Grow bonsai with your own hands. Species diversity Bonsai.

In the literal translation, the word "bonsai" means grown on a tray. In essence, bonsai, it is an art that implies the cultivation of a miniature copy of the tree. It arose in the late VIII century, in China, and was the main decoration of the imperial yard. Since that time, many styles arose, which differ in the structure of the barrel and crown. Bonsai trees - street, their size varies from two centimeters to one and a half meters. Even if you do not know how to grow bonsai at home, this art becomes affordable thanks to the article.

Trees for Bonsai - species and features

Some people mistakenly believe that bonsai is some kind of culture, characterized by dwarf sizes and a bizarre form. In fact, it is not. You can grow bonsai from almost any tree. The main condition is to know which culture is suitable for creating a harmonious miniature copy.

  1. Juniper, Irga, Spruce and Rhododendron 8-20 cm.
  2. Barbaris, Maple field and rock, turquoine, Mountain pine 20-30 cm.
  3. Pine ordinary, maple american, birch, hazel, elm 30-70 cm.
  4. Lipa, larch, ash, Maple is a clarity or paid planer, oak, beech, black pine 60-100 cm.
  5. Wisteria, Chestnut, Black Pine, Platan, Buzin, Acacia 100-130 cm.

Seeds liked wood can be purchased in the botanical garden, a specialized store or assemble in a city park. A good option For beginners - buy sowing material in China. Seeds of trees such as spruce, pine, fir, oak or becklets are ready for disembarking after collecting.

Seeds of other plants must be at rest for some time and stratification.

Stratification of seeds as a measure of preparing for sowing

There are seeds that are specifically prepared before landing - this is Sakura seeds. In essence, the Japanese cherry (Sakura) - perfect material To create bonsai. From the Seeds of Japanese Sakura, you can create real masterpieces that can hit by amazing forms. So that the plant can germinate properly, the seeds of this tree are subjected to stratification.

In essence, stratification is a process that imitates winter conditions In order to better germinate seeds. There are several ways to stratify plants:

  1. Cold stratification. It is necessary for seeds that need to be ripened: pine, thui or blue ate. Seeds of such plants are first soaked in slightly warm waterAnd then placed in the refrigerator. In this way produced artificial imitation Delta temperature in nature.
  2. Warm stratification. Use to "awaken" seeds. Planting material Place in warm water for several hours or days. You can also place seeds not into liquid, but on Wednesday with high humidity: Wrap a wet cloth or put in the wet coconut substrate.
  3. Combined stratification. It applies to maple seeds, cedar, sakura, who will germinate for a long time. Its essence lies in changing cold and warm stratification. Initially, the seeds are placed in the cold room, and immediately before landing soaked in warm water. Combined stratification is common when growing bonsai.

In addition to stratification, seeds should be subject to disinfection so that the plants are not afraid of the appearance of fungal formations. To do this, you can use a manganese solution.

This tool perfectly disinfect seeds before landing. The sowing material is soaked in pinkish water. Seed disinfection lasts from 5 days to 2 weeks. After the seeds passed stratification and disinfection, they can be planted.

Soil and Capacity for Growing Bonsai

The best soil for seeds is the coarse sand, which is written before use. This is a kind of disinfection that will not give the plant to die. It is recommended to use a wide capacity of 5 cm depth and drainage holes. Before planting sand, it is necessary to moisten well and make special grooves in which seeds will be placed.

To grow bonsai at home, it is worth taking care of the preparation of the soil and choosing the desired container. The container in which the miniature tree is grown may be of different shapes and depth. Rectangle, oval, circle or polyhedron, deep or flat - the choice is really big. Remember, if the bonsai barrel will have a slope, the container for it should be more stable. In this case, give preference to deep containers or what is made of heavy material.

The coloring of the container must be calm and negligent, it will only emphasize the elegance of the plant. Moreover, the rig must match the bonsai style. If a miniature copy will have a thick crown, then it is better to choose a flat and wide container. For bonsai cascade style, a narrow and high pot is suitable, and high plant crowns will better emphasize the containers of deep, but not wide.

Before disembarking, scatter boiling water in order to destroy possible sources of fungus and bacteria.

Traditionally, bonsai is grown in a special substrate, which is called Acadama. It is a heavy soil in which a lot nutrients, high level moisture and good circulates air. However, such land is rarely used in its pure form. First, in its pure form it is only in one of the prefectures of Japan, and secondly, the high concentrate of nutrients does not always have favorably affect the bonsai, especially at that time when the tree is attached to the form.

Substrate for bonsai, must meet several criteria: keep moisture well, keep useful material And ensure oxygen access to prevent the revelation or reinforcement of the roots. A good substrate is mixed from grainy clay, humus and sand, in that ratio, which is suitable for each type of plant.

  1. Tree view and used soil.
  2. Falling trees. Cherry earth and sand, in a ratio of 7 to 3 (3 parts of sand and 7 parts of the turf).
  3. Bonsai blooming. The mixture is prepared from the turf, sand and humus, in the 7: 3: 1 ratio.
    Coniferous bonsai. Four parts of sand and 6 pieces of turf.

You can prepare the soil yourself at home. Surrous land can be accumulated in the meadow. It is only worth removing the top vegetable layer, and the upper 20 centimeters of the Earth can be used to grow bonsai.

Before applying the Earth needs to be cleaned, asking for a large source. Sand should take a river, coarse-grain. It will make the soil more loose, which will improve the circulation of air, and the moisture is better. Before use, all these components should be disinfected by warming up in the oven. Gumus is also purchased in a specialized store or order via the Internet.

Features Seeding seeds and plant care

Disembarking produce in spring, summer or early autumn in peat potswhich are filled with a mixture of sand and peat, in a ratio of one to one. If you have nowhere to buy peat, then you can buy land for cacti and mix it with coarse sand. Such a substance will be a full replacement. Observe the following sequence of actions.

  1. Pour the mixture into a pot in such a way that it remains to the edge for another 3 cm.
  2. Add 1 centimeter of the purified turf of the earth, press the wooden circle.
  3. Put the seeds on the prepared surface and fall asleep their sand layer. The thickness of the layer of no more than two diameters of the seed.
  4. Press the wooden circle again, remove it and water the sand with water (no more than 80 ml).
  5. Cover the polyethylene film.

Put the pot with seeds in a dark place with a temperature of no more than 15 0 C. Periodically, remove the film to ventilate and check if the soil did not dry. It should always be wet, but not wet.

When the first sprouts picked up polyethylene to provide air access. After the first shoots appear, remove the film from the pots and transfer to the lighted room. Make sure that the plants do not get the straight rays of the sun. After 2-3 months, it is worth cutting off the rod root on 2/3, this process calls the formation of seedlings.

In the ground, which matches the seedlings, add fertilizers. Replancing seedlings in a separate form is necessary after the sprout will grow by 10 centimeters. During this period, the sprout can be accustomed to the sunshine and at the same time not to cease to form the desired form.

According to such a scheme, you can grow sakur bonsai or Japanese pine . But some types of trees need a special approach.

Features of agrotechnics of Japanese and red maple

This tree begins to drop seeds in the fall. To grow bonsai from maple seeds, they need to subjected to stratification within 120 days. Optimal time For landing April or May. Sprouts appear faster, the seeds are soaked for 1-2 days in hydrogen peroxide. This measure will speed up the process of germination and secure the plant from diseases.

Bonsai from the seeds of all types of maple, especially red, you need to grow in a half - it is contraindicated with straight sunny rays. Earth for growing this species should fertilize once a month to achieve the desired level of acidity. IN winter Purchase exclude.

Features of Agrotechnology Bonsai from Lemon

It's not difficult to grow a plant from lemon seeds. Stratification in this case is not needed. Seeds for disembarkation are removed directly from the fruit. It must be ripe, but without external damage. You can sit down at once a few bones.

  1. Prepare a pot and soil according to the principle described above.
  2. At the bottom of the tank, make 1-2 cm drainage.
  3. Fill out the home prepared soil.
  4. Lemon seeds place 1.5 cm depicure.
  5. Pot wrap film.

In the room where the container with seeds will be stored with no less than 18 0 C. With a frequency of 2-3 days, remove the film and slightly wet the surface with water. Do not overeat so that the formed roots do not rot.

Features of agrotechnology cedar

From cedar seeds easier to grow bonsai, they are suitable for beginner gardeners. Stratification sowing material It has two stages.

  1. Lasts 6 days. Seeds are placed in water with a temperature of 25-30 0 s and change it every two days.
  2. The term of stratification is 60 days. Seeds get out of the water and stirred with disinfected river sand and peat. This substance with seeds are moisturized and periodically mixed until the first sprouts are bled.

As soon as the sprouts proceed, the seeds can be planted or placed in the container. In this form, the cedar seeds can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 0 s until the plant is planted. Cedar love the illuminated place, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Exception - Young bonsai from the seed of the Japanese cedar. It will be better to grow in the shaded room.

Features of the Agrotechnology of Japanese Pine

There are 2 types of Japanese pine: black (less demanding of lighting) and ordinary. Before planting seeds undergo a mandatory 3-month cold stratification. Seed seeds are needed in deep container to a depth of 2 centimeters. Sowing time is the end of winter.

The grooves are cut at a distance of 3 cm from each other to facilitate care for sprouted, but not yet ripened bonsai seedlings. When the first leaflets appear, it is possible to carry out a container in a bright room. For accelerated process Photosynthesis sprouts will faster. You can proceed to the formation of the crown, as soon as the plant reaches 5 cm in height.

Watering, feeding, wintering

The main problem of care for bonsai is to water. Due to the small size of the pots of the root of the tree deform and the efficiency of watering is reduced. There are two main watering methods: irrigation and immersion.

  1. The plant is watered with water from a special kettle.
  2. Pot with a tree put in a bowl with water and take a few minutes.

Watering better by rainwater, if it is not - let it stand for two days with a plumbing.

Remember, bonsai dies without water. Even if its leaves are green, but there was no watering for a long time, the roots are most likely dead.

In the summer, watering must be made more often and pouring water more.

Important when growing bonsai has a feeding, especially at the time of the formation of the crown. The tree fertility every 2-3 weeks, and once a month it is necessary to make fertilizer based on algae. The most important components of fertilizer - potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Nitrogen is responsible for the growth and development of the leaves and the stem of the tree. It is the main component that contributes to cellular division and protein production.

Phosphorus stimulates cell division, responsible for binding and has a positive effect on the growth and development of the root. Protects from diseases.

Potassium helps to fight microorganisms that cause diseases, contributes to the fruiting and development of colors.

These substances should be present for bonsai. IN flower stores It is difficult to find suitable optionwhich contains all substances in the necessary proportions. Therefore, we recommend to mix fertilizers yourself in the following proportions:

  • in the spring, when the growth period is more intense, make more nitrogen. The optimal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - 12: 6: 6, respectively;
  • summer food must be more balanced, so the components are added in the same proportions - 10:10:10
  • the autumn nitrogen requires less, the optimal ratio of components 3 parts of nitrogen and 9 parts of phosphorus and potassium.

If bonsai is grown from flowering tree - Make focus on adding potassium in proportional ratio 12: 6: 6

Houseplants bonsai face round year, and street - from the early spring period and until the middle of the autumn. Young trees feast once every 2 weeks, older bonsai can be picked up every 4-6 weeks. Flowering bonsai should not be fed during flowering and immediately after it. When feeding, remember that it is better to make less fertilizers than to "reconcile" a plant.

With the occurrence of winter, inexperienced gardeners, who have miniature trees are on the street, make a huge mistake - enter them into a warm room. Such behavior makes the tree constantly grow, it takes too much energy and depletes resources. Having deprived the plant of natural "rest," you can launch every effort. A tree that grows on the street is needed to properly prepare for wintering:

  1. Clean the branches from pollution and pests.
  2. Transfer the trees on the elevated, illuminated and protected from drafts garden.
  3. At temperatures below -10 0 s transfer the plant into the unheated room.
  4. Watch that the soil is not too wet.

Bonsai is amazing art and painstaking work, which is read from the selection and search for seeds and never ends. Like all living things, bonsai requires care and thanks its owner for the kindness of green leaves, bizarre forms and a unique refinement of the image.

To secure the material, look at a good video clip on the topic of growing bonsai bonsai. The author has something to learn!

Growing bonsai from seeds - features of agrotechnics

Bonsai - dwarf, but at the same time absolutely healthy and very beautiful trees, whose cultivation is engaged in Japan. Not so easy to grow bonsai for all the rules, since these plants require special attention and care. If you want to grow in the cultivation of bonsai from seeds at home, then use tips from this article.

Initially, Bonsai originated in China, where "Panzai" was called, and later this ancient art passed into Japan and developed there. The legend says that one of the emperors wished to build a miniature copy of his empire, and it was for her these dwarf trees were grown. Today, these dwarf trees are increasingly used to decorate the interior, these dwarf trees are used, to grow with their own hands that manage not every housewife.

Formation of bonsai tree

To grow the right bonsai, you need to purchase the necessary skills, skills and knowledge. It is very complex art, but, nevertheless, in its own way, fascinating and eastern mysterious. Seeds, cuttings and gag can be used for landing. Including for their cultivation take the wild-growing trees of small sizes, growing in strict wild environments. Harsh frosts strong winds And long droughts stop or slow down the growth of the tree. Approximately the same tactics of influences applies in the art of bonsai.

Roots and branches of dwarf trees are cut along a special system, and the branches are also twisted and tied with wire from copper. Unnecessary kidneys, shoots and leaves are removed, and the tree trunks can delay or bend so that they have the form chosen by the owners. Bonsai growth slows down with the following influences:

  • Compress its roots.
  • Minimum capacity of pots.
  • Rough soil, where there is almost no nutrient trace elements.
  • Lack of necessary nitrogenous substances.
  • Impact wind.
  • Impact heating.
  • Exposure to sharp cooling.
  • With an excess of light and insufficient quantity Nitrogenous substances in plants in the wild medium chlorophyll grains stick together and dying. Plants living in the conditions of a swamp where high humidity receive protection from solar excess - they have a leathery sheets of small-dimensional sizes and a sufficient thick cuticle.

    In addition to roset restrictions, Bonsai has other rules that relate to the form chosen for wood. Naturalness and the corresponding rules form - these are two components external view Tree-dwarf. There are many generally accepted types of bonsai, differing from each other by the form, and sometimes sizes. And although according to the general law, the height of the tree should not exceed thirty centimeters, now specialists in this area began to grow trees and larger.

    Wood breeds used also affect general form Obtained bonsai tree. For example, a coniferous breed will delight the eye all year round, as it does not have leaves that could fall. Bonsai, distinguished by beautiful fruits or flowers, will show himself in all its glory at a certain time of the year. There are even species that have the most bright color of the leaves at the autumn time.

    Views of bonsai for growing at home

    As mentioned above, the types of bonsai trees differ from each other in shape, as well as on the placement in the pot. There are many of them, and here are the most common of them:

    1. "Symmetrical" (Tekkan) - a tree growing directly and having strong roots. It is characterized in that it also has a wide trunk. The breeds for it are used in various, can be found and birch, and pine, and elm.

    2. "Flashing" (Sacking) - imitation of the rock landscape. Very often, cherry or oak are grown for her.

    3. "Inclined" (Xianic) - unlike the direct "Tekkan", the dwarf tree of this type is slightly tilted away from the vertical line.

    4. "Bonked by the Wind" (Kengai) - such bonsai looks like a "Xiank", but he is tilted even more, as if for him for many years, the strongest wind was blowing. Sometimes such a tree can even lower her pot. The branches of this type also correspond to the effect of a strong and long wind - they have one direction. At the same time, it is important that the pot for Kingaga was steady, because it is not surprising that, in this case, it is important to maintain balance in the composition.

    5. "Dead Tree" (Sharicimics) - a tree that has no bark. At the same time it does seem to be dying or already inanimate.

    6. "Two trunks" (Kabudati) is a split trunk and a common crown. There are also two trees in one pot, but they grow, as a rule, still from one point.

    7. "Hieroglyphs" (Bunzing) - such a tree has a crown of leaves only on the top of the branches, which is almost deprived of the trunk. It is believed that coniferous rocks in this case will look especially interesting.

    8. "Multiple" (ECE-UE) - like "Kabudati", this is not a single tree, but a few bonsai trees united in one pot. In this case, the imitation of a miniature locker arises.

    9. "Polokscad" (Khan-Kengap) - the base of the bonsai bonsai is growing straight up, but then the trunk begins to bow down. In this case, the stability of the container is also important in which the bonsai grows.

    In addition to the tree itself, there may be tiny houses and figures in the pot, and the ground is often covered with small stone or green moss. From the bonsai tree, you can create a whole composition imitating a natural landscape.

    Also read: how to make bonsai beads

    Bonsai care at home

    When purchasing a finished tree, you need to know the rules for the care of this plant, because bonsai must be trimmed in time, correctly feed and provide the right amount water. It is in winter that it removes very large shoots with it and cut according to the chosen form. For such operations, only clean and sharp tools are used. When replanting, it is necessary to remove the main, thick roots of the village to ensure slow growth.

    Watering in the bonsai tree frequent, albeit not very abundant. It is impossible not to note that the number necessary moisture It also depends on the rock, because, as you know, coniferous trees need a lesser portion of water, rather than deciduous. Very preferably spraying the tree. Each week in summer, the carcarl tree must be fed, and not by conventional fertilizers, and special, intended for such trees. In winter, this is done just once a month.

    Growing a bonce at home, as well as care for it requires compliance with certain rules. In this case, you will get to grow beautiful trees to decorate the interior in the style of ecological minimalism. Experiment and replenish the collection indoor plants new species.

    Bonsai is the art of growing small trees. And although it seems that this is an incredibly complex process, to get a good result in which it is almost impossible, with a lot of desire and dullness everything can work out. Grow bonsai, indeed, it is not easy, especially if you start first, and not buy a ready-made tree. But the person who is not frightened by difficulties will be rewarded to the fullest.

    The history of the cultivation of Bonsai takes its beginning several thousand years ago in the Japanese monarchs. Initially, it was a privilege - to devote time to care for small wood. A little later, art became accessible to all segments of the population, and in the last century it received world distribution.

    To become a professional in growing bonsai, it is necessary not only free time and patience, but also inspiration based on a great desire to grow your own dwarf tree. You can start with the seeds of the tree, but the high probability is to succeed - it is to plant a seedling. In a variety of garden courtyards and specialized stores, you can purchase such a seedling. The main thing is to understand what exactly I want to get in the end.

    To choose the optimal church for yourself, which will delight the eyes and give pleasure, you need to understand what kind of varieties exist, as well as to learn the features of their cultivation.

    At home, in a small pot, you can grow a miniature copy of almost any tree: oak, ficus, pine or birch. Grow up the tree will be according to the same rules of nature as the usual street tree - in the fall to reset the yellowed leaves, and in the spring to spread the kidneys and update the foliage.

    If there is no desire to watch the same picture on the windowsill life cycle Tree, as outside the window, you can buy an evergreen church and enjoy his beauty all year round.
    The miniature tree can be tried to grow from an ordinary seedling. And in order for the bonsai to remain small and did not grow outside the pot, it is constantly needed to cut, forming a crown, and slow down natural development.

    If still decided to try to grow bonsai yourself, for this you need to do the following:
    1. Find a suitable seedling. To do this, you have to go to the nearest landing or forest, choose a tree that you want to grow. It is desirable that the size of the seedling does not exceed 15-20 cm, and digging it, it is necessary to capture a little native land for him so that the tree is easier to adapt.

    2. The seedling must be put into the container with a small height. It is important that it be wide enough. To prepare ground for bonsai, you need to mix 3/5 garden soil, 1/5 peat and 1/5 sand.

    3. After landing, the first trimming of the branches is carried out, it is necessary to leave only horizontal processes.

    4. Better time For the planning of Bonsai is autumn, because during the next few winter months the village will have the opportunity to adapt and root.

    5. The crown should be trim constantly and regularly so that the height of the branches does not exceed 30 cm. It is important to form such a form of the crown that you want to have as a result.

    6. To slow down the growth of the tree, small cuts are made on its trunk, allowing to slow down the flow of juice in the trunk.

    Bonsai transplant is carried out once every 2-3 years, this is done in order to remove the extra roots. The magnitude and shape of the pot should not change, otherwise the tree will begin to grow from miniature sizes.

    Bonsai shape is one of the main features of the tree. To determine what form of the crown of a tree to form, you need to understand what kind of varieties and styles of bonsai exist. The main styles are several: straight, cascade, inclined, multi. In addition, there are many varieties of these styles, each of which characterizes some features, features and symbolizes a certain attitude to life. After all, bonsai is not biology, but philosophy.

    Of course, grow bonsai from the right seedling purchased in a specialized store is much simpler, and the likelihood of the desired result is higher. In the store, together with Rostche, you can get detailed instructions For growing bonsai, as well as necessary fertilizers. But it's more interesting to try to do something yourself. And putting the necessary efforts and producing their patience, you can achieve good results, which will certainly be delighted.

    once chinese emperor ordered to create a miniature empire for his palace, with mountains, plains, meadows, forests and rivers, whose type would please his heart and look. To fulfill the ruler's command, gardeners have created tiny living trees, miniature analogue growing giants.

    The art of bonsai (translated from Japanese means "plant grown in a tray"), refer to the process of growing in a small petty question of the exact, but reduced to miniature sizes of a copy of the tall wood grown in natural conditions.

    The birthplace of this fascinating type of art is China, where it originated about two millennia ago, and after six centuries, together with Buddhists, it turned out in Japan, where he received its development: the Japanese methods of growing elegant trees not only have improved, but also systematized (Japanese bonsai from Chinese is distinguished by great grace).

    If we talk about Japanese art, it is necessary to take into account that it is not just a process for the cultivation of a dwarf tree, but is a whole philosophy, since a person engaged in this must have an appropriate attitude: to be wise, benevolent, delicate and have a sense of justice.

    Since the art of Bonsai in the twentieth century became extremely popular, such an approach to the cultivation of miniature trees by Europeans was somewhat simplified: wishing to have a similar miracle, sufficiently treat work seriously, with love and show a maximum of attention to the plant. In this case, the miniature trees are completely able to live more than a hundred years, combining their presence several generations of the family.

    Exterior appearance

    Bonsai pine and other plants should fully resemble a tree that grew up in vivo and even through the leaves have well-looking branches and a strong trunk with clearly visible roots. Sport bonsai home is needed in a shallow vessel of a simple form with a nonsense color.

    Trees grown on this method are usually small: the largest plant has a height of 120 centimeters, small - does not exceed five. In this regard, the following classification of plants is distinguished:

    • Large - height from 60 to 120 cm;
    • Average - from 30 to 60 cm;
    • Small - from 15 to 30 cm;
    • Miniature - from 5 to 15 cm;
    • Tiny - up to 5 cm.

    The most popular indoor bonsai from five to thirty centimeters: they are so beautiful, fragile and elegant that causing an incomplete thrill, create the impression of your affiliation to an amazing magic country of miniature things.

    Dwarf trees in the house

    Before creating bonsai at home, it must be borne in mind that specialists are not recommended forced to turn the plants of large and medium sizes into dwarf.

    In order to grow bonsai at home, it is desirable or buy an adult village desired size, Or grow using seeds.

    Specialists recommend people interested in how to grow bonsai, acquire seeds of plants with small foliage or cheese. For example, pine bonsai, dwarf bamboo, cypress, crash. Ficusai Benjamin is also well suited - evergreen shrub (despite the fact that this plant does not apply to traditional Japanese art, in the world very popular because of ease of care and rapid growth).

    Before growing bonsai with your own hands, you need to take into account that the occupation is not easy and behind the tree will have to constantly care: in order to get a full-fledged plant will take at least four years (it is so much necessary to sprout seeds and formed a strong trunk).

    It should also be borne in mind that indoor bonsai - trees, therefore, like the other plants of this species, need fresh air and sufficient light. For example, the pine bonsai is quite a way to grow both in the room and outside, but the Japanese black pine throats prefers only on the street, so in winter it is necessary to put the plant in the most cold room And follow the illumination.

    Features of cultivation

    Create dwarf trees from tropical and local plants. Before making bonsai, you need to consider the following points:

    • What kind of soil grows the tree;
    • As far as it is light-blast;
    • Where prefers to grow - in the shade or in light, in wet or dry areas.

    Feature suitable primer, I looked at the place where the bonsai created with her own hands will be, it is necessary to determine what method to grow a tree: stalling or using seeds.

    A person who is interested in how to grow bonsai must take into account that the cultivation of bonsai from the seed is the longest process. Create pine bonsai, cherries, oak and other trees, which are badly drawn, in other ways it will not work: only with the help of seeds.

    Seeds of plants that grow in moderate latitudes, you need to subjected to cold processing. To do this, they must be pre-placed in the coat with moistened sand and put in the refrigerator. At the same time, there are no such machinations with seeds of subtropical and tropical latitudes, but a day before sowing, they need to soak in a slight warm water.

    The soil in which seeds should be planted, should be loose and fastened to pass the air (the magnificent soil for the germination of seeds is obtained when mixing peat with sand). In order to seeds, the soil must be moistened, and the temperature indicators of the air are not lower than 25 degrees.

    But after the appearance of the sprout, the situation changes dramatically: the air temperature should be no higher than eighteen degrees. At the same time, young sprouts need moderate moisture and large amounts of light, otherwise we will become weak and will be subject to diseases. After three or four weeks they are searched by separate vessels (it should be borne in mind that in the dishes of large sizes, the plant may die because its small root system It will not cope with the abundance of moisture).

    As for the reproduction of cuttings, it is more fast way. It must be borne in mind that the cuttings of many trees are doing badly, and therefore everything happens, it should be constantly maintained optimal conditions: combine high humidity with low soil humidity.

    The age of trees with which the cuttings will be cut, should be from 5 to 10 years, and if the plant is considered to be difficult, then younger (from 2 to 3 years). What time of year cut cuttings, largely depends on the latitude where the tree grows: for refinery in moderate latitudes is May and July, but for coniferous trees This period comes either in early spring Before the swelling began to swell, or at the end of summer, when active growth ends.

    To get a stalk, you need to take the middle or upper part of the escape length of up to 20 cm, on which there are at least two nodes. In two centimeters from the lower escape, a cut is made, after which the cuttings are inserted into the ground so that its lower node is completely immersed in the ground: there will be a root system.

    As in the case of seeds, the substrate should be porous to pass the air and water well. Rostock should be periodically sprayed or put into a fairly wet place (a planted cutting can be put under a glass jar or to cover with polyethylene). Temperature indicators of air should be no less than twenty-four degrees, and the place where the cuttings will be well illuminated and ventilated.

    Form of the village

    Forming the composition, you need to remember that everything should look natural, and all components must be combined with each other. For example, it is impossible to plant flowering and fruit trees, grass and shrub, or shrub and tree. Also in the composition there should be no green or color.

    One of the most complex tasks It is the creation of a treble-shaped tree, for which uses such methods like trimming, bandage, cutting branches and other methods (the plant should not have more than two-three branches). Among the variety of forms allocate the main types of Bonsai:

    • Direct - the village has a straight line, slightly thickened down the book;
    • Inclined - grows under the tilt;
    • Multisage - the tree lies on the ground, and several stems grow out of it;
    • Cascade - the top of the tree is tilted below the border of the soil.

    Necessary care

    While the plant is only formed, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to water it very often, but not to fill, fertilizers to give in limited quantities, and reset one year, in the spring, removing extra roots. As for the soil, in which the village will be planted, it is desirable to make it, mixing humus, clay and fine gravel or coarse sand (the soil sold in stores is not very suitable).

    When careing for miniature trees, it is necessary to take into account that in the fresh air it is easier to grown, because room air For him too dry. If the plant is to keep on the balcony or in the garden, care for it is quite easy (the only one, in the summer it is necessary to strengthen from the direct ingress of sunlight, and in the winter to hide from precipitation and wind). But the bedroom bonsai require careful care, so they are usually short-lived.

    There are trees created specifically for the apartment, and therefore possessing more endurance, they require smaller care. But they still need to keep them from heaters: they need high humidity air. Also, when leaving these plants, it is necessary to take into account that they are afraid of drafts.

    In any case, the miniature trees created for the street and for the room are one of the most demanding indoor plants, and therefore it is difficult to care for them: the wrong care or will kill a tree or will make the usual, not attracting the plant.

    Considering that in the main bonsai is a plant of tropical and subtropical latitudes, the climate of the moderate strip does not suit him, therefore, it must be created independently.

    When growing a tropical tree, it is necessary to remember that since the day in moderate latitudes is shorter, for the plant you need to create additional lighting (this question is especially relevant in winter). Considering that every tree needs different quantity Light, about how to care for his plant (how many it is necessary for him and wherever to put), it is advisable to clarify from specialists or on the Internet on special thematic forums.

    Subtropical trees, such as rosemary, pomegranate, olive, in the winter are kept in the room, the temperature indicators in which hesitate from 5 to 15 ° C, and in the summer they put on fresh air. But behind the tropical trees it is more difficult to care: they don't like the cold, so they are kept in enclosed premisesThe temperature of which ranges from 18 to 25 ° C, while even in the summer they are not recommended to put on the windows made from stone. It should be remembered that the higher the temperature indicators of the atmosphere, the more the village needs light, water and nutrients.

    Since the small village is extremely much in need of moisture, it needs to be provided. To do this, it is necessary to put a pot with a plant in a flat, filled with water vessel, at the bottom of which are pre-laid pebbles or grid. Water must be on the same level all the time, and the village itself needs to be splashing regularly.

    As for watering, it should be borne here that the land must be constantly wet (subtropical plants are poured less frequent). As for tropical plants, they will not suffer cold water, Therefore, it is desirable to use either a thawa or a standing water.

    A reduced copy of the tree called Bonsai will become a real highlight of your garden on the windowsill. But not purchased miniature, but grown at home. And the highest aerobatics - the cultivation of the tree with their own hands.

    Motherland Bonsai - Sunny Japan. The name is translated as "a tree in a pot" (you can use a flame or tray for landing). The second version of the translation is "trimming a tree". Bonsai cultivation is a centuries-old art that has been available until recently exclusively Japanese monarchum. And today it is even available for a newcomer. To begin with, prepare this tool:
    • Nippers that have a concave shape for trimming the fine part of the trunk;
    • Scissors for thick branches and forming a smooth cut;
    • A small saw, the blade of which is 15 cm;
    • Scissors with subtle ends;
    • Scissors whose ends are blown off.

    When choosing a plant, preference give the copy, the dimensions of which from 20 and to 50 centimeters, with a healthy root system, which contributes to rapid rooting of the bonsidia and giving the bonsidium greater exotic. For growing, you can use coniferous, deciduous and fruit species. The first group includes Japanese cryptium, juniper, cedar, pine, larch, fir, tee. Sheets are oak, beech, ram, maple, ficus. Among the fruit fit apple tree, hawthorn, plum. As a bonce, you can grow and flowers, such as rose, magnolia, a narrowly picracoon.

    In addition, you should decide in advance with the Bonsai style, drawing a pre-paper form on the paper that you want to obtain as a result of the cultivation of a tree. Eliminate styles such as straight, which has a thickened root, smooth trunk; inclined when the tree is located at an angle to the ground; Multisage (several stems grow from one, which lies on Earth); Cascade when the top leans below the soil. To root, choose a deep container. Subsequently, a transplant is made to a toss, which has low sides. You can also use a tray. It is better to take tanks from clay, porcelain, faience or ceramics. Make sure that the depth of the dishes is equal to the diameter of the trunk at the base. At the same time choose a length of about two thirds from the width of the village. The width should be slightly smaller than the longest branch. After planting the plant, it is good and sinking the ground, and also stuck the trunk of deeper to it thoroughly. Then send the pot into the darkened place where it will be rooted, and arrange a ten-day quarantine. In addition, it is very important to teach the young village to the outdoor air, for this it is recommended to increase the stay of the bonsai on the street. Formed bonsai 2-3 years after you planted the village. To do this, it must be transplanted into a flame. Making it, watch the lower part of the tree, and at the same time and the top of the root system with large quantity Horizontal roots, settled above ground. At the same time, patients with plenty and weak roots need to be removed. To slow down growth, the transplantation use a poor soil, in which there is a loam, overwhelming foliage, sand and stones, and also practiced a decrease in the flow of juices, causing several cuts to the trunk. In addition, it is necessary to pruning the branches when the first kidneys will appear on the tree. However, if there are buds or flowers on the bonsay, the trimming should be refused.