times a year.

Flowers are large up to 10 cm in diameter, most often have a white edging. Petals elongated, with pointed tips. In his homeland in Himalayas Dendrobium Nobile grows on the slopes of the mountains. Flowers consider it unpretentious in care. The minimum temperature of the content in winter is 15-16 degrees.

Throughout the year, he needs a bright scattered light. In winter, this is achieved by the use of backlight. As a substrate, a mixture of peat, pieces of moss and charcoal will be suitable. After watering, the moisture should linger on a substrate for some time.

On a note! When watering, try not to fall into young bouffers, they are prone to loading.

The transplant is carried out spring Time With full filling pot roots. Urgently plants transplanted only in extreme cases, for example, when the substrate is damaging. We define the division of the old tuber.

The plant is from South Asia, currently has many hybrids. There are varieties with white, saturated violet and lilac flowers. There are miniature varieties that grow no more than 30 cm in height. Standard instances can grow to the 1st meter.

The size of the flowers is greatly varied depending on the variety and may have dimensions from 2 to 15 cm. If plants are provided with suitable conditions, bloom comes three times a year and continues for several weeks.

This kind is needed by a 12-hour day day with shading from direct sunlight. I. high humidity Air, it is achieved by spraying and using a humidifier. Summer flower watered twice a week, in winter - once every two weeks. These are exemplary indicators that directly depends on the air temperature in the room.

Water should be soft room temperature or a little warmer. Loves fertilizer on the sheet. Sizza in a mixture of pine crust and moss with the addition of charcoal in a transparent pot.

Attention! This species will suit only special liquid fertilizers for orchids. Undercantling in the form of granules and wands can burn the root plant.

Not really large view With dimensions of 30-45 cm. In nature grows on the rocks and bark of trees. This species belongs to group dendrobiums due to the large number of bulbs. At the same time can produce up to 100 color seals with a large number of yellow flowers. Flowering is accompanied by the appearance of a pleasant smell.

It can bloom from February to September. Loves the day and night temperatures. IN warm time After watering frequent and abundant, winter is rare. Prefers a loose breathable substrate based on a pine bark. The concentration of fertilizers for this type should be weak. Transfer every two years.

In culture grows miniature, maximum up to 20 cm. We still have it rare and therefore an expensive view. Most often, flowers have a white-lilac color and smell very pleasant. For good care may bloom round year. Each bouffer has 1-2 inflorescences.

This species calmly transfers even straight sunny rays. He even recommended a few hours a day bright open Sun.. To the humidity of the air, the view is not demanding. As a soil, a special substrate for orchids with high air permeability and moisture is suitable. The flower watered soaking 2-3 times a week.

Flower comes from Australia. The stalks grow up to 30-55 cm. On each blur can be up to 7 flowers with a diameter of 3 cm. Blossom lasts a month, spreading the aroma of vanilla. Most often, the dendrobium King flowers blooms in the spring. The view needs a long period of rest during which the plant requires minimal care. This phase usually occurs in winter.

When growing it is desirable to provide the difference between day and night temperatures and the influx of fresh air. Between irrigations, the soil must dry. Painlessly transfers the transplant and division of the bush, transplant the dendrobium after flowering.

Very fragrant variety with elongated stems. Leaves are located on the top of the top. Blossom occurs in the spring and at the beginning of autumn. Flowers are small, but very fragrant. Against the background of snow-white petals, a yellow lip and a red middle of the middle. Period of rest is twice a year - in winter and early summer. Grow this species preferably on blocks. Orchid loves solar rays and fresh air.

Asian variety with gentle pink flowers. Size of inflorescences 5-6 cm. Blossom occurs only 10-14 days, it is a little compared to other types. Flowering time - Spring and early summer. Prefers a greater difference in daily temperatures, up to 10 degrees. Loves the bright sun, burn burns do not get, but they appear reddish spots.

In the substrate the main share should be moss, with small additives of the bark and peat. If contained on the blocks, daily watering is needed in the morning, water should be warm. Does not need frequent transplants. Young shoots are separated upon reaching 5 cm.

Orchid with many leaves and unusual colors. Around the yellow-white lips are the purple strips, and the petals themselves are pale-lilac. In nature, the grade lives in South-East Asia. From the bright sun leaves get burns, the shading is required. Flowering falls at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. The plant watered abundantly, twice a week. In winter, it is desirable to organize additional lighting. Otherwise, the requirements are standard for dendrobiums.

It is allocated among other dendrobiums with their own sizes. Its copies often grow up to 1.5 meters, sometimes higher. Extra long leaves grow in two rows. On one blur can be up to 15 medium-sized flowers. There can be blooming throughout the year, in the spring there is a flowering peak. Flowers are kept on the plant. One and a half weeks, but the flowering can be called abundant.

Loves the difference in day and night temperatures, in summer the maximum daily temperature is about 30 degrees, in winter it is preferable to maintain at 20 degrees. It is suitable for average illumination. In the period of growth, watering should be abundant. In winter, they arrange a little drying between watering. You can grow both on the block and in the substrate. Transplant when the roots become closely in the pot.

The form is characterized by the presence of rare pointed leaves. At home, we are found quite rare. Flowers in the spring months, bloom lasts about 3 weeks. This orchid can be attributed to miniature species - it grows up to 25 cm, but it has relatively large 6-centimeter flowers. In the period of active growth, she needs a rich watering and a lot of light. In the cold season, the substrate watered less and arrange dry. In general, the requirements for care are standard for orchids.

How to care for the dendrobium at home

Healthy view and full bloom orchid will only have with proper care. The plant is easy to ruin the wrong irrigation or insufficient humidity. It must be remembered that epiphytic plants should have a special content. We will tell about general rules Dendrobium content.

The most common types of dendrobium require winter time People period. Therefore, the temperature of the content in winter and in the summer will be different. In the summer months, the dendrobium contains at a temperature of 22-28 degrees, in winter the values \u200b\u200bshould be 17-20 degrees with a significant reduction in irrigation.

On a note! During the rest, watering can be replaced by spraying the substrate. Like other orchids, the dendrobium requires high humidity air. New hybrid varieties This is less sensitive.

To enhance humidity use traditional ways:

  • use of the humidifier;
  • spraying of the leaves of the plant;
  • pallets with moisthanded pebbles or claying placed on the windowsill.

Spray the leaves are needed in the morning and evening hours when the straight sun rays do not fall on the plant. Refracting in water drops, sun rays can cause burns.

In our climatic zone in the summer, the dendrobium may suffer from excess sunlight, and in winter from lack of light. If the illumination for the dendrobium is insufficient, its shoots are twisted, a small amount of flower kidney is laid. For most species in the summer months, the shading is organized, and in the winter they turn the backlight to the light day lasted at least 12 hours.

For the backlight, the lamp of daylight or special phytolampa is suitable. In the spring and summer, pots with plants are better to rearrange on Western or eastern windows, and in the winter to transfer to the southern windowsill.

During the active vegetation period, the dendrobium needs a rich watering, on average 2 times a week. Between irrigated the land in the pot must dry out. The rate of drying depends on the size of the pot and the room temperature. Impringly moisture from the pallet after irrigation must be removed, the root system of dendrobiums does not tolerate the convergence. Use soft slightly warm water. During rest, watering should be minimal.

It is best to water the dendrobium soaking at the same time shedding the soil from the top of the watering. For this pot put in a vessel with water for 20-30 minutes, the greater the pot, the more soaking time should be. After that, the excess water is drained and the plant on the windowsill returns. If the room is cool, you need a napkin to get into the sinuses of the leaves, otherwise it is possible to rot.

Those who from the crane flows high-quality water, you can water the dendrobium from the shower watering can be watered within a few minutes. This method is good because it allows to remove salts from the substrate, harmful impurities and excess fertilizers. But if the water is chlorized or it is too tough, it is better not to use it.

How to water the dendrobium orchid: video

Grow dendrobiums is better using plastic pots, they can be both transparent and opaque. In a transparent pot, there is an opportunity to track the state of the root system, so they are preferable for beginners. Glass or ceramic vessels can lead to the reduction of the roots, which for tropical orchid undesirable.

In addition, the method of disembarking in plastic or wooden baskets or on the block is suitable. In the pot there should be a lot of drainage holes, if it is only one, do additionally holes with a soldering iron or drill. Do not use the pots of the spherical puzzle form. The dendrobium roots are very fragile, extract them during transplantation without damage from such a pot will be impossible.

On a note! Put dendrobium in kashpo without drainage hole It is impossible. His roots need free air access and do not wear water stagnation.

You can use one pine bark as a substrate for dendrobiums. The rule is here such - the larger the plant and its roots, the larger there should be pieces of the cortex. Some to increase the soil moisture complex are added to it from sphagnum, but in this case it must be borne in mind that watering will be required less often.

Add to such a substrate more and pieces of wood coal to prevent possible posture. Activated coal for these purposes is not suitable, since when wetting it crumbles. If the dendrobium landing has to use the purchase of a soil for orchids, be careful with watering, since peat and particles of moss have been added to the substrate for moisture intensity.

Due to the fact that the roots of the dendrobium have increased sensitivity, the fertilizer is diluted twice as well, even if it is a specialized feeder for orchids. Those dendrobiums that do not have a pronounced rest period are feeding every month with a complex fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus. Those varieties you send to wintering need to fertilize two or three times a month. nitrogen fertilizer. During the rest, they are not fertile.

Amber Acid for orchids plays the role of a biostimulator. The substance is organic origin, absolutely non-toxic. "YANTARKA" increases stress resistance, unfavorable conditionshelps in recovery after transplantation or illness. A solution of succinic acid can be bought in a flower store, where it is sold in the form of spray, or prepare independently, dissolving one pill of succinic acid in the 1st liter of water. Beneficial features The prepared solution retains for 3 days.

Amber Acid is used to process all parts of the plant:

  • it can be grown seeds in it,
  • shedding
  • spray leaves.

On a note! Amber Acid is not a substitute for fertilizers, but is considered only an addition to them.

  1. When transplanting to the bottom, the pot is recommended to lay a few heavy roots for the counterweight.
  2. They are laid by the bark of a large fraction.
  3. Then installed in a dendrobium pot in such a way that a place for new shoots remains, that is, pressing the edge of the edge, the root neck is not plugged.
  4. The gaps between the roots begin to carefully fall asleep with smaller pieces of the bark and shook the pot so that the soil compacted.

After landing, the dendrobium does not water from 4 to 10 days, depending on the size of the root system. This pause in watering is necessary in order for the roots on the roots can delay.

Dendrobium Transfer: Video

How to cut orchid

Do not everyone know how to do with the dendrobium flower arrow after flowering. Is it worth cut or not? The pseudobulb needs to be removed if you see that it dries. To do this, use a sharp disinfected knife. If green buds are present on the bulb, leave it on the plant, it may still happen blossom.

It is necessary to remove the pseudobulb when it becomes completely lifeless by passing all the accumulated nutrients with the plant. After that you need to put a pot with orchid in cool place And wait for the emergence of new shoots.


What needs to provide an excellent dendrobium for his flowering?

A prerequisite for the flowering of the dendrobium is the right wintering. The plant contains in a cool, light room at a temperature of 12-15 degrees throughout the winter months. At the end of winter or early spring, the dendrobium blooms. If flowering is delayed, the plant needs to be filtered. Then the buds will appear on it, and then luxurious fragrant flowers.

If the Orchid brought from the store was poured, but the soil is still in good condition - there is no need to disturb the plant with a transplantation. If the orchid dies, living in your home, then after flowering, as a rule, the growth of fresh shoots begins. So that the plant is not closely in the old pot, with the beginning of growth, it is transplanted into a new capacity. Previously wait until the new bouffers grow at 10 cm. As we have already written above, if only the top of the pseudobulb is blooming, then the floral arrow is not completely cut off, perhaps sleeping kidneys awaken on it.

In terms of flowering, dendrobiuma is considered capricious plants. Such a reputation is related to the fact that for flowering, they need a number of conditions. Depending on the type of dendrobium, they are divided into 6 temperature groups, each of which requires its cultivation temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify in the special literature or on the Internet, which content is required by your dendrobium and stick to it. Influence blossom and other parameters. Perhaps orchid does not bloom due to improper irrigation or insufficient number Sveta. Create it the necessary conditions And buds will definitely appear.

Dendrobiums are breeding

  • kids
  • cherenca
  • dividing bush


Children appear in the upper part of the pseudobulb. You can separate them when they have their own roots. With the size of the roots of 5 cm little plant Cut with a knife or unscrew the movements around the axis. After that, the baby should be dried in the air a few days or lubricate the bottom garden with a garden, and then it is planted in a separate pot with a very small bark.


For reproduction with cuttings from the maternal bush, pseudobulb is separated and cut into parts of 10 cm long. Slices are smeared with garden harr. After that, the prepared cuttings are placed in a package with moss and moisturize. Root extensions should occur in a warm room with a scattered light. The package must be opened daily for ventilation. The rooting process takes 2 months, after which the seedlings can be planted into separate plates.

Division bush

The division of the bush is possible with an adult strong plant, which has at least 6 pseudobulb. Usually this procedure is combined with a transfer. The maternal tube is divided into several parts so that each of them has a minimum of 2 pseudobulb or one young sprout and one pseudolukovitsa. Each delety has their roots. All tools before cutting are treated, the sections are sealed with garden water.

Dondrobium diseases can be viral origin on the leaves of the flower, light rings or oval spots can appear, the color of the flowers and the form of flowers are changed, they become ugly. Some viruses can even prevent the disclosure of buds. It is impossible to cure such plants, they will only be thrown away.

Bacterial diseases May appear on the dendrobium in the form of spotting and rot, they often accompany fungal lesions. The patient plant is isolated, cut out all the affected places and lubricate the wounds with a greenfly or any disinfectant solution. Make it need at the first signs of the disease. The plant is left on quarantine. If there are no new stains, they return to their place. Bacterial rot Its more dangerous fast development, It is necessary to act with it without delay.

Fungal diseases They constitute the largest group, partially they are provoked by unsuitable conditions of content under which the arms disputes are actively developing. These diseases are manifested by the appearance of dark and brown spots, gun. Are treated with fungicides according to the instructions.

Sometimes a painful state may be provoked by improper departure.

The reasons for the yellowing of the leaves may be natural. So the dendrobium is preparing for the next vitality cycle After flowering. Following this, the plant begins the growth of new shoots and rhizomes. From other factors can affect the wrong watering, flaw nutrients. If the sheet is not completely yellow, and the yellow spots are present on it - it can be caused with solar burns.

The most frequent pests on dendrobiums: TRIPS, TLL, cobed tick. Their appearance can be triggered by increased dry air. For prophylaxis twice a month, handle the leaves of the dendrobium soapy. You can remove pests mechanically by collecting them from the leaves wet cotton disc. If insects are still multiplied, perform acutely processing.

  1. If you have a powerful high plantwhich is grown in an unstable pot, place it in Kashpo, putting several heavy pebbles on the bottom. You can also grow a dendrobium in the hanging basket, then it will definitely not fall.
  2. As a block, you can use a fragment of a tree fern, carefully attaching to it a fishing root of orchids. Do not forget to make a substrate based on moss.
  3. Instead of moss, vermiculite or agroperlite can be added to the substrate for moisture intensity.

Derdrobiuma - so much different plantsthat you will definitely find yourself a variety of soul. You can choose a suitable instance not only in a flower shop, but also to order on the Internet, but all the problems arising for growing on various forums of flower water.

Derdrobium - another representative of the orchid family, the birthplace of which are Himalayas, China, Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, Vietnam. Belong to the type of epiphytic due to the fact that they are mainly growing on the treesBut there are some species preferring to grow on earth and rocks. With the defensation and characteristics of this species can be found below.

For the first time this species was detected at the end of the 18th century Swedish botany on the Caribbean Islands and became very popular in Europe thanks original form Flowers that covered the entire plants stem. The name that Olaf Schwartz gave these colors, consists of two Greek words meaning "tree" and "life", which characterizes their epiphytic properties.

There are both completely tiny representatives of this kind and giants are long to two meters. Brushes colors can be straight or curved, the number of flowers located on them can vary from twelve to one hundred pieces. Coloring different: from a variety of shades of yellow to violet tones, including white and red colors. Some flowers have a double or triple color. The overall feature for all types of dendrobium is the presence of "lips" or "chin", the color of which is different from the main flower tone.

As home plants there are some types of hybrids of these plants. They are very popular among the flowers due to their unpretentiousness. The number of them already reaches.

Popular species

The genus of this orchid is one of the most diverse and numerous, he has about one and a half thousand different types of species. The most common among them are: Paris, Doddrobium Falenopsis, noble or Nobile, Divorce, King, Lindleja.

Flower care at home

It is very difficult to characterize the care at home for all types of dendrobium orchids, due to the fact that their natural habitat is very diverse. For some species, it is characteristic of heat and humidity, in the other favor of dry atmosphere. Also, the various seasons of vegetation and the need for feeding in the rest stage. But it is possible to determine the overall in care for this type of orchids.

Choosing a substrate

For the dendrobium, a substrate is needed, which is sold in stores with labeling mixture for orchids or made independently from the bark and moss.

With high air dryness indoors, MCH should add more to save moisture in a pot.

At the bottom of the tank, it would be nice to put gravel, so that the pot was stable. On top of gravel fanning the bark of a large fraction, and then medium and shallow. Top covering the layer of moss-sfagnum.

Video about the substrate for the dendrobium orchid, we are preparing themselves

Choosing a pot

All types of dendrobium orchids are suitable small capacity. For breeding some species, except for the pots, you can use bark blocks, wood or plastic mesh, as well as orchid baskets.

Pots can be used by plastic, but it is desirable to select those in which the vase will not tip over, that is, clay. Size Pot must match the size of the root system, which should be placed in a pot freely, not touching its edges at a distance of 1-2 cm. Another important requirement is the presence of a good drainage hole in a pot.


The watering procedure is practically no different from watering other types of orchids. In a warm period of time Watering should be abundant, but without water busting, so that the roots of the vase do not start rot. In the autumn-winter period The amount of irrigation decreases. Water for watering is not used tough, residual, room temperature. Also for cleansing leaves and improve the condition of the vase, it is desirable to use a warm shower.


Most dendrobiums are a thermal-loving plant that loves a bright scattered light. But in order to avoid burns of leaves, vases need to be dialed against direct sunlight.

At the time when orchids voluntaries new shoots, it most of all needs a lot of light, and it falls for the period of the end of summer and autumn. In winter, it is recommended to use additional artificial illumination. On average, for 5 hours a day.


Temperature during active growth day should be + 20-26 degrees, at night + 15-20 degrees. Also during this period for orchids, it is very useful to find outdoor in the fresh air, for this you can use open balconies, gazebos, verandas, gardens. Air temperature difference is useful for further development and lush flowering Plants in winter.

At the stage of stopping growth, namely autumn-winter time, the daily temperature should be reduced to + 12-17 degrees, and the night - + 10-13 degrees.

If the temperature is excessively high, the roots of the orchids cease to absorb moisture and the foxes will quickly evaporate, and this can lead to a flower drying.


The optimal indicator of humidity for orchid is 50-80%That is, above average. To achieve this percent, the summer flower is desirable to be taken to open air and spray as often as possible. In winter, it is used for this, a pallet with a wet gravel, to which vases or artificial humidifiers are placed.


Feeding for orchid is used often during its active growth, namely spring-summer period. Each third watering is used special fertilizer for orchids, only 50% concentration.

For extra -orn subordinateThe flower is sprayed with a very low-concentrated fertilizer.


Every year, most often in the spring, after the flowering of the dendrobium must be replanted. Every year, the flower releases new shoots that over time turns it into a lush thick bush. Capacity in this case, when transplanting, you need to choose more than the previous one. If you split the bush into several parts, it is so possible to multiply it.

Methods of breeding

Delude dendrobium in two ways:

Division bush

In this case adult plant You need to get out of the pot, clean the roots and divide into parts. Each part should consist of several mature boulevards and so many new sprouts. Flower sections are advised to spray activated coal.. Each part is planted into the pots prepared in advance with the new soil.

Reproduction of cuttings

For this, the pseudobulb is separated from the uterine bush and it is cut on a cutken with a size of about 10 cm. In advance prepared polyethylene packets filled with moss-sphagnum, we place several cuttings. I fasten the packages, we leave them in a brightly lit room at a temperature of + 22-25 degrees. Every day, conducting the procedure for venting and moistening containing packages. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will release roots. When it happens, transplant the cuttings into the pots with soil. Flowers after such reproduction will appear only in a few years.

Video about the reproduction of orchid dendrobium Nobile


Dendrobium in pruning does not needIn contrast, for example, from phalaenopsis. It is necessary to take into account that Falenopis is cut off the floweros, which is not in the dendrobium. And the pseudobulb, which plowed, will serve as a feedback for the growth of other shoots.

The removal of the pseudobulb occurs only in the case of its complete drying, then it is necessary to cut it from the very base and process the cut cinnamon or chopped activated carbon.

Diseases and pests of orchid dendrobium how to deal

The main reason for which the growth and development of the flower may be disturbed - this violation of the rules of watering and temperature mode . The use of the improper composition of the substrate and the use of the inappropriate composition of the feeding is played as a major role.

The main diseases found by the dendrobium are:


Manifest in the form of light spots on outside Plant sheet. In this case bacteria columns multiply on the bottom of the sheet, and suffers from this upper part, which acquires a grayish brown shade. To treat this infection, the flower should be sprayed with insecticides.


Expressed in the form of brown plaques on the leaves. Due to the fact that the plaques absorb cell juices of sheets, they dry and fall out. You can get rid of the shields by washing a sheet with water with a soap solution and spraying with a variety of accomplices.

Moshka, laying green larvae on the underside. Similar to the shield, it sucks the juice from the flower, which leads to the yellowed and fitting of the leaves. Extract midges need to get rid of the affected leaves and flowers, after which spraying every three days with such preparations as fufan, intavir or accility.