Structure application and chemical composition of cellulose. Cellulose formula

Cellulose is a derivative of two natural substances: wood and cotton. In plants, it performs an important function, gives them flexibility and strength.

Where is the substance found?

Cellulose is a natural substance. Plants are able to produce it on their own. The composition contains: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon.

Plants produce sugar under the influence of sunlight, it is processed by cells and enables the fibers to withstand high wind loads. Cellulose is a substance involved in the photosynthesis process. If sugar water is sprayed onto a slice of a fresh tree, the liquid will quickly absorb.

Pulp production begins. This natural way of obtaining it is taken as the basis for the production of cotton fabric on an industrial scale. There are several methods by which cellulose of various quality is obtained.

Manufacturing Method No. 1

Cellulose is produced by a natural method - from cotton seeds. Hair is collected by automated mechanisms, but a long growing period is required. The fabric produced in this way is considered the cleanest.

More quickly, cellulose can be obtained from wood fibers. However, with this method, the quality is much worse. This material is suitable only for the manufacture of non-fibrous plastic, cellophane. Artificial fibers can also be made from such material.

Natural receipt

The production of cellulose from cotton seeds begins with the separation of long fibers. This material is used to make cotton fabric. Small parts, less than 1.5 cm, are called

They are suitable for the production of cellulose. The assembled parts are heated under high pressure. The duration of the process can be up to 6 hours. Before starting to warm the material, sodium hydroxide is added to it.

The resulting substance must be washed. To do this, chlorine is used, which also bleaches. The composition of cellulose with this method is the purest (99%).

Method of manufacturing No. 2 from wood

To obtain 80-97% of cellulose, coniferous wood chips and chemicals are used. The entire mass is mixed and subjected to temperature treatment. As a result of cooking, the desired substance is released.

Calcium bisulfite, sulfur dioxide and wood pulp are mixed. Cellulose in the resulting mixture is not more than 50%. As a result of the reaction, hydrocarbons and lignins dissolve in the liquid. The solid material goes through a purification step.

Get a mass resembling poor-quality paper. This material serves as the basis for the manufacture of substances:

  • Ethers.
  • Cellophane.
  • Viscose fiber.

What is made from valuable material?

Fibrous, which allows you to make clothes out of it. Cotton material is a 99.8% natural product obtained by the natural method described above. Explosives can be made from it as a result of a chemical reaction. Cellulose is active when acids are applied to it.

The properties of cellulose are applicable to the production of fabrics. So, artificial fibers are made from it, resembling the appearance and touch of natural fabrics:

  • viscose and;
  • artificial fur;
  • copper ammonia silk.

Mostly made from wood pulp:

  • varnishes;
  • film;
  • paper products;
  • plastics
  • sponges for washing dishes;
  • smokeless powder.

As a result of a chemical reaction from cellulose receive:

  • trinitrocellulose;
  • dinitrocellulose;
  • glucose
  • liquid fuel.

Cellulose can also be used in food. As part of some plants (celery, lettuce, bran), its fibers are present. It also serves as a material for the production of starch. We have already learned to make thin threads out of it - the artificial web is very durable and does not stretch.

The chemical formula of cellulose is C6H10O5. It is a polysaccharide. From it are made:

  • medical cotton wool;
  • bandages;
  • tampons;
  • cardboard, chipboard;
  • food supplement E460.

Advantages of the substance

Cellulose can withstand high temperatures up to 200 degrees. Molecules are not destroyed, this allows you to make reusable plastic dishes from it. At the same time, an important quality is retained - elasticity.

Cellulose can withstand prolonged exposure to acids. Absolutely insoluble in water. It is not digested by the human body, it is used as a sorbent.

Microcrystalline cellulose is used in alternative medicine as a drug for cleaning the digestive system. A powdery substance acts as a food supplement to reduce the calorie content of consumed foods. This helps to eliminate toxins, lower blood sugar and cholesterol.

Manufacturing Method No. 3 - Industrial

At the production sites, pulp is prepared by cooking in various environments. The material used depends on the type of reagent - the type of tree:

  • Resinous rocks.
  • Deciduous trees.
  • Plants.

There are several types of cooking reagents:

  • Otherwise, the method is referred to as sulfite. As a solution, a salt of sulfurous acid or its liquid mixture is used. In this production variant, cellulose is isolated from coniferous species. Fir, spruce are well processed.
  • The alkaline medium or soda method is based on the use of sodium hydroxide. The solution separates cellulose well from plant fibers (corn stalks) and trees (mainly deciduous).
  • The simultaneous use of hydroxide and sodium sulfide is used in the sulfate method. It is widely introduced in the production of white liquor sulfide. The technology is quite negative for the environment due to the formation of third-party chemical reactions.

The latter method is the most common because of its versatility: cellulose can be obtained from almost any tree. However, the purity of the material is not quite high after one cooking. Impurities are eliminated by additional reactions:

  • hemicelluloses are removed with alkaline solutions;
  • lignin macromolecules and the products of their destruction are removed by chlorine followed by treatment with alkali.

The nutritional value

Starch and cellulose have a similar structure. As a result of experiments, it was possible to obtain a product from inedible fibers. It is required by a person constantly. Food consumed consists of more than 20% starch.

Scientists have managed to obtain amylose from cellulose, which positively affects the state of the human body. At the same time, glucose is released during the reaction. It turns out non-waste production - the last substance is sent for the manufacture of ethanol. Amylose also serves as a means of preventing obesity.

As a result of the reaction, the cellulose remains in a solid state, settling to the bottom of the vessel. The remaining components are removed using magnetic nanoparticles or dissolved and discharged with liquid.

Types of Substances on Sale

Suppliers offer pulp of various quality at affordable prices. We list the main types of material:

  • White sulfate cellulose produced from two types of wood: coniferous and hardwood. There is unbleached material used in packaging material, poor quality paper for insulation materials and other purposes.
  • Commercially available sulfite is also white, made from conifers.
  • The white powder material is suitable for the production of medical substances.
  • Premium cellulose is bleached without chlorine. Coniferous species are taken as raw material. Wood pulp consists of a combination of spruce and pine wood chips in a ratio of 20/80%. The purity of the material obtained is the highest. It is suitable for the manufacture of sterile materials used in medicine.

To select a suitable pulp, standard criteria are used: material purity, tensile strength, fiber length, tear resistance index. The chemical state or aggressiveness of the aqueous extract medium and humidity are also quantified. For pulp supplied in the form of bleached pulp, other indicators are applicable: specific volume, brightness, grinding value, tensile strength, degree of purity.

Important for the pulp mass is an indicator - the index of tear resistance. The purpose of the produced materials depends on it. Consider used as raw material, and humidity. The level of resins and fats is also important. Powder homogeneity is important for certain processes. For similar purposes, the viscosity and bursting strength of a sheet material are evaluated.

fiber, the main building material of the plant world, forming the cell walls of trees and other higher plants. The purest natural form of cellulose is cotton seed hair.
Purification and isolation. Currently, only two sources of pulp are of industrial importance - cotton and wood pulp. Cotton is an almost pure cellulose and does not require complex processing to become the starting material for the manufacture of artificial fiber and non-fibrous plastics. After the long fibers used for making cotton fabrics are separated from the cotton seed, short hairs, or “lint” (cotton fluff), are 10-15 mm long. The lint is separated from the seed, heated under pressure with a 2.5-3% sodium hydroxide solution for 2-6 hours, then washed, bleached with chlorine, washed again and dried. The resulting product is a 99% pure cellulose. The yield is 80% (mass.) Lint, and the rest is lignin, fats, waxes, pectates and seed husks. Pulp is usually made from the wood of coniferous trees. It contains 50-60% cellulose, 25-35% lignin and 10-15% hemicelluloses and non-cellulose hydrocarbons. In the sulfite process, wood chips are cooked under pressure (about 0.5 MPa) at 140 ° C with sulfur dioxide and calcium bisulfite. In this case, lignins and hydrocarbons pass into solution and cellulose remains. After washing and bleaching, the cleaned mass is cast into loose paper, similar to blotting paper, and dried. Such a mass of 88-97% consists of cellulose and is quite suitable for chemical processing into viscose fiber and cellophane, as well as into cellulose derivatives - esters and ethers. The process of regenerating cellulose from a solution by adding acid to its concentrated copper-ammonia (that is, containing copper sulfate and ammonium hydroxide) aqueous solution was described by the Englishman J. Mercer around 1844. But the first industrial application of this method, which laid the foundation for the copper-ammonia fiber industry, attributed to E. Schweitzer (1857), and its further development is the merit of M. Cramer and I. Schlossberger (1858). And only in 1892 Cross, Bevin and Beadle in England invented the process of producing viscose fiber: a viscous (hence the name viscose) aqueous solution of cellulose was obtained after the cellulose was treated first with a strong solution of caustic soda, which gave "sodium cellulose" and then carbon disulfide (CS2 ), resulting in a soluble cellulose xanthate. When squeezing a trickle of this “spinning” solution through a die with a small round hole into an acid bath, cellulose was regenerated in the form of viscose fiber. By squeezing the solution into the same bath through a die with a narrow slit, a film called cellophane was obtained. J. Brandenberger, who was engaged in this technology in France from 1908 to 1912, was the first to patent the continuous process of making cellophane.
Chemical structure. Despite the wide industrial use of cellulose and its derivatives, the currently accepted chemical structural formula of cellulose was proposed (by W. Howors) only in 1934. However, its empirical formula C6H10O5, known from the quantitative analysis of well-washed and dried samples, has been known since 1913 : 44.4% C, 6.2% H and 49.4% O. Thanks to the work of G. Staudinger and K. Freudenberg, it was also known that this is a long-chain polymer molecule, consisting of those shown in Fig. 1 repeating glucoside residues. Each link has three hydroxyl groups - one primary (- CH2CHOH) and two secondary (\u003e CHCHOH). By 1920, E. Fisher established the structure of simple sugars, and in the same year, X-ray studies of cellulose for the first time showed a clear diffraction pattern of its fibers. The X-ray pattern of the cotton fiber indicates a distinct crystalline orientation, but the flax fiber is even more streamlined. During cellulose regeneration in the form of fiber, crystallinity is largely lost. As it is easy to see in the light of the achievements of modern science, the structural chemistry of cellulose practically stood still from 1860 to 1920 for the reason that all the time the auxiliary scientific disciplines necessary to solve the problem remained in their infancy.

Viscose fiber and cellophane. Both viscose fiber and cellophane are regenerated (from solution) cellulose. Purified natural cellulose is treated with excess concentrated sodium hydroxide; after removing the excess, its lumps are rubbed and the resulting mass is kept under carefully controlled conditions. With this “aging”, the length of the polymer chains decreases, which contributes to subsequent dissolution. Then crushed cellulose is mixed with carbon disulfide and the resulting xanthate is dissolved in a solution of caustic soda to obtain a "viscose" - a viscous solution. When viscose enters an aqueous solution of acid, cellulose is regenerated from it. Simplified summary reactions are as follows:

Viscose fiber, obtained by extruding viscose through small openings of a die into an acid solution, is widely used for the manufacture of clothing, drapery and upholstery fabrics, as well as in technology. Significant amounts of viscose fiber go to technical belts, tapes, filters and tire cord.
Cellophane. Cellophane, obtained by extruding viscose into an acid bath through a narrow slot die, then passes through washing, bleaching and plasticizing baths, is passed through drying drums and wound into a roll. The surface of the cellophane film is almost always coated with nitrocellulose, resin, some kind of wax or varnish to reduce the transmission of water vapor and provide the possibility of thermal sealing, since uncoated cellophane does not have the property of thermoplasticity. In modern factories, polyvinylidene chloride type polymer coatings are used for this, since they are less moisture permeable and give a more durable compound during thermal sealing. Cellophane is widely used mainly in packaging industry as a wrapping material for haberdashery goods, food products, tobacco products, and also as the basis for self-adhesive packaging tape.
Viscose sponge. Along with the production of fiber or film, viscose can be mixed with suitable fibrous and fine crystalline materials; after acid treatment and water leaching, such a mixture is converted into viscose sponge material (Fig. 2), which is used for packaging and thermal insulation.

Copper-ammonia fiber. Regenerated cellulose fiber is also produced on an industrial scale by dissolving cellulose in a concentrated copper-ammonia solution (CuSO4 in NH4OH) and spinning the resulting fiber solution into an acid precipitation bath. This fiber is called copper-ammonia.
Chemical properties. As shown in fig. 1, cellulose is a high polymer carbohydrate consisting of C6H10O5 glucoside residues connected by ether bridges at position 1.4. The three hydroxyl groups in each glucopyranose unit can be esterified with organic agents such as a mixture of acids and acid anhydrides with an appropriate catalyst, for example sulfuric acid. Ethers can be formed as a result of the action of concentrated sodium hydroxide, leading to the formation of soda cellulose, and the subsequent reaction with an alkyl halide:

Reaction with ethylene or propylene oxide gives hydroxylated ethers:

The presence of these hydroxyl groups and the geometry of the macromolecule is responsible for the strong polar mutual attraction of neighboring units. The forces of attraction are so great that ordinary solvents are not able to break the chain and dissolve the cellulose. These free hydroxyl groups are also responsible for the high hygroscopicity of cellulose (Fig. 3). Etherification and etherification reduce hygroscopicity and increase solubility in common solvents.

Under the action of an aqueous solution of acid, oxygen bridges break in the 1,4- position. A complete chain break gives glucose - a monosaccharide. The initial chain length depends on the origin of the pulp. It is maximum in its natural state and decreases during the process of isolation, purification, and conversion to derivative compounds (see table).

Material Number of glucoside residues
Raw cotton 2500-3000
Purified Cotton Lint 900-1000
Purified wood pulp 800-1000
Regenerated Cellulose 200-400
Industrial cellulose acetate 150-270

Even mechanical shear, for example with abrasive grinding, leads to a decrease in chain length. With a decrease in the length of the polymer chain below a certain minimum value, the macroscopic physical properties of the cellulose change. Oxidizing agents have an effect on cellulose without causing cleavage of the glucopyranose ring (Fig. 4). The subsequent action (in the presence of moisture, for example, during climatic tests), as a rule, leads to chain breaking and an increase in the number of aldehyde-like end groups. Since the aldehyde groups are easily oxidized to carboxyl, the content of carboxyl, which is practically absent in natural cellulose, sharply increases under atmospheric conditions and oxidation.

Like all polymers, cellulose is destroyed under the influence of atmospheric factors as a result of the combined action of oxygen, moisture, acidic components of air and sunlight. The ultraviolet component of sunlight is important, and many agents that are well protective against UV radiation increase the life of the cellulose derivatives. The acidic components of the air, such as nitrogen and sulfur oxides (which are always present in the atmospheric air of industrial areas), accelerate decomposition, often having a stronger effect than sunlight. For example, in England it was noted that cotton samples tested under the influence of atmospheric conditions in winter, when there was practically no bright sunlight, degraded faster than in summer. The fact is that the burning of large quantities of coal and gas in winter led to an increase in the concentration of nitrogen and sulfur oxides in the air. Acid absorbers, antioxidants, and UV absorbers reduce the sensitivity of cellulose to weathering. Substitution of free hydroxyl groups leads to a change in such sensitivity: cellulose nitrate degrades faster, and acetate and propionate slower.
Physical properties Cellulose polymer chains are packed in long bundles, or fibers, in which, along with ordered, crystalline, there are less ordered, amorphous regions (Fig. 5). The measured crystallinity percentage depends on the type of pulp as well as on the measurement method. According to x-ray data, it ranges from 70% (cotton) to 38-40% (viscose fiber). X-ray structural analysis gives information not only about the quantitative relationship between crystalline and amorphous material in the polymer, but also about the degree of fiber orientation caused by stretching or normal growth processes. The sharpness of the diffraction rings characterizes the degree of crystallinity, and the diffraction spots and their sharpness characterizes the presence and degree of preferred orientation of crystallites. In the sample of the cellulose acetate acetate obtained by the “dry” molding process, both the degree of crystallinity and orientation are very small. The degree of crystallinity in the triacetate sample is greater, but there is no preferred orientation. Heat treatment of triacetate at a temperature of 180-240 ° C significantly increases its crystallinity, and orientation (stretching) in combination with heat treatment gives the most ordered material. Flax exhibits a high degree of crystallinity and orientation.
see also

Fig. 5. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE of cellulose. Molecular chains pass through several micelles (crystalline regions) of length L. Here A, A "and B" are the ends of the chains lying in the crystallized region; B is the end of the chain outside the crystallized region.

Bushmelev V.A., Volman N.S. The processes and apparatus of pulp and paper production. M., 1974 Cellulose and its derivatives. M., 1974 Akim E.L. et al. Technology of processing and processing of pulp, paper and cardboard. L., 1977

Encyclopedia of Collier. - Open Society. 2000 .


The molecular formula for cellulose is (-C 6 H 10 O 5 -) n, as is starch. Cellulose is also a natural polymer. Its macro-neighborhood consists of many residues of glucose molecules. The question may come up: why do starch and cellulose - substances with the same molecular formula - have different properties?

When considering synthetic polymers, we have already found that their properties depend on the number of elementary units and their structure. The same situation applies to natural polymers. It turns out that the degree of polymerization of cellulose is much greater than that of starch. In addition, comparing the structures of these natural polymers, it was found that cellulose macromolecules, unlike starch, consist of residues of the b-glucose molecule and have only a linear structure. Cellulose macromolecules are located in one direction and form fibers (flax, cotton, hemp).

Each residue of the glucose molecule contains three hydroxyl groups.

Physical properties .

Cellulose is a fibrous substance. It does not melt and does not turn into a vaporous state: when heated to about 350 ° C, cellulose decomposes - carbonizes. Cellulose is insoluble in water or in most other inorganic and organic solvents.

The inability of cellulose to dissolve in water is an unexpected property for a substance containing three hydroxyl groups for every six carbon atoms. It is well known that polyhydroxy compounds are readily soluble in water. The insolubility of cellulose is explained by the fact that its fibers are like “bundles” of parallel filamentous molecules connected by a variety of hydrogen bonds, which are formed as a result of the interaction of hydroxyl groups. The solvent cannot penetrate inside such a “beam”, and therefore, molecules do not break apart from each other.

The cellulose solvent is Schweizer's reagent - a solution of copper (II) hydroxide with ammonia, with which it simultaneously interacts. Concentrated acids (sulfuric, phosphoric) and a concentrated solution of zinc chloride also dissolve cellulose, but at the same time its partial decomposition (hydrolysis) occurs, accompanied by a decrease in molecular weight.

Chemical properties .

The chemical properties of cellulose are determined primarily by the presence of hydroxyl groups. By using metallic sodium, it is possible to obtain cellulose alcoholate n. Under the action of concentrated aqueous solutions of alkalis, the so-called mercerization occurs - a partial formation of cellulose alcoholates, leading to swelling of the fiber and an increase in its susceptibility to dyes. As a result of oxidation, a certain number of carbonyl and carboxyl groups appear in the cellulose macromolecule. Under the influence of strong oxidizing agents, the decomposition of the macromolecule occurs. The hydroxyl groups of cellulose are able to alkylate and acylate to give ethers and esters.

One of the most characteristic properties of cellulose is the ability in the presence of acids to undergo hydrolysis with the formation of glucose. Like starch, the hydrolysis of cellulose proceeds in steps. In total, this process can be represented as follows:

(C 6 H 10 O 5) n + nH 2 O H2SO4_ nC 6 H 12 O 6

Since there are hydroxyl groups in the cellulose molecules, it is characterized by esterification reactions. Of these, the reactions of cellulose with nitric acid and acetic anhydride are of practical importance.

When cellulose interacts with nitric acid in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid, depending on the conditions, dinitrocellulose and trinitrocellulose are formed, which are esters:

When cellulose interacts with acetic anhydride (in the presence of acetic and sulfuric acids), triacetyl cellulose or diacetyl cellulose is obtained:

Cellulose is burning. In this case, carbon monoxide (IV) and water are formed.

When heating wood without air, decomposition of cellulose and other substances occurs. This produces charcoal, methane, methyl alcohol, acetic acid, acetone and other products.


An example of almost pure cellulose is cotton wool made from peeled cotton. The bulk of the pulp is isolated from wood, in which it is contained together with other substances. The most common method of producing cellulose in our country is the so-called sulfite. According to this method, chopped wood in the presence of a solution of calcium hydrosulfite Ca (HSO 3) 2 or sodium hydrosulfite NaHSO 3 is heated in autoclaves at a pressure of 0.5-0.6 MPa and a temperature of 150 ° C. In this case, all other substances are destroyed, and cellulose is released in a relatively pure form. It is washed with water, dried and sent for further processing, mainly for paper production.


Cellulose has been used by humans since very ancient times. At first, wood was used as a combustible and building material; then cotton, linen and other fibers began to be used as textile raw materials. The first industrial methods of chemical processing of wood arose in connection with the development of the paper industry.

Paper is a thin layer of fiber fibers pressed and glued to create mechanical strength, a smooth surface, to prevent ink from spreading. Initially, vegetable raw materials were used to make paper, from which purely mechanically it was possible to obtain the necessary fibers, stalks of rice (so-called rice paper), cotton, and worn fabrics were also used. However, as book printing developed, these sources of raw materials became scarce to meet the growing need for paper. Especially a lot of paper is spent for printing newspapers, and the issue of quality (whiteness, strength, durability) does not matter for newsprint. Knowing that wood is about 50% fiber, ground wood began to be added to the pulp. Such paper is fragile and quickly turns yellow (especially in the light).

To improve the quality of wood pulp additives, various methods of chemical processing of wood have been proposed, which make it possible to obtain from it more or less pure cellulose, freed from related substances - lignin, resins and others. Several methods have been proposed for the isolation of cellulose, of which we will consider sulfite.

According to the sulfite method, chopped wood is “cooked” under pressure with calcium hydrosulfite. In this case, the accompanying substances dissolve, and the cellulose freed from impurities is separated by filtration. The resulting sulfite liquor is a waste in papermaking. However, due to the fact that they contain, along with other substances, fermentable monosaccharides, they are used as raw materials for the production of ethyl alcohol (the so-called hydrolysis alcohol).

Cellulose is used not only as a raw material in paper production, but also goes for further chemical processing. Most important are the simple and complex cellulose ethers. So, when exposed to cellulose with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids, cellulose nitrates are obtained. All of them are combustible and explosive. The maximum number of nitric acid residues that can be introduced into cellulose is three for each glucose unit:

N HNO3_ n

The product of complete esterification - cellulose trinitrate (trinitrocellulose) - must contain 14.1% nitrogen in accordance with the formula. In practice, a product is obtained with a slightly lower nitrogen content (12.5 / 13.5%), known in the art as pyroxelin. When treated with ether, pyroxylin gelatinizes; after evaporation of the solvent, a compact mass remains. Finely chopped pieces of this mass are smokeless powder.

The nitration products, containing about 10% nitrogen, are responsible for the composition of cellulose dinitrate: in the technique such a product is known as colloxylin. Under the influence of a mixture of alcohol and ether, a viscous solution forms, the so-called collodion, used in medicine. If camphor (0.4 parts camphor per 1 part colloxylin) is added to such a solution and the solvent is evaporated, then a transparent flexible film remains - celluloid. Historically, this is the first known type of plastic. Since the last century, celluloid has been widely used as a convenient thermoplastic material for the production of many products (toys, haberdashery, etc.). It is especially important to use celluloid in the production of film and nitro coatings. A serious drawback of this material is its combustibility, therefore, at present, celluloid is increasingly being replaced by other materials, in particular cellulose acetates.

Cellulose (fiber) is a plant polysaccharide, which is the most common organic substance on Earth.

1. Physical properties

This substance is white, tasteless and odorless, insoluble in water, having a fibrous structure. It is soluble in an ammonia solution of copper (II) hydroxide - Schweizer's reagent.

Video experience “Dissolution of cellulose in an ammonia solution of copper (II) hydroxide”

2. Being in nature

This biopolymer has great mechanical strength and acts as a support material for plants, forming a wall of plant cells. Cellulose is found in large quantities in the tissues of wood (40-55%), in the fibers of flax (60-85%) and cotton (95-98%). The main component of the membrane of plant cells. It is formed in plants during photosynthesis.

Wood consists of 50% cellulose, and cotton and linen, hemp is almost pure cellulose.

Chitin (an analog of cellulose) is the main component of the outer skeleton of arthropods and other invertebrates, as well as in the cell walls of fungi and bacteria.

3. Building

Consists of β - glucose residues

4. Receiving

Derived from wood

5. Application

Cellulose is used in the production of paper, artificial fibers, films, plastics, paints, smokeless powder, explosives, solid rocket fuel, to produce hydrolysis alcohol, etc.

· Obtaining acetate silk - artificial fiber, plexiglass, non-combustible film from cellulose acetate.

· Obtaining smokeless powder from triacetyl cellulose (pyroxylin).

· Obtaining collodion (a dense film for medicine) and celluloid (making films, toys) from diacetyl cellulose.

· Production of threads, ropes, paper.

· Obtaining glucose, ethyl alcohol (for rubber)

The most important cellulose derivatives include:
- cellulose (cellulose methyl ethers) of the general formula

N ( x \u003d 1, 2 or 3);

- cellulose acetate (cellulose triacetate) - cellulose ester of acetic acid

- nitrocellulose (cellulose nitrates) - cellulose nitrate esters:

N ( x \u003d 1, 2 or 3).

6. Chemical properties


(C 6 H 10 O 5) n + nH 2 O t, H2SO4 → nC 6 H 12 O 6


Hydrolysis proceeds in steps:

(C 6 H 10 O 5) n → (C 6 H 10 O 5) m → xC 12 H 22 O 11 → n C 6 H 12 O 6 ( Note, m

dextrinum starch

Video experience “Acid hydrolysis of cellulose”

Esterification reactions

Cellulose is a polyhydric alcohol; three hydroxyl groups fall on the unit cell of the polymer. In this regard, esterification reactions (formation of esters) are characteristic of cellulose. Of greatest practical importance are reactions with nitric acid and acetic anhydride. Cellulose does not produce a silver mirror reaction.

1. Nitration:

(C 6 H 7 O 2 (OH) 3) n + 3 nHNO 3 H 2 SO 4 (conc.) → (C 6 H 7 O 2 (ONO 2) 3) n + 3 nH 2 O


Video experience "Obtaining and properties of nitrocellulose"

Fully esterified fiber is known as pyroxylin, which, after appropriate treatment, turns into smokeless powder. Depending on the nitration conditions, cellulose dinitrate can be obtained, which is called colloxylin in the art. It is also used in the manufacture of gunpowder and solid rocket fuels. In addition, celluloid is made based on colloxylin.

2. Interaction with acetic acid:

(C 6 H 7 O 2 (OH) 3) n + 3nCH 3 COOH H2SO4 ( conc .)→ (C 6 H 7 O 2 (OCOCH 3) 3) n + 3nH 2 O

When cellulose reacts with acetic anhydride in the presence of acetic and sulfuric acids, triacetyl cellulose is formed.

Cellulose Triacetyl (or cellulose acetate) is a valuable product for the manufacture of non-combustible film andacetate silk. For this, cellulose acetate is dissolved in a mixture of dichloromethane and ethanol, and this solution is forced through dies into a stream of warm air.

And the die itself looks schematically like this:

1 - dope solution
2 - die,
3 - fiber.

The solvent evaporates and the trickles of the solution turn into the thinnest threads of acetate silk.

Speaking about the use of pulp, one can not say that a large amount of pulp is consumed for the manufacture of various paper. Paper- This is a thin layer of fiber, glued and pressed on a special paper machine.

Cellulose is a polysaccharide built from elementary units of anhydroD glucose and representing poly-1, 4-β - D glucopyranosylD glucopyranose. Cellulose macromolecule along with anhydroglucose units may contain residues of other monosaccharides (hexoses and pentoses), as well as uronic acids (see. Fig.). The nature and amount of such residues is determined by the conditions of biochemical synthesis.

Cellulose is the main component of the cell walls of higher plants. Together with the substances accompanying it, it plays the role of a skeleton that carries the main mechanical load. Cellulose is mainly found in the hairs of seeds of some plants, for example, cotton (97-98% of cellulose), wood (40-50% based on dry matter), bast fibers, inner layers of plant bark (flax and ramie - 80-90% , jute - 75% and others), the stems of annual plants (30-40%), for example, reeds, corn, cereals, sunflowers.

The separation of cellulose from natural materials is based on the action of reagents that destroy or dissolve non-cellulosic components. The nature of the treatment depends on the composition and structure of the plant material. For cotton fiber (non-cellulose impurities - 2, 0-2, 5% of nitrogen-containing substances; about 1% of pentosans and pectin substances; 0, 3-1, 0% of fats and waxes; 0, 1-0, 2% of mineral salts) use relatively mild selection methods.

The cotton fluff is subjected to a park (3-6 hours, 3-10 atmospheres) with a 1, 5-3% sodium hydroxide solution, followed by washing and bleaching with various oxidizing agents - chlorine dioxide, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide. Some polysaccharides with a low molar weight (pentosans, partially hexosans), uronic acids, and part of fats and waxes pass into the solution. Contentα cellulose (fraction insoluble in 17.5% solutionN aON at 20 ° for 1 hour) can be brought up to 99, 8-99, 9%. As a result of the partial destruction of the morphological structure of the fiber during cooking, the reactivity of cellulose increases (a characteristic that determines the solubility of the esters obtained during the subsequent chemical processing of cellulose and the filterability of the dope solutions of these esters).

To isolate cellulose from wood containing 40-55% cellulose, 5-10% of other hexosanes, 10-20% of pentosans, 20-30% of lignin, 2-5% of resins and a number of other impurities and having a complex morphological structure, more rigid processing conditions; most often use sulphite or sulphate cooking of wood chips.

When sulphite cooking, wood is treated with a solution containing 3-6% freeSO 2 and about 2% SO 2 bound in the form of calcium, magnesium, sodium or ammonium bisulfite. Cooking is carried out under pressure at 135-150 ° for 4-12 hours; cooking solutions for acid bisulfite cooking have a pH from 1, 5 to 2, 5. When sulfite cooking, lignin is sulfonated, followed by its transition into a solution. At the same time, part of the hemicelluloses is hydrolyzed, the oligo- and monosaccharides formed, as well as part of the resinous substances, are dissolved in the cooking alkali. When using cellulose (sulphite cellulose) emitted by this method for chemical processing (mainly in the production of viscose fiber), cellulose is subjected to refinement, the main task of which is to increase the chemical purity and uniformity of cellulose (removal of lignin, hemicellulose, reduction in ash and resin content, change in colloidal chemical and physical properties). The most common refinement methods are to treat bleached pulp with a 4-10% solution.N aON at 20 ° (cold upgrading) or 1% solutionNaOH at 95-100 ° (hot refinement). Refined sulfite cellulose for chemical processing has the following indicators: 95-98%α cellulose; 0, 15--0, 25% of lignin; 1, 8-4, 0% pentosans; 0.07-0.14% resin; 0, 06-0, 13% ash. Sulphite pulp is also used for the manufacture of high quality paper and paperboard.

Wood chips can also be cooked with 4-6% solution N aON (sodium boiling) or its mixture with sodium sulfide (sulfate cooking) at 170-175 ° under pressure for 5-6 hours. In this case, lignin dissolves, a part of the hemicelluloses (mainly hexosanes) is converted and hydrolyzed, and the resulting sugars are converted to organic hydroxy acids (lactic, saccharin and others) and acids (formic). Tar and higher fatty acids gradually pass into the cooking alkali in the form of sodium salts (the so-called“Sulfate soap”). Alkaline cooking is applicable for processing both spruce, and pine and deciduous wood. When using the cellulose (sulfate cellulose) released by this method for chemical processing, the wood is subjected to prehydrolysis before cooking (treatment with dilute sulfuric acid at elevated temperature). Prehydrolysis sulfate cellulose used for chemical processing, after enrichment and bleaching, has the following average composition (%):α cellulose - 94, 5-96, 9; pentosans 2-2, 5; resins and fats - 0, 01-0, 06; ash - 0, 02-0, 06. Sulphate pulp is also used for the production of sack and wrapping papers, paper cords, technical papers (bobbin, emery, condenser), writing, printing and bleached strong papers (drawing, cartographic, for documents).

Sulphate cooking is used to produce high yield cellulose used to produce corrugated cardboard and sack paper (in this case, the yield of cellulose from wood is 50-60% against~ 35% for prehydrolysis sulphate pulp for chemical processing). High yield cellulose contains significant amounts of lignin (12-18%) and retains the shape of wood chips. Therefore, after cooking, it is subjected to mechanical grinding. Soda and sulphate cooking can be used in the separation of cellulose from straw containing large quantitiesSiO 2 removed by alkali.

Cellulose is also isolated from deciduous wood and annual plants by hydrotropic cooking - processing of raw materials with concentrated (40-50%) solutions of alkali metal salts and aromatic carboxylic and sulfonic acids (e.g. benzoic, cimol and xylene sulfonic acids) at 150-180 ° for 5-10 hours. Other methods for the isolation of cellulose (nitric acid, chlor-alkali and others) are not widely used.

To determine the molar weight of cellulose, a viscometric one is usually used [for the viscosity of cellulose solutions in a copper-ammonia solution, in solutions of a quaternary ammonium base, cadmium ethylene diamine hydroxide (the so-called cadoxene), in an alkaline solution of sodium yellow iron complex and others, or for the viscosity of mainly cellulose ethers acetates and nitrates obtained under conditions excluding destruction] and osmotic (for cellulose ethers) methods. The degree of polymerization, determined using these methods, is different for different pulp preparations: 10-12 thousand for cotton pulp and bast fiber pulp; 2, 5-3 thousand for wood pulp (as determined in an ultracentrifuge) and 0, 3-0, 5 thousand for cellulose of viscose silk.

Cellulose is characterized by a significant polydispersity in molar weight. Cellulose is fractionated by fractional dissolution or precipitation from a copper-ammonia solution, from a solution in cupriethylenediamine, cadmium ethylene diamine or in an alkaline solution of sodium yellow iron complex, and also by fractional precipitation from solutions of cellulose nitrates in acetone or ethyl acetate. Cotton cellulose, bast fiber, and softwood pulp are characterized by molar distribution curves with two maxima; the curves for hardwood pulp have one maximum.

Cellulose has a complex supramolecular structure. Based on X-ray, electron diffraction, and spectroscopic data, it is generally accepted that cellulose is a crystalline polymer. Cellulose has a number of structural modifications, the main of which are natural cellulose and hydrated cellulose. Natural cellulose turns into hydrated cellulose upon dissolution and subsequent precipitation from solution, under the action of concentrated alkali solutions and subsequent decomposition of alkaline cellulose and others. The reverse transition can be carried out by heating cellulose hydrate in a solvent, causing its intense swelling (glycerin, water). Both structural modifications have different X-ray diffraction patterns and differ greatly in reactivity, solubility (not only of cellulose itself, but also of its esters), adsorption ability, and others. Cellulose hydrate preparations have increased hygroscopicity and colorability, as well as a higher rate of hydrolysis.

The presence of acetal (glucoside) bonds between the elementary units in the cellulose macromolecule causes its low resistance to the action of acids, in the presence of which cellulose hydrolysis proceeds (see Fig.). The speed of the process depends on a number of factors, of which the decisive factor, especially when carrying out the reaction in a heterogeneous medium, is the structure of the preparations, which determines the intensity of the intermolecular interaction. In the initial stage of hydrolysis, the rate may be higher, which is associated with the possibility of the existence of a small number of bonds in the macromolecule that are less resistant to the action of hydrolyzing reagents than ordinary glucoside bonds. Partial hydrolysis products of cellulose are called hydrocellulose.

As a result of hydrolysis, the properties of the cellulosic material significantly change - the mechanical strength of the fibers decreases (due to a decrease in the degree of polymerization), the content of aldehyde groups and the solubility in alkalis increase. Partial hydrolysis does not alter the resistance of the cellulose preparation to alkaline treatments. The product of the complete hydrolysis of cellulose is glucose. Industrial methods for the hydrolysis of cellulose-containing plant materials are treated with diluted solutionsHCl and H 2 SO 4 (0, 2-0, 3%) at 150-180 °; sugar output during step hydrolysis - up to 50%.

By chemical nature, cellulose is a polyhydric alcohol. Due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in the elementary macromolecule, the cellulose reacts with alkali metals and bases. When processing dried cellulose with a solution of sodium metal in liquid ammonia at minus 25-50 ° C for 24 hours, trisodium alcoholate of cellulose is formed:

n + 3nNa → n + 1, 5nH 2.

Under the action of concentrated alkali solutions on cellulose, along with the chemical reaction, physicochemical processes occur - cellulose swelling and partial dissolution of its low molecular weight fractions, structural transformations. The interaction of alkali metal hydroxide with cellulose can proceed in two ways:

n + n NaOH ↔ n + nH 2 O

[C 6 H 7 O 2 (OH) 3] n + n NaOH ↔ n.

The reactivity of the primary and secondary hydroxyl groups of cellulose in an alkaline medium is different. The acid properties are most pronounced for hydroxyl groups located at the second carbon atom of the elementary unit of cellulose, which are part of the glycol group and are inα -position to the acetal bond. The formation of cellulose alcoholate, apparently, occurs precisely due to these hydroxyl groups, while a molecular compound is formed upon interaction with other OH groups.

The composition of alkaline cellulose depends on the conditions for its production - alkali concentration; temperature, the nature of the cellulosic material and others. Due to the reversibility of the alkaline cellulose formation reaction, an increase in the alkali concentration in the solution leads to an increaseγ (the number of substituted hydroxyl groups per 100 elementary units of the cellulose macromolecule) of alkaline cellulose, and a decrease in the temperature of mercerization increasesγ alkaline cellulose obtained by the action of equiconcentrated alkali solutions, which is explained by the difference in temperature coefficients of the forward and reverse reactions. The different intensity of interaction with alkalis of different cellulosic materials is apparently associated with the physical structure of these materials.

An important part of the process of interaction of cellulose with alkalis is the swelling of cellulose and the dissolution of its low molecular weight fractions. These processes facilitate the removal of low molecular weight fractions (hemicelluloses) from cellulose and the diffusion of esterifying reagents into the fiber during subsequent esterification processes (for example, during xanthogenation). With decreasing temperature, the degree of swelling increases significantly. For example, at 18 °, an increase in the diameter of the cotton fiber with 12%NaOH is 10%, and at -10 ° it reaches 66%. With an increase in alkali concentration, an increase occurs first, and then (over 12%) the degree of swelling decreases. The maximum degree of swelling is observed at those alkali concentrations at which an x-ray of alkaline cellulose occurs. These concentrations are different for different cellulosic materials: for cotton 18% (at 25 °), for ramie 14-15%, for sulphite cellulose 9, 5-10%. The interaction of cellulose with concentrated solutionsN aON is widely used in the textile industry, in the production of artificial fibers and cellulose ethers.

The interaction of cellulose with other alkali metal hydroxides proceeds similarly to the reaction with sodium hydroxide. An X-ray pattern of alkaline cellulose appears when natural cellulose preparations are exposed to approximately equimolar (3, 5-4, 0 mol / L) solutions of alkali metal hydroxides. Strong organic bases — some tetraalkyl (aryl) ammonium hydroxides appear to form molecular compounds with cellulose.

A special place in the series of reactions of cellulose with bases is occupied by its interaction with cupriamine hydrate [Cu (NH 3) 4] (OH) 2 and also with a number of other complex compounds of copper, nickel, cadmium, zinc - cupriethylenediamine [Cu (en) 2] (OH) 2 (en - ethylenediamine molecule), nioxane [Ni (NH 3) 6] (OH) 2, Nioxene [Ni (en) 3] (OH) 2, Cadoxene [Cd (en) 3] (OH) 2 and others. Cellulose dissolves in these products. The deposition of cellulose from a copper-ammonia solution is carried out under the action of water, alkali or acid solutions.

Under the action of oxidizing agents, partial oxidation of cellulose occurs - a process successfully used in technology (bleaching of cellulose and cotton fabrics, alkali cellulose pre-ripening). Cellulose oxidation is a side process in the refinement of cellulose, the preparation of copper-ammonia dope, the operation of products from cellulose materials. Partial oxidation products of cellulose are called oxycelluloses. Depending on the nature of the oxidizing agent, cellulose oxidation can be selective or non-selective. The most selective oxidizing agents include iodic acid and its salts, which oxidize the glycol group of the elementary unit of cellulose with a break in the pyran cycle (formation of dialdehyde cellulose) (see. Fig.). Under the action of iodic acid and periods, an insignificant number of primary hydroxyl groups are also oxidized (to carboxyl or aldehyde). According to a similar scheme, cellulose is oxidized by the action of lead tetraacetate in an environment of organic solvents (acetic acid, chloroform).

In terms of acid resistance, dialdehyde cellulose differs little from the original cellulose, but is much less resistant to alkalis and even water, which is the result of hydrolysis of the semi-acetal bond in an alkaline medium. Oxidation of aldehyde groups to carboxylic acid by sodium chlorite (the formation of dicarboxyl cellulose), as well as their reduction to hydroxyl (the formation of the so-called"Alcohol" - cellulose) stabilize oxidized cellulose to the action of alkaline reagents. Solubility of nitrates and acetates of dialdehyde cellulose even of a low oxidation state (γ \u003d 6-10) is significantly lower than the solubility of the corresponding cellulose ethers, apparently due to the formation of intermolecular semi-acetal bonds during esterification. Under the action of nitrogen dioxide on cellulose, mainly primary hydroxyl groups are oxidized to carboxyl groups (formation of monocarboxyl cellulose) (see. Fig.). The reaction proceeds according to a radical mechanism with the intermediate formation of nitrous acid esters of cellulose and subsequent oxidative transformations of these esters. Up to 15% of the total content of carboxyl groups are neuronic (COOH groups are formed at the second and third carbon atoms). At the same time, the oxidation of the hydroxyl groups of these atoms to keto groups occurs (up to 15-20% of the total number of oxidized hydroxyl groups). The formation of keto groups is apparently the reason for the extremely low resistance of monocarboxyl cellulose to alkalis and even water at elevated temperatures.

When the content of 10-13% COOH groups, monocarboxyl cellulose dissolves in a dilute solutionNaOH, solutions of ammonia, pyridine with the formation of the corresponding salts. Its acetylation proceeds more slowly than cellulose; acetates do not completely dissolve in methylene chloride. Monocarboxyl cellulose nitrates do not dissolve in acetone even with a nitrogen content of up to 13.5%. These features of the properties of monocarboxyl cellulose esters are associated with the formation of intermolecular ether bonds in the interaction of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. Monocarboxyl cellulose is used as a hemostatic agent, as a cation exchanger for the separation of biologically active substances (hormones). By the combined oxidation of cellulose with periodate, and then with chlorite and nitrogen dioxide, preparations of the so-called tricarboxyl cellulose containing up to 50.8% of COOH groups were synthesized.

The direction of cellulose oxidation under the action of indiscriminate oxidizing agents (chlorine dioxide, hypochlorous acid salts, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen in an alkaline environment) largely depends on the nature of the medium. In acidic and neutral environments, under the action of hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide, the formation of products of the reducing type occurs, apparently as a result of the oxidation of the primary hydroxyl groups to aldehyde and one of the secondary OH groups to the keto group (hydrogen peroxide also oxidizes glycol groups with a broken pyran cycle ) When oxidized with hypochlorite in an alkaline medium, the aldehyde groups gradually turn into carboxylic groups, as a result of which the oxidation product has an acidic character. Hypochlorite treatment is one of the most commonly used methods for bleaching cellulose. To obtain high-quality pulp with a high degree of whiteness, it is bleached with chlorine dioxide or chlorite in an acidic or alkaline environment. In this case, lignin is oxidized, dyes are destroyed, and aldehyde groups in the cellulose macromolecule are oxidized to carboxyl; hydroxyl groups are not oxidized. Oxidation of air with oxygen in an alkaline environment, proceeding by a radical mechanism and accompanied by significant destruction of cellulose, leads to the accumulation of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in the macromolecule (alkaline cellulose pre-ripening).

The presence of hydroxyl groups in the cellulose macromolecule element allows the transition to such important classes of cellulose derivatives as ethers and esters. Due to their valuable properties, these compounds are used in various fields of technology - in the production of fibers and films (acetates, cellulose nitrates), plastics (acetates, nitrates, ethyl, benzyl ethers), varnishes and electrical insulating coatings, as stabilizers for suspensions and thickeners in oil and textile industry (low substituted carboxymethyl cellulose).

Cellulose-based fibers (natural and artificial) are a full-fledged textile material with a range of valuable properties (high strength and hygroscopicity, good tintability. The disadvantages of cellulose fibers are flammability, insufficient elasticity, easy destruction under the influence of microorganisms, etc. The tendency to directional a change (modification) of cellulosic materials was caused by the appearance of a number of new cellulose derivatives, and in some cases, new classes of cellulose derivatives.

Modification of the properties and synthesis of new cellulose derivatives is carried out using two groups of methods:

1) by esterification, O-alkylation or conversion of the hydroxyl groups of an elementary unit to other functional groups (oxidation, nucleophilic substitution using some cellulose ethers - nitrates, esters withn toluene and methanesulfonic acid);

2) grafted by copolymerization or the interaction of cellulose with polyfunctional compounds (the conversion of cellulose, respectively, into a branched or crosslinked polymer).

One of the most common methods for the synthesis of various cellulose derivatives is nucleophilic substitution. The starting substances in this case are cellulose ethers with some strong acids (toluene and methanesulfonic acid, nitric and phenylphosphoric acids), as well as halogenodeoxy derivatives of cellulose. Using the nucleophilic substitution reaction, cellulose derivatives have been synthesized in which the hydroxyl groups are replaced by halogens (chlorine, fluorine, iodine), rhodane, nitrile and other groups; synthesized deoxycellulose preparations containing heterocycles (pyridine and piperidine), cellulose ethers with phenols and naphthols, a number of cellulose esters (with higher carboxylic acids,α - amino acids unsaturated acids). The intramolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction (saponification of tosyl cellulose ethers) leads to the formation of mixed polysaccharides containing 2, 3– and 3, 6-anhydrocycles.

The synthesis of grafted cellulose copolymers is of the greatest practical importance for the creation of cellulosic materials with new technically valuable properties. The most common methods for the synthesis of grafted cellulose copolymers include the use of a chain transfer reaction to cellulose, radiation-chemical copolymerization, and the use of redox systems in which cellulose plays the role of a reducing agent. In the latter case, the formation of a macroradical can occur due to the oxidation of both hydroxyl groups of cellulose (oxidation with cerium salts), and functional groups specially introduced into the macromolecule — aldehyde, amino groups (oxidation with vanadium and manganese salts), or decomposition of the diazocompound formed by diazotization introduced into cellulose aromatic amino groups. The synthesis of grafted cellulose copolymers in some cases can be carried out without the formation of a homopolymer, which reduces the consumption of monomer. The grafted cellulose copolymers obtained under ordinary copolymerization conditions consist of a mixture of the original cellulose (or its ester to be grafted) and the grafted copolymer (40-60%). The degree of polymerization of the grafted chains varies depending on the initiation method and the nature of the grafted component from 300 to 28,000.

The change in properties resulting from grafted copolymerization is determined by the nature of the grafted monomer. Inoculation of styrene, acrylamide, acrylonitrile leads to an increase in the strength of the cotton fiber in the dry state. The grafting of polystyrene, polymethyl methacrylate and polybutyl acrylate allows you to get hydrophobic materials. Grafted copolymers of cellulose with flexible chain polymers (polymethyl acrylate) with a sufficiently high content of the grafted component are thermoplastic. Grafted copolymers of cellulose with polyelectrolytes (polyacrylic acid, polymethylvinylpyridine) can be used as ion-exchange fabrics, fibers, films.

One of the disadvantages of cellulose fibers is their low elasticity and, as a result, poor shape retention and increased creasing. The elimination of this drawback is achieved by the formation of intermolecular bonds during the treatment of tissues with polyfunctional compounds (dimethylol urea, dimethylol cycloethylene urea, trimethylolmelamine, dimethylol triazone, various diepoxides, acetals) that react with OH groups of cellulose. Along with the formation of chemical bonds between cellulose macromolecules, the crosslinking reagent is polymerized to form linear and spatial polymers. The cellulose fiber fabrics are impregnated with a solution containing a crosslinking agent and a catalyst, squeezed, dried at a low temperature, and heat treated at 120-160 ° for 3-5 minutes. In the treatment of cellulose with polyfunctional crosslinking reagents, the process proceeds mainly in amorphous sections of the fiber. To achieve the same crush-proof effect, the crosslinking agent consumption during processing of viscose fibers should be significantly higher than during processing of cotton fiber, which is apparently associated with a higher degree of crystallinity of the latter.